acid reflux not what medicine thinks it is · 2013-08-10 · 3 acid reflux – not what medicine...

ACID REFLUX OR HEARTBURN not what medicine thinks it is By Peter de Ruyter

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not what medicine

thinks it is


Peter de Ruyter

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2 Acid Reflux – not what medicine thinks it is


Copyright © Peter de Ruyter-2013-All Rights Reserved

Permission is hereby granted to freely share this information on the understanding that

no part of the text is altered in any manner whatsoever, and that due credit is given to

the author, with details of his websites left intact, i.e.

Please also note:

No part of this article is intended as a form of diagnosis or prescription on physical,

mental or emotional levels. If, after reading any data in this article you decide to

instigate a change in your present therapeutic regime, then it is imperative to also seek

out the professional services of an appropriate specialist – either natural or medical for

further expert advice.

My intent as author of this article is solely to provide information of an educational

nature. No responsibility can be accepted for your actions or their consequences, in the

event you use any information from this article with which to change your life in any

manner whatsoever.

AUTHOR: de Ruyter, Peter, 1951 –

TITLE: „Acid Reflux – not what medicine thinks it is‟

PUBLISHED BY: Peter de Ruyter – 10.8.13

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3 Acid Reflux – not what medicine thinks it is


Acid Reflux – Beware - It’s Usually A

Problem Of Too Little Acid; NOT Too


Acid reflux isn‟t driven by what medicine believes, but this has the unfortunate

ramification of their drug treatments often causing more harm than good. Learn what

is truly driving heartburn - and be prepared!… in most cases it is not due to an

excess of stomach acid.

Acid reflux or heartburn is a complex, multi-layered health condition, and can cause

severe irritation and damage to the esophagus, even to the point of triggering

esophageal cancer.

Nowadays, gastric reflux disease is a health challenge which seems to be rushing

towards epidemic proportions in our hectic, toxic and often chaotically unbalanced

modern lifestyle. Just watch TV for half an hour, and see how many ads there are for

this uncomfortable and annoying problem.

Ironically, there‟s a twist to this condition of gastroesophageal reflux disease, which

medicine – generally - hasn‟t yet picked up on. Hence, this is resulting in most

people being wrongly treated for their heartburn, by being prescribed medications

that inevitably cause an even greater list of gastric, and other systemic symptoms.

Medicine‟s approach is to give you a quick-fix, „magic bullet‟ drug, such as one of the

many proton pump inhibitors. However, these usually don‟t cure the situation, and

only suppress symptoms. Stop the drug, and the symptoms usually come back –

especially if there have no concurrent lifestyle changes.

In this comprehensive article, you‟ll be able to explore the many self-empowering

ways in which you can manage your acid reflux symptoms via a range of safe,

effective and more natural approaches, with a summary of the topics to be covered

listed below:

Various Terms Used To Describe This Condition

What Are Some Acid Reflux Symptoms?

Gastric Reflux Is Mostly Due To Too Little Acid – Not Too Much!

This Medical Misconception can result in serious health consequences

What Causes Acid Reflux?

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What Are The Acid Reflux Drugs Used By Doctors – And Their Side-Effects?

The Often Serious Consequences That Can Accompany The Classic Medical

Drugs Used For Gastric Reflux Disease

What Are Some Acid Reflux Triggers?

How Stress Affects Gastric Reflux

Factors Aggravating Gastric Reflux Disease

Some Natural Acid Reflux Remedies Suggestions

My Top 5 Natural Remedies For Gastric Reflux Disease

o Slippery Elm + Chia & Flax Seed Combo

o Apple Cider Vinegar + Honey

o Bitter Herb Therapy

o “Iberogast” – A Well-Researched, Herbal Remedy From Germany

o Nature Sunshine “Stomach Comfort” (Australian version only!)

Other Heartburn Remedies Include:

o “Spice Tea” – a simple blend of common spices - improves digestion

o Hydrochloric acid + pancreatic enzyme therapy

o Chewing your food properly – Simple? Yes. Effective? Definitely!

o Exercise – always important in any health issue

o Food combining – can be surprisingly effective for many with reflux

o Allergies – doing a food reactivity diary – really worth the effort!

o Not eating too soon before bed

o European way of eating a moderate breakfast, a hearty lunch and a

light evening snack

o Aloe vera + Wheat Grass powder

o Yogurt & Kefir

o Chewing an apple – yep; works for many! What‟s to lose by trying it?

o Zinc, Vitamin A, & Glutamine

o Various herbal teas e.g. Chamomile, Ginger, Alfalfa seeds, Celery

seeds, Liquorice

o Fatty foods can cause reflux, but you still need healthy oils

Conclusions About Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

Resources Section

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Some Terminology Used In This Acid Reflux Guide

But what exactly causes this health condition, which can lead to complications such

as a severely ulcerated lower esophagus (esophagitis); esophageal bleeding;

strictures and even cancer? Plus, what can be done about gastric reflux?

Firstly, in an effort to give you more information on acid reflux disease, let‟s clarify

some terminology, because this health condition comes under a range of different

labels that don‟t necessarily seem connected, and hence can cause confusion. The

most commonly used terms include:

GERD (gastroEsophageal reflux disease)

GORD (gastro-Oesophageal reflux disease – different countries; different


Acid indigestion, or just plain „indigestion‟

Gastric reflux

Acid reflux, or simply „reflux‟

Heartburn – because it feels like a burning sensation in the heart area

What Are Some Of The Acid Reflux Symptoms?

A rising, burning feeling, usually from the pit of your stomach, or in the centre

of your chest

A sour or bitter taste at the back of your throat

Damage to the throat, called acid reflux sore throat

This can also cause voice disorders

Or a chronic cough

Asthma-like symptoms

Difficulty swallowing

Nausea that comes and goes

For most People, Acid Reflux Is A Condition Of Too Little Stomach Acid

True, there are cases of gastric reflux disease where the problem is due to the

stomach producing too much hydrochloric acid. However, this is relatively rare, and

the most common misconception about acid reflux is that it is always due to an

excess of acid in the stomach.

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Yet, for the greatest majority of people the reverse is true! This seems counter-

intuitive, and it‟s also something the average doctor is seldom taught during med-


In the „olden days‟, doctors would actually test for stomach acid levels, but this is

rarely – if ever – done nowadays. Anyone presenting to a doctor with burning

symptoms that rise up in the chest, or any of the other acid reflux symptoms

mentioned above, is automatically assumed to be producing too much acid. After all,

most patients in this situation complain of a burning sensation, which is „obviously‟

caused by too much acid.

But here‟s the twist. What is not generally understood – especially by doctors – is

that there needs to be a constant stimulus to the upper stomach sphincter, or valve,

in order to keep it closed – and that stimulus is hydrochloric acid itself!

How Gastroesophageal-Reflux-Disease Occurs

Yes, such burning symptoms are indeed produced by acid from the stomach.

However, in order to get a better understand of why this seemingly anomalous

situation occurs, we first need to take a look at what is called the „lower esophageal

sphincter‟, or LES, also known as the „cardiac sphincter‟.

This is like a little „trap-door‟ situated where the lower end of the esophagus

connects to the stomach itself. Normally, the stomach keeps this „valve‟ tightly

closed, other than when we are swallowing, at which point it will briefly open to allow

any food or drink to enter the stomach.

