acting- 7 reasons you didn't get the part (and how to fix it)

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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    This is a special report written by Adam Wahlberg.

    Please share it with anyone you would like underCreative Commons Attribution 3.0.

    2011 Adam Wahlberg
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Table of Contents (clickable)

    1. Who Am I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Why Am I Writing This? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    3. Reason #1: You Werent Prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    4. Reason #2: You Werent Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    5. Reason #3: You Were Too Nervous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    6. Reason #4: You Didnt Market Yourself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    7. Reason #5: You Chose Bad Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    8. Reason #6: You Need More Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    9. Reason #7: You Dont Know Anyone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    10. Final Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    11. Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Who Am I?My name is Adam Wahlberg, and Im an actor living in The Big Apple. Imnot a star on Broadway, I dont have a three picture deal with Miramax, andyou wont find my name in any of the tabloids. (And thank God for that.)

    I attended Syracuse Universitys School of Drama, and I was lucky enoughto book six months of solid acting work right after graduation. (Luckybecause I really had no idea what I was doing.)

    Like most of my peers, I spend my week attending countless auditions,callbacks, meetings, and industry parties. And when Im not doing that, Imout of town doing a play or a shooting a film. Its a crazy lifestyle, and itsnot for everyone.

    In 2009, I attended close to 300 auditions in and around New York City. Iread with countless aspiring actors from all walks of life. And heres what Inoticed...

    Many of those actors were absolutely, breath-takingly brilliant! But theywould never get the chance to shine because their audition technique washorrible. Ive been in the trenches, and Ive seen it firsthand.

    So I did a little research and found plenty of books, courses, websites,blogs, and other info on the subject ofacting. But virtually nothing on the

    art of the audition.

    I decided it was time to change all that. So in January of 2010, I launchedAce Your Audition, a website dedicated to helping actors achieve theirgoals by focusing on their audition technique.

    And this special report is the natural extension of my crusade to helpactors just like you to empower themselves, having their own career on their own terms.


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Why Am I Writing This?The general public, and indeed, even many aspiring actorsdont know what the average actor goes through on a daily

    basis. It all boils down to one word...

    Rejection. Even theword itselfmakes youflinch, doesnt it? Itmeans that youre notwanted. It meansThanks, but nothanks...

    But you bravely carry on, attending audition after audition,baring your soul to casting directors who dont seem tocare. And after you leave, you wonder if youll ever get thatcall. And you dont.

    Do you ever ask yourself, What went wrong?

    In this special report, Im going to share with you the sevenmost common reasons why an actor doesnt get the part.And then Ill show you how to avoid these pitfalls so you can

    book more jobs, and easily catapult your acting career tonew heights.

    Be forewarned! Thisspecial report containsdirty details about thebusiness of show. And itdoesnt paint a prettypicture. Even for the most

    successful actors, its a rocky road; filled with hardship,rejection, and heartache.

    But this report alsodelves deep into the

    secret strategies andclandestine tactics ofthe most seasonedprofessional actors,revealing for the firsttime how they land thejob on a consistentbasis.

    Im not writing this

    report to scare you offor crush your dreamsof being a workingactor. Im writing thisto fortify you for thetough journey ahead.Im writing this to arm you with the tools you need to realizeyour goals, whatever they may be.

    And remember that the tougher the journey, the greater the



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    A rejection is nothing more than

    a necessary step in the pursuit of

    success. -Bo Bennett

    Actors search for rejection.

    If they don't get it they reject

    themselves. -Charlie Chaplin
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Reason #1: You Werent Prepared...Imagine this: You have a big audition coming upnext week, and you have everything undercontrol: Youve chosen a monologue, you did

    the table work, you have it memorized,and youve been rehearsing every day.You feel relaxed and confident.

    But when you finally hit theaudition room, you forget the very firstline!

    Happens all the time.

    Motor Response

    Okay, lets talk about memorization. Its notjust about committing the words tomemory. Nor is it about knowing them byheart. To really know a monologue, ascene, or a song... It has to be burieddeep in your bones. It has to become apart of you.

