adopt a rabbit - barcamp copenhagen 2006

Download Adopt A Rabbit - BarCamp Copenhagen 2006

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Adopt a rabbit
      • BarCamp Copenhagen
      • 17-november-2006
      • Kim Bach, Human

2. A quiz - Name that technology

  • Thin client
  • Centralised server based infrastructure
  • Free and commercial services
  • Micro payment infrastructure
  • Tons of applications
  • Content driven
  • ...

3. ...the answer!

  • No its not the web
  • Its...

4. Ils sont fous 5. So Minitel didnt conquer the world 6. Connaissez-vous Haladjian ?

  • "le dbut de l'internet a t une aimable kermesse... Maintenant les choses srieuses commencent"- (translation: "the beginning of the Internet has been a friendly festival...Now the serious stuff begins".
  • So whats he up to

7. Nous tions ozon ... 8. Violet! 9. Smooth criminal - meet ArseneLapin

  • ArseneLapin is a Lapin Communicant better know as a Nabaztag
  • Like my namesake Im a gentleman
  • I need Wi-Fi

10. Demo 11. So its a gadget

  • Whats the fuzz about?
    • Text To Speech
    • Music player
    • Modern day lava lamp
    • Application Programming Interface
    • Community portal
  • and...

12. ...a contact service?

  • Til: mig
  • You've got mail !
  • ArseneLapin has received a message for you
  • From:M. See its rabbit card
  • Title of the message:
  • Hello from M. in Paris, it..

13. One more thing...

  • Nabaztag/tag
  • Services, services, services
  • You, me, us
  • A Nabaztag in every home?
  • Jai vu le futur, et le futur tiez Violet

14. Liens

  • [email_address] .com
  • http://www. kimbach . org/ArseneLapin
  • http://www. nabz . dk
  • http://www. nabaztag .com
  • http://www. nabaztags . ning .com
  • http://www. ozone .net