abbreviations used in the present work · abbreviations used in the present work a. general ......

abr. adesp. Akkad. app. app. crit. Aeol. art. Att. b. Bah. beg. bibliog. bk. c. cent. em. comm. corr. d. Diss. Dor. end ed. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE PRESENT WORK A. GENERAL abridged/ abridgement Fr. French NT New Testament adespota fr. fragment OE Old English Akkadian ft. foot/feet 01. Olympiad appendix g. gram/s ON Old Norse apparatus criticus Ger. German OP Old Persian Aeolic Gk. Greek orig. original (e.g. Ger./ Fr. article ha. hectare/s orig. [edn.]) Attic Hebr. Hebrew OT Old Testament born HS sesterces oz. ounce/s Babylonian i.a. inter alia p.a. per annum at/nr. beginning ibid. ibidem, in the same work PIE Proto-Indo-European bibliography IE Indo-European pl. plate book imp. impression plur. plural circa in. inch/es pref. preface century inttod. introduction Proc. Proceedings centimetre/ s Ion. Ionic pro!. prologue commentary It. Italian ps.- pseudo- corrected kg. kilogram Is pt. part died km. kilometre Is re£ reference Dissertation lb. pound/s repr. reprint, reprinted Doric 1., ll. line, lines rev. revised/by at/nr. end lit. literally sel. selected editor, edited by it. litre/ s ser. series ed. maior I minor major/minor L. Linnaeus sing. singular edn. Einzelschr. El. Eng. esp. Etr. exhib. cat. fern. f., ff. fig. fl. A& A AA AAA AAHG AAWM A 2 H edition of critical text Lat. Latin Skt. Sanskrit edition m. metre/s Sp. Spanish Einzelschrift masc. masculine str. strophe Elarnite mi. mile/ s Suppl. Supplement English mi. rnillilitre Is T testimonium (i.e. piece of especially mod. modem ancient evidence about Etruscan Mt. Mount an author) exhibition catalogue n.,nn. note, notes trans. translation, translated by feminine n.d. no date v.,vv. verse, verses and following neut. neuter Ven. Venetie figure no. number floruit NS new series B. AUTHORS AND BOOKS Note: [--] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition Antike und Abendland 'see Syme, AA Athens Annals of Archaeology Anzeigerfor Altertumswissenschaft Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wtssenschaften in Mainz, geistes-und sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Ham a dan A 2 S Abh. followed by name of Academy or Society Abh. siichs. Ges. Wtss. Abh. zu Gesch. d. Math. Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Susa Abhandlungen Abhandlungen der siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wwenschaften Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wtssenschaften xxix

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abr. adesp. Akkad. app. app. crit. Aeol. art. Att. b. Bah. beg. bibliog. bk. c. cent. em. comm. corr. d. Diss. Dor. end ed.



abridged/ abridgement Fr. French NT New Testament adespota fr. fragment OE Old English Akkadian ft. foot/feet 01. Olympiad appendix g. gram/s ON Old Norse apparatus criticus Ger. German OP Old Persian Aeolic Gk. Greek orig. original (e.g. Ger./ Fr. article ha. hectare/s orig. [ edn.]) Attic Hebr. Hebrew OT Old Testament born HS sesterces oz. ounce/s Babylonian i.a. inter alia p.a. per annum at/nr. beginning ibid. ibidem, in the same work PIE Proto-Indo-European bibliography IE Indo-European pl. plate book imp. impression plur. plural circa in. inch/es pref. preface century inttod. introduction Proc. Proceedings centimetre/ s Ion. Ionic pro!. prologue commentary It. Italian ps.- pseudo-corrected kg. kilogram Is pt. part died km. kilometre Is re£ reference Dissertation lb. pound/s repr. reprint, reprinted Doric 1., ll. line, lines rev. revised/by at/nr. end lit. literally sel. selected editor, edited by it. litre/ s ser. series

ed. maior I minor major/minor L. Linnaeus sing. singular

edn. Einzelschr. El. Eng. esp. Etr. exhib. cat. fern. f., ff. fig. fl.



edition of critical text Lat. Latin Skt. Sanskrit edition m. metre/s Sp. Spanish

Einzelschrift masc. masculine str. strophe Elarnite mi. mile/ s Suppl. Supplement English mi. rnillilitre Is T testimonium (i.e. piece of especially mod. modem ancient evidence about Etruscan Mt. Mount an author)

exhibition catalogue n.,nn. note, notes trans. translation, translated by feminine n.d. no date v.,vv. verse, verses and following neut. neuter Ven. Venetie figure no. number floruit NS new series

B. AUTHORS AND BOOKS Note: [--] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions

A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition

Antike und Abendland 'see Syme, AA Athens Annals of Archaeology Anzeiger for Altertumswissenschaft Abhandlungen der Akademie der

Wtssenschaften in Mainz, geistes-und sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse

Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Ham a dan


Abh. followed by name of Academy or Society

Abh. siichs. Ges. Wtss.

Abh. zu Gesch. d. Math.

Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Susa


Abhandlungen der siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wwenschaften

Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wtssenschaften


Authors and Books

Abh. zu Gesch. d. Med.

Acad. index Here.

Act. Ir.


Ael. Ep. NA VH


A en. Aen.Tact. Aesch.

Ag. Cho. Bum. Pers. PV Sept. Supp.

Aeschin. In Ctes. In Tim.



AJAR A]Arch. A]Phil. AK Ale. Alddamas, Soph. Alcm. Alexander, Trials

Alex. Polyh. Altheim, Hist. Rom.



Amer. Acad. Rome

Amer. Hist. Rev. AMI


Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und d. Medizin

Academicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis editus a R Buechelero (1869)

Acta Iranica: Encyclopedie permanente des etudes iraniennes

ApxatoAoy&Kov A£ATlov L'Annk Epigraphique, published

in Revue Archeologique and separately (1888- )

Aelianus Epistulae De natura animalium Varia Historia

Archaiologiko Ergo ste Makedonia kai Thrake

Aeneid Aeneas Tacticus Aeschylus

Agamemnon Choephotoe Eumenides Persae Prometheus Vinctus Septem contra Thebas Supp!ices

Aeschines Against Ctesiphon Against Timarchus

Aetius Sudhoffs Archiv for Geschichte der

Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften

Atti deU'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di scienze morali e lettere

American journal of Ancient History American journal of Archaeology American journal of Philology Antike Kunst Aleaeus Alddamas, li£pl uoqnaTciJV Aleman M. C. Alexander, Trials in the Late

Roman Republic, 149-50 Be (1990)

Alexander Polyhistor F. Altheim, Riimische

Religionsgeschichte, trans. H. Mattingly (1938; 2nd edri. (Ger.), 1956)

see MDAI·(A) L'Arabie et ses mers bordieres 1:

Itineraires et voisinages, ed.]. F. Salles (1988)

Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome

American Historical Review Archiiologische Mitteilungen aus

Iran, NS (1968- )

Amm.Marc. Ammon.


Anac. Anat. St. Anc. Soc. Andoc. Anecd. Bach.




Ann. Ist.

Anon. De com. ANRW

Ant.aj Ant. Class. Anth. Lat.

Anth. Lyr. Graec. Anth. Pal. Anth. Plan. Antig. Car. An tip h. Antip.Sid. Ant.journ. Ant. Lib.

Met. Anz. followed by

name of Academy or Society

AO APF Apollod.

Bib!. Epit.

Apollonius Mir.

Apollonius Dyscolus

Pron. App.

BCiv. Hann. Hisp. m. Mac. Mith.

Ammianus Marcellinus Ammonius grammaticus

li£pt op.o{wv Kal 8w.<f>6pwv Mg£WV

Anacreon Anatolian Studies Ancient Society Andoddes Ariecdota Graeca, ed. L.

Bachmann (1828-9) Anecdota Graeca, ed. I. Bekker, 3

vols. (1814-21) Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS Bibl.

Oxon., ed.]. A. Cramer, 4 vols. (1835-7)

Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS Bibl. Reg. Parisiensis, ed.]. A. Cramer, 4 vols. (1839--41)

Annali del Istituto di Corrispondenza Archaeologica (1829- )

Anonymus De Comoedia Aufstieg und Niedergang der

rihnischen Welt (1972- ) Antiquites africaines L'Antiquite classique Anthologia Latina, ed. A. Riese, F.

Buecheler, and B. Lommatzsch (1869-1926); ed. D. R Shackleton Bailey. 1: Carmina in codicibus scripta (1982)

see Diehl Anthologia Palatina Anthologia Planudea Antigonus Carystius Antiphon Antipater Sidonius Antiquaries journal Antoninus Liberalis

Metamorphoses Anzeiger or Anzeigen

see Develin, AO see Davies, APF Apollodorus mythographus

Bibliotheca Epitome

Apollonius paradoxographus Mirabilia

De pronominibus Appian

BeUa civilia 'Avvt{3alkrj 'f{31]p1KTJ 'l>.Avp&KTJ MaK£8ov&KTJ Mt8ptMT£10S

Authors and Books

App. IA De incessu animalium Pun. A•PvK'I] Int. De interpretatione Sam. L'avvLTLKV [Lin. Ins.] De lineis insecabilibus Syr. L'vpLaK'I] [Mag. mor.] Magna moralia

App. Verg. Appendix Vetgiliana [Mech.] Mechanica Apsines, Rhet. Apsines, Ars rhetorica Mem. De memoria Apth.Prog. Aphthonius, Progymnasmata Metaph. Metaphysica Apul. Apuleius Mete. Meteorologica

ApoL Apologia [Mir. ausc.] see Mir. ausc. under M Asclep. Asclepius [Mund.] Demundo DedeoSoc. De deo Socratico [Oec.] Oeconomica De dog. Plat. De dogmate Platonis Part. an. De partibus animalium Plot: Florida Parv. nat. Parva naturalia Met. Metamorphoses Ph. Physica

Ap.Rhod. Apollonius Rhodius [Phgn.] Physiognomonica AJXon. Argonautica Poet. Poetica

Ar. Aristophanes PoL Politica Ach. Acharnenses [Pr.] Problemata Av. Aves Resp. De respiratione EccL Ecclesiazusae Rh. Rhetorica Eq. Equites [Rh.Al.] Rhetorica ad Alexandrum Lys. Lysistrata Sens. De sensu Nub. Nubes Soph. eL Sophistici elenchi Plut. Plutus Top. Topica Ran. Ranae [Xen.] De Xenophane Thesm. Thesmophoriazusae Aristid.Or. Aristides, Orationes Vesp. Vespae Aristid Quint. Aristides Quintilianus

Aratus, Phaen. Aratus, Phaenomena Aristox. Aristoxenus Progn. Prognostica Fr. kist. Fragmenta historica

Ar.Byz. Aristophanes Byzantinus Harm. Harmonica Arch.Ael. Archaeologia Aeliana (Newcasde- Rhythm. Rhythmica

upon-Tyne) Arn. Arnobius Arch.Anz. Archiiologischer Anzeiger in ]ahr- Adv. nat. Adversus nationes

buck des [kaiser lichen] deutschen Arnim(von) seeSVF archiiologischen Instituts Arr. Arrian (]DAI) A nab. Anabasis

Arch. Class. Archaeologia Classica Cyn. Cynegeticus 'ApX: 'E,P. Apxa•oAoyLK1} 'Erf>"'IL"Pls Epict. diss. Epicteti dissertationes Archil. Archilochus Parth. Parthica Archirn. Method Archimedes, Method of Peripl. M. Eux. Periplus Maris Euxini

Mechanical Theorems Tact. Tactica Arch.]ourn. Archaeological journal Artem. Artemidorus Daldianus Arch.Laz. Archeologia Laziale ARV ]. D. Beazley. Attic Red-Figure Vase-Arch. Pap. Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung Painters, 2nd edn. (1963) Arch. Rep. Archaeological Reports published ARVAdd T. Carpenter, T. Mannack, and

by the Hellenic Society M.Mendon~a,Beazley

Arist. Aristode Addenda, 2nd edn. (1990) An. post. Analytica posteriora ARVPara ]. D. Beailey, Paralipomena An. pr. Analytica priora Additions to Attic Black-Figure [Ath. Pol.] 'AO"Jvalwv TTOAL-rda Vase-Painters and to Attic Red-Cael. Decaelo Figure Vase-Painters (1971) Cat. Categoriae ARW Archiv fiir Religionswissenschaft [Col.] De coloribus ASAA Annuario della Scuola archeologica Dean. Deaninut di Atene e delle Missioni italiane [Deaudib.] De audibilibus in Oriente De motu an. De motu animalium ASAE Annales du service des antiquites de Div. somn. De divinatione per somnia l'Egypte Eth. Eud. Ethica Eudemia Asc. Asconius Eth. Nic. Ethica Nicomachea Corn. Commentary on Cicero, Pro Gen. an. De generatione animalium Corneleo de maiestate Gen. corr. De generatione et corruptione Mil. Commentary on Cicero, Pro Hist. an. Historia animalium Milone


Authors and· Books

Berve, H. Berve, Das Alexanderreich aus Briscoe, Comm. 31- ]. Briscoe, A CAlmmentary on Livy Alexanderreich prosopographi.scher Grundlage 33 Books xxxi-xxxiii (1973}

(1927} Comm. 34-37 A Commentary on Livy Books BGU Berliner Griechische Urkunden xxxi"l'-=vii (1981}