    Itscalled yourmotorresponse ormusclememory. When yourepeat an activity (inthis case, recitingyour lines), yourbrainliterallybuilds

    new neural pathways to accommodate that activity.3 This isalso how you learned to walk. You dont thinkabout how towalk, your muscles justknow what to do.

    By the way, beingprepared isnt just about

    memorization. Thatsjust the beginning. Next,you have to create theimagined situation of thescene, determine whatyour character wantsand how he/she goesabout getting it, andthen turn all of that intoactionable behavior.

    Are you beginning tosee my point aboutpreparation?

    If you think youreprepared, I urge you tobe honest with yourselfand re-evaluate. You will find theresalways something elseto be done.

    Its the wonderful paradox about acting... The more solidyour foundation, the more freedom you have to play. Andthe better your acting will be.


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    If you know your character's

    thoughts, the proper vocal and

    bodily expressions will naturally

    follow. -Constantin Stanislavski
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Your Plan of Action

    ! Select a monologue from this list. Read it over, and do allthe appropriate table work.

    !Memorize it using the exercise in this chapter.

    !Grab a friend or family member and sit them on the sofa.Perform the piece as if you were in arealaudition situation.Do this multiple times with multiple people, and in multiplelocations. DO NOT ask for feedback.

    Congratulations! You have a new audition piece. You canuse this simple process whenever you have a newmonologue or song to learn.

    The Bottom Line

    Your preparation says a lot about your work ethic. Directorswant actors who will work hard to bring their vision to life.Be that actor, and youll have your choice of roles to play.


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Reason #2: You Werent

    Professional...It isnt about how many unions you belong to, or how manyBroadway shows you have under your belt. To be aprofessional, you have to monitor your behavior. Its allabout how you conduct yourself, and how you treat othersaround you.

    Admittedly, these concepts arent ground-breaking,subversive, or revolutionary. Theyre mere common sense,and may even seem a little remedial. But trust me, theserules get broken all the time, even by the

    most experienced professionals.So please read carefully.

    Do... up early. If youre notearly, youre late. Do yourself a favorand show up at least 10 to 15 minutesahead of time. Why? Well, lets see...

    You might run into traffic, you mighthave to fill out paperwork, the 6 trainmight be out of service, you mightforget your headshot at home, youmight run into a freak snowstorm oranother strange weatherphenomenon, hostile extra-terrestriallife forms may invade Earth and

    enslave the human race, or worst of all...

    You might miss your appointment and hold up the wholeaudition process. Avoid that at all cost. Dont be that actor.

    ...mind your Ps and

    Qs. Simple phraseslike good morning,please, and thank youcan be extremelyeffective in gettingsomeone to complywith your request,whilst breedinggoodwill at the sametime.

    ...bring something

    to do. 9 times out of10, your audition turnsinto a waiting game.So bring something tooccupy your time andattention. A crosswordpuzzle, a page-turningnovel, Angry Birds, orwhatever. Why is thisimportant?

    Because it will ward off any excess tension or nervousbehavior (see Reason #3), and it will prevent you from beingdrawn into conversation with other actors. It will alsoprevent you from reciting your audition material. (If you dontknow it by now...)


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    The idea is to keep calm, relaxed, and focused.


    ...dress inappropriately. Dressing provocatively is a no-

    no for women and men alike. It will make others around youfeel anxious and embarrassed. And as weve established,people recognize other people by the way they make themfeel. Do you want thedirector to associate youwith his feelings ofanxiety? That probablywont get you hired. too loud in the

    waiting room. That roomis full of interns and production managers who are justaching to point out the troublemakers. So keep your voicelow.

    ...chew gum. Not only does it make you look like a camel,it also shows a lack of respect for the auditors and theirstaff. What if your character is chewing gum during thescene? Youre an actor. Pretend.

    Your plan of action:

    When in doubt, ask yourself this question: If I do this, will Ioffend anyone? If the answer is yes, dont do it.

