abiba segmentation profiling

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com


  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

    About ABIBA Systems

    ABIBA Offerings

    Analytics Overview

    Customer Lifecycle

    Analytics Solutions from ABIBA

    ABIBA Segmentation Methodology

    Advantages of prebuilt solutions

    Why ABIBA ?

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    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

    We are a Technology firm focused on being a Business Intelligence & Analytics partner of

    choice for Global Corporations

    We use advanced analytics tools customized to meet industry specific requirements.

    Our approach

    We understand the business, the business user requirements and then provide the most

    appropriate and cost effective solution.

    Our solution highlights

    Right B.I solution

    Rapid deployment for quick wins

    User friendly solutions to improve end user product utilization

    Lower TCO to ensure higher ROI

    ABIBA Management

    Promoter team have several decades of experience globally in companies in Europe,

    North America, Asia and Africa

    Senior management team is highly qualified with experience in management and


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    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com


    TeleView TM

    Champion TM


    PI Miner


    BI Consulting:

    BI Strategy, Scopingand Selection

    BI System design/architecture

    Technical and businessuser training

    BI System performanceanalysis &


    Solutions and Services -

    3DM Approach

    Datamart andEnterprise Data


    Data Sourcing -ELT/ETL/EAI

    Data Mining andanalytics

    Data Management

    Process improvement& workflow solutions

  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

    Analytics is the science of examining business data to identify historic trends and

    patterns, predict potential trends and to analyze the effects of certain decisions or


    The goal of analytics is to improve the quality of decision making in business by

    gaining in-depth knowledge of past, current and future performance.

    Type of Analytics :

    Descriptive Analytics: It describes the distribution of the data as well as

    cluster the data into more homogeneous groups

    Predictive Analytics: Predictive Analytics tries to predict the value of

    one or more responses in a data set

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    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

    Improved Sales

    Identify segments and launch targeted acquisition campaigns

    Improve the forecasting of acquisitions and plan support activities

    Increased Customer service and satisfaction

    Increase customer retention

    Develop effective loyalty programs to improve stickiness

    To analyze QoS across different segments Improved effectiveness of marketing activities

    Product development based on customer segmentation

    To design campaigns considering the responses of earlier campaigns

    Risk management

    To determine risk profile of customers and predict potential defaulters

    To avoid acquiring specific segments of customers who are more risky

    Enables better decision making

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    Sales &Marketing





    Market MixModeling


    Credit RiskManagement


    Product &segment


    Operations &Network

    Supply chainOptimization







    QoS analytics





    Market Entrystrategy


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    Identify your profitable segments and their behaviorEstimate the life time value of your customer segments for better marketing

    Identify the most sensitive customers for cross selling/up selling

    Identify customers likely to respond to promotional offers

    Predict the potential churn individual subscriber and segment

    Identify the most risky customer segments and list at-risk customers

    Identify the customers who are going to default or delay the payment

    Forecast Sales, Revenue, Churn, Default and other critical attributes based onhistoric performance.

    Response Modeling

    Churn Prediction

    Risk Models


    Segmentation &Profiling


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    Customer segmentation is a process that divides customers into smaller groups called

    segments. Segments are to be homogeneous within and desirably heterogeneous in


    Need for Segmentation

    Marketers are increasingly recognizing that the success of their marketing campaigns ; equally

    important is to ensure they're talking to the right people and ensuring they have the right message.

    Both targeting and messaging are made easier when a marketing team has the ability to segment its

    audience according to meaningful criteria and tailor their communications to the attributes of this

    audience segment.

    ABIBA Profiler offers some of the most advanced segmentation capabilities available on the

    market today, enabling marketers to create segments according to almost any combination of

    criteria available in their target database.


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    Objective : A large telecom provider with over 5mn post paid subscribers, wanted to identify

    potential defaulters and build effective collection strategies. It adopted an analytics

    framework to develop customer segments and collection scorecard.

