a provisional president of ilexico to in · -frm tin francueor:-nippon maru.may 21. tor can...

- Frm tin FrancUeor : - Nippon Maru. May 21. Tor Can Francisco , '' a, VJ. 2$. V -- From Vancouver; v : J 1 .. . ! I: ! V 1 Niagara, Mar X3L - ! ' ' , t I C For Vancouver: . liar am a. II 17 If. Evening ttdlletinEsL 18S2, No. SS60. v.X 12 PAGESHOM) PRICE FIVE CENTS Hawaiian Star, Vol. XXI, No. 900.-- ; Supervisors Divided Over the 'fi' : PJan of K Reimbursement v ;Some Favcr Using Surplus :: Funds fcr . Road Work r Making Tour of Inspection of c Waikans District i ; . Ilearta and purses of the city and county employe will rejoice today at the ne "Which leaked oat of eua held by the board of supervisors last night Just jrior to the regular ' The city '.and county. Is no longer fcankrepL In place of harfni to re t ; duce the expenditures $87,000. as con- templated In March wiien'a sweeping 30 per cent cut was made In all sal- aries. Information has reached the beard from ; the tax office that there will be only about 112,000 less In tax receipts this year than last " : f Acting on this information,' a caucus ; was 1 istlly called last evening. A-res- cluticn already drawn up, on the order 1 or Supervisor McClellan, was discussed ' at length, this resolution calling' for the' refunding, to the city and county ' i employes of all inoney lost them by the 10 per cent cntMt Is thousnt Pe-- - trie favors the adoption of this resolu-- - t!cn. '."'" ', ' ' "': V ::- - In f ;:rport "cf this resolution &a nt .was made, that as the city tnd county was no longer In need. of the money realized through the salary . cuts, it sLould, In fairness to the em-rloye- s, be returned to them. For the M three months Api1I, May and Jyne 1hese cuts tre sate 10,602.50; to this thould al?o be added $1SD from the remnr.tr.t irrrrovement fund on, en- - ginecrs rairr - IIov vcr, c s were made to this nfur.il: hcu " A tint her nl an . was c ' I. 1 !1 W s"to restore th: ra'jr: : to t ' r figures in the CPSt i A zr. . ; : I, and use the H',C::..r cn tl - r. ' The objections were v c' J f j tt: !y that co deci-- i t!on cf tl.e I rd r.chc J. It was . :al. caucus on the i - :.ter., Th la morning the board ; ; ci a trip to the Wai-har;- p f '? cf the island to' Inspect-th- e icr.J r.cre. crvlrnr pc trie is Id favcr tf r: ;:: th re.' ,! it is ' n.cre t; :i 1. :y. .th: cr.:e Ecrt cl :roi:j!i r t will be reached en t!.G r:.: ::n L ;re the city fa tier? i Tl " !: i r t : :ar wi3 based. . i ... l, Rhich.wa . : f ' ; . The. rate .was' i.. l 1.17, which represents 111,7; 3 c i t:.3 r .::::cn. About the last cf thi3 March the territcrial treasurer the tur :rvL-cr$- . that, due tc decrcas d valuatians, the assessment on Oahu wculd drop about $7.f,00.00O which would mean a loss of $S6,000 to "the city and county." ' ; ': ;:'', It was 'cn this Information that the board fat 'busy, rushed through an u emended budget, in - which cuts and 'flashes floured In about every Item: The ohj;ct of this was to reduce the expenditures of the municipality $8G. , fiOO.'fo that the disbursements would rot be cheater than the revenue. " Now wcrd comrs from the tax office 1hat In the; r'.-- cs cf a drop cf $700,000 It will ret be more than '$1, CO 0,000. The last day to note a tax appeal was May 1, and the last day to pay , taxes e.fore the delincjucat period was May 15. - Co his estimate made nowvls re- gard rvl t s very accurate. ; - "': . Ccr.seucr tlj', the board, ' blessed with more money $74,000 more than figured oa Ux. March Is facing a Ques- tion cf how it will dispose of it VWiU It give the JC.CC2.50 back to the em- ployes, on the theory that It only bor- rowed. the money from them and are now in a position to return It? Or will It trend it all oa the roads.'and be satlsHed by 'raising all salaries 10 per cent with the new budget? These two questions are' not being answered definitely by the board, and they. prob- ably -- willnot be answered until the special . caucus., .Cat at any rate it looks like the day of reduced salaries is about pau. : vvV V AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Chicaao Chicago 5, Philadelphia 2. : ':v.v - v r v:-"- ' At St Louis New York t S, St Lou- - .: it 1. . ; -'; ;';v ''- - ' r :; x At Detroit Detroit 3, Boston 0. : - - At Cleveland WasljlrtSt9n 5 land a NATIONAL LEAGUE. At PWladelphla-Chica- go .10, ? Phil- adelphia 5- -', ''?. , 'w-':- ; V ' i At Boston Pittsburgh 4( Boston t. V- At New York New Vork, Cineln-fiati- - 0. " " 4' .' j ': . v y At BrooklynBrooklyn V St Louis 4.V- ' :'; C- - i v:'r- "'-' 'rn ; V. ' l; - - ."..-- . '. Bringing. 500 sacks of 6ugar , from the island of Kauai, ' the Inter-Islan- d steamer W. G, Hall , was an arrival at I he port this morning. The Hall met Jwlth strong winds and moderate seas. '.-l"A- Lowest Prtce"a,'---'--'-'?-H- . E. HENDRICK, LTO. W. r-1- 2. rcrchsr.t and AUkca Sta. I l l l t IllVt . Cr- - rvissrs ;' ?. cCl e I tan (a bove) j .and Pctris, who favor refunding T j JO per cent cut from salaries cft j -- city- and-eou- nty .'c rr. ploy esT for i j months of April, May and. JuneV it : " ' t a n inn liVLvtiiUiuilJAU Foir seels Km AMOR r.'t'- -t' f An automobile tour along the Paci fic slope, covering a distance of 2500 miles, has been completed by Mr; and Mrs, W..B. Thomas and Will P. Thomas, wiia returned to Honolulu in the Pacific Mail liner- - Mongolia this morning : alter ; an absence of , six months from the islands, '.h' "We have every Teason to feel opti- mistic over the outlook for a satisfac- tory, market, for Ihe year's pineapple output" . stated Will Thomas this morning,-wh- o while admitting that conditions might have been more fav orable, the prospect for better prices, appeared extremely lavorame. ; . , - . "TV'e spent more time on pleasure than on business bent" remarked the pineapple' grower and packer. r;;' ; It is . the opinion that wltha re- duction in . the price of the pines the Jobber and not . the consumer is 7 the one to reap the material .benefit ' PROF. WOOD H0:.lE,r MAY BE ASSOCIATED X' WITH SUMMER SCHOOL Professor- - Edgar Wood returned from Vancouver on the I steamer .Ni- agara ; this morning and,' it is under- stood,' will either assume bis; duties at the normal school or . take a posi- tion in the summer school Superin- tendent Kinney, " when asked . .this morning about " the , matter, handed over ? a copy of - the minutes ' ot ' the last meeting of the i school commis- sioners; That part relating to Pro- fessor Wood . reads as.; follows : r ': "On .request of Mr. Edgar -- Wood, principal of the Normal f school, he was granted leave of absence during the! school year 1913-1914, for the pur pose of studying at Columbia -- university for. the degree of ThJD t with .the assurance that; he will be l( reinstated in his present 'position in" September, Ml,1 or whenever he returns, if he comes back sopner, and ' that Q win be given a- - position in the snmmer school if he so desires.' I ; The : school 'k commissioners meet Saturday next ' and many matters are to be taken tip by them and the new superintendent of public instruction. - ', SUGAR - . - SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. Sugar,: 96 degJ test' 3-2- 6 cents. Previous quo- tation. 3.20 cent. Beets: - ..88 analysis 9s. 6"d; Parity, 3.59 centar Previous quotation. 9s: 4Hd " t r SAN FRANCISCO.' 'May 20 Beets: 88. analysis 9s. 6'4d. Parity 3Ji9 cents. ' Previous; quotation,. 9s. iSYiUBV Glimpses of Charming Old 'and ;v Hustling riew Japan x ,- A (I.J.J h TYPICAL HOME SCENE OF PRETTY LUHCHEOfJ Afternoons Spent in Vonderful t Gardens Where Old Times Are Emphasized By RILEY H. ALLEN. ,j - tsuur,..uorrespoxidence. Japan,: .May' 5ipan, youthful ; and energetic modernity reaches , a strikiio climax at Kobe, and to the'' Hawaii party this seaport city of nearly half a million people is the personification of the new Japan- ese spirit, Not so large aa the' Indus trial : beehive of - Osaka, or - the f ar-flu- capital: of Toklot or i- even I the new-ol- - .mercantile - Kyoto; not so well-know- n . to the I Occident, as the other seaports of Yokohama and Na- gasakiyet Kobe has some of the ele- ments of each and in many respects has surpassed. 4L7;--f V:-f From - the Oriental " Hotel; on the broad , "Bund.- - or boulevard alon? the f: of '' Hawaii waterfront we - - the party look out over a harbor: crowd- ed with the mingled 'and "strangely contrasting shipping of the Orient and the Occident" In this harbor the new order la: fast driving out the bid. The ancient high-dec- k, high-poope- dj junks sometimes crawl in and out df Osaka Bay and Kobe"a roadstead its head, and a vast number; of old-fashion- sailing 'vessels whiten the blue water with 'helr spreading; wlngs but the dominant note xf 4the ' harbor,.:is - fur- nished by the huge passenger steam ers that move ponderously in f and outi 'by the gricix' war vessels "of many-nation- s 'at - anchor ' here ; and by the cumming, . snip-ouucun- g .. y aras, . v. me bulging warehouses and :the- - tide of business that flows ' ,u up' and . down the; deep", crescent-shape- d ''frbnt' - Kobe - haa 440,000 inhabitants Is the : v: :( Continued on page slxV -- .' OP BIG FflVERS Candidate for U. S.. Marshal ship Positive of His Success,? But Will Be Good Loser . v ' f he black horse in the race for TJ. S. marshal 1b none' other' than Cyrus T. Greea, according" to - Cyrus (T. Green.;- - He . says he expects to win out- - and will win out thanks to the "boys' of hla childhood. 5 But if he does not win out he declares he. will take his hat off to the local democrat who' beats him.":-.i.- ; ;MI ; expect to win .oui,1 but ; will take my hat off to any other local Demo crat, who beats me in this race, was what he; said this ; mornlng.-- -- r Green 'wat : born . in . Louisiana, the son : of Col.' Alfred W. ;Green.of Jthe southern confederacy. He faa been In Hawaii since "January, 1897 V- Speaking of his outlook:in Washing ton, Green says: lP'i "There fare many southern' men ; In the senate -- who were classmates of mine In Washington' Lee university, Virginia, ' who have ? given me. their unstinted : aid f in- - this fight -- Among those who' were in my class are Sen ators .'Chamberlain- - of Oregon, ; Poln- - dexter of Washington. Owens bf Okla- homa, -- Orin Shepherd of Texas, Cul berson of Texas, and Postmaster Gen- eral : Burleson in the Texas : common ChOOl8.A:.5'. & j i"SenatJrs John Sharp Williams,' Jo seph E.; RtnsdelL4 ? Morris Shepherd and t Burleson - are mainstays In this fight.1 alaed by Senators Works' and Perkins of California and many others whom it will be unnecessary to mpntlrni" '.-- ' ;., v: ?''-- - ? : "'.,;' . i.-- - r ; .... - .. . SUGGEEDS LOIS iliiiii Governor L.: E. Pinkham .this after noon appointed LT. M. Vetiesen a. mem- ber of the board of liquor license com missioners, to . take the - .position left vacant by the recent; resignation of S. M. Lowrey..vT - , i . -- :;".:- - J Nq - difficulty is reported-- , to have been experienced in; berthing the bi American ship John i Ena at the Hilo wharf. , The vessel is how taking on the-- remainder of a shipment of 4300 tons " of 'sugar destined for the east coasf of the United States.: Gcbrge-F;- ; Eberhardl Is ' Live . .Wire In Numerous Booster a : w Bodies of --San Francisco!-- - President of the Pacific Advertising Research1 Society ;dtrector and chair-man-- of the, educational committee, cf the ? Advertising Association of San Francisco first national vice-preside- nt of :the-'Nation- ali Sales Managers "A- ssociation 'of ' Americd and ;vlce-presl-de- nt of the San Francisco department director of the educational commlttee of ' the sameZ , and chairman of the publicity committee of the Commer cial Club of Saxr Francisco; 'these are a few pf the positions held by George F. Eberhard of San Francisco, who ar- rived ' in 1 Honohilti on the " Mongolia this morning, -- 1 accompanied by Airs. Eberhard, to spend' a. few weeks in the islands", on pleasure and-j- n the" inter est of his client The! Pmectar Co.- - ' In rtact" Wr. x Eberhard is consider ably interested in advertising and Ad Club ; matters' on, the mainland : and. when - seen at Toung Hotel " this morning, professed a desire to' learn something ' of Honolulu's 'booster, or ganization, saying that he has heard much bf its' .actirities through corres- pondence ilfromJhIs friends in Honol- ulu.'-; : r: f . .Perhaps t look upon Ad dub ac tivities in ' a. JitUe' different ' light- - than most people,: he said. "In San Fran cisco, organisations I 4o( not belong to the regalia or rentertalnment or mo- - ney-ralsta- g, committees; f ' the " educa- tional .'and research committees: . are the: ones, which interest me the most Of course, I do not know enough of the Honolulu . organization to make a comparison between It and 1 the ' San Francisco Ad Club.- - For Instance, the Pacific Advertising- - Research" Society is an' organization ) with an r aim to- ward applying psychology - to adver- tising, while the, San Francisco Advert tising Association perhaps Is more on the border of your organization here; that,ls, it has the Interests of the city at heart and Is a live.bboster fore city." ;v ; " n Ul.il 1 I aua - - " !, .' ' - Rev.fjrD;Jonesriamt Dan Craw- - f nrH A rri vp nn FJ i n n ara P in - v v Boute to Aystraliail :; f '.- - to. ;: . Withl the arrival on-th- e Canactian-Australia- n liner Niagara this morning of Rev. J. D. Jones of Bournemouth, England,' and Pan Crawford ;of Scot- land and Afrlca Honolulu is entertain- ing two of Great Britain's most distin- guished ireligtyraa ? workers. Widely differing in their ; spheres, oiTactlvIty, and in: their personalities, still; each possesses a peculiar magnetlsmiWhlch has made " him ; remarkably popular wherever he has gone.-- - The visitors were met .'.at- the wharf by -- .'a commit- - tee consisting of . Dr. -- Doremus Scud - and taken sightseeing tr!p; ; ; ;'.";. the city. jn It 1 Yitn. tnrpsnno fljnirfl in .tbA missionary field. i 188$ has ha to mission 'Wprk Africa, mak ing remarkable sacrifices and under-goin- g manner lit depriyatlon and danger In his evangelistic gospel cam paigns. . t His . career has seen . hlin a bridge ' builder, ; preacher, ICO J gtate a -- hampered ;i home re-an- y oeen m wutk. wui - to; Aus- tralia is to throughout the col onic? in' an caU.'. ". Allowing his tour Australia ;he to g back Africa and there devote the : of , . his life whom Tie ; . from squalor and savagery.' to a high j degree 4 ? V Mr.-- ' Crawford -- speak .'at mid-wee- k services': Union, church 'at o'clock evening, and" will the Men'a ' the church, meeting4 in .the pat; Ish house tomarrow,eyenIng. I a Craw ford from As; a pastor-at-JargeM- r; endear- ed to all England - wher ever has in - invariably,; has won the of hl3 large audiences. , As a lolitical speak- - j as adherent cl th3 LIh party.- - He is en route to ; messenger - tie; t ia w ring the . the yc ii and in colonies. Dur: in the "United States ana addressed large entertained. ..Wh- - a ; for a few iacmcr.t3 t' ' r:;rr.:.:r. heexpressc J a . U in order to 73 Cf 3 "city, but ta!J it v i '? , . .... .f. - . . ...... : .'.v.. V s i. , i F. Eberhard, of who j Honolulu this morning. , ' V, . Mr." Eberhard is president of the George F. Eberhard Company San Francisco, a" company Interested in and selling and which has put the public many Hawaiian products. Mr. is to be ask ed ' be one the speakers , the Ad Club luncheon next Tuesday noon. 1 amv goings to call . on President Farrlngton" said c: this v. morning Anc if I asked speak at a meeting " pt the.; members, . wilt :be along educatloiIal and research lines And .. it won't r - dry , either. BP? Bi;i!iC:i PEACE f. ' - ... . ' -- - . - ' . -- , - - .:.v - . eant; " Vritterr;vByj James .VVilder,:ls Produced the; Normal; Schooler;! ... z- THE -- CAST. a4 f:" Peace ."; I:..... ;.Uift Deinert '.Sarah Kaaha' .-y- Industry v. W wv'vi ivV. yrrf f 5 i I . i,.EIiza' Kama Rawiwooie 4-- -', Contentments . Kahana; Kapulf f ;; .l Louis f - Horror i Alice Pakiko f r ,v. ,i Amelia :8ouza "t - - Pestttence ;rMirina.''Janssen t.May Christian Arbitration r:. au ; Anague "4:' Justices, Salvation1 Army, -- f Irish, 'East Indians," Koreans, Jap-- , f anese, Boy tScoutsSaIlos,, Police- - ' f 1 ' " ' frrmeiC Indians,; Soldiers, f :" ir-vs-- i ... Children of yarying ages shades Of celebrated lnvhdaore of mainland -- V- i The pageant,, written by " James . Wilder and produced under his direc- tions, was one. the" prettiest enter talnmenta seen. at a; public here for many moons.. Peace and War were represented, and. engaged in a I ful argument, which . was won ia the end, by Peace.- - And there . was Jchn jJnll and Uncle Sam, wbo at last ra!:;- - fed their arms ta bless and extend their days or, peace, which, fell wittm. tL 2 or ArDitrauon.- - r -. The first exchange of word3 tstween War and ?Peace seens too clevef ta omit, so it is nere:- - : . - a ny strrrj lies ths caf:ty cf ritic-- 3. - Peacs. ; ICay.' ; :zlz i lsly. In . t ?- -r cc;. ? - .. I : It io thr.t f.'.'.ow yc Cri i l",v:v; Vr" '" . I f i: i,1 V der,- pastor of Central, Union; churchrv-v- - Brother Jonathan .. . . . T. ; . .. ; Wl A. Bowen and'were .by' ?;;;isv;;;i;MlchaeJ.D automobile for American Indian l.Xi"-:- 4 ;';. ' "'";: -- f f W u."....,; William Werner' -- f Dan;Crawford,?wholl Temain BrUannla . Pniar the islands; a month pTior hnBulrQeo?eka a.,0w.iii io wuirhana mAfit Canadian Indian.'. ;.v. .Rung Kai Since be devoted life in all hunter, pri- - 4 of ,K;'e?!taryito ?,W VUl ;A!Cani years of peac between the United chief., diplomat, special pleader,, ors, an4 Great-BrIUi- n, with a author and . score or otner voc&;i1fn tlons.. 'ej4p an absolutely unconven- - tte normal noo, thJg iamiillfi Ia. tloniar type; ' by denomi-- j c, welcomed Edgar national affiliations,. undisturbed. b7tWood; principal of school, who governing board. He has , tDrned thi3 jnoming from 4 to the iree iu gelistlc ideals."His mission speak response to urgent of plans to : remainder among;1 the people brought bf civilizaUon.' t n r will the , In Central 7:30 this address League of at its - was fellow-traveler- .; with-Mf- . .Cnada'to; Hawaii. Jones has and' he spoken i Araerlca hert3 country an the of movement v religion, hearts". of conformist ministers both the au-5:r.- c-i widely ed :'.:z to Honolulu f T th-- t George D. A. (Doc- tor Advertiting)r reached ot advertising before Eberhard to of at he am to. Jt f be matter, ': at ; de Cambra Famine Columhia.;; IT .;Lucy Chief etc 1' isV;-- ',r' f and complexion A. school pronuse Quoted Yea r.y about' Frances tha beau-tor- . of the always himself, he nn-70-- : Lt.JLs'Os J-i'- ia ilka itwvJy. ! IVM t i : i ... tl ii Provisional President of Ilexico Yillina to Ee-iKlinqu- isli : Reir3 of Office in Order to Insure ; H Peace; With Itr-'-ry- Pr Cable ' ;- -' , -- ' .MEXICO CITY, Mexico, May 20. Provisional Preci-de- nt h:a authorized his personal delegates to the ccnfercnco to b: , held by.the mediatcrs In Niagara to offer. his rc:::":l::n, j shpuld it pfovejiecessaryas a solution ..of the djfficulti:: . between the United States and Mexico. : . ROOSEVELT COMMENT liOK; ADMiNiSTn:?: : i : Colonel Opposed to $25,000,000 Payrr,:nt tD :Cc::-:.,:- ?i dltion'for days, of ; States yiel-i- r re south. i n ' 'J - - United CAUSTIC : ON ; ..t :s It: 3 e:tlcr Cr-tM- t:r!-r.- 1 Villa pursuing feirg radon he havs captured staff, 33 cffic-ri- . ' -- ' Press CaoTJ of American of Toledo, ths J.; Against . " W; titration Narrow from Death W fe !iyer, and. Starvation Whiie on Tcur of Seut!: ';' ' : "'. Associated press Cabl ;;f YORK; Way 20. was learned her' today' -- 1 had a narrow escape from death a re:-!- : ver; during tour of South America. Tha cofonsl was a r flVe his temperature mas nme. , .. . . : . V , Another.lncldent the trip that close calf from atarvation Col. Rccsevelt and his jungle. 'V.: "; - - . . Roosevelt Into political work Immediately v: the; United States. His commer.tj ci t:?i:i cf the d;y Payment of $2S,CC0,CC0 Colombia fcrandei "u.-.- t: Opposition tho repeal of the canal t;i!s ex? action, that arbitration mizht be prcptr c:urte, pre. empt" United ves-- !j -- u i; Unequivocal to. r" -- ' 2: .1 eL PASO, Texas, 'May 20. General eral troops toward the , At Pa and executed General Orsomoand his 1C3 fcr the th; fed the invaiers. ra:j champion,,; his plunged General: rilla:L2ad5 ?;ia..ictpi7;-..ii::eciie- Among the dead-o- f Huerta's forces are Alverez a.--J !uno2. losses are reported killed 23 wounded, whlla ths fsdsr-- - a( dead placed at 23, wounded 0, and SCO prisoners... .Among the munitions of war captured by Villa are nine pii::j cf artil- lery, 1,000,000 rounds of ammunitlont five troop trains and, lar;j supp! of provisions.' " .'"-- .'-. ' . ' ' General; Villa personally led the attack of one and achieved brilliant success In the defeat of series of flank movements. 'hi ' i Evans arid Weber in RnceV ' fAraod&tM - . SANDWJCH, Eng., May 20. Only "Chick' Evans of Chicago and Harold Dn'tlsli Mfaii fiAlf Tha and 2 to play, and the latter by 7 and Francis Ouimet, American open champion, Frederick, Herreshbff,A. j W. Inslee, E. S. Knapp and H, J. Topping, eliminated : in today's play,, . ' . Brva ' - - i i i) '1" i ' U States - ; II ?GL" belnj up to a I: . - , t, , ' is hair-ranin- j in t" ri'.::r:l r. r J. cf C is reported to consisting of , i m . : , ' two colfirj Weber remain In 6. ' - . . D. Travers,' -i X- - - Had Escapes ; '' J NEW. It th C ' dofe.RoosevcIt as in or c: ' ' ' ' . f . to aj : to . ' Generals 1 Villa's at 16 is a " :.- - ,' - ,' ; division a ,. I . in m For British ChaniDicnch:'; ' ; sTs W K9MirutneKlr ai m . ' amateur I I t . a m a i ! i G. Lock wood, Fraser Hale, C. American entrants, vs:rs all Harold H. Hilton, the present British tmateur champion, won hi match 2 tip and 1 to play today. w;- - .i : ;".-.- ' .' ' V -- .' n Erideavdririg to Learn v.: -- ; ; I Associated J r : WASHINGTON, D. C May 2p. Secretary of State Dryan :l graphed to Consul-gener- al Philip C. Hanna at Monterey in an t :. learn whether it Is feasible to send through a messase to S3!t;i:o certain whether John R. SilMman, the Imprisoned "American . c: - ' actually been released.; . ' - . ' '. 1 - ; The action, was taken following the receipt yesterday cf t; ; r. thsarrival of the refugee train at Mexico City, without C .: -- toard ' ' ; . ' : - . ' Iv!r.vy v :n::.3Tc:i, c.,.ry every ' ";ri ! t ; j to r - - n - i is and ' f- ," - ' ', v- -; . s o Presa Ciblel - sle. to cr. cn 71 . s rry c::: n cp:.n p;rt ; :'.': i t:-:- t f: :r c

