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Add Your Company Slogan Presentation Company Logo ABSTRACT TRANSLATION(C-E) MTI/USST

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What is an abstract of a paper?

   Abstract, also named outline or informative abstract, is an important element of scientific paper. Abstract concentrates on the most basic materials of the essay; it is a short statement extracted from the content of the paper without explanatory notes or comments.

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American famous EI (Engineering Index) has detailed provisions about abstracts for papers in the document named “Introduce EI Standard to Learned Journals’ editors and Essays’ authors”: Informative abstract useful for learned journals should cover its topic, research scope, methods, results and analysis; the length of the abstract should be less than 150 English words; writing of the article should be concise and clear; ignore or reduce the introduction of research background; and it is unsuitable to introduce author’s future research plan.

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Characteristics of abstracts

Abstract of scientific paper has three characteristics: detailed, short and accurate. Its language is specific, terse, distinct and objective.

“Detailed” means that abstract of scientific paper should be a relatively independent short essay and it involves the thesis’ research questions, basic opinions, experimental methods, and main conclusions. “Short” means abstract of scientific paper should be brief and to the point.

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    In general, abstract in Chinese needs 250 to 300 words; and in theory it should not surpass 3% of the whole article. “Accurate” means that abstract of scientific paper should be the marrow of original text, it must grab the main point of the writing and readers could have a clear understanding to the whole article through reading the abstract. So, it is necessary to make sure that every word and every sentence in the abstract has its useful information which could be delivered to readers.

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Mistake Enumeration and Analysis

Words and Phrases    Deliberate words selection reflects the good

translation. In addition, both grammar and collocation of English and Chinese words are different from each other. Therefore, an excellent translator should pay more attention to dictions. Translations might be not correct if translators only translate according to literal meaning. We should pay special attention to those not real corresponding relations between Chinese and English words like those which have similar meanings but are not the same ones fit for language styles. Translators should notice such a kind of non-corresponding relations so as to find a precise mode of expression in English according to the context.

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   e.g. 从理论上对自聚焦透镜进行了分析 , 并论述了光在自聚焦透镜中的传播规律。

   This essay theoretically analyzes GRIN lens and elaborates on the dissemination principles of light in the GRIN lens.

   Analysis: dissemination means to spread information, knowledge, etc. so that it reaches many people. For example, we may use this word as follow: Whether the activity is tourism, research, business, or data dissemination, the lack of a common language can severely impede progress. On the contrary, propagation is a technical word, which means the act or process of sending out an electronic signal.

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   Correction: This essay theoretically analyzes GRIN lens and elaborates on the propagation principles of light in the GRIN lens.

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   e.g. 随着无定形硅 ( 简称 a- Si) 薄膜太阳能电池的诞生 , 非晶硅科技已转化为一支大规模的产业。

   With the appearance of amorphous silicon (abbreviated from “a - Si”) thin film solar cells, amorphous technology has changed into a large- scale industry.

   Analysis: the word“ 转化” can be translated into many different words in English, like “change”, “convert”, “transform” ,etc. But the word here means that something is changed from one form or use to another.

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   Correction: With the appearance of amorphous silicon (abbreviated from “a - Si”) thin film solar cells, amorphous technology has been converted into a large- scale industry.

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   e.g. 这两种端面修饰法确实能起到扩大模场直径同时有不破坏模式分布。

   These two designs of modification in cross section will enlarge the mode field diameter, without sabotaging the mode distribution.

   Analysis: If we do not understand the whole passage, and just translate word for word, we may make some mistakes like this---sabotaging the mode distribution. In fact, sabotage means to damage or destroy something deliberately to prevent an enemy from using it or to protest something. For instance, the main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels. Instead, destroy has widely usage.

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   Correction: These two designs of modification in cross section will enlarge the mode field diameter, without destroying the mode distribution.

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Inappropriate Prepositions   Prepositions are difficult to master,

especially like “of”, “for”, “on”, and “to”, which often confuse translators. Preposition in English has several meanings as follows: 1. “of”, which mainly expresses the relationship of possession. 2. “for”, which mainly expresses purposes and uses. 3. “on” which mainly expresses orientations of researches. 4. “to” which mainly use for several regular collocations, such as “Key to …”, “Solution to …”, “Solution to …”, etc.

