a n n h ard in g ’ ii in r eno t o consulting i h iil m ake f ig h...

1 - T H VOL. 17, N“ o. 205.' - BOiHCILS A' IH iil 1 iPlBPm ?■ Idahoan Challenges N. Y. M Committeeman's Advice; ffi For Revolt of Young and |H Liberal G. 0. P. Elements M toy Tlie AMOclsttrt rrev<) 'iK WASHINGTON. Dcc. 1 -A T O revolt i)y yoanK nntl lilwrnl [ r i Rcpublicarf oRiiwnts to forco j n ‘‘comiilclc rooj-Kanir.alioii” of llic party for the IftoG cam-' ; r linijfli \v;m jllMlHlrL'll li> ' , T Senalor Hornli. _____ _ j _ Tlic Malio l{cpt'Wiwn dr-, . mamied what he said could Iw ^ called n ‘‘rovolution ' unless (lir (nti.‘rm>Uyn row In control ^ \ -ho:il..i.nn:ctinc-in.oncr to.cooix-rntct . \ lo that rnd. Ill a stntpmnit conimfn»n« on ft. proposiil ol Clinrlps D. HlUi*. Iiiiblle.-vn ' nnllonal ronimlitfomnn; fnm Vork. tUnt Use mny pinrd iiRnm.'l. rcbrs.iniMllon. Ir.Mit f KMiit 111 factloniil cluiov Diirdli in *1 clinllpnsnl Clinlrnmn llrnry Ll P. FlPlchPr riiKl llic lllllr.' Rfoiii> to' --iiriH-n--'plpbl‘<-llo'.uiMliey~bclt=ml— 4 thP rank nnd file did iioC rfcJirr n j ChanRC. . I'U Only Onf Allfrnallra ---- T\Tmurt-to-bPitfvMli<‘y-wlil-»ii>i-R|an[ be InnK led In cloiibl.'’ he nucrtftl, ,-^lM hfA e ggnt'rmcn In •a (!n, m ’t /.rr ll. nr.d lhal Ls 'to CK 'M" a iif,v orK:ii'.l7ai;oii, " 'llfiTr ar> jniii'.x nrptitiliran- ------- dlit)’ all O'.cr llir fo:!nlry which ,] soiiiti (orm Ih" mirlrus ol Mich a . n:ovrmnil which woiilci f"nd rrprc- f,,, ,, f<'n 1anvp^ 10 n rotnmon iiK<'!inK, I)!!!!*)* anrt f!i*ctn clinlrni.m nnrt com -, Jn.-iMuic h.- did nol wanl n "Ililrd : I'u riv 1)111 n new Il-'i)iil)llran pnriy. 1 Non Unrnh .snlrt 111' Mand luobably ’iould. id.iho be liitrriirclcd a? "rovolullon" l,^lnrlll ' Hia (10.-S lint llip iirc'cni oltiia- m lion ju'tijy rrvo’mion?” he_n^krd nniifU •('slfj. Fot Arlion - "ir ihis I'nol done then Uk* i),iriy hnnds nntl undrr Hip control o[ a n ;)' ' orcanl.-j'tion whicn h.is Iom ihc]' . . coiiflflPnci' 0/ Olf r«nJf «nrf tlie ijijtll wn approacl^ itie nallonttl conven-] lion. This Jttuniton oup'n lo 1« dealt t Wllh at once.- I litrn.p Tf.;' DoTSh . '.-itrmpnt *p "-d ■>»-, Unilfv the factional d;fferciicp.'\. in 1 nen'i''!''-:'" rnnkv As f«r ns the srn- a’l'T " *lp lr. concernPrt, the Inrippcnflpnis t nro row about on nn •'tjunl ba.'lsl nnnii-.-ically wuh the rraulais andi It would not i>nrftrl^« snmr pollUcal! otaervcrs to Mn ihr'formi^fTaTiSlaanrh n " r " TTf • '• HMt- In nn?nn<?nrtnn i.^oon 1 dhou!d the imriy remain .Hro:ii;ly aiii'nai conscrvatlvr. iionna Kvrr Mnco thr faslrrn rluM wins wns ru plpm.-ril dlclatrd la«t summrr the Th“ lOnti-iuPd on race 0, Coi. Ci ’’‘i flBGEiiriiS i Jimipftcii! _____ .'inow^t Internalional Conference al 1 'Budapest Draws to g “‘' Dramatic Close , , —r- 8Ai; m nArK.'iT, «nnsar.», nw. I (,T>> Th«' ic —Tlif IntprnalJiiMal whtat rnn- ertd ,• (rrrnrr tlrrw lo a dramallc rlo^p Ulali liidav wllli a rlr.ir rui rrftiMj.or nitdinL; Arzcutlna furlhrr In br Iwuntl liy «.,y prnvl.lons «t llic 193J "lirat | part, j------- Thi;< in-- futurr c-inliiil of world! whral iiiodiielioii I'i'.il tradp 1.^ itil ‘ Tlic .•(•n>atln!i;ii pi-.ilinff of 'tlici' ‘Me ronlrrrncr cnnic diirinK ft f^crct] n nicctiiii! 1‘inlxlit. It v ' Icnfncd.! oO when lioilollo tiiirri;i:irian of Ar«en-! linn,' ntv.' whm aiiutunlcd lo ii j.pc- 11 ond ulUni.iiuin. UfclarM ruir fnfilr ; .-p, Aflrr l)c.;riK umlrr iumuk- by thi-' ' y oiiir-s of lho "bli: Iom' —il»' Uniirtl; If.',',' ' Stales. Canadn, mid AuMMlta-a-,; ■,u;i nnlloil. »l» .’nmnjoii/'ri lo !))'• J))rn:i;is for .■evrra); ,g| ^ hnurs, ('..-irciaarln'' to:<! lhe c o iilrr-,' ,, • lirr liis.unlton WQuitl nnt Ix- l>ouiid , •bv Ulc pact bi'cniiri'-ncrrai:!' rcoiic-' lion, which wa* ihe basH t)f allot- ' nirnu, tailed <luriiii: 1D31 and would ' 0,„. rent vrar out ol tli,. fineMlini uo'a-. ‘ '' bul Inter Inforniatloii r- vraird a nrw' I'roxram to base luiure quniai o n '‘”!‘ ' ' ‘^ drmar,.l i„mpi,i ,,;,»iiini(>n ha-.^ nnf h^'fT di-/li;irc!v fo'nmlnfrd, , , “"'''d Th» nipmbprs nf th'- b!s four nre- iint exiirft-d 10 CPt tr-.-ilier again I >«'-'in'' until Janiiiirv tn l.oniloii, whrii ,ilx! month* o! Ihr cro|i yrar.wlll h,i\( ^'uinill bern hinory, . ' - - ' 'W'licd --------------- -"f Caos.irian Gppration ' Fatal To T'Kress ■ I I Mddcned by thp drtlh o( lii-r llitrr Of ihrcfi kliteiu. t\lne-year.ol<) 8u^lr, protirt Bensnl ilwcvi. died to- day in a Clcvelnnet roA. ' , ■nvo vrtrrttiariaii.^ worked l6 '''iC • ' homs Inst Wrdnesdnylo drll-.er tlic "*•' flr»t lwo of lhe lltrre«' kltteiK, And "Vn f,ii!rH‘'nr7iv: K- r .ftvfcinFfi-to“-‘’‘«‘'<'''- I’rrlnrm the oi-ernllon lo drlivey the Ifn-fd. third.......................................... "•■'0 • For two day' .Sti'lp rolled 'Ilch:- *’i'' ' ‘'J Iv, fed Wllh .1 M.- I'lhr,' 1 fttlon. bll! i . r - . "-.ll.'. I..i,i',lv'.l'l in City Edition ^ ] ieT tv AMOm'ITO Ann Harding’ Ii Make Fight Fo ANN lIAntHSG B E iirii -fifflmipjS Bianket-orWhite'"Appears-;2 in Soulliern tdaho..Nor-" I m-- thorn Utah ! » in , __ . . I I>!’’ '•I ........ ■' i ri-' iHv T h ' 'i.-:.-,t-;l P r c ^ ) . i.-r i Flood*, tulles anil Upa\«^Mio«* : iii<i-i. f,il1 dotlf.l llir ,Mu .rlr,.ri wralhfr 1 |;,,i map laM niclil tbr Missouri linr v.illr>- .nnlinurd In dig out of lU ii- ;(|i TbaiiWlvInt »nn»Morni.' = i Tiv North-.ril’ Utah nnd joiilhrni . Id.iho tvcrhcd snow H.ilurtiay, -iiv : "'* '' ,'lfirin which Fndaj n u h t dr|WMt<d ,< fno nicLrs Pl sni.,v i li llic arra ern- tiniird without c-n-’.iiii; i6 '.he Kraii- ;x.i(ioii o’ .'flifiim <uj(l (locdftKU ^ ' ' jVnnVira IWi ; Ikti;;,;.' of luiiiuc- I i;mI and lirix:ii:.oii-*Mf r wcro .ih:,. . T^ll-’inj7 '<f''^-'i'^’'''’ ''''nir^li:if'arra ----- rr: as. iradinc^ in,llv Wa'aich moun- tains *honrd ft toi.il-ili'plli Of 411' ''' ' inchrs this fill. Tlic raitcrn rlnpc ot'the Altc-lH.,'‘ lih-nle.1 In Ihc rCBlim ol M Jrllas-' NiT. V’,. Va. '--rr^ ^ -- 1- 1 .>irr-aiiv. rov ..udd'nlv to 'Ictal ■!., "p: a'.vr ft 3.UI iiirh ir. how.. ^v, Flood Theralrn»‘ j I*'" ’ Already loakcd wilh ft wrh.s rami,.11, Ihc .'i.rlh wa...unabk' lo ,” "'' iTanrirmcrfnTitrttic' rTra'.TT.m-n:p*p:f^,' soon ram d (ho fl;ro:i thri'at. 7(10 SlR'llandoallTiw' w uH j 1«; aboU- . nonnal jouth of .^^artln^bllr^; niidl,,,",! wns rLsm; one fool each lll'llr, ^r,",'ul: Th“ POioniac nt dam niinibi'r font ]' J),,'; w;as ri'iioricd lt> have rL-.^'ii ivi't with tin.- c ro t ol the Ilood ii<>t tx- 'lor^iti ]xct«l lo n'acli then' nnlll today, i^pr, Uoth riv.-rs xurkvd o itr tush'.'.iy.s in ‘:l»l^d loiv-lylMff wcilni« but wither, body wrioas (lamavc. _____ Orri.'<ifi coast towa*, 'icr<rroiiairi:i[:------ diinian'- done Friday vvluii one i-I f " ~ Ihc worst Kales of the .va.Mni laslu d I the -coi'ithr.fT-Yf^rtrrdaj—a -n m n s - ------- sno'AAtorm i)l!cd mica' fix firi dc'p ' in Crntcr Like Nallonal )>,«rk. All huhway.^ blocked in Mi.s'o;iri ] by tlK- •I'hanliSKivlns Morrn had l>rn ' cicareci and normal tialfic re.suriad, J P»ll Lake Storm Center K 8AI.T ukf ; city . I> c, i t - V Th«' U'y'‘;x\-tre. ol wintrr mai;*:',- ' fred ,s;ii-.iiiiKllcaIly nn:i;;, ;p Ulah and roulhern W,,ho iiir,:.'i';;, \ aitdin>; ll>_ llir liu'l;f.s of .sim ll^it havr /ullcj)' ...Hif.,' thr blanket laid ou'i-' thu i, \ ^unlitiiii;,I Oli i ' , j ‘M ercy Slayer’ of Son Sentenced lo D eath in E n g la n d j •l.KEl)y, Knsf.iiid. |),r, i v. Mr.s. Mav Itrownhill-cj . ,>;,t i!rey-li,.iierl mid Irail I'wLi-. ^fll|pnfp^l n. i>o hnilRrct lor thr 'm-Tcy ii'.urdrr" of licr laib cilej A Jiliy Mhk'h Herded o;i!v f.vel iillliuici-.lU-UnUi.iit;t_5udty..,iituti;-!' rnrnded ihal s!ip bi- .shO'Aii m riri.l The w'Aiiiaiii. alter 30 ycari .spinv! iiurslhK her i:nt«-eilc .sr)ii,ix.iii-. K-i-.e I inhi 10(1 re;!/iivi- i,,l,|el. iind tan.nh ;in till- Kiis .v.iun 'lie i:-..ii;-i ;d she 'ncid ;ui npi'jatinn ih.ii iniKlii COM her lilc, 1. iflK- fraird ll);il Drni.i, [pli .il.i.,,. ;• n"i;)d -s)j/;rr nji.ii ;i jijn '.jn.vo ;d a "Mfliablc iuniR iieaih, r. u;i;, cMiIied. , I MVj,. liroiMihill li.a;d the \r:<i .: i •luinilly. he:ul rrrri. A.'.kerl ;rrl • . 'Wshell 111 adtlre.'s ihc imu:; « 'i ' ' '.^;d"f <(fil K.hl 'innev,' ' ' i ! e The judne, who under Kni::i.'li l l ' ' ! 'j r lad lu.. altriii.ill'.i' bin lo m i i ! ' ' ler to diMlh. told Ihr jurv iu‘ir, -| I, \ ’'‘'^wmaiaM.,uli^;£;lJ^l^^:;c,Jlli,..l \ he proprr aiiihorllic*. ineaninK i!ii-1 | lomo Offlcc.’ ; I ,Tlicndnnniiishivb!ackcapio;ti,-| »sf the /.fntcnce of dealh, t:;r I lUdff/* .'llli},' ; ' j > ' "Wc ha«i- lo i,(kc ihV hnv ii b. { ilway trnirnibcriiiK lhat in <iihi r .! I »Bli(ir-hai.di^ie.-g^.,-.3}^--^cv I I enrlrd. i "No •prr>oh in Ihl.- I'oiintrv h.i. i \ hr ii';i',; i„ uikn Ih"* lif-- <>r .m- ( 'the.' i; i:r;';i lip.ni! W,.'il"- he e; I ' he, .; woyid iM bcltcr lor j w m 1 ------------------- T\V1N-R\ In Reno To For Hct Child; Bioncl Film S(ar Seeks Sole, nr Custody of Six-Ycar j[ Old Daughter . Serf nEN0..1)rr, 1 Mi _ a mr>d;!;ra. • . (lon 0' ttir drrtrr m her lU.i:’ It'-ro' " divo/ce Iri.ni llarry Uuiinl.Mri' tti;icli p uave hi-r.tiie rxcliislvc cnrc. k.ji- ^ in>l nml dj^iwJe pl thrir hix-i-.ir- . ,,, old daiixliti r. Jaiii'. will bo ' U in ll cour! mntion lo bo liird Annc H.irdinic. blonde film >i,.r. said toU.iy. Adiniltinc lhal .she 1.1 prrpaii'd',1 . ,, flRlit f'lr Mile cuMwly of the .h,/.;. ar.rcis laid: .......... .......... ____ .-^as? "1 -.'Mt In RMKiriK't nn nri;V.;.~mfn bu; a;., a mnthrr who w .itu. ..n il cnrl h.is tl. ll,',' lhe rinilt lo biin;: r., ....i,. J)/f rjj;;.) '„ iiir IH>’ . ol lln meul ,.ml .ihihiy. And as a la.e:., ;u..iu.' I.. ;nc that ci'iiri.s li.iie IJ \\;is have ,ii;\iMni: to do wnh lhal, .,i,n] •Hi.; thev dn, aild I niu here 1., j.,..,,! ask t:,'..ii„irt lo nivc me tlie lui.i Th to-xrov-n-tjr.tsyr—------------------------- Mi?.s-Hardiiu:'f;.id her nioiiuii lr, al 1. iiH'illIy till- . \isiini: dccree, w|ii--ii ' ,rl Kivi". her cu lc<lv ol Jane 10 nioiii:,s !■> v «iJt <'ar(j icMr, K//I Oc u:c<t 'tu h.ul the \eiy near lutiire," ni-hl fnticr llle .(Jccrrc, naniilMcr i;"-.' has a ririit to custody ol iho ehiUi ........ I'.so niiiiiili.s out of oacli year. llnm- j,,.,;., hiR.'. atinriiev. said ill coninirnunK .is 'j 0,1 I’^e iMsp lhat "It lr, our tDiil-ii- sova lain !iia; diMded custody ol a ht- tip-iTTl-Tix-ycnr-i-or-aBC-is-iiot--------- cundiu-ar to her weli brins." He M:.s.s lli r d i n c nnri ln:r ■dain.-hiei- burn :;iid, "until this case I.', com- jiliTd.- 11-'-' Aim •H.irdinR-Hafry Iianii:.;. i;.mi;;.Tr. 'lhe defendant, ciiaie i line au'l cMabll.shed a ;,lx-»reL'.' ii” ;i it:e nctrpss. still iirofe.vlni; .'■lie l.ir l((/fi. filed the divoree . mu; n,..,, on i;ie baM.s of his icMileilce ;iiul' 'h, U'nntinued on PnEc C, Co!, il ('('(’ Worker KilJcr Iii^Fall From Train .Vhir! ------- : ------------- ^ ------- :------------------ AVFI'.Y, ld,ihn, D'C, 1 (,1v-Uoyn rorp.* BO.-kr;, iKlietril in fib.-wruii;- r3r|i.s rnics, and h« lo,*-. hL^ hfc lo- ris:. . |'!'li I'v bndy, badly malislcd, wa.s -.Si .,.'..' on the CIUC.1KI', Mllwaukre, JJi, ran; and Panlte railroad truek.-. a: West Avery. Hr had tallen from- "f'' ih- train, officiaL'; .said, dnnne nn aiieiniil lo "beat his w.-iy" Duck to c,im|i F1I7, where lu- wa.s Malinnc:!.! ,, _Camao«lCl^.^^^l'iIL.\rJn^UJnu.^•z:.,, leivcd word his old Job wa^ nwatlini: ... ,. llim n:i;l )■ '• It-fi in invf^tii-i;,' iU- wa.s rrtnminit lo the rami) 'o chcck imi |A'rma;ienily. as is rrcinired by' , revulatlcas. v,|ien hr was killed, : ' l)e;alLs Irnm lhe c'aii';i did nol In- , , rbwJc. iJnvdV. homr or liir' location of hL'. (ormer job, A bro- j,' 1‘ier, Jame.'.'of Il.Kbv, Idaho, wiw - listed ns h;s ncare.'i wlaiivc. Tlic ___ ! body wa.^ brliiK lakcn to'apokanc. ; c !-------------- -The-Now-Jol)-] I 7 :;=;:; } fwmr.\ ■'§ K (.IflT UP ) _ 'ft \ HtRe.v \\N v J^''lls /(W tD O W M ;'t'o T T o A .. I encuwisE, \ &, ,„ if® i 'ACCVRATE \ F A L L i-R\tL3riI)AH0rdL'NUAY-M0H> liil'SEBIESfii UED I SIR ^ I SW lEB^ % Sergei MironovicJ? Kiroff,. J^r.; i influential' Member ' of' Conniiiinist Party, Killed by (/nidcntified Assassin "!!!; _____ I'UI' 'Co|iyrii!lil. in:iv He Tha ' jj A.s*ocialid i’n .si 1,.,,, .IIOSCOU'. !><r J—Ah ;i.s- CiS'iin w.ho tlif Sii'.ii't cnvcrn- -mftib-n-'-ct-led wih--lv4>hWi,v (■Ill'll'.!.'' of thl' ^'■||''kin^' I'liit's" -UMluv-Uaii hini-Iuji'il SiTUfi k \lii'uii.i'.'idi .Kijol'f. i-cM.liitioii- UL “i^mvhn fnr :<tt-ni-h:-> -l(>-yeni'!* _ wiis a nii’nil):r cf the com* j imiiiist iiarlyV imlilical bu- [J I't'aii. • Thl' ava'sln. who sl.'w Kiroff In the ;i.7riv \'i);nuiIMi'i'’“ liesnq;inrt"rT:-U-]|-v al l.'-ninunid. w.i,-- eapHired bv So- i.rl i^o’ .lce. U.-siH;e the qiiesllimins R 1.. vlilch he was Mibinittrd, he Ullll tm! hern i/I.-jjI'UmJ lalP lo-- A' onr of the nhie member' of the v-.'|i;rril bureau whirli make.s the m -.-i.ions nn |>o'.ii v nnlnilincly /ol- ^nlui ...l:.ii:il.to-lliiLmV£LmucUt^K)L"jIJ£i-^eu: Irui::i>(( 10 « h " i'l s £;<Tin.ilI<- rcKanlM njj ,, •IS 'jin luo'.i iioiv-:ful croup.ln ths a,„if Sovietrcimblir. nielii __________ J'aiU,'i.L«iltE_________ ; He was nl-o •rrrclaiv of the com*. niiti;;-! cMtnil commltlfr. ^ ''!■'» '.'.Iiidi in«- no;(l!ril fommlttfei ' .s ani'olnled. nnd the most influ- iriii'l rarly memlKr in Lenlnsrnd. p.u lii.iilouHitfr. of ll.r BoUl.cvLsl iiarty i;o ;n i;;-’il ll niovrd lo Movow. wr-,.- To:;i:;n! the Soiief uas prrpnrlne ;l,l^ (j. In bury llir ^laln leader wilh all in Hit hi'tinr*, A rnmniUtee 'jns Immedl- taiie. :v,-l'.' nii;>o|ni;rt to in.'ke the «r- 'I'lir •will h" hrJd .n f'lined llnl Soiinrr jjl; , pi :.'mb<'r . I on A: . mi'nt here aunounri'il ornitrert nt i/j,!,., : 4 m p. Ill, mi.Min Illll'' <R;30 a. m. J„„ Fi'.icMi n;’nd.ir(l tiinc mday inthe ,r.,, ^ I''iu:irr.id co;iiTiunec.headouarlrrs, .,,,, Ill" lormer .“ nu>’r,'-v iivsiiiiilc.ln .•.vhich clrls of Ul" ar-Mocrncy were ci;ite.itrd diiruiR the r.'irl'l rCKhnc. „,,, InThat insiorirbuililiHSrtSorn;?^'^ r,>n>t;tiiriii n'-eml.lv met In 1 0 1 8 ,.',';' 10 b- rlf-nUed liv the l,ol*h«vlks. I Kltoll to-.'* to power In the rnnts," j,., nl the foinmiinlst parly from h u m -',,‘ „ L.Timln^, IJoTti hiTlatka provhirc year.s iic). he earlv h-'cnme nn on>nan ; urrt h!,» c.hiJj.'hcvri If! an or- I AtrrslPil Pnr ArtlylllM tn"/'’ ; iir Iiv.iiert Ul" bolshevtl; move-, f'”' ..,„H,.t_,i^.1Jttt4-wni-«i>i*ohil«l-l«-ll»n-ijOXCI T'i;i:-I; eo.'ii.ii;!';..- nnrt arr<*«f'vl ffwt me in Mi'iU' V..I It.!' lel.ilUllohary aclivi:" , lie. iy (oniiiTlion with nil llli'iral Mni prliitu'.: I'lntil he fiji-fBlcd. 'In- v I Afl'TJ-'rviii': live year* imprl'nii- iKht , nn'lit 111 .'^avria, he lelurned to he- i^. de;i rome ,iri:vi. a,::,in in nany work. Ttir lie pirtieili:ited-«n Ihc boMieviM iiurne re'ol'.ilinit. «:is i-.ained to Ihe .sn- near 1 ; (Coii'iiui -d on Pace c, col. 4i [ <C <>h-Is-(Jolinf-To Com|)licate- AwMHEf 1 . - p p ;-A N ASSOCIATED PRES! L a D A 10HNI?<li;^UKeRMHls)i-2.-»M''- '•Slce7)in(r Iloauty’ R Olieya Directions Printed On Slate t CillCAOO, Di-c. I IlwCon- X f:.oii-t;c-s '.s :,'iuri.iii8-to Pn- uriii M.i;-Uiie, Onk, Pork'» H'T esi-,' MCUMIIK klowly on • ilr.ir l,eln:r hrr, lllr Klrl who has brrn in a eoma Mnce Frbruwy. 1?>.’, lai ed her hal'd tode.y, - l'fln:i-d w,>rd.. on die ilntc had _ . ditrcird hn lo'inakc the veMiirc. I/ Hit lauiily (ii'cai'cd that diirtftg W th* ims; Jhe lias fnllow'cd ol’irr ;'iii);)l-- w fjilw dl^i-cllons— - :'; hi: ti,ai eooidination has re- > I'unrd b-iween her vision snd Her ea'e Is believed to have !':"';eii all rii'.tinR records for . ;i.'0':.'r:''d Alcrp. ' DjCk BifaiiCflOBBEifi: _____ HH'HI Hnrvey-BaileynKidnaperrini-JI'J Raid on Denver Iflint ;iion 12 Years Ago !;!!"« the fl m:.vvj:ii. iirr. t f.n — Final ., «nlutl<m of thr Drnver mint rob- , j”’"' -lifrr 1: rma-gtoJn-alilch ffoa.- , , nos In rurrrtiry «si .nitr/ied {rom ■ : ainifd »uard». w*» ftnnouncril to- , ' , nielil by Chlrf nt nelrrllTM A.T. | , Clark whl. Mid llan-ry Hallry. | -.'i.iuinnriiMnjprr-orrharlnr-K-1 llrxlirl. OlOalioma Clly mulll- | {,,„ mlllliinalre. na* the dflvir. ol lhe 1,|,p ^ -T T*bn-r.r----------------------------------- P.if mrn and Uo women-all of | e*ecu '.'.horn a:-.; naw in prLsoii ur dfi'd—; 'ruii- \s<-:i' involved hi Ihc rnm c whlfh j 'he 1 h.is Ij.iffled (he iK-.sC iietrffU’c mlfltl-s I '>”h' in lhe (-ounliv far more IhaH a dc-1 '-'nd Thp bandll mob, Chr.-f Clnrk »ald., |'.ini H.iivi'v nmiev, now .si-rvina lime fUni i.n AmTira',s ' ili'Vil’.s 'Mand," Al-1 \Vi; ea;rar. prwin. Caiilornia. for tlx -: deiitli kKiiMi'uv^ of Urnchel. I nieml Jim Clark.' iio' a M-rvlns il life »rn- Iraun trill r- l'l the Indinnn ^lat•.• ix-nlini- ‘ To a! Mlrlil^j.iij Cits f.'<r parllcl- nld u I>ii;.i;,; ;n a bln bank robbery flt Clin- .Sriiat lou'lir.1. . 'ni-h _lUii:iL_L«m_i;:i.iuy.. Known-, In |inaii l> i:\rr n.s fl'ilx'rt Hurn.'. nnw dead.' hentl a:iii.->ii2h nrciiniManrr.'. ol hLs end I’i'i'-'' nr:" no; Mh' known. I'raiik McFarland, ahius "The Mi'tnphLs Kid." also drad. ^''f Niehohi.s •I'rainnr, nlixs M rk alO«n. I'W tlr baiutr. -.sho-'r Jrorrii, bulli't-rid- r;en bodv w.x\ found In 11 rcsldenllnl .•aracc 1:1 IVnvrrson thr iiliinfof .lanuars 14 1D33, more than a mnnlh Flomi-e .SUian, nlso ki.nwn ns lCioxcil':r.JiiM ll>«l!l, .loUf. me jnob ninl r<ia*on ol Irainui. She. '■MnrKaret'lliirn.*, who pa-rd n.s the wife of Robert Huriu.. wlr.i-e IKht name wa.-. IU)brrt Knarji. She ' nir I«o iiM ini u n r -.iwi will I lurned 10 dealh in an nutomobile | ^ near Iled Wing, Mmn., ae;urdiiik- to | •Conllnuetl on Pnue 6, Col. 3) 1 ___ ate-Thinffs___________ ^ / / In c< / fiA^ ' \ii ' ^ , ' . : ii;. o:t I i Hi' 1/ d.p;ii ______ ^ - apixa /M'CFAfat'f AlAnT^'lJHjfn 'Tulk ' . " ’A -""“"s V'tl'lNfV/ 'O U rtE ''" .into « T > idKEKiiiWut V '■ ■" other M t '■'■^A'oMt-ovyiV “ I lE iiw '-, I. /■ filT f't ....... I . I lo: HTlyfw—- I ~ ^ _iA Jimrl, rt > waiidi \\ I . JJ) Ihe , I olK'r ____ lllclll. ESS NEWSPAPER-COittP V I L Y If— Roosevelt, ( Richberg,E Maps Hugi Vast ReUef 1^ Stir Row In ( )ickii)soii and Snell Outspoken in I : . V '_L:L_Wagncr.lo.|[i).wers_WJ --------------------- ---------- oil-'I 111 ' ,V.-,ili-i,llLiL WASillN'GTDN. IV'c. l-fVoiio? ildi'A'fiVi'^irrraoiirTriirf-rxpcti'iitt if a ciHilin-isioiial liisiuiio today (im ianieotai.v liiilUt' sh'nild I’l'i-.-iiieiil Hi )H'Hl Ihi'ii' Jij)»n)v;il, llairy llH|i!viii-'' 'rolp'f ailniiii'.'ilratr H miiVh'as (•i,‘^hl“ r ”iiiii\‘ bit-'*---------- idti ilollai's fnr wnrk-ri’lit’f. | in niildinj: ii.'w hmi.-;i.-< for Ihi' I | ow watte er.iOTi and --oi <-.vii«(i.*l();i «f UUU' hc Mlbslsten.e homi''.tCiid pro]ects. “crri-tary Ickes-has an outlay n! ll\ rnm live to ,'-r\en bllhiin' Ior pub- liy le norks and liou*niK In imnd. back- U ll Ti-hv-i»-<"“iii'-iii.u.ii-luuliic;*_lA_uik. Ible to piovKle n n'llc'' sohitlon for hc depii'S'ioii problem o( rcMorini: QfflCC •niplu) ment. ___ l„„„|.-,,*H,l„U:Mirdcd__________ Sti Uoth r.rre in Wnrm Gpiha;s fnr he ni'rknid ready 'o urge thev TlT;:.-i!p.iin iiM im.Mdi u t . ‘Mii' i h u i ---------- 'xiVume Ims nlvni rvidi'iice lie in-, TCI end- 10 ie-.ervc llnal Jiidumenl for |'},nni .he'iii'i" Vhitf. Hr li.'i« prnnmeti- ,•„„ „1 >iih' in ii.ivr n rrlirJ j>1jd) rraily to Kenn; .'lid in rniiKress a day or alter il In iicu in.lanii»iyljut mav mie Koni” ji,inc ;inl of hi* plans In aimther radio -.1 ■lucnle rhal.’ ,l^jiiu;!iiiif ftUcr_Hil—pittUt •etuins here next werk.' - | nemb-r» ot l>oth rhambcr* loday \ "=*" raurd imon the h'lie. • To uhiil ll left -If the ncpiibllran Ild tiiaid, Ih" iili'a via.s nnntlipma. Viiatnr Olckhi'oii <i<-Io-Afti ,-.nld ‘ui-h a proeram "unuld clve Ihc ' ' ' ‘iHhl inaiicial world hrart fallurr. If nny. daiiKlir ll'llll l.'fi': :ai;d-w'o;ild —senrp:‘- “ '“=“ “ UIVIte iiidii'.try ' nrreslr I,onii' To Prlrafe J-'iiirfprlne neprcJi'iilallvc Snrll. nepubllran Judu loor lender, hald lhal wlillr n eer- on the am nmoiiiit-Tif reU.'I co;dd no; be dKirld unldcd, ill.' elfort i>hniild be to de- dered 7r3.se ijj)pjDpiovn;r;it by cnco-.irnc- Iliere nr private rnterpr.-r. e*pcrialty lhe "1 i' lultdmj Industry, 10 uUdcrlaXc new ihlnK i iroji'fi.s. I i A factl-m led bv Senator Iji FoI-| , oUf.ull-VVKi.i-aiid.St'lwlQr. .Wiiciicr_ * n-NYi hn* Imr.- <-»>ilfm)rd tnr « iiiblie works and hoii'Uiii proKram ll rieii yii-a-er ii.-o':oriio;is than ed in hat ndvatieril bv lek.-:. Uiev Imvr '•'»ihle t sulj;.tnntliil lolli.wiii;'. • ''I'lMvc Neverthelr.s', f.w diiiibtnl that Thiink: iniM'Ver ijreiit n nnilah ilmi m idit br >i’< Ihi ,;l.'.i(l, till- pre.sli|.'iil s wli.he.s In ill'.' He, 'lid wonld pinail . 1 timr ______ __________ hiail, ' _______________ hen- • O DDiriES E of-Life-'ils ' loiluwi '■ l-ioid Illy Tl-.e A;. '>:l.iti-d Pri'.'.l -y, j, 1 11 Colliaion W ith Liiw—• u>m il fiAS I-‘IIANCI.S<:0-Jiirk Heldel- ^ -■ri;, :o, was nrr-'.si.-d. for i.in-Mthu- ,nd Ill'll a'-'-rl.dlv ...... . down he ai're.'lhl',; m<il;'iejel'- nllirei. .,i.„ ,j,, III court \.-;l;'rda\, tl'.'" trallie vei iti lU.eail said lln.e '.u'l' li'i unp.O.I Kei.ua ,;.-o:tvd Molall.m , imd I'J otliT lJ o.'U (iiuii.s i».mlinn a-Miii ( hi:ii, --------- H i' liilhi't, H'-iiiy ll-'lililberK, a l.-pillv nly allll,ll-'., tliieaU'lietl lo :'r:;L,::;:Trh,.'i;::i;:;;;’;^ ;.:;rr Litt riilk Comca Iliglicr-- WAKIlIN(iK).-.' T.ilK won't l>r;o (,(] ' ;•••.•• • . . ......................... t,'.\H 111 ' /hi;.- ;e^y'Vebulll-:;;.un;;'ullx^.'A, crni.'.. ’Ih '' phon. li.ll v,,.s ^ald to lau 1.''VI in | . \ . I ' , 0: JIOWJ an- 'Weu-li ll r.-ixi lo DoJc Of/it'c— .'I LONUON. Wh'.li a.U-'-'. y- Iilll'.- “ .i.Mtalu arm ..I ,1; a 'hH',11 laty'ir U M-I,anv.' and .;i.'eh,ir.. <1 p,u . iinei.' >,dy s-ia:l.d an'ini.Miiiatioii. ' ' J' •rn.- iiKiuuy ^ho•.^ed llm; the nn- ' lUlilnji'd ',M;', l<.t>k‘ taxlr, \>erc IlrM I', 1; Ih- exchan::', jrc.'H.d their *-/•)' •if,ii’-v wiilioiii n-itinv 111 line., and •' talk'd nomr i.);.,i, , . "f*'.' Koilf ir.';,yifts rach cJt) l‘.»d I. it tofci-y : ^'wKicir - 'Hx..cl )pcn Season—• 'womm NKWAUK, Cal - I I was every Miaii rnilroii or his own liitkey ai.d every tiiikcy U.'» mi or h!m.‘.dl yisicrday i\t. Ncwuilt Tin- ■itiaiis went oui'huntinv lurkcys. Elmo ^rnrlv n liuiuln.fl fnt ecjiblgT-S-Bl^j'‘^ ts nl laiiderlns about the salt mnnhc.^ hts tl I) Ihe *0111}) r;j,l 0/ Ala.-Jii'iJa couHiy Denlll. ilKT havin'i inll'.-n olf a truck la.'i iJo 11 ilclil. Ab:u; JO utle caujlll JCi* for ill N E W u iu n m Atron-hoiiEAtJ .1 r or omotTtftTioHtt - . .............. ............^ Consulting ,Hopkins,! ge Relief F Schemes I Congress ' in Misgivings; LaFoIlette,. sJ/anlMpre _ , I ------------- I -ile.1 Pre^si _________ ! Vl i'o|iosal.s iiy jiiHiiiiii>lratKiii: ii'iittin^-lH'i'umi*-'.llf Vcntrr"" liiat fort‘n^.1 a In'U.'r jiar- iil Hoosevclt iiinn.tlly roi'om- trator. want-' 1<. :iiiiir»iiriali'. J”"”* iM ir i 'Ificers Unk Shooting With Story ol Attempted m Exlorlion ™ip” ____________ .>lt TCI.SA. OUa.. Ure. I m - I'hlinp Keniumrr. IH • .vrar - old [ snr. of Krderal-Judse Franklin F ,p--'' Kenn*nirr, w»»f)>»ri:fd wltlimur- Jrr Inlr Ind.iy for lhe Thanks- " " fU\ns »U)liiS of John (inrrrll,. :.1. snil nf « uldrlr known Tulsn County Atl'irnry Hnlly Anderrnn j Md the yonth eonfe:.sfd, dci'lariiii; . . I had lo do It." Hc will bc »r- iliincd Mondny, '., • * ; ■111C KhwlliiK wn.'. linked by of- a;rrs with a Mnry nl nllpinptcd: * «orlioH nhned »l JJ. F. Wilcox.! niltliy oil man, Ihrouiih liisi'"-"'' aiiKlilrr. Vlr«niln, iin, inimmlr 1 nena ul,i'Dili;S.Kcmiai\n'r,:____ InvrsliBatlm: that anni.'. polite rresU'd Wade •niomius, eperalor f a saiidwirii shoi>. fur «|iic;s(t<.rimc., H''™ Judw Kcnnamrr. who h w bren ; lU the Irdi ml bench hrre .sIlicc the | H<- IKlrlct waf. crcati'd In l'J':i>. Mirren- jlton.j Icred his son to lhe pnw cuior.! letiii Hierc «erc tenis in hLs eyej. jvolui "1 nrver dreamrd Ihnl Mirll n'rtilc hhiK roiilJ happ'-n." he said, ihls 1 Claims'Srlf-nrfcwp 1'^“ ’' Tlii-’ 50ulh (Ii-rlared lit? shut Oor- ' II III dlM'la" di'liin^ rn- ..uhl.-r in a iparwly .sell,lcd, ex- ,, liisivc lei.ulrnlli.l /e.'tlnll here ' *'1* I'hanl;;;:lvini: iiiuimnht beyniul .-ay- i>K - Ihl- b-r ■bo! lo presene hr. own '(ill!rell'.'. bnlly, MuiV t',Mce hi the Rail, was l.juid 111 II..S innlnr c-u n[) m e •Ihiii:.t,iy Iiii;lii. Tlie pl.sior|l, sllh '*hlril Ile Was b'.lliArd l» ImVe U j.ep sl.iin Illld I'i’-ii n.irirnl lo u Isler III the te.ir M',.t ..I llie . ar md had been wiped rlrall of lill- ' ' KriiiuiniiT^a lOl.'^l e.Tiin^.TiT! oiluwrd ihi'ily U11 .11I a lep'irl byj •iold J. Hull, K^insii-. City piliit lo fi r. .1. lllKipiis, ihlel nl Kali.M', City |e;|.,tl\.-;.. Itlnl 111.- joutli had lold ( nm he nnce intended lo k'lll Clor- -ell by kin>.'.iinic him uni-<inv;ioiis II „ Ihtm: I'l-ine and bailiiiK unl. Hl 'uni'. and Atinriiiy AiulerMUl I ,|.n miDlrd ll'lif a.s IrpiUllllK a roll- M ,ei-.ai;un he i.ild he had with Am. iei.iiaiiiir :n v'hiili Kemiailier di:,- ami, :lo,'il .1 iM ^ .lt.iIJ'U'ilU'.ii jiM ,(,' iii;;i;'l"d iji Pan.'fi.C<il lii , d, , Little (Jirl V iclim s ' l£ III T raj’ic iVlv.sterv < Go to !' m al R est-1’ ^ i,'.\Hi.i.‘-:i.i: l‘.>. i>'' ' '*'• IVt'i.i i;-,i. Kal'.' Ill'■inf.iii:'.' iWiiOi If ,Vhi;.' ;;.‘iM ..li:-,;.ul.;.;l .-liL.ld tl." , JOIJII'. ol tl:.' Iliii'e li'tv kill' l'l ;;;, n II I;;e W'l' '1, .tl .i-;<'iiv- •1!,. imiii.' nl Ih" hu.lnlic Cillilb: I - and v. i:;') l-oi- 1I-.',I11 ll.' ''• UiioiKli ll.ti.inii.^Unt;i.-l.-.,.^a;4ii N n'il"! ni| ii. «r<!' m, he fiiii'.:'' -■! i:a;^ |.ii,.'-; illM'lt iijd cVintv ..ii'iiiiiV-.r.iTii'.i-»;ain vlnciriinET^l'.-'^trinjt'-Ttnyin^t—'-•‘- ,Ue.,ch:ldf-'i'i -*'i;h th e ,'m a n and j'omnn fonnd ,‘h'--l to draih in a •ftllroad s'harh nia: Aho.'na, iiloiii ■ 13.', ml.V-s *.•.‘•111. * ttcre Till- live have tivn Idvliliikd n-i n,rv,( Slmo J. Noaktx, a lorni?r Mnrinc; ' , nlt-eo. WiiiiiKd Pierre. 18. and‘iii,if its thrrc flatish'i-rs, Coid. lia, inter 3fnllla. 10,'nod Noima, 12. land fJo nrraiKeinrnls hav; b.rn m.ul' Jr.'-'i or tlie buiial o; Na.il.'.-., and lili.ilnp ____________________________T V S 1 i2_PAGES.— e.CEyixg;. ______ ng With Tugwell, Program Estimate of Cost Runs froin Eight To Nine Billions Vast Public W orks, Public Housing Construction, Bonus for Dcstiiute. yptfirnns. ' Possibilities Illy The A.voclatrd Ptr.wi W.\UM S i’ll INCJS. Ga„ i)i'i'. I — l’rt'.->i(lt!nl Iloo.'icvclt._____ iiioiilik'd a noiv and vtt^t tvork I'l'lii'f iii-o>;rain_ coii.'*o1idatini^ various i-xistiiij; cnierkciiCy aKi’iH-it's ill a I'onforcnt'c loday of lii.-i iiriiicijial iiidc.s. iio laid down the objective (if \ynrk ill idai'e of unprofit- alile liirL'cl aid jcnints a.s re-' jxitis Ior Ihls Koal were re«lvcd the. emcrKcncy council; Harry U lli'pkiiu,'it-lli-f fldmlnlttrttlor, nnd Iter.lord Ony TuitWcll. under.sccrc i.^ry-vl—i>uriciiUiir«—aml-lnUnulc------ 1 cuijiuUaii'.. .Mr. ttoooerrll rr>rrved his Jud{- allrriioon parly In the Uttle _ttbltc Hou*e cottace on I’lno mouiitaljv endfiT liiil'U apprartd' ccrlain dial out I( woald come a.huKc public wofkn pro<?-«m eall- Inc fnr publle hnuslni comlruc- llon and poulbljr pajrmrnt ol "limiun lu \ r l>Min un rellrt tallfc Jiichbi-JV H w etl U w t fOordJHallCiJl I'lid coiuvolldalloii of the vlM emvrnency machinery- Wfta one of, ihc oojcctivcs of tlic mi'ctlns- Hi-’.sald no lormal n-commenda-' v iloiLs w.ri- ftubmitt.il lor a prr- maneni NUA, bui” h.j ni«catcd his suKKci.ii'jivs lor rclcniion of tho jiriiieipie o: rjllccyvc barsninUiR on ;n-ninntnrj-Dnvji-a5-r.ef for.lv^ln-the------- exblin.; iiilU'lc "-n of the .^lional Jheovny A.'l. Sur Drrentrullied Uole H'- liiruirrinoic iiwislcd llnl cl<c- , I'.uir.Oi labor icpm^-niauvcs lor col- 'Icciiic baniflinin; &hould bc on ■ ; voluntary b.i-ila nnd that majority rule shoiild prevail. Ile contended this ha:, alis^ayt been ii fundamental ' I'rinciple of thv Anr.-rlcau Fedna- uon of Labor. ,,Kl:hb;rt ,J0lnicl„.ln _ tJie_|cM ___ ;jjij!cj|j|r i>ri',>omuk-ii jit ihf Jin- i.uiitii.i iKiii;iiiii..iiinuii LJiif'.'iriiT;-------- "I b"ll'iv.' m work r.-h.-f," he tald. "Itie dii.-ct dule ii clH-up and un- ,-aiL-;lHclury. Unlll <lir<-ci urani.*. ta n lC.iillin:ti-(lolli'aKC«, Col. 3) . CelMT- mimm 25 Men Taken Asliore; Coast Guardsman Drowns, in Lake Michigan MrsKKdOS. >Heh.. Drr. 1 (-11 Aiiiithrr tlirllllil; thaplrr In lhe annals of (ireat I.akrs rrsrun nas nrlKrii Imlav Hhrn, afIrr Jii.pr li.iil brrn -almost abaydim- ril, all z:> iiirinbrrs .if the Mrrrk- rd "JliiV frrlehtrr Hrnrv Corl's ir.V i(<'rr lulrn ‘.iff allvp, al- ' Ihnuch ^it ‘be I'O't of nnr rr»- id oi:r ot .......I ImL.' .U.lir.i; lit VJal.-k . l a u d . - n hali'b..ci;-' ua 111.. l:il,- ai.i.ij.f the l)|-.-akvvu;rr- n.'c 10 .MII.S- .e-.l o'.ir I,.il;c h r; iiiKli;, ll rk’y iulKP..biit V..UIX Jiuarihnian IHra ____ •li.i;., Uin.rt. LM-*ear-olrt ci'.i.s’ . i; hls.lirsl ;n.' .lii;U..ovt:tJjo.-itd.^_ iiiiiii a iiii.'U Dual by a mounialn-; iflr rr.v.-i,f a!- :.meii all bu'. , e:i'.e i.n hone lm llu- Cor.'s tirw. lull t.^.l C.mia.II Chnile'i V. CuX ili'ieln.i'.l in.il lie |ind hi* Clew ll lll the R.ilry win!,''Ill,- ..Miiii .md waves thrca:- id.io.tlic l;i>l- . rcakwalrr! buf- I ivavrs. T'»o d u shnre cifw' in.uti. ..'Mtv 10 .i<hi>ol ft.brcrches liuiiv hue abi.'ad. Hul the »r»r* •,.'i;,iii ...iiiiis iiasv eare of all Ilia; l:v •mrhi'i- ;i JIM- 10 IhS brcsK- xurt toT SSojT ' Uu-au tliH line iney camt;one by ■one,' 111 an iitiprovised breeches ' biiiiy. Once un the breakwater, Ihey were Ia.-.hcil lourthcr.in gnups ot ihrv'cu and. w'heit the la.st man had :icfi the ship, they started tor ahore. . ‘Hnlf of their palhffay wm awtpt. "intermiiiciil'lj' uy 'flaiu, land the journey was oiil>- ellghtly pjriloiis thim lhat .from Uie ihip in ihp piri' hca;l. tnt ll was 'irj.iniiill.shcd wllhoul mistuD, TODAY: Unsettled -

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1 - T HVOL. 17, N“o . 205.' -

BOiHCILS A' I H i i l 1 iPlBPm ?■

Idahoan Challenges N. Y. MCommitteeman's Advice; f f i

For Revolt of Young and | HLiberal G. 0 . P. Elements M

toy Tlie AMOclsttrt rrev<) ' i K WASHINGTON. Dcc. 1 - A T O

revolt i)y yoanK nntl lilwrnl [ r i Rcpublicarf oRiiwnts to forco j n ‘‘comiilclc rooj-Kanir.alioii” of llic party for the IftoG cam-' ; r linijfli \v;m jllMlHlrL'll li> ' , TS e n a lo r H orn li. _____ _ j _

Tlic Malio l{cpt'Wiwn dr-, . mamied what he said could Iw • called n ‘‘rovolution ' unless ■ (lir (nti.‘rm>U yn row In control \

-ho:il..i.nn:ctinc-in.oncr to.cooix-rntct . \ lo tha t rnd.

Ill a stntpmnit conimfn»n« on ft. proposiil ol Clinrlps D. HlUi*.Iiiiblle.-vn ' nnllonal ronimlitfomnn; fnm Vork. tUnt Use mny pinrd iiRnm.'l. rcbrs.iniMllon. Ir.M it f KMiit 111 factloniil cluiov Diirdli in * 1

clinllpnsnl Clinlrnmn llrnry Ll P. FlPlchPr riiKl llic lllllr.' Rfoiii> to'

--iiriH-n--'plpbl‘<-llo'.uiMliey~bclt=ml— 4 thP rank nnd file did iioC rfcJirr n j ChanRC. . I ' U

Only Onf Allfrnallra---- T\Tmurt-to-bPitfvMli<‘y-wlil-»ii>i-R|an[

be InnK led In cloiibl.'’ he nucrtftl,, - ^ lM h fA e ggnt'rmcn In

•a (!n, m ’t /.rr ll. nr.d lhal Ls 'to CK'M" a iif,v orK:ii'.l7ai;oii,

" 'l lf iT r ar> jniii'.x n rp titi liran --------dlit)’ all O'.cr llir fo:!nlry which ,] soiiiti (orm Ih" mirlrus ol Mich a . n:ovrmnil which woiilci f"nd rrprc- f ,,, ,, f<'n1anvp 10 n rotnmon iiK<'!inK,I)!!!!*)* anrt f!i*ctn clinlrni.m nnrt com - ,

Jn.-iMuic h.- did nol wanl n "Ililrd :I 'u r iv 1)111 n new Il-'i)iil)llran pnriy. 1 Non Unrnh .snlrt 111' Mand luobably ’io u ld . id.iho be liitrriirclcd a? "rovolullon" l, lnrlll

' Hia (10.-S lint llip iirc'cni oltiia- m lion ju 'tijy rrvo’mion?” he_n^krd nniifU

•('slfj. Fot Arlion - " ir ihis I 'n o l done then Uk* i),iriy

hnnds nntl undrr Hip control o[ a n ; ) ' ' orcanl.-j'tion whicn h.is Iom ih c ] ' .

. coiiflflPnci' 0/ Olf r«nJf «nrf tlie ijijtll wn approacl itie nallonttl conven-] lion. This Jttuniton oup'n lo 1« dealt t Wllh at once.- I litrn.p

Tf.;' DoTSh . '.-itrmpnt *p "-d ■>»-,Unilfv the factional d;fferciicp.'\. in 1 nen'i''!''-:'" rnnkv As f«r ns the srn- a’l'T " *lp lr. concernPrt, the Inrippcnflpnis t nro row about on nn •'tjunl ba.'lsl nnnii-.-ically wuh the rraulais andi It would not i>nrftrl « snmr pollUcal! otaervcrs to Mn ihr'formi^fTaTiSlaanrhn " r" TTf • '•HMt- In nn?nn<?nrtnn i.^oon 1dhou!d the imriy remain .Hro:ii;ly aiii'naiconscrvatlvr. iionna

Kvrr Mnco thr faslrrn rluM wins wns ru plpm.-ril dlclatrd la«t summrr the Th“

lOnti-iuPd on race 0, Coi. Ci ’’‘i

flBGEiiriiS iJim ipftcii!

_____ .'inow tInternalional Conference a l 1

'Budapest Draws to g “‘'

Dramatic Close ,, — r - 8A i;

m nArK.'iT, «nnsar.», nw. I (,T>> Th«' ic —Tlif IntprnalJiiMal w htat rnn- ertd ,• ( rrrn rr tlrrw lo a dramallc rlo^p Ulali liidav wllli a rlr.ir rui rrftiM j.or nitdinL; Arzcutlna furlhrr In br Iwuntl liy «.,y prnvl.lons «t llic 193J " lira t |part, j-------Thi;< in-- futurr c-inliiil of world!

w hral iiiodiielioii I'i'.il tradp 1. itil ‘

Tlic .•(•n>atln!i;ii pi-.ilinff of 'tlici' ‘Meronlrrrncr cnnic diirinK ft f^crct] n nicctiiii! 1‘inlxlit. It v ' Icnfncd.! o O when lioilollo tiiirri;i:irian of Ar«en-! linn,' ntv.' whm aiiutunlcd lo ii j.pc- 11 ond ulUni.iiuin.

UfclarM r u i r fn f i l r ; .-p, Aflrr l)c.;riK umlrr ium uk- by th i- ' ' y

oiiir-s of lho "bli: Iom ' —il»' U niirtl; I f . ' , ' ,'' Stales. Canadn, mid AuMMlta-a-,;

■,u;i nnlloil. » l».’nmnjoii/'ri lo !))'• J))rn:i;is for .■evrra); ,g| hnurs, ('..-irciaarln'' to:<! lhe c o iilr r- , ' ,,• lirr liis.unlton WQuitl nnt Ix- l>ouiid ,

•bv Ulc pact bi'cniiri'-ncrrai:!' rcoiic-' lion, which wa* ihe basH t)f allot-

' nirnu, tailed <luriiii: 1D31 and would '0,„.

rent vrar out ol tli,. fineMlini uo'a-. ‘ '' bul Inter Inforniatloii r- vraird a nrw' I'roxram to base luiure quniai o n '‘”!‘' ' ‘ drmar,.l i„mpi,i ,,;,»iiini(>n ha-. nnf h 'fT di-/li;irc!v fo'nmlnfrd, , , “"'''d

Th» nipmbprs nf th'- b!s four nre- iint exiirft-d 10 CPt tr-.-ilier again I >«'-'in'' until Janiiiirv tn l.oniloii, whrii ,ilx! month* o! Ihr cro|i yrar.wlll h,i\( 'uinill bern hinory, . ' - - ' 'W'licd

--------------- -"f

C a o s . i r i a n G p p r a t io n ' ■F a t a l T o T 'K r e s s ■ I


Mddcned by thp d r tlh o( lii-r lli trr Of ihrcfi kliteiu. t\lne-year.ol<) ‘ 8u lr, protirt Bensnl ilwcvi. died to- ■ day in a Clcvelnnet roA. ' , ‘

■nvo vrtrrttiariaii. worked l6 '''iC •' homs Inst Wrdnesdnylo drll-.er tlic "*•' flr»t lwo of lhe lltrre«' kltteiK, And

"V n f,ii!rH‘ 'n r7 iv : K- r .ftvfcinFfi-to“-‘’‘«‘'<'''- I’rrlnrm the oi-ernllon lo drlivey the Ifn-fd.third.......................................... "•■'0 •

For two day ' .Sti'lp rolled 'Ilch:- *’i'' ' ‘'J Iv, fed Wllh .1 M .- I'lhr,' 1fttlon. bll! i . r - . "-.ll.'. I..i,i',lv'.l'l in

C ity E d i t i o n


i e T t vAMOm'ITO

A n n H a rd in g ’ Ii M ak e F ig h t Fo


B E i i r i i-fifflmipjSB i a n k e t - o r W h i t e ' " A p p e a r s - ; 2

in S o u l lie rn td a h o . .N o r - " I m --

■ th o r n U ta h ! » in ,__ . . I I>!’’ '•I........ ■' i ri-'

iHv T h ' 'i.-:.-,t-;l P rc^) . i.-r i • Flood*, tulles anil Upa\«^Mio«* : iii<i-i. f,il1 dotlf.l llir ,Mu .rlr,.ri w ralhfr 1 |;,,i map laM niclil tb r Missouri lin r v.illr>- .nnlinurd In dig out of lU ii- ;(|i TbaiiW lvInt »nn»Morni.' = i Tiv North-.ril’ Utah n n d joiilhrni .

Id.iho tvcrhcd snow H.ilurtiay, -iiv : "'* ' ' ,'lfirin which Fndaj n u h t dr|WMt<d ,< fno nicLrs Pl sni.,v i li llic arra ern- tiniird without c-n-’.iiii; i6 '.he Kraii- ;x.i(ioii o’ .'flifiim <uj(l (locdftKU ^ ' '

jVnnVira IWi ; Ikti;;,;.' of luiiiuc- I i;mI and lirix:ii:.oii-*Mf r wcro .ih:,. .T ll-’inj7 '<f''^-'i'^’'' '’'' ''n ir^ li :if 'a rra ----- rr:as. iradinc^ in ,llv W a'aich moun- tains *honrd ft toi.il-ili'plli Of 411' ' ' ' ' inchrs this fill.

Tlic raitcrn rlnpc o t ' th e A ltc-lH .,'‘ lih-nle.1 In Ihc rCBlim ol M Jrlla s- 'NiT. V’,. Va. '- - r r ^ ^ - - 1- 1.>irr-aiiv. rov ..udd'nlv to 'Ictal ■!., "p: a '.v r ft 3.UI iiirh ir. how .. v,

Flood Theralrn»‘ j I*'" ’Already loakcd wilh ft w rh.s

rami,.11, Ihc .'i .rlh wa...unabk' l o ,” " '' iTanrirm crfnTitrttic' rTra'.TT.m-n:p*p:f^,' soon ram d (ho fl;ro:i thri'at. 7(10 SlR'llandoallTiw' w u H j 1« ; aboU- . nonnal jouth of .^^artln^bllr^; niidl,,,",! wns rLsm; one fool each lll'llr, ^r,",'ul:

Th“ POioniac nt dam niinibi'r font ] ' J),,'; w;as ri'iioricd lt> have rL-. 'ii ivi't with tin.- c ro t ol the Ilood ii<>t tx - 'lor^iti ]xct«l lo n'acli then ' nnlll today, i^pr, Uoth riv.-rs xurkvd o itr tush'.'.iy.s in ‘:l»l^d loiv-lylMff wcilni« but w ither, body wrioas (lamavc. _____

Orri.'<ifi coast towa*, 'icr<rroiiairi:i[:------diinian'- done Friday vvluii one i-I f " ~ Ihc worst Kales of the .va.Mni laslu d Ithe -coi'ithr.fT-Yf^rtrrdaj—a - n m n s - -------sno'AAtorm i)l!cd mica' fix f ir i dc 'p ' in Crntcr Like Nallonal )>,«rk.

All huhway.^ blocked in Mi.s'o;iri ] by tlK- •I'hanliSKivlns Morrn had l>rn ' cicareci and normal tialfic re.suriad, J

P»ll Lake Storm Center K8AI.T u k f ; c it y . I> c, i t - V

Th«' U'y'‘ ;x\-tre. ol wintrr mai;*:',- ' fred ,s;ii-.iiiiKllcaIly nn:i;;, ;pUlah and roulhern W,,ho iiir,:.'i';;, \ aitdin>; ll>_ llir liu'l;f.s of .s im ll^it havr /ullcj)' ...Hif.,' thr blanket laid ou'i-' th u i, \

^unlitiiii;,I Oli i ' , j

‘M e r c y S l a y e r ’ o f

S o n S e n t e n c e d l o

D e a t h i n E n g l a n d j

•l.KEl)y, Knsf.iiid. |) ,r , i v.Mr.s. Mav Itrow nhill-cj . ,>;,t i!rey-li,.iierl mid Irail I'wLi-.^fll|pnfp^l n. i>o hnilRrct lor thr 'm-Tcy ii'.urdrr" of licr laib cilej

A Jiliy Mhk'h Herded o;i!v f.vel iillliuici-.lU-UnUi.iit;t_5udty..,iituti;-!' rnrnded ihal s!ip bi- .shO'Aii m rir i.l

The w'Aiiiaiii. a lte r 30 ycari .spinv! iiurslhK her i:nt«-eilc .sr)ii,ix.iii-. K-i-.e I inhi 10(1 re;!/iivi- i,,l,|el. iind ta n .n h ;in till- Kiis .v.iun 'l ie i:-..ii;-i ;d she 'ncid ;ui npi'jatinn ih.ii iniKlii COM her lilc, • 1.

iflK- fraird ll);il Drni.i, [pli .il.i.,,. ;• n"i;)d -s)j/;rr nji.ii ;i jijn '.jn.vo ■;d a "Mfliablc iuniR iieaih, r. u;i;, cMiIied. ■ , I

MVj,. liroiMihill li.a ;d the \r:<i .: i •luinilly. he:ul rrr r i. A.'.kerl ; r r l • . 'Wshell 111 adtlre.'s ihc imu:; « 'i ' ' '.^ ;d"f <(fil K.hl 'innev ,' ' '

i ! eThe judne, who under Kni::i.'li l l ' ' ! 'j r

lad lu.. altriii.ill'.i' bin lo m i i ! ' ' ler to diMlh. told Ihr jurv iu ‘ir, - | I, \’'‘' ^w m aiaM .,u li ;£;lJ^l^^:;c,Jl li,..l \he proprr aiiihorllic*. ineaninK i!ii-1 |lomo Offlcc.’ • • ; I,T licndnnn iiish ivb !ackcap io ;ti,- |» s f the /.fntcnce of dealh, t:;r IlUdff/* .'llli},' ; ' j >' "Wc ha«i- lo i,(kc ihV hnv ii b. { •ilway trnirnibcriiiK lhat in <iihi r . ! I»Bli(ir-hai.di^ie.-g^ .,- .3 } ^ --^ c v I Ienrlrd. i

"No •prr>oh in Ihl.- I'oiintrv h.i. i \ h r ii';i',; i„ uikn Ih"* lif-- <>r .m- ( 'the.' i; i:r;';i lip.ni! W,.'il"- he e ; I ' he, .; woyid iM bcltcr lor j

w m 1-------------------T \V 1 N -R \

I n R en o T o For H c t C h i l d ;

Bioncl F ilm S ( a r S e e k s S o le , n r

C u s to d y o f S ix - Y c a r j [

Old D a u g h te r . — S e r f

nEN0..1)rr, 1 Mi _ a mr>d;!;ra. • . (lon 0 ' ttir d rrt rr m her lU.i:’ It'-ro ' " divo/ce Iri.ni llarry Uuiinl.Mri' tti;icli p uave hi-r.tiie rxcliislvc cnrc. k.ji- ^ in>l nml dj^iwJe pl th r ir hix-i-.ir- . ,,, old daiixliti r. Jaiii'. will bo ' Uin ll cour! mntion lo bo liird ■Annc H.irdinic. blonde film >i,.r. said toU.iy.

Adiniltinc lhal .she 1.1 p rrp a ii 'd ',1 . , , flRlit f'lr Mile cuMwly of the .h,/.;.

ar.rcis laid: .......... .......... ____ .- as?"1 -.'Mt In RMKiriK't nn nri;V .;.~m fn

bu; a;., a mnthrr who w .itu . ..n il c n rlh.is tl. l l , ', ' lhe rinilt lo biin;: r., ....i,.J)/f rjj;;.) '„ iiir IH>’. ol llnmeul ,.ml .ihihiy. And as a la.e:., ‘

;u ..iu .' I.. ;nc that ci'iiri.s li.iie IJ \\; ishave ,ii;\iMni: to do wnh lhal, .,i,n]

•H i.; thev dn, aild I niu here 1., j.,..,,! ask t:,'..ii„irt lo nivc me tlie lu i.i Thto-xrov-n-tjr.tsyr—-------------------------

Mi?.s-Hardiiu:'f;.id her nioiiuii lr, al 1.iiH'illIy till- . \isiini: dccree, w|ii--ii ' ,rl Kivi". her cu lc<lv ol Jane 10 nioiii:,s !■> v«iJt <'ar(j icMr, K//I Oc u:c<t 'tu h.ulthe \eiy near lutiire," ni-hl

fnticr llle .(Jccrrc, naniilMcr i;"-.'has a ririit to custody ol iho ehiUi ........I'.so niiiiiili.s out of oacli year.

llnm - j,,.,;.,hiR.'. atinriiev. said ill coninirnunK .is 'j0,1 I’ e iMsp lhat "It lr, our tDiil-ii- sova lain !iia; diMded custody ol a ht-tip-iTTl-Tix-ycnr-i-or-aBC -is-iiot---------cundiu-ar to her weli brins." He

M:.s.s llird inc nnri ln:r ■dain.-hiei-

burn :;iid, "until this case I.', com-jiliTd.-

11-'-' Aim •H.irdinR-Hafry Iianii:.;.

i;.m i;;.Tr. 'lhe defendant, ciiaie i line au'l cMabll.shed a ;,lx-»reL'.'

i i ” ;i it:e nctrpss. still iirofe.vlni;.'■lie l.ir l((/fi. filed the divoree .mu; n,..,, on i;ie baM.s of his icMileilce ;iiul' 'h ,

U'nntinued on PnEc C, Co!, i l •

( '( '(’ W orker KilJcrIii^Fall From Train .Vhir!

------- :------------- ------- :------------------AVFI'.Y, ld,ihn, D'C, 1 (,1v-Uoyn

rorp.* BO.-kr;, iKlietril in fib.-wruii;- r3r|i.s rnics, and h« lo,*-. hL hfc lo- ris:. . | '! 'l i

I 'v bndy, badly malislcd, wa.s ’ -.Si .,.'..' on the CIUC.1KI', Mllwaukre,JJi, ran ; and Panlte railroad truek.-. a : West Avery. Hr had tallen from- " f ' ' ih- train, officiaL'; .said, dnnne nn aiieiniil lo "beat his w.-iy" Duck to c,im|i F1I7, where lu- wa.s Malinnc:!.! ,, _Camao«lCl^.^^^l'iIL.\rJn^UJnu.^•z:.,, leivcd word his old Job wa^ nwatlini: ... , . llim n:i;l )■'• It-fi in invf^tii-i;,' iU- wa.s rrtnminit lo the rami) 'o chcck imi |A'rma;ienily. as is rrcinired by' , revulatlcas. v,|ien h r was killed, : '

l)e;alLs Irnm lhe c'aii';i did nol In- , , rbwJc. iJnvdV. homr or liir 'location of hL'. (ormer job, A bro- j , ' 1‘ier, Jame.'.'o f Il.Kbv, Idaho, wiw -listed ns h;s ncare.'i w laiivc. Tlic ___ !body wa. brliiK lakcn to 'apokanc. ; c

!-------------- -The-Now-Jol)-]

I 7 :;=;:;} fw m r. \ ■'§K (.IflT UP ) _ 'ft\ H t R e . v

\ \ N v J ^ ' ' l l s

/ ( W t D O W M

; ' t ' o T T o A . .I e n c u w isE ,

\ & , , „ i f ®

i 'A C C V R A T E


F A L Li-R\tL3riI)AH 0rdL'NUA Y-M 0H>

liil'S E B IE S fii UED I S I R ^I SW lEB^ %

Sergei MironovicJ? Kiroff,. J r.; i influential' Member ' of'

Conniiiinist Party, Killed■ by (/nidcntified Assassin "!!!;

_____ I'UI'

'Co|iyrii!lil. in:iv He Tha ' jjA.s*ocialid i’n .si 1,.,,,

.IIOSCOU'. !><r J—Ah ;i.s- C iS 'i in w.ho tlif S ii'.ii't cnvcrn- -mftib-n-'-ct-led wih--lv4>hW i,v

(■Ill'll'.!.'' of thl' ^'■||''kin^' I'liit's" -UM luv-Uaii h in i - I u j i ' i l S iT U fi k

\lii'uii.i'.'idi .Kijol'f. i-cM.liitioii- UL“i^mvhn fnr :<tt-ni-h:-> -l(>-yeni'!* _ wiis a nii’nil):r cf the com* j imiiiist iiarlyV imlilical bu- [J I't'aii. •

Thl' ava 'sln . who sl.'w Kiroff In the ;i.7riv \'i);nuiIMi'i'’“ liesnq;inrt"rT:-U-]|-v al l.'-ninunid. w.i,-- eapHired bv So- i.r l i o’.lce. U.-siH;e the qiiesllimins R 1.. vlilch he was Mibinittrd, he Ullll

tm! hern i/I.-jjI'UmJ lalP lo--

A' onr of the nhie member' of the v-.'|i;rril bureau whirli make.s the m■ -.-i.ions nn |>o'.ii v nnlnilincly /ol- ^nlui

...l:.ii:il.to-lliiLmV£LmucUt^K)L"jIJ£i-^eu:Irui::i>(( 10 «h"i'ls £;<Tin.ilI<- rcKanlM njj ,, •IS 'jin luo'.i iioiv-:ful croup.ln ths a,„if Sovietrcimblir. nielii

__________ J'aiU ,'i.L «iltE_________; He was nl-o •rrrclaiv of the com*.niiti;;-! cM tnil commltlfr. ^''!■'» '.'.Iiidi in«- no;(l!ril fommlttfe i ' .s ani'olnled. nnd the most influ- ir iii 'l rarly memlKr in Lenlnsrnd. p.u lii.iilouHitfr. of ll.r BoUl.cvLsl i ia r ty i ;o ;ni;;-’ il ll niovrd lo Movow. wr-,.-

To:;i:;n! the Soiief uas prrpnrlne ;l,l^ (j.In bury llir ^laln leader wilh all in Hithi'tinr*, A rnmniUtee 'jns Immedl- taiie.:v,-l'.' nii;>o|ni;rt to in.'ke the «r- 'I'lir

•will h" hrJd .n f'lined lln l Soiinrr jjl;, pi :.'mb<'r . I on A:

. mi'nt here aunounri'il ornitrert nt i/j,!,.,: 4 m p. Ill, m i.M in Illll'' <R;30 a. m. J„„■ Fi'.icMi n;’nd.ir(l t i in c mday in th e ,r.,, ^

I''iu:irr.id co;iiTiunec.headouarlrrs, ., , , ,Ill" lormer .“nu>’r,'-v iivsiiiiilc.ln

.•.vhich clrls of Ul" ar-Mocrncy were ci;ite.itrd diiruiR the r . 'ir l 'l rCKhnc. „,,,

InThat in s io r irb u i l i l iH S r tS o rn ;? ^ '^r,>n>t;tiiriii n'-eml.lv met In 1 0 1 8 , . ', ' ; '10 b- rlf-nUed liv the l,ol*h«vlks. I

Kltoll to-.'* to power In the rn n ts ," j,., nl the foinmiinlst parly from h u m - ', , ‘ „

L.Timln^,IJoTti h iT la tka provhirc year.s

iic). he earlv h-'cnme nn on>nan ; urrt h!,» c.hiJj.'hcvri If! an or-

I AtrrslPil Pnr ArtlylllM tn " / '’; iir Iiv.iiert Ul" bolshevtl; move-, f ' ” ' ..,„H,.t_,i^.1Jttt4-wni-«i>i*ohil«l-l«-ll»n-ijOXCI

T'i;i:-I; eo.'ii.ii;!';..- nnrt arr<*«f'vl ffwt me in Mi' iU' V..I It.!' lel.ilUllohary aclivi:"

, lie . iy (oniiiTlion with nil llli'iral Mniprliitu'.: I'lntil he fiji-fBlcd. 'In- v

I Afl'TJ-'rviii': live year* imprl'nii- iKht, nn'lit 111 .'^avria, he lelurned to he- i . de;i

rome ,iri:vi. a,::,in in nany work. Ttirlie pirtieili:ited-«n Ihc boMieviM iiurne

re'ol'.ilinit. «:is i-.ained to Ihe .sn- near 1

; (Coii'iiui -d on Pace c, col. 4i [ <C

<>h-Is-(Jolinf-To Com|)licate-


1 . -

p p

; - A N A S S O C IA T E D P R E S !

