adoption of minutes from the previous meeting · dr. becker shared that the district has been...

Eastern York School District School Board Meeting August 21, 2014, 6:00 P.M. District Administration Offices Wrightsville, PA 17368 The meeting was called to order by R. Flaharty, Jr., President. The following members were present and they were: R. Abel, L. Currier, R. Flaharty, Jr., M. Keller, L. Kellner, J. Malone, W. Miller, D. Shelley, R. Zepp. Others in attendance were: Dr. Darla Pianowski, Superintendent; Dr. Rita Becker, Assistant Superintendent; T. Weaver, Secretary; Tim Senft, Assistant Business Manager; M. Moczulski, Canadochly Elementary School Principal; and one reporter from the York Dispatch. There were 22 patrons present. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING On a motion by M. Keller, seconded by R. Zepp, the Board approved the minutes from the June 19, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, as previously distributed. The motion passed: 9 Yes, 0 No. TREASURER’S REPORT Ronald Abel On a motion by D. Shelley, seconded by W. Miller, the Board approved the Treasurer’s Reports dated June 30, 2014 and July 31, 2014 and the Treasurer’s Statement for Activities and Food Service Funds, dated April 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014, as presented. The motion passed: 9 Yes, 0 No. EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATION Dr. Becker 1. 2013-2014 Professional Development Report Dr. Becker provided the Board with a summary of the 2013-14 Professional Development for the District. The summary provided the total funds spent on Professional Development by category, as well as, a detailed list of all conferences, workshops, and in-house training completed. 2. Focus on Improving Writing Dr. Becker shared that the District has been focusing on improving student writing at all levels. She introduced Ms. Moczulski, Canadochly Elementary School Principal, who provided the Board with a brief summary of strategies that Canadochly Elementary has implemented to improve student writing. Ms. Moczulski introduced Mr. James Deppen, Fifth Grade Teacher at Canadochly Elementary School. Mr. Deppen provided an overview of the strategies used to teach fifth grade students to become better writers. He introduced two former students, Hannah Lentz and Christopher Shank, who shared with the Board how the Four Square Organizer is used to assist them with writing. Discussion ensued among the Board members regarding the success of using these strategies and how the other buildings are assisting their students to be successful writers.

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Eastern York School District

School Board Meeting

August 21, 2014, 6:00 P.M.

District Administration Offices

Wrightsville, PA 17368

The meeting was called to order by R. Flaharty, Jr., President. The following members were

present and they were: R. Abel, L. Currier, R. Flaharty, Jr., M. Keller, L. Kellner, J. Malone, W.

Miller, D. Shelley, R. Zepp. Others in attendance were: Dr. Darla Pianowski, Superintendent;

Dr. Rita Becker, Assistant Superintendent; T. Weaver, Secretary; Tim Senft, Assistant Business

Manager; M. Moczulski, Canadochly Elementary School Principal; and one reporter from the

York Dispatch. There were 22 patrons present.

ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING On a motion by M. Keller, seconded by R. Zepp, the Board approved the minutes from the June 19, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, as previously distributed. The motion passed: 9 – Yes, 0 – No. TREASURER’S REPORT – Ronald Abel On a motion by D. Shelley, seconded by W. Miller, the Board approved the Treasurer’s Reports dated June 30, 2014 and July 31, 2014 and the Treasurer’s Statement for Activities and Food Service Funds, dated April 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014, as presented. The motion passed: 9 – Yes, 0 – No. EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATION – Dr. Becker 1. 2013-2014 Professional Development Report

Dr. Becker provided the Board with a summary of the 2013-14 Professional Development for

the District. The summary provided the total funds spent on Professional Development by

category, as well as, a detailed list of all conferences, workshops, and in-house training


2. Focus on Improving Writing

Dr. Becker shared that the District has been focusing on improving student writing at all

levels. She introduced Ms. Moczulski, Canadochly Elementary School Principal, who

provided the Board with a brief summary of strategies that Canadochly Elementary has

implemented to improve student writing. Ms. Moczulski introduced Mr. James Deppen,

Fifth Grade Teacher at Canadochly Elementary School. Mr. Deppen provided an overview

of the strategies used to teach fifth grade students to become better writers. He introduced

two former students, Hannah Lentz and Christopher Shank, who shared with the Board how

the Four Square Organizer is used to assist them with writing. Discussion ensued among the

Board members regarding the success of using these strategies and how the other buildings

are assisting their students to be successful writers.




Bob Rhein Shared that he wanted to simply say “thank you” for allowing the

Boys’ Lacrosse sport of Lacrosse to exist in Eastern York School District.

Head Coach

Sam Pollock Several lacrosse team members shared that they credit their

Conrad Rhein involvement in lacrosse with an improved show of kindness

Riley Toomey toward others, have become more self-confident, responsible,

Hannah Trimmer and have improved their leadership skills.

Jim Deppen Shared that he has had a great experience with coaching the Girls’

Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse Team.

Lacrosse Coach

Jim Reese Shared his concern about the first grade class sizes at Kreutz

Hellam Township Creek Elementary.