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   e.g. 从材料、工艺和转换效率等方面比较和讨论了它们各自性能的优劣。

   Meanwhile the merit and shortcoming of the thin- film cells are compared and discussed from the materials, technology and conversion efficiency, etc.

   Analysis: If we use the word “from”, we should use the phrase “from the aspect”. Otherwise, “from” should be replaced by other preposition.

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   Correction: Meanwhile the merit and shortcoming of the thin- film cells are compared and discussed about the materials, technology and conversion efficiency, etc.

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Unclear Pronoun Reference   It is quite natural in Chinese that

the same words are always repeated in sentences. English is a paratactic language so it often uses substitutes and lexical repetitions in order to avoid repetition. Nominal substitutions could be used when translating Chinese into English so as to be in accordance with English idioms. However, ambiguity and uncertainty should be paid attention to when using pronouns.

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   e.g. 本文主要就太阳能电池及关键材料 , 以及对各类太阳能电池的原理及发展状况进行详细阐述。

   The solar cell and correlative key material were studied. It also elaborates the principle and development of the various solar cells.

   Analysis: what the word “it” refers is unclear, and confuses the readers. Through the whole paragraph, we find that the word “it” means “the paper”. Moreover, “it” is useless here, so the passive voice is better.

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   Correction: The solar cell and correlative key material were studied. The principle and development of the various solar cells are elaborated.

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Sentence Construction

   A sentence is not a pile of words. Even if words are precise and accurate, without logical links, they cannot express the meaning correct. There are two kinds of problems in sentence construction, i.e. non-correspondence part in compound sentences and predicate far from subject.

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Non-correspondence Parts in Compound Sentences

   Parallel structure is common in abstract, because this kind of construction is compact and concise. But sometimes, the part of speech of this structure is not consistent.

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   e.g. 近年来 , 由于硅系太阳能电池的高纯硅原料价格昂贵 , 将低成本的有机半导体材料用于太阳能电池的研究越来越引起学术界的高度重视。而且有机半导体材料具有轻质量、柔韧易加工性、可低成本大面积制备等突出优点 , 使之具有很强的竞争力。

   Recently, as a result of the high - cost of high - pure silica used in solar cells, more and more focuses have been put on the application of the organic semiconductors in solar cells, due to its potential low cost, low weight, and being flexible.

   Analysis: Grammatical elements in compound sentences should be corresponding with each other. The expression, both “low cost” and “being flexible” are nouns, but the word “being flexible” is gerund.

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   Correction: Recently, as a result of the high - cost of high - pure silica used in solar cells, more and more focuses have been put on the application of the organic semiconductors in solar cells, because it is potentially low cost, light weight, and flexibility.

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   e.g. 作为一种发展迅速、高效的薄膜太阳能电池 , CIGS 在国际光伏行业倍受关注。

   As a rapidly developed and high-efficiency thin film solar cell, the CIGS solar cell attracts more attention in the international photovoltaic field.

   Analysis: The word “developed” is the adjective, but the word “high-efficiency” is the noun.

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   Correction: As a rapidly developed and efficient thin film solar cell, the CIGS solar cell attracts more attention in the international photovoltaic field.

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Predicate Far from Subject    If some sentences are translated according to their

Chinese sequences, the subjects and predicate verbs will be separated from each other too far away. Such a kind of phenomena does not conform to the standard of English writing and it also increases memory burden of readers. As a result, it does not conform to the request of scientific papers’ abstracts. According to logical orders in English, the predicates should be relocated and follow closely to the subjects, and adjuncts including attributive clauses could be other sentences, if it is necessary. In this way, abstracts could make distinctions between the important and the lesser ones. So sometimes it is worth reorganizing words and sentences according to the differences between Chinese and English when translating Chinese into English.

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   e.g. 介绍了两种可以增大单模光纤模场直径并出射准直平行光束的扩芯光纤 (ECF) 的原理和制作方法。

   The principle and fabrication of two kinds of expanded core fibers (ECF) which can expand the mode field diameter and output collimated light beam are explained.

   Analysis: predicate verb is far away from the subject, which burdens the memory of readers.

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   Correction: this essay explain the principle and fabrication of two kinds of expanded core fibers (ECF) which can expand the mode field diameter and output collimated light beam.

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   e.g. 薄膜太阳能电池是缓解能源危机的新型光伏器件。

   Film solar cell, a new kind of photovoltaic to mitigate the energy sources crisis, was indicated.