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- Frm tin FrancUeor :

- Nippon Maru. May 21.Tor Can Francisco , ''a, VJ. 2$. V --

From Vancouver; v : J

1.. . !

I: ! V1Niagara, Mar X3L -! ' ' , t I

C For Vancouver:. liaram a. II17 If.

Evening ttdlletinEsL 18S2, No. SS60. v.X 12 PAGESHOM) PRICE FIVE CENTSHawaiian Star, Vol. XXI, No. 900.-- ;

Supervisors Divided Over the'fi' : PJan of K Reimbursementv ;Some Favcr Using Surplus:: Funds fcr . Road Work

r Making Tour of Inspection ofc Waikans District i ;

. Ilearta and purses of the city andcounty employe will rejoice today atthe ne "Which leaked oat ofeua held by the board of supervisorslast night Just jrior to the regular

' The city '.and county. Is no longerfcankrepL In place of harfni to re

t ; duce the expenditures $87,000. as con-templated In March wiien'a sweeping30 per cent cut was made In all sal-aries. Information has reached thebeard from ; the tax office that therewill be only about 112,000 less In taxreceipts this year than last "


Acting on this information,' a caucus; was 1 istlly called last evening. A-res-

cluticn already drawn up, on the order1 or Supervisor McClellan, was discussed' at length, this resolution calling' for

the' refunding, to the city and county'

i employes of all inoney lost them bythe 10 per cent cntMt Is thousnt Pe-- -

trie favors the adoption of this resolu---

t!cn. '."'" ',' ' "': V ::-


In f ;:rport "cf this resolution &a nt

.was made, that as the citytnd county was no longer In need. ofthe money realized through the salary

. cuts, it sLould, In fairness to the em-rloye- s,

be returned to them. For theM three months Api1I, May and Jyne

1hese cuts tre sate 10,602.50; to thisthould al?o be added $1SD from theremnr.tr.t irrrrovement fund on, en--

ginecrs rairr- IIov vcr, c s were made to

this nfur.il: hcu " A tint her nl an.was c ' I. 1

!1 W s"to restore th:ra'jr: : to t ' r figures in theCPSt i A zr. . ; : I, and use theH',C::..r cn tl - r. ' The objectionswere v c' J f j tt: !y that co deci-- i

t!on cf tl.e I rd r.chc J. It was. :al. caucus on

the i - :.ter., Th la morning theboard ; ; ci a trip to the Wai-har;- p

f '? cf the island to' Inspect-th- e

icr.J r.cre. crvlrnr pc trie is Idfavcr tf r: ;:: th re.' ,! it is

' n.cre t; :i 1. :y. .th: cr.:e Ecrt cl:roi:j!i r t will be reached ent!.G r:.: ::n L ;re the city fatier? i

Tl " !: i r t : :ar wi3 based.. i ... l, Rhich.wa

. : f ' ; . The. rate.was' i.. l 1.17, which represents111,7; 3 c i t:.3 r .::::cn. About the lastcf thi3 March the territcrial treasurer

the tur :rvL-cr$- . that, due tcdecrcas d valuatians, the assessmenton Oahu wculd drop about $7.f,00.00Owhich would mean a loss of $S6,000 to

"the city and county." '; ': ;:'',

It was 'cn this Information that theboard fat 'busy, rushed through an

u emended budget, in - which cuts and'flashes floured In about every Item:The ohj;ct of this was to reduce theexpenditures of the municipality $8G.

, fiOO.'fo that the disbursements wouldrot be cheater than the revenue." Now wcrd comrs from the tax office1hat In the; r'.-- cs cf a drop cf $700,000It will ret be more than '$1, CO 0,000.The last day to note a tax appeal wasMay 1, and the last day to pay , taxes

e.fore the delincjucat period was May15. - Co his estimate made nowvls re-gard rvl t s very accurate. ; - "':


Ccr.seucr tlj', the board, ' blessedwith more money $74,000 more thanfigured oa Ux. March Is facing a Ques-

tion cf how it will dispose of it VWiUIt give the JC.CC2.50 back to the em-

ployes, on the theory that It only bor-rowed. the money from them and arenow in a position to return It? Orwill It trend it all oa the roads.'andbe satlsHed by 'raising all salaries 10per cent with the new budget? Thesetwo questions are' not being answereddefinitely by the board, and they. prob-ably --willnot be answered until thespecial . caucus., .Cat at any rate itlooks like the day of reduced salariesis about pau. : vvV

V AMERICAN LEAGUE.At Chicaao Chicago 5, Philadelphia

2. : ':v.v- v r v:-"- '

At St Louis New York t S, St Lou--.: it 1. . ; -'; ;';v ''- - ' r :;

x At Detroit Detroit 3, Boston 0. : -

- At Cleveland WasljlrtSt9n 5land a

NATIONAL LEAGUE.At PWladelphla-Chica- go .10, ? Phil-

adelphia 5--', ''?. , 'w-':- ; V'

i At Boston Pittsburgh 4( Boston t.V- At New York New Vork, Cineln-fiati- -

0. ""

4' .'j ': . v

y At BrooklynBrooklyn V St Louis4.V-

':'; C- - i v:'r- "'-' 'rn ; V.


- -."..-- .

'. Bringing. 500 sacks of 6ugar , fromthe island of Kauai, ' the Inter-Islan- d

steamer W. G, Hall , was an arrival atI he port this morning. The Hall met

Jwlth strong winds and moderate seas.

'.-l"A- Lowest Prtce"a,'---'--'-'?-H- .


2. rcrchsr.t and AUkca Sta.

I l l l t IllVt

. Cr- - rvissrs ;' ?. cCl e I tan (a bove)j .and Pctris, who favor refunding T

j JO per cent cut from salaries cftj --city- and-eou- nty .'c rr. ploy esT for i

j months of April, May and. JuneV

it : " ' t a n innliVLvtiiUiuilJAU

Foir seelsKm AMOR

r.'t'- -t'f An automobile tour along the Paci

fic slope, covering a distance of 2500miles, has been completed by Mr; andMrs, W..B. Thomas and Will P.Thomas, wiia returned to Honolulu inthe Pacific Mail liner- - Mongolia thismorning : alter ; an absence of , sixmonths from the islands, '.h'

"We have every Teason to feel opti-mistic over the outlook for a satisfac-tory, market, for Ihe year's pineappleoutput" . stated Will Thomas thismorning,-wh- o while admitting thatconditions might have been more favorable, the prospect for better prices,appeared extremely lavorame. ; . , - .

"TV'e spent more time on pleasurethan on business bent" remarked thepineapple' grower and packer. r;;' ;

It is . the opinion that wltha re-duction in . the price of the pines theJobber and not . the consumer is 7 theone to reap the material .benefit '



Professor- - Edgar Wood returnedfrom Vancouver on the I steamer .Ni-agara ; this morning and,' it is under-stood,' will either assume bis; dutiesat the normal school or .take a posi-tion in the summer school Superin-tendent Kinney, " when asked . .thismorning about " the , matter, handedover ? a copy of - the minutes ' ot ' thelast meeting of the i school commis-sioners; That part relating to Pro-fessor Wood . reads as.; follows : r ':

"On .request of Mr. Edgar -- Wood,principal of the Normal f school, hewas granted leave of absence duringthe! school year 1913-1914, for the purpose of studying at Columbia --university

for. the degree of ThJD t with .theassurance that; he will be l( reinstatedin his present 'position in" September,Ml,1 or whenever he returns, if hecomes back sopner, and ' that Q winbe given a- - position in the snmmerschool if he so desires.'I ; The : school 'k commissioners meetSaturday next ' and many matters areto be taken tip by them and the newsuperintendent of public instruction.- ',

SUGAR - . -SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. Sugar,:

96 degJ test' 3-2-6 cents. Previous quo-

tation. 3.20 cent. Beets: - ..88 analysis9s. 6"d; Parity, 3.59 centar Previousquotation. 9s: 4Hd " t r

SAN FRANCISCO.' 'May 20 Beets:88. analysis 9s. 6'4d. Parity 3Ji9cents. ' Previous; quotation,. 9s.


Glimpses of Charming Old 'and;v Hustling riew Japan

x ,- A (I.J.J h


Afternoons Spent in Vonderfult Gardens Where Old Times

Are Emphasized

By RILEY H. ALLEN.,j - tsuur,..uorrespoxidence.

Japan,: .May' 5ipan,youthful ; and energetic modernityreaches , a strikiio climax at Kobe,and to the'' Hawaii party this seaportcity of nearly half a million people isthe personification of the new Japan-ese spirit, Not so large aa the' Industrial : beehive of - Osaka, or - the far-flu-

capital: of Toklot or i- even I thenew-ol- - .mercantile - Kyoto; not sowell-know- n . to the I Occident, as theother seaports of Yokohama and Na-gasakiyet Kobe has some of the ele-ments of each and in many respectshas surpassed. 4L7;--f V:-f

From - the Oriental " Hotel; on thebroad , "Bund.- - or boulevard alon?the f: of '' Hawaiiwaterfront we - - theparty look out over a harbor: crowd-ed with the mingled 'and "strangelycontrasting shipping of the Orient andthe Occident" In this harbor the neworder la: fast driving out the bid. Theancient high-dec- k, high-poope- dj junkssometimes crawl in and out df OsakaBay and Kobe"a roadstead its head,and a vast number; of old-fashion-

sailing 'vessels whiten the blue waterwith 'helr spreading; wlngs but thedominant note xf 4the

' harbor,. :is - fur-nished by the huge passenger steamers that move ponderously in f andouti 'by the gricix' war vessels "of many-nation-s

'at - anchor ' here ; and by thecumming, . snip-ouucun-g . . yaras, . v. mebulging warehouses and :the- - tide ofbusiness that flows '

,u up' and . downthe; deep", crescent-shape- d ''frbnt'- Kobe - haa 440,000 inhabitants Is the

: v: :(Continued on page slxV --.'


Candidate for U. S.. Marshalship Positive of His Success,?

But Will Be Good Loser .

v' fh e black horse in the race for TJ.

S. marshal 1b none' other' than CyrusT. Greea, according" to - Cyrus (T.Green.;- - He . says he expects to winout- - and will win out thanks to the"boys' of hla childhood. 5 But if hedoes not win out he declares he. willtake his hat off to the local democratwho' beats him.":-.i.- ;

;MI ; expect to win .oui,1 but ; will takemy hat off to any other local Democrat, who beats me in this race, waswhat he; said this ; mornlng.-- -- r

Green 'wat : born . in . Louisiana, theson : of Col.' Alfred W. ;Green.of Jthesouthern confederacy. He faa beenIn Hawaii since "January, 1897 V-

Speaking of his outlook:in Washington, Green says: lP'i"There fare many southern' men ; Inthe senate --who were classmates ofmine In Washington' Lee university,Virginia, ' who have ? given me. theirunstinted : aid f in-- this fight -- Amongthose who' were in my class are Senators .'Chamberlain- - of Oregon, ; Poln- -

dexter of Washington. Owens bf Okla-homa, --Orin Shepherd of Texas, Culberson of Texas, and Postmaster Gen-eral : Burleson in the Texas : common

ChOOl8.A:.5'. &

j i"SenatJrs John Sharp Williams,' Joseph E.; RtnsdelL4 ? Morris Shepherdand t Burleson - are mainstays Inthis fight.1 alaed by Senators Works'and Perkins of California and manyothers whom it will be unnecessary tompntlrni" '.-- ' ;., v: ?''-- -

? : "'.,;'. i.-- - r ; .... - .. .


iliiiiiGovernor L.: E. Pinkham .this after

noon appointed LT. M. Vetiesen a. mem-ber of the board of liquor license commissioners, to . take the - .position leftvacant by the recent; resignation of S.M. Lowrey..vT - , i .

-- :;".:- - JNq - difficulty is reported-- , to have

been experienced in; berthing the biAmerican ship John i Ena at the Hilowharf. , The vessel is how taking onthe-- remainder of a shipment of 4300tons " of 'sugar destined for the eastcoasf of the United States.:

Gcbrge-F;- ; Eberhardl Is'

Live. .Wire In Numerous Booster a :

w Bodies of --San Francisco!-- -President of the Pacific Advertising

Research1 Society ;dtrector and chair-man-- of

the, educational committee, cfthe ?Advertising Association of SanFrancisco first national vice-preside- nt

of :the-'Nation- ali Sales Managers "A-ssociation 'of ' Americd and ;vlce-presl-de- nt

of the San Francisco departmentdirector of the educational commltteeof ' the sameZ , and chairman of thepublicity committee of the Commercial Club of Saxr Francisco; 'these area few pf the positions held by GeorgeF. Eberhard of San Francisco, who ar-rived ' in 1 Honohilti on the " Mongoliathis morning, --1 accompanied by Airs.Eberhard, to spend' a. few weeks in theislands", on pleasure and-j- n the" interest of his client The! Pmectar Co.- -' In rtact" Wr. x Eberhard is considerably interested in advertising and AdClub ; matters' on, the mainland : and.when - seen at Toung Hotel " thismorning, professed a desire to' learnsomething ' of Honolulu's 'booster, organization, saying that he has heardmuch bf its' .actirities through corres-pondence ilfromJhIs friends in Honol-ulu.'-; : r:f . .Perhaps t look upon Ad dub activities in ' a. JitUe' different ' light- - thanmost people,: he said. "In San Francisco, organisations I 4o( not belong tothe regalia or rentertalnment or mo--ney-ralsta- g, committees; f ' the "

educa-tional .'and research committees: . arethe: ones, which interest me the mostOf course, I do not know enough ofthe Honolulu . organization to make acomparison between It and 1 the ' SanFrancisco Ad Club.- - For Instance, thePacific Advertising- - Research" Societyis an' organization ) with an r aim to-

ward applying psychology - to adver-tising, while the, San Francisco Adverttising Association perhaps Is more onthe border of your organization here;that,ls, it has the Interests of the cityat heart and Is a live.bboster forecity." ;v ; "

nUl.il 1

I aua- - " !, .' ' -

Rev.fjrD;Jonesriamt Dan Craw- -

fnrH A rrivp nn FJ i n nara Pin

- v v Boute to Aystraliail:; f '.- - to. ;:

. Withl the arrival on-th- e Canactian-Australia- n

liner Niagara this morningof Rev. J. D. Jones of Bournemouth,England,' and Pan Crawford ;of Scot-land and Afrlca Honolulu is entertain-ing two of Great Britain's most distin-guished ireligtyraa ? workers. Widelydiffering in their ; spheres, oiTactlvIty,and in: their personalities, still; eachpossesses a peculiar magnetlsmiWhlchhas made " him ; remarkably popularwherever he has gone.-- - The visitorswere met.'.at- the wharf by --.'a commit- -

tee consisting of . Dr. -- Doremus Scud -

and takensightseeing tr!p; ; ; ;'.";.

the city.jn It


tnrpsnno fljnirfl in .tbA missionaryfield. i 188$ has ha

to mission 'Wprk Africa, making remarkable sacrifices and under-goin- g

manner lit depriyatlon anddanger In his evangelistic gospel campaigns. . t His . career has seen . hlin a

bridge ' builder, ; preacher,ICO

J gtatea

--hampered ;i homere-an- y

oeen m wutk. wui- to; Aus-

tralia is to throughout the colonic? in' an caU.'.

