a phoenix player's handbook

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  • 7/27/2019 A Phoenix Player's Handbook


    A Phoenix Player's HandbookBy Corvus ([email protected]) for Phoenix: The Eternal

    Note from the Author

    Phoenix has been remarkably well-received since I web-published it not too long ago.I put a lot of effort into making it well-balanced and thought-provoking, not just some

    new way to kill things with neat powers, with an overlay of a pseudostory. But I'vebeen noticing some things still need clarification and revision, in large part thanks to

    people like Adam Solis, a contributor to B.J. Zanzibar's World of Darkness archive

    who I met through AOL. Adam has asked me pointed, direct questions and helped megain an even deeper understanding of the beings I have created. Many thanks, Adam.

    One small item. It has come to my attention that there is a game called Nephilim,

    published by Chaosium, that bears a startling resemblance to Phoenix. I have neverseen this game, and Phoenix is not related to it nor drawn from it in any way. I'm now

    looking for Nephilim, because I'm intrigued and because Chaosium makes somedamn fine games, so there is a bright side to this, but my point is -- I don't stoop toplagiarism.

    Thanks to everyone who's looked at Phoenix and who, without my knowing, has

    begun using it in their chronicles. The more I hear from you all, the better things willget.

    The concepts presented here are options for players and Storytellers to make Phoenix

    a more fully realized game.


    The Elements: Five individual sections, each detailing the universe through the eyes

    of a particular Element and one of its children. Take with a grain of salt. . . . Alsoincludes a short clarification on the nature of the power of Memory.

    The Nature of Phantoms: An expansion and clarification of the information onPhantoms, what they are, how they exist, and new Phantom-specific traits, as well as

    details on the Tyro -- Phantomless Eternal -- and optional systems.

    Periapts: More details on the treasures of the Eternal, including the dreadful hiddensecret of their creation.

    Fellowships: An optional chronicle addition, giving some structure to the fractious

    world of the Eternal.

    New Birthrights: More amazing abilities for Eternal to use with the power of

    Memory, and some optional rules for use in your chronicles.

    Credits: Where credits are due. . . .

    Coming Soon: Previews of some other demented stuff I'm cranking out for the World

    of Darkness.

  • 7/27/2019 A Phoenix Player's Handbook


  • 7/27/2019 A Phoenix Player's Handbook


    I am the passion and change that drives all things. I am Pyrati.

    Nothing stays the same. All things change over time, and Fire is the symbol of thatchange. Reaction, motion, interaction and entropy all play with that which would

    remain stable, that which has been given form. At its deepest level even matter moves

    and changes, interacts and reacts. Emotion, the mental representation of change, is

    Fire's heat within the living mind even as the body itself kindles Fire within the belly.Without fire everything stops.

    When two things come into contact, Fire is there, in the ways those things interact.Fire is beyond definition, beyond simple heat and flame. Fire is the essence of being.


    I am Aquati, child of the primordial water that gives birth to us all.

    Water is the essence of life. It fills our bodies, carrying the womb with us all ourlives. It surrounds us, in the rocks, the soil, and the air as well as the river beds and

    oceans. It calls to us, tells us we are not alone.

    Water symbolizes a mother, nurturing, caressing, providing, yet provokable. Watererodes all barriers, the master of subtle change. Water can take all forms, adapting to

    that which tries to contain it. Water has long been the symbol of the deepest

    mysteries, and it is Water that teaches us the secrets of the universe, from life to deathto rebirth.

    The Power of Memory

    The power inherent in the memories of Eternal is a living, dynamic force. It ebbs and

    flows, grows and changes as time passes. When a character is strong and full of

    Memory, the remembrances of the past are vivid, full of sensation, immediate. WhenMemory's power has faded, the past is dull, vague, misty and indistinct.

    Basically, the more Memory a character has, the more vibrant her past experiences

    seem to her mind. As Memory decreases, much of the past is lost, and that whichremains becomes like old photographs, torn and faded.

    Eternal believe that memory is linked to the five Elements because the Elements are

    truly eternal. Memory allows the phoenixes to experience more of the Elements.

    The Nature of Phantoms

    Memory is the driving force that fuels an Eternal's Elemental gifts. It is an enigmaticforce, Elemental power mingled with experience, flowing out of the past in an

    inexorable tide, yet serving as a link to the Wheel of life and death. It is tinged with

    the myriad colors, tones and flavors of the cosmos and is an intimate personalexperience to every Eternal. It is also potential, and that potential often gives rise to


    When a Phantom is Imprinted into an Eternal's Memory, it retains some or all of its

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    character, from its personality archetypes and its abilities to its bad habits. The

    strength of the Imprinting, generally determined by the willpower of the phoenix at

    the time of death, determines how strongly the phoenix's memories of that lifetimeecho within her Memory -- the Integrity of the Phantom.

    Chaotic quirks in the Imprinting can individualize each Phantom even further. These

    traits, some of which have been categorized by Eternal scientists as "Edges" and"Reins", are unique advantages and disadvantages that many Phantoms exhibit.

    The Life of a Phantom

    Existence as a mental ghost isn't easy. Spending eternity remembering sensations that

    you once took for granted, aching to feel them again and experience the world first-hand, can be trying. But, there's just nowhere to go, and you can't even choose your


    Most Phantoms are resigned to their existence as Memory patterns. They take whatthey can get, helping or hindering the psyche as they will, but some want more. These

    Phantoms are a constant thorn in their psyche's side, Subverting at every turn. OtherPhantoms want nothing more to do with the world and slumber in the shadows ofMemory, resisting contact.

    Phantoms with strong ethical codes will exhort their psyches to act along those lines,

    encourage them to live a life more to the Phantom's liking, offering advice and evenmaking the occasional deal. Phantoms have been known to pout when their psyches

    ignore them or deliberately do things to irritate them, but you can't please everybody.

    Within a phoenix's head, Phantoms can talk to each other. These intramuralrelationships can range from friendly interaction to knock-down drag-out verbal wars

    that can send the psyche running to the drug store for sleeping pills. Eternal have

    more than once had to discipline their Phantoms like unruly children, whereupon thePhantoms stomped off to their hidden corners of Memory without supper.

    The most important aspect of a Phantom's existence is simply that -- existence. The

    Phantom will, over all, attempt to maintain its identity even as the psyche changes.This is not to say that a Phantom can't or won't learn new tricks -- a Viking raider

    might find the Internet fascinating, the tool of Odin Himself -- but that the Phantom

    will always remember who it "was," the life that it is the Imprint of, and will actaccordingly.

    The Tyro

    There are phoenixes who have never lived before. Called "Tyro," these Eternal arenew to the Quest -- and they have no Phantoms. These phoenixes must rely entirely

    own their own wits and luck, but their Memories are remarkably pure and strong forall of their perceived youth and naivet.

    Tyro make up less than one tenth of one percent of the Eternal population of theplanet. They are hunted by many; some see them as a liability, others as potential

    tools, and still others as helpless infants in a cold and deadly world; either way, the

    Tyro are seen as children. The Tyro resent their "second-class" status and often go out

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    of their way to prove themselves capable, dangerous and worthy of consideration.

