absolutely south east analysis

Regional Magazines Codes and Conventions – Absolutely South East February 2014 Edition

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Absolutely South East Analysis


Page 1: Absolutely South East Analysis

Regional MagazinesCodes and Conventions – Absolutely

South East February 2014 Edition

Page 2: Absolutely South East Analysis

The name of the Magazine ABSOLUTELY South East – the word ABSOLUTELY is prominent on the page, and in a contrasting colour to the other text. This makes it stand out and indicates an importance of the word. ABSOLUTELY is a brand name, representing different regions across the UK. They have used the title in this way to create a transferable brand image across all of their magazines and a fan of ABSOLUTELY would instantly recognise it. They have used an orange colour, which contrasts with the background, whilst blending with the colour scheme for the front cover. They have used a bold serif font, creating a contemporary feel to the magazine and making it appeal to a younger target audience. By using capital letters they are bringing the readers attention to the importance of the word. For the reader, South East is a second though as they initially identify the magazine as ABSOLUTELY. They have followed a key code and convention of a regional magazine by including the region it is targeted at and represents in the name of the magazine.

Page 3: Absolutely South East Analysis

They have made use of a Main Cover line which makes use of a different font to the rest of the page. ‘The Futures Bright’, this suggests that the magazine features something which will affect the reader in the future making them want to read the magazine. A key code and convention of a regional magazine is to have a main cover line which draws the readers attention and makes them want to read on. This creates a hermeneutic code of the reader wanting to know what the magazine is referring to, in this case what has made the future bright, and who the future bright will be for. They have made use of a white colour, with a thin capital serif font. This gives the magazine a contemporary and modern feel, whilst contrasting the background and making the sell line stand out. They have written the text over the main image which also draws the readers attention to the image. The description of the cover line is again written in white, however this time in italic and bold. This makes it clear this is still relevant to the main cover line, whilst remaining separate. The use of white has a connotation of positive things, and by using this on a title about the future being good – it is connoting to the reader about the topic.

Page 4: Absolutely South East Analysis

They have made use of sell lines around the front cover, written in bold white serif fonts creating a contemporary feel and staying in keeping with the ABSOLUTELY house style, of modern and contemporary with bright colours. Rated in importance, by how they stand out on the page. The topic on Inspector Gadget, and Helen Graves are in a bold font, making them stand out from the grey background. , with their description/subtitle in a standard font which is harder to read from a distance. The third sell line is in a standard font, ‘Print Impress’, with the description/subtitle in bold, lowercase. This suggests that for the top two sell lines the headline explains the most about the article and therefore attracting the readers attention, whereas the third headline/title does not explain as much and therefore they want the readers attention to be brought to the description. By using the word ‘Explore’, they are suggesting that the magazines article is very descriptive giving the reader an immersive reading experience.

Page 5: Absolutely South East Analysis

At the bottom of the page, they have used the magazines motto, ‘Stylish, Intelligent, Elegant, Absolutely’. Written in a bold font, in gold it is clear this is something which is part of the magazines ethos/house style. Something which would appear on every edition, this is because it is formatted in the same way as the title, yet does not stand out as much on the front cover. This could be because this is not a selling point of the magazine and therefore does not need to attract the readers eye to get them to buy it. This is there instead, to once the reader has picked up the magazine and started reading they get an idea of the style of the magazine and the content inside. A key code and convention of a magazine is to portray the ethos and image of the magazine itself on the front cover. This gives the reader an impression of what it will be like. Usually done through the use of a motto/strapline.

They have featured the price and issue date in the top left corner, by using a small font for this it is indicated this is not of importance to the front cover.

Page 6: Absolutely South East Analysis

The background of ABSOLUTELY South East, is a woman wearing an orange coat which compliments her orange hair. The reason for the image is not made clear on the front cover, creating a hermeneutic code for the reader, wanting to know who she is and why she is on the front cover of the magazine.

Page 7: Absolutely South East Analysis

This is a double page spread advert from Absolutely South East magazine. This is advertising Pedder Property, a London estate agent. This advert utilises a red background, transitioning from lighter red on the left hand side to darker on the right. This gives the advertisement a darker feel, but using the bold colour attracts the readers attention. The main sell line for the advertisement is “Are you getting the full picture?”. This is a direct address to the reader and creates a hermeneutic code making the reader want to know what it is referring to. This then prompts them to continue reading. The image on the left is of one side of a glasses frame. Linking in with the sell line – this is suggesting that you are only seeing from one eye, whereas if you went with Pedder Property then you would be experiencing more. This advertisement is designed to catch the readers attention and then give them the information promoting their business and encouraging customers to sell and buy their house using them as their estate agent. This advertisement is getting more information across by using a double page spread.

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On this edition of Absolutely South East they are making use of a single page contents. They are continuing the luxurious house style shown in the other pages of the magazine onto this page, giving the reader an idea of continuity. They have assorted images around the page, giving it a contemporary feel with the contrasting white page number written over it. They have included topics in the images of food, fashion and places which makes it clear to the reader what it is associated to. They have then used a mixture of traditional and serif fonts for the content listings, again separating the topics by their area. By using the sub titles in bold this makes it stand out to the reader and makes it more personal, allowing them to choose which they read.