However, when the stomach starts to produce less and less acid – for reasons we‟ll

explore in a minute – then so too is there less and less stimulation to keep that lower

esophageal sphincter closed. Hence, as the level of stimulation to this „valve‟ is lost,

so too does it start to leak… and that‟s when the trouble starts.

As this valve, or sphincter, increasingly becomes more lax, it now becomes easier

for any of the stomach contents – which are still partially acidic! – to ooze or squirt

out of the stomach, and up into the esophagus – that tube which goes from the back

of the mouth, and connects to the top end of the stomach.

The reason that acid reflux symptoms can be so severe is that, compared to the

stomach - which has specialized cells to protect the stomach walls from being eaten

up, or digested by hydrochloric acid - the cells lining the esophagus are not protected

in this way. Therefore, they are easy prey to the very corrosive nature of even

relatively dilute amounts of hydrochloric acid. Hence, as this acid goes up the lower

esophagus, it causes a rather nasty degree of irritation, and over time, literally

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„burns‟ that esophageal lining – with a „burning‟ sensation being one of the major

acid reflux symptoms.

When the delicate esophageal lining is chronically exposed to this corrosive acid, it

becomes easier to understand why this can cause such a significant amount of

damage, and eventually lots of scarring too. Scar tissue is by nature very inelastic

and rigid, and hence when enough scarring has occurred in the affected parts of the

esophagaus, this can result in what are called „strictures‟. These are areas where the

esophagus can no longer expand, making it very difficult for food and drink to pass

down into the stomach.

Such constant irritation of those lower esophageal lining cells can also trigger

abnormal cellular changes, and hence the development of cancer.

Medical Reserve In Regard To This Explanation Of Acid Reflux

Many doctors may be disturbed by, as well as sceptical of the above explanation as

to what primarily causes acid reflux symptoms in most people. However, such

reservations can easily be set to rest – scientifically - by a few simple questions.

Firstly, do most doctors regularly and routinely do tests measuring hydrochloric acid

levels, or pH, in every patient who comes in with reflux-type symptoms? And the

answer, you‟ll find, is an almost universal „no‟.

Which brings us to the next question: „if no specific tests have been done, how can a

doctor be so sure that the cause of that patient‟s reflux symptoms are definitely due

to an excess of hydrochloric acid production‟? And again, the answer is a simple:

„they don’t know for sure; they are only assuming this is the case‟.

Is this a scientific way of doing medicine? It‟s ironic, however, how often we as

natural therapists are called „unscientific‟!

It is true that many times a patient will be sent for a gastroscopy, which may find

signs of inflammation, irritation if not frank ulceration at the esophageal-stomach

junction, or deeper in the stomach itself. However, this is not automatically a fact

proving the cause was too much acid. Yes, acid is part of the equation for such

damage occurring… but the problem is that medicine automatically assumes it is too

much acid.

This assumption, however, is based on nothing more than the contemporary,

medical dogma as to what primarily causes acid reflux, and this perception needs to

be challenged. Especially since the present medical treatment for acid reflux can

result in generating a litany of further health issues – soon to be explored.

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And one way to challenge the present medical dogma on heartburn would be to do a

series pH readings of the stomach contents, over time, of those presenting with acid

reflux symptoms. This would more conclusively prove – scientifically – whether an

excess of stomach acid was, or wasn‟t the cause of that patient‟s reflux symptoms.

Another way of challenging this present medical view of acid reflux would be to treat

for hypochlorhydria – low stomach acid levels – as per this article, and then let the

results speak for themself.

We need to keep in mind, therefore, that any signs of inflammation, irritation or

ulceration of tissue in this area can only be a signal of some sort of destructive

process occurring; not absolute proof that the cause is too much acid. Again, that

may be the common, medically accepted assumption – but, inevitably not proven

one way or the other by specific tests.

Yes, Medicine’s Drugs Do Work – But At What Cost?

Yes, it is true that medicine‟s answer to reflux symptoms, via powerful drugs capable

of completely shutting down acid production altogether, does work. After all, zero

acid production = zero capacity to cause irritation of tissues. But, then the question

becomes: „is zero acid production actually a healthy option – especially long-term‟?

What needs to be understood is that suboptimal stomach-acid levels can still leave

enough acid in those regurgitating stomach contents to irritate and inflame tissues,

although it is also not enough to ensure an overall healthy digestive process. And as

will be explored soon, there is a crucial reason why we do need optimal levels of

stomach acid production.

Hence, if the levels of such acid production have dropped, surely, the best

therapeutic answer is not to now go and shut such production down even further –

even if this relieves symptoms! Wouldn‟t it make more sense to look a bit deeper into

why that specific patient‟s acid production has deteriorated – and then work on those


Our contention is that solely, and automatically shutting down a stomach‟s ability to

produce any acid at all – as the most common, and supposedly best therapeutic

answer to „acid reflux‟ - is a risky treatment approach, which puts patients in further

jeopardy of developing potentially serious secondary health issues.

Medicine’s Lack Of Understanding Can Have Serious Consequences

There are a whole range of reasons why our stomach acid production may start to

decrease, and we‟ll look at those in a moment. But, first we truly need to grasp the

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serious ramifications caused by this common misconception – especially amongst

doctors - of gastric reflux being caused by too much hydrochloric acid.

This is important, because doctors are the primary ones prescribing the various acid

reflux medications – whose inherent purpose is to lower stomach acid production;

the very thing that is inevitably already a problem!

However, it‟s worth repeating that what is even more disconcerting is how many of

these drugs for acid reflux are so potent that they often shut down stomach acid

secretion altogether.

Hence, what needs to be understood is that the stomach doesn‟t produce

hydrochloric acid for nothing. Nature simply isn‟t that silly! This substance, despite its

inherent corrosiveness, is a crucially important secretion, which plays many vital

roles in keeping us healthy.

For one thing, a stomach capable of secreting healthy amounts of hydrochloric acid

is also a stomach in which any „bad‟ bugs entering our system – via food or drink –

can be decimated before they enter too much further into our body.

That‟s why healthy cats, dogs, wolves, etc, are able to eat remarkably rotten meat,

yet suffer no infectious or toxic consequences from their actions. This is because

such healthy animals secrete lots of hydrochloric acid in their stomach, which is

capable of totally annihilating any bug, or bug-toxins in that rotten food!

The other thing that we truly need to grasp is that this acid is essential for adequate

digestion of our food. Hydrochloric acid ensures that whatever we‟ve eaten is

effectively broken down to a particulate size better able to be further digested by

various other means - including pancreatic enzymes produced beyond the stomach


Furthermore, it is imperative that the body is able to maintain the correct pH in the

small and large intestines. This is mostly controlled by how much acid is secreted by

the stomach, way in the beginning of the entire digestive process. If the pH in the

intestines becomes abnormal, this can drive ecological mayhem amongst our

normal, healthy gut bugs, which in turn can be the primary driver for inflammatory

changes to our bowel lining. This in turn can either cause health problems such as

irritable bowel syndrome, or exacerbate conditions like ulcerative colitis or Crohn‟s


“The Hip Bone Is Connected To The Thigh Bone….”

Everything in our body is connected in one way or another, so if these very delicate,

intestinal mucus membranes become inflamed, they also become more „leaky‟,

allowing partially digested substances to seep into our blood system, triggering

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conditions such as allergies, and even autoimmunity – scleroderma, Hashimoto‟s

Thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis,

systemic lupus… and many more.