    Breaking the Shell for the very first time is even more bewildering for a Tyro than forother Eternal. The deja vu sense of familiarity amidst the chaos is not there. No

    images of the past flood to the present. Instead, a mixture of Elemental images and a

    strong sense of longing for some indescribable thing fill the phoenix's senses with

    symbols and patterns, ghostly voices whispering half-understood secrets andpremonitions of possible futures that soon fade away, leaving the certain knowledge

    of what the Eternal is and access to the Birthrights. Of course, these are the only


    A Tyro's first lifetime on Earth does not typically become a Phantom. However, in

    these modern times life is rough, and a Tyro might just find himself coming back with

    remembered knowledge of just how hard things can get.

    Non-human Lives and Phantoms

    While most Eternal are quite familiar with the experiences of the human mind, a rare

    few carry with them Memory imprints that speak of time spent in another form.

    The experiences of phoenixes who have spent lives as things other-than-humanprovide a perfect example of the dangers of Discord. When animal instinct overrides

    human reason, when the mortal world stops making sense, these things are signposts

    of the confusion that Discord brings. Forgetting the purpose of silverware and dinnersets, or which pedal is the brake; the overwhelming desire to run from all the noise

    and motion of a busy intersection, whichever way is possible; when written words

    become meaningless squiggles and speech becomes alien noise; all these things andmore lie in wait for those whose Memory includes such different modes of perception

    and understanding.

    Phantoms arising from these lifetimes are even more rare. Most non-human livesbecome part of the background Memory, occasionally flashing to the fore in moments

    of Discord. However, by luck, providence or simple mishap, sometimes a Phantom is

    born. Interacting with such a Phantom is often confusing at best and can be hazardousat worst. An animal-Phantom's subversions can arise from the most incomprehensible

    motives, at least from the point of view of the phoenix who suddenly finds himself

    stark naked and baying at the moon or attempting to eat a plastic bottle cap.

    Even more strangely, some Eternal claim to have memories of being plants or even

    odder things.

    For game purposes, non-human Phantoms are flagged with the Non-human Rein, asdetailed below. It is strongly recommended that Storytellers keep firm control over

    the creation of non-human phantoms. They are intended as a story tool, not a toy to be

    played with for comedic purposes. Try to imagine being taken seriously when you saythat you spent a lifetime as a dog, a sunflower or a rock.

    Edges and Reins

    Edges and Reins are Phantom-specific traits that make Phantoms more unique, give

    them special abilities and saddle them with special weaknesses. They are purchased

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    during character creation and may not be taken later.

    A Phantom may have as many points in Edges as it has Integrity. No Edge may betaken more than once by a particular Phantom. A Phantom may take one Rein as well.

    Each Rein has a point total listed, which adds to the total number of points of Edges

    the Phantom can have.

    Example: In designing a Phantom with Integrity 2, the player gives the Phantom the

    Edge Willpower at two points. She then gives the Phantom the Empathic Rein, which

    is worth 2 points. The player then gives the Phantom the Sensory Override Edge.

    Another example: A Phantom has three Integrity, but the player wants to give the

    Phantom the Birthright Edge. By taking the Tired Rein, he can add two points to the

    Edge point total available to the Phantom, and selects Birthright as the Phantom'sonly Edge.

    These paltry few examples of Edges and Reins are not nearly the tip of the iceberg.

    Storytellers are encouraged to come up with a rainbow of their own colors forPhantoms.


    Birthright (5): This Phantom is truly strange -- it has somehow managed to keep the

    use of one of its very basic Birthrights! The Phantom has a rating of one in oneBirthright; this power will be different from the Birthrights the psyche has access to.

    The Phantom cannot teach this Birthright to the psyche. The Phantom can only use

    this Birthright while manifested, either through Subversion or Anamnesis.

    Fascination (3): By implanting a thought into the psyche's mind, the Phantom can get

    the psyche's thoughts rotating around this single thought, distracting the psyche and

    making Subversion easier. With a successful Integrity roll against a difficulty of 8,

    the Phantom can implant one repeating thought, like a song or a quote, that willoccupy the psyche's mind for a minute per success. While the psyche is distracted,

    Subversion attempts are one less difficulty for the Phantom. The Phantom can only

    use this Edge once per day.

    Relic (2 per relic): This Phantom has a special item that manifests when the Phantom

    does. This item might be a copy of a treasured object, or a weapon; it is never,

    however, the real object, nor a magical item.

    Sensory Override (2): This Edge allows the Phantom to take control of one of the

    psyche's senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing or sight) for a few seconds with a resistedIntegrity versus Willpower roll, difficulty 6, allowing it to protect the psyche, show

    the psyche something it missed, or implant a false suggestion.Slip of the Tongue (1): This Phantom can temporarily override the psyche's power ofspeech with a resisted Integrity vs. Willpower roll (difficulty 6 on both). This only

    lasts at most three seconds, usually a few key words or a phrase.

    Status (1, 3, 5): This Phantom is known through the Eternal community. This fame(or notoriety) gives it a measure of respect in its dealings with phoenixes. For one

    point, the Phantom gains one die on Social rolls, for three points, it gains two dice,

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    and for five points, the Phantom has three extra dice to use in Social rolls when it has

    manifested through Anamnesis or Subversion.

    Willpower (1-5): The Phantom has a higher effective Willpower score when it

    Subverts the psyche or is brought forth through Anamnesis. Each point in this Edge

    adds one to the Phantom's Willpower rating in these two cases. It does not add to

    Integrity or have any other application. Example: The Phantom has an Integrity of 3,and 2 points in the Willpower Edge; its Willpower when it takes control through

    Subversion or Time's Window is 5.


    Empathic (2): The Phantom can not communicate with the psyche in words, only byimages and feelings; it can still influence the psyche with the Slip of the Tongue

    Edge, however, and may use this to communicate as well. This Rein cannot be taken

    by Phantoms with Integrity of one, as this is how such Phantoms alreadycommunicate.

    Signature (1): When this Phantom has successfully Subverted the psyche, it hassome sort of calling card that lets others know who's in control, beyond simplemannerisms. Resembling the Echoes flaw from Mage or the Death's Sigil Thorn from

    Wraith, a Signature manifests as a freakish effect, like hair that constantly blows in a

    wind that isn't there or odd-colored eyes.

    Supernatural (1): This Phantom represents a lifetime when the character was some

    supernatural being, such as a vampire or werewolf. The Phantom will continually

    insist that it is still that type of being and will act according to that creature's mannerswhen it can, including attempting to drink blood or battle the Wyrm. It will

    rationalize the loss of supernatural abilities, like shapeshifting, or make up for them

    with the psyche's Birthrights. While this kind of Phantom is useful in relating to other

    supernatural beings, the Phantom's delusions can be embarrassing at best. It ispossible to have a Phantom that represents a supernatural life without taking this

    Rein, but that Phantom will not retain its mannerisms, just the memory of what it was.

    Terror (1-3): Beyond even a phobia, there is something so terrifying to this Phantom

    that it will immerse itself completely in the character's Memory, where it cannot be

    contacted or even brought forth through Anamnesis. A specific being, like "Fred the

    Methuselah," or place, like "New York City," is only worth one point, whilesomething like the "dogs" is two, and sunlight would be three points. This Rein is

    often connected to what ended the phoenix's life when the Phantom was created, or

    the circumstances surrounding that death.