(Agyptisdte Urkunden aus den Brommer, F. Brommer, Vasenlisten zur Kgl. Museen zu Berlin) Vasenlisten griechisdten Heldensage

BHisp. Bellum Hispaniense (2nd edn. 1960; 3rd edn. Bibl. Be. Franc. Bibliotheque des Ecoles frallfaises 1973)

d' Athenes a de Rome (1877- ) Broughton, MRR T. R. S. Broughton, The BICS Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Magistrates of the Roman

Studies, London Republic (1951-2}; Suppl. Bidez-Cumont J. Bidez and F. Cumont, Les Mages (1986: supersedes Suppl.

he!Ienises, 2 vols. (1938) 1960) Bieber, Sculpt. M. Bieber, Sculpture of the Bruns, Font. C. G. Bruns, Fontes iuris Romani

HeUenist. Age Hellenistic Age, 2nd edn. antiqui, 7th edn. (1919) (1961} Brunt, RIT P. A. Brunt, Roman Imperial

BIFAO Bulletin de 1 'Institut frallfais Themes (1990) d' Archeologie Orientale (Cairo) BSA Annual of the British School at

BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis Athens ( 189 5- ) Bj Bonner jahrlrncher BTCGI G. Nenci and G. Vallet (eds), BKT Berliner Klassikertexte, Bibliografia topograjica della

herausgegeben von der colonizzazione greca in Italia e Generalverwaltung der Kg!. nelle isole tirreniche Museen zu Berlin (1904- ) Buchner, FPL see Morel-Biichner, FPL

Blass, Att. Ber. R Blass, Die Attische Beredsamkeit, Bude Collection des Univ. de France, 2nd edn. (1887-98) publiee sous le patronage

BM British Museum de I' Assoc. Guillaume BMB Bulletin du Musee de Beyrouth Bude BMC British Museum Catalogue Buecheler, Carm. F. Buecheler, Carmina Latina BM Coins, Rom. Emp. British Museum Catalogue of Coins Epigr. Epigraphica, 2 vols. with

ofthe Roman Empire (1923- ) Suppl. by E. Lommatzsch BN Beitriige zur Namenforschung, (1894-1930)

Heidelberg Bull. Com. Arch. Bullettino ella Commissione Boll. d'Arte Bollettino d 'arte archeologica comunale in Roma Boll. Fil. Class. Bollettino di filologia classica Bull. Ist. Dir. Rom. Bullettino del Istituto di diritto

(1894-1929); NS (1930- ) romano Bonner jahrb. Bonner ]ahrlrncher ( 189 5- ) Bull. Rylands Libr. Bulletin of]ohn Rylands Library Bosworth, HCA A. B. Bosworth, Historical Com- Burkert, GR W. Burkert, trans.]. Raffan, Greek

mentary on Arrian's History of Religion (1985) Alexander 1: Commentary on Burkert, HN W. Burkert, trans. P. Bing, Homo Books i-iii (1980); 2: Com- Necans (1983) mentary on Books iv--v ( 1995) Burnet,EGP ]. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy,

Bouche-Leclerq, A. Bouche-Leclerq, Histoire de Ia 4th edn. (1930) Hist. div. divination dans l'antiquite, 4 Bursian C. Bursian, Geographic von

vols. (1879-82) Griechenland 2 (1872) Bowersock, AGW G. W. Bowersock, Augustus and jahresb. Bursian' s ]ahresberichte iiber die

the Greek World (1965) Fortschritte der Altertumswis-B. phil. Woch. Berliner philologische senschaft (1873- )

Wochenschrift (1881-1920) Busolt, Gr. Gesch. G. Busolt, Griechische Geschichte, Bremer F. P. Bremer, Iurisprudentiae 4 vols., vols. 1 and 2 in 2nd

antehadrianae quae supersunt: 1 edn. (1893-1904) (1896); 2/1 (1898); 2/2 (1901) Byz. Forsch. Byzantinische Forschungen

Bresl. phil. Abh. Breslauer philologische Byz. und Neugr. Byzantinisch-neugriechi.sche Abh.andlungen jahrb. jahrbiicher

BRGK Bericht der romisch-germanischen Byz. Zeitschr. Byzantini.sche Zeitschrift Kommission des deutschen archiiologischen Instituts

Briant, HEA P. Briant, De Cyrus a Alexandre: C&M Classica et Mediaevalia l'Histoire de !'empire Cabroi-Leclerq, F. Cabrol and H. Leclerq (eds.), achemenide (forthcoming) Diet. d 'arch. Dictionnaire d' archeologie (published title: Histoire de chretienne chretienne et de liturgie, 15 vols. 1 'empire perse ( !996)] (1907-53)


Authors and Books

Asc. BAegypt. Cannen de BeUo Aegyptiaco sive Pis. Commentary on Cicero, In Actiaco (papyrus fragment)

Pisonem Baehr. B. Baehrens Verr. Commentary on Cicero, In FPR Fragmenta Poetarum Romanorum

Verrem (1866) Asc .... c Asconius, ed A. C. Clark (OCT, PLM see PLM VoUmer/Morel

1907) BAfr. BeUum A.fiicum ASNP Annali deUa Scuola Normale Bagnall and Derow R. S. Bagnall and P. Derow, Greek

Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Historical Documents: The Lettere e Filoso.fia HeUenistic Period (1981)

ASSR Archives des sciences sociales de BAlex. BeUum Alexandrinum religion Basil. De virg. Basilius, De viyginitate

Astin, Sdpio A. B. Astin, Sdpio Aemilianus BASP BuUetin of the American Sodety of (1967) Papyrologists

Ath. Athenaeus Bauman, WPAR R. A. Bauman, Women and Athenaeum Athenaeum (Pavia). NS (1923- Politics in Andent Rome Athenagoras, Leg. Athenagoras, Legatio pro (1992)

Christian is BCH Bulletin de Correspondance pro Christ. = IlpEa{jda 7rEpl Xptanavwv Hellhtique

Ath.pol. Athenaion politeio (Aristotelian); BE BuUetin qngraphique, pub. in see also Xen. for 'Old Revue des etudes grecques Oligarch' i.e. Ps.-Xen. Ath. Pol. Beazley, ABV J. D. Beazley. Attic Block-figure

ATL B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery. Vase Painters (1956) and M. F. McGregor, The ARV2 Attic Red-figure Vase Painters, 2nd Athenian Tribute Lists 1-4 edn. (1963) (1939-53) Paralipomena Paralipomena: Additions to ABV

Auct. ad Her. Auctor ad Herennium andARV' (1971) August. Augustine Beazley Addenda T. H. Carpenter, Beazley Addenda:

Ad Rom. Expositio ofEpist. ad Romanos Additional References to ABV, C. acad. Contra academicos ARV' and Paralipomena, 2nd Conj Confessions edn. (1989) Dedv. D. De dvitate Dei BEFEO BuUetin: Ecole .frat!faise d'Extreme Div. quaest. De diversis quaestionibus Orient In Evang. Iohan. Tractatus in Evangelium Iohannis Beitr. Beitrag, Beitriige Ep. Epistulae Beloch K.J. Beloch Retract. Retractationes Gr. Gesch. Griechische Geschichte, 2nd edn. Serm. Sermones (1912-27)

Aul. Gell. seeGell. Rom. Gesch. Romische Geschichte bis zum Aur. Viet. Caes. Aurelius Victor, Caesares Beginn der punischen Kriege [ Aur. Viet.] De vir. iU. [Aurelius Victor], De viris (1926)

iUustribus Bengtson, Strategie H. Bengtson, Die Strategie in der Anson. Ausonius (see Green) hellenistischen Zeit,

Cent. nupt. Cento nuptialis Munchener Beittage zur Grat. act. Gratiarum actio Papyrusforschung und Mos. MoseUa Rechtsgeschichte 26 (1937), 32 Ordo nob. urb. Ordo nobilium urbium (1944), 36 (1952) Proj Burd. Commemoratio professorum Rom. Gesch. Grundriss der romischen Geschichte

Burdigalensium (1967) Technop. Technopaegnion Berard, Bib!. topogr. J. Berard, Bibliographie

Austin M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic topographique des principales World from Alexander to the dtes grecques de l'Italie Roman Conquest ( 1981) mbidionale et de Ia Sicile dans

Austin, CGFP C. Austin; Comicorum Graecorum l'antiquite (1941) fragmenta in papyris reperta Berl. Abh. Abhandlungen der preup. Akademie (1973) d. Wtssenschaften zu Berlin

(1786-1907; 1908- ) BaBesch. Bulletin antieke Beschavung Bernabe, PEG A. Bernabe, Poetae Epici Graed 1 Bacchyl. Bacchylides (ed. B. Snell and H. (1988)

Maehler, 1970) Ber. Siichs. Ges. Wtss. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der BAct. BeUum Actiacum: see B Aegypt. [Kgl.] siichsischen Gesellschaft Badian, Stud. Gr. B. Badian, Studies in Greek and der Wtssenschaften zu Leipzig

Rom. Hist. Roman History (1964) {1848)


Authors and Books

Caes. BAfr. BCiv. BGaU.



Cahiers de Ia DAFI

Callim. Aet. Bpi gr. Hymn 1

I a.

2 3

4 5 6

Calp.&l. Carm. arv. Carm. epigr.


Carm. Sal. Cary, Geographic


Cary­Wannington, Explorers

Cass. Dio Cassiod. Inst. Var.

Castagnoli, Stud. urb.

Cat. Lit. Pap.

Cato, Agr. Orig.

Catull. Caven, Punic Wars







Caesar BeUum A.fricum BeUum Civile BeUum GaUicum

T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (1880--8)

Cambridge Ancient History 2nd edn. (1961- ; 1st edn. 1923-39)

Cahiers de Ia delegation fra11f4ise en Iran

Callimachus Aetia Epigrammata Hymn to Zeus

ApoUo .. .. Artemis .. .. Delos , , Athena

Demeter Iambics

Calpurnius Siculus, Eclogues Carmen arvale Carmina epigraphica ('pars

posterior' of Anthologia Latina)

Carmina popularia in Diehl"s Anth. Lyr. Graec.2, pp. 192-208

Carmen Saliare M. Cary, The Geographic

Background of Greek and Roman History (1949)

M. Cary and E. H. Warmington, The Ancient Explorers (1929; Penguin/Pelican, 1963)

CassiusDio Cassiodorus Institutiones Variae

R Castagnoli (ed.), Studi di urbanistica antica ( 1966)

H.J. M. Milne, Catalogueofthe Literary Papyri in the British Museum (1927)

Cato, De agricultura or De re rustica Origines

Catullus B. Caven, The Punic Wars

(1988) Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum

Graecorum, ed. R Cumont and others 9 vols.

Corpus Christianorum, series Graeca (1977- )

Corpus Christianorum, series Latina (1953- )

Collections de !'Ecole fra11faise de Rome (1976-- )

P. A. Hansen, Carmina Epigraphica Graeca, 2 vols. (1983-9)

Celsus, Med. Censorinus, DN CGF

Chaldd. In Tim.

Charisius, Gramm. CHCL


CH] Christ-Schmid­


Chron. d'E Chron. MarceU. Chron. min. Chron. Pasch. CIA

Cic. A cad. Acad. post.

Acad. Pr.

Ad Brut. Arnie. Arch. Att. Balb. Brut. Caecin. Cael. Cat. Clu. Corn.

De imp. Cn. Pomp. Deiot. De or. Div. Div. Caec. Dom. Fam. Fat. Fin. Flac. Font. Har. resp. Inv. rhet. Leg. Leg. agr.

Celsus, De medicina Censorinus, De die natali G. Katbel, Comicorum Graecorum

Fragmenta (1899) Chalcidius, In Platonis

Timaeum Charisius, Ars grammatica Cambridge History of Classical

Literature, 1: Greek Literature, ed. P. E. Easterling and B. M. W. Knox (1985); 2: Latin Literature, ed. E. J. Kenney and W. V. Clausen (1982)

Chiron: Mitteilungen der Kommission for alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des deutschen archiiologischen Instituts

Cambridge Historical journal W. von Christ, Geschichte d.

griechischen Literatur, rev. W. Schmid and 0. Stiihlin, vol. 2/16

• See also ztz• Schmid­Stiihlin

Chroniques d'Egypte Marcellinus, Chronicon Chronica minora Chronicon Paschale Corpus Inscription urn Atticarum

(1825- ) Cicero (Marcus Thllius)

Academicae quaestiones Academica posteriora

( = Plasberg, Bk. 4) Academica Priora (= Plasberg,

Bk. 1) Epistulae ad Brutum Deamicitia ProArchia Epistulae ad Atticum Pro Balbo Brutus or De Claris Oratoribus Pro Caecina ProCaelio In Catilinam ProCluentio Pro Cornelio de maiestate

(fragmentary) see Leg. Man. Pro rege Deiotaro Deoratore De divinatione Divinatio in Caecilium Dedomosua Epistulae ad familiares Defato Definibus Pro Fiacco Pro Fonteio De haruspicum responso De inventione rhetorica De legibus De lege agraria

Cic. Leg. Man.

Lig. Luc.

Marcell. Mil. Mur. Nat. D.

Off. Orat. Part. or. Phil. Pis. Plane. Prov. cons. QFr. QRosc. Qui net. Rab. Post. Red. pop. Red. sen. Rep. Rose. Am. Scaur. Sen. Sest. Somn. SuU. Tog. cand.

Top. Tusc. Verr.

Cicero, Comment. pet.