    The Bottom Line

    Think of every audition like a job interview, because thatsexactly what it is. Conduct yourself in a professional andfriendly manner, and directors will jump at the chance to hire

    you for their project.


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    Behavior is a mirror in which

    every man displays his own

    image. -Goethe
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Reason #3: You Were Too Nervous...Weve all experienced it. Your mouth is dry, its hard toswallow, youre breaking out in a cold sweat, youre short ofbreath, and youre weak in the knees. Youre just plain


    Heres a little secret: Anxiety is just a watered down versionof a much stronger emotion. Fear. If you want to control yournerves, you need to know what fear is and how it works.

    Believe it or not, the emotion of fear is healthy. It's a seriesof neuro-transmitting bio-chemicals (adrenaline mostly)released into your body. They give you super speed andstrength. They improve your hearing, vision, sense of smell,

    even speed of thought.

    This reflex is known as your fight or flight response. Almostall mammals have one, including humans. It's programmedinto our DNA.5

    Fight or flighthelped us to outrun and outwit those lions,tigers, and bears while we were evolving. Heres whathappens...

    Muscles contact throughout the body.The head is pulled down, the shoulders pulled up. The hipsmove forward and spine curves inward. This is to protectyour vital organs from harm.

    If you try to resist this and stand up straight, your diaphragmand vocal cords become tight, which makes your breathingshallow and your voice thin. It reduces blood flow to the

    brain which may induce a headache or cause you to passout.

    Breathing becomes shallow and rapid.Because the body requires an even flow of oxygen for themuscles, it resorts to quick and superficial breaths.

    Heart rate and blood pressure intensify.The oxygen, adrenaline, and glucose needs to be distributedevenly throughout your muscles, and fast. This also helps toproduce sweat, which will help prevent overheating.

    The digestive system shuts down.During fight or flight,digestion is not a highpriority. Stomach acid

    and saliva stop beingproduced. This leadsto stomach butterfliesand dry mouth.

    Brain wave frequency

    increases.And because you'rethinking faster, timebecomes distorted,

    turning a minute intoan eternity.

    In essence, fear helpsyou stay alive. So itsactually a good thing.

    But if you want to bean actor, you have to


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    get rid of all undesired physical tension. Because it willabsolutelykillyour acting technique.

    Professional actors spendyears trying to rid themselves ofunchosen tension with elaborate techniques like Alexander,Meyerhold, Linklater, Feldenkrais, and the list goes on. But

    heres some good news: There are some simple, easyguidelines you can follow to get rid of those nerves. Andhere they are...

    Warm up.Breathing and vocal exercises are great for focusing yournervous energy into something useful. Before everyperformance, I warm up physically and vocally for 45minutes. It does wonders.

    Start by reading Freeing the Natural Voice by KristinLinklater or Speaking Shakespeare by Patsy Rodenburg. Butif you truly want a solid warm up routine (and a life-changingexperience), find a class.

    Watch your diet.

    Avoid protein, fat, and dairy before a performance. Theytake too long to digest. So when your fight or flight kicks in,the food just sits in your stomach, creating cramps andnausea.

    Instead, eat complex carbohydrates a few hours beforeperformance. This will digest quickly and increase yourseratonin (a "feel good" hormone). Complex carbs are:breads, pastas, beans, potatoes, bran, rice, and cereals.

    Finally, stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Allthree will increase symptoms of stress. (But if you are asmoker, nowisn'tthe time to kick the habit.)

    Sleep.This one is easy. Make sure you're getting 7 to 8 hours anight. It can and willaffect your performance.

    Take vitamins.Specifically vitamins B and C, calcium, and magnesium,

    which act as natural tranquilizers.

    Exercise.Hit the gym torelease endorphinsand relax thoselarger musclegroups. Even if youdon't exercise on aregular basis,

    jogging or swimmingthe night before isextremely helpful.

    Be prepared.Maybe the bestmethod of dealingwith fear and stagefright is to know your performance, inside and out. If youknow what you're doing, you'll be relaxed, focused and

    ready to go. (See Reason #1.)

