actsci news spring 2016 issue 1

University of Waterloo Actuarial Science Club Newsletter Spring 2016 Issue 1

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UW Actuarial Science Club Spring 2016 Issue 1


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University of Waterloo Actuarial Science Club Newsletter

Spring 2016 Issue 1

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1 Spring2016TermExec.Photo1 President’sMessage2-5 Exec.Bios 2 VPAdmin. VPComm. VPFinance VPEvents 3 EventsTeam MentorshipCoordinators 4 PublicityDirectors 4-5 NewsletterEditors 5 WebsiteManager OfficeManager6-7 PastEvents 6 ResumeCritique BeginningofTerm 7 Excel/VBATutorial8 UpcomingEvents 8 SunLifeBomber MentorshipPresentation9 OfficeHours

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Hi Everyone! My name is Raymond and I’ll be serving as your club president for this term. To give a bit of background about myself, I’m originally from Montreal, I’m in my final year at Waterloo studying Actuarial Science and I play Tetris more than I should. I’ve been part of this club since my first year, holding various positions, and I’ve always found something new to learn. I enjoy having good conversations and I’ve dabbled with philosophy in the past, so come talk to me if you ever see me around. Additionally, I’ve passed a couple of actuarial exams and I’ve worked in the P & C field, so if you want some advice on those, I’ll be glad to share my experiences as well. Before telling you what I have planned for this term, I’d like to thank everyone for attending the events already organized. From the fantastic executive team to every attendee, you guys are awesome. And if you want to stay awesome, you should continue coming to our events! We have much more in store including our signature mentorship events and an innovative new end of term social. Spring term is the time to relax a bit more and that’s what I hope to accomplish as president; to create an inclusive, relaxed environment for its members to have fun and share their experiences. It’s a bit cliché, but so is a disconnected president. That’s why you can now connect with the club not only through our Facebook group, but also with LinkedIn, Instagram and our newly refurbished website! So having said all that, I hope to see you all at the next events! Stay classy everyone! J

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Hi, my name is Mindy, and I am currently in my 2A term studying actuarial science. I am your VP of Communication for this term. Aside from studying for exams that never end, I enjoy spending time outside in the nature, and constantly craving for good food with friends. Looking forward to an amazing term.




Jason is an eccentric aspiring actuary with an obsession for toasters. He doesn’t exactly understand why, but he can’t stop thinking about them and their magical properties. Some of his hobbies include: paintballing, mountain biking, snowboarding, and coding. That’s right, he codes for fun in his spare time, what a dork. Jason is always available if you need help finishing off your barrel of rum. Although he is an amateur drinker, he wishes to one day achieve professional status (is it an Olympic sport yet?!).

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew Viegas and I’m going to be your VP Administration for this term. I’m a 3B Honours Actuarial Science student and I’ve passed P and FM. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about school, exams or co-op. When I’m not studying Iike to spend my time playing soccer and running.


Hey everyone! My name is Sarika and I'm in my third year majoring in Actuarial Science and Statistics! Feel free to come say hi whenever! PS I LOVE DOGS

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MENTORSHIP COORDINATORS CARLO LAHURA Hey everyone! My name is Carlo, 4A Actuarial Science and Statistics student, and I will be one of your two Mentorship Coordinators for the term! I'm excited to be passing on as much insight and information that will hopefully help you throughout your university career. I've also held top executive positions across the Actuarial Science Club, ASNA, and Math Orientation so if you have any questions about those please feel free to reach out. I look forward to meeting you!

ANGEL YANG Hello everyone, I hope this term is going well for you so far. I am a 2A student studying Actuarial Science, and your new event coordinator for this term. I have always believed that it is important to have a sense of team and community and that’s what I want to bring to you. This term, along with other executives, we planning on having Excel, VBA and SOA/CAS exam tutorial sessions, to help students achieve their goals. If you have any questions, feel free to come to my office hours!


RAHAT JAIN Hello my name is Rahat and I am in my 4B term of the Mathematics and Business Double Degree program.

IRENE DINI LAI The current Actsci Club event-coordinator, Dini the 2A Actsci noob, is willing to share a few words with you. Till this day, I’d still like to thank UW Actsci Club, all Spring 2016 club members who were or were not voting at the election, my fellow Actsci peers, my friends, my family, and last but not least, my very own persistence for granting me this fabulous opportunity to be part of the Actsci Club Spring 2016 Exec Team. Not giving up on trying hard to join this awesome team and not surrendering to the stressful and competitive Actsci nature are probably the two most rightful things I have done in this term and it’s always necessary to remind you, as how I have been reminding myself, ACTSCI IS COOL.

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PUBLICITY DIRECTORS CATHY ZHANG Hi everyone! I’m Cathy, a second year Math student. As your publicity director for this term, I’ll be updating our fellow members regularly about all the exciting events happening in UW ActSci club. We have many fun and informative events lined up for this term, so I look forward to seeing you there! In my free time, I’m a passionate foodie, amateur singer and I also enjoy having intriguing, eye-opening conversations about anything besides math. Feel free to drop by the office and say hi. I hope you all have an amazing term with us!