Cichorius, Rom. Stud.




CIS em.

C] Cl.Ant. Claud.

Cons. Hon. Cons. Stil.


Clem. AI. Protr. Strom.

Clinton, Iconography

Pro lege Manilia or De imperio Cn. Pompeii

Pro Ligario LucuUus or Academica

posterior a Pro Marcello Pro Milone ProMurena De natura deorum De officiis Orator ad M. Brutum

· Partitiones oratoriae Orationes Philippicae InPisonem ProPlancio De provinciis consularibus Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem Pro Roscio comoedo Pro Quinctio Pro Rabirio Postumo Post reditum ad populum Post reditum in senatu De republica Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino ProScauro De senectute ProSestio Somnium Scipionis ProSuUa Oratio in senatu in toga candida

(fragmentary) Topica Tusculanae disputationes In Verrem

Cicero (Quintus), Commentariolum petitionis

C. Cichorius, Romische Studien (1922; repr. 1961) (cited by chapter and section)

Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum (1893- )

Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum, ed. J.-B. Frey (1936--52)

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (1863- )

Corpus Inscripti01ium Semiticarum (1881- )

Classical journal Classical Antiquity Claudianus

De consulatu Honorii De consulatu Stilichonis

R BiiCheler and E. Lommatzsch (eds.), Carmina Latina Epigraphica (1895-1926)

Clemens Alexandrinus Protrepticus StrOIMteis

K. Clinton, Myth and Cult: The Iconography of the Eleusinian Mysteries (1992)

Sacred Officials



Coarelli, Roma

Cod. Codd. Lat. Ant.


Cod. lust. Cod. Theod. CoU. Alex. Collingwood-

Myres, Roman Britain


Columella, Rust. Comm. in Arist.

Graeca Conon, Narr.

Const. Conway. Ita!. Dial.

Cook, Zeus

Cornutus, Theol. Graec.

Corp. poes. ep. Graec. lud.

CPhil. Courtney, FLP


CQ CR CR Acad. Inscr.

Cramer, Anecd. Par. CRF CronASA

Cron. Ere.


Authors and Books

The Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries {1974)

Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (1908- )

Corpus Medicorum Latinorum (1915- )

R Coarelli, Guida archeologica Laterza: Roma,6th edn. (1989)

Codex E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini

Antiquiores (1934-66); Suppl. (1971); 2nd edn. ofvol. 1 (1972)

Codex Iustinianus Codex Theodosianus see Powell R. G. Collingwood and]. N. L.

Myres, Roman Britain and the English Settlements, 2nd edn. (1937; repr. 1963)

R. G. Collingwood, R. P. Wright, and others, The Roman In­scriptions ofBritain (1965- )

Columella, De re rustica Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca

Conon Mythographus,

Ll•maE<s Constitutio R. S. Conway. Italic Dialects

(1897) A. B. Cook, Zeus: A Study in

Ancient Religion, vol. 1 (1914), 2 (1925), 3 (1940)

Cornutus (L. Annaeus), 'E7rtlipoi-'-T] nov Kani r?]v 'EAA7JVLKTJV fho>..oylav 11"apafiEfiDP-EvWV

Corpusculum poesis epicae Graecae ludibundae 1: Parodia et Archestratus, P. Brandt (1888); 2: SyUographi Graeci, C. Wachsrnuth(1885)

Classical Philology E. Courtney. The Fragmentary

Latin Poets (1993) Corpus Poetarum Latinorum

(1894-1920) Classical Quarterly Classical Review Comptes rend us de l 'Academic des

Inscriptions et Belles-lettres see Anecd. Par. see Ribbeck Cronache di archeologia e di storia

dell'arte BoUetino del Centro

internazionale per lo studio dei papyri ercolanesi

Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasti­corum Latinorum ( 1866 ff.)


Authors and Books

Cui. Cumont, Rei. or.

Curt. CVA

Cyril. Adv. Iul.

Dam.Isid. Dar. -Sag.







Dechelette, Manuel

De Com. Dif. tab. Audollent

Dif. tab. WUnsch

Degrasi, ILLRP Delos

Dem. Decor. Epit. Lept. Meid.

Demetr. Bloc.

Demianczuk, Supp. Com.

Democr. De S'!Jictis, Stor.


Dessau, ILS

Deubner, Attische Peste


De vir. iU.



R Cumont, Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain, 4th edn.(1929)

Q. Curtius Rufus Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum

{1925- ) Cyrillus, Adversus Iulianum

Damasdus, Vita Isidori C. Daremberg and E. Saglio,

Dictionnaire des antiquitt!s grecques et romaines d' apres les textes et les monuments ( 1877-1919)

J. K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 Be {1971)

M. Davies, Epicorum Graecorum Fragm.enta (1988)

Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragm.enta {1991)

Inscription of Darius I at Bisutun

Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature, ed. H. Wace and W C. Piercy (1911)

Dictionnaire de Ia civilisation phenicienne et puniq_ue (1992)

J. Dechelette, Manuel d'archt!ologie prehistorUJ.ue, celtique et gallo-romaine (1908--14)

see Anon. De Com. A. Audollent, Dt:fixionum Tabellae

(1904) R. Wiinsch, Dt:fixionum Tabellae

(= IG 3/3) (1897) seeiLLRP Explorations archeologiq_ues de

Delos (1909-- ) Demosthenes

De corona Epitaphius Against Leptines Against Meidias

Demetrius [Phalereus], De Elocutione = II epl €pp:1Jvdas

J. Demianczuk, Supplementum Comicum (1912)

Democritus G. De Sanctis, Storia dei Romani,

vols. 1-22 {1959-60), 32 (1967-8), 4/1' (1969), 4/2-3 {1953-64)

H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (1892-1916)

L. Deubner, Attische Peste (1932)

R. Develin, Athenian Officials 684-321 BC (1989)

De viris illustribus (auctor ignotus)


DHA Dial. di Arch. Diet. Sci. Biogr.

Diet. Spir.

Did. lui. Diehl. Anth. Lyr.


Poet. Rom. vet.

Diels, Dox. Graec.

Diels--Kranz, Vorsokr.

Dig. Din. Dio Cass. DioChrys.

Or. Diocl. Magn. DioCocc. Diod.Sic. Diogenian. Diog. Laert. Diom. Dion. Calliphon. Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. Comp. Deimit. Dem. I soc. Lys. Pomp. Rhet. Thuc. Vett. cens.

Dion. Thrax Dionys. Per. Diss. Pan.

Dittenberg. Syll.' Diz. Epigr. OK

Donat. Vit. V(Yg.

DOP Dox. Graec. DServ. DTC

A. W Pickard-Cambridge, rev. J. Gould and D. M. Lewis, Dramatic Festivals of Athens, 3rd edn. (1988)

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne Dialoghi di archeologia Dictionary of Scientific

Biography, ed. C. Gillespie {1970-80)

Dictionnaire de spiritualitt! asct!tique et mystique {1933)

Didius Iulianus, see SHA E. Diehl, Anthologia Lyrica Graeca

{1925; 2nd edn. 1942; 3rd edn. 1949-52)

Poetarum Romanorum veterum reliq_uiae (1911)

H. Diels, Doxographi Graeci (1879)


Digesta Dinarchus DioCassius Dio Chrysostomus

Orationes Diodes of Magnesia Dio Cocceianus; see Dio Chrys. Diodorus Siculus Diogenianus Paroemiographus Diogenes Laertius Diomedes Grammaticus Dionysius Calliphontis filius Dionysius Halicarnassensis Antiquitates Romanae De compositione verborum De imitatione De Demosthene De Isocrate DeLysia Epistula ad Pompeium Ars rhetorica De Thucydide De veterum censura

Dionysius Thrax Dionysius Periegeta Dissertationes Pannonicae

(1932- ) see SyU.' see Ruggiero H. Diels and W Kranz, Fragmente

der Vorsokratiker, 6th edn. (1952)

Aelius Donatus Vita Vergilii

Dumbarton Oaks Papers see Diels see Serv. Dan. Dictionnaire de Tht!ologie

Catholiq_ue, ed. A. Vacant, E. Mangenot and E. Amann, 15 vols. (1903-50)

Duff, Minor Lat. Poets

Dumezil, ARR

Dunbabin, Western Greeks


Edmonds, FAC




Enc. Brit. Enc. Ir.

Enc. Virg.

Enn.Ann. Entretiens Hardt

Ep. Eph. Epigr.

Epicharm. EpicUJ;us

Ep. Ep.Hdt. Ep.Men. Ep. Pyth. Sent. Vat.

RS Epigr. Gr.

Epiph. Adv. haeres. Epit. Epit. de Caes.

Epit. Oxyrh. EPRO-

Eratosth. [Cat.]

ERE "Epyov

Et. de Pap. Etym.Magn. Euc.

J. W. and A. M. Duff, Minor Latin Poets (Loeb, 19.35; repr. 1968, 1982)

G. Dumezil, Archaic Roman Religion (1987; Fr. orig. 1974)

T. J. Dunbabin, The Western Greeks (1948)

Epigraphica Anatolica Enciclopedia deU 'arte antica

(1958-- ) J. M. Edmonds, Fragments of Attic

Comedy .3 vols. (1957-61) Encyclopaedia of the Early Church,

2 vols. (1992) G. Kinkel, Epicorum Graecorum

Fragmenta (1877): in part superseded by Bernabe, PEG

V. Ehrenberg and A. H. M. Jones, Documents illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, 2nd ecfu. (1976)

Encyclopaedia Britannica Enciclopedia Iranica, ed. E. Yar­

Shater (1985- ) Enciclopedia Virgiliana, 5 vols.

(1984-90) Ennius, Annales Fondation Hardt, Essais sur

l'antiquite classique (1952-Epistula Ephemeris Epigraphica, Corporis

Inscriptionum Latinarum Supplementum (1872- )

Epicharmus Epicurus Epistulae

Epistula ad Herodotum Epistula ad Menoeceum Epistula ad Pythoclem Vatican Sayings, = Gnomologium

Vaticanum Ratae sententiae

G. Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus conlecta (1878)

Epiphanius, Adversus haereses Epitome Epitome de Caesaribus (in Teubner

Aur. Viet. Caes., ed. F. Pichlmayer (1911), 1.3.3-76)

Epitome Oxyrhynchica ofLivy Etudes preliminaires aux

religions orientales dans l 'empire romain

Eratosthenes [KaTaan;ptuf.LOL1

see Hastings To "Epyov Tijs 'ApxawAoyudjs

'Eratpdas Etudes de papyrologie (19.32-74) Etymologicum Magnum Euclid

Eudem. Eunap. vs

Eup. Bur.

Ale. Andr. Bacch. BeUt:r. Cyc. El. Hec. HeL Heracl. HF Hipp. Hyps. IA IT Med. Or. Phoen. Rhes. Sthen. Supp. Tro.

Euseb. Chron. Hist. eccl. Praep. evang. Vit. Const.

Bust. n. Od. Prooem. ad Pind.

Eutocius, In Arch. cirr. dim.

Eutr. EW

FAC Farnell, Cults


FCG FCGM FD Festus, Gloss. Lat.




Authors and Books

Eudemus Eunapius

Vitae sophistarum Eupolis Euripides Alcestis Andromache Bacchae BeUerophon Cyclops Electra Hecuba Helena Heraclidae Hercules forens Hippolytus Hypsipyle Iphigenia Aulidt:nsis Iphigenia Taurica Medea Orestes Phoenissae Rhesus Stheneboea Supplices Troades

Eusebius Chronica Historia ecclesiastica Praeparatio evangelica Vita Constantini

Eustathius Adfliadem AdOdysseam Eustathii prooemium

commentariorum Pindaricorum, ed. F. W. Schneidewin (1837)

Eutocius, In Archimedis cirruli dimensionem

Eutropius East and West

see Edmonds L. R. Farnell, The Cults of the Greek

States (1896-1909) Greek Hero-Cults and Ideas of

Immortality (1921) see Meineke see Olivieri FouiUes de Delphes W. M. Lindsay's second edn. of

Festus in his Glossaria Latina, vol.4

F. Jacoby; Fragmente der griechischen Historiker {1923- )

C. Miiller, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (1841-70)

see Riccobono, FIRA


Authors and Books

Firm. Mat. Firmicus Maternus GAC R. Hope Simpson and 0. Err. proj rei. De errore profanamm religionum Dickinson, Gazetteer of Aegean

Fittschen and K. Fittschen and P. Zanker, Civilisation in the Bronze Age 1: Zanker Katalog der Tihnischen Portriits The Mainland and Islands

in den capitolinischen Museen (1979) (1983- ) Gai. Inst. Galus, Institutiones

Fleck]. Suppl. Fleckeisens jahrln"lcherfiir klassische Gal Galen Philologie, Suppl. 24 (1898) = De loc. aff. De locis affictis Neue ]ahrbacher j d. klassische Libr. Propr. liEpl.-wv lMwv p,p>..twv Altertum Nat. Fac. JIEpl </>va<KWV /lvvap.EWV

Flor. L. Annaeus Florus GB Grazer Beitriige: Zeitschrift fiir FLP see Courtney, FLP klassische FOR Forma Orl1is Romanae. Carte Altertumswissenschaft

archiologique de Ia Gaule GCS Die griechischen christlichen romaine, ed. A. Blanchet Schriftsteller der erstern (1931- ) ]ahrhunderte(1897- )

Forbes, Stud. Anc. · R. ]. Forbes, Studies in Ancient GDI H. Collitz and others, Sammlung Techno!. Technolog)\ 9 vols. (1957- der griechischen

64); 2nd edn., 9 vols. (1964-- Dialektinschriften ( 1884-1915) 72) Gell. Aulus Gellius

Fornara C. W. Fornara (ed.), Archaic Times NA Noctes Atticae to the End of the Peloponnesian German. Gennanicus War, 2nd edn.: Translated A rat. Aratea Documents of Greece and Rome Gesch. Geschichte 1 (1983) GGM C. Miiller, Geographici Graed

FPG F. W. A. Mullach, Fragmenta Minores (1855-61) Philosophomm Graecomm G] Geographical journal (186(}-81) Gjerstad, Early E. Gjerstad, Early Rome, 6 vols.

