account management roadmap

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Strategic steps towards building and maintaining world-class Account Management organizations


Page 1: Account Management Roadmap

Proprietary content. Do not duplicate or distribute William N. Nemecek

Page 2: Account Management Roadmap

Proprietary content. Do not duplicate or distribute William N. Nemecek

Achieving world class status within Account Management organizations requires a clear roadmap, a solid foundation, and strong leadership

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Sets the example for leadership and best practices within the company

Flawless execution and unassailable relationships move the market

Beacon in industry with quantifiable leadership position

Organization within Industry

Organization among peer group competitors

Organization within Parent Company

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Sales Organizationin Business Services Industry

Proprietary content. Do not duplicate or distribute William N. Nemecek

Transitioning the vision from strategic to tactical is critical to gaining organizational understanding and support for vision

Creates focus. Fuels passion that drives results. Compels people to “own” the destiny

Sets the agenda for strategic requirements to move towards the Vision

Organizational objectives designed to close gap on Imperatives

Tactical-level goals linking behaviors and performance to Imperatives

Compensation that encourages and rewards results

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Strategic Partner Ultimate level of relationship trust, respect, and value. Customer values Company as a strategic asset. Switching costs are prohibitive.

Counselor Customer openly shares business and organizational information. Looks to Company for tactical solutions. Low switching costs.

Consultant Customer looks to Company for broad business and industry expertise. Incorporates Company’s input into planning and decision making. Moderate switching costs.

Ally Relationship becomes a strategic asset. Broad points of contact engaged across both organizations. Switching costs are high.

Vendor Order taker / order filler relationship. Vulnerable to competitor pricing, promotions, and product and service offerings. Zero switching costs for client.

Account Managers deliver value through product, business, and industry expertise that moves customer relationships towards the strategic partnership level

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Proprietary content. Do not duplicate or distribute William N. Nemecek

Sales Organizationin Business Services Industry

Proprietary content. Do not duplicate or distribute William N. Nemecek

Four strategic tools create focus and passion, assure consistent delivery and continuous improvement, and deliver benchmarked results;

Account Execution ModelDrives continuous improvement towards vision, goals, and objectives

Consultative Sales Process Consistent relating, needs discovery, messaging, revenue and profit Generation; fuels advancement up the relationship curve

World-Class Scorecard Objective measurement of movement towards world-class; leadership, best players, performance management, process design, channel management

Account Management Scorecard

Account Management DisciplineBuilds higher, wider, and deeper partnerships to ensure applied understanding of revenue and profitability management

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Strategic discipline to deliver consistent execution, continuous improvement, deepening relationships, and continuous sales growth and production

Account Execution ModelAccount Execution Model

Plan: Begin with the end in mind. All objectives and actions align

with the corporate VISION

Evaluate: Assess performance and results. Were goals obtained? Why? Why not? How? What are best practices? What improvements are necessary or possible?

Execute: Carry out plan. Leverage skills, planning, preparation, and resources to obtain desired results.

Prepare: Determine skills, development, practice, research, and resources required to execute successfully

Analyze: A pause between each phase of the execution model

intended to dissect alignment with VISION

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Account Management DisciplineAccount Management Discipline

An Account Management discipline builds higher, wider, and deeper partnerships to ensure applied understanding of revenue and profitability management

Selection: Assures MUTUAL benefit through careful account screening and selection based on margin drivers, operating fit, and relationship type (i.e. transactional vs. relationship)

Profitability: REINFORCE and assure deep understanding of account retention value and economic (i.e. acquisition, retention, revenue, cost and profit) drivers

Planning: Focus on building robust long-run POSITIONING in accounts and manage decision-making processes to continually move up the RELATIONSHIP CURVE

Migration: Create opportunities to WIDEN and DEEPEN and RETAIN relationships by leading with engagement, products, and services that accelerate account production

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Consultative Relationship ProcessConsultative Relationship Process

Tactical relationship process, centered upon a problem solving approach, that delivers value and solutions, solves problems, and builds lasing partnerships

Relate: Develop commonality with customer. Bridge relationship

gap with credibility and TRUST

Support: REINFORCE customer’s PARTNERING DECISION by providing ongoing service and attention through continuous relating, discovering, and advocating. Move further along the RELATIONSHIP CURVE

Advocate: CHAMPION SOLUTION(S), products, services, and expertise that fill gap between current situation and vision

Discover: Seek to understand customer’s NEEDS. Uncover gap that exists between current situation and Vision

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Page 10: Account Management Roadmap

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Page 11: Account Management Roadmap

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World Class ScorecardWorld Class Scorecard

Ongoing objective measurement incorporating feedback from corporate leadership, internal partners, and clients to focus resources and foster continuous improvement

Leadership Vision, strategy, support, ascension planning

Performance ManagementDifferentiate performance, reward desired behaviors, retain top performers, manage low performers up or out

Process Design and ProductivityStrong discipline, continuous improvement, relevant reporting, process orientation

Strategic Customer and Channel ManagementCommon vision and goals, Leverage channels according to customer preference, differentiated customer management

Best PlayersClearly stated success factors, identify and communicate expected behaviors and skills, identify and share best practices, best in class selection and development processes