L a D A10HNI?<li;^UKeRMHls)i-2.-»M''-

'•Slce7)in(r Iloauty’ R Olieya Directions

Printed On Slate t

CillCAOO, Di-c. I I lw C o n - X f:.oii-t;c-s '.s :,'iu ri.iii8 -to Pn- u r iii M.i;-Uiie, O nk, Pork'»

H'T esi-,' MCUMIIK klowly on • ilr.ir l,eln:r hrr, lllr Klrl who has brrn in a eoma Mnce Frbruwy.1?>.’, lai ed her hal'd tode.y, —- l'fln:i-d w,>rd.. on die ilntc had _ . ditrcird hn lo'inakc the veMiirc. I / Hit lauiily (ii'cai'cd tha t diirtftg W th* ims; Jhe lias fnllow'cd ol’irr ;'iii);)l-- w fjilw dl^i-cllons— -:'; hi: ti,ai eooidination has re- > I'unrd b-iween her vision snd

Her ea'e Is believed to have !':"';eii all rii'.tinR records for . ;i.'0':.'r:''d Alcrp. ' DjCk

BifaiiCflOBBEifi:_____ HH'HI

H n r v e y - B a i l e y n K id n a p e r r in i - J I 'J

R a id on D e n v e r Iflin t ;iion

12 Y e a rs A go ! ;! !" «the fl

m:.vvj:ii. iirr . t f.n — Final . , «nlutl<m of th r Drnver mint rob- , j” ’" '

-lifrr 1: rm a -g to Jn -a lilc h ffoa.- , , nos In rurrrtiry « s i .n itr /ied {rom ■: ” ainifd »uard». w*» ftnnouncril to- , ' , nielil by Chlrf nt nelrrllTM A .T . | , Clark whl. Mid llan-ry Hallry. | “

- . 'i .iu in n ri iM n jp rr-o rrh a r ln r-K - 1 — llrxlirl. OlOalioma Clly mulll- | {,,„ mlllliinalre. na* the dflvir. ol lhe 1 ,|,p

-TT*bn-r.r-----------------------------------P.if mrn and U o w om en-all of | e*ecu

'.'.horn a:-.; naw in prLsoii ur d fi'd—; 'ruii- \s<-:i' involved hi Ihc rnm c whlfh j 'he 1h.is Ij.iffled (he iK-.sC iietrffU’c mlfltl-s I '>”h' in lhe (-ounliv far more IhaH a dc-1 '-'nd

Thp bandll mob, Chr.-f Clnrk »ald., |'.ini

H.iivi'v nmiev, now .si-rvina lime fU n ii.n AmTira',s ' ili'Vil’.s 'Mand," Al-1 \Vi; ea;rar. prwin. Caiilornia. for tlx -: deiitli kKiiMi'uv^ of Urnchel. I nieml

Jim Clark.' iio'a M-rvlns il life »rn- Iraun trill r- l'l the Indinnn lat•.• ix-nlini- ‘ To

a! Mlrlil^j.iij Cits f.'<r parllcl- nld uI>ii;.i;,; ;n a bln bank robbery flt Clin- .Sriiatlou'lir.1. . 'ni-h_lUii:iL_L«m_i;:i.iuy.. Known-, In |inaiil> i:\rr n.s fl'ilx'rt Hurn.'. nnw dead.' hentla:iii.->ii2h nrciiniManrr.'. ol hLs end I’i'i'-''nr:" no; M h ' known.

I'raiik McFarland, ahius "The Mi'tnphLs Kid." also drad. ^ ''f

Niehohi.s •I'rainnr, nlixs Mrk alO«n. I'W t l r baiutr. -.sho-'r Jrorrii, bulli't-rid- ■r;en bodv w.x\ found In 11 rcsldenllnl .•aracc 1:1 IVnvrrson thr iiliin fo f .lanuars 14 1D33, more than a mnnlh

Flomi-e .SUian, nlso ki.nwn ns lCioxcil':r.JiiMll>«l!l, .loU f.me jnob ninl r<ia*on ol Ira inu i. She.

'■MnrKaret'lliirn.*, who pa-rd n.s the wife of Robert Huriu.. wlr.i-e IKht name wa.-. IU)brrt Knarji. She

' nir I«o iiM ini u n r -.iwi will I lurned 10 dealh in an nutomobile | near Iled Wing, Mmn., ae;urdiiik- to | „

• Conllnuetl on Pnue 6, Col. 3) 1 ___

ate-Thinffs___________ ^

/ / In c</ ■ fiA^

' \ i i '

^ , ' . : ii;. o:t

I i H i'1 / d.p;ii

______ ^ - apixa

/M 'C F A fat'fAlAnT^'lJHjfn ■ 'T u lk

' . " ’A- " " “ " s V'tl'lNfV/'O U r t E ' ' ".into « T > i d K E K i i iW u t

V '■ ■"o t h e r M t

'■ '■ ^ A 'o M t - o v y i V “ I

lE i i w '- , I. / ■ f i l T f ' t


I . I l o :

H T l y f w —-I

~ ^ _ i A Jimrl,r t ■ > waiidi\ \ I . JJ) Ihe

, I olK'r■ ____ ■ lllclll.

E S S N E W S P A P E R - C O i t tP

V I L YI f —

Roosevelt, ( Richberg,E Maps Hugi

Vast ReUef 1 Stir Row In (

) ick ii)so ii a n d S n e ll O u tsp o k e n in I

: . V '_L :L _W agncr.lo .|[i).w ers_W J

--------------------- ---------- o il- 'I 111' ,V.-,ili-i,llLiLW A S illN 'G T D N . IV'c. l - f V o i io ?

i ld i 'A 'f iV i '^ i r r r a o i i r T r i i r f - r x p c t i ' i i t t if a ciH ilin -isio iial liisiu iio to d a y (im ian ieo tai.v liiilU t' sh 'n ild I’l'i-.-iiieiil Hi )H'Hl Ih i'i i ' Jij)»n)v;il,

l l a i r y llH|i!viii-'' 'r o lp 'f a iln iii i '. 'ilra trH m iiV h 'as (•i,‘ hl“ r ”iiiii\‘ bit-'*----------idti ilo llai's fn r w n rk -r i’lit’f. | i n n iild in j: ii.'w hmi.-;i.-< fo r Ih i' I |ow watte er.iOTi and --oi <-.vii«(i.*l();i «f U U U ' hc Mlbslsten.e homi''.tCiid pro]ects.“ crri-tary Ickes-has an outlay n! l l \

rnm live to ,'-r\en bllhiin' Ior pub- liyle norks and liou*niK In imnd. back- U l lTi-hv-i»-<"“iii'-iii.u.ii-luuliic;*_lA_uik.Ible to piovKle n n'llc'' sohitlon for hc depii'S'ioii problem o( rcMorini: QfflCC •niplu) ment.___ l„„„ |.-,,*H ,l„U :M irdcd__________ StiUoth r.rre in Wnrm Gpiha;s fnr

he ni'rknid ready 'o urge thevTlT;:.-i!p.iin iiM im.Mdi ut. ‘Mii' i h u i ----------'xiVume Ims nlvni rvidi'iice lie in -, TCI end- 10 ie-.ervc llnal Jiidumenl for |'},nni .he 'iii 'i" V hitf. Hr li.'i« prnnmeti- ,•„„ „1 >iih' in ii.ivr n rrlirJ j>1jd) rraily to Kenn; .'lid in rniiKress a day or alter il In i ic u in.lanii»iyljut mav mie Koni” ji ,in c ;inl of hi* plans In aimther radio -.1 ■lucnle rhal.’,l^jiiu;!iiiif ftUcr_Hil—pittUt •etuins here next werk.' - |

nemb-r» ot l>oth rhambcr* loday \ "=*" raurd imon the h'lie.• To uhiil ll left -If the ncpiibllran Ild tiiaid, Ih" iili'a via.s nnntlipma.Viiatnr Olckhi'oii <i<-Io-Afti ,-.nld ‘ui-h a proeram "unuld clve Ihc ' ' ' ‘iHhl inaiicial world hrart fallurr. If nny. daiiKlir ll'llll l.'fi': :ai;d-w'o;ild —senrp:‘- “ '“=““ U IV Ite iiidii'.try ' nrreslr

I,onii' To Prlrafe J-'iiirfprlneneprcJi'iilallvc Snrll. nepubllran Judu

loor lender, hald lha l wlillr n eer- on the am nmoiiiit-Tif reU.'I co;dd no; be dKirld unldcd, ill.' elfort i>hniild be to de- dered 7r3.se ijj)pjDpiovn;r;it by cnco-.irnc- Ilie renr private rnterpr.-r. e*pcrialty lhe "1 i'lultdmj Industry, 10 uUdcrlaXc new ihlnK iiroji'fi.s. I i

A factl-m led bv Senator Ij i FoI - | ,oUf.ull-VVKi.i-aiid.St'lwlQr. .Wiiciicr_ *n-NYi hn* Imr.- <-»>ilfm)rd tn r « iiiblie works and hoii'Uiii proKram ll rieii yii-a-er ii.-o':oriio;is than ed in hat ndvatieril bv lek.-:. Uiev Imvr '•'»ihle t sulj;.tnntliil lolli.wiii;'. • ''I'lMvc

Neverthelr.s', f.w diiiibtnl tha t Thiink: iniM'Ver ijreiit n nnilah ilmi m id it b r >i’< Ihi ,;l.'.i(l, till- pre.sli|.'iil s wli.he.s In ill'.' He,'lid wonld p in a il . 1 tim r

______ __________ hiail,' ■_______________ hen- •

OD D ir iE S E— o f - L i f e - ' i l s

' • loiluwi■ — “ '■ l-ioid

Illy Tl-.e A;. '>:l.iti-d Pri'.'.l -y, j, 1

11 C o llia ion W ith L iiw — • u>m ilfiAS I-‘IIANCI.S<:0-Jiirk Heldel- ^

-■ri;, :o, was nrr-'.si.-d. for i.in-Mthu- „,nd Ill'll a '- '-rl.dlv ....... downhe ai're.'lhl',; m<il;'iejel'- nllirei. .,i.„ ,j,,

III court \.-;l;'rda\, tl'.'" trallie vei itilU.eail said lln .e '.u'l' li'i unp.O.I Kei.ua,;.-o:tvd Molall.m , imd I'J otliT lJo.'U(iiuii.s i».mlinn a-Miii ( hi:ii, ---------

H i' liilhi't, H'-iiiy ll-'lililberK, a l.-pillv nly allll,ll-'., tliieaU'lietl lo

:'r:;L,::;:Trh,.'i;::i;:;;;’;^ ;.:;rr Littr iilk C om ca I l i g l i c r - -

WAKIlIN(iK).-.' T.ilK won't l>r;o ( , ( ]

' ;•••.•• • . . ......................... t,'.\H111 '

/hi;.-; e ^ y 'V e b u l l l - : ; ; .u n ; ; 'u l lx ^ . 'A ,

crni.'.. ’Ih '' phon. li.ll v,,.s ^ald to lau 1.''VI in | . \ . I ' , 0: JIOWJ an-

• 'W eu-li ■ ll

r.-ixi lo DoJc O f/ it 'c — .'ILONUON. Wh'.li a.U-'-'. y- Iilll'.- “

.i.Mtalu a rm ..I ,1; a 'hH',11 laty'ir U M-I,anv.' and .;i.'eh,ir.. <1 p,u . iinei.'

>,dy s-ia:l.d an'ini.M iiiatioii. ' ' J'•rn.- iiKiuuy ^ho•.^ed llm; the nn- '

lUlilnji'd ',M;', l<.t>k‘ taxlr, \>erc IlrM I',1; Ih- exchan::', jrc.'H .d their * -/•) ' •if,ii’-v wiilioiii n-itinv 111 line., and •' talk 'd nomr i.) ;.,i, , . "f*'.'

Koilf ir.';,yifts rach cJt) l‘.»dI. it tofci-y : ^'wKicir

„ - • 'H x ..c l) p c n S e a s o n — • ■ 'womm

NKWAUK, Cal - I I was every Miaii rnilroii or his own liitkey ai.d every tiiikcy U.'» mi or h!m.‘.d l yisicrday i\t. Ncwuilt Tin- ■itiaiis went ou i'huntinv lurkcys. Elmo ^rnrlv n liuiuln.fl fnt ecjiblgT-S-Bl j'‘ t s nl laiiderlns about the salt mnnhc.^ hts tl I) Ihe *0111}) r;j,l 0/ Ala.-Jii'iJa couHiy Denlll. ilKT havin'i inll'.-n olf a truck la.'i iJo 11 ilclil. Ab:u; JO u tle caujlll JCi* for ill

N E Wu i u n m Atron-hoiiEAtJ .1

r o r omotTtftTioHtt - . .............. ............^

Consulting ,Hopkins,! ge Relief F’ Schemes I Congress 'in Misgivings; LaFoIlette,.

sJ/anlMpre _ , I-------------• I-ile.1 Pre^si _________ ! Vli'o |iosal.s iiy jiiHiiiiii>lratKiii: ii 'i i t t in ^ -lH 'i 'u m i* - '.l lf V c n t r r " "

l i i a t f o r t‘n^.1 a In'U.'r jiar- ii l H oosevc lt iiinn .tlly roi'om -

t r a t o r . w a n t- ' 1<. :i i i i ir» iir ia li '. J” " ” *

i M i r i

' I f ic e r s U n k S h o o tin g W ith

S to ry o l Atte m p te d m

• E x lo r l io n ™ip” ____________ .>lt

TCI.SA. OUa.. Ure. I m - I'hlinp Kenium rr. IH • .vrar - old [ snr. of Krderal-Judse Franklin F ,p - - '' Kenn*nirr, w»»f)>»ri:fd wltlimur- Jrr Inlr Ind.iy for lhe Thanks- " " fU \ns »U)liiS of John (inrrrll,.:.1. snil nf « uldrlr known Tulsn

County Atl'irnry Hnlly Anderrnn j Md the yonth eonfe:.sfd, dci'lariiii; . .I had lo do It." Hc will bc »r- iliincd Mondny, '., • *; ■111C KhwlliiK wn.'. linked by of-

a;rrs with a Mnry nl nllpinptcd: * «orlioH nhned »l JJ. F. Wilcox.! niltliy oil man, Ihrouiih liis i'" -" '' aiiKlilrr. Vlr«niln, iin, inimmlr 1nena ul,i'Dili;S.Kcmiai\n'r,:____

InvrsliBatlm: that anni.'. polite rresU'd Wade •niomius, eperalor f a saiidwirii shoi>. fur «|iic;s(t<.rimc., H''™ Judw Kcnnamrr. who h w bren ;

lU the Irdi ml bench hrre .sIlicc the | H<- IKlrlct waf. crcati'd In l'J':i>. Mirren- jlton.j Icred his son to lhe p n w cu io r.! letiii Hierc «erc tenis in hLs eyej. jvolui

"1 nrver dreamrd Ihnl Mirll n 'r ti lc hhiK roiilJ happ'-n." he said, ihls 1

Claim s'S rlf-nrfcw p 1' “’'Tlii-’ 50ulh (Ii-rlared lit? shut Oor- '

II III dlM'la" di'liin^ rn- ..uhl.-r in a iparwly .sell,lcd, ex- ,, liisivc lei.ulrnlli.l /e.'tlnll here ' *'1* I'hanl;;;:lvini: iiiuimnht beyniul .-ay-i>K- Ihl- b - r ■bo! lo presene hr. own

'(ill!rell'.'. bnlly, MuiV t',Mce hi the Rail, was l.juid 111 II..S innlnr c-u n [ ) m e •Ihiii:.t,iy Iiii;lii. Tlie pl.sio r|l, sllh '*hlril Ile Was b'.lliArd l» ImVe Uj.ep sl.iin Illld I'i’-ii n.irirnl lo u

Isler III the te.ir M',.t ..I llie . ar md had been wiped rlrall of lill- '

' KriiiuiniiT^a lO l.'^l e.Tiin^.TiT! oiluwrd ihi'ily U11.11I a lep'irl byj •iold J. Hull, K insii-. City piliit lo fi r. .1. lllKipiis, ihlel nl Kali.M', City |e;|.,tl\.-;.. Itlnl 111.- joutli had lold ( nm he nnce intended lo k'lll Clor- -ell by kin>.'.iinic him uni-<inv;ioiisII „ Ihtm: I'l-ine and bailiiiK unl.

Hl 'uni'. and Atinriiiy AiulerMUl I ,|.n miDlrd ll'lif a.s IrpiUllllK a roll- M ,ei-.ai;un he i.ild he had with Am. iei.iiaiiiir :n v'hiili Kemiailier di:,- ami, :lo,'il .1 iM ^ .l t . i I J 'U 'ilU'.ii jiM

,(,' iii;;i;'l"d iji Pan.'fi.C<il lii , d , ,

L i t t l e ( J i r l V i c l i m s ' l £

I I I T r a j ’ i c i V l v . s t e r v <

G o t o ! ' m a l R e s t - 1’ ^

i,'.\Hi.i.‘-:i.i: l‘.>. i> '' ' '*'• IVt'i.ii;-,i. K al'.' Ill'■inf.iii:'.' iWiiOi If

,Vhi;.' ;;.‘iM ..li:-,;.u l.;.;l .-liL.ld tl." , JOIJII'. ol tl:.' Iliii'e l i 'tv k ill ' l'l ;;;, n

II I;;e W'l' '1, .tl .i-;<'iiv- •1!,. imiii.' nl Ih" hu.lnlic Cillilb: I -

and v.i: ;') l-oi- 1I-.',I11 ll.' ''• UiioiKlill.ti.inii.^Unt;i.-l.-.,.^a;4ii

N n 'il " ! ni| ii. «r<!' m ,

he fiiii'.:'' -■! i:a; |.ii,. '- ; illM'lt

iijd cVintv ..ii'iiiiiV -.r.iTii'.i-»;ain

v lnciriin E T ^ l'.- '^ trin jt'-T tn y in ^ t— '-•‘- ,Ue.,ch:ldf-'i'i -*'i;h the ,'m an and j'omnn fonnd ,‘h'--l to draih in a •ftllroad s'harh n ia : Aho.'na, iiloiii ■13.', ml.V-s *.•.‘•111. * ttcre

Till- live have tivn Idvliliikd n-i n,rv,( Slmo J . Noaktx, a lorni?r Mnrinc; ' ,

nlt-eo. WiiiiiKd Pierre. 18. a n d ‘ iii,if its th rrc flatish'i-rs, Coid. lia, inter 3fnllla. 10,'nod Noima, 12. land

fJo nrraiKeinrnls hav; b .rn m .ul' Jr.'-'i or tlie buiial o; Na.il.'.-., and lili.ilnp


V S 1■ i2 _ P A G E S .— e .C E y ix g ; .______

ng With Tugwell,Program

Estimate of Cost Runs froin Eight

To Nine BillionsV ast P u b l ic W o r k s , P u b lic

H o u s in g C o n s t ru c t io n ,

B o n u s f o r D c s t i iu te .

y p tf i r n n s . ' P o s s ib i l i t ie s

Illy The A.voclatrd Ptr.wiW .\U M S i ’ l l I N C J S . G a„

i)i'i'. I — l’rt'.->i(lt!nl Iloo.'icvclt._____iiioiilik 'd a no iv a n d v tt^ t tvork I'l'lii'f iii-o>;rain_ coii.'*o1idatini^ v a rio u s i-x is ti iij ; cnierkciiC y aKi’iH-it's ill a I 'o n fo rc n t 'c lo d a y of lii.-i iir ii ic i jia l iiidc.s.

iio la id d o w n th e o b je c tiv e (if \ynrk ill id a i'e o f u n p ro f i t - alile liirL 'cl a id jc n in ts a.s r e - ' jxitis Ior Ihls Koal were re«lvcd

the. emcrKcncy council; Harry U lli'pkiiu,'it-lli-f fldmlnlttrttlor, nnd Iter.lord Ony TuitWcll. under.sccrci.^ry-vl—i>uriciiUiir«—am l-lnU nulc------ 1cuijiuUaii'..

.Mr. ttoooerrll rr>rrved his Jud{-

allrriioon parly In the Uttle _ttb ltc Hou*e cottace on I’lno

mouiitaljv endfiT liiil'U apprartd ' ccrlain d ia l out I( woald come a.huKc public wofkn pro<?-«m eall- Inc fnr publle hnusln i comlruc- llon and poulbljr pajrmrnt ol

"limiun lu \ r l>Min un rellr t ta llfc Jiichbi-JV H w etl Uwt fOordJHallCiJl

I'lid coiuvolldalloii of the vlM emvrnency machinery- Wfta one of, ihc oojcctivcs of tlic mi'ctlns-

Hi-’.sald no lormal n-commenda-' v iloiLs w.ri- ftubmitt.il lor a prr- maneni NUA, bui” h.j ni«catcd his suKKci.ii'jivs lor rclcniion of tho jiriiieipie o: rjllccyvc barsninUiR on;n-ninntnrj-Dnvji-a5-r.ef for.lv^ln-the-------exblin.; iiilU'lc "-n o f the .^ lional Jheovny A.'l.

S ur D rrentrullied Uole H'- liiruirrinoic iiwislcd l ln l cl<c-

, I'.uir.Oi labor icpm ^-niauvcs lor col- 'Icciiic baniflinin; &hould bc on ■; voluntary b.i-ila nnd tha t majority rule shoiild prevail. Ile contended this ha:, alis^ayt been ii fundamental ' I'rinciple of thv Anr.-rlcau Fedna- uon of Labor., ,K l:h b ;r t ,J0 ln icl„ .ln _ tJ i e _ |c M ___;jjij!cj|j|r i>ri',>omuk-ii jit ih f Jin-i.uiitii.i iKiii;iiiii..iiinuii LJiif'.'iriiT;--------

"I b"ll'iv.' m work r.-h.-f," he tald."Itie dii.-ct dule i i clH-up and un- ,-aiL-;lHclury. Unlll <lir<-ci urani.*. tan

lC.iillin:ti-(lolli'aKC«, Col. 3) .

CelMT- ■

mimm2 5 M en T a k e n A s lio r e ; C o as t

G u a rd s m a n D ro w n s , in

L a k e M ic h ig a n

M rsK K dO S. >Heh.. Drr. 1 (-11 Aiiiithrr tlirllllil; th a p lrr In lhe annals of (ireat I.akrs rrsrun nas nrlKrii Imlav Hhrn, afIrr Jii.pr li.iil brrn -almost abaydim- ril, all z:> iiirinbrrs .if the Mrrrk- rd "JliiV f rr leh trr Hrnrv Corl's ir.V i(<'rr lu lrn ‘.iff allvp, al-

' Ihnuch it ‘be I'O't of nnr rr»-

id oi:r ot .......I ImL.' .U.lir.i; lit VJal.-k . l a u d . -

n hali'b..ci;-' ua 111.. l:il,- ai.i.ij.f the l)|-.-akvvu;rr- ■

n.'c 10 .MII.S- .e-.l o '.ir I,.il;c

h r ; iiiKli;, ll

rk’y iulKP..biit

V..UIX Jiuarihnian IHra ____

•li.i;., U in.rt. LM-*ear-olrt ci'.i.s’.i; hls.lirs l ;n.' .lii;U..ovt:tJjo.-itd.^_

iiiiiii a iiii.'U Dual by a mounialn-;

iflr rr.v.-i,f a!- :.meii all bu'. ,

e:i'.e i.n hone lm llu- Cor.'s tirw. lull t. .l C.mia.II Chnile'i V. CuX ili'ieln.i'.l in.il lie |ind hi* Clew

ll lll the R.ilry win!,''Ill,- ..Miiii .m d waves thrca:-

id .io .t lic l;i>l- .

rcakwalrr! buf- I ivavrs. T'»o d u shnre cifw'

in.uti. ..'Mtv 10 .i<hi>ol ft.brcrches liuiiv hue ab i.'ad . Hul the »r»r*• ,.'i;,iii ...iiiiis iiasv eare of all Ilia;l:v •mrhi'i- ;i JIM- 10 IhS brcsK-

x u r t toT SSojT ■ 'Uu-au tliH line iney cam t;one by

■one,' 111 an iitiprovised breeches ' biiiiy. Once un th e breakwater, Ihey were Ia.-.hcil lo u rth c r.in gnups ot ihrv'cu and. w'heit the la.st man had

:icfi the ship, they started tor ahore. . ‘ Hnlf of their palhffay wm awtpt. "intermiiiciil'lj' uy 'f la iu ,land the journey was oiil>- ellghtly

pjriloiis th im lhat .from Uie ihip in ihp piri' hca;l. tn t ll was 'irj.iniiill.shcd w llhoul mistuD,

T O D A Y : U n s e t t l e d -

iD m Elsiisir ■He

P r o p o s a l C a lls l o r C r e a t io n S

O f $ 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 R e - ■ "

I le f C o rp o ra t io n t«i

WABUINOTOK. Def.’ 1 W l-A jJ!, plan lo bc pTMMl berore F ra fd m t (j, noo*^iTfU by.HMTT L. IlopUni.’ihe rrllcf •dminlilrator, m llln t (or 3* th r creatltm e( an IS.OOO,000.000 gl' f rd m l work relief eoriMratlon,WM dewrlbed ftntliorlUtlTHr l im a i h a rin j jjrecJpJtaW * »h itp d l; *Ulon anw nf pretU tnlial ad rlto n . •nd cablnel member*. 11A question a. to vhlch of tvo

•courses the lederal Bwernment nhould (ak« townrd RottlnK the un< emploj'ed olt nUel tolU and bark ' on pnjTolLt TM disclosed to hare j,g. cau5«d lhe split oC opinion. ' ng,

The suRfsilon drawn up by Hop- hu• U ns etlU tor s e l t l n e ^ . a (ederai ,n ,

vorlc relief corpom titD ^ltli an ap- proprfatlon cf from »s!d003)00,000 to 15,000,000.000,000. The Other, belns jIq. studied cUea-lwre In Kovemmental j j , (piartcrs. »-ould kcH l o l i c t r nway

_____ lrtim .Iurther lederal spendjnB jm d . .endeavor lo tiavc privntc. IhSuslo^ yn' absorb ttie untmploKd- Hov ttils would bc done still ts fn fhe procc,« ,hc ol'lbrnTulatloH:

To Vlsll Prtildenl n«lTlie Hopltlns plan was to be plac* ?:}

cd before'»ie"pre»!dent-auTln!mhc n,i former's vlsll to the Little White n« House a t Warm Sp.-lnfJ. Ho{>kJns J'm argues lha l business cannot yel lake ,.g,;

• up thc slack of unemptojment and *i. thc Rap should be filled by a work s»ii relief eorporatlon provided wllh am- "J"

' p lefunds. . uuHis plan was described as contem- spo

--------p^atm^-^T^rxp«nslon•o^th«ub^l8t - J»-. cr.ee homrstcnd prosram, a houslnj " J

proitram to produc* llvlnj quarters for Jow w.iRe earners, the establish-

--------m nit-ot-self-hclp-cw pcTfttlra—to Tproduce nnd distribute goods lo Job- U leu.ruralrehtttillttactonandm arstn- |

• The plan conlcmplales the Bre«t- 1 esl po.ulblQ shrlnkifie ot thc relief {

-rolls. Thow rtauedasunoRiployables »-ould bc returned to thc caro ot the slates.

Study UDOer Way F rH opklu was said to feel th a t tin-

pensions were importanl but that there were various other matters th a t should bo dpalt with In a pro- cram of economic seeurltr. A brond

jc a le study of the whole realm of 1 tmemployment Insurance, pensions, Pl health and child welfare is under o»i way and will be fInlAhed soon atter In th c presldeni returns from Warm as Bprtnes. It*

— :— Tl«-aifferenc«-ln-oplnton.-amoM -lm advisor# arises over the extent of Ft lederal expenditures th a t is neces- |w sary now. T

Thc. c o m m e r c e department, lha t hrcueh ItJ dow relation with bus- gov

■ • ^ness . and some of ttie other recot- thecry osenclcs are .studying plans by iioi which lndusti>- might be uicourag- oOd cd to loosen lt.i purse strings and put

■ more men bnck tb work. thoUnder such pUns. endcavon mn

would be mado lo cncounge tlio isic ’■ ’ ' iHnka to lend monoy far-planl.m«l* pm

emlMtion, the establishment ot new.ym

■ .the government insuring the Sonns vpi •0 as to benr a part of the excess (he risk.

Upon the outcome of the argu* ment probnbly will depend the courac L of' relief activity this winter. • utlt


■ -------- ■ ' lhuS e v e ra l S t r e e t C a r T r a in -

m e n B r u is e d ; T e a r G a s « •

B o m b s E x p lo d e

LOS A.NGELE9, T3K. 1 {IP, - " TTear g u bambt exploded again urg'today in the heaK of downtown nmiLos Anitlcs as police broke up K•ao ih rr drmonsiratlon by •Irlkior Iro)streetcar trainmen and sympalb- winlier*. will

■ & -«rarTcarTunneaiaton-Ttport-- te^ed ’'p rog rrj^ 'ln negoUaUons to end'Aev!thc walkout, pohce rushed to Sev- dn>enth und Broadwny when nboul 50 win

congregated 'in a "bouInK" VdemonslraUon ul sirci'i cars pau - cding the busy liiicrKctlouy mm

aevcral strikers were bruised In to( the sculflc'tlm t Iollow(fti, wet

P. A. Donaghue. lederut concilin. isli Cor and west cout supervisor of thcnatlonnl labor relnllons bonrd. r t- V j ported prnjjri'ss lu the scttleincnl neRoilatloiis.

•'Progress tins definitely been made In tho ncgotlntlons," he dcctarcd,___ t

____ Bddlns;,_____ ; _______________ n .' S e t t le o i^ lo Slgbl ’ -• jfo

"Tliere is no deadlock. I am ^oihopeful ot n speedy selllcincni, but th ,I cannot say when ll *111 come," i))t

Donaghue said pcacc a ltm ti ij (would contlnuu tomorrow with i\e wjischeduled arrival by airplane .of iti;m em bchrof'thc nntloiml mediation ju[board. Tlie tward will Inunch fur- luither ncRotlatlotis towurd winding attup the wnge and hour dispute be- lUi

'* tween the Los Angdes RuiUuy com- topany and tu slrMng wurkeffi. j

Slriko lenders today said they twiplanned , to appeal* to PiMldent wenoosevelt In a demand lha l the briKRA ‘bluo eagle" emblems bo rc- pu!moved from the street car Inte- 1rlor*. Ttiey eharged tlial the com- h'oipany ia violating provUlons of ihs lh<

. natlnnnl ri-coverv code.— r>-— PolJee.-conU ni^-.antats=e(-nien >n'

'charged with strike- vIoKnca. 1

. i i l f a l f a S e e d C r o p K

B r i n g s H i g h e r P r i c e

Dec.,I l^ I d ih Q ‘ j

pounds this re a r compared v llh sw•TAS a year ago, a report of th# fed* mieral crop statistician h tre disclosed «{today. tei

Paga Two_________ _______ _

j iil J I J W I l IPl '-»O BK JA ST FOB-TODAX AND- .

I l l TOMOBBOWI Idaho — Uns«IUe4 Hoaday wiUi loeal showers cr snow n n rk a north portion; Moatey

On (air: Bo( mueh change In icmiwni* L . lo rt. , '

Rlgh and lo* temperaturea ye#* terday as rtported by itie govern­meni weather obser\'er were 39 and

. 27 degree#; thero was .03 of an A inch precipitation, a northwest wind

and the sky was parity cloudy; ometrio pressure a t S p. m. waa

^ 28J 0 inche# aad the humidity ranje," Bl to 49 per eent of saturstlon. ."■ Weather a year ago wns clear w ith . ™ temperature# of 44 and 10 degree#.

I n t e r m o u n t a i n A r e a ^

WO 0 ) v e r e d B y S n o w f a l l «

(By The A.w)cintcd Prew) ,The recent western dliturbance di

now appears over Colerado and >>'part# of the surrounding states, U .

'P; has produced moderately heavy >>'snow la.-B onhem ccnual Utah^ j*

■P* central Wyoming and eastern Mon*' j*fann. CJosefy following tlus deprc#* ”

slon is a strong high, with Its hlijh'- “ CSL nfTMurfg over Wft.<hinRton, Ore-

% to n 'Snd northern Nevada. Cleoror clearing sUca .aitend-Uila Wgli. _

•*j> Fair weather prevnlls in the middle .j ^ su ie s and rain hns occurred on_ th e ju jf lii tltjo n i i.____________ ___ .u,

.Mit. Min. rtff. « T t ^ ,UoUa :___,.,.11 JJ ,M clf»r

. . C d f jfn n e___ J: is ,w tl-nidr U!L ChltSfO — 3 :_ JU _T_tn>ucl]r fthc lltlena ....___ « :» ’ .M CTOUOy grite Ne* Votk____»i sa .« tiouflr ”‘-n j «nuhi _____ J» :» .w c iu ri,,l«‘of»ieiio____31 :• T r«,ci‘y be*5 I 'o r iu n d ____ il 40 -Sl Cloiidy ooid Sl. u u u _____ 4S j : .m c iu rrk K»u Uk* CUir M :♦ j s snown . #»n U kio___•Kf 10 ,oo tlf»r “3

Sati rrsnctic«-SS 41 ,M Ctc4r lr• Ktsttlt ______41 4» .00 M.CI'J ni

llj WyhjMWti , « •»» C'f*r

i i i i c m i pof _____ Rl

F re n c h D e p u t ie s G ive S m a s h - m

K _ _ t a 9 J to t e j ) ( - C o n U d c n c e _ -

n on B u d g e t .

Id --------Dl PAniH. Bk . 1 (,n - m m le r vrIS, Pierre Etienne nandln got an foer overwhelming to le of contldenee shrr In (he chamber ot depnllcs today •m as he poshed tbe 1935 budget, wllh tn

its i:,M0.OM,O« franeif epproxi- « lg - lm ateir - « M .O O O ^ j_ f o r - th .e - _»!>of French war chest, loward early ^ s- pu iace tbrougti parliament.

Tlio* vote. 4H lo «0. even bigger P 'It. than th a t given Flandin when his J" s - governmcjjl look oillce, cnme nfterT- the premier asked secret approprla- «by tlon of 3.100J300 farns (about 1244.- PIt- 000) "to Insure i>cace n t home." ‘ 'Ut A Frcnch bid tor prcicrvntlon of

tho stfttus quo In the Sanr wns . >n made, meahwiulc. by Foreign Mln- ' ho isier Pierre Uivnl when lie tacitlyd* pitimised— lhc_ 8 aa rtn n d cn i..th n t;* .m n c e w llljio t oppo^ lhe r tBlPP’«l . . “ > eventunt return to Oerman If ttie | n* vplcrs went lo wnit for the end of i

the HlUcr.reglmc, u . No OpposlUon tn Saar tX Laval told the chamber of dep­

uties lh a l the government would not Oc offer opi»sltloii II the League coun- no cll decldcd lo give the Suur to O er- op

■ manj' laler on In thc event the In region vole.% to remain under League 4t ot Nallons Jurlsdlcllon a t.th e pleb- th

Stjclte January !3. nb(The Saar will vote -whether lo lm

re]oln-0 orman>',.ualte-tdlh-£ioncci. .(I'.i or remain under the Jurisdiction of 52

' the League of f^atloiis.1 i'f*1. Ttio govemment i»llcy or Arms ' strength ns the best safeguard »;

against war wn.i virtunlly unoppoicd :!» in the parllameni which yestcrdoy, th hesrd Laval ask Hitler lo show 00 lhat Jio means pcace by deeds, noi ^ words.

. The Socialist leader, Leon Blum, a urged direct conversallons with Oer* u many in the ends of pence., p Mennwlille Jooclilnx von Rlbben- f trop. Hitler's personal emlsjnry• who was 111 the giilleries yesterday

when Uival urged Ocrmnny to en-t*- ter-thev-prupuKKl-ewUrii-Louuua — nd I secutily pact, ili'purted for homo lo- V- dny after an automobile accident in 50 which he imrfowly i-sc.iiicd Injury'.I!" Whether von /?fbT5ciitrnp's report- s- cd efforts to Ri-t Frcnch nml Oer-

innn wnr veterans lined up together In to work ngnlnst the tear of \vi\r

wcrc succcisfiil could not be nseet- islned.

l ' ' i v e . M a r o o n e d I n

^ L i g i i t i i o u s e , S a v e d

POKTLAND, Ore.. Dec, 1 (-iv- _ -Elve zBcn-.BKe-ffin!Oi'e(L|4lo..'i“Ja>-

Irom the Tillamook Rock hght- »' house where rnRing seas had kept

them virtual prisoner* more than llin-e wrcKs.

Over' dashliiR wsves 'tiirouRli which no em it dnrcd come closc to

0‘ lhe rock, the men, llirce of them >'» sufterlng from severe colds, were r* swung nn t» breeches buoy i « up ' Iff atler thc llshlhou-se tender Ro.-e e- Ilnully siicccctled In shooting tl hue n- to the rock.

I'rciiiKcxcr'.es. oilier supp)ieM>r.<l ey two relief llghlhouse allcnrtaiit.< lit wctc landM on 'th e roek over the ne breeches‘buoy which operates 'on e- pulleys like nn endless'clothpsllne. e- R. n . Tmklmm. district HrW- n* h'oll e superintendent, announced ' liB the •^I'udcr Rose sent a wireless lo

Henry Jenkins, actlne bend keep­er, Ed .Laschlngcr. storm keeper, and Harry Ratty, fortmaD of a te- p ilr crew, ill were «ti//erln« Itom ■

■a colds. Others removed were Werner atorm, a keeper, and Carl Hanel.

„ a member of the working grpup- By the Mme melhod In which the

swung onto ttic half-acre rock a « • mtle oft the Orccon coast in deep s «1 water. Tlwy w<tc Wllllnm Hill,

regular head jcetper, and H, W, Dan- '

l U P M m i l

1 - G o v e i l im c n t E c o n o m is ts l i s t

G ro w in g C o n su m p tio n a s

n - f a v o r a b l e F a c to rnd _____an ■ •nd WASHINOTON. Bee, 1 X. T hs ioggrtihn l}»t « a apwtri U cycle sn lnc in business haa becnn je was enclo»ed loday In an ottlclaJ-

memorandum, drawn by % federal Jh economist and clrentatcd among 5, ■ otflelats In one Im portint govtm-

m ent ageney.•Thrcft-other Rovernment econom-

IsU, although unwilling to be quoted, l l are known to hnve ren'atlvely

reaehcd this .se.me eoncluslon.A oycllcHl swing l.< ordinarily un-

c f derslood tom ean a lone lettn move- menl of bitnlne^ .

This opinion, however, Ls not now vy held by All guvi'rnmenl cxprrls. In h fact, many ol them ilouU th a t there

Is such A th iin ru v thi/ kind o t-ah J . economic cycle, .'n f re Is evidence on - L,. 6o lh sides of the Io;ik tcnn upwj\rcf -i. J . swing thMl.s. - . 'bT ^Igns I'oint I pward }}' —T he prtnclpaP Isnsilble 8upi>prt ot -

Ihc t.heo.T 1-1 ffir n;ovr;r:rnt ot varl- ous slntLstlcnl ImllcMors nenlnst thr

■— usiiaUrejul.-Tlil-MloM-inrt-ivMWJ-jrl-]— ' ly mean thu t condiiltiiu now nrc un­dr usually Kood, bui ilniply tha t thc iijr economic signals arc polniln; up de- ~ “J spite drpressloh forces,'’ TJie American FederaUon of La- f l

i-y bor has rcportcif that there nre 330.- H iiT 000 more unemployed than In Oc- , to tx r last year. \Vtillr opinion varies

• os ta the nccurary of this tlgure and the Immcdlale slsnlfleance. the eco-

I'J nomlsls seeing the upward sft-lns ... hold It U ono ot the unfavorable

•rfftr5rrm ttnir(5'fiiTffdntfjrany-bf^ - i Ing overcome, gc

A major Item In the analyy.sls oti tho tour Rovernmenl ecbnnmLsis who] ‘

— •R rc -nm irw nm -T rrnc firihn rrcom ^tft pnratlvcly continuous forward move- Hi incnl In the cnnsumpHon goods in -!ii

\T tho dormnnl capital goods Indus-j ' I tries. - ' • 11 -One-econnmlil rriw tx tha t en-lfn

Rineerlni; imgulrli-s tn mnehlne too’, mi eempflnlr.s nrr beln? ni.’ide In nrriti

) . number, and tha t the machine tool business Li better.

------ S T em ra 'tlic l~ S fa tIe ^Another rusro of the Rnln was

cited In llic slablllly of thc .Mock market, Por thn 10 wrrks ended N o-i,.

r vember 10. the mntke' wns quieie;1 for a IniiRcr period thnn It t y j beenl t since the licRlnnlng ot 102W j,., r • Con«ldPrnble slpnlficnnce w.-vs nt- ' ' 1 tached by more than one ot the ji,.

economists to Ihe trea,*i)r>''5 decWoH.'*'', B- _tojillow Jl Mmjmrntlvply free move-i '' f ment of funds ouVof the 'Umted J '

SlatiJ*, This wn.1 Kenerolly inler- Pf preted to niciin tlm t prifcnl Inter- , ,lj nailonal monelnry Mnhlll2.itton wius ^ JJ to be continued. Furtlier evldenre

o f thLs chnrneter wns found In rc-lf'* ports th a t the United Bia»es wns!‘*'‘ iictliiR to prevent the movement ol '*''

of foreljrn t;o!d Into ihli couniry. | -«_ „ An economist of Internnllnnat —

views believes Ihnl world economies, nre m v morr jjrjirl)' ayjjehrw!.'.-:'-;)! * than tol- '.c'.eral ye:ir>, ;,nd llml t l r |

tills‘nature. ' “‘ j J

U fM IJflt-P IloniT TIO N GAINSp- SEATTLE, Der, I ( .f.-T ^e We.M Ot Oasst Lumberm-.'n's ii.woclntlnn a n t , ' ' n- nounced today tha t ,S4R <|nMi and ' ’ r- operatlniT mills In Oref,ni nml W ash-1 Lo lie Ink-tnn rijioiteil a pnidu.'tlnn nt Tt - 11' ,ic 4tS.032 hoaril feel nf'liiml> r <liirinR la.' t>- the week endini; N.ivemlier :t , o r 'n il

nbout (1,000,000 feet oivr thc preced-1 ne 10 Ing week. The averuRC i\eeklv pro-1 foi :c .tl!icllon:iliiriiiEJ531.1)a5.Uevn 7U.M5,-1 im of 520 compnred with 17,451.393 last nj,

{•ectr. I ns New bitslncM reportPd last wvekj ' rd »as BO,otc,r,74 a:ul :.;i;|.mrnr'. 71,- ed -flO.911. Orders txmiied v.’tre iiiuicr h'l ay, the iire.-edlm: wi'ck bv .iijum nooo,- iw 000 feet. W ol ____ _____

?. ‘B a b y F a c




e d ___


«!'. 1

;<!> S C A itC E L Y 2.1 H O U R S n t t e r lie• , John Uil'itij’.cr .Ta tlie rintioii’R

. o f tlif. f. .l..n ll ni*t,n(-' I.1.II0 I.1


^ P e a p e r a d n e s K i l

s M j W t i

■ i I

J I'•> ^ I'al i . nG '.. II P f l ' ’' ! ' ^

I«<< Ict> I

Inj \ Ieret H | j | B < W I a h t " I

ircf tH F :'_M O S T S K IL L F ll _ — ..ffigu n f th o T n itfH .Sln te'i d e r

-E. l io l li . ' ( ! e f ( I .« n d S a m u e l r r l- r c c riv c tl in n « im r l l fiv'ortTJ ‘‘B n b y Fncf* ' nin- eom panion .i.— (/P) P h o to , he __________ __

J- M o re P ro te in s I F o r T h a t S y lpble "■>fT -TiriCA G O rD «rT7Tr=D onTtitm T7I6(

Scr-:trike for thut sylph-llke torm— ,sul nti Eal more proteins! ' [c.v'ho| Tlmt wns the prescription given 'so i m ^-toasy-l7” Dr:^Lcn-KrUompbcU-ot.-cd- '■e- Hii.'«h Medical collcge after-trying rci in-! It out on liLs patients, H to (TT years prt

LS-j without beeomUiR d]nnc7*'table''lov ; martyr*, iliey lost Irom 10 pounds In j j

•n-,(niir .w eeks-to SC pounds I n . 10ifo, m ’. month'—nn nvcrnge ot two to three jrc

pon;:Av r.ist o/f erery wrek. (f.p(>0l how: :f.p

Decide whnl your Ideal w eight, > — wnuia 111'. 1 livir.'>l'r\'e yourself a

01 protein tor every pound of lhu „ “ ■'=''|e5tmi;ited p<'rtect weight; with th o .“ "

culnrifs 10 per cenl below the mln- ,*''1 '’‘ Mmum rcriulrcmcnt tor the Indl-, ‘'^IVIlllMl. . I J

rr<Hc'ln, hy the way. doesn't con- ,, lsi,M of pink pills and whllo c a p - ' *

‘ sulej. Dr, Campbell prescribed for .fR‘ Ihls patients dnlly menus c t lean!'*^

.'■ m eat. eRgs, nkim'nied mtlk, cooked; I „puiid-riw .' -ve{i4<iablcs,.Jrult_lirc4d...mc

butler and cotfec. coc. * "The problem of excessive body bre

, wpiKht tins been discussed tor ccn- of tune.'." thc physlclnn said. "In t h e ' I

. f i r i tn r i tn reduce, obew Individual.^ me

..^hi.ivu too often adopted trick’ or,she g ;''Ind ' diets, low In the esscollalglu

- l = = ~ = r';;;i T l > r e e C l i i n e s e H e l d 0

l ^ i j l u r d e r l n B o i s e l ,

BOISE. Dec, I (,1-^Tliree Cliincic j 1 iii'/mh-'r-s Ilf the local Oriental colony Or V.ere bound over lo district courl t o - ' rcl

^ ' d.tj- lo face trl«J for tlw niiirdrr ot ' ok'< Lul Onr Lan, chlRi'sc herb doctor.' ntt 4 year a;o, :n u

i Tlie lliri'O arc Cliln Yock Chr'nK.' , J h-1 U)uli; Ylns .md I-oule Fal TnliR, ' * , l .. ' 'l l ie y were Indlcf.'d tor the crime HR la.'-t January bul charKcs wiii- dUs- , . or'niLs.-.rd wl-.on tliu i>:cs<,'.-uiUii: aitor- i d-1 liey dL'cnvervd tha t tv.'tlmony ot a . i . 0- 1 fourth Chinese. Louie Ser Do'J', n’so '5.t..Imllcicil^t'Hild, ijn t.be, lyyd, ut;jinst

,.j. I Louie £<‘r Bow w.-ui ennvlclcd of ' six ',S'00nd (lei-reo murder aiul is ,vrv- 1

r r lii« a -vntciicc In tho iM'tilLiittary.' ( cu; Trial o: lhe otlier ihri-- «.iv ox- }-•.

w elt'd to U'Rlii in about i-.vo »<rks. J.il

F a c e ’ N e l . s o n C o n i c s t o t h e

.......................... ]

c r h e h a d s h o t aiuM tiilod lw o f c d c r ioii’R N o . 1 p u b lic cnom y, w a s fo u n tillolo T liia w n s (lm ai'iMn. nn th n ' l i


K i l l I ' . S . . A g e n t s ' j j

a g ~ v : . . : . -Al

’ i i i ^j el



ens,u .Inetadi

- 1—1 tnc

.L F ll) I 'lw n ilflra in . t h e C hicnR o c jj u lc p .ir im rn ff ir , i: i ,< tirp i ]\< ;rm n ,» ? cl r . C ow ley, (riKh.l)^_(lip_(l/rom li.'ittJo JIM}-' Biirrii;jfli>n. Iji ."w itli 'tiie )fi. im lilic e n em y -.V q .‘l . ■'(»<} tu 'o

000-• , - ' pre

--------------r" . J ,

Its P re s c r ib e d fJs

I p h -L ik e F o rm ; ; |

- ,s u l l Is'lowered vitality. In (nnny , [C.VVS overweight persons'.hS 'D r c - • * :

n sortcil to remedies which hnve prov* , • if-Td-nn aeiual-mennce-lo-heiillh.—To - ,S reduce.'snfely thc'.boily m u« be ‘ j s properly nourished nnit-thls is be.'.t ‘ _iHffnmj>'"hed with a normal diet pt . e ' low cnldrlc'-nfue.’’ •' r ^ , ,

Dr, Campbell; aMfrieiT thm ' h e '„ ,,d ^ found no irace’of kidney dimaRC-. f from ihe high' prottm diet d u r - l « j |

tni: his cspcr/mcnu.. which ranffcdi'n-/| ^:from a tew weeks to a year. . . l j | | |

' '*tTtun and prbsphorus to bul'ld bones r ond teeth, sufficient Iron nnd cop* U per to prevent nutritional anemia, , |

J 'su.'.'ldeiit iHatiiltts flnd bulk. ■ • • I Here is a. lyplcal- day's menu;

. .Try It fin your stove. ‘ i g t ;. I Drraktnst; 1 .serving of fruit. 1, r CRC. 1 slijc of toast, a pat a t bul- U n ;ter. co/(ce. . . . |a ; Luncheon: I sm.-ill sen ing orflPan < L.m cal_^*ervln{s of vt-getamrs; o n e i-

cooked hnd one ra w , 'i slice .01: ^ y brcnrt. one pai-of butter, one gla.ss i up.- of mtlk, I NCfvhiK of trull. • I mii e l Dinner; 1 lat^c tcr\lng of Ic.inim a

meat. 3 sen-lnss of. vcgriabJcs. 1 j noi r ,slicc o! bread, 1 pal ot butler, ,1 nm ll glass ol milk, I serving of fntlu l

pre------------------------ --------------------------- pf .

O r e g o n , C o a s t T o w n s ™

: | , S u r v c . v S t o r m ’ s T o l lI ' ------- TTT! ;- j y|,'

! PORTLAND, Ore. tJec. 1 i i i Orviion c:a-i iM iis today sci th e m - ' „f i- 'f c lu s to th - ix'k ot rjpa lrln ; dan i-.' u*, t:BKC nrxiu'M, ■ }v.-.:crilay uliii to'. ' nlKlit by one uf the worst gales o f ; |uk)

:tho seaH -n.", . , ' i>r'»Ilish .'MS l,i.O;cd the coa5th n e ,'u v

,‘ , heavy Kcnernl aild th c 'tp x: wlr.il »i t;rr.i» reached a 03-inile lax

; 1I Today,-iiDj-.;er, moderate north-.;

I west v.indi lu'cvallcd as thc sou the r- , •“ '■ j ; l y RalcsubJiiltd,. ' i'l; ';, A raninj .'tr w storm broke o v e r. ' ' — Klnmmh-cwmirin-ooutli»rii-0 r<‘4o u - b '

'fttid -nt Crater Lake National jiark ; f ,slx tie t n; .'.nir-.'ihad fallen. • ’ 1

Miir,'ii(i--!ii, oil th.' inld-OreKon I cu-vst, Itad 11 M.'r, l Ka!-- lil .vveral "-i

- j . Miv HLha,v.-^ hlockcd ■ hy , , ; t J.illinj tm -. aad b7"r,iritM ldej. ^,mi-

the End-of.His Murderous

. . ' % V ;

cdcrnl-nji'ent.-H G eo rp c "B nhy '-F ’ace o u n tl sh'iin ili n d itc h in a C hii-;^ 'n mkn ' Kiill.-f .tAiiii Im^K* • r.v

H H i f u

; S A A - C o t to n - C h ie f T e l l s ’ o l I K S 7 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 B o o s t ta r ■ I

I F a rm -In c o m e

! T dllor'. n o le Cullf, A. Cobb. , M I admlnlitratlon adtlior on agrleui* jg ; lurr, has prepared'(or The A»o- n j elaled i’r r o (he followllsi lu m -. J { m ary .o f lhe recovery program'i . V ; etfect on the* farming Industr;. ' M I'particularly tn the Nonlhj. * ^I' Iiy Cl!|.LY A. COIIU ■: (Cotton Chief, ot the Agricultural | | q I Adjustment Admlnlslratlon)-' ' \W I WASHINOTON. Dec, t-T liro u sh ' the opcraiinn i>t thc tecuvcry -pro*, g ran t-a s a whole, appro,\lniaiely 47W,000,000 i»a.s nddrd to tanners ' ( j cTwh Income in m 3 ovn IWJ, jijjd - U Is esllmaled 111 i l i fp r o c n i year

Inearli' $l,000.0r0,C(Xi wiu tinvc b e tn ' ^ added o\er ilk- l93J'flKUtc. ,50

l_TU ls..U -uiuJiicrcBse._ln money 1.., Incomc, Irnat 1033 lo 1934, of ncarlyT ^|, 40 -per crj)t. Allowing tor thc In- £.j, cren.«cjii lhe prlee.s of tilings farm - • era buy,, thi- increase Amounts t o g , -

i .TSic sro-vs nnt{ cnsh Income from ■M l iHl'e 1933 cntton crnp. wiih tmiiro^ed lljt .prices and reiii.il and'benefit pny- | | n i

_m enu. uns anurOXtmately jtUB.OOO,-,____000 compared uItll Htl4,000,000 the • previous year., ‘ .

A rcceni sun,eyUhows thnl in thc .■ liTslTsl:r:iiinn:i:r-nt-lM3-lollowinir

the 10J3 ptow-np, the'hiovcment ol industrial gooiii in (lie South u w Rcn 43, per cent greater ih iin 'ln tho

' same period ot I33i, ‘[ 'AecorilliiK 10.4'sitmak's of-llic de* 'pSrUnenl ot aKrlciillvrc.'farmers' • . |ca#h Income from mnrketlnR of col*),tnn nnd colton.sted durinK the ,firs t •

"^frinc montlis n: inn rUneiiC^i'Iir viiis 1 ^31 per ccnt liiuher ihnn 111 tho cor- .Han,. ■resiiondinjt"p«r1ud on iast yc.ir n n d 'i .« ‘'i '44 per cenl'nbove tl» flr.'l three iK-''" -nuarters' of l(i3?,-iiiirt-^hcn trnw l-m ay and benefit pavinenls by the nKri> New cultural ndjufin\ent ndmlnl.Mration (

.,A rc..ukciv-inio-O C CCun|._lhc^ii-J:o<i^ ;crva.vi are 36 per.cent .over 1933 j Uiii:< 'm id 60 per cenl over 1032. Iiui '.i

imiaiffiM'g.1 I I I i |S t K |

: S t a a l c E d u c a tio n A s s o c ia t io n | j j - ;

j U r jo s E x p an s io n of E tiu a N

! - iM liO n .F im d ■

; ' b o i S r b ‘er'l~v7-^Ri.'c7rhiineltdft-; uons tonnrriM-'ed tui’rt.-. tor oper-

I atlnR and butliiini. tor^’chojls wore, .'ini j im ade loda'.- by thc Idaho K duca-'.>•’'‘v j r;oiJ .ivorl.-iDon n l the close ot 'llie uiar,'

nmmiri iw6 '<l,iv <uiivei;V',on, . > 'I'hi Three men,were nominated tor tlijT

presldencv to succeed W, n R n llfr jTjn; of ■nviii Falls, who har r.ervi-d iwo,ivi:r.i term '. Election will he.by mal! ln l- l , j m lot. t h e thre-' are I. !; M.iiSi'n of. aall. l.i'-,M.toii normal. Morrl-. P . !’,ice nf;,);^. .,

liin im cr; ^ ,su;-nkci o i _____1 Ueilrr.ei', ” ---------------------i The iw,sorjniion ntcfil exi';in'lon, n r lo f the Mate «qunli7,ilini tuiul Irom; l\

lts,l)rr<enl hnlt•|nlliinn dollar Ii-vclj j , 'ta i : M m to n>rr vrcy-rr njd tt)j ; luKir'd lrtrlcts.and'coiunlc'- It wns!' Iir'tpo’-'d' lh a t 111"- inoni'V be in:.';-d ' bv-n'.her meani than’the irri'P<.-rty I t(ix,.-.u?;i ns the Inromi fix.-a hixury

u x . or a Reneral sales tnx. , ,’ In'.iddltion a rrcommQiK’.a'lnn for 1 j - i

,! -.^omc mc.c',.'. otlier than i:ond,s' lor '^ 3 /

• iirRcri, One pro[«?.'al lor cnii'idera- • ' tinn hv the next lerlslr.tsire w.-,s thnt■ tla- distrlcU bc «"o\ved to make a

-iTi;Tn:ir-lrt’V'-Tonrtmi!d;rj(:-<nndr^-----------I . ,U(i.-c rlicitl oo.'it.-ol o '' nt the endowuient luncts al'o f

Th'* avoela tlon’ren'i:irmetl it,* In:, (to; M tiicnl of the child labor .inieiid- 5 “J*

, ,m in i and tor tenchirs ti'nij-'.-rance.re.K!

lUs Trail--------------------------------- ----- r- - ■ presl• . ■ . . ■ ' p^ .|t

y ■ - : , ’ • lale

8 ® ® ' . ' j - ' f ■■ ^ « « I U I ^ V - ' ; j • - ' ’’‘He

V ^ ' • ,'a ■ ' • ' , ■ ,s;'o-k. I” '' '-

I k - j i - - / -•I S S s s i i i f v # " ; ■ ‘ “ ‘''Ii ? 'ik (' Ho*’'


' ' i S u u i

■ ■■■ K ' - ' ■ " w

7'^\---2Br "lie.. Tt r f W F l j I t I V.UIt

' . - ‘ bluei J - ■■

, ' I 0 .' :. ' Dnv, ■ City

. . - po«-----• ................. . ' ' . • Ktw

' 1’'^". 'J ic c ' NclSfiii, wiio''-.^ucccp(ic(} ‘hc”.'n Mil<urb— lilm sc lf ilio'vicliTO^ . ‘"f! .11.it/,..'A. ..A.il - ^...... t

'CEMBER 2. I931; . ’

I ' r o m i s e d R e l e a s e JPI

' ttm’ I’*"■ rob

; ' ^ ' I. I

■ .a s

JSOIiKL LILLIAN STEtXE ol Hol- |„al . - lyn-eofl hcJd m Oerman prison den

since August 10 nn unexplnmcd cou c h r.rg a - 'n Photo. - _u.

______ wnirc.'>i

l E E l H i

R elease F ro m G e rm a n P r i -

■ ■ son F rom js.ed Iso b e l

• . ' ' L ili ian .S.teele S-------- ■ of 1

-•BCTr.tw.'-rvi:, t frTr-ry^yl hlan S’.ccic of Hollywood. Cnllt... who lifiT Jj,)on; l.cr24ih blntiday and Tlinnks* Frn I(;:uiii: dav In .Krini Moabll prl-’On. - A -mav i>-.-iUuant-fOLClirliUiias nnd

New Year'.". ‘ " ,1i r:;e rriLMlatt m lnbtn ' of Jn^tlcf •!o<li.v Inlormed Douglas Jehkln.s.' u iiiiu I 'E ir iV ^c o h 'iir 'tim rn ifw h ir *“7 lliii'.in i.lv .had w uijhl In va:n to ir.Waiii ii-.:ormnllon •eoncrnhii; the Irirl;. :o'.iV.nionilis‘ drter.llcn, t h a t l j , ' .'ho ix rxt>'iM Irom Ovrm.iny. .

lnv<*!ii;ntioiis dLsclo.wd that MLm

ji'nklns wxs intormui; Prcvloujly Ihc only hint as to the rvn.'on for y her .identlrn had bi'cn the vague tem

U u l >lic w.a> lield in ,,rh roiuiL.iicn willl ' a ;-'.-ri3ii.'> o.'.Viirc." nini

! 'll:.- .•ei-rel.iry o,’ tlie -Prui^lan iiU'. ;imm;:ry of jus:ice .sjut the goveni- m t nan t -.-.c;-.:;d x 'k llic dep.irlmeni o; t

[111 III'' tu liMie an «r;ivt tor her ex- fl\

! .\li^Na'.<>-le -,vn.' nrri-.ited Auciis: 10 ;pro: -t>yKrrrl •iHjilfo-l.Ud.liawU'Oll-tieia.lrcni |\ir;u;aiy incnmmuiucado w h ile ,* em |-.\ii;i-:iraii .uutliorllies n-i>cau-ijly [Jufl '.'•'■i-.ln an (xpbii.itlan of thci 'u iar," ;, ajianiM her. ] ■'I 'IhouKli hel Jlfo in jirh o n wis rc- jj lari'd lo drub roullil'.', thc alira:i;vc

'j“ h? American In l-.f.cr;, ■>!;; ,vTil IVlrnds here raid ,'■1;'- w;lx well treat- X!V

:« d 111 .tht' Old .Moabll, the rambrin;;, mu I wallul d"ientloil Iioum- not Iar Hum o( tlie ccnl'jr of thL'. capital, ' ;1r';

H i i i i i iTO LIPIEBII

‘ Id ah o J n s l i tu l io n ’s D epo -

s i t o r s I n v ite d to ko"

T a k e M oney_____ :____________ ___ ________ • per

------------------------------ milBOISE, Dec, I M'—Depwllors of the

the f',irmcTi! bank of StJir were told witloday by (Urectors to •'cornc nnd g-oi pnliyour money,"- ' hin, Tho decision to liquidate the bnnk, asi;ayhig dcjw itors 100 jicr ccnt wm ntreached K-hen oltlcm decided iJ.t* butIn.Mltutlon no longer could operate clalprofltiibly. ' be ■

Frank Martin. Dolse attorney ond out president of the bank, esltmatcd dv- [yj'lt.s'al $83,000.

The bank wn-s organlred more ,than n score yours ago with .the] 'O' lale Oovemor Mr.-es Alexander

ltiiHreil (or fJS.cw and Martin M U lf ^ tiofore the .;rpre,'.i|r,ii n had a sur-j far I1I11.S of abrtlit $35,000. . 1 l« ‘

He fsld ii.-\vnR under tiici.llre^en^ lltjaidatlon fome ot Ihel"'*'' ,s;orkhi>lc:-:> 'voiild Icm' port of iheirl Invi-simeiit but in view nf the'.a®'’ amoinu of re.servc bulll up earlier:.a^' lhe lo-;, wonlil not lie exce,'k,'l'.e. | '*'‘'

O. I. fl'-'yecl-s ol WJJriiT ts s le> ; eon Iire.'>i(leni ol il;e bani: and Wli'.Mon' Ilob'its of S tar is cashier and nc-i «»' livelv In ehar^.', “ Martin said the* es^ rn.sliier -voulil take eharRi' ol ti;e ^o' a.vpl.' <)f Uv bank In itiiu;d;tt-.- thrm * (or thc benelll of Mockhn'.tl-r.', ' "*1

. 4 n i | ) i t h e a t r e A t 1 “

C h i c a c r o D e d i c a t e d

cnir.\r.o, ni-c."! .miUO' .wlelv »ere mhiRlrri fonisht «lili T ' 'lln* ou-ralU iind diiM-sialnrd bor.;s ot the larm ns Chlcnqo dedirnled if, iie^ lemi’le of nurltulture—the II,-cso.oon e\;«>*moii fmpl> ni'ntre a t the •' iMo.-k Vul,ds. . . • ro

U’i:n the eomtnR -nf n!rh!/,ill. Uatho-e who o-Aii Iht'-lork toi sporl byand pleasure,' took nver the shnw ihi rincs. whero dur'ng the dny the 'I'H

I v.unh ol many -states had exhlbiu-d 'yv; -Ihl' nnlma’.i which won Inr snme

‘ blue ribWns of lhe world's ijrrale«i IniMock show. • ;a;

i ' '■ Ort

i F o r e c a s t P r o s p e r i t y •

I OODEN. Ut.ih, Dec 1 i.?,.-Dr,■' Dnvld W. Hentlersmi of Bali U ke

City, t 'tah -ld a h o Klwanls dLstrlct ' . governor*e!ecl, lauded'Ideals of the ®P

Ktwnnls clut) and torecnsi i pros* pVrous r e n r - f o r - th e - orgnnlintion

- ‘h e r e c o n f e r e n c e of dtj* _ trlct. lieutenant .joveri>ors, j

' Among those atty id lns were Hnr*'

' m i F K ^

G ra n tin g o f P r iv i le g e s t o

I C o n v ic ts A g a in M a k es ■

T ro u b le

• DOISE, Dec. 1 ■ I,?)—The prison ' board IntiUlry into pollcs: charges thflt Ouy Nt'ljan. * Ule temer, look ttme oft from hla sentence a t the l*nllentlary to go Into Boise and rob a-scn-lce ttn tlon attendsnl ser;'* ed to bring out afpesh ttie conflict In policy, among the-board memt>cri thnt may find Ita wny lo the legis­lature Tor settlomeni.

Attorney General Dert Miller, a ^ member of thc board. Implied need of IfgLslatlve ire.-»tment when-he rul*

' ed several montlis ago tlukt the long time prnctlcc-of giving ihisty prlvl- IcRes to prisoners for good conduct ans In violation o t law.-

H-: expressed tlie opinion I n T f 6r-• mal statement to the present war*J dcn.,-Jra J., Tni-Jor. U iaL-prlsoncrs-. _ 1 could, no t be given trusty privileges

—usuaJJy nsfanln? duly outside lhe ' , w nlls-wlthoul a definite, order of rc.'>plte from the govemar. Armed

- Aim tuu uimiiuii, -----------gfivmior lind was advise^ to tollowthe syiitemMong in' vogiie. Of having”

' the wnrden dccldo who sliould .be '<^, im ttcA jin rU o .cx ia iiL ih U ’rii'WvKJis_____ m

wUhout coasuiiing the prison board ^ , .or the so\-crnor.____ Itesponjiblllly on Ooreraor ___ _____

Miller's opinion. If folloR-ed by tho warden, would ' have placed upon thc governor t l« responsibility tor — Rtantlng tnisty prlvllege.s. nithough oilicrwLve general manngcment of the Institution wus left In the hands ot tlw prison board, heoded by the

' goi'CTOor but JncluJlng Ihc ottonjeyr vH erairniTT ~5iS?<rar> '~6t~snite------- --, Frnnklln Glrnrd.

- At Ihl! iH-uring for -Nclson it was i staled by several wltne,s.'cs tha t o th ­

er prIioirL'r.t hail rccenlly m adtrtnps . UUo the city u ithoul |>crmlislon, nl-

Uiough no specific instance was cit-|4 Cd^lLii-iii.mc .crautluiLiK4)rWIcfii,'4______

0-.i;.-.lde the wnll.s tor which George . Riidil,wa.s dLvmLsw.-d as warden a t ;-,Clitt»:mai tlaic last year. He iut- ' milled taking l.yda Souihard, scrv- ' hiK for pol'ontnR a hu-'band or two,1 to Twin Fulls- lo scc her. motlier,7 ]{'^nnirn''i"uiir “iirdcd t liiri' fui x r -— ;—

ernl hours.■ Wheltier th-j leglslalure w-111 a l-• tempt to tron out a-difficulty in > t>rhon ullatrfi whlrh Jip;>c)ir» to

hinge largely on a cla.''h of jicrsonal- I iiit-.s’on the board will be dccldcd• In the January-Fi-hruary se.wlon.: The K-i'ls1.iiors (mve auihnrlty tn ' fl\ re.'-iKiiuibillty tor granllni: of

lirii>-iy privl’r-ge.v. It was Uk’ trii.'iy i;problcm which broiisnt.nbjut thc MrcmovaLof-Jliidd nml no«- has iire-• isented Warden Taylor with u'nift'- ' —,' Ijorliy dltticulty.

■ j Taylnr. I»sur4 St.ilement \IlOISK, nrc. I i ,r .- I r a J. T.ij'.or,

■ wardi'ii iii'Ilin iitnltftitlary, lirucd a i I f:a-..-iii-.-!U Mday exiCalnln.; tha; the |• tnisiy-cystcm in vcjnte nt thc Insti- . ‘I , iiiiioit W.VS a m-'thinl loiii; in vo):iie I I <)( ki'cplmj prisoners -emiiloycd ra- I

ther t lu n l:IIe,- HIS .Mii^hicn’. came ,iluili2s .» .t**:______

N .srn f tlHT-prison- ttnrd-lnvcaiign^----------lion Into pslicu cliarxcs that G uy‘Nvlson, life term er, had tubbed a .srrvlce ,s;atlon O'.-lobvr 27 in UoLsc

. aiitJc free ns a truslj-.' In the .Manment Tnylor recalled 1 a rontllct In view;, between Governor .\ UO.SS nnd-Altomey Oeneral Miller

ovi-r handling the mi.styslluatlon.He quotci from an uplhlon wrlt-

. ten by the attorney gvneral advLs-. hig him to tccure rtspltes Irom ilio governor tor cach pruontr to be granted tnisiy prlvUegcs

"When I a.vsumcd ctinrge of tho■ ' penitentiary, n niunber ot thc in-“ ‘miitvirincludtnir-Oiiy-Nelsonr-wcre--------f then iriistte," hc said, "I Wlkcd i with Governor Ro.'s i»s to wlial llic I policy shoulti be, nnd w.is advl.scd by

him, thai II he w-erc 1 he would keep ;, as mnny of th e Inmates as possible s nt work on thc stnw's larm lands,0 bat llsal lhe m ite r ol toulnfr spe- c clal "re.spltes" Ip ench case would

bc imprnctlcRl and difficult' to carry1 out,

Adopts Exiitlnr Policy . "Inasmurh as ll has been the pol*. (cy nml custom of the /nstltutJon lor J yi-ars to hnve the Inmates thereof

I pi-rlorin c tnn ln tnbo'r* in nnd abgutr l i u.~^--'r.iO- (IBrTit-thr-BiRle--tolai»a--------

fnrm, I adopted thc Iormer existing

- i -IfflWiiturc hnd marie on in* '■ariMliiatc apiifopriatlon to hire per-

f Uons to iwrfCrm the work in and ,ln b n u t- th e farm, ihc h-.Mtlm: plan ,

and the pump houi.f. ‘ * • so lha .■ 1 the only way tn whif h Ihese matters.! could bc cnrs-d Ior'w iu by luviiiK _J tthat iip;)eare<l lo.lje iruM'iortliy In-

, mates liohu the work lliai w;lh r.ec;.1 }o-ir done in tlte.nbovc mcn- tionrd oprratlon.V

n The board cxiH-cied lo mcel Mon- lUy to go over c'.idnicc iirescnlcd m a thrci.' (Iny heartnc on the NcUon.