Besides, whatever inappropriately leaks through this mucosal barrier, and into our

bloodstream, first heads off to the liver via the portal circulation. But, this means that

the liver detox pathways can become seriously overloaded and compromised. Not

necessarily enough to show up in the routine „liver function tests‟ done by doctors,

but nevertheless having a significant enough impact on liver function to affect our

overall wellbeing, via our energy levels, mood, hormonal balances, and so much


It also needs to be understood that these „liver function tests‟ (LFT‟s) are a

complete misnomer, as they don‟t truly measure liver function. All that this test is

capable of measuring is whether liver cells are actually dying and rupturing, thereby

releasing their inner enzymes, which are then picked up by the test. So the LFT‟s

should be re-named the „liver damage test‟ – LDT!

What Sort Of Orthodox Acid Reflux Medications Do Doctors Use?

There‟s quite a range of medical drugs used to treat acid reflux pain, such as:

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) (e.g. Aciphex, Kapidex Nexium, Zegerid,

Protonix, Prevacid, Prilosec) – these all block hydrochloric acid production,

and are the primary acid reflux medications used by doctors

Histamine-2 (H2) Blockers (e.g. Axid, Dexilant, Pepcid, Kapidex, Tagamet,

Zantac) – these also work by shutting off stomach acid production

Over-the-counter Antacids such Rolaids, Tums, Maalox, and Mylanta –

these neutralize any stomach acid that has already been produced

Oral suspension medicines such as Pepto Bismol, Mylanta, Gaviscon,

Gelusil, Gastrogel or Carafateh basically provide a protective coating to the

lower esophagus & upper stomach linings

Anti-gas, anti-flatulence medications - such as Phazyme, Gas-X, Mylanta-

gas, Flatulex or Beano. These all help alleviate the bloating and gas that so

often accompanies reflux or heartburn, usually by breaking up any gas

bubbles, and making them easier to eliminate.

Baking soda – this neutralizes stomach acid, but can also cause a

dangerous alkalization within the body generally; not just the stomach

contents. Plus it can cause kidney damage, as well as an unsafe

accumulation of sodium (baking soda is high in sodium).

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Baking soda - as with any medical, acid reflux drugs – is definitely not advisable to

take in a long-term manner. It would be far better to find out what is actually causing

your particular case of gastric reflux, and then work on sorting that out. In other

words, focus on the cause; not just the symptoms.

By the same token, if a person is suffering from a very severe case of reflux, with

ulceration already present in the lower esophagus or stomach, then these medical

drugs can play a valid role initially, to settle down the inflammation and damage.

However, this medical, „quick-fix‟ approach should be tied in with a complementary

treatment approach too, aimed at getting to the drivers of that severe reflux, plus

facilitating a speedy healing of the damaged tissues, via a wide range of herbs and


By putting more focus on treating the causes of a person‟s acid reflux symptoms,

rather than solely suppressing those symptoms, will also allow for that person to

come off those more dangerous acid reflux drugs, sooner rather than later, and

thereby avoiding the often serious complications such drugs can cause if used for

too long – discussed below.

Problems Associated With Such Medications – Especially The PPI’s

The proton pump inhibitors (PPI‟s) are the primary acid reflux medicine used by most

doctors, and it‟s worth noting that they constitute an industry worth $13 billion/year in

the USA alone. These drugs work by blocking a crucial enzyme within the stomach

parietal cells – those that secrete hydrochloric acid, as well as intrinsic factor

(necessary for B12 absorption).

The problem is that as the stomach acid levels drops, and the pH goes above 3.8,

this can foster an overgrowth of gastric bacteria. Some researchers have also

suggested that there is a good likelihood of increasing viral and prion-associated

infections at these sort of abnormally high pH levels of the stomach.(1) The various

PPI‟s also appear to cause an increase in gastric (stomach) polyps, which in turn can

become cancerous. (2)

Another disturbing research finding is that these acid reflux drugs can make the

stomach lining hyper-permeable. Not only can this result in undigested food

substances leaking into the bloodstream, potentially causing food allergies, but what

is less understood is that this can also result in an enhanced uptake of various other

drugs a person may be on, thereby resulting in toxic drug levels occurring within their

system. (3)

Studies have also shown that there is a significantly increased risk (44%) of bone

fracture in women, aged 50 and over, who have been using PPI‟s in the long-term,

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as well as a 245% increase in hip fractures!(4) Studies have also found that elderly

patients put onto acid-suppressive medications can end up with double the risk for

pneumonia. Certain infections, such as Clostridium dificile (causing diarrhoea), have

been found to be increased when PPI‟s have been prescribed too.

Furthermore, when such PPI‟s are used long-term, they can cause a wide range of

nutrient deficiencies, such as calcium, iron, B12, zinc, folate – and no doubt many

more if such deficiencies were to be tested for.

This makes sense, since hydrochloric acid is specifically needed for adequately

breaking down food; to ionize a wide range of minerals in our food, plus helping

ensure other nutrients are more readily able to be absorbed from further down the

intestines. It also now makes sense of the very disturbing increase in fractures

mentioned above, due to poor mineral absorption!

However, what is so disturbing is the reality that if we already know what such

deficiencies in minerals and nutrients are doing to our bones… what other health

problems are such deficiencies also generating, but which science just hasn‟t

bothered to study yet?

What Are Some Acid Reflux Triggers?

There‟s quite an extensive list of things which can aggravate or induce reflux,

especially when these are engaged in, or taken over a long period of time. However,

some sensitive people only need a few exposures to certain foods or substances to

cause significant signs of acid reflux.

Let‟s look at a list of acid reflux triggers capable of causing heartburn, or gastric

reflux in those prone to this disorder:




Sugary foods, or high carbohydrate/starchy foods


Soda drinks – yes, even if sometimes they give a bit of temporary relief!


Peppermint – the menthol in this herb can be irritating to some people

NSAID therapy (various anti-inflammatory drugs, like low dose Aspirin,

Celebrex, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, Vioxx, Feldene, etc.)

Progesterone therapy

Fast-foods, take-aways, fatty foods

Many condiments, sauces and spices

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Garlic and onions

Recipes based on lots of tomato

Specific foods some people may be allergic to


That‟s quite a lot of things which are known to cause or aggravate this

uncomfortable, but also potentially dangerous health condition, plus immediately

provides you with a list of certain acid reflux foods to avoid!

Does Stress Cause Acid Reflux?

Absolutely! Any acid reflux guide would be incomplete without a deeper look at this

important factor. We live in a chaotic culture nowadays, each of us on our own „life-

treadmill‟, which is usually going at 100mph! But, living with all these stresses can

have serious repercussions, especially to our digestive system. Let‟s explore why.

Our nervous system is divided into two major segments – the sympathetic nervous

system (SNS), which is involved in our „fight or flight‟ responses, while the

parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is more associated with „rest and digest‟.

The problem is that our nervous system can only be effectively engaged in one

mode or another.

Hence, if we‟re constantly rushing around; eating „on-the-hoof‟… then our

sympathetic nervous system is well and truly switched on and active. But that in turn

means that our parasympathetic nervous system is effectively switched off.

No PSNS function; no digestion – simple as that!

And no effective digestion means all that food sitting in the stomach - and further

down the intestines - is just sitting there… literally rotting, rather than being digested.

But, what would you expect to happen when you‟re constantly have this rotting

process going on, rather than an effective digestive process?