The Board recessed to an Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. for Personnel issues. The Board

reconvened at 7:27 p.m.



1. Crossing Guards – Wrightsville Borough

Mrs. Weaver shared that the District received a letter in late June from the Wrightsville

Borough’s solicitor stating that Wrightsville Borough had passed an ordinance requesting

the District to assume responsibility for school crossing guards and to assume all costs

associated with the program. She shared that the Board could assume responsibility for

crossing guards by passing a resolution. A sample resolution was provided to the Board

members. Mrs. Weaver stated that the District’s solicitor has tried to contact the

Borough’s solicitor several times and has not received a response. The Board discussed

the responsibilities of the District and the Borough as it relates to crossing guards. The

Board believes the responsibility is with the Borough; therefore, the Board did not make

a motion to approve a resolution assuming the hiring and oversight of the school crossing

guards. Mrs. Weaver shared that she needs some direction from the Board to proceed

with the ultimate goal of ensuring our students are safe coming to and going home from

school. Discussion ensued among the members. Members agreed that the Administra-

tion should continue to work with the Mayor of Wrightsville to resolve this issue. The




1. Crossing Guards – Wrightsville Borough – Cont’d.

Borough has agreed to continue to provide a crossing guard at Hellam Street through the

week of September 12, 2014. The District will have a District employee act as crossing

guard at Third and Chestnut Streets until a resolution can be determined.


On a motion by R. Abel, seconded by L. Kellner, the Board approved the following items:

1. 2013-14 and 2014-15 General Fund Expenditures

Approved payment of the 2013-14 and 2014-15 General Fund expenditures as follows:

June 19, 2014 to June 30, 2014 $375,469.38

July 1, 2014 to August 14, 2014 $955,004.21

2. Capital Reserve Fund Expenditure

Approved payment of the Capital Reserve Fund expenditure as follows:

June 11, 2014 $374,341.20

3. Activities Fund and Food Service Fund Expenditures

Approved the following Activities Fund and Food Service Fund expenditures for the

quarter April 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014

Activities Fund - Paid - $111,580.66

Food Service - Paid - $186,178.62

4. Real Estate Refunds and Exonerations and Per Capita Exonerations

Approved the following Real Estate refunds and exonerations and Per Capita

exonerations for 2013-14 and 2014-15 years that have been processed for the month.

Real Estate Refunds $ 116.66

Real Estate Exonerations $ 943.42

Per Capita Exonerations $3,465.00




5. Bus Drivers for 2014-15 School Year

Approved the following *regular and substitute bus drivers for the 2014-15 school year.

All paperwork has been received from Krapf Bus Company.

*Alvelo, Carlos Anderson, Sheila Hess, Scott Miller, Kenneth

*Bodnar, Thomas Arredondo, Teresa Hollingshead, Larry Moore, James

*Cheney, Linda Barley, Christina Hostetter, Laura Nelson, Thomas

*Chisnell, Jane Barley, Bryan Keeney, Korena Newlon, Patricia

*Christine, Trisha Barnes, James Kehm, Kera Nye, April

*Druck, Connie Barto, Jonathan Kemper, John Oktavec, Barbara

*Eckenrode, John Callendar, Jody Kepler, Brian Orwig, Jeremy

*Evans, Robert Clites, Regina Kepler, Martha Pfeltz, Robert

*Fasig, Daylynn Colleran, Peggy Kerchner, Brenda Randall, John

*Fitch, Dawn Criswell, Carl Kerchner, Frederick Reed, Robert

*Flaharty, Robert, Jr. Diehl, Gregory Kilgore, Joe Rissler, Lori

*Fried, Christine Diehl, Melissa Kline, Laurie Robinson, Kenrea

*Gaul, Deborah Dinger, Michelle Konhaus, Frederick Schlundt, Ron

*Hildebrand, Tammy Eisensmith, Sherry Kyle, Teresa Seigman, Jeannie

*Judy, Karen Emenheiser, Thomas Landis, Robert Shumaker, Thomas

*Klinedinst, Dalea Eppley, Craig Lebrun, Ellen Smith, Lindsay

*Mack, Verna Ewell, James Lindsey, Bruce Snyder, Richard L.

*Matson, Richard Ewell, Patricia Linnemans, Jonathan Stough, Lisa

*Mummert, Robert Folger, Joseph Macklin, Misty Strong, Jonathan

*Naylor, Dan Francis, Kristy Markel, Larry Taylor, Tanya

*Pettyjohn, Warren German, Rolinda Martin, Ethan Turner, John

*Poholsky, Alice Glatfelter, Wendy McDermott, Denise Tyson, Harry

*Rohrbaugh, Tina Godfrey, Michael McDonough, Donald Viands, Lisa

*Rosenzweig, Ben Gohn, Suzanne McManuels, Rebecca Webster, Carol

*Snyder, Richard Grafton, Sydney Mendicino, Robyn Whitman, Martha

*Windsor, Leonard Hammers, Susan Meszaros, Anna Winters, Curtis

*Zimmerman, Keith Harget, Bobbie Miller, Dean Wiseman, Leann

Abel, Ron Haugh, Becky Miller, Donna

Adler, Rhonda Hersey, Richard Myers, Cynthia

Anderson, Richard Horton, Jamie Nace, Constance




7. Contract for Transportation with Manito Transportation Services, Inc.

Approved the contract for transportation with Manito Transportation Services, Inc. to

provide transportation services for students in various facilities such as York Learning

Center and Northeastern Senior High School. The cost is $26 per day, per student.