    Non-human (2): A bizarre example of Eternal existence, this Phantom comes from alifetime spent as something . . . else. The most common lives are animals, usually

    mammalian, but sometimes. . . . The Storyteller will tell you which Abilities thisPhantom can possess. Be prepared for a roleplaying experience if you should

    succumb to a Subversion from this Phantom.

    Tired (2): This Phantom is tired of existence and just wants to sleep. It is recalcitrant

    and reluctant to speak with the psyche. The Phantom must make an Integrity roll

    versus difficulty 8 before attempting to Subvert, and its Subversions are always

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    drawing a name from a hat or going in order around the room, and assumes the role of

    that character's strongest Phantom. All other Phantoms are portrayed by the


    In the role of a Phantom, the player becomes a living embodiment of the psyche's

    Memory, putting an element of realism into the game. The Phantomguide decides

    when to make a Subversion attempt, communicates with the psyche's player and helpsto make the character more three-dimensional.

    Two options exist regarding Subversions. The first option is that the player of thepsyche maintains control of the character when the Phantom played by another player

    takes over. This option is good for players who like to keep control of their

    characters' stories, but it has a disadvantage in that the psyche player will have a

    different interpretation of the Phantom's motives than the Phantomguide. The secondoption is to let the Phantomguide run the character, as he is the controller of the

    Phantom. This allows the Phantomguide to keep a consistency in the actions of the

    Phantom, but if the Phantomguide's actions upset the player of the psyche, the out-of-game tension could ruin the game for everyone. It is best that Storytellers and players

    choose which option they think is best before the game begins.

    Another version of Phantomguiding allows a player to play only a Phantom. Thismixes well with the second option of Subversion, but only if the two players get

    along. A final option allows one player to control all the Phantoms, like a secondary

    Storyteller, but this requires Storytelling experience and a lot of interaction with theplayers before, during and after games.

    All in all, Phantomguiding makes Phoenix an even more enjoyable experience for

    mature roleplayers. Storytellers reserve the right to get rid of Phantomguiding in theirgames if they think the players are having more fun messing with each other and

    being generally silly.

    Variable Willpower

    Along the lines of the Variable Memory and Variable Discord optional systems givenin Phoenix, this system allows players to lower their starting Willpower and gain

    more Freebie points. An Eternal's Willpower trait normally begins at five, but players

    may lower this score and gain a number of extra Freebie points as follows:

    Starting Willpower Extra Freebie Points

    4 +1 (16)

    3 +2 (17)2 +3 (18)

    1 +4 (19)

    Even though it is recommended that Eternal be allowed to exceed 22 freebie points ifthe optional systems are used, Storytellers should be advised that players may attempt

    to overload their characters with freebie points to buy a whole range of powers, by

    lowering their Memory and Willpower and raising their Discord as well as takingFlaws. Such characters can turn into brainless walking arsenals and are firmly

    discouraged. If you make the optional systems available and a player attempts this,

    you are hereby encouraged to screw the character's world as badly as you can, taking

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    advantage of every dot of Discord, every opportunity for Subversion, and every

    possible application of those Flaws. Give 'em Hell.


    As presented in Phoenix, periapts are items with magic properties that are used by the

    Eternal in the Quest. One of their most important properties is the fact that, ifdestroyed, they will return in another form to be discovered and used again. But how

    does this happen? What is the true nature of a periapt?

    The Nature of Periapts

    Most Eternal are ignorant to the true source of a periapt's power. Contained within

    each periapt is the soul of a phoenix, dedicated to a particular purpose and bound toserve whoever wields the periapt's physical form. No one remembers when it was

    discovered that an Eternal could be forced into an inanimate shell, but the results areclear, as is one other thing: no phoenix has any memory of ever being bound into aperiapt. Also unknown is the mechanism which drives periapt "reincarnation." It is

    known that the "soul" of the object will return within another object, but how the new

    "shell" is chosen is beyond the ken of any Eternal.

    Even those who know the source of the power they hold in their hands have no idea

    what fate the soul bound into the periapt suffers. It is rumored that only a willing

    Eternal can be forged into a periapt, but that rumor is discounted by others as arationalization against the fear of eternal entrapment.

    The ritual for the creation of a periapt from the soul of a phoenix is lost -- it is up to

    the Storyteller to decide of a periapt can be created by the use of other supernaturalpowers, such as the fetish-making rites of the lycanthropes. Finding such a ritual

    could be the focus of an entire chronicle. Learning the true nature of the magical item

    he holds could be a major emotional turning point for a phoenix. Discovering whetheror not an Eternal soul can be released from her status as a periapt can serve as the

    culmination of an entire story. All these options are born of a single fact, and the great

    unknown mystery surrounding it. It is not recommended that Storytellers allowEternal characters who have Phantoms that remember anything about the creation of

    periapts, especially by having been part of one. This effectively destroys the mystery.

    The Responsibilities of Periapts

    "Owning" a periapt is a unique experience for Eternal. Being the possessor of anartifact with a soul, a soul which can return in the shape of another item, brings aresponsibility along with great power.

    Many periapts are known to forge karmic bonds with Eternal wielders. Oftentimes

    these bonds can resemble Compacts, making the periapt reappear near the phoenixwhen he reincarnates. Other, more sinister bonds have been recorded as well -- an

    infamous periapt sword named Arashi no Ryu has been recorded through the ages as

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    causing its current wielder soul-rending nightmares, health loss and even death if it is

    ever taken from the wielder's possession!

    Higher-level periapts can sometimes make demands of the phoenixes who use them.

    These required services can range from regular cleaning to transport to a place

    significant in the periapt's history on a certain date and time. Generally, the more

    powerful the periapt, the stronger, more dangerous and more frequent the demands itmight make. For the phoenix who fails to meet these demands, the consequences can

    range from increased difficulty in accessing the periapt's powers (higher difficulties

    on activation rolls) to a complete loss of the periapt's power, or worse.

    Another danger comes from the jealousy and greed of other Eternal who covet the

    power that periapts can grant to those who hold them. There are those who seek for

    periapts at any cost, regardless of the inherent dangers many of the artifacts they seekwould bring upon them.

    Expanded Periapt Creation

    The main Phoenix rules are rather vague on periapt creation, allowing Storytellers todecide what periapts are and can do. Storytellers looking for "crunchier" information,however, can consult the following.

    Every "dot" in the "level" of a periapt is an increasing indicator of the object's

    magical strength. The powers of periapts are based on this strength; the higher thelevel, the more and stronger the powers the periapt can possess.

    A periapt can have a number of powers whose levels total up to the level of the

    object. In other words, a level 4 periapt can have two level two powers, four level onepowers, one level four power, a level three and a level one power, or one level two

    and two level one powers. The powers of periapts can either be taken directly from

    the Birthrights or created to have similar effect levels (especially if the Storyteller isusing Freeform Birthrights). Storytellers might also wish to create other effects. In the

    example of the infamous Arashi no Ryu, the sword adds two levels to the wielder's

    level in all five basic Elemancies and adds three dots in the Melee Skill! Needless tosay, Arashi no Ryu is an exceptional case -- more than likely a level 6 periapt or

    higher, beyond the scope of normal characters and chronicles -- but such non-

    Birthright-based powers serve as an example of what is possible. Storytellers should

    only be limited by their imaginations.