Well, the end result is the production of many, highly irritant substances from all that

putrefaction of our food. These in turn can cause significant irritation of not only our

small and large intestinal walls – a whole subject of its own! – but also the stomach,

causing or aggravating gastric reflux symptoms!

Within the health arena, stress can be seen as the „Great Saboteur‟ – and it definitely

plays a major role in most digestive diseases, let alone gastroesophageal-reflux-


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Some Factors Aggravating Gastric Reflux Disease

Various factors can aggravate an existing case of gastric reflux, such as:

Hiatus hernia – which can interfere with the proper closure of that LES, or

lower esophageal sphincter

Pregnancy – the pressure of a growing baby can distort the way the

esophagus connects to the stomach, preventing proper closing of the LES

Heavy lifting; e.g. working out in the gym with heavy weights – again, causes

a build-up of extra pressure in the abdominal cavity, in turn affecting that

upper stomach valve – much the same as happens in pregnancy

Equally, heavy manual labour with lots of heavy lifting & bending forwards

Lying on your left side when sleeping – this causes the stomach contents to

slip back and accumulate precisely onto that upper stomach sphincter, and if

it is lax, causing acidic stomach contents to leak into the esophagus. An acid

reflux wedge pillow can help minimize such positional leakage

Obesity – again, all that extra fat pushes onto the stomach, especially when

bending forward

Eating too much – chronically over-filling the stomach can put extra pressure

on that LES

Some Suggestions For Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

When you go to a doctor for gastric reflux disease, most will never prescribe

anything else but the medically „accepted‟ drug treatments – with a long list of such

drugs having been mentioned earlier, and with the proton pump inhibitors (PPI‟s) as

top of that list.

Rarely will a doctor advise a more natural approach, which is a great pity, as so

many of these natural remedies for acid reflux absolutely do work – minus the

potential, and often serious side-effects that the purely drug approach lays you open


Rather than inundate you with an „over-choice‟ of too many natural remedies for acid

reflux, or heartburn, it would be better to simply focus on those that have an

extremely good track-record, plus have proven their safety – even when taken long-


Let‟s first explore my top 5 heartburn remedies, namely:

Slippery Elm powder + ground Flax, Chia seeds & Ginger powder

Apple cider vinegar + honey

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Bitter herbs (Dandelion, Gentian, Ginger, Fringe tree, Globe artichoke, Golden

seal, Prickly ash) - OR “Swedish Bitters”


“Stomach Comfort” – by Nature Sunshine

There are ofcourse, many other simple, safe forms of natural help for acid reflux, and

we‟ll also explore some of these, after first looking at the above top 5 heartburn


Slippery Elm Powder + Ground Flax, Chia Seeds & Ginger Powder

Slippery elm powder has long been used as an effective home remedy for heartburn,

as well as in a wide range of digestive problems – inevitably with great success.

However, you can further enhance this simple herb‟s effectiveness by adding either

ground Flax and/or Chia seeds. It is best to buy these two latter seeds in their whole

form, and then grind them to a powder in one of those small, and relative cheap,

electric „coffee grinders‟.

Both these seeds contain important and useful anti-inflammatory oils, but

unfortunately, these oils are also very prone to rancidity – once exposed to air.

Hence, in their whole form, and if stored in a cool place, those inherent oils should

remain relatively stable for many months, but once the seeds have been ground up

into a fine powder, those oils can go rancid rather quickly.

Therefore, the best approach is to only take 3-4 days‟ worth of these seeds; grind

them to a powder, and then store them in the fridge in an air-tight container –

preferably glass; not plastic.

How To Make These Ingredients Into a Powerful, Healing Medicine

1) Place 1 heaped teasp. of Slippery Elm powder into a large glass

2) Next, add 1 generous teasp. each of freshly ground Flax and Chia seeds to

that same glass

3) Now, also add ¼ teasp. of Ginger powder to that same glass (Ginger powder

should be available from any good health food store or delicatessen)

4) This next point is very important – dry-mix all these various powders in

that glass BEFORE adding your warm water or herbal tea

5) Once you‟ve done that, now add your liquid – either simple, warm water

(preferably filtered), or a herbal tea, as we‟ll describe later on, such as a

combination of Licorice, Chamomile, Alfalfa seeds or Celery seeds

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6) However, to minimize the formation of gooey lumps, start stirring those pre-

mixed powders as you fill up the glass with your liquid – warm water, or warm

herbal tea

7) Next, simply „chug-a-lug‟ and „down the hatch‟!

8) The severity of your gastric reflux will determine whether it is best to take this

home-made brew once, twice, or thrice daily

9) Inevitably, this „brew‟ will be most beneficial if taken a good ½ hour before

meals, but Life being what it is, the „ideal‟ isn‟t always achievable, so it is

important to know that it is still better to take this medicine during or after your

meals – rather than skipping it and taking nothing!

10) If you find this „drink‟ fills you up too much by taking it before meals, then take

it in-between meals.

Traditionally, Slipper elm was taken by itself, and was an effective herbal remedy for

acid reflux, or heartburn. However, in my 32+ years of practice, I‟ve found that by

adding the extra ingredients of ground flax, chia and ginger powder, what was

already a successful way of managing this distressing condition, was enhanced even

more. Besides, all these ingredients are remarkably cheap; definitely safe, as well as

highly effective for most people giving it a concerted go.

This brings up the point that although this combination of simple, natural ingredients

can give rapid relief from an acute episode of acid reflux, nevertheless, it is important

to also realize that if you are experiencing this condition on a regular basis, then so

too, it will be important to take a remedy like this – or any of the others we‟ll explore

in a moment – on a regular basis.

Equally, I‟m sure it will make sense that to expect to be able to keep doing all the

various things already explored as triggers of gastric reflux, like fast-foods, certain

spices, sauces or condiments, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, etc. while also doing any of

these natural interventions – and expecting consistent results - is like expecting you

won‟t blow yourself up by lighting a match over a keg of petrol! Obviously, it would be

sensible to first remove that keg of petrol before you light the match!

So too when wanting to truly get rid of your acid reflux or heartburn. Don‟t just treat

the symptoms: treat the cause too!

Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey

Vinegar for acid reflux has long been used as one of the effective acid reflux natural

remedies. However, it is important to only buy apple cider vinegar – not wine or

balsamic vinegar!! - as well as ensure it is in the organic form. Most health food

stores will stock this product, or you can obtain it via the links provided in the

„Resources‟ section at the end of this article.

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A good form of apple cider vinegar will also be rather cloudy – this is totally normal

and desirable! Next, always shake that bottle before pouring out the required


Simply use from 1, up to 4 teasp of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm, filtered

water. Then dissolve about a ¼ small teasp. of organic, non-heat extracted honey –

heat extraction seriously changes the inherent nature and goodness of honey. Also,

many commercial honeys, available from supermarkets, have been adulterated by

diluting them with „sugar-water‟ – beware; such honeys could aggravate your acid

reflux symptoms!

As with the Slippery elm „combo‟ described above, the number of times you take

such a glass of apple cider, honey + water depends on the severity of your gastric

reflux disease situation. Equally, this natural, herbal remedy for acid reflux is best

taken 15 – 30 minutes before a meal, or can help settle an upset stomach by having

it about an half hour after a meal.

