a project report on brand awareness level of keshawa cement bagalkot

Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement CONTENTS Sl. No Part-A 1. Executive summary 1-6 Industry Profile Company Profile Need For Study Objectives Methodology Scope Findings Suggestion Part-B 7-32 2. Introduction of the Study History of the company Company profile Growth of the company Manufacturing process Organization structure 3. Part-C 33-37 Research Methodology Objectives and scope Need for study 4 Part-D Data collection method 38-39 5 Part-E Data Analysis and Interpretation 40-72 6 Part-F 73-83 Annexure and Bibliography Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 1

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Page 1: A Project Report on Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement Bagalkot

Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

CONTENTSSl.No Part-A1. Executive summary 1-6

Industry Profile

Company Profile

Need For Study

Objectives Methodology Scope Findings Suggestion

Part-B 7-32

2. Introduction of the Study

History of the company

Company profile

Growth of the company

Manufacturing process

Organization structure

3. Part-C 33-37 Research Methodology

Objectives and scope

Need for study

4 Part-D Data collection method 38-39

5 Part-EData Analysis and Interpretation 40-72

6 Part-F 73-83Annexure and Bibliography

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement



In 1838 a young chemical Engineer ‘Isac Johnson’ burned the cement raw

material at high temperature until the mass was nearly vertified producing the ‘modern

Portland cement’. The German chemist ‘Wilhelm michaelis’ proposed the establishment

of cement standards in 1875. the use of concrete in construction grew rapidly from 1850

onwards, & was soon the dominant use for cements. Thus Portland cement began its

predominant role.


Shri Keshav Cement & Infra. Ltd. (KCIL) is Public limited Company incorporated

in the year 1993 to manufacture 43 grade & 53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement. We

went into Public during 1995. The company raised capital via IPO during 1995 to raise

capital of 512.42 lakhs which was over subscribed by 12 times. The stocks are actively

traded in Mumbai Stock Exchange. The company has posted profits since inception.

Need For The Study

The main purpose of the study is to the awareness level of the brand

The Study will help us to know the effectiveness of advertisement & sales

promotion activities on the customers

The study will help the company to set strategies for the Bagalkot city &

emphasize on their weaknesses & threat

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


1 To identify the Advertisement & Sales promotion activities adopted by the

Keshav Cements & Infra Ltd

2 To know the brand awareness level of Keshav Cements

3 To know the effectiveness of Advertisement on customers

Scope Of The Study

In todays scenario Infrastructure is in boom, so there is lot of construction

works takes place in a broad way. For that the main raw material is cement. But there

are many players & huge competition in cement industries. So it is very important to

set a competitive strategies to beat the competitors, where Marketing plays a vital role


Research Design:

“Descriptive” research design is used in the study

Data Source:

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Research Approach:

Survey Method

Field Study:

Personal Interview

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


I found from secondary data that “Trade shows, Trade allowances & Contents &

Incentives” & “Wall paintings & Print Media” these are Advertisement & sales

promotion Activities adopted by Keshav cements

48% of the respondents use Ultratech cement, 25% of them use ACC cement &

4% of them use Keshav cements

It is found that 80%, 10% & 7% of the respondents look after Quality, Easily

availability & Reasonable Price while purchasing competitors brand cement. &

While purchasing Keshav cements 17% of the respondents are influenced by

Price, 15% from Quality & 6% from Easily Available


From the study I found that 86% of the respondents says that Advertisement &

sales promotion activities plays a very vital role in purchasing the competitors

cement. Though customers see Quality first while purchasing the cement, but to

know the quality of the brand they must use it, for that they must first know which

brands is available in the market, for which advertisement is essential. So both

advertising & sales promotion activities plays a vital role in purchasing the


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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


The word ‘CEMENT’ is a binder, a substance which sets & hardens

independently, & can bind other materials together. The word ‘cement ’ is derived from

the ‘Roman’ language “opus caementicium” to describe masonry which resembled

concrete & was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. Later it referred to as;

cementum, cimentum, cament & cement.

Cement is a chemical compound existing of lime stone or chalk, clay, sand, &

gypsum to form the end product we know as cement. Cement used in construction are

characterized as “hydraulic & non hydraulic” cement. Cement is mainly used in the

production of ‘mortar & concrete’- the bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form

a strong building material which is durable in the face of normal environmental effects.

Cement should not be confused with ‘concrete’ as the term cement explicitly refers to the

dry powder substance. Upon the addition of water & or additives the cement mixture is

referred to as concrete, especially if aggregates have been added.

It is uncertain where it was first discovered the hydrate & non hydraulic cement,

but concrete made from such mixtures was first used on a large scale by “Roman

Engineers”. In the 18th century a big effort started in Europe to understand why some

limes possess hydraulic properties. ‘John smeaton’ often referred to as ‘Father of Civil

Engineering in England’ concentrated his work in this field. ‘James parker’ in the 1780s,

founded the ‘Natural cement’ made by burning septaria. The invention of ‘port land

cement’ is generally credited to ‘Joseph Aspedin’ an English bricklayer in 1824.

In 1838 a young chemical Engineer ‘Isac Johnson’ burned the cement raw

material at high temperature until the mass was nearly vertified producing the ‘modern

Portland cement’. The German chemist ‘Wilhelm michaelis’ proposed the establishment

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of cement standards in 1875. the use of concrete in construction grew rapidly from 1850

onwards, & was soon the dominant use for cements. Thus Portland cement began its

predominant role.

Types of cement:

1) Portland cement

2) Portland cement blends

Portland blast furnace cement

Portland fly ash cement

Portland pozzolan cement

Portland silica fume cement

Masonry cements

Expansive cements

White blended cements

Colored cements

Very finely ground cements

3) Non Portland hydraulic cements

Pozzolan-lime cements

Slag-lime cements

Super sulfated cements

Calcium aluminate cement

Calcium sulfo aluminate cement

Natural cement

Indian Cement industry

The cement industry is experiencing a boom on account of the overall growth of

the Indian economy primarily because of increased industrial activity, flourishing real

estate business, growing construction activity, & expanding investment in the

infrastructure sector. The performance of the industry, under different policy regimes,

truly establishes that decontrol of the industry & liberalization of the economy has led to

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remarkable improvement in the indicators such as installed capacity, capacityutilization,

per capita consumption & exports.


Cement is an essential component of infrastructure development & most

important input of construction industry, particularly in the government’s

infrastructure & housing programs, which are necessary for the country’s socioeconomic

growth & development. It is also the second most consumed material on the planet. The

Indian cement industry is the second largest producer of cement in the world just behind

China, but ahead of the United States & Japan. It is consented to be a core sector

accounting for approximately 1.3% of GDP & employing over 0.14 million people. Also

the industry is a significant contributor to the revenue collected by both the central &

state governments through excise & sales taxes.

The Beginning of Indian Cement Industry

The attempt to produce cement in India dates back to 1889 when a Calcutta firm

attempted to produce cement from Argillaceous (kankar). In 1914 the first commissioned

cement-manufacturing unit in India was set up by India Cement Company Limited at

Porbandar, Gujarat, with an installed capacity of 10,000 tonnes & production of 1000

tonnes. Subsequently two plants; one at Katni (M.P.) & another at Lakheri (Rajasthan)

were set up.

The problem of supply outstripping demand was significant in early period of the

industry. This was followed by a price war between the producers where they resorted to

cutting down of prices & selling at below production cost.

It was then when the government of India intervened into the market &

referred the cement industry to the Tariff Board. All these events resulted in formation of

Indian Cement Manufacturers’ Association in 1925 whose main function was to regulate

prices in the industry. In 1927, Concrete Association of India was formed whose two

main objectives were to educate public about the use of cement & to play an active role

in popularizing Indian cement. The next step in the direction of rescuing cement industry

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was the formation of Cement Marketing Company of India Limited in 1930 to promote &

control the sale & distribution of cement at regulated prices.

In 1936, eleven companies, except Sone Valley Portland Cement Company

Limited, merged to form Associated Cement Company Limited (ACC). In 1937, Dalmiya

Jain Group set up five factories with installed capacity of 575000 tonnes & ACC added

four more plants.