    If players or Storytellers want to add hindrances to their periapts, such as required

    services or karmic bonds, they can reduce the "cost" of a periapt. A periapt's cost canbe lowered no more than two steps, and cannot be reduced below one. One-point

    hindrances added must be severe enough to have an effect on the Eternal's life; two-point hindrances should be twice as bothersome, dangerous or painful. Some

    examples are:

    One point hindrances: The periapt attracts bothersome spirits; the owner must

    thoroughly clean the item several times a week or the periapt becomes more difficultto use; the periapt must be taken to a specific place once a month or it stops working

    (it needs a "recharge"); if the periapt is ever used to harm a certain type of person

    (women, children, etc.) it will never work again for the current owner.

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    Two point hindrances: If the periapt is ever taken from the wielder's possession or

    given away, the wielder begins to suffer nightmares, willpower or Health Loss, and

    eventually death; the owner must keep the periapt on her person at all times or it stopsfunctioning until the owner takes it to a specific hard-to-reach location; if the periapt

    is ever used to cause harm to any living being it will never work again for the current


    Personalizing Periapts

    Players and Storytellers should treat periapts like characters. After all, these "magic

    items" are more than just powerful toys. They have souls, and most have names. Each

    periapt should come with a history, more detailed as the level of the periapt goes up.

    Owners of periapts should discover even more about them as time goes on.Storytellers should reward players who create detailed histories for their periapts with

    a bonus freebie point or two (unless the history of the periapt is even more detailed

    than the character's own -- this ain't no free munchkinizing lunch!).

    Fellowships: Eternal Societies

    Sundry and varied lot that they are, the Eternal tend to be loners, moving through theworld without the companionship of their own kind. Some take up with groups of

    other supernatural beings, especially if they have blood ties, and the Compacts keep

    certain bands together, but many remain on their own all their lives. This is a

    perfectly acceptable path among phoenixes, since Memory makes no demands andcauses no drive toward association with other Eternal, but some phoenixes desire

    more and seek out others with similar beliefs. These Eternal gather in groups known

    to phoenix society at large as Fellowships.Each Fellowship is as unique as its members, but several factors remain constant.

    Membership is either limited, by Element, sex, strength of Phantoms or Birthrights,

    location or blood, or open to all who can discover the Fellowship. Each group has acreed, a core set of beliefs or practices and a purpose that differentiates it from others.

    Membership in a Fellowship group grants an Eternal certain benefits and makes

    demands upon the phoenix's time. As well, each Fellowship has conditions forleaving the circle. Some groups permit members to leave with so much as a goodbye,

    while others permit egress only through death.

    Fellowships are, in large part, the most stable structure within the fluid society of theEternal. Compacts may last longer and may have memberships that are just as

    voluntary, but Compacts are sometimes formed for hostile reasons and may war upon

    other Compacts, or upon themselves; Fellowships rarely attack each other, andintramural conflict is greatly discouraged. Another difference lies in the forces

    holding each type of group together. Compacts are held by the mystic threads of the

    Binding, where Fellowships are mere clubs by contrast. Escaping a Fellowship iseasier than escaping a Binding, and betrayal by a Fellowship partner causes no surge

    of emotion and Memory. A phoenix belonging to a Fellowship can often belong to

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    another Fellowship at the same time and can certainly enter into a Binding, but

    Compacts are exclusive with each other -- no phoenix belongs to more than one


    Entering a Fellowship often resembles joining a club or a fraternity. Once the entry

    standards have been met, the phoenix is welcomed into the gathering through a ritual

    unique to that Fellowship. After this is over, the phoenix is a full member of theFellowship and can call upon its resources, as well as answer calls for help from other


    The Fellowships make up only a small portion of the worldwide Eternal society.

    Perhaps no more than ten percent of all Eternal belong to or have had some

    association with a Fellowship at some point in their current lives. The Fellowships do

    not recruit, even if their membership is open to all. Eternal must seek them out toprove their desire to belong.

    Game Terms

    Fellowships are a useful game mechanic to give Eternal access to contacts and allies,as well as being nice plot devices for stories. Belonging to a Fellowship gives playersideas for roleplaying and makes characters more unique. The game mechanics of a

    Fellowship are simple.


    Each Fellowship has membership criteria that must be met to admit a phoenix to the

    circle. Some of these criteria are based on static factors that can't be changed, butothers can be met by hard work or a little luck. Once these criteria are met, the

    phoenix will be initiated into the group according to the Fellowship's own ritual.

    After that, the phoenix has full membership rights. In game terms, to enter aFellowship costs a certain number of freebie points at character creation, or

    experience points during the course of a chronicle if the character meets the entry

    criteria and can find a member of the Fellowship. The details of the initiationceremonies are left up to individual Storytellers.


    The creed of each Fellowship represents the reason it has gathered. Members are

    expected to hold to this creed, though personal interpretation of the beliefs and

    practices is acceptable. The creed gives the Fellowship purpose.

    Benefits and Demands

    Belonging to a Fellowship gives a phoenix benefits of various types, from allies to

    call upon and contacts to gain information from to resources to tap and ideals to fall

    back upon (represented by bonuses to Dice Pools or difficulties and ways to regainWillpower beyond holding to Nature). The Fellowship will also expect contributions

    from its members; this is where the resources come from in the first place.

    Fellowships can also demand other things, like complete secrecy from their members.

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    Finally, every Fellowship has its own set of guidelines for leaving the group. Many

    also have set up standards for expulsion. These guidelines are as varied as the

    Fellowships themselves.

    Sample Fellowships

    These groups are only examples of what a Fellowship can do. They are not fixtures inthe author's personal chronicles nor even recommendations to Storytellers or players;

    they are fully functional examples, however, and can be used in a game with ease.

    The Epicureans

    Membership Criteria: Epicureans are, one and all, Pyrati. No other Eternal areadmitted into the Fellowship. (Cost: 2)

    Creed: Epicureans follow an ancient belief that life is hard, and that essential tosurvival is the "pleasure principle." To get through this rocky world, you need toexperience and be happy. Epicureans nominally believe that intellectual and spiritual

    delights are the highest form of pleasure, but in modern times the physical has often

    become more important than the spiritual or mental.

    Benefits and Demands: The Epicurean philosophy may seem like an excuse for

    hedonism to some, but it grants those who hold to its tenets a point of Willpower each

    time they experience some new delight. As well, when experiencing pleasure,Epicureans make Social rolls at -1 difficulty.

    The Epicureans make few demands upon members of the Fellowship. Stifling

    boredom or active displeasure can put the Epicurean at a +1 difficulty on Social rollsuntil the situation is escaped or resolved. Epicureans must seek some form of pleasure

    each day, such as indulging an urge, practicing a hobby or engaging others in mental

    or physical activities. Failure to do so makes the Epicurean irritable, moody andsusceptible to whims, making all Willpower rolls +1 difficulty the next day.

    Leaving: Leaving the Epicureans is simple. All the member needs to do is tell

    another member that he's left the Fellowship and word will spread. The moment theEpicurean makes this decision, he loses all Benefits and Demands. The question is,

    why would anyone want to leave?