FPL see Morel-Buchner, FPL Rome (1953-73) FPR see Baehr. Gloss. Lat. see Lindsay Frank, Econ. Survey T. Frank {ed). An Economic Survey Glotz, Hist. grecque G. Glotz, R. Cohen, and P.

of Ancient Rome, 5 vols. (1933- Roussel, Histoire grecque vols. 40) 1-4/1 (1925-38)

Fraser, Ptol. Alex. P. M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, GLP see Page, GLP 3 vols. (1972) Gnomon Gnomon, Kritische Zeitschrift fiir d.

Frere, Britannia S. S. Frere, Britannia (1967; gesamte klassische Altertumswiss. 3rd edn., extensively revised, Gomperz T. Gomperz, Griechische Denker 1987) (1896); Eng. trans. ('Greek

Friedlander, Rom. L. Friedlander, DarsteUung aus der Thinkers'), vols. 1-4 (1901-Life Sittengeschichte Roms._,. (1921- 12)

3), rev. G. W1Ssowa6; Roman Gorg. Gorgias

Life and Manners under the Hel. Helena Early Empire, Eng. trans. from Pal. Palamedes 7th edn. (1908--13) Giitt.Anz. Giittingischer gelehrte Anzeigen

Frontin. Frontinus Giitt. Nachr. Nachrichten von der GeseUschaft der Aq. De aquae ductu urbis Romae Wtssenschaften zu Giittingen Str. Strategemata Gow-Page, GP A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, The

Fronto, Ep. Pronto, Epistulae Greek Anthology: Garland of Fulg. Fulgentius Philip and some Contemporary Myth. Mitologiae tres libri Epigrams, 2 vols. (1968)

Funaioli, Gramm. H. Funaioli, Grammaticae Gow-Page, HE A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, The Rom.Frag. Romanaefragmenta (1907), vol. Greek Anthology: Hellenistic

• 1 alone published. Epigrams, 2 vols. (1965) FUR Forma Urbis Romae, ed. G. Graf, Eleusis F. Graf, Eleusis und die orphische

Corettoni and others Dichtung: Athens in (1960) vorhellenistischer Zeit (1974)

Gramm. Lat. see Keil Gramm. Rom. Frag. see Funaioli; Mazzarino

G&R Greece and Rome, NS (1954/5- GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Gabba-Vallet, E. Gabba and G. Vallet (eds.), Studies

Sicilia antica La Sicilia antica, 2 vols. in 5 Green R. P. H. Green, The Works of (1980) Ausonius ( 1991)


Authors and Books

Greenidge, Clay; A. H. J. Greenidge, A. M. Clay; Heitsch, Griech. E. Heitsch (ed.}, Die griechischen Gray; Sources and E. W Gray; Sources for Dichtelfr. Dichterfragmente der riimischen

Roman Histcry, 133-70 sc Kaiserzeit 1, Abh. der Akad. der (1960; 2nd edn., corrected and Wissensdu1ften in Glittingen. supplemented, 1986} phil.-hist. Kl. 3. Folge, 49 (1961;

Gregory ofTours Gregory of1burs • 21963), 58 (1964)

Hist. Historiae Heliod. Aah. Heliodorus, Aahiopica Glor. mart. Gloria martyrorum HelL Oxy. Hellenica Oxymynchia

Grenier, Manuel A. Grenier, Manuel d'archeologie Heph. Hephaestion gaHo-romaine (1931-4}; = vol. Heraclid. Pont. Heraclides Ponticus ofDechelette's Manuel Hercher, Epistolog. R. Hercher, Epistolographi Graeci d'archeologie pre'historique Graec. (1873)

Gruen,LGRR E. S. Gruen, The Last Generation Hermes Hermes, Zeitschrift ftir klassische of the Roman Republic (1974} Philo Iogie

Guthrie, Hist. Gk. W K. C. Guthrie, History of Greek Hermog. Hermogenes Phil. Philosophy (1965-81) I d. Il€plllidhv

GVI W Peek, Griechische Vers- Inv. II Epl £Vplu£ws Inschriften 1: Grab-Epigramme Prog. IlpoyvJJ-VaJJ-aTa (1955) Herod. Herodas

Heron, Pneum. Heron, Pneumatica Herzog-Schmidt R. Herzog and P. Schmidt,

Hainsworth, Riad B. Hainsworth, The Riad: A Handbuch der lateinischen comm. Commentary 3: Books 9-12 Literatur der Antike (1989-

(1993) Hes. Hesiod Hainsworth, A. Heubeck, S. West, and). B. Cat. Catalogus mulierum

Odyssey comm. Hainsworth, A Commentary on Op. Opera a Dies Homer's Odyssey 1: Introduction [Sc.] Scutum and Books Hl (1988) Theog. Theogonia

Halm, Rha. Lat. K. Halm, Rhetores Latini Minores Hesp. Hesperia: journal of the American Min. (1863) School of Classical Studies at

HAMA 0. Neugebauer, A History of Athens Ancient Mathematical Hieron. Hieronymus, see Jerome Ast:ronom)l 3 vols. (1975) Hignett, Hist. A then. C. Hignett, A History of the

Hammond, Epirus N. G. L. Hammond, Epirus (1967) Const. Athenian Constitution (1952) Hist. G. History of Greece (2nd edn. 1967; Himer.Ecl. Himerius, Eclogae

3rd edn. 1986) Or. Orationes Hansen, Attalids C. V. Hansen, The Attalids of Hippoc. Hippocrates

Pergamum (1947) Acut. De diaeta in morbis acutis Harding P. Harding, From the End of Aer. De aera, aquis, locis

thePeloponnesian War to the Art. De articulis Battle of Ipsus: Translated [Ep.] Epistulae Documents of Greece and Rome Epid. Epidemiae 2 (1985) Morb. Il€p"i vouawv (On Diseases)

Harp. Harpocration Morb. sacr. De morbo sacro Harv. Stud. Harvard Studies in Classical Mul. De mulierum affectibus

Philology Nat.mul. De natura muliebri Harv. Theol. Rev. Harvard Theological Review Nat. puer. II €p"i ,Puaws 71"atolou (On the Hastings, ERE ). Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Nature of the Child)

Religion and Ethics, 12 vols. Off. De officina medici (1908-21); index vol. (1926) Vi~. De viwnibus morbis

HCT A. W Gomme, A. Andrewes, and VM De vetere medicina K. ). Dover, A Historical Hip pol. Hippolytus Commentary on Thucydides, 5 Haer. Rejittatio omnium haeresium vols. (194~-81) Hist. Historia

Hdn. Herodianus Hist.Aug. HistoriaAugusta (see SHA) Hdt. Herodotus HLL see Herzog-Schmidt; see also Head, Hist. Num. B. V. Head, Historia Numorum, Schanz-Hosius

2nd edn. (1911) HM HistoryofMacedonia 1, ed. N. G. L. Heath, Hist. ofGreek T. L. Heath, History of Greek Hammond (1972); 2, ed. N. G. L.

Maths. Mathematics, 2 vols. (1921) Hatrlmond and G. T. Griffith Heckel, Marshals W. Heckel, The Marshals of (1979); 3, ed. N. G. L. Hammond

Alexander's Empire (1992) and F. W Walbank (1988)


Authors and Books

Hom. n. Od.

Hom. Hymn Dem. Homil. Clement. Honore 1962

Honore 1981

Hor. Ar.sP. Carm. Carm.saec. Epist. Epod. Sat.

Hornblower, Comm. on Thuc.

HR HRRel. Hsch. Hyde, Greek

Mariners Hyg.

Fab. Poet. astr.

Hymn. Hom. Ap.

Hymn. Mag. Hymn. Orph. hyp. Hyp.


lamb!. Myst. VP


!bye. IC

ICS IDe los





Bacch. Cer. Mart. Mere. Pan. Ven.

Homer Riad Odyssey

Homeric Hymn to Demeter Clementine Homilies A.M. Honore, Gaius: A Biography

(1962) T. Honore, Emperors and Lawyers

(1981; 2nd edn. 1994) Horace Ars poetica Carmina or Odes Carmen saeculare Epistulae Epodi Satirae or Sermones

S. Hornblower, Commentary on Thucydides 1: Books 1-3 (1991); 2: Books 4-5.24 (1996)

History of Religions see under Peter Hesychius W. Hyde, Ancient Greek Mariners

(1947) Hyginus

Fabulae. Poetica astronomica

Hymnus Homericus ad ApoUinem Bacchum Cererem Martem Mercurium Panem Venerem

Hymni Magid Hymni Orphici hypothesis Hyperides

For Lycophron

Iamblichus De mysteriis Vita Pythagorae

D. and F. R. Ridgway (eds.), Italy before the Romans (1979)

Ibycus M. Guarducd (ed.) Inscriptiones

Creticae, 4 vols. (1935-50) illinois Classical Studies F. Diirrbach (ed.), Inscriptions de

Delos (1923-37) A. Rehm, Die Inschriften. Milet 3

(1914) Indo-European Israel Exploration journal Inscriptiones Graecae (1873-G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones

Graecae in Bulgaria repertae (1958-70)

Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (1906- )



I LA! g.

n. I. l. de Gaule



IMU IMylasa

Indo-Germ. Forsch. Ind. Stoic. Here.

Inscr. Ita!. Inst. lust. IPE

I rAnt Iron Age in S. Britain

Isae. ISestos

·Isid. De vir. ill. Etym.

!soc. Bus. Antid. C. soph. Panath. Pane g.

Ist. Mitt. It. Alex. It. Ant. IVO


jahrb. jahrb. f. cl. Phil.

Suppl. ]ahresb. ]CS

Inschriften griechischer Stiidte aus Kleinasien(1972- )

]. Crampa (ed.), Labraunda Swedish Excavations and Researches 3 (1 and 2): The Greek Inscriptions ( 1969 and 1972)

Inscriptions latines de l'Algme 1, ed. S. Gsell (1922); 2, ed. H.-G. Pflaum (1957)

iliad Inscriptions latines des trois

Gaules, ed. P. Wuilleumier (1963)

Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Republicae, ed. A. Degrassi, vol. 1' (1965), 2 (1963)

illustrated London News see Dessau 0. Kern (ed.), Die Inschriften

von Magnesia am Maeander (1900)

Italia medioevale e umanistica W. Blume!, Die Inschriften von

Mylasa (2 vols., 1987-8) Indogermanische Forschungen ]. Traversa, Index Stoicorum

Herculanensis (1952) Inscriptiones Italiae (1931/2-Institutiones Iustiniai!i Inscriptiones orae septentrionalis

Ponti Euxini (1885) Iranica Antiqua S. S. Frere (ed.), Problems of the

Iron Age in Southern Britain Isaeus ]. Krauss, Die Inschriften von Sestos

und der Thrakischen Chersones (1980)

lsidorus De viris illustribus Etymologiae

!socrates Busiris Antidosis Contra sophistas Panathenaicus Panegyricus

Istanbuler Mitteilungen Itinerarium Alexandri Itineraria Antonini Augusti Inschriften von Olympia, ed. W.

Dittenberger and K. Purgold (1896)

Joint Association of Classical Teachers

see [Neue]jahrb. jahrbikher fiir classische Philologie,

Supplementband see Bursian journal of Classical Studies


Jeffery, LSAG

]Eg.Arch. Jer.


Adv. Iovinian. Chron. De script. eccles.

prole g. De vir. ill. Ep.



Jones, Cities E. Rom. Prov.

Later Rom. Emp.

Jord. Get. Joseph

A] Ap. B] Vit.

]ourn. Bib. Lit. ]ourn. Hist. Bio. ]ourn. Hist. Med.


]ourn.Sav. ]RA ]RGZM


]TS Julian.

Apophth. Ep.

Mis. Or.

Just. Epit.

jahrbuch des [kaiserlich] deutschen archiiologischen Instituts (1886:- )(contains Archiiologischer Anzeiger)

I. Jeffery, Local Scripts of Archaic Greece, 2nd edn., rev. A. Johnston (1990)

journal ofEgyptian Archaeology Jerome

Ab Abraham, the chronological reckoning from the first year of Abraham followed in Jerome's translation and enlargement ofEusebius' Chronicle

Adversus Iovinianum Chronica = Ab Abr. De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis

prolegomena De viris illustribus Epistulae

journal of Hellenic Studies journal ofjuristic Papyrology journal ofNear Eastern Studies jahreshefte des ilsterreidtischen

archiiologischen Instituts in Wten jahrbuch des ilsterreidtischen

Byzantinistik (1951- ) A. H. M. Jones, The Cities of the

Eastern Roman Provinces (1937; 2nd edn. 1971)

The Later Roman Empire 284-602 (1964)

Jordanes, Getica Josephus

Antiquitates judaicae Contra Apionem Bellum judaicum Vita

journal of Biblical Literature journal of the History ofBiology journal of the History ofMedicine

and Allied Sciences journal ofPhilology (1868-1920);

index (1923) journal des savants, NS (1903- ) journal of Roman Archaeology jahrbuch des rilmisch-germanischen

Zentralmuseums journal ofRoman Studies jahrbuch der schweizerischen

Gesellschaft ftir Ur- und Friihgeschichte

journal ofTheological Studies Julianus imperator

Apophthegmata Epistulae (ps. -Julian. = Ep.

wrongly attributed to Julian)

Misopogon Orationes

Justinus, Epitome (of'frogus)

Justin, Apol. Juv. ]WI


KA Kaibel Kassel-Austin, PCG

Kaster, Guardians

Kearns, Heroes of Attica

Keil, Gramm. Lat.