The price & distribution control system on cement, implemented in 1956,

aimed at ensuring fair prices to producers & consumers all over the country, thus

reducing regional imbalances, & at reaching self-sufficiency within a short time period

(Schumacher & Sathaye 1999). In spite of the fact that government exercised no control

over the Indian cement industry all through the Third Five Year Plan (1961-1967),

growth was low due to inadequate retention price & lack of adequate financial resources

to the existing companies

Control Period (1969-1982)

The Indian cement sector had been under strict government control for almost the

whole of the period. During this period, many companies & their plants started off but

still growth was not seen at the desired rate. In 1977, higher prices were allowed for

cement produced by new plants or major expansions of existing plants. Due to

maintained slow development, the uniform price imposed by the government, was

substituted by a three-tier price system in 1979. Different prices were assigned to cement

produced in low, medium & high cost plants.

Thus, controlled price did not reflect the true economic cost, & profit margins

reduced increasingly, preventing essential investments in capacity & production

expansion. A permit system introduced by 14 states & union territories in the period

comprised direct control over public distribution of cement to ensure fair supplies to

priority sectors. However, the system resulted in artificial shortages, extensive black

marketing & corruption in the civil supply departments of the government.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

The system of price control was accompanied by a policy of freight pooling. The

price control fixed a uniform price according to estimated production costs at which

cement was required to be sold all over the country. This freight pooling system

promoted equal industrial development all over the country. It supported regional


Partial Decontrol (1982-1989)

On account of the above-mentioned difficulties in the cement industry the

government of India introduced a system of partial decontrol in 1982. A levy quota of

66.60 % for sales to government & small house builders was imposed on existing units

while for new & sick units a lower quota at 50% was established. The balance of 33.40%

could be sold in the free open market to general consumers. A ceiling price was set for

sales in the open market in order to protect consumers from unreasonably high pricing of

cement. Under the system of partial decontrol, freight pooling no longer covered non-

levy cement. Furthermore, specific mini units were completely freed from price &

distribution controls. Although overall profitability increased substantially immediately

after the introduction of partial decontrol, profits obtained through non-levy sales

decreased with greater availability of cement in the market & continuously rising input


To sustain an accelerating course, the government subsequently introduced

changes in levy obligations & retention prices regularly. As a result, in 1988 the levy

quota was as low as 30% for units established before 1982 & the retention price had

increased substantially. In 1987, the Cement Manufacturers Association & the

government decided that there was no further necessity for a maximum price ceiling.

Total Decontrol (1989 onwards)

Finally in 1989, the cement industry was considered to be prepared for free

market competition, & all price & distribution controls on sale of cement were

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

withdrawn. The system of freight pooling was abandoned & a subsidy scheme to ensure

availability of cement at reasonable prices in remote & hilly regions of the country was

worked out. The industry was then de-licensed in July 1991 under the policy of economic

liberalization. By removing all controls on the cement sector the government hoped to

accelerate growth & induce further modernization & expansion investments. It was after

this decontrol that the Indian cement industry moved towards globalization, with

increasing emphasis on the exports. The expansion of the industry was evident after the

decontrol where capacity as well as production increased many fold. Growth was seen

from 91 plants and 43 million tonnes of production in 1989-90 boosting to 132 plants &

161.66 million tonnes production in 2006-07 (CMA 2007). Total capacity utilization for

the industry has also increased from 78% to 91% during the same period.

Hence, the history of the Indian cement industry indicates the role of

government played in influencing the twists & turns in the industry. It might be

noted that government interventions have been a mix of fiscal instruments & direct

control on production, pricing & distribution on the one hand & technological

intervention through government promoted research institutions on the other hand.

ACGR of Primary Performance Indicators (%)


Total Period(1970-71 to 2006-


Control Period(1970-71 to 1987-88)

Decontrol Period(1988-89 to 2006-


Installed Capacity 7.28 7.47 7.09

Production 7.39 6.69 8.09

Capacity Utilization 0.10 -0.73 0.93

Exports 13.10 -5.52 35.38

Per Capita Consumption 5.15 1.11 9.35

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Trend in Primary Performance Indicators of the Indian Cement Industry

Year InstalledCapacity(Million tonne)

Production(Million tonne)


Export(Lakh tonne)

Per CapitaConsumption(Kg.)

1995-96 97.25 69.57 71.54 15.70 72

1996-97 105.25 76.22 72.42 19.70 78

1997-98 109.30 83.16 76.08 26.80 82

1998-99 118.97 87.91 73.89 20.60 85

1999-00 119.10 100.45 84.34 19.50 97

2000-01 130.40 97.61 74.85 31.50 99

2001-02 146.13 108.40 74.18 33.80 97

2002-03 151.17 116.35 76.97 34.70 106

2003-04 157.48 123.50 78.42 33.63 110

2004-05 164.69 133.57 81.10 40.71 115

2005-06 160.24 141.81 88.50 60.07 125

2006-07 165.22 155.31 94.00 58.70 136

Regional Concentration

Cement, being a bulk commodity, is freight intensive & transporting cement

over long distances can prove to be uneconomical. This has resulted in cement being

largely a regional play with the industry divided into five main regions, viz., North,

South, West, East & the Central region. Until 1999-2000, Indian was divided in only four

regions; centre came up only after that. Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh

fall in northern region whereas Bihar, Jharkhand, Orrisa, West Bengal & Chattisgarh are

in eastern region. The west

comprises of Gujrat & Maharashta & the central region has Uttar Pradesh & MP, thus

leaving AP, Tamil Nadu, Kerala & Karnataka for southern region.

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Region wise Capacity of Cement in India

Year North East West South Center Total %

2000-01 18.58 17.54 18.59 29.19 16.11 100.00

2001-02 18.68 15.63 16.55 33.58 15.55 100.00

2002-03 18.20 16.06 18.08 32.48 15.17 100.00

2003-04 18.10 15.28 20.00 31.70 14.93 100.00

2004-05 18.00 14.95 19.13 31.64 16.28 100.00

2005-06 20.92 14.14 17.58 31.65 15.71 100.00

2006-07 20.62 14.18 17.54 32.22 15.44 100.00

Globalization of Indian cement Industry

The cement industry is witnessing a number of multinationals entering the market

& mergers and acquisitions in domestic market itself, bringing smaller

players under the umbrella of larger companies, & larger companies coming under the

umbrella of global players.

The booming demand for cement, both in India & abroad, has attracted

global majors to India. In 2005-06, four of the top-5 cement companies in the world

entered India through mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures or greenfield

projects. The consolidation witnessed in the industry in recent times has resulted in two

crucial domestic deals. First being the de-merger of L&T’s cement (renamed as Ultratech

Cement Ltd.) division & its acquisition by Grasim. The other consolidation effort was

seen when Gujarat Ambuja acquired 14.4% stake in ACC in 2000 (India Infoline 2003).

Following this Holcim took a big stake in ACC in the year 2005. Thus, the top two

groups in the industry, Aditya Birla Group (Grasim & Ultratech Cements Ltd. combine)

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& Holcim Group (Ambuja Cements Ltd. - ACC Ltd. combine) now control more than 45

% of total capacity in the country.

Top Cement Industries

Ambuja Cements Ltd

Grasim Industries Ltd

A C C Ltd

Ultratech Cement Ltd

India Cements Ltd

Prism Cement Ltd

Madras Cements Ltd

Birla Corporation Ltd

Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd

Shree Cement Ltd

J K Cement Ltd

Chettinad Cement Corpn. Ltd.

Century Textiles & Inds. Ltd

Sanghi Industries Ltd.

J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd.

Binani Cement Ltd

O C L India Ltd.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

News about Cement industry of India

The 207.81-million tonne cement industry in the country has witnessed “good

growth”, despite a tumultuous financial year across most industry verticals. Cement

consumption in the current year grew by 8%, compared to 9% last year. Industry experts

say that given the current economic scenario, this growth is good.

Cement dispatches (including exports) for the 11 months ended February 2009 were

at 162.89 million tonne, against 151.89 million tonne during the year-ago period. Of this,

exports contributed 2.86 milllion tonne, against 3.33 million tonne in the previous year.