Keep in mind that apple cider vinegar has a wide range of other health benefits as

well, which are too many to go into here, but which you might like to further research


Bitter Herbs As A Herbal Remedy For Acid Reflux

As should be clear at this point in the discussion, most of the time, acid reflux, or

heartburn is not due to your stomach producing too much hydrochloric acid; rather,

it‟s inevitably the reverse!

One natural way of stimulating your stomach to produce more of its own acid and

other digestive secretions - such as pepsin, gastric lipase and chymosin - is by using

what are called the „bitter herbs‟. These include herbs such as: Dandelion, Gentian,

Fringe tree, Globe artichoke, Golden seal, or Prickly ash.

Such herbs can be put together into a formula, like the one I‟ve used in my own clinic

over several decades now, i.e:

Gentian 30%

Golden seal 20%

Fringe tree 20%

Boldo 20%

Ginger 10%

DOSE: 1-5 mls, 2-3 x day, about 5-15 minutes preferably before food, but can also

be taken after food – especially in sensitive people who tend to react to „everything‟.

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However, for such people, check out the „drop-on-the-tongue‟ technique discussed

for „Swedish Bitters‟ (below).

If some of these herbs are not available in your country, such as Boldo, then replace

this one with say, Dandelion root, or if you can‟t get Fringe tree, then replace it with

Globe artichoke for instance. It is however, important to keep the Ginger

tincture/extract in that formula, as it adds a „warming‟ aspect to what is otherwise a

rather „cold‟ formula.

So, what‟s this „warm‟ and „cold‟ all about? Well, think of cucumber, and most people

will recognize this food as a „cooling‟ food, while chilli will obviously be recognized as

a „hot‟ food.

Similarly, various herbs have either a „warming‟ or „cooling‟ effect within the body,

and it is important that when one is taking a formula which overall has a rather

„cooling‟ effect, that this is offset by also incorporating some „warming‟ herbs into it –

such as ginger. Especially if this formula is going to be used for quite some time, as

may need to be done if you wish to resolve your acid reflux symptoms.

Personally, I make the above formula from the „tinctures‟ (or „extracts‟) of these

herbs, combining them into one mix, and then this mix is taken in a similar way as

described for the “Swedish Bitters”. However, if you‟re unable to find a local herbalist

who can make up my formula for you, then one, commercial formula which has been

used for decades is called „Swedish Bitters‟, containing the following herbs:

Aloe vera (Aloe vera)

Saffron (Crocus sativus)

Senna (Cassia senna)

Manna (Fraxinus ornus)

Myrrh (Commiphora molmol)

Angelica (Angelica archangelica)

Dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus)


Gentian (Gentiana lutea)

Chinese rhubarb (Rheum palmatum)

Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria)

Theriac Venezian

Burnet Saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga)

You‟ll find that most good health food stores do sell this formula, or checkout the

links provided in the „Resources‟ listing, at the end of this article.

However, there are two ways of using either this remarkable medicine, or my own

„Bitter Herbs‟ formula discussed above. One way is to take the full dose suggested

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on the bottle, before or after meals. The other way is to use what I call the „drop-on-

your-tongue‟ technique. Here, place some of this liquid in a small dropper-bottle and

then, using the dropper, place between 2-5 drops directly onto, and towards the back

of the tongue.

At first, this will give you a bit of a „taste-jolt‟, but it is precisely the bitterness that also

triggers a reflex response within the stomach, thereby initiating the secretion of

digestive juices, including more hydrochloric acid.

Taking the “Swedish Bitters” – or my “Bitter Herbs” formula - in this alternate manner

is best done about 5-15 minutes before and after meals. If you find yourself feeling

bloated or full after a meal – especially a heavy meal – then you can repeat this

dosage regime every 10-15 minutes after the meal, till you feel a lot more


It‟s also important to continue using “Swedish Bitters” or „Bitter Herbs Formula‟ drops

in this way for quite some time after your gastric reflux symptoms have settled, as it

takes time to consolidate the stomach‟s ability to more adequately produce digestive


Some people have a situation where their stomach is so atrophied, that it is no

longer capable of manufacturing its own acid, and in such cases, another approach

is required to enhance the digestive processes, thereby improving GERD symptoms.

This involves the supplementation with hydrochloric acid tablets, and will be

discussed shortly.

“Iberogast” – Another Herbal Remedy For Acid Reflux

“Iberogast” is a German remedy that has been used for a very long time - since the

mid-1960‟s - and has a brilliant, safe track-record in sorting out a wide range of

digestive and intestinal health issues, such as irritable bowel, abdominal cramping,

bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, nausea, as well as being very effective for gastric

reflux. It comes in a liquid format, and consists of the following herbs:

Iberis amara



Caraway fruit

St. Mary's thistle

Lemon balm leaves

Peppermint leaves


Liquorice root

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As with any medicine – natural or otherwise (other than certain drugs like antibiotics

or antivirals) - it is always important to slowly build up to the recommended dosage,

taking at least a good 7-10 days, on average, to get to the full dose. Keep in mind

that there are no „standard‟ people… so why all this obsessive focus on having to

use a „standard‟ dose??

If you find that the full dose is too strong for you… then listen to the wisdom of your

body, and don‟t feel you absolutely must make it up to the full dose – or else „it won‟t

work‟. This is definitely not the case. Everyone is different, so honour that difference

if you‟re having problems building up to the full dose.

Again, this herbal remedy for acid reflux is best taken about 5-15 minutes before

meals – wherever possible. Understand, however, that it will still work if you take it

during a meal. Indeed, if you‟re rather sensitive to many things, including various

medications, then it would in fact be advised to initially take it in the middle of your

meal, as this „slows‟ it‟s entry into your system, and thus „softens‟ its effect on your


Hopefully, you will be able to find this product in your local health food store, and if

not, some links are provided at the end of this article, under „Resources‟.

Nature Sunshine “Stomach Comfort” – Another Acid Reflux Medicine

This too, has been a godsend in my herbal practice, and has even helped many

people suffering from a severe case of heartburn. However, it is important to ensure

you use the right formulation of this product, as there is an Australian version –

which is the one I‟ve used clinically for a long time, and therefore know it works –

and there are various American versions, which I cannot vouch for.

So, please do ensure you get the correct version, with a link given at the end of this

article in the „Resources‟ section!

The formula that has given me good results in my practice contains the following

herbs, with the following amounts:

Ulmus rubra (Slippery elm) inner stem bark 200mg

Zingiber officinale (Ginger) rhizome 80mg

Mentha X piperita (Peppermint) leaf 60mg

Gentiana Lutea (Gentian) root 30mg

Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow) root 200mg

Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) root 100mg

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I realize that earlier we talked about Peppermint possibly being an aggravating factor

to gastric reflux – in some people. However, balanced out by all the other ingredients

of this particular formula, I‟ve not found any aggravation in those using it.

DOSAGE: normal dosage on the bottle is 1-2 caps 2 x daily, but in some cases of

gastric reflux, a dosage of up to 3 caps 3 x day, before meals, has worked well and


However, once again, remember: „there are no “standard” people, hence there is no

such thing as a “standard” dose‟. Always build up over at least a few days; listen

carefully to your body‟s response, and don‟t be afraid to stick with a dose that feels

good within your system – not automatically and only what is recommended!

That’s My 5 Primary Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

So, there you have it – my top 5 suggestions for dealing with the symptoms of acid


However, every person‟s case is specific to their individual circumstances – their

constitution; the sort of diet they have been on for years; lifestyle factors such as

smoking, too much alcohol, sugars, coffee… and many other things. Hence, what

may work for one may not automatically work for another.