“ cha'fgeVNone'Orthe-bosrt-memb<‘i s ------indicated w hat action might .be

J takiyi ill conncclion with the prison

i; F o u r S e n t e n e e d I n

S t o c k s S a l e F r a u d

w ■■ SALT i..\K E c n -y . DCC. 1 i.n - r o i r dc!fi;Uii:/-s h r ih e 'Lcilcr L.

; ll-tnklii JiiaiJ Iraud ca^c, convicted -l' by « lederal court Jury- earlier Ui a- me week, wriv j.cnleiiccil'by JudDC le 'ruinian D. John^Sn today to l'*o d 'yvarh hi a t.-dcral i)cnltenilno-.I'e The delenditnts, chnrged witn «t Irauduleui uj.c ol ihc mails hr lh'-

n! stocki- in eonneciion w(‘“ ^ brnkerac: bu.'ine.',^ here, were: Le-'- • n, t t/iiiis.J . Bowers, J . .

- •oeorgcHvrtcKfnnd-IrvliiB -wencr.........r They were w niencfd lo .IWO years U••' on cnch of itJ counts on which tne> ■, were canvtcted. but the icn tcncjs U,'j 'a re to run concurrcmly. ., . I , Defense co-.ini-.‘l tiled noUc<»

“ appenl on nround.^ ot ijuuftlclency JiI . of lhe Indictments, and the defend- i

ants were released on W500 ball- ench. V

w rn n o f te ^ R s p o n ^ lT t^ ^ debts ., ___k., ...I’ .i-lfr r.Ille DiU*

mnmm. ■..— E H M i :

E n lo rc e m c n t o f B o a r d ’s In -

te r p r e t a t l o n o f N R A , ' |

, C la u se S o u g h t ' i

WAsmNOTQV. n te . I ( ,n - i lThe ilrp&rlmtnt ot Jiu tlre ,.ln iU - ■

. tu tln i Injonrtlan prorrcd ln ti In IIIIhr lloudf -m*}nril7 nile” c u r . to< 1d»y (ave'lhe fcdfral court* an op- ljportnnltr lo ta j what (hrjr (hlnk HcrniKrcM meant- by lhe recovery Barl'a U W cUuie. , BThe dlsirlcl ntlorney of western H

New York woa Insiruclcd to tuik the IrtuirJec eoun fn Dullalo io ftitoice Ilhe Isbor relallons board’* lnten>rc- ■tallon‘iut appltv-d to tlte Houde cn> IKlneerltiB comiiftny of Dulfalo.' I

In Une wllh lhe r^ u e s t of the lii' i lbor bonrrt the fou rl WM njkrd; . ‘I

(ll TQ.dlrfri the Honde company .1 lo ••enrivnvor Iti KOod faith tt> ro.ich

■ an asreemenl" with the U nllrd. Au* “ -■u^ianMbHo.workera-uit^ccitcuruiAUto. ,wi

•of nil the cpmpatiy's etpployo. T hr j„ Unlled Automobile wnrkiT.% n rr af- ( flllalM .wllli llie Amcrlcmi Ftdcr- , oiinn ot iJibor, ’

— — Ci; TO pnimii tlii' lum im iy tiun r— i__ •.Uiirgiiriiuij uuh.nnyjD llw ijrou]) ic - l__ j

Rariliii; wijffrs "nnd'n 'ouw in -i •plani. | _

fi--------13 —T j.en)oln ll'.r r.im paiiy^rom -^^■inierferlni: » ith , rcjilrninlnu nndj ^ CfliTcliii;. by nny iminnvr or mean.', I f t

' iw eiiiiiloji-A In tlicir jielf-oruuniu-*-------non,“-and-from-!iiierIeriiiK --lii-i«ny-=

wny or manner wt(I) itie o rcnn tn - n lion ot It.' employes known ii.i the f i Unlled Automobile workers.'' |S

. . . To aiuwcr llie bll] of com- K , plaint flll-.-Klng thecompimy-liad vlo- h

. Illled the recoverj- ncl. - ' KFactor In U bor’a llrive :

The Houde ca>e U nn nrgulint fnc- p for JO lJ:e Amrrji-aj; J-'cdiiraijon ol R Libor'a drive nRalii.n ao-cnlled com- • W

•pany or-Inslflc" unions. Tlie easj' R ftro,‘J niter nn clecllon had bevn F, held in '^ e pIunt ln*fsiimim'l~lo'ilf-' B termlne viheihcr tlie A. F. c t L. unit I,; oV llle Houde welfare nnd aihlciic If'

------iiwxaaunn.aiu"iniUlc:;iuilQn.aliQiili!' Grrpri'jfti: ihc empoyw in colleciivc barKainiiiB. . >

•nic A, i \ of. U .un il won, 1105 to . I,• 67V The company then l<;l ll be '

known, however, lha l it w u ld r « - j ;. ognla!, the "inside" union aa well na; •.

leellvc barRainmc. The Ksiic of "nm- • Jorlty rale" ihii.s bfcum'c involved, ,

Under y(',sinrdi;y'.i ncilnn, i( the N ' normal court procedure tor llns lype j

of etiuliy Cft-ie Is followed, the c ou rt: “ ' would 'a.M: tl>* (lefi-ndani company n ’ m

".Miow cau-se’' why the ln^unc(toiw( , ahould nol bc Rrnnled.

In view of the company’* publicly nnnounced refuMl lo comply mjiIi the bo.ird's deciiion. labor o lisjr;-

____ er.i here e.’speel the company lo carry •the cu.sc 10 hlsher court* If the In­junction* are Rranicd. The.ic same . otivrvcr.*; expecl the Kovvrnmenl l o . ” iipiieal If 11 receivi-i on ndvi-ru’ dc-

A c!MO!i In Diitlalo. :.yi


P R E S E N T C H IN E S E p l a y !:,:. -------- Um

CCK3DIN0, Dec. 1 A Chlnc.’<- ’'’n 'P STnv.' Viirl," w.i* i;l\fn

------ 4cr<r,::y-^7AnrtnteTniefiistc-Br-¥r - ip: U. o! thl’ D aptl« church, in charge of .Miis Elnia T harp of the

, slalc Khool. p -MiSi Annie E. RoDi of Wclwr J!

•,'0};<'•on China !>iicnJcln? m a wc- f“ ji'tary 10 Herniiin Uu. ol her cxivr- li-nccs, H'.‘ wiLS prwsldcni of lhe .. hhanjhiil tiniv('r,*iiy for lhe past fhe nt;d half ><‘ars, MLvi lloot is a Kr»:luaf' nf l^iiifield college u t Mc- Mlnnillle. Oirson,

AfU'r the MTVlces the aoodlnp: ' youn-j p 'cple who nllend UnJlcId jj,

. eollett; enjojvd a social hour nt the tc— , „ hnmi n ' l?rv nnH Mrr A 'P Rym.

>y. TlTi’ MhJvs Miirjorle IV-al, El- \vima Thar|i itnd D'A lglil Johiuon .are J, Ullflt'ld Kluclrnls,

w o m a n T c l u b h o l d s "

. M E E T IN G A T f f L E R

FH.KR. Dec. I -T lic H lcr Worn- ^ tin,\ riiib held n roKUliir mvettnR Wcili'.i'.Mlny aficriiiJbn wlih Rood al- ti'nitance, rollowitiR ihe bushieis mi’cUnj; M:.-, C. It. 1'>)X played a ptano ,'olr); M w Mnsdalcna CIvm-

■ ■ rnt.'., Tv,lii 5-’iilI,s. dUtrlei denioiwir.i-

and Chrlitmaa baikci.’s; the Rice club undtr lhe direction of C. P. Luke

r uvnR i-AO number,'!, tlaitr.w .r tor the ‘i' nfirmoon werr McMliiin«',H W, C. Niiz- man, E. H. Snyder, T. U. Wu.son nnd Charlr.' I}0-<l'’n. ‘Ij

Mr, and Mr.i, .Ouy Ne'*man nnd »mali *nn are neck end KuesU of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Johr.Mon,

MLvv.i I>orolhy Cm -. Nedra Ilayrs,, LnM Crf‘r<l, Vei: Dfitii Mi^cr. ittr- )'■

___ dent* nt Albion.Normal, an- s;>.-n<l-Inn the liolldny."i wllh \hc lr parent*.

Order o; En.Mern QUir will hold n regular meeihiK Wedm-.-idiiy cvenlne, Deeember 6, Tliero will bc elecllon

- • - of o fllc e rs ,-......... ------------------------ ....■ The U dles’ Aid of lhe M, E. church n will meel •Wednr.sday, r>’ci-mbi'r 5 , '^ with Mr.v Paul Uidlow; There will IN

. be n special proeram. )ML'.i Onnh Davw. In-iiniclor Ini

the Idnho PalLi elly *chools, li spendlnt! the holiday* wtth her par- g.

• enu, Mr. nnd Mr*; A. A. Davis,Mra. Byrpn Derry of Illrie u a

, pie*t of her parcnu. i l r . , and Mr.-i, ,) Erneji Dexter. • t

Ml&ie* Etieen llnati and Ruth Mc-• Coy. student* a t lhe CoUcro of Ida-1 q

ho, are homc for the holldaj-a with i;,• thelr-parent*. - |.^

W, M. Cantlon haa ptirchn.sed lotA:In Buhl where l« pliinj lo build h '; ,. blncl(Amlth*hop, i ,1

Mw Grace Hunlon 1* o l Pnyeilc h, , TlJlifig her Jlster. Mrs., Glcc Tai- l

---------“ M lM -'ntitn-Brott-nrtJomcsilc-Kl— .;ence tm tniclor a f Flier Rural h ljli-^ | school,'is spendlns the holldnys wlth q

' her parcnu a t Caslklord. iMr, and Mr*. Herman Illlftker a r t =

vLililng relatU'ea In* CaUfornin. I - J, C. Baker lefl Thursday lor Ul- >

rlchvllle, Ohio, for a vlalt with rel- ,

i a tlm .-------M r,, and .M rs^Clif^oid-IU tajjhaia- -

a n ffc . G. Brlnsliam nre visitlnj in , California,. |

Accidentally Shot ^

<0. ,WHIIj; tr>4aa-lo-lake.a-cun a p ail ^he jj) Jir,- F/iwJ> h'.m'* the CountcM JB ‘t- aiiiinsiiil C:irdplll 'i\bovn. the for- f* mrr J;:r()ii”llne btewiirl of New

I NVrk, uccldentoay S

,e-l iKi'l'lin' 11 uiis raid she %it-’ j ■v.tald-'WPOvfr.—i/1'i'Pholo, ' ^

----------- ^S l S u e s P r e s i d e n t ' s S o n |



>'> ’ MRS DANIEL P. O’LEARY. 60, w h o fi l•', l,rn she wax I’ljiired w licn’v stnicit by an au'omobile driven by I ^

e>>' KraiikUii D. noo-eirli, Jr„ kOn of fi i'll thl'president, jo’iKhi 000 dnm- ^ f'* asfs In n sii'l aKiiln.M yoiinn J r ry - r.oc.'cvrit, She 1;vm in En5l Dov fl 111- ton. Masv'-i.V)-l'1ioiu —

i ami W. M. nun:'.' and \V, C, Niiiman. ^ ;'.V,'1:1 ;ir.' Mitfi fftc fall calf ’jiri'jiori o.\.-<’llrn; cooin-r,itlon fron ijS

' li'vcr>^i;c .'-illcitfil. 1 K’'.w | .A, t . Krancu of Tuin F a l l i .n n d lj ' I j 111,' nm.'ie piiplL' of I'llpr and Twin ; fl

ll'allN v,ill pri'^cnt n .‘.prclal niiL-ical ;.rri;c.' a : the M, E. clnirch Sunday : J

fll e,iii:iii; at 7:30 o'clock- ' P

'in uTTiri;!:ot arc riic.s;.'; o.’ .Mrf. .M ar-ii nn.'.-nJe'.? patcr.is. Dr. amJ -M.-i. O. fi

j r . P.irkln^on, Hob nnd Ix-o Parkin- » .MinU'nlf; a i ihe-UnlverMiy ot »

Iilalio. .snutlu'rii br.-.neh, n l Pocatel- P ’ ly, nre al-o home for tlie holKlays. f

M.', anil MrJ, Ctiarle.-i D'Atchl <>I;J Se’*' MeailoMX ar<’ KU'.'il.s at lhe.|(- home cf Mr, Divlchu paienls. D r., «i

* “ an:! Mr;;. F- A, D'Aluht. I jMr. and .\lr.i, Charle.i Reichert lire

,s;i.-ni;iiu' till- Mi'i'k rnd a l UoJ- e.- k ii's MLs.-. Grace UickA, liutructcir hi th r ; f,

IlnL'..' clly f:lnx)I.i, nnd Tltc:;lore: lhe ic-K.-,, ln^truclor in' lhe H cy lju iii/ 11S-- Khoali.-iiri:-4iicndlua-Ui(y—liulidoii-i, El- \vith Ihelr parent*, Mr. and Mr.i. O ,' v are J. ILcl;.'. I ^

Me.sdames O, A, Erhardl. C. W. f. C.1.1C, O. J, Childs were-KUCMs Krl- (lay a l n parly a t lhe E, E. Jlaax , , home Rlvrn by Mr.v L. H, Drown, t

:R -------- ---------------- :E



;.i; . — if a DURLEY, Dee. 1—Arr^mRvment.i ’ nte bi'iiih' made Ior the ann.ial I Clirbimai M'al wie by lhe Ca;;i.i '

!,<« m uau-Jira li|i_ce,inmltiee. Mr.s 0<-iin * lub Kenchcr. Mra. Mannie P i c k c t t i i i id j ;il(5 Mrs, J. E. Myera will bc In charne c { ; Jhe the sale while Mra,' Rom Youman* , III. luid Mri- Jlcnry D-A'orihak wUl tak':.! I

eare of the adverllhlnR and wtnilo'A ; dhplayx. Mrs, Lcwa Woodull n iid .i .MKi C;i.'lldft Wrlfc'hl nre oil lhe im ij-: I

Of iclty commlttce, Mr.i, Gi’orKr I>.'n*,, man and Mr.s, Hush L. CfUMi ird ;! 'Jill be in charitr of the mail d<- |

Klf.' j«r:;;if!it and Ci unt) .Sijpe.-jjjii j;iJ-, , 1,(1. ent M,4y;:iierit<; .M.' Uuchanan ••mII ' j r.li. tuinaio the otu-.-af-to'A’n r'a l.iar,,! i!ir ’( J ft .-Jle in ll'.e Biirlcy whoolj ttlll U- < 1,1- caretl for iiy Stella KcMon and Ver-1J ■ in';; n a o i a d o w ;^ , !(

." i ' D A UG H ERT’f . H E N D E R S O N i " “ 'l M ARRIAGE SO L E M N IZ E D j

nuni.CT,aT. i_inT»r p c.»i'.'.' ] Of relative* and n few irifm l', '.lie :(mnrrlnRt of ML-.i Roxle Urnder.-on i

, * nnd Leonard DauKheriy. bolh of jHurley, wn* .wlemnlwd- At nam |

■ Thankwivlnn day nt the home of <Mr„and Mrs, J. c , Oosklll on 6ou;h ;

1 Conanl avenue. Rev, Ijeroy II. Wal- (ker, pn.itor of the MethodljX Ep'-'co- '

! |>al church, ofliclnled. J*0“ ; A fumiiiiioiK Tliank.'!RlvlnR dinnrr (“ ** ■ WM ierved foUowlnp lhe eerrmony '

' afctr which Mr, nnd'M rj. Daunheriy idepari'.'d'for n wcddlnt irlp to fi.ilt '

“*■ Like City and other polnt.1.- They \

“ ’^ Ih e 'c ia fe m n h rd a tr i 'a neir'liurlrJ'T ii ‘'* j ''M r. DftURhrrty Li master of th e ' ‘■"'VCIaremonl'grange. |j

iU l-, :rel- , C inC K tN DINNER


■ - , — y 7 3 5 c : ■ : |

t a

i - I ^ -I • •ii I . ^j ■*

I •M 4 ! • 9^n g ._ _ « f , . . ■

!;% %ff I w l lin Jy My B ■:ie ^ W H H- I ____ _

---------------- --

I ■ li.I I # ■


HR rfi /v,-' i/^4

:dl ^.......- —

- t

4i | M e i' 0{ ; ' i i an» JA

.Anne’s Frock SIHid .

Burkholder Fur• Campbell, Berth

. Cress & Bruley,Hendruks, p . V

- - 'S - — JliRhway.Sorvic1} Jacoby Studio

ED a. I® 'Mackey Tire Sh Sii;^ W. Montooth &

National Beer I I?, W ' N ews,'M .M .'’ .

'S' „ , ■"■ M Au-IinamelS; I . Radioland■rti- J5? ,■idl J l Swim Investme:In- i i

-------.Sterllhl'Jt'wall'-!'" ' i ^ Sampson Music “ ^ Taylor, S tuart

X m A d - l

,’t w i n ’f a i .l s d a il y n i

I4 T •

. . - i

H f i S fcv > * • -

'o llow injrch a n tsk Shop Kurniture Co. erthaley. Furniture ). W.rv.ice,Station_____ ___io! Shop h & Sons er Parlor '

;ment Go. , - - ■■t)li'-y-Go.~.- L - jsicCo. ,__

l - I s ^ u h s e r i ^


f (

W a lI


tig Is a ]h s r t i v i n j

Wall Plumbiiijt Cc

Benson Coal &. Sei Carl G. Benson, C(

_ Storage '.

Depot Service Stai _. . . . _Royal,KniKhtCo.a

SlatkinCo.,M ,' I 'tah Chief Coal ( McOoy Coal Co., S Brown Mi/sic'Co;

' , piasiuB Cyclery . Independtnt Meat Central Market

_ Brown ..\uto Servi

M arketeria Magel Auto

^ d -T o -A n d H


i E ^ X O U - D O s o 1

- — T h e T 'v i i i F n l l i ^ I '^ n i

S l i o p p i n ? r S o a s o n o p c -i

o r s a t t o n c l i n i r H i e o f l

p r o p e r . R e . m o m b o i ' . .

-------Fulls iivorflei' to-v>w-ti(K x p o s i t i n n . ■ • ■

T h e a ' l v a n t i i . c e s o l

n l n n o i u q t i f i e s v o u r

f a r m o r e t o l i e g ; : i i n «

W h a t t l

^ __ E m p i r eMEANS

E v e r y T w i n F a l l s \

o r n o t . . . i s e n t i t k ’r t

o f a f a i r a n d c q u i l a l

■ ■ t i o n o t T l i o u s a i i H s o

C H A N D I . S E .

A l s o , C l l W E D N E S

p o . s i t i o n , t h e r e w i l l b i

B u i l d i n i r a t I ' l e M a i

T e n d e r " a o c c j ) t e d a t I

d i s t r i b u t e d b y a l l T w :

t o t h e a m o u n t o f e v e

d r e d S ' . o f d o l l a r s w o r t

o f f e a c h W e d n o s d a . v .

P a r t i a li g “Eas^Co„ W. B.

Service, Coal, Transfer and

ilation ^:Q a i_ ^ ....................... . n __________ ______

l l Co. '

„ S . c ,

'o . .

eat Co, ;

t '■rvicc

- W d ^ or B:


T m n N ’1 T H IS WI'^nmirc Fxposition and th opened •A’i'h thousands of official dedictition of tlv

I' .. . it is neceslavy that yc wtieipatp^in-tlnS bencfits-o:

s of .superior shopping o ir coniinp’ to Twin Falls, I ined duilfit; this Expositio

t h e T w i n I r e E x p o s i t[S TO Y<lls v isito r. . . whether you :li‘d to a coupon book that ilalilo chanoe to share in [s of VV t i l th of I

JESD.'VY nf each woek, dl 11 be an auction held a t th Main avenue south. TheI a t tliese auctions will be Twin FaUs merchants, dol every individual purchase north of merohandise will 3a.v.

II L is t ( SV Mon<

Reed's Rlfeway Stn

Umi lintel

SliDshone Service E

_____ Twin Falls Shoe Rc

' ' McComb’s Market — ' ~ Kyle' M rW aiterEle

.Antiseptic Barber S

K inney Grocery an

APC' r iirouu l: :i typo K n ip h ic i

th e ii:ij;<! r.i' vvhi.cli iippoarci u rdny m o.'iiinj,' j '/ 'v c ra l f ir tlip ir \villii'«.'K;.-(H In coiiiwt nrt w ere lo ft o u t Iif fluf lis t

V ....... rf.lv c„ r r v fo r t l l l-t_ojTTckno^vleUif'cft th a t- ttc iff iT i v c^ tc rilny? nd n o r th e l is t in in tcnricd fr- b c cam jile tc .

B j^ 4 i€ ^ 4 b o :

I ip . I


l a w / ^ lely t I— ____________

T — __ i „VEEK! I3 tho Christmas ■ g ; of ea.tter visit- . 5 ’ tlie exposition % t you visit Twin ts-otthoJimplrfi____ _ S ___Ig^ fipo i-fun itie r....... "Is, BUT there ia S , iltion . . .

F a l l s I i t i o n ^ __ Ir o u , . . . Iyou come to buy . ^ ■ ;hat assures you in the distribu- K

e F -UEE-MER----------

■’ I', during the ex- ,2 t the Evnosition K 'he only “Legal le “Easy Money" dollar for dollar « lase. Many hun- I'ill be auctioned

iO f Iiey ” I _Store ^

:c Station §

Repair ^

let , i .

Electrician ------------ -ff -erS hop ^

and Wholesale ^

’OLOGY I Iphic iil e r r o r in com posinR f f e a rc ti in T h e NV"'? on Snl-I f i r m s tlm t h n d siR nified ^ .m iw ra to in p a y in if fo r th e %l is t o f Buliscri))!^.^. W e a re ^

i■ nvori^iirh t. I t i s ’ fu r th e r iirh T F ^ ^ h iF !J3 t-^ - -^ ir fn i^ iir — W i i' l i s t np iieo rinK on th is nd : «

---------- _ I

i O T « _ E i n n s ^ | ^

F ife Thre«

P»/r« F o n ^ .

, , t w i n f a l l s d a i l y n e w s '

m . . .P a fti TiriD FilSa Countr. W«f">

titttbllsHcd IDfM •

Dsllr KlWon en tm il • • »«ond c U u maU ' miiUer. Asrll 8. IBIO. a t “ '?• PWWfflco >C T «ln ■ F»1U, Idiho. under tho net of March 3, 187B.


Dy c-trripr ‘P«yalilo \n Advanco ' ^ :

!0c per vcelc.'tMynblo to carrier or s t o((Ito IDy Mall

One je»r ---------------------------------------------OuUWc 's tate o l Idaho

Ono Vear ............... ............ .. ......................- ' * 1

■ ' m EMDEB o f ASSOCTATED PRESS i ,Tlie A isw litea PresJ H exciualvely entUltd to I j

the llto tor publleatlon of all hewi dlsjiatehci crtdl-.fd ta » . "r not oihenvlw credited In ilili naner nnd to tlie loenl new* publlihed herein. ■ All rlghta ot reiiubllcatloa nt M'cclal cllapaUhM herein nlso rfsm td -

U l mean.* AMocIaled Press. • '

• “ * Member Audit Durcau Qt Clrculatlonj, '

n a t io n a l KEPBESKNTATIVE8___ pntm r^rM KINQ ^AND PRUDDEN. New

y o r t Chicago. San r r a nciaco._______________ •

----------• The Newi aJiimcTno'OHifJcfinMpOHjlt.’.'K}' ^tor errors in adv trtlianu 'im but in cnxta whfic ^

ot tho odvcttlscmcnt in fthlch the error occura wilt be .pubUthcd Mthout clnriio . >

________All-no«ice*-f«qai-'td.uy lasi-or by_ordcr...ofeourt ot competent JurUUletlon W bo publUiUed weetlj'. will I* ^ Wfdtiewlnjlisue of this paptr pursuant to Section M 'lM ‘0 A. lOJi, « added thereto by ChapUr 15«. 13-1) SeaslOD U*-* of I d a h o . __________ *

_ ^ _ T H R E E - I .E .V £ L S - Q £ - i Y J i A L ; n i------ -- ^■ T h e w a r b e tw ee n r iv a l p r o p h c ta o f a s c a rc i ty nniJ a b u n d a n c e goes o n , w itii (bel a t t e r w in n in g c o n v e r ts r ig h t a lo n t '. O nc o l ^th e a b u n tln n ce school, W llfo rd , I . K in fr. b

— c^oirom lst-T nid -Rtati:'ticii«n-. f' p o s s ib le le v e ls oC wcU -bcinK f o r th e A m e ri- ^c a n peop le ; d e p e n d e n t .o n o u r o.wn. c bo icc . j,

W e c a n s e t e v e ry b o d y to w o rk , ho s;iy.‘ , ^■ a t a r a t e corrcspondinJC to tlia t_ o f lt> -3 a n ti ir

n e a r ly ?90 ,000 .000 ,000 . a n d w ith o u r la r g e r [| n u m b e rs a n d im jiro v ed fn c il it ic a \v e in i^ b l p;

e n jo y a n n t l o n n l in co m e o f a m i n d j t $ 110,0 0 0 ,000 ,000 ft y c n r.

I f w o c n re d to In c rea se o u r w ovkiiiK houi'''* a n d p ra c t ic c th c streniioii-* life m o re lh a n

. -we d id in tb o s e 'l a .s t \m om y e n rs . tw iW u~ h a v 6 “ pcrhhps--$i;iO ,'000;O O n.O O ()-n-3-cnr“ tn - - ir i

d iv id e am onic u s . 'O n th c o th e r h a n d , w e can a dop t-U m

h o u r w eek , f u r t h e r re d u c c .c ro p acrcaK o nud f o re ig n tr a d e , e l im in a te th e la b o r o f y d u th s • u n d e r IS a n d a d u lta oVCr 60, a n d n f al! c rin i- jn a J s n n d aU ro itv r lcd w om en . U tu il tb e i i« ‘ ^ o f m a c h in e ry , n n d s o on , nnd th u s kpei> o u r

T -nfttionaMncome-down-t<»-$'>O.OOO.QQQ.OOO-t»^- •» ? 60 ,000 .000 ,000 , n b o u t wlivro it is in n '’.

R E G IM E N T A T IL 'N j;

W o rd s -c o m o a n d «o . O ne o f th e w o rd s h e a r d nnd^i»eeu mo.st in th e lii.- t y o a r o r s'> -a h a s be en “ rc tj in io n ta tio n ." I t iiicaiiH bi-iiiff fo rm e d in to rcR im en l .s o r buiiijr (li.<c'ii)lin«’d n n d o r d e r e d a r o u n d U ltc so ld ie rs . U s v o c e u t \ a p p lic a tio n h n a boon K<'v<-'riimenial. oi

-------- A m eric iinB - Ira d i t i in ia l ly -d u iu U lik u -b i i in i : - u:o rd e re d a ro u n d . Bii.-'iiu’^ ' in«‘n in i>;irtii-iilai- don’t . N o n e o f u s d o r A i i i l so Home o f tho ru le s a n d m e th o d s i^dnptod fo r bu.‘<iiii'.‘i>< r c - , c o v e ry n a tu ra l ly nrni*.-i' r i 'S 'i i tn u 'i i l . .-i

M o st o f tl t e i i n u c u 'f . .-••■(•c’s -'ib u sed on th e b e lie f tii i i l lak iu^r m'dLTs is so m e th in g new . A n o tis i'rv a i it c ili;;on ri.-’t'?' {, to r e m a r k t h a t ev en in n o rm a l t i n u s " w o 'ro t.i rCK inientod a ll th ro iij 'l i l if i’ in to I 't i 'n iity .'" • i>' I 'o r exanipU *: ' '

B i r th s m u s t b e re tf is lo re il. C i iild rm h av e in PfO to schoo l f ro m to 1(5. 'i 'Ju’y la i i ' l v<iu' . t i l l tb e y ’rc 21 . a n d ‘ l ln ' i r i i n l \ ' i i i ; i '. i i n-r.- '■

is lc r ln K . ' i mI f y o u s t a r t n fai'ln i'V ' b a v e U> tili-ci ve

fitn te reuiiljitioM s. I f yrni ow n pn .ip c riy . yoii i m u s t p a y taxe.s a n d kW'ji s id e w a lk ' in ( ir .'iT ; i'>

__ nnd-JU '»^!iab lo-fur-daiiiaK i'-^-V <i»-iiu ;.u -

p e rm i t to p u t up a !.>iiiiiiiiitri a ln 'vu -i' tn liiiiu i o r f ish o r o p e ra te a ’ l»arl" r s Ikiji o r ri'-^tau- i J

* • ran trA n d '? > o -o n ' a i id T n . l r y m r i i r r a l i rtny n f } r,t<^n th o u s a n d reKvdaU"))^. >>> 1 w ill jsvs-f - c c iited . Y ou c a n ’l <!■) ns yua lil^^’ w iili y o u r

• o w n c h ild re n . ICwn w hen yna d ie . y o u ,n n 'd a d e a th n n d b u r ia l c e r tif ic id e .

Yeo. i t 's n 'f e r r i l t l i ' v.;orlil. .-Viid K t'tlin i; -• riifirc .■JI l-Uc (imc. TJi" o n ly i-on«itI-

-IfiK fn e t i. ’ tb n t . w h iii’, y o u 'r e - r e n i la t c d f o r j. t h e b c n c m it o f th c r«’s l o f sncicty ,. th e r e ^ to f flociety 1? rcp u ln ted fo r y o n r iK 'uefit. . S u p p o s e th e re w itc no r u in ;? '

1‘O S f O F F lC E n iO J K tU - • '

I s n ’t th e re room In th e N ew D ea l fo r, one — n1ore--p^ojet^l-^^y^le‘•lllttl-w o^dd--p icnM c-m nn:' - '• '-T iM p le t h a n any tW inii. d s e w c c u n I h ln k M *

o t th o m o m e n t.

I t ’a f /n o to b u ild n e w posfofflcc.'?— w h ere th e y a r e n e e d e d — b u t w hy n o t d o n n u p th c

.'.old o n c a? .T housand -S o f tlic se bu ib lifr^a, v o w n e d b y U iii.1l' S a m , ;n ti^b ad b * -rtin -H m rT tr - W liy n o t a l i t t l e c n m p a ijfn fo r f e d e ra l 'r e n o - v lz ln R r lR h l i » th ts ftv rn ily? i

W h y n i t “ p u t p e o p le to w o rk " s c n ib b iiu t i

— posioffice wallrt nnd floors nnd windows, if \ nothing more? But thou.sandH of theso build* inK-s

I,-’. -„rTiif*li-on'the-woodworkrnew-flhftde«-on-the- -‘— iTTn 7AV,? nc r'pJec Jc-)Jff) f.'f.-----

Thousands of pnstoffices, too, need nn ovt'rhiuiUnff -of hardware, to replace mlssinR scicWH and nall.'i, to mend broken locks, and .so (in. Thousands neo<l a littie cabinet,work iione on tho old furniture. And desks, of i'(j!ir.“i', need jicns nnd o(ln-r (hioRS such n.s uuy inlelllKent'private busine.ss Institution lirovidc.i, fresh every day. ,

STKAPY IlU.SlNi:S.S p k o g re s s• recovery ha.-i its .setbacks and

‘ it- M’a onul ups and downs, iiut*ifigms (o be j ln'ofcedinFr In n rather definite andftNJ^r- j inv' ii'i't'Tn. Here are facti Kfilbercd by^ic A: s«xi.vtvd I’resa from calimutca of IcadAi? liad.'aiialy-sts. /

Wlmi inisine.i.i stnrled down hill frorf its iiiniiarlo, thc TinlioiMd incomc— .

iii.-oii!o of all of UH toRetber—was ftjy?rie_ ovi-r .«KGiui)0,nnO,000 a'year. Uy.sunt to about ?.10,00ri,ftl)n.t)00. /

------------bayfyMtr-iHdfirletl-ttfMMiRhh-end-fcflehed—_ . ^JcviJ-’jiwt-ahort oL?51imfi00,n00.y.'ar, roniinUinjr its prok'-i'i'ss at about tbe j

“ •M niT n »rit~prnmiFC'r>-tn--n’Tirh-a-tot7il-nf----(Hid,(loi'.ooo.

THH pmirlTP.uit ” " iSorlolk, .S'cbrii;k», Nry..<)

.Sow Him? lli'-' iiai)l’''iicd lo 111'- movU s nnd .who- ever or wlmicver L\ rr.iiwn-.lblc M d t.v iv ln j of hU h >

- ereilU. The- Se* York Times critic 'wys. "An honeri i i m e'utied wlUi ireaiurcs and i

___ rifHM o; «i'-lVwhicli.io lutlUhcm." _of adda:i„. ■••IDc /ilmi “Well Broadway has cxlilbl’rfd In in'! __ . ln.1t tour wl« arc rcmirkablc'not alone tor their

nunlltr and thcir general exc«llenec of nchlowmeiit.IT. but c'.cn mor.- for lhe dlRnlly and lively InKlllgencf.: Anoilwr piU>T cginmcnl.ii on the Uc! Umi Piircni-s’

M:iRnilne Ibli forty-oiic iilcian", moro ittun enouBli U,., Jor tme a d»>' fW-« m<mih. m fit-fcr family vlcwiiiK_ .it.riT' Rioilc ni;>i:n.alra have done .i K'uv-l Joh ot clevat- J ri

id lift tl;e mtrV:It no-A- rciti.i.n-'. lo y-'C lioiv ll;r inillic «iH f,ui>i>orl 1 ‘

U l- t cv.- W iirU f.uiUUW<! to uotfe i^„,.,■*' lu llio ii)orv liv'.'dry liiiil wnjatlunul ol the currcnt 'umi

of’i'rtni;' or will It sUe lo tlio lx.'lt«r cls-vi of tllnu jvniiid | t , r .-.un'orl lli.it Ls iin .’.w ry it Ihcy urc to bc Uil |i«

■[Ki-nii.iyii: lH»u: in -oM'n .•nirrinfiimciit? U. .a.i-soMi'f rriik.-. l/'licvf. Uivit: li-u bi-cn n chanw for i-.

'■'* lh-; b-t:rr hi Uie lii->le o; llic movie KO'nn iiublie,'Vt may t l 'r I'J T he '

!d' iKin is not much «luil iho movly Ilr(>lllIe(.'r. will ,[j"”_p._p.,„,-,.,.,vhal-tlH>-U«ftl«r-f«lroii4:-ivlliH)ori.,-y lo KV.

, The ;iii>wi’i- 1-; up to I'li-' I’a'*'!*-'-

id UPI.UT VIS1T.S..TIII; PJlITtS . ,.|IS • I'V'onlttTiil OicsWiiatti ni'v.,1. A dl.pnlch lioai lliinu conn’VR the liiformUmi by :

lh;it Um PIUI*' ir.Ihiii's, ahoMioni'.', ofOrr'j;cii-cmintr.v n : . ' U - li by Iln- l>oir.-olfiico of tl>r ii'W Ttiey »re so diu’iuM-ricUlta, i„it

Jt. .ii,u. auiwUlu-iloJa;ci._l ai_l . U UUl aflvUbli.'.U). luilC.. “ sKliiiH Ulcir oni.t'iiii f ' u:v 1j'.» '•••

(lr<-;il WhlU- IV |iir|!-irliis n Mi\«lMcnc.- l- .iw - j 'j|_ ii:o).'.-t li'i il.'iii. iiiitl ill “ llio 10 c«nic th'-

i’lmc bravo, I’; i:<- uiMron, ar.d the snddU-hiicd ijcdi. , noit lalllcrs .1); j.oll Jl. « W.1«0 lla! ii.#U

havo Dorothy Pcrkifc tiucs cluniberlnK over U.r dc-or- -Aliy. Or boiiifll'liii,’ Ui.il. jihi'

Ilf U tl;r r.<.-,v i!-.il h o in'i>ir<-tl lli l ' u> n-iulrr -j ■,|j u; tll\' to Ihe UHII.UI. m ;iiiy liulliia, who will Ik .muiU-’

10 ii|)j>Uii;U llic I'lll romnKiid llie pUiinitf.?-111- word Piul-' Ii.i' .»..iii:ul:ir jilnw in tlif laiiKii;ii;<-- o! Amcflcun hiuuu;-, IVjiiii.irly,it .Connote lhe niulir jcrn

IL. w 'L,|. :. K wliy llio iin>;:o :m; il.i;.ii.'r:iiiou of ;i ih;vi .oiiic wore nvo, il',(i;i.li i-liould upjv.U to. u.s;x. in the loWt nniu.slii?. Ecforo the bkf.'Ui;-i of civil- jiov.

'• i.Mtliin wx-rc h.'oiii;ht lo ihviii, iIk' Phites knew h-ird* lei-d 1 .-llll)’n a fiiiiilUiir I;ni;il luiil co;ii|u.-.;i>:i of c.viiil)

;,S ,.w l Ttu- Ji'CkrabUll wii:.•. tl! Ihelr iuv't;i:i, riiiy Ii'i’'!! nr‘‘-'''ho|';»T:, loo. And Ha-

llK'a- W.1-S nul an «,tlilj:« berry ur rooi In all Ihelr urW who fnr.flunit flof that lhe Phiie culinary bolanUl did Koyc

•«* ..at know,wrll nnd-t-ivo:.,bly. AlmoM th.-y went nak^ ^" i , , ..................... ... Af «'ovon r.il)l>lt-'kiii for

I ,,.. I... . .... ... I ..... . (lie oilier inlR-.v, ;ic* iiivhvsn- V.v- iv.v.vi’.y that aUvAV;; Uiu.-./d and

......•..lovi'iimi, . UT ■

lc Y.l ll;c Piut'-> '.u-.. I.ir lini'Pl'T tl;'-n. wiilu'Ul .ir;(U .Hi-.. w;u;oiif|'"A!

■ : .............. . . .. , II,.' S.IV111,; IlltliiMia--'. <if

1 ul Ihfr ih'-i« wU- w'w:l'.ni! and |„j j,"I 1 . .MU' IhvMi :;i :ii-I.is r alnu-menl, W coi'..su:iT.iWy :i;c d

i“ ’

V j r ii t ! W -jl J j ;

inu-i- of ar:n». Kolii..............— ' ■ Thf" ■__________ lnst

BREAKFAST FOOD- °3'i,« i : : ------------------------------ :----------------------------------- J r,1 Ih-.ttxi .< lx;r hrlm,- il :rx .'O ))? « "' WIMK.I 10 -..X ,r. v.i:. . KV0.1 1:0, . , So ,<c.“^r l;. ',,.;i< li'h .r. C'„;i w

■•ye.*.," flic --.Ml •.Mil vo;. wliv ilu-m? I ^I t ; . « « iMbli

S U n k c r- H::; m;-,. ;>iu-h.ivo InclJ.lc tho Rt'od ;J[‘ ’will cl the bv ;i • r.UWoHy-'-l,..-.V ■ .V,-. •,>«;. Koo’.i, s\A',. U -i’.yk a

co.ll dealer hvHoiacc-'.'U '■} c;;.i'ii-,»rv\ i U-llcve, !o u.-3l a pro»

be, bii*nci OBjT'f iT "'"Irtf considered snli-r to inv,- a wiinas,': , 3,----- 1-----------------------------------------howItJt-SIt mulrc "Hert:! * reat esamplo of tfTa‘ltude.” ■ onou. “Whal is ll?" out“A wcaUliy woaiiin eicMca a iniai fund fw a man |,;pk

y. ivlw b:oUc hl-\ to jicr ‘.JO ycais ajo,"Tun|TO -l llM’ ~ Sl

0- • To a tram p nn I'.ir i;rU\,s Ip iho pnrk; "You win tlw fire ]'r;/c n.1 il-.'- l.-iU- ' ii;an in the worid," beKiTh.iiil::. p 4 iM me ow r a«d pul Ji J« med :Uf lue b:.ok iwckiL- I'"'

•- . '•

t w in FALLS DAII.Y If


• . '■ Jl- p'ooR'.wAa'

'"/ffi PUT.X'oH'n ™ . w . 7 7 / g ; ^ E

e (Vv * V

b z flB w iv ! 'v B 5 v H K ^

' _} \V _ ■ —

— ^ • 9 ^ \__ ^

I N A T IO I^ ^■ I • (NEW S BEHIND '

(Copyright. McClure Nei

U',\SHIN(STON .posllUy (im rsr Dorno [ll.

V,\1T|I. OIIicMl WnOilngion l» In warti 111.' mnt-t (.1 n.'i iit|ii'inl,w tnce. Any ri':in

’ ^ind' .» loi 111 e^riy-arrlvlns C on-‘a « ‘ lErr..:iH'ii are hoUllmt hands In the port _!,lt.rkhc>..,-w;iUuiK.for-that nU-lm*; c*. . ll).)rt.ini word Irom lhe Control ;■ m

lVuw«. .. 'ix w ij '1 -- cr-mrM: Voio.-1-< »U i'r known yicM

• ii'<- ri\t(ly w'Uii his mcjsaice• 'until ,),;iuiiiry tu l that doesn't prc-,k.'cp , 'v n it -.IM- biivs a«d 8 'tls ttom. 'in;; m’l) ir;ince.^ of their own, T here ' W;

i> I,I..,I'.l chanco they wlil get an;n,'(Ki ad\:i;i..' iiialillo-slalloii, - Aniel

Kv •ivt.uly 1:. busy rapping l3ble^' lako , Sivi.v,; t,''.W.tC'.lt JU tWlVit Ihc Ktivlv tU'WV . o: tl;c nntlon Is, and what FDR Is m;U(

'roiiiK 111 ri'commend to remedy the one !iiilri-ts, :;.'ws;iiiornien and lobby- df.-pi

■-‘ir r-a rr 'V T in ff-n rertT 'fn r 'a n y 'n rt- 'n rc t: \iiii>'c GiuT.itv'.ecd to have I;u !i' ^,:all'W^ Hum mo^t of ll'.i; I tV ic.i’lil.nni now lloiiiiiii; ovptiiead. ' :::u;i

I’llOCUAM. lU-.i: Intormiillon l:i'\wll ; niiv-iiice point.i to a deiiinnlnatloa tiil c

; l>y ,Mr. noo*evi'li lo cul the com*;^'iii,i . l l i r .M.;a Ilf Conkte.'-. rat lior «hort,' ;i;ui

llll ll- U niill'.aii; iiniiMHl In ihl.<. .Ml.lk-ve ■chrr/'Ji ^ncU n i lc 'l rr . ' fi,V:i'

liul ll has bn-n ;i long lime .'lacc M'c;. ;o iii:.jiiiw a-iuj:iicM ai!;njl.i!iv_c!^.uuciJ

curl'.' iitlJtHinwiii-n;. i'.'i A:I iMr, f.Xii.-ctril KDRwlll fc.llov, llie.w.i'.r ,:.:im<- I'liini- lie .'.mnd .•'■i uit-..it;'..i-1 ‘ 1!C0U:> 1,1't ;..-:.'Uin—tha t I.'', Itrd h is ’ u^.p, li'tu.ilatlM' iirocnim plece-r,i.';il

[Capllol Itlll ri’.ther than sliiif it all I toun •in mil- p.imliriiui n-.e«s.iKP a i " a s ,, lhe ol.l cii'loiil. Ivo;,..

-l'i:.i- • n; Hiure tn n;, In'.^.in. • 'a ro-A’ •nu!,i;liiilcly i'^ler tin- <'li'-a-'

iln;; imm 'I i.ill;.. I'K'l v.ilI iii;!;i- it j........>: !'■; .'■i.'Anr.I'.l;;;' ..ir.-f b - 'i '

Ijlllli', C.1-.I III.U III I.itr;v ,--ii;;i-al ,,, Vetms IV 1- v.v.t«n..;v ih lv ^

;.m ediiv l.jliTw iih lh- b:::iM L o i :miKi'. T iu- .IIII.T.1U'- ^.n:i' -iii- ■'. .mi:-

•rly ii«aili-a->vi;l uullllii- t-.- Nnv Ucal'5 iii-M I'niiTKi'iii'y .'ii'li.- I'l ll- llevo Miu'uiployiudi'. ;um luu'.:* ■ leed bii.'-iiii'vi ii'cir.i'r.v. Mirl:

•SI’KKI). Mi>‘l i>l>''r\i’; ' li.i i' .'m . etiicfeit fh.u iilicii; ih.Tf-n'iiiiii i-- of '' lhe reeent lumc utoui ii.;w ami —^ wholo-heari.ll cuuix-ruli.ui bcUeen Kovcrnmeni nnd Indu-'iry is .vo much | yi- ballyhoo, promoted delil>'M(fiy by V. each allle lor wiil.'ly dillor.'til^rca-

Uul both nii;ikl wrlru.iie n .lujrt' ___, and sniippy m-.smhii i'J C. i -;rt The;"" Vi'liiti'“lf(i'.i't!“nnti”ihc“ V .3.'i'."".iii^

ber of Colniiii'.-ci' alike bie.,;;.,' oas- MUT when llll- li-i;.'.|.itiirr. nr.- ,.■! Um l g

:tr;ila tor honn-.mi.na. f 9"}■“ As‘a-rr-:::!:, inrornifd rir.-^ir .'ay SS

[ ro i t has/leculocl lo.em hi , • ir.aM • X:i)lHKum to tlu- v.-o Iji'ni'. I ji;. will ibo bnd new.i li>r .spo'iiinrs o; .i loi a

J«f IcKl-iMrioii »)(<: Jmrji; «,'i n,v r.ihv- “ :i;i'd t'llico la^: m-'.-I'mi aad ruiiiliy. lail.'sed mil. Ilia ii will iiriniui'.i'. ;ii ' . l , q l-lirovltliil Mr. llDi’-i-'i'll fatl ki rp I

_ h b nujuiKl'.'i J r c i a -tU .iyiui:- liw-i-:,ir c ll the ii' ’.Tva--li_n. I

PICKISO. r5ownalWiirm.Sprlni!.i] *11 _ihC-.Jii;iV-imbUc^Vi'fltll3. iuil_KQ rl;;_ '_y

relief proRrains have bct'ii under-1 RDln!; incite Uw» n " t t i i n vi'lim, i Tho fnmlly roiv ovlt low-cr:.; l;o iii-! •*]

. ln[t and who would run U ntiew l-l i.ui'd blae-pea'cllliiii of more Umn one lentattvf l in t draft ,»;n:mltied by -the h ltcd h-.\r.d'. . 1 ,

Relief Adinlnuiral.ir I|i;ii,;i;;:i. In i I— a huddl? with tlu- I’Hv ;e,,-i. took i

. jdown a wholo Ilm'k o' ,il;i r in ‘,l\es * - ; lo r cantltitied- relief irom- ivhich; -

r o n mlRUl choo^e, KKK.\ tilticU li' 'havo been biuy explorlni: ,mu'1i pos- [flblltUcs n.i pr^xlllCllnn-for•ll^c wiih-

I !lii unemployed r >nL —ivlisrli v -ould ‘.haw llre 'fton i the m:iinif,ic;urcr':UarRC-sailc ^nlrell.|^e i>! fw il.lu ls y ,

' ,’10 feed Chc rclic-f-ro:i<T.-.7;t!j;,r tluia n ,r i Klve. them ca-'ih doU-i— wiueii •*ilic [ for sroccri and buichcrs wouldn't l ik e :' u,e i exnsM lo^ ot^row l'to .id ttorki and

' Hopkins' svalt . prepared charts thow lni wiiat cnch would cost and ho* mony It would-rclieve. e .k Ii lor* I ® mulk tlffures to dm w .proltjia trom *"'* ona sourfe or anollier. w nh inlUlons out o t Vork, Mr. ncojihpit muji

‘ ii;ek the le.-.ii painli.vN m--::;oJ* all aiound and go lo bat Ior Ihim. Fo

-------- -------;------- ----— -. , {loo,SCflAP. Tho adrtilnMrallnn back- and

' fire under th e ciy'h bi'inis |i;i,\ ) ii j i ' pan beuun tof-nnioke. f'DR aim l-,iv li l- i:o:i<

1 medl.-i.'i- ii<lvJii'r.i Jmio .--ij);.;',- I'oia no\u


Tiah Tash ^

H / ) c ' ' ^ ‘ ^

H* e* • * '• r ®m * . ‘ T t/lift " ■ * * ' . * I**®

” th

S5T/^^S:-, , ^ ^

m m y m : : - - :‘ - m :;.™ i";,'

• } ‘T ^ : , .slralI l m r o ^ B n f L j l l t i

M S D p I

____ r i \ : . ' ~ ^ U t oaly

10.1'c /v l in U



-------z z S' and

-------------- • ' chlfd

W H IR L IG IG E:tune.S’D THE NEWS) ' t Newpaper SyrallcaicT----------------— — - - - 0/ (,.poslilnn Congress U quite apt to pas* ^nd : 111., When thpsr-iw o .SensioraJ »iaJ- wans. Joc Robln.son and Pal Jinr- ‘ ” 1 >■ rMin. adinliie'd they had reported

iCTttimwt^wRe—|iieuy-*tro»e,ii-4V»-—‘a Mte I'uiMiinpilon ihelr actual r c - . ------por: w#« i.vrn UTonger. pro;)!

I C*tuin committee clmlrmcn-hold'a in ihe ir jw»>r 10 hatrjtrln? ;he ' b(Mua;.coiKlderably-provi(itd they y:c.d'lo WhlU: iloiisc prci.^'jre. Dut all :i;r ofd tactics of reruslni; 10 call "I 0:'v.;HTOrt!-iiiu'i;i:ti.v ttCT^inrtilyKinii-SlEill! k.'ij) the bonus from a tloor vote th is 1’' '’“ '

I time. I Ja ,Washington i.i waldng tnr Banker

;Ui'lKran<i. new Commander of ino Anii-rlcaa u-«lon. lo se t hete aiUl ihU'J i;i*c charge ot ihe iiio-boniui IlKht, Ilo nay.i hc’.i going 10 in;Ue a iia l ltj{iit ror II and every- one M-niis disposed to b,'licvc aim

business Ccn-

1 1 ” ^:I w v ri :!u v ,\v . .S '.-unn,- LeivJi of::.a\lU^, -.\ho Inl Oiijy-.MIIOII to the

.Si- Li-.vrc;;;.. tu iity . hinU IliaMlC 'W i ,v,W!cli over as a n-.vjli of r»dl- J f . "

clian^... :u .i,u i.-.',.iy allcc A'it.,ii,i)!L-. bi'twi'.'jj iJji- UnllrdSiniM );';Ul La«.jda. Tho«- clumtoi .•«, b o - \

, Ik-'Cll tu Ine.'-ido rccoxalllon of comi fi.<-r.-,tti;',;.v.ii:,tovrrci(cntyonTi-ikc "

,-miiinilori ol limltntlon

iiir: III 1 -'nr empUn™i-ni!■■: A,i{;7 7 .;n 'v.;;^:.f, i;wi.i77ru:o ’- t '

!rt;,i:ic"i! by l!;o U. ii. i T '. ' .< : i ly .i j i ' in o .- r u U and 39 r ju ir KMmWlca;;, ,(,.\.u(,.,i u .p *

i.Ma.cii. Ail.lrnn.'il D em ocrat ar-.'COUIi;,.,l 'r ,. I).,. irc jly , T)jj. • j

|U|> intlu-ii::-,-. n-fd of nbmil 15 mure c lws ! VO'I ' ;-);)./, ihrounh. MuchI win .li'ix-iuj npon ihe nttllude of C on-:Kr-'.i i>rojeci.i in '

.Keni-tiil, 111-) i;;is in u irn unun la;.ii,i".s, may bii uj.w i.

iby OIllu-;:;;,!.,; of ,]]_ | yC

_atiU _U u-:^_v.i:i.L.jaaui-bv-U L L 4.M jLAr;i;y (,i';; ,,.J .s:.j/r v.T r l);o r.u.-;-

'■ ''^I'li i!i';;riNent,ilivi' ll.v.'i (,■•■> pCollim. iI), 1,1 M;.v,'_o;|.iii. and Hv;i. 01 $ji . 'v a ta in ,. i',.i:i;c Jnmo.^, lUi .if '.i,i,srMl'MUiili.,!,!;:,;! i„ re-vli'Cled Kj II-.. ,CUJI.-I,..'.' 1);..,

C.'lllii.'., :i'. (h.iiriHim of ih.- A;i- G.Kid

e v e r y i n c h o f s p a cl . \ S M . A l . T . H O .M K F

L fevery Ineh of *paec Uirlftsiy , f,,,-'.

,lhe arehltc:i »f m u hoiise, iiitendcti , i l Ifor a poml-,il:cd family. li.i,i nuiK'I!ic bert u tf (Kuslljle o f a mrr^a.- inr, tn.v.'

rw fn i rtosTM;air»,'flna ) i J % th tm lha t the hoiucwlfc will ab le ' "

lto rench 'the tron t or ba:k ohtrarce ^ in a <Joten step*. There l» also # gfn- [ orous coat cIo*«c and « doimscainil ,^1 lAfalorj-. B-Uh a jjardfn parch a t (J;c' back. • , :Sem

Four J^drosais arc oti {Jie secor.d' 'f'u'jj floor, none of them crampvd in auo! bluo and-nll plifced'.^o tliai the interior; trim parllUoiu run throu,;li .-.avliv.; i x-1 1-) lieruil Oni- buih fr.-rvei nM. ClO'ei.i' huni

.'KHII-W. .ire fnm clfil in <•«<•/, ra><«, cliin


Guiding Y our I ____ Child---------------------Bj --------------- -------i ____ _AUCB OlAIUSSA lUCIIUOXO ^

E.'llOTIQNAL OVERSTBAIN Tlie am lttis vere chroiUcally on

the rerjB of getting a divorce, Tticy » — • era both uncontrolled jieople.-and w ith any emotional crisis o t ilirir Jlccj made the hom» unrndnijrab!.- T ht with the ir argumcnU and quarrels. Twin Worst of all, lliey talked to the chll- k h y 0 dren about ihelr trouble*, the lather 1 Thurs complaining of the moth.T and the UnnoL mother of llie father. Mrs. flmUh to tlv even wenl w fur as to sob out-ihe numb ^lory o t her unhappy Ute and the Uoa t trials ol llvins with any man lo herllakini 12-year-old dnmhter. [la.vni

The «lrl, wlio had been normal I and of mure tlian average InUrlll-1 Kcnce. be„-i!i to -iho* signs of nerve, .'.train, H it .vriiool work tell off, sho I lost her aiir.i'iae, had pcrlod.v of cry- 1'“ '^ ‘ ln« for which i-l.- could give no rea* son. Eventually .'ho suffered a com- th'^'a. jjleie jjt-now bri';iJsdown. and iJu CUli*o only cati.'o w.i.i lh-.: emotional straino t her life 111 home. . _ .........................;

.No fh lld sliuuUl have to take i>arl- In a .Mruiijle bet'Aeen lU purunls.'Thc ex|iri-.vsloii of adult emotion u 'w e .'ic jiisra* bad for lhe nerves of a grou-- j

slomach.If p,iiom.T(-;in.ioi>oniroM3;eh-'W-r^°|’-

havior lOAariLs cacli other, c l least j

friij- and m;iki.' ll .ui unwiilln:;'^imr-1!''''' tlclpaai. Ulll om- of the worst llanM , ' . . a parent c.m <!o to a child ts to jiour, <‘utr-hU-liy-.tiirri-eom meiU.czUlliL4‘ ‘ nnd Iieople to Us horrified ears, chlW stMuUt liKJk nJifftd lo Hlc 'vHid “ joy. If. ho'Acvvr. ll Is lold by a par-, rn i in whom ll has ta lth iha t the . fJV' future holdi only wirrow and mUlor- ‘ ^ r lune. 11 «an sVi.rccly bc blamed If U ° irlBfl 10 e.icapc Mich a la lr . If only , byjtetUnEJiick and.golnc to bed.

Parents are Uie child's chief means ^ ihc 0/ communlc.niun with the world i-j-f and hte. If the parents lall. the .child - s generally has nothliiR to taU back Amerl on, no one to correct the talio vie'j.- w hl:h his early cxir.'rK-ncc;ha.i Kiixn. The

-------- - £]U1 'J----------------------- :----- ~ mertlip roprlalio rj sub - commlltee in McCa' charge of lhe_milllary nioney bill, KpLscc wa.1 a tho'm in the »ide of tla! gc'n- and « irals. Colhns wa.<i well versed In chape: Army neeca anrt chopped o tf many park, ixn iipproprlalloa reijue.w In the pa.n Mrs. ile.i’iiio su itf an:>eait lhal 11 was im- Allen.Iieraihv.-------- ------------------------- -- 'Spm^

Jam es wa* ranking HepubUcan ® member o t tiic Military Affairs eom- „ TiJtteff. i f f p a w -w j a canieru-Jlke *• mind for dMalLv Hc embarraraed Tlie inore lhan one lilKh-rank'inn Army] Men's sftlcer by interriipUng and saying: | i 'a ! - '1 •Uut what did you tell us -*’a.i ihe, ther.’ situation back in 1928? Clcrk. bring a will me the rccord." 1 Tlio ;ii___________= ___________________ i

RKHEAR.SAL. Rep. Conner>-. (D J jn in i 1 •)f Ma. •~ chw.<•;l. , tv'lts friends lie tn - , ahr.K.' ;i-nil.i lo rcinirodiico hbi 30-iionr week' i v i n : ;>iil iht-% eoaui'.a .-ei.Mun, IIL1 chancci'ahlo u If getting to Ursi bsse arc pracflcally and a ifll. • •- .'-•'ung

-------- svillj rN O TtS. The rfvamped 3-.. U w - ‘The

rence tivaiy sianda'a belter chance m en « if ra-.ilicntionliy theSenafcT.Soulh* and w •nicrs uro Indignant a l Iluf:hitu.’ | carwr. rvpo.-t advocating valldailua 0! r e - . whole.';r.it:!ntrd-nlalfr-bomU-of-iiim.iy-v:n. -au!_i,ir-.i-i- I'n-l.- anm ll "/■tmn" I'rHtv" Unio 1:l'. J.i'mn pfepuiv.i lo icrniaiale Uie salo pU;ival j-5-3 ireaty, AiiuTR-aii cnviiys in rc.i reiMrl YuK05'iavl;\-i!un^»ry ro’A lu'. will s a lemi»osl in a leai'of—KtaiRO aad cUlzor ijjiJy ki'i'jj fool. U-liJrrly iilltlude of Mioriie.y General Cumminit.s indi- r;itv.s m a t pro.ycii-.:on of the HoudcL-a-se wUl bc pa'-ipm-.ed. Tho

— br.niili( io o n iN ti l in o s so i.i) ’

ClOt>D!N'0, U\'t', I ~ T h e (17 g j 'g , , f'f Ul" ODi'd).'!;- f.'.piiJ^y hcj: o[j,^rA

■:n-'! M'.:l!Kl!.-i1 h-art I'l luij.', at ■ nn H<i ■):i r.-i'. : i t ; il’.-. T'li y '.'.•U:l'.. il lOT.- junil :

lioands and ■•.old Ior a to;> i>rice M'.urn 1)1 $j -M il iiundn'd. A net ol JVMd.50 • .sircan A.I.s rer<'n. il by the members. r"|>o:li 000,Ct> I!;.- i-<iunly iijonl'.i offli-.'. ’l la' next iiiarki'iim; will bc IX-ccnilxr U, at —— G.Kiding. ^


_____________ N Ei

i s

• C K 5:: c 3.............- 3

. tl T>' i r York» • « . . i . flpcndi5».C in s 0

1 -Olllri,.V.'*iiy. hi th

Thc caraRC Is atlaclied, whlrh. be-1 Cefilt .n!<:vi U-lnu co:ivenlcnl. iTovidcs the I ph-iol bwo' for a sleeping porch U n l wlU;

'i^ i'fuL iii iiviiriY Ml 11' I;;;!!..0! imt)ortiuicc.so ta r it.i appoarncc 1 Is conccrned. Tills m.iy be bulll on nianii later, of coursc. auppl

TJw exterior Is of elnjiboards ®e. placed 10 Inches lo the weather, med Seme conirasilnp maierial coibld'bc speec 'i.s:-d fnr the wnlli up to llie flrat edlloi :iu jr windows. Hhuiltrii »hould bc rc-lior bliio-flreen, uhllW all <l!\- wood and ‘>y se trim .should b<‘ white. • . l« iu i

The windows are b jlh double; driinl huiK and can'-ment type, with lii?: won't i-himf;<-.i' rt.' bnrk. t’r'-.'e.iiiily red .' Th

EMBER 2,1031

"n e w s in t w_________ T aken From th e T w in F i

29 Years AgoDECEMBER U M S

FARMElis HEAR SPEAKERS 1T he first Farmers' InalllUla on lhe ,

Twin Falls tract will be held In th b ong city on Wcdncsdaj-. December 0, andThursday, December 7. ThU simple sar.announcement means ■ great deal laci•0 the-farm ers, and If a luttlcicnl r«<number ot thtm Sliow Ihelr apprecla- f*‘tloi, by BtlondlnR the meetings mid HonlakinK pari In the dlKuiilons. Uic /la.vnieil siwakers wUl be *t 1J repaid -ilrhfor their trouble In coming t« Twin ed,FnlK The mcctliiBS held m t l^ Uie 1 .0 . O. F. hall, which ihould becrowded ftt cvtry'meeting. The vt s-lung speakers wlU bc Profeaw H, T. U’A m n c h . Profcvior Orotge A. Cro.i- r ihwalt. lion. C, U Smltli, and A. B. Id.il

SfFN lC IDAIIO USTED h i'h AV a conrefrnce in Salt J-nff c n ;^ 7 d

January 18. llie Rovtjfiars of " ’I ‘V.I-.-1 co.«t M ain i.nd teprc.v.-ntallvr.i

w o i^ fo r the cam 'lnT out |far-ducftlnr.ft lsrit_p?i:ol the Eu- _ ro;ioaa travel frcm ac.-ois tlie potid to urru--i llK mounUlM. An effort •*T'“ iW in,\Tirtn-m-flrivfTti<>Mli»i-»>».t . ft'^-in,it IU beauties of fccnery wlU ap -; “ ‘' ' ‘ |.i-,l ;n thc we.-vlthy Amerlcaas who,*-” * ,„;iiuall'y .spend million-' of dollars in|-;^‘ ' jnnJtrV -to-the-A ip*r-i«-tha-lam ed. u a ier placi's of Oermany. and to th e . Mniiarlums of Swltmlaiicf. , *,

'Among the piacea of Interest to b e ' ' ' ' ILMod arc Dlue Lakes, M U ner.dam .'“ " ‘ nnd ehoshonc Falls. These com parc;* '' ravornbly to any scenic points any-1 ■*hert, according to the Boise States- ^

in the Sawtooth range are aUo l ls le d ^ '^ J The s io jan of the campaign is to

•X'. -St-e Europe If J’ou musi, but tee r\merlca Ilrst."

T hc Ladles'.OuIld of thcEi)l.wop.il -lui^ 'h held a la ite snd succe.vilul; 5^“' ; , i^ n n F at l 4 hom T o rM r.rn rM :i p^-f McCallum last Wediifstlay. .T h e .f? ’ KpLscop.ilian ladies aro iKUhiR buay.j Ihd w-iff In tlie-nM r future WUW a •hapel on ihelr tine lot near thc city; iiiirk. Thc guild was organlKHi wlU; _ . \tr<. McCollum presldeni, Mm . H. F. • M ie n ., vice prcMdcm, ^^aiid

;ary and trcajiirer. . ’ ]

Y. M. C. A. PLANN-En HERE jTlie innvemenl lo organljc a Young: .j..

\Jer.'s Christian awoclalloa In Twin ,,[ j i'alL has actfuiri-d great im|)otus ami . her.’ Ll every reiisun to licllevc th»i t will be tucee.«fuUy cfliLiiimmal«l- riio iir.imotcrs have received r.o much•PtOiirMijcmcnv from__the__buslne^ i , •iin i m at Uwy fctl /asUflcd In ro Iiik ''” ihr.K.' ’.uin thc a-or); M Uie eJid ffe i!' \ iv in F;iIIs will noon have a com fort-' j^.., ihlo and commodious readmi; room md a modem gymna.ilum where Un- j oung men may spend their cv:nlng.i! vltU profit. , •‘There arc In thc city many jour.i: ,

ncn who arc Just .it.irilnj out in hlo m d who tor the flr.'l time la their ‘ , ■arwr.s, llnd Ui'jmselvis -A-lihoui the ' • vholf.iDme Influence of home. Tfiey ^ . lU i-iu lijtcuA -io -tc rap iaU otu .a l.a . vn*r ina- when thev are mwi in mred 0!, ,,alft guidance,: iirid if they, wicepfd, n rc.'il.';-.nix Ihe.^e lemfitalioai. they vlll s^ jn develop into ma?nlflc*.'ni = ■ ;lil2onry.'


Tho Tw ln.l'alis Luul and Wnl.'r -omimnv hxi lieen teorcanlsed on a jr.niilor and more comiirelicn.'lvo b a - ' ii.i, the inieii'Sfv of lh t corporation' :urmerly in the hands uf F. 51. H-.ilil 3f Sharon, P.i'.. no-*' beln!: held by , r th m . I« firilertn cnrnplete the iiwl.-.i'

till' r.<.'0 n- nil' ,^n-ilr» rlv^r thillmil al.1.1 ronsiriiet lairnen.M- tarial .v.iifm.1 on the north side of if .e , '^ ' ' ' ,ircam . a bi.nd ir.'Ue of ne.irly W.- XW.COq will bc mnde. ^

A N ew Y orker 1,":; a t Large


■ _ "Pu NKW VOil.K-VJi,'.-ie!lf.l of thf

. Fay Olllli. Ihe nvlMrIx, back frnm i!*.',! Java nnd pl.innlng nnoih'T .''’m.i- I;;' tional llirli: .Sj;r w_ian, .slim. bu'rh''tU\' vi'iy'preuy'fiiid very’ri'iii.-:' nf fpoech . . . Count <le Kvntlioii'.’M’lic., ’",, lhe l-'reneh coiuiil ccner.il, hiirryirig out of a u u l oh Cenir.il park .louthl , . , LIghfnfn.; ealeiilaior cliecfclng;Uie flo'i' of !r,iiftc on Park- avenue CH , , . You i"k ' ihi-m •'I'hy they nre L-nuntinn t.irv, inii they won’i iiii- s\s-.T_._i-.Jnivyn:Jua.ljuiy. '

Miriam IIo;ikiiw, in an aisle rf.’i!, ^ seeing Tallulah Dnnkliead opea in her new plsy , . . T'.vo southern girl?; wllQ, areolaj_;ii..ii!i;,iugiicy,_,_,„. crowd gathered <ai "ininlc i.'.iai-,!i" in front of the p,i!acc iwivning 10 an oiit-of--A'iirk arior making a ' senseless spe^elt. , . iic'j sol a bljger aiidlcnec than hc ever had In ihe ilK aler. . ,.

■JlnrlcmeAe f ir a sosd lookln-; girl is "chlckcif dinner ' . . An ugly girl ' “ "j ).•>' a "wr.'j)'.-.-■' , ,•. A ];«).: iclom ) ‘ Nogro.glrl U a •'ehainiiagnc supiJer” . - . v l t ’.vbeT'n a long iimtmmcc York saw Ern-'siHemlnK'way . . . H e ' J"" upends most of his lime sw ordlth- Ing oft Florida and Cubs. ' waj

<iladys Ix-'AH, who wu-s a beaiiij <' •• In the IOM Follies, redciorated li;r Central fiarJc wmC jpartmewt com* niic [ilololy In a Chim.ie moUt since ihc •• u relurnetl from a voyag-.- to the Or- all leal . . . ^ -!l Jacovcs.'Bfoaaviny^ii.iv

a im i . . . A.1 rental hc merely d e -.m c m and i tha t 'the firmer icv.*ep hlin.' .\ auppllcd with eggs aod liuiter, i

oe rtrude-S ieln wtaral steel-tlm- ' 01, med spectaele-1 when shs read* lie r'tJe r speeches . . IncldenUlly. ono cH y 'i>^ editor iclLs mc that he pimbhes his ' reiioriers, who report tsrdy for work, hy seniilhg them to cover the 8icln lfciuro-1 . . . They come back puiic h , r ariink . . . Sinclair Lewi.i Mys ho wit won'i go lo Hollywood. ; ver

The apex of jiSrpdox; The mo-s-tjCe .^ .iil .n t rnektsil m one l>ark a re - 1 era

W IN FALLSIn yaUa.Kews F/tea________

1 6 Y e a r s A g oDECEMflEh 2, ISIS

RCSTRfCTIOV OFF .SrCARn i e food conscrvauon program no'

ofigcr cnnialii4 uny restriction u lo me jiurcliase snd fojuuojpUojj c / su ­gar. Ofticial announcement'ot this /a c t Is /n sde In {ftf ijjrtcgreceived- by Coumy Food Admlnls- (ra to r C. e . Muwon from tfie Na- , llonal tood admlnlslratlon,

'EffecUve December I, the unre- stricted uw o t s u m wJl) be prrrojt- ted, and ths distribution of sugar on Ihe m /lflea le pHn r lf j be ellmin. ' ated.