   Analysis: this sentence is unbalanced, and the word “indicated” is odd.

   Correction: Film solar cell is a new kind of photovoltaic to mitigate the energy sources crisis.

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Paragraph Construction

    A large number of abstracts are not logically organized sentences. In fact, they are just a jumble of several simple sentences put together loosely. Sentences are not closely related to each other, or they just connect with each other simply with the word “and”. In this way, translations do not conform to the structures and principles in English, abstracts lack the depth of semanteme, and the most important meaning cannot be highlighted.

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The Length of the Abstract   The abstract should be in a proper

length. An English abstract should not have more than 150 words, but it can be a little longer in some special situations. Too many or too few words are not recommended. There are four parts of an abstract---objective, method(s), result(s) and conclusion. Authors are not able to explain every part clearly within too short an abstract.

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   e.g. 摘要 : 在介绍太赫兹技术的基础上 , 系统论述了太赫兹波的各种产生技术及其发展动态。

   Abstract: The generation technologies and development trends of THz waves in detail are described.

   Analysis: this is one abstract from ‘laser journal’. Obviously, this abstract is too short to explain the main content of the issue. What is more, this essay has more than five thousand words.

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Redundancy of the Abstract   Abstract has a kind of writing style

with a short, pithy ( 简洁 )and highly summarized structure. Therefore, the contents of abstract should not only be precise but also brief. However, a large number of articles which have already been published have abstracts with problems of repetition and tortuosity (扭曲) .

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   e.g. 薄膜太阳能电池作为一种新的能原材料正在得到迅速的发展和进步 , 主要介绍了非晶硅、多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池以及 CIGS 薄膜太阳能电池 ,通过比较这几种薄膜太阳能电池各自的特点阐述了各种薄膜太阳能电池的发展状况。

   Thin film solar cells are under study by many research groups. This paper makes an introduction of the application of photoelectric functional thin films in solar cells , mainly in the application of a-Si∶H , poly-Si∶H and CIGS thin film solar cells and also includes the introduction of their development and preparation techniques.

   Analysis: the first sentence of the abstract is meaningless, and it can be deleted. Without it, readers will not miss any key information.

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   Correction: This paper makes an introduction of the application of photoelectric functional thin films in solar cells , mainly in the application of a-Si∶H , poly-Si∶H and CIGS thin film solar cells and also includes the introduction of their development and preparation techniques.

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Friable Paragraph Construction    e.g. 随着超快激光技术的发展 , 太赫兹波段空隙逐渐被人们所认识。由于太赫兹处

在电磁波谱的特殊位置 , 具有同其他波段的电磁波不同的特殊性质 , 在诸多行业具有广阔的应用前景。结合太赫兹特点 , 研究其在军事领域的具体应用前景。

   Along with the fast development of super rapid laser technology, Terahertz band gap has been understood gradually. Because terahertz wave is in the special position of the electromagnetic spectrum, it has many different special qualities from the other bands of electromagnetic wave, and has broad application prospects in many fields. Based on the characteristics of terahertz wave, we study the application prospect in the military field. In the end, it is concluded that terahertz wave has application prospects in warning aerospace planes, supersonic aircraft and terminal guidance.

   Analysis: it is unnecessary to copy the structure and sentences from abstracts in Chinese. Meanwhile, the translators might add or cut some parts and make some proper changes so as to meet the demand of abstracts in English.

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   Correction: Terahertz band gap has been understood gradually, with the development of super rapid laser technology. Terahertz wave has many unique characteristics and broad application prospects, for its special position of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the end, it is concluded that terahertz wave has application prospects in warning aerospace planes, supersonic aircraft and terminal guidance.

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A Few Probable Reasons for Translation Mistakes

   According to the above example, some probable reasons are as follows:

   The authors or translator did not realize the main idea of the essay, the relationship of sentences, and the real meanings of terms.

   Translation software is utilized blindly and relied on totally. Unfortunately, it is not omnipotent, and sometimes it makes some ridiculous mistakes. For example, when we use it to translate “ 质量轻” , we will get the result ---light quality. In Chinese, the word “ 质量” has two meanings. One is quality, and the other weight. Obviously, “ 质量轻” means light weight.

