advance 2012 prospectus


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Prospectus for AdvancePBC at Family Life Church


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Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:1-2

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Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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Advance is a radical discipleship experience. It’s a nine month school that is designed to move students forward in all areas of life - spiritually and naturally. Advance is a ministry of Family Life Church in partnership with Portland Bible College offering classes, practical ministry experience and mentorship opportunities. Advance is designed to provide a foundation to be successful in life, regardless of what profession God calls each student into. We see young people moving out of Advance into all sectors of society and impacting them with the gospel. While there is a wealth of information to receive during Advance, its focus is on life transformation through each student’s individual relationship with Christ.

How do I know if Advance is for me?

Advance is for you if...

You are wanting to grow in authentic relationship with ChristYou are wanting a foundation in the Word of God You are wanting direction from the Lord regarding his calling and plan for your lifeYou are wanting to be developed as a leader in this generationYou are wanting to discover and deploy the gifts God has placed inside of youYou are wanting to establish long term friendships with other believers and leadersYou are wanting to carry influence in the community and be a light for ChristYou are wanting to be a part of something that is bigger than yourselfYou are wanting to be challenged and grow solid in your characterYou are wanting to get training in practical areas of life as well as spiritualYou are wanting to be set up for success in the profession that God has called you into

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Advance has the incredible opportunity to be in partnership with Portland Bible College. PBC is a bible college with a fruitful heritage and proven track record that brings a rich history to our program. Advance classes can be taken for credit through PBC which is transferable to other colleges and universities throughout the US. Advance students receive a local church internship experience and at the same time receive college credit.

in partnership with

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For over 40 years, Portland Bible College has striven to provide the finest personal and ministerial training possible. We have consistently held to a set of common core values that shape our educational objectives and commit us to continually raise the academic and developmental bar. As a result, we offer to the student the benefit of receiving a degree, transferability of credits to other educational institutions and VA educational benefits.

Degree Granting Status

Portland Bible College has been granted exempt status by the State of Oregon to offer theological and church ministry degrees at the associate and baccalaureate level. Currently, the school offers associate degrees in four programs: Christian Humanities, Theology, Church Music, and Church Leadership Studies. Two programs lead to a bachelor degree in Theology or Church Music.

The Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board has determined that Portland Bible College qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs: Associate of Christian Humanities (A.C.H.); Associate of Church Leadership (A.C.L.); Associate of Church Music (A.C.M.); Associate of Theology (A.Th.); Bachelor of Church Music (B.C.M.); Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.). The HECB makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial condition or quality of the offerings by this institution. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the HECB office at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430.


Portland Bible College serves under the leadership of the governing body of elders at City Bible Church. This unique relationship between the college and the local church has been the basis for its strength and effectiveness. Currently the appropriate accrediting associations do not make sufficient provision for local church governed colleges, thus PBC has not been able to pursue accreditation. It is, however, committed to instructional and academic excellence and thus enjoys many of the benefits of accredited colleges.

Portland Bible College is endeavoring to maintain its commitment to its ecclesiastical standards while nurturing a growing academic reputation. As a ministry of City Bible Church, college faculty and administrators feel the school is uniquely equipped to train students for life-long service in the context of their local church community

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N//Option 1Internship Program $3000.00 Tuition includes all books and materials in digital format except where not available and includes an all new iPad.

Deposit requirement is $500.00 down prior to first day of school and a $100.00 application fee.

//Option 2Internship Program withportland bible collegecredits $4000.00 Tuition includes all fees associated with Portland Bible College including registration fees, all books and materials in digital format except where not available and includes an all new iPad.

Deposit requirment is $1000.00 down prior to first day of school and a $100.00 application fee.

//Option 3Individual classes$120.00 per credit for Audit Classes$170.00 per credit for Accredited Classes

Payment required prior to start of class and includes all fees and books.