I IDAHO ItEOIMENT IlKTUKMNQ The Twin Falla unit of the Second

Id.iho rcjim ent converted Into head- quorier* compnny of the one hun« ' d/ccf m d tn m e n - K^i~ment. wan reported N ftv.i wnn th a t

.ow rilM tton a t .Sfomfaeon, France,

(according to telnfrsplUc advice re- rcc ved SnUtffUiy from R epre«ntauv# '


Mtv. Fi-ra Anii-.i eniiTtnlnt.i a tew ' .JlUi:iisjiL.a. i i r iy on Saiurdav m i«.; uliig. The )^^innadie.% spent ino'— ovrniiiK dnnelng nnd Uie hostess

I .'‘■rvved rarebit juppiT, c ju tsu Here .il'.» M t*/a Elotae Spafford. Marion nr- H-;, j75i-.',if-c-7ri;rBfrj;e7afflb.«.^— He ■), &',rrinan. Emily \V:»11, Jennie

I W: :kcr, n u tn Clar-Row, Sibil I t r t s I am Mf\damc.s Melvin Petit snd Vlr- ; glnla Wheclrlgh!,

• L K T ^ S PHOVE llEPORT FALSE' J’e.-elved h e n a /ew

copim ror:—Kim&erly, V d b« ii itu tw m #ctlon fta.1 l7«n p r ^ a fnfse. Mr. WUey Coppingtr has ftsajv i'd n icuer Jrom Urynn dated O ctob e?^, ssyinjf'-ho—wiu% nlh'c and W i, whfte the tcle-

; srom stJitfri iluit Jie )iad ixen killedI 0^-tflbe^fl, This Hnd«Mxl gSil-uoa'u___, fo r the nianj- /riencfs o f Ifrj-an In ■I Kimberly, ns well as for his relatives I heto. . . _ _

' FI.YEU ON V{AY HOME,E,ir! .1. .sjjojx-bi-r^rr. who hm Jjpen w-lth llie nvhiioa division ot the nnvy

I Ls on his wny home, having been dls- I charged from service.

I S K A T l.\a PARTV CIVE.VT he ,'ikiiUair feiJlvliji-.* began Ja jt

nlKhi with a.ikaimg p.-irty to U u sc ii l.l).--'. Tin- yojue Iieople enjoyed a '• iM'ule nnd , mar.ihmallow ronai iironi-.d the cainpare during the eve- . nliii;. Prls-llln Miin.son. Marjorie

,-Hn-Kfr,-DorolUv-Mcmil,.AaabttUMc-___,.\M-Mer, V'-mon w aU m , Kenneiii I Ayre.v 0,«r;ir Nvnman, nnd Cralg K r:i.r."r ni-rc o l Hi? ;)nr;y.

( r i . t \c f . \ f i 'p ,tK T v c rv E v: Mi-.s M jir.^:fi iiennctt e n f- ia ln - ' ed ir. a cl -aiatluU m all daneii.i par­ty .>a 'ni;.nksjiving evuaing in’ her homo. Alter dunclng. thv guests en- }oy ii ;j .',ij;j;.i'r fry^jj u j.ibli- approjjrj- u tdy decuraU'ii lor il-.o occasion. Giiea(.s Ki-rr Adetieil tioMoson. Irm a

; H plPlbrrcrlfaih BeauehBirjp.^^land-..-■■Hllllll^tt n r iru-U'll-n- f>r(fp

mul Hoy U'cdom.

nuo bar Li callcd "T|»» Dove"’ . . . More Fir£^ | f c i^fng 7i;ryrf

■.s’ r'i'^I jr.-flr.; The.Ui- .- nrf. only h a gorjii , ano ;' mul ta;',iit,-:i nriLil. but he iiIjo -■'(•JI'. llis iin;ntin7,s . . . Tftc a rn n d

■ Cenir.il iiiformaiioa boolh -teiwrw ; thn l n; le;i:;t n .•i-nrc o f r>eoph' n dnv ■“ilTT; "W hat'tlm f ■ im tr “ -n ltlm g h —

there b ft fnurMldeif Hock inounied ' rlvJji abo'.r th e cubicle,

F/!«'.ird .MoNflrnnra. Uw aclor w.'io I iK-.irli' ah'.-ays plio> cop rolcj, really

I'wa.-. a pcIic-.-mnn liefore he weat ott (he :U e r , ,Vo: .i)jjce Mur Murray -' has llroadway n m as jirovocaiivc a j);tir uf boe-iiunj lijis as those of

, Yvonne.Prlnlemp*, . . Oladys CM*' ill,'■op ijwdr .1 ihrec-flay flight frotn I TPliii:!ad to d.-.'.iKn thc seitlngs for• new '.Vn;! coward comedy, ,"Pu.;'.i Valixine."

•'Kveiv-.onp " the play, was 'wTll.•: i- i-,.i.<.| lllf.,life of 7?ao:e Nellie 'M>-lb.i, the opcraTins---r . . . w ni:h-----v..-r; .'■i.MJjgr for Hs author, Hcverly Nlcui'ls, wa:i 0ii;c her i,e :rfliry . , ,

- H rr-fii.m>--«« di:f:i-W..'r'>ro. M'-U boiiriiv, her ia-iiie lown ni Aii.slralin,

' jii:.'. .I.s 111'- ■■t.'vensri"<- ficfoice h;w , iiaiiK'd In la l:r IreUiud.


aOODINO, Dec. 1 ~ ^ Mr. nm\ Mr.v .liill.ni Cfiiirchill returned Ihh

frcm n Mx-rt'eek trip. Three i-pcr.i a t,lh 5 .

Ii)'*n, Ivj .jii'.al when' Mr. ChurfliH r'l .■.uhiniU'.'d to nil o;y‘railon, ThrfS- u t i ' i i ’n.vi a t lhe ho.'Jie of h«

, ‘ a.cuior ia Avan. Illinois, their old Iwaie. ar.d wiUj oilier relative.i.

I Mi-A Lacy-Piiray of I-o< Angeles.1 .liul l.er ;i..lc'r, Mivs Minnie Duray I "I rplvr.ul'j wi-jc JJI Ootxjiiu; for th?• u ii.ilh i of tlie »iU c f.the ir unci'’.• • (iM'-iiKu-lfciiO' a . tVudfl Rho n';w . • lound. iload f t lilt home KVctal . " .-e tl *'io. Ttie «iio',<i of the estate'Was lijH to MLvi Lucy Dur*y and .-'I.' tt.U.ni.idi- me execulrl* Ot tlio

r .Mr. iiKt f 'rv Cilioull* held an• niK-r.'.in »j.e «( ux-i- home in ine '■ ■■ Ul., i,.,rt .if io»n and disposed ol •^nll ihM r. Iiomehoid goodi. 8 siu r-•; ii.iv f>Tnin<. T hey 'arr leaving, this . .

■rfxcc'coJocaie.I: M n. Yamsmaio nnd «laughier

; .Mary entertilned for turkey dinner ■;oi, Sunday for five Japanese itu - • ‘ .d e n u ot the Stat® School lo r tho I . t>raf a n d UUni.


L' I WIU born Thurid'ay moming. No.1 vember :’if. to; the Rer. and Mr*.

tJ George o . n<is(!l)erry. a t Rupert gen*• I eral liojollai.

sieoms I =:dya«i[J

Floyd Daiss Named Outstand - Ingj-Rcceives Guern- i

. - sey Bull Calf I

BUHt, I>c. l-FIo>'d \ w *r membfr or lhe ProjrtMlve C»ll <lub led by I. e a u fw ll. Duhl, h u b « n named »-inner»of the purebredQuenuey bull caK »«Kt(l«(l j-carly | Jto the ou titind in j dairy dub mcm- jf lb'T of the sou iti CemrnI Idaho d u - ■trtct by Mr3. Minnie Miller oC the ■T houund fiprinRs farm. TliD In- ■lorm itlon r a i received (rom the Boffice of J . JI. neirden, »Ul« club' ■leader, nhere.the d«W on »aa mncJc. ■

DaL« hai bvrn in active member ■o( h li club. havlnK « m -d us ■ preildent one yenr'aikl reiwrter onejear. He nas A rtiembcr of the Uve- Aitoek Judging team which »-on flr*l non place a l.lh e Flier fair in 153J ftndrrcelvfd a tr ip to Porlland Floyd ”

• ' has w n »e« rH flril prcmiunii with ihia dairy project-i nt Aplnic dnlry »hoM' and a i lhe Filer falr.v T h u ! year he nrnr-champlon tn thv |

. Clark B racket, Uoeor*olcl nitr’i- 1 I----- ber-Of-Uic-Cedar-Drawcal.'-clubJcd------1

by atanley W ultrrx'of Uulil, hw | U rn awarded the im ri'brd ilul» J »i«in bull caff given by A. » 1Iliihl. (0 tlte outstnudlni; Holstein I ciub member In Tuln FiIU county. i Clark .W.X1 hlRk-polnt mnn In tlic 1 c.iiBlixc.slock jiiclBliiK coiiiest iii the i j Filer fnir thia jenr, l;e nnd h « I (eanm utei rccvlvmj n Irw trip to J the Portlnnd Interiiaiional f-lvcsioclc J exposition. HLi project this yenr t

. consisted of a hlijh crade two-year- 1 otd heifer ai)U a mow white Junior j

----- CRlIwAihlclL-a’nn flr,L i«rmliirii_ln____liA ela.« n i- th e club'ochlovcnieni day a rid ,a t the Filer fair. ' i

----- ---------------------- and__ - ' ------ .hon

- C h u r c h S ervices- k• - FOJTi sQ i'A nR r . o s r r u

3 p, m.—Suiirtnv sdiool.3 p. m.—Prcnchiiie.8 p. m.—Evanseliiiic.Prayer mectlni; Wedne.iday, 8 n,

------m _A lary-Jan«,.sltU vaw!cliiU i«i:ti. _ihe wJJJ be Jierc, jiaulbly nc.vt neeJc.

FIR.ST MtmiODIST 'E P IS rO P A f, C^ll'RClI

Corner fiUof.hone, and Pourth William Da.<ll Youne. mlnL-dfr

8:15 a. m.—Church school. T. P. I Willm.1, iuperlntendenl. L

11 a. m .-Publlc worfhip. Home | ML«lonivry »en-ice. The ipoakm will |

'•-^bo-^friTJI.T.rK Iiis'niTd'M fsrA riim r ' IM. Coleman, conlcrence otH i-m of Ilhe Woinan'.s Home MU.'lonary m>- Ictciy. Tlie chorus choir under the Edirection of ProIes.v5r Norm.in Mc- ICnrty will aini;, 'T o Thcc O Ccuii- Itry." by EchberR. n

4 ft. m.—Tlw Vcjper icrvlce. .Mw I Josephine Throckmorton will i)re- I

'iule a t the orRan. MLss Clnrlce Suuii- der* will nlnR ..Th.iiits fJe to Ood,"by Slanley Dlckion, an'd "f)Ir;ivd Are the Poor in Spirit," by Ward- St^pheli*; A. K.’Prandi,.vlbliniaC will

------ rr^e«n-Tttptwi-ntm ibefi-¥Jn‘- f l u « t __apeaker for tlw nflernoon will be the Rev. Vliicenl Runyon, p.i.stor of KKhteentU atreet Melhodlsi Eplsto- pal church of New York Clly.

S:'JO p. m.—T?ie EpB'orih Lifxgue will meet In iis repiilar dcvotlontil lervlce.

7:30 p. m. Tuf.ulny—The rcgulnr L official bo.ird mfeilns. I

7:30 p. m, Friday—The repulnr | choir.rehfftr.vil, under tin* direction * of Profewor Norman McCnriy^ ■

. . ------- OriFIRST rnKSHVTKUI.VN CIIIRCH >'l' ' G i'L . Clnrk, pSstor “mii

10 a.' m ,-C hurfh 6:iiool for nil I = aKC-RrouiM. E. V. U rson, tu jx rin -I tendenv

11 a. ff).—Mornliic worship, O r-l< 'a ' san numborj, 'i 'rom .Minlatiin: I loH Suite." I^ogers; oticriory. •'L'n L.ir-1 me." MoassorRsky; "Fnule in C," Harrli, Anthem, "I'lie Lord Ehnll Comforl Zion." Schiiecker.

Seromn. "The Queitlon of Bur- derni," by tha pMtor, —

C:30 p. m.—Youns jieople's hour. A *I»,’Clal cvenli'iR of iclloiv^hlp,

CHl'HCH o y THK .NAZAItKNE___ _____ -—1, n, Smllh, niMnr— :--------L

' 9 : i i a, ___Sunilay schosl. H. C.o w n s , iuperhitcnrtent.

II a. m.—Mornin;; 'worship ftnd jii'Tmon. "Tile ManlWfn Could Not: I'oiiiel," The SlMler KiiU will »ing

■ a duet:3 to 4 p. m,—The Sunshine Go.vi)ol

hour over KTFI. The’ Hftrnioninn' qnnriet of Norihwe,n N aarcne col-1

• Jege will entertain you. . >C:30 p, m.~YbunR neople'i meet-

Ins, ___;7;M p. m.—rvenln* worihlp. H ap - '

py ilng ln j with the orcheiira, J, W Bmlth In CharRe. Tlie Calder bo--*. M ll /th tJ . diifilMid>lr.vL, D. SmlUi,«ftd daiigiiteM itl j Jtnf a trio num­ber.

rHRJSTIAN CMl'RCII W. E, Andcrwn, m inuter

B;iJ a, m.-nibH" .vrhool, F. W ., •Slack, superlnlendent. [

10:45 a. m,—Lord's ,iuppcr and aer- [ mon, Subjecl, •■Vl.^oni and Dre.im.i.",

8:30 p. rti—flenlcr Christian. Bn-r deavor.

7:30 p. m.-\Vor*hlp. Sermon. "The Gospel and a Nes,- W orld ," .T hln tr- vice will be carried oi-er Ihe .ilr, K TFi, , ' * ,


Third avenu* north ftt Second atreet Victor E, Newman, recicr

Holy eomunion a t 8 a, m.1 Church aehool a t S:45>.m, McrnlnR prayer and sermon a l 11 fivlock exceptlni tha llrsl Bunday cf 1,1 monlh. •

iloiy rominunliin and lermon a t 11 cn lhe flMt Sunday. ,

RT. KDW.^RbS' CATHUl.\C 1 t p.vthrr He'traan, paator —

• , Phone M3R.ir.cla> mx^^« 8 ftnd JO;SO a,.m . Weci; ...ir mA;'?*Ba, m.Cwuuui...iuu S'.mLay6-Ftr3l Sun-

I Showing at Joc- K'l

A lerne Irom Ihe ColumWi pi'-turr -.1 I Dnnalil Cook anil C.rorti' Muriiliy ihim ■ 1 ^he liad tn rhnn*e l.rtupi-n l«i nifii bul J A muilral romeily In rolnr, rartnon, Sp' J I lh e *ho«,

;! ■■ ■ -lilaho Thc.nlr

I P l W i i r T I T ■'

IThe haiip> untli) sn u n m i<i >"i '

and his hltlc lirnt>il nn .■ -.nll:^ 'n- honey. In " U's A (lltl." I l'i jj« t Mi:’i :

of tne hfnir in tliP |j:i;ii ri’it '>! iiT Knmcri'i. Jiiiian M;>dl'cni. T«mii;.vi> Chnrlra Scllun! Nim >liir.'ilii! a t liir I

‘Flirlation'Vi/alk’ at

i i:" ''- ■ • fl

» y y ,r»f A

c I“

5 P f i f

■: l ' l

u jUjjr |a

: AThp ■•ilrrliil \Vr.l IVit. M -l.iJ': .• -i

Or|iliPUn> llti-ifri-'N iir» -it'f.i I'-rt I.nil.' n llh n iik I'lii'eli siiil Ijiili'- Itrpli-r

~ “fnu!«ir-;irp:cliiiri.jTrMnnhp-<:rrrpn;—

11 j --------------------^

[day of month fir nrn! J^'"on'! S:;n- ::r- |dav (cr -ADmi-n. Third Smi(;;iv j; :^;](ollL'. Fourth Sund:iy il;;;il:-::r-i ___________ ('I•" CUKISTIAN SCIKSCK ' '“ lIU 'ltC llK SJ., "Anciept and Modern Necroii',;iiipy. I:

A ^

JOK-K SAV.-<:-lli-y 'olli-rs IMi-ii: \Vr,.-ii 'n r .u l v

— yni UIP f':ii;'T ?rrr; (-Ti7.rTr:rr Tr.-' -WKLLV l-.ii -Alin;! Tl.cn t:i'r;'' li<r

Id ---------- rS'Cl.K .10"1 KIDDICS _

r!: l O c ' S l S i

I; T o d a y ! B ig 5»■' She had to f j J

c h o o s e b e tw e e n ^ J | s

h e r h ea rt ^

‘ w o u ld n ’t te ll ®

h e r w h ich . ■

II 8 k C D o n a ld

" ------ --— f()M<N(i s o t jx : ••.\vx fi

"■ -IT 'S AM. IN FIN . ANP N1- ■ • -------- -----


l B 6 i A i £ l k > 2 R 5 e B S ™ i 8 ^lheB r a S R y f i w l u x C u l l u K L A froi

K 's Roxy T h e a t r e j|;>;

^ . - _____ . . Tl

W w f f r P f f l l f f f fB y . 'O lirr

igf • ”iK If'’ ® fill'

• .. .. r Irr Mr-ii"-.iM,' ir.iinrlne N.uicy (',irn.ll. ■I1I.« ^hlnli,i5 ;.t -fop-K. i:n\v Ihr-Jire. I’-'*' II bul Urr v.ciuiitn't tril h rr ^y '''h .It, Sportlitp Aiid IV.lhr ni-«\ u>iii|iii-1r\

c-ili"s-To-iay-- .....—


r “ '

' a i “

. ' ....r ;»iiii»'- ;i. • i . I leld^i i;l;r'-i:..: -u in Ihr l.in-l iif inCk anilJ lV ili:ii • r . " irTii waiitii; tor. 'I'iip m an' —

„ |ih I r ll..?. J» W ~Vl-,;.'.:. K.i'.hirrn Hmuird and

.11. j ^ ; , ^ i , ___________ _ . _ J

<’ a t th e O r[)hciim |i'jn

■ ' I ,

A li,

'■ mS, .€ ® frS .• ^ '

' ' « '• r .i— H m — ~

i j

I i e ? * * . , *

l * r v % 5• .•-.u’l l. .- .-n . ,1 '- rl ro-.-Ml lur the i.iil.i.i, -{::ii. ili.ii V.'r 'V iv l’;r iiirturr.

IT thp M.tr^. ll I ' tlip iir>t nillilarjr •n;--------------;...................... . ........... —

n- : >;i;:n'ri.-ni I'm! lly|-|ioll5m, l!. nt)ui',!c>l' l\ ;iii- <•'. the: ' -rm-'it iii :i". Cluirri;.-,-! of Ct:r^v!. r:i Dr-I '. niber II.

The Oolden To.M l !r>>m Ilf John ', •y. 1:11; "Hi'lovci!. fnllov.- nr>i t in t which

-.ul will' w;ii:s m e .'l.l- <::iCf i:io;i«hl . U'.-'' ■Annd- t i i,■•••■:,•rTin Tirrn-T.TT • •• iK-r l<) thi; Good l.im-- .H . . . .

.r, . l o r - K 's ---------- .A i ) r i ; r s

5 - U n i t S h o w


fHoisi!-MAIiC y ^ C A R g Q fe ;;n ld Cook — George Murphy

I'l.r.'J ■ Carlopii . Spiirllilr • New* i anil .'»ln-irjl.< im.\i‘v In CnI'ir , |

SHOWS lo l i .w ; ■ I •l;lin - I:M - 5:30 • TM’l' anil !* I’. ?!■

VX o r n n r r .N ’<i \ii i .i .^ “ , ,

t i : SKVi:ii itA isi; t ; i .j t fU lc^ S ! '’ ;

N E W S , t w i n f a l l s . m A H Q .S

_ U-Bvil. but th a t which la good, Ke thnl doeth irood ia of Ood. but he Umt doeth evil hath not se-.'n Ood.-

Amon(t the cltfttlona cotnprtalnj^: lhe ica.v3n-Mrmon U the followlnK — i from the D lble:. "Save us, O Lord .

ih«-h»aiheu..tQ x lv t tlu iito - .unto ~ ;;iy holy and .lo .trium ph Inlliy prau-.'-" t l ’saliU)..I00:47).


Third avenue anil Fourth street iioitli

Urv. C. H. Hiiir^nrdnrr- pastor JO Tlilrd avpjiurjioi'th

;i> n. m .-flund iv fclu>ol. Marloti l|ii:;o»ny, supermiendent,

U i\. m.—Worfliip and praise aer- • i;;.' -The Master at the H carfa

1) ' .MoriliiiK ’heme by the pas-

■ "V I.. m-Y <iuiis lieiiii;e> meelliiR j III ini' p^rsoujne. Adult and eltll- lirrns dii-uion incetins a t the clmrdi,

n m —W or'lnp and »onR serv- iri'. .'^-rmon, •The ReMoratlon Of I fiinniii Peier.," by the pa.'ior, I

For the eomUiK two wcets the paa. I I, lor »iil be in an evaiiKeilstl: M m-

luicii in Payete.

IMMANITI. LfTllK R .'N C lItR C Uroiirth avenue iiiKl Secnnrt street j

______ lltv . M. H. ZiUi-1. niinlMer’ ' I10 a, in,-Suii(l.iy M-h«oI. A iwr- |

niiii t>: uur auiirt.iv >.*hcy>l hour is

(in-n Chrbtmns f«-rvirr. ,[•-----^ -It-arm .— Himi'- »i>r»hli»—r;U lC-;_

..•i-iii;im will i^.'.lor th : Iir.sl Sunday 11 Ad\vnt ___ '

i;l;in cIiLvi inei-t.-( a t ll'.e'iludy.1 H p. in. Tii'fdii.'' -Youns people

.» .li inert for prai-tlc<-, q ..' B p. m. Wrdni'5ii;iy—Choir prac-

! R p. ni. Thur."<lay-All niembew ai;d thrir ffunllles are rnrdliilly In-

I Illrd lo attend the -Church Eve- i;tni.*' >])on.iorcd by Ihc Y. P. S. ]J,.|

‘j j H E IS H B O R S ’ C H U R C H E S

’d (•OM.'MfMTV r iirH C II__111 J . m .-A b ra d ed . Sunda V atlujol 4',*'I -.'lUi rl.is'^.^ for all ace.s. MU4 Helen j;'1 lJi;id. siipcrlntrndent, ‘-'1; - .11 a..m .-Public.ttor.vhli>.aud * c i- . .

' *|mfm liy Hev, Hrnrv- Van Engelen,I'iir monti-.ly mi.vlon.i'ry of tenns will ■ lr- ri'ccived. . . . . ' 1’-

- HAN.SEN CWl.Mt'NITV RI M gar L. While, minister ■ “

|a ; ;h ,i srrm on by the pastor.Si>relftl; nui.'ic undrr the direction' of I*ro- , fp.-.Mir Citih. . 1 •

11 ,1, in.-.Sin'.d.iy srljnnl wnh Sii- p r iwrintcndent Harvi-y. Formvalt in cliarse. ' ;

7 p. m.—Ep'Aorth Ir'a:ue dvvntlon- pi a> .service. Iz-ader. Ida KllnRcmRim, R'

— IS^tciiil. EarJ,U akcf._._________. ,iM:


C. I. Aiiilrew}., ji.Lslor ofIft ;i. in.—Siiiiilay school, ; h-

; 11 ,1. in.—MornuiR nor^hlp. S er-1 ;;iv 11 :;:rnr-', "Planned Uvlng on the jir lllKliir Ix'vels," rh

7 M |i, m.-Evciilni; Quiel Hour, , W •II p. m, Wedni'.Mlay — December Hi

iiin-iiiiL: o ' the ofriclal board. . th------ ^ - tr;

_ ___SUJO’A rO H <-OMMl'NJTy____bjiK;U:ir I,. Wiiitc. m inlitrr le

10 ,1. ni --Sunday whool, WllUniii El,..n'|li liilli;illll'Ut.-------------------Rn

I I .» il. in.—llenular piorninR wor- i d .',lii|i Wltii a ^ermon by the piuitor. ui 5i«';-i.il inu.Mr under llK dlrectfon of u\ .\fr.s. Clit.(t-r, ■ <;i

7.3'1 p, m.—Kiiaorth leiRue devo- [)itlOlul MTVln-.

Ciiuich iii>:lii f.ocUil und dinner u:i Ki l’i;<l;iv rvi-iun;:, IJri-embcr ", .-v: 7 t i orl(x-i; iindci' lhe nu.'.plfr.V of tin; in

I,- Kiinoriii li-iii;iir. Mr^, WillLs 8 a m - ,_ If, ,M)n. .'priikrr, Hrpori.s from the —

v,iri')i:.' drii:<riim-nu will be Riven, | g

( io lltK S R fi.K COM M CNIT\'. ' ’ ■r ( lltR C H

H. J. R.-ynsld.', pulpit supply ' Ch.irloie Hr!;leman,.Siinday whoiil

.^uprrinirndfnt. of 10 a, m .-Sunday sch'ool.

)r- 11 a. m.~Morninic me.uuKe. A ■

E f f i i— 'r T O B :

CofiHnKOHs .ShflHS 1

T H K ip O L O F M I i ,I . l f i KEMlNINi; II

I'lNv’Y OK .M ll.i. K Y E IJ ,IKAL<

T hr Jnv nf Mlllli.n* «il

W . C . F lI —in— r r

G IF T ”— W ith — ,

iJAIJV l.cU OV . g

; ( iO O r y .M O V IK S -C O M .E D Y


r. INFORM AI. YETJ . Kill ly IvtiKllsh Design XdiipEa _____________ ----- r

n ------- ..


!L___________ MttlaB-,taned_nld-P0r1r>lt* «

' 'I*;i-; i:i I In Tl-.r Di'reratnr.", C lubof' dra------Ln..>s.Voi* Im Thu.N cw sj___ rd.

, r.ir ••M.-.r h k r .th e Kilidily u,.-:' im.iL-h tin.- dininaL

Kill L-.' i-.-i>i-('laily r.ultabie. I l| ainplr, rather rohu.'t hv-, °

« «it:;.m; cii-.il formality or c e r r - ^■^irrnv-TitirTirvrnnrttwiinTTrfliRiiitrr-r"

iO;h- imaiiiiii-s i: In Iw p a ltlc iili tly i;' .-nUiM tit thr liiniilv wllh u majority

III ni.i'ciiUiie mrinbvrs.Tiir ».il'a arr painted ai^U(i'i-; g

* '.p.irrl mei;i. Kmbroiderrd vrcT.rl' [„' ■ i iiri,iiii.v In dn-p. rich rolor.v, oiij -j

Ii',:i;'.ir.il linen, arc ti.ved a l the win-' n)i

" Ki-iinr mlk Raure, The riiR Ls lete de , |k nrjrrr. Aljj

_ All nf the fiirnlturB Ls oak, The are

, 'm rv .ijc to the jou lh cf tlie GolilenJ Gn ' •Tl;ui- Ci.:ilmunliy. T n p irr^ m c smarP-jnei

s n ." 'ihb . T;:- ladie.^-wlll Rive the ir baiaar am

'jUtl fii.'t-trrla diiilier on the evrnins liig l j , or I>--renilirr 5. A Ruod piosram is in pai

’ lin-pjratinn. ' . ir.i ------------------------- mv


’ r llCni.KV, :x-i, 1 - • Onr or the i . prctlli-.'t WNldliiR.i ot tJie -.enson w-n* (rf, ,n ;.nlrninl.->il h rrr Friday evcniiiR hi ,|p<

. liir l’iiv,byirtiiiii clini'cli in the cin i- 'p te f ri irr ni ISO Kiir.st.i when MiJs »n n, Ruili .Slory, dauKhtrr of Mr. nnd

H, -Htory of Hurley nns i . iinitrd in in:irrinK‘- liiT^r. Cinrrlrs Ai I'lVrhuiir of Riiim l, formrjly a j,„, iluili-y boy. I)r. 'ri'ilnilii' l^ Ihr run i;„ of .Mrs. Citrrnic Trrhiinr, i>( Uur- ch

i Iry. Mlr-1 Pioaipily ni B m lorJc .Ujr'bridal ;e jir-iiy n iu i 'd tin- Il'i-.i.VlMuki-d i(.y

rhuich n» lhe Mniin;. Id Ujhrn«rln's i,m . Weddlni! .Mari-h playrd bv Mrr,, ij

rr Henry (irolioskv. Tin- ijridr wn-, iii- • tired in a wliilr luce Kown with train nnd wnrr a vril and earned a I bnuoui l oMilii'.s _of j^lir Miili-y nild I lern- ^hi' wHs''niti'iiiird by Ml.'S '

ill ElU-ii Mil--- (Jt;i-rholt/rr wr;uini; ii ’ _

r- i d u boiKiun ol pinl: rij.M-.'*. Thr RKmni ir. wore a bliuk Mill and was ni:iiidi:d of by Kr;iiik Hunt i>l IIoim-. Krrd

.‘Iton-. broiiirr r:( (lie brulr. aii'l I- Dr. GrotKr .Sciii>lrr acti-d as ibiii-r..,

Pri-n'dti!;- thi- irrruw ny .Mw, t:i Kalhrrlnr Ciroom i-ini; "1 l.ovr Ynu 7 Truly" aud 'n(;raii.-.r." arrompnn-

ird nl Ihc piano by .Mrs. Henry

7 ^ “ r r r r r n i ’n K n - T r n K o ^ n n - - -OOOSi: .Sl'N'DAV DINMlIt al

in'IIUHfS (MUM. C,\l-l:-rnr

D A Y H - —.u s F ro m I.-10 P . .M.

,I,K iSS ( IF I 'irT T K K Y i; IIICAUTS' .IIM .IO SS ( IF (IKKKN-;a l o u s .m k n !.nt n f ..« n rin r Klddif<:




:MRER 2 , 193-t

KT DIGNIFIEDid iip lcd To Dininic Room

>IH add In rpi>m.i:iifme._____________ ; J

' draw-lop rrirrto ry lab>. when 0|>en- ’ 1 rd. can «ri-ommi>dulr a ilieablenuniOrr nf lIlnr^^, Old itorlralts. In , «mrlio-*- tones, are nn esitecinliy wei- '. 5

! Onr of the mo.Ot. interesting polnU \ \ I about ihl.< room, derornled by Mary ' *■ .l-Coccciliall-uiul-Jeafi'hflle-Jultes.-U —! _ I tlie r\crllvfit balance bftween .the i , |.'.i7.e of the room, "weltthf nf color,

and srair of de.MRH.ln b<jth fabric and furniture.

Surh balance is a primary factor hi Roo<l decoration,

i Too often do.ue. see Interiors In ' whirh the furnlturv dealRiu and

’ ' Wf beht^of^f^iliir aie' l^ i Ii#i' t' the si;r of the room, and occasion- ; ■

fllJj-Ke Hie other fxireme. 3 « h (■ are undesirabK',

.'Gruho-.kv with violin acoompanl- . ry ien t b}~ ♦l • Kalherine-Rosf: Dur-- '

*iiiR -Ihr crreniony Mni. Oroliosky - and MlsN Rase played "Al Dawn- I I lliR" Miftly a i Rev,' c. 0 . Arrar,I paMor ol the Presbyterian church, | b

ie.id Ihe ecreinony, Tlie ,bride was | g Kivrii in niftTriaRc by her mollier, g Mrs. a, S. story, . , g

I FollowiiiR thn ceremony relatives e

coupir w n r teiidrrrd a reception a l Ethe lioiiir of Mr. nnd Mrs, C. M, Ob- E

' rthohzrr. A huce wrddins cake cen- p' tered th r tablr which was lastlly EI decoralrd with taper*, roaea and ’p

ciiry.Mnthrinums. .Mn, Oberholtzer '■£' uns a.-o.i!.t<'d ill M-rvinR by Mrs. E. IE! M. Dnven and Mrs. L. F. Holtt. 'fcI___Dr, and Mrs.- T frlu incore lwl.li. _ : e• RiadiMtrN ol Hlf uiilvehlty of'Jdaho . :■ and Dr. Trrhune » a Rraduaie ol i = ' tiie Norihi^TAtern Mi-dical collcge in I• ChlcaKO. For the past three year*

Mlwi Hlory hns been -'upenlsor ot •' inuMc In the Miller tehool in flMC-- - -• li-V. The youiiK cmiple will be a t' home In llii|>efl where Dr. Terhune I■ 1s a practlclnR physician. i

' AMERICAISIN d a n c e r :

S p its nro plottirifr lo hld.w up tlio pnnnm a ( ‘nnnl ns our f e e t pnsses

I I t tliia k 'H one of th efpip.H?

------ DON’T .M ISS-------

“ Marie“ CalanlB-



Tlie yrar'.' mo't exciUnf plftii:e-M ii:rn -|V o‘ n<i new


neautirul Nrn Slar - « n d -

S l’KNCKil-------------- TR A C Y ............ - -


, \T THE -


------ , , PeteQUHU Dec. t — Tlie teachers Pem

ot thfl Falrvlew aehool havt an- .t l ltti riounc«L” li«r“ ri)IWU'liiB Honor roil'srmiTorthff-teeond-slx-weeti:------------- tKatl

First cn>de—Ralph Peterson. Ves- [Jani tr r Stockham, Paul Wasncr; sec-|Woc

J ' v l


i r eehsim k ----------- TRE—M S C R EE N 'S FIRST I


~ . KerrconTeVthVarmyl L'oiin

; — Playing «». Singing ♦ . .

; W ith all Ih# .color snd r®*

• • m«n«« of W eit Poin^ ^

j ^ ^ ^ filmad on (he ipot a n d 'f l

' mad* into a g l i t le r in g f l

' ^ ^ icfflcn producfionr

a i ^ r i f f n l l M

_ ____________ DICX_____


p K E E L E !P A T O 'B B I E l

f u . I H E W E S T P O I

- J C A D E T _ C O H P ;

& T H E U . S . A R


IN i,«A r.fjiFicf(if SftCrACLC DANCl!

V ' • '

SDf.'c Hits YO'J'-L HU'.':

I _ . '|.‘P Af.D vfS. ISY IMENAME-

' • f ; i ‘!^AMO^^ ^ WALK* .

” '

J m W mJ

H b i M i■ H b r a w ra W


■" .........ParamoonCONTISX'OfS SHOWS T t

I '

' P if* F1«

^ond irade—Datbarft Olbb, L o v c u Wood; th lrd ’rradO w B vtnrt Alten.

joelorls Hafin, EUle Nffetief, E m ett Ipelerwn; fourth m ila — Hert»ert 'Pember. Rubr Prlluclk. Bdon Wood; filth sreds — Calvliv Ilahn; d z lh

'‘sraae—nance nilc litl;"Jtutn 'Letli,■ Kathryn'Brook“ 8eTenthTfT*de“ “ » ~

Jane Olbb; eighth frade — Opal Wood.

I 4 U S J

5T B I G ^ h j j y H


,'S TODAt FROM 1:S0, r . t t

-IlYOiSTiS^ U i B i W S E :

G o v e rn m e n t S p o k e s m a n S u g ­

g e s ts E x p an s io n In

O r i e n t . A d v isa b le

's o m e , befc I (/T) — yj*p«n'» - lbtt>lcae4 cxpuulon Inla Afrtcia lerrito rin nb tra lU Ir has ez- IcmWe eoloaluUoD. it w m re*Te*I(d lonliht, l i b fln r e*ftfally. con ildm d--lo eonnKlloa with

. Japait’i Inrllation lo Join her In ittDonMinc the \VMhln(t«n narml lrt*ir<A goveratnfnt ipokesman w ld

l t >)7 T U not ;c l retdy to replr to t tu Inviutlon, •llhough Informa­tion Imd been rccclvcd trom Paris i th a t France hnd refused a tlm llar fl JnpAnue propoul. lj

Wllh lliq*r»lum of Klnc Victor ■- Bnmaniiel aboard the royal y#cht T JJl Savola from lho African colony o t „

.^ .« 8 (m u U lu u L il.tcc im a Jin a « a :th a t • Id iiy j p d tc T '^ th rrffard to Nip- 1’■ ponue ezpanMon had undergone Hi

di?flnlle clarlllcatloi). hAlf:.mnilni Iriminn. undcr-acrc-. — ^

tary of colanlri. itn ted Ihc new . poslllon In a rectni speech a t Na-

— ■4>;w: — . . . . •

yin the t'a r Ea*t.“ lie anld. "thetlcal ultuatlon teada to get aorae, ____

In .Ute face of lhe comiUexlty and Importance ot European InieresU _ _ In IhH region ot 4ltc world Japan, ll for Uie f lr sn im e ln history, o f - 'I I C fcn lhe example ot iicopic cf eo.- B 000,000 Jnlinbiunu rxtrnordlnirlly

■ d«'eloped economlc.illy, iniluslrinlly f ' " luid In a mllliai)' way. I

Uangrr for Karapc ' ^"Tlie blrth rale, energy and splr- H

K ot ucrlflce of lhe JapancK, Uie I H

. r " to ^ « S rJ a p a n » very great danger f l > for Europe. Her prctciulons and her ni

the Axle uround which U lufn.1 all Oriental policy. ^

•"riie more one rcstmliis lhe Jop- aiuito—cxpunjiMik in tfif - Kmii tilth ~ moro she will rry to expand In o th- ♦ er wctlons and In other cbntlnenta

-a .tl3 proved already by Japan's BC- “ tlviiy In AbysilnlB."

l l r u understood thut dcsplle this viewpoint, the imliiin so'''enimcnt «11I hot acccpl Japan's Itivllullan, but t tu t Ih juelf the Ihvllailon k!

view the so-called Japnncse prob- T P _ 'lem with Increased Interest.

-------------------------- : V IO

O g d e n B a n k e r J o i n s "

E c c l e s A t C a p i t a l r l

. OODEN, Dee. I t/TV-Lawrriice -------— ciarton.-nca-prcsidcnrBnauiiinng.'T •c i"rt

of the Ogden branch. P in i Sccur- Ily bniilc of Utah, naltoiiiil amo- clntlon, will Icnve Odjten ionlt;hi for Wwljlnglon, D. C. to bccome ttoisi- am lo Qovernor .Marrlncr B, Kc. ' ^ clcs of lho Fcdrral Rejcrve board.Mr. Eeclfs anil Mr. Clnyton lon« ‘ liave been close .friends and bual- , . . i _

■ new aaoclalcs in Ogden. . „Mr. Clayton U-4? yeara of age. He ,

oblnlned his A. U; decree n l Siwi- ford and his U 0 . dcgtvc a t f

~ H(.rv«rd-ln-l9l7.-He-#crTKl m-the •artHlery branch dtirlng the World '

major ond Is lleulenant coloncl In Uie field artillery rc*cr\'e In com- . nmnd of the 3ffllh regiment. Ht ho.i been with the Odgcn -biinlc Unce

■ 1024. . I . R<'i.Mr. Clayton's family will Join him

to Waahlngton In Januarj-. Hi

nol i‘.9 0 0 L i q u o f A g e n t s ..

W o r k F o r N o t h i n g iftnS

------- n'A SHm GTO N rOccrn.l-.^M ofethan 000 pnylcs.' llnuor iwllcemen who tlmilccd.civil «en-lce rs.imlna- itons today were the govrrnmcnt'e J, )!. , main army in lhe wnr on reprni boolleggliiK. .

t'ully M per cenl of the iie.trly IOOO Jf.')''!' dropiKd off 111* payroll h.-.t nlfhl wrre- rrporlftl t<xJ.iy lo lnn.- .tcci'i)l- *" td llie tn-Miirj’ olfrr lo worK for ' noUilnc'on IhP fh.HR'e lhal '■i'' '■ni:iy vote lo kUc them lln ir baclt b pnv. In acldttlon. 400 Mho piusvrd the !">'■ 1 e.i.itnlnnlloni coniuiucd on llic luy- Uic-'i; roll. , foiv 11

•I'rcaiury oftlcl.ils wlio rlipcked re- W<-.

tl’w ’wuhdraV 'li'who h « l ipciirrd other Jolxi liv nii- tlclpallon of bclns dropptsl. ' ,

C o n g r e s s m a n - E l e c t

. L e a v e s F o r C a p i t o l-------- OV

nOISF;.. Dec. I. 'IVorlli ,K,r!„Clatk. reprcioiiliilive-plett .from the ;i j,\, Idaho Sectnd district, left vnrly to-

, day for Wa.<lilncoln. nlannlnt to n,,. ,•top briefly a t i*6ciiello. his home cviiticJty, en route. cl;iLi

Ho lef; wlUi' t!ie announced in- dny.___tenilon_of j-.<pcT'ih,fij{ most of_n,»y —T h

nm'eTn t1ie“fn ttr i 'i ii of r'cclTimiMion of 13 'in «oulhem Idaho." — ...nuA

Tho yountr allorney—he U barely rado. . In hlJi thlrlleo — w u Jubilant nt his ond

lorthcpmlng tenlco In coiiKrey sinm ■'I made no commlimcnt.'v ilurinc ti-'s i

my enmimlgn." lie uss<t1«1. "ro I ihi' ( can work wllhout trouble osi timi An Kore.” move _____

[ A g r e e m e n t R c a c h e d " i ”

I n S i l k M i l t s S t r i k e '" S ,— anllc

PATERSON. N. J.. Dcc. 1 U’/-T lic Mi-'r . ftnlce o( 30,000 Illk dyors ln.Poualc of InValley mUl* neared lU tn d today as ? pegotlatora rcached on acrcemtnt. ^ f ip e - e d ^ t^ w ^ n ^ b y

' peeled, p a rtn f the way lo r th* re- ^openlnc t f tlM mllU Monday, sign- ««*;>

. Inv of * two-j>etr contract bcts'een m p ta jw r U ld vo rkcn li expccted to ioUow ratUleaUoo.

• The agreement rcaclwd Ibday ^ 0 ^ ' . recognizes the federation as the coU

- lecUve -bargaining - agcDt for the e**ofker*. Mrg.

A new wage Kale caih for pny- aKcr'm en; ot 08 centa- ni\ h ou r,to men uols.'t n d « .ocnU an hour to wo.tivu for Mrk 981)Our Week. Iduhi

t O i s i i

‘Baby Face’ Nelson F

T H K S L A Y IN G O F TW O F K D E l chKO m ib iirb . \v:i.s fo llow ed liy

s t r i ic t s th e .ihootiiiK' scono. A ft |invc j)ccn

fo iind in ,i (iilfh non r N’ilc s Coi

------------------ S t w k c r s - 0 w « i t 4 i w

V I 6 l I-;Ni F. flui't'd ill tlie l>*.s A uk a c a r tivci' a t ;in intcr.soL-tidii.'t.v m oi'o tii.'iii tw o hoiir.s. P a sso iijjo r r i i o io /


• (Continued Piom Page OneJ

NiA-cmU-r ] th rDurlutf llli' 24 hmiis ciidliiir a l filhuv'

o'clock lonlKhi 7’j luchi'i had fiillni 'i 'f I In the vlclnlly^ot Suit Lnke Clly. i C! J. C. AlK'r. im lforolocij.1 of tlic fed* , cMl ttrnllii'r burrnti, n-i'orled. britii;- Hi;;.Ihc.loiui un the.ground.hcru.io.t''iir.

j l l lnclir.i. .

' 8 k l« remain leaden and thrcnl«‘n !,,• ''' lo ionirlbuio to coiiinmcd aiino.i* pherlc liirbulciice, Alter .'Jild. I

R.'l)orw 10 the burenu here In ill-1'':,'"I MiMl &ilt Lnke Clly wa.i the w n u -r | I" of lhe disiurbiiniv In tlie liil«-'r-li'i' iiioiinialn. counlry. The siorm d id j !v nol exlcnd tar south Inim hrrv, tim ' p,| , wcnllicr ob-scrvcr ^alll. but wnsI,!,,... .vvrrr Iroin 8nlt f.;iko Clly east nnd ' ' j.| norih inio Wyomlns. ,1,,.,

-----------TSno«r-at‘ Ofilen~';-----------

Ogden, Ulnli, reporied 8 Indies ot 'I'hi' .'now fell during llie 2t liours up t o i " ' " u o'clock lonlght. . > ■'-'■f'

At I>ocaU;llc, Idaho, there wo.t a 1 henvy blanket of tnaw, but only a Hllle fell tonlRhl. 1

la we.dcrii Idaho. BolJc reiwrlcd I ?. Ihc neallier fair and colder.- w u l i i ‘ "''j the mrrcury .\lnl:lnf:, 'n io ground i, ', n .u b.ii.' tliorc and lu the fturruuiid-1 Ins lottliiml.'. Imt /now di’iHhs in! thc^i«.ir!3>- Ioo;hill.s.r.iiigT<I from n 'i - 1 . fOlV lliclu-.’i to U I(K>I. ,

from htre. .S'cvixia« ilalloiiA j

lllr liisiiince [join here' incrca.iod. | jk

T ~p~- ' • - • ;j! 11

Shippers To List ' i;',S Needs At M eeting

OMAHA. Neb. lVc.,1 ' 'T ^ - T rn n v i^ '; ' I>or!i(iinnjicc-iK will titf n n iih w l nf,** ,, a nic'cilnB o( iln- Cc-ntral WeAlrrn' 81iiii|)er.\' AMvlJoo- buurd. rciire.sciil-! " '-liit;-u*iitt-of-li«ii«|)oit(illon-in-flv<‘;-----Crntral WiMrnt sl;ite5, with o f f l J jS T club llf railroads In Omnhn, Tiies-j day. DccembiT 4.- Th«-t^iiUrtl-WfM ern'board,-'on'* i—' ‘' of 13 111 llic Uni;rd Stales, repre-1 .•■nil.s the .M.-ilo of^vNrbrnskn, Colo- rado. Wycimlni?. Uinh nnd IdnJin.l'i'" ' ami elites of Council BUitfa ntid Si'iiix City lown, nnrt thn two coun-; : tl''s in iiorlhMJt Orecon serv'ed tiy t-V-io Ihl' PffKon .Short Line. '

An r.Mimnle of the enrs needed lol I'.' move cont;no(li:tes In Uio central ni.ii

,'*-cjIern ilo tc:. compiled from Uie! boa; rppnrls of stnlc jccretarlea, will b"!ni;ni siilimlllcd for th# fir.*.! ouarler of,::; 1 HIM. ij.’,r(v

Cornlitinn of car supplies, new nrl Oi anllcliMiU'd developments In cnr->.vrv Mi-r !cr\lce. nnd oihcr'lnformntlcii'O '."*; of liitrre.it to ^hipl)crs and recelv-1

will be repo:l?d by the general t ]) MilKTlnlcndenu of trarviportatlc>:u llnr.s. I D._VJ^ffa-DL.il.ilnprri Ui th r vflrloii* A'“l'n ;yulhbt:strtB±S'-J;iIiiilJgncr:i>^rl of BoIjc. utility commluloner forinoui Idaho’T E. ilcKay o t Ball U k c . t o / Clly, tor Utnh, and other*. (orn



SALT LAKE CITV. Dec. I (4V- Mrs. Mae Slieclinn, 48, hotel man* flKcr here nnd fonner re.sldent, o f ' ' l)ols<’. died hrre tonight. '

.Mm. fiht'fhah rame lici%Irom tlic . Iduhtf capiui la 1011 ' j


n Found Slain A fte r Furii

CDERAL AGENTS In n r liy discovcl-y of tiio douv oi u<-<

iSpWado.'rcAponKll)lt> for tn e •iKcnif . After Nelson .nml two compnnion.'' led in tho'ajrcnt.s’ aiilomnbilp, thet r h . '^^w t t n 'cd w i i l i - l>itii)dT .fid- li iiHi-I C e n lp r , CliicjiKd .M ilmrb.— (/Pj I’h'


AukoU's slrccL car . ti iko v.-lion mm 11,'tyiiijr ii|t more than TiO trolleys 'lijjor.H wci'i' (irdcrcd off the c.ir iK’fi


•Conilnued from r.-\ce One>

jth e dlJcnvprl>'-. of Ilir offlecr* who ' . lhavelHvii wrtklnc on llie lliinl plia.'t-' --1- , 'i lf Ilir casr for Ihr UM yrar. ; r'i''’ , I Climax of Ull* ftcarrli. which lm '. liiTii n irrinl on by Chivl Clark slia-i', ‘ ' *

. 'i h r llmr. of the rix'c tnrulnr robtirry, *' I . i-ani'j. from .following th e . UiVcad-uI. . , ii-Mili'iici' Klven by a Drnver• Uxvi- in 19J3. It ttn.s rcvciilvd lo - .^ ^ ^

I Hn fi>mpl''tl-ly hnvr f«'<lerul-lt!vp.^-|'; ;;.;;ilo:.s nml mi-aibcr.s of ll:r Orn-; I’'" '

vrr tlcivctlvc <lcpnrimciit ri-con-' l.'triictrd th r crime Ihnl lliry know-- I Uir mm-|'mriil.i of lhe RanK .'ijicr lihc ;.uuimcr of lOJO. v.hcn llu-y llrsl ; \ l . liri;.i!i lo m w l In Denver. Ij lidtibery of , the m ini wn. roniird- ,rd n.1 one o f.th e m « t darlnj* In.1 ihi'.NC p.irl.'. [ n

The licRVlly srniccl banditi lalil _ c (lonn a hrnvT b.Ti-racc of cun lire, an j

. JulUui;. onc.ntlnL-^uurd-a:id,pack.-- jurt marking ImlldlnRS m tin- vlrlnliy, bile 'I'ill')- ',rul.'k In the forenoon of Dc- a

] ccmber la. 192::, when n le*lcrnl re- .<tni j.MTvc bank truck Mopped n t lhe uny < mini lo oblnin im c o o m $5 bills. wn.i I K-i .vidd.-n was Ihe nllnck nnd w l nr'.l IconiiiVlo Ihl' Ki't-n'.vny lha t no iracei wr»' jnl llir UiiiiliL', wiL\ (ound until Nu'ky | Bi• n.iiiioi'.s b('ily W.IS dbcnvcietl lit a ; Zuii i:aiai;e. lto;x.'ii, more lhan n monlh ncci

i Uller. M

i ehliIdaho’s Beer Tax >">;

; Brings In S227,181I llOISK. D « , I i-T.—ldnho'n' beer ;;a.\ brought J227,4ai durlne Ihe ; : j! mnmns.lt Iim b>-en In offn-t,

'iir iiu ii ol Ihu doiiarimcnl o f 'l f tw j '^ ” 'ciilt'rrfiiicnl disclosed today. ' !,I 'I'lir collfciloii reprM Hlod Ilir tnx ■ i,- jilt' JtM' cenu a gnllon on 4,na,H 3■ eaUoii.', togelher wllh nduitlonnl rtrtj

| ;iitioiitiis from llcense.r•| llrveniir for Oelober wa» $1V510 .'Oil ^a;es of gallons. PO?.i______ --.T.--------- ■ ■■ - ...A'j ESTONIA EXPAND.I NAVY

IN HAI,TIC DFKKNSK r i . . \N |" “,'I 1.!—•rAId.lNN,-a.tonln—T—■The-erm-'i'iJ'k. ,|v:oilon that Incrca.'cd nnnninrnl.i'‘'‘'y .lan- i-.ivc'AMiry liiw Krl|>pef1 ihts nrv-'In J ,(!!"n ff only n liiile more Uian lfw i,.|; ''H) ixT,v)iLv niHl the <lefrn\e miiiU-• ilrv ri'iwrlrd rendv lo deyrlnp t l i c Dl ■^K.sloiii.in ii:iv>', a lilrh .nt p rrirn ; con- iiicjsL-i.s llf II foiv «K-Airovcf.s. 5(

I, r.'ii’ nrT jilan would provliJp iub-,r,nc. 1 ni.iiiia-.s niKi molor-rtrivon irT^'edo’of'fi :!boa'..;. Uir. lallcr to .b a .u v d jilw fu r- .u it ■:niinr lavini:. They wwild be bulUj : , i;v..::ai;d by Vickers nr.d Amt- r i

•| Oil laiiil RMonU hii.i compuUoryl.M,fii■ j.vrvire iviu an.ftc llw nrmy of t5,-.,iivc

and n "civil kxiuI" of 3 a « » mcn.jSair: ,1 ' rend 'I IlAYllKl'TH PLANS FOU 19S8 ___

j DAYHKtmt. Oermany t-T) — Dc«: t.ilU tor th r 10-lff nV,......■>, ~- .iir ttw tfcitin iiiilm flj'iu ivT D eea 'u ii 'g*■ I nounccd. in the period from July 20 ^ ! I to August 33 llieiw wiu be two per- T

formances o t "The Ring," eight ot LohtngrIn and »U o t rarslfal.


35c■j Ul’lItE R 'S O niLL CAVE '

^ u r i o u i ' G u n Battle RofRii

be t

liB ouiii

but*'K"Dl Jlon'

• nicr' ' V labo

- ^ 1 1

R c n l'^k illu iB ''^ D ia trr f lm ro co « - nion5, one a w o m n n bo lie v o d lo.iw itj,

th e r n r wa< fo u n d a b a n d o n e d Ti

■■ — TJ

[•t-Can-In-CIash— --------

H H I H i H H H i

■ : t s FB r j v V



■ l-I m ure fh an lo n s tr ik e r.^ tip p e d leys and a iilu iii.ib ilf ' t n i f f i c fo r• lH.'fore il w ns o v o r l i i r n e d .— (/Pj

nf'ji= = : s i = = = = = ^ ^ 8 o’

■'’ W W K E R ’S 'E N E M lE S J J


O F S O V IE T L E A D E R n Z

9 , 'Coiillaucd From P.igc One)

^ errin ’ •t.irVfiiinrll of th r lllh 'nrtiij-l mil. , 'a i i i l foiishi ihtoiieh tne civil war.ilicrs . 191fl-20. . Ithe' 111 1923 hr wn< tiiadt.-scrretary of

J Ihr Areilmljan rrn lra l eommltlee Dill .• nf lIir'cHhuiW ;:'n '' '> ly.’Vmnn-l'I26‘-‘^ '

'.rcretnrv of ilir I.cninprnd commlt-

. l lh e rrntral cnmml'.irr U ui' iioldinK lana i.lnfc ni Ih r mnv- inMuenllal pnrty Frai

. i iiiembrr In LenlnRrnd provliifr. hom • ___________■______ Ol

' A n t o m b o i l e W r e c k “

■ | T a k e s M a n ’s L i f e

I nn io n A M c tT v . u iah.D pc. I '- r , FAII —Charli'H Arbon. .’ifl, nf Pnnwvllle. .r■ was killed nnd (Ivr pureoivi were In- *••- }ured-lii-Ilox-{vldAr-rounty-i)iiiAino-------. blip nccldenui todny. p /

Arbon wii.s killed when he wn.i ding• .ilriiclc while wnlklng alonj! th -h lK h ' Thm :.w ny by nn niitoniobllr o r fln n ,'ald glicr

wn.i driven by Scotl Alltrd nf Oan- Ml.n) I nr'.l. Idaho. The nccidrni occurred brld>•tw r .t or Hiiow-vlllr. m LmII Sloniiy wrnther. Sheriff Jnlm If. brlili I : Zundcll .laid, wax the cnii.ir ol lhe (he1; accldcnt. o jo ,

Mrs. Ruth 01,ion, 69, of Louan. cerei wns Injured crltlcnliy whrn a mn- ,.iut ehlne In which .'he wns rldli^e with .h {( Miss Ellen Jones o f-I/'cnn collided cloa»

I nl Soulh W illird wllh nnolhor op. i rrnlfd by \V, L. Sparrow of Pre'ion,

Wllli Mrs. Olson ih d Mlsi Jone.s 7 ^ - ; were Mim Itiiddy Jones nnd MiM Clrorgln NeUnn, nNo of I.oi;.iii. The * , ;; thrre young women received cuU ^' ] and bruUrs, , >

!• Lllllnn Onlbrnllh of nrxburc, Ida- 1"^' ; lio was cut nnd bnil.'cd when a ,“ ri

coupe In which she wns rldliif: skid-I ded a t Wlllnrrt am! struck n iruclc.


PORlTiAND, Dcc. I (/Ti-charged I , wlUi enibcallng postal fundi. Der- X

nrd n . Miller. iioslmn.%ter a t n o t ,HlJiko,-Occgon, ft-as.brouctat.hcre4fi<.I «lny by government ngen la and plnced .I ln Jnll, unnble to raise $3900 bond.

• I THREE CENT WAGE:: BUDAPEST (.r— Hungarian, clnlh-• lng trade workers nre nRliatm; for 'n 50 per cent rnL'e In plrrc.xork

•,r,«ie». T l» pay for sewing a palrl 1 • of 'I rouj.TS L; 3 ccnU and to;-1 » hole■ suit 35 c e n t s . ..............................................

• PLANS niKSDAO HlriTlinAY STOOKHOUM i.T>-Swilru n ex t’

■ .iprlng will celcbmte Uie SOOth nn-• I nlversarj- ot the founding ot the iiks- •,dng. It* pnrllnment, Commltter.i *l-

rendy are ot work on'the progrnm,

; I C H R I S T M A S ■ ^ ^-11

; T I M EI l picture time.Your most, treasured pres­

ent will be Some one's pho- ' 1 logtaph. W iy not give yours?

1 —. — .Tliey. are reasonable in price a f th e

' FLOWER FOTO SHOPFirst t^at. Bank Rldg. .

, Appointments Evenlnn and'Stindays |


R o o se v e ll, C o n s u l t in g W ith BOI

R Ic h b e rg . H d()R ins,T uB V (e ll; F

M aps H u g e. R e l i e f - P r o g r a m . '

- - - tCDoUaued IfonL Pni<_QncJ________ 3

be cnde<l rrinybe- U will be possible njipc U) decentralize'llic’dp lfrellct In the sylvr s ta le i."- . • ' • • tan t

rtoiikln* who cume for a week-end ern 1 \l.\it with ,11; bundle of renarts and Ing 1 refomiiicndallons towaVd th is 'a im . 'Tl wUlilield i-6mmcnt-i>cnil;ng n com-, unld plcte lalk'w ttli the pn.Mdcni. . comi

tort L-ndctlded . ‘" inUntil Secretary Morgrhllinu'i vL’.ll

li«C early next -week ilic financl.il cuilny fcr the Impending work rc- ■"'> llrf jitoKram 'k ill not be dcclded. In but .iiieciii/niop'. ru i« n ' high ns eiglil and nine Dllllon’dolhirs. f

Di.'cuiiin;. ih^ future of the Nn- ilonrtl. ■ l lt .o i 'c o ' ;AdmmUlrallon, niciiberg- .'alll hfc' considered the / ‘I labor provuions o t'tlic pri-wlt-codei a fajr p a rity 'fo r the luiure.

Uelore • rolng lo llie eonferenee lablelalc ilil'tnflcrlioon. .Mr. i W v - ,,' ic lt iiiiualed hta ai-iciutcs Inlo the 'fttimming chWnct." 'iTie ihrce gov- anm cnijiH les w cnr.e.wried by the “ iui'il<lciii tO 'the open air pool, de.s- ""

I piu».ihc- hr^ : .ui>ftilm —uiu l.^ uL I'tnrnuKh an hbuP's'w 'ofSciirBrwntfr

I Tlte clirery, voice of Mr. itooscvdl jo^nf land ihft.spluucra-and-tfucts of the itin e TUllbrx .were .plainly audible 'Teup iiir_nilLildr^/j’om .llie.i»ol.___ l , "chll

•ihrji iJ;e>rf.ildejil'd'rt>ve Ihe Irlo hope 10- llie U llle . W hlto :Houic in his turn

______— '-1 . . Borii

Ann H a r d ln g in R eno T p

Ma k e F i g h t 'F o r H e r C h ild ~ • cond

(Continued t-'rom Page One). couIi

cliarged hlm .'ftlrh cxirrmc cruelly. *p '.She cam e.hercby nlriinnte. tc ill- ...j,.

fled al a.prlvhlc trial, won the dl- lorce. ond thi;n. .returned by plane

•to—Hollrwomt^-Bijnrme:—escorted- ^5=57 her to Uic iilfpori tiller tlic divorce,nnd they enibraced beloro Alie step- f rled Inio the plone.tp'cnd n sC iy of, „giIev\ Uinn X.lioiu-s in ili-no,' i?p,„

Al i lu f tim e.’ both-Miv. Harding i,iu,|nnd Ham}l.«lcf said ' ili.it • only n,p llirouch a ili\orci; coulrt H:imiKtrre.w.ipc Being overfllilnjovird by .Mlo jjiiri'Harding's ri.'< to •,stardom. jiold- iunnui.'r,--ui«--«i-l0r. Imd hnd m r t only small p a ru in (jIm produc- ".v ilunv . ' .- • . lla s t

■nuy wen- m.iri-lcd October 21, hai IS.M. :n New VotK City. Jane b llicir nrc'a

■only clilld.. ■ -. , ; v di>d,

T e H F M M H W s

■A FTE R .'.L O N q IL L N E S S " J

JKllOMK, Mide Del- l'’'',,-m:f« llsfk, :>ii, wife of.Frrd L,' Hark ‘ ' ' nf Jcroro-.'. died n i her hnmr here nl8 o'rl'>ck UUI .?v'cnlng‘following a .llncrrln; i)hir,vi,-- .___ ^ ___ JUC

Sbr I.V Mirvjvrtl bv Hcr liii.'band. • Ui-fi' ilaiiiililcr.' , jii.i. Oil- U-r. Wooclbiim. ' ■ .Orefion; Mr.% ImnWlvts. .Ii-mmi,;-' and MrA. Ewilm- i(llnriUlck, Ccrt'lna. Californiii; nnd ------t>m .'OM, IxiRnn-nnd Ted of Je r- "Rnh ome. '

Thf-bodv rc.'ti'lit !h-' .Icromc fun- Hii I rral. cliaprl iViidlii;, liinrrni .serv- .'lOOilicrswliich •.vii:.he.-it.iii:uncvd upon Hon.the arrival; or';,-eauvM, I'ami

la U H L - rN F A N t-S U C C U M B .i

laiia. iiifair. (Pit of .Mr. nnd Mrfl.lvirgI Frank Dolqna V .B u h l, died n l llie .c r h. homr of r>: Mt'Cf'.enry here todny. Kc

Oravwld- jijvlrr.', will be con- a.s dueled l)v il i r - l /’ D .’S. church nt 3 <il h o’clocl* SiinitAv 'afie.rnoon. In trr- Ciurt menl will b*- In i-hurge of the Evniv Co nnd Jolin!'on ;iiiivjnif home. ‘ . :i|«yl

--------- -------------- uF A IR F IE L D ’C O U PL E W E D -I

■ON T H A N K SG IV IN G DAY je r..

P A m F lF ib , r>rc. l - A home wed- f “ dlng.w;ix ^nlrmiU7«l.al ■’J o’clock Thnnk.M:lv»ii:-afirriwon-,at the Bnu- 'f. chcr ranch n-ar J-’alrfleld. when Ml.n H am r li.ijii'her bccam e' the brldi- ot Di’lbrr; SlielUy Hnradrn. ‘‘ MLm MatIoIyii,akylfs.allended th r brlile, and .Ooc llnriirien. brother c( lhe groom,.vied.(is-bJ.n man. Rev, luall OeorRC R, EllLi perfofmrd Uic ring "'y* ceremony.;Tljebrlfl»waA.«ownedln J while. A wedriliiK dhmcr wn.s *en-- “oy cd followlnit tlic tc ^ ’mony at. which close relative.'‘ were' prej^nt. 5 ) ^

PAItENT.tl O F TWINS ___-rA T ttr tT O V P t* n = M rm m t-M rsr --=^ L E. R. Itolko,'jr.. l;()iig.Dencli. Cal- itornln, are im rrnW nt irirnilcal twin boys horp Novcnib-.v.'is. Mrs. Rolko ' wa* Miw Eleanor Bn'binRioii. dnugh- icr bf Mr. and Mrs. Joc Bablnclon. and rftililed’here during her enfly girlhood. ' ,

. . .

In su ra n c e...Service

............ 1. Does net end wlih.ua ^

I . wbefi' the policy U «

; , . 'wTllten. Lowes do ^

• • w ea r-a n d ,, you will .

• * 'i l j tn appreciate the . .

differenc# between a

' J ' Po’Hay W riter-and a j___

■‘■■•''Co'iipelint^genl. — ■

. ■. ■a ; * : ; ; ; : ' \ ,


raS U ,R A ^(C E „&S O 't!E T V .P 'O I!ln !i ,

BO, 9UNTIAY.]aOil?ilN'gi PECEMl



___ IConllnued Jnun.Pase.O ac)----------

appoliilniriit ot .ne lclicr ot Prnn- sylvnnla. lhe former diplomat and 'C tariff. commUilon head, some west- —

Ing his scalp. •''•‘’'■j' 'Tlte Hlllrs leUcr. addrrvied lo sn

unldrnllflrd member of the national V '^ fcomrflllicr or group of members, wn^ ‘Inlerprcted In some ipiarters as an V,*, 'allempv in kcrp llir rns'rrn a n ll- tr. "i".,® orimnlaillon group In lhe ascend-

In the Irllcr, the New Yorker pnld tribute to Fletfher nnd .said the Inl- Icr planned a mreliiiB of the party's ‘ execuilve eommltlee this wlnler to m apacour.ie.ofacllon, " “[f’

JIlIlM fnld lhe pnrty '’should con-.Unue lo stnnd Its ground In thui tremendous crl.d.i." He rontended It was "not ll llmr for ll lo !o.ie li> „ ,, rtiullibrlum or change Its charac- ter."

An nllem'iil 10 s 'l up a nrw party lo nbsorb Uic old before the ncxl 'I'l nalionarconvriiiion. lie contended. would "not br p rw cd by praciicnl .1 ; rticrsoiiS'ijrciuic*p«:.fbim[iUoii o f I^ :~ , i ; '■ new party iii ilic brief Inierludi- would be utinidi-d by nn lmpos.slblc confQilon of lomtues resis t i n g « ' ’

’T o ' h iIiIm’ ob«r»allon llial the ? "eliUd:;..UJc.r£o:i:aaimtlon-advocatca * ,_/!L hoped Job.'iftBiniobolnirmight well turn- out to be ••irlpiclV end a , -^^mliiplioitv—of— parly— facUono,^ mr__i^ Bornh retorted: ‘

-U riicr trlplris than slcrlllty. T!ic

4ow ejlebbin iv>wfr nnri influence in '‘1’ lls h!.'lory. 'rnni in pnrt li du" to conditions over *hlch. the pnny 'V ' could hn\ii no contro:. Hut In n Inr- gcr. part It |\ dur to' the unwlllini:- 1 nc.is o r-lh e Innbllliy of thaw in clwrKC of the party OTaiilsation nnd^ O'f Uic lenders ol the parly to meet I 'the creai ptoblrms confrontlni:-us! fv-*'mlupon n Brdiia ntid inrmfililtn rlan ' m y |« b.isi.1." j

•.Tor myself." Horah ndded. '’I do ‘'onirr, iiai Mini n ihlrd luriy. I want nl it prf-' Hrrmbllcaii pari). Why shniild Uic'•riin isl millions of llrjjiiPUi'ans UiroiiKhoul'would. Uir rn'.i;!i;-y,i.iv--up ilie iijimr. ih r jo l llici

pariv slniply iKi-an.'C ot n few mer^rrvlr-.’ lioldliK: I'o'iUdn' of ^lrntel!y refuse I hr to recoRnlre politicnl realltlrs. wlnriT.

-Mr. HIllM >ay.i: Hoid fa.',l! lIoM couUl last until the sioriii Is over! Tlin'. my <U-. ha i l>"rii the rry ol every polltlcall lom d nrcnnlrjilion ili.n cicr lived niidistoul .• dl>d. T hat Is the nujor Mraiegy oti Wltl Uic m ch lii? :T]_a_friMi..Ho;d_fnst'cnf.nn unni llic sloim u ovrr! Hnve Uiry Mjniiic 110 concern nnd r.o .'ympalliy for the jine, s millions who nrr oul In Uic slonn Mretcl: and m un iH';;.'!;. or find .ihelicr icnilli elsewhere, wh;.f Ihry nre lioldlng ,»,vurr. last? ’ tlif oil

. _________________ hravy

JUDGE’S SO_N_HELD_____. ON MURDER CHARGE___ ilii;hli'(!

(Conilnued I'rom Page One)

aKnln.'l Homrr F, Wilcox, wcnTlhy !•I’ulsa oil man, ’ I Wha

Huff, llic pro..ccuior jaid. undrr- ,'iood Iiom Kannauirr':. nm nT .'a - . '-I' tlon. lhai CJorrcll lir.d gum K e n - ! iinmcr a Id ler to miitl Io Wilcox | K*'-''bb’- Irom Tulsa, Tlie plloi .'nid the lel- j T l 'f ter. howc\cr. wna opened by Ken- 1 TnrnnrrKho-mwovprrint-TOTitaiiiPrt t "* n dcmnnd for $29,000 and n ihrciil I--------

Virginia, 20, wlili whom K cnnnm -! rell, 1 cr ha.s been Iriendly. i Icgc li

Kcnnamcii was n'loieil by H u ff: and c a,s ^aylnK thnl this leiirr was one week I <il his rcnjons for wnnling lo killj You: Ciiiriell. rrgulu

Connccilon of 'i’lioinn.s wiih the [He lef :H«ylnK wns not nt oncc detenniiird.; nt 17

Lnte today Holly Andrrson, coun- opcrnt ty nttnrni-y. Icfl for Joplin. Mis-1 ,souii, .to meel Huff and have him 1 repeal hi:, .Slory in a sworn ilutc-

■''nii'it MO.VS, Uie“ boy\i 'a u “riiryr.'aid Kcniuimvr camc lo lus of- lire this morning, lold him whal had happened anil nsKcd his ad-

• "He drove with mc to hw fa- Ihcf's fnrm nbout CO miles fiom Tu!- . ; sn, where Judge Kcmiamcr wusauail hunllns, nnd » r colilrrtvdwith his fiiihcr." said Mo\-., s '

'•Juilge Kcnnnmcr ndvi«i! the b e Iboy to comn d ittilly back to Tul.sa firULiand .surrender, and lhal b lllr whole myra.J)or>'." ' mnn c'G orrell, Uir ,on of Dr, J, F, Cor- nim 1

So M u ch t( .. 1- -Tel-I Y o u ...