    The Amnesiacs

    Membership Criteria: The Amnesiacs do not recruit, but anyone who wishes to

    follow their (incredibly peculiar) path is welcome to join. Despite this, the Fellowshipfinds itself consisting of mainly Aquati, seeking to get to the bottom of a new

    mystery, and Pyrati, who crave fresh experiences. (Cost: 3)

    Creed: To the Amnesiacs, memory is a rein on experience. Everything becomes old,

    people become jaded, nothing is left new. The Amnesiacs seek to forget -- and that

    means giving up their Memory. Even as they revel in the powers their Memory gives

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    them and their limitless futures, these phoenixes seek to leave Memory behind, to

    forget and reexperience everything. Amnesiacs will burn through their Memory at an

    incredible rate, rarely if ever seeking to regain its strength. Needless to say, thoseAmnesiacs who do not fall to Discord or leave the path will retreat into their Shells

    eventually. The strange thing is, this contralogical Fellowship's willing loss of

    Memory seems to grant its members a strange resistance to Discord caused byMemory loss. They also band together in the face of adversity, coming to each other's

    aid readily.

    Benefits and Demands: The most obvious demand that the Amnesiacs make of theirFellows is that they actively seek to leave their Memory behind (see Leaving).

    Experiences can only have value if they are new, and the force of Memory retains

    much; therefore, that Memory must be used up and gotten rid of. If given a choicebetween using a Willpower point and a Memory point, the Amnesiac will always use

    a Memory point. If the Eternal is able to spend Memory points in other ways, she

    should always spend at least one.

    Amnesiacs may call upon others of their Fellowship in times of need, gaining an

    effective rating of three in the Allies background.

    An Amnesiac who gains discord by loss of permanent Memory only gains half asmuch Discord (rounded down, minimum one) as a non-Amnesiac. Since they are

    seeking new experiences and eager to forget the past, the loss of Memory does not

    bother them nearly as much.

    Amnesiacs may never have the Humanist archetype as a Nature. This may seem

    contralogical at first, but the Amnesiacs revel in their form of immortality (it offers

    limitless opportunities for experience); they just wish to keep their experiences new.

    Leaving: Leaving the Amnesiacs is a risky proposition at best. Abandoning the

    philosophical path leaves a phoenix open to greater Discord from Memory loss, and

    his Memory is probably considerably low to begin with. Amnesiacs are known (bythose who know them at all) to be weaker in Memory than other Eternal.

    Amnesiacs may be ejected from the Fellowship for several reasons. Holding on toMemory (by refusing to spend Memory points when able) or actively seeking to gain

    a higher Memory are two major causes. Betraying the Amnesiacs to outsiders who

    wish to prey on their "forgetful" state could be cause for the entire Fellowship to

    "eject" the member by a rather nasty death.

    The Wild Hunt

    Membership Criteria: The only Eternal accepted into this Fellowship are those of

    full Irish descent with a burning hatred of the English. Outsiders who discover the

    Hunt are usually put to death, if they are not accepted into the Fellowship. (Cost: 4)

    Creed: The Wild Hunt are dedicated to ejecting the English presence from Northern

    Ireland through any means necessary. No sassenach influence can be allowed to

    remain on the Emerald Isle. And when this has been accomplished, Scotland coulduse a hand throwing off its shackles. . . .

    Benefits and Demands: The Hunt demands complete, utter loyalty from its

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    members; its concerns come first, last and always for the Fellows. The life is hard,

    dangerous and (usually) unrewarding, but the fight is a good fight and the Hunt must

    be ever-willing to go on.

    The Wild Hunt takes care of its own, and its members all contribute their resources to

    its cause. Members of the Hunt gain Allies and Contacts at three, and may call upon

    an effective Resources of four to further the cause of the Hunt. All members mustrespond to calls for aid from other members, and must contribute what resources are


    Leaving: The only way out is death, either at sassenach hands or by members of the

    Hunt. Traitors don't live, and are hounded to the ends of the Earth as surely as the

    English. Suspected traitors are tried by the Hunt, and a guilty verdict means

    immediate execution. Those acquitted have their every moves watched for yearsfollowing. False accusation of a fellow Hunt member is frowned upon -- doing it

    more than once could bring a trial down upon the accuser.

    The IlluminatiMembership Criteria: This elite, hidden Fellowship is open only to those with greatwealth and power who still remain hidden in the shadows. In game terms, the

    character must have the Influence and Resources Backgrounds at five each, and the

    Arcane Background at a minimum of three. The character must not have the FameBackground. (Cost: 5)

    Creed: The Illuminati are a Fellowship dedicated to guiding human society to a "state

    of enlightenment" from behind the scenes. Though not the Illuminati of popular myth,this Fellowship wields its influence to great effect. The Illuminati band together

    against elder vampires and the machinations of the Technocracy in their fight to "free


    Benefits and Demands: The Illuminati have a combined Resources beyond possible

    calculation, over 10 on the 1-10 scale; if a member needs something, he or she can get

    it. Only the most ludicrous of requests are denied -- like a carrier battle group sent toattack England.

    The Influence of the Illuminati is likewise beyond calculation. A force in global

    politics, the Fellowship has its hands in governments worldwide. However, the grandscale of such influence is its very own hindrance -- affecting huge changes could take

    decades, if not lifetimes. Fake passports, alternate identities, diplomatic immunity, the

    small things are easy; swaying pending legislation is a little more difficult, but stillpossible. Beyond this, things get tough, but the Illuminati are working.

    Each Illuminatus has an effective rating in both Allies and Contacts of five, no matter

    where they are in the world.

    The Illuminati work in complete secrecy, often behind two or three shells of lies. Any

    member who compromises this security is eliminated and the damage minimized with

    ruthless efficiency. All members must keep completely silent about their endeavors.

    Leaving: The only way out is death. The power the Illuminati have at their disposal is

    intoxicating and deadly at the same time; this heady mix becomes addictive to almost

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    all members of the Fellowship. So far, no one has ever quit and survived. The

    Illuminati maintain a vigil against Phantoms of previous members compromising

    their security as well, using coercion, threats and assassination against thereincarnated psyches to make them keep their secrets.

    New Birthrights

    These new Birthrights, both alternate powers for existing Rights and whole new paths

    of power, are some examples of the vast capabilities of manifest Memory. All of

    these Birthrights are optional -- if a Storyteller feels that one of these powers won't fitinto her chronicle, she doesn't need to use it; on the flipside, if the ST loves it, he can

    grab it, use it and modify it as he pleases.


    An offshoot of Hydromancy and Pyromancy blended with the forms of Terramancy,this "para-Elemancy" utilizes the forces of frigid cold and stasis.

    * Chill Touch: The phoenix's body temperature drops drastically with this power.

    The Eternal can withstand extremes of cold without risking exposure. By touching

    another, she can induce mild hypothermia, causing the target to shiver uncontrollably(the target must make a Willpower roll to be able to take any action).

    (Stamina + Cryomancy, difficulty 5. Only one success is needed to activate this.

    When using this power, the Eternal is immune to extreme cold temperatures.)

    ** Stasis: The target of this power will become temporarily "frozen," unable to move.

    Living beings are paralyzed, inanimate objects become stuck. Objects in motion will

    not change their state of motion, but things such as birds will be unable to controltheir flight.

