activity 42 c a closer look

Cell Biology and Disease Unit 42C: A Closer Look December 2, 2014

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Cell Biology and Disease

Unit 42C: A Closer LookDecember 2, 2014

Activity 42C: A Closer LookDecember 2, 2014

Getting Started: What kinds of things do cells do? What does the cell membrane do?

Introduction: Read pg.C-55 What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?.

A Closer LookYou learned that Schleiden and Schwann discovered that all living organisms are made up of one or more cells. This includes plants, animals, and many microbes. The microbes that cause infectious disease are often organisms made of just one cell, as Siebold discovered. Most organisms you can see without a microscope are made of many cells.What are some of the parts of a cell? What do they



Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.

Key Words: mitochondria, cross-section, nucleus, microbe

Procedure: This is a stopping to read activity. Write a one sentence summary of what is done in a

stopping to read activity.

Results: Double Bubble MapCell DiagramsCross-SectionCell Structure

Analysis: The cell as a city

Reflection: Why are membranes so important to cells?