    Methodology: Subscriber Segments were developed based on collectability and amount at

    stake along with collection score card based on certain key parameters like outstanding, time

    on network, historical payment behavior. Based upon the findings the telecom provider

    segmented post paid subscriber base to create customer segments coupled with collection

    scorecard to direct its collection strategies on specific customer groups likely to default

    Results: Collections (amount collected) improved by 15% and lower default rate by 12 %

    ( for key segments)

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    Objective: To compete with other providers of mobile telecommunications in the post paid

    segment, Vodafone realized it is important to know enough about your customers and to

    know the wants and needs of your customers for post paid business customers. The total

    number of postpaid business users (Corporate Scheme) at Vodafone is more than 800,000.

    Methodology :The customers were segmented based on behavioral and geographicalvariables like average call duration, average no calls received per day, average no calls

    originated per day, daytime calls, % of weekday calls, % of calls to mobile phones, average no

    sms received per day, average no sms originated per day, % international calls, % of outgoing

    calls within the same operator, zip codes and so on

    Result: Vodafone segmented its business customers into 6 different segments. It was able toidentify 2 most lucrative segments of the 6 and came out with special market offerings for

    them. This move increased the response to the marketing campaigns launched.

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    Objective : Volvo Cars wanted to increase its online campaign ROI.

    Methodology: Volvo Cars devised a system to segment it's customers into 3 segments hot

    leads, normal leads and poor leads based upon the behavioral data like pages they visited in

    it's website, the time spent, the type of ads they respond to and so on. If a customer is

    categorized into hot leads then he is funneled into the next stage wherein he is invited fortest drive or given a free brochure. After information is collected from the customer then

    loop is finally closed with a sales pitch.

    Result: This segmentation methodology helped Volvo to identify the right customers and

    save costs on the brochure and increase the responsive to the market offering.

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    Segmentation is normally performed along with the following demographic, geographic, psychographic,

    and behavioral variables

    Behavioral segmentation variables include product usage rate and end, brand royalty, benefit sought,

    decision making units, ready-to-buy stage, and so on. This set of variables is considered to be pivotal in

    any datamining application

    Demographic segmentation variables describe characteristics of customers and include age, gender,

    education, occupation, income, religion, marital status and so on. Note that demographic segmentation

    normally refers to segmentation with these demographic variables.

    Geographic variables include various classification of geographic areas, for example, zip code, state,

    country, region, climate, population, and other geographical census data. Note that this information can

    come from national census data

    Psychographic segmentation variables describe life style, personality, values, attitudes, and so on. Notethat psychographic segmentation normally refers to segmentation with these psychographic variables.

    Past business history, Customers' past business track records can be extremely useful for segmentation.

    This may include total amounts purchased, purchasing frequency, (credit) default records, (insurance)

    claims, responsiveness for marketing campaigns, and so on

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    PreprocessingSegmentation Visualization Scoring

    Data sample is collected from the source systems:

    The sample collected is based on the data model for the particular requirement. The basic data model

    is reconfigured after discussions with the domain experts of the client.

    Data preprocessing for analysis:Once the samples are collected from the analytical datamart, it is preprocessed to be used in

    modeling. Typical pre-processing activities done in the modeling engine are binning, example

    selection, feature selectionand standardization


    The preprocessed data is then used for segmentation. The variables are chosen and the number of

    segments are specified.


    The segments formed can be viewed in the form of classification trees and also in the form of


    Scoring : The model is then scored with the customer records

  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

    Integrated solution having data handling, segmenting, profiling and analysis tools

    seamlessly integrated Provides choice of display Decision Trees, Dendograph

    Pre-built models for key business functions

    Works on multiple OS Windows and Linux

    Multiple modes of data capture

    Scalable architecture Client Server and web-based deployment models

  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www.abibasystems.com

    Single Vendor One Stop shopAll software tools required for solution are provided by us.PLUS implementation and support if required.

    Business user driven implementation Minimal dependency on analysts, a scarce resource in

    many markets

    Ease of use Customisable GUI, workflow guiding model building

    High level of configurability and customisation suits rapidly changing market dynamics

    Pricing flexibility In-house, proprietary solutions gives greater flexibility

    Off-shore driven deployment If data can be provided offshore

    Lower overall TCO upto 40% lower than other industry standard tools

    Enhanced Security Features -Role-based views for all employees

    Quick Deployment - organizations can simply adopt or tailor the predefined reports and

    metrics in a packaged analytic application

  • 8/9/2019 ABIBA Segmentation Profiling


    Abiba Systems | www abibasystems com