    (Strength + Cryomancy, difficulty 6. Successes determine the number of turns thesubject is frozen. Beings with Willpower can roll Willpower, difficulty 6 plus the

    number of successes gained by the Eternal [maximum 10] to attempt to break free of

    the paralysis. This roll can only be made once.)

    *** Mercury Falling: The Eternal can now drop the temperature of the air around

    herself. The intense cold can send even opponents used to arctic temperatures into

    convulsive fits of shivering, and ice-over the ground to make movement treacherous.

    (Dexterity + Cryomancy, difficulty 7. Those within twenty feet of the Eternal must

    make a Stamina roll, difficulty 8. For each success less than the Eternal, the othersuffers a -1 penalty to all dice pools from shivering due to the intense cold, even if theother leaves the area of cold. These penalties last for a number of combat turns equal

    to the successes rolled. The ground around the Eternal in this area will become slick

    and treacherous from ice, raising difficulties of all movement-based actions by one.This ice melts as normal when the cold ends.)

    **** Ice Weaver: This power allows the phoenix to freeze great amounts of water

    very quickly, even in the air. This can be used to create ice bridges across water,

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    condense and freeze water to trip or bind opponents, or create a slick surface for fast

    getaways. With a successful attack, this power can even freeze blood. This Right can

    also be used on existing ice to "weave" its shape as the Eternal desires.

    (Dexterity + Cryomancy, difficulty 7. If used to freeze water, the successes rolled

    determine how much water is frozen; one success will freeze a gallon, while five

    could block a river. When shaping ice, the number of successes determines how wellthe Eternal achieves the desired shape. More intricate shapes and larger amounts of

    ice will increase the number of successes needed to achieve the desired goal.

    Ice Weaver can be used as a contact attack if an Eternal has extra actions or splits a

    Dexterity + Brawl dice pool. Each success inflicts one health level of damage as the

    target's blood freezes. Vampires suffer an additional harm -- each success freezes one

    Blood Point. To use a frozen Blood Point, the vampire must spend an extra BloodPoint to melt the frozen blood.)

    ***** Rage of Wendigo: By summoning the power of the great frozen wastelandsthe Eternal can trap her foe in a blinding, tearing ice storm that can rip flesh, shatter

    bones and armor and chill even the hottest blood.(Strength + Cryomancy, difficulty 8. Rage of Wendigo has two forms -- an assaultagainst a single target, which can be dodged as a firearms attack at +2 difficulty, or an

    area of effect equal to five feet in radius for every point of the Eternal's Memory,

    which can be resisted with Willpower, difficulty 8. Remaining successes determinedamage on the Elemental Attack Damage Table; this damage is aggravated.)


    A truly bizarre Birthright, this power allows the Eternal to copy the powers of other

    supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness.

    Doppelganger does not have its own, individual powers (though the phoenix mustspend experience points to advance in levels the same as any other Birthright).

    Instead, at each level the Eternal can attempt to "doppelganger," or copy, a power he

    has witnessed or is witnessing from other supernatural beings, such as Disciplines,Gifts, Arcanoi and Arts. For the first power at each level, the phoenix must first

    succeed on a Memory roll of difficulty 8. Then she must roll Intelligence +

    Doppelganger, difficulty of five plus the power's level. Three successes are needed onthis roll. If the rolls are successful, the phoenix can now duplicate the power by

    spending a number of Experience points equal to the power's level times 7.

    Sphere magick effects can be copied, but they are only copied one effect at a time,and the highest Sphere level in the effect determines the effect's "level." Copied

    Sphere effects are not susceptible to Paradox. Also, changeling cantrips that are

    copied are considered to have the same Realm "attached" to the Art as the initialeffect, no matter the level of the Realm. Only the Art's level is counted. For example,

    Sasha attempts to copy a changeling's Primal 1, Prop 2 cantrip. After making her

    Memory roll, she must roll her Intelligence + Doppelganger against a difficulty of 6(the Art's level plus five) and then spend 7 experience points. Sasha's player makes a

    note that the Art effect uses the Prop 2 Realm.

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    More than one power can be learned at each level, but the experience point cost is

    doubled at each level for each power beyond the first at that level (for instance, an

    Eternal trying to duplicate a vampire's Dominate 1 when he already has a level oneGarou Gift must spend 14 experience points to copy the Discipline; the next power

    will cost 28 points! This might lead to some interesting situations where higher level

    powers cost less than lower level ones, but such is life). Also, the cost for raising alevel in the Doppelganger Birthright is current level times 9. During character

    creation, Doppelganger can be taken at a cost of one dot for each two initial dots

    assigned to it, or fourteen freebie points per dot.

    When utilizing copied powers, an Eternal will not have some of the Traits called for.

    When an expenditure is called for, replace Rage, Gnosis, Pathos and Blood with

    Willpower or Memory, player's option. When a trait roll is called for, replace Rage,Gnosis and Arete with Memory. When rolling for a wraithly Arcanos, replace the

    Arcanos rating with Doppelganger.


    Considered by some to be an Elemancy and not by others, this Birthright unlocks the

    powers of blood. Links between this ultra-rare Birthright and the vampiric Disciplineof Thaumaturgy's Path of Blood are often rumored but never have been proven.

    * Chiron's Eyes: The Eternal can discern medical knowledge about the "patient,"including latent problems like asthma and heart trouble. It can also, with closer

    examination, reveal supernatural details, such as Clan, Tribe and the like. It can also

    identify blood type, the person the blood came from and relative age of blood stains.

    (Perception + Hemomancy, difficulty 5. One success will reveal basic information

    like blood type and age. Two successes will tell if the target is a supernatural creature

    in addition to routine mundane medical knowledge. Three successes will reveal

    relative power levels of supernatural creatures, such as "low rank" or "elder" inaddition to giving a complete medical picture of the target, as if the Eternal had

    performed a medical examination. Four successes will reveal the Clan, Tribe or other

    group of the target as well as medical conditions that would require in-depth tests.Five successes will tell the Eternal the exact generation of a vampire as well as its

    lineage, the Pure Breed rating of a werewolf and its ancestors and the like, as well as

    revealing medical information no modern medical test can yet show.)

    ** Blood Rush: The Eternal, utilizing the techniques of "biofeedback," can release

    great amounts of endorphins and adrenaline into her system. This can boost Physical

    attributes, reduce or cancel dice penalties, and temporarily raise Willpower.

    (Stamina + Hemomancy, difficulty 6. Each success can raise a Physical Attribute byone, reduce a Health Level dice penalty by one die, or give one extra temporary point

    of Willpower, even if this goes beyond the character's maximum.)

    *** Purify Blood: The phoenix can cure diseases within himself and others, remove

    toxins and purify supernatural taint (to a limited degree). This can not heal damage,but used in combination with healing powers or medical attention, this Right can

    assure a complete return to health free of infection or complication.