“The first half of the current year was bad, owing to the export ban & high cost of

production, including a dip in prices. But it improved since from last November; it is

expected to continue into the first quarter of the next financial year as well,” Cement

manufacturers expect the industry to grow at 8% in the next financial year. Cement

dispatches during the past four consecutive months have seen a healthy growth; it

increased 11% year on year (y-o-y) in November, 12% y-o-y in December, 8.26% in

January and 8.73% in February respectively.

According to the Cement Manufacturers Association, growth in cement consumption

during April ‘08 to February ‘09 was highest in the eastern region, at about 11%. This

was followed by the southern & central regions, where consumption grew by 10% each.

The western & northern region witnessed 6% & 4% growth, respectively.

Meanwhile, the April ‘08 to February ‘09 period saw a 9.51 million tonne increase in

cement capacities across the country, against 7.89 million tonne in the same period last

year. With demand increasing across the country, cement prices are also firming up.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

This shows that despite of recession there is a growth in the cement industries in

India. Where infrastructure is in boom.




Name of the Company M/s.Keshav Cement Ltd

Adress S.No. 346 Kaladgi, Dist- Bagalkot- 587313

Head office “Jyoti Tower” 215/2, Karbhar Galli, 6th lane,

Nazar camp, M. Vadgaon Belgaum- 590005

Constitution Public Limited Company

Year of Incorporation 1993

Products Ordinary Portland Cement, Pozzolonic Cement,

Blast furnace Cement, White Cement

Land Area 22 .36 Acres

size of the Industry Medium scale Industry

Capacity 225 Tonnes Per Day (TPD)

Brand Names Jyoti Gold, Jyoti Power &, Keshav Cements

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Market reach Karnataka, Maharashtra &, Goa

Technology used West German VSK Technology


Shri Keshav Cement & Infra. Ltd. (KCIL) is Public limited Company

incorporated in the year 1993 to manufacture 43 grade & 53 grade Ordinary Portland

Cement. We went into Public during 1995. The company raised capital via IPO during

1995 to raise capital of 512.42 lakhs which was over subscribed by 12 times. The stocks

are actively traded in Mumbai Stock Exchange. The company has posted profits since


Presently our “Jyoti Gold & Jyoti Power” cement brands are very popular in

the cement market. & now we are marketing as “Keshav cements” brand in the market.

We supply our cement in North Karnataka, Goa & Maharashtra.

Keshava Infotech Ltd. (KIL) is a medical transcription unit engaged in providing

services to American Hospitals and Clinics. The company commenced commercial

operations in 2000 by appointing 50 professionals & today is a 250+ organization. Katwa

Infotech Ltd. has paid up capital of Rs.50 lakhs. In FY 06-07, the company achieved

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

sales & PAT of Rs. 354.50 Lakhs & Rs. 268.68 Lakhs respectively. KIL holds 100%

stock in Scribe Care, a US based marketing firm. Scribe Care brings in value to the

services provided by getting significantly higher prices & better realization. Both these

companies are making profits & paying dividends.

Keshava Finlease Limited incorporated in 1995, commenced its business of hire

purchase finance for automobiles in 1996. The RBI granted registration to the Company

under section 45IC of the reserve bank of India act, 1934 & classified it as a hire

purchase Company under ‘A’ category.

Keshava Construction Co. Ltd. is engaged in construction of luxurious flats targeting

mainly to NRI’s. we have got site at Corlim, which is just 8 km from Goa in Panji.


Shri H.D.Katwa & Katwa family from Belgaum have proposed to establish a 150

TPD mini cement plant based on vertical shaft kiln technology at “Kaladgi” village

Bagalkot district for this purpose the promoters incorporated a company in the name of

Shri Keshav Cements & Infra Ltd with request of companies in Karnataka. It is registered

under the companies act 1956 in the year 17th march 1993.

There are five Directors & promoters they are:

1. Shri H.D.Katwa (Chairman)

2. Shri Venkatesh H. Katwa (vice chairman)

3. Shri Vilas H. Katwa (Managing Director)

4. Smt. N H Katwa (Director)

5. Shri Deepak H. Katwa (Director)

Shri H D Katwa, is an highly experienced entrepreneur & well-known industrialist in

region with vast commercial & industrial knowledge. With more than four decades of

rich expertise, he started his career as a trader in textiles. In 1978 he moved to Belgaum

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

city & promoted a small scale industry in plastic materials. In 1984 he entered into

cement arena by setting up a small mini plant of 30 Tones Per Day (TPD). Since then,

there is not looking back & now he has spearheading 4 profit making organizations with

cement capacity of 600 TPD. Currently, he is actively pursuing expansion of the cement

plant to 3000 TPD - which is 100 times the capacity of the first unit set-up in 1984. A

visionary & with perfect attitude, the chairman is heading the board who are currently

finalizing setting up of Beneficiation plant, Spone Iron plant & Power Project of 15 MW.

Shri Venkatesh H Katwa, a graduate MBA from the University of Oklahoma, USA, is

having wide experience in Cement industry, International business & Health Care service

automations. After returning from USA in 1997, he took up his responsibility of

Executive Director at KCIL. He later moved to promote Katwa Infotech Limited, a ITES

serving medical & health care industry in USA. He established business development

office in USA which is growing over 120% every year. Under his leadership, Katwa

Infotech Limited has earned a respectable image & has been awarded as the highest &

best exporter in north Karnataka since the award has been designated for last three

consecutive years. The company with over 250 associates is growing rapidly & looking

for over 100% growth this year too. Mr. Venkatesh is the Vice-Chairman at KCIL &

working on executing projects of expansion & setting up of power project.

Shri Vilas Katwa, a graduate MBA from the University of Massachusetts, Boston stared

his career in Information technology working as the chief systems engineer, in

McCormack Institute of Public Affairs at U-Mass Boston. On returning to India, he

joined at the Jt. Managing Director. As he gained experience in cement manufacturing he

initiated many IT drives that gave good control over the production, quality &

management parameters.rs. Also being an engineer in Industrial & Production discipline,

he has initiated many policies & systems that boosted production to its maximum

capacity. He is now the managing director of the company and handles all the affairs He

is currently working on operation to improve the product/services while reducing the cost

by utilizing instrumentation techniques. One of the production facilities is completely

electronically controlled making it the first production facility with such high level of

automation in its category.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Shri Deepak Katwa, is a graduate MBA from the University of Okalhoma, United

States, Having a very good commercial background he has made a very important

contribution towards the finance and operations divisions of the company as well as the

IT company that our group has established. It is during his time that the company

continued to get three consecutive awards as the best exporter in North Karnataka for the

IT division. His specialties are public relations, finance, operations & management. He is

actively involved in settings up of the power plant to reduce the overall power cost for the

cement plant.

Keshav Cements & Infra Ltd(KCIL) is a reputed group manufacturing Keshav

Cement. The Company is public limited with stocks traded on various stock exchanges in

India, with over 15 years of experience in cement manufacturing and marketing. The

company foresees to be a major player in the construction industry. Keshav Cement has a

R & D team to continually improve the product and services. The company has posted

profits since the inception & has been paying dividends regularly. The inception of the

company began with acquisition of a sick cement plant of 20 TPD (Tons per day) in

1994. The capacity of the plant was gradually increased year after year to reach 600 TPD.

The recent acquisition has added 300 TPD to the existing capacity. The company is

undertaking an expansion project to increase the output to 3000 TPD which is One

million TPA. On the financial side the company is confident to achieve 100% growth in

FY-08 and 400% in FY-09 owing to the recent acquisition and recently concluded

expansion plans.

The salient features of this plant:

Located in the same premises & continuation of existing business, hence the fixed

cost remains almost same

Use of existing civil structures & low machinery cost will enhance our economic


Already existing market base, expansion will quench the market demand &

increase profitability

Promoters having good experience running cement units for past 20 years & know

in’s & out’s of the cement scenario

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Motto of the Company

To increase shareholder value & deliver the best product & service to the consumer

Mission Statement

To manufacture high quality Portland cement & help our society to build strong &

Durable structures in every village & cities. We will make our cement available at least

possible price through constant application of state-of-art technologies, efficient

management of resources & adoption of indigenous transportation system.