8. Letter of Agreement with The Meadows Psychiatric Center/Universal Community

Behavioral Health

Approved the Letter of Agreement with The Meadows Psychiatric Center/Universal

Community Behavioral Health to provide educational services for the 2014-2015 school

year at a cost of $30 per hour.

9. Agreement with Aspex Solutions

Approved an agreement with Aspex Solutions for the 2014-2015 school year for a web-

based subscription to AppliTrack to be used to post employment vacancies, accept and

manage employment applications at a cost of $1,460.

10. Plan Con K, Project Refinancing for the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series of


Approved the Plan Con K, Project Refinancing for the Issuance of General Obligation

Bonds, Series of 2014, to partially current refund General Obligation Bonds, Series A of

2009, to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

11. Donation from Brian Lyle

Accepted a donation of a portable toilet for the practice field, until August 11, 2014, at

Wrightsville Elementary, from Brian Lyle.

12. Donation from Knaper’s Stop and Go

Accepted a donation of a portable toilet for the practice field at Cool Creek and Mt.

Pisgah Roads, from Knaper’s Stop and Go, for the 2014 fall sports season.




13. Donation from Kreutz Creek Elementary PTO

Accepted a donation of $8,106.90 from the Kreutz Creek Elementary PTO to purchase

the following items.

Items To Be Purchased Value

Lamination Machine $1,810.90

2 Interactive Projectors $3,096.00

New Carpet for Classroom $3,200.00

14. Disposal of Library Books

Approved to dispose of various library books that are in poor condition and beyond repair

from the Kreutz Creek Elementary School Library.

15. Disposal of Equipment

Approved to dispose of the following items from Kreutz Creek Elementary School:

Items to be Disposed Asset Tag Nos. Reason for Disposal

12 Overhead Projectors 02550 02466

02477 02534

02545 03499

02493 02469

02551 02461

02497 02502


Zenith Space Command TV 02473 Does not work

VCR 21024 Does not work

Typewriter 02611 Does not work

16. Disposal of Equipment

Approved to dispose of the following items from the District Maintenance Department:

Items to be Disposed Asset Tag Nos. Reason for Disposal

Advance Technology Video

Video Encoder

01758 Obsolete

Sanyo Time Lapse Recorder 01757 Obsolete

HP Desktop Printer 20635 Obsolete

Dekalb PA System 01750 Obsolete




16. Disposal of Equipment – Cont’d.

Items to be Disposed Asset Tag Nos. Reason for Disposal

2 Pro Video Monitors No asset nos. Obsolete

Video Encoder No asset nos. Obsolete

17. Donation from Eastern Knights Lacrosse Foundation

Accepted a donation from the Eastern Knights Lacrosse Foundation to provide financial

support by offsetting the District’s lacrosse expenditures for an additional three years

through June 30, 2018.

The motion passed: 9 – Yes, 0 – No.


On a motion by W. Miller, seconded by R. Zepp, the Board approved the following items:



A. Resignations

1. Michael D. Swartz – District, Full Time Mechanic’s Helper/Courier - effective on

or about August 4, 2014. (pending approval of appointment as Full Time


2. Terry L. Stambaugh, Jr. – Canadochly Elementary School, Part Time Custodian

(4 hours per day) – effective on or about August 11, 2014. (pending approval of

appointment as Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian)

3. Matthew B. McClure – Middle School, Full Time Learning Support Teacher -

effective on or about July 18, 2014.

4. Anne M. Gillespie – Wrightsville Elementary School, Part Time Classroom

Assistant – effective on or about August 12, 2014.




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

A. Resignations – Cont’d.

5. Jennifer Leber – Wrightsville Elementary School, Part Time Classroom Assistant

– effective on or about August 22, 2014 (pending approval of appointment as Part

Time Courier).

B. Leave

1. Allison Leisure – Wrightsville Elementary, Part Time Classroom Assistant –

leave of absence beginning on or about August 18, 2014 through on or about

December 19, 2014.