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    (Intelligence + Hemomancy, difficulty 7; required successes are based on the toxin,

    disease or taint level. Common colds and ailments, minor poisons and alcohol and

    minor Wyrm taint require only one success. Venereal diseases, drug overdoses andstronger Wyrm taint require three successes, and life-threatening diseases, nerve

    toxins and Bane possession require five. A vampire's ghoul can actually be "cured"

    with this power, but the difficulty is 8 and four successes are needed.)**** Transfusion: This power allows the phoenix to manipulate blood from a

    distance, transferring it from one person to another in a mystical, invisible

    transfusion, from a person into a vessel, or from a vessel into a person. It can alsocause damage by making the target bleed (this is particularly effective against


    (Dexterity + Hemomancy, difficulty 7. Each success allows for the transfer of oneBlood Point [see Vampire; normal humans have 10 Blood Points]. When used as a

    weapon, each success causes the loss of one Blood Point (normal humans have 10)

    and one Health Level of damage because of this loss; the damage can be soaked asnormal by vampires [but the loss of Blood can not] but humans must suffer the Health


    ***** Vengeance of Varnae: The final power of Hemomancy ruins and destroysblood by evaporating it or turning it into toxic sludge. Those targeted by this power

    had better have friendly gods. . . .

    (Strength + Hemomancy, difficulty 8. Damage caused by this power can be soaked,

    but the difficulty is 9. Remaining successes determine aggravated damage on the

    Elemental Attack Damage Table in Phoenix.)


    Probably developed by Eternal dealing with the Lycanthropes and Gangrel parasites,Zoanimism grants the phoenix understanding of and command over animals.

    * Understanding of St. Francis: The first Right gifts the Eternal with the ability to

    empathically understand the animal mind and communicate through impulse andimage. Animals (gifted with different, not necessarily lower intelligences) do not

    communicate with words and sequential thought patterns; they can give answers to

    properly put questions, but only about things that would concern them.

    (Perception + Zoanimism, difficulty 5. Three successes are required to hold a

    "conversation" with the desired animal. Less will allow the Eternal to communicate,

    but the conversation will be short and the animal's speech will seem strange orgarbled. More successes will allow the Eternal to understand shadings of meaning

    beyond just the words and images. This Right must be used each time the Eternal

    wishes to communicate with a different individual animal.)

    ** Call of the Green Man: By concentrating upon the kinship of spirit all living

    things possess, the Eternal can send out a mystic call to a specific species of animal

    and bring those animals to him.

    (Charisma + Zoanimism, difficulty 6. As with the Beckoning power of the Animalism

    discipline, the number of successes gained determines the maximum number of

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    animals of the particular type called that come to the Eternal, though the phoenix can

    be more specific.

    Successes Animals summoned

    1 A single animal

    2 One-quarter of those present

    3 Half the animals present4 Three-quarters of those present

    5 All the animals respond

    The Eternal has no special control over the animals that respond to the Call, but the

    animals will at least be favorably disposed.)

    *** Medicine Aspect: This Right allows the phoenix to adopt one aspect of ananimal, such as a cat's balance, a wolf's sense of smell, a hawk's eyes or a bat's ears.

    This causes a partial shapeshift in the phoenix's body, causing the affected body part

    to resemble the animal's.

    (Dexterity + Zoanimism, difficulty 7. Three successes on this roll allows the Eternal

    to raise one Attribute by one for purposes of one application only [such as a cat'sbalance for Dexterity, a hawk's sight for Perception, or a wolf's endurance forStamina], taking on the features of an animal associated with the quality. This change

    lasts until the Eternal wishes to dismiss it.

    A botch on this roll means the Eternal gains the feature of the animal, but not theassociated quality. This lasts for one scene.)

    **** Kinship of the Beast: The Eternal's understanding of animal thought has

    developed to the point where the phoenix can meld her mind to an animal's,effectively shifting her consciousness to the animal and "borrowing" the animal's

    body. The Eternal can then use the animal's body as her own, leaving her own body in

    a state of deep trance. The minds of the phoenix and the animal blend to a greater orlesser degree, melding rational thought to instinct.

    (Intelligence + Zoanimism, difficulty 7. Each success allows the Eternal a greater

    degree of access to her own powers and free will.


    Cannot use Birthrights, nearly total animal instinct.


    Cannot use Birthrights, animal instinct, can use Willpower to override instinct for one turn.


    Can use level one Birthrights, can override instinct with Willpower roll, difficulty 7.


    Can use Birthrights up to level three, rational thought.


    Can use all Birthrights, total rational thought.

    Upon returning to her own body the character must make a Memory roll, difficulty of

    her Discord to avoid thinking in terms of the animal she has left for a number ofhours equal to her Discord.)

    ***** Zoomorph: The final Right of Zoanimism allows the phoenix to adopt the

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    shape of an animal. Several major differences are present between this power and

    Kinship of the Beast. First, the Eternal retains use of all Birthrights and rational

    thought. Second, the phoenix can come back from this shape without having to makea Memory roll. Third, the Eternal does not leave a vulnerable body behind. A phoenix

    using this Right can maintain animal form for one hour per dot of permanent

    Memory.(Stamina + Zoanimism, difficulty 8. Three successes are required for a one-turn

    shapeshift. For each success less than three, one more turn of time is required.

    Reversion takes one round.)

    Alternate Powers for Existing Birthrights

    The powers given in the Birthright listings are not the only Rights; many others exist,

    some created by small groups of phoenixes, others by individuals. To learn these new

    powers from others costs the same as learning the "main" powers; Eternal developingtheir own new powers must spend two extra experience points when developing the

    Right.Aeromancy: * Noxious Vapor: The phoenix can summon up a putrid odor to gagopponents. This odor is harmless but pervasive and noisome. The vapor can be

    dispelled by strong wind or Aeromancy-style powers.

    (Stamina + Aeromancy, difficulty 5. Each success will fill an area of roughly 5 cubicfeet. Those caught in the vapor are at -1 to all dice pools until the smell dissipates,

    usually three or four turns. Natural winds or Aeromancy-created breezes can disperse

    the vapor more quickly.)

    Electromancy: ** Shadow Play: Related to the vampiric Discipline of

    Obtenebration, this power allows the phoenix to weave and warp areas of darkness.

    (Dexterity + Electromancy, difficulty 6. Successes determine the size of the shadowcontrolled and the degree of the Eternal's control over it; a shadow the size of the

    character's own requires two successes. A shadow can not be used to attack or move

    objects, but the visual effects can serve as distractions or cover.)

    Hydromancy: ** Legacy of Moses: The phoenix with this power can control liquid

    substances, shaping them and moving them up, down and around with will alone.

    Liquids can be "levitated" with this Right but cannot be "phased" or "teleported".

    (Dexterity + Hydromancy, difficulty 6. One success can shape a puddle, three a large

    bathtubful, five a small swimming pool. Those with great degrees of skill can controleven larger bodies.)

    Pyromancy: ***** Morph Warp: Fire is the Element of change. This power callsupon that association in a nearly uncontrolled shift of form.

    (Dexterity + Pyromancy, difficulty 8. The character may spend a Willpower point to

    control some aspect of the change, for instance, mineral into animal or red to blue;

    more than one point may be spent this way. The target may resist Morph Warp with aWillpower roll, difficulty 8. Only one remaining success is needed for Morph Warp

    to take effect; success indicates that a radical change has occurred in the target along

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    the guidelines set by the phoenix. If no guidelines are given, the change is completely

    random; Storytellers are welcome to be . . . creative.)