". Allowing his tour Australia ;heto g back Africa and there

devote the : of , . his lifewhom Tie ; .

from squalor and savagery.' to a high jdegree 4 ? V

Mr.-- ' Crawford -- speak .'atmid-wee- k services': Union,church 'at o'clock evening,and" will the Men'a 'the church, meeting4 in .the pat;Ish house tomarrow,eyenIng. I

a Crawford from As; apastor-at-JargeM- r; endear-ed to all England - wherever has in -

invariably,; has won the of hl3large audiences. , As a lolitical speak-- j

as adherent cl th3 LIh

party.- - He is en route to; messenger - tie; t

ia wring the . the yc

iiand in colonies. Dur:in the "United States anaaddressed large

entertained. ..Wh- - a ;for a few iacmcr.t3 t' ' r:;rr.:.:r.

heexpressc J a . Uin order to 73 Cf 3

"city, but ta!J it v

i'? , . .... .f. - .

. ...... : .'.v.. V s i. ,

i F. Eberhard,of who

j Honolulu this morning. , 'V,

. Mr." Eberhard is president of theGeorge F. Eberhard Company SanFrancisco, a" company Interested in

and selling and which hasput the public many Hawaiianproducts. Mr. is to be asked ' be one the speakers , theAd Club luncheon next Tuesday noon.

1 amv goings to call . on PresidentFarrlngton" said c: this v. morningAnc if I asked speak at a

meeting " pt the.; members, . wilt :bealong educatloiIal and research linesAnd .. it won't r - dry , either.

BP?Bi;i!iC:i PEACE

f. ' - ... . ' -- - . -'. -- ,- -.:.v

- .

eant; " Vritterr;vByj James.VVilder,:ls Produced the;

Normal; Schooler;!

... z-


f:" Peace ."; I:..... ;.Uift Deinert'.Sarah Kaaha'

.-y- Industry v. W wv'vi ivV. yrrff 5 i I . i,.EIiza' Kama Rawiwooie

4---', Contentments . Kahana; Kapulf f; ; .l Louis

f - Horror i Alice Pakiko fr ,v. ,iAmelia :8ouza

"t - - Pestttence ;rMirina.''Janssent.May Christian

Arbitration r:. au ; Anague"4:' Justices, Salvation1 Army, --f

Irish, 'East Indians," Koreans, Jap-- , fanese, Boy tScoutsSaIlos,, Police- -

' f1 '" 'frrmeiC Indians,; Soldiers,f :" ir-vs--i


Children of yarying ages shadesOf celebrated lnvhdaore of

mainland -- V-

i The pageant,, written by " James .

Wilder and produced under his direc-tions, was one. the" prettiest entertalnmenta seen. at a; public herefor many moons.. Peace and War wererepresented, and. engaged in a I

ful argument, which . was won ia theend, by Peace.- - And there . was JchnjJnll and Uncle Sam, wbo at last ra!:;- -

fed their arms ta bless and extend theirdays or, peace, which, fell wittm. tL 2

or ArDitrauon.- -r


The first exchange of word3 tstweenWar and ?Peace seens too clevef taomit, so it is nere:- - : . -

a ny strrrjlies ths caf:ty cf ritic-- 3. -

Peacs. ; ICay.' ; :zlz ilsly. In . t ?- -r cc;. ? - .. I :

It io thr.t f.'.'.ow yc Cri il",v:v; Vr" ' " . I f



der,- pastor of Central, Union; churchrv-v- - Brother Jonathan . . . . . T. ; . .. ;Wl A. Bowen and'were .by' ?;;;isv;;;i;MlchaeJ.D

automobile for American Indian l.Xi"-:- 4

;';. ' "'";: --f f W u."....,; William Werner' --fDan;Crawford,?wholl Temain BrUannla . Pniar

the islands; a month pTior hnBulrQeo?ekaa.,0w.iii io wuirhana mAfit Canadian Indian.'. ;.v. .Rung Kai

Since be devotedlife in


hunter, pri- -



,K;'e?!taryito ?,W VUl;A!Cani years of peac between the Unitedchief., diplomat, special pleader,, ors, an4 Great-BrIUi- n, with a

author and . score or otner voc&;i1fntlons.. 'ej4p an absolutely unconven- - tte normal noo, thJg iamiillfi Ia.tloniar type; ' by denomi--j c, welcomed Edgarnational affiliations,. undisturbed. b7tWood; principal of school, who

governing board. He has , tDrned thi3 jnoming from 4 to theiree iu

gelistlc ideals."His missionspeak

response to urgentof

plans to: remainder

among;1 the people brought

bf civilizaUon.' t n r

will the, In Central

7:30 thisaddress League of

at its-

was fellow-traveler- .; with-Mf- .

.Cnada'to; Hawaii.Jones has

and'he spoken i Araerlca


country an

the ofmovement v religion,

hearts". ofconformist ministers both


au-5:r.- c-i


:'.:z toHonolulu f T

th-- t

George D. A. (Doc-

tor Advertiting)r reached



Eberhardto of at

heam to.


f be matter,




de Cambra



IT .;LucyChief

etc 1'

isV;-- ',r' fand









beau-tor- .






ia ilka itwvJy.

! IVMt i : i ... tl ii

Provisional President of Ilexico Yillina to Ee-iKlinqu- isli

: Reir3 of Office in Order to Insure ;

H Peace; With

Itr-'-ry- Pr Cable'

;- -',


' .MEXICO CITY, Mexico, May 20. Provisional Preci-de- nt

h:aauthorized his personal delegates to the ccnfercnco to b:

,held by.the mediatcrs In Niagara to offer. his rc:::":l::n,

j shpuld it pfovejiecessaryas a solution ..of the djfficulti::. between the United States and Mexico. : .


Colonel Opposed to $25,000,000 Payrr,:nt tD :Cc::-:.,:- ?i

dltion'for days,


; Statesyiel-i- r re


i n'

'J - -



ON ;


It: 3

e:tlcrCr-tM- t:r!-r.- 1

Villa pursuing feirgradon he havs capturedstaff, 33 cffic-ri- .

' --'

Press CaoTJof American

of Toledo, ths


Against .


W; titration Narrow from Death Wfe !iyer, and. Starvation Whiie on Tcur of Seut!:

';' ' : "'. Associated press Cabl;;f YORK; Way 20. was learned her' today' -- 1

had a narrow escape from death a re:-!- :ver; during tour of South America. Tha cofonsl was a r

flVe his temperaturemas nme. , .. . . : .

V , Another.lncldent the trip thatclose calf from atarvation Col. Rccsevelt and hisjungle. 'V.: "; - -

. .

Roosevelt Into political work Immediately v:the; United States. His commer.tj ci t:?i:i cf the d;y

Payment of $2S,CC0,CC0 Colombia fcrandei "u.-.- t:

Opposition tho repeal of the canal t;i!s ex? action,that arbitration mizht be prcptr c:urte, pre.empt" United ves-- !j -- u

i; Unequivocal to. r"

--' 2:


eL PASO, Texas, 'May 20. Generaleral troops toward the , At Paand executed General Orsomoand his

1C3 fcr


th; fed

the invaiers.ra:j




General: rilla:L2ad5?;ia..ictpi7;-..ii::eciie-

Among the dead-o- f Huerta's forces are Alverez a.--J !uno2.losses are reported killed 23 wounded, whlla ths fsdsr-- -

a( dead placed at 23, wounded 0, and SCO prisoners....Among the munitions of war captured by Villa are nine pii::j cf artil-

lery, 1,000,000 rounds of ammunitlont five troop trains and, lar;j supp!of provisions.' " .'"-- .'-.


' '

General; Villa personally led the attack of one and achievedbrilliant success In the defeat of series of flank movements.

'hi ' i

Evans arid Weber in RnceV

' fAraod&tM- .

SANDWJCH, Eng., May 20. Only"Chick' Evans of Chicago and Harold

Dn'tlsli Mfaii fiAlf Thaand 2 to play, and the latter by 7 and

Francis Ouimet, American openchampion, Frederick, Herreshbff,A.

j W. Inslee, E. S. Knapp and H, J. Topping,eliminated : in today's play,, . '




- -


i) '1"

i' U

States - ;


belnj up to a I: . - , t,, '

is hair-ranin- j int"

ri'.::r:l r.r J.

cf C

isreported to

consisting of ,

i m.


, '

two colfirjWeber remain In

6. ' - . .

D. Travers,' -i

X- - -

Had Escapes;

'' JNEW. It th C '

dofe.RoosevcIt asin

or c:'' ' '

. f

. to aj: to .

' Generals1 Villa's at 16



:.-- ,' - ,'

; divisiona ,. I

. in m

For British ChaniDicnch:';' ;

sTs W K9MirutneKlr ai m


' amateur I




a m a i ! i

G. Lock wood, Fraser Hale, C.American entrants, vs:rs all

Harold H. Hilton, the present British tmateur champion, won hi match2 tip and 1 to play today. w;- - .i : ;".-.- ' .' ' V -- .'

n Erideavdririg to Learn

v.: -- ; ; I Associated



: WASHINGTON, D. C May 2p. Secretary of State Dryan :lgraphed to Consul-gener- al Philip C. Hanna at Monterey in an t :.learn whether it Is feasible to send through a messase to S3!t;i:ocertain whether John R. SilMman, the Imprisoned "American . c: -

'actually been released.; .

' - .'



; The action, was taken following the receipt yesterday cf t; ; r.thsarrival of the refugee train at Mexico City, without C .: --

toard' '

; .' : - .



v :n::.3Tc:i, c.,.ryevery ' ";ri ! t ; j to r

- -







f- ," - '

', v--;


s o

Presa Ciblel -




. s rry c:::n cp:.n p;rt ;

:'.': i t:-:-t f::r c




vi ui line nowmaster of the new Niagara a visitorat Honolulu todar. is nnud ta v hatransferred to the comnuhL of : the

, newest and largest vessel fa the, union Steamship Company fleet- - with' the completion of lb T leviathan atCreat Britain about one year; hence.j

addition to-- ' Captain Mwrisbyt

the. Niagara will doubtless take up. a; berth in the bigger vessel.; ; Chief En--

erai round.. , trips in the. Niagara;, leftft. t.iae vessel ai Vancouver ana is new

. , ...v...... i A V 1 'iff. '

pcrnse ' uio inBia.iui.uoa ui ramruiaerjin the liner that is. to take the nlaca

. .J n r .--. .V 1 .m.IIm. ..111ui uuo.vi lue eiuaiicr tcidcis iuu winecllDBe the TCIarara. br several thnii.and tons. S--: -- y.yr.y y-'j'- :

with the addition of - the steamernow building, it is believed that amore frequent schedule will be maintalned- - between British.; Columbian

. ports and Sydney.;..--- . .;:;:- - -

:. The Niagara waa the second, ofJivetrans-Pacif- ic steamers to gain a- - berththis morning. VTbis. vessel brought. 7cabin and S second-clas- s passengers.; Proceeding, through to Sydney, N.

8..W4-- the way of Suva and Auckland, are 80 cabin, 64 second-clas- s and302 third-clas-s passengers. : ; ,'

The Niagara sailed from Vancouveron the afternoon of May 13 and her

eto (a tnat Aha. teASKA'araamet on the entire voyage, v -- ; 1 ;

The vessel is to remain hero untilS o'clock, during which time-X-5l tonsof cargo will be discharged,; A mallfrom the-- northwestern states amounting to nine sacks was received.' ?

One day following,, the departurefrom Victoria five 6towaways werebrought--to- - light-- They gave "theirnationality as British: and upon arrival . at Honolulu arrangements weremade for. their return to - Rritishv Co--.lumtia in the steamer Marama. :


Per P. IL S. S. Mongolia from. San.rric!sco for Honolulu- lrs.f Ellza-1.-t- h

F. Baker, W. T. Bill. Mrs. T.LLII Mrs. HenrJette Billing, Miss Onl-i!- a

Caldwell, ; John Chapman, Mrs.Ilertha Coope, .Al W. Earnes. Mies E.A. Earaes, Geo. Eberhard, Mrs. . GeaJJbcrhard, Mrs. J. A. Fraker, J D.Erner, Rev. C. P. Hong,, Herbert1 stripe. Dr. Grant Marchant,7 CliffordNorwood, Mrs. E. A. Norwood,; Missr:ta L. Tarls, Geo. J. Pee t, Miss.Se-rV.ir-v

Tischel, E.V, Saunders, Wm. P.rcctt,.Geo. Sherman, Mrs. Geo. Sher-r.ar-.,

.Mrs. E. L, Smith, Master Ed'vard Smith, S. M. Stock,-Mrs-

. Ita Tar:rJ, H.f;B Vanzwool, . Mra.Si H.:; B.Vanzwool, Master ' Sheldon VahrwooVV,'. B. .Thomas, Mrs. W. B, Thomas,, W,l Tliomas, Uonel Walden, WalterV.'c!-stoc- k, Theo. Vv'olff, Mrs. BaldwinWcc J. For Yokohama 3 eo. De - F;Earton, Mrs. Geo. De F. Barton, 'MmGlza. Capelle, Master Robt Woyd Ca-- I

die, Albert" Engel. Mr. SelgfriedMr.ielbaum, Mrs. F. G. Mead, MissErrd erica R. Mead, Misa Margaret P.Mead. For Nagasaki C. J. diamines,Mrs: C. J. Hamnes, C J.Hammes, Jr?:iss F. L. Hammes, Miss Cora F.Jlobcin," B. E. NIebel, Mrs. A: B. NI&t el. I'Asa Ruth H. Niebel, Mrs. A. B.t:mlth.. For Manila C. C Batchelder,

Urbano Eanez, R. H. BerryhilT, H.Vr. Besch, . Mrs. H. Wr. Besch, MissHelen L. Besch," John 'T. Bossl, C. R.Eradshaw, Isadpre Gohen J. H.. Colo-ir.a- u,

Mrs. J. : H.l Coleman, ? Mackfrctcher, Mrs. Mack Cretcher, HaroldCvzr.er, Mrs Harold Cuzner.-W.- - .C,D..'.zeIl,;Valton G. DaVIs, Mrs. ValtonG. Davis and infant, Master HaroldDavis, E. J. Deymek,' Chas. T'Dod-rill,

C. Donahue, Geo.. S. Donhour,John A. Fillmer, Arthur Fischbacha,Ii. C. Gerber, Dr. A. P. Goff,-MrSi'A- .

P. Goff, Master James S. Goff. 'MIssMarrs-re- t B.' Goff. H. H. Gragg, GeaHamilton, G. E. Heyler; W. T. Hllles,Mrs; W. T. .HUiea, Samuel E. Hilles.Miss HW; Hunter, U C Ingram. O.G. Jones, Paul Ivlmsey, Tx. G. Klep-Inge- r,

Ross L. Large, Relnhold Lenta,James I MacKay, J. G. M alone, RalphW. McAdams, Mrs.' Mary O. McComb,Roy: J. Metcalf, Mrs; Elphle Miller andinfant, Mrs." H; Murdock. W. T. Nel-

son, Geo. D. Noland. Lieut RamonOchoa, A. Oliver, J. W. Osbom; Mrs.J. W. 1 Osbcrn, H. H. Pike, . Lloyd Pol-

lard, Albert Powers, A-- L.ProdoehVJ-P- .

; Richmond A T. Rodman, John H.Roemer, A P..Rosa, F C Ross,. M. J.Salas.'. - Ernest ' Schaffner, . : U- - - H.Schwarta,.,Mrs. ' G. IL Setfert, ; WnvSimmons, Paul I. Speicher, Mrs RoySquires, Master- - Roy Squires,; MasterSpulres. J. L, Strane, C. N. Van Dayntjas. " C. Vickers, A, v H. Warren. Dr.1 lenry Waters, Mra-- Henry-J.-.Wa- b.

ere. Master IL . J. .Waters, .-- Miss M.

Edith Whipple,. Mrs.. John K. wnite,I larry WUklna, O. J. Zimmerman.For Hongkong Mrs M. F.' Armstrcng,Master Richard Armstrong; F. BaruchJr, Tyler Dennett, J.-- .T.Disnfukes,Mra." J. T. Dlsmukes, '' James Budd

E. Manley, Walter- - Newman, vapt u.Anthony Northcote,- - Mrs" AnthcnyNortbcote.1 Mlse Ruth Raddiff, Howard

,i. i : j-- -

;-- c

- ? is.a? H-i-v

- - Six

mmm be

rastmtra( -

That; tb4 Canafcp-AnstraiianUn- er

Marama. "an airrtvaVfrom Sydney, N.S. W-- by th way. of Auckland andSuva,.-woul-

d be transferred to a runbetween San Francisco, Tahiti andNar. Zealand- - In the near-futur- e wasthe prediction, ventured, this morning.

. The Marama Js now: rated- - as one. ofthe smaller; vessels In - the extensivefleet ,o( passenger, and, cargo carriersoperated by the Union Sterr-jhl- pCompany. "-- .

j With the completion of a big linerespecially designed for the Canadian- -

Australian trade, the Marama Is expeclea. to be relegated to a routewhere business-has-no- t assumed such.extensive- - proportions as that offeredbetween British Columbia and Aus-tralia. - - :

The Marama . has ,' been a familiarfigure at the port Of -- Honolulu foxnumbef of years.

' Trouble In the fire room Is assigneda the cause of the failure of the vessel to make its regulatioa time. .TheMarama J was ; soma hours-- late ; inreaching, port, coming to a berth atPler.No.; 6. before 9 o'clock this morning. r; Captain J. Tv Rolls, reports havIng left Sydney on May14' and experienced t variable winds and moderateseas to. Auckland, , arriving there onMay 8 ,Tbe Marama left the; NewZealand, port the same day meetingwith .fine'i weather . tp Suva, Afteiclearing the: Fiila the vessel fell Inwith tropical rains and light winds.