C. Appointments - Professional Staff

Name: Lindsay Lau

Position: Full Time Mathematics Teacher

Assignment: Middle School - 8th


Replacing: Marilyn Lesser (retirement)

Salary: $ 47,511 (Bachelors/Step 3)

Work Year: 189 days/year

Work Day: 7 ½ hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 11, 2014

Acct Code: 10-1100-121-000-20-500-011 Name: Chad Kohr

Position: Full Time English Teacher

Assignment: Middle School – 7th


Replacing: Shawn Little (transfer)

Salary: $ 47,511 (Bachelors/Step 3)

Work Year: 189 days/year

Work Day: 7 ½ hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 11, 2014

Acct Code: 10-1100-121-000-50-500-00




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

C. Appointments - Professional Staff – Cont’d.

Name: Kelly Goss

Position: Full Time Learning Support Teacher

Assignment: High School

Replacing: Vacant

Salary: $ 47,511 (Bachelors/Step 3) plus $300 Special Education Stipend

Work Year: 189 days/year

Work Day: 7 ½ hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 11, 2014

Acct Code: 10-1241-121-000-30-800

Name: Robin Edwards

Position: Full Time Long Term Substitute for School Counselor

Assignment: Kreutz Creek

Replacing: Jessica Crowell (leave)

Salary: $ 47,604 (Masters in Field/Step 1)

Work Year: 122 days/year

Work Day: 7 ½ hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 11, 2014 through on or about February 26,


Acct Code: 10-2120-121-000-10-220

D. Appointments - Support Staff

Name: Michael Swartz

Position: Full Time Custodian/Mechanic

Assignment: Canadochly Elementary School

Replacing: Stephen Webb (retirement)

Salary: $ 12.00/hour

Work Year: 260 days/year

Work Day: hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 4, 2014

Acct Code: 10-2620-181-000-06-210




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

C. Appointments - Support Staff – Cont’d.

Name: Terry L. Stambaugh, Jr.

Position: Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian

Assignment: Canadochly Elementary School

Replacing: For Adjustment to Hours

Salary: $ 8.31/hour

Work Year: 260 days/year

Work Day: 5 ½ hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 11, 2014

Acct Code: 10-2620-181-000-06-210

Name: Barbara Wagner

Position: Part Time Long Term Substitute (June 9 through August 21, 2014)

Full Time Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent (effective

August 22, 2014)

Assignment: District Administration

Replacing: Tina Keeler (resignation)

Salary: Long Term Sub Rate of $ 9.85/hour effective June 9, 2014 through

August 21, 2014

Full Time Position Rate of $16.00/hour effective August 22, 2014

Work Year: 260 days/year

Work Day: 8 hours/day

Acct Code: 10-2360-151-000-01

Name: Jennifer Leber

Position: Part Time Courier

Assignment: District Administration

Replacing: Michael Swartz (transfer)

Salary: $10.75/hour

Work Year: 260 days/year

Work Day: 6 hours/day

Effect Date: On or about August 22, 2014

Acct Code: 10-2620-181-000-06-800




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

E. Appointments – Co-Curricular Athletic Positions - effective July 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015, pending receipt of signed Coaches Code of Conduct and successful

completion of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training Course (per House Bill No.

1610/Session 2011):

Position Employee Level Yrs Exp Salary

First Name Last Name

Fall Season

Cheerleading, SH Brina Williams-Jones 4 3 $ 3,357

Cross Country, Head (SH) Joel Jacobs 4 10 + $ 4,484

Cross Country, Assistant (SH) David Strine 5 10 + $ 3,778

Cross Country, Head (MS) Roxanne Strine 5 3 $ 2,655

Cross Country, Assistant (MS) Clinton Myers 6 3 $ 2,166

Field Hockey, Head Joni Oswald 2 10 + $ 5,607

Field Hockey, Assistant Vicki McFarland 4 10 + $ 4,484

Field Hockey, Head (JH) Pamela Coburn 5 8 $ 3,498

Football, Assistant (SH) Joshua Campbell 2 5 $ 4,762

Football, Assistant (SH) Dennis Kemmick 2 0 $ 4,198

Football, Assistant (SH) Thomas Hinkle 2 4 $ 4,762

Football, Assistant (SH) Gary Ishman 2 5 $ 4,762

Football, Head (JH) Charles Kline 3 5 $ 4,198

Football, Assistant (JH) Mark Gibson 4 1 $ 3,015

Football, Assistant (JH) Harold Sprenkle 4 1 $ 3,015

Football, Assistant (JH) Marcus Chakot 4 1 $ 3,015

Golf, Head Stephanie Lesser 4 7 $ 3,842

Soccer, Head, Boys Keenan Schaefer 2 2 $ 4,116

Soccer, Head, Girls Brian Lyle 2 10 + $ 5,497

Soccer, Assistant, Girls Wade Reichard 4 2 $ 3,015

Volleyball Head, Girls Jennifer Reichard 2 10 $ 5,221

Volleyball Assistant, Girls Carol Thompson 4 10 + $ 4,396




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d. E. Appointments - Co-Curricular Athletic Positions – Cont’d.