    Your Plan of Action

    Go back and re-read the guidelines I outlined in this chapter.Pick the three areas that need the most improvement in yourlife. Work on them one at a time. Not all at once. Changing


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    Unchosen tension is one of the

    actor's greatest enemies. Tension

    is the physical manifestation of

    blocked impulses: emotions,

    thoughts, physical responses. Andif you don't have access to your

    impulses, you're a zombie, not a

    master actor.
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    your habits is really hard work, and most people give up toosoon. So take it slow.

    Did you know that it takes 28 days to form a new habit?6

    The Bottom Line

    The next time you get that anxious feeling, remind yourselfthat its just human instinct, designed to keep you alive.Dismiss it, and go kick some ass. It will vastly improve yourchances of getting hired.


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Reason #4: You Didnt Market

    Yourself...The secret is the right mindset: You are an entrepreneur witha product to sell. You're selling you. Your face, yourpersonality, your voice, your acting skills, your singing skills,et al. All working actors understand this concept.

    Any good business ownerknows that if you want to sell,you have to narrow down yourniche. A niche is an area ofexpertise, a specialty. Its the

    difference between being ageneral physician and being ananesthesiologist.

    It soundscounter-intuitive,but hear me out.Most actorswant to show offtheir supposed

    versatility. Sothey stack theirresum withevery roletheyve everplayed, hoping toimpress the castingdirector. But all theyrereally doing is

    confusing him, and turning him off. But theres a betterway...

    Tell Them How to Cast You

    Thats right, I said it. Tell them how to cast you.

    See, theres this disease plaguing the acting communityknown as typecasting. If you could be a fly on the wall atone of these casting meetings, youd hear a lot of this:

    " What we need is a Ryan Reynolds type.

    " Who was that girl who looked like a Jessica Alba type?

    " He seems like a Godfather type of guy.

    Casting directors dont have much imagination, so theydont see you for the unique snowflake child that you are.Instead, they lump actors into categories: Leading man,best friend, cheerleader, vixen, nerd, stoner, and so forth.

    Most actors HATE this, and they work against it. But youresmarter than that; youre going to use typecasting to helpyou get acting jobs. See your plan of action below todiscover your type.

    When you attend an audition, you must tell them how tocast you. This means you already know which part youresuitable for, and have tailored your marketing approach tolet directors know that. If you make their job easy, they loveyou long time.


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    Marketing Your Business

    Now that we've identifiedthe product (you), it's timeto market that product.

    How do you get your nameout there? How can youget hired?

    Headshot and Resum.An actor's 8x10 callingcard. It needs to look asprofessional as possiblebecause it's going to crossthe desk of directors,

    producers, agents,managers, etc. (Bonuspoints if you print up somebusiness cards!)

    On the Web.Sites like willhost your onlineinformation. Hostingphotos, your resum, even your demo reel.

    Networking.One of the best skills you can develop is tuning into what'shappening around you, and trying to get involved. What'smore, surrounding yourself with positive, successful rolemodels is essential. True entrepreneurs are experts atnetworking.

    Your Plan of Action

    Earlier, we talked about type-casting. Heres how to find outyour type...

    Ask 20 different people (friends, acquaintances, etc.) toconsider their first impression of you. Ask them to come upwith 3 different adjectives of that impression. And tell themto be brutally honest. Write the adjectives down in anotebook.

    By the end, youll have 60 different adjectives in yournotebook. And chances are, several of them will overlap,having been mentioned more than once. Those are theadjectives you want to pay attention to. From thoseadjectives, you should be able to determine your type.

    The Bottom Line

    The powers that be will see you as a product. Something tosell and make money from. And you should think this waytoo. This may seem dark and dreary, but it's actually agoodthing. Why? Because you realize that it's not personal. It'sjust good business.

    If you get specific about your marketing plan using thetechniques we talked about, you dramatically increase yourchances of working as an actor.