We hnvp drcided to ■ fl soHes nt new.ipniw me'nt.t bticau.se wc feel v

\ tV v'M th iiiR S ofin iiin rta ixeto

Our rpc?iit ftffilintii ^ j k ^ l Ordor of tho tiolden R

• thing.'?; th a t wc I-cepfod a.H Twin Fulls’ nv

l A •jrrcnt.iiiiernfitional affi j nendahlc funernl dir

• M p o iiic p o f iW p nm l nbi(~V ■' libn’aiid-Rfatificatfonr=

1 W H I T E M O R me / ia m ya^h ite .m



- O r . v i c - T o

• Continued from Last Issue);'

SVNOPSIS: Two forelmer* and . Ih e l.Mollr O'llrirn, an 'Irlih-A m rrlcan belwi( lr l. 'a ll have come lo .NIrhetai O n tTrench’s itudio nnder the Itnpres- luiiig»lon lhat he reslly had killed John n.iO»born^ In spile of Ihe Jury’s Ttr- q ,, dlrl of riot gollly. The nm slam and r ^ [ .Molly bolh wanl » formula for a n r» m ru l Invented by Molly-s fslh rr. Molly m e . Nicholas from rtralh a t Ihe hsnd* of the Ru»- ,laiii. lells him her slory, and he ■*rff» to help her recover Ihe for- , mula. rbey are rtparatlng for Ihe nf|b t. _____ mi.«l

Chapter 13. n o o n v TRAP ? '“Y

M nllvValktd slowly lo the l<ip ^ ' ' 5, )f th r MMrs. nnd then. . lurnuig ound, glanced back over the ban- Mrrs, "Oood nlchl.- she said. ‘Z ? , ■voiril Irt me geSup niid cook the 1rrakla.1i. won’t you?" ,L .

I .shaJU w bi.ijiiJ l-i.w u 'R in id— ..flrtt W llli-a Uttle-Iniigtt .ihe-strpped]

n.'iile. fliid tlic 'n cx l momenl Uie| .j-j Inor clfucd. 1 (lunc

Fnr sru-rnl .iecond.n I stood where!■ . . .rv iita t I t t c m iJ rM lH IE - ; " mere were tliree ixisslble mMiis ,.^ )v“ 'vnielt“ iin 'fn tn in cc might be ,, ■Ifrrtcd — thr door, the .'kyllshl, nnd he larKe north window. In each

,oi»e n coi'uidcrnbie amount of J ' , ' lo i'c-ccrtalnly enough lo wnkc mc , i jn r rn n ip T c 'l i in e 'w r ic e m e “ ihe ninidcr. ' lc .

With tills adviiniage. and with a i “. " o,idrd revolver hi my i>o.ves.Mon.l,. wa.\ not dl'iwScd 10 be umlulyl . ilnrm'-’d. bul all the snme 11 struck j n r Hint by the ndopiion' of iwoj „ •\ira Ullle precautions I could In a ' c-*’ minutes sllU furihcr strengthen

Pll,.hlng the so(n along to the far ornrr, I wlirelrrt l l round so that t iirr.-.nicd lli back lo the door. riiii iiili ])robab!v not bullci-i>roof, 111 kould. I fell 111 the rciirriiablc c v r i i l , '' ' ll Uicri' briiiK any mldinchl lia 'llll-1

prtfVi*lUi lllll* w-|lh fl ■■— rrslr-.-nblc .scrcen.'- j

I |HM1>?<1 up-lhc ciKl.near.-.sl HiC|. “ ' x-mriT.v Wllh ns-mniiy lUililom u i I . .',, •ouUl colli'ci, and then, crawing >ol . I; ny <U;.k nnrt pulllhc open U’.c b o t- l‘'," -■ om draper, 1 uncnrlhejl n ball «f:I;.’';V

' Wltii tlic*nidoI th is I proceeded to I ■nf.uriiri mv booby imp, I iw a;> ii' ' ' tiniTlu n(/oiV:i>>;i a lii:liUi 'dTTr.HT-^'''^ ine, si>: inchc;. Irom Uie ground, i 1 ' .iretchlns rlitlil ncrws the who;o]^;'^' cn ilh ot the sludio. One end Ii onirrd lo Ihr (oai of the dc.'k, wIill-1 " '. l ' Uc oilier I made fn*l to Uic Icr o! a : ..i. iravv chair. | ^

Kvm wllh lhe llghl on. ll wi'.s ir,icnrally invLMblr. nnd nol a. lliilc 1; f il-n.*ed iii my-(>w»-liiKninty.4 ta l l loivn nil llic lool of the sofa. 011111 .;;hi'-d n Iinal civarei.

•I Ilrrr w-is nn dcnyim; that ll had , x.'cn a crowded and .luctcwliil d.iv. I

Whal v.as Uinl? IWltli a .'iiddcn .Mai l 1 Jiimpi d ■

i;i Into ,i MtliiiB ixxMiloii, and llim ..:- 'UK i;:v hand under ihc cu.'liioiv , . ;i-nbb-jd hold 0! my revolver. ' ! V.;';;

T hrn I blinked round .ilupidy. I’- i , ; , ,^ i-^s broad dnyUclii- Scnicwlicre in ,'"- ''^ Irt nelghborliood-a- church -c;ocL.,.’l-iiI

.........................= = k - - i-cU, hnd allendrd n dental co l-j . ’ cgc lu Kansas Citv lor some •Uuu'' * md camc to Tul.ia earlier in lh> I’;',',', veek lo .iprnd the holiday nl linnic, I

Yount! Krnnnm rr had nol • bi-rn-; -rgulurly employed for some tim r .; ‘If left .school : 0:11c years aco and 11‘‘ ,' It 17 he had irled to cslnbln>h nnrt ! ipcrnte an ndvcrilsing ngency hcic. j

__________________ lF.:i,’;

BRITAIN mriLDS nESTnOYKIls! 'i: -LONDON-i#r—CoiilrnctA-for-ntne-jwn-- lew dc.'.lroycr.s co.st inK nboul »H ,-;opn KW.OOO have bet-ii awarded'by Uir lli rovernmenl lo (lrrn.s lu Uirec o t tlir rela. iardc.il hll sections of Brlluln, Ur.‘ ;i:ito rynr, UiC Clyde und the Mcr^ry,S^■w j alvr ■lal ihnu-niid men will gri jobs fnun ' Mi.-. .hcsi-contr.ic;.i, 10 ,'1

SYRIAN O II , l NI)i;n CITY ___B E tn t;r , Syna (,V, _ Nr-.v 01!

[IrULi a ir to br r.-jploited at Pal- ___tnyra. dr.-.rii i i t r 0! nn nncient ito- — mnn elty. Well discrr.s foinul petrol- m I'lim ilr.Tr, onlj 181 feci dowp

____________ ____________ , .

I S p s


\ to e m b a rk upo n ,pn i>cr' an iio iin cc- [cehM J hav o m a n y t e to to ll iii ir r o a d - ^

ilin tio n w illi th e on R u le is ono o f ,w c h a v e b t'on a c - f e V Is’ m e m b e r o f Ihi.?' ) f j (I a ff i l i j i t io h o f d e -

d ir e c to r s is a T a 'I n b id in c H a tis fac - . i f _________f o n r ^ ^ ^ —

T U A R Y ; I N C . /te .lU unatfer..TWINFALLS.IDAHOr P H O N E P fO O


r T O f e S R I D G E S j J '

t u chlm'ltig the.hour, and through the big whidow a blue sky. peeped In Wlwrfn the oppo-slie chlmney-pois.On th r back of the chnlr beside me hung tny ront and wnlMcoat.

n .u -ln t-ia t-la t- ta l.Once flunln Uie knockcr of th"

frontUoor wfts“pirrd'vlgorously. nfid. rubbing my cyc.s I look a hasty , glance Ml my watch, Oood licavrasl •~ l i wa'.-C nine o’clock. I had evi- denll>’ bren sleeping like a log evrr since I lay down the prcvloiw cvf- nlng, and thnt’ mu->l b*> Bob lllcks oulsldo, hnmmerlng vnlnly tor nd- mi.«lon. , • • • ■

Lenvlne my weapon where ll wns, and lioisiing mysi^lf from the couch,I.^et otf In the direction ot the hall.Al the ililid siej) 1 encountered Ihr booby trap. In , my hurry J had fontolru all nbou’l lliv cur.sed Ihlnc. ahli irlpplne nvrr It suddenly In mid r.irrrr, 1 c.ime down full lenglli on Ihr floor with n crash Hint jliook the

i ''C^n/oiliiiJTti’’ l'jiatd”fiirloaiIy.I The door of my bedroom w-ns IflunK oiien ajid a sUnt vision In: . h l1.' .a l lh nrm.1 a nd ffitiOf/l______hatr, darti-d oul on to the Inndimr.

’ Whal'r. hanp.-iird? W hafs Uii’ .____

i'> .ii’ up nur.dni my left elbow. —iiMothli'i.- imponani.” 1 replied, ^ "I’ve only fnlirn over n bll or strtliK ^ wUlcli I pul down latl nlsht !o caiclillie.4'm'my.’.:-------------------------------------------

j -Oil’ 1 — hope you nirirt hurt!"Slir ii'x'lied bnck a rrbr|lloii» Icck wlilcli had tumbcd forward ncra-. lier eyr.i. "I wn.i f.ist aslrcp - I

I tlioushl for a mom ent,.

I Bnni: - b.iii: — b.;i:c - went Uir knockcr-llus time more liuutcnily than ever. »~ ^ i c n - 111,111" ’.Sftr tlrmnntteth---------------

A IlliK- painfully I .icrambird tn mv feel, ’ I’m Jilh goltu: to see. I

[think ii'.’i iirobably a Iriend of ml;ir 'irom the local imb i^ho iiromiwd to I rail round tiiLi inoinlng nnd fetch l l f - I milk for mr. I’ye n .'ori of .'.mplrion niMT-iM'-’iv 'bsiri oVi-r.'lrpT Oar.'PhT.'.--•I ’m ere wa;. a la in i ripple ot lauch-

i ' -'l; dor.-. Ioo'k rallicr lik<? thnl, ' (lofviiTi;-.’ ' Sl;.- irannl fn:-.i.,rd ovi r '

■ Hr.--tjaniMft:.. ”Voi|'ll br very ta rr -

[■"•'vny,'’ I n.'.stired licr.I 1 coiiiinui'd my inicriuptcd-Jour-

jlKi-rrd llu-.iiinh the lcllcr-bi,x.|ra?.,-.-d toa i ;.Irrie with n bit of Mlannol .sh:r: bul-.;iii3 oul throuKli j Ilir elbow ri-,w;«rdril my in.'pfriion,! ’''I'hat ifl'.i, Hol)''"*! inquired,[ -Tliai'a mr, guv-nor," tame the

(' J iinicrkcd Ilir door nnrt wltl; a I Iriendly crlit whlcli irvcalcil n - I tary nlni K-)mvw lial'<il'colorc(riuO!h.,.Mr. lIlcLs ral.M'd n snmy forcflnsir to tlir l-vrl of hw cap. •

I ’0:'o 1 aln t lon early. Yo'.i did •;:>.iy niii'r o 'd ock -d idn 'l yer3'' i

-Qi,.ir invrvi't,” I n.'.'urcd him. ^I •.S. rry 10 Ini’.r kepi you waitinS. iiiiii U-:;u u ird for muu!-.'r makr- o;;r prTtty .'Irrii;-.’’ 1 (ll^ed liin mv

i lir ii.'CM [v.ckri nnrt |)roduccrt a hn lf- .::n',v,i. "Here you nre. Bob," I

'added. -I wanl l-.al! n pinl of milk, a ;mall l:-af, four ncv.-lnirt eg^s nnd

T i;iir;rT ::''< IfTW ;m fl'oT-biillerrD o---------I van lii-.iit: you can carry all tha t m

i ’ I tt'iiii nu k e no mUiakc. guv'-. uor, • Hr 'uok the coin. rriH'alliiR llir I c.-crr a^ he did .so.' niim y 'o-v wsirs

I iliflir," h r obi.vrvcd U'f’r.-ctivciy.V'.'io-.v. «ca 1 lancli'.s for brcakfa't imy.H-li JS n ni-.-c li-c.-li diawn pinl o' liiiild nnd bitter." i .-V ou'rr 111 good company," I »nld. l"If liL'.torj’s riuhi, iliat'.i liow Qurcn iF.:i,’aljclU always iia ried Ua morn-

j" -H a !'',M ld M r. lllrk.1. -Well, she

luprii at a ili-cciii hour in ’er lim e."I lie i htiKlrd off ou h a errand, nnrt Irela.'itrninff ili,' door I turned back ;i:ito tlir .studio. I had nol bcnii ja lv rn i lon;:. bul duilnx the hilrrvnl ' ml-.-. m'oIIv O'Bni-n had louud lime 10,'Ull lj.ick Inln her bliirk Ircck,

iCopyrlKlil, 1034.IVnii PiiblLliingCo.i ,

iConiiiiiicd m Nc:;l I.vuo ' I

t e • : ^

J O W ABOUT JHE ATTIC?You pdd for (hi ipic* yeur side •tcleiM .k t* Ycv bvlil cr bduaM ysur hami — M || noed viiUi ■piCi if p.op..l, hindVd.

I U '- IT-UrIm ygii.do Y>xptying fcr • ’imtlUr hgu* thin you ITS .nllti.d fo. '

-- AHiei *r( ’Inopifiitr* fa mil* ■Ills pirftclly 9c9d btdrooln^ pliyroomt—•*<i«idos roemi . . . |• nd Ihl NEW MOOERNIZIN6

. LOANS rr.l'« Fiylrig foMuch Imprsxmtnli » tully you’ll ni<r(f

Cofflf . . , e; eo//-».V/ rsU o fr«* tefM .

___H O M E ^L U M B E R a C O A L y


Plione 31 _______1

* HHESIISEO " = I P i i W E f c

___ by

Violation ol .Constilulion jll Alleged In Coeur d'Aleno '£

Deal Wilh PWA I'S_____ , (lr

BOISE, DfC. 1 . (/T^-Dy pcriiiU- »:on o; IVtHral Jiiclce C. C. Cnv-M;al). lil t WMlilimtoii Wiv'.pr Po» - ciicr Company of Spoitniic yc*terd«j' lj»n;cnil«l !W romplattii anftliut ilic ac(lly p; Cocur d'.Mciie by cilln? r.' w «•»i'n.-,or.5. for it» foiiteiiiion Uie ci’.y ofwould 111 violtmon ol the coiiMl- i.rIllllon It permitted to borrow pWA :,ij funrtA lo btiiW muiilciimll}- OHWdiw ir r pIftiU. <!i

The cni-i UM nrRUWl lust week inCoeur <l'Aletie nnd Uie iimcndtii''m Si

. to ine comi)I.Hnt Uroiifilil a further mrxl.iiSoii ol the time ttiien » deci- Mnon inishs tionn. alnx H>llir city u ciiiuicrt lo reply.

AUonieyn for the |«)»cr comiuny

vould iiolalc il iF fini~rcnlT j ‘nnd lou rw iiili amemlnicnis lo ilio ci>n»llllllllOll.

------------ rtfrlnrr^l In >v |eiiiu.it;-.lil Ul fl ;,ilpuliiiioii in the

-----_L0UU3tl-lKUVKII_lllC_PUbUC30r,lC!.ailmwi-'.r.iUoii ntui Ujc rjly iOjjcJj y. lirt)vi(l<'il lli.ti r;iHv. cliarucd lor |»w .

l>rr tciil lontT llirin prt;<;in ruks. ^ Tho ciiy's ii'guc.M for ft lonii of j,,'

------- tc»,ooo-mrti-iti"-PWA to bulid the m,V..-W <i<'( l.iri (l bv liie toiiii>;iiiy ]•,.

lu Ik' aiinril a t ''tlf.'.irucllyii ol the r t Jjjoix'/:* o'. t;..‘ Jll.UIlllII IJWlVtT coi:ip,iii.v 1 brcausc .of lU-i f;illurc or rclirn l to ncteiic lo (le:n;iiid.% of Ilie A Irdorr.l ciinTwiu'y admlnbinition o; puUli: vvoru to iiiitrp Hie cxclit- ^;u' jHjAcr mid functiim of tho &l;itc

-------- Kl-liinlia .LCLJlx. ai-.il..rugulii!t;..tlir, Ljulvi and cli;trKw of tlic plnlntlff-M dr a public Mr\’lcc corporaUon cnRnscd cd in in lrv U le buMncM i:i Uini stale." Kr

A ' a Jttond Rround. Uic coiiipapy p.-olistfd lllli; UlO Khi'inp wa.; "lo fn'HT niid oiicoiiriKic public oivncr- »hip nnd iwliiii-a! cpi'niiion of-eiee- iric lit;hi mid power .•y3ien»-'*t:e* ;J: llicr Ui<-y Uiny o n n a y noi bc eii- '

. sa sfd in inicrnn ie roDmcrrc." "

■ i i f l i i i m p i

— -BtlM rtlSD ln i;n i .. n -c. I Tlie honor m ll!,J

of Il!i- n;i!il luiili .■••linol for th?-'.', f . r,.:rl : i \ Mri'i;;. 1*. folio'.'.’p.

Hi-li licuiors — Hrllv, Lunlry. .1(Mii Oir. Miiri;iin'; Orr, Uiiili pJ

_ K.-i-;*': J? a tJ i^ in . ■ Willatd

l!w;io:.i -rE I;'l iie Allen. K;irat)Mh ]l.;ilii;-li:hln. i ’.t.'h HiiMiamill. llh'ii'-iic Cl-.urrhlirld, Avi', l>niir.,IJ> ;> I ulhT. l.o;;, •(-iirri'lt, Jo.iii !:

A (■•r.:. {?'JIX'.". iJuUj JfmiMn.’.• i : . ;. u ll'in-. S U M lIcKiT. Joiir;.. ,,,

M:,:.;. r i l K-Ij',., M:irlaii KIrchiT. r-il Kc»:i;iievrr. Ixji^ Urnth,

Kiircrii, i:ii-ii;i' ';i Mvi.it , w u - .d;v .‘ Ifvcr. Cam e .Miracle, LorraineJV.lnirr, niriiiiriv l’rli'h,.rd. • Ahce plliinli-1-.. Ullll! e Roheruon. June ,

......Sc’ifTnil.'Tli.irlniie'FmitiismirMurifl '■*.Smuhtun, Vlvlaii !:>'*;ii:er, UiiUi Vi<ii J]

l-ni ci'iriic'V. r r j iR i'. Cobb, WilKhl ll' ■ Knrl, Mi-rllii MlU'hcll llitiil,

(icralil ilyrtr, Jini KIicIim-, CarUoii Peck. Jini I’riice. Columbii.s P it- ,J, kini, Cliurlrs Head. Gocrgc Siiiallo'. \ Junior Wllll,inw


HOLLISTER, Dec. 1 - Rhoda— PehlmnttT-0^fnr-Ny>;»i'ti-niid-P.ol- I*

1-nd I’a iru ^ . tu<I<•.ll ftl llie Unl-verJiiy of Idnho. ;.oiillierii brnnch, 1,PocaU'llo, r,r)cnv llic TlianlCJBlvlnit *VHcallcii VL'lliiiK 111 Ihc homes of . tl',fir iKiri'iiu nt llolluier.

.Ml.'s May L)avini>ort. prlmnry p,'tenfiirr. .'lyni ih r liollday.\ a t the [jhniiic of her nioil'.fi'. Mrj, C. E. i,IIli.lrtlr,.oii,BlJ''i!'T. T

.MlM U eoixu .McMiisier. mu-'l: j, Irn 'in r In Ui<- lIf)lliM<-r K liool.\iM i.d 'J'ii.inL-^-.:iviiii;'al the home tio: I'.fi- p.i;fi'.l.s Mr. and Mrs. C. -A; j;MeMaM'-r. In Twin K.ill.v i.

Mr. nnd Mr.'. Ho.' oe Wnlker nnd sc

M , S. KnuiUoii fli'.d »oii LrOi.nnd - ' Mv. iu;r| Mrr. J.-K. Pohlmnn nnd

fnniil". » ''re tliniKT K'le.Mi nl thc

r JioriH- r f M r ar.d Jfr.-:. a . E. Ca!d-' well •IHUir.nday.

Mr. mid Mr.v W. K. Kluiiiieyer '» e r r rtinn''r ciicsi.s of Mr. nnd .Mrs.

J, \V. Morri', Thiinli.-slvin* dny.


■•lOQniNQ. D ^ ^ - W . i n r Put.Rt'.'*, J8, d ltd n l hu farm home _ne,ii' i;.-rc lYldny from piicumonin, *■'

. J ti;:-Ti)l jfn'jf-'.', liJJJ be Jw-ld Afo!)- rf i^ v -a t-s iiM m a ii- rT n r 'b o d y -ii -n r pI,-,. "I litimji'oii juntrul parlors,

li'.' 1.1 s 'm ivcd by hw widcru’. llirei foil’., and ihrco dniiKhtco. Mrs. ^L |(

• jho'.vnliiR, Shoihone; Almn !Jiir(;rA\ p tlnftdlnc; a;itj ^Srs. DeijI.iJi LllUf- ficltl, l ia rw r, Orecrn, ' zi

' ■ ' JtI.lH'LIl.Vli lIONOrt.S M STEn SI

DUHL, I)pf, 1—Honor roll for Lii- . e-r;ir for iho IsK wfOlL-, ix-rlod U a.? A

fn;ip'.v.»; Kishih Krailr; Mnx BmlUi; o . f ’vrnUMifnrie: Oiial Olioii, Hoberl Svane.ira. ARne. • Vccern; *UUi ci •cr.iric; Eva Davi.<, Marjorie Rlne, D Mars’. Anne nKKli‘i,lon; Ilfilj jrailc; p>’Uy niiiR, iicrnlfc Lclunan; lourlh ct fradP, Wntidn' Dllllman. Nclliu Pyle; t third crnde, Je.v,ic lli'a ion. Leo Zlm- mer,\; M-coiul trnde, Doris Rltij;. Hor- ij,

------- •n,rpi':illn!in- f ir ii erailg riiiin ,iinn &


BUHL. Dec. 1 - Tlw New Deal Club h u chuiged Its resulor meet* S

, Ins night from- Tlmrsday lo every ^ Mondny nlghl. At the ln»i meeting. '

. Orondmother Herron, afte 86, g.avo ■tf an Ui]k on the oM <gc* pension. J. Hi Glnnder of Cnsllc-

' (ord alM gave n shorl Ulk,At the mvi-llnR Mundnv nlsht


11 Ilfiy^c^p '^w erT ^iit'crU lned a t an ' V tffibMi 'TItUlIOfiirjnp-aanfp-fflrm - by nine couple* of Uuhl on Mon­day eveninu In lhe LfBlcni hall. Tho

on hnll ft-as bi'aulllully decoiaicd willi Inlilcir work in colors of ornnce. jel*, lO'A' nnd brown. pjlcUm tmurrs *ll-

A houcied nsalnsi the w»ll, and thc '•ilrl* ser\lnR K’fi-eshmenU v.cic ilref»ed u pllerlms. rtom il;a eenicr , of.the rwnxhiuiq iLlnrpe rrvnlvinK .iilrrortd ball wuh spot h'snu pliy- me on Uie rtvolvini; face:.-. T'. n i.|>e- clal dance numbera wvre slvcu by Lynn Desmoiirt. mIm I-'orian Hunt n« accompanied al the plnno. Cardfl were played up slnlr.i In the bnlcoiiy >'V of lhe hall. Punch nnd wafer* tvere tl- i.rrveri ihroiijhoui lhe mnlns by •/A :,ix Rirl.< who‘»-ore pIlRrlm rostume.v

icd R«;pJ« JfcCauIey. son of .Mrt. Bk- llicr, McCauey of Buhl, nnd Mlsa in >:nld Back of Eden were manfed 'lit Sunday In Twin mil', Tliey .will ier make ihelr home al Edvn. whtre cl- Mr, McCauley U cnRnced, In firm- }X li»*-MUa Barbara Ralph of W’ells. Ne-: .ny vada, and Oorman Mlrnrlc of Uuhl. luc were marrlflon Saturt'iiy. Novem- nil ber 17. al Elko, Nevada. 'They-'na*

nnkln» ihelr home wca; of Buhl o:i a farm, • II Mr.v K. U Mets lefl Sunday mom* , [ | ; ^ i ^ i o r u c i .MDiiir . : i u i iM ;i iu lui-;; .1,. The hmlt-club-met nt lh«-liomfl • or .Mr.'. C-.'orRc Marslinll FVlday aft- ;• ’ ■ iinoon. Due to thc nb.sence of the *

C. Lacey pre.'ldcrt. After a *horl bur.-; ‘ liicM mc-:ilnR lhe ntiernoon • was ’ Mii-Tit socially. Mrs. Miirshnll wrvofl' '“>• icfrr/hmenUi al the clo.w, Mr.v Nor- = ihc ru Wc.sby was ;» guesl of the club, tVtT _________ I

S ANNUAL THANKSGIVING “ PROGRAM PRESENTEDatc ----- 11Uic. i^UIIL. Dec,_I_-Tliv> school clUi>:i • n.< .dren of'the Falr\’lew-*chool iireiciit- I ;cd cd their nnmial Thankwlvlnc 'pro-' i ,c." Kram at lhe Falrvlew hall Friday': ipy I'venini: wilh ft large crowd In al-' "H, tcnriance. ,icr- ‘I’tif proRram wa.' a.' follow.': An (.j. adilrcs.1 of wvIcome,.by Bolible Pal-1 al; school sonR. by the entire school: li

ThankJKlvlns slorj-. by narbaru nhdl' ■ ‘ Ji-iiii Allen; a f.v.oriK; word, by tlic'i fir?t and J«ond sradi-s: "Knlerialn- ] i Ul'i SlslfTS by DornUvVjl2Jroo)£.i;*'A Thnr(t-(,-liii:i: l>v-|jllte eniiro jchodl; "PliiyinR Hou.".'," i by Dorolhy lUooli.', LoU I/irnIn and rn Rartiara BrooHs; .nms?:, by Uiifbani'i

^ •••.ii'id Je,in AiFjIl" A lillllH.iiiKWw-f: LUiraiiy." by ihirit and fourth griidrs:| r nie ProdlRiil Syii," by Jan Olbb; h ,, I Tdinmy'.' Thank.>.i;iv;ni:," hy cniUcIi ™ l.'cliool: nildrc.-.' of Koorthvo. uyi.tatockmaii and Patlle Olbb . h

‘■’'j' NORTHVIEW SCHOOL jl — ANOUNCES HONORS-iieth ___ • 1[

IJUUl.. lVC;.l--ni<- litmnr roll for!' !iic Np:Uivic'.v .Tliivil lor IW tecond v

;'.x a-' follo’.v>:Kishih a n d r- ,1/it.' /irancVn.-MiI-f

• ilrcd Albei-; m-vi uih craiic — U 'w ra j ■ Huichln.S(in, Akik'.'. Smith, Olen!, H ail. Norma Uiecii; M\lh urado — ti I/mi;.v Cr.illon. Eiijili Mc.Velly. rrcll Conr,Id; fltih n iad i'-M arjorle! RdiiblfiPi;. .Mnr.i' Co:i2,td. A1»m Hul •!,

‘I"! tlltU-'-oij^Junclln Honar; fciiirih ur,iili'!: - O la k i : n : N'nJmc r-:.iTicX^r?Tl7:f'; ji'an P,irkcr. ituili H ui:h«; ihlixl!

^ “ vie - :illilUli .u a \. 'i . l , Jul::ii.n'; O mncr: si'cond Kradv'-ICarl H ulrh-' iji 'on, RuUi Stockham, AHrnj Llndc<-n: fir". Kradc-M arjorlc Con-'

‘'f ' Iier, Leonard llnlnllnc, .M a.-jonei ''■J- Albee, Ralph H arl. ' ',

SCHQOLS'CONTRIBUTE I ER TO CHILDREN'S HOMEBd, nUUL, Dec 1-The srhco’.i of llx Uuhl Mslem couirlbtileti $i;0,7i lo [ ;,,i file clillHfprTs Homi- ni iwl.'F-fliir-- Ine the Uut Kcel<. 'Jlilj of/rrlJiR w.vi , $Ioa for lail year,Thc nuhl sclioob luve Riven Uie Inrsrtl per capita oftcrhiK In Idaho for Ihe iwsl :0 ycnr.i nnd the lotal "i* o'ferlnc ha.'been the larcc.'l with

lhe exception of Uirce yrar.i Mheu Idaho Fall' Rnve more than Il-ili.:. Tl','.' Idali'> Fall.' fchcoh nre fotir or | ‘•''c five llmrs larRer thnn J-ilil, i'ThL amount colleru-ii ',\as <ii;.-, ’■I'e liibu.lcd a.' follows Hi'jli .’vrli.inl,, ■A; J30-3; Junior hlch .'.rhiiol. »ri"i;i Lincoln ichool, J<4,91: F JL I!;i(;t md school.»: I-ind------------ -----------------S Real Estate Transterjl!d-' ---------- 1 j

fonlihed by lbe inlermotincitr ! Irj. TIU* Gnmatj Company

NOVEMBER 30. 1B3»BS Dcvd; 0. D. •Uinnip.-.Dii. Ri'C, In Y.

Wdllams, »IliO, Lol l Dik Taiii ' Fall',~T>eeiirvvrR7QrHn'i^T3rorcr-3riTi:r ’7* E-, SEKOIS.' Deed; R. soom .10 Quick Senlri- C o -J l,’.SW.'i.L?t,32_Dllc,10I TMli; FalLv ' . . ••

NOVEMBER 2S, 19at ! '‘'7' K. Ct: FnrKO to N. J. C-H*Icile, tl, Lol* 11, 13, 13, Dik 73 Twin Fall','Jf- Devd: K. Xf, JfoeJrJc In F. T. Hqc'- ■ zir. U.S'i SE30: N', NE.-N'Wl 21. .'tiJ NWJfl: PINE2Q M 13; NE,W';' SE n: N’l NEJO U 13. t-'i- , .Deed: Western Inv. Co, to m.'l ' M Acurliy Bk of Idaho, tl, E't 8W 30

0 IS, ' ),>crt Deed: Z. S, Braiuon to Flnt f~-r ciitliy Bk of Idnho. II. E'i SW 30,' Ins. D IB and and In Ad.a cBunty. j, iJc: Deed: C, O, Ohmnn tb B, Oam.‘''’ii i f'h ei al. tl, Lol 4. Carrlco-WarburR I

Traci,im- Deed; R F, Prater. Sheriff, ‘to Un;, 1 lon Cent, Ufe Ins, Co., t7,477.30, 6i: I

a n r w n «i '

19S5 DItriei ana Cnlendnn are on | dIfpUy att|nClo;iBook8Ure.-Adv'J«t> ~ “ I _:j I|ing..avo FOLL COURSE TURKLV OlJ iage coosf sy.vRAv Di.v.vtn tt;lc- BUHLER’S ORILL CA FL-for

Bill - 'C fA # * I


ED ■ _----------------- ;------ :-------F t o i t o r o o n I , -----------

S i ^lel- • ' > S .J ? 1

ii'elicr•InK ,. li /■ •V '. 'V V C Iiiy- ir ■ - ‘ *4 » ' ■ " ' - C "■

'Ty"i;’:,Iisa 'r f c d --------------,-------------------------------------.will — *_____________________Itre \ ^

E SOCIETY,W ■■ ' « > o n .

’^*'.s7,V7'V fllll.liUK S ■ II^

omfli- f’'ln\«ry_..,I(ic_er^wrre, host' t o' - . / ( . J.'ixiy rlii/iiffn a l » danclnij p a riv .t „ L Friday,nri<Tnenn In the L D 8 rcc-1 . , lrfaiiniijj:.ii.j;i)faaLgnn'i>jvcie-alai-«

: an enieriiiiiuiu'iit fralure. Mu.'lc for •' ^ ," .llh e occaMri'i w a' fumlnhed by Mr;., .,.„(j,V>liiin •I'tUiM.ii.-Refrfslimcnta wcic .•!:.•or-.^''f” “ ' _____ 1[

'■ I '^ n iO U S IIi ' SdCIFJY •'iio.\oi;.'< i.iiCAL iniiL ;

i I .MI'S Ruth ll.illrr. daiiiihier of i l r , ‘ r n ai'd .Mr-. Roberl Haller, 1\vln F .i ib .: t u L,ii,x r.cfiiiiy mlilaled Into Alpha!

Iljimbdah Della, national scholaM lci| lUk-^linnorarv inr underclnMwomcn_iH j; rnt- lhe Vnhi'isliy o( Idaho. Sloscow. ' iro-'Schfilai>liip, iicllvllle' and peraon* ‘ ■day ality arc ilie basc.i of membership,

. c i i u s ri.KDci:!) r n {An S> ;A T/Ci;//O .V O /M /n' ' ‘

7a l-1 Mi.v' .Marv BKcn Bm-A:i, cfaiigfuer ool: [of Mr. ni;fl".Mrs, Frank V . Drown, nh d l 'jv in r.illv .and Mlfi. Cynlhln th e ' Dalv. d:u;i;lurr ol .Mr, and Mr:.. J.

»1n-]K. Daly, Hiilil. hnvr bci-n pledm-d lUiy lto.Carilin;il Key. upi«'r cla.'-; u n - '" b.v^jiifn'.s :rnicp hmivi.iiy ;il ihe U;!i-

viTMiy of , Idaho, nnd , '

viv i: c t .r i !

lira: Mr. and Mr;,, ila ro ' T r rr d i ' r n -1 lbb:;ipri;iiiic'ii thr Qiii Vivr ciut> men'.-,', i l l r d b t i . and Uitn liu:,’J.iniL'. Frid;iy i \c - , ''e '-ln ih :: at a pinochle (larty. .Mrs. '

. Ipaul. D.'uv'llrr and Hui;h .McMul- llrn 'Mill ilv; prl/.e.' for liiRh ^core. . i While iliiy.'aiilhcnuiir..' lormrd Uir ld.;l^^,ltlnIl.^, Mr. nnd Mri. OrorRi;}

n p iiJi t',\('ilrr were siic.-.w. of the club,*: were ,sctre(TrKIOUW '

I Ihc c;i:il tiaiiics,for --------

o n d '.u ' .v / / , / ,u : r M i:i :n s a : i ‘<i.<riv.\i:i> o.v/-; wi-:t:i<

Mll-f U:i iiccoiiiit; o: llir di i 'r l it COll- <'i;ajv.iitiii;l o! Uir .M.irrlc.ui Loriou 1 .iien! .^uMllllry nt lliirlry Wedncsdny. D c - ' c — teem brr'lllth , (h r ri'Ruliir mccilncl f> '-lo f the Incal Auxlltnry. has been; orlelpa'.ipoiird until IJefembcr twellih, liJ l- \ \f r t. O. T. Ko'.tet, i>n.-:,Wvtil oJ D ie ' ■a i l i ' Au x i l i a r y , plans m attend Uic rTl7;i '(liMrrcnnei'llnK.' M r.\"F rrt 'C rn li;:' hli'djMrs. Kay f). ARce nnd Mr^. Ralph |

Ifh- v ili be prr.'rnl.. ll ii niillrlpalcd , illrn iU iiif ciiiir wcinbcrs v.ill aI:o so i :on-'iro iii hi'ri'. t lorie j _____ 1

s n - n i : s T AT <;ii!i.>;- \sciiDUh IS I'TM i tio .\'o i:i:i)

1 .Ml;.' Helty T.iylor. ;.tudciil »t Sl. Mary'*nf llic Wa.'.aicli, here to .npcnd '

jlhe Th.nil(.'t:lvint; liDlidays wllh her jKrnndninihrr, Mr;., ."^tuarl Taylor, lirnior, nnd her .aunt, .Miss Allcc (Tnylor, wns hoiiortd by M;.n Peavey

I'lidulius u trc puki'd lha t morning. '■ from Ull- I'cavcy K.inicii nnd used

,. iix ft ccnicniltcc !ur the huiclicon,;;lio _____

SVI'l'Kl! CW I! AXli ( ; / 7 .>r.s- K sri:i:i.\isi-:i>

I‘ Dr. m l .M.-.-. <!. >V. H'creI hc.Mr. to lllllr .supii.'r club Kilday

■ ■ evcnniK a t Ihrlr homr. bci'ond Ave- ^jj.. nue Niirili, Vrll'nv I'lii.ivanthriniims

'’] Iforincd the drcoratur iiccenl.i for■ ,' I the tablcx and rotiiiii. supper w u I.Ji.f .•.rrv'i'd ul iJifrr labir.v

n . P, Robiiiion nnd M n. Tlieo-

- i ll " / " / / EVERY VOUNO'J» I ron. <\,»“ .ei.ooDED •

'__voua / FEUOW tiK fi ___ ___ Q'RTH, c a « o f h ii o v «

C-ll-l IS’ 8 Chevrolet Cou;;e ..........*1251920 iJiud.'liakcr Sedan......- 2751032 Ford V-n •l l(l( l............. 375

" 21. 1032 Ford Y-8 Cnupi 350tt* • 1020 Ford Ciiupr. . ,'......... ... 00

TO,JO Ford Coupc.............. -..._ 250103Q Ford Tudor ^ d a n .......- 2J0

• ; 1930 Ford S<.-d in .........325p .- I 1027 Dulch CoaiK! .............150

: 30, 10:7 Duick Sedan .......... 150! IB30 tMrd Pickup, a-, t s ....... - 100

1931 ChevrD'.el Pickup......... « 0■■‘ I 1 0 Ford I ’i Toil Truck..... 135 '

U n : , 1031 Ftrd Truck, dump Ixxly 350 |. 1932 Ford Truck, li7 W. B .... 450 \

i t'JT'6 aK!niiJ-0 Bn;h . CO . ■•i 1927'P6nliic .....t! ... PO*

Adv,' Service A» Oood As ,• ( = 1 ' The q a r It* Self I 1


v n i'R r o n D nEA i.En - . .


^ I ^ — rD IX IE .'

y L c l u b ?hone 32 ~ ' \---------------------------------------- ' \ l

I dore Welker w ere hiRii .'Curc' prlie c, ' a inngfi . .Mr. ir,a .MirnomiuMJu nmi t

to ' Mr. nnd Mrs, C, 8 . Randall were c JriFJW 5si& of tne 'club,' ' -------— ti

7ur, t'lTIXKSSinp.TRAIXIS’r, ■___Xtor S< IlOOh STIUj 11

ilrj. Classes In Alncilcanlzation are «,cic !.!:U11 fipot, It was announced a t a h

[meelinR of the Joint A mcrlcnnlu- hlion commlltee ycslerdny aftcnioon i:

.III lhe home of Mrs. A. J . Pcnvcy, « yc.ventfi Arenue North. AH aduHainirrcsled In preparing to receive ccitizenship papers are eligible, and

' . ’•;1L L. Walter, hisiruclor. rtQ uests 'i‘ :iha i they register as soon as pos- •

^^ j. lble, Tlie AmerlcanlMtlon school’ “

i? ^ ', ih e adult .classes lERA. U [h ‘ WB' i«inled out. Mrs. R. L. Pie- L

mel^el told Inlerestlngly of lhe pro- ceedhiRs taken by aliens when they become dllscna.

luer _______________iwn. ...............Ihln, . .

Coming Euents ;j'^ ^ ------------- :

• The Diislncis and Profc.v.lonal i r Wnmrn's Club.' will meet for 6r30l^

__ ^ o 'd o 'k dlnitfr Mondnv rvenms* hi-' M ie-p.ukl ioCT. CuTrt'hr T vn il.v WU-; *

and n dUciuv'loii ot the Tow n-,. “ ■* srtitf Old Age retu!o:i bJ!1 lorm Ihcl,

Mrv - jTwin Fall' Council of Pnrchl- 1

Teacher a.'-'0ctnll0n will m en Mon-U ' “ 'Id n v evenln;''a t'7 :41 oclock nl .tlK ',t

1 home of Mr.v H. A. Uai:, 15H P o p -.r

n n S T ■“ ' ' — L T ' ' tvTiie Tweiillelh Century club's rcK-! a

■liar monihly Imifhi'un will be held'’ liii'.'day, Detembvr H, a l IhcR oR cr-, I: :o:i iioU'l nt I o'clock. Club inm -r I

I iji rs nic .a.'kcd lo hrlnR i» Chrl'-lmn.' 'L Rlon Ij,,.. ,yj. c];ii(itrn which should '.s

1 be wcapi>ed and labeled whvihcr lor f

been I I 1'lu ll ' I T ll' Camp Fire council of Ouardf ’ I.1IU Wld meet Tur.«iaj-, Ikccmlrr I ‘. ’'1 ,4 al.ii o'clock nt Wa-'hlngton irhool.rnli;,' _____ ' | ‘

Women'a club will,

; I’len'-: Bf Mrs“ L. J. Tenchlnck. ] ^

t The MiiTy.Marllia claa* of U ic,i I Fir.n Da)iilji churcli will meel nl i

.... I the liuinc W Mn,. A. S. .Mariyn ' '• t ., rl'ucsday aliemoon. A ClirLMma;: • i • ® h ;1’-’ »V Sll- ‘"ichnnge will lake ‘

___ .r:JjP.p s ta r Ciiilr l.l'. .s'JlRhbor* nf.:'; „v!v Woodcrall, iiirrl Monday e v e - i’ ^ iitiiR a t 8 nc;;i:k In the Odd Fi'*-i' n ina hnll-for reitular-bu*lnm-anil..J

3 imiiation follo'Avd by card.s and r r - , ' frolmh.'nt.v All members nre i-.spcc- I lally urccd to nllend.

COMMOniTV PRICES i NE\V YORK.TJef. 1 W’,-D un 's lii-

H'cre fir.v « f wlinJe.w.'tf rwjimodJlv p rlrr'., iday advanced 1 31 jier tenl to 1170.100 an ^vc• of Deceint)er 1 compared wjiii | l 6fl,- nms oo.> on November 1. On the same dat*'

for l(l. l vrar the Index -Mood at tlJD.- W04 ^0l, 'T he curr<-iii-i«tltlou-Of-Uie'lii«.

dr'; K Ihc hlghcji since September heo- 1.1030.


■ $ 2 . 4 5 .1'

j B R A K E S, R E C O N D IT IO N E D . A N D O V E R H A U I.E li

I .M 'L U U E S •

1. Pull all four niiefU to irT" upen llnlni.

i . In 'peel eomplele brake mfrlianUin lor loose colter

375 pint, bolll. nut*, sprlnp350 ete.00 S. t'le»n brake drumi wllh

250 apfflal Klre»tone tleanln*255 fiolnllon.

4. Clean brake U n ln r remor- . ” , Inr dirt. cle. '

5. nuff tip ' of brake shoe* to IM prevrnl " ra a n " and ’.’ohat- ' 100 ler,"« 0 0. Inipeel bearlnga «o Iniiitei j j 1 ' me of proper grease.350 j Set Plttl Prnperiy;150 ; ' »• Kquallie all brakea on ' ^1 BraKe Machine (0 ahow

" “ anre when lining l»-appUed b (0 dram,

f. 9take sclenMffe rotd (irfi. r'

I FraESTOME I— ■ -Service StoreSf :

’ '410 Main Snulh ■ ; , I 'h o n c 75 , \

■: , : ; ■ A POINT'OF

bu V 1 •'THINK ' V f fH — VOU ^M' J X«J Mfc'oE A SHOULD AT V

.D ,X .DA U G HT£liJ_O W 10N .O H iilr t _ y bet IHERE S '

. f rtANV fcNOLD MMO .■ I \ VMH'T SHE H^DN'T^

V SAID’ N O ' SO y

Chest Money Helps Livable Tent D

, FiiiiiU eo iitrlbutett-l»-tlw —Com«. .miiiilty che.«: camp.ilKU n re 'n lrcw y I

y jb<'ii,iR u.'crt to alleviate misery «nd t in - i l iu CDnjniunlty, ac- e

cordii^s Io Chest headauarlcrs last d^ 7^-. ini'... A M '.ioii o rn jn 'A M ocintw t^ -re Cli,<r;iii-. niioimeni ha* br.'n used

to biiy'.'loorinc'and p'n;>er lo'm »lt« H more livable U?e Icnis between 50 I

__ Hnd W) faniilirs nre nn'v oecuPVlnR, n11 w n.'nnnoupcfd. The inc lem en trj

ire weaiiwr o f the i>«m ticvcral daya V » Iia.'made. It nece.>.»nry lo relieve the c

a - huiw iu sllualion, according to Mr*, p on i>3:oihy Reynold.s In chnme ot thc p cy. weltMc'clearlni; u.'.'oclation. e

Confidfni lha t the CommiinUi' c I'C Chesli»orkcr«canachlevclheil2,000 / nd jionl. when compleifl sollcltaUon of e ats the builncas' dlslrlcl Is completed. IJS- . . .___________;__________________ool’ ■

3lllL[lfPlliEBDlES n - FROM HUmCK_ .-DURLmV Dec.' 1-Fredcrielc Le-

-I'Vll Wiliwafd, Durley .farmer, died j '‘ j-'nday‘c\cning a i thc Ruiwrt rc iit s

~ '■etal hospilul from a heart attack, ji ,[ tiiiieriil service* will be h d d In !

‘'fftiBvirley nt lhe fir:il wnrd L, D. S .; ! ^ , 'Chnpi-l nl 2 (tclock Monduy a f t - | l

irrnrnn lli'l,on- IMrli .llniiiJixjtvU'„ llieln tii;B , Jnlerm rni will be In H n r - / ! llrv criiirlerv und rr'th c dlrecUon of > '" ‘ 'Jo-v-ph P, I’aynr, '

' Mr, Winwnrd ,w;i.' born October 5, j h i- 1800, a'l Provo, Ulah, He nmvril * 3 n -ho lliirlev |(j yl•i.t^ auu jc lllin g o n ” Urc'.tlic liiirlry prc)« i. He waa llu: son sp -.o f i'’loirncc nnd Cjimlrs Winwnrd. '

l l l f K .Nurvlvtd by his wife. .Mrs. rAiiffn.VltiH'iil'dnfinrT'a'O-soni^Vprl >

CK-!aiid L iinar'W liijian l. and n n lep -jl Cld'’^nIl, Nnali ,]iiirrh, Ihirlry; f iv .'; ' c r - |l>rc>ill^r^. Claud'-'. Eluii-r Adi llls ftnd I ■ •mr Dc'iilii'. WinWord, llurlry, ni\d N o - '' an .''h ind Winwaiil. Bancniti, and tw o ' uld '.shicrr. .mVs, Lucille Bird, .'<prlnR-'( lor flfld, uia li, and .Mr\ Irrila tilofl-


rd? • ~ ^BURLEY 000 FELLOWS '

■ ELECrNEW'OFFICERSiklll, ______________

1 nUKLKV, i)rr, --Klcrllon c t o f - ; ' ' JjjTri 0! Ihe B;jr)r.v )o:lsr of Odd IVI-J

Uie |j'H\a took 'placc at a-me<'ilni: i>: iho a t li»lnc in lU li'ral hall hrre Ihu wrrk.

lyn 'V, J, McKhiRli'. b Ihc new noble ' Iia.':'i:i“>'d: w . Jh.ll John.slon. vic-> Bkc ^‘■■■'nd:'Ha.'k'lL B, UlRli. rccordmjt •

,.'.<'crcitir,v’, M. W,. Ctourh. JInannnli. .• <'trclar>'; J . E. .Mjcr.'. irc ts i/r ir and

nI.:JuJiii p . Hackney, iriu.lee. Thc nil-! , ; f . ; tia;o.'y d rs ii’c vias cciiirrrrd iiiton

I U;'. &iH C. Jt'asrii of Uui>er,l. :i>en- i;.'-nlne membera of ih« Burley loilsc:

f f . 'l"nd eleven of'nic'^ui'.'rn'udiic'vii.-i'C" ICC- p reicn ti’. ' '• (■ I — •

In -' •- *

3 l


I *<S H

B S l K I

lh . m 11

I f . - ■ Trtdt’Snyour- ' • , c ld r td h now! '

to,t. ; ' I ’) I • ■ . ,

^ ^ V p h i l c o s

f o r y o u r i tU c t io n

" r r



O F v m \

f l Y W«BE 1010MAKE A M 15fw i.II ....HE HAOOURHONeVMOONAalll

^ - m u M E f i TOO -

~ bFF-TH'CdMT‘0 ' ' A F R k 3 c H ^ , THENT01H'4Uf46LE^ r ( W H C T

r ANoesERTs

1 f tJ j mps to Make More I t Dwellings of Manyn.i.amiiBilgn l . . r i . r . m nm ipr.^ i l i i t j__ny IS T ra .to u ra w n x o n trlb n trtf iip iin '* — nd tll' 5 o'clock laat evening.' The worn* f ,c- en's division, In chain# *>f the rr/l* ist denee 'dislrict, haa practically com- 6n ^ l c t r r t - t ^ ^ k ; ---------------------------- . . 4ed Profc.Nsiniifli ontanlrAtlona nnd bus- < i te iiTr!K~HtnoiisnmemB^'roTJtTlbutinj 50 100 |>er cem lo lhe CommunKy Chest.

not before announced. Include: Dr. n tr j . 'y . 'L in K e n a n lle r 4hd-?rniOTyrr — ya Wallers. Parry and Tlioman aiid he employes, spori Shop and em- r*. ployes, Derilin Cnmpbrll- and -tm * — hc ployes, Doihwrll and Powy nnd em­

ployes. Idaho Department store and ;ty cmplflyci, M’ooJ«orUi 00 Amalgamaled Sugar compony and of employes, Wray'a cafv nnd employe.<. rd. Blckel school teachera.

'MOfirsEntEii— l IK SyCCUiSllTBl

^inT L .-D ec?T ---H om er Abel, K: ~ * pioneer of Colomdo. Mnaon for ihe'

pnst 02 years, and realdenl of Duhl iit Since 1D17, died yesterday moming :k, I a t 10 o'clock from n heart aUack. in I ^rr. Abel moved from Iowa, where S ilie waN bom a t Independence. 9ep- IiJ I lember 3. 1848. to Colomdo in ,1. H873, He w-n.i engnged na a frelght-

o j 'v ra rs . nnd Inter look np farming ■ it'i an <w(;|w!}on.

. The biviy rest.' nt the E\'an* and j I Johnson lunernl home. Arrange*

I menl* for scrvlce* will not bo com- , , ' pleted uniil word Is received from

relatives llviiiR elsewhere, rs' He 1.' Mirvlved by a son. tVdbent ■ Prt Abel: i.-<l«uKhwr,-Mrs. .MnrT_Mc-., _ , n -lP h e rro n ; iwo sWers. Mra, Esther iv r;C n rr nnd Mrs. Almyrn Howard, nd and two unindchlldren, f'rnnccs Io-'W hilby nnd Nora McPherron. ^ wo .He wn* preceded fn death by *1* ■" iR-’sona. Callcy, Shelby. Otlo. Haro'. U >d-1 John and Charles Abel. p

Cattle, Sheep Feed “ C 'o m m i f tee N a m e d „

~noT8 ivr ■ I'Sv-A'sialB Vim- ^___m ;m r in nlll |ii Reiting hunRry aheep

nnrt entile anrt suppii.-.' ol Ul'd 'lfl- 'T ‘' ‘’ iKeiher »n» appolnled yesterday by r . ' ‘• 'O ovem or Ro'.'.

"Till* eommlltee will net aa t - jjIp clearing hoa'< of Information be-

mg - 1 1'inl



g j : -------------- 5 O C U - I — .

I 9 S C 9■ B f I L o n d o n , B e rlin , I ■W r / - P a f U r M « J t i « l , —

. f j R o m e, e te .

p / N ew 1 P 3 5

PHILCO« i $ « ; 9 9 5

lu itrecehed l Apow erfjlnew Lowboy th « tuoei-fo (2ie _ w orlif ioT d d iiib d to 'youf” fiTorite Americio prognfflil

. Aod priced K o ia tioa im lowi ' The Qe* 1933 PHILCO 4jL

(ettarcM Atiloaitk Volum* Control, Tone Control, B u s , CompeotltioD. oew Electro* Dynamic p e a k e r >ad PH IU | CO Hich'M cteoCT Tube! in. a jtr^celul aew cabmet of fioB woods. See tod hear (hit Tilue dow!

E A S I E S T T E B » ^ S ^P ir ooly a amall acsosai d o m -

Extn-Uhvti T f td t - M A l l o m n a

sic Co.


' By j . P. McEvoy ar

W w 6 ES?? THCT'S. i( 0UN«.e^/?, eiEEEBEtn*? 1>W)


T w i n F a l l s D a i l

: ! —

s- ;■

i m m m .


: W /.Hi ,-A

rg ^

?; iH’-jj 2075 snts ' r —O'. Iween the counties ihn t have a snr-'

pltu « f teed nnd the counUea tha t have a sherl'age," lhe governor aald.

•■■nila feed U lo be handled by counly committees In tha drouth rounlles who have - arranged - Xor

^ AhlpplnR In of Ihr feed. Tlie feed U ^ Uft! hniight hv tiKj govenunent but uJ I is purcha.'ed by special Arrangement

between fnrmers and the federal • ~ ■ ^


i" T h i n k

/ m i w R SMyigg***lHSURAW CE~“"*W

iiI A -E *» l!(«n t

imegin-i jc a t* aI In su ra n c e long pa

G u ide a 8iv«

thn app atnUsUc

flJ.OOOs « i i , n n i S 'f ' '! " .MpmbcM - onr.flfU

I I [hnl’tln:

■lOJ n iH frlc i nu jT K i

» » " «ft lalla. V^ coatTT"

2 2 0 0 1.ocal «- A g c n t ^ _

Im incdlA t« H om eC laim S c n ic o

. 'D I S T R I C T !

H a r r y N e l s o nI T»ln rsllf.

M . F . C u l I e yRupgri, Idatio


_ Lou H eller----- -— TwlB“ f » a a ^ l« * to ----------

E,I..Z.yiich. Bobl. I ta h #

_ _ w . S. McGowen. Bobl. Idab*




r O H, W POORI D A A u ^ /e io e Y f o t E s j u s r . BE*<DU'R&5!WED^P0aNttJMa -

---------------8Y T B " - - V ' 0(WIN 4U C M A - — ------ -M lN lB X lS /i CHANCE/ UD ^— y — < MMIRV MWBOITf ■ r V f o r UK6


rIODEL AT HOME}aily News Pattern....... - • THE r m r o r s im p l ic it y inr r r ? — • — —


b tjC ^ n tu X O iJa a S -^The beauly ai)i1 the »lmpll*.lty of

youth lie In the Mim lines of thla

skirt and nlcely-moldefl blouae. The voke. curved In front and squarely dik.nl-lhe-baclL.to.CUt In one piece .

' whh .Ihr gracefully full sleeves — a detail which meaas a alender and smnoih shoulder elfect. Nollce how lhe bodice u lucked a t the yoke-line

' lo provide flAlierlng fullnesii. ]ii.'t enouRh but not too mueh—and how the cnuhed belt aotily deflnaa the wabilinel A rough. melal-Ilecked

. canton cffl^ ^ *9*'

shade for the a k lrt ’ Pallcrn ZOTS la available In aUea

1: . H, 1«. 18, 20. 30. 32, M, 38. 3fl and 40, SUC 15 take* 2 'i ynrcla 30 Inch fabrle for tunic and : u yards for skfrt. «fustrat«l ilep-by*jf<p

' ------ aewlng liMHruellonaJncluded— --------------I • .,

. Send n r iE E N C E N T S . I n ____coins Or sum ps (colps preferred) tor this ‘Aniw Adams pa tten t Write plainly name, addrtfs tn d style num* her. DE SURE TO STATE SIZE. .

Send for the new Fall and W lnler------- .h« Axn« Arfimn Pnttfm

Dook and knew what la new In (m art cJothei I t takes you through

\V the whole of laaUon from Il&gerl*‘A to outergarmenu . . . no t ow rlook.JK Ing some alluring new houss frocka.% . . . and bearing in tnlnd the needa K of Hie younger genenU oa J R IC B j ? . OF DOOK m T E E N CENTS BOOK £ A.ND P A T T B B N . JO a e X n E tt® TWENTX-nVE C E N ft.---------------j-------

Addrea# orden to The Twtn n U a • DaUy Newa, Pattern Departnjent. .

snr- emergency feed agencle*."- th a t -The drouth eommltteei h a re been ••><1. appointed conslatlng o f t cattle l u n .

a aheep man and * dairy man. w ith Jhe eountr agent ** jecrelaiy.

- f o red Js vide" apcciai rate* wllhln the afiaU , but to move Uils feed from aurplua arenamcnT W whiH itin w fo e tl. '^ lre 'g o rtre w ------deral sa id ..

k O f I t !j ^ E u e r y Fifth Car ^ Destroyed!

iegin»'ftll the aulomoWIei tnanufac- red diJriof lhe ye#r, llncil up In one lg parnde nw! then na Ihey pas* by slven point RVERY FIFTH CAR

In, ,l,.li ;» ■■ lv .iMlmverl YM iUCh I* __n nppnlllng los*. ns revealed lo rcceni vUsllCs.

gliwny ner((Ifn(s fnvnlvinjr aufomo- es Insl vrar nmounle.l to 3 irJ. or r-flflh nf lhe whi.lenalc vnlue nf all llnr cam prtiiluced lo the U, fl. ilurlag »l Ume.

lOTW T v o n w E i . r a n d lov f.d ;KS f r o m IX)SS-Hre lh-> KwlnnRC rn t in your comniunliy, for full de*In. You will be surprised a t lhe low------------ --------------------------- —

' a r m e r s A u t o m b o i l e

: i g r - I n s u r a n c e E iV ta s i

>me O fficc, liOS A sgcleA , C alif.

C T M .V N AG EK S '

n N . E . W o o d' Ooodinr. Idaho

M . F . G e h r i gSboahone, I ^ h a


A . J L ^ u g g _

H a r r y ^n u e lK n . Idab*

m D . N . ^ | g g l > r i g h t J

M , J a c o b slaOar. 10^

• • / ■

^ H E T \F I N E S T F E A T U R E S '

Swi lh IFaked PGrayson, Repolds Of Stanford on MytMcal Eleven■Far W e s te r n S c h o o l, P i t t

a n i - A l a b a m a C o n t r W e

■ S i x . l j t a r s ; T u g ’ L u n d R c-

r p e a t s A l te r G re a t V ea r

. . . . , A I .A V C 0 1 L I ) -------

• N t:W Y O R K . l ) . - c . l — T h e _ Univcr.H iiy m M iii i i f - io l i rn f lr r c o n q u e r in g footliaK fo rc es

-— rltf fv c rftc o p iw r-r iv c tcd x If iin L to . —.• tlic m .v lliin jl i ia tio m il coHckq

•c h iin ip io n sh ij) o f b u t n n t - oven th is p u p o r -a rn iy o f tf r id -

- iro n ta le n t p ro v ed e q u a l to th c• j o b o f t r y in c to k e e p th is y c n r 's j r r id iro n horncH o f th c

____ oriiiihcm h.iHlplrQnI-trfiBi---------------------<11.«pln«liig l h t Mlclcllfwfdt ns llic

, Jrndinj prorfuKP of nJI-Amcriea • plaj-cr*.

. For lhe flr»t time Mnce Waller Camp popuUrlMd the nnnunl all- nUir ftfRiimcnt. way back In the "cic-

oriirr main I'cetloai o{ llie rouniry In placlni ItA fprorliea on the nil-

— 7^Amerlc» l« m . - ___TKo ttrTllor>' tlrelchlna from the —

CacoUnw to tlw wulf open rnnsM ot — Tcxns contrtbutM live of the Jl nial- wp.rta named today tor collrue foo l.' bAll'i IilKhest Award In the tenth an-

' • nnal /WMiclalfrt m .M 'forucnau! et-____Jcctloiu. —

The South'* most formidable grid- I’O; Iron mnehlne. Alabnmn. »h«res Ihc *;■* fir*t tram honors wllh Mlnesota snd Slanford, each plaelnic two men, while Texa* ChrlsUan. Wee liuitl- lule and North Carolina conlrlbule Jj* the TtmalnlnR three reprc.ieniailw.i TA

____ pt Dlxl^'g gnllftnt gridiron forcea.

I R e a l E v e n ly D iv id e d I h .

T hli cnm pam with lwo p larn sn• on th f t in t le«m ew h for the

»:*«t. Mlddlewfit ani] K;tr W ni. It j i, U 'a >hatp contrail wllh tlir all- \vi Amcrica alliullon of the tasl fquc J^l rca n . In eaeh ot whlcli (he MIdle- iu- we«l haa 6ccn thc domlnatlnt ron- jo ' Irlbutor of atl- ila r Ulent. I.r

— .— T he-rnsily*npaTent~«p;anatlQ n 'Is lha l while Mlnnejotn ha.% pro- r? '

. - d'lccd om: of tlic prrnt t^nma of ”*• moderTi time.', with Ohio Stale nn- other poienl factor, the rc.« of ilir. . '

. . - Mlddlc«r.ilern -Old Guard" hw ~ fallen off con.<lderably. Mkhljan, N rbrnjiu, Northwestern and Nola- fl’'' Dame, which among them have turned out nt lca.<t u .icore of all- “t

■AinWlcn Mars in the pi.nl 10 K-i'< nil have luid abno rm al .w.iwiv'. NwnliinB eoniporacively. fniiii-r.ix- of lhe Wolverine.',■ who havr ratcly ■''"1 niUNsed a year wllh nt Icj.'t one rrp . 'c lb re.'ciitalivc in, lhe nll-Anix'rlcn pn-

ino:.t dl^ftjiiroiw camimisn lu thc tt hlMory of footbaU a t Ann Aibor. jrom

Under the clrcuin*lance«. Mlnne-• MU A (iLspUy of im e r and nbllliy '»'“ 1 hiii been i»ll llu- more coasiilciiniu, efal

. ,U 1> no Mirpri.'c to llnd thc e«pcri.i ' t;niiiK rnmi-ihlnx like iiiianimotu '

i:i-Amrric.i r.iitne tfl Cftjiialit M-.in- <•1-. fPiiRi Lund, bncklield acc nnd «'i'l Miarkpliii! of lhe trnm, n* well ns lo ('.rank iRiHch' Lar.^nn. brilliant, lelt riui. Until ovcrciinx' llic h.inrtlriip ’

tliinflcs 10 rloJi' <1111 ri'marltsli'.c ciiri’fi-:.. Tu Uii-ir tciinimalf. Hill Pvv.Mi. .1 .niiclaciiliir guatd, kocs iho

_____bnnocliiLn.pbcc o ii.llir .TiTnnil.cf.- •Itcm nio all-star array but lhe

namrs ot these three by no mrnn* 0 complelo Ihe roll of oiit.'iniirilni.’ lal" con .cnl on the Ooalicr at-.-am-.rulltr. .ill:

.. ' ll l.\ one of the mnln rrKrci\ ot a 1’ ' remarkable rollcni- ttndiroh .M-iuson

' that thLsMipcr-aRKrcaaliDii irom tlic ' adopted land ot the VikuiM loiild

not Irv roni'liU'loiw wuh clilier Aln- biiiiia or Stanford, the ta n o'hc-r

. yiri|ici|ial uiKk-Ii-ali-il to;vms in nnilt'r IcaiMe compi'tllloii and opiioni'ht.i

------ 'imhc-foTtnrom lne nore Bn'.M <1m-' kir. NfA- VcHr.s Uiy. I*ni,'.liu:<h.

. aiihoiish l^-slcii by Miiiiuv.it.i*: h!it-;>eriod rally in thc o;;!y <!ny.-

injtcfi'p tnytrt'b j' the'O ophcrr'fpm^ ■ a naUminl "His Four" loi Uie

1^31 AMion aild il u nn tu n l riiou;li 10 find llic Panilirrs nlro .'onlribiiv-

.in c lour men lo ihc conil>ln''d allf »tar lineiiii'. . . . .

i .T a c k le s , C c n te ra S c a rc e t

•In tt-f(K>lhall-wMt.ii titarlirrt by ammlnc <lcvclDpmi-nl« In tbe |m <. ftiff jame. fonTac<t and harkiMnf, and an rxtraurilinary numhrr of Jieauillully-eoarhcrt, hl*li.|>a>«rr»il

. Icaiiii In cvrVy major «crllnn nf ' romppllllon, the ciprrt> found tlip

U>k nf ali-Amrrka, lurlfliit un- niuiNlI)- dlfflcull. A dearlh nl teally

• outnundlnc tacklca. rsn tcn and ' quulerbaclit w u In ro n lru t ulih

"~™ ~7ccoininoH7rill-ltar>n"di.i:iia7dii . . .halnticks atld fullbacka

' ' SuA 'teanui a< MinncMta, Ohio ■ 85»lc. PllUburgh, ■ CoUtttc. Ala-

baina., Columbia,' Prlnccloii, Rice ' ' 'abd l/)ulslana State, while all en*

:‘‘^Tira'« '‘tSl“* i'Itir»ine”ixlrfiordlnary‘iii- " l.diW duol u le n t, owed moai of tliclr

kuewrt to the happy comblnnilon ;of well-knit team pl.iy .iiid a wcjlih n

^ o< rcw ves. P lti,,for cuample, dcm- ,'oaM ratcd It could put iii. I c u l two

teams on lhe field wliU UUle lo be |

' W I N F i ^

Places I^sses LiS jFOED


“ -----------( J ^ S S r ----------W SO ^m K d | j H

C ^ VR ^


' TFCANK L A C90N <.1 ^

> --------

le ■■ ■ ■ ----- -------------;| The 1934

Potlllon I'lavcr and (.'ollrs«: i :m ) I KANK I.AKSON, MIN. TACKl.K «ll.l.iA M I.KK. AI.ABA, <iUAiti> (•iiAUi.i;.s i iA in w io .

cb'NTrK »A iiiti;i.i. u :sT t:» , tkGl'AUII OI.OIlf.K JIAUCI.AV, .N

. TACUU: millKIlT KKISOJ.OS.KSI) l)(»NAI.I> llltT.SON, AI.

_ U K _____7 il. HACK I llt:i> IK»K!tU;S. JU..1 H. HACK W11I.IAM WAI.I.ACK.^ K HACK y »AN( IS .Ml!

> Srrnnd Tram• .l;itnr' Mi''cr';>. StJiliford...................t J.nc-t, SI.TM, Sy;,iruT■ Wlllbm »i-ian, MllinrMila . . . . P Ji)hn J. lloblnw i Nniri'!J:mic• lU-ais Moiialiuli, Ohio Stai"

Jdv'pii I'prralii. CViiinlii:i .1.1‘nln Uorili'ii. Kiirdhiim..................

.Ar(clfll!-tV.iiUuu_Cait:ooiia-l— ... John .1, n?rw;ii:i;i'r. ChlcnKO ........

i iJ' (Thf ll.Nl o: pliiM-rv mi-iviiii: hm.orriu\ ____ _____ ______

X- chav.'n lirivii'cn lli<'m, nt leii.st offen-1 r ; ;Jhvly.. Tlic I'alllhr!,. li:iil tliri'C .'.'l.’i Na

]. ot b;icks ami .M> <ii<l i’rtiicc!‘j:i. Cul* . 't .i y Kate an.i 'Air.i- Ii-,i forlii- lii'!J. nail' In lln' ni.iil'T ol .miIinihui.-.s but Pit Is raeli of llli:'- .iiilDiiJJiJlv ronrhifi I'lil ly lrn|Iv^ r,inie liark nftor Ciirly wn.vtii aln 1. fctbai'k.1 lo arhli’v.' brillliiiil u'C- "r

urd-i. Thc .v.imc thiiii! aa.' Irtip u! •!' i

IC With tills h;i;k;;:niiiii! I:i iiiliul, U Iri'tnalim'U) |i;iint the (K'tiiil:. ot thf alt-AnUTlrn ti;rturi-, n<'i.'<'.v;inlv ' '

y with ."ome inlMrivniKs nnd ron'ltU , rrable room !i-H fur ursumrnl.s. J"''

With nu nll-.-lar l';irklicld coa'W Ini: | '' '• L, of Unbtiy (.iray.st'ii <i[ Slunfiiril, t'rcili. j i, lUiini llo.-rio of thi' Navy, llill. jj;; ^ Wiillncc ot liici' nud I’Ufi l.uiid nl;ii'h Q MlniOTOia, tli'/rc would Nvm nolh-,j,ji H ini: to woirv nl>out, r'|HTi;illy ll —1,11] ,, ns Un' invtliU'nl minbhviiinn dL\--, ,vn

cltx'o . . iV.cy i,;o lortllii'd «n ii ii 'v T :'i»(.|m ,iiull;i;.'o;:.;\.|o3ii'rxbutu-.-. n„

JP itni'uvlbi'- to mvi' ilu-ni murli mar*EHI ovrr a roiLniii'rablo number of w,' oihrr o;itMniu!;ii:; ivrlomirrii. ■ Ijk

Oray.-iOii, in lm second yrar I f I" con'lderrd onr i>; Ihe i:rrati'-’t rn

.Vi::.iii;uiid.b,it>..s.l!ic WCJI coiH li"-', t"- a produiM'il. nx. Iiiirl and turccil ii' i>:

vii'ld llll' iiK'iviiiii.il honors of i!‘i’ Kamr to {:,il:l,>rnl.i'.'i Arl.-liJh Wil- 11>-

(1 Uams a wiTk H S n u rr lp .s , ih r ,!;i;- :i:iI- ■ —

;; ' ( i o s i i A M . i ' i «


" j iif

T W a

[. '' ' .'M sr 2 £'> ' T T ^ i W A f i

■ ■ ■ m h m p i b H ' i

do s B l f c iu B B

ice W £ S

clr .

nil THIS tiiu-.|( I (IJl lioDh v.ai drilturil in- Icaiurr m t il" i Hip "Itlilan.ilcin I)pli wo 1 whale »li.i,U. l.i;t rvm .-, fIi. rk uouli be ; uf .Miaul co-cd, r.Uu llu t) U n h . i


Five PI!iead To '


W -

H i

V M m A / J i - E1 f - . / A c.