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2012-13 1st Year Classes

Truth ProjectRoots of CharacterBasic Doctrine 1 & 2Life ManagementDoctrine of the ChurchPersonal Bible StudyHuman DevelopmentThe 180 Christian

2012-13 2nd Year Classes

CovenantsBible ResearchHoly SpiritOld Testament SurveyPersonal EvangelismLeading PeopleYouth MinistryNew Testament Survey



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//practicum Some of the Holy Spirit’s best work in us happens as we are focused on serving others. The local church provides the ideal context for this kind of hands-on learning. Therefore, ADVANCE, through its connection to Family Life Church, facilitates this practical hands-on learning through strategic placement of students in ministries within the church.

We want each person to experience the importance of “team” during their practicum experience. There is a dynamic which takes place when others are counting on you to show up and fulfill your responsibilities. If you aren’t there, the team becomes weak. You need to experience the dynamic of relying on others to fulfill their responsibilities.

Practicum will take place in three primary ways:

1.Sunday mornings are a time when many of the ministry teams of the church function. Each ADVANCE student will be assigned to serve with a team on Sundays. Sunday morning teams include children’s ministry, ushers, greeters, café, media, parking, hospitality, etc.

2.In addition to Sunday morning practicum, each ADVANCE student will have a practicum requirement of 25 hours per semester. These hours can be accomplished at any time during the semester outside of class or church services. Students list areas of interest on their application and are assigned practicum responsibilities by the Advance staff. Each area of ministry can only facilitate a limited amount of practicum students. These are the ministry areas that are available for practicum credit for the 2012-13 school year:

Life Groups Children’s MinistryWorship FinanceAdministration and Data Men’s MinistryWomen’s MinistryCreative Media Youth MinistryPastoral Administration

Students will have an advisor in the area of practicum that they select who will be responsible to oversee the practicum hours served and give an evaluation and grade for the semester. Students are responsible to track their own activities, responsibilities and hours and then submit them to their practicum advisor. Once received, the practicum advisor will evaluate and grade on the hours served.

3. Additional requirement of 5 hours per semester will be serving with the facilities team.//classes

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//Application ChecklistComplete the ADVANCE online application.Request that your pastor complete and submit pastoral reference.

Your $500/$1000 deposit to be paid by August 26th in preparation for your 1st day of class

Request that your high school & college transcripts be forwardedto Advance

An Advance staff member will be contacting you to set up a student interview prior to beginning of school.

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The foundation for all spiritual experience is one’s own personal relationship with God. Students are encouraged to develop a consistent, meaningful and uniquely personal devotional life. In a dynamic spiritual atmosphere like ADVANCE, it can be easy to become too dependent on the corporate gatherings of the church and school. Students are strongly encouraged to use these times to motivate their own private devotional times rather than replace them. Our desire is that students will leave their time in ADVANCE with a significantly more intimate relationship with God. Though there are no formal means of accountability for this area, faculty and staff are available to students as spiritual coaches to assist them in this pursuit.

Equally as important as an individual walk with God is a person’s ability to flow together with other believers in the Body of Christ. ADVANCE provides a variety of organized opportunities to foster spiritual experience. Every day begins with corporate prayer that is dynamic and passionate. Friday chapel services are spiritually intense times of worship, prayer and ministry and often allow plenty of room for the moving of the Holy Spirit. Most courses incorporate prayer and worship into the class times. There are a variety of other prayer times that are student-led.

//spiritual life

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//teachers/special guest

//Steve MeistrellLead Pastor, Family Life ChurchTeacher@Steve_Meistrell

//frank damazioLead Pastor, City Bible Church@frankdamazioSpecial Guest

//patrick kiteleyLead Pastor, Shiloh Church@patrickkiteleySpecial Guest

//jude fouquierLead Pastor, City Church Ventura@pastorjudeSpecial Guest

//marc estesExecutive Pastor, City Bible Church@marcestesSpecial Guest

//ken malminDean, Portland Bible College@kenmalminSpecial Guest

//poncho lowderYouth Pastor, City Bible Church@PastorPonchoSpecial Guest

//danny schulzYouth Pastor, Family Life ChurchAdvance Administrator & Teacher@dannyschulz

//terry la mastersTeacher@TerryLaMasters

//taunia meistrellTeacher@tauniameistrell

//trent meistrellTeacher@Meistrell

//Doug lasitLead Pastor, the Pearl Church@DouglasitSpecial Guest

One of the great advantages of a local church program like Advance is having the opportunity to be taught by pastors and leaders who are currently in ministry. Our staff delights in the time we get to spend pouring into young people who are endeavoring to become more like Christ. Each one of our teachers come from a unique background and offer valuable perspectives on life with Christ, his church and impacting the world with His gospel.