Keshav Cements Speciality:

OPC cement is the most appropriate cement ever used for construction of

major projects. OPC cement is costlier than the Slag or Fly Ash cement. Though the

slag cement has its own advantage to offer, the benefits are at the cost of its initial

strength. Keshav Cement through its state of art technology offer Double Benefits;

steel friendly alkali cement, as well as a super high strength OPC cement. we do not

add Slag or Ash.

Following are the specialities:

1. Premium quality graded OPC cement

2. Double benefit quality

3. No Ash or Slag in the cement

4. Absolutely Crackless construction are possible

5. High resistant to chemical attacks. Protects steel from corprosion

6. All types of construction materials can be used along with keshav cements

7. Excellent workability when plastering giving an aesthetic outlook to the


8. cement is especially designed for aggressive & corrosive climatic conditions

of Goa, Karnataka & Maharashtra

9. cement is available at low cost to the customers because of local

manufacturing & indigenous transportation system.


1. Concrete slabs

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

2. RCC columns & structures

3. High raises building foundatio

4. Perfect for large Dams.

5. Flyover bridges.

6. Residential, Commercial & multi storied structures


H R Marketing Incharge Plant Incharge Chief CashierManager Manager Chemist Supervisor Assistant Assistant Office Area Sales Plant Incharge Chemist Cashier Staff person Supervisor Section Assistantsecurity Supervisor Incharge

security Supervisorofficer MaintenanceGuard Incharge Incharge Mechanics Assistant Workers Priors Incharge

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Board of Directors

Managing Director

Technical Director

General Manager




Dispatch section

R&D Accountsection

StoreSection Section



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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Cleaners Incharge Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Plant Engineer Helpers Helpers Helpers Shift supervisor


Functional Analysis

There are six departments in the industry:

1. Engineering Department

2. Marketing Department

3. Accounts Department

4. Manufacturing Department

5. R&D Department

6. H R Department

Engineering Department:

It is the primary & functional department in the factory. There are four sections

inside the factory premises where all engineering works will takes place, they are:

Weigh Bridge section

Vehicle section

Workshop section

Electrical section

Weigh Bridge Section :

In this section weight age of vehicle & raw material is determined by weigh

bridge. The main function of this section is to measure the weight age of the raw

materials like; lime stone, coke, breeze, clay etc. this section is controlled by the security

persons, but maintaining of books regarding this section are controlled by Vehicle- in


Vehicle Section:

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

This is sub section of the Engineering department. It is controlled by the Vehicle –

in charge.

The factory owns:

10 Tippers

68 trucks

2 GCB (Ground Material Carry Vehicle)

Total 80 vehicles

The main function of this section is to control all vehicles & service centers & diesel


Work shop section:

This is another sub section under the Engineering department. This workshop is

managed by 25 workers. The workshop contains the big machines like; Lathe machine,

Grinding machine & wielding machine. The main function of the workshop is to maintain

the vehicles occupied by the factory in a good condition. They will repair the machines &

recondition the machines which are becoming weak & that are gradually slowing down

the process. The main function of it is to recondition.

Electrical Section:

The Electrical section contains 10 workers & they are all technically skilled persons.

It is controlled by the electrical – in charge. The Electricity required for the factory is

1650 KW. The Electricity department contains one Diesel Generator. One Generator is

having capacity of 500 kw. In case of power supply break down the section – in charge

puts on of the Generator on. The main function of this department is to supply the

required power continuously during the production.

Marketing Department:

Presently the cement brands “JYOTI POWER” & “JYOTI GOLD” are very

popular in the regional cement market. Company supplies in North Karnataka,

North/South Canara, Goa and some parts of Maharashtra. A new brand with name

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

“Keshav Cement” is launched on Jan 4th 2008. This brand will reach bigger markets like

Bangalore, Pune & Mumbai. Currently due to aggressive marketing and using innovative

techniques, the brand ‘Keshav Cement’ is being sold at premium prices & reached North

Karnataka & South Maharastra. Due to capacity limitations the company is not able to

supply to the bigger markets such as Pune, Mumbai & Bangalore. With the additional

capacities added, the company is in a better position to supply to such bigger markets

utilizing over 90% of the capacity. There was a commitment from store & purchase

department of Karnataka for procurement of 1000 mt pm of cement from the unit, but the

company could not supply due to its local market demand.

Since there are no cement plants in Goa & near by Maharashtra area like;

Kolhapur, Satara, Sangli district, the company has potential market in these areas. Since

the promoters already have their own Trucks & Tippers & proposed to include additional

fleet with loaders, it is felt that the company will not face any difficulty in both

procurement of raw material & supply of cement in the market. With this arrangement

the company will have an edge over other companies as for as selling price is concerned.

Selling price of the cement

Bagalkot - Rs 215

Goa - Rs 250

Maharashtra – Rs 235

Key Competitors of Keshav Cements

Bagalkot Shakti

Vijay Shakti

Lokapur Cement

Advertising & Sales Promotion Activities of Keshav Cements

Sales Promotion Activities:

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Trade Allowance (Buying allowance): means it is a deal or discount offered to

resellers in the form of a price reduction on Merchandise ordered during a fixed


The company will give the buying allowance to their customers like;

40 Tonnes per month - Rs 2.00 per Bag

65 Tonnes per month - Rs 3.00 per Bag

105 Tonnes per month – Rs 5.00 per Bag

Trade Shows: it is a forum where manufacturers can display their products to

current as well as prospective buyers.

It will be carried out mainly by the Management Personnel, once in six

months. These are the details of the Trade Shows done by the keshav cements:

Technical Meet

Place Month

Aminagad – March 2008

Jamkhandi – November 2008

Bilagi – December 2008

Gaddankeri cross – October 2008

Contests & Incentives: it is developed to stimulate greater selling effort & support

from seller management or sales personnel, it is directed sales persons,

wholesalers, & distributors. For Example; prizes such as Trips or valuable

merchandise as rewards for meeting sales quotas or other goals.

Golden Scheme:

30 Tonnes cement for continuous 3 Months – 5 gm Gold

65 Tonnes cement for continuous 3 Months – 10 gm Gold

115 Tonnes cement for continuous 3 Months – 20 gm Gold

1000 Tonnes Cements purchased Rs 5 to 7 off

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Trips for 3 to 4 days to kerala

Trips for 1 week any where in India


Wall Paintings

Print Media like; Newspapers(Vijay Karnataka & Deccan Herald)


Accounts Department:

The Keshav Cements & infra ltd has maintained a separate department for the

purpose of Accounting. The company has installed computers for the purpose of

Accounting period of the company from 1st April to 31st March.

The Accounting mainly deals with payment mode, cash receipts, salary paid

& other miscellaneous receipts & payments.

Manufacturing Department:

The type of Manufacturing operations to produce the cement is continuous

production process. The company manufacture mainly two types of cement they are

43 & 53 Grade. Inputs i.e. Raw materials which is used to produce the cement area:

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


Lime stone Clay Coke Breeze


Hopper Hopper Hopper

Electrical Vibrator Electrical Vibrator Electrical Vibrator

Belt Conveyor

Raw Mill Grinding Blending Silo

Vertical Shaft Kiln

Burning 1400 C



Hopper Hopper

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Feed Table Feed Table

Belt Conveyor Cement Mill

Cement Silo

Packaging Loading

Raw Materials used: Lime stone 73% Clay 13% Coke Breeze 10% Iron ore 1% Gypsum 3%

Environmental protection:

There are four section in the plant. In each section suitable pollution control

equipments are installed. Well experienced environmental engineers design these

pollution control equipments since the dust burden is deferred in each section.

For Example; in a hammer mill section during the crushing of limestone dust is

generated it is filtered through Nil one back fitters with electronic device. We have

provided dust collection systems with automatic operations by the dolomite valves.

R&D Department: The company has its separate R&D Department where all the tests are made &

strive to maintain the quality of the cement. it has a Laboratory where all these activities

are carried out.