Winter Season

Basketball, Head, Boys Jonathan Reichard 1 10 + $ 6,101

Basketball, JH Head, Boys Kirk Reichard * 3 0 $ 3,641

Basketball, JH Assistant, Boys Justin Seitz * 4 0 $ 3,075

Basketball, Head, Girls Cheryl Land 1 3 $ 4,998

Basketball, Assistant, Girls Michael Snell 2 1 $ 4,116

Basketball, JH Head, Girls Margaret Beaver 3 10 + $ 4,947

Basketball, JH Assistant, Girls Victoria Keller 4 0 $ 3,075

Swimming Allison Kreider * 2 1 Pro-rated

Wrestling, Head Daniel Garner 1 10 + $ 6,223

Wrestling, Assistant Blaine Garner 2 10 + $ 5,607

Wrestling, JH Assistant Shane Cooley 4 3 $ 3,919 *pending completion of paperwork

Spring Season

Baseball, Assistant (Varsity) John Schoelkoph 4 8 $ 4,198

Baseball, Assistant (JV) Donald Barshinger 4 3 $ 3,357

Lacrosse, Boys Head Robert Rhein 2 3 $ 4,484

Lacrosse, Girls Head James Deppen 2 1 $ 4,198

Lacrosse, Girls Assistant Eric Crumling 4 1 $ 3,075

Softball, Head Bradley Rohrbaugh 2 10 + $ 5,607

Softball, Assistant (Varsity) Jonathan Reichard 4 10 + $ 4,484

Softball, Assistant (JV) Terry Wallace 4 10 + $ 4,484

Track, Head, Boys William James 2 1 $ 4,198

Track, Assistant, Boys Rick Ardary 4 10 + $ 4,484

Track, JH Head, Boys Donald Hopper 5 10 + $ 3,778

Track, Head, Girls Joel Jacobs 2 10 + $ 5,607

Track, Assistant, Girls Roxanne Strine 4 1 $ 3,075

Track, JH Head, Girls Shawn Little 5 4 $ 2,938

Volleyball, Head, Boys Carol Thompson 2 10 + $ 5,607

Volleyball, Assistant, Boys Joel Hess 4 10 + $ 4,484

Volleyball, JH Head Erica Wise 5 5 $ 2,938

Volleyball, JH Assistant Joshua Korb 6 2 $ 2,166




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

E. Appointments – Co-Curricular Athletic Positions – Cont’d.

M. Keller abstained from voting on this item.

F. Appointments – Co-Curricular/Advisors – effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015:

Position First Name Last Name Level Yrs Exp Salary

High School

Audio-Visual Coordinator – Co J. Clayton Campbell 3 10 + $2,523

Audio-Visual Coordinator – Co Scott Barr 3 10 + $2,523

Band, Marching Band Director Kevin Sodl 1 2 $5,098

Band, Marching Band Visual Tech Samantha Peterson 8 3 $1,251

Band, Percussion Instructor Joseph Werner 7 2 $1,533

Choral Director Jane Schader 1 10 + $6,223

Choreographer Jeremy Young 7 10 + $2,374

Commencement Advisor – Co Donald Hopper 7 10 + $1,187

Commencement Advisor – Co Terry Doutrich 7 7 $ 977

Computer Room Monitor Elizabeth Crawford 6 7 $2,584

Detention Hall Supervisor, HS C. Mark Conley 4 10 + $4,484

Director of Drama Jeremy Young 3 10 $5,046

Director of Drama, Assistant Amanda Fortney 5 5 $2,938

FFA Advisor – Co Scott Barr 4 10 + $2,242

FFA Advisor – Co Emily Arnold 4 2 $1,679

FFA Advisor 9th Grade Andrea Myers 8 9 $1,881

Freshman Class Advisor Donald Hopper 7 10 + $2,374

Interact Club Advisor Angela VanAtta 8 10 $2,096

Junior Class Advisor – Co Daphne Leeder 6 10 + $1,503

Junior Class Advisor – Co Lorna Sager 6 10 + $1,503

Knight Advisor J. Clayton Campbell 8 10 + $2,096

Library or Media Area Monitor Jessica Smith 3 10 $5,046

Year Round Positions

Athletic Director, Assistant Joshua Campbell 3 0 $ 3,641

Strength & Conditioning

Coach Jared Goodman 3 9 $ 4,762




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

F. Appointments – Co-Curricular/Advisors – Cont’d.

Position First Name Last Name Level Yrs Exp Salary

High School

National Honor Society Advisor, HS Walter Arnold 8 10 + $2,096

Newsletter Coordinator, District Lisa Hohenadel 6 3 $2,166

Pit Orchestra Director Kim Hostetter 5 10 + $3,778

School Store Coordinator Vicki Barr 4 4 $3,641

Science Olympiad Advisor, HS – Co Walter Arnold 6 10 + $1,503

Science Olympiad Advisor, HS – Co C. Mark Conley 6 10 + $1,503

Senior Class Advisor – Co Donald Hopper 7 10 + $1,187

Senior Class Advisor – Co Terry Doutrich 7 7 $ 977

Sophomore Class Advisor Scott Barr 7 10 + $2,374

Student Council Advisor, HS – Co Teresa Laucks 3 10 + $2,523

Student Council Advisor, HS – Co Treva Reichard 3 10 $2,523

Students Against Driving Drunk

Advisor Daphne Leeder 6 10 + $3,006

Varsity Club Advisor Lisa Hohenadel 5 3 $2,655

Yearbook Advisor Lisa Hohenadel 3 3 $3,919

Position First Name Last Name Level Yrs Exp Salary

Detention Hall Supervisor Amos Hess 4 2 $3,357

