a new era

https://www.google.es/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiv3fKdkpH LAhXDPRoKHXHhCQQQFggiMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbooks.google.com%2Fbooks %2Fabout%2FReimagining_Social_Movements.html%3Fid %3DmlmUBAAAQBAJ&usg=AFQjCNH9wDQThcJFhDtorjW8VK-fMSh-jA&sig2=hO5fvf6NYYp- AbuTbognhQ Polar tensions btw the global and regional gatekeepers of financial flows and individuals affected by the scalar proportions of these impacts. Effects of these systemic and vertical processes of fragmentation. These processes undermine fragile integrative social mechanisms challenged by the sentiments of individuals and their subjective self-understandings, expressed in multiplying collectives. …individuals seek to deepen a given public commitment in reference to their own subjective experiences through affirmative inter-subjective relations with others. Relationship between personal identity and contemporary expressions of collective action. Farro argues that there are three principal features of late-modern collective movements. The first consists of processes of self- affirmation pursued by individuals in order to understand personal freedoms in the face of systemic forces impacting their lives… ..experiment with individual freedoms and create powerful and pervasive intersubjective relationships. In these new living constructs, individuals engaged in the development of these activities reinforce the construction of their personal identities while, at the same time, sharing in the creation of a collective identity characterized by opposition and a search for alternatives to the powers that be? Such relationships extend to oppose the fragmentation present in the instability of the lives and the group. Therefore movements’ participants try to construct alternative relationships to the fragmentation of social life, fragmentation that is improved by the precariousness of lives of individuals and groups. They create attempts to experiment with an alternative sociability to one connected to fragmentary forms of social life and socialization, but which, before neo-liberal globalization, were part of the context of systemic integration of relationships btw individuals and groups made up of different and opposing social classes, interest groups and cultural orientations.

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Post on 13-Apr-2016




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Page 1: A New Era


Polar tensions btw the global and regional gatekeepers of financial flows and individuals affected by the scalar proportions of these impacts.

Effects of these systemic and vertical processes of fragmentation. These processes undermine fragile integrative social mechanisms challenged by the sentiments of individuals and their subjective self-understandings, expressed in multiplying collectives.

…individuals seek to deepen a given public commitment in reference to their own subjective experiences through affirmative inter-subjective relations with others.

Relationship between personal identity and contemporary expressions of collective action.Farro argues that there are three principal features of late-modern collective movements. The first consists of processes of self-affirmation pursued by individuals in order to understand personal freedoms in the face of systemic forces impacting their lives…

..experiment with individual freedoms and create powerful and pervasive intersubjective relationships. In these new living constructs, individuals engaged in the development of these activities reinforce the construction of their personal identities while, at the same time, sharing in the creation of a collective identity characterized by opposition and a search for alternatives to the powers that be?

Such relationships extend to oppose the fragmentation present in the instability of the lives and the group. Therefore movements’ participants try to construct alternative relationships to the fragmentation of social life, fragmentation that is improved by the precariousness of lives of individuals and groups. They create attempts to experiment with an alternative sociability to one connected to fragmentary forms of social life and socialization, but which, before neo-liberal globalization, were part of the context of systemic integration of relationships btw individuals and groups made up of different and opposing social classes, interest groups and cultural orientations.

These initiatives therefore develop in dual contexts, characterized by the separation of the time and space between the agency of systemic forces and the actions of individuals affected by the fragmentation of social life.

By sharing in the development of these events, these participants feel part of general Alterglobal activity simultaneously conducted by actors whose aims are individual liberation from the pervasive forces of systemic power, the affirmation of their own rights, and control over the direction of global development.