■' < ^ '

34 All-Amen^50

MINNESOTA «I.ABAMA Mv io . p m s n t itGH IJIt, TK.\AS CmtlKTIAS ' 'A W , NOKTH 4’AUOLINA !lI.OS. sTANFOiin : i ,S-, AI.AIIAMA !J ';>N,-"STANKOKn ?n____JIL. N A W " . f : -• « kCK. m e n V.I. .MlNNJ;SOT,\

r<xUi .1KMI

TACKl.'. (il7.U1

' . ■ . CKSTl. . <il’AllI

............................ TACKr;KM)

. OI';U)Tr:Hl............... . ■ ■; V'. '■ h a l h ia 'i. . HA1.K-HV

loi.or'ibic mrntln:i liu 'uilc' Hub Mi'Cin', Ont

i - |r ; t I'ii.s.iinv and nui:;hK b^rk tlir thcl.n Navy h,i> K.iid in |il year,', «a.' lint I-’h1- 't.ippi'd bv any oiiiKvsltion.’ ini'lud- «•'>I. 111'! Co’iu'iibla. N;itH' Uami' mid V ll Pltl:.buri:ll, Nrvmllt'lr.'r. It . dtfll- b;i- fj cult lo r.ink Hk- N,iiy a;c' wry farllhc 11 aliDVi- Army's famoii.s Jarl; IliirklnjW lI '• or prove tii i^oiiie iMrii.viii' Lliat hrif'lv rniilli'd in hlKlirr, Kii.'. hinh in- Ihii

(!ivldii,il ratliiR a.n Slli'lihriil o ' W oi- the j( i in Marylan'd, U'ciniins ol r i 'o u v ‘po”

Wii.'hinKliin or Smuklrr of 'I'eaipti'. of;y 'n trio ot K.ulcni ball larrivrs who wa.-i I,irk onl' llie iidv.min;;^ o; thr ma- iwii

J r l''axiirJi>otUi:lii loKfi \MCpr-.I'C- ivh;,.iO<:;il;y|i. '^’i'■'I'- I.uuil r,i!cd i;x liA-t balk M Ihr .u ,II, H;:; ’JVII, Mkmu Hip .M'a.'foii a.s ii ■’t; whole Into coiuldera!ion,''bul the T

■ MUinrM)ln raplaln rcu much of his I “ Isupiwrt bccawe Chicago'* Jay Der- |

wiinsrr hnd th r mwtorlun'’ lo b.' .sr- ^ i‘ :\vrrlv hniidlcnppcd liv injurirs In

llir l.i.'t |.->V bl.; fciaiw.v llc lAnilsicr,> iiiitil hurt, im p rc v d nut.! iiudillr- ■t rrlllrn n. llir 1h-.s1 all-nni.ld

■ baeklleld i|Van In liir contrreiicc, butir I f liM niiolher yc.ir In wlilch lo .*•'••t iiin\<-hW RrratncM, Dirk Ciayiie.ofi; t'lA.i, im rne I’liivj.s iiiiil Juu Ciiilir lo ul rur<l'.ir, Oifl; Hct kin r f ' Oiifo -j■I’ .^ta!.' mill I.r.s I.UidbPl*; iiii'i Jack1- iii'viiiiii (lMlUllol^ nil iiirii''il 111 .'•OUU' ,»fji••• line Krfornianc'.'.n bll'. uuni-.iclik'vcd nie ■ niil

t—— ■ ;

I ' i S H - i i o o i v S ! ' ;s ,, cnv■ (I . I noi

llu...... ......... cul



I ^ .,■. . . . Ihr

H ^ iln'9 ' -I th<B] ; ; l r«i

K a n | B | M m I . amB t - g j a z a t e u i A j f l M B r w S I to

J wu h

R 9I *

L .

V lie.gn



Uur.1 V n Miami, Plurida. Uaak WaUort tli. 1 l)plius," iiiiitp roMinionly kiiouii nn Ihp nil iKiuldn'l i.iliiJ It MiU I iiNriblly '>ii

:n)». did lhe Ibh ln i,-i,j'i I’hplo. jh li t


'layers GTitans’ A

3 %/ / / • I V-.. . • / 1yiA'

d il l \i K . ’ ^ (W A L L A C i;

M Z K i a fili t-T / ^ B B I

^?Td a c r e l l ® | M H H | ^ ^ Bi ' j LESTERA

3rica Footballlleiliht • W rlghl ' C1*»i (i;in 1*1'. ■ sfA'IOlfi;Oi s n SKNIO«:0| imIi;ni , ; u J fM i)i : i i i*> s r s io i

, Jin j c m o i' f::on ini .sr.Mo:

.^:ll 1*6 Jt'M O—' -------l i ; M - '--------- 1 T 7 -~ --SEM O:

r>:lt IM Jl'.Mtl5:11 ISS s rv in i

(xUi ItKMI ........................................ ................

AC-Kl.K ,117.111) .................................................■ K s m i. . ..........il’AIII) ........................................ACKr;K ......................................................KM) . . . ..............................

iT K H liA ru-,. ........................... ,:....LUIA'CK ............. •,. . "'.■1 .K M C K ....................................

I', Ontci r.-iiy o', litnlio lacklr.'

IP thc cnibLstcnily ureal r.” ;i!l!' o f[w a; >t I.uii’l. nil in.-inriiK lcai;rr s.- »rll.M ,ir 1- a.n H Mar on ollni.'.- and dcl. r—-. a ki ,(| W.ill.ice oiil;ila>i-il a .i-nic ol .nliir'han |. bn 'ks 111 Hr.' Soiiilncsi, tnc!'.idlr:sI iill-; iri Ihc b rr.tir nilll.ird pf Texas nnd but 'i jW lls in c: .Sniiihern Moihodi.s[. aiid;all-, ;r ims Ihr ^;)rarhrIld of n'lUcr n;iaelc;com i. ihiit wa.-. ti;il Moiiind until l.iie in n,ip

llie jra.'„in bv the .-uriiri'UiRly ;v -powcrrm-mTiTcnrCTan-Tpam-on"- ■— r. of th r I'hli't rcn.Mi;... Ior :lih ii|V‘Ot i 10 wa.'i.n IrrmrndoiLsjy p-iwi'rlul, ilS - .I- imund rrn icr nariu'd D.utcII U.ster,

ivho capped Hr.' cliniav of a iircni ,'4’n.'nii liv Ralnhur th.' nil • .\riicrlcii nomlnaUon for :iir vilal criimr po-

„ 'Il'Oll. ppi ,e T--------------- : ------------------------------ r I f 'is I o f e a n t ic L in o I

^ ----------------------------- 1 ;l ,„ WalUrc'< driving pnwer. roiiplcd aa r wllh h li |M»«hlg. kirkint and dc- 't if

fcnnlvr niyk, gnve him Ihr all- So ^ America rail over mii'li alhrr fine Kli ^ fliiulhcf f\"' Iiall'farrlM■ w Dlslc” —ih (, Jtowell of Alabama. Monk .Slnieni by ,{ "of Tulane nnd Abe MIrhnI nf U u - Tu

lilana Stale bl9T h e ‘ftll-Alurrica 'litn- tor 1934, \

wllh Lnr.'.on and iVm llnt.-r'ii. the [1,^ ic ,'icnsallonal Alnbmiia ^inKuia;:. on'^ in^ d the cndi nnd a -vl of lor'aants ;ivcr-i jn,_ nulng 202 pound.n from tarkic to] [(,’ . ■ lai'kU'.'k'avi'ji luilc If niivtluns tol^{,.,J

Ix* de.'irrrt. lliu.vnr.n Ir.inimate.] n 'j. Hill U'C. llu' 322-p3:iiid Alalianint.i,, | cnplnln, nn<l Sin'iilord's IViD n ry -''( j,„ noIdJ, .'cnlinv 2:o. prnvid<- thc mo-jj,^,. m e power lor Kcnrraiini; re.milLn .„„j culler laniilr or oiil»lilr inrU>. Two

ttiK 'ot Plll.sliuith and Cirnn;r iJiir- ' clay of Nnnii Carolina, till dip re- riiilrcmenl.n top hard-eliar.-ln; or cffc.'tlvr bli.'kins irom i)ir siiard IKvittloan, In n pinch, ll,ircriy cnn rail the ^ lc!lah '^ / lake o ir: the klcHlns c ln r;-, a.s h.\l..t.. i: i.c 'for

• three yi'ar-s. •■nir iirluelp.il di'iinle aiMn.; ironi \

lhe.<e ,s-lcclloiin ronccrif. :ia' ends, j thc Kin«rd.n aiijl ilir rn iu i. '- Wr.st ron-si nlBrrvci.n bi'lievr .Stii:ifnrd'.n I Monk Masrrlp, vim i.ii; ;i;.i r-kli-k y and carry tin- b.ill hr.-nSr. ,ii;"ndins lo llLn du!l^^ an •»uuiiiiiii, rnilk.n lj wnh the bc5t ciiiLs 111 I'lf.' c.'untry, j MiKscrlD »iill ha-n onr iimre ,\car in which to proiT !,<• in the musl lo Uir.non or Hutson, iiir 1;iiut cmi- I flldcred ,ihc bc.si cikI tl;.- Snuih liaj !

" r.T^;rP.I In «l lr.l.M‘ inV r,ir.."»lir'-' • Bom on the rereivmi; m d o ' Dixie i

. llowcir* p.xve*. ha» Kiiinrrt more > •ground, U un nny other ntl-Amcrlca i

■ candidate for end, \Among thc guiinlj". .MumcMln'*. ’

.• Bevan. a dynamic tigure.wlio play* • without a headguard and rcvcU in

‘" '•n n r 'tmigir nuilili, l fi.ashW r-«m --Jire llher Barclny or Hartwlg. Plus, •burgh followcr.n rnte Kcn OrmUton

irt tlic suiwrlor ib Jlartwu; iw a run- he ntns iJunrd. but lhr'fi>r:ti;T has ncn *Iy 'silllAll the d-.Ml- IC l.-l'>..s,;'H('V .01'

jhiA cnpiain. Ou the Wcji Coasl.j t

S U N D A YY MOK N IN G . D1CCEMDI!:R.2. 1 9 3 ^

On All-Tictory (

. w . wAtrrwiG. ^ - r ■ V/ \ > xirribnittM

Bl 4-,

I B ^ W iF R A rjc i* L U N i3H i ,

s r T j T r

dl Team<'l*»i Itomp Towni . IKN'ioR - n r i , n n , m in n . : -KMOK KCTiVW. AI.A,i vKJit nKSW ooi). \v. v.y ‘fM D Il JACKSHOIK), T L .\. “ 'SrSIOR NATRO.NA. PA ' , «■»'I'MOIl OK.in t.r.Ki:. o K L \. ' I:avF.NJOR PIXE'Hl.l.f>-. .MIK.! lUgt'N'IDIt P0!ITI„1M), ORK. <11|CENIOR-.......— i;f'i;t<;vii.t.E. KV.-- -cioxI'.Mtllt i: Vfil.i: I.AKK. TK .\. li:.bI'M nit . IIICK 1-AKK. WIS. I Jj

Third T ra m ' can............ . Liwirnce Krllev. Ynlc! Irol

Slade Cutter. N avy 'p rsi Chark'n Miichn WnohliiKioii, ot I

.................. Franklin .Mnrr. Ncbrar.kn ' c;ii,i

............ Keiinrlh prmi'ilev. Plli-ihunrli tof.Chflrlc.< Cialbirith, lllli;oK bsx

......... Jo-e;ih ^Ol:dall^kl. C o h a lr 'i 'S. . .Mtller Mnnjas Pillsbiu-eli >;u: .*. . nii liiiid Uvekli! Olilo’S tatr.'

. . Cl.mdr Sxmnn, Jr., Tiilniiq'..------- n s 'lfi tSml Vlrr TpmiJl-

; ic'w---------------------------------------------- -- I .p

' I W.t.nliln';lo;rn Chuck Mucha 1< n •‘•i"'. .M.mdout. There >ccm.s no doubl that ' '-on

a Krcal dt .il nl Ohio Slate't; Hiec ,'.'.. Ii'v- • han l>'c;i (';ir so the lendcrhhlii-and . ihiv I all-nroiin:l iiblllly of Rei!l.n Monali.itl Voi; but Ihrrc i.-n t i'i;mr;h room on the ill.’

. [all-Anirrl.-n rlr \"n ihLn yrar to a r- pi’ i ;commn:la;r all, nt tli'W ouMaildlnK I'-ok

' IhiP.nrmn. ' ' ■'''''''I'v.'hil

'■ ■ W h a l, N o I rish !I . i»'ri

Jack ltol.hi'rn‘» fine perlnrm.-'"i ' anrc a ta lm l Army convinced m ptiy., ’' , ■ oVnrrrrrt lhal thc Notre . I)ame ’

cenler l« lhe h u t In lhe eoUnlry. j ' ' ' Ite If lin ed nil defenie but Uek*Ihe driving power and durmbllltr' • of Teta* Chr>ll»n'i I.e«lfr. The i ‘‘of' lall. Ihln ynung man who »ervM : l/ aa anapper-.bapk fnr ritlnburer<'. : .v>,t

-tieorgr Shntnell. l« rated highly, , So arp Mirh o lhfr fine eriiter»,,a<i Slemrrlng nf San Praneliro, • Ar*,

- -(ll<IP-»r-Kl4^^lf<M)l-T«S«*rN«»~-'^ni7T by of A tkanui, llomer RQbln>on rt( . Tulane. and Al riam pa of Colum- ,s" '“

.Ml of '.•.hlch .'.ho^s l;ow 4i\ii;-:v [C''' lhe a;i-.\ir.ctica kcrrn h.is ,^pr 'lUl, <'t i ' ‘ »liice It.' conipanltivcly.'implc o-u-. iiu- jln , nud li'i'.v ronv)llcnlc'cl ii b*jjnj;''.s ••eai

' | t » nttemp: lh '' la.'k of piekiffi;, ' i l . r.-.; 'H atidoiii;, Nklirn Iherc arc' .n Irri,--.' ,rct •I UOO plav.'r.n who mUlil bi' rtitilled’‘|.lo exnmumllon.s a.» to tlieit all-n'.ar. -ihr ', flinr.**. If It wri<- )i.'». ible lo dcvolon iimi ■j »oine iw.»chlr iwa era of re.^e.ircli, _No . We.' ‘ longer ha.', any »«ilon n claim ‘ lf> ;i>r

' . l O N l 'I S W A T C 'l

i - ' • - . ■

- t S - j

t r .A W^’O N I . lT T l.E . urORont h olti s h ip s , n u n a K c d lo h rca l^ . a w u y ' sh o w D obby Jorien, f o r m e r .w or

I > h e rc driippInR a Iohk p i i t t d u r i i !■ t ie 's l e l l lookinK on'. iin d !.j , E r n e s t r e ip e r . j r . , S a i i ' J o * , I 'a

Y S P O R1934__________ ___ ______________ .

^ l Y i e r i ^• • ' *

Over Wa

J . \ ^ r t v d X ^ j

4.' • . /'

I N O V 0 ^I _ | A A - ^ - i _____


^ 1 - D l^ U - NI --------------- b u E d w a c d d j V e

Tli-ie'n a :i:::'.y;iiii: nun a .'Tiivrt- 'lrolt.luij undcr tlie ^tniciurc oi u» .............wri'Atlluj nild boiluE !iiiciiii,n tn.n ..... .

■ have slood fn: Jiitmy ycarr, ........................ '! lug s, uuako ol niajyr proporiioris lu •'.• {llie otfln'^, n tcm or lhat m\i; kno.-* ••''• •flOTii a liu 'or nld hithrrto-.mprc?- -I'hii’ac■|i:.b:c. r.Mabll.liiiiriav, ..... .I lu ivroMlii;;; ;l;,- ii;|MI,;,|i 1 'cau.-crt by Mtciiol.r, l.oiiclr , ur ix • .i.. .. 'tro ll, a yoiincr lorcrliil .'.'lIoic wiin ' i>rKm'.s<.s to b.'cuim- ili" J.irk Cuili'' t- , ot Ihl' luture, wm:ii Mill t.ir . a i'-- i.on,;' c;ii,iu* cnoufli dc-criptiou p: li::ii J ir tofry has rcKiilf.od :lu' uii, .'lllriiul iU

bsxmn pnniiiyiiou III ciiic.i.'o. And v.inU'i ' i’'s ciiiirt'ly piobai:;.' t;!;i'. iiic bri y.'uli fj> bo.%uu' jHwjKA','. rf J}).' fu-

; Kl!.' Ja,-o'“ !'!^''iTck"rt;^;n-,l•broker, wlio iilrvady 1i;ls nvt M.idl- .M;;,';..

J ic'w'iuic alld lo.'.v o ' fl.iit.[ TlK' uld c. ;abLsl)0d oidci;. I.ultd, oir,- .'oiiii-liow, to lUu'l llic ii"'.v ciui:ll. heavy

' t;ou-, fie'A' pri,bl(iii.s Jou'cd on pro- i H"' C' :r.^si(,;;iil-.sjiori. al'm; ntlll , '\ . 'r y - ' b'.i liv.th iiu ''I'ic by, ll;.; di'piij.si iii, ' d-r. I' Voiiii^rr men; lonilnc .'ilunj milioul ; tl''d u 111.- L'.u'k;!'Ouud <>( nlllinu,'.' thai ‘''"U '

' i'lis C'd.'d lllf fc.vni .Mriiiii. ni iimc.s,.'IT,ok haul tuiie^ Ior lh '' i;o:nial,' au<! I'''‘l’ >

! •.lent rn from ih.-!c, lujUiiii: uvn'.'<y 1 T lv I'v.hili' Ihc ulhrr.s moancil. • T iard '

Naiiirally every bti t i iiiTpior^ ' lueni, cv.'i-v ;isfi of rcturnius prr^.- V '

■l.'riiy, M JO much velvet lor the i ; ;iard bm<'ii b3vj, Hhcr^ to the v c f .11 '' ' 'e:aii.s It nteau.i only ilie lir.'l v.cak ' ' ’V ,' 'aii-.-*er, 10 hara.’.^rd prayri:.. Tii,-’ '• |, n<'A.-.;ouicr.- a:.’'liill o; iiliin.: fur cx-

-J'lr nu- m~n-)y ., grateful itia'i ll looks a.\ ilio'.iRh tl.-.- , -.vorat ft CFver,' | •; I.ondr,n, for l:'.,'itftncc. In a voiiui- , ^ 0 :.s'cr who mnd'- JljOO.i'-’W in rc.il ¥ • '" l . 'lo m ChlcnRO, and then .-a'A ll j I j ] all 50 When-Ill<‘ bo™ colhi|) < d nud i j- :"ality ic t in Ul l92fl, I!c„m'1 out to 1 f

•'rnra~ifTOnffrTiTi*ii».‘j r : iin r i i'r —^t>d on UTcwling prbir,'o;i''n m Dc-

'< ~ ~ ~ ] luih’.:t>:i'"-niluciit\-, rlihcr liv ihe iitallrr ;,ud 'i "! I'rodiichiR fU r playrr.n or hulld- when 111.' sieai U'fln.v Tlir .Southwest thi.-! e.rr, ! ••ear ha.n in-rhnpn made the .Mrcr.R-1 witlu

Ralft. In llir pielure ot iiiiluilial i ter t' .I'Ctimpll-nhmcllt.'null a lislf'do.'eil: 'Sal i:o'*vr;ul tcani.n and twu ciiit;c- in', of th •Ihr (I’l-AuiTlcn IVrby fnr th r fir.s: | :ii'i;or lime, but Ute K.u''t. .MnldlcMCSt. I-'ir i_,laii.ui We.'i and South ha.s roiilributcd j diurn ;i>niy to cheer nbout. ' I we a

r C ’H E S U T T L K D I t O P . L O :

A-ay'T rom h ia stutiic.s a t .S t a n f o r d ii w o rld ’s k in jr . hoiv he p u lle d h is \vn.' lu rinK ft m u tc h in San V ritiif is 'co . w i' nd S l t ia r l H aw ley .' 1 'niifnvnia ch am ii

C a lifo rn i;ij y o u th , ' I and

R . T S S E (C O M i’L E T E L O C A L A N j;

K F © n #• ' » •

ashjngtoiB W | — q . • p


1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ■

T S m P ^ i' J S S S ? ^ ■ iliv

S m m t o B " '

------ • ' ■ .-JV-lli

P , . . ..„ '■ n„

' / t e . ; Ifll

Irolt. He 'A..n a Toi.uer i.ui.'trur I ,V |

.■>o.\ iic'.s I....... . o; m r i .t- hd

:’n S c ' ^ l l h nav Ta^^^^^................... ........ ......... ................^ 't■

ill'll, la'.m Jal)5lny, a:id l;-i',\.cii.

............ ...... .. .N , i i " '; ^ i " d r n ‘' ' b ^ ; / d ; . n ' " i ! ; " they iil'iil , .riou-!ii|> .,v.inUT. if ih.',-ii billic .m tr tV. ,

M ± n L ^ i : " . 't : : : ; d 'n U's

l”i''ji ir,e .''a ikv Max''I'lii!r"i'uiiu-: ,J . .. ..... . '>rl>i

I lie rcniui biifliv.'..'., Id-r, lot- th.' Ili 'l t iu i . '.i i i- ' Jlicka;.'!, " 7 'llcd up Jan i 'n lw ilh

' i£ A,Card ' ri is:5!irtn?'thi —<•<1 bolll th- ll.iniec itn ..Jliniiiv ' M eLiniin iivlU/i :or ilir Vork A ilfilcall milk Imu;. oavu;f lli<-' Can!'II a

' " m:!;.™;: ■'Pri'I!',.'tiar<!(lheni.'’.'lvi'j. Ii;:; cDiihlii l.

N e . ! ? o t i a l i o n s f o r

L i g h t w e i g h t T i t l e

F i u ^ h t A b a n d o n e d i j i '; '

CHICAOO, !>■<•. 1 i,r - Ne,T(ill.i-■ ' 'V tionn (or n m;,' h .n f b'".-,-';:i i".:;d! , lu:ir.T.r;r.lr, fl;am:)L'';i I’m e y Ho-:.' aiKl -loiiv C,iii;n:i-n. bli'* up loiiay when Ihc .Sew Virk II lllllll'^ mnua-: ; e.rr, Hripmiv Coldulan. lelt Cliiraeo; ;,; wlllutii'. ;ii;il:'iu' a d’-ci li’n nn .^u o t- ! "ter t'O i; .......... . ,l,:r I'oli v ,

'Sam :’,.i;i. I'lr r;!r.ik:ur nirinb-r' ‘ ol the H i maiMc-rl.il Ix'ard, ,'a:di

.laliuaiv (I.Ill- m I'l" i;lilr.iv) »ln- .]

" '■— i- nil ------- ••- ■ -Mil

I . O N C ; I ’ l i T T ■

............. ..................................


jandk lr Z c ^ ^ S P b “'5


r ic n n -u m ii tc iir j-nlf ch am p io n - r d u n iv c rs l ly lonfj ennuR h to . ihr ; yvny to fam e . I . i t t l e is sh o w n - ), w ilh Jo n e s tro iic h cd to Lit-* la m p , lu rn c d back . L ilt lc ' and ') I 'h o to . , . arj

5 C T I O N \A N p N A T IO N A L C O V E R A G E . ^

' ’ '

h i w n r "

>n Statef i e t r p i t e f s ■ W i n

O n S n o w - S w e p t

G r i d i r o n , 6 t o 0

f e a r o K D o u g .N o tt 's A e r ia l

A lla c l i R e s u lts in D ow n:

■ — i a i i ~ o i ' l io u g a r s ; • 6 , 0 0 0 '

S i iiv e rin g F a n s S e e -T il t . •

-----------n ii.i.u ..v .s- ~ ------------------------------------ .A:..o;i,i;.d P.-c.-.s s u f f Wrti.Ti

lA'C.' I — C l , '■ iiijf 'h is c d llo^ 'ia te j tr id e i l r e i - i - " ^ j t■ j tr iT r i 1 lllllll .'l.vl**. ••i<'U« AolL , w

r i i iv t 'r ;4 ly o f U c t ro i t

.^i.'ClioHiil v ii'tfn 'v . o v iT th e i 'm ijs tr- : (if W astiiiiK tu ii 'Iktl- ' l«iil;iy. A lio iit GOOO fa n s .- 'h iu r i 't l . in tiie n e a r -K a le . w h ich \vh i]i|)o il in t r r n i i t l o n tsnow.iUiiiifi ai,-.-o;\ lie lic:d,

- __l'Lar_u;_KolU-l4iC£iiralft-iM»Mii«— - aim lid 10 tin: Couxar downliill. The •'l lian ii,i.-k one ot ttie Rrciitc»i piny.'liiL 'lii'' 10 rcprj.sinr. Uctroii, ditcc-:> d a iir.'t-ixiuMi dFivc wlijcii pro- ' ' tl-.u-.d 111'-' nam.-a only lJucudown. and frcm thnl iiolnt cu the Dclioil

•"v.hicli the We.-tfni iuv|ulvrs could ': uo; c(;iri-tait;> cuirk,^"T .iC iiig iii)vsrUItiii“<if a punt In '

•[ Ihr iipridne minute, D rltoll jmt I .Mill lo Hiirk. The Tlian »li,r. on

f'fcriiuU un Hlilrh spread thp fie- (roll llnr almost th r widlh of ih r . .

, llrld, takfd Ihrcp pa»nc!i and ran _ca.li (nnr tn advance Ihe ball Inrm thr T han « id th r Slate .

1 :s-ja rd nu tk rr . Then Null -iliol'1 a pas> lo UogUrlin.i, and the lie- , .tn llt llankrr gal In lhe 10 before

tielng hauled down.■ .An .o!;-:i(;t- jK-nalij- put te> ball

11 thc I j iiud Joju-.s, 'n ta ii Qiiartrr- t\.i-k'. ; aioi;ud'.'|-.d to Ilio ^rvcu.

• .^rftt Mitarhcd-' ta - t l? ; five, 'torn.-- • c li-;c Ju;ui Wii-.T rrk.iu-.-d''d four*'

. I , pliiii.- i;v .r,li,r till' loach- ,<;o«i; uhich V.i;. ;o mean vu-tary. . Junes' iili'-mp'.< d p.i'.i lor lh-.- r v r a A

aim w asiT oi.id .d . • ' . ^ 4»VASII. STAIE DKTROIT

. '"I . ■ ICI>>pvpr I .i; ....... lllainrkJ heod'iMlua.. I. r ............... H.irrrlt.\aidiik I.t! ..,• .AtuUunkhig'm ilh ..........' f .......... Mpltger

•-Injark r.-.-.r.-K ii— r.-r.— .• ^ |u rn ^ -—— -nicy .. . n r ........ • nripip'r

- ^ a u l f t -------------ILL______ nnfi^-suv _'.ciddard . QH ............... Jnnr^ulK-llildp' L it ......... N'olll lirMiilirtMin m i ........... r r ,4 „

• McHriile KII WIrriorck Al'a-hln;lnn Slate . 0 D u o—d u r lr - ll . C 0 o' o_f, .

■, IKIioll s c o r i n g : Toi'rlidoun, iVierinrpk,.

A. A.U. C o n s i d e r s

l ^ a d i c a l C h a n g e s

P ro i'io sa l' to R e - ln s t a t c P r o -

J c s s io n a ls ■ on C o n - .

v e n tio n P r o g r a m

MI'.V VOIUC. Drc. I i.I-,-*M!»ml 'Will inTcmr lh e hub ot American

' iiiu.itciir n,liU'lu-s next weelt fo: a ; Ihrrf-day period'during which aport

; sr,>s;onn will g itlirr th rre tor iJiei iiatiDual rtinvri.llnn of tile Amaleur : AllilMie Uliimi ol th r Ullll<■dSlalc^,. ^

,'fl n ic x , ^ H f, Vonsideralliin ot M piooo-;rd amend- • |B ; ineiiln lo tli’- cnnrlinillou. by-la'v*. T; r'-iiei.'l nud. aUilrllr.n rillej ot Ihr J■ A. A. U.. ^ind l.V'i irro rd apphea- I I 1 liniin will ciiciipe llic <lch-i;al-j dur- U ; ms i;ir :2-ho'ir .-'s'.ioii,I Irni'ortaut nlilot:i; Ihe m 'a ' p;;o- -

pci-.iU nir iho-r uhlch would iktuUI ,- |'viif.--...!nnjl.^Ai, li.In-niia-nMSrL-ln-. coniprir ns a irnm ntriir In arioilier.

.'lid piovidr tor the teinUfttenienl of. ’ nil p-.otrssii)i;nIa iifirr having •nb- .

•i>tiin*t|- froin-profp>?ip»5n(*ron<fucl- —- for n period of Ih r .yenr.n,

j D e r b y W i n n e r s

r T o C o m p e t e i n

I ■ C a l i f o r n i a R a c e

'■ l/>3 ANdKI.ra, Dec. I i.V,^T'*0 ' KVnlUfky dprby wlnuer.n. Cavalead*I and T^feniy G rand, wcrc added to.

.1 aij irnprr.'-nlve ll.M of iiominatltins in- ie'.udUis IVjiilpol-c. Mnle, Mr. Knhy- : vam nnd Oniant Sir iwlay promWlug

■ne of Ihc urrat-.m rare.n in ihe'lil. - . i ii-ry o ' Ameriean lurt. when Ih^ '' Held •-;o<-n to the l« .'t In tlic »Kf».<KH. ; Njnnia AHiia liandlcnp here Fcbru- la ry ;’3. . . ■ . '

■ field ol iB 'nomlnaiions icrliurc cv.-nl.of the Ixu Aiigelck Turf

'K ^jb '* iimmtrn! runiDns OJls "'in*Mef. nml the.end wn.n not .yei.

Webb .A. E m e t, rnelng icccctiiry .‘Of the’ cfub, wav confident the IW ;

• woultl .be incrcftsed lo oO before all . ,I lhe nominaitorji In the mall were ‘ ’

celved. ' r '. ■ ’Approxlmdtely $10*,000 In-stakes T I monry will br available for the win- I t-rrtm i;lu5 here which ends Fcbru-

“ '■i ' •. ! .• •, • ’. '

T H E T‘ F IN E S T F E A T U R E S .

# * *

Uni versCutter, Gia, Dowm Ca P e rfe c t j

Miiishipnien’s 3-to-fl ' ■■■ ' Army’s 13-Ye;

- Dominatior

ny EDWAI...................... ■■'(AA.'iK’in trd 'P rti

r R A N K l I N I ; l E L U , I 'l l I L ,

fjo 't to c r u is e r brofld-ti.'Je i« ho th o e n d o f A>-my’a H - y t n r i

a s K roiil a b a t t le u s t h e s e jstliKCll. -

U w a s by tl'.e m e a s u r e o l t i i t h e b u ll’s eye n s n n y th o K ^anf J lid sh ip m Jin f ro m O.w o r o . I- lin o is . e v e r w ii: d ra w w h o n he

___com ffl’to -m an-U icjiaY yJa-K una.—th»t the sBllora rockewd to 3-to-o triumph, n rst lime Army has crumpled under their lire since lOil.

'•-T W JM -ilnce-thenr-W -lW J neither could wore. In 1020 when 110,000 »aw them stnisjcJc to a Uin-.

— ie n lo - a u a i . l l r in .c h lrn so . tUcrovan no iJcclsion. The remnmdcr ol these STcfll cUmoxcj of the regular K iio a have nU been Army'* Includ-

• Jny the l u l five in t rev,-. ' ‘

rerfect Aim

•fio 1*. wns Hint Ihc c rca ic it lliroiic ■ 6la« 1p26JiL « i ./U llng_yery

• rook . nnd cranny o n h c uuxc Franklin neld hotseshou stands, io«r«l throuKh thelr clL-comflture tn extra Kl«>, 04 Culter. n miii,nilflc<'nl jlghl Uckle, MiiMhcd h l i shot homu Horn Ihc 10-yard lliic almost a t the c lo 'c ol -ttic Ilral period lo ri'Sinrc lhe NrtVv tradition of Ilclil coal \ic-

• • tortes m lho clawlc. fsiiiWiilud___ Lv-ttie. trea l Jnck DftUon and car-

j« d oil by "nubo" U ro a iP in Hit clay.? before Ihc wur.

All’ lhe m ljh t, Ihnujh . all tlie

I Blrrtne^ii, the a tlllty and ilam - Ina of CuUer, of the hll*Amerlf.i la ll-rarrylnc }ack rabbll. Frrd “Bujx" Ilorrifs of t.oululUr. Ky.. of rullbacK w n Clark, trom fiar- ncr, Iuua. a remarkable klckvr. of etery man Navy 'cituld heave In Ihere. In fact, neccMiary lo

------: held loekle*! TSmiy-«i»-» -balllevlicld that n a i a 'm r » «if Olniej a

jre rn as peu-MUti and Just as Kooey.

Army coulil do lltlle on Its owr Ir.'wJf il l i) Ih r roorft-'s of playinv lirld nr.d ttlth Jnck "T oxav BiicH- Icr, :ro:n Waco, Cudci countcriuri ol the irrr.|)i<‘.xlb;e Iiorrl''5, helpU'.v in llic Imlf, nnd nol ow n able :o pliiy lit Ihc x-cond due to a let li,;ury Iiu Jiiu «;i/fervcl nicws of [i;j tcMon. Whnl opiwrlunitn-a Anuj t.ld'hiivp;'Navy travir.

Navy I’asi Iii(crre]i'ted

OiiK Ih U jj'jiiJrJ gaaner.. Borrlea lavwd the Jiicky bull ii:

llio on;y ?ailor alicm pi ul a forward .. ])(uw ull day, M»urir-j 'tjinmn.',, o:

yorl .L/.avrnAOrlli, Kiiasii.v tho bu i;iin in Army’s uliucl; us Uucklnr'; icplaci'tutiil. liilcriL'pU'd the hcavt or;d cau:v back 1& 'y a rd i Co im sailors' 35.

•1T,» Army r,ursc carried over JnK Ih': loiirih qiiariir, bul ll d;id oi Niivy'f, :z 1L-. m;; cu<rk, a f;>.Toi>

, li tllirc In llie mud-pl;i;.iet<.;<i k llin t;

u n i or,<J ol five 'Army a ticiniilcil, only to hnvo ilirw liiKr

r tepi''d, one U ic ;in ii> '. 'n iu l oin — roinp^Tir-Jor ft ban- o:»- ymil h,>iu Cl,IK iii.idi; liu; Ji;:v;t,i)Uvn oi

• N avy's'15 and-bl,i-'i»ti Wcii I’oini', / lxsi,»:o:iiii{ cliancv,

Riirly 202 iraund C v l Miller, f Ariio'a Irfl tackle Irom Italli. N.Y..

( a te (Iir ktorm-luwrd CadcU a ' final Oirlll ultcr Clark had kli'ked

---------- NaTy-uuruf liral bule u llli a bo^tha t >alleil from hl» onn I'j-jard icrimmafe ilne «J! IJie nay ovrr

_____ ^SImn_nV_ htad^ «a 12.- C9yards 'lti all. *A Tew '|>la>'»'‘la(,rr, .'MlUer nmailird Ihruuch on Clark

• Ihc kicker w a\ try lns l‘> h it the cofnn .corner, as lie had done earlier leadlnt up to Navy'a score In the f ln l period. MKIer smollicr* rd tlie ball, picked 1. up on bll •IUM .AO. anil (ul In Nav}':> 1(1 be­fore Uorrlo, ubo h u everyuiicre. Uraxced lilm duun frniii behind. rii'Uck M ejer: ot r o r t Sheridan, llllnals. a lubttitule far Slmont, pmmplly tumbled ihe bail away oil Niivy> 43. w hfrr Clark erab- brd ll, and Army. a;i ta r a» Uil« ball fame ua* rorirrrncfl, irai done for'tlie day.

■ ' Navy made only Hircc flrsl down and Knmcd. 109 yiuiti Irom wrim mn.-r. Armv inflCo two first dawn

— ------ j,ic(tcfl up -Mi’y-70 -yaro»-ruii, 'Dinj. Tlic condition of the j>lnyim

Held. opi>lylnR to a ll' bul Borrle: ‘ occaunlfd Ior th it .

. Just A n p ih e r^ am e .

Bul to ,Dorrlfs, named loday ai . ' oll-Aiiicrlca tuck.-on ihv A.*iiocbici

' f Pro.« fftil eleven. 11 meitht nothin more thari all lhe e ther ucmcndoii odds iij nw Ir.:nl all f ja - rp n^ tl; Midshlpiuin '',:';ir;):{1- Cs’,iimJ;i

r w i N F

O O ^ H ^

■ s H y ; O f Jiant Tackle, "adets With t F ie ld Goal) - f l V i c t o r y - M a r k s E n d o

- Y e a r - O l d F o o t b a l l

i t i o i i O v e r N a v y _

:d w a ii[) j . N(.tt. '•dPrcM -Sporl-W rlterV------------------------■ lllL A D K L rK fA , D cc. 1— T lic boo t .•icn is tP .l hooL like th e c ru sh o f iH .Honje rollin^r fico, ronrcd^ ou t n r fo o lb a l l d o m in a tio n o v e r N av ; ii_ r n in ilrc n ch c d p n r tiiiana ho w led a e se g r e a t se rv ice riva iS ~ c \T :rrhaV '

o f th e boo t— a p la cc tr ,cn t a s d e a d os la n t ' '----------------------: ^:o. ------------------------------------------------------

ST.\TISTICSa-to-o X r i n y ^ a v y G am e

has 'e 1011. rHILADELP1IIA,'Dec, 1 W V-8li .whtn. Anwy-NitVT footb*

jam e follow:I /a n - A im r Nfl* ■there Flr>tilo*cn»............................Zdcr of Yards by ru s liin i.......... ...... ■“cglllar J*.iMe» allempleil -.......... — 5 ' ■nclud- I 'aues completed ................. 1

■ r a « ( j Intercepted b y ........... 1Yards by p is s fn r ................. ^I’unilne averajc fmm

,, ncrlmmaie - ......... “llironc TR,ai j ,r d i . runb.ick of

every k ia s . . . . . .................38 ‘huxc opiHJiienUl’ fumbleTre- • . •

ilands, covered............................... *ture tn Yards lost by penallle*.......0Iflwiil ___________ —, h o m e -------------------------------a t the -lie crushing j>owcr of Pitt, rosiorc Hurrlci. 81 ol Navy

' “=• 103 yard.', and Clark i d the ecci; ^ lilu d fy. 'cmter'.'i pc-.-iecl .sma'h, ll . 1 lic..hX' ‘ in Ihc ,1,1s „..;aliu,t pen;

Marylanil, None p.nm- and lOJi'II II.I. -''in'.y. Uorrles whirl'.d off a :.'2-yat ilam„,HrT run from fcrimmaRc. o:v tl

vH a ;.coi!d play ot tlic i;an.c 10 M'l Arn. Ky.. dviiiillcly on Ih t tUlfmivi'.<■!»?• lu til- klrf;!n7 duel tlircf

ilcker, ci,irk .'■tcudlly outp'.micd l}u;ki<heave nnrt m.1 Army liaci; until UJrri-ary lo (iiiiloixxl lU yard.i io,/\riiiy'.‘- ^6 -aIi iaUlei-L„-.,,„m, Clart-joan.ll_Ul_[iii‘.>!!,Jme. a U;,; iiiliick fuW';icd, anil booi'.'d

ist as [hv bnll lalUT.nK on ilivJiui) Dornin oi S;>i» Kr.u-,ci; ;y, Aal,'

ts own outride.ilayinK Jt i n only a qucMlon of Hm Buck- tlu'ii. Huckler kicked out 3,Vyanl'

tc riu n .Iiul Ilcrrlrn and Clark Icanici iClpU'.<. unce on a «lin\el pa» that salnei •n able (CII y;ird'. The reM nf Hie tlnir I ) a lc;; llnrrlrm Icarlnc liiUiie Ihof ti;p .{ackit'. ii(ay atler jij,ii. UHlJI h Anny n-achcd the ,\rmy sk. Then li

uas lo>vrtl back on an end M«frr------------ and-on-fuurUi.doun.Jhi:_M!il\lljl'

men sailicn d arcmnd ilirlr ma'Io ‘‘“" 'c la t’Klr. Culler.

He to'.sed olf lil. head«uard ai or-Mirrt i„ ,1

;,un ihi'.l Mnd bru'wii through tt ilrlji and Hie lo; for a l.-,v moiiinii llo wi|H'<l las niind.1 imd lit- \mp

iicnve ijij f.jiK [,ij, .,n;;htlo Ibe to llie Icit ol llic uprlghtJ. aa Culti

n 10ll-|>oundcr nnd the tilsRCdl m: e rji i io o n .lh e icain. «iulntcd dOMi tl l;id on MKhiA im iliouxli hc were abou:

heroic Klin.Clark kiu'll anil hold the ba

uy at- [,,i| jifciH'ti back Irom ceu;' ll p , 'i l.;i from Wul.1 nob-'t

i<: JhwTlnra. Pa., a to-.Wr0 H,>in, " i;.,, or-t:ib im r,-irM i i>‘ , ?•' v-liiilllir.; i.,i't a couple of J o in u „ hirotctK'.j up li

It wiLi ;,‘iu tuiuK. ntmosi u^ii Miller, • “ •'’hell, tw ll cleurcd tlic c;i1 N.V.. ‘''Hh fect-in spatv, •fiu(>n','y o le l. > I''-'’" '” upn^'.hu, lind > kicked “ l> mto ll:,' hl;ilicL back t. abou t •l'layinK-::cId, for thrw ;-cint!., ai ’j- ja rd ultimate margin of victory,r o tr r Ttie « « , c J iJ IJc l ', IxtlracvJ12.- C9 cro*d,'c|ollicd in m^’tliinii but tl' ‘lai,e>;' lim-ry tii.n iiMiniiy m k w tlia-Clark Kliinrln^ itlcluiu. htidd.cd und

lilt tlie unibivll.u. nml iiai)cr:,, »lirltkocI «idone kIw. C uiu t pullod on iil-s licUi;

1 score • a jam . wtnt back into the line. Ai oilier- . Iur the resl of Hic afiornoon, inn b ll tlu i nuRulilccnl llnciiiun did v.n; Ijc- iliundor Army back.i inio the mui«iicre, uprojl i>Iay» and players,lehlnd. NAYVs AltSrrldan. ISI . - ....... (OiImon*, Oornln ...........,.LE......... ..... Sli'u

away I.ambert .......... LT................ MUlerab- llurn* (e |..........LG..;........ Ilrearl

IS Utls lluhcrlsliaiv ,.. .C .......... ( llHntraf UorrcII ............ _________ 5<ll/m

• :;uUer . ____UT.................. RrMandclknm . .H K ......... . Ed«w

. d o w n tc ra it ............. ......................... c ro*frim- u o r r j . , . ............; l h .......... . •iJuCk

**■ f ' n» rk - stancook; iplaylnK 3 0 0 - 0-

Army .........-....L.u fl' l) 0-Nav; K orinc Field (o«l. CuU

• • ip l»c«nen tl.. • ,.V«ry, f u b « n J o n o n - s ; End'

dny an SehecWrr Dull: uck le ,.na li lOClalctt suards, Cole^ Schaffer, Zalirl-.Ulia nothing v « e l : eenler, Sehaciit; baek,.l.er iciidous Army lubslltullDns; Cnds — I’n i a^ thv le:i and SlonnlH-rc! euard*. Nr<i

«nu •atlll Sntllir? len lir . Vlnrei

F A L L S I■ _________ . TW

i t e r i c a F' t t •


Ial M

-jwruiTiaM cl"*r k |I 7u//i,ck. . I X ■ V y r lJ

b o o m / S vo f a __________

d 'o u t . . ..nX : 'V W . ; 7 ~N a v yle d a t Irh a v e - — -J— ------------

n d on

> > s u - Rq g f f l W B B w W P i lootbaU ^

r Nflv/

. j - a f e j

J ■ ' 2 j I B H ^ BUBN J » Jl b H 0 20 j ______________________________

~ G e o r g i a C o n q u e r s

i i r i : T e c i i T e a m , 7 -1“ P c n n r ------------------- - -

lodiiyl •--------

Jackcls Siicciiml] I ° A m » | , E nem y N e a r C lo se o(

I G rid iro n B a t t i e_____

;lu:klcfUjrri-,'.-. A'l’HFrVS, Cin,. D'T. I (-T '-In t' J6 •alth 'vanins inimiic.4 o l u bliierly loui’ am a:. l '’fldlron lialth, (IforKlii dune •:,V,i'r,7^r«s-lr*n-ttriPhtlOTn-l<)rift^-(o-c«

nffl.-ai -I'lr;;. 7 to ll. Ill il'-lin-.'x. ‘'"“ t) ' AAl'Or, wltnc.u

•,;lie &tru;slp. whlcli .saw iiir Yr!l< f Hme '-hickeu .viccumb to llirl,-- ninth su vnnis > " i l ' 'e encmv ufter cn? of ;hc Erca earned lAMbitlo:;;, o! Hi- .sra.-on. c ilned ' winiiiiiK loucltUnun camc i^iiir ll ■' ccrnior'of I; line by .Mfturk-o ( in r ii to Ilon

Z W.iitnou, wl-.a l.'uii.'J above lwo 0( " , ilcn ■mriiiicn |i!ave:A to rn a j t.

' b.ill. Tin- victory 'p''-'-' ‘'ame on I ? V r '' ' ;I":ir 'h dnwn utter Hie Riill.int hai d\hJlt:_..;i.vcU ou^huu:d. uiiddm Jud-ti-.:liaMO- a Irt

;ilio i-yard ■lllll', ird and ’! ' ~ _ .

£ i i J . C o c h r a n e S t a r t l e d

s | B y R u m o r e d D e ?Ml the ' --------

Manager of Detroit Tige 10 b.v,:.! '•Returns From Vaca*

tion in Australianob.-r;-1 _____

SAN I’r n n o c.iiif., ti-c. i i.i-, • ^ ‘?,V-T,I.K,.(1 a r .1 '.;.n ir.i: 1... M.irn;'-,

' Murt ai;aii,. " MlcKo L'ci lirai ittanatjei- ol the IX-Iid .i T ikc

^11 American U-anuo biiVwU cliaiic f.-ics (iioiu. tirrlu'd her'- tiicJuy I:,ltn Al T.'y lr - -^iralla ahnird tho line'- Martpi'a,

o:i ■ AfV.rd ulial h r H'.n'ii;lil ol a r ; Hie murJ'd il-al :,l^^'r;ll ui:!i ll:its, anu ivoiilil h.tvc .»‘nl Ch;i!l-y Orliri y, i Ker, l}<'troii Kccntid lia;,iuiaii..ta 0 irnrv'cJ ! club. Coch'aiU' wa< Marti .,‘,rVh^ ' and ^ald he lia<l lifaril iiothlni; of

rve ir .trd rnev in!d i ni--y Dfaii '.vas rn .p- lo',ili.-:i t

oa « i;n , .„.i, r.unc <>I ilic wi.rld fcrlcllCUtlVl I J.,,

nc. Av.d : corbrane ims W n ou a vacaH 3(;n, !ii; ;rip to the .S'l'ith K-a-vHd v.a.. • --------------------------- 'c mui'ri. I . -

■s" 1 FOOTBALL j l lR E S lM S

iDy.Tlie Awiclaled I'ressl .. Real: .. \\i>*hhitton II, Southern Callti Ed«4iil. < 7. ,. Grotf ; \rmy 0. Navy J. ■•Hufkl.-. . Ws.hlnston' Stale 0, fnUer^U f

/Irn -/ ••ifoli n;»ok;^ei- -Holy Vf"’" Tr-lkHlflii-tiulH**-* 0. 0—3- Heuri«town 0, tVrstern .MarjUI) 0-^0 I'!'Culler I'e’i''* ChrlslUn 0, Southi

’ ' ' MMhodUt 18. ‘r „ d ._ I » . Tuiane 13. - iilw i . Ilorida 14, Slelmn #.

'•c - rs laT M h n .'C eu rs la r sU ia n d j; t . g tale d. Muke '

, 'MiMlvlppI 7. Mll. l•> lp l . nice >n»illut« 3T. Baylor I’nlver

, Ne< i.< .k'lnreiii ■ —


I F a n s S «-* * *

ton DefeS OF 3-0 TRIUMPH O'

1:k - ' ’ ' ’ •


W -l-i^ J B iL o u isS D E a T S v iA v ^ rC r

ers. . ' ' J 7 - 0 .

mb to o ( . i

■'- I " ih .. ' loui’ht r y V . lit live 5C I 'Ho-con— \ _ v --------JjJ Ji!'- \

” T ^•Itnc.ued • r n H % -. • T r f ' t • Yrllow' V U.- f , ' \ 'nth sue- V ; . . ’

r 'o f i h c | ' u n P j B u Honryj JMBSL

wo uo i-: I P Tr. S g R t H H r Za j the; 'S ‘ .........' :

on the f i i • V n ' - tnt hand' y i 'ad-tl-.:P:;-_ » § - - I . • ? ^ ; . ' f I


I ON a rain-waked b»mefifld n t 1 jridatcrs turned hack ll'c MV-C :

T ln p rS ‘ a i'"»- are "ilosi" l-nrile.. J ' ‘9 ^ '^ jMii. i;li» oul-j.uiitrd tlieVi."iii

'O . Jlc>!;rrMnii. slalv.,iTls in \h e ' Irlclil tai kle who booled Hie tvli:

I ■ — . .

.^,;^vS۩ U TIil^ninr.l W C S t C m ____

‘.x t , S P O lt irrtp i'a,

SAN Ml,»NCiSlO. Nov. :2 <-T-1 m ', . ;lnl« *“<'h fnolball promlutr.ce It :

compare «IHi J:rnlc NeicM?I Some rale (ira)»on rrealer Iha

n r / i , Tbr i)I.J)iJ Im ur <>Ia der.idc 1,7 iiad hn equal, before nof ••Inrr. ih!d m >r M y ; - > r . v r . i;, ik- ;.-;i„.ti

Ilirh the },iiiii;i;;. ll;-li: :iu oiii-llna bv.i-: i fcrlcs," „[ II,,. luo'.bjll ItiKr.-:

1 lhe Cou.m lu s knr>-*ii, Ilcm'-mb'vacaHon Avii.-,u,i wid 'r.;-;.au o l’W.iJi'liiiioi;- iDniry of £:i.iti/'rn Cjliforniii' yi

X: 't la until nnii-.V-i o:i- Ilk-:' luin c-mi J lloiiir. And mI ,N: vi:s I jim id i

like n IWhilK.u-o in the fo^. ‘ ara.vion u caiJblo. polth'.-d.Jl

Sc laa of Itv \Vf.«. Hul lie'ha.s t: besl runnUiK males In Hwbackli';: uny Stnnfoiil I'-nni ow r .Imd. flaft I Illon ,ind Alu'ttr-i an- *t«« In Hv .o a n f/fh t. \'i"> an.1 Mac; Callfor. are 'net.fa t L< '.-.ir.d, Thvy ccmifine i

imako up a ' r;ii- a backflejd a.s ai [coach ever had. .

■ T1. r 'n ) , . l ,S l» . . ; .' TfdcK-Uor'wNevrrrlianlef

‘"'^^“ " '‘ .•praetlcally Ihe rnllre load wher ?onlhfrn he o" *he irouijd. “Pop" .War sonintm ,iio i , .ttaci

around hl> iil» lullbiltk, .11 wai I K rvcn (lilt. .Vercrs (lift. lirilde:

!. I doln* fverylhln-' else that Or*f'j «.on now. «'es. Severs nul4|iJ tlii

Stale <3;' p rm iil tuilliark liy dninj fn'ost 'o: L'nlver.0- Ihc punlhic.. On dcfcn»e.Never

Iiad fetv riiual',..*■ t.'rl

S U N D A ')AY MOIjNlXC,. DECF.MllElt 2, 1!

» e ^ S a i ! <

eats SoutOVER ARMY

iJ ■

I f

■yByD|EB\;;L3 1'!


' i ]

sjgH L,.- , _''._ —

- a l ; ' '. . i ^


I n t rliilsdflphia yetlenu}. Navy's lallan Ve-.,! I’olul cJldels. 3 tu U. Some of Hie Ann le». Jr.. »iuarlerba?k: Illll Cl.irl'.. liusl,v lull ■rii"iii,'; ('aplaln itlcharil norns niul I.<i'jI Hie'Mnr, ^nd Slade Cutlrr il"«ee pliotol e ivlniiinif fleld goal,— Vj Photi>».

>— ~ \ t £ ' 4 ^ E W L A N D,T S(,T_t!olitiy.(iray'on lia \ fiiMbarkrd SUufcin e It Jia-, rabed the *jumiun: Jli." il"cs lu

r lhan Nevert. Olher* rank lhe tno al>«u ler.idr !>;o h&i supportem who shout he ha.Itire. -------------------------------------------------.■.'i.,.tii'V‘ro:ir'hrd.' lnrliirtlnr'Jlm- Th'>rr^.-f '

: i! nii.-r irlbutr has b-nt pniil a 1 hii;r<-i.^,;Variicr ha.s ccuchcd tom - Kn;i

|:'inyem (n (iW riny-

iil' y illl Ornyton may <!-'-,’c!op Uii'i tl-.f 0.;’.

itd"'r>, '‘ 'I'lilt. bul up to Il'iW 1 I.i:.

is.s t:-,'- - ‘•‘>-‘>n-iCkll';M I •' _____

i/ n ’T-'- ■" «” -l'aclllr ('M 't bail-flild, picked Iriim pl*»rrs »luce

'fliip'toi Ihls one; tluailrr-1-bark. Charley i;rli, ’ i:alirofuli.;

r ■'' I hallbaeks. Chuck Carrull, WaOi- • ■ I Intton, and'M urlcy Drury, ?«ouHi-

ern Catllon^la; iullbark.-NeteK

'” hen-'i, fo f center, give me Larry lk ‘.i“n Wat^ :couri ol a t . Mary's. Babe ilorwl o

i t t a c k C n ll lo m la comes-nexC. Ilul we wl ifiidrt i l o v ^ l ’Mi e sca-on Iktlcncoui

’ iMovcrcd twelve fumbI-..-4 and ra: .J ] to touchdown u-lih them. For <ni ■o»t-i>l't‘'omh>“ l« "Brick'' Miilk: ol Cull s'evers lofillii^ For guard, Duck'llall.-y of th

■ Olymple club, now a.vststani conc; ; .WftiWnrtCTl /jfiifc-. .Vt> o ib rr^ r

Bf,.'"'frxi 'm iiiv 0

L Y S P O II, 1034

l o ^ W i n

t h e m CalCamera Outpoints | Argentina Fighter In Twelve Rounds

C a m p o lo , O u t o f R ing (o r T w o

I V e a rs anct H an tH c ap p c d

I b y " E x c e s s W e ig M ,' D e - ■

I l ig i i ts 3 0 ,0 0 0 S p e c t a to r s

r ~ ' Uee. V. P r lm i, r a n i 'T i i . '^ , I tiili;iii w ho fonm -rl>> lii'ld t l i f !— - -wo«4«l^<— hi-:iv^-wi»ii;iit th a m -

p io n sh ip , (n iliu iin lc d V ic to r io C om polo , th e A rK c iilina f i n lu - c r w h o is on ly (nnr size .“m a il- e r r i i i a J J - i'm H R r iin T t'h fi 'c 'l i) - •

, dfty.C iirn c ra , m tik ioF hiu f i r n l

appearance In Buenos AlreK. hnd m ile l-oubir caniinR the declMon

.• allcr 12 lather lame rmimls, but Campolo,'oul of Hie nng fnr two

'■ lhan had been expectid.Camera had knocketl out Cum-

<\ polo In two roundi nl New Vork w three years uko In llieir Ilr»l inret-

kno:k tin- tall Bouth American offT I hUH firi. CiiimioU) UM-d hts lom: nrms*

to irein.mltujs uuVAmflBl! Ill _ ■;ni: I’limo olf nnd iii the Iinwh 3 iieithrr Imhicr wa» mtriii'd.Bf--;— ^A-froffd-of-w,«m-i3lled-br-»- • 3 ' I'ln: na> lo fill Indepeiidlml^■ -i Iiiolliall stidluiii, perhaps liecaute™ I word col ariiund thaU jiupo lo was»;i I ta r nvrr h li former flcb lln t ^ *' wrlrlK. The Areenllue. wllh a de-

r c ld e ii [uuiirii. sraird piiuiuis compared with Carnera'i 20(1. Cnnipoln u'ed ti> wrlih around <25

, In lill l>.-»t Ushlln'i form and »hp_I rwcks bJccaRc he carried lodny I filnnnl him up In a walk. .

I'Tlnia. a,'>;>nmiily Mj w crllrn l I ninc'tUnn, Marti-ct d!! will-/ft ru.'.h.|' ilrlvlnK Camf'Olo av(iiiiid/the riiiu;

_i_w ilh a 'luiArr of l i ' ! ls / i r l rlp.lif.l— — (inriiiu.-iJir-catIy_rour.ti._Tii!:-.h;i:

Itiiliaii ci'ti laiiHV ws- on the ol-- fmr.Hc, b(,l liM [);i;;clir.i lai'knl' r,tiain and furdill his p:iuncli und nwkw:iriliii-s Cempulo k tpl Pi inn prrtty wrll n l'buy wiih lonn lelt Jab5.

Campolo thus koi ihroimh the frrJt (uur f.iiimls iiJfc;}' the Aiiieniliir ni'-ii'. market^ [ito-^ prletor wa.s bclnB o;iti>olnlod by n wide mnrmn.

. S ljirtlnj «IHl Hie filth rnuiid.

In t unit Hie mafefi up n llh ;— I Mu' A ueiilln r eUt» lilm . »hnn<ncr '

he Illd a'chanc'c. I'rom H im on ' the match follimed In Hie same eroovp \ilth Carnira. inurli lhe 4re-»ier und »lroli:rr of Hie lw«. allaikfn:; enii'landy. fnnkhiK for a kimck-uut opeiilur lha l never

, C;inii>olo's ^ho•4.■ln; dcll^htert tin-J rro-.vd, a larce .^rcnnn ol which had i unilclpiitcd Carnriii would win hy ft P I knockout.

,-rGonferenceMeet— ^ ; Slated at Denver

j R o c k y M o u n ta in .A f h l c t i c

O ff ic ia ls to H o id

■13:1 A n n u a i S e s s io n sl.<rj|s _____

DnNVF.it, Di-c, 1 (-Vr-On th e nn- iilver.sary of Its MoiinleM se.-u'ton In

J S l- ' i i l ^ r T T im m in i f . 'j,nT-deeWe<l-4a*i year to .spill lhe li-team Ickbiic Into

. - iwo <';vi.nnn.'., t lv U'K-Vy Mountnin ' fnnilfy allilcdc ro'ifcmifi’ n!ll fw!d

ll-v-wimi-r mreilnn hrrr n -x ' wrvk, k jn Tlw ses5lon', will Ijciiln on .Tlivirs- , day nlRlit und ccnumir Friday und ‘ [Saturdny,

I. T):r fj/o.-l la-.t vcnr to divide tlic ' I'^'i'I'-rrncv wa-r rmr.-ii'-'; iinniii't Hn-

■ v.iiU ot t.|.|.o;lllm, bv h .:h ailthorl- ‘ n r j of icvcrul uiiim ;:',um in llic

W hether another attem pt tfl!____ rhanr;r tiie rnn/err,-;^V ,-e!U(> wJJJ Ijf

111,ulu ut t l r roinii;n.u''"HnK.s could - . - S - - ro i-h e •i'nrntri- with jiiy -cu rum iy ,;.i:,-r lodiiy, _-

, Debate Uule Chanie*

One ol the n w t Impurlanl Items ro .;’.- on the ralcnd'ir h t!ir (Iralilng ol . . the foolball rdi'-diilr i<i: 11131 Vnrl-■ ' iri'i rulr cllu:lrr^ aho will be dc-

iMl-d. One ot the eiilrl que.MlOns lr i: :h)s .Tflard will lie lo drcldf wlicHi.

rr frc.‘ limen ttiould be barred' from . iiii ketball. Hack an<l'baseball, w

v.ri: 11 football.I,,,I,. . Til" ri'iilrr'-niV will-drclile -ihL’’i,,,’ : fM.t drllnllrly, K Wl... Mild.I , 'n ;r i;jci)liy b™ly. which Include;

‘ ot;r ropirsentatlve froth cacii colleiic alone hna Ihe pow<r lo rhunitc tht c:'nltri-ncc code. Tho cnaclies moj

"'‘‘r ;ii;il;'- r'-commonrtntlow, bu t 'nhe.st p»«h. C.1U be ndopte* only by iipiiroval ol

A r ] t : r 4 ) c ^ ^ r - m e c t in ) ? - B ^ ^ ", : ago, the conlerenco- voted lo dlvldt

■f'’ ®' I the loop into a "Bl« El8»a” M t e will I "LlUle Four." the Innjer orRonlu- n ;o u r t; Udn to include the Ihrce U tnh coh ^ „ „ 'J(-ws «fid ftil Hime 111 I jif e w im ° ‘ , :dlvi;li)n cxccpt Colorndo Teachers ‘ • ■ Cnlnrado Mln?.'. Montana S tn ie oni

‘~:!;-;W e'lern flint.-. • . •1 Tills ttep met n-lili so mncii op-

coiicli poviiinn Ifrom the iir.,id.s.oI scveru i- i 't i- hwtitutvm.t, (.•ict'tdln? .'onK- of thiIIV ol rntnrrirln s-hnftS Ih llt It U*n.'

R T S S EC O M P L E T E L O C A L A ti

i r G f i a t# # •

i l i f o r n i a ,-g j G o l d e n B e a r C o a c h

j r ■

Zle-'- V f e 'Drs I

.l il t ,

*h t -a ll-

i-Hi ■ hnd;ilon I.I.ONAUD n. ’’f iT rU ’ A1.I,I?i()N bu t laliovel w.-u appointed hesd fool- Ino ball eoach a t the Iinlvertily ef

uni- iram w at aeeepled. Allison waa I'ork Incram 'a aMlitnnt.far (our year*, re t- Pholo.

. o f f j ------- -- — ^"T—;-----------------------

nwh j B r a v e s o f B o i s e :

5 ” S w 7 e 3 0 - t ^ 6 ”

S + - W i n ^ v € r l r u i n s20(1.S25 --------

.‘ly - lT w in F a lls T ea m R e g is te rs

ijpnil L o n e T o u ch d o w n in L as l

m l; ! -P e r io d A fle r R eco v erin £

“’h S F u m b le on 1 5 -Y a rd Line

•U,„I no i« I-:,-D .:< -.l </!’)— Scoring

"le lt to u rh ilo w n s in th re e pe- ;riod!». th e Hoiso hiRli<>.‘*cho(i

fo o tb a li te am d o fo a tn l T w ii i> to-j.’a ll» hiKh »iL-liool h e re to d a j

lo fi. '

___TJie .R o ise n rav o .s ijcorct

I tw o tmiclii(oivii.‘< b e fo re ' tKi "Vn ' iirtiiii.-< iriill^i'^ |)(i!;i!(!s:'!uii ii' ame th c b a ll . A qiiii'k m n n -h to tin the Konl (ol'o'ard 'I'win l-'alls' inllln

kickiiff. On 111;' klckoff afler tlv fu'" 'to'.ifh<l5wn. Twin FnlLs fumfii'd nhi

fvcr |,,,p i,,.,n reeorered by BoW lAiiolhrr march down Hi? .fleli

’ ' ' ’I,’ brotiSlit nnnlher score.1 had-by ft UranKn and Uberuaira, ftltcrnatln;

fl* <ituinerback for Uoi«?. did tty mwt elfecllve ball CanyhiR,

tT aln l-’nlls made iLi .score In Ih

------ImuI-iM rlod_Bulcs..siik.illulc,auarIt.-.-back, plouehcd Ihrouxh Uic Dob Jina lor a j-ard after n reeovcrci

f A** .lumblc on Hie 15 yard Uno and iwi I 'v ! li»;nKhl'-s for olf-Aldes had inovci

; the b:ill Into Hk sliaduw of the Ron pojls,

I c l ic Swkts, IW pound T*in Fall ^ Ruard, was out^andlnR In Uno pin}

T u l a n e C o n q u e r s

§ i ^ ~ I * i a i E r S t a t i

1 hold • _ _ _

ii.i!-s^ T e a m S u p p o r te d by S e n a te

‘ H uey Long on S h o r t E n d

I n s . - 0 ( 1 3 -1 0 - 1 2 S c o rcihorl- ■ ___■' B .v ro s ItOUdE, L a. Dcc. I (liv

j^ip|,iy -HinUniniacUiK-OrocWav'; o[ Tiilnnr uiilve.'.«ity today (tl

^ rented th - imnrrful Loiii>iafi« Slai could ,inivi;r«liy 'imrr, •iippohcd hy Sn

•ntor-Hti*^‘ l*.-I^uiir,.l.v.A ono-jwli mari:lti. IH to V2. ui u '.rmiw-Muoi nnd fii'-crly-lnuK'it foolball «nn here U-Iore 30.000 fan«.

Items The ivlniilr.r Mo:e wa.t put ovi nit of by 6lmo;l^n(^^|laI',r wl’h three mil Vnrl- utes n i-o. .MirMltMI. LHU.s ma.

,1c- alve lliri';-l.mnn wiis knorki nns in out o: in • i;;iiiir .mil. w.u carried o »hctli- Wie Held on a strrcher.' (rom _____ , -ill. n a ----------------------------------------------

[ D ® |© l l ^eludes . "<■>'*---------------:ollei!c KOW A.U Y MOSTOP04 :c the tcHOuJtOHW ,T>fii,60TYO(jbn h e « 4 v ^ i . 6 a j L e eetftR ocpiA iVB b( ■ l « - ^ / fORTME

J e e N e P iT o F

divide ' \ \ HAVeMEVCR’ (! V s e e n OP

itJc?K»eh eol- w ifrnichers, '


u 14 To 7^ Seatle Husldes ,: Gain Early Lead

^ToTrimlrojansH a r d - D r iv in g E l e v e n - F r o m

N o r l h w e s f D is p la y s W id e

L S u p e r io r i ty T h r o u g h o u t

F i r s t H a lf o f C o n t e s t .

— Hy n n r tN » r.L t------------------(Af'ficlaiefi Press Staff W rllet'M K M O U rA L S T A D I U M .

_ 1 LO S A N G E L E S , tiflc . 1 - T h o 1 un iver.s ltyT it~ \\'irsh iiiK ton» 'a ii*— 7

H Rvintod n n e a r ly k 'lid w h ic h ■ j S o u th e rn C iilii 'o rn ia w a s 'n o t

B I crow d o f :i5 ,0 d 0 a aw th e Hti?^ ■ 1 k iM d o fe n t t h e T ro jn n a , 1-1 to

T h o h a r d d r iv liy r te a m,'®“% from the great Nurlhwe.sl hnd too

much powcf (o r.ilic Boulhem Call*^ *"*’ (nrntan» anri riemopstrnUd a Wlfl# _

su|)crlorlly of piny througK buflhe '‘ first hall, lo lend U to a, a l the In-

tcrmlislon.Tlie lionic trnm icored a t the very

m - t (If t l r rer<s:srt half and played__n beller' delenalvc Bdme u Ui> rontesi wenl ftlonit but by thl* llmo WH ll'lhrfl01l imu llie‘U»fitB "un- -

II wa* the ciote ol the a*Mon

6(ar w athlnxtoit whll* SoBtbrm <,SI//«=n1« w all.-fo r .N«fre D«aw - nest Saturday. T he de(ta i ia d the . Trojana wiHi .only one Paelllo .

. cnsil conterehee. victory, » new .iinsJS3BZ2iX£L:Caiitornia. « 'a»hlnftoo, on » • other hand, haa lo tt only one tm n t —lhat lo Stanford, whlie eaeh b u

SterS |oue tiirou ih one deadlocks I n c i W asiilnston'Kored bolh It* touch-

dowjis Jl) tiio wcond period, « 34* a rin n y n « l E d Nowoirroski (eaturlne....... .. the first advnnce. Clever ninnlnR byI in n I’i" '' Bulkoaky and Burl BufWn

iniirte the iwcimd one pcttslble,• Bonthern Cnll(ofiilfi‘5ctw:fO>t^*^~

• Worked kick, lliie.-.ton Harper ifcttlnif •riiiK [j, ,1, . of n pvint nnrt lecoverlnR c p e - th" bull as. well to crosa the joal

W arburlon Injured ' ' -collon W’nrburto.n- Bculhern Cnll-

lo u a y fotnln's senutllonal quarterback, was injured lale In the ( in l halt and <0d not appear In the lineup in the iee*

I ond half.The ci'tpe ended wllh NVaihlng-

■' tHe Ich nine yaniM'Irom flnolher"icert,■ . r . v n r d a fnr the

‘ Husk'M M the final gun sounded.0 t l i c . WAshlncton scored IS (Irtt Inlllal down* lo six fer Konthem Caii*-r tlv* fornia and Rained 191 yarda by ■d and roshlnf '(o 57. IVathlnfion eom>

pleted only one pats out o( aeren fle!d but this wax (ood (o ra la in o( 36>

yards. Southern Callfomla made fnur o( n altem pU c lick 'fer a

nntln< total Rain o( :S yards. id fjKj ------------:---------------

Rice Owls Take Conference Title

inovcti . .IC Roal - ___^

C oacli - 'J im m y , K i t t s ’ T e a m

• p ' m . O v s r w t ie lm s 'B a y l o r

B e a r s , 3 2 to 0

'S WACO. D.-C, H /P i^ o n c h Jimmy KltU’ Rice Inslllule Owl» won the

1 I toth annual South'*e>t con(erence

^ jmotherliiit Ihc Baylor universityIJi-iirs,-3t'(f) fl.

n a to r TiV"7ybwl.%“w erc'terrific' Ui Miclr liarailc of five louclulowns over •

in d iiew liaerk Baylor team that threat- ennl oiilyonee,.flPd thht In'.e in tho lour'.h period, Tli-y '^ackcd up such a lc,iil thnl Coach Kills played hU

, irci.iid ^t^lt;lf lenm pr.acHcally all nrn'«„ the Insl hnlf, l l is the first conter-

iav- (te I chliTnpiori.sWp ln-nice-« (oo tball- hl/tory.