Kern Orph.frag. Rei. d. Griech.

Kirk-Raven­Schofield, Presocratic Philosophers

Klass. phil. Stud.

Klio Klotz, Scaen. Rom.

Frag. Kl. Pauly Kl. Schr.

Korte, Men. Rei. Kroll, Rhet.

Kron, Phylenheroen


Lactant. De mort. pers. Div. inst.


Lambrechts, St!nat

Latte, RR

Laur. LCM Ld.A

Authors and Books

Justin Martyr, Apologia Juvenal journal of the Warbur,g and

Courtauld Institute


see Kassel-Austin see CGF and Epigr. Gr. R Kassel and C. Austin, Poetae

Comici Graeci, vol. 1 (1983), 2 (1991)

R. A. Kaster, Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity (1988)

E. Kearns, The Heroes of Attica, BICS Suppl. 57 {1989)

H. Keil, Grammatici Latini, 8 vols. (1855-1923;rep~ 1961)

0. Kern Orphica Fragmenta {1922) Die Religion der Griechen, 3 vols.

(1926-38) G. S. Kirk.,]. E. Raven, and M.

Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, 2nd edn. (1983)

Klassische philologische Studien, ed. E. Bickel and C. Jensen

Klio, Beitriige zur alten Geschichte A. Klotz (ed.), Scaenicorum

Romanorum Fragmenta {1953) Der kleine Pauly (1964-75) Kleine Schriften (of various

authors) A. Korte, Menandri Reliquiae W. Kroll, Rhetorik (1937): written

as article for RE, but published separately

U. Kron, Die zehn attischen Phylenheroen: MDAI(A) Suppl. 5

(1976) K. G. Kiihn, Medicorum

Graecorum Opera W. Kunkel, Herkunft und soziale

Stellung der romischen juristen, 2nd edn. (1967)

Lactantius De mortibus persecutorum Divinae institutiones

London Association of Classical Teachers Original Records

P. Lambrechts, La Composition du St!natromain117-192 (1936)

K. Latte, Romische Religionsgeschichte {1960)

Laurentian Library Liverpool Classical Monthly W. Heick, E. Otto, and W.

Westendorf(eds.), Lexicon der A.gyptologie {1975-86)


Authors and Books

LEC Les Etudes c!assiques Luc. Lucan Leipz. Stud. Leipziger Stud.ien zur lda.!sischen Lucian

Philosophie (1878-95) Alex. Alexander Lenel, Pal. 0. Lenel, Palingenesia Juris Civilis, Anach. Anacharsis

2 vols. (1889) Cal. Calumniae non remere credendum Lex. Lexicon Catapl. Catapl11S Lexikonder S. Lauffer ( ed. ), Lexikon der Demon. Demonax

historischen historischen Stiitten von den De mort. Peregr. De morte peregrini Stiitten Anfiingen bis zur Gegenwart Dial. D. Dialogi deorum

(1989) Dial. meret. Dialogi meretricii Lex. Mess. Lexicon Messanense Dial. mort. Dialogi mortuorum LGPN1 P. M. Fraser and E. Matthews Her. Herodotus

(eds.), A Lexicon of Greek Hermot. HermotimliS Personal Names 1 (1987) Hist. Conser. Quomodo historia conscribenda

LGPN2 M. Osborne andS. Byrne (eds.), sit A Lexicon of Greek Personal Ind. AdversliS indoctum Names 2 (1994) Iupp. trag. Iuppiter tragoedliS

LH Citadels s, Iakovidis, Late HeUadic Luct. Deluctu Citadels on Mainland Greece Macr. Macrobii (1983) Nigr. NigrinliS

Lib. Lib ani us Philops. Philopseudes Lib. colon. Libri coloniarum Pseudo!. Pseudologista Liebs 1987 D. Liebs, Die ]urisprudenz im Salt. De saltatione

spiitantiken Italien (1987) Somn. Somnium LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Symp. Symposium

Mythologiae Classicae Syr. D. DeSyriadea (1981- ) Trag. Tragoedopodagra

Lindsay, Gloss. Lat. W. M. Lindsay, Glossaria Latina Ver. kist. Verae historiae, 1, 2 (1930) Vit. auct. Vitarum auctio

Lind. Temp. Chron. C. Blinkenberg, Die lindische Lucil. Lucilius Tempelchronik (1915) Lucr. Lucretius

Lintott, Violence A. W. Lintott, Violence in Lugli, Fontes G. Lugli, Fontes ad Topographiam Republican Rome (1968) Veteris Urbis Romanae

Lippold, Griech. G. Lippold, Die griechische Pertinentes, vols. 1-4 (1953-62) Plastik Plastik (Handbuch der 8, 6/2 (1969)

Archiiologie, 1950): in part LXX Septuagint superseded by]. Floren, Lycoph. Lycophron Die griechische Plastik 1 Alex. Alexandra (1987) Lycurg. Lycurgus

Liv. Andron. Od. Livius Andronicus, Odyssia Leoc. Against Leocrates Livy, Epit. Livy, Epitomae Lydus, Mens. Lydus, De mensibus

Per. Periochae Mag. De magistratibus Lobeck, Aglaoph. C. A. Lobeck, AglaophamliS Lys. Lysias

(1829) Loeb Loeb dassical Library [Longinus], Sub!. [Longinus), liEpl vl{lovs MAAR Memoirs of the American Academy LP E. Lobel and D. L. Page, in Rome

Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta Macrob. Macrobius (1955) InSomn. CommentariliS ex Cicerone in

LSAG SeeJeffery, LSAG Somnium Scipionis LSAM F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrees de Sat. Saturnalia

l'Asie Mineure (1955) Magie, Rom. Rule D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia LSCG F. SokoJowski, Lois sacrees des Asia Min. Minor

cites grecques (1969) Malcovati, ORF H. Malcovati, Oratorum LSJ Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Romanorum Fragmenta (2nd

Lexicon, 9th edn., rev. H. edn. 1955; 4th edn. 1967) Stuart jones (1925-40); Suppl. MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris by E. A: Barber and others Antiquae (1928- ) (1968) Manitius M. Manitius, Gesch. der lat. Lit.

LSS F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrees des des Mittelalters (1911-23) cites grecques: Supplement Marcellin. Marcellinus (1962) Marm.Par. Marmor Parium (IG 12 (5), 444)


Authors and Books

Marquardt ]. Marquardt Men. Rhet. Menander Rhetor Privatleben Privatleben tier Rihner, 2nd edn. Mette H. J. Mette, Urlcundm

besorgt von A. Mau, 2 vols. dramatischer Auffiihntngen in {1886). These together Griedtenland, Texte und make up vol. 7 of Handbuch Kommentare no. 8 (1977) tier riimischen Altertiimer, by Meyer, Forschungen Meyer (ed.), Forschungen zur alten J. Marquardt and T. Geschichte (1892--9) Mommsen MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica,

Staatsverw. Riimische Staatsverwaltung, 2nd 15 vols. {1877-1919; repr. edn. {1881-5) 1961)

Marshall, AsconiliS B. A. Marshall, A Historical AA Auctores Antiquissimi Comm. Commentary on AsconiliS Ep. Epistulae

{1985) MGR MisceUanea greca e romana Mart. Martial MH MliSeum Helveticum

Spect. Spectacula Michel C. Michel, Recueil d'inscriptions Mart. Cap. Martianus Capella grecques (1900-27) Marx F. Marx, C. Lucilii Carminum Michell, Econom. H. Michell, The Economics of

Reliquiae {1904-5) Anc.Gr. Ancient Greece, 2nd edn., Mattingly- H. Mattingly, E. A. Sydenham, {1957)

Sydenham, RIC and others Roman Imperial MIFAO Mbnoires de l'Institut fra11f4is Coinage (1923-67); rev. edn. d' archeologie orientale ofvol. 1 only, C.H.V. Suther- Migne,PG Migne, Patrologiae CurSIIS, series land and R.A.G. Carson Graeca (1984) PL Patrologiae Cursus, series

M.Aur.Med. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Latina Mazard ]. Mazard, Corpus Nummontm Milet. T. Wiegand (ed.), Melet:

Numidiae Mauretaniaeque Ergebnisse tier AliSgrabungen {1955) und Untersuchungen seit dem

Mazzarino, Gramm. A. Mazzarino, Grammaticae jahre 1899 (1966- ) Rom.Frag. Romanae Fragmenta Aetatis Millar,ERW F. Millar, The Emperor in the

Caesarianae, 2nd edn. Roman World (1977; 2nd edn. (1955) 1992)

MD Materiali e Discussioni Min. Pel. Minucius Felix MDAI Mitteilungen des deutschen Oct. OctaviliS

archiiologischen Instituts Mir. ausc. De mirabilibus aliScultationibus (A): Athenische Abteilung (auctor ignotus) (1876- ) Mitteis, Chr. L. Mitteis and U. Wilck.en, (B): Baghdadische Abteilung Grundzilge und Chrestomathie (I): Istanbulische Abteilung tier Papyruskunde (1912) (K): Kairoische Abteilung ML R. Meiggs and D. Lewis, A (R): Riimische Abteilung Selection of Greek Historical (1886- ) Inscriptions to the End of the

MEFRA Melanges d 'archeologie et Fifth Century BC, rev. edn. d'histoire de !'Ecole fra~aise de (1988) Rome MME W. MacDonald and G. Rapp, The

Meiggs,AE R Meiggs, The Athenian Empire Minnesota Messenia Expedition {1972) (1972)

Meineke, FCG A. Meineke, Fragmenta MMR see Broughton, MMR Comicontm Graecorum (1839- Mnemos. Mnemosyne(1852- ) 57) MNIR Mededelingen van het Netlerlandsch

Mel.Masp. Melanges Maspero (1934-7) historisch Institut te Rome Mel. Steph. Meleager, StephanliS Momigliano, A. Momigliano, Secondo Mem. dei Lincei f!4emorie: Atti della Academia Secondo contributo aUa storia degli studi

Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe contributo classici {1960) di scienze morali, storiche e Terzo contributo Terzo contributo alia storia degli .filogiche studi classici ( 1966)

Men. Menander Quarto contributo Quarto contributo alia storia degli Dys. Dyskolos studi classici (1969) Epit. Epitrepontes Quinto contributo Quinto contributo aUa storia degli Her. Heros studi classici (1975) Pk. Perikeiromene Sesto contributo Sesto contributo alia storia degli Sam. Samia studi classici (1980)



Authors and Books

Mommsen T.Momrnsen (2) Neue ]ahrbiicher ftlr d. Ges. Sdtr. Gesammelte Schriften, 8 vols. klassische Altemtm (1898-

(1905-13) 1925) ROm. Forsch. ROmische Forsdtungen, 2 vols. (1

[Neue]jahrb. (3) Neue ]ahrbiicher ftlr in 2nd edn.) (1864-79) Wissenschaft und

ROm. Staatsr. Rihnisches Staatsrecht, vols. 1', 2' ]ugendbildung, (1925-36) (1887), (1888) ((1), (2), and (3) form a

ROm. Strafr. ROmisdtes Strafrecht (1899); continuous series) Stellenregister, ed. J. Malitz Nic. Nicander (1982) Alex. Alexipharmaca

Mommsen- Manuel des antiquilis romaines Titer. Theriaca Marquardt, (1887-1907): a Fr. trans. of Nic.Dam. Nicolaus Damascenus Manuel Momrnsen's Rihnisches Nicolet, OE C. Nicolet, L'Ordre equestre (197 4)

Staatsrecht Nilsson, Feste M. P. Nilsson, Griechisdte Feste v. Mon.Anc. Monumentum Ancyranum religioser Bedeutung m. Mon. Ant. Monumenti Antichi pubblicati per Aussdtluss d. attischen ( 1906)

cura della Reale Accademia dei GGR Geschichte der griechischen Lincei Religion, vol. 1' (1955), 1'

Mon.Piot Monuments Piot (1967), 22 (1961) Morel-Biichner, Fragmenta Poetarum Latinorum MMR The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion

FPL epicorum et lyricorum praeter and its Survival in Greek Ennium et Lucilium, 1st edn., Religion, 2nd edn. (1950) ed. W. Morel (1927); 2nd edn., Non. Nonius ed. C. Buchner (1982) Nonnus, Dion. Nonnus, Dionysiaca

Mosch. Ep. Bion. Moschus, Epitaphios Bionis Norden, Ant. E. Norden, Die antike Kunstprosa, MRR see Broughton Kunstpr. vo!'l6. jahrh. v. Chr. bis in d. Zeit Miinzer, ROm. F. Miinzer, ROmisdte Adelsparteien d. Renaissance (1898, repr. with

Adelsparteien und Adelsfamilien (1920) supplements 1909; 3rd edn. Musa Tragica B. Gauly; L. Kappel, and others 1915)

(eds.), Musa Tragica: Die Not. Dign. [occ.] [or.] Notitia dignitatum in partibus griedtische Tragodie von Thespis occidentis I orientis bis Ezechiel (1991) Not. Scav. Notizie degli scavi di antichita

Mus. Beige Musee Belge (1876- ) Muson. Musonius Rufus Nov. Novellae MW M. McCrum and A. G. Nov. Theod Novellae Theodosianae

Woodhead, Select Documents NPNF Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers ofthe Principates of the Flavian Num.Chron. Numismatic Chronicle (1861-Emperors (1961) Numen. Numenius

M-W R. Merkelbach and M. L. West, NZ Numismatische Zeitschrift Fragmenta Hesiodea (1967)

Myth. Vat. Mythographi Vaticani, ed. Bode OCD' M. Cary and others (eds.), The (1834) Oxford Classical Dictionary. 1st

edn. (1949) Nachr. Ges. d. Wtss. see Gott. Nachr. ocv> N. G. L. Hammond and H. H.