; Leaving the. vessel, at. Honoluluwere 15 cabin, 4 second-clas- s and twosteerage passengers ISLtbia . conpaay are a number of. travelers whohastened to? get on board the Vilhel--

miaa for saa irrancisco. . x .j- -

The through list of passengers In-

cluded 71 ; first, .84; second ' and' 69third class.' . .' r '

T, H, Davies and Company expected to dispatch, the Marama forVan?couver and "Victoria at 3, bt'clock, thisafternoon. ' rt ''':;': "

-:' TO -- '( y '4& 'HatajMra. M Riordan, M. Vandertnaesen,' P..; a Whittle, Mrs.4 O.Woolriclu' ,V:- - ;7-r- . v''"':'"

Per CM.. S. S.' Marama, from- - Sydney via Auckland and Suva For-HO- r

nolulu; Miss V. Atherton, Miss B-- E.Houghton, ; Miss A. N. .Roberts,. MissM.( ; Moore, ? Miss -- F.- Matton," MlasFrone Irwin, Mrs. J. M.; Atherton, Mrs.A. M. Houghton,' Mrs.; L. McKee,MrAf N,': Elliott,; J: Kendall, Wa- - Hut-to- n,

C. V. Houghton, G- - B. McKeejWai Elliott, Miss B.' Jones, Miss Vio-let Swinnerd,. J. L. Brett, J. Fitton, ItSkallcky, C, C Bakeri Through toVancouver: ;H Beaumont; H.vf R.Bloomfield --Mrs rBlobmfleld;-"":':- FiCutchill,' Mrs. -- Churchill, Miss t E.Cock, Miss, G.' Cock, MlsS; Collins,--W.

MJ Commons,' MIbs EM: Commons, X.

A., S.f Cooke, F. W. Coulter, S. DaJ--

Teeti, Mrs.. Dalveen, , P. Duffy, 3' JLIigels,: H. ' B. - Fischer, Mrs. E;M.Gaspard,v Miss Gas par d, F: Gaudin, G.F. Grove, Mrs. Grove, W. H.i Grove,Mrs. Grove, Miss' Grove,' W. C Hale,Mrs. Hale, J. F. Halloran, Hon. Robert Harper, Mrs. Harper, F. W. Haj-blttle.Dr- .4

G. Haydon. Mrs. ' Haydpn,Justice H. " H; Higglns, Mra. , Higgina;J Hockauf G. Hooper, W; A. HudBon,Miss Jeffrey LV R. . Jordan;4 A. : Joske,W. Kempster, R. E; Leman,' MissLeman. W. MacNelV Mrs. ;'MacNell,Mrs, Q." Morrison, Miss Morrison, "A.

H. MountainWalter Nelson," Mrs. Nelson, C. J. Neunhoffer, W. Nevlns, H.G. Nobbs, Mrs. A. OstroskU E. H; Pat-terson, A, - E. Pearce, J Mre. -- Pearee,Miss - Pearce, E. VV: : Ralph, Miss V.Ray, G. Rennison, Mrs. A. F. RobertsWv T. Robertson, Mrs, J. MRussell,M1S8-W- . St Paul,, W.'Sandford;5' Mrs;Sandford, Mr.w Simmons,' Mrs. '4 Sim-mons, T. B. Simpson Dr. W; B."Stud-dy- ,

Mr&'Studdy, v J. :y F.1 vStudholme,Mra. Studholme; Miss M. iSutcllffe,M rs. Web Mr.'. Wicks., Mrs.Wicks, G. , H. Wilson.. Mrs." F.1 E:, WIVson. Miss.' A. M. .Wood; Miss 0 "'B.Wood, G. S. Wollattf A. K. Young,, aF. Youngman, Mrs. Youngman.T MissYoungman; -- " ; .

i -- Per C.-- S. S. Niagara, ;frora -Vanconver, ;, and Victoria For Honolulu jMiss Hutchinson; 'Miss 'A: ' Bonnetler,Rev, D Crawford; Mr and Mrs. E". A.Dickie, M r.' and. Mrs. Herman Focke,Mr and Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. K. Wil-son, Mrs.' FIddes and.i family, Mr, Engle. .Through to uva, Auckland andSydney: f H. v B.:: Burcher, Mrs.- L C:Bellsarlo, Mrs. John Burns, Miss EllisBurns Walter fBerry, Mrs. Berry, A.C.r Berkstresser, ' Mrs: Berkstresser,Miss Vv Berkstres8er, E. Barnes, Mrs,Barnes, Miss' Mary. Barnes, .'Master A.Barnes, Master F. Barnes,: H. R, Bur-cher, I. Chapman, Mrs.' E..ST Crauford,Miss Dorothy :Cruford,: Master HughCrauford, Master' Donald Crauford;" J.Cosh, Mrs. Cosh,- - Master J.. A1 Cosh,Jr Hon. D F; Denham,' EL A, Dickie,Mrs. Dickie,' Ford Q.'BHvIdge, Capt B.Gunther, Miss H. Hutchinson, R. S.HoskInsr,Mr8.H6skins, Infant and 2children; it A. Hunter, Mrs. Hunter;Master: Scott Hanter; Rev, J. D. Jones.Mrs: Jones,' Miss M. Jones, E. J. 'John-son, J. T. Kerney, Walter Leitch, Mrs.Leltch, Miss P C.vLyster, Miss E. M.Longbottom, Hon. A. W." Myers, Mrs.MyersMiss E, Myers, Master K.Myers. ;;Mlss" B. Myers and two maids,J. W.. Millar.' P, J. McDennotU-Mrs- .McDermott, Grant , McDonald, . ' Mrs.McDonald, Mrs.' E. A. McCray; Mas--

Ml:Reels df . I Rtense v1 nterest. 10,000 Peopi

"mam : itwmmmm y

i.A race across the Pacific Ocean be-

tween riral liners, during...which he.- - -

vy wagers were laid and intense'terest was manifest, terminated atdayllghi this morning with the arrt--val of the trim little "white yacht"Nippon Mani at quarantine, to receive- -

prompt pratique by the federal omcersand eaia. a. berth at ' oier 1 at 7:15o'clock. . ' . . t:-


Twe hours -- later; the Pacific vMailsteamship Mongolia, sailing from SanFrancisco at the same hour and day.steamed to a mooring at thewaiklkiside ct pier 7. ; - '.::

CapUia M GV Stevens fairly radlabed good chee as he, related theprowess of i the Nippon, which will oflate has been relegated to the intermediate, class," has - lost none cf theoMitlrae speedi that tnade-UresetVes-sel- s

the wonder aa;weli aa-- the favor-rit- e

ir the Padflc for the traveler withlimited time' at hi command., m:.ThevMdngolU and. Nippon pulled away

from , wharves jit San ; Francisco: andwere In; the stream t the same mo-

ment 4 The Mongolia is credited withhaving led the procession" through theGolden ' Gate, and' was ' then lost toview. $h : ; i tSU 'myfK.1 "We are held down .on .a. coal allowance, remarked Captain Stevens thismorning,' "but we ; managed v to f getconsiderable- - more', power rout? of : thefuel that we were. tisIng.- - Thg day

Latter , clearing , San .Franclsccv weoverhauled -- the- Mongolia- - and " keptahead lor.. U: hoursi:; The IggBel then ! forged ; ahead and the , lasttwo days the steamers were Just within sights or? each, other,--,; added thedelighted sklnperv:: s V ??: ffFor ten hours; passengers In- - the

Mongolia were given a rare opportunity ? of ; shouting their greeting to thetravelers in the Nippon- - across a briefintervening-- distance. Kodaks werebrought inla playandUtnany picturesof a-- llser-unde- r full steam, were pro?curedJ.v;a ; '::- - h

Captain Stevens ordered: hlagengfe:neerlng staff ; to-- crowd the Teasel onthe; last' day with- - the result that theNippon.. Maru tonee more passed; theMongolia,; and; coming? Into Honolulujust 24 hours ahead: of t its Tegularschedule. Five days and 13 hourewasthe time, noted i on the r logv and con- -Bidered .by the officer a an. excellentperformance.

'With the smallest list of cabin passengera to' pass through; the- - port, inyears, the ; Nippon aiaru amvea tnismorning ' with, two travelers; who areproceeding tc the far; east -- Thirteensecond class-passenge- rs including theKelo baseball team, , are to. remain atHon61ulu. 1 '&$--:-$- '

, Destined . for. the coast ot Asia are20 second:, class and 5 steerage passen-gers ;c'

The Nippon i Maru ;la scheduled tosail . for Japan! and China ports; at 6o'dockvr;:-;:-:- i ; ''vrrThe-great- er part of the, mail fromthe mainland was' givni the ' NipponMaru:. before leaving San Francisco.


' Five sailors, belonging to the Argentine training shlB Presldente; SarmJen-t- o

will depart .for. Japan, this eveningas second, class passengers , tai the Pacific Mail: liner : Mongolia. rvr n:

While the; & naval wireless failedto receive a response from. the vesselnow b teaming- - westward , on a 30,000-mll- e

cruiser around: the world, an aero-gram was: caught by, the operator- - atthe KahukDi station which; stated: thatAdmiral Renard of the. Presid.ente Sar- -

miento request ed . thai the- - men beplaced on, the Mongolia rtp. he: left atYokohama, there to join, their,-countr- y

men. ; ;. f" --' t

Ji W. Waldron consular rtpresenta?tive at the. port for Chile, who has materially assisted In providing food andshelter . for the little - bandr, oC dls?tressed, seam-en,- ; will advance the passage money.; for transportation of theArgentinos to Japan. - ; t . .

The - facilities Uti the--' port - were:ampfy- - demonstrated this. ' roomingwith., the expeditious 4 removal r of twoheavy- - dynamos fronvi the hold, of thePacific. Mail -Jitter t Mongolia., - .v., : ;- -

ter; Ivolr McCray, Masterv Robert Mc-Qri- y,

l AIaster Maurice McCray, Mas-ter, Alan McCray. and seryant. C. R.McPiliany, Mra. McPIIlany, E. Gi Mac-ke-y

Mrs., Mackey and son, Mrs. .Pea-cock, Mlsa Pay ton, W. Sherer, Jr., G.L. Sunderland. Mrs. Sunderland. L. C.Sharp, Mrs.; Sharp and, infant, Miss.Helen ; Sharp, Master;' Ewlng Sharp,O. Samuels, Mrs. Samuels, Miss ' P.Siedhoff; Miss Street, ; Mrs. Todman,infant and nuree, Capt' R;- - S. GrantThorld. Mrs. M. Taimton: R." E." M;:Taunton, Major T: M. Usborne," Mrs,!Usborne, Miss Van Delden, J. Wray.JMUs Walker and maid, E. P. Walker,G. Walker, Chas. Wright.

Per T. K. Kl & S. Nippon Marufrom San Francisco for Honolulu. 1

T. KImlshlma. H. JOhta, S. Morln, S.C. a .A. XT rw 1. 1 r. m l.-- w

K. Sugase. U. Hlral, S. Abe, H. KOsh-Imoto- ,-

D. Mlyake, Y. Sassa, K. Oka no.Through G. Wylinder. S. Matsuoka

ipused- - Ir, this productjoiv .

Handsome as a Greek God is J. Warren KefTtgan, who plays Samson in :

i I M l1 -

"Had the big JapineM liner ShinyoMara reached Honoiala from the Asia. f ' . . S kvl. r.jiltUUacuatuujr, iiw,wujbj uuwoffered at the por would have beentaxed, to the extreme limit,- - remarked

j Captain Wllliahy Foster, harbormater. . , .

i. - mere way am one aTauaoie uertu! for a trans-Pacifi- c liner following; thearrival of the British steamer Maramaat pier 6, shortly after 9 tfclock. thismorning,' added. the: harbor- - official.

It. has been pointed, out is. connection with the : arrival of five transPacific, steamers; today that the cry-ing need at Honolula is more berth-ing; space for vessels What will happen at this port. with the opening ofPanama Canal-t- o general traffic it isbelieved can better be imagined than

Wlthi the Nippon Mam-at-f pier 10,ai berth seldom used by Japanese tinera the? Mongolia-an- d Niagara at pier7,' thei Marama sent to pier 6,; andthe oil steamer, Santa Jktaria to pier18,. the; harbor master arid- - his staff ;had much to contend, hi arranging forthe satlsfaotory ( dispatch.- - ot thesesteamers. '-- '

. . A; The f departure of - the Matson.Navi?

gation--; steamer Wilhelmina. for SanFrancisco; . at 10 o'clock this ' morningleft a vacant berth., at pier 15, -


':( The fact that a number ot the. visitlng llnera were hv need ot additionalfuel jnade the- - assignments of a suitable, berth; aHtthe more difficult, f :

t -- Roughly estimated the tonnage rep-resente- d

at the-po- rt today with five:tjais-Pacifi- o steamera totaled ; 4$,611tons.V-- 4 'A'v t: ' ' -;;




- Rarely , has.it been .possible , In Honolulu

to hear really .good! musi6'except at ft prohibitive-cos- t ;. Noted ar-

tistes have of, course- - sung; or, playedhere but the averager maniand rwom-a- n

found that, the cosf.of seat wasquite prohibitlvevvow a tbAaverageman. and ; womaa haYr their inningsfor,-- the- - priees ; at; the concert to a heglvenr by? the Honolulu; Symphony So-ciety In the Opera house next Mondaynight-ar- e popular ? . ; -: And the mus;4 ilK be exceptional-ly good, v; Not i only i.are t the thirty-five- ! Imembers!" of;, the? socletyv good musi-cians and ' enthusiastjo,,; but' they' willpresent; a short-- and 1 snappy f program t

that wiir make a decidedly good im-pression.., Mrsii ;El8a Cress Howard,locally famous as a musician arid as adapceuse will, play, UsztX HungarianFantasle. i In ,this selection,' she willbe Accompanied, by; the intlte orches-tra:.;.U,y- i;s

A- - Lr-- .:- ?, i uere was a emu inns saie oi Beais i

mUtee rcm iqheVowg hotemany- of: the seats '"Were -- snapped up'.Seats are on' sale fi'om 9'-- a: m. on, t

I In Judge Robinson's;" court this tomorning George F.; Wright was i an"pointed :-- commlsslonerr to,. sell, certainlands at Kawalloarkai. Walalua. ThepartiUonr. of the land 'is asked for. byone of the- - heira in order that she may

Inenjoy tbe.bettefitc-the- ; esie.;

'" i 'j--'

In :?

1 ;


V, ft 4 1 i I

A,- i1- -:

to find a safe,' nourishing food'v , that will agree .with ; the. baby -

that has Just been weaned.' -- ;; :r. i ;:

",r;ThIa la an i important, epoch,-- .

fcr on proper food 4epend thefuture growth" and health of the

.'child, r A ' ;?;

Grape-Nuts-1 prepared as fol--!

low8 has often,' solved the per--

V . plexing problem. of

' Place- - one or two teasppon.--;- fula.iofi-GraDfi-Nn- ts in a cup of V

s. hot 'water ;vsUr for five minrutes, at intervals; pour off theliquid ' portion and add ' a. littlesugan VFeedl- - this "liquid'' GrapeNuta to the: child.


Milk, and cream, and more ofthe softened Grape-Nut- s may beadded later on.

This food is convenient, eco-

nomical and safe. It is worthyof trial, especially where other"Infant Foods" do not seem tobuild up.

'Therefs a Reason" :A'

Grocers and Stores tl U""L18.

Grape-Nut- s jIthe

f Seats



Recrultedirom Ih eastern ail tnjd--die section of t the United States, 75teachers-- in elementary, as well as spe-cial lines 1 of i Instruction are now- - enroute to the Philippine Islands as pas-sengers In-- the Pacific Mall liner Mon-golia who upon arrival at Manila willreport td. the insular bureau of publicInstruction for assignment to duty.The. pedagogues ; are I destinedr to .besent .to the far corners of an extens-ive archipelago.: For the most part,the party' consists, ot young mea whohave graduated, from prominent main-land academies end universities.

Captain Emery Rice was the recipi-ent of considerable.' good naturedchaffing this, morning because, hia bigcommand followed the. little NipponMaru to a berth at a territorial wharf.

"I .haven't any idealwhat the" Nip-pon officers.' aro . trying., to celebrate,"commented the ' commander.; of : theMongoUa, t"but I can. say that, we hadno Intention : of., participating. In atrans-Paciflcrac-e,t v

'The Mongolia was; favored with excellent weather. '

.' : ' ' ";That the average traveler will await

the departure of the larger vessel wasdemonstrated by the size of the listof passengers - in- - th Mongolia, proceeding to ; the tar- - east:, V.;; .

--c Leaving : the -- ; vessel it " Honolala

were : 44 cabin.' and"? S steerage. Tocontinue the voyage to . Japani Chinaand . the Philippines- - are 123; cabin, Ssecond elass ' and' 73 Asiatic steeragepassengers, t : v ;:, rt&y y:?p

-- Several changes. In. the official famtIly ron: board: the; Mongolia, are noted.Chief. Officer Henrys Nelson ; has re-mained ashore for;one round triR andhas been succeeded byi F.E FrazIeri

former skipper, in. the ; Pacific MailPanama service. ; . v'--':"- : '. v;

Dr. Fv. C : Leach: wno . hasbeen- - awell known figure in the; personnelof the Siberia, is now Identified withthe Mongolia. ?:;; 7. .t ; J 1 ?.,-v- :

' Following the i loading . of ,i severalhundred tons of coal,: the i Mongoliawill, be dispatched . foiy the. coast ofAsia at 5 .o'clock; this evening.; A, hunrdred I or - more Asiatic steerage" pas;sengera: are .booked, for Japan, andChina. through, the.agency of Hr.Hackreia ana, company. : .y


SM STOCK;is making-- hia annualIsit-t- a the: islands a In

the Pacific Mall llner;Mongolla- - - fey ; v'o-- y-'--

h i : .'.i.. ;n-- wj MRS: S.. O.- - CAPELLE, wife pf 'thtj

general' passenger, agent for the-- NorthGerman Lloyd steamship, line; withheadquarters at San Francisco,' Is enroute t4 the "far east : hC the-'.Piicifl-


Mall liner Mongolia. ' tz -. . , : r v -

arid grower, who has- - been oh'a"WrIness mission that- - carried ' him to ' theeastr coastr of the United! States 4nd

Washington; returned to-th- islands

t GE6rGB ' SHERMANS a NewtYorkJankln5 WflciaL with; Mrs. .Sherman,are at Honolulu as pasengera

the steamer Mongolia, ' They expectto. make, an, extended tour of. the IsIarids before- - departing , for the. nialtt- -

h;-- j.j ., v. v; - ;.-- '! MRS. jy M. ' ATHERTON. and ' Miss

Violet AthertpQ, who have been spend--Jng some time along the coast on. pleas-- 1

ro:;bent.:1 returned tp "the Islands thistnorjiing.by the. way of British Colnrohia as passengers . In the Canadian.--

Australasian liner Niagara.., r yj j-

- - y :.t- .:: v! C. a YEE HOP, the iocai meat and

produce merchant, wilt leave for, Aus-tralia by. the liner Niagara. today, Hewill" probably,; look into the meat con-ditions there with I the view of Im-

porting more Australian beet and mut-ton . here , For several: "months YeeHop: has:r imported ; meat, but? not-- Insufficient. ; quantities ' to - supply hiatrade. - . ' .X 'j - s...

:DR: HENRY; J, WATERS, presidentthe .Kansas state agricultural, col-

lege at. Manhattan Kansas, arrived inHonolulu, tothe Mxmgoliawthls morn- -lrigy accompaniod, by Mrs., Waters' and 4

,their son,, enroute to , Manila, to studyagricultural conditions and methods inthe-- Philippines.; Mr. Waltera la wellknown, to-- ; the membersiof" the- - localUniversity of Missouri delegation, andas. the guest oMr. and Mrs.-Pau- l Superr ; spent uma - thismorning, seeing thov city He wuv re-turn to the mainland from Manila onthe Mongolia;

. ' ',. .