Laboratory: At the time of mixing lime stone, coke breeze, clay & iron ore, some

adjustments are to be made, it will be made as per the directions of the laboratory. It is

classified into two parts they are:

1. Chemical lab

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

2. Physical lab

Chemical lab:

This is one of the important section as the body of the production process. It is also

called as quality control section, it is headed by the chief Chemist. The main function of

the lab is to find out the CAO & loss of ignition of material & chemical analysis of the

cement clinkers, Gypsum, & other Raw materials.

The equipments used in chemical lab are:

Electrical Balance

Blains Separator

Physical Balance


Water Bath Machine

Physical lab: This is another section as body of the production process, it is also headed by chief

Chemist. The main function of the physical lab is to find the residue strength of the

finished cement. the equipments used in the physical lab are:

Trading cat apparatus

Vibrating machine

Strength machine

Humidity chamber

HR Department

Here Personnel Manager is the head in the Department. Personnel Department is

usually doing Record keeping & Responding demand & giving suggestions to the line

managers about how a subordinate should develop. & solving the employees problem &

giving trainings & favourable work conditions.

Welfare Facilities provided by the organization:

1. Canteen

2. Hospital

3. Bonus

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

4. Rest Room

5. Play Ground

6. Safety Measures



Gum Boots

Goggles & Masks

The above facilities are provided to labours, Employees & Staff members. In addition to

the above facilities the Employees are provided with Quarters facility.

Time & Security Section:

This section comes under Administrative department. The section works for 24

hours divided into Three shifts they are as follows:

1st shift 8.00 am to 4.00 pm

2nd shift 4.00 pm to 12.00 pm

3rd shift 12.00 pm to 4.00 am

General shift 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Each shift contains 60 to 70 workers. This section Maintains various Registers & also

shows about the workers working hours & performance. It also maintains discipline of

the worker, Dress, Neatness, Workers In & out. They various Registers are as follows:

Attendance Register

Salary Register

Leave Register

Absence Register

Employee record Register


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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

This is the sub section under the time section of the Administrative Department.

The section has a security Guard i.e. 8+1, it means there are 8 Guards & 1 security

officer. The main function of the security is controlling the incoming & out going

Vehicles, workers & visitors.

The register that are mentioned by the security officer are:

Inward Register

Outward Register

Visitors Register

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


Research Design:

“Descriptive” research design is used in the study

Data Source:

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Research Approach:

Survey Method

Field Study:

Personal Interview


Sampling Method :

Stratified Random Sampling

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Sampling Element:

Each individual Engineers, Contractors, Dealers & Masons

Sampling Unit:

Engineers, Dealers, Contractors & Masons

Sample Size:

100Sampling Extent:


1 To identify the Advertisement & Sales promotion activities adopted by the Keshav Cements & Infra Ltd

2 To know the brand awareness level of Keshav Cements

3 To know the effectiveness of Advertisement on customers

4 To know the rivals Advertisement & Sales promotion strategies

5 The factors that influencing customers to purchase the cement

Scope Of The Study

In todays scenario Infrastructure is in boom, so there is lot of construction

works takes place in a broad way. For that the main raw material is cement. But there are

many players & huge competition in cement industries. So it is very important to set a

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

competitive strategies to beat the competitors, where Marketing plays a vital role. So it is

essential to study the effectiveness of Advertising & Sales promotion activities & to

adopt the same to increase the Sales & beat the competitors.

The study covers Dealers, Engineers, Contractors & Masons. We had chosen this

topic because it will help us to know the Quality, Awareness level & brand image of the

company through the respondents. It will help the company to know the factors that

influence customers to purchase the cement.

Need For The Study

The main purpose of the study is to the awareness level of the brand

The Study will help us to know the effectiveness of advertisement & sales

promotion activities on the customers

The study will help the company to set strategies for the Bagalkot city &

emphasize on their weaknesses & threats

To know the rivals Advertising & Sales promotion strategies

The brand image of various competitors will be known. The company can know

where their competitors stands in the minds of the people

It reveals the factors that influence customers to purchase the cement

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Limitations Of The Study

The research study is confined only to kaladagi town

The sample was chosen randomly which might not be the actual representatives of

the total population, due to which there may be an error

Information is partially based on secondary data & hence authenticity of the study

can be visualized & is measurable

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


Primary Data:

Questionnaire & personal interview

Secondary Data:

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Company report, Broacher & from Internet

Measurement Technique:


Analytical Technique:

By using SPSS software

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


1. Brand of cement preferred by customers

Contents Frequency PercentBagalkot shakti 21 21.0

Keshav Cement 4 4.0

ACC Cement 25 25.0

Ultratech Cement 48 48.0

Others 2 2.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation: 48% of the respondents use Ultratech cement & 25% of the respondents use

ACC cement & 21 % of the respondents use Bagalkot shakti, & 4% of them use Keshav

cements & 2% of them use other cements. It is interpreted as the following respondents

Engineers, Contractors, Dealers & Masons- prefer first Ultratech cement, then ACC

cement & Bagalkot Shakti & give last preference to Keshav cements & others.

2. Parameters used to purchase Competitors brand cement

Contents Frequency Percent

Quality 80 80.0

Reasonable Price 7 7.0

Discounts / Offers 3 3.0

Easily available 10 10.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation: 80% of the respondents sees Quality while purchasing the particular brand

cement & 10% of them sees Easily availability of the cement, & 7% of the respondents

sees Reasonable Price & only 3% of the respondents sees Discounts/Offers. It is

interpreted that the following respondents Engineers, Contractors, Dealers & Masons –

purchase competitors Brand cement first by Quality as it is 80%, then Easily availability

as it is 10% & last they give preference to Reasonable price & Discounts & offers.

3. Extra benefit seek from competitors brand on bulk purchase?

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Contents Frequency Percent

Yes 96 96.0

No 4 4.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

96% of the respondents says that they get some Extra Benefit from Competitors

brand on bulk purchase, & only 4% of the respondents wont get the Extra Benefits from

the Competitors brand on bulk purchase. It is interpreted that the 96% of the customers

seek Extra benefits & only4% of the customers don’t seek any Extra benefit.

4. Extra Benefits received from Competitors brand….

Contents Frequency Percent

Not received 4 4.0

Dicount /Offers 58 58.0

Incentives 4 4.0

Trade allowance 7 7.0

Price offs 27 27.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

58% of the respondents seek following Extra benefits Discounts/offers from the

Competitors brand, & 27% of the respondents seeks Price offs, 7% of the respondents

seek Trade allowance &, 4% of them gets Incentives. This shows that 58%, 27%, 7% of

the respondents receives Extra benefits like; Discounts/Offers from the competitors

brand, then price offs & last Trade allowance from the competitors brand.

5. Are you satisfied by Schemes & offers provided by competitors brand

Contents Frequency Percent

Yes 96 96.0

No 4 4.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

96% of the respondents are satisfied with the schemes & offers competitors provides

to them & 4% of them are not satisfied with the schemes competitors provides to them. It

is interpreted as 96% of the respondents are satisfied with the schemes & offers

competitors brand provides to them & 4% of them are not satisfied with them.

6. Sources from which competitors brand comes to know

Contents Frequency Percent

Advertisement 80 80.0

Sales person 17 17.0

Friends/Relatives 3 3.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

80% of the respondents are come to know about the competitors brand through

Advertisement, & 17% through Sales person, 3% from Friends/Relatives. This shows that

80% of the respondents come to know about the competitors brand from Advertisement

& 17% of them comes to know from Sales person..

7. From which Advertisement competitors brand comes to know

Contents Frequency Percent

Other source 20 20.0

TV Ads 48 48.0

Wall Paintings 24 24.0

Newspaper/Magazines 8 8.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

48% of the respondents come to know about the competitors brand from Tv ads. 24%

of the respondents come to know about the competitors brand through Wall Paintings, &

8% of them from Newspaper/Magazines. This shows that 48%, 24%, 8% of the

respondents comes to know bout the competitors brand through Tv ads, then from wall

paintings, & last from newspaper/magazines.