Therefore, below are a few more suggestions that could either be incorporated with

the earlier 5 recommendations - or tried on their own. Also remember, that

sometimes one remedy alone won‟t do it, and you may need to approach the

problem of acid reflux symptoms via a combination of treatment protocols.

Equally, it‟s important to realize that if you‟re on a constant diet of take-aways;

drinking too much alcohol…. or any of the other factors we‟ve already explored as

aggravating gastric reflux, then obviously, those issues need to be attended to as

well. Otherwise it would be like trying to fill an empty bucket – with holes in it!

Let‟s now take a look at some other home remedies for acid reflux that have proven

their value in many cases.

“Spice Tea”

This is a very simple tea to make, consisting of 7 common spices, namely:

Fennel seeds

Dill seeds

Coriander seeds

Caraway seeds

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Cloves - (for some this one is too strong, so either don‟t add it, or just add ¼

of the portions used for the other herbs)


Although it‟s already been mentioned that a range of different spices can trigger

reflux symptoms in many people, this tea, based on these specific spices has the

opposite effect. They are usually available from a health food store or a delicatessen.

However, do make sure that you only buy the powdered form of each spice – not

the whole seeds.

To make up this “Spice Tea” mix, preferably get yourself a glass jar (rather than

plastic). Next, add equal portions of each of these spice seed powders, heeding to

the suggestion to perhaps use only about ¼ the amount when it comes to the cloves.

Once you have all these ingredients in the glass jar; seal it, and shake gently so as

to mix all these powders thoroughly, then store in a dark, cool cupboard (NOT the



To make the tea, use from ¼ to 1 level teasp. of this ‘Spice Mix’ for each cup of

boiling water. Simply place this amount of pre-mixed spice seed powder into a cup

(like one does with instant coffee powder) - and add boiling water.

Stand for a few minutes, and then „stir-and-drink‟, so that at the end of your „cuppa‟,

all the powder has been taken down too. This way you will get the maximum

therapeutic effect.

This tea provides multiple health benefits, especially on digestive functions, helping

with symptoms of bloating, gas, heartburn, burping, etc. It works by stimulating the

stomach‟s capacity to produce more adequate levels of hydrochloric acid, as well as

the other digestive enzymes.

The “Spice Tea” can also help balance sugar cravings. If you happen to suffer from

these, then you can make this mix with 2 portions of Fennel seed powder instead of

the 1 portion, as directed above. Fennel is a great herb for helping balance blood

sugar levels in those who are hypoglycemic; not so much diabetic.

This „Spice Tea‟ also helps stimulate circulation, providing a nice sense of warmth.

This is a very safe herbal remedy for acid reflux, and can be used long-term. Indeed,

it may need to be taken for some months in order to help rectify any acid reflux


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Hydrochloric Acid & Pancreatic Enzyme Supplementation

In some people, their stomach‟s ability to still secrete hydrochloric acid may be

severely compromised. So much so, that even when the parietal cells are stimulated

via the “Bitter Herbs” formula mentioned earlier, they are unable to improve their


Sometimes this may be due to an autoimmune destruction of those parietal cells. In

such cases, it becomes important to replace what the body can no longer produce,

namely supplementing with hydrochloric acid and pepsin tablets.

These tablets can make a huge difference in improving stomach digestion, and

hence also reducing gastric reflux symptoms. As long as a few basic rules are

followed, these acid and pepsin tablets are safe to take. The most important rule,

however, is that you only ever take them in the middle of a meal!

The reason is simple. If you take such concentrated tablets of hydrochloric acid on

an empty stomach, and if this isn‟t rapidly followed up by some food entering the

stomach as well, then those tablets could become very corrosive to the stomach

lining, so much so that it could cause ulceration.

For example, if you happen to take those tablets before the meal, and then become

distracted by a phone call, then those tablets are sitting in an empty stomach, even

though your intention may have been to immediately eat something as well. But now,

on the phone, this didn‟t happen.

Similarly, these tablets should never be taken at the end of a meal, because in some

people they have a tendency to stick in the esophagus, also causing severe burning

and potential ulceration of the esophageal lining.

Hence, the best way to take them is in the middle of a meal, which means that they

have some food to „land‟ on – instead of an empty stomach – plus, it will then also

mean that you will still have enough mouthfuls of food to subsequently scrape them

down into the stomach, should they stick to the esophageal lining. Taking

hydrochloric acid and pepsin supplementation in this manner is perfectly safe and

also very effective.

However, if you happen to be one of those in the minority, who do have excess

stomach acid as the primary cause of your heartburn, then you may find that upon

taking such hydrochloric acid tablets, your heartburn gets worse.

Stay calm – all you then need to do is to drink plenty of water to dilute that extra

acid… plus know that in your case you‟re not one of the majority who have too little

acid, but may be one of the few who have a genuine case of too much stomach acid!

And obviously, in that case, such hydrochloric acid supplementation is not for you.

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However, it could also mean that you are simply reactive to some of the fillers and

binders in those tablets, with these causing the extra burning sensation after taking

them. Either way, for cases like this, the previously mentioned Slipper elm powder

„combo‟ would be ideal as an acid reflux medicine, as well as the „Iberogast‟ – also

discussed earlier, in helping bring stomach acid production back into balance.

Allergies As A Cause Of Your Gastric Reflux Disease

If you are unfortunate enough to be reactive, or frankly allergic to certain foods or

beverages, then this too could cause the classic acid reflux symptoms. For some

people, you‟ll already have noticed that every time you eat “XYZ”, you get that pesky

heartburn. If this is the case, it would be worth taking that food/beverage out of your

diet altogether for a good 4-6 weeks – or longer - and see if your acid reflux

symptoms settle.

However, the reality is that if you‟re reactive or allergic to one item, you‟re more likely

than not also reactive/allergic to others. This is where a „Food Reactivity Diary‟ can

be a very worthwhile „tool‟ to use. Simply get a small booklet that is easy to carry

around with you. Then, having drawn up a few columns, each day - for a good 2-3

weeks - write down some basic facts about each meal you have, namely:

Date of meal

Time of meal

Level of reflux symptoms before the meal – i.e. give it a score of 0-10, with

zero meaning no symptoms at all; 10 means you‟re experiencing very severe

acid reflux

Basic ingredients of the meal you‟re having

Level of reflux 1-2 hours after the meal – again, give it a score of 0-10

Once you‟ve done this for a few weeks, you‟ll start to notice a pattern, in that every

time you have a certain food or drink, you find your symptoms aggravated.

Remember, that aggravation may take some hours to instigate, so if you haven‟t

eaten for a while, yet are now suffering from acid reflux symptoms, then look back at

what you had at your last meal, and possibly even the meal before that.

Obviously, once you can see that every time you eat, say, chicken, or chocolate, or

peanut butter, or…. and your heartburn gets worse, then you‟ve also found your

culprit, and now need to eradicate that from your diet entirely. At least for a good 4-6

months initially, while you use some of the healing suggestions mentioned in this

article with which to help repair your stomach function.

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Chew Your Food Properly – Oh So Simple, But Oh So Effective!

Research(5) has in fact shown that simply focusing on chewing your food properly

can make a huge difference to your gastro-esophageal-reflux-disease. It sounds too

good to be true, but think of it this way.

