a success story for customers upgrading e-business suite...

1 A Success Story for Customers Upgrading E-Business Suite to R12 Medik Ghazikhanian Assistant IT Director - PMP City of Burbank, CA April 29, 2011

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A Success Story for Customers Upgrading

E-Business Suite to R12

Medik GhazikhanianAssistant IT Director - PMP

City of Burbank, CA April 29, 2011


Agenda City of Burbank Oracle Environment Business Drivers for the Upgrade R12 Upgrade Walkthrough Lessons Learned Critical Success Factors Q & A


City of Burbank, Ca City of Burbank: 108,000+ residents Media Capital of the World :

The Walt Disney Company Warner Bros. NBC

Full service municipality with utilities, fire, and police


Background with Oracle Oracle shop since 1999 with version 10.7 Modules implemented: GL, AP, AR, PO, FA, INV,

and PA Upgraded to version in 2005 Implemented Oracle HRMS modules in

January 2008 HR, PAYROLL, OAB, and OTL

Upgraded Oracle 11i to R12 in April 2009


Background with Oracle (cont.) Implemented Oracle Sub-Ledger

Accounting available in R12 to address utilities accounting and reporting requirements in May 2010

Implemented Work Order Asset Management (WAM) in May 2010

400+ users, 200+ GB Database size, multi-nodes, with some customization


BOSS project phases Burbank Oracle Systems Solution (BOSS)

project started 2/2007 PHASE I – live on 01/2008 Oracle HR, Payroll, Advanced Benefits, OTL

PHASE IIa – live on 04/2009 Oracle eBusiness R12 Upgrade

PHASE IIb – Live on 05/2010 “Secondary Ledger” implementation

PHASE III – Live on 05/2010 Oracle Work and Asset Management (WAM)


Hardware Architecture

Two HP Blade Servers: Database and Application, two quad core Intel Xeon – 64 bit

SAN Storage Server


Software Configuration Oracle Enterprise Unbreakable Oracle E-Business Application release

12.0.8 for HRMS and 12.0.6 for Finance Oracle Database version 11g Oracle OEM Application Management Pack (AMP) Oracle Discoverer 10.1.2 SUN Java version 6 User Productivity Kit (UPK)


Business Drivers for R12 upgrade

Leverage the new secondary ledger functionality in R12 for utilities accounting and reporting requirements and posting simultaneously to both Primary & Secondary Ledger

Work & Asset Management (WAM) application


Time line for R12 Upgrade

• Project Planning – Jun ‘08• Iteration 1 – Jul/Aug ‘08• Iteration 2 – Oct/Dec ‘08• Iteration 3 – Jan/Feb ’09• Go-live – April ’09


R12 Upgrade Walkthrough

Plan the Upgrade Prepare the Upgrade Perform the Upgrade Post-upgrade Tasks Issues Resolution Critical Account Status


Plan the Upgrade

Project team: project office, technical members (in house and consultants), and functional module leads

Weekly/monthly meetings with stakeholders

Plan for multiple Integration tests Baseline the upgrade execution time Assess customization impact


Prepare for the upgrade Technical Upgrade to latest application tech stack Upgrade the database version Ensure adequate tablespaces Procure additional hardware Download R12 software and stage it Gather schema statistics Complete pre-upgrade functional tasks


Prepare for the upgrade Functional User availability Functional changes Impact of the changes per functional area Organizational impact of the changes Training: documentation and actual training Unit, Integration, UAT, etc. testing Go-live dates


Perform the upgrade Cold back up of the environment Technical upgrade tasks Use RapidWiz to configure and start the

R12 upgraded instance processes Sanity checks Perform product-specific steps Configure workflow notification mailer


Post-upgrade tasks Apply “high priority” patches (sub-ledger

accounting, E-Biz Tax, and AP) For HRMS run HRglobal driver For Payroll updated Vertex Migrated all custom objects


R12 Lessons Learned

Most impacted modules: AP/AR/GL Least impacted modules: HRMS 400+ issues logged - 1/3 of for AP & AR

modules Major changes in payment processes and

check printing Additional training needed for AP & AR



R12 Lessons Learned (cont.)

Wire payment doc number prior to the upgrade for all banks in AP

Create Accounting BI Publisher expertise Desktop ADI and Financial Statement

Generation replaced with combination of WebADI and Reports Manager (may need to re-create FSG/ADI templates)


R12 Lessons Learned (cont.) Advance Collections Module Dunning process Repeat the upgrade until all issues are

fixed and downtime is acceptable for cutover

Budget enough time for issue resolution between the multiple upgrades

Install latest E-Business Diagnostic


R12 Lessons Learned (cont.) To reduce Outage Downtime: Separate database and OS upgrade Complete tasks listed in Reducing downtime

section (Appendix E) in Upgrade manual Check template, signatures and approval

financial institutions Test all Discoverer reports Stress test Cost Manager Test all business flows and scenarios


R12 Lessons Learned (cont.)

Test ! Test ! Test! Test SUN Java Clone production User-defined folders Accounting processes Posting Encumbrance Journals Test all custom menus and responsibilities


R12 Lessons Learned (cont.) Use production like environment for

stress testing and mock go-live Create step-by-step cut-over plan Allow sufficient time for the go-live



Critical Success Factors Executive support / Stakeholders Implementation partner Detailed project planning &

communications Robust end-to-end testing Multiple iterations of test upgrades Proper issues tracking & status reporting Strong module owner involvement in all

phases of the project (super users)


Critical Success Factors (cont.) Strong IT staff support Strong Oracle experienced in-house staff Engaging with Oracle Critical Support Staff Initial Triage Weekly Meetings (twice a week) Best Oracle Technical and Functional support Critical Care Customer until all mission critical and

high priority items were resolved and successfully closed month end and year end financial processes


THANK YOU!Medik GhazikhanianCity of Burbank, CA

[email protected]: (818) 238 - 5153