Santa ( Maria Here wi.th'' Fuel JBringing 43.00Q barrels of oil to the

order of the local, branch of the UnionOil Company,, the, steamer Santa Ma-ria was an arrival from Port SanLuis this morning, the vessel steam-,in-g

down from., the coast.ip 10 days.portion of, the- - oil! may1, be trans

ferred to ; storage i tanks at Kahnlul.The vessel has- - been barthed at Plerj

The Santa Maria is reported tohave 5 met' twitht pleasant .weather , pn

trfp.7u r - -


i r 1 i ' : r - '

.Ms h. Love r


Special Itlrelf ss te eiTntsV" Cxthaage yAii




; ;

governor re--it his duty




y,com-- : ;

'Wednesday, KUy"20; I pati several investigating' theSAN , 2,' condition of unemployed FlUplnoa,

12:30 p. m S. S. MaUonla ror'Ho- - upon Governor Plnkham.nolulu.1 : "

. yy f Twoming before: leaving Hllo onSAN FRANCISCO Arrived, May lJ.' the Mauna Kea. and with the chief ;

5:30 pm S. S. Lurllae. hence fexecuUve; went over the reports12: yy'y'y yy. his"findings.- - xyry :"

- v - 1 told the that, after x1:05 p. m. schooner Off Investigation, had found. '

Koko Head : i v- v- ; hhat the Hllplno laborers - are unfair--

-S. S." Niagara sails Sydney 4:30rry treated 0 several plantations, th

pi .lodZTPiy'-sr;;,,'- ' that condl- -S. &: Marama. sails for VictortaiOO are due to an over supply ot

.' mjtoday.vV ? j :f 4 ;- - f labor,"-- said after the confer-- ; ;S. S, Nippon. sails for Yokoharj ence.;Vith.a view, to- - remedying

; ma 6 ro. today. - :r 1 conditions urged the' governorS. a sails YokoUama atfto' stop Filipino- - immigration to the

5 p. today. 4 --

'' V i "


ftiiFcn fLAKE; ?.:EnniTT: v:;; i',r,"i.;. j . t; ,'i- -r ;jtSpectai Corponlcowl

: , uAiiLtAixiv aj.i .m ay--1 4-.- ;gr'eaIlluminated fountain, along the linesui vMu mai woiyBu, w vu;W!ie t against Dim. nolle prosseacago exposition- - famous, is proposedfor i Lake; Merritt,1; the unique salt :

wmier ib-- in ine center, ot van Qiiy '

01 uajuana, : on ' snores ot wjiicuthe--- - $L0OO,OC0 . auditorium- - Is belr.bixlltr' vV :: ; " r ;

Such a: fountain, those who fatheredthet planv declaret,wiit. be- - ai perma5.citadornment the city ; and will be1

of the greatest attractionsfrom, a scenic view... It.will. cost. 350,.OOOj and be electrically lighted, with; a 4

myriad of coloredMamps,

S AQ CLUH FILn;; Ad club- - men: In", action with ; Capt

Scherer fathering the' wholer areBhon la film that put on atthe! Popular; theater last evening. ' Itwill- - be shown again tonight, Thisfilm taken by the McRae companyand- - td the Ad club. Mana-ger Bretholf of the ; Popular had' theposit:v? of the- - ilm :made up .. my Mr.Bonlne 'and, the result la all rishtMayor Fern Is shown to good

Supervisor Petrie la in the limelight,; the only Levenson has hisphotographed and the .noise of tbe Adcluljf- - comes as near; being photograph-e- d

as has ever been possible. It i3well Worth your while to A copyof this film will probably be sent toToronto so that the Ad men assembledin national convention can see Hono-lulu Ad men in - action; j- - ; '


The'l Inter-Islari- d mechanical ". coaling device! was kept busy this morn-ing In ' supplying fuel, to the ; PacificM ail liner: Mongolia,'.; :

..Included Un 203-- .tons. of ; generalcargo discharged from ; the. PacificMail "liner Mongolia; an arrival fromSan' Francisco, ' was one iautomobiie.' j The teritorial,. band. adoed much tothe gaiety of the sailing of, the Mat?

; Navigation liner--WilhelmJo- thatgot." away Tor San - Francisco 'at ;10


t Chickens Just, arrived per SJ S.' Maa large shipment-o- f ;buff, brow

and white also guinea hens.Call at 52Kukui SU or telephone 1109:Club Stables, Udj v ; v:; ' C - 1 y ; ; yf I And philanthropy- - usually :its best work in the


ForTf',:- - ??

" ;: Clear tto compleodori;Sldni wakens th bonds-- and,

x. time-teste- d remedjf'

' At;i y


Regnhr price,

l jK IF -- ..

i . Bifitclxext and



" n - j.. if



PaWo Maalapit, president cf i thaTlliplno Labor Association of Hawaii.

Hawaiian Islands.: The ;plied tha.t- is not to. stop---'--;

the but that he would In-- V

conditions and. If necessary, ,

request. Vthat the - ; bestopped.

David N'oa. azalust whom a oharualu the second degree has-

Kaen "pendLng for time, had the

morning in Judge Dickey's court oraccount of. the departure of the

days ;FRANCISCO-Saile-d, May ;

called thU' 'for

May r of

Sighted. governorcareful I

form. 'governor-replyin- aach;

'tjons .

p. :v; -- :?r 1 ManlapitMaru

ps ' .;:-.y-- these I .

Mongolia, form.



uww uiw



to. ;one night

crowdthe was








v. .;:a


' Tt





pialninff wltnesa from the territxrv. '

1- . ; --i r--.U ;yy ' '

r .

y 1. 1

1 .1 1

l.4i 'i fmW:a- - V

41 A ' JX

(r'i :

PW'rJw , L.

'' "

j: r --; -- '; '

Our1 y-

- . w s - w

Mar---- ; ;. :- - ;

"" . . !"v:

.'-- 5 7 r j, .

v,..li vv;

06h Evcni:ir:3

1 5cpcr tin



rv .:




- A'-





Thuday, Friday nd turday r9hs, Ma2L;2now on Safe at Promotion Committee Rooms. ...,.. ..Prices4 25c and' i0c i?V




:i.y:.j.jr -



, f


-- ft

V f .'



r- -

:V"' wV :W

Jv Cc!II 1 S

f MONDAY: Xr'- :v !::-- f

?; Leah! Chapter, 0. E.:S stat,'ed. ;7:30 p. in." "i. -.

fTUEfiloAY:Honolulu Yodge No, 409. 1st.

V- - .deg. Special. 7:10 p. m.


i THU RSDAY: f &;rV Honolulu Chapter No. 1, RJL"; M. Stated. ?'7:20 PfH.-?- :

; . Past Master and Most Excel-- ,'

lent. 7:80 P. M. ': f ;' ". w

: FRIDAY: - :ly. :

, Oceanic Lodge No. 37L 3rddeg.; Special. 7:30 p. , . -

rV .' ;:i:i-'r'-'i--..5


THURS DAY. ': - J. ' '. "

." "Work In 1st deg 7:30 P. M..:Saturday: X,, ix :.

Work In 3rd deg. 7:30 P. Mv

All visiting members ct theorder are cordially Invited to at--,

- tend meetings of. local lodgea. K


''llcnclula Lodgs". Nof ' its.- - c. p.-- o. Elka.

' 'S,. ccets la their tall; C3J P Ulzz CtrztzT Fort.

) r trery Frliay eTenizgI "! vis?Jr Crotiers ars

ccrdlxlly larlted to

L. ANDREWS, E.R.' II. 'DUN'S H EE,, Sec,

v.'n. f::cir.LCY tocaE, No. t, - '

ft. cf p.... 'I ' ; ; ts trcry ltt tJ 3d Tnec -- y eve-l- rT st 7: 3 o'clock la

( IL cf P. Hill. ccr. Fcrt az3L':rctis!i. Vl::tlrj; trcen

- -

;. v. K0L3. c. aL. D. ELEVE3, IL It. S.

rcrr.-:;!t- :, Ta!:sti Cr;f Ca, b' r:w l::st:i st "

' '". --.. , . vC-- ". Firs Ct-'"-- n. ;


Ur';:: : lllct.ICta. TeL illl.- - y- -.

::. :::::aT, C;-:r- U Ilrrrr-x- -

. rcrt tire:!. v

HZYV,'OCD chocs ycAn!And wear Ipnscr than yea. ex--

; pect for S3. ;

MAN UFACTUuH P. Z CMOC jCO. j. Limit: d.

1 r YOU 7 A II T A T XI

;: --thz CTcriif'iFoa good.; V

V Clks Eulldlnj ' Klnj .Street

is lie tryHZ Specimens"

HAWAII A SOUTHseas curio ca

. Young Building. J

uuccious : ; quenching:


Why Jon!t. xqu make .a vMotorCoat Out of your Rowboat?, It '

cheaply "can be tfone," Ask the


and all .kinds of, marble:. "work

cleaned and' repaired by expert- workmen at reasonable- - prtceaL.' Call fpr Zimmerman ,at

'r J. C. ' AXTELL'aC-- t Alakea Street -- ;


:;c ' ." SUPPLY CO,



(Continued Xrom page, one)I

lence; alaays Taj your side. Ha! ; lia!hal-;--Wvvi-

t Horror.: (Does 'not speak out pointsto herself . j Ha! ha! iha!, '

Peace. ' Horror! Famine! Pestilence!kWar. Man Is not ready to give me ,


'v-- 1 : V . .. Peace.' False! Thfei very hour two J

nations old .in your jcarei two greatnations whose - blooil was 'one but;

Com tan



whlch you ntthlsslr split in-yea- rs bring out a record crowd of Uce upon a charge of larceny, :agone even in r this tTery hourf they j pleasure' seekers.' In order A' man. giving, the name ' RJJ.come to celebrate Me Peace..; ; : ; I larize the entertainment, ad-- : Ritchie, .who arrived in. the city as a

There were at least peo-.mitti- .and ladles have passenger in liner Sono-pl-e

in the pageant;," the most import- - j been priced at 7S cents. : . v :' r : : I ma. Is at the city and county .jail

ant roles are Included in the cast asjv i probable that the ll' awaiting action .by'-the- ; coast authori-printe- d

above. ,4 A crowd was J dance will the, forerunner of sevtles. V ; r v ;C 1

present witness - cne penormance,and' heartily applauded it. At theclose all the players save three cheersfor WJlderand. another hree for jMr. Wood. - 1':'-- '.

Miss Jane' Winne rrwas the musiaplInstructor. Miss A. Van Schaick, trained the cast tin- - their; parts, and MIsi fNina Adams 'trained ' them !ln &i , In--J

clan aance.



-- Hounding outUhe1 V3th.year of herlife, Mrs. Mary Piilaai - Cook," one ofthe best known residents of the (Ha-waiian Islands; tomorrow' will cele- -

orfite tne or ner nirtn.In spite of heryearsL Mrs. Cook ishale hearty and still remains-ac-- .

....Eorn in Hawaii May 21, 1839, she hawitnessed those ' changes ' In ? Hawaiiand people which have . fallen . tothe lot " of but few. ; She1 may haveaged In years, butnbt In mind, . forone does hot grow eld in' Hawaii, shedeclares: - In observation ? of her .birthday, 'Mrs. Cook will' be tue guest ' of.

x. - j t i. i ' tn - t ;uuuor i a umutr iwuo win- - do j

given at 'tne resiaence; o,3uage,. ana

Manoa tomorrow.. . , .rMrs. Cock was' born .

' cirrinff thorelsa of .Ivan:hamelia IIL't and, was j ;ei-- ht cli at the ttsie oftthe,.birth of; Queen Lill'.:.sialani; '" .She..and?'.:the queen were . Irir. 3 11 childhood.and It was a: friendship , which hasregained 'unbrokeaf :ustil i this, day.!Her husband, who was a i descendant;of Captain Cook, the- - navigator,, was- -

; ...'.. .k- - tvue vi tuo Liuucci o ui .um sugar iu--dustry in these" islands.: Eight, of .theCook children now'are Irving, one ofthe prinpat reasons why ,Mrs. Cook.will keenly , enjoy her.- - 75thf birthdayanniversary ;iomorrow, - i

Until the i exclusion . of the i;next !

part f.cf IlawaU will . hold open Its charter;for benefit of those wbp have, re.quested , of charter

already "have signed the charter, Tutit is expected this rnumber,, will havebeen' . by time, thecharter is closed. Persons .desiring toavail themselves of the charter- -

e r should communicate . with Prof.W. A." Brj an, president, : or WillWayne, secretary of the .league. ' '

ttzi Sir;:! luio Stend(LTilula Cits) ....:.,'':;;;

TELEFHONE cmCrux's : .

Cezry T: Ilc-h- es , .Frank .BaketSan' McII13an: ..r - -' f

Billy , i MvEMIllerAntczlo Rodfcra : W, B. Harrub(Former Young Stand Chauffeurs)

Carefui Operators cast Machines v


V:dI&.C:h:fty ,t .. e --SILVER

V , j WEDDING PRESENTS ; 'i' .T- - V . - ... jr.- -

i'::;:: n5

t V:'. ; ', . --v "j.4 --W

Corn Tnfli nnn

The ' military- - dance to be given byr H N.-- O. Itr .the Chinese--

American organization, at the armorynext -- Saturday, evening, promises tobe unite an event National Guardannals. .Alreadr ' large' number oftickets have been there; Isevery indication of a lxree ticket salemornlnr visited Canadian-Austra- -

shouldto popu-- j of

tickets100 young gentleman the Oceanic--

alsoit Company

large beto







privll- -


thethe door. . - - ' -

Good muskS-t- n f orchestra of 16pieces and a first class floor in com--blnatlon with a Saturday evening, '

eral benefit ; affairs of a similar na-- iture,; given, by the companies of the

V to--, swell UhecomDanV funds.5,The t

citizen-soldier- s moved into quar--ters Aare of everything but the actualnecessities, and in order to make thecompany: rooms the .'social gatheringplaces intended,' each oiitflt mnstmaklmr a newsUrtr A portion of thespend considerable . coin in" ' furnish- - stock had been shipped to Honolulu,lags.? Company H now numbering 99men; :WiIf y start a t waitlng;list whenMataon steamer. .:,"

:-- v. ' ; ;': -

.- ',

it: reaches the full 'enlisted strength ; Ritchie followed to prepare the mer-o-f,108.yi The Chinese-America- n sol-- chandise for. shipment to Australia. It

dlers are to attend the Panama-Pacifi- c 'was believed that la breaking the Jour-expositl- on

at San Francisco next year, ney ;tt Honolulu . the Seattle policerecent advices from Major-Sidne- y A. would be thrown their, trade: A'XCloman, V. 8. X, tn tharge of the mil- - Depeuter Is said to have partially ad-Jtar- y

features of the exposition, being mitted hls.gullt when arrested, by Mc- -

10 ine effect; that the comnanv" isexpected to form :part of the big mili--iia; encampment' 'After the regimental' Cmnfn Jnlv'' HoFJntfQ .aregulations for ; comine tHnJwi!late cables that, they will b Drepared

meeUng; scheduled for the latter Tnrl w "umoroQ5 aTen-c- !

June;.thtax equalizaUon leagne,

thethe reservation,

raised 250 the





themembers of

tne , company who comply with' thehequlrementswill accompany the com--

.1 '


j, :


v:Vi i w V -- T-':''s.:,.- - --f,sa"f speeay ana- xiawxnorne .or tneU.

.S.. A . -- 1

will be.

seen. tomorrow, ...even- -

. , iJr";r' "rittS:?1'LttX&Ljrein that, seems to have, found greatfavor with, audiences for;two seasonE 11 uc

irTi'.r: Vnvnr8 m)fiit0rope, ; wnere nis love for the youngPrincess Irma gets him Into a seriesor aituatlon8 ; that one minute makean audience grip their . seats . and thenext minute rock in their chairs withlaughter. . ?;,-.- i : ;: ;.?. :

; ':''

. George Webb will be seen . In , thebreezy - role of the young American.The full force of the Players will beseen to Excellent advantage, in addi-tion to a number of extra people.

' Tonight will be ,the last; perform-ance of Beach's drama The Barrier,which has made a tremendous hit atthe Bijou the past two days. This isa thrilling but Wholesome drama .offar-of- f Alaska on the ' Yukon rivet

nnrth tvr: rfi Rarrtpr". 'm.mi,'ffh,ntiiniW' 'Aium

Uft M1rifk;; riAVAP work rMlsa Oalr.w , jtz Wfihh ftnV ,Mp. witner are'p'n in Wr roi. much to their lik--

.' s i ' -lng.-'- -. - "

, : ; ' m mt.

;i wegouaoie insirumeats ; was. mesubject of a lecture delivered at theY. M. A' A." last evening by ArthurG. .Smith. : deputy attorney-genera- l, i

This Is the :iast of the' series of, lec- -

tures; oh'.'s the . subject, Commercial -

Law." which Mr.- - Snrlth has been con-- .ducting for the past several months,

L , 1;



Km a rr.

. -.-- 5 ' - -; v-- - c r v ...'f X&Vk(..

The arrest of two principals, allegedas bx a gigantic scheme to defraud, the

- recovery and confiscation of more than33000 worth or mercnanaise, nave t ip--

day been accomplished by. Captain ofDetecUves Arthur McDume and a

? corps .off plain clothes mea who this

'lasian liner Niagara, from. Vancouverand Victoria, and laid a detaining handcn ' A. Depeuter, , alias . Vanderveckerfwho is sought by Seattlei,' Wash.; , po--

It Is alleged that Depeuter had beenemployed as agent for an installmenthouse. He admitted "to Captain McDuf- -

fie :ihls, morning before being ta--

ken 'from the : Niagara ithat businesshad been bad and he saw; no way outof his financial, difficulties other1 than

reaching Ihis city some days ago to a

DuffleThe Seattle officers advised the lo

cal police to hold the men as they posboob ltrrtnv vtmnL2 ThV nta.iA In

to arrange for extradition. It Is understood that an officer will; soon be dis-

patched to. Honolulu to: take over thecustody, of the twojnen. 'Jrri- -


' . Governor: Pinkham .yesterday, after-noon appointed ; three7' Honolulu mento honorary offices The papers wereMgned just: in I.time; t6c;'allow of', oneman, J.' W.-Waldr- oh, appearing: at theland board meeting as a member. JohnEffinger ; was f appblhled a memberfthe ilawall" Fair Commission, - and J.Oliver TCarterc wasM aypomted as. amember cf the heart' of; license commissioners. ' ..!''A-ritA'.S- '

John Efflnger. is '? bne i of., the; bestknown ' men in Other- - territory;' He ' Isproprietor of the Hawaii & South SeasCurio Company, :the Guide5; Publish-ing 'Company V a rid " the- - Jklerchants Ex-change of HoholuIuV He ;'isucceedsCharles E. Wright on the Hawaii FairCommissiob;"!v JthrtW.' WaidroAJa T.tfeasuflf .dfTX : Schaefer & Col, ,the sugar:! actors.He is also secretary, of Augilst DrelerLtd. ? In addition-t- his business con-

nections. Mr,-- , Waldronsis consul, forChile. J i':0:ht:.'J. Oliver Carte'r is cashier of Bishop& Co. bankers, and Is well known Inbusiness circles of the islands., ; .