Hi, I'm Miena and I'm in my 2A term now. Like Cathy, I'll be updating members on the events the club organises. I'm a huge fan of chocolate and all things sweet. I'd love to meet fellow chocolate fans so feel free to drop by during my office hours anytime. I hope you'll enjoy the events the club brings you this term!


CHLOE JANG Hey everyone! My name is Chloe and I’m a 2A Math student. I’m from Hong Kong, the city of shopping and temperamental weather almost as crazy as Waterloo (Hail in May?) I love to play basketball, have quite a knack for baking and much to my denial will probably grow old as crazy cat lady. <3 As your newsletter editors, Jerry and I are very excited for what we have in store for this term. We’re hoping to include event highlights, interviews with professionals in Actuarial-related fields and some feature articles. But we’d love any ideas that you have to contribute! Can’t wait to meet you all! Hope you have a great term!

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JERRY HU Salutations! As your other newsletter editor of this term, it is my great pleasure to introduce myself to all you future actuaries! My name is Jerry and I’m in my 2B term here at Waterloo, studying Actuarial Science and Statistics. I come from Markham (read: Toronto’s hat on a GTA map) and love mountain biking, skiing, badminton, and ping pong. I also think potato salad is awesome and happen to be a Cancer (horoscope, not melanoma). If you have actually read this far, I do apologize in advance for subjecting you all to the travesty that is my creative writing. But alas, such is the price for studying math (ENGL 109 can only do so much XD).

FERRAN XU Hi everyone, I'm the Office Manager for this term. Currently I'm in my 2A term, and majoring in actuarial science and statistics. This is my first term on the team, and I'm very excited to be a part of all the events and activities. We have a bunch of resources for you guys at the office, so don't hesitate to come and take out some exam manuals or just drop by to say hi! Looking forward to meeting all of you

LEO LIU Hieveryone!My name is Leo Liu. I am currently in my 2A term and I am your Website Manager for the Actsci Club for the spring term. This is actually my first time as an exec for the club and I will do my best to make Actsci Club have the best website ever. There are a number of information sessions and events planned out for this term and you can always check the relevant information on our clubwebsite. Feel free to come to our events and our office hours during the term!

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SUMMARY OF EVENTS: So what a -MAY-zing events have we had so far?

BEGINNING OF TERM EVENT ft. Bubble Tea, Pizza and Board Games ~ May 19th , 2016

RESUME CRITIQUE ~ May 13th, 2016


The UW ActSci Club officially kicked off the Spring 2016 term with our BOT on May 19th in the MC Comfy Lounge. The event, featuring free bubble tea and pizza (pretty much ActSci Club tradition) offered ActSci club members, both new and old, the opportunity to chill over board games while eating a dinners worth of pizza.

One of the staples of the ActSci Club is the resume critique offered at least once per term. Here, upper year students of the ActSci department impart their words of wisdom upon the new blood by looking over their resumes and discussing its strengths and weaknesses. The event is open to every club member (even those without resumes), but is definitely geared towards younger students who have yet to obtain coop and would like advice. The critique for the Spring 2016 term took place on May 13th.

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ACTSCI x FARMSA EXCEL & VBA TUTORIAL ~ May 25th & June 1st, 2016 The ActSci Club teamed up with FARMSA for a two-part crash course in useful, work- relevant Excel and VBA operations. Excellently led by Koko Deng and Jim Yang from FARMSA, the tutorials had something for everyone! For first time Excel-encounterers, the lessons offered the ABC’s to basic formatting techniques, V-LOOKUP and pivot tables. Then for or those more advanced, VBA coding sure dressed to impress as it offered more efficient and task-oriented flexibility to suit your needs! But as much as these tutorials were an EXCEL-lent opportunity to learn something new, it was also a great time to polish the resume (or rather “justify” the skills that you’ve already written down *cough cough*)

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Cause it’s never too late to get free foo… *cough* join ActSci Club!

SUN LIFE BOMBER – Mingling Party ~ June 7th, 2016

Sun Life will be hosting their Summer Mingling Party this Tuesday June 7th in the Bombshelter Pub from 4 to 6:30 pm. For those of you who’ve never performed any important mingling before (as opposed to normal mingling, where it’s okay if nobody wants to talk to you), this party represents a great chance to start building up that network you keep putting off, learn about Sun Life, and get to know the Sun Life people as human beings rather than the powers that be, holding your fate (read: job application)

MENTORSHIP EVENT – Industry Overview ~ TBD, 2016

Besides Bubble Tea and ASNA, UW ActSci Club is also primarily known for its mentorship program. The first mentorship event of the Spring 2016 term will be held on June 9th from 5-7 pm, location TBA (check FB or random walls in MC for posters to come). Our mentorship coordinators, upper year students with experience in the industry will be on hand to give a presentation on tips about taking actuarial exams, on doing well academically on your ActSci courses and generally how to not burn yourself out as a student/part time actuary. Free pasta will be provided.



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Feel free to drop by!




UW Actsci Club

[email protected]

University of Waterloo Actuarial Science Club