Gott. Scullard ( eds. ), The Oxford Naev. Jr. com. Naevius,fragmenta comoediarum Classical Dictionary. 2nd edn. Nash, Pict. Diet. E. Nash, Pictorial Dictionary of (1970)

Rome Ancient Rome (1961-2; Znd OCT Oxford Classical Texts edn. 1989) Od. Odyssey

Nauck see TGF ODB Oxford Dictionary ofByzantium Nauck/Snell see TGF (1991) Nemes. Nemesianus ODCC Oxford Dictionary of the Christian

Cyn. Cynegetica Church, ed. F. L. Cross and E. Eel. EClogae Livingstone, 2nd edn. (1974)

Nep. Nepos OGI Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Att. Atticus Selectae Epam. Epaminondas Ogilvie, Comm. Livy R. M. Ogilvie, Commentary on Milt. Miltiades 1-5 Livy, Books 1-5 (1965) Timoth. Timotheus O]A Oxford journal of Archaeology

(1) [Neue]jahrbiicher ftlr 'Old Oligarch' see Xen. for Ath. Pol. attributed [Neue]jahrb. Philologie und Piidagogik to Xenophon (see entry OLD

(1826-97) OLIGARCH)



Authors and Books

Oliver ]. Oliver, Greek Constitutions Parod. Epic. Gr. Rel Parodorum Epicorum Graecorum ofEarly Roman Emperors reliqltiae, vol. 1 of Corpu.sculum (1989) Poesis Epicae Graecae

Olivieri, FCGM A. Olivieri, Frammenti deUa Ludibundae, P. Brandt and C. commedia greca e del mimo neUa ~achsnlurl1(1888)

Sicilia e neUa Magna Grecia, 2nd Paroemiogr. Corpus Paroemiographorum edn. (1946--7) Graecorum, ed. E. L. Leutsch

OMS see Robert, OMS and P. G. Schneidewin (1839) Op.Arch. OpusC'.da Archaeologica (1935-52) Parrll. Parrllenius Op.Ath. Opuscula Atheniensia (1953- ) Amat. narr. Narrationum amatoriarum Or. Oratio libeUus (' EpwnKa ORFandORF4 see Malcolvati, ORF 1ra87] Origen, C. Cels. Origen, Contra Celsum Paul. Fest. see Festus, Gloss. Lat. Oros. Orosius Paulus, Sent. Iulius Paulus, Sententiae Orph. Orphica Paus. Pausanias

frs. see Kern PB P. Poralla and A. S. Bradford, A Lith. Lithica Prosopography of

Ostwald, Popular M. Ostwald, From Popular Lacedoemonians from the Sovereignty Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Earliest Times to the Death of

Law(1986) Alexander the Great, 2nd edn. Ov. Ovid (1985; Ger. mig. 1913)

Am. A mores P Berol Berlin Papyri Arsam. Ar.samatoria PBrem. Die Bremer Papyri, ed. U. Wllcken Fast. Fasti (1936; repr. 1970) Hal Halieuticon liber PBrux. Papyri bruxeUenses graeci 1: Her. Heroides Papyrus du nome Prosopite, Nos. lb. Ibis 1-21, by G. Nachtergael Medic. Medicamina faciei (1984); 2: No. 22, by M. Huys Met. Metamorphoses (1991). For PBrux. 7616 see C. Pont. Epistulae ex Ponto Preaux and M. Hombert, Rem. am. Remedia amoris Recherches sur le recensement Tr. Tristia dans l'Egypte romaine,

Overbeck ]. Overbeck, Die antiken Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 5 SchriftqueUen zur Geschichte d. (1952) bildenden Kunste bei den PBSR Paper.s of the British School at Rome Griechen (1868) P. Cairo Zeno C. C. Edgar, Zenon Papyri, 4 vols.

(1925-31) P&P Past and Present PCG see Kassel-Austin 1T 1TEp{ PCharite Das Aurelia Charite Archiv, ed. K. PA ]. Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica ~orp(1980)

(1901-3) PCIA Popoli e civilta deU'Italia antica 4 PACA Proceedings of the Aftican Classical vols. (197 4--89)

Associations PColon. Kolner Papyri (1976-- ) IIAE IIpaKnKa n]s o A87]vats PCPS Proceedings of the Cambridge

ApxatoAoytK'>]s ETatpdas Philological Society Page,FGE D. L. Page, Further Greek PDiog. Les Archives de Marcus Lucretius

Epigrams ( 1981) Diogenes et textes apparentes, GLP Greek Literary Papyri (Loeb, ed. P. Schubert (1990)

1942) PDura The Excavations at Dura-Europos PMG Poetae Melici Graeci (1962) conducted by Yale University and

PAmh. Amherst Papyri (1900-1) the French Academy of Pan. Lat. XII Panegyrici Latini Inscriptions and Letters Final PAntin The Antinoe _Papyrus of Report 5 pt. 1: The Parchments

Theocritus and Papyri, ed. C. B. ~elles PAntinoop. Antinoopolis Papyri (1950-67) and others (1959) Parker,ARH R. Parker, Athenian Religion: A Pearson, Lost L. Pearson, The Lost Histories of

History (1996) Histories of Alexander the Great (1960) Miasma Miasma: Pollution and Alexander

Purification in Early Greek PECS R. Stillwell and others, Princeton Religion (1983) Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Parker, Roman H. M. D. Parker, The Roman (1976) Legions Legions, 2nd edn. (1958) PElph. Elephantine Papyri (1907)



Authors and Books

Peripl. M. Ruin: Pers. Peter, HRRel.

Petron. Sat.

p£ PF


P Fouad

PFT Pfuhl

PG PGen. PGhoran P Giess.



Ph. Bel. PHeid.

PH ere.

Pherec. PHerm. Land!.

PHib. Philo cw

In Flacc. Leg. -

Philoch. Philo!. Philo!. Suppl. Philostr.

Her. I mag. VA vs

Phil. Unters. Phil. Wochenschr.


Periplus Maris Rubri Persius H. Peter, Historicorum

Romanorum Reliquiae, vol. 12

{1914), 2 {1906) Petroni us

Satyrica R. Pfeiffer Persepolis Fortification Texts:

R. T. Hallock, Persepolis Fortification Tablets (1969)

Papin greco-egizii, papiri fiorentini, ed. D. Comparetti and G. Vitelli (1906-15; repr. 1962)

P. Jouguet and others, Les Papyrus Fouad I (1939)

see PF E. Pfuhl, Malerei u. Zeichnung d.

Griechen, 3 vols. (1923) see Migne Les Papyrus de Geneve ( 1896-1990) P. Jouguet, BCH 1906, 103 ff. Griechische Papyri im

Museum des oberhessischen Geschichtsvereins zu Giessen (1910-12)

K. Preisendanz and others (eds.), Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die griechischen Zauberpapyri, 2 vols., 2nd edn. (1973-4)

Dikaiomata, ed. by the Graeca Halensis ( 1913)

Philon, Belopoeica Veroffentlichungen aus der

Heidelberger Papyrussammlung (1956-90)

Papyri Herculanenses; see Catalogo dei papyri ercolanesi (1979) and M. Capasso, Manuale di papirologia ercolanese (1991)

Pherecydes Zwei Landlisten aus dem

Hermupolites, ed. P. Sijpesteijn and K. Worp (1978)

Hibeh Papyri (1906-55) Philo Judaeus

Edition of Philo Judaeus by L. Cohn and P. Wendland (1896-1916)

InFlaccum Legatio ad Gaium

Philqchorus Philologus Philologus, Supplement Philostratus

Heroicus Imagines Vita Apollonii .Vitae sophistarum

Philologische Untersuchungen Philologische Wochenschrift

Phld. Phlegon, Mir. PHolm.

Phot. Bib!.

Piand. Pickard-Cambridge­

Webster, Dithyramb2

Pin d.

Isthm. Nem. Ol. Pyth. Pae.



PL Pl.

Ale. Ap. [Ax.] Chrm. era. Cri. Criti. Epin. Euthphr. Grg. [Hipparch.] Hp. mai. Hp.mi. La. or Lach. Leg. Menex. Phd. Phdr. Phlb. Plt. Prm. Prt. Resp. Symp. Sop h. Tht. Ti.


Plato Com. Platon.

Diff. com.

Philodemus Phlegon, Miracula Papyrus Graecus Holmiensis, ed. 0.

Lagercrantz (1913) Photius

Bibliotheca Papyri Iandanae (1912-38) A. W. Pickard-Cambridge,

Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comed)l 2nd edn. rev. T. B. L. Webster (1962)

Pindar (ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler, 1987-8)

Isthmian Odes Nemean Olympian , Pythian Paeanes

Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saeculi I, II, III, 1st edn. by E. Klebs and H. Dessau (1897--8); 2nd edn. by E. Groag, A. Stein, and others (1933- )

A. Philippson and E. Kirsten, Die griechischen Landschaften 1-4 (1950-9)

seeMigne Plato

Alcibiades Apologia Axiochus Charm ides Cratylus Crito Critias Epinomis Euthyphro Gorgias Hipparchus Hippias maior Hippias Minor Laches Leges Menexenus Phaedo Phaedrus Philebus Politicus Parmenides Protagoras Respublica Symposium Sophista Theaetetus Timaeus

S. B. Plamer and T. Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (1929)

Plato Comicus Platonius De differentia comoediarum

Authors and Books

Plaut. Plautus Defac. De facie in orbe btnae Amp h. Amphir:nto De fort. Rom. De fortuna Romanorum Asin. Asinaria De frat. amor. De fratenw amore Bacch. Bacchides Degarr. De gamditate Capt. Captivi Degen. De genio Socratis Cas. Casina De glor. Ath. De gloria Atheniensium Cist. CisteUaria De Is. etOs. De !side et Osiride Cure. Cumdio De lat. viv. De latenter vivendo Men. Menaechmi Demul. vir. De mulierum virtutibus Mere. Mercator [Demus] Demusica MiL Milesg!oriosus De prof. virt. De profrctu in virtute MosteU. MosteUaria DeJYth, or. De Pythiae oraculis Poen. Poenulus De sera De sera numinis vindicta Pseud. Pseudolus De soU. an. De sollertia animalium Rud. Rudens De superst. De superstitione Stich. Stich us De tranq. anim. De tranquiUitate animi Trin. Trinummus Prae. ger. reip. Praecepta gerendae reipublicae

PLeid. Papyri Graed Musei Antiquarii Quaest. conv. Quaestiones convivales Lugduni-Batavi, ed. C. Quaest. Graec. Graecae Leemans (1843-85) Quaest. Plat. Platonicae

PLG T. Bergk. Poetae Lyrici Graed Quaest. Rom. Romanae (1882; repr. 1914-15) Quomodo adul. Quomodo adulescens poetas

PLiUe Papyrus grecs (Institut audire debeat papyrologique de l'Universite Vit. Vitae ParaUelae de Lille, 1907-12) Aem. Aemilius Paulus

Plin. Pliny (the Elder) Ages. Agesilaus HN Naturalis historia Ale. Alcibiades

Plin. Pliny (the Younger) Alex. Alexander Ep. Epistulae Ant. Antonius Pan. Panegyricus Arat. Aratus Tra. Epistulae ad Traianum Arist. Aristides

PLips. Griechische Urkunden der Artax. Artaxerxes Papyrussammlung Z1l Leipzig, Brut. Brutus ed. L. Mitteis ( 1906) Caes. Caesar

PLM Poetae Latini Minores ed. Vollmer, Cam. Camillus Vollmer I Morel 1 (1909) emendavit Morel' Cat. Mai., Min. Cato Mai01; Minor

(1935) C. Gracch. Gaius Gracchus PLond. Lit. Catalogue ofthe Literary Papyri in Cic. Cicero

the British Museum, ed. H. Cim. Cimon Milne (1927) CleO!n. Cleomenes

PLondon Greek Papyri in the British Museum Crass. Crassus (1893- ) Dem. Demosthenes

Plotinus, Enn. Plotinus, Enneades Demetr. Demetrius PLRE Prosopography of the Later Roman Eum. Eumenes

Empire 1, ed. A. H. M.Jones Flam. Flamininus and others (1970); 2 and 3, ed. Galb. Galba J. R Martindale (1980-92) Luc. LucuUus

P Lund. PapyriLundenses (1934/ 5-1946/ 7) Lye. Lycurgus Plut. Plutarch Lys. Lysander

Mor. Moralia Mar. Marius Adv. Col. Adversus Coloten Marc. Marcellus A mat. Amatorius Nic. Nicias Am. narr. Amatoriae narrationes Num. Numa Anseni An seni respublica gerenda sit Pel. Pelopidas Comm. not. De c01nmunibus notitiis Per. Pericles

adversus Stoicos Phil. Philopoemen Comp. Ar. et Men. C01nparatio Aristophanis et Phoc. Phodon

Menandri Pomp. Pompei us Conv. sept. sap. Convivium septem sapientium Pyrrh. Pyrrhus De Alex. fort. De fortuna Alexandri RDln. Romulus De def. or. De defectu oraculorum Sert. Sertorius Deexil. Deexilio. Sol. Solon



Authors and Books

Sull. Them. Thes. Ti. Gracch. Tim.