8. Competitors brand comes to know from which Tv ads

Contents Frequency Percent

Other source 52 52.0

E tv kannada 1 1.0

Udaya tv 3 3.0

Star tv 28 28.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Chandana tv 16 16.0

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation: 28% of the respondents come to know from Star Tv, 16% from Chandana Tv, 3%

from Udaya Tv & 1% from ETv Kannada. This shows that 28% of the respondents come

to know from star tv, & 16% of them from chandana tv & last from uday tv & E tv


9. From Which Newspaper competitors brand will be known?

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Contents Frequency Percent

Other source 92 92.0

Vijay Karnataka 2 2.0

Prajavani 2 2.0

Times of India 2 2.0

Deccan Herald 2 2.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

2% of the respondents come to know about the particular brand from Vijay

Karnataka, 2% from Prajavani, 2% from Times of India & 2% from Deccan Herald. this

shows that among the 8% of respondents all are equally distributed & come to know

about the particular brand. So it is clear from the above that the respondents comes to

know about the competitors brand from vijay Karnataka, prajavani, Times of India &

decann herald.

10. Awareness of ‘Keshav Cements’ brand

Contents Frequency Percent

Yes 54 54.0

No 46 46.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

54% of the respondents are Aware about the Keshav Cements brand & 46% of them

are not Aware about the Keshav Cements. This shows that many of them are not aware

about the keshav cements brand. It is interpreted as 54% of the respondents are aware

about th Keshav cements brand & 46% of them don’t know about the keshav cements


11. Through which source you come to know about keshav cements

Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 46 46.0

Advertisement 20 20.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Sales person 16 16.0

Friends/relatives 18 18.0

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

Among 54% of the respondents 20% of the respondents come to know about the

keshav cements brand through advertisement, 18% from Friends/Relatives &16% from

Sales person. It is interpreted that 20% of the respondents first comes to know about

keshav cements from advertisement, then 18% of them from friends & relatives & 16%

from Sales person.

12. Advertisement through which you come to know about keshav cement

Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 81 81.0

Wall paintings 15 15.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Newspapers/magazines 3 3.0

Trade shows 1 1.0

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

Among 20% of the respondents, 15% of the respondents came to know about the

brand through Wall Paintings, 3% from Newspaper/Magazines & only 1% through Trade

shows. So we have to concentrate on Newspaper/Magazines & Trade shows to Advertise

the brand.

13. Rate the keshav cements brand

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Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 46 46.0

Good 34 34.0

Average 20 20.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

Among 54%, 34% of the respondents says that keshav cements brand is Good &

20% of them says it is Average. It is interpreted as 34% of the respondents Engineers,

Contractors, Dealers & Masons says that keshav cements is Good & 20% of them says it

is Average .

14. Factors influenced to purchase keshav cement brand

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Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 62 62.0

Quality 15 15.0

Price 17 17.0

Easily available 6 6.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

Among 38%, 17% of the respondents are influenced by Price, 15% from Quality & 6%

from Easily Available. Thus it is clear from the above graph that 17% of the respondents

are influenced to purchase keshav cements by Price, then 15% from Quality & 6% from

easily availability.

15. Advertisement by which keshav cement come to known

Contents Frequency Percent

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Other source 80 80.0

Wall paintings 16 16.0

Newspapers/magazines 3 3.0

Trade shows 1 1.0

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

Among 20%, 16% of the respondents came to know abou the keshav cements

through Wall Paintings, 3% through Newspaper/Magazines & 1% through Trade shows.

This shows that 16% of the respondents first come to know about keshav cements from

wall paintings & 3% through newspapers/magazines & last Trade shows

16. Advertising plays a very vital role in purchasing the competitors brand cement, what is your opinion

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Contents Frequency Percent

Strongly agree 40 40.0

Agree 46 46.0

Disagree 9 9.0

Neither agree nor disagree 5 5.0

Total 100 100.0

Analysis & Interpretation:

46% of the respondents Agree with the opinion that Advertising plays a very vital

role in purchasing competitors brand cement, 40% of the respondents Strongly Agree

with this opinion. 9% of the respondents Disagree with the opinion that Advertising

plays a very vital role in purchasing competitors brand cement & 5% of them Neither

Agree Nor Disagree with this opinion. This shows that 46% of the respondents Agree

with the opinion that advertising plays a vital role in purchasing competitors brand

cement & 40% of them strongly agree with the opinion that advertisement plays a vital

role & 9%, 5% of the respondents says Disagree & Neither Agree nor disagree.

17.(a) Rate the brands on the basis of their Advertisement-“Hoardings”?

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Contents Very Good Good Average Bad Very badkeshav cement 0 6 10 26 58Vijay shakti 0 6 8 79 7Bagalkot Shakti 0 7 17 15 61Lokapur cement 0 21 9 57 13ACC cement 11 35 49 5 0Ultratech cement 21 40 32 7 0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

0 0 0 0


6 6 7



10 817







5 7





0 00


keshav cement Vijay shakti Bagalkot Shakti Lokapur cement ACC cement Ultratech cement

Very Good GoodAverageBadVery bad

Analysis & Interpretation:(The study is restricted only to “Keshav cements, Bagalkot shakti, Lokapur cement &

Vijay shakti” )

6% of the respondents says that “Hoardings” of keshav cements are Good, 10% says

that it is Average, 26% says that it is Bad & 58% says that it is Very bad. 7% of the

respondents says that “Hoardings” of Vijay shakti is Good, 8% says it is Average, says it

is Bad & 7% of them says it is Very bad. 7% of the respondents says that “Hoardings” of

Bagalkot shakti is Good, 17% of them says it is Average, 15% says it is Bad & 61% says

it is Very bad. 21% of the respondents says that “Hoardings” of Lokapur cement is Good,

9% says it is Average, 57% says it is Bad & 13% says it is Very bad. This shows that the

hoardings of the Keshav cements in bagalkot city is very bad, then comes vijay shakti,

after that Bagalkot shakti & at last Lokapur cement through this graph.

17.(b) Rate the brand on the basis of their Advertisement-“Tv ads”?

Contents Very Good Good Average BadVery bad

keshav cement 0 0 0 33 67Vijay shakti 0 0 0 29 71Bagalkot Shakti 0 0 0 33 67Lokapur cement 0 0 0 19 81ACC cement 27 40 30 3 0Ultratech cement 52 43 5 0 0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0

40 43

0 0 0 0



33 29 33


3 0

67 71 67


0 00


keshav cement Vijay shakti Bagalkot Shakti Lokapur cement ACC cement Ultratech cement

Very Good GoodAverageBadVery bad

Analysis & Interpretation:(The study is restricted only to “Keshav cements, Bagalkot shakti, Lokapur cement &

Vijay shakti” )

33% of the respondents says that “Tv ads” of Keshav cements are Bad & 67% of

them says that it is Very bad. 29% of the respondents says that “Tv ads” of Vijay shakti

are Bad & 71% of them says it is Very bad. 33% of the respondents says that “Tv ads” of

Bagalkot shakti are Bad & 67% of them says that it is Very bad. 33% of the respondents

says that “Tv ads” of Lokapur cement are Bad & 67% of them says it is Very bad. This

shows that Tv ads of the keshav cements is very bad, then comes vijay shakti , bagalkot

shakti & last Lokapur cement.

17.(c) Rate the brands on the basis of their Advertisement-“Newspaper/Magazine”?

Contents Very Good Good Average Bad Very badkeshav cement 0 4 67 29 0

Vijay shakti 0 0 0 17 83Bagalkot Shakti 0 0 9 84 7

Lokapur cement 0 0 11 17 72ACC cement 17 67 11 5 0

Ultratech cement 17 37 44 2 0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

0 0 0 0

17 174 0 0 0




09 11 11




175 20




0 00






keshav cement Vijay shakti Bagalkot Shakti Lokapur cement ACC cement Ultratech cement

Very Good




Very bad

Analysis & Interpretation:(The study is restricted only to “Keshav cements, Bagalkot shakti, Lokapur cement &

Vijay shakti” )

4% of the respondents says that “Newspaper/Magazine” of Keshav cements is Good,

67% of them says it is Average & 29% of them says it is Bad. 17% of the respondents

says that “Newspaper/Magazine” of jay shakti is Bad & 83% of the respondents says that

it is Very bad. 9% of the respondents says that “Newspaper/Magazine” of Bagalkot shakti

is Average, 84% of them says it is Bad & 7% of them says it is Very bad. 11% of the

respondents says that “Newspaper/Magazine” of Lokapur cement is Average, 17% of

them says it is Bad & 72% of them says it is Very bad. It is interpreted that Keshav

cements Ranks first in “Newspaper/Magazine” ads then comes, Bagalkot shakti, vijay

shakti & lokapur cement.