■y 9 r n - ] ^ ■■ ____1=

•emiii- h e re Y m i ( 'a n ( Ic t.sma*. “ K A SV .M0NI-:Y” rM o'f! r^ " ‘> I'rh'CH O n

" S jiiir tin K (io o d s ,

____r J Ball Bearing Holltr'_ ^ ' - r Sk«lc.s, Pftlr ................. y Q v

^ ..$ ii . i5I i-lioc fkn 'M . C r i A j e

^Odt ; ....................Xpyiij • 22 Sliort U, S. Copjxrhead

i Spfcdrtcrs.. , - « j g -T O P I riox .............. .......0 3 ^ s a c p a sii.i, ' ■, - f t C g - : •V6R 1 Each ............ ..................- w a v

■Sje i A Sm'^ll P n y m rn t w ill ho ld I a n y i lc jr i 't i l l Xmas.

G E R R l S i r S

,«1 , SPORTINO ! G O O D S S T O K E

^ I ^ 2 S 2 .Main E a s t

STOCKS W liE p ^ I l i Q M G p

------- ■- ■

In d u s tr ia l S p c c i a l t l e s - s n d ! ; ; ^ , ,

P r s /D r r e d S h a r e s A t- f',".'.

t r a c t B u y e rs . p ; i ' ,

M A R K E T S AT A G L A N C ENEW YORK. Dec. n . r — ■ .fiiocti; etcatly; cli.iiiK'-s iisr*

n in i i : , Mlxrd; Irrw.irlM rw r. FCurb: Quitt; ^OInc _ *

niprovp. ■ NK\'Kofclsn oxchftnscs: Uii'.l; varl- uf IS i

llian* - . crmtei Cotlon: Q uid: Wall i l r r r t soil-

n c llquld.illnn. TodayBuRnr; Higher; ittady *pot rrcvloi

siarkcl. >'>fkCortcc: Qiilct;‘ tradc buj'lnj. VrarCIIICAOO: l« » iW hf.it: IHstifr; tVarili of <lc- IMI I

IvtrlM, • ,in33 h_ cam ratrons;TH ?*'’*^^r’?ri'“ ? ^

Cattle: Nominal; n;o.'ily r.'ic up IU32 I< or »w k. — • 1 • - fCuHo^t; s ir a d j; lou J5.I0. ; (l)n

- ------------------- — . - -m CUtrBr FREUtRICK «ARI)Ni;ll—

(A.iso.*lalcd I’fcM financial H'ik .t i • ,NEW YOitK, Ucc, 1-Si)ccuiatimi

IHlX'CPBca ill ifTt—tUTsI—inwiiriy Ufrk-cnd p:icr m Mori;, to:lny ;,nu lhe markel jirnlDiiirpd its st.iv i i i , ‘Ihc narrow raiiBu it M.'itlal ‘mo ,, early in the v,xTk. f

d rains dtvcrn'd aitctiuoii Unin ■ - — Ihc atjure It.sl a. corn rnimctl inr; lunlicr net nd^ancc5 ot J ' , to 'j , 'M cents n t)ii.stiel. Wlu'at clo' i'd I ' , lo K' i'-'ni 1*3 cents biKhf'r mid k;iiii^ in ryr. l<ranh,

. oats'and barley ranseU ui) lo iiUuiii;’ 3 ccnl* n bwhrl. |—AHor-tUa.tutUlncd-Itoicaihrrt liliW, yance. iccurliy markci.s wrre cnn-1 ii?mm;i

tenl to. rest «iV their Iftiiri'lt «hili'i WaU . street waited !nr biminr:., lo] (lemonslrato tU rreovtry M;iinlna. r N h \/

Demand for ,'tock.i contliinnt sr- ~ j« n ^c . U f lu ird ltiin tn n n ttn iu lil— tttrim r

trial Kwcliiltir.i and p r r f r r t i i i l____snares otli'rinK uiiractiic v\ \ .......dividend j)roiiK-cij. ' ■•.. •!

OalM InUlc Caution Allhouijh Deeember tm de im cl-lUriitiin

bllllles evoked checrliil com iitrnti-ji.flii',; rrom vnr:ou5 n'l'irtcrs. broker* iiirmiini

■ polnlfd Olll il in tjn a n y lndiu.tri:il in:mdv ihnr«it- liii<l Qtovcd m>-m bi.lnnllaIly. ;n i)a.a;-‘ la ji month, InviunK ptolii-tiikini: }37.6iJv by trndcn and more caution anioni; | oulrtglit buyers. I

The nrrtval nf December lurncd | Ni;w jpcculallve attc.itloii to ll'itior. |Stai«-s amusement nnd oiher sroups Mhich floseil: usually benefit from '-tJtiriJin ia:., epcndlnc. : 3 '.s 3;

Steel share* ylcldcd-parl of Uiclr I 'r s t 4 previous gains. 0 . 8 . Steel prefirrcd 'Fourth dipped-3 - polnl*--o;»--tt.-lc4'-uuni.^^.i. — fen . Americnn RoIlliiR Milb. H iah-.c-* Icheni. Vounsstoan S lirrt uml Tube.'^l’iS .•<;

. ItepubUc and U. S. St'.\'I cim tiK ia'^ ' •il-i ca-'rd. •'

G;iiiic preferred itocks with thm ' •'• •' niavkelA ro.'C ns iiuirli r..\ ;i or 1 :i • ' < poinl.1, notably ncnilnsiuii - Uanit •' ■'• •<' Ilrst nnd second prc!crri'd.‘..'U ntw f. >» ■* »nl Pleture and Uarkcr Urotlicr.s. •l .s.-l* W arner Brothers Pictures iir ilcm d . a lO-sliare unit, jumjK'd abm.i u -i'p o l n t j .___............................ ....... _ l i ;

Arerace Sa** ,— m im rgrs ' toiy.gQ ^bn.ijj n u t ,

compared wllh 071.000 lust Satur-, * “ dny. Thc Standurd .SiatlMlrs I'oni- pany averaRC for M fctock* .\nRrd one-lcmh of it polnl to "3.7. hav- 'In* moved allh ln a ranuc of iitwui a point nil week. • ' • I .s,vN

SircnRlh In .wme secondary Is-1 s,\N jues contributed a Rood mulcrlunp to listed bonds. Uut trnt.sury l.uncs wero mellncd to drift a* the mar-

, , i' Kkks: iiinUun

T W IN F A L L S H ^ K E T S

u S ; 0 . , ;Utn(o<k Ilrr.’ljil

I » « a r w -» w i a i8s 8 s i ^nciiiB |.*o*t, aio i-ouiicu.............h 5uI27'3 tctndetttcljlii butciin*. lU-lM llw .'II U.S] :(l’,r ;

: -------------S J ff l* _______________ l.-W lo illu ,-“' ’Ve»J ___________ K W ioiivu |

hi'. ■,.'11'.m iry hen.....-------- ---------------Ll<til If nlio: m.......... — —____ il- ■

^Stio fn oioilrt*______________He I '*'SfoiKi BKiiifft — :________vcm ~ g ^ColoffU to u u r i— ---------------------uc ,r,„nooiurt _______ ............ , . .3ei ‘ ‘s u p ________________ :------------ic Ill'll tll

TutkcM ivKiii.l.(r5:c*«nl ,pi;.-f) ■■

o;n iiriji. Nu, 1. ---------------------- '.'.‘'i - - '': "IVoun«'u^ini,Ki'.», nmiiiiin .......... ............... . l |

.•’•o. a ....................... .......IK0«;lte:«) iv ta ru l i - . 'v irv

r , „ . c . „ w , , , : , , 'ca>n tiicp.... .............. , j i - .'lui.v ll

. . . . H « , . f - n r t . i l - • -- ^U fC t-----------------------------------

■Ullll IU, H K.' N . i:

1." ' ... TanrnUlnfl 'I

ito - tu . No. I . ' - " ' . . ,SV a. ....... ......... ........ . ., 1,

Onlorn .• .'Mil'.h

s i : s____ ki'l.i'l<'.

WhMt »nO SlUl i;,r anmln! w i p " ' ! ri“ " ------

____ ’''^K h a n f«rrd iiimal

lUd Clover------ - -----------•"-•“ “ '" i i r ‘dr IKtUll l'«lr*i 'U1lt-^l^

TheO rliniS ”y t " ' ^fjyJcovcrli:iM ivtt. w Btxl --------- lc Near ic .h M ii,,-------- ;-------- ' rencilDTufBipfc buneli_______ __________ Jc.'olf >roNtw coutaw p o u B a _ ^ _ _ - _ l e > Cln;i oraptrrult _ _ _ _ _ -------------- '3c-10:'nr,. j ■;c a r , _ ----- ^ ................ - - » J„„. •,

C ^ oe« I IIH( Butitr. r»Bcli...-<______ — . .. . 10; ...... n

PigeTcil ■

I ----------------------- ,i stock Market Averages

! NEW YOniC. nrr. : ,r-.-'l<ylc IT.m.i-vriiil.i; n:ui,.l=:.| bl». ■/-..HH'. f,. . ___

----------------lit l^ iriiin -^ ir in .lT T ^ ii' —. i s v ,^ . i \ i i

IW.tk .BO . n t ' . .V.0 !.■<» T<80 X

S I ■}liiaii! "ll'.i i'- ll ''.i 'l 'i"^u 'w co

"j 'nj-'il fSJS


NKW YOItK, Hrr. I .-V, — Indei of IS xiaple euiiimi>a>I)' pricr% ll)c> crm ter 31. 1U3I. r(|uat» liw; I'j:8 »v- ffa»B rquali 230,j|: 'Today ....................................... - M UI’rcTlou* day... ......................... H5.tWeek aso .................................. U 7 J ■Vrar aco .................................... 12UIM» lilrli... ................................ I5C.3 j _I&3I |gw ................................. IIC.O •IMS hlch ................................. HOJ)

I 0 3 2 ~ i i i s i i ~ . : ~ . ' : ■ - m f i — ~ IU32 Io.v . . . . . TW. (C’upyr(sIit,.0:(, bl Mmiilj’*) _ iD cinnltrr ai,- i\ ukcii as lati ]

in-rum|>'ullii£ llie ■bore-prlre-levrl — | md Ihe roll«iiint cumnmillllrs. » ltli life '■pjirosim ate'pfrctnlajo—value ')t thc hole Inilri oulfned lo eaeb.

IJ. klcrl *cfap 10. »usaf 10. wool 7. lAmiri •jppcf 3. bidrt 5. torn I. rul.ber 1.1 Htk 4, cvflcc i, lead 3, illver 3, cocoit 'aiu i : . - td I l0D. [, tn_ . . A,„

ict uaiic;l for ftnnonncuncnl ol ihc 'An»fo ;ove;nmi'ms Uci.'iubcr iinaiicine

•ll.ilm.■MJITAl.S lli'iM'

;;i-:w v o i ik- ivl- i :;9mm;ii;j iiucliaiM'il. . ' ' i:a.t

ClITTDNNKW VOHK. D.ir. I .,V) - T lir ! (.i,tV/i

o:tdii riiarki't ^>..Al .'tiMity iit nL 'l''‘:‘-;i;n: t tT im rr r r- r tfn -p n in n r ----------------

NKW*voi'.K. Ui'i;\l. '.i'/-K<in'lini. ‘ " !" : '»rl;,it(KT lrrci:iii,ir.. icin-.ii lin t.iin '

irlltilri dfiiiiinil l-t.nti..; cat;lc;i^>"'''~i' l.ail'.; M-dny bills »4.3i.., I-Taiici'

Irnnind C.55'.; cablrs 0.53',. U c- 'c irm n ii:indv Mr.ntir;iJ J l l New York |« ln,rr


(inVKItN.MKNT IlOND.S ‘['Z'-il Ni;w YOllK, Uoo. I ~ lliiit.'d ‘''•'li''

itates giivr.-niiirhl bditil <iuoiations * losfd: 1

I,ll)rrlr ............ ' . s ' j j . n ., . • .........'.....103.18 !";• •I'•irst 32-47........................ M O J.n;:,;, -i',•'ourth Hr ------- — -?;* 47-i’.s ,- i;t.i. -il-.M ..............lf.7,-J7MKI I'

\.y. -10- I .% fl- i -11- I .8 41.I'.-s 4J-4C ....................... 101,27 ,‘i Y fr . s 4fi-iO.................................. lOl.O -'''’'" I1.4I1.JH . .. ,r......lop.'i

................................ lOOJ HVr n,......Kfdrntf'arTn-SlorlfaRrs------ -------I'.S 'Gl . .101.0 -------

Hiimc OniirrH l.oan*L-, '31 . 101,2 I^-A '.'>2 ... • ... OB.20 '; .5 aa-i:i . . . . ii3.2H —

.SAN KKANCISCO I'llOlH'CK . 'SAN rilANCISCO. Drc, I (,V; - '

iu.ii"tf,,t :i,v.lliitt;':: H2 .srori' HI jcorr'a ic :

« M'ciri' :t(V, " ' i "Kites: U, rxiras, l:>rKC 2ltc; X , ‘

iiriliums 2.'i';o; Miialls 22' r. , ‘Chi'Mi': I-'int.s in '.-r; trlplrl.i ICc.

*‘* c iiU -- \( :im io i) r( 'K r - ^ m o rCHICACO, Urr, 1 t,I’j — Utlllrr:

lre.-l|)l.-. WiU lull.; Mc,i(ly: rrc.im- ■ry .iiHTlMU.tOJ sroK'i 2Q'i tr> 3nc; ■'M rw (1121 29e; extra Iir.'u.t iM-fil • i - 'i— l l 'j to 20r: Iir.'st* (tlS-Rni to •fl'l-'': !(I’^r; H'conil-i imi-R7' 24i; to 2.^c:j ' I'r taiularO.' iJO rvntrall^cd carlots) j

■ retHirlK;;r.M nr,-clilt.i inca ea.M-j; e asy i'fe w li

llr.'t:. :Ui'; tr<.>h Kra.l.M Ili.-.M . *'• Rf" :ii'; fiirii’iii r.vi lin.t 21 ti> 2;>’je: !<•-' " 'va'I K'.c'iaior l;rr,;.-,2 '.^':.^ta;ul;irll2I'.^ :"•" '.•e• . : ..■. 2.V. i T»l

i’iiii;try: Llvr 9 triifks: steadv; dniui r ii<-4'; ;k^iii;*i mi t:i '.r ; under 4 '. T.m f.hW j-~U -U w -J^lw n— Cl.;..:--------n~ r :-:i~ri; .s i-i io " iS c ;\—»a' d' i 'j - y = ;o 15r; Lfk:lior:i lOivc; roo,,tcr» It>c;! . , iirn tiirKn.N 17r; voiinf: lonv* 17r: j 'it! H r: No. 2 l^'r; ynim-.; rtuck.1 4 ' Ll •.);:ii,l..ii;i l l In K,.-; .Mii.ill V:c\ Kr.-;,' 'lie; il ti>7 jiouiuU 17. lo H . ' . -------

U :.-;-il i;i;.y: j.nini: h'in.(illl J.:i:i.;; htr--. 21r; c;.;Nl', 2 I k , II

s n .A i tNKW VOKK. l:i.-. I I.v, - II^.^

u.i> liluiMtni.-d l.-<!;iv. ; .V.’ 'VVhliv li'Ciil h-ii;iris rontlhticd

lUKV Iht’.ii’.-;, Ihry iiri'Irrrcd to bi;;, cr i>r 111 J;iini;iry. below t!if Tnrr-Tirjtni jn rT n itn rS 'Io r-tirr t l i t '- - ' ' ' . ; luiiiih, l'iil),iii huldiT.-i (iflrra l ,i: it.ir. lor l)ii-c;i;Ui'v i)ti)0i'.;-s1ili; :i;u; ' , I''l.'i hi: );;i> i-Mii;; in January, .>: ; lV<-vO h.i;;s n; Ciil;a:. !<ir Jail'.!- ''

jiL.-,.vv..|.. i'..|i!iriiii'il, -T ar I'lilv iiihiT-bll.'.llU-yi rrjiotlnl ' ;

.>,i.> ,1 , lr III .jiMKi 1mi:» I.f ciib.iii ii!;u siriti- liy au ii|iriiitor to a ir-

A-l.lr llum till- P i T c l l b r r . l w l l l i n i , j . ,Mii'.h tta^ Incliuvd lo hiB, lu tu n ' i iii'lil Kini-Mlly .Hciuly on liirthvr ' rovrrluK and trade buyllis. The mar- '- *i-l.i'l<';i'd 1 iKilnt lo-,ver on Drcru;.,::t r and unclianiteil to' 2 hlKlUT mi lalcr d>'ii\Vik-5. Sali'.s wrr? 7iOD

'Ilir niarl;ri opened I M 2 p<i;nis’ iKhanci; ;it;d l,lUT shJfl'd lllllll-, iiimal yahiri of a 'poliil oi( somu ;io- ■

miillDi^ ?.nH n!.___ _net K^in o f '2 polms on bnylnp Dy------iMdr interests, bellcvi-d to be li:i-! mi[-<icdgc.-i aKalnsi mles of a c tu a l. |

Thc upturn caiued n lllllr lo.al covering lor over Iho week end.Nenr the clost ther-) vas n parital reneilon. final prices a hf.lc off Irom the best, i

Clo?et Deeember l.BO. bid; Janu ­ary 1.74; March 1.77, bid; May 1.82; • Jfily 1-B3 to l,«7. Hrpirmber I.im.

In lednrd di-r.iand cur.tlniird Ihn- itld. I’rirc.s were uiu'lungcd »l AM for fUio grauulatcd. -


~ T S B T ^ C A S E T lc E H iS C L E D ,jl IM OM VOU DID ME, ^N O


k M - EN l i w y (J

- — in7"nf-,V '>vivffi-rrr ....... " rv r- -AllKO f'lirrn A- I)).- ' I "-I i ., 1 . ..Ani‘t7iP^‘*“ “*'i*-------/■ '

An, A Trl

jMCni-mV!.;.!': ‘ i^ J;

'ynlr^^l*lllt '" " " s i 'I " i r . : , . " l . <,.

C M A i^ I'r^ l' III. !■; .11, !■: |J,.J.;

ll\!i"V;i 41'/ 4j., .;i , V :

:.'r | JC'.■ : i ' ‘ h ' , .. _1

tU^'ur.!' I-I I';i ‘ ■ 5-) M I "•(iir.ii N..;in.;:i Ilv il! ’ 1'. II. . I.-.':,ci:,-,'. ai'.;... , : v . :ii .• ii- >

pommiim f ic n u A do n )T A ro i;s i - 'a ':

CHICACO. Drr. 1 iV S 1) Al >•' I'lilatnrM Rrrrlpt% 7t r.irlciad*; nn e,il\i.. trail; 2 l'i; liital r . s. <lil|iiiirnl'<'l’'>r''d 337; dull, •ui^ iitlrii nii>itrr,ilr. itrmand >in (llll auil iradlns stou; \VK(iiii.>ln rnunil « liltr^ r , S. Nc., 1. Knr l<i X.ir: Ida-;"^- - lii> ltu^^rt^ C, S. Nn, I, SI.W to ' SlH' S1.ni: rnmblM,Itlon.iradr 5I,:5 lc>,M,',0;m n ;-------------------------- :------------- m nd-n

. ■ iiirtualfll.^ffd I'd'I'ATOf.'s-

IDAHO KAM.S, Drc. I Vi I f S I) A i-S h lp iiin j piihil Inliirnialloii fnr I'rlday: , I’ound

t'p p rr vallry: Carld.iits'foh ra.'<h 1 tr.Kk; Itds.Hrtu t'. S. I loo frw saIrM rrpiirtrd to (ill'itp; V. S .'4 Irw 4 J ';r : ! c i lrru'liiu' n^.lflr. Ilutk niitnVlelit raslii ji......Ill Ktcmcf*: UiiNxrli C. S. I (ni 5i'c: I ..J,. |i[i0.-ra-.liinal lol 3oi-'; V. S, 2 IDr; fo« .- -‘C. • I I,I.) Jl

T »tn ralls-Ilurtrv: I 'orllr.illy m '| dnnand 'or Iraillns. iiiarln i »>r,ih.' _.-jj j Toil Ic« s;»lrt rriictl'‘il tci iiuiitr. | "v,..,.],

- = ^ = = . t;;!!

Lisiociiiinife__________;___________ .________k a s I

S \N l ltAMTSCO LIVHSUK'K iS\N I IIANCISCO. D r. 1 I' it: Un: ll

: . l i A '-II ..,;- : liu'UI''..- I;.. M,ilKi■ l,.ii.-li- iitn.-l

;h- hid,,-.: m,, j .v i.!i;'.,'i W liv.id l;;7 i:u.i::il Ul.ihoi. '>r.'i1. ill 'r lai;i; ll, 50 \i , :)rc:s :i.,.:\ $ I 2,'> tiv S4.'iii.rf;o(iav n ;;., niarki

i)./i':in> t.-c K, 2,,c |i:,’hiT;-. 1U7 $9; 1,^ ';uiuUJe.7j....*............. ............ ......... Uclla

r .,i : ;r i;i-,',.i,,i:. r,,;- ...... . ,l,vs iiiyl tci'iiiiiarvil la.'l I 'l.d,:), l.ii;- l ' , i l

;;l; v Vi •• .■, ,',',e;!<!v u, ..i;„;;,:, i-. *823:

:.;:i li'um l fnl vrarliu,; ' tihr■ :-.'o Id.icI-,, f.i-Ml KM'; to 1. •irr ild ii. I” .l.'i ir.l U'X, to 5i;.Kl, Ii.iin- 2ii: \l ' I '! - iiiiil yr,irlini;s JI.23 i.i j '- 2.'.: J y 8«l

S C O K C H V S M I T H - ' .

" ~ ~ T I p c ’MiEVERY

^FT£RGfCAPlK& Ftto.M • POISON GAS in ’ 1 5 ^

*T1IE SWAM?, Scppcif/ .



- G A S O L

-ED, ^an ' m a d e t o o k u s SHOcrr o u r ,‘=\ g, CR A PS. .M ONEV ' ,

J b ' c


V O R K .

m b T a : !. . . «fl-j

t • u ' ' ' ' • '

. .. V\h, 4 : , I

li’-ri 03;) j ji ) j.i.;.','

J ' 0 :i

jcarltnB Mocki-r;, $1J3; |1

lairly t;o.id w m ;r co'.ir. JU i';';;ood '^ounl: ciiioiabir lal cl,.iryIV|)C S2;.U li« J2,7,i; •bull:, s ; :3 to i.(.a:i; Kiday. I2j ; M.-ndy. ;ipiii:. hiKli- .'.j -V, rr: iiocil co«;i 10 54; biili; uiim-UI: • r,,lM.„ lur l>.ur dav^s 17,'.. f<>ni-,'‘ Iiiirrd la t I-ikI.iy, otoiiiid ' ’.rady: • llll (Hum ;UH pouiKl ^;a;l,:hlc•^ l-alvrii. ' S1.V3; Mcvkrls i l . 2i lo $U'); H.l'iy. ;J;” I

siiocpr flrcelpl.'* for lour day.. •39,",0; coiiip,irod lll^l I-Tldn.v. iind-mti<inr-ol«sM'fc.<-(.'i..lv-i.-Mt..iii!i— iirtual top (i.23 Ior i;iw(l 7tl in 7'J j ^ y , ' pumi) llll wonlviS: K"<Hi lo-rliolft’ nudrr iV> pimiid wh.jIi-cI Sii.iO. n.e--, dlum rarlv shorn 5,')7-; :(“ d pound c>vi,s $3.23; tnday. nonr, | fm qi

CIIICAOO I.IVi;ST()( K . IClIICAdO, Un-, 1 .r lU .S I) Al . '

I!,-:;- ; . - u t !.Mr,idy wi:h l''iKia\.a .a ;,t ,i ; : r ; u Ai ;voi;hts aUiivr 2;ii) pi'uiul-, SH loS I.IO; i i^o.ini) Ii",v lm.. i:u.i,(„iita Jfi |„i:i;'r>;d, U u :f h 'ld liu;;:rr; '.’i-i to 5 ,’2ii pDiiml:' J.'ti.'i ll) S’i; il lilrr wc;i;lu.i t'i'iO dou'ii; l<'v ;i.i,,;1mk

I L;aUic; Hi'Ci'ipis 21X1; cmr.psred Kr l-’riday last -wrrk: cattlr trail;- prac- a>—S llrally all Kradr.i and .^old i hl';l»T rn ;'rr-Tliniih.*?ivirn-;iiar-' 1' k a s buL » ri ;hly s'.ri-n. s,it;s..i luu-k al » i- a nu l, rloMnn M.-.idv, i.,;hL ,,,11.1 Ion;; yoaihiii;.'. liowrMi. :l;ll.^h- l i t , , un: lliL- ■iM-rk luh.\ 23v- li.i;:in ii, in- i si,iua> iii<'ii;; r j ir rm .' lop i;i;ii.:i: i:ti l.-lal wi l .iity .-.cri-;, $1U, i r - ,■ j.-.-l, JJ7i jx.DlJiJ.' I111-..: Uuia Mt-ris Jll-;,,: ; r - , ;)rc:s .-rliiii): biilh 1,-miiar mniarkrt strrr,-. \>it!i wi'iciu lo ii$9; lu h l oflrrinur, J5 to all hclli-r:. Mroiii: I" 23r lili:h'-r: j:o'Vf_ . aiyl iJiilL-. Mnidy and \rali;is ‘ Pup; • ' UK.‘ I '. d lots top !.(l yiMriliu: l-.i-iliTS C ‘8 23; 'miX'.-il ^llo,v ir jrc i.' i::) lo j;

< . :1 .Shrrp; flcrj'lp ii U-00; r<‘:;,; ',irrd miId

Filday la.sl werK. f ii liiiiilv. c•:tl^iIll:' 1 i ic hlKhi'r. havm,; Id i.p a -t ot car-. 1 ly sh rrp .--t10111} to 2.-0 l.igh- Mr,>d>

J c ’m on, s e c a c n y f t . i5 rc N ,o u y - 'jW £V£KY-in«&'5 f l a c r r - h m ro some hewj .•TVOlWfrr YOU WEKS ) iCrlRBuRTON wns

RARIN’ Tt) G o l _ r \ ftCKCfTfD TWS MoWW SwrccT

. ( ^ 2 » ^ TKIg C/tfC:

O U N E A L L E Y - C A L L Q ,

v o u A R G . A BUNCH C F S IS S IE S IF V O U LET .HIM t o L .U C E T A W A V W IT H 1

V ^ \ J r r ^

r:; Icrdin.T Mir.ti lllllr chaniii'd; < A ft j

II;:;i-,ixi' and fui.'!! kill-r-. previ(,ir. I»,liilay; b l r lop $7.10 10 tlirjc j f

li'iii; S7 to N.'J.’j: riii'prd htnU;, I TT’T r r . r i ir'; . ; ’v „ r r:;: :(i in;;i:"! :-------*"

!’ui:n.AN-D, Drr. 1 ..v a 'a D ^ A > j

S.'.,7.-.‘ alid'aboVi' iM tk liirV ’ % J4.10 tllK'at

ih'.'II to M, ' .

„,... ..... ........ ..., - . - l - .y _ m .l l i ; ;

. li,,i.:oa .liii.liifc klowji—

,M-,,i;nK-. J.123 10 $4; Wi-.'.xif. doun

o i .I)i ;n i . iv i ;s r o iK

o:;l)i-::;. |i-r . 1 ' t : i) A '. '

l i t ' '

iniw I'OUIM i--iV Ida'hoM b'ulk Koi«! lo-al M-T-, 542) to .S4.73; 1:, nd

n.7:>; lia::-; i: • il c-uv.i $2.'0 ti) $2.7.,; i-'i-'"-: lr,v r.i r,\;;.. ni;;,;ny lo }:i2... ‘ l-VH rniiimoii a:;d iiy.-.huin CO\\s SJ lo

li'-.i,-r Ki iilr; dnvvnv.ard lu Jl '’ ’i- ai'.il iiiulir, i)a;l. $2'l(> S'.VTa; nr.i(,'‘ - i ; - i i . and riai.i-- \i-.i;i ;.-. $1.30 lo $3; l-i'.-.- -- ■ IT i;r,ii!'. <!oc.n.‘ , .'-‘- I '- '

Slier;, l;.-,-.Ip'.s HOI; .ChU;i[;-i _____m;ilkri U'K; !.;- wirk 11,124; aboul iSHniTu;.i':V.?!rii'ruirii"rdaim-i,i!!'c.f'i-.7v i Ji3.3'l, l ic / i ; i iMid; lH-;.l drivoins : i ; . ; 5: lo s r o , $1.50 i!ii-.vn. , v;.-) t

lAki'Vc (|ijo:.i:;(,iis'0 ;i ra il ..sh ip --Ikii'1,1 airnts rcfIi'CL‘\.inabtc frelcllt bi-nrr ;i> $j.': [Us on f.ittli' aiul #hpfp.bouB;n Ior. lu S3,, trshlpnirnl 1 ■* , , '

J A i-b h r .p : K.vrlp;:i Ior wn): i:.iv 1.;,4W; Mraily; fcA- \\vrlj-d lur;:!;:. at :o I'm;!C 10 JrV73: liical Ird rh m i lilt;!;.. ■- -tha'iG.’.i!; hi,i',y r-.w-:, S'l.'Jo. . Lii

ST, JO S!;'nL 'l” ' 'T ' ' r ! '^ U S U'VV\(-S h c r;) . Ilrcrlpts for wrek I20p;' .'i;,'. at lamb-, and yr.iilln;;* 3Uc loii-.os;- M; 1 y 7;ic h ir::rr: i:[:?d-7lirrn-2}c-to ::sc - :i7i : iu;:irr, in Ci; , ii;-r:iatii.i fi; lau- l"|i

■lit' o:iri,i'ii;s $C,.a', (o r c IIU, II-.' |;o ;

:lov,n !.'; i;i!;:..Vi.'.'.n“l i / s 3; .l.i'.jr

n K::>. i.;j r.iihff

^DKNcV.ii: n,-,-.' f iV i - <v s i ^ ^ ' ' " T . ' '

:lJll!‘ Ir.iifv: r i . i t lo rllo|-.r C'ol:i-

laail)-.' .'ri- to 'lil.lhri, j.-ai-",!. :.i'' ini::. aii.l ^la-'-p Jlc hli:li-r. (r.-dr;,-.'iran>, i,i: uiiii>> ioi> s'j.;'u; uiiin

j W |f^-lTc.PflSSe[>TVPoittH~Til£ \\7^{HVMS! P|CKI:^UNeSYE«Ttl3I AYCv£Nl^■:] MU,ijns -iCCH AS TIIO B3UCC ICflRyCDl -nWNW5 OFTrfiSN:W<}A?flTTACK,-nii:>|(jrccT cHcc;;Et> Tusifi n iK E i lijtt.cMe!^ m C B u ara n \ — I '

OUeSTWNEO : ,.I,-'.. V i

M iw sE O yA 1-- y A

g u _ : y b

10. SUNDAY MOnN’ING. DfiCEMR:M R E R l , m 4 . V '

O V T T H E - R E S E R y E r

/ ^ - T Q ^ G A w a o r ' .RJ jr I f i.,U . * . ’1 \ P u t h im o u t . m '

i i i i f l i r t i ; ; - :■ f i l f l l r

Jn iisiia l- S c a rc i ty o f A vail-

sb le S i!p p lic s~ P iish c5 ;

P r ic c s .U p w a r t l . • ^

_Ily JllllN f . H O fO lU N , r ~ ~ .A.-.-oc.,itrd I'lr.-^ Markrl Witor) (

h|ca;:i> inlirilri up';i m il^ .‘ . . '" | ^

u K n M « k ^ I ■

r.’;i7rrn.'^n;rn:\'7:.T tp.^aTO w nV - * j m !

rT iiiT yT ;i. i r:ii,,i,-i,-iy'dnm'.~“

;;..,i.'l i .. :i j n,;l 'it'. OHIaliimt.i '•‘ IinNRV

EJ ' .- ,; V-1- 1 .'■• _li> 1 .c advanced, .

d:".'r:Ull .1..... , n! ;,1 1, , • v.:i>,.„i I’lllVb

............ ......... . •„. ........ <

i u ^

,„n-n:i :.h:iip .Ulcr balKr^ i;it;.'id 11, f _

\\-|u.ir, i>r and oar.i trtpi'Udril,

1.; .1 ':,;;-,1iii; ii- 1 ;::iln n.' 3 'j c-.-nls ■ '’"I'l'ulrt. I::; :; -l loi ll;i- « .rk . Ityr lo.lsy, nr- '

r t l i .i l 'i i i j i r . ic :! ;i.', j - ; crnb, A |

•i7v !<;■ r 'T j. 'iO 'fa ii iii t ic sb r 'iT t-^ tit^ M ^ I ; »rIhrl.^• $2.2,S lo ;..l. i.,L L-nrs . Ii.-r .-i to S2.iil; <|U0table lop 52.73; J “'i • ■;i'i,ini;o ircdrr.s {5.7.S; bulk J3.2j f,., > {j.'.'O; .tjiiiuion lo'nn.-daun S3.W. S3,, • . ■ , o m e

-------- - • whe.1l:O m a h a .siieki* $1.01

OMAifA, D cc.'l I-J-) lU S b A l-"^ Corn;; c(>m|iair(i t>rl-! "h ite i :

IV I,, I lamw and yrarJliiK.s; 93'.-c: ^■T d .shi^ni .-.Iron.;;; lnl^ed D

3c hlxlii r: rlc .s -p'd .ftnd -O ''- ';iK-s;:y $7: a 'cw

■ iiMiio urUlU nativrs d .-^n to Vii" I

I “ 151); led ycarliilKS J5.73; pood Strso S I i.to J2.23; top Darle:

!• fr.-;lltii: lamfc-1 ^imol ---------- ------— ..Cover

>V()OI, ■ ' l - ’iir.^lI'. lU S D A '- l . - I JJaslaii <*as' lh„ i,a..: !’C:LU

irrri’oi-:' ^ '"1 f^duir,J , 1 , ' i i . l i . - . Iv'J- BU-.

u:aa-; C'arli: i nnrt similar; dark ha to 28c th e ’ II prr

:• I'- I 'r Ihie Ohio Drlnli:'.', at CSS-lnt-rr, ml)!ns SU-. 0C:.’..ri;cl me; 0 30." lo r iir lc l- |. Oal-,: bloid,. Uir;:e Corn.

: , ; ;v 0: b:i!k Trench tih niidj Car i . , :i iriKiiv v.'ii;)i f,old lu i)i;i:lna:. nr.ts I.

.1- (,i Id <nc .-, o;ircd lM- :.•■.. alKi:I, •M.V lO rd!It ot fia to 7CK.'! WIN.‘.

i'.;:i-;l ba.'-l;,' . |«hpa t:

l/peLeA ^H)? HE V lV £a/B C W (> ,;i'p^5 MU5r H.U'£ fl'G00Di^<muR/1ti5r,, HE Clfl

■n fltlBI - J ------ < 0 « T e R 5 D THE SlVflMtTO 0056

:s ' ■ ' '

w J .ia fb U ;R 5 ,^ - - \ -W H A T ____M S C A R 'io ^ F COULD VOU- n h i m . l s t d o t k e& ■ MS AT THRGG

H IM — I'LL O P U S >1 SH O W VOU / COOLDM'TT 1 HOW . ^ ------ U L J lJu /

. Railroad .Adviser T a

♦ ' . v . , - - S H ~ w S rJ

'NRY W .'K IN N rr, ac-nnipanlril by li!; n :),'hcd S.-.n Fr.it:cl.'co Irau. M;'u:!iui:a 1 ,:;A !.er ;-;)'^ud'ii:: n lnr vr;-r' tn •! "■ O; M.iiiriiiiiian raihvav w;:;ch 0|::'i.i;.'.-, bcl ll'u i-k lnu .-i-v . Pholo.

auilus" U) \v h ra l var. noia'Jl- i-,rril;ia ;u ':s ,o I Ihr Llvi-rii'K,! uiar.:'i. 7J ,r.rii- oxjiectPd bin di^iviiir.H iai.rd C:i:d:-.rliip \oUinu-V ' lO!,.;' 'iil',IM(;ni iiir.ilai.-d t!',r i ;.l- i;!

— ~ I"".)!Opra •'men l.cv tiiH-iKi

S jw 'l '1," . ' ' l i ' . - 'V DC!

j I ' i i ' ' s i x s u n

s i ,

' ii’i i ' I - " a li: ,) - 1'. : : I l l l 11'7 1....... '

CIMCACO CASli OnAlN I ‘ " OHICAOO, Dee. I i-l’i - Caih v.ii I: :ie,il: N o .'j red No, 3 rc;l ..,i.01';, - \V:;1'Corn; Od No. 3 mixed 'mi iiltei SI O'l',: No. 1 yii:o'A-93’. 10 i : , - , , '..c: No, I white Jl,07 ';; n-.nv Nn.-;r Ixrd 3 3 ',r : No, 2 yrlb'.v 93’ .c; Ni« |.;x white SI.CC';, I.M!Oil.i: No. 2 -Alu;i' 3 5 '.; ; Ni>, a 1.,.,, 1 li lU '- il '.r . I ,.., ,IIyc;,No, I 7 0 '. ',

ijarley; 75 to ^ '. - c . ■ . {j/paTimolhv s('(l<SlC.33 to $1775 ca;,Covcr .•*;;:;:..tIS.2j . :o 522.23. C M rd: T.--rrr,'. S!l,!2: Sl 'Uir.«$M17, . ,

', rO im .A N D GRAIN , : .!’c : l t l a '; ; u , di c. 1 wlu ir , c:< ,(1 May BT.c; Dn J- B lr ' • \'.i;.!JlC'arli: P l-H rn d Ijllli- lCIU W ,rk hard wmtrr. 12 p'.T rn it. y>- 1 : iHil I:

prr com ^oIl- «hllc. na.ii nt-r, mirthrrn sprinn. w..Mriu r i l , i | d Rir;, ji-'-,'';rn "h ijr .K e , , . . _L0: Oal-,: No. .;• white $1I.,S0.Corn. No. 2 vrllon ti:iJ3, i;;; 1:Car ir(-rl|i:>. \V,l-:f.l 11, tli>;u /, ;.;i-, l: •.s I. 1

« iN -M Pf:n r.KAiN 'I ’iii 1 WlN.MPKli, D.r, I i,V - I iral: No, I nvrihrtn 79 '.e; :

M outmxs BOSSES,

izVmn.cBSeWCTllE •HoOffS CATtR, CECP VftHfiL HfiSlTS OF S)RUJ,\RD U'lU U PilP g '-n r'^

I pgR fficay GOOO

I T - I ^ ___I— '(OU - I'M ' WILLIKT"

T O t a k eL E SSO W S hi

i " f ----------

Takes Vac.ition— •............ ............ ,

ly !i!x Ju;ia::o'.r wilr. T rn i lllro'.a. u i;a rn io:i!f lo -la!'!! for n vaca-

O i;r::t a', ad',: r : ;o -Jic Sr.iilh .-, b';i-.\tr:j D.u.-rn a'l'J the capital,

i',rril;crn. 7 3 '.c ;-N o . 3 northern’

No, 2 w;;:ic 4 1 '.s; No. 3• - V

rOItTI.AMI IIAV ^P'-.dniA N l), U r:. 1 iJ', - Hay ,


r i , . \xDl'I.lJTH, Dn-. 1 i-'i — Flax on

i.uk ^l:;;i 10 *.I07',-; D r.'finber 'i.Mr:-:.t,-,y'Ti.RT;-----------------------------------



IU,-I!I.. n --. 1“ h . in r roll .',-r - :!i- ; i l w .-ks |,,;in;l of Ki:n-

rivin IIrlrii

S:iy:!-r. O rviro' |D-.-Mrr. l. :.\ Ju,-.... I.on;.-.e I.rHril, ,

laril; I

i;ir-i:inruin>f;^n',iT:i rr 'h n ?iiiiv '\v ii: '---------inhy.

M'': I !';-it: hard,Sll- '

i-,:in. .luiii.,r'i'i.'-!i. Smith Prcck. Mrl- Hcl-

■n .Siiydrr. ly it :- Prael:, n ibcrl ^Vr- J t t Or-.;i:-' P - ..! r. Miirrlol so r- :ii '::!, LoaL-r I.:'ltr;i. Ui-lty U ll th ,

i:XTRAi>n'i0N iii:iH 'i:sTK i)r c.

ilm l>(v;-, |ii:l,.v l.-'liir-ilrd l-lt(I-adl- ii;:i r ; J.ia-.r. V.'.-llinair from tH iini- iT.l-n, W,.-/. Vir;:in;,i. rtmrRrd -W-Ilh

^ iix 'T r \ r r.vi’iia,'(ii. T iii''''i.ii.iii;'i-.----------nock

m s ; ; | \ VI-';iON.> IlAll.UAV

rn .M s LAi'D im iT is ii c a j u n k t- LONDON . JL-t TI!" n illorv-il , bo_v-_____

m -r? ■: the

- - A - i - ) I S e O V E R Y —

« e s , ?ccfirjiy f>'no ni5 f r ie n d ■JE S',v;iMPCouiirKv; T tv o CECP IM -niE SWfiiMP, SfORCH/:D with a n EX-dtA.MrtTloN/


—J . ^

— — — I '' y

' free theai.W A N T A D k f f lP E S

RATES PEU LINE PEB DAYSll jw r Hn# pef d iy ---------6cThrw diy*. ptr line p tr diy........ 9cOne d»r, p«f line...........- ............ i:e

^ 33»ro Discount,For Cash

c u h ' aueot'int »lIOirKl if «<lrrf«««; tnrnl U p«l(1 Ior ■lUiln ••tcu dk?* l;tn liumion. * J .

Ptione 33 (or nn AdUkrr

INDEX TO WANT ADSAnnounwmfaU ___ _________»•*ApMUBfnw --------------- r --------- ^5

•AUIO* fot e»i"—— ------------------;

isar,,-."iiT-~-->----------Ilii'liiM* Oj'porlonr.lM— — — **ciMitirn lJi*pi»y------- ■ '••■iiCosi, Woort. I fr --------- ------------^Doei o inrf i’'t» ------- '■rm B»ie LlNW'wi .... ---------------38frm ile lldp WuntM------— — Junorm* -__ ■— — ............. -r<« nfn^ Mi'ctii^nfoiw— -------- 30|?iilU*»ntl VfKr<«»lr«....... ........nmor»1 Dlrtclnm-----------5------- 2,rym liutr lot ..... ...............Oowl -------- —

Irjitfucilon ........ . ...—. — .n

i‘i^ p Miiip'w‘r n i ta V I! ^

w ' . \ i « s . ’ tur»s»----------------------2'W iVMoniil* ...... . -----------------*I'oiilirr *11(1 H'lpplloi— ____ _ 37tUrtliM Kiid __________33-An»«l Mr M ln --------------- M

--------- T y e . I ---------------------------- n.1E«ui» w ainN l-1--. I........

Ai---iav",r.— -.il—~i.r?Hmi»Hnn* Wunin)____________ MflPftlil* nt Siorfs-------------------- :owKlfd »W«nifd MUtcl1«nwm-..i ____ 17-AWMhim MieWnw_________ __ ID

I — I rac ju ie lo cJm ae___.

■ P e r s o n a l s 4

W n .L3 DRn-LED.A-ND-CLEANED. . piimpS rrp slm l, I . H. Hoslcin*,

_______2i3 J Ju l- iv c . fio.JJll.. 1.7I3- Cromjii.flr.-i'Ico.

L o s t a n a F o u n d 5

LOCT-BRO ttV S ltE P A nO ^p ijP Lost Wed. nfternoon. Return tn

--------- .J_D_N^n1nnd .1. ml. so, cu.st.Kimberly. RcR-.ird.

LOST-TEN D.^YS AGO, 30 HEAD medium Jlne l(imb% mnrkp<! upp«t rlKlit r.-ir, lii(iulr<- H:»rry \Vll.'<Mi,

.Box 26, ^^vln Tilll.'!.

FREE TICKCT -IO T im HONV ihenl'^r for W. Jl, WriRhi, much,

■ • Call nt NV « of»e<>.

■" TA'KEN W l - i n . N.TT^VWEST O r Five Point.’ , lenm of crny mules. Owner mu*l Ulentl.'y, pny for

nnd fi'ccl.'Ji !r."Gnrrl.'oii.4 = = = = ■

B e a u ly S h o p s 6

EPE C lA LrO ll. \V A \^ 'ssT’^yTr- iir;il $J2o; exri\ flii.‘ liriir $2 fiO, 23fl Olh Ave. E. Pll. 1500. Mr.v

ed oiir worlc kno’.v tlm t our melli- odi nntl ttic skW ol our ofwratofs are superior. You mny now Iwvd one ot our oil wavw Jor m Iok n.< IIJO. Crawford'* Bi'-iuiy Siilon, 111! Mnln Avc. South: Phone 1674.

Autos for^Sale . 7

1 ~ ! "x 6 'irC E ~ '! '^ ! USED CAR BUYERS

______ iy _ jo u r lo,\< w dl IU mine Ifyou don 't'vh it our USCD CAR STORE bffnre you in;ike i\ ii;tr- clw'*'. or r<'II ynur Mr.

J n i ) . H . W h i t e C o .We Duy for Ciuli and Sell

on Terms U i 2nd AW. No. Tv.ln t'nlls

T tti : CAi.t. f-oK «j:st't.rs~ .rii(iv i;J:


m ______ . VJKIA.T'^ .[>E .PR E S Sm t,.

W • \ ^

' ■ ■

'O t r SQ A J5D T M 3 . . r ~Y > \C h 7 m W A m . ' • a i m - B o u h V — 1

' f f PA T ^ 2

CW/IW? MOV------ M. A w z j m i L E ■ ' m ic

A.VD m r iv a ? r • ■ u i D ^ ■ • ■

• & SSSK Gk B

907 ■:

ftlRE TICKEIE S ^ A u l o s l o r S a le 7.Y (CoBilnotd tr»rf > tm d ia i Coluwa)

■,?e Buy Your, Used Car Here and Get Loads

of.‘‘Easy Money’ . ..l*»*ot -30 W ilpi»l »fdan.,..l>......^1J5

'20 Ford eou;>f . ................ 30• "ai Ilu;>p. 6 coupe........... ......

___ '31 llupp. 9 coupe................. «5•30 OakUnd coupe________ <00

S •2D ForJ truck - ............. ..... .110 •. . . •28 Chev. <oach............ — - UO_J* •28 En>klne nedun A-l------- 140~ l '27 SltideOafcer count....... . fOO“ « -27 Cliev, couch, new llres 00-M •2S Chev, coach-...............6i- \ l ■ '215 Oldj. co*ch.......... .... .60Zk -5 t'ofcl * e < U n . 35- X 'j6 Ford c o u | ) f . ............. 3i~ l l "Jfl Chrys;er coupe-------------, -tO_lu Doilie ‘j toil t ru c t ....— ..... 35— 3 110 to l l s Each

- '} J ' -JIM-nUeBY-AND-DEN. I1E.S- I 2 , NCTT AftE NOW IN CHAROE . ' f O r.T llK C.KNERAL REPAIR- * n ISCl, AUMATimE V am lK Q .

—W-FrWVi-KX5— AKD—BLACH;— SMn'HlN't.1 AT T H S -

.JO H N Q’CQNS0R'~ [ ' S E i r C S R " C 6 : —

“ 37 C.vh p.ild Ior UKd Cars13-A ■_ ----- - ------ -----

— S5W &B4KER --------- ’,2 Certlflfd t « i l C an1 14 j.’ft.Hij drl».tc' ......... 1030- j? Forri motlel A »edan..--------1029.. 31 Fori inodcl A CDMll—

Ford V-8 Bedan-------__:_„103J“ i j . o:dimt)blle »e<lnn-------.— 1027~ ~ ~ ~~mililrKflnil...... -.-;-:,';.;-----lP33—— * Oraham tc d n if ...-.--—— 1030

4 Sludebaker Dlctnlor »e<lttn„1037,

S a l e s a n d S e r v i c e ■kins* " ’l:2~2iid~Ave. W est— phot]«-116— s m p i ---------- --------- •■■■-

-------- ju ra rv ic c rF a f i? ' " 8

. T h o m e t z T o p & B o d y

____a Auto TopsPUP. « Wlnd.Milclda. Door Q laa n tj> , Canvas; Canvaa Repalrlnc

iX o F e m a le H elp W a n te d 1 0

IC m :*iAKio m 6 n S ' ' c o p y in o ’ na m S(ulilrt.'-H-! fo." inali •otcJtr- Uiin-y

____ :,;).ire Ihlll’, rxirrlfnco unnecci-ONV .s.iry. no c^nvs-'ltii;. Write, Unlled ^uch, AjhiitlMni). UH DcKalb Avenue.

Brooklj-n, .V. y.

r o r T Y ris-ra -- o o o d ■ m o n k y ,iu!ej. p;ni'.ani work 'typlnif. mnnu-

for f<-rlii’. ', *|ur<' tiinf. P jr inlorma- I. ! illll write T>iil‘t. Bureau, Ocain,

ri:i. Encluv ttanip.

- COMi; TO Ti!K NEWiS, O m C K .0 y««v'!l. ;»id »,'rj your Irre

------ llrki I K> the Roxy llicaltr.s’AT- —------------------------------ i-------------$2fiO, $1.'. WKr.KLY ANO YOUil OWNjijr.i (Ifrf.v.s frie Ior dtnioiisiralinK

_______ bViil .lo-..dj'-E:«lilo4_.h:rocK5^^■— f:inia'-Miin. No invc'tiiK'nt. Write

S17.- rnmr nr^f^r.nelli- ■ dice. Faihlon Frocks, Dept. » ••ators 8537, ciiiclmmtl, Ohio,. *h a v e ------------------------------------------------

ILS AUORESa KNVEa>OPES AT HOMKn, 112 sparc tlmc; IJ lo 123 fttckly. ti;-•- ;>f.’;'')!ce ujmt’CCirary. Dlfmllleil

-- work, S<'nd itamp lor partlcular.i.------ Uftwkliis Dept, 782, Uo* 7J, Ham-

7 ii'ond. Ind,

I F o r S a le , M isc e llan e o u s 17

> G b O D '’s T O iS ^ A n V "KOUaE5 »:____ tlrv:^.-, J.1ejo_|6._H arm oiV j, C10_

3rd .Ave. Wo.M. iir- ■■ - —


II . JELLISON DRI33. OUANITE ANDmarkle monumenU. Ph. CCBW. 435

alls Mahi K,

•Tiff: c!u.i. r<itrtti:in:LTS~-emst7:

o 'o M ’ ) \ ' 'H A PM T R O U B U & - \ v j aw NOT* AS Rich 1 PAN^

- - y AS YOU ARE, // VOU K kiO 'W .^ / . ' ^ ” 1

W E GOT p l e n t y \ O F E X P E N S E S T o \\ 'W ORRY Aa E -


r a i l7 F o r S a l e . M isc e lla n e o u s 17]

taa) (CoBitDurd (t«m rrer«dini Column)

XI- H A R R Y M U S G R A V E i s ' O F F E R S T O D A Y

Alt kIndA of ih ln n io make the (amlly Jiappy on--Chr«tmn»r •

.35 Come in 'nnti mnke your »c!cc-30 tlon.^ and l -iy t>efore ilie lo.'t 125 minute rujfi. Two dnridy car I2S radltx^. a Philco tn d 0 , E.. nUo 100 B- Iiirje hne o ' enfilne’. tftoriefr,110 • priced very lo». and many other110 aultable Kllli. We have n soo:l140 Ilock new nnd u-wd funillure oftoo . *« kind?. Farm macJiineri',00 niu.^lciil lniirumrnt.1. R«n.». henl-65 lng find cook stovcj. harncy, m

.60 fact mnn euryihlnt: Imnjln-35 • flWf, JJ .lo-j h:i\v you'31 ttan i to sell. brmR It in and n l 40 eltlier |wy ra^h lor ll or f“:ll 35 It on a comniUslon b;u,tv Harry

V id'E raviHule.'v -A5cncy and Mcrciiar.dlNf Mart, 130 2nd Ave.

■N- —S o - .lth ;----- -------------- ---------- - - -3ER - __________________ ____________lO' A nuniber o; vwd iie»ter» and '

• IM1». CU.R . 3/LVf.7< raX U S Olt tX>X F V m------- —Ph r-':f!.l nr 44H. ^ ______

HAY fX)R (5ALE. F. H DLACK, ------ 3(M 4ih Avc. North,

____ p p F r iAi. pR icf: ON a v n v jo h nDEOI’k maiuitr spreader.*,

(,30 C. W. i M. Co.

FOR SALE - CAMPBELL ELEC- " " iris e.vrelMns machlii'-. ixirtabli: ^ floor model, excelleni for reduc-

Jn?, new. Very reaAon-------- nW r7-rhrrii-.h------ --------------------

530 _ _____ ,..______________________M l. BATH TUBS.' SINK.S, W’A -m i

elo'ci.', bvniorles. anrt all kind;, e ■ of pluinblii? Mippllc-1- Lo'JCJt pric- 116— - t tU lm i v d ’A Jlan ly i're.__

sH rr .p p,A.STURE. s t r a w O nrd Jj.iy. j'SH. w 'oTl>oIinr

- .-c - .Pnrk, Auk. Urvrlc.i. .,

ONE .NEW i- -l-O 1L:1WM.CUICU*_ Intlns I;cat?r. ClObc oul priee, Or.o U.'eil .Meyers doep well po Aer head.

■- C . W . & M . C O .

1 f\ AU »1».<;. atw deep well cyUnd-rs. Krmt:<'i’t- 'll.irdwaic.____________

S . ' "Wanted Mis'ccllarreoLis f7-"A-OLD X N u 'D i^ lT 'A N lM A liT L 'c '’

Pry^ott.-IV.. 01I)2-RU,

WE ARE IS THK .MARKET J-'OR ITTT raw 'fu r ot all kIncLi. T^vln F.ilU

Juiik Hou-w. 330 Malp s o : ---------


____ e,l 11 tilt's wtvk only, Ph, SOOW^CK. llu rn i Seeoiid IL.nd store,

WANTED T o nUY; BUNCH OF____ m ufkrai’ i r jp '. rxKviii Damman.OWN Mary Allce Par'K.

c i ^ L s p y d s ^ : . c . '* p n E k :o -iT .------------------------ --

• f*;"- t v c icv . w K ,“ ranch, Hann'n. ha.s a fn e Icket

■ lo till; Roxy theater. Cull ul Ncwr; 3MK. j _ o » l ^ ^ ^

im ed ' Fruits and Vegetables 18ular.i. '■..............- - . - - - —l.im- TURNIPS 75e PER SACK. M I.E.,

I ml. 5, ol Mis.nr (aciory, iV F. = = | McKay.

S 1 7 1 OE.M SPUDS, 1 \ ml. E. on Kimberly . Roatl. D. p . VoJburg.___________

____ I * APPLF£ H, PH. ’(• Sllll linve a Jew e;irr; of npplex ^

I ^ by hii.iluil nr tnn'k luad. ' j #-------i V- mllc So. nn Miin St.. Kim- fA N D ;« berly. Idaho, .John Ualrch. V/. 435 » » ♦ * ^ it If. If tf ^ If

).v i;3s|*tjh: c,«t.t. r a n iii:6Lt.rs--riu>sr.i2


W 4 V ^ 0 T r - S g Q I i i : P ~ B g - T R E ^ h a p p i e s t o f M th i .A w N D Y - VJITH V O U R FIN?. HO^AE AKiO

rA ^ M L Y - P O F l( :& T ’HHE NN0RRt£5 VJWATEVER. E L S E H A P P H S J S

'<OU'.'JE A L V J^Y S G O T -

.1 v l ' I ■


i H i O^ UNCLE JOI, "Wll»:uK it-H ALL IN U N ASO V VE ^O t-K SAYS;. One iJ the litetttMl . viai cvjw d Ijy th e ’fallure of NL O i r r ON OR BEFORE tllR IS T Mj,P njlf,- ChriStmai'l)ul th rn It * U N(

tlmt I did not receive it ci; time « “ ' .\tAff.FD JUST -n iF DAY DETORl

WAU IN TL PASp, TKXAB, ^ I r i ’ mil liMi thl* thought, that poe* with , Hollitny l.< teeeiTfd lale 11 don’t can

would had 11 arrived wi time. Thr DO YoUll C i m is n 'jv s SHOI'PII AVOlO IlLUt, ANXIOUS MOMEr EU WHATl Abo rcn-ember thnl ON CHKI8TMAS DAY UNLESS 8E:

•'■I' ttOXY Tfeatrc Js fifi*" P/ayIng a S Columtju i-lcllirc •Jt:ALOU3Y." »la

■ m HtiU Oe.>..Murpli>' The Adi'ed Allr In- iliu; icai iomedy in-CMor, "Anylhti vou' 4jsl.^lu-.l.itrjt Paihe New>,! r :i Oh Vr:.: j u s t 23 d a y s u n t i l c(w:ll — I 'II 'rrj- ---------------- — = =

; . F r u i t s a n d V e o e la b ie s 1 8—.- -1 . (tvnilnued train

11-iN raT 'nEi:icV 6iTs’a p m S T T i i “ 7 " . i buJi J! IJydi-a. From Kimberly a“ ’f 1 mlk:, a . .2 n .. - |

--------- W as li in g -M a c h in o s— 1 3 :

. - ! r.SKI>JtVA.SHnt3..~0'lrt'lRIIAU ! ACK I i:uAr.inteedTTliiAy., Mll'lfl7.“ A--8«Ti

' I .\;itoriinile inrt.otherji. A to EASY ,____ ttrui*. C. C. AJuffrKcn Co. '

' .l’ J 1.1 ri li'iF '-: ■■ y V r r f ;f. ’ '

____ U S K D W A S H E H S !LEC- ■•¥ A‘r MOON'S - * I•'nbli: I > 6 ;,,cta) for Monday F.a. v vicu * I

-Vimi cup, very socd'condltion 120, * j ''•'t»'- h :O i;(- '.\nnuK . wrta! Wb. S7M. * I — — |-^ .- 'o n n > U e « ..m c ta i- tu lp J} ^ jO j^

i 'n o N E 5 pon ttrS E iiV A ■ 'f l TIOSS *

»z-------'-f------------ NKW — J - . » iB A W |» _ i n \ S l I E R S _ _ » !

$ 3 9 : 9 5 V ' ’ : rHCU*' * d<-'inoiiitraili>n

i-.fad! J * ¥ * * #

— * For Sale or Trade 21:id-r!>. 1-j-WO IXDIS L V O O L nrN RULK'

Ad;I. IB’cJ; bri'cm'eiit u lth roof. — V V.’iU :;-a<li'’for f.ir nr f»U tor easli.

•A- Iiuiiiire Jno, B, White Uxd------- Car Co. • •I, 0 --------------------------- ;--------------------

r.l W.-:; OFFICK INV lTra F. V.------- Steiner. r a i : ; l i , . tp .ili-' RoxyI-'On (Jie,!:^ Call s: .Vea.i alUcc /o r . r-ilU ..irkr:.____________• . / '

^ — F u rn itu re l o r S a le 2 3

UST- MAV AM) used ' FURSVVuRE OP j 5MW ni: Co.M I!.',npr.i n.i law'a* 8101

; r.icii. V.-,' vrade iind-buy or sell. W ill!-------r " tor jto'.-ej nml lefrlHera.]I O!' :,ir.- an;‘, lurr,i;ure, Moon'a Pninij iman. a:;:' l\i;i;liurc Striro, Phone 5.

- NKW AM) USED FURNITURK. ■OTT. (I'lMlcc;!!, fit.7ii{|jre rrp.iJnni? nnd

- -

I S ' Mi.

Radios and'Service 23-A^ ® ’ik.V50.‘.'.\I'.J.K PRICES ON'dUAfT- m 'J T rrpnlrin;?. We Ijiiy, wll,s I ■■'t'd t!.u:i' NJIW nntl USED rmllofi” • I nf lit: m.iV;i«'i'ili'n Fiilrbank.*;,____• I Miviii •.■■r: IVi Ml-W, .

Wanted lO'Buy , 25POULTRY. H. HUNTeK 'ph ' 130W.

* ’A’ANn;t>-UHED CAlia ,WE PAV lex * ca&li Jno Q, White Co,

* WF, ARK IN 'I'llE MARKirr IOU ■h ¥ p^p'orn, oa'.’,. wheat and Imrley.■ « tf, Olobe Seed A I\-e<l, Ph. 4‘Jl; 224

• ' • 4 thA vf. go.

•7sr.i2 "iu r. c.m i. > m ji>„st'j.i.s".ruo.vKj2

' P S - T R O U B L E S .

J S / / TMA.T'5 J U S T J t - “ J THNT'S'.'WV^ERE

I TH E SH O E /\ 'P I N C H E S - V

I -ImSv a c :E - " s & )SY KCx-/-SriT! T //3r J - • •• V

^ AND A •



dlSBPi>i>;t:imcn'< in my whole life ,Of NOT J?rcf.f\-f.va A c im itrD rA S *STMAB DAY. YESI I BOI It three flny« *U NO CUlilS'iTiJAS ClIPT Tlie reason \me «M du.' ti> Ilip tiirl Ihnt: IT WAS •TORE CHltlST.MAS Jrwn OHIO- ftnd I '^ mller.i'.i.iv, i i tv iu i *o mucji lhe *« llh it nml «in'ij Ihr Kill fnr • certain >I carry th f •lllu? thrill Hnt Ahould and >. There t.% a iimrM to tin , lltlle ito ry : ‘Jl'PINO ANO MAILINO KARLY AND >5MENT8 FOU YuUR WVED O NESf’ ithnl NO MAH. DKLlVVRtES MADE i 3 8EN"r Sl-rClAI, ilANDMNO. Joe-K'ag a S-XINIT /'JtOOflAM beaded by the .

flarrliiR .';;,r.fv C.inoll, Donald Cook ■Aliractioti:, an- -It Thl*, Isn't Love.” a ,

nylhtni: For .< riirill," A Rport-Revue. cw>,3how/i t.Ki.iv,it 1,3,S '.’ andO P .M .rlL CHRIS.1.M.\H- Ntit-Ccdl___________ ^

1 8 ' A p<irtfijen ts 2 8 ;

I ^ - h T n . : . r -M uiN tsH iiiv -A PT s.' a t .■ *‘ l Jut.inirii- lnn nnd Oa.iU Home, ly •> PJl. V'fiand 07J re.'f>ectl«ly.

I •

4 9 : „ _ R o 6 m s - f o r ^ R e n t ____ 2 9 ;.

S d . I n ic k ROOM.‘p OAIIdTYi At S ^ T V I ! 2. L!U in iT7^t)t-3nt-A vft-B.-^— -

iF IlO S r SLEEPINO ROOM. OAR------ 1 n ;e .i:3 2nd Ea. t._______________

tf I ROOM CLOSF. IN. WARM, 8'1’EAM' ¥ ! hV.ii, rriitrjjlU'd bj (toker. 330 2nd « I A\e. .\<i, ______________

:u ♦ In O L ’S E K K K l'IN O ROOM - 0, » | Gfiul-mar, pre.Vrn-rt, P h o n e 0. * I H84-J,n #1 ------------------------^ -----------

"♦+hoon:5—ron—nrm '— 8—uw-. V] fiiniuii'il T.-oiM (gr rcnl, clicini,

tf '■ 13JS 4;il Au-, ___

2 1 KOI'. 'trr.-T -SMALL rUUNlSHEn ^ I nio.-.-, p,ir!ly Knxlrrn. Reicrciicc;. * ; • «-.h E,

^ " ^ 1 W a n te d to R e n t 31................... '

I WANTED TO' LEASE nn OR 100 “ * J Bc:i-, e-tih or crop.rcnl. I-Mll.lL"' 01 ! iriirtiir m.iehlnrry. Box 83. mix'

\ Nf»... _______________

ULK I 40 CO OH HU ACilF-'i OOOU f AiB i ' ' liuid. I1.1VP III'.! r(|ulptr.'-nt. Write ; H«\ A, cute Nt*.T,

Lixd ■ - ----------------------------------------------• T JC K L l-m THK ttO.KV TflilATEft

----- I I;iT :<c P. J, l<;i;ti!!ic.'<'h, ranch,• V. I c'.ill Ht .SV-s» oHicc.toxy >----------------------- ----------------------- -. / o r ; # U U A I tO N '.S R K .V f A J ^ •

■ ,_J0:1.!C- Wllh J .E . HoVrU. Ph 5 6 3 _I •Fiirli'h.iinl li'i'.i:". |ir.-.-iv 'I3n Jll

2 3 i o;ue. H \J.i ••-lilt coodfr.';!',-.'. li-t iniir (ir.T'Tiy v.itli

IO P I ni-.M io t_______________________________ _W ill!----- -- ------- -- • ------

R eai E s t a l e to r S a le 32------. -i.OOO KIVK-ROOM HOUSK ON;RK. 'ourth .n. niie enM, 52i:(X). This Ia nnd a iilr<- l:<iii'.<: nntl j (.'wiJ buy flt

lien-. Five 'i'lr;... wii;i k-hhI Jnur-lioiii -U ll . - hnii,-..- „t:d_>;inll mil l.iill.lliv;-,

}3jO, 4<i ai.-r-' m :ir T.Mn Fall.-, Itvc-rooiii-m ojifn ln':nc, SiK^t.

3 -A Nlecly imprtAed H acre' m-ar___ . Twill Fall.', Ul iia<;.' lt>r fmiy.u n - ' .Scven-rotmi ho:i’- for rrnl, Vir..

w ll, &-vi-ii.rooin Ikv.i ''- lor r .iit, 130

F . C . G n A V E S & S O N

2 5 'WANTED TO HEST-FOUR- OR I five-I oom. m o d e r n furnWied

30\V.' hou.v. FAnilly nf lliti'^. Reliable— • - fmrty.-piKm- 433.,;.— —----------- -PAY --------------------------------------------- -

-,;1CT ACRES OF LAND IN OOOn------ ' lilt: Cnunly fnr^ j lm r I'-ni. InquireI'OU , at 235 Sho-,hone No.irley.' ------------------------ ;------------------------; 224 ' 15 ACRES, CAN IJE DIVIBED

• Hox 442, Twin I-*allv

'.VKJ2 J-TIIE c.»Li. I'OK iii:sn,T.'i".ni(iM:j2


■\ RE^VvEAABEftr \\ Qp A\0NEY ALONH j

I,- - B R lN b ^ o n l y , y V A A IS E R Y - S

JlislH BH- — ------------------ T r i n o i ' t i i !


w i i, — R e a l E s t a t e f o r S a l e - 3 2 -

(ContlBuril from rrcndlo t CotuiaB) (C

V ¥ « * VW ¥ V * « * « V9 * » :t * FOR 8A i.r.-4o A O R ia m r ♦ in * land wiiii »lx-r00m liouae, ♦ _B * t»rn, niirsse. oii« mllo from * ~I *. Tn’in l-'slh, Prlco 1150 per--^c * acre. IliOO cn*h, Ualnnce >fn * term.vd ¥ ------ ■ ': tf. ' I f

3 * POR 8ALE-M ACRES WITH *¥ 4-rouiii liou.\e, bam for*.IS 4

E » cowv a«Kl clilcken hoiw , ■** ♦ .«ll finrctl, located I ’j mile[f * /rotn l(,ierfman, pr'f« tioco. ’“ ¥ JlOO) r.uli. *“ ¥ ------ ♦ •J- *• m n 'i'H.4 DK - 7 -noo .M »

„ * lio.tje ,iiirt bath and 2-rnom *— V hi)M.‘e ii!i rear of Int. ull nice- ^ ;

^ * ly IlltIll^heri, Rented noa- nt i '12 8 * 150 l*rr month, WUIexchiuije ¥__ M (or a f.-o>t 40 clear. * ¥AT ■*,• ne. * ----- •. » |

* POR SALK-A DAROAIN IN » i* a rooming limw' n lth 4 8 * I,

2 Q * eni iiifiiiui- J700 i>er nioiiih, 4 '■

^ t ________J. E. ROIIER'IB ■ ' * I

* Phone 5(13 T »ln Fall.'*, Idaho * '

_ li. tt If If ,f tf >f. If. tf ,/ * * * *■ ^M ":nd I. I — I — ' ,

— ' R e a l E s ta te W a n te d 3 4 c

WANTKD-LISTINOS. ON, tlOOD farm laiitl. Have buyer* Mltli fiinh

;"l*- Reallor. I’ll. 5C3. . ' - • ‘ '

'TT W. F. ZILKF.Y. !!44 DLUF. LAKES .f . I*'-' I' ff'*'* tl'.e.

Roxy llic,iter. Call iil New.*, nltieo. r

^ o lv f : v s ~ v o v I i~ t i s ^ 'l s p J ~ 0 } ~farm aiitl city proix-rty. We have •

3 1 the l>:i!.T, C. W, Patk^ .V Co, - r “ —Pnr'JijO.--J23-6lioslion« So:-

'I ’O "iLiie . I

D ogs, O tiic r P e t s 3 5

nlRDS. niRDS, n iR D S -L A R O E ‘ ci'Ileril'>ii of inmc.ning blrtU- frnm i:i,- .‘nm l> 't huich to larw ‘

..p., uilihr^ )Mrrni.i, It riitfrrrni Xinit.*,(.j, iin'A- nn dbplay, Cmarles, Flnclie.^.

Panll•.Ml. , Dwarf pnrrot.vand Rlr«;__ bird ' at modest—prices nl IJtUo; ^ W’at/-r (iardens.’ Ctifi Ulue •Luke.':13 No, Pliniif 1623,11“ — ” 7—-■ , 1 -<l' ' F o r S a le L iv e s to c k 3 6

“ 23 h a m p s ih r i-: u u c k .3 2 I'- Milimn, I'h, 27J1. Kimberly.