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   Some category words should not be translated word for word. For instance, the phrase “ 产品质量问题” can be translated into “product quality”, and the word “问题” could be omitted. And “Bellcore 标准的问题” should be translated into “Problems for Bellcore Standards”, and the word “problem” cannot be omitted.

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Advice on Abstract Translation

Comprehending the Essay Understanding original texts thoroughly is the key

point of scientific paper translation.    In general, understanding could be divided into

two levels. The first level is to understand sentences and words in a general sense; and such a kind of understanding is relatively abstract. However, it is antecedent condition for a deeper understanding. The second level is to understand within specific context and language style and in this way the particular meaning of sentences and words could be known. Only when the translators reach the second level and understand original text in an overall way, could they produce translations in accordance with original texts’ styles and meanings.

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Reading Some Parallel Texts    A parallel text is a text placed alongside its

translation or translations. Parallel text alignment is the identification of the corresponding sentences in both halves of the parallel text.

   Using parallel text for translation practice could improve translation quality which is restricted to translators’ weak linguistic stills and limited professional knowledge. According to text type, non-literary translation focuses on language and information communication and the main type of it is informative text. Such a kind of text has characteristics of information, effectiveness, accuracy, professionalism and functionality.

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   Methods of parallel text during translation process: 1) According to parallel text, details of original text could be

processed before translation.    According to translation skopos theory, original text is just an

offer of translation instead of all the details having communicational value to target language audiences. In this way, translators should process the original text before translation according to target audiences’ communicational needs and interests. Messages useless to target language readers or even damage the function of version should be eliminated; messages useful to target language readers should be supplied properly. Instead of subjective analysis to target readers by translators, the target language parallel text with the same function and the same style could also be a pretty good reference guide to translators. Such process could help translator to decide what kind of messages from original information could be keep, and what kind of messages should be deleting.

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2) According to parallel text, translation should be put close to target language parallel text’s style standardization.

   Style standardization means that in one language, texts with almost the same function which are used frequently in some specific circumstances form a specification style or format so it is quite common that style standardization has cultural uniqueness. When translating practical writings, translators should obey target language style standardization as much as possible. The reason is that target language readers understand original author’s intention only by standard style they are familiar with and in this way, translation could achieve its special function in target language cultural situation.

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3) According to parallel text, translation’s readability and acceptability could be improved if target language parallel text’s native standard expression methods of the same function or express the same message is used.

   Such a method is quite crucial to Chinese-English applied translation because most of the translators are Chinese who use Chinese as their mother tongue and their sense of English is not as good as target audiences. Even the translators with extremely good English capacity might not be familiar with one type of applied text’s jargon or specific expression method. So translators must read a lot of target language parallel text and master all kinds of native standard expression method so as to achieve obvious effect in Chinese-English applied translation.

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4) According to parallel text, rhetorical styles could be mastered

   Translation should be close to universal style specification of the same kind of topics and types in target language. Such kind of style specification could be seen as a mark of specific styles and special functions. This mark could help target readers understand the intention of translation.

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   The following abstract is from world recognized journal---IOP Science. This abstract clarifies the objective, methods, results and conclusion with the decent length. Readers can obtain the main idea of the whole essay from this abstract. Both passive and active voices are involved.


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In this paper, we investigate the propagation characteristics of thermally diffused expanded core (TEC) fibers with complex refractive index using the numerical Galerkin’s method. Complex modal profiles and propagation constants for TEC fibers of different expanded core radii are calculated. The imaginary part of the electric field results in wavefront distortion showing that the power flows out of or into the doped region according to the sign of the imaginary part of the refractive index. The gain or loss as a function of both mode field radius and operating wavelength is calculated numerically. Moreover, an approximate formula for the loss or gain coefficient of these fibers is given and the obtained approximate results agree well with those from Galerkin’s method applied to the complex refractive index fiber.

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Use correct forms The Use of Compound Nouns    Compound nouns are combinations of

two or even more nouns, including some necessary adjectives sometimes. They are also called noun phrases functioning as attributive structures. Compound nouns are building blocks of English for science and technology. These building blocks have strong sentence power, short and brief in language, huge in information, single in semanteme and they could deliver message objectively and accurately. Therefore, abstracts of scientific papers use compound nouns frequently.