U: Rodriquea,: a laborer . at the cityand county quarry, 'was. badly, injuredyesterday x by; a ; piece pf 'machinerythere.; It Is believed his skull is fracrtured. ; One of his thumbs was ampu-tated- kkx:m:it-x- -

Henry Zablan, charge i with: larcenyof merchandise from the store of T..H.jLaviea s company, was Druugnw osiore

magistrate Monsarrat.ior tnaithis morning and being convicted - wassentenced to six months imprisonmentin the city and county jail. Zablan hasyet to face several 'additional chargesalong the same; Ime. the 'hearing ; inthese cases having been postponed un--

tfll May t9:;f--?'4-



The : Hawaii Hochi, the kcal Japanese "dally newspaper which," a fewmonths ago, ' waxed .bitter' In its - attacks against the federal immigrationstation and Richard L. Halseyinspec--

tor fa! charge now : has changed itscolors and, in an editorial which appeared last evening,: praises th: workof the; inspector for the manner tnwhich .he handled the case of V aJapanese who.' having been brought toHawaii to . take : a : position ; in - theYokohama Specie bank, was detainedat the Immigration station pending aninvestigation ' by? the authbritiea. ; '. According to the Hochi, ..the' Japa-nese, upon his arrival bere, was tak-en to be coming into the territory toengage in, ordinary labor, and vthuawas recommended - for rejection.When the true facts in the case wereexplained to Mr. llalsey, the Inspectorat once took matters into his ownhands and, learning that the Japanesewas an experienced banking clerk andwas coming here to take, a responsible position in the Yokohama Speciebank, arranged so that, the ' man ' waslanded yesterday afternoon.;. In' itseditorial - the Hochi ; urges - withoutmaking criticism that '. the ; immigra-tion ; authorities make more . lengthyInquiry Into the eature of such casesbefore persons are recommended tordeportation.: v j v ;


r This ; morning in the' federal court,Christian Wllhelm Lorin petitioned tobe .naturalized ' as an American i citl--


's Theodore Richter, . a native of Ger-many,- and George Lynn, a native ofEngland,: today: declared : their inten-tions of becoming American" citizens.

Two voluntary petitions for bankruptcy were received in the federalcourt this morning; ioth were Jap-anese and their ? names .were;. Hlde-jiro-Matsumo-to

and H. Nakamura.:v 'xX-'- r ; - y-- v

Captain --Thomas. Caradoc; Kerry, awell-know- n explorer,- - was a passengeron the rMarama. - for. Vancouver thismorning. He . will be ? returning ; toNew Zealand about the end of Decem-ber." ; i'--' : ' - f i ir ; k-::'-'5--

Bids' will be opened at the office 6fthe- - superintendent y.oti public -- worksnext Monday at noon for the openingof several roads In '.the Alea home-stead section on Oahtt.v r "4r'v '

A dilcusslon of i the ' frontagetaxwill .form 'the principal business at, azneetlnglof. the Kaimuki Improvementtub which has been called: for. 7: 30

o'clock tomorrow evening" , ' .

.Mrs. Christina; Maqedo was denieda: divorce from her husband yesterdayafternoon , by Judge Whitney. .Attor-ney. 'Af D. Larnach appeared? for, thehusband ah.d put up. a strenuous Sht.I. Y A meeting of the board of directorsof the Mid-Pacifi- c' Carnival, Ltd.,: hasbeen called for 2 o'clock tomorrow af-ternoon ? In ; the f rooms t of ,the ' Mer-chants 9'Association, .;fYoung .' i hotelbuilding.'-- ; V'- - fff7 s Xx) '

TU J. Brown and Tinie'Cilfford had ahearing before " Commissioner Davisyesterday afternoon, 4nd the'investlgatlon resulted : in J the pair being re-leased: as there was not sufficient evi-dence to convict them of a statutorycrime.f i- -f n:. '. .:

Judge ; Whitney: has handed down adecision in the Schuman Carriage Co.vs. ; John T. Scully matter. 5 The opln-io- n

says that ithe . return by "way ofdemurrer and' pleas ttb the jurisdic-tion is not sufficient, and It is orderedthat on Friday,. "May 22. at'$ in themorning. the defendant; do appear and.show- - cause' why prayer" of petition,praying that a receiver be aj?polnted,be not granted.' 'x'-'-T


The question as to, whether the com-mercial organizations - pt.Honolulushould take action on the appropria-tion Lblll affecting th e salaries of thegovernor and secretary of " the terri-tory wUl be brought up for. discussionat a : meeting at 3 : 30 o'clock this af-ternoon of the members of the Mer-chants Association. . The meeting willbe held in the rooms of the asso-ciation. Young hotel building. . .


Chew , Hip, . a Chinese, was put ontrial in Judge Dickey's court yester-day - on a charge of burglary inthe first "decree. He was defended tyA.L. C. Atkinson and, theHumphreys. The charge wa3 th-- 1

Chew III? entered C-- home cf Mrs.Ler3 Tczz, cn rar!;:r 1: ;r.dthe sun cf 1 n - T

Th 1 3 i - tnurh ztl:-- 'rlu:::yw! 1 t

ct: .

- - 'i.- -: "ii .





III 1 j

::.:::r--- : -- : t y;:l5:;;f.r

-l :

, ,' ' '- '; v ;." ., .,'v :'' K (ViiKiViv

:.i. v-

Gotham SKirts; id all theasqiiVbesb

lfesent the finest ;value pos- -

v ixep eat customera say

v v !,,"

this so you

'" ;'"w': ' i,

Where U bof the

nforOosin 25SSATURDAY, MAY 23rd.

Ll J

N Cer.: Ceretania and Emma -- Sts'.I Home - Cooking; ' Reasonable

Prices. : Give Us a Trial. ' .




. . . 4

; f

. ;


can bank oh it.

Btvtt Hat for $5

HUD a I'-ti..-. i- -i 4 -,.


P. O. Box 445. Telephone

given' for sir-lify-I- nj

or .systematizina cr.'icsiwork.-,A- busine:i confi-:n-tis- t.-

: .' .' ; , .. -

f Conducts all cfarsss of Aud'tj' and Investigations, 'and furnish-es Reports on all klnda of f-- :

nanclat work. . '


; f - ' ; , WOMEN

' MclN E RN Y SHOE STO "E" Fort St.,' above Illnj.


' ' '. W m m

,i g ? i J; W . w i V . mi V w ,

j:: " !-.;!;'' '. . ;

.: -

Fort Street

rr f

i c:.j'3 r- -. I t- - ; f I

i rOTT-T.- Y 1 "i

' v. t: . '.3 cf

f Show them comedies, dramas, ;':' scenic pictures, Industrial, etc,"right la your own' home. The --Klnetoscope' is "reasonably priced ;

V ; attaches to your lamp societ (or can be furnished for acetylene gas),weighs, complete,;, but- - 20 pounds; so slmple a child can operate It. .

.We 'can furnish all film required. ; ' ' f .. : -

f .f-'v.-f- ' ' us more aboutithis.;-'-"if;--'--- ' 'fX..;j:r''l':':'

' Horxhuu Pncio Co."Everything." Photosraphic .. .


' '

: "';I5 :


remitv 1 nun ' tf T5

.iimiiEiiiie: I HkAl A 1 IS, , .. . . ,rr " r - .a r i : r r - it -



M'EDXKSDAY'. ...MAY 20,19141 yrrrr 1J0 a thuig'coiicehiiiiff'th rcctltuth of

tchivh yott aiv in douht, 'Pliny, thcyounger.' -' - i ?

,V . GIVE :0S TnAT.'HOAD :

f. . '0 u "

, ;--

? Another HnperTlsorial lookvls'ln-iii-g takrii at: J lie KtrH rh of road 'which for weeks ami nioiitlui iax; funnybrtl' tlie inain' advertising feature; of

iht? rinrnd-the-islab- d belt roadJS; .

'-- .

;1 f i ; called a part of the bel road beeauso itwwi different:


isn't a toaiL Once passing Jppemtiou without whiy course

? hat name,- - the-- reputation haH-muainei- Li The; pHncijial use of thi particular linear area is to

dwVra tti t he scenery .with Stranded itiutoniobileBu rid ruin the most leau t iful round-the-island-tri- p

tliat can Ik? found in tlie worlcU ; ;i

''Ah th is paper understands the situation; theVhipen'is6r uiHo'dctenniriehetlierthey.areto use t lie available money: for.the-- constructionof a fine' macadam road for a'portionW the dis--ta ri ce' u oft ; marked 1 y; bottomless raud-leavi- ug

me of the lwfuridf to inake' the three" and one-hal- f itoiles of

' road passable in all kinds of Teatheraliowing. the finer top finish to be done at alatcrdate. 2v

tl: This ki per bel ieves th e unanimous opinionhi riain'T and J urivmc-thiuiic- - js, man a roau

slumM ; first' be 'made iassaidef6raillkinda of.

wentlier.- --

Const met ion of- a IkI nxk' roaili base ?. forthis, jwrticulat stivtHr of-- Koolau wadi shouldhave tarn 'done month's ago " AVe call attentionto the "past in tlie hope' timtoiiixrityr officers

- si tall 1 not make tlie inexcusable error oli makingtbo same mistake twice.-- . "' : r; ; i

i lit even fair coudUionV passable couditionthtirtad artmnd this-islan- d is a wonderfuli asset toHonolulu and the island of Oahu.; - j

foney expendcHl inVmaking this right of wayone that can be used' with a' feeling of certaintythat it offers no more thair the ordinary difficul-- ti os of travel, is money investednot'an expense.

Now, gentlemen, handle it as an inyestmcnE.hcw your caliber: by proving to the community

that you have some very practical ideas on theinvestment Of community fnnds.:;jy;:;r: ;

':" i

'I .

Uilo, ns by I A, Thqrstonis rigljt;i Honolulu lKH-d- s to wake

' Honolulu - business men, business'?- - leaders,slitiuld turn an attentive ear tot others than thecommunity ctfoakera''y--

And wheii a man begins to croak; whether heis of, ty and for, big business, and therefore supriosiii to have an inalienable right tb.sneer atan enthusiast and a maitwho refuses to say. die,when that business man becomes a croaleff heshould "lie written off the list ot ;iusines8'hie6and be allowsetl to flock cither bydiimself cJr .iiitJias nianV other croakers Ks ho can find; J:. ,

x ',

Forward is the ideal which should dominatethe pmk'iit-da- y )lonolulur-cn- d 4ill- - Hawaii. -


r Knergy is the jWwer that should drive and finnish the steam for the ideaL

Determination and. enthusiasm should lieal- -

ways in 'evidence when forking out jtlie iiewniethcMls thatinust be ndoptetl in meeting iiewcond it ion s. .w : - ,4 rV ; SI ;iyke';iij, Honolulu iOetinto the-open-o- f tiieiiew day. Leavo fhc croakeriu'themarsheWandtlie illy ponds.. . '.l-;-';;V.:.::v'- ;



' ;- f 1 1 f heVKuperyis

1 that thev 'wiU hant more money at their disiwisalfor expenditure dnring the coming taxationperf

; iod tliau they; nnticjpatedj wheu tliey maderthe' x

t en life cen ujountyoverfv head fsalary-xiens(s,hori- ld 4they "mark, 'the' 'discovery by1 nvtoriug4hefalary!tthdover- -

;o head erpenser;tlqartment 4 j

': V This we artk hifoniied Is onedf -- theuestionshow before the board of superyfsors.lLOr;at leas

' A the lward is hreatenei1 f Oueanswer--

''J: v The overhead' exiHHisi is al reidy , large enoughto say the least. J Kestoration the tea pertceut

5 tvwfl'Migu'H)or community business andXlbcrc Citizensiaie

watchlng-exidit- u before; 'Tlieyv are' dernanding tliat'ublic 'improvements hall

lrie1- - head Expenses of theocal c government shall bereduce t'mWi f . If the' incomeiis; larger than anticipated when

ftlie'faryVcutVas onade, every last econoniy'

, . should tie continned.; Tlie one

visor?irtormlt4jir itself rin- - public estimation; is; : - to prtxiuceU jwril rof having secured amiax- -

iiijuuvummitJ'oiralue for mery exjMMidl dollar;iif iaXimycrV nuKiey.


Horrowcil from, the, school of wiinwriug oftins university of Cincinnati, a plan. of operati-ve industrial education was; adopteda a hihschool course in; FitchUur,.andt )vtfll

developed there, Uiat.it Invii off iciaily iiamejafter that city. .Thufhe-Fitch-

the subject of a eJm?p4tUfceducation. Several employers :f ;ki lied J laborin Fitchburg came forward ,to assist in the rnQyer

ment ot it8 i nqeptiou, giyi ng .that phase of co--



wou m ue i inprcuru uxej;iiajuei hi um ni mnishojw and niacliinery.I As the. first step in putting the plan in operation, a man haying aiUhtilu'loxi .besidesactual experience in mhoporkamployed: asdirector, who, being givena the eral planasleft to work Out the? deta ils? (The ; scheme was,started in, September,; 1008,-boy- s .who. f ished tofolio wi the . trades ap tpernianeing given the preftnce andbegin jhetCourseItyrwere paired takingweek about in school niid inthej shops, . From :i this begmningth plan wasdeveloped,; and thesystenx?110 Iii , vogui? 1 le-serib- M

as folio W84n;r fVn&it thes presettt arringement ihe industrial1.1 course i of four-rear- s' daratlon, th game ji tbe reg-- : ;

Blarr bfgb-scho- ol i coarsen ,Thei"flrst yeari is "6penti( wholly libooUlnAtber.nexttbri.,year8;the- - boys f1 alternate fweektj between,, shop and ; school. Three;

summers are spe&tiin the shops, be ginning, with' theI v close off the: flrs-3rearj- in June, The first'; summer':

a tirial period lot .rtwtaonths..an4 is given to- - each J-r

I candidate to detejmin if he. is: adapted to the: parfy ticulartrade- - he i electsl Allotment : to Ithe various

shops are made 19 June by. the director, of tbe course, '. ',

r rand,' afacpo8slblew the desires of the boy are met, v.

j 1 Th parents- - sign agreement? whefeby it, is agreed A;J f that rthe boyi shallf complete --the? full course, unless3; ;i prevented-b- unusual' circum8ta&ces;and' the"macu- - ; 1

- iacturer,ron his'part agrees to. teach, him tne -- trade"71 designated in the agreement. The manufacturers ahd4employers take. th boya in 'pairs,- - so that,'by alter-- ;

. hating, one . ot the pair, is always ini the shop during" :

the regular, shop- - hours 'While, the, other. is in'chool.On' Saturday the boy "who-ba- s been, at school during

t the: week goe the. ahop and? worka during" theri'f morning;, so as, to be prepared on Monday to continue --'


without interruption the work on which ids mate has . 'been working. Th two? boys work together1 during 5

the morning,, and, tho mf ternoofl, is "given to them. 'for; ?

;T recreation. ; During the, year each; y- - spends fldays a week, to? SOr'weeks tn the. school and the equlyralent ot ftv and one-ha- lf days a week for 20 weeks ?

ia the shop.. 1 addition he spends jeight weeks of hi his summer la the shop,;twjf weeks euig-allpwe- a for, ;.;WacaUon.- - : ;A'

Boys receive paat rates higher l;apnrn;tics hayeenjoyed,;' the employers-jhaYln- g of Xhpiown acebr raised tyhe wage.; rTlis js thascajp:First ,year 10 wnfa j j bcents' on'hour; fhird ybar, 12 X 3 ctsian hfJiifJmaking a 'total of fapprpxiniatpjy:: f35Q for thpthree yoarsTof fhbpwprk "Piis; cojiipcnsdtionis a1 strong Jnducementin (he course'jthe l)ujletii remarks. He cango to shool and at ? the same time earn as much

uei-vu- gic rm lue ynunary empioymeni pstor$an jpareflts ythpt. cannoi laf foid dei;kiria keeptheir cbiidren in school.,this luraishe'a. meanswhereby' the boy contributies to the family up-po- rt

iind: thereby, gives him the opportunity- - tocontipue bU edcatiou, All boys who wish towork during scbool yacivtions- - have tlie . priyijegeof ; doing sq ttogetljcr .wjth th& advantage - of in- -

creasing tiueir.eaniings. 3inat;nas oeen prpyetithatithe vacation TYprkejrsvgaiu.

opment.Qver those jinther.coui'ses. Qf,the boysin ;the various athletic teams, a large proportionare connected 3v;ith the cooperative industrial

' '"''course.;:,, .:

Hpace will - not perm!t giving 'further f ietailsof .ibis course. ' iKnough fto.say-tha-t, the numberof tit;ihihicJiinstruction is jiyen was to beincreased this year, over the nine or ten of lastyear.Socially itMshown that the pupils in theindustrial course stand.as, high, in community esteem as those in,otlier courses. As to results, theplan having been in operation; five.years Vat theclose'df the school year in June, 1913, the bulle-tin observes that, it is not iossible. to say .withIositiveness that it is :auVunqualifiexl;SiiccessiVet the views of eniployers, a scjioi)! superintend-ent and some of the industrial pupils themselyes,uuoted:;iu the bulletin, wpiild. indicate that, atthe-ye- rr kt, iUie Fitchburg plan goes a longways toward offering tlle.lK'st. practicable splu-tio- n

of the problem of vtH-atioua-l training insystem. Of course

tk aTdpuon j infnl I measure woil Id be feasibleonly jin large centers when? a variety vi indus-tries is established.

Villa i nipidly nialiiug '?new business" for themediation conclave getting .away with oO(X) fl-eial- s

and much spoil in one engageinenr.

' Albania-seem- s likely to lecniie the Mexico ofEurope, vhen its first king has to be guarded byinternational marines.

, Anyway, thei-- e are moiv jeople interesteddaeinr t 11 in stm-- l xii-nsi- n. I.i-- t us :shvp.


mJudge Dickey "raised the limit", this

morntng''wnen' ne assessea me hub j

of af Chinese at $60 fnstead of 1 50. as Healaniswas expected by 4 Attomer Rawlihs p. B. C.who appearing for the defendant Triangles 4

who had vbleaded jeuilty to; a charge f HealanH won another

Af harin mfum ra his' possession. Y. M. C: A. Indoor baseball v ieagut: ; The, Infliction of the fine "surprisedRawlins arid he at once entereds vi&orous 6bJectioat td . the amount. Hesaid : that' he had assured hisHc!ientthat 430 voutd be the limit He alsosaid that he; would rather pair the ex- -




three which would-leav-e

first place;by

alloV his -- client to Imagine thst he Healaais y",had not played square with him Vhetf Triangles 1 'base off

he told him'tolead 'guilty and re. PitcherJ8ceive fine of fiftv bucks 1 6am: lth- aeasonJ Twentywone reea'wertf struck outvbyhlmiand only two

wul not see it that with; M rhltrweremade unUl 1 twoand said ;thathtttougM ;tn, the Gilllland hind

vhen men demanded a ini: Q . mfeUeaStoOhefiterpleaded pjtj. a flne than the tnelr. tatton. v as?: sluggers, CaptlJ?imumhuld P6.11111 Tinker, rith threetsafe Itfta;, Prosecutor. A:, it Brown Trask the run when ha

be. joined with i In asking that ctossetf the plate ' four?tlmes;?r jGlllithe: fine be to ?50 In tEVpar-- , land the star game, for theticulaf ;caseT did not favdr any Triangle both in hitting and'fieldlng;such practice generally speaking, as Fernandea affair' game- - untilhe believed- - that' higher fine h ninth vwhn.? ha Weakened Vwithbe inflicted When man who had "the two ddwtt, altowtng fiv hlta v and an

r opportunity . to pieaa r gumy in voe. number of V .hxt&alowe oia not ao so ana puthe; county to lot of .extra expensein ? the higher court, only to ;rleacLguilty there.' ' ,;" V' " ;ifr

?Rawlins' wa 'worked upoTerr'theproposition ; and ; when: Judge Dickeyreduced .the'fine' to' $55 and costs theattorney, declared j that: it ; reminded-him of a ! peddler reducing the price A

ot- - a pair 01 jpants, roin..fi'ji.ou.;1'liet the original fine, stand.J'he.de-rlarp- d'

I am dftn with It-no- w? Iadvised, my client Jto demand a1 Jury i

. because the' arroreme" eourti- - hi4 MauLrarrived vyesteroaxunder consideration the same kind of

; case vas - that fort which; my 'client.was 'arrested:;:.. r;!:--v- -V

Iil !i4 1 Ir I111fJ

I rMLI-jv-

l LwQ. . j

f r t treTrnrT a JTTTT, T hftDDT- -- ' ' - -oniUMXI , u r,rnvr and will hot have to worry about

" speeches;.hextNovmber?

y-U- EUT.-J, antr epanure 01 Bieamers tuf fhrf WiThlTrifna WIHHonolulu' ia; an r:i tto taalihlnL

CiLlEUti iWiftTENERi. 'like tovee ' ii machine' gun 'Cbmpahjraddect'td Ihe'reglmental organizationof the National Guard 'Of Hawaii--

Ll : : VA.-; y 'i j:7AtDRON: S As I aman

interested' Jnthtw sugar ecu-- ,

cems that are: serted by the-Hawail-

rrfration ' ditched r I" retrained from


Lahainaluna Lahalna,

Hxoiolulu rpassengerNiagara,


Tmalri-lan- d


sel arrival'uprn'oat' Ffaacfscp

--WATmtu THAYER: . 'It




.Judgemea,tout ninths


reduced -- played





rush to BpujrBiciau- .-commission-signe- d allow nterty idedUfied witt newp

,k lonVi Ih'thlscity loiningtthe offryest afternooiiw 5Yev madeh6reVer;;and'all was well, f '


can see no-- reasoit- - Iff fherorld --why 1antbne Should bppose "THANKS

e: "foiintie8k comingto .thA'p?J- -Editor-Honolulu- . Star-Bullett- o:

hftiteariit'necessities. ?Voung Jfen'4

on4the't4Ui.iQstVa resolution? imaaImously:

leaving thankingHi,uii8 um, valuable


10 mveeusau:commaints wmcn oeagalnstthe

A. EBEJRSOLE: Hono-lulu-"

is k being1 tyfopromfnent m worker.iThe people of city have been veryfortunate;, 'having an opportunityduring past several months lis?tening to addresses several

workers of world-wid- e prompvnence.

a meeting of Improveme-

nts-Club night, the memberswenton record as favoring a divisionof the , :

work between ,the municipalitythe Individual Accordingtheir decision, private

two-third- s of the ofsuch work, and county

The 11 to 12 inOf "dfcion policy. ' Prof. L.Andrews, president oi club,





Standing of Teams.V t. P.