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//jude fouquierLead Pastor, City Church Ventura@pastorjudeSpecial Guest

//marc estesExecutive Pastor, City Bible Church@marcestesSpecial Guest

//taunia meistrellTeacher@tauniameistrell

//trent meistrellTeacher@Meistrell

//Doug lasitLead Pastor, the Pearl Church@DouglasitSpecial Guest

Our wilderness experience is not your average camping trip. Students are pushed outside of their comfort zones and stretched physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Unity and teamwork are emphasized throughout different challenges as students serve and encourage one another. Leadership is developed as they learn to overcome obstacles individually and as a team. This is an unforgettable trip that sets a tone for the whole year.

The Generation Unleashed Conference is the largest youth conference hosted in the Northwest each year. Students hear from some of the greatest youth speakers in the world and experience powerful worship with the GU band. This trip to Portland, OR is a great time for bonding and deepening our relationships with each other and with Christ.

Define is Family Life Church’s very own youth conference that we host for youth ministries located in the intermountain region. Advance students not only get to receive from world class youth speakers and worship leaders but have the awesome privilege of making Define happen. Something takes place in our hearts as we open our arms to the youth ministries that attend as we see them move to new places in Christ. Advance students help put on the conference in every way and receive a new sense of ownership in their church.

Missions Opportunities

In the summer after Advance is over, students are encouraged to take part in a missions opportunity somewhere in the world. These trips have taken us to cities such as San Diego, Denver, New York City and across the world to the country of Uganda. There’s nothing like immersing yourself in a different culture and serving other local churches in their efforts to reach their community. Students have the opportunity to practically apply all they have learned during the year while encouraging and serving alongside each other.


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//statement of faith //frequently asked questionsHow can I pay for Advance?- There is a payment plan option as well as a discount if paid in full before the first day of class.

Is there time to work or attend another college while I’m enrolled as a student?- Yes. We intentionally designed our schedule with you in mind.

My parents have questions about Advance. Can you help me answer them?- Yes. We would be happy to meet with you and your parents.

I’m a brand new Christian. Is Advance for me?- Yes.

I’ve grown up in the church. Is Advance for me?- Yes

I come from a different theological perspective. Is Advance for me?- Yes

My home church is not Family Life Church. Can I still enroll in Advance?- Yes. While taking classes in Advance, you can take part in practical ministry and attend services in your home church.

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• We believe in the plenary-verbal inspiration of the accepted canon of the Scriptures as originally given and that they are infallibly and uniquely authoritative and free from error of any sort in all matters with which they deal, including scientific and historical as well as moral and theological. (2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Corinthians 2:13)

• We believe in the Eternal Godhead who has revealed Himself as ONE God existing in THREE persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; distinguished but indivisible. (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

• We believe in the literal, special creation of the existing space-time universe and all of its basic systems as indicated in Genesis.(Genesis 1:1-25)

• We believe in the full historicity and perspicuity of the Biblical record of primeval history, including the literal existence of Adam and Eve as the progenitors of all people, the literal fall and resultant divine curse on the creation, the worldwide cataclysmic deluge, and the origin of nations and languages at the tower of Babel. (Genesis 1-11)

• We believe in the creation, test and fall of man as recorded in Genesis; his total spiritual depravity and inability to attain to divine righteousness. (Romans 5:12, 5:18; Genesis 3:1-24)

• We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of men, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, very God and very man.(Luke 1:26-35; John 1:18; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6)