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Reason #5: You Chose Bad

    Material...Sometimes, its not up to you. Youre given sides, or worseyet... a cold-reading! But 4 times out of 5, you have toprepare a short audition piece. A monologue, a song, orsomething else.

    But how you choose your audition material can make orbreak your chances. Here are some tips...

    Something Needs to Happen

    If I learned just one thing while at school, it would be this: Inevery scene (and monologues count as scenes), somethingneeds to happen. A discovery, a shift in power, anultimatum, a seduction, a plea for your life. These are allevents. And without them, you have no scene.

    The most successful actors choose material that grips theimagination, packed with life-changing events.

    There, I just saved you four years and $200,000. Youre



    Every good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.Your audition material should be the same, whether itsTolstoys War and Peace, or a short 16 bars of Rogers &Hammerstein.

    The beginning sets the scene, telling us all the Ws: Who,What, Where, When, and Why.

    The middle is the struggle, the conflict, the striving for whatyour character wants in the scene.

    The end is the resolution. Either your character wins theirfight, or they lose.

    Each of these parts needs the other two to be successful.You cant have a scene with only a beginning and middle, oronly a beginningand end. It justdoesnt work. Makesure youre pickingmaterial that has all

    three parts.

    Time Limit

    The call sheet willtell you how longyou are alloted foryour audition piece.For example, two minutes is standard when it comes to

    monologues. That means from the time you utter your veryfirst line, you have 120 seconds to finish.

    One of the worst mistakes you can make is running toolong. Nothing annoys a director like having to cut off anactor. While practicing, you need to time your audition piecewith a stopwatch, right down to the second.


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    What happens if itkeeps running long?Maybe you shouldtalk faster? Or dontdo that thing after

    that one line? Only you can decide. But heres what I do: I

    cut the text.

    I cut single words, I cut phrases, I cut whole sentences, andIm ruthless. I say its better to cut your lines, than to cutyour acting.

    Your Plan of Action

    When scoping out potential audition material, ask yourselfthe following questions:

    !Does anything happen?

    !Does it have a beginning, middle, and end?

    !Can it be cut down to less than two minutes?

    !Does it excite me?

    If you can answer yes to these four crucial questions, youvegot a winner. (Bonus points if you can go through all yourcurrentmonologues and songs, weeding out the ones youknow are just plain bad.)

    The Bottom Line

    Listen, there are a lot of really crappy writers out there. But

    you dont have to use their artless drivel for your auditions,because now you know exactly what good writing looks like.And that will take you a long way towards becoming aworking actor.


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    An ounce of behavior is worth a

    pound of words. -Sanford Meisner
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Reason #6: You Need More

    Training...You're probably wondering why you need acting training inthe first place. Why can't you just get on stage and do yourthing?

    Let me ask you something: If you were going to play a gameof chess, wouldn't you first want to learn the rules? Howdoes the queen move? The bishop? The rook? You can'tjust sit down and start moving pieces at random, becauseyou would lose the game.

    And while there is no right or wrong in the craft of acting,there IS good and bad. So if you havent already, seek someinstruction.

    No Money?

    Many aspiringactors tell methat they donthave the cash

    to pay for actingclasses. And I get it. Were all broke. However, if yourepassionate about your craft, and youre driven to succeed,youll find the money. Earn it, scrimp it, save it. Its importantto your growth as an actor.

    But just in case you absolutely cannotpay for classes, hereare a few other ideas to flex your acting muscles...

    Training for Free

    An actors training doesnt always take the form of a classthat you pay for. Sometimes its an improv group that meetsevery Thursday, or your church choir, or a monologueworkshop at a friends house. Something with a low barrierto entry, someplace where you can practice your craft safelyand without fear of judgement.

    Volunteer.I know I must sound like a broken record by now, but youhave to get involved with your local theatre, any way youcan. The more time you spend in the right environment, thebetter your chances for success.

    Observation.Its a funny thing... We spend so much time interacting withother people, and almost no time observing their behavior.