Yearbook Advisor, MS Sally Fry 4 8 $4,198

Science Olympiad Advisor, MS – Co W. Jean Fenton 6 10 + $ 752

Science Olympiad Advisor, MS – Co Amos Hess 6 10 + $ 752

Science Olympiad Advisor, MS – Co Catherine Barber 6 10 + $ 752

Science Olympiad Advisor, MS – Co John Patriliak 6 1 $ 488

Student Council, MS Hillary Sylo 4 3 $3,357

Musical Concert

HS Winter Concert – Band Andrew Walls 1 10 $ 207

HS Spring Concert – Band Andrew Walls 1 10 $ 207

HS Winter Concert – Chorus Jane Schader 1 10 $ 207

HS Spring Concert – Chorus Jane Schader 1 10 $ 207

HS Winter Concert – Orchestra Rebecca Duane 1 10 $ 207

HS Spring Concert – Orchestra Rebecca Duane 1 10 $ 207

MS Winter Concert – Band David Donahue 1 10 $ 207




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

F. Appointments – Co-Curricular/Advisors – Cont’d.

Position First Name Last Name Level Yrs Exp Salary

High School

MS Spring Concert – Band David Donahue 1 10 $ 207

MS Winter Concert – 6th Grade

Chorus Janet Shelley 1 10 $ 207

MS Spring Concert – 6th


Chorus Janet Shelley 1 10 $ 207

MS Winter Concert-7th



Chorus Janet Shelley 1 10 $ 207

MS Spring Concert-7th



Chorus Janet Shelley 1 10 $ 207

MS Winter Concert – Orchestra Rebecca Duane 1 10 $ 207

MS Spring Concert – Orchestra Rebecca Duane 1 10 $ 207

Cana Winter Concert – Band Kim Hostetter 1 10 $ 207

KC Winter Concert – Band Anne Phillips 1 10 $ 207

Wville Winter Concert – Band Noelle Biedelman 1 10 $ 207

Cana Spring Concert – Band Kim Hostetter 1 10 $ 207

KC Spring Concert – Band Anne Phillips 1 10 $ 207

Wville Spring Concert – Band Noelle Biedelman 1 10 $ 207

Cana Winter Concert – Chorus Kim Hostetter 1 10 $ 207

KC Winter Concert – Chorus Anne Phillips 1 10 $ 07

Wville Winter Concert – Chorus Noelle Biedelman 1 10 $ 207

Cana Spring Concert – Chorus Kim Hostetter 1 10 $ 207

KC Spring Concert – Chorus Anne Phillips 1 10 $ 207

Wville Spring Concert – Chorus Noelle Biedelman 1 10 $ 207

Cana Winter Concert – Orchestra Amanda Fortney 1 10 $ 207

KC Winter Concert – Orchestra Amanda Fortney 1 10 $ 207

Wville Winter Concert – Orchestra Amanda Fortney 1 10 $ 207

KC Spring Concert – Orchestra Amanda Fortney 1 10 $ 207

Wville Spring Concert – Orchestra Amanda Fortney 1 10 $ 207




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

G. Appointments – Supplemental Positions – effective July 1, 2014 through June 30,


High School Department Head

Content Area Employee Salary

Art/Family & Consumer Science Curtis Miller $ 2,936

Business, Computer, Info.

Technologies Lorna Sager $ 2,815

English Timothy Flinchbaugh $ 3,299


(World) Language Kenton Raver $ 2,694

Guidance Ann Merced $ 3,178

Health/Physical Education Teresa Laucks $ 2,815

Mathematics Rick Ardary $ 3,299

Music Anne Phillips $ 3,178

Science Daphne Leeder $ 3,420

Social Studies Kelly Muldowney $ 3,178

Learning Support Heather Shillito $ 2,815

Technology Education Jason Sellers $ 2,936

Middle School Team Leader

Team Employee Salary

K Team Mark Guyer $ 3,299

N Team Stephanie Eyler $ 3,178

I Team Bradley Weaver $ 3,178

G Team Travis Burket $ 3,178

H Team Meagan Hirsch $ 3,178

T Team (per semester) Stephanie Lesser $ 1,650

T Team (per semester) Rhonda Campo $ 1,650

S Team (per semester) Stephanie Lesser $ 1,650

S Team (per semester) Rhonda Campo $ 1,650




1. PERSONNEL – Cont’d.

G. Appointments – Supplemental Positions – Cont’d.

Elementary Subject Area Coordinator

Content Employee Salary

Mathematics Staci Groft $ 2,452

Reading Kathy Krepps $ 2,452

Science Anthony Leanza $ 2,452

Social Studies Jerald Schenck $ 2,452

Learning Support Jeff Ishler $ 2,452

Writing Margaret Rishel $ 2,452

Middle School Subject Area Coordinator

Content Employee Salary

Math Jared Goodman $ 2,452

Reading Michelle Myers $ 2,452

English Heather Bennett $ 2,452

Science W. Jean Fenton $ 2,452

Social Studies Matthew Marcini $ 2,452

Learning Support Sally Fry $ 2,452

H. Appointments – Volunteer Coaches - for Fall Sports effective July 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015, pending receipt of signed Coaches Code of Conduct, successful

completion of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training Course (per House Bill No.