. . 4

...3 1




evening they "theto 2. This

championshipthe B. C club - wins

games ' bothteams - tied v f - 1 1

Att5 errorless game


a ' 1


Jury trial


said, that leT"


u ; pitchedshould

aeoual Tuns--

a .






CrTi MACDONALp,-?priBcIpa- l

the school at ' 4

trial in





on a business IP.?



CRAWFORD, ' a' prominentPacifle divine; ia am arrival at

a la the 4 British steamer l


circuit court br Maui;! Is .ain1 v having .'arrived r in'rtheMaunh- Kea yesterday.

w ' tf.nmtn.r JHfeinteresting. n-

- Uj4amteamer.tyiwould



.rrtr.' j

MR. AND MRS; fHERIIAN FOCKE.1have been absent m

some months, Werewith the passengers "who the (Carnadlan. Australasian liner-Niagar- thismorning.5 !j8fe?vKIJAMES ;: BREWSTER, fifth

officer In the Pacific Mail Uner 'Motf- -

x. -- j .'i-- : v-- i judodlthia becAuse' ot lllhesa. Hewill place- - hlmseir tmder thecaretci

was a great get waiuron mcwovcto- - Ime,' to- - wrk

v- -. ivfl tnfne ' 'prior to"Atlantic liner


the' Maul bemdlsgue" are


the now, tneimprovements 'Maui aresolute idlrectors of the'Honolulu

"y ' hrlstlan --Association; Jield; JrN. S. . W1LUAMS: T intend . was

for Kilo and Maui the. latter. aa0Pted your paper ! for. thei)an, iuuuiu cv help-i- t nas given to;tne asso-wi- ll

"hold hearings on two. throughonttheyear,which hasjsiauu u ueuui ui i'"""" " -





ties, commission, f r waa-'lnstructed to advise you xfmay wauo '


-- REV. A.'visited todiy by

tEngiishV issionthe

in'- of




cost of street improvementaaid

owners.the owners

should pay costcity

vote was favorthe


-- W...5



for theits




the visitor

who thefor


W.H W.


cial'staff of an






, the1 board'a' Bppreciatioii of - thegood: . , mil. it .. - n ,

wora you nave aone iot me 1.A. and this h haw much pleasure indoing- - ' ' .

Yours truly, r '1 ROB: s ANDERSOX

r Recording Secretary.

: Honolulu 'May 19, 1914.Editor Honoralu ariBulletin: ; '"Sir: s inade in thepublished report regarding the fare-well reception of Rev. R. E. Smithand others at the Methodist churchMonday evening. r ;

i !Itwas'tated that Aloba' Oew"waasung by of school children.In fact this song was sung mostbeautifully by the choir of the YoungPeople's League of Rev. Akauas congregation..: .rr r--

Thahkinsr you in advance for making this correction, I am, respectfully,









RentWe have desirable residences in all parts' of the city,

confer with our Real Estate Department. .

GuardianTrustCo2.: Itutk f Hawaii' Bu'tlding.


Call and

i f'it

i v ' ' ;

For --Jane! Weddings

IuVch(Hsing wnaething in Silverware,Fjui? lhinaj Cut Glass or Personal Orna-menf- s'

in Jewelry for 11 June Bride, one fx

greatly neetls' the )ersoriaI co-operati-

of-- the jeweler-theref- ore v;;-- :r

; )"egladly co-opera- te j witlr givers of:Weidn'igi'Presen ts,J to J thVml hatdii

: plicJitiou ruiay be avoided a nd sattsfac- -

, tionured;.- - :; 'kH1 '

to gifts tor fhi happyrtkntiwebelieve'wehavcUhc finest rcollection in

MIieTmilarj-:- '

wi hh ma m & r:o::, r: :; . Jjeicciers.

i 5 V" ?


JThia morning la Judge iRobinson's-coiirt-'

thes 13500 vsj Lord-Youn- g

caseadvahced; another step.? Wit-

nesses In .rebuttal --were introducedand; Professor-Kell- y wa, one of them.He-testifi- ed to the.candUlon of., fiomaof the soil of the land-tha- t the suit




' - - -... .' . . . .... .... ..




1 1 i .

. . . - 1 yi

being fought Thnre arestories. going witness-- '

sur-rebutt- al wtll.bein these appearthere by

r.otibe idcc!dci,for ccmc,

H m fetre eiv neAr liutiahou strc 2

1 ; iiof Siroomsr imna servant's quarters, Vlell

planted lawn.

Sheli aS4dfCelludid:IbMt : 1

yiEIRAJEYELRY CO., Ltd: !il3 Hotel St..'





Lewers bedbroom'.. :tS0.0O2345 Lower Manoa Rd...3 bedrooms, (garage) 50.00

Damon bedrooms 0.00LunalUo St...... bedrooms (cottage yard). .53.00


no20 Lane1646 St120" Alexander St1915 KalakaJba Ave

.823 Beretania St2015 Laninull Drive.1313 Makiki St1818 Beretanla St1428 Makiki. St122 WliheUnina1332 Wilder AveLnnAlilo St


''.""I ; -

' 1

Is 5 over. 1

Che rounds thatpa- - In intrcd'cl

the-cas- e. j If do ani .

Js also a argraent bothtides, .the case ;wtli

some time to '

- u, -









Fort and Merchant

r" -,

Road ,2 ........,

2136 Aye. .. . .. .3 V

..2 laT -



.2,2. 2 .'....3. .......3 .

.3.3 ......3.2.2




. . . . 30JDO

. . . 30.00. . . .V40.00.... 35.00

. 25.00n.oo

.2 bedrooms (200 ft from car). 27J50

. 3 bedrooms 0.00

.3 bedrooms 43.00


r W- '






.''.",1 .v




r r



- i LfFE .


w ; i '

' - ' v.- - "i

.. - 'flfc - ' '"ii '


Cor. Fort and M erchint 8tt.

T?UUUl IU i run.

oat better. that money can do, but wltbjiV more . convenience ; and : less ' :-


risk. Actual money should not '

he usedVwhen traYeling,. as fill; .travelers know. .f :C

' - ' .'- s

; .Jfoney, lost Is rarely., found:, Traveler's Cheques, lost, will

returned to you. ; (Their value,that' 13.) "'V y V


Tl ti



Succr.Factcrs .- :-?.

Ccmmiccion Merchantsend Insurance Agents

"."Agents for








Hawaiian uomraerciai dus&tca ? v c: :.:;'-i--;.v;vt-:o.;-

Haiku Sugar Company. ' !

:r&Ia, Plantation. - ;';.VV v rUraul Agricultural Company, . ; j'j Hawaiian Sugar Company.(v ; ;

; ICahukn Plantation Company. 'f- -;

McDryde Sugar Cov Ltd. V

i KaLuluI Railroad Company..Kauai Railway Company;" ; V

Kauai Fruit & Land Co, Ltd..;Honolua Ranch. ?"Z-:- :,

preference:.:' THE "iS

G. F, Cil!in:U:-- ci Co.LIMITLD. : ; ;

Central Acent for Hawaii:Atlas Assurcncs Company v; of

N London, New York Undsrw:

writers Agency: Provldenc"fs Washington Insurance Co.

th floor Stangenwald Culldlng.

AgentsWantedHOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAIILtdH O'Neil Bids, 96 King SL, cor.

'. Fort- St :-



i ;. v;---.- 'f , , Ten.'1 ;

Capital 'subscribed .... 48.000,000

Ia: Reserve ; fund. ..18,900,000 ,

K. AWO Kl . ; . . . . Local Manager


V I V Have Calls Every Day. -

f yl 523 Fort SL Phone 3666

ifirlillhStanatwaW Bdlg 102 Merchant 8t

STOCK AND BOND BROKERSMembers Honolulu Stock and ; Bond. . V . ' '-


- j Exchange v


' -'-- r '; ;.




Established In 1859.

.bankers;.:'V.V V.. 1 ' ". ' ''. '

Commercial and Travelers. Let--

Ut of. Credit Issued on tht, I .

; , ? EaaH of California and l ir the London ; Jbliit .:

i Correspondents for ths Amsrl- - ,'"rtn Express Company and i '

... - .. i nes. wook a oon. - ---

Interest Allowed on Term andv Savings Bank Deposits. V

1 rv: UMniD-- ; l.i'i: : j t--: -- vV"

:" Issues i K. N. A i K. I Letters ofit Credit and Travelers: Check!

available throughout tfct world.:

. . . ' " mm 4 w. . W



; EUGAfli FACTORS. ?C0MM13-- f'

610 M v M knCH ANTS, SHIpj;

;v PIN Q- -: AND ; INSURANCEAGENTS, FORT 8T HONO.LULU, .T.'H.' 'g. .::- --

; List of Officers and Directors: ;

,F. Bishop .... ..President ,

' Vi. nvuiiuun iliiiiim, : yie.Prsldent r and Manage

:.R. Ivors ' ; ...I . . Saeratary

f E. A, R. Rots..,...,.Treasurer.a R. Carter.-....)--.:- : :

H. Cooke. s,. . . .) ';

, J. R. - Gait il .... ) . . . Directors

X R.'A. Cooke ,...-.- ) . pv'y ' ,;:- '-

: A Gartley .k. V :

I'D, (L May 5 AndltorJ

$160 Lota on ltb aV KalmukL 50x100. , Easv-.terms:-

c ' .: "


y 400 land,- - up Lota, jiear, Bnuzuv and; SchooL M -'- 'v ;v-m:-

$ 300.00 Lot In "Walkoaa Tract, Gn- -

lick Ave, 50x100.$ ,300 and upwards Large' lota on 9th!

and 10th Aves, Palola Easy terms.$12502 bedroom houses-L- ot 50x100.

Cooke street. Sewer, good sou.$1000 Lot 75x150 at ; PnnnnI, nr. U--

liha car. - V .

P. R R STZ2A1TCHWalty Bldf. 74 S.KI.SL

FOliOTNew, furnished , cottage;

screened; gas; electricity; $35.Two new houbes; 2 and 3 bedrooms;

all improvements; $25 and $30.Neat cottage in town; $22. -

:J. IL Sclinaclt,Represented- - -- during - absence by F;

v Schnack, Attorney-at-la- w, 6 BrewerBolldlnx. Telanhnne 22JL' '


- - Wednesday; May 20.

MERCANTILEAlexander & Baldwin...C. Brewer A Co

SUQAREwa Plantation CoHaiku Sugar CoHawaiian Agrlcul. Co....H. C. & S. Co

ji, Hawaiian Sugar Coucnosaa sugar co.Honornv Sugar CoHutchinson Sag. Pit Co. .

Kahuka Plantation Co...Kekaha Sugar Co.......Koloa Sugar Co

fOahu Sugar CoSugar: Co., Ltd... . . .

Onomea Sugar Co.......fPaauhau Sugar Co., Ltd..racmc sugar - aunPala Plantation Co'. ......Pepeekeo Sugar' Co...,.Pioneer Mfll-Co-

Walalua, Agrlcul. Goi Wailukn Sugar CoWalmaftalo- - Sugar CoWalmea. Suar Mill Co...

MISCELLANEOUSHaiku Ft.&Pkg. Co..'Pfd.HaBcn Pt&Pkg. CoCom.Hawaiian Electric Co....HawaUan Irr. Co, Ltd.;; .Hawaiian Pineapple , Co. ,HlIo R. R. Co-- PfdHilo Railroad Cow Com. .IL B. & M. Co . . - .V ....Hon. Gas.' Co.; PId 107Hon. Gas Co. Com. .. . . . 107IL R. & Co. ....... 140I.--L N. Co.,..iMutual Telephone Co ....... .

& L. Co..... ,. .... ....Pahang Rubber Co . . .Tanjong- - Olok Rubber Co.. .BONDa, : , , , s

naaa,rtchi CoJ 6a..H, C 4k S. Co. Ss.'.....,Hawaiian Irr. Ca 6s.....Haws :Tet:4s,?Reft 1805,;iiw Ten Pub.1 imp. .naw. Ter. Pnh. Imn 4a . t

Haw. Ter,. 4s....,,....Haw Ter; 3s;.U.R.R.CO. 1501 6sf;.vH.R.R.CO. R.&EX.Honoka Co. 6.:,.;

6s. v

li L. Co. 6a. . . .Kauai Ry Co. 6s .Kohala Ditch Co. 6s. ... .McBryde Sugar 5s.










T. 1.S.


Con, 6s 67Sug.

Hon. Gas Co Ltd. ;v. 98







Tel.:Cp 6s...;.101;;rVNatoma-.Co- 6s vvO. R. & L. Co 5s..,..;...

Sugar Co.-5s..;.- .. , .....Olaa Sugar Co. 6s.. j..,. 60PaCvQuano ; FerL Co. 6s. 101Pacific Sugar Mill Co. 6i;.Pioneer Mill Co.:5s...i.;;.Snn : fTarlna irillfnw Os. Ha Irtrt lWalalua AgrlcuL 5s 97 1':


Session. Pioneeri . ? , ...... m

Co. .so:

r v






. .


m . .


... ... .;

t '1



quotations:55q ton; 9u.








' i




. I1

. .

95 j

, .101




I to a 8 lQt6,

- 15 ; ; 50jw. vv: iff v : . ..n



or per '

. .

Beets 9s61-2d

IIviiFv .Ic:2rhouse TrastCo.. Lid.

M smbtra f Honolulu and" - '

" Exchange -

FOHT; AKO" STREETS- ' Telephone

:f.!crgaD; Co.i Ltd.

i 8TPCK BndKERi.,'.i;;&. .

jlaitaMAt.. s9..H.fw. --S sini s inn w mm rn ar nan b tin a hzbbibb '

' v-








Sales 16;uiaai

Latest sugar cents.beets, V2d.

Stock Bond

'12S3 X"--;n-.

J. F.


Ko 1872: - .


? See yourselves aa others see you.if louwere at Schofleld County Pair,and In range of . the camera, ybu willbe-- shown up Tuesday, and-- Wednesdayat: ther Popular Theater, ; V :

At the samo: time a showingmilitary funeral of late Colonel Appelwill be exhibited .with an excellentprogram of selected films. advertisement.-.- ; iiJL i' ', ; -







lA6d If is easier to' see through somepeople than It Is to, see .through aglass eyftr . K. r.'


Storis "now occupied by Bazaar Nippon.Privilege of King street display jwindow goes with It . Splendid forMillinery. Curios, shop, etcW. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.

5860-tf..- -'


Upper floor Brewer i Warehouse. . 38x150. opposite Inter-Islan- d clocks,

58604L ' ' ,yYOCAL TALENT.

When singing Was hla; chief vocation' In life certain' baritone residing

UC1C U 1A1UVU9 tut m L tUlMoratorio singer as well as v having'had considerable experience v ingrand opera. Has repertoire offive hundred in French,. Ger-man, Italian and English.' .Will givea limited number of evenings: eachweek for musicalea home or re-ceptions. Terms- - reasonable-."- " ((A-ddress X, Y. Z. Star-Bulletin- .'; 'X.


Anxious' to da their part towardsthe Kaai benefit for Mrs. Jack Ellis,the widow of the Hawaiian musician,one of the first members of the bandwhose death occurred such a fewweeks ago. the stringed orchestrafrom the Hawaiian, band has offeredto renders selections at the concert.The affair will take place at the Ha-

waiian Opera House Thursday even-ing; at eight-fiftee- n. --

s One portion of the evening's enter-tainme- nt

for which Kaai vouches par-ticularly la that In which the Clarkbrothers will take part. Charlie Clarkhas,; for twelve years played on wellknown vaudeville circuits, throughoutthe United States and, Europe and has

t been termed by critics a second McCcrmic He possesses most remark-able voice ranging from the deep basenotesto the lyric tenor. It is saidthat his numbers alone will be wellworth; the price of admission. ThoughCharlie has distinguished himselfmore than his two brothers, Henryand JImmie Harrison Clark, the twolatter are musicians and singers abovethe average. . Henry Clark is knownhere for his sweet tenor voice and hisbrother " JJmmie's . deep baritone ismore than pleasing:. Clark brotheraswijti also sing .of .partsongs.' f

,; Ernest Kaai and his Royal Hawaii-an musicians, are preparing an un-nsnal- ly

good program and there Is nodoubt ' but-tha- t their part of the ; en-

tertainment, will be a huge success, r

r;DAlW;:nErnriDEGS: .1

' : Round the' Island In $5,00.Lewis Stables. : Phone ;

2l4L--dve- T-

tlment i ? .A

Many- - new subjects for the backs ofCongress playing cards ; are : shownby Hawaiian News Co. '. Congress cards50o; bicycle cards 25c. Young HotelBldg. . ,

''Every, steamer brings , new Victor

Records to the Bergstrom Music Ca,LtL, i , which contain ' selections towhich may be danced the tango; max-ixe- ,

urlana, hestation, Boston and oth-er modern dances. ; i ' -; v ':

The latest in straw hats as well asother gentlemen's furnishings .' are i instock at . the Clarion When you buy

straw ; hat, - why not ; nuy. the . flast


atviAw- - - v 3 I doming 8pons goodused take-- ' as homely stringy, dull- -

Iadv that rvour Nothing" adds to goodthe hair soft,--v. w- - vu vim2; 200, 2r 60 Yes, is a good time

Bug. Co. 6 0.R.& 122.lBiar- - uonsvup:A


opposite Young .eafe,.motor

cheap-ly done-7-- br hanging

Alexander Baldwin ihv. i- -. KOWDoatvMOtor

















tel the;dont a( bc

cut of your row "It can beDe--

no. over the



WiU-Hlll- IWV IUU1UU5 For full particulars ask the

Iron Works Ca


Taie:Pape,s Dlapepsln and In, fiveminutes ; yonll wonder "be- -

; came of misery In' stomach '

W. Wonder what your stomacV-whi-ch

portion of the food did thedo Well, dont bother. if

your stomach Is in a revolt; if sonr,gacsy and and what you just atehas fermented Into 'stubborn "lumps;your head and aches; gas-es and and, eructate undigestedfood; breath 'fouL tongue jnsttake a, little PapeV DIapepsln5 tJnfive minutes you what becameof the indigestion and distress. - -

or men andkrow thaf It needless to a badstomach. VA little Dlapepsln occasionally this delicate organ regulat-ed eat their favorite foodswithout fear. ;'vv-

If your stomach doesnt take careof yQur liberal limit without rIf. your food a damage instead of a

remember the quickest surestmost harmless is Pape's Dla

costs only fifty-cen- ts fora4large case at stores. It's

onderful-t-i- t '.digests foyI ' and setsthings sjtralghf, gently7 andthat it really astonishing. Please.for your dont go on and on with ta weak disordered stomach; li sunnecessary. advertisement 3

Oa-- Friday next the- - appeal of JohnCassldy against' a - fine Imposed inthe police court, wlll be - heard : InJudge ' Whitney's 5 a f f ,5

Symphony Concert



BawcilOpsra HdniefEvenlna.May

; i. .... i. ;. r' . .