    I encourage you to go sit in a public place; a playground, amall, a Starbucks, or wherever. Then get comfortable, and


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    The actor has to develop his body. The

    actor has to work on his voice. But the

    most important thing the actor has to

    work on is his mind. - Stella Adler
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    watch the show. (And make sure to take some notes.) Mostpeople regard this as a waste of time, but youll beshockedat what you can learn.

    Read a book.All the most best actors I know are voracious readers. And

    not just books about acting. Take a peek at their nightstandand you find everything from Stephen King to StephenHawking. It increases your vocabulary and augments yourimagination.

    Always ask why.

    Another trait of the skilled actor is curiosity. Meryl Streeponce said, I'm curious about other people. That's theessence of my acting. I'm interested in what it would be liketo be you.

    Your Plan of Action

    Training is important. So if you dont have the money forclasses, try this technique:

    !Audit a class. Google your local acting school and ask ifyou can audit a class. Even if you cant afford to enroll, youcan learn so much just by sitting in the room and taking


    !Intern. If you like what you saw in the classroom,approach the teacher and ask if you can be an intern. Saysomething like this:

    Hey [Mr./Mrs. So & So], thanks for letting me audityour class. I really respect the work youre doing here.

    Id like to enroll, but I cant really afford the tuitionright now. Tell me, is the school looking for interns?

    If you show that youre enthusiastic and willing to work hard,they might just strike a deal with you. Come on, what haveyou got to lose?

    The Bottom Line

    Beg, borrow, steal, or intern your way into an acting class. Itwill improve your acting game 1000%, and may be thedifference between well call you, and you got the part!


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    Reason #7: You Dont Know Anyone...Heres a little secret about show business: (And anybusiness, really.) Directors only work with actors that theyknow, like, and respect. Rarely will they take a chance on

    actors they dont know, no matter how sensationallytalented they might be.

    Dont believe me? I can prove it. How many Tim Burtonmovies can you name? Well lets see...

    ! Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

    ! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    ! Edward Scissorhands

    !Alice in Wonderland

    ! Sleepy Hollow

    ! Corpse Bride

    ! Ed Wood

    And who starred in each andevery one of them? Can youname him?

    Thats right. Johnny Depp.

    And thats no accident.

    Out of the thirteen studionarrative titles that Burtonhas directed, Johnny Depphas been his leading man inover halfof them.8 And why?Because he knows that Deppwill show up on time, be

    prepared to work, and help him make akilling at the boxoffice.

    This phenomenon happens all over Hollywood, and all overthe world. Like it or not, business is built on relationships.

    So how can you be like Johnny? How to get into the goodgraces of a director?

    Its easy. By showing up often, by being professional andfriendly, and by consistently giving a solid audition.

    Even if you dont get the part the first time, second time, orthird time around, theyll get to know you. Theyll be excitedto see your work. Theyll be happy to see you. And that willeventually lead to a job. I guarantee it.

    Actors, especially young actors, get so wrapped up in thisone audition or this one interview that they fail to see the big

    picture. It takesyears to buildyour reputation.


    And by the way, dont makeauditions your only contact with

    the local showbiz community.You have to go see plays, attendparties, meet people,network.

    I think actors tend to regardnetworking as a dirty word. Weimagine some transparentHollywood sleaze-ball handingout his headshot and resum at


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    industry parties, trying desperately to make friends with theright people.

    But heres the secret to effective networking... Focus on howyou can help other people. What skills do you already have?How canyou leverage those skills to help someone else?

    There are so many benefits to this tactic, its amazing. Youget the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone. Youautomatically augment your profile in the acting community.And you can take advantage of The Reciprocity Rule.

    The Reciprocity Rule

    Speaking ofnetworking, Im about

    to reveal apsychologicaltechnique Ive beenusing for years withgreat success. But Ihave to warn you, itsnot exactly... ethical.

    Its called The Reciprocity Rule. It states that if you do anunexpected favor for someone (your target), they will feel anoverwhelming obligation to comply with your next request.And they dont realize its happening. Whats more, yourtarget doesnt have to know you, or evenlike you for the ruleto apply.9

    I was using reciprocation even before I knew what it was.And let me tell you, its scary how well it works. If you wantto know more, I recommend reading Influence by RobertCialdini, chapter 2.