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   For example: 紫外像增强器 UV image intensifier 铅玻璃微通道板 lead silicate glass

microchannel plate 飞秒超快动力学 Femto second

Ultrafast Dynamic Process

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The Use of Nominalization    Nominalization means turning verbs and

adjectives into nouns so they could not only have functions of nouns but also keep some main features of verbs and adjectives. Suffixes like “ment, tion, sion, ance, al” are often used in turning verbs into nouns. Some verbs are also nouns with the same meaning, such as research, conduct, control and so on. Verbs which do not belong to the two kinds mentioned above could add prefix or suffix and turn it into nouns. The structure of a nominalization can also be combined with headword of nominalization and prepositional phrase.

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   Nominalization uses phrases to present a sentence with strict structure, high-density information; so it is an effective way to refine sentences. It could not only highly summary, highly rationality dynamic events, but also cut down subjective and ambiguous words. Then it could highlight “objectivity”.

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   Nominalization uses simple forms to express complicated semanteme and it is suitable for the feature of scientific paper “simplicity”. So it becomes an outstanding feature of modern scientific paper.

   When translating Chinese abstracts into English, nominalization could be used quite often in order to simplify structures of sentences. In this way, a simple sentence can be used to express what is contained in two or even more sentences in the original abstract.

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   For instance: e.g. 如果使用这种封装技术,耦合效率将会大幅度提高。    The application of this packaging technology will

increase the coupling efficiency greatly. = If this packaging technology is applied, it will increase the coupling efficiency greatly.

e.g. 光束扫描阵列后加棱镜阵列使光束产生需要的角度偏转,可以实现远场大范围光束阵列扫描。

   Required angle deflection provided by the prism array behind beam scanning array achieved the large-range far-filed beam array scanning. =The prism array behind beam scanning array can provide required angle deflection. The large-range far-filed beam array scanning can be achieved.

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Two Recommended Structures of Sentence

  “ Short and brief”, “using third person”, “verb tense” and “verb voice” which are linguistic features of abstracts which are mentioned in requirements of writing. Besides these four basic features, scientific papers’ abstracts also have special features about “structure of sentence”.

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   Long subject (subject + long adjunct) + short predicate of passive voice

   In such a kind of syntactical structure, subject’s part includes some adjuncts before or after it. Most of these adjuncts are prepositional phrases, participle phrases and attributive clauses. For example:

e.g. A high-speed digital beam scanner based on electro-optic crystal switch array is developed.

   (我们 ) 研制了高速电光晶体开关阵列数字光束扫描器。

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   Short subject + predicate of passive voice + segment modifier

   The subject is a concrete noun, and its predicate verb always means research, development, design, obtainment and provision, etc. Subject’s adjunct is supplementary specification of subject. For example:

e.g.The data are presented on the possibilities of utilization YAG laser to incise precision parts.

   ( 本文 )提供了利用 YAG激光切割精密零件的可能性。

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Verb Tense    Whether the authors are writing articles or abstracts,

the methods and results have been discussed already or their contexts have been showed, so the past tense should be used. Instruments and methods have often been used during detections and researches, but they are only means and unsuitable as subjects of sentences. The goals of detections and researches are the main parts and they are proper to be used as subjects.

e.g. A novel method for EEG feature extraction was studied in this paper.

   The present indefinite tense is always to express conclusions because they convey objective truth or general knowledge.

e.g. The performance of this system is improved by optimize the image producing algorithm.

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Active Voice versus Passive Voice People always hold the opinion that scientific

and technical personnel should care about facts and actions instead of researchers themselves, so in this way papers could get rid of subjective ideas. Therefore, scientific papers in the earlier periods often used passive voices as dominant elements. In recent years, some foreign academic journals’ abstracts also use the first person such as “we” as active voices. For example, there is an international journal about optics embodies an abstract as follows:

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   e.g. We outline the use of digital holographic tomography to determine the three-dimensional (3D) shapes of falling and static objects, such as lenslets and water droplets. Reconstruction of digitally recorded inline holograms is performed using multiplicative and Rodon transform techniques to reveal the exact 3D shapes of the objects.

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   e.g.We present a lensless projection of color images based on computer-generated Fourier holograms. Amplitude and phase modulation of three primary-colored laser beams is performed by a matched pair of spatial light modulators. The main advantage of the complex light modulation is the lack of iterative phase retrieval techniques. The advantage is the lack of speckles in the projected images. Experimental results are given and compared with the outcome of classical phase-only modulation.