• We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day, and personally appeared to His disciples.(1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Romans 4:25)

• We believe in the bodily ascension of Jesus to heaven, His exaltation and personal, literal, and bodily coming again the second time for the Church. (John 14:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

• We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of the cross of Calvary by which we obtain remission of sins. (Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 9:12, 9:22; Romans 5:11)

• We believe in the necessity of water baptism by immersion in the name of the Eternal Godhead in order to fulfill the command of Christ. (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38-39, 19:1-6)

• We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an experience subsequent to salvation and a distinct aspect of the Christian foundational experience. (Acts 2:1-4, 8:14-17, 19:6)

• We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12-14, as manifested in the Early Church.

• We believe in the Spirit-filled life, a life of separation from the world and perfecting of holiness in the fear of the God as an expression of Christian Faith. (Ephesians 5:18; 2 Corinthians 6:14, 7:1)

• We believe in the healing of the body by Divine power, or Divine healing in its varied aspects as practiced in the Early Church.(Acts 4:30; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 12:9; James 5:14)

• We believe in the Table of the Lord, commonly called Communion or the Lord’s Supper. (1 Corinthians 11:23-32)

We believe in eternal life for believers and eternal punishment for unbelievers. (John 3:16;5:24) | (Mark 9:43-48; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Revelation 20:10-15).

• We believe in the reality and personality of Satan and eternal judgment of Satan and his angels.(Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10-15)

//statement of faith

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“and presence of God Himself is going to absolutely blow my expectations out of the water, and I can’t wait!

Through ADVANCE PBC, I hope to come away with not only a greater foundation, but specifically a greater understanding of how I have been called, equipped and designed as a Christian in gen-eral, but more so as the person that He has individually created me to be. The ADVANCE PBC Wilderness trip helped to initiate some of this change as I was able to spend the trip surrounded by a group of people that greatly supported and encouraged me when I not only felt like I came to the end of my physical capacity, but even more so when some of the insecurities, trust issues and fears that have lingered throughout my life began to surface. I am convinced that the com-bination of supportive people that are going through the same teaching and changes as I am, along with leaders that genuinely care about me and my destiny and of course the love, grace, guidance, and presence of God Himself is going to absolutely blow my expectations out of the water, and I can’t wait!

Taryn 2011-2012

“By the end of this year I am going to be a different person and I am definitely going to look a lot more like Jesus than I do now.

Advance is going well for me. I have really been convicted to live out my faith and believe the bible. I need to not be a professional hearer and become an actual doer. I am going to believe God and not live in fear or doubt because He is my protector and provider. God is bigger than my circumstances and by worrying I do not trust Him. I have really been stretched in my identity and believing that God actually is what He says. My eyes have been opened. We need to be good stewards with what God has given us. God has given us everything we have and it is really not ours, it is God’s. God really did give us talents, abilities, and gifts that we like or are good at because He is a good God. I have learned to hear God more than I was hearing Him before. I just need to be obedient now and I will learn His voice. Also I am learning to feel His presence which is different for anyone and I believe by the end of this year I am going to be confident in knowing when God is speaking to me. I will know God’s voice and feel His presence. I am a winner and the battle is already won. I believe I am going to pull pride out of my life. At the end of the year I will be humble, but still confident and bold. During wilderness I found that I am stronger than I think, but that I need to rely on God and not my own strength. There is no need to fear any situ-ation because God is on our side; He is never going to leave us or forsake us. I need to open up and trust people and not be prideful thinking I can do it all on my own. God gave us a huge team to work with, the church, and He gave us each our own talents and abilities so we would have the resources we need to work together and get things done and accomplished. I have decided I am going to live with excellence. I am going to do all things through Christ to the best of my ability and with a good attitude. I am going to develop a servant’s heart and see others the way Christ does.

Rita 2011-2012


//contact us

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//contact us

Mailing AddressPO Box 1756 Nampa Idaho 83651

Street Address2240 North Samantha CourtNampa Idaho 83687

Phone 208-468-8626 Email [email protected]

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