a weekend walk in barcelona42, palau baró de quadras3


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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Palau of Baró de Quadras, is a modernist building, located in number 373 of Avenue Diagonal, realized by Architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch, declared Culture of National Interest Well 9 of January of 1976 by Majority of Catalonia. This emblematic place was known as Casa Asia, which is a public cultural institution devoted to the promotion of projects to strengthen relationships with that continent and that is going to inaugurate its new premises inside Hospital de Sant Pau’s modernist complex. Palau Baro de Quadras has been donated by the City Town Hall to Ramon Llull Institute. As part of their mutual collaboration, the City Council will integrate in the institute’s consortium with the intention of participating in the international promotion of Barcelona and Catalonia.

The stone-made monumental noble staircase, a common feature of all Puig i Cadafalch’s palaces, inspired by Catalan Gothic, takes the visitor to the noble floor

Until recently, the Palau was home to the cultural organisation Casa Asia and it was possible to visit the first floor rooms. The building now houses the Institut Ramon Llull and visits are limited to the entrance and fine staircase

Door details

At the noble floor the architect situated the two dining rooms of the Palace, both in Moresque style

The hall which looks onto Avinguda Diagonal, has a spectacular windowed gallery, formed by eight stained-glass windows decorated with floral motifs

stained-glass windows decorated with floral motifs


l sgraffitos








Puig i Cadafalch was a politician who became president of the Mancomunitat de Catalunya (the Commonwealth of Catalonia which covered the four Catalan provincial administrations) from 1917 to 1925

The works of the Modernisme should always be viewed in the context of a nationalist attitude that stressed the independence of Catalonia. This is why the works contain countless hints and symbols of Catalan identity

In each of the arris of the gallery Puig i Cadafalch situated a sculpture representing Saint George, Catalonian patron saint, fighting the dragon (left) and evil spirits (right), a veiled reference to Catalan nationalism.

Puig i Cadafalch was also an archaeologist and expert in Romanesque art, who was instrumental in excavating the ruins at Empúries, as well as the director of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. And, of course, he was one of the most prolific architects and town planners in the first half of the 20th century

Door details

Door and lamp details

Born in 1867, Puig i Cadafalch was 15 years younger than Gaudí and 17 years younger than Domènech i Montaner under whom he studied architecture in Barcelona and who definitely influenced his early Modernista period


The second hall, (Carrer Rosselló side), is characterized by its fireplace, a surprising combination of floral motifs on blue glazed ceramic, shining brass and a large coat of arms of the Baron.

It is flanked by two columns with stone bases decorated with sunflowers. The shaft of the column is made of red marble, and the stone capital is decorated with sculpted fish

Door main floor

Many historic forms and motives of Catalan folk art can be found in and on buildings of modernist patrons

Some examples are the usage of the Catalan coat of arms or the depiction of the Catalan patron Saint Jordi (George) and the legend of George which can be found in many works

Josep Puig i Cadafalch became one of the key figures in shaping the Catalan nationalist movement due to his desire to reclaim Catalonia’s historic and cultural roots

The architecture of the Modernisme is mainly coined by three ingenious architects: Lluís Domènech i Montaner who was the basic founder of the Modernisme, Josep Puig i Cadafalch and the most ingenious of them: Antoni Gaudí.

Door main floor

With the political and economic background, the Modernisme was an expression of Catalonia’s strive for independence. This is a contrast to the art nouveau in other parts of Europe which was rather an expression of the Zeitgeist at the time

The building has been classified

as Artistic Historical Monument of National


The second floor has a long balcony in flamboyant Gothic style with pinnacles, spiral columns and gargoyles depicting fanciful animals. It consists of five rooms. The Halls, former guest room and dinner room

The large Gothic castle standing in the middle of Barcelona’s Avinguda Diagonal, the House of Spikes “Casa de les Punxes” also by Josep Puig i Cadafalch

The attic, with a sloped wooden ceiling in northern European style

Text & pictures: InternetCopyrights of the photos belong to each photographer

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuşwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda

Sound: Arianna Savall - Yo m'enamori d'un aire