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   What is mentioned above emphasizes that authors of papers should be responsible for the research works and context in papers. Theses must include communications’ meaning between writers and readers and their highly close relationship among each other.

In abstracts, which tense should be used for predicate verbs in every specific sentence should be decided by the nature of abstracts and the need of expressions.

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Reconstruction and Rewriting

   Readers of English abstracts are different from those of Chinese abstracts. When translating the articles, especially the articles by themselves, they could feel free from Chinese texts in order to translate in a proper way. So, it is unnecessary to copy the structures and sentences from abstracts in Chinese. Meanwhile, the translators might add or cut some parts and make some proper changes so as to meet the demand of abstracts in English and express the papers’ main points in a better way.

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   The whole framework should be arranged through a short essay or at least a paragraph with complete meaning. On the basis of understanding the overall context, abstract should break the limitations of Chinese sentences and it could surpass the boundary of sentences and change their orders when it is necessary. In this way, the central meaning could be highlighted.

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Division Translation and Joint Translation    The main reason why a sentence in Chinese should be

translated into several sentences in English is that the structures of the two languages are different from each other. Sentences in Chinese are expanded as lines and decided by whether their semantic meanings are complete or not. Therefore, the structures of Chinese sentences are loose and several co-ordinate clauses could be united to form a sentence without using any conjunction. On the other hand, English sentences have several hierarchies which are decided by complete grammatical framework. Therefore, English sentences are relatively stricter than Chinese sentences and each part of sentence links closely with each other. When translators translate from Chinese into English, they could separate each part of sentences in order to make structures more proper and conform to the standard of English expressions.

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   There are three most common methods for division: the first one is to pause near the head of the sentence, the second one is to pause near the end of the sentence and the third one is to pause in the middle of the sentence.

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Division near the head of the sentence    This method always useful for sentences

called “outline and enlargement”. It means that at the beginning it will summarize with a few words, and then it will explain in details. So the beginning of sentence is often divided into one sentence.

e.g. 提出了一种基于视场拼接的体视三维显示方法及系统 , 该系统由一个微投影机阵列和一个纵向散射屏构成。

A novel 3D display approach and system based on spliced view field is proposed. It consist s of an array of mini-projectors and a vertical diffuser.

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Division near the end of the sentence    This method is always useful for

sentences called “enlargement and outline”. It means that at the beginning it will tell everything clearly, then it will summarize simply, or it will come out with a comment or a conclusion. So the end of the sentence often pauses into one sentence.

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Division in the middle of the sentenceSome sentences deliver one thing in

the former part, and then deliver another thing in the later part. So the middle of the sentence often pauses into two sentences in order to make translation clearly and easily understandable.

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e.g. 重点讨论了不同自动立体显示技术的实现方法和应用中存在的问题。

   The implementation method for each technology is discussed in detail. The factors influencing display quality and the problems in application are analyzed also.

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Joint Translation   On the contrary, two or more

Chinese sentences need to be translated into just one English sentence; we call it amalgamated sentences or joint translation. This method is always useful for two sentences which connect with each other closely and both of them are short. Such connections include causality, factors and results, the latter sentence modifies an ingredient in the former one and so on.

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RewriteSome abstracts are hardly to be

translated appropriate, because of complex sentence structure, internally logical link. In this way, we can rewrite the abstract without the restrain of Chinese abstract. But we should focus on the real meaning that the original author wants to explain.

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e.g. 在分析传统基于二维平面图像的三维立体显示技术的原理及特点的基础上 , 重点阐述了数字全息三维显示技术的应用研究现状 , 介绍了三种典型的数字全息显示技术 : 基于数字合成全息的三维显示技术、基于空间光调制器的数字全息三维显示技术以及基于集成数字全息技术的三维显示技术 , 并对三维显示技术研究及其应用中存在的关键技术问题进行了分析和讨论。

The principle and features of binocular parallax stereoscopic display techniques are analyzed. Three typical digital holographic display systems are introduced in detail. They are based on digital synthesizing holography, spatial light modulator (SLM) or integral digital holography. Key techniques and problems are discussed in research and applications of 3D display techniques.

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   The author does not translate strictly according to the Chinese abstract. What’s more, he rewrites it with some additions and deletions, makes it more compact and meets the demand of English journals.

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