The first stage of digestion occurs in the mouth, as certain enzymes in your saliva –

namely, salivary amylase and lingual lipase – initiate the breakdown of the food

you‟re chewing. The former starts to break down any starch in the food, and the

latter – once activated inside the stomach itself – helps digest fats.

Nowadays, we have a tendency to either „eat-on-the-hoof‟, or we‟re all so busy

talking and getting our little bit of the conversation into the arena, that we simply bolt

down huge lumps of un-chewed food, which makes it all the harder for the stomach

to do its job – especially if there isn‟t enough stomach acid being produced.

Remember, food that doesn‟t get adequately digested, rots. It is as simple as that!

So, previous generations‟ advice to sit at a table; eat your meal in peace… and chew

your food – wasn‟t so far off the mark after all!

Ensuring you adequately chew your food doesn‟t cost you anything – other than to

remember to do so, and then to do it with focus. Why not give this incredibly simple

approach a go first, before you even try any of the other approaches mentioned in

this article?

Food Combining – Another Simple Solution For Many

Another way of positively influencing acid reflux symptoms may be as simple as

watching the way you combine various food-groups – in other words, proteins, carbs

and fats.

For a significant enough number of people, the only thing they may have to do is to

ensure they don‟t mix their carbs and proteins in the one meal. An example would be

to avoid adding rice, potatoes, pasta or other grain-carb foods to their protein, such

as meat, fish, chicken, dairy or eggs.

However, in this case, most vegetables – other than the more obvious, starchy ones,

such as potatoes, pumpkin, swedes, parsnips, beetroot, sweet potatoes, etc. – can

readily and safely be mixed with the protein part of a meal.

When it comes to fats or oils, some people may also find that excessively fatty meals

are another instigator of trouble, causing a flare-up of heartburn. However, certain

fats and oils are crucial to good health, so a strict, fat-free diet is not the answer

either. As a rule of thumb, most oils sold in supermarkets should be seen as suspect

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to good health, as most of them have been super-refined via chemicals, heat or

processed via other means which leave them denatured, biochemically damaged, if

not frankly rancid.

Oils, all preferably cold-pressed, such as extra-virgin olive oil; flax oil (never cook

with this oil – only for salads!); coconut oil; rice bran oil; grapeseed oil; avocado oil;

macadamia oil – these all have nutritional value, while oils such as canola,

cottonseed, corn, soy or sunflower are inevitably too high in Omega-6 fatty acids –

as well as toxic pesticide residues in the former three - and therefore can cause


Keep in mind that coconut and rice bran oils are best and safest for high temperature


For most people, a good quality, organic butter is fine – and definitely preferable over

margarine. Nevermind what they say the margarine may be made from - for

instance, olive oil - it is not only the source of oil that is important, but it‟s the

processing of that oil used for making margarine that is the problem. Margarine is

one helluva chemical soup compared to plain ol‟ butter.

The entire topic of fats and their importance in health is a huge one, and beyond the

scope of this article. Just be aware that eating moderate amounts of good oils or fat

do NOT result in you getting fat!

This is an „urban myth‟ that urgently needs to be laid to rest! It‟s the ingestion of

excessive amounts, plus the wrong types of carbs that are such a major factor in our

present obesity epidemic.

Nevertheless, be aware that most of the excessively processed oils inevitably found

in supermarkets - because they last so well on the shelf! – are also not good for you.

Don’t Eat Too Soon Before Going To Bed

This is easy enough to test out, and you‟ll soon find whether eating too late in the

evening is causing a worsening of your gastric reflux disease symptoms or not. If

you‟ve had a big meal, which hasn‟t yet had a chance to be processed before you go

to bed, then all that food still sitting in your stomach, will produce excessive pressure

on the esophageal sphincter (LES) we talked about earlier.

Because this sphincter, or valve, is prone to leakiness in gastric reflux, such

increased pressure in the stomach – from all that food, and especially if you lie on

your left side – will simply push the partially acidic „food-mush‟ beyond that sphincter

and into your lower esophagus, causing the typical burning symptoms of heartburn.

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Ensure you give yourself a good 1½ to 2 hours between finishing a meal and going

to bed.

Using The Traditional European Eating Approach

Traditionally, many countries in Europe had quite a different way of structuring their

meals, with breakfast being a moderately big meal, providing plenty of „fuel‟ with

which to start the day‟s „Journey‟. Then lunch was the most substantial meal of the

day – preferably followed by a short siesta – and finally dinner was no more than a

light snack or meal.

Think of it this way; in the morning, when you first wake up, you‟ve literally been

fasting for a good 8-10 hours – hence the use of the word “break-fast” for that first

meal of the day. Many such cultures made sure they had not too much, but a good

amount of ‟fuel‟ on-board to keep them going for several hours at least, if not all the

way till lunch.

Compare that to what most people do nowadays, which is a quick cup of strong

coffee, plus a doughnut or something similarly lacking in adequate nutrients, let

alone the slow-burn „fuels‟ such as proteins – and all on the run! Also, think back to

our earlier discussion of how stress affects digestion via the sympathetic and

parasympathetic nervous systems.

Another problem is that starches, or carbs only provide a „quick-burn‟ style of fuel,

which soon runs out, leaving the person feeling jittery, dull-headed, irritable, tired,

sweaty, or any of the other „delightful‟ symptoms of hypoglycaemia (low blood


And most people‟s response to such symptoms? Why… just grab another cup of

coffee; scoff down another doughnut; a candy bar; have a good slug of „high-energy‟

soda-pop drink, or any of the other „quick-fixes‟ so readily available in our modern

society of „fast-foods‟ and candy-dispensers, supposedly with which to „solve‟ a low

blood sugar episode.

In the more traditional European way of eating – fast dying out! – lunch was a much

needed „pit-stop‟ for „fuel‟, after having done a good morning‟s work. Finally, a hearty

snack, or small meal for dinner-time would finish off the day. This would also ensure

your system wasn‟t spending many hours of your sleeping-time simply trying to

process that huge meal – right at the end of the day when you least needed more

„fuel‟ for activity.

Acknowledged… for many people, caught up in our modern rat-race, defined by

specific work hours, and dictated by the companies we work for, having the luxury of

spending enough time to have a properly cooked, hearty, nutritious meal for lunch –

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let alone a siesta afterwards! - would leave many people saying… „sure… in your


However, for those who do have the luxury to make such meal-time changes – why

not give this system a go, and see if this alone makes a difference in your acid reflux


Exercise – Always An Essential Ingredient In Any Health Regime

Another dysfunctional aspect to our modern way of living and working is that far too

many of us spend far too many hours sitting down, resulting in far too little exercise

in any one day. This is not how evolution – or whatever – engineered us to be.

Plenty of physical activity is a key component to keeping us healthy and well, and so

too in a health issue such as acid reflux.

Ensuring you get at least some exercise each day will also ensure you keep that

blood moving; burn off any excess stress hormones you produced that day, as well

as stimulate a wide range of hormones and other biological secretions – such as

stomach acid!

So, do make sure that if you are suffering from acid reflux symptoms, and you can

see that you are getting negligible exercise in a day, then even going for a 20 minute

walk daily will make a huge difference to your overall health, let alone your heartburn

too. It may not be the „magic-fix‟, but it will be an important component of any natural

acid reflux treatment approach.