[Plut.] Cons. ad A poll.

Vit.Hom. Xorat.

PMG PMGF PMich. PMilan. PMonac.

PO Poet. Rom. Vet. Poll.

Onom. Polyaenus, Strat. Polyb. Pompon. Porph Abst. De antr. nymph. Plot.

POsl. Pow. Powell and Barber,

New Chapters

Powell, Col!. Alex.

POxy. pp


praef Pratin. Lyr. Preisendanz Preller-Robert

Prise. Inst.

Pritchett, GSW

Proc. Brit:-Acad.

Prod. Hypotyp. InR.

InTi. Procop. Aed. Goth. Vand.

xi viii

Sulla Themistocles Theseus Tiberius Gracchus Timoleon

[Plutarch], Consolatio ad Apollonium

VitaHomeri Vitae decem oratorum

see Page, PMG See Davies, PMGF Michigan Papyri (1931- ) Papiri Milanesi (1928-67) Byzantinische Papyri in der

Papyrussammlung der K. Hof und Staatsbibliothek zu Miinchen, 2nd edn. D. Hagedorn (1986)

Patrologia Orientalis ( 1904-­see Diehl Pollux

Onomastic on Polyaenus, Strategemata Polybius Pomponius Porphyry

De abstinentia De antro nympharum Vita plotini

Papyri Osloenses (1925-36) see Powell, Coli. Alex. J. U. Powell and E. A. Barber, New

Chapters in the History of Greek Literature (1921); Second Series (1929); Third Series,]. U. Powell alone (1933)

]. U. Powell, Collectanea Alexandrina (1925)

Oxyrhynchus Papyri (1898-La parola del passato (1946-- ) H. Diels, Poetarum Philosophorum

Graecorum Fragmenta (1901) praefatio Pratinas, Fragmenta lyrica seePGM L. Preller, Griechische Mythologie,

4th edn., rev. C. Robert (1894) Priscian, Institutio de arte

grammatica W K. Pritchett, The Greek State at

War 5 vols. (1971-91) Proceedings of the British Academy

(190J- ) Prod us

Hypotyposis In Platonis Rempublicam

commentarii In Platonis Timaeum commentarii

Procopius De aedificiis De bello Gothico De bello Vandalico

Proc. Prehist. Soc. Progr. Prop. Prudent

Cath. C.Symm. Perist.






PTeb. Ptol.

Alm. Geog. Harm. Tetr.

PVindob. PVS PYale

Quad. Ist. Top. Roma

QAL Quint.

Ep. ad Tryph.

Inst. Quint. Smyrn.


Radke, Glitter


Radt Rav. Cosm.


Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Programm Propertius Prudentius

Cathemerina Contra Symmachum Peristephanon

Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the john Rylands Library at Manchester (1911-52)

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland

Papiri Greci e Latini, Pubblicazioni della Societti italiana per Ia ricerca dei papiri greci e Iatini in Egitto (1912- )

Papyrus de Ia Sorbonne 1, nos. 1-68, ed. H. Cadell (1966)

Grieehische Papyrus der Kaiserlichen Universitiits- und Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg (1912- )

Tebtunis Papyri (1902-76) Ptolemaeus mathematicus

Almagest Geographia Harmonica Tetrabiblos

R Papiro Vaticano Greco II, ed. M. Norsa and G. Vitelli (1931)

Papyrus Vindobonensis Proceedings of the Ver.gil Society ]. F. Oates, A. E. Samuel, C. B.

Welles (eds.), Yale Papyri in the Reinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library ( 1967)

Quaderni dell'Istituto di Topogra.fia antica della Universita de Roma

Quaderni di archeologia della Libia Quintilian

Epistula ad Tryphonem (introductory to the following)

Institutio oratoria Quintus Smyrnaeus

Reallexikon for Antike und Christentum, Stuttgart (1941- )

G. Radke, Die Glitter Altitaliens (1960; 2nd edn. 1979)

Zur Entwicklung der Gottesvorstellung und der Gottesverehrung in Rom (1987)

see TrGF Cosmographia Anonymi

Ravennatis C. B. Welles, Royal

Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period (1934)





Reallexikon der Assy­riologie

Rend. 1st. Lomb.

Rend. Line.

Rend. Pont.

Rer. nat. scr. Graec. min.

Rev.An:h. Rev.Bibl. Rev. Bt. Anc. Rev. Et. Grec. Rev. fit. Lat. Rev. Hist. Rev. Hist. Rel. Rev. Phil. RG RGVV


Rhet. Rhet. Her. Rhet. Lat. Min. Rh.Mus.

Rhodes, CAAP

Thuc. 2 comm. RIB Ribbeck, CRF


RIC Riccobono, FIRA

Richardson, Topog. Diet. Ancient Rome


Royal Commission on Historic Monuments

seeRHDFE Report of the Department of

Antiquities of Cyprus R B. Sherk, Roman Documents

from the Greek East (1969) A. Pauly. G. W!Ssowa, and W. Kroll,

Real-Encyclopiidie d. klassischen Altertumswissenschaft (1893- )

Reallexikon der Assyriologie (1932- )

Rendiconti d. R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere

Rendiconti deUa reale accademia dei Lincei, 6th ser. (1892-1924); 7th ser. (1925- )

Rendiconti della pontificia accade­mia romana di archeologia

0. Keller, Rerum naturalium scrip-tares Graed minores (1877)

Revue an:heologique Revue biblique Revue des etudes anciennes Revue des etudes grecques Revue des etudes latines Revue historique Revue de l'histoire des religions Revue de philologie Ns (1877-see Mon. Anc. Religionsgeschichtliche Versu-

che und Vorarbeiten, ed. A. Dieterich, R. Wrtnsch, L. Malten, 0. Weinreich, L. Deubner(1903- )

Revue historique de droit franfais et etranger

seeSpengel Rhetorica ad Herennium see Hahn Rheinisches Museum for Philologie

(1827- ),Ns(1842- ) P. J. Rhodes, A Commentary on the

Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (1981; new edn. 1993)

(ed.), Thucydides: History II (1988) see Collingwood-Wright 0. Ribbeck, Comicorum

Romanorum Fragmenta Tragicorum Romanorum

Fragmenta [both in Scaenicae Romanorum Poesis Fragmenta1

, 1897-8]' (1962)

see Mattingly-Sydenham, RIC S. Riccobono, Fontes Juris Romani

Anteiustiniani (1941) L. Richardson, A New

Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (1992)

Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquite

Riv. d. Arch. Crist. Riv. Fil. Riv. ital. perle sc. giur.


RN Robert, OMS


Rohde, Psyche

Griech. Roman

rom. Rom. Forsch. Rom. Gesch. Rom. Mitt. Roscher, Lex.

Rose, Handb. Gk. Myth.

Rostovtzeff Hellenistic World

Roman Empire'


RSA Ruggiero, Diz.


Rump£, Malerei u. Zeichn.

Rut. Namat. RW


Sail. [Ad Caes. sen.] Cat.

Hist. lug.

Satyr. Vit. Eur.

Authors and Books

Rivista di archeologia cristiana Rivista di filologia Rivista italiana per le sdenze

giuridiche seeWISSOwa seeRAC Der riimische Limes in OsterreiCh

(1900- ) Revue numismatique L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta,

7 vols. (1969-90) L. Robin, La Pensee grecque et

l'origine de !'esprit scientifique, 2nd edn. (1932); Eng. trans. Greek Thought

B. Rohde, Psyche, trans. W. Hillis (1925)

Der griechische Roman u. s. Vorliiufer, 3rd edn. (1914)

romisch seeMommsen see Beloch seeMDAI(R) W. H. Roscher, Ausfiihrliches

Lexikon d. griechischen u. romischen Mythologie (1884-- )

H. J. Rose, Handbook of Greek Mytholog_)l 6th edn. (1958)

M. Rostovtzeff The Social and Economic History of

the Hellenistic World, 3 vols., 2nd edn. (1953)

The Soda! and Economic History of the Roman Empire, 2nd edn. (1957)

see Rend. Pont. M. H. Crawford, Roman

Republican Coinage (1974) Rivista storica dell' antichita B. de Ruggiero, Dizionario

epigra.fico di antichita romana (1886- )

A. Rumpf, Malerei und Zeichnung (1953)

Rutilius Namatianus, De reditu Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche

und Vorarbeiten

A. Sachs and H. Hunger, Astronomical Diaries and Relate£ Texts from Babylonia 2

(1989) Sallust

Epistuloe ad Caesarem senem Bellum Catilinae or De Catilinae

coniuratione Historiae Bellum Iugurthinum

Satyrus Historicus Vita Euripidis


Authors and Books


sc sc SCE



Schmitt, SdA

schol. Schol. Bern.

Schol. Bob. Schol. Cruq. Schol. Dan. Schol. Flor. Callim. Schroeder, Nov.


Schiirer, History


Scol. Att.

Scullard, Rom. Pol.

Etr. Cities -

Sc.]. Theol. Scymn. SdA

F. Preisigke and others, Sammelbuch griechtschen Urkunden aus Agypten (1915- )

Sources chretiennes Senatus COI!Sllltum Swedish Cyprus Expedition (1934-

72) M. Schanz, Geschichte d.

riimischen Literatur, rev. 14

(1927) and z• (1935) by c. Hosius; 33 (1922), Hosius and Kriiger; 4/1' (1914) and 4/2 (1920), Schanz, Hosius, and Kriiger; retided Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike from 1989 (see HLL)

W. Schmid and 0. Stahlin, Geschichte d. griechischen Literatur, vol. 1/1 (1929), 1/2 (1934), 1/3 (1940), 1/4 (1946), 1 I 5 (1948). See also Christ­Schmid-Stahlin

H. H. Schmitt (ed.), Die Staatsvertriige des Altertums 3: Die Vertriige der griechisch­riimischen Welt von 338 bis 200 v. Chr. (1969)

scholiast or scholia Scholia Bernensia ad Vergilii

bucolica et georgica, ed. Hagen (1867)

Scholia Bobiensia Scholia Cruquiana see Serv. Dan. Scholia Florentina in Callimachum 0. Schroeder, Novae Comoediae

fragmenta in papyris reperta exceptis Menandrets (1915)

F. Schiirer, History of the jewish People in the Age of jesus Christ, rev. and ed. G. Vermes, F. Millar, and M. Goodman (1973-87)

Scolia Anonyma in Diehl's A nth. Lyr. Graec. 2, pp. 181-92

Scolia Attica in Diehl's Anth. Lyr. Graec. 2, pp. 181-9

H. H. Scullard, Roman Politics 220-150 Be (1951; 2nd edn. 1973)

The Etruscan Cities and Rome (1967)

see Stud. Theol. Scymnus Die Staatsvertriige des Altertums 22


Die Vertriige der griechisch­riimischen Welt von 700 bis 338 v. Chr., ed. H. Bengtson (1975); 3: Die Vertriige der griechisch­riimischen Welt von 338 bis 200 v. Chr., ed. H. H. Schmidt (1969)


Semon. Sen.

Con. ex. Controv. SIUIS.

Sen. Apocol. Ben. Clem. Constant. Dial. Ep. Epigr. Helv. Med. Prov. QNat. Tranq.

Serv. Praef.

Serv. Dan.

Sext.Emp. Math. Pyr.

SHA Ael. Alex. Sev. Ant. Pius Aurel. Avid. Cass. Clod. Comm. Did. Iul. Hadr. Heliogab. M.Ant.

Marc. Max. Pert. Pesc. Nig. Pro b. Sev. Tyr. Trig. Verus

Shackleton Bailey; Anth. Lat.