17.(d) Rate the brands on the basis of their Advertisement-“Wall paintings”?

Contents Very Good Good Average Bad Very badkeshav cement 0 6 43 51 0Vijay shakti 0 0 0 15 85Bagalkot Shakti 37 59 4 0 0Lokapur cement 0 47 31 22 0ACC cement 11 17 59 9 4Ultratech cement 30 41 29 0 0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

0 0









0 4










0 0 4 00


keshav cement Vijay shakti Bagalkot Shakti Lokapur cement ACC cement Ultratech cement

Very Good GoodAverageBadVery bad

Analysis & Interpretation:(The study is restricted only to “Keshav cements, Bagalkot shakti, Lokapur cement &

Vijay shakti”)

6% of the respondents says that “Wall paintngs” of keshav cements are Good, 43%

of them says it is Average & 51% of them says it is Bad. 15% of the respondents says

that “Wall paintngs” of Vijay shakti is Bad & 85% of them says it is Very bad. 37% of

the respondents says that “Wall paintngs” of Bagalkot shakti is Very good, 59% of them

says it is Good & 4% of them says it is Average. 47% of the respondents says “Wall

paintngs” of lokapur cement is Good, 31% of them says it is Average & 22% of them

says it is Bad. This shows that “Wall paintings” of Bagalkot cement ranks first as

compared to their competitors Lokapur Cement come next, then Keshav cements & at

last Vijay shakti .

17.(e) Rate the brands on the basis of their Advertisements-“Trade Shows”?

Contents Very Good Good Average Bad Very bad

keshav cement 0 4 16 57 23

Vijay shakti 0 0 0 18 82

Bagalkot Shakti 0 7 19 68 6

Lokapur cement 0 0 39 47 24

ACC cement 7 15 65 13 0

Ultratech cement 11 21 53 15 0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

0 0 0 07 11

4 07


15 2116








13 1523




0 00






keshav cement Vi jay shakti Bagalkot Shakti Lokapur cement ACC cement Ultr atech cement

Ver y Good


Aver age


Ver y bad

Analysis & Interpretation:(The study is restricted only to “Keshav cements, Bagalkot shakti, Lokapur cement & Vijay shakti”) 4% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of Keshav cements are Good, 16% of

them says it is Average, 57% of them says it is Bad & 23% of them says it is Very bad.

18% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of vijay shakti are Bad & 82% of them

says it is Very bad. 7% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of Bagalkot shakti is

Good, 19% of them says it is Average, 68% of them says it is Bad & 6% of them says it

is Very bad. 39% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of Lokapur cement is

Average, 47% of them says it is Bad & 24% of them says it is Very bad. So it is clear that

Bagalkot shakti is having good “Trade shows” then comes Keshav cements, then

Lokapur cement & last Vijay shakti.

18. Any offers or extra benefits seek from Keshav Cements on bulk purchases

Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 46 46

Yes 51 50

No 3 3

Total 100 100

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

51% of the respondents seek Offers & Extra benefits from Keshav cements on bulk

purchase & 3% of them says no. 46% of them wont purchase Keshav cements. So it is

clear that 51% of the respondents seek offers & Extra benefits from Keshav cements &

only 3% of them wont seek any offers & extra benefits from keshav cements.

19. Offers & Extra benefits received from keshav cements

Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 46 46

Discount/offers 46 46

Incentives 6 6

Buying allowances 2 2.0

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

46% of the respondents says they receives Discounts/Offers from Keshav cements

on bulk purchase, 6% of them says Incentives & 2% of them says Buying allowances.

This shows that 46% of the respondents receive Discounts/offers as extra benefit from

keshav cements & 6% of they seek Incentives & 2% of them receives Buying allowance

from keshav cements on bulk purchase as a Extra benefit.

20. Are you satisfied with the offers & schemes provided by the keshav cements?

Contents Frequency Percent

Not use 46 46

Yes 50 50

No 4 4

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

50% of them says they are satisfied with the offers & schemes provided to them by

Keshav cements & 4% of them says that they are not satisfied with it. So it is clear that

majority of them are satisfied. 50% of them says that they are satisfied with the offers &

schemes provided by the keshav cements & only 4% of them says they are not satisfied

with the offers & schemes provided by the keshav cements.

22. Role of Advertising & Sales promotion activities in cement industry

Contents Frequency Percent

Extremely important 58 52

Important 42 42

Total 100 100.0

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Analysis & Interpretation:

58% of the respondents says that Advertising & Sales promotion activities are

Extremely important & 42% of them says that it is important. This shows that 58% of the

respondents says that Advertising & Sales promotion activities are Extremely important

in cement industry & 42% of the respondents also saying that it is important.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

I found from secondary data that “Trade shows, Trade allowances & Contents &

Incentives” & “Wall paintings & Print Media” these are Advertisement & sales

promotion Activities adopted by Keshav cements

48% of the respondents use Ultratech cement, 25% of them use ACC cement &

4% of them use Keshav cements

It is found that 80%, 10% & 7% of the respondents look after Quality, Easily

availability & Reasonable Price while purchasing competitors brand cement. &

While purchasing Keshav cements 17% of the respondents are influenced by

Price, 15% from Quality & 6% from Easily Available

96% of the respondents get some Extra Benefit from competitors brand on bulk

purchase. Even I found that 51% of the respondents also seek Extra benefits from

Keshav cements on bulk purchase

It is found that 58% of the respondents seek Discounts/offers from the

competitors brand, & 27% of the respondents seeks Price offs. Even I found that

46% of the respondents also receives Discounts/Offers from Keshav cements

96% of the respondents are satisfied with the schemes & offers provided by the

competitors brand to the respondents. & 50% of the respondents are also

satisfied with the offers & schemes provided by Keshav cements

It is found that 80% of the respondents are come to know about the competitors

brand through the sources of Advertisement,17% through Sales person. & also

20% of the respondents come to know about the keshav cements brand through

advertisement, &16% from Sales person

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

48% of the respondents come to know about the competitors brand through

Advertisements mainly from Tv ads, 24% of them come to know about the

particular brand through Wall Paintings. Even 15% of the respondents came to

know about the Keshav cements brand through Wall Paintings

28% of the respondents come to know about the competitors brand from the

following Tv ads Star Tv, 16% from Chandana Tv, 3% from Udaya Tv & 1%

from ETv Kannada.

Among Newspaper & magazine 2% of the respondents come to know about the

competitors brand from Vijay Karnataka, 2% from Prajavani, 2% from Times of

India & 2% from Deccan Herald

54% of the respondents are Aware of the Keshav Cements brand & 46% of them

are not Aware of the Keshav Cements

34% of the respondents says that keshav cements brand is Good & 20% of them

says it is Average

46% of the respondents Agree with the opinion that Advertising plays a very vital

role in purchasing competitors brand cement, 40% of them Strongly Agree with

this opinion.