Various Other Herbs For Acid Reflux

Several, easily obtained herbs, such as Chamomile, Ginger, Alfalfa seeds, Celery

seeds, or Liquorice root have all shown great value in helping settle heartburn

symptoms too.

You can „mix-and-match‟ any of these teas together, using equal portions of each.

For the chamomile and liquorice root, you might first want to put them into an electric

coffee-grinder, so as to reduce them down to a much smaller particulate size.

Then, combine equal portions of all the teas mentioned above, either in their

powdered or seed format, and store in a glass jar.

To make them into a tea, simply place 1 teasp of this mix for every 1 cup of boiling

water, into a teapot – never aluminium! Replace the lid, and let stand for a good hour

or more; preferably overnight. It is perfectly O.K. to make several days‟ worth of tea

in one go, storing the excess in the fridge, in between doses.

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The next day, stir the pot; strain off 1 cup‟s worth of tea, and re-heat – but never in a

microwave! Try to have at least 2-3 cups daily.

This tea – aside from being able to help with gastric reflux – is also good if you‟re

particularly stressed, as both the Chamomile and Liquorice work on a stressed-out

system – the former tea via calming the nervous system, and the latter by supporting

the adrenals – your major anti-stress glands.

Just be aware that if you‟re on diuretic therapy, or a range of other meds from you

doctor, then do have your potassium levels checked, as liquorice can affect those

levels if used long-term.

Aloe Vera Juice Plus Wheatgrass Powder Plus Ginger Powder

All these three herbs have an ability to help settle an upset stomach, as well as

provide both a healing and cleansing of the lower intestinal tract, and you should be

able to find these herbs in most good health food stores.

Regarding this amazing „Aloe Combo‟, initially start on about 5 mls of the juice, 2 to 3

times daily, adding from ¼ to a full, heaped teasp of the Wheat Grass powder, plus

just a ¼ teasp of the Ginger powder to each dose of Aloe vera juice.

After a few days of taking this lower, starting dose, now build up by an extra 5 mls of

the Aloe vera liquid for each dose - every 3rd day or so - till you get to about 15-20

mls of Aloe vera juice 3 x day.

Similarly, build up the dose of the Wheat Grass powder as you build up the Aloe vera

juice amounts, till you get to the full, heaped teasp of Wheat Grass powder per dose.

Regarding the Ginger powder, simply stay with that ¼ teasp as the full amount to

use per dose.

You‟ll know if you‟re taking too much of these herbs – especially the aloe - if it

causes you to develop bloating, excess gas, diarrhoea or tummy cramps. Simply

stop for a few days, and then cut back to a lower dosage combination that keeps you


Yogurt & Kefir

This home remedy for heartburn is not one for every person with gastric reflux

disease. However, if you happen to know your blood type is of the B-Group, you‟re

more likely to do well with this particular suggestion, and the yogurt or kefir can be

seen as some of the good foods for acid reflux.

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Dairy foods such as yogurt and kefir – in other words, pre-fermented dairy - can

provide significant and rapid relief of your acid reflux symptoms. However, in many

cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease, the intestines may well have become

sensitive to dairy – even if you belong to the B-Blood Group, and even though you

might get short-term relief from your acid reflux symptoms by using such dairy


Hence, do be watchful, and if you suspect that dairy is actually making you more

bloated, gassy or crampy – despite giving heartburn relief – then it would be wise to

give this natural remedy for acid reflux a miss.

For Some, Chewing An Apple Can Settle GERD Symptoms

Strange as it may seem, quite a number of people find that thoroughly chewing

several pieces of apple can act as an effective home remedy for acid reflux. It‟s

believed that it is the pectin in the apple which helps settle the heartburn sensations.

Simply chew ½ an apple about 20-30 minutes after each meal, and also about ½

hour before going to bed. The best apples to use are the sweeter variety, rather than

the green, more tart, Granny Smith style apple – but you may have to experiment

here, and see what works best for you.

Remember, everyone is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

However, apples are cheap, safe and easy to get… so why not give it a go?

Various Nutrients For Repairing Damage From Acid Reflux

There are many nutrients that can help repair the damage done by the corrosive

action of hydrochloric acid. However, let‟s just focus on 3 remedies for now.

Zinc, along with Vitamin A and Glutamine are very important for helping regenerate

mucosal linings, and with gastric reflux damage, we‟re concerned about repairing

such mucosa in the esophagus.

As long as you remain within the recommended dosage ranges of these products,

and if taken over a long enough period of time – say a good 6 - 10 weeks - then you

should find that damage from reflux can be reduced.

However, it would be best if you also chose from some of the suggestions given in

this article, to help settle acid reflux symptoms on a day to day basis. If you‟re

looking for one, quick, magical „fix‟, then the various orthodox acid reflux medications

may be the way to go, but as mentioned at the beginning of this discussion, they can

also cause a swathe of serious side-effects if used for any appreciable time period.

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Hence, it is better to try and get to the bottom of what causes acid reflux in you, and

then specifically dealing with those factors. Once you‟ve figured out your acid reflux

triggers, and deleted them from your diet or lifestyle, then the body will inevitably

heal, especially using one, or a combination of the range of natural remedies for acid

reflux we‟ve explored in this detailed article.

Conclusions About Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux or heartburn is growing into epidemic proportions within our highly

stressful, fast-paced, fast-food society

Orthodox medicine does indeed offer very effective medicines for acid reflux

However, although they work well in suppressing symptoms of

gastroesophageal reflux disease, they can also cause a wide range of serious

side-effects – certainly if used long-term

It is definitely O.K. to use such powerful medications in the short-term, for

severe cases of gastric reflux disease

However, it is not enough to simply suppress gastric reflux symptoms; it is

crucial that the causes are attended to as well

Much natural help for acid reflux does exist, in the form of many safe, and

often curative natural herbs and nutrient alternatives

The 5 top natural remedies for acid reflux are:

o Slippery Elm powder + ground Flax & Chia seeds

o Apple cider vinegar + honey

o Bitter herbs (Dandelion, Gentian, Ginger, Fringe tree, Globe artichoke,

Golden seal, Prickly ash) - OR the “Swedish Bitters” formula

o “Iberogast” – German remedy with a proven track-record

o “Stomach Comfort” – by Nature Sunshine (Australian version!)

Hopefully, this article has shed some light onto not only what can drive acid reflux

symptoms, but also what you can do about this potentially dangerous health issue.

Perhaps the most important realization is that in far too many cases, gastric reflux

disease is more driven by a lack of hydrochloric acid production; not an excess - as

so often believed and promoted by medicine.

Understanding this crucial difference can have major ramifications on your health –

especially if you‟ve already chosen to solely take any of the orthodox medications for

acid reflux.

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Please note that due to the changing nature of the Web, a listing of resources is now

provided on my website at:



2) ibid

3) ibid

4) ibid

5) Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients”July.‟04.252.34

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Copyright © Peter de Ruyter-2013-All Rights Reserved

Permission is hereby granted to freely share this information on the understanding that

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Please also note:

No part of this article is intended as a form of diagnosis or prescription on physical,

mental or emotional levels. If, after reading any data in this article you decide to

instigate a change in your present therapeutic regime, then it is imperative to also seek

out the professional services of an appropriate specialist – either natural or medical for

further expert advice.

My intent as author of this article is solely to provide information of an educational

nature. No responsibility can be accepted for your actions or their consequences, in the

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manner whatsoever.