Sherk, Augustus

Supplementum epigraphicum Graecum(1923- )

Semonides Seneca (the Elder)

Controversiarumexcerpta Contruversiae SIUISoriae

Seneca (the Younger) Apocolocyntosis Debenqiciis De clementia De constantia sapientis Dialogi Epistulae Epigrammata super exilio AdHelviam Medea De providentia Quaestiones naturales De tranquillitate animi

Servius Praefatio

Scholia Danielis (Pierre Danid, first publisher in 1600 of supplements to

Servius' commentary on Vrrgil)

Sextus Empiricus Advrnus mathematicos flvpptiJVELOt fmo-rvwdJaELS

Scriptores Historiae Augustae A eli us Alexander Severus Antoninus Pius Aurelian Avidius Cassius Clod ius Commodus Didius Iulianus Hadrian Heliogabalus Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

(Caracalla) Marcus Maximin us Pertinax Pescennius Niger Probus Severus 1)tranni Triginta Lucius Verus

D. R. Shackleton Bailey; Anthologia Latina 1: Carmina in codicibus scripta {1982)

D. R. Shackleton Bailey (ed.), Cicero's Letters to Atticus, 7 vols. (1965-70)

R. E. Sherk, Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus, Translated Documents of Greece and Rome 4 (1984)

Authors and Books

Sherk, Hadrian The .Roman Empire: Augustus to Stadiasmus = Stadiasmus Maris Magni (in GGM Hadrian, Translated Periplus l. 427) Documents of Greece and Stat. Statius Rome 6 (1988) Achil. AchiUeis

Sid. Apoll. Sidonius Apollinaris Silv. Silvae Carm. Carmina Theb. Thebais Epist. Epistulae Steinby, Lexicon E. M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon

SIFC see Stud. Ita!. Topographicaum Urbis Romae 1 SIG seeSyU.' (A-C) (1993) Sil. Silius Italicus Steph. Byz. Stephanus Byzantius or Byzantinus

Pun. Punica Stir Studia Iranica Simon. Simonides Stith Thompson Stith Thompson, Motif Index of Simp!. Simplicius Folk-Literature, 6 vols. in

in Cael. in Aristotelis de Caelo Indiana University Studies, Commentarii 96-7, 100-1, 105-6, 108, 110-

inPhys. in Aristotelis de Physica 12; also published as FF Commentarii Communication 106-9, 116-

Sitz. followed by Sitzungsberichte 17 (1932-6) name of Stob. Stobaeus Academy or Eel. 'EKAoya{ Society Flor. 'AvOo>..&ywv

Sitz. Wten Sitzungsberichte der Akad. der StPhoen Collection Studia Phoenicia WJSsenschaften in Wien Strack, P. L. Strack, Untersuchungen zur

Smallwood, Docs. E. M. Smallwood, Documents Reichspriigung riimischen Reichspriigung des ... Nerva iUustrating the Principates of zweiten]ahrhunderts (1931)

Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian Stud. Doc. Hist. Iur. Studia et Documenta Historiae et (1966) I uris

Docs .... Gaius Documents illustrating the Stud.Etr. Studi Etruschi Principates of Gaius, Claudius Stud. Gesch. Kult. Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur and Nero (1967) Alt. des Altertums

SMSR Studi e materiali di storia delle Stud. Ita!. Studi italiani di .filologia classica religioni Stud. Theol. Studia Theologica

Snell-Maehler see Bacchyl. and Pind. Studistor. Studi storici per !' antichit<i classica Snell/ Mannicht/ Radt seeTrGF Suda Greek Lexicon formerly known SNG SyUoge Numorum [sic] as Suidas

Graecorum Suet. Suetonius SOAW Sitzungsberichte. Osterreichische Aug. Divus Augustus

Akademie der WJSsenschaften in Cali g. Gaius Caligula Wten, phil.-hist. Kl. (1848- ) Claud. Divus Claudius

Socrates, Hist. eccl. Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica Dom. Domitianus Solin. So linus Galb. Galba Soph. Sophocles Gram. De grammaticis

Aj. Ajax Iul. Divus Iulius Ant. Antigone Ner. Nero El. Electra Poet. De Poetis oc Oedipus Coloneus Rel. Reiff. Reliquiae, ed. Reifferscheid OT Oedipus Tyrannus Rhet. De rhetoribus Phil. Philoctetes Tib. Tiberi us Trach. Trachiniae Tit. DivusTitus

Sor. Gyn. Soranus, Gynaeceia Vesp. Divus Vespasianus Sozom. Sozomen Vtt. Vitelli us

Hist. eccl.·· Historia ecclesiastica VitaHor. Vita Horatii SPCK Society for Promoting Christian VitaLuc. VitaLucani

Knowledge Sumner, Orators G. V. Sumner, The Orators in Spengel-Hammer C. Hammer, Rhetores graeci ex Cicero's Brums (1973)

recognitione Leonardi Spengel Supp. Aesch. H.]. Mette, Supplementum (1894):2ndedn.ofvol.1/Zof Aeschyleum (1939) Spengel, Rhet. Supp.Com. see Demianczuk

Spengel, Rhet. L. Spengel, Rhetores Graeci, 3 Suppl. Hell. H. Lloyd-jones and P. Parsons vols.: 1/1 (1885), 2 (1854), 3 (eds.), Supplementum (1856) HeUenisticum, Texte und

SSR seeSMSR Kommentare no. 11 (1983)


Authors and Books


Susemihl, Gesch. gr. Lit. Alex.


Sydenham, CRR


Syll. Graec. Symb. Symb. Osl. Symb. Philol.


Syme Rom. Rev. RP RR Tacitus

Symmachus Ep. Relat.

Tab.Agn. TAPhS

Tac. Agr. Ann. Dial. Germ. Hist.



Tarn, Alexander

Tatianus, Ad Gr. Taylor, Voting


Ter. Ad. An. Bun. Haut. Hec. Phorm.

Tert. Ad nat. Adv. Valent.


R. W. Daniel and R Maltomini (eds.), Supplementum Magicum, Papyrologica Coloniensia 16/1-2,2 vols. (1989-91)

F. Susemihl, Geschichte d. griechischen Literatur in d. Alexandriner-Zeit (1891-2; repr. 1965)

H. von Arnim, Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta (1903- )

E. A. Sydenham, The Coinage of the Roman Republic (1952)

W. Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 3rd edn. (1915-24)

see Corp. poes. ep. Graec. lud. Symbolum Symbolae Osloenses Symbolae Philologicae 0. A.

Danielsson octogenario dicatae (1932)

R.Syme The Roman Revolution (1939) Roman Papers, 7 vols. (1979-91) see Syme, Rom. Rev. Tacitus, 2 vols. (1958)

Symmachus Epistulae Relationes

Tabula Agnoniensis Transactions of the American

Philosophical Society Tadtus

Agricola Annales Dialogus de oratoribus Germania Historiae

E. Ka1inka and others, Tituli Asiae Minoris (1901- )

Transactions of the American Philological Association

W. W. Tarn, Alexander the Great (1948; repr. 1979)

Tatianus, Oratio ad Graecos L. R. Taylor, The Voting

·Districts of the Roman Republic (1960)

, Terence Adelphoe An4ria Eunuchus H( e)autontimorumenos Hecyra Phormio

Tertullian Ad nationes Adversus Valentinianos

A pol. Deanim. Debapt. Demonog. De praescr. haeret. Despect.



Texts and Transmission


Them. Or. Tbeoc.

Bpi gr. I d.

Tbeoph. Ad Auto!. Tbeophr. Char. Phys.op. Sens.

Tbeopomp. Tbgn. Thomson, Hist. Anc.

Geog. Tbuc. Tib. Timoth.



Trag. Adesp.


trib. trib. pot. Tyrrell and Purser

Tzetz. Chil.

Apologeticus De testimonio animae Debaptismo De monogamia De praescriptione haereticorum De spectac1dis

Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana (1849- )

W. S. Teuffel, Geschichte der riimischen Literatur', eds. W. Kroll and R Skutsch (191(}-26, vol 2 7th edn. 1920)

L. Reynolds (ed.), Texts and Transmission: A Survey of the Latin Classics (1983)

A. Nauck, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, 2nd edn. (1889); Suppl. by B. Snell (1964)

Tbernistius, Orationes Tbeocritus

Epigrammata Idylls

Tbeophilus, Ad Autolycum Tbeophrastus

De causis plilntarum Characteres Historia plantarum Physicorum opiniones Desensibus

Tbeopompus Historicus Tbeognis J. 0. Thomson, A History of

Ancient Geography (1948) Tbucydides Tibullus Timotheus

Persae Tabula Imperii Romani Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

(190(}- ) M. N. Tod, Greek Historical

Inscriptions vol. 1 z (1946), 2 (1948)

Tragica Adespota in Nauck's Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (TGF), pp. 837-958

see Ribbeck B. Snell, R. Kannicht, S. Radt

(eds.) Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, 4 vols. (1971-85), vol 1'(1986)

tribunus tribunicia potestas R. Y. Tyrrell and L. C. Purser

(eds.), The Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero, 7 vols. (1886-1904 and later edns.)

Tzetzes Historiarum variarum Chiliades

Authors and·Books

Ueberweg-Flashar R Ueberweg, Grundriss der Wegner, M. Wegner, Die Herrsch.mnldnisse Geschichte der Philosophie, rev. Herrscherbild. in antoninischer Zeit (1939) edn.: vol. 3, Altere Akademie, (1939) Aristoteles-Peripatos, ed. H. Herrscherbild ( ed.) Das r01nische Herrscherbild Flashar (1983); vol. 4, Die (1956) (1956- ) hellenistische Philosophie, ed. Westd. Zeit. Westdeutsche Zeitschrift ftir H. Flashar (1994) Geschichte und Kunst

Ueberweg- F. Ueberweg, Grundriss der West, GLP M. L. West, Greek Lyric Poetry Praechter, Geschichte der Philosophie, pt. 1: {1993} Grundriss Das Altertum; 12th edn. by K. GM Greek Metre (1982)

Praechter ( 1926) IE2 Iambi a Elegi, 2nd edn. (1989) Ulp. Ulpianus Wieacker, RRG F. Wieacker, Riimische UPZ U. W!lcken, Urkunden der Rechtsgeschichte 1-2 (1988-

Ptolemiierzeit I {1922-7), 2 Wten. Stud. Wiener Studien (1957) Wilamowitz U. von W!lamowitz-

Moellendorff Val. Max. Valerius Maximus Hell. Dicht. Hellenistische Dichtung in der Zeit Varro, Ling. Varro, De lingua Latina des Kallimachos ( 1924)

Rust. De re rustica Wilcken, Chr. see Mitteis, Chr. Sat. Men. Saturae Menippeae Wilhelm, Urkunden A. Wilhelm, Urkunden

Vatin. Vatinius dramatischer Auffiihrungen in VCH VICtoria County History Athen (1906) Veg.Mil. Vegetius, De re militari Wmter,KB F. Winter, Kunstgeschichte in Veil. Pat. Velleius Paterculus Bildern (1935 ff.) Venttis-Chadwick, M. Ventris and]. Chadwick, Wissowa,RK G. WISsowa, Religion und Kultus

Docs. Documents in Mycenaean d. ROmer, 2nd edn. {1912) Greece, 2nd edn. (1973) Ges.Abh. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur

Verg. Vrrgil r01nischen Religions- und Aen Aeneid Stadtgeschichte {1904} Catal. Catalepton W]A Wurzburger jahrbUcher ftir die Alter-Eel. Eclogues tumswissenschaft, NS (1975- ) G. Georgics

Vett. Val. Vettius Valens Xen. Xenophon Vig.Chr. Vigiliae Christianae Ages. Agesilaus Vit. Aesch. VitaAeschyli (OCT of An. Anabasis

Aeschylus) Ap. Apologia Socratis Vit. Eurip. Vita Euripidis (OCT of [Ath. pol.] [Respublica Atheniensium; see

Euripides) entry OLD OLIGARCH]

Vitr. Vitruvius Cyn. Cynegeticus De arch. De architectura Cyr. Cyropaedia

Vopiscus, Cyn. Vopiscus, Cynegetica Eq. De equitandi ratione Vorsokr. see Diels-Kranz Eq.mag. De equitum magistro

Hell. Hellenic a w see West, GLP and IE2 Hier. Hiero Walbank, HCP F. W. Walbank, A Historical Lac. Respublica Lacedaemoniorum

Commentary on Polybius, 3 vols. Mem. Memorabilia (1957-79) Oec. Oeconomicus

PhilipV Philip VofMacedon (1940) Symp. Symposium Walz C. Walz, Rhetores Graeci, 9 vols. Vect. De vectigalibus

(1832-6) XPf Inscription of Xerxes I at Warde Fowler, Rei. W. Warde Fowler, The Religious Persepolis (so-called 'Harem

Exper. Experience of the Roman People Inscription') {1911) XPh Inscription of Xerxes I at

Warmington, E. H. War'mington, The Persepolis (so-called 'Daiva Indian Commence Commerce between the Roman Inscription')

Empire and India {1928) Watson 1974 A. Watson, Law Making in the YCIS Yale Classical Studies

Later Republic (1974) WdF Wege der Forschung ZAS Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische Sprache Webster, Later Greek T. B. L. Webster, Studies in Later und Altertumskunde

Comedy Greek Comedy (1953; 2nd edn. Zeller, Phil. d. Gr. E. Zeller, Die Philosophie d. 1970) Griechen, 6th edn. (1920)


AUthors and Books

Zeller, Gesclt. d. gr. Gnlndriss d. Gesdtichte d. Zonar. PhiL gri«hischen Philosophie, Zos.

13th edn. (1928) ZPDV Plato, etc. Plato and the Older~ Eng.

trans. (1888) ZPE Zen. Zenobius Z. for die ost. Gym. Zeitschrift for die osterreichischen ZRG

GymiUISien Ziolkowski, Temples A. Ziolkowski, The Temples of

Mid-RepUblican Rome and their ZRGG Historical Context (1993)



llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 3 4067 02728 1301

Zonaras Zosimus Zeitschrift des deutschen Paliistina­

Verdns Zeitschrift for Papyrologie und

Epigraphik Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftungfor

Rechtsgeschichte, romanistische Abteilung

Zeitschrift for Religiqns- und Geistesgeschichte