— FiJKDFU J’If.S IX)R SALE 3 ML . ON ,n 5t. 1.,, No, HUIIV.-11, Ida. Louise , •' KeniKdy,- flt _____ ____________________________.up . 30_llEAU._YQi;i!O„COW S AND:oiii helfi'i.s. cilflord Ut-nncy, 1 ', Ml.;r;K, N. K. Hnn: tm. brldne,

s j H o r s e s , M ' . i l e s , C a t t l e

Fiirniei-s. II you »r<; imrllcular mill «ajii j;i>i>d youn* d n tv - • lior5.-.i, Ueli;ians or Peidicroiwi,

•yf buy lhem-(rt-liie Hunt farm 1 liN ( mile west Peavey. ,PlL Filer 85J2.

— RK0I6TEHED SHORT . HORN OI bull, 2 yrs, old, Lloyd DavU, Mur-

tniigh. 1 Ible _______________ ;________________’

m - P o u i lr y a n d S u p p l ie s 3 7 ]

___ CALL AT NHIVS O m C B FO R ,''ED your Irec ticket to th* Roxy

Ih'-ater, O 'car 'I'rueblood. raneli.

iiTii -iiiK rai.i. lo i t iiMUi.T*"-nioNC>:

^ £ -^ - - B U X - 4 > 0 h U : - E f iR G E r = _ l_ , jF Y O U HAVE E N 0 U 6 H

M O N E Y - Y O U C.AM A L V ^ A Y ^-P lC K *n4E K ll'‘& _Or= W S E P iY YOU- LltcE

l l i i i f t( M I 'T H K P O R T H O L E ^


ICEMBER 4 , 18S« '

iGTHECLAS!2 - P o u l t r y ^ n d S u p p lie s 3 7) (Ciintlnowl tfcm PTteetflni Columni

llA lillE D ^R O C K coc ker els '♦ T h iinp fon -P ark stra lm .H , *T.

Iiljike. I'V ml. So. Soulh Park,♦ I’ti. ('280-na.♦ '____ .* — ----------------------

I Sets Race Rccord ;

^ jl i W W H W i r34 CAPTAIN FRFD C. NHLSON nt flt— ■ fan ; e.inu' In lii.*t hitmni: nine QU Imml-picki'il a;my em eorp .ivia- itih “II whom broke ihe prcvl-

rii'tropU y a t SfUrlilire Held, Ml. _ • Cl.'menK, Midi, He nvemBed 318.8 M friJJM per liiuir over llje 5&-/n}Je [j.(, cni/rw.-'-Vi Photo.

G fts - ltS rJ o lr —

^ '

AS a 'ffr.'t 8(rp In ■ c'-nernl pro­l e l>0 ‘''d leoisaiiiratlor. nf the na-

I .i,iin> .'-li-iiiiihoat . lnK|>ecllon *er- ■r ! v',r.' I'(<-.-irtL'iil Roovvelt nnmed fV' • C,i; I.'in CieoiK.- FjIn' i.-ibovei. wn )ii3, hf-io, MS -uiii-rvl-irc iiKpector Jor I Nrw York —llf; Photo.2 . _________________ . _

RN ;----------------------------------------

Daily Cross-37!_ ^ A c p o is _ , Solution 9f Sail

OR I l i j o j ^ ^ o i oi: TM h.’,i.*o,'i A T A R j a f t M

— iJ & o , i i * M Q Q Z | E | H c j : r, witiKi.imi list S p a p d

IX ricrmnii .-Mr » n ~ ^ - — ^ 17. .-;,rry: r„ili^ M A ^ A Y

I :'u W rlr 'l 'rh r'’' C O P S |A I R•1 At'*;;""'” ■ q n | t n r a:j : C.I-. r ...- P A C E g I M

' • , m o m a i_ ■' J " ‘[ - £ l j N ^ A D

. ~t. :...i T r i 0 OJO.i'l u . 'i V s f l o w M t t p

; : , f It o l e i N l i H lA

I J3-.'’ -' r -'!* t:. X : ! . i

i i • ’lli l'h'i fn DOWNH. J T.., )m)v/j

i;mlr . ! L'lo.i lljMly

■ | / - - | 2 - ~ | 3 f " I J |6_ .

_ _

I T i F H I i r ~ J

25 ^ i j ^

s T '% ^ ^7

____ i Z Z Z l Z I ^ I Z iZ ! i

Tj rr-ss- — '

37 tjrE W a .w ia H tfl TouA '- « “"I tt cUftr to n v S e n of Um e lU S 2 IIM pa«e th i t th e n U » i t r * •.. f ' rule tlT ln i u y tddlU oil ..^.b' l l tnformaUon coneernlns 'bU od \

ada," t i i t t U, •d'vrtUl'oeRUX \ ilpied «Ut) ft bos number In c t n \ \

r=r of llw.Newi; . '


I . Flrtt Nkt'l. Bank Oldt.


kind.t’of atove. tumace and boiler repatra. ea itl 'nn ’or all klsdf. ma* chine work, wood heater*, becauM we make and guarantee them a t ahort notice. Vlalt our plant. K napi

• Foundry. 334 Snd Ave. So.


• Office 534 3rd Ave. East• - Ptione 344___________

-RO X Y -T H SA T R R -T IC K tT F n tX -------for A. C. Vlc^tor 3M flth Ave, ga^t.

— “ TlCESJtED-A'TLOtrSN---------------

LOOAN, Olah, Dec. I mar- r la j t liccnae wa* obtained her® j-ea*

- teritiy DyTnomtia spennty. as.-Bur --------ley, Idaho, and H an lc ll Anderion.

! 22. of Corntah. Utah.

Iiln'p OPENS DURLEY STORE' DURLEY. Dee. 1 -T . 0 . Maluf of

Twin FalU W openlns a new aloreiicre-ta-t>e-kno*n-«*-“-Th* -A nn*------Shop," Only iVopuIar priccd frocka. will be ahown and Mlaa JowphUw Fox will be in charge of the ahop. which will be locatcd on Overland

— nTtnu?:— ------------ ------------

Time Tablesi jH - ' on rooN iiioRT likr B ' , ^ ^ftellM *Julj to. ^

■ . , W«tb«nna „ „» Tr.ln.i71 1»»»«---------------,4 . H»ln J«3 lukVfi.----------------- I .» P-« .— • - w rtl.* nitANCU

- K9inJt»«aa<S' Tialn «# 1»»T«---------- -__>4;»D B.

Notihbeund Train «o irtlvM_______:-----1:30p.m. ^


— > a a ; g =


Jeroint. WtndcU and uo»dlDi Afrl»!» — 10:30 a. tn.Ui>f» ______ —_____ —-----7:l>p. W..

OTIIKIt aT.^g^U SEI 11-Mg.M. •

pro* <.e«»em -------- ------------------JO :»a.» ,* " ' '“ N6jrTil«T»fERN“ m C B 8

*er- m tbouad -»mrd ■............ ............ - ~ ^ t » g p »-

'f AtTIVKl - ____ i:MT> M.!.(*>(« , a;4Jp,tn.

s-Word Puzzlef Saturday'* Puxxti t», Tir^r

II. RUInrd


” ' “ 'wrT.'tt, Touna

I t M con. ititlalinn

" ■ J . ' S •... c . a s . , ^ . ,_____

IS S '" '' ' ' ' '- S ' , s i ; „ i ,

- --------• l.fftthtT JA»t- haniith , % It. S»>al( oul

’ (. om rrrtln Ihoiizhl*'( ■li.ireiinf .in hcr.r. 1. . . <1 t.’Mid .t3tl4»

liiiiclnit to rxiKtri iittrI toyall) ' . V»tilr*1, rick out e»rt- P(»ifnllir

^ ^.fullr <•7. Cliu* OtniT tofatbirI. nnu M. Ar»lcJ«

- of »lvldti'» - IJ.rhurch •tltlst

r I. aceni t i Cicl»m»llon

i 35 ^

“ ^ 38 I ’ ’ '

” Vii iA ' _ _ _ _

■ p j iw l f t i i - - _____________

smswiE 'n----- Tod«

j . n t t u s l f j a l . S p e c i a l t i e s a n d

. P r e f e r r e d 'S h a r e s A t- !

t r a c t B u y e rs-------- HIKM


NEW YOHK. Dec. 1 IT— . • . ' Sloclu: SiciKly; eli.init'-s imr-

nonds: Mlxfd: irpiiiiVlfs rw f.Curb; Q uid; w no »i>.'ctiiltlra

mprovc.i^ rt lsn cxchanuf.'.; Dull; varl* of J3

ttloiu Bmnll- crnitCotton: Q uid: Wall street £dl» ’rrajf

ns: lUjuldnllbn. Tod»Sugar: insher; ittady spol I’rtvl

m arkd. " '« *Coffcc: Quiet: trade buylns. '> a rCHICACO; l»31WhP«t.-H/efW,- A-3rJ!) d! dc- IU I

iverlrs.Corn; Slrong; virtual cnrn fnin* iI9M

n t. :I932C alllf: Notnlnal; mwtiy :5c up 1932

o r wccl!.__ Hoi;«: Slrndy: toi> i G lQ-_______ j__

____________________ I in cu. ___p,_KnKDKUl£K_nAKl>Ni;n 1“"^ ,'

(AA.so:laicd l 'r« s Unaiicial-WKU-ri T NEW YORK. Ucc. 1—SiK-culatlon

— lilULl n lt U .It U;i.—Ufck-cnd p;tcp in stock.-. lo;!ny iind lhe inntkd prnlcmci'il its May in ,

___Ihc narrow ninKc itearly m ilic wi-ck. !'•

Oniltis dUcrtftJ m icnttoi t r n a ~ thc aliarc Usl ns corn ipuriccl lor | lu rther ncl ndvuf.ccs nf J ' , to U . k d w ccnis n bushel. Wheat clOM-d 1 \ to H'”''" I 'v ccni's liUticr nnd p in :, in ry.-, oats and barley ranged up tomboui j -3 ccntJ a bushel. I

— — A tttr- the juau inc il N ovm lic r-U tl: .._^ l yancc. jBccurlty m arker were eon- 'lomii ten l to rest on 'ilic lr Imiri'In while Wnil »lrcct wnllcit lor biiMuc;-s lo dcmoiutmte lt.i trcovery stiiiiiliia. M i’

------ Dcmantl*TorTttickTTPnttniirrt-s«- •<-oUuiJcelUe. I t flu'Acd mnhily into hldll^• detin;

I trlnl _ tpfcial’m ami pri-lorrcil shares olfcrini: nitraclUc yields or> dlvlilrnd pro.ipcctJ, I NK’

Oainj Inthe-C aution- — iiit-fin Although Dscember" triidfl pov.l--:nrltiil

blllllM evoked cheerful comments ')-i.9ii' (rom vnrlous quuru-rj, brokers | denial pointed out tha t nianV lndu:.trl»l'niiind

— Bhf>m>->iRd-niovftl-ui»-MibHnnlUlly ;»iOJ3 lo jt month. Inviting prullt-taklni: $37,63 by traders and more caullon antoni: j outrlBlit buyers.

Thc nrrlvai.of Dcccmbcr lurncd] ipcculatlvfl #tic.iiion to llnuor. amusement nnd other sroup* uhlch i'li>*'‘d usunlly benefit Irom Christma.-.. spendinc. ,3’. s

S ted Jhnre* yielded pa rt ol thetr Urst previous gnlhJ. Ci. S, fited prci'erreJ fourf,

'dipped 2 p o ln t« '« tra -rc»- ir a n s i; “ ' fers, Americnn Rollinu Mllb. Ueih- Ichcm, YounBSion-n Shfel and Tube -'''•s ncpubllc and U. 3 . Steel ciniir.on -< • << ea.-'fd. '

Scime prclerred stocks xslih thin ninrkcUl ro.'C as much r.s i ur 4 •< • ' PQltUs. notabl)- IleniU>i;;uii • Uiiiid -1 I ir« ond second prderrcds. Unlvcr* J '-* sal Plclure and Barker Brothers, Warner Brothers Pictures iirilerreil, -i’-s a 10-share unit, jumjKil about 0 J - ■*<'•

_ p9 in l4 .____________ _____ ________ _Averaee K w V;. ,«

— T H m jie tft" ra r.!c irtron !rj-n i,.i« , “ compared with 6Vi.M0 last 4Jaftir-| ' dny. Tlie Sinndard SiatlMlcs com -' pany averosc for M stocks saRcd . onc-tenth of n iwint to 75.7. h a v - " Ins moved wllhln a ranee of utxiul u point all week. . I s,\

StrcnRlh In some secondary b - ; • s m sues eontrlljutcd n good undertone to Haled bonds. Dut treu^ury Imucs ; u,,, u-cro Inclined to drift as l!ic-m ar-i^o— - --------- ’

ni'-ilii;_ T W i N , FA L L S__M A R K ET S_

Tbi Twtn r«iU ttum ci m»r»« jt*- u rtlaj « u u follov*:

LIttttoek tlrc.'li

t t n ------- 13 35 ' **U«»»r tuielifri. ilS 'to So pound* II.'Jr»cKlni MM. JSO rwuud*---------H.io - ‘ >Ucacrucitbi buiciicrj. lu-iM llx . JO'.-r:

= ij S IS i S l IVc'.j'*e»'lv«i--------------------U m w iw | i-Si:bprioi I tm iu -------------------------

« . . . .....l.iBht eotoPi) lic ia™ .___________ -Ic, I'x!r,ul.li(lit lf<lio:iu--------------------------7c i>,„,Coloitd Iiiiu ..................................... Uc i,..,.,

__ Lfgliorn Dioilc u — -Uc " '*

a o M im ______________________ 3«a u p _________________________lc hi-n t, -=— 'llll U

Turkrji ;i,Mn;:(PrfWMl yi;cp) i . . . ,

S U K ' S : i ; ................- - 1 ? li-.

g 8 8 » » s -----------------------Voiin* lirrn.v iiiflUim __________li- 'IlPtlii. mnliap — ......... ______ ll'-|Tufkcjs, No. i* ........ .............. ......... lli'i

l>«ilT«;*d rvln rwi*

Dutift!*', ex>a n:cr.. .............------- [ fo r-I

C, .s. (lir»l Nn.iik;^ Nil. 1-. ’... .NO,'11. J jiJ ' T.I.-

l-oljlof. iVini 'niwfU. Mo,. 1- ......■"‘•. :i:ic-r. .. ......... .Am,

Onisnt i\Mllcli(IMU »iicri ijield

T»110ir. nwtrl Hp»ntfti, S.li;cli "Sc ■=■'

WbMl ma Mill rred t-i-r nS;:?.: 1 " ^ - — I,BlocK toort. lo>;-<.iin() Jl K'n', BrocK riwd. iw-pujna iou.______lU U ' ’ItU'

. Ittd ’ ' “ tmalr"infirJUT3'rsmm'-4:faif«.;II^'Z^r'ri M'j.Tli

M ciotef----------------------------■*'“" lu r .d fRM aiirnrw 'in iih

N » comb contr, two , ■!■]](, d S S S r Z Z Z Z Z m s K - j f c Mverl

i«uucf, ptr &«td_________ :--------- Sc Near............: :: : ■

T u fn i» - • - I - Oir fc N n peutow, peuQO____________ CIcc

; S /rredaet I In i

2SJ{2' -------------- - i ; •••, V- Iti'd.'S ip i ; .......... ..^ a

■ 1/ ’ . ' ■ '

I,--------------------------- --------- ;s to c k M a rk e t A v erao e s

• NEW vom t, r i f I ifs-.HlofU kr-. Icni'yiHlil. l:iJl, »;«iicliinl Bl«- ., J

Tod«r -j;u j i *u is .to

\ \W tri W ..f.-V) '-!;*{ s;i!o 7<.m Moiilti «i;n UTOVr»r ,^o _hj:-i <j|t. <-,?.) 1s:oT.yrs.i!,- !!. ..( i j i n i;,iu Ijj'jolllllll. l:i.l I' ->1 :.| J GJCOl/i«-, b : i '.I.u .... ...... <.ir.ii C440HiKM. ly;] |i.;tii ,v..i ii.i;n »90

iiiitii. 1CJ3 : : 'n ->;■) iu 'm tj'o t U *. iu:7 j) |i j ij'.u :i iu U.OO

m i r.iii.ij, IW,


NKW VOUK. » rr, I ( I'l - - Inde* of IS atapic cuminoillly prlcn, lUe- erniter 31, ISM, cnualj luo: ia:6 av-

'r ra te equali :3 a j |;Today l«( SI’rtvious day..... ........................H3.1Week a j o ..................................I « JVear a jo .;............. ....... ............12M -ISI31 lll lh .................................. IJ65 c

'I U I low,_____ :.............. .. ....... i:o,o;i9i3 high ....... ........................... H9illl9M Init................................... : « ,7;I932-J.lgh....................■ ----- IM.91932 ln«-...................................... ;S J

<C'op)rlclil. 1931. hj .MiHidr's): iDtcfiribcf j|.^ 13;^ _ _

jand Ihs folluHlnc cunimiiillllM. wllli

ut llic hole Index aulciieil to eaeb. ... are und: Wbeat >1, colton U. h o p aiu. IJ. kicci Krap tu, ■ucar 10, nool 1. ' aiiu c-iippcr 3. Iildct 5. com 1, rubber 1 0“' '

I >ilk 4. coffee t, lead 3. silver 3, cocoa 1 a"!

!kd walled,for nnnounc'cmpiit of ihn 'A"*'- liovcrrmeiila iJeCc-mber Iil.ins. • I,

j Mi;iAi.S ! I'lir;' UKW YOHK, Dec. I l.l’, - ^ fe lJ ^ j Iiiomiiial.y uutiiimT^iT ■ " [<;»??

COTTO.N , ‘ I" •NEW YOriK, iVi-e. I .,1

.(.oUuii i»ar^V .cliM d.iU ^di-clim . ul J Id ;> p<iini-.. ■..■■■

I TOliElHN r:.VCII.\>J NKW, YORK, ni-c I ..1-,;r\cl;anKi' lrrri;iilar, lOn-ai iini:iin ■ i.,,i.,: ;iirfinimr.'rn>:!irr.T-iir-.'-ini Ulflliilii di’iiiand »4.W .: i-iiLic;. 'M .aii\: CO-diiy bllb,demand G,59‘. ; cubK-s G.iy-,. uc- ci,-n, 'niiinits; Mciittenl in Ne-,v York I H'-H''

hi-fi f rfm.os\. VI . r.OVKItN.MKNTIlOSnS ] Nfn,V YOItK. Ucc, 1 t,T, — Unilrd iS ialw governnient bond nuouiloiii i 'closed;

Liberty iMUii':,3’. s 32.J7 .. .. ....... .....103,18l-'lrst -I'.S 32-17 , ..,...............■.103,n; i„, -ifourffi J30S— ..... ..{OJ.i

• — -----------Trra^urr - - ' ......- >'-‘'*‘i.•V.? 47-53... . ......IIS.m ' m^,,•V.S . . ..........._.101,27

-41.51 ....................1(17,27 ':r,.s -1!:i -10-13—Jum-.....................iuJ,u i:i .% 4J-1- ................. 10.1,0 N.«t ':i .s 41.43-M;irch__________103,Uj ' . s -tl ..................................... i ta ,n i;;!,H'.S 41-41! ............... 101.27 U V3’.s 4fl-43 ...........................:0I,0 -'''"I3:. 4«-4« ......................... 100.5[3.-. 5I-,V< ... ; ......;....100.J I',.,-.,I : ----- rcdera|-nrfr«rM.Itlracrtl— —

J'.S Cl • •. .................... 101.0 ------! Hcimc (huirr* U an* ..-I? '51 .. .101,3:'.vA o: ., 0H.2I)

3^-19 . ... liyjH ___

I S.VN FU,VN( I.S(-0 I 'llO nW K '; ’ SAN rUANCISCO. Dec. 1 oVj ~ 'BulH-ff,.t :i5e, : ''‘•i liulli-r; 113 ^cnre 33c: 01 jcore 31c: iW) i.cote 3(V. '•* ;

I-:i!«; V. S. exira.s I;.rRe-20c: “ ' ni'-iliiiiiis 25';c: sniiills I'J'.-e. . ,

Clu-i-so: Flat.'. IflVc; trlplels ICc.

n ii( '.\(;77 rito i)V (:KOHICAOO, Uer. I i,n — nulter;

R(Y-.'/[)y 9J(a itih\: u n d y ; cre.vit-' i-ry specials I93..seoioi 29’ to a^c: ' fxtra-s (921 :9e; extra fir.wt (90-01) |37', 10 29c: flr*t,s (B8.fl9) 3 5 \ io ‘ r‘‘'' 38 ';f: M-fontLi (R0.H7I 24 'j to 2Sc:| * P

l.si.iiularc'J i90 reijtrallrcd carlols) i 'f* '' 'JB:. I fP " 'I l-:-;i:s; ne.-i-liiUi 130S en.'>es: rn .sy;!'''" '

Iir.'i.s :9v: lr.,'l i Knulod Iir,-.Nt, sr nirrriii r.-t-i-liu.-t 21 loJ.V^c; t«--.

I Ir;i:eia;»ir fir.-.I.-i 2 '.v ; .Mantlaiil 21 \e ; j - - V

I’miUry: Live 9 tnirks;' steadv;' dfu- hvr.' 4'.- ivn'iml-i up i:i'.c; nnder 0 . ,

lU>rfc sprlrnts H lu lG,;; c^orcd I3'v -----to 15:: Lci;tiorn I0'-;c;,roo.^tcr» 10c;[ .hi-n turki'vs 17c; yoim’c toms lie ; I'llll Ml-; Nt>, 2 12i-;' v.nini; ducka'-l’ ; L ;i.Mn;!.-.ii;) H lo I.'..-; .-rnnll 12c; Kec.'- . lie ; i-a;Kiii-.. li !o 7 puuiids 17 lo IIh-.

jouni; li’iii.. olll 2'V; jiui:;,; h.-ll.-, 2le: ol,: s.\

;;.i,-; N.‘, 2 17«. s - l)

1 sr< i,\K 'I NKW YOi:U,.Un-, 1 - lli.-.i jj;:sar wm imt-ii:int;ed lisliiy. ‘I WhlU- n-liiH-rs continued to \'.hu'.v liU’.-i',-.-;, ihi-y ptelerted to buy ifor 'u -e 111 Jiiiiiiarj-, beloiv tl^- ■llrilu•a.^I;t-a‘^;r''Mll:;lru■'rur■Il^,e^r.■r'.-'•'•r; m onlh. Ciib.in hoUti-rs olferi-d .ii jj l . 'j ' . lor }>t'cn!:bfT piOCVi.iill' ! ' ’ 2'i.’i liir in Janu.iry. j'';

,c.;, :(',PvO llii;:-. i<: Cuba;. Ior J;iir.l- ;i;-y nl L‘.i:.‘i v.i-ri- i'nTi'lriiii-il '

T.n- onl'.- <i;lii-r bu:;incsi rrporu-it a ^,lle I'I -UKm) biitis of •CiiImii .

lioiii stun- by au (ipeniiur to a ii-- :iner III - srrz

' - Am.Io |i.4u.|Iu> lliici'iutwr poxtUnii, • — j\iiucli \va:i liiclinvd to InK. lutun-. i held Kenet.illy Me;vdy on lurthi-r

icovcrlin! and (rude buying. Tlie m nr-' k d cb.'i-d 1. [xilnt loTer-on Ui-ceii-.- , tii-r nnd uiiihiinced lo 2 hlKlUT o;t later dl.-UM'rk- . Siilis weic 7;Ui.>

Tin- mnrkel opened I to 2 [vini:.. ' :;\dvai)cL u n d - la lc r shuivcd a J .li- , 'lUmal Kaliis of u l>olni on so;ne |io- ■ . j i i iu.ii. All.nuaL.m iiiillis /uh lrBp i 'i . . ; - ncl Kain uf ^ poiut-s otv ^uy;ni; u r :“

;irr.df Inurcsu. believe^ to b t h : i - 1 ’ 'mil hedges DKalnsi m Ics o( nctu,ils.{• Tlic upturn eniucd n little lo .a l ' covering Ior over iho week end. ' Near Ihc cIok ih c ri wns n pariinl reaction, wtth flnnl prices a little oI( fcoDi the best.

ClMC; December 1.80, bid; Jnmi- nry 1.74; March 1.77. bid: May 1.8J;July 1,88 to 1.B7; Hi'iitember li)ff. .

I In icllu'-d dem;i'r,d eongjiined lim- iti'd. rnccs were unihan^cil u tM

lio r liaa grauuIaCc<L

H z z -z z :------- , / - s o - c t A a e N c e - M U s a E b .; A 'M o w v o u D id ME, AND > t f TO O K V O U R BU SIN E SS ] m '< O 0 R 6 P P I C E •) I AWAV F R O M w o o , DIDI

N E W y (

. . ,-----------lUy-71ir ----- -—1'..;:,

Alllicl Chrni K l);r I':,!'" 1:-:. I .

- s g r g — i.ii - i ; ; :: ' f t

.S - a s - S ;

i/u>iinaii Km.iv u . ' , u= ;. in ;r v--'''

jOfiirrul j . ' j<%* . M-

i'll.-./ ■l^. IT'. i : ; , II::.-

^cilnUm'ir I.:- -

---------------------------------- liC.Tl

p m m o i i i s------------------------------------------------ ,1>IV

CHICACO >'Ot .\t i) i:.s -CHICAC.O. Her. 1 .1- i|- S I> .M '•''r; r

i''llatl)r^: llrc rlp l\'7 ? <-.irli,.id<; on ;iiacli :i!l; liital I '. S. vlitrmrnln',J3:; dull, •uiipllr* mnilrr.ilr, ijemanil "'udl' 'anil tradlnc »1a»: raund«bllr«, r . Nn, I, Xllr lo K:,r:'liU- III! Ituw l», I'. S. No. I. 51-'.n In ' «!'' ?l.ffl: cuinbluall»n rn ile ?1.35 li. 59.',»; S1.3U. Taiicn

' . _ ____ _ . ■ IjieiuiiIlIA ilb I'Ol'ATOKS M’*''"'

. IIIAIIO FAU.S. I»PT. 1 .,1-. i r S II '" ' ' ‘•'•I f A )-Slilpplnc polnl Inlurniallun (or.: frldsy:I Vpprr vallry: Carln.id.t (oU ra.'.h |I Iraik: Itui»rU r . S, 1 (oo frw sairs: .I rcp<irlnl lo (jU'itr; I '. S. 2 fe« 4 1 ':c ;' ptj I frn- Inw a» tOr. Hulk nulnel<ht raslij jr.,... tn snincr»: Itiis'Pls V. .••. 1 (eu 5lle;‘i

' iK-t-aslonal hit 33e: I'. S. 2 'ith'T'Ii-w ivVtrl • ^ Iiin '

j T«ln KalU-Iturlev; J’rarlli-.illy no ',,,'^n ' drnianil nr trading, markii .Mcak, , i-in' Tnn Ich- m Ics rrnrl-leil lo (|Unli-.- ' j

'■ I ’ .— ["''(•a

1 L f f i s m i f iK E i s ; f |SAN I ItANCISCO I.IVK.STOt K i;;.\N i-itA r-icisco, nc-. i i-, a : nu: i

^'11 A’ Itrrniir-' VT"k- i-i':iili.;ivil l.i.-.l l-'i;il,t> • li-ili'li-_-in-U- i ; i liV I.l ;-(li- li|t;l;i';; l.i',,' |iij> V ''-’ it;:.’, c;- li: lii-.id la ; lui.md Iil.ilm.s, be..L

u, m,.'„i, ; Jei-;s •;i’.k'.v j i ;:. to $v,’,n. toiiii-,-• in:irii lr.lrclll•r 150 lo t tu/|i,-r: 137 $0;'

-,:Cii;il:. •................... _ ____l.Jioi.c(■,.i;:r ite.-elpt:. (or lonr d .ivs'alid

'lu '" ; ii'iiipiiri-d lii.-ii I'lui,;). l.li:- Uiiid u;,; s ,s',e;u1y lo p .l . Sfi-.'iI '.' li;jii-t ori-.';;i-eri.. Ui.iii K-ii k.-.mi i;:;' li i.iml Inl yl-nrlini; .t:-,-;. Si‘ 7.'- ' . 'S ’''

1' .ml l<-il {I!3'. 10 {ii.ii'); , 'i ,« a 25i: 1 ■n;- :i;iil ye.\rinn;s JI.2:* I" JV^ar' ly gn

T S C O R C H Y S M I T H - '^

' ' I . - - l l J c 'w. • -EVER

K m u 5«V|?IN(r Ffto.M ^■THSPaSDHGASM

■ , ■ ^ esw /im p, s c o f i c ir / '.v----= ..-ri»EtlD e4£nu?en«H JIB;- :

1 • INVEjnSflTB ON ' . . • I .HoRSGBflck,,,, :i

- * 1

. ' ,x-i ■'


- G 4 5 Q / .

m a d ^ t o o k ’ , I- .-« a s SH O Cft . -OUR . . i '‘ I ' i

C f ^ P S - . - M O N tV !,.'


y o u ' K , - :.______ . .' iT4'l

i-1'..:!.-.—i-j__ 1 - - cj; , ■'-■'iiit . I, 11 ll • . ; i ., aj*. ;jf . J.ifi-■ I ■■ iii‘ 40‘< , -(J'.

V ' . ' " ! Ai» ' .." r- ;— j ' ■-.r., :. -- ........ . . 1V'_. • 's.".,

, Ill i - . l i ' . lu-. lu' .. u - l i i . |

sj-Lci.xL iviiu: ■' - ' ' ’ S-

jyc.irlhiB .•.iwki-rs si,:ij; r-x-ii tiw ......,pouiid Ii-d yearllni:- nein-r.s. .l .;u;

■ i.iirly t;i>. )d m ii««-• \(iuni:' (iuu’.jiljii- :,i>iv- JJ.'iO !■) $2.7 iSSK Uxliiv, 125; S'

-j-r; i-,o(iil co«s 10 e.ilx... loi' lour

'iKin-d l;i-i ^Il«l:ly. iuoiiiid '^i-.iiiv;.-..mi dlum ;ilS iioiiiiil s,Mi;;nii-i e.iivcs ......$1,75; .stocl;el;. $4.2

I Sheep; Ucci-'lpt'-a59.'iO; comp.irtd la.M-i-riii;r.r i.iinij i ' ___ ..

i i7i'.ii n^n in i=T7y:;=7rnrrTii. r [^~ ’rr;nTry^^ijieluKl top ii.25 for iitxiii ..i.'lo -.u |:<Mll(l I<’d nuoled; lo (.-iioici: i >- . . unrter-BD potnid wiini.-a m e-,- . ..dlum enrly shorn lii' d no ........ .

■[)ouiicl cviv 'I’uny, nnnc,, 1 »...

I CJnCACIO MVKSTOCK! cmCACiO. Ue.:. 1 lU .iM iA ): 'i f ' : ; - ; H e - . m > > ; :;;.;:kr--::V.:i,i ; LCW 'i.U-ady m:li i-'iuby'.-,' in.-i.ise; D ..\ wuKht.H iibo-.e j;ii> iK'uncN $i) lo $:;,10; 14C0;-

] (lip Jfi.10; Ic'.v Inl.. (xiiniv llir'nuiut.l Jii to , i;rso:d. thi : f i r ld liiti-.i-r; 2'"‘ lo I'j'jii' iniiuuU J.i.ii.) to. $-'.;. ll. liter n.-i ;i;h'(s ;''.'iJ down; - h -v ';i.i ;.inn' ^

I Cattle; Hi-celpl.s 200; co;ni),ired ST, ■•l-'ilday la.'l vu'ck; cnltle indv p.-ac- Ai—£

ile:illy all grades nnd c h ? - i' 'old tat la ‘ lii-;ln-r‘'o it ,r're-‘n i;iubi;niiii; :Vmr- 'ly 7,'ic . ku;i bul uei,;liiy -Meers t)jtk ihkIr-jiit week en.l, i;1m,>ihi{ ,S.'iul I'H'^ yi'iUlllll.-., l»me\'n-. ;iiii.%li-. b i . \ - ■

uu; llie \v.rk.}ilji> 25.; lhi;;in ll. Ill- llu.- h ,?i,inu-s iiinti';. I’KlreniM I--P i.n ii-■ dmin .in-l.-l;il svei„;iiy .-M-fi!, $10, i.-- ,-ial

■ V ; ’ -icaliiik; 1170 ix-.iiiid> lo i ' be..L llcJil .-.ti'.-is $;i.:;,. .'li:;,-, ;e . .'ered

'jei-;s .-elliiu: bill'.; 4i'l;ulnr'lo' C'Jin:irket steer;. « iili welj:li! J-I.,'') to tl6«'Jj, $9;- litflil oflerliiRS JC • lo $'J; nil

I h d lc r .. siSaii; [II 25c ;ili:lu-_r; cOtt-s- ' and bull.-. Meiuiy unu \e iilc i' f{- ii'pit DfT

Uiiid lot!, tnu .'rd y<-a;'llni! l;,’l:ers,-C.'im:i Sfi-:."!; mixed .-Iio.v le/ecir, i;;j Cu i:ou-r: j'j.'i'i. - ■ ' . ■ , lami;*

' , Jflieep; Iten-lpu I.IPO; c(’::,;:,ircil lado

25i: hichcr. havlnt; lo't imr: n: car- llni;.'. ly ga in ', shei-p Mli’liK to 2n- Mull- •jleiul:


TWoUJKT’ Vou WCKE ) W- ABOffTDN WAS lj -XbGolj-y^-M;pr5Ti;Dtwjmow*'*'

■ f r d . t

Y NKW.s, iWlN t:Al,LS, ID A nO J1 0 . 'S U N D A y il lO R N lN G . D E C E M l

Q / . / T O A U E Y r - C A L l . C

I ; . - ^ 0 ,U ' f t R E . - A ; . -I -& JN C .H O F S IS S IE S

IP V O O . LET M IM ., - o v i = G E T •A'^AV'! W IT H

rrr (cerfJnc. tan :-: l/tt!!* ct:nn'!Td;-f A n v.vf'Ax exlraiie lop ?I.v.uhief'lambi'; I i iT4't fo $ ;j5 .'.p iiid <i).lrir[;Iy by ' l l I •liippei.v iind*.'-ni;ill-'ki;i:-rr, jifi-vifiiii.. :.i.holldoy;’ laie ■ic.;i.j7.lo lo tlp-.-.e ' ' l;^!irt.’!: , c;f,-.'.;i|! l)in;-iJI; bul «e,-l: a j •

•0..-JI lo $i;,75; clcv'ilir’a l l iJ 'tlr ; ; sl:ii;vlifrr yi:arllii;;:i'S17,'. tx)'$(j.2j;

;'o„j:!.50; i,iii«2,V,;.bnlk white.

• .■ '■yoR T i.A N ii;i.nV ‘ m ^— HUHTLAJ^DrOe?^!— A t---------lh ’i;v n«-ci;ipt< iiiii)V, lor live daji-. :ii;uu.''enmpari-ll «.ei K.-;ii;L'. sit-ndy11. .•iiifin;': fi-ed-'r u k t im,Mlv ;.0c 'A.': UI-..-I. •bulfKO-;d l6*<-!i-.;-x-.l'05 lo . c i l

-ji.-.i'- 'T;TOd“ ttp rhp.ji'j' l.-Tiit'i

(i')'.Mi-to t j ( . ' • • . - - •(Mi'.I.-:;^Kri._;i.f.-,.r;.it;.-; lor flVe

n W.-)l.'o;t hi'ili-rV

i:c 'd t‘,cimTv v',-ld. r‘. 'f .^ o to J;i >oj *

■ '•o{‘.i>f:;-j i . iv i ; s m - K • “ ", i)-e. 1 , i i : ii a i -- -

lo.Ml Sj.2'. '.,10 S4.75; iii-rd •_ Ivti

j:i.7.-.;-|)ii:?. UJ-d co-e.i J2.50 l<''$2.7.,, -i-'i;!'! l .ir e.i .fx;;-,i. .iiVilUy 53 to

s iV i- ii.-m 'c ii iits '.f lo l: chiiiiKii ___jm rkeL J:fn : 11 '--'4- :.bnl:l.____

_$l!o"j3:;(i:-Iyl-il-i:.,St..‘.Odo-.vii. , y‘>'

mcnta rellccl,variable f'relKhi bene- to ' $5 fli!\ on raitli' and slieep boiiRlii lor,-to J.M ic.'hlpmi-m.i, •

LOfi ANOBl.t;‘ :1)..’[-. f . I 'I . i f .S-.':i'-v. D ..\i- ! ilu 'r ii ;’-i:rte!i);.';’ Illl- weel: 'l iv 1 14C0;-|li-.i(ly;, (e>v; 4-oeIed Imnli-. ai '<) t'l Jli lo »i;.7i; .’loc.ij in l.r ln irn liirb -Jt5fl;-iTii, lu;iv^v<'.vi-s, L

.. ........------------------------------------------ r - r - ^ST,JOoT-PU;-,Dcc.-l M’. 'lU S D ; « • !

Al—Sl\ccp:'neci;lpi> for-uock.ICOO; ;i!-..! , tat lam bsand yt'urliu^* 50e.-to n:o.-,t- , i. ly 7,'ic lii.tl'u r; iiKctl slierp 25c to :t.k - JiVi hlKlier; li-n:i-;"..ii:-.i-liaiii;.(l; late ii'|t * , niCiv.- .Uill li'd r.fw.ed lilmll. J ’, ; lui>. bl.-.-i’lh-i.-i'n'.-. JOB,', to $7; iiu. tly i-,o llu.- hip .; tev,-,ttfi;:niy i;,ii;-.c. • do'Wi I.' I..-lllf;-. J j; I,i-ial. li: (i- f.il* I ’li'iivil !.iiiit :-j •" ,. .• to W?ii; t.-;i lilOiu-. .vr:l|l,t:,:i i'!- v ... lered i ' l .i '.'i -;,-. m a.th • J l ,7 , - . , V 10 CJ>;',feA ' ieuitii/Miitnir. ,- -ilow'J). - » .

- — ■•-- ■ 5 [.-■I-,.. i i i ;n v i;k siik k i* ._ ; - , : i

DKNTrT).'n:-.-,'-TrTt,-*(rC.'im:iii-i.-lil ■,;l;'eii!.,ltecvl[ll.N.';Tr/(*; ■. . i:o_u-rniii;m.'; pni. IJM , t!innii;;-,, laiiil;'-steadv;-t>«;(l tu l-hi'l'.i- Colo- - .' lado fiil lnni i ) '’Smri;-('M‘ imi'k •*,. ■

llni;.'. .md ■:!;ii 1> 2jc. lllcii'-r; fivde;-:.' ; r : ; : iteaily; la : bnil)>, lop. JuMiO; ijiil-i

J i« T -M c m s s e d : th rx .u h Tiiq ■ ip 'f News/ PiCKCrilNES i i r d a y fvCHrt< Ml .yflS • -scoH M 'n ie t tu c c t w . v i o 'n IjWilW 'Of ‘TJIS Niw &AS fljfiVK.TiO IJP£cr CHEi£I>-T!ia«.f‘i;KET LISTT.

:wAf?5u’gfoH. -fc^ ■-— _

' CWeSTlONEO •^?v. ■ , «N[>


^ 4 \I''-', • ;’>■

■ O V T T H E R E S E R V E S

3 i ' i KIM A N ' H < i e T - • OUT. H

§ m iH i f f l i T

Unusual' JcJircity of Avail- "nb ir^yiJ lies Pushes

■ ' Priccs-Upward .■ ; ^

■ tly JO IIS !•. KOCGIM.V j 'A.':ii--..itid i'll’.-' Mnrkel Kdllor) | .f**

Ul-., 1 - in II ini.'.hlnc ' W fi- -MChed I Ide ol 1 ^ r'u i >» tho i

________ ___ ______i l h a l ! 'I H J

IK iir-ii>i-ii„-, , . .Iiiv I0i:.-e(iueir.-e ; /flW

iiracii. I n n m i . i r v i ' ' Wm

i:< il . 11 Ul.- I iiiiMi .-.i.ue.s. and e \ery B M afri-sii g nId l_oi_ aM

i:ilav .-.narin to J l.t / Ior No. 1led in S r a

' I mdom- '

reMil.-i ^

11....1-1 ;(!.- 1 ..;i iii.ii III Okiiiiioiii.i■ . if i" :n

nns .11'

m--. Miiy " " "

-a-nw■I ;iv. Mliniili;

.1 III)- ii.-'-i ; i j i ii,."uin.. .a ,i i i.iiriii jmii J ’to'-i

hleaK'i >;'ains. beuu

H l,-I" * Drc o.’aT bill ;;r*



’t .ii ii-

II,- i,;-iloiuied

I i;i; ii.'i ;or me v,r(.. jc e todav f’*'-'iL-.. A I • 'I jr,[.

J_________________________ 1 li'--

....... .•'-.inniK' S1.25 to • ^'ii'rlilf

’S2.7;.'; -Jia . $5-25 r . S3.8J ^

o ?.i: . OHK ------- w-heal;

- OMAIIA SHKKI' $1.01';. O.MAfA, iXe. 1 (li'i <U S t) A)— Coin

vi"e,i:-!Jccdjii.s 12C3; cenii».ired J-Tl-j white' l.iv l,:-i \\eeit, !,iiiib.i and .M'i'rlinKa 95'iC: -I) tl, ij'V Jiiiihrr; a-;eil sli.vii .-.tron;;;; niUrd ••il;i',;lanlbs.HHo25chl:;liir; e lc s - |2

b:i:ii.-. Uti:u-.v; t-.'d Booli-.i and . O'"-' .-etl n.i;iv»- |:inil).s nn'-'i;vj7: a '.-v ., "'hue .;.-;ii'- (vei ilii n.itive.-, d i-.u i to $'J; |

*fed yearlmcs J5.75; Rood * i!-..! rU.ilce c-a-.-.s J1.75 to $2,25; top !•' ' !:w‘,l and cholei' lN-;iins lumh, ri'vi ',() j.V,7,'i- Cove

• wcToi,^.(^.•.^c^:. i).;-,.i-y . IU e I) A ' - i .

ni,-.:,;.-,, in ' ^a^tl«l -*as,-I.:.- .. i;-.. .,.ii,t,K il»- w ..- . : 'I'OIi' I.-- I-..I,,'J <)( Urii'.o:-^ v o - l ‘•iiiin^■■ --- .-.ll 111 falrlv Iai;;e \,-;iinii-. bir aii ■t;,.-;.Dasiiiii-i III wa.. ino-i-1 Ca:h. S::;... of Ohio and .Mmlliir! dark hi . 11'. ;>7 to 2UC th e ' 11 per

I-I- ! 'r fine Ohio Delalii". at 2a’ wlnt'-r. I Ior .'.trinlv comblnc SH-. OCi.^n'd Hlf

^ i i n n ' i i i 20't'o'3fl(; fo r'svrlft'-r 'O ar’-. 5'i-' blood. Larue Cijm

or bilk French til.s a n d ' Car . -.-irii.ny wiiol fcUl in m;.:inii;; <i.'.i» 1.

. . ' -.1' I', I 10 7Cc .voiin-d U.i.':.-:, am: I

r;;: : r -.mi.iI mu-.cd nl ta In 7ft-[- WIN,. biU'-ls. ■ , I ttl'.iMt :

!/paeA «E D ? HE If'lViJa, 85IN& fl W c MuJr 1WV6 fl Codo} MVJBr\u{.r, »e ’c i i

' \ f l l l B i j - ; --------THB SW/IM

- ■ P r s

EMBER 1 1^14

E 5 .

.X . v m h A t

M S C A R E D O F C O U L D S O Ln H IM . L E T 0 0 T K EM M S A T T H R E E

^ h i m — I'LL O P U S- l l S H O W -S Q U ' C O O L D M 'T t

X H O V V . ^ --------- ' w

^ ' 'ill R a i l r o a d A d v i . s c r T : i

fKNHY U’. KJNNEY. .Vc-(iill"anir;l by li fi.ichid S..n Fraiicl.’en Iron. M;-i;--:iin;a or. a l.er :.:-;-itcf'ii;: n;n;- ve.--r5 in : |— 0 Maiiriiinian rail-.vny uhiCh oiiriii:--.-:. b-.- H'ui-klni;.—I'V. Pholo

lliiuilus lo wheal v.;i.i • nii:;i‘Jl-.- nert! n:nni::. ol the Llvi-riioul mar)-.',-!, 7.;'.<- ,;it;e I. ijiccted bll! d::iviil;-.-, .'alieil C,') il.-iele-p \olunie. uli.;: J ’lo'.i.sionb eiiuiliii.-d lht- i;- , ol

-------- I'ClOi-rn irtll l.nn Cl"'f Iim::i

i lv '' ' l r , W ^ I31J

S K '‘ iv i K n ! ': s u n

liVv 4’I ': ’‘'^ . i ' - ' ! n v

n:i r : i.i' I!),.-'.

« i?'-3 i l ” Wn li!-: II«v — Tl • rr-n - i r j ) - “irTO' llrlilpx— j I.u;-!,

| U ' i 'CHICAOO C.Vsit CHAIN ,

OHICAOO, Dee, 1 r,lv - Caih v,ii 1 ,-heal: N5, 2 red J I M '. ; No, 3 re- l.Ol';. , .v.-ri:Coin; Od No, 3 mued 'innln'.v ii-.'-;

.-hlte' $).o-,'i; Nil. 1 y,llow 95'. to 5 ';c : No, 1 -ahue $1,07'.-; ii'j-.v No, -j i:l.\rd 9 5 ',e; No, 2 vrllaw 9 5 '.c; Nn y \

white $!.■:(;’-•. ■ ]joOat.'-; N'l. 2 -ahiii' 5 fl'.:; Nn. 3 j., „

i-hue 51 '.e,Ilye; No. I 70'.-.-, ,

No soy bean. . i't,."Darley; 75 to 75'.-e.Timochvj.vc;: Jic..'!.') to JI'.T.'s f .c ____ _Cover vT.-i; $ n ? ^ to $22.:.i r^ i l.ird ; J il .lJ ; 1 r . '- $

■!lu-5 $1117.

rOIlTI.AXn (.ItAIN*^ I'OIITI.AM). IJ.e, 1 '.I', - \

■iiiiri^ Cll. e(! Mh* s .p .e .lJ i

Cii:h: I'l;; Hend blu'-":i.-ni ' ark hard winter, 12 pvr rent. Hi' -,i;ii ; I per cenl «8r; «oii while, ii;i.u .-Int'-r, nrrrhern sjirliiu. w i.'iein rn .> I'd Hie; u'-rtern wlille Ki'C- 1X3-Oat’- ^ ’o: ;-u-hlTe'rn sor —Cijm; Ni< 2 yelli.n Jri25, ICar rerriji;-. lV>i;n: II. th

,-,U 1, I-;:- I

— '-^ v iN N ii'm w iH A tN -------------t-T-rW1NMI’I-;C,. u .e I -1- - lieat:^No. 1 nr.-;li(-rn 79 '.e; .m >.

aoesemETiiE « » * r a i n j s m i HWITS-W SEW5 FOSWIBO «

L U iiJ iJU B ^ E X . 2 2 5 E 3 5 Z S ; : irPERFECTtTTEcfi^ T g o ^ i

s s l^.fcr.uM .i.fi~»>-.||___________ M

s o u I'M ' W IL L IM ' - := T O T A K E

L E S S O W S ii- -s ■— — ^ r '

■ T a k e s V a c a t io n

bv ll'.i Jii;i.-Ii:e.'<- wife, Toni Hlro«a.:iin;a .n xi-.i- f..'la !-ii for ii vaca- I - 0;;i-:-.-. a-. :u!v. c; ;o lh? Soulh ■-.-:. b-.i',vt..-:i U.i.riii a-i-J the capital.

neri!;c;n 75 '.c; No. 3 norlljcrn

C.';-.: 2 ul;;te 4 t ' .c ; No. 3 uh.;:- .t; So. I 3 9 ',(x \

ro i : r j , \M > m ay ^l'r<!'. ri ANU. Ue:, 1 „1’l - Hay /

nniniui.'.d, i

n ,A xI3l.T,t:i'i', Dn-. 1 - max nn -

ii,uk 1 m * U 7 '.: December ‘ l.B'.i-; ,Mi.y $l,K7.

S liW rjY S JD E S C H C a '


n n n , . n - . l t u '- h im : n i l .'er l!:t- .. :i-l •'•. ut .'kv of fii:li-

l-M-|;i-;.'. :i.- 1 .- i;v-l;t,'.t !l-.'ei:r.i',' - liilr!-: i.iiv Melvin. l);e \: ;•- T:::i'iiii;i l-i r;-v. Hilen .'■);|. :! r. M..;,-l !:d.~ ;i, Oivllle U..-\:i-:, :, -;,i J.u-.,',, I.mi;;e Leltrh. n.- .-. ,ir.-l ITilehanl:

i.,^H ;iii-i..ih -< ‘tii!Hv-----------I.U'.-!:i H;-iiiliv K.lM Ki'li, Billie Wll- i. r . I!i,;-iy l.-i;-!;.,-i-;i;yi:i' H ainy , .M.-ii-:." iJ-;).-).. .'iirl. }’;-i::))ari;.

I-.Tli-:-; a:ieit.;:iii.-i- ll;ircld Sd- rhan. Ju iiljr Ki.'h, ^;milh Prcck. MpI- v,n Urex;---r, Thurman Tiercy, Hel- m .“inydi-r, I/'lilr. I’.-ark, F.lbrrt Wr: ihl, Oi v;ll-.' IT-.,: r, Murrlel Snr-

Loin.'!- I.-it?;i, iJeiiy Li-llch,

. KXTKAi)H'U)N i{i:<jri;sTKi)liOiUk;. 11::-. 1 I- Uoiurnor C,

lllll lie,-,. lol.iv ie:i;ii-:.tpd cxtvadi- t;'in if J.i;tir. W.-Uiiian' from Hunt- il't'.f II. U'l '1 Vl:-.;lii,a, eliiirRed, wilh

Mrs, 1..‘ M. (ieiiiardt, Thi- chnriy^-r Jiled by B. A, M en;vmt, Bannock

— «iis ^


■ i l i f ® I.1,' I t

J ll.M 'V l.Al'l) UUITISII CAIJINIT1XDNI50N r - T h e iiall:):;al itov-

" r^'iii’ r.I'TTy.^fl^TTr r7rr;*ai"7.-iniirt»-' il.iin.

T T ^ i T T i^ ^ ^ i ri im T !^ ;il-^- 'r the

A m S C O V E R Y

3W es, w n c a v m o m s f k /w d . ‘ niE S'.VAMPCoudT^, T ivo

PECP Ifj THE SW/ihir, <CORCHY RD «Wf AN Ek'^iAMnoN/

- r — r.JcoMEilETiE-aoiCK.' - .


HATES PER UNB PEB DAVSU d* r* per Hfl* ........6eThrw <l.)n. per 1ln« i>fr il*7........ OeOne d*y. per llo*.............— ......12e

'3 3 5 i r J D i9C0u;itFor 'CaBh

Cuh dueount •»no*Kl. ICmfnt. Iji p*l<> «>r ttvca dMi o(

P t o i c M (or tin Adlaker ,

INDEX TO WANT ADS ■Aw»rtm«nl* - —Auto* for I ‘AUIO twrrlcp. ltfU -,1 . , « - »tim iiy flhop*. ...— ......... ... °mwiiifM oitfciorr---— •— ”citMiJiKi Ei^^pur------------- -—com. «V(Wrt. ------------------------- ”n o t. Oihff W!»....----- ---------

----------— 5Vnr enip tU M 'n«------------------- Mf>mm# Iltlp W>ntt<ar ............... >u

- KOJ 'r r - ,ni^u*»nrt VfRfunlrt-------------I^IJ"nm»rs1 niffCtoRi------------ ---------.srurnim rr tor 11*1'“ . .13 Oowi TUimajn t l ' -------------1«--'llflo, Mt!r-t>r-ivm«l»i Itlloiiira fcr IlHil.— n Itulrucilnn --- --------------------->3

lidft M . le 't tW e d -Z Z I Z Z Z e

TfMonAlK . ___------------------*noiiitrf »n<f Wuppllf*-^-------- 3?ludli). »iirt PihUct..— 23-A

--------Rfsl-EitMp for I... HITr»l EnUlf fof TfIK!*-------------- MlUal C*isl< Wantrd— ..... 3<TJoitjb.* lor Ufnt____ -■ —HAlmmcn, Afia« ..12Hitiiiiiloiw WAnifO., ...■■■ .........MflprclKla At s u m _____________20W»tltr(l 10 nuy______________ ?'•tv«j)ir<> 10 "«"» .31W»mrd Ml'cflHnrou;------------ I'-AWmjhin# ___________

Personals 4

pumiv\ rf^ilrwl. f» H. Hojltlni. 259 3rrt Ave. So. Ph. 1713 Prompt nrrvico.

Lost and Found 5£ o s T - b n o \ w s ii rp A R D ^ p u p

Lost Wed. nJicrnoo.i. Return .to ------ - J, c - Xolftntl ,- l - iaL.,%o„ •; rnMi

Klmbfr?r- newxTd._____________

LOST-TEN .D .\Y S AOO, 30 HEAD medium fine mnrkod upp^r rte}!Lr.ir. InriiiJrc Il.t.Tj- Dox :0. TiMn

FREE TICKET TO T irE ROXY th c a lf r tor \v, t l r.mr)),Cnll nt Nevi office.

TAKEN UP I Ml, n 7 ' i ^ ^ ^ T OK nv ff I*o!nt.’, IMB) 0/ nmy njules, Ou-nfr mu.1t Idrntlfy. pny for nriv, nnd feed. J. H. Gnrrbon,

4 = = = = ^

Beauty Shops 6eP E cj.-lL r O n r\V A V K 's2T 'n a t -

ur.nl cxni Uno In lr $;.rpO. 230 .Olh Avc. E. Ph, 1500, Mr.v B«nmcr»^

--------TH Oaer>«dO -HA V ^H -PH »H iN G -cd our work Jciin-.v ;hn*. our n;fth- ods and lhe nklll of our oixTiilors flfv ^ujwrJor. you may how Jiavf one ot our oil wnvrs tor (u lox SIJO, Cn\w[oriI'* Brnuiy Snlon. ii'J

■ Main rt 'c. South. Plione 1C74.

Autos for Sale 7

• USED CAR BUYERS— ------ l t ‘s-j^ur-lo,*.T i;n «vll flA inlllfl It

you (lon't vuit oiir USED CAR STORE l)"forp 5'ou Huikc n' puf-' cha.so, or rfll y(uir rnr.

Jno. R \Vhitc Co.We Buy for Ciuli nnd Soil

on TiVnis Cnd.Avr. No, Twin P.ilU

“ iH i; c.M.i. ro ll iti;sfi,TS''-nmNK32

I T i'&r E' 'W M ^T^ T R O U Bl-IN i. YOL

WMY /^LL 'THE GUOOM B ■ vghlATS D tP R E sS \N (y

■ .

J U S T K I D i ^ ^

' ‘0tr5QAhDTM2' r- YAChTM A}^APlK I r

------- I •

iT O m s j f i T w i l f t ■ T l -

. 1 1, AiVD m i L S ■ Kwc/Sff-rArso- i


•#■ A M ? S ! ! S K I^ TK£ BOAT-TUS T

irrTL2 Cim £SS .■ K iy VAUTo^^'SD! . ^

ATRE TICKEI' E S . A u to s l o r S a le 7AV (Contlaunl ttom r ttt r t in i Cotmanl

B u y Y o u r U s e d C a r

H e r e a n d G e t L o a d s

o f " E a s y M o n e y ”rrtU^iM ol ’.10 % 'hlpi»t Mdan.............. 1135

'JO fonJ f o u K ...........—.......,•31 Hupp. 6 coupe.....',.... .........« 5

'31 Huinr,6eoupe......- ....... « 1■30 O aklind coup*________ 4W

IS ■ • -3 f^5«l {r»clr __________ UO4. . 10 Chcv. coach...-............... 110

L aa , I S Er-'klnc w la n A*1--------MO— I '27 6}udcbnker coupfc ...,'.......100" I s IT Chrv, coneti, new tIf*J— 00—M ’SO Chcv. coiifh__________ 85—J '2C Oldi. coich....................- 50_ j » I ’J pord Mdan___________ 35_ 2i ’/o Kord coupe........ ............ 3i~ J -J6 Chryiler coupe.................<0.^ lu Dodse ' j lou truck------------ 35

S^Ytriil tlO to 125 Eftcli.

- “• l r - j!M ~B i;sftv .:A 'N D iiiE iaiE N -_ l : 2 N EIT ARE NOW IN CHAROE

o r TliK OBNERAL REPAIR- _“'i , ISO, ARMATURE WINDING,- n ~ ^ n : 'n TVN o - a .-;u hla lh .'


r ? T . J O i m W d N N O R ^

— 1 - S E B - G . M V C O , —. 3? Pa!<f tor Vuti Can

U-A _ ------------

E s T s t u t t e M k e r ~“ f j cetlirtcd f»*il C*r»— Nn.ili deluxe wdnn.,.,..........1030

Ptird'model A sedan—.........1029r .3 i Porainoijcl A coach._____:...1!)29

Pord V-8 Mdnn------------ -.:_J1I32r n Oldsmobile sedan.,------------ IW7T— , _B ,iirk A<;ritin ...........-............ 1032~ —• Or.iiism ic d a jr . . . .—— - — IDJtT

^ Studebaker Dtctntor Kdaa.lQTI

^ • S - — S i i l e - ' i - a n d _ S e r . Y i c e _s^tlni! i : : 2nd Avc, .West. Phona l » rompt ---------- — ------ -----------

A u to S c rv ic o , P a r i s I

^ - T h o m e t z - T o p - & - B o d j

___ _ ^ Auto Top*PUP « WlndAhlelds. Door Olaii

^ A Canvas; C a n m RepairlnB-CliiL —(.110^1^7] ^ «Mn Ql- V

TSa d F m a F H e l T W a n t c d K

M.SKK M O S n- COPYiNO .NAMK n(!c!:c.'H? lor mm! ord'.r /Irm-'

_____ .\;nrc tlnir, ox|v.'tk'uco uimcccslO.XY i.,irv, no c:inva-'lni;. Write, Unlto> •.mr)), IIH DeKnlu’Xvc'.uii

Brooklyn, N. Y.

IT OK T Y PIST S- - G O O D M O N E ^ Tjulps, i):.'innni ttork lyplni? mnnu ,• for :<-rip'-'. Jparo time. For luformn H, I I'm »Tlio T>1>1’^'' Bureau. Ocils _____ Ma. Enelo.v Mnmp.

- c o m i; 'I'O THE NEWS OITIC? D ' 'I'lir.ni.u-, Vnwi-ll. aiid Kd your fri'

------- ii,-k,l Ul the Ro.\y ilicatcr,. \ A T - -----------------------------------------------$:.r,o. {•!,•■ w k k k l y a n d v o u h p w tMr.'( ciri-'.-<s Ir«-o for dcnionsiraim

Iiilu't Jnvoly F;is)iloii f'rocfcl. N — — c.'invn.wnj.’. No jnvi'Nimfiii, WritffiNG------?n»rr-6lx^-Piw-#i«l-6»toH iatti:meth- vnco, Ka:hlon Frocks, Depi, 11 ralors 8537. ClnclnnaU, Ohio.■ Jl.lVf ----------------------------------------------i—lox a. ADDRESS ENVELOPES AT HOMI >n. 112 spare lime; $5 to $25 w k l j . E\ '<• jxTience unnewynry, Dumlfie_____ Ko.-k. ^>ul jiam p tor parlieuhT:

Hnwkln*;. Dcpl. 702, Box 75. Ham y mond, Ind,

l ~ F o r S a ic , M isc e lla n e o u s I '

S 6 o 6 b ''6 T O E C T " '* T N r r T io t^ 'f dn-w.i-15e lo $B,' Hiirinoir*, Cl

•AR 3rd Av<'. \Yf.M.------- :---------------------------------------I'OU SALE CLO V m CHAPF. Pi!

Q 10fi!»W.

■11 JELLISON BROS. ORANITE ASI marlste monumenU. Ph. 608W. <3

^ilU Main E.

(INK 32 "Tlir. lAtX f'DU HKsri.TS".PIIOSE 3

m NCiT A S RiCK 1 - - V YOU A R E . I W l

/ VOO K N O v j - / j ; ,W E (aCiT p l e n t y

\ O F E X P E M S E S T o \ ^ \ 'NORR.Y AAE - J

______________________ ____________ _

E p r n i7 K o r-b a ie . M is " c e n a i\e o u s .n

lu n s ) . (CoBiiDurd Irom rttc«diBf ^tum n)

J a r • h a r r y M U S G R A V E i d s O F F E R S T O D A Y .

All klndA ot thlnM to make the family luppy on ChrUtmas,

tl35 Come In and'm ake your Mec- . 30 tiow and U'.iy before the ,Ia.n , 425 minute nuh, T a’o dandy ' car . 435 radios. » Ptuico and 0 . E:,.’ntsfi'. 400 a large line o! cabinct modeU., )10 pricti) viry low. and many oitirr . n o lultablc Blfii, We have a gop:l , 140 »tock new Knd u.'wd furnllur'e of , 100 • »U klnd.1, Fann n}Be)iinerj-,. 00 miHlcsl Injtrumcnu, (fitfw, JiMt*. 65 Ine Itnd cook stovcj, hamew, m , 50 fact most everyihlns Imagln- . 35 oble, II yw have anyhlng you, , 3 i unn t to wrll, brinj ii in and I 'l l ' . .40 either juy cash fo r.I t 'or .'toll • . 35 It on a Comniliilon b iil t, Harry 1. MuMjravi'.s Snle.i Ascncy^. at'*'

Mcretiandbf Mnrt, 130 2nd------- ^ B o " m I 7 r - ^ r = z r r r - r = r : z = r :

ROEMR- - ' ' - •

' A numUT o ' iLwd h fattr* . nnrt ^ --------l..nL.< U ly k.LJl,LUU m .im .

.MT.N. STAT1':S IM F. CO. J R SILVER r o x i : s o r p o x FUfUJ Ph, I27aj or 448. , ;

rs h a y r o n SALE, r : h q l a c k-------- , 3W 4lh AVC. .North. :

\ SPECIAL PRICE ON 2 N ^V jOU: DEERE mnnute siircadfr.’ .' . •

1®^ POR SALE - CAMPBELL >:LEC • M? maciiJj}''. portnb:

npor model, excellent•.for rcduc ' '*'!>• P’flctlcally new. Vc/y ri'osoii

■ion B A ^'l TUBS, s in k s ; WATIU cl0'< tj, lavntorlf,'.’. anrf all klntl

C 6______ of_pl'imbini; >iippll« , Lo'-Vcf. pri;I IJJ e.'. fCrc.^vcfri/ardnaw.

'— i ^ i k : p r^ \S T U R E l^F i^^T R A V S o and nlfalfa hiy . 2'ml.'»o o: fioml

Park. Auc. LVrric.r

^O dy- ONK NKW 5. I 'O 6-ROOM-<'.IRC.y latlns liiMiiT. Cldir out price. Or. u.'cd .Mryon «i')l poacr hfsV

c . w . & m :. C O . •T V ill Ll l . , .. II . . xu ,-U-tTI_ULPt

i r t All slK.', alM) deep i»t !I cylinder; • ' ' ' Kr<-nr''l* liHfimaK',

^ f S " w a n te d M isc e lla n e o u s 1 7 -j

w Id a n d d e . \d a n im a l s ; i, c

S i S . P -^^0 ‘1. P>»-WE ARE IN THR MARKET FQI

“ TT7 --m w .Iur-ot..ali-kinds.-Tu-ln_F,Hl ' Junk HOU.W. 330’ Main So. manu*


_____ od }1 lilte only. Pll, 503M•TICE. Hums S^'cond Ht.nd Siore.

'■ WANTF.D TO BUY:: BUNCH O miukriit ir.ip^. r>l«in Dnmnuii

OWN Mary Alice Park, _ :

CULL 6PU D S-1. 6 .’ 'p R E k :0 'n W rite! Ph, 01S2-R14. ' . .

1’ ' ranch, Hnn,‘<’n, iiw u !r\c-icki -. • to the lioxy th u te r . Ciill iit Ne*

IIOME,I _ ° » l ^ __________

? M « I F r u i t s a n t l 'V c g e ta b lc s ■jiicuJar,’ . ! - --------- - ■ • - ; • - •—Ham- TURNIPS 75c PER SACK, '.• MLE

] ' i ml. S, of .vi;ar fii'ciory. H, I [ .McKay. '

US 1 7 J OEM SPUDS, l \ ml. E,'On Klmbej: i Road, D. D, Vft.ilj';ire.

l'l . c io i Jll Jf If - '_____ I * APt^I-VS ■F. PH, ‘I- StllUwvc 11 fc'* c:irvOf miplfs ,

; * by bii.ihd or truck, load, ' ‘i , ,-------- , ¥ mile So, on MAln St.. K im -3 A SD ; Jf berly. Idaho, Jolm Uali'ch.IW. 435 # » Jf Jf If. .If. If. if.' -It

losEiV -TH C Ci'U, f'tJU ii»;st'i.Tft".nn)sr.i

T H E G V m J ,

\W H V - V 0 T J " 5 W 5 D a r ^ E '- T R E ~ XHa p p i e s t o f '


VJWATF.VER. e l s e W A P P E N S

s i f c

__________ n y m f a l l s : DATt^Y

iW c iT is u n c l T j o. , ^ jn iE R E i r . i .w r tr t -v v s and W E JoW C'SWYlfi- One cl the sreaW

was ciuK d by the f.Hlure of l Y ■ O i r r P N OR DEPORE CHRIST: . rt/ier CfinstmM but fhrn It »-m :

that 1 did not.ri-celve il on time X ' MAILED JU6T THE DAY BETO

' WAU IN EL PASO. TEXAS,'200(• „ th<* Jfioiipht fiOfJi B'll

Holldny is reoelvfd lale ll don't ci "“ f* aoiilcl hofi 11 arrived on time, T

JdeU. JJO y o u r C im iS 'n '.A S 8 H0 PF Oltirr AVOtU liI.Vk. ASXIOV5 MOMJ B0P:1 , Kl! AS'HATI Alio ren'Cmber Iha

“• ON CH1U8TMAS DAV UNLESS S ItO.KY Theatre is no*' Pliiylnu h

f'Mt* CoIiiml3!:i r.ieture "JtMLOUSV.'' J M, m , mill Clea-Murphy, The Adi'ed At agin* mu-'icii’, comrdy in c.Mor, •'Anytl : you, c.irii>on ;»i',d the u te s t I’aihe Nc»Jd n r on vr.-.' j t i s T S3 days u n t i l , . . ' ' ~ la rry ---------------------------------------:---------

' F r u l i s a n d V cQ c la b le s 1 !

1.PINF.ST’ D rn tT io iJ s 'a p p le s , i .. .( ftiiit iit H,vdt'.t. From Klmbi’/Jy :

’ nitlr'. s ., 2 C„ B , " •

W a s h in g M a c h in e s " ^ ] £

. L .skl) WA6 H ERSl"om iH AU LEDILACK I Kiianiincctl. EUAy. Maytn',;, AJJ.C

- ' I Automatic and ociim . AI:o E.W1____ _ [ .term.'. C. C. Anderton Co,

♦ Jf j n i i » ¥ >1

_ L : * USED.\V.\SHEUS '' > :le c . AT MOON S *witnb:.-1 > 'or Monday Ea^y v4cu *f'< 'uc-U um Clip, very Sood condition $20, 4

ri'oson- U-, Oil,.'Minute, meUl tub, J7.S0.4 ■ U Ai;!Qni|i;iM. metal tulw. t5. 110. 4


i ; • ______ _ _ j

I* N E W ■*1TH»»'I.'C DK.XTEU W ..\S IIE nS ’'“ j; -S39.95 ;siRCU-i * dcniomtrallon ^

T i-ta l *>*■>(■ *>!■**>(■* * * * * * * *

. F o r S a le o r T r a d e 21

’l‘>' ''r’ I TWO LOTS IN OOLDP.S RULi Ad:l. lBx3J bn-cmoni with roo| Will irni!*' tor e^ir or .‘ri: for ras!'

— • cn r Co,5, I, G -------- ----------------------------------------

;;i-w.s o f h c k iN v n r .s f . \----- i— • S lrln rr. ' lo Dir Ro.rT FQIl I'leaior. Call a: Ni-aa otflcc fo

F u r n i t u r e f o r S a le 2 l

J ju sT - MAV A S 'iru sE b 'F U R N V rim E o i, 503W all Co,tl !t',inrr.''a.1 IowuaSI

• ' • r.ic'.i.'We iradc iind buy or aril, Wll----- f.iv f.i.Mi lor »iovei anil lefrlnera-H OF to-. JiirT.r.iirc, Muon'a Pain imnian, „.„] n u n iiu rr Strin.*, Phone 5,

■ Nj-,\V A.M) USED FUP.NlTURf 5C0TT. liiirilii iti, (tirniiiire rrp,\irin|[ ai)i

and iiplioIi,t«TlnK. Oe ITTTTr • vo'ir ■ 1- ASY MONEY' her.f - u k ? • ',t N « ', 3!id .St. i::iit. Phone 555,

R a d io s a n d S c r v ic e 2 3 - )

!iEA.50NAl!I,E PR lC E ^bV tJuA R nnt rrd r.xli-frj'pnlrin::. Wo buy, «■ .mt! Ir.ti!'- NKW nnd USED radIc

*'■ 1. of n!! make*, tlli'n Fiilrbank.\ 23• I ;.ia;n Go. Ph S4I-W,

W a n te d to Bu'y 2i

;io u L 'i-n ^ iiL iiy 'N T C R ^ p H

♦ WANTi;t>-USED CARS WE PA )p}f!i .* cash Jnn B Whllo Co.

[ i J : . * tVE AreK ;.v r f iK sfARKBT mInch * p^p'orn. o a f . wheat and barle:

If. Olobo S<Td <V Fee<l. Ph, 4'Jl. 2: 4th Avo. Ho.

iiD s ru "Tