abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

* 12.2. 1809 † 15.4.1865

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Page 1: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

* 12.2. 1809† 15.4.1865

Page 2: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Lincoln‘s YouthAbraham Lincoln Goes Alone Lincoln‘s Way In the Politic The Point of SlaveryConflict Of North and South States Lincoln As President Lincolns Assisination Summary Source

Page 3: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]
Page 4: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Was born in Hodgenville, 12.2.1809Born in log cabine, in a poor familyFather is a Farmer, Mother out of WorkHad a Sister, little Brother died after his birthSince Lincoln‘s Birth, his Father teached;

Slavery is bad1816 they went to little Pye Creek, Indiana

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Page 6: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Was born in Hodgenville, 12.2.1809Born in log cabine, in a poor familyFather is a Farmer, Mother out of WorkHad a Sister, little Brother died after his birthSince Lincoln‘s Birth, his Father teached;

Slavery is bad1816 they went to little Pye Creek, Indiana

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Page 8: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Was born in Hodgenville, 12.2.1809Born in log cabine, in a poor familyFather is a Farmer, Mother out of WorkHad a Sister, little Brother died after his birthSince Lincoln‘s Birth, his Father teached;

Slavery is bad1816 they went to little Pye Creek, Indiana

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Page 11: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Two years later, his Mother diedHis Father married a another Woman, she brings

two Children in this Family The Family had a hard life on the frontier

(Grenzland) Lincoln helped his Father in Farm, till he was 19 years Old 1830 (Lincoln 21 years Old) they moved to west, Macon County,Illinois

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Page 13: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Two years later, his Mother diedHis Father married a another Woman, she brings

two Children in this Family The Family had a hard life on the frontier

(Grenzland) Lincoln helped his Father in Farm, till he was 19 years Old 1830 (Lincoln 21 years Old) they moved to west, Macon County,Illinois

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Page 16: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

He left his Family, went to New Salem, IllinoisThere he worked as a merchant (Händler),

surveyor (Landvermesser), Post Officer (Postträger)

The popular America he learned to know, 1831 (22), when he went on the Ohio and Mississipi to New Orleans

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Page 18: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

He left his Family, went to New Salem, IllinoisThere he worked as a merchant (Händler),

surveyor (Landvermesser), Post Officer (Postträger)

The popular America he learned to know, 1831 (22), when he went on the Ohio and Mississipi to New Orleans

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Page 21: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

1832 (23 years Old), he went to Black Hawk War

He didn‘t Fight, he stayed in Background, and his Friends choosed him to Captain

A Captain, a great Orator in the debating society (Debattierclub), encouraged (ermutigte) him, to be the Representator of The little State Illinois

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Page 23: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

1832 (23 years Old), he went to Black Hawk War

He didn‘t Fight, he stayed in Background, and his Friends choosed him to Captain

A Captain, a great Orator in the debating society (Debattierclub), encouraged (ermutigte) him, to be the Representator of The little State Illinois

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Page 25: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

He wasn‘t choose, only by the second ChoiceHe became an advocat (Anwalt) and stayed

for The House of Illinois for 8 Years, and became a Politician

1846 he was chosen in the House of President, as an Leader of The Whigs (Party of Republican)

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Then he fight against the President, James K. Polk, and his Politic in Mexico

Criticer called him „Spotty Lincoln“, but Polk‘s Ignorings was called „Spot Resolutions“ (Aufklärung)

In January, 1849, he achieved a Restricton (Beschränkung) of Slavery in the Destrict of Columbia

In this Time, he wasn‘t Famous

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Page 28: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Then he fight against the President, James K. Polk, and his Politic in Mexico

Criticer called him „Spotty Lincoln“, but Polk‘s Ignorings was called „Spot Resolutions“ (Aufklärung)

In January, 1849, he achieved a Restricton (Beschränkung) of Slavery in the Destrict of Columbia

In this Time, he wasn‘t Famous

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1849 (Lincoln is 40 years Old), Zachary Taylor, next President of USA, wanted to make Lincoln to the Gouverneur of the Terretory of Oregon ; Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming

It didn‘t come off, (daraus wurde nichts), Lincoln didn‘t want it

For the next five years he go down of the Battlefield of Politic

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Page 31: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