    Your Plan of Action

    Sit down and get out your calendar for the next month. Findout what plays and musicals are opening in your town andmake it your business to be there. Even if you have to goalone.

    The idea is to meet people, and to find out how you can getinvolved. Once youve done that, inertia will take care of therest.

    The Bottom Line

    Sometimes being an actor isnt about booking the job. Itsabout working the room. Its about simply getting seen. Thatway, the next time they hold auditions, the casting directorknows you and your work. And youre that much closer togetting the job.


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    The successful networkers I

    know, the ones receiving tons of

    referrals and feeling truly happyabout themselves, continually put

    the other person's needs ahead of

    their own.- Bob Burg
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Final WordI overhear so many actors complain about how they dontget enough work, how they audition too often and performtoo seldom. What they fail to realize is this... The audition is

    your chance to perform.

    True, theres no spotlight, no movie camera, no adoring fans,and no money involved. But for two whole minutes, thatroom belongs to you. Make it shine.

    And if you keep this mindset, youabsolutely willstart gettingmore parts, and have more chances to perform.

    A ChallengeThe emails I get are all the same: They wanna be an actor,but they dont know how to get started. Allow me to impartlife lesson numero uno...

    You start by starting. You start by standing up from thepiece of furniture youre sitting on right now, finding yourlocal theatre, andmaking a difference.

    It pains me to knowthat most of you willdevourthis book,and then doabsolutely nothingwith it. You wont use a single strategy, tactic, or techniqueIve written.

    I challenge you to be the exception. Dont sit there andthink. Go get your hands dirty.

    A Word of Thanks

    If youve made it this far, it means I havent scared you off.Congratulations! There was a lot of information in thisspecial report, and I understand its a lot to take in. But younow have a whole new set of powerful tools to boost yourburgeoning acting career.

    If you found this special report helpful, please feel free toshare it with a friend, a colleague, or a fellow actor.

    Lastly, I want to thank you for your support of AYA. Its a real

    passion project of mine, and it wouldnt be half as much funwithout someone to read it. And thats you!

    Go get em, Tiger...


    Adam Wahlberg

    Founder,Ace Your Audition

    Email Me!

    Facebook Me!Tweet Me!


    Learn more at

    He only earns his freedom andhis life who takes them every day

    by storm. -Goethe!/aceyouraudition!/aceyouraudition!/aceyouraudition[email protected]?subject=New%20Message%20from%20AYA.commailto:[email protected]?subject=New%20Message%20from%20AYA.com
  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    Sources1. "U.S. Screen Actors Guild may organize a strike vote" WorldSocialist Web Site, Web. 8 Oct 2008.

    2. "Who Cares? | Words Are Not Enough" . Words Are NotEnough, Web. 29 Sep 2011.

    3. "Articles on Brain Based Education" . BrainsDotOrg, Web. n.d.

    4. "Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling" YouTube, Web. 11 May2011.

    5. "Adrenaline: Fight or Flight Response" YouTube, Web. 4 May 2010.

    6. "How many days does it take to create a habit? | ADHD in Focus" PsychCentral, Web. n.d.

    7. "APS Observer - How Many Seconds to a First Impression?" Association for Psychological Science, Web. n.d.

    8."Tim Burton - IMDb" Internet Movie Database, Web. n.d.

    9. Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: The Psychologyof Persuasion. New York: Harper Collins, 2007. Print.


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  • 7/28/2019 Acting- 7 Reasons you didn't get the part (And how to fix it)


    DisclaimerPlease note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author hasmade every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this ebook, he assumes no responsibility forerrors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not

    be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your useof the information and recommendations accordingly.

    Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners,

    and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms.

    Finally, use your head. Nothing in this ebook is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice,

    and is meant to inform and entertain the reader.

    Copyright 2011 Adam Wahlberg.


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