abritas support configuration options e xceptions and exception options chris tarrington

Abritas Support Configuration Options Exceptions and Exception Options Chris Tarrington

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Abritas Support Configuration Options E xceptions and Exception Options Chris Tarrington. Introduction. These slides have been designed to go through some of the configuration elements of your system, specifically exceptions and exception options What we will cover - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Abritas Support Configuration Options

Exceptions and Exception Options

Chris Tarrington

Page 2: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Introduction These slides have been designed to go through some of the

configuration elements of your system, specifically exceptions and exception options

What we will cover

What exception and exception options to expect from an initial project whether implementation of a new module, and upgrade or works order. The difference between Exceptions and Exception Options.Configurable aspects of exceptions and exception options.How this can help when organising your system.How configuring exceptions can also help define the configuration of different roles within your organisation.

Page 3: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exceptions and Exception Options Initial configuration

When a project is in its initial stages whether it is a new module, upgrade, new system or a works order, a “Master Role” will be created and configured with all the exceptions and exception options required for any functional work to be carried out.

It is also possible to have custom exceptions created if you need to display specific data sets that are not available with the existing exceptions.

During the UAT phase of a project it is possible to amend the way the exceptions are configured – several considerations can / should be made at this stage; these are

Page 4: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exceptions and Exception Options Initial configuration

How the exception is filtered – by Local Authority, or by Team or by bothHow the exception is namedWhether or not the exception is included on the Summary screenWhat columns appear in the exception and what order they appear inThe default ordering of results in the exceptionWhat search fields are configured for the exceptionWhat order the exceptions appear in within each folder in the left hand menuThe ordering of the option icons that appear when viewing a record from an exception

We will consider these questions later in the workshop

Page 5: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exceptions and Exception Options


Exceptions are used to display specific sets of data in different system states for example; “Active Housing Register Applications” exception.

Exceptions will allow you to access individual data records within the system, once accessed the options assigned to the exception then allow users to perform workflow tasks such as setting HRA applications to an active state.

The data shown on the exception has a core set of fields that can be added to, or have fields removed from, and replaced by other data fields, these can also be configured to be searchable fields.

Page 6: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exceptions and Exception Options

Exception Options

Exception options are used to perform tasks for single or multiple data sets within an exception or direct from an exception option.

Exception options cannot be configured they are pre designed to perform set tasks within the system, different “parameters” can be used, such as “Add Bid” that filters by local authority as opposed to the “Add bid” with no filter.


Exceptions are used to VIEW, Options are used to DO

Page 7: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exceptions and Exception Options

How to tell an exception from an exception option

When looking at the menu structure the icons used for exception and exception options differ slightly, as per the screen shots below

Exception Icon

Exception Option Icon

Page 8: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception configuration

Configuration behind the scenes

• Exceptions are preconfigured to show data in specific states, a simple example of this is the “All Households” exception, by default is configured to show any household whose current CRM state is either “Online registration in progress” or “Active”. This type of configuration is not visible to system users, but is simply applied when selecting the exception.

• The core values specified are pre-set “States” in system builds, these values can have additional states added or removed.

Page 9: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception configuration

Front end configuration• When viewing an exception there are 2 main areas that are configurable,

these are the fields used in the “Search” function and the columns displayed.

Page 10: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception configurationConfiguring Exceptions

• An example of this is the “All households” exception which has preconfigured columns, a simple change could be to remove the “Postcode” and insert the NI number.

• Figure 1

• Figure 2

Page 11: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception configurationConfiguring Exceptions

• Exceptions can also have columns specially configured to meet your needs, examples of these are;

• State Start Dates• Lookup values (Applicant types for housing register applicants)• Local Authority detail fro properties or Mutual Exchange

• All columns in exceptions have the ability to be made searchable.

• The columns used in an exception can be ordered to your requirements.• The example below shows how the NI column has now been re ordered to

appear first in the exception

Page 12: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception configuration

• Exceptions can also be configured to show set amount of results per page.

• By default this is set to 20.

• Exceptions can also be configured to show set amounts of data to return.

• By default this is 200 – So if you have 1400 active households clicking on the exception will show the first 200.

• Both of the above fields are configurable – for example The “Renewals” exceptions are normally reduced to show the first 50 sets of data as opposed to 200.

Page 13: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception Options configuration Exceptions come with pre-set options contained within them, Exception

options can be added to or removed from exceptions as required.

The order that the options appear in the exceptions is configurable.

The first option in an exception will be the first form loaded when selecting an individual data record from within the exception.

• In the above example the Household form containing the household data will be the first form displayed when selecting a data record.

• As the base requirement for any type of application E.G. Housing Register, Homelessness etc is an active household, it would make sense to have the ability to have these forms available from the All Households exception.

Page 14: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception Options configuration

Exception options can also be configured on a “User role” basis.

An example would be a lower level user role can be excluded from seeing the “Letters” icon in the “All households”, that higher level roles would be able to see.

This allows greater flexibility when creating roles and deciding which exceptions and exception options they should have access to.

Exception Options are also configured to be “Read only”, as well as “Actionable”, this gives you greater scope when creating your system roles.

Page 15: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configuration

Earlier we looked at initial considerations when configuring your system, Some of the questions to be considered will relate to the level of accessibility

required in the system, others relate to how you want to tailor the “Look and Feel” of your system

How the exception is filtered – by Local Authority, or by Team or by both • Within our exception configuration form we are able to filter by 2 fields that

are used in the exception.

• An example would be to filter the “All Adverts” exception by Local authority and or Team.

• If one or both of these options are used this would allow greater control of system accessibility, as the filters would control “Who can see what” within the exception.

Page 16: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configuration

How the exception is named

• Within our exception configuration form we are able to allow the naming convention of the exception to be specified by our clients if they require this to be different from the pre-set core description.

• This allows a greater control of how your system looks

Page 17: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configuration

Whether or not the exception is included on the Summary screen

The summary screen can be used to list exceptions and display the workload that each exception configured for the Summary screen contains.

The summary screen can have individual exceptions expanded, however if you need to see more than one folder expanded you will need to select the “Expand All” option.

Selecting any of the expanded options will take you to the related exception

Provides a quick overview of current exception workloads.

Page 18: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configuration

Summary Screen Summary Screen Expanded

Page 19: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configurationWhat columns appear in the exception and what order they

appear in.

As we have already seen the there are a default set of columns for any exception.

Specialised columns can be configured for any exception above and beyond what is delivered by default.

The order that the columns appear in is also configurable.

Default ordering of exception data

Exceptions can be configured to order the data displayed in them, for example you could choose to order your housing register exception “All Applications” by the “Housing register reference” in descending or ascending order.

Page 20: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configuration

What search fields are configured for the exception

A default standard set of search fields are created, however as we have discussed these are configurable per exception.

All exceptions allow fields that are used in the exception to be made searchable.

An example of this would be making the “Local Authority” field in the “All Adverts” a searchable field, this is also a way of filtering the results that an exception displays in lieu of placing an actual filter within the exception itself.

Page 21: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configurationWhat order the exception appears in within the left hand menu


The left hand menu panel is delivered in a default format, however this is configurable, giving the client the ability to tailor the look of the menu panel to their requirements.

Page 22: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configurationThe ordering of the option icons that appear when viewing a data

record from an exception

As we have seen the order that an option appears in an exception can also be configured to suit your needs.

An option that appears in more than one exception can be displayed in a different order per exception

Page 23: Abritas  Support  Configuration Options E xceptions  and  Exception Options Chris Tarrington

Exception and Exception Option configuration

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