1849 (Lincoln is 40 years Old), Zachary Taylor, next President of USA, wanted to make Lincoln to the Gouverneur of the Terretory of Oregon ; Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming

It didn‘t come off, (daraus wurde nichts), Lincoln didn‘t want it

For the next five years he go down of the Battlefield of Politic

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Page 33: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Products: Import of mass and cheap products out of England, High Customs (Zollkosten), Politic:for a Central Gouverment

Products:Export of Cotton, Tabaco, Farm ProductsAgrarian Country (Feldwirtschaft)Politic: Free Economy, Autonomy

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The Society, the Culture, the Economy were very different in this Time

The Interest of Both Systems, was very difficult to agree

The democrat party was in the south, with traditional teint

They were for Autonomy (Selbstständigkeit), of the one state, which allowed the Autonomy of Slavery

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Page 36: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

30. Mai, 1854, Kansas-Nebraska-Act was adopted, allowed Selfplanned Slavery in particular States

Meantime accrued a Lot of Small Civil Wars in Kansas, Slavery-Voters against Free-Soil-Mover

„Bleeding Kansas“

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Page 38: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

1855 (Lincoln 46) wanted to be in the Senat1853, His Rival was Stephen A. Douglas, a

great OratorAnd Then, They FIGHTThey Provided 7 public rhethoric battles,

which were goint to be famousThey was Print in the hole country

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Page 40: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]
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Page 43: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

Lincoln wins, in the House Divided Speech, in the 16. Juny, 1858

He dissed Dougles an wins America for himselfQuote

Page 44: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

“I believe this government cannot endure permanently half Slave and half Free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction: or its advocates will push it forward till it shall became alike lawful in all the States—old as well as new, North as well as South.” Abraham Lincoln

„Jedes Haus, das in sich uneins ist, wird nicht bestehen. Ich glaube,

daß diese Regierung auf Dauer nicht überleben kann, indem sie halb für die Sklaverei ist und halb für die Freiheit. Ich erwarte nicht, daß die Union aufgelöst wird; ich erwarte nicht, daß das Haus einstürzt; aber ich erwarte, daß es aufhören wird, geteilt zu sein. Es wird entweder ganz das eine oder ganz das andere sein.“

Page 45: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

1855 (Lincoln 46) wanted to be in the Senat1853, His Rival was Stephen A. Douglas, a

great OratorAnd Then, They FIGHTThey Provided 7 public rhethoric battles,

which were goint to be famousThey was Print in the hole country

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Page 47: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

„God musts love the little People,

Cause he made so much of them.

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4,7 Million White Man choosed himOn 20.December, 1860 escaped out of the Union,

deep south followed them He begin the Civil War, for the Recovery of the

UnionCivil War 1861-1865 Four Years he Directed the Civil WarHe abolished (verabschiedete) the Thirteenth

Admendment Act, against Slavery, 31.7.1865No Slavery More

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Page 50: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

4,7 Million White Man choosed himOn 20.December, 1860 escaped out of the Union,

deep south followed them He begin the Civil War, for the Recovery of the

UnionCivil War 1861-1865 Four Years he Directed the Civil WarHe abolished (verabschiedete) the Thirteenth

Admendment Act, against Slavery, 31.7.1865No Slavery More

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Page 52: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

4,7 Million White Man choosed himHe begin the Civil War, for the Recovery of the

UnionCivil War 1861-1865Four Years he Directed the Civil WarHe abolished (verabschiedete) the Thirteenth

Admendment Act, against Slavery, 31.7.1865No Slavery More

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Page 54: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]
Page 55: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

On the Good Friday 1865, he was killedWhen This Happens, He was in The Ford‘s

Theater was murdered from William Booth in the hole country the people mourned

(trauerten)Long Cortége (Trauerzug) through Springfield,

to New York an Chicago

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Page 57: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]
Page 58: Abraham lincoln [automatisch gespeichert]

On the Good Friday 1865, he was killedWhen This Happens, He was in The Ford‘s

Theater was murdered from William Booth in the hole country the people mourned

(trauerten)Long Cortége (Trauerzug) through Springfield,

to New York an Chicago

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