It is found that 6% of the respondents says that “Hoardings” of keshav cements

are Good, 10% says that it is Average, 7% of the respondents says that

“Hoardings” of Vijay shakti is Good, 8% says it is Average. 7% of the

respondents says that “Hoardings” of Bagalkot shakti is Good, 17% of them says

it is Average, 21% of the respondents says that “Hoardings” of Lokapur cement is

Good, 9% says it is Average

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

33% of the respondents says that “Tv ads” of Keshav cements are Bad, 29% of

the respondents says that “Tv ads” of Vijay shakti are Bad, 33% of the

respondents says that “Tv ads” of Bagalkot shakti are Bad, 33% of the

respondents says that “Tv ads” of Lokapur cement are Bad

4% of the respondents says that “Newspaper/Magazine” of Keshav cements is

Good, 67% of them says it is Average, 17% of the respondents says that

“Newspaper/Magazine” of Vijay shakti is Bad, 9% of the respondents says that

“Newspaper/Magazine” of Bagalkot shakti is Average, 11% of the respondents

says that “Newspaper/Magazine” of Lokapur cement is Average

6% of the respondents says that “Wall paintngs” of keshav cements are Good,

43% of them says it is Average, 15% of the respondents says that “Wall paintngs”

of Vijay shakti is Bad, 37% of the respondents says that “Wall paintngs” of

Bagalkot shakti is Very good, 59% of them says it is Good, 47% of the

respondents says “Wall paintngs” of lokapur cement is Good, 31% of them says it

is Average

4% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of Keshav cements are Good, 16%

of them says it is Average, 18% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of

vijay shakti are Bad & 82% of them says it is Very bad. 7% of the respondents

says that “Trade shows” of Bagalkot shakti is Good, 19% of them says it is

Average, 39% of the respondents says that “Trade shows” of Lokapur cement is


58% of the respondents says that Advertising & Sales promotion activities are

Extremely important & 42% of them says that it is important


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Page 71: A Project Report on Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement Bagalkot

Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

From the study I found that 86% of the respondents says that Advertisement &

sales promotion activities plays a very vital role in purchasing the competitors

cement. Though customers see Quality first while purchasing the cement, but to

know the quality of the brand they must use it, for that they must first know which

brands is available in the market, for which advertisement is essential. So both

advertising & sales promotion activities plays a vital role in purchasing the


I found from secondary that “Trade shows, Trade allowances & Contests &

Incentives” & “Wall paintings & Print Media like;Newspapers”these are

Advertisement & sales Promotion Activities adopted by the keshav cements to

promote their brand. But only 54% of the respondents are aware about the keshav

cements brand. Inspite of all these Advertising & Sales Promotion activities

nearly 50% of the respondents are not aware about the Keshav cements brand.

This shows that there is lack of Advertisements. Advertising done by the Keshav

cements is not at all effective So you have to improve the Advertisements like;

using Hoardings & doing Wall paintings in the crowded areas where thousands of

people were moving daily, find such places & do the wall paintings & Hoardings

their. & also use print Media ads like; giving ads in local Newspapers –‘Vijay

Karnataka & Prajavani’. Trade shows(Technical Meets) mainly of “Engineers

Contractors, Dealers & Masons” is also one of the effective advertising technique.

Where ‘sales person’ plays a very important roleSo Try to do Trade shows once in

every Three months & do follow up. It will help to position in the minds of the

customers your brand & make the brand awareness & Identity in the market.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Bagalkot shakti , Vijay shakti & Lokapur cement are the rivals for Keshav

cements, among which Bagalkot shakti has used very Good Advertisements &

Sales promotion strategies, & acquired maximum customers in Bagalkot city. As

compared to Bagalkot shakti, Keshav cements sales promotion strategies are good

but it only lacks in Advertisements. So adopt the Advertisement & sales

promotion strategies given above to beat the competitor.

The main factor influencing customers to purchase their product is Quality, then

later comes Price & Easily availability. So there is great opportunity for the

keshav cements if they improve & maintain quality, others ‘price & easily

availability’ is already there. So Improve & maintain Quality.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


From this study it is concluded that both Advertising & Sales Promotion activities

plays a vital role in cement industry. But we must determine which Advertisement

strategies should be adopted to acquire potential customers & beat the competitors. Here

Advertisement like; Wall paintings, Hoardings & also Newspapers should be adopted &

also Two Important Advertisements like; “Sales person & Trade Shows” plays a very

vital role in Cement industry mainly in Bagalkot city as it is local area. This counts much

to get the brand recognition & brand awareness & also make brand Identity in the local

market. Competitors like Bagalkot Shakti who is the main competitor in the cement

industry in “Bagalkot city” so try to benchmark it.

As there is lack of effectiveness in the Advertisement adopted by Keshav

cement. So improve it by using the above strategies suggested.

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Keshav Cement Plant

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Kiln - Machinery

Hybrid Power Unit

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

Brands of Keshav Cements

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement


Dear Sir/Madam

Name __________________________________________________________

Type of Respondent: Engineer/Dealer/Contractor/Mason

Name of the Firm _________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________

Telephone/Mobile No ______________________________________________

1. Which brand of cement do you prefer or advice others to use?

a) Bagalkot Shakti b) Vijay Shakti

c) Lokapur cement d) Keshav cement

e) ACC cement f) Ultratech cement

g) Others _______________

2. What made you to purchase that particular brand cement?

a) Quality b) Reasonable Price

c) Advertisement d) Discounts/Offers

e) Easily Available f) Others _______________________

3. Do you seek some extra benefit from that particular company on bulk purchases?

a) Yes b) No c) Not at all

4. If yes then mention it?

a) Discounts/Offers b) Incentives

c) Trade allowances d) Trade shows

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

e) Training programs f) Price offs

g) Premiums

5. Are you satisfied with the schemes or offers company provides to you?

a) Yes b) No 6. If No, then mention the schemes & offers you are expecting from the particular


7. How do you come to know about that particular brand?

a) Advertisement b) Sales person

c) Friends/Relatives d) Others ______________

8. If Advertisement, then mention the type?

a) Hoardings b) TV Ads

c) Wall paintings d) News papers/Magazines

d) Others _________________________

9. If TV Ads then mention which channels?

a) E tv Kannada b) Uday tv

c) Surya tv d) Star tv

e) Chandana Tv f) Others ______________________

10. If News paper, then mention it?

a) Vijay Karnataka b) Prajavani

c) Sainyukt Karnataka d) Times of India

e) Deccan Herald f) others _________________

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

11. Are you aware of ‘keshav cements’?

a) Yes b) No c) Not at all

12. If yes, then how you come to know about the keshav cements?

a) Advertisement b) Sales person

c) Friends/Relatives d) Others___________________

13. If Advertisement then mention the type?

a) Tv Ads b) Hoardings

c) Wall paintings d) Newspaper/Magazine

e) Trade shows f) Others __________________

14. Rate the keshav cements brand?

Excellent Good Average Bad Very bad

15. What influenced you to purchase the keshav cements?

a) Quality b) Price

c) Advertisement d) Discounts/Offers

e) Easily available f) Others _______________

16. If Advertisement, then mention it?

a) Hoardings b) Tv Ads

c) Wall paintings d) Newspaper/Magazine

e) Trade shows

17. Advertising plays a very vital role in purchasing the particular brand cement? What is your opinion?

a) Strongly agree b) Agree

c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

e) Neither agree nor disagree

18. Rate the brands on the basis of their advertisements?The study is restricted only to “Keshav cements, vijay shakti, bagalkot shakti, lokapur cement”)

a) 10 – very good b) 8 – Good

c) 6 – Average d) 4 – Bad



Keshav cements

Vijay shakti

Bagalkot shakti

Lokapur cement

ACC cement

Ultratech cement


Tv Ads


Wall paintings

Trade shows

e) 1 – Very bad

19. Do you seek any offers or extra benefits from keshav cements on bulk or often purchases?

a) Yes b) No

20. If yes, then mention it?

a) Discounts/Offers b) Incentives

c) Buying Allowances d) Training programs

e) point of purchase f) Bonus packs

displays g) Others _____________________

21. Are you satisfied with the offers or schemes provided by the keshav cements to you?

a) yes b) No

22. Advertising & sales promotion activities plays a vital role in cement industry? What do you say?

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

a) Extremely important b) Important

c) Not very important d) Not at all important

23. Your Suggestion if any to Keshav cements industry?




Place : Signature

Date :


1. Marketing Management

By: Philip Kotler

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Brand Awareness level of Keshawa Cement

2. Marketing Research

By: A. Parsuraman

3. Advertising & Sales Promotion

By: Belch & Belch

4. Websites









5. Newspapers & Magazines

Economic times

Times of India

Business World (magazine)

6. Materials

Company Broachers & Reports

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 84