1610/Session 2011:

*Pending completion of paperwork.

Sport Volunteer Sport Volunteer


Mike Galentine Mark Rodkey Levi Myers Donald Muckel Carl Carbaugh Chase Beaverson

Girls Soccer Thomas Sanders Ray Snyder *

Girls Volleyball Sandon Eaton Boys Soccer

Matthew Himes * Timothy Krohn * Justin Fauth * Steve Jeffrey





A. Overnight Trip to Attend The Eastern States Exposition

Granted approval for a request from Dr. Mitzel, Eastern York High School Principal,

on behalf of Mr. Scott Barr, FFA Co-Advisor, and four (4) students, to arrange an

overnight trip to attend The Eastern States Exposition, to be held in Springfield

Massachusetts. The trip is overnight beginning September 12 and ending September

14, 2014.

The motion passed: 9 – Yes, 0 – No.


1. Transfer of Nichole Hockenberry, Full Time Elementary Teacher assigned to

Wrightsville Elementary School-1st Grade, to the assignment of Full Time Mathematics

Teacher assigned to Middle School-7th

Grade, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

2. Transfer of Shawn Little, Full Time English Teacher assigned to Middle School-7th

Grade, to the assignment of Full Time Reading Teacher assigned to Middle School-8th

Grade, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

3. Transfer of Cathy Dettinger, Full Time Elementary Teacher assigned to Canadochly

Elementary School-Kindergarten, to the assignment of Full Time Elementary Teacher

assigned to Canadochly Elementary School-3rd

Grade, effective with the 2014/2015

school year.

4. Transfer of Ann Marie Carberry, Full Time Elementary Teacher assigned to Kreutz

Creek Elementary School-4th

Grade, to the assignment of Full Time Elementary Teacher

assigned to Kreutz Creek Elementary School-3rd

Grade, effective with the 2014/2015

school year.

5. Transfer of Staci Groft, Full Time Elementary Teacher assigned to Kreutz Creek

Elementary School-1st Grade, to the assignment of Full Time Elementary Teacher

assigned to Kreutz Creek Elementary School-Kindergarten, effective with the 2014/2015

school year.

6. Transfer of Brenna Seely, Full Time Elementary Teacher at Kreutz Creek Elementary

School (who was on a leave of absence for 2013/2014), to the assignment of Full Time

Elementary Teacher assigned to Wrightsville Elementary School-5th

Grade, effective

with the 2014/2015 school year.




7. Transfer of Amanda Detwiler, Full Time Elementary Teacher assigned to Wrightsville

Elementary School-Kindergarten, to the assignment of Full Time Elementary Teacher

assigned to Wrightsville Elementary School-1st Grade, effective with the 2014/2015

school year.

8. Transfer of Jerald Schenck, Full Time Elementary Teacher assigned to Wrightsville

Elementary School-4th

Grade, to the assignment of Full Time Elementary Teacher

assigned to Wrightsville Elementary School-3rd

Grade, effective with the 2014/2015

school year.

9. Transfer of Kathleen Abel, Full Time Title I Assistant assigned to Wrightsville

Elementary School, to the assignment of Full Time Classroom Assistant assigned to

Wrightsville Elementary School, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

10. Transfer of Wendy Phillips, Part Time Classroom Assistant assigned to Wrightsville

Elementary School, to the assignment of Part Time Title I Assistant assigned to

Wrightsville Elementary School, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

11. Transfer of Bonita Sharp, Part Time Personal Care Assistant assigned to Canadochly

Elementary School, to the assignment of Part Time Personal Care Assistant assigned to

Kreutz Creek Elementary School, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

12. Transfer of Victoria McFarland, Part Time Personal Care Assistant assigned to High

School (displaced due to graduation of student), to the assignment of Part Time Personal

Care Assistant assigned to Middle School, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

13. Transfer of Warren Meyers, Full Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to Canadochly

Elementary School, to the assignment of Full Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to High

School, effective on or about August 4, 2014.

14. Transfer of Woodrow Bortner, Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to High School, to

the assignment of Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to Canadochly Elementary

School, effective on or about August 11, 2014.

15. Transfer of Seth Rial, Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to High School, to the

assignment of Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to Kreutz Creek Elementary

School, effective on or about August 11, 2014.




16. Transfer of Ronald Purcell, Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to Wrightsville

Elementary School, to the assignment of Part Time 2nd

Shift Custodian assigned to High

School, effective on or about August 11, 2014.