    Terramancy: **** Wraithform: This power gives the Eternal the ability to become

    "insubstantial," controlling his solidity and shifting "out of phase" with the world

    around him. This renders the phoenix immune to physical damage, but incapable of

    affecting the physical world. In this form, the phoenix moves by exerting her will,allowing her to "phase" through objects, walls, floors and ceilings while also allowing

    her to remain standing on floors or sit in chairs.

    (Stamina + Terramancy, difficulty 7. Success allows the character to remain

    insubstantial for one turn; the phoenix may choose to become solid again sooner.

    Actions that would require rolls of Strength, Dexterity or Stamina in this state call for

    Intelligence, Wits or Perception, respectively.)

    Akasha: **** Fetish Binding: With this power the phoenix has the ability to bind a

    spirit into a prepared item, thus creating a magickal tool known as a fetish. See theWerewolf Storyteller's Handbook for more details.

    (Intelligence + Akasha, difficulty 7. Only one success is needed, but five successesmight cause an unexpected and beneficial side effect. As with all Akasha powers, thisonly works with spirit denizens of the Middle and High Umbras, not with wraiths or


    Anamnesis: **** Phantom Speech: With this Right, an Eternal can speak with andhear the Phantoms of another Eternal. This power has been developed in recent

    centuries as an attempt to unify Eternal, but it finds its main use in locating Tyro


    The psyche of an Eternal generally does not notice anything untoward when this

    Right is being used upon him, unless the user must go rooting around in the target's

    Memory. The range for this power is only ten yards.(Charisma + Anamnesis, difficulty varies. If the Eternal knows the Phantom she

    wishes to contact and has had contact before, the difficulty is only 3. If the Eternal

    knows of the Phantom, but has not had contact, the difficulty is 5. If the phoenix iscontacting a Phantom at random, the difficulty is 7. In this case, the psyche may make

    a Perception + Awareness roll, difficulty of the intruding phoenix's Willpower to

    notice the intrusion.

    This Right's effects last as long as the target Eternal is within range. Should the target

    leave range, the contact is broken and must be reestablished.

    This Right might also be used to contact the past lives of mages with the Past Life

    merit, or shifters with the Past Life background.)Concord: *** Watchtower: Rather than dealing with existing Discord, this Rightallows a phoenix to fight off its advances in himself by erecting a mental fortress of


    (Intelligence + Concord, difficulty of the phoenix's Discord +3. Each success allowsthe phoenix to fight off a point of temporary Discord as if he had spent a point of


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    Nemesis: **** Cassandra: Not everyone who uses Nemesis is doing so out of the

    goodness of her heart. This nasty power inflicts a terrible curse upon soothsayers,

    whether Eternal, fae, magi, mortal or otherwise: no one will believe the prophet. Usedon normal people, this makes targets look like terrible liars and can ruin their


    (Manipulation + Nemesis, difficulty 8. For one scene per success, the target will notbe believed by anyone he or she speaks to. This means any prophecies will be

    ignored, advice will go unheeded and attempts to convince anyone will automatically

    fail. When the effects of this Right end, no one will remember anything having beenstrange no matter how much the former target tries to insist that something was


    Psyche: * Freudian Slip: By causing a momentary confusion in the target's mind, thephoenix can cause her to blurt out secrets, embarrass herself or force her to bungle

    important concentration.

    (Manipulation + Psyche, difficulty of the target's Willpower. Interesting slip-ups are

    the part and parcel of this Right, and the Storyteller is encouraged to ham it up in theeffects.)

    New Backgrounds

    A Storyteller wishing to generate a certain "flavor" in his chronicle can open up newbackgrounds to Eternal characters in an effort to bring them more into line with the

    established "theme". For example, an ST running a Werewolf chronicle might wish to

    allow phoenixes access to the Totem or Jamak backgrounds.

    Some of the backgrounds that might be appropriate are as follows:

    Vampire: Herd (a group of people who help the Eternal regain Memory), Clan Status

    (for a particularly successful parasite impersonator, perhaps one with Hemomancy).

    Werewolf: Totem or Jamak (spirits that have allied with the Eternal in question),

    Secrets (everybody learns something useful), Umbral Maps (some Eternal spend a lotof time in the spirit worlds).

    Mage: Avatar (a particularly strong connection to the Elements, perhaps useable in

    the Umbra somehow).

    Wraith: Memoriam (something that helps a phoenix regain memory, perhaps

    something the character created in a past life).

    Changeling: Dreamers (the same as Herd, above), Retinue (fae or fae-allied people

    like Dreamers or Herd), Title (the character is particularly important to the


    Freeform Birthrights

    This is an expansion on the system mentioned in passing in Phoenix. It is an optionalsystem that can replace the standard power-per-level method. This method is very

    reminiscent of the Sphere magick of Mage or the Wu Tan of the hsien, found in Land

    of Eight Million Dreams.

  • 7/27/2019 A Phoenix Player's Handbook


    Instead of having individual, standard Rights, the Eternal has control over a certain

    aspect of the universe. By combining influences the Eternal can cause a change in the

    world around himself. With Terramancy, the phoenix has reign over Earth and solidthings; with Aeromancy he can control air and gaseous substances.

    The method for defining an "effect" is a multiple-step process. The player must

    describe what she intends to do. The Storyteller must then determine which Elementsare being affected, and then set a difficulty for the change in each Element. For

    example, if the player wishes to change a pine board into a stake and throw it at a

    vampire with a gust of wind, the Storyteller would determine that this is a combinedeffect of Earth, to transform the wood, and Air, to throw it.

    Difficulties are set according to how drastic the change is in the established situation.

    Transformations would have difficulties based upon how much of the substance isbeing transmuted, and how different the end result is. Damage difficulty would be

    determined not according to a strike roll, but how much damage the player wishes to

    inflict; the more damage, the harder it is. Movement and manipulation difficultieswould be determined by how much of a substance is being manipulated, how long

    and how far. A difficulty must be set for each Element used in the effect.

    Once the difficulties are set, the player then rolls the character's rating in eachElemancy against the set difficulty for that Element. Complete success means the

    change happens just as the player describes. Failure on one Elemancy roll means that

    the effect is only partially complete. Total failure means nothing happens. A botchmeanssomethinghappens, just not what the Eternal wanted.

    A further expansion of this system toward complete freeform magic treats non-

    elemantic Birthrights as controlling a particular "element" of their own; Akashacontrols spirit, Anamnesis controls memory, Concord controls emotions and Discord,

    Nemesis controls luck, fate and entropy, and Psyche controls minds. By adding these

    factors to the philosophies of each Element a player can create non-physical effects aswell.

    This system is only recommended for experienced Phoenix players and Storytellers,

    or those familiar with Mage or the hsien. Ideas for effects and difficulties can befound in those two sourcebooks.


    No work is truly complete without credit being given where it is due. Phoenix is

    lacking in this area; that is corrected here.

    For Phoenix Player's Handbook

    Written by: Corvus

    Additional Material by: Theadeus Shaffer, Adam J. Solis

    Playtesters: Corvus, Theadeus Shaffer, Tessei Masters, J. D. Stephens

  • 7/27/2019 A Phoenix Player's Handbook


    For Phoenix: The Eternal

    Created by: Corvus

    Written by: Corvus

    Additional Material by: Theadeus Shaffer, Tessei Masters, J. D. StephensPlaytesters: Corvus, Theadeus Shaffer, Tessei Masters, J. D. Stephens