:A ...

'ProgTam-include:- 5 BeetLoveu'sSecond "Symphony; Liszt Hungar-ian Mantasie for Orches-tra ; Hartog, Gavotte v Serenade ;

j 'William Tell Overture.I Tickets sale Wednesday, n?y20,- - $ o'clock a. Hawaii Pro-mbtio-n

Committee Itoom3, Yo-j- l

telephone C, S j ;. . Proces: 75c and ECs "' i'..v v


LopezK the ' Hero of theHawaiian Islands," isagaln In Honolulu, having severed his connectionswith the 101 i , Moving v PictureCo., which, he has passed ; thelast three years.. Known: for his dare

intrepidity, Mr. . Lopez : it 3 isthought, v will certainly furnish some

for who support him 'inhis step ; from within the-- 'lines the stage. ; v

; An excellent, performance Is prom'Ised for tqree. nights beginning Saturday, May 22, All seats 25ctlsemenL-- , N


An excellent film showing militaryfuneral took place in this city7th - of this month will be shown inconnection with splendid program ofselected pictures

" at theater,Tuesday: and Wednesday. advertisement J symmm&m. v



sa. hf ri9rinn your ' IOO&8 " SOJ You to manvlboucmets to much hair ;

th bflfiraft wlfar-rn- v t colored,don't you keep up , pleasing cus--1 loos so much as beautifulv..rrTwwv, . : v a i

6- - Oahu tom713; Lcto. rs- -



street,ydui make






age you?





Millions women todayIs have

keepsand they


reliefpepsln which

drug truly

sois ,

sake,' so


' T

M ondayt



Piano and








thrills thosecamera















how. beautiful your ? hair is now, youcan .improve its good looks by using

hair la homely and ugly now, HarmonyHair ; Beautifler ; will : make it softer,silkier, ; glossier, more beautiful Inevery way,: ana easiar to put up and--stay put" Its rich rose, odor hidesthe; unpleasant oily smell of the hair,It is righly named ; It beautifies the1

hair. . v j '-- X.-X-j. 4


Very: easy; to applyr-fllmpl-y, sprinklea little on your hair each time beforebrushing It. It contains, no : oilr : andwilLnot change the color of the hair,nQr darken gray hair.'- - To . keep hairand scalp dandruff --free and clean, useHarmony Shampoo. .This pure liquidshampoo' gives an Instantaneous richlather that immediately penetrates toevery part of the hair and . scalp, . insuring, a quick ' and thorough cleans-ing: Washed off just ai quickly. theentire operation takes only a few mo-ments, Contains . nothing, that- - canharm the hair; leaves no harshness orStickiness. k h XTXi . & K

T3oth preparations : - com e ; in oddshaped, very ornamental bottles, withsprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifler, 51.00. Harmony Shampoo,: 50c,Both; guaranteed ;to satisfy you Inevery way, or your money back.- - "SoldonlyA at the more,': than'TOOOr RexallStores, and . in this town only' by; us.Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Honolulu.

advertisement ?A:.:: C i:mssssssss 11 ta


: If, winning number;: C13 for Stude--baker trap la not presented by May 23,trap will: be sold ;; for benefit , Army

tRelief, : :;: :


5860-2- t


CircuitTerritpry of HawaiL Ih Pro-bate.' At Chambers.": In the matterof the estate of Francis (Bob)Kelil-moekaloh- e,

deceased. ; .:"'';:' -y ' !

On reading, and filing the petitionand accounts of Georg Rodiek. . admin-istrator of the estate of Francis (Bob)Keliimoekahole.-decease- d, 'wherein pe-titioner asks to be allowed 335 iandcharged: with $368.50, and asks thatthe same ba examined and approved,f.nd that a: final order be made ofdistribution of the remaining propertyto the persons thereto entitled and dis-charging petitioner and. sureties fromall .'further rsspcnstt-ilit- herein: '

It Is Ordered, that Monday, the 23thday of June, A. D. 1314, st 3 o'clocls A.M., before the Judge rre?J'n3 at Cham-bers of; said Court at his Court RoomIn the Judiciary - EuiMins; in" Hono-lulu. County of IIor::-!- u. be czi thesame hereby Is appointed the tln-.- Ti andplace for. hearts sail ; :tit!:n cnJ ac-

counts, and that all 1 :r; ;r.3 ir.t:restedrray then ani there arpcr ar.i sho-.- y

catise,'.'f any Ihey. have, why.th? sameshould not .be. granted, -- and may pre-sent evidence as to who are entitled tothe said property. : "', Ey the Court: vI'UX.'- C - rk Circuit Court.

JC . i. AI,CAljLTOaDr-- t" v ir,ii.

r - t 1 ,


wj U J Li 'i 1


--:s;.y:; The-- Brilliant Rlp-Roarin- g Comedy

. V... J

1 - y




' ': r--" t


25c, 50c, 75c


. '. The-Onl- Sanitary Picture. House In ths- - City., V ;'


Matlne't.';-V- .' ? v-'.- w. . I.iV'.i .V. ..u. . . .2: 15 P. M.'

Evening (Two ShowsX .6:33 and 8:30 P.- - M.

Pathe Weekly (Current Events) Every Friday.; Sea the Special Program for Today.




Cowboy (Pat he) , : . . . . ; '. :.: ; . . .'. . , .The Mexican CamfcltrDrama (Essanay Two-Re- el Feature) i.iU.Klnj Rstert"of Ci:!!yDrama v(Yitasraph):.iVV..;...'.....;.,:.:..The Lady and the ClavDrama (Vitagraph) 2..;..;'... .The Old Man's Love Sury

DON'T MISS THIS HEADLINE SHOW.Ing Thursday (Vitagraph Two-Re-el Comedy)

.5;i .;xt'C ;."the' line up-- - vV; :

Every. Courtesy is Extended to All"; Patrons,', and Pictures Are Per- -

'7 t v. 'i. jr sonally Selected1 by the Management

In the Llatter 01FstatesiorTrusts Of any description where a: bond la

necessary we are prepared to assume the duties: and

- responsibilities. Consult us at any time. ; ' ' ; "

HAYfAHAir TRUST CO.,. LTD.',: '.' 323 Fort Street

m I jm. mm-- V. --mmmms'l! ' V i. it i I t t f

a-- .mmmr' mjmtt mmW V . V mm mm w



. , ""v . ,. ; - - -

ready; for business and, opening out new goods at lowest prices, es?e;cla!ly .for; cash..-- XiXXX -- 'XvX:Xi

-- t ' ' - : -

Guaranteed by the makers not to tarnish for; 10 years, The first tlmssuch a guarantee has been made here.' From $14.C0 upwards. : ;


- f - - -... . .


- :, .


J ..2,


" A.I


I It"" TlliPJ-



-. t





';- -

-;- s '

.,Vi-'r'- - 5,-;v- :-;

im':,;;;;;; ps?(Ccctnued ifom page est)

fifth city in site. in the empire; thefifth or-- r ixth port of the world in thetonnag6 that oes In and out of Itsli arbor. ' The old Kobe more prop-erly -- the native town of Hyogo 4sf carcely more' now than aj memoryand a dilapidated 'section of the cityto thfi west . The new Kobe stands inwhat waa before 18C8 the eastern qaar-tp- r

of Hyogro. The new Kobe bat ab-sorbed the old,-tor- n it down and onlhe atretch of ground thaa cheated, hasbuilt up a clean, well-planne- d, hand-vcxa- e

and amaringly busy and prosper-ous city along American and Europeanlines." To understand the Kobe of to-day, one must know . these perhapsdry facts of hltory and it Is pleasact also to know that the early Eng- -

ll?h, German and American residentsare. responsible -- in grreat part'foiKobe's surprising display of "clty-plar.nlng- "

and Its results.. They de-termined to make this ' seaport' themoJl of the Asian coast--an- d theyhave'fjcr.e far toward dc'cg it. I hare

. frKjucr.tly ter.rd it eald In Japan:"The lr.fluer.ee cf the western ' worldis ppc'.:ir.g this" country. 'All thele.v.ity and the charm are going. : It'stfally tragic," .1 frant that some ofJa;zn's d.arm teen lost but thfcm; Ire has' rained'- immeasurably-- , in

,Vf ::h, ccr.fcrt,' sanitation, knowl-k!- ;

tl.rlcr ln-.rr- .t asuratlyv-- , in ; it?oli..ty to take care of itself againsttLe TvcrlJ. ; ;. . .

Nor Las the ol J Japan been lcst'IJy.ZH found Its on j:!ace. 'The work-fl.cp

and the office have become oc-

cidental hut the c nchantlns - atmo-F-l

' -- re cf Dal JCippca still-- . reigns Inthe Lest hemes cf the Empire.'- :

- Ar.i here ve ccme to the real storycf r visit to Kcle. We arrived bytr; l frcn Kycio yr?tfray-(Monday-

. tt.'.ro nccn. Thcr.- - awaited usIn '.niia(icn. to r direct from theft. :n ta !'a trr-"--- l Jaranese home,"t:. . tv.-- l ir.d c;- - rt.cus -t- lemen toc?:;rt.i:s. - Tie invitation came fromV. " w'.I-kr.ow- n Vi.'.alayashi' family,a j :vcrful and r-'- ' ,"r....:ive croup: ofr . rchar.ts tr 1 exrerters with theirj : : ; .1 cfllcrs at' Kobe.- - Their

t f r IT" :ii U t! - firm cf H.X flJ L Co., cnJ G. U. K.i.'.uS CI

1 '. r.id'f, cr.3 cf the jcur-- r mem-c- f

I' cv.r. party,, carried a. letter. ofto the Japanese- - firm.

II. to' was exemplified 'the .fine cour-tf.--y

wo l.avf? met everywhere in Ja-- r

.n. Ti ? c. '.ire rnrtv vas invited tothe-viii- cf !ir. A. V.'aLalayashl. atKcbo. .We and thereby Lad onecf the r.c:t fascinating afternoons ofour ftay in Japan. ,-


The vraVatayasbl' vliia is such a

I lace as the criinary tourist to- - Ja-io- n

nay dream cf tcdng but rarelyfinds crpcrtunity to sea.,. . Here thecid Jaran remains untouched, .untar-r.is'Vc- i

ty. the trusquer .ways of thewesterner. T.'e entered a j pretty,;

house, removedcv.r Fbcc3 s.r.1 put on slippers to'passever.- floors cf excuUe polish andmats cf immaculate, cleanliness, -- 'andwrre ushered into an upstairs, dining-rtc-

over!:;!. ing one. of the mostlcar.tiful private rarder.s In JapanV.'e Lave sc:n seme wonderful gar--

rrversJ larger and more -- elab?r.t? Let none where the arrange-:-.

t cf.f. ntain-fe- d peels and minia-

ture L.i ?. cf r.cnlly-archlr.- x bridge, ofjr.c ay ttcne tnd low hedge, of tinyfats an 1 tiny tea liou'se,-- . was morercnuie.rly and- - simply artistic thanthis. Ar.d here also i3 the most ' mag-rifice-

peony garden we hare seen,v.iih: riotous" and tropical exuberancecf. bloom and a.' delicacy of .'tintingthat reduces t3 dcradr the writer whoattempts to dr riba It or the. painterWl D WC. t ;fer to , canvas , itsfraceful form j.color.';.r- '.';..

Of course this peony garden infacC the grounds, attracted' lhecarer eyes cf the kodak fiends in' theHawaii p arty and - they - ImmediatelyI eran to think of such, technical de-.tai-ii

as light, - exposure, shutter andether matters Quite at variance wltbthe f erer.e beauty of the little rarden.

tr..:.ncc.-.rrr- r; iacUbra.ever CCO dzily in thf1

V. lizd Cizlcu cfcJ

cz c rcnrcrccr-Cr-i- tj

Itlscrlzdlzzritrtc-'f- .".r

-- i exert C . riTscr.cfu.Va. cTJaara tlzTcJzTlsrcrxni:

, tl rxzziy - v-'

- ;'

T'rTat" trcabmar.t that aoeace

end Scat's Crzzki3a.X-:K- -

Scctt's Dr corded pretod l-.t- r cl darJy tad csncnue

, waaUJ Crrua arJ fzfJj tSc retireras to thrc'.f c.l c-a-caw cens.

Cenr-.c- n YOIHI lanes wfihScott's Umuliion- -labenefits are too lm-- ,portzr.t to r.arct. . ,

. v

We were serred the longest Japan-ese lunch in , Gar experience,' I saylongest because toward; the end It; be--came a feat of gastronomic endurance.Also of anatomical "endurance;1 tor ofcourse we sat-o- r tried to alt Jap-- ianese fashion, and though ; we hareoften tried . this in the past ; month; It.is not an art, to be acquired by themiddle-age-d or eren ' the near-youn- g.'

An hour of It i an achievement,' two!hours 'a miracle, and .for any amateur1who sits thus, kneeling on his insteps,'as it 'were, after more than two hoursit is either the. hospital or an Insaneasylum.Vs.The member of the Hawaii.

ous discreet ways of: easing their Ucramped bones, and we sat a large'part of the afternoon on the mat floors'and did justice to all manner of queerJapanese dishes, some' of, them pleas--,Ing to the mallhint palate and somethe contrary. ' ; v; '.- j- ? J

After , lunch,;? we ? were f escorted i

through, the grounds . and v: gardens,given ceremonial tea In the trueemontal way an - lnrolved but inter-- iesting exhibition of peculiar etlquettej

and then witnessed some -- excitingfencing bouts - in the fencing vcourtnearby. - NBothrmen; and women, evenone tiny girl, took part in the fencing.

As a ; finale. Miss Wakabayashi pre-sented each guest with a fan prettilypainted "by herself and Mr.;H. Sheba,father of Sl Sheba, promoter of rthoHawaiian tour, gave each, a handsomepiece of. fUk ton which he himself hadpainted . some, of the; flowers, birdsand scenes in the depiction of ;whfcbh is a' recognized master here.vr: She-ba, Sr., Iive3 at Kobe and was a guestMt the luncheon yesterday.": He Is a.

ler8onal friend of the Wakabayashlsand takes a great Interest In thedaughter's painting. During the. after-noon. Miss ; Wakabayashi also playedcn the samlsen and' the kokyu..-- r Thefirst Is the Japanese Inte, the, secondthe harp of Dai Nippon.''

Toasts were given and responded toduring the luncheon;- - Messrs. Mott-Smit- h

and Isenberg speaking for theHawaii rarty. fc

-' V-. In. marked . contrast, to this happy

afternoon in old Japan was the, visitmade by. the Hawaii 'party, this morn-ing to the, plant of KawasaklJDockyardCompany; Ltd 'on "the .Kobe water-front. The Kawasaki company is onecf the biggest industrial concerns' inJ-p- an and its great plant, .throbbingwith busy, and sggressive activity, therearing furnaces; clattering machineshops and sheds, and docks, swarmingwith workmen, epitomize the commercial - spirit of . Kobe, built 1 on Cttietremendous' vitality 'of this .'Japaneserace. ; . We were jescorted ; over - theplant by,- Mr.. Kiyomi: Kaldota. whospoke excellent; English: and- - told usr ot only of the plant itself but of theCo:;a-y'- s' vc:U in aJ. r The concern employs about 11,600 raen,-'80C- 0

at the Kobe plant and the remainderin branches. - A' number, of warshipsand steamships are under construction, and we saw. the gaunt,. unfinish-ed :franie cf one, but did not get aclose ,view, , foe .which a. special andnot too ready permit would be. naeded. Incidentally, we were giventheinteresting news that the kel: of anew 30,000-to-n superdreadnought willprchahly be laid next fall The extra-ordinary session of Parliament js, ex-

pected to make some large navai! appropriations. v.,:;4 ; vj A-.,..;

; It may interest Hawaiian employersof labor, to know that the averagewage of these. 11,000 laborers is : 70ren or 25;'eents rold ner- - .dav of 10hours. ThU cheap labor explalnswhyso much of what- - would be done inthe "United States by- - machinery ' lahere done by manual, toll. Even so.the Kawasaki dockyard company hasa splendid equipment of machinery,and C. C. Kennedy of HIlo, who Is apractical machinist and an engineer-ing experf as well ; as a --highly successful plantation manager, says thaithe Kawasaki dockyard. is & remark-ably; fine plant for., any city to pos-tes- s.

And it Is doing a.blg and profi-sbl- e

business." ' ; , ',At noon today we were the.jguests

of the Kobe chamber of commerce atan Informal luncheon given at the Mi-

kado hotel branch . on :, the Kobe ex-

position grounds. This is the secondannual exposition to advertise' Kobeand Its products and part of the af-ternoon was spent sightseeing: on the


- -;grounds.7. ' : , .t-

- V r.-- ..; t;-

We are leaving at 7 o'clock,; thisevening for the Inland sea.; ;v o in

'ii ?'',



. At lhe sesslcn of the land ; boardyesterday afternoon the matter of. ap-proving of the ' righ tof tway along, theforest reserve near Wal pip gulch Ha-waii, asked for by the Hawaiian. Irri-gation Company, was taken. Up . Thewhole matter, wblchr was fully ex-

plained last week by Territorial Sec-retary .Thayer, was ' gone over .againfor the benefit ; of ' 3 Brown, ;.whowas absent from the last meeting; '; t

IL II." Trent, who. was - in the chair;asked for an expression-o- f opinion assoon as the wnole right-of-wa- y was.iexplained. : ' Frank Andrade moved, andC, Dwight seconded:,; that the right-of-wa- y

be approved ; by the .land board.The motion was carried without a dis-senting voice and f the meeting thenadjourned "'?; V;

; Under the terms of. the license (othe-- ditch t company,; the 7 government


mill receive 100,000 gallons of waterper day and, in addition, 26$ per an-num, beginning July 1, I920,.and end-ing -- July 1. 1927.:; After the latterdate there will be a readjustment ofthe. rental basis. J. W.Waldron. thenew member of the board, did not voteon the question, as ie said he.was aninterested party, through his connec--4

11tton witn tne racmc ana HoooxaaSugar Companies v'-;



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i yy,:.1 Linen Dress 6ooHsIM


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