17. Transfer of Debra Black, Full Time Learning Support Teacher assigned to Canadochly

Elementary School, to the assignment of Full Time Learning Support Teacher assigned to

Kreutz Creek Elementary School, effective with the 2014/2015 school year.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – ADDENDUM On a motion by J. Malone, seconded by R. Abel, the Board approved the following on the

Superintendent’s Agenda Addendum:



A. Appointments – Support Staff

Name: Shani Walters

Position: Part Time Classroom Assistant

Assignment: Wrightsville Elementary

Replacing: Resignation (A. Gillespie)

Salary: $ 10.35 per hour

Work Year: 182 days/year

Effect Date: On or about August 22, 2014

Acct Code: 10-1100-191-000-10-230

Name: Alicia Hiest

Position: Part Time Classroom Assistant

Assignment: Wrightsville Elementary

Replacing: Resignation (J. Leber)

Salary: $ 9.50 per hour

Work Year: 182 days/year

Effect Date: On or about August 22, 2014

Acct Code: 10-1100-191-000-10-230

(pending completion of updated paperwork)





A. Appointments – Support Staff – Cont’d.

Name: Susan Luce

Position: Full Time Health Room Assistant

Assignment: Elementary

Replacing: Retirement (J. Bish)

Salary: $ 15.00 per hour

Work Year: 182 days/year

Effect Date: On or about September 8, 2014

Acct Code: 10-2440-141-000-10-230 & 10-2440-141-000-10-220

B. Appointments – Co-Curricular Athletic Positions – effective July 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015, pending receipt of signed Coaches Code of Conduct and successful

completion of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training Course (per House Bill No.

1610/Session 2011):

Position Employee Level Yrs Exp Salary

Fall Season

Cheerleading, JH Ashleigh Nelson 5 0 $ 2,379

Soccer, Assistant Co-Coach Justin Fauth 4 0 $ 1,537

Soccer, Assistant Co-Coach Timothy Krohn 4 0 $ 1,537


A. Correction to Co-Curricular Appointments Listed on August 21, 2014 Agenda -

effective for July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pending receipt of signed Coaches

Code of Conduct and successful completion of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training

Course (per House Bill No. 1610/Session 2011):

Position Employee Level Yrs Exp Salary

Fall Season

Football, Assistant (JH) Mark Gibson 4 1 $ 3,075

Football, Assistant (JH) Harold Sprenkle 4 1 $ 3,075

Football, Assistant (JH) Marcus Chakot 4 1 $ 3,075

Golf, Head Stephanie Lesser 4 7 $ 3,919

Soccer, Head, Boys Keenan Schaefer 2 2 $ 4,484





A. Correction to Co-Curricular Appointments Listed on August 21, 2014 Agenda –


Position Employee Level Yrs Exp Salary

Fall Season

Soccer, Head, Girls Brian Lyle 2 10 + $ 5,607

Soccer, Assistant, Girls Wade Reichard 4 2 $ 3,357

Volleyball Head, Girls Jennifer Reichard 2 10 $ 5,607

Volleyball Assistant, Girls Carol Thompson 4 10 + $ 4,484

Basketball, Head, Boys Jonathan Reichard 1 10 + $ 6,223

Basketball, Head, Girls Cheryl Land 1 3 $ 5,098

Basketball, Assistant, Girls Michael Snell 2 1 $ 4,198

Basketball, JH Head, Girls Margaret Beaver 3 10 + $ 5,046

Wrestling, JH Assistant Shane Cooley 4 3 $ 3,357

The motion passed: 9 – Yes, 0 – No.

The Board recessed from 8:07 p.m. to 8:10 p.m.


President Flaharty stated that Dr. Pianowski’s contract expires on June 30, 2015, and the Board

needs to notify her of its intentions.

A motion was made by W. Miller, seconded by R. Zepp, that the Board notify Dr. Darla

Pianowski of its intent to retain her for a further term of three (3) to five (5) years and commence

discussions with her to reach a new mutually agreeable employment contract within a reasonable

time prior to the expiration of her present contract on June 30, 2015.

Public comment was allowed on the above motion. No comments were made.

The motion passed: 9 – Yes, 0 – No.



W. Miller Asked Board members to send her any requests for policy

Policy Review Committee updates or changes, and the Committee will discuss them.

If she does not receive any request, she will cancel the

upcoming meeting scheduled for September 3, 2014. R.

Zepp asked the Committee to discuss more effective use of

social media at an upcoming meeting.

L. Currier Provided updated financial information from EYARC.


R. Abel Stated that the next Committee meeting is scheduled for

Co-Curricular Committee August 22, 2014, at 10 a.m., at Eastern York High School.

D. Shelley Provided an update from the July 24, 2014 meeting. He

YCSofT shared information regarding students participating in the


Annual SKILLS USA National Competition and

placing second and eighth.

M. Keller Stated that the minutes from the August meeting were

Buildings and provided to members. Any questions, please contact him.




R. Zepp Asked if there is a policy that allows students to schedule

more than four classes in a day. Discussion ensued, and it

was recommended that if a student has a concern with their

schedule, they should contact the high school guidance


R. Flaharty, Jr. Shared that transportation has gone well for the first couple

of school days.




On a motion by M. Keller, seconded by J. Malone, the Board meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Teresa Weaver, Board Secretary

Eastern York School District will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or handicap or because a person is a

disabled veteran of the Vietnam Era, in its admissions, educational programs, activities, or employment policies. Publication of this policy is in

accordance with state and federal laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Inquiries should be directed to the ADA Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Rita Becker, at Eastern York

School District, P.O. Box 150, Wrightsville, PA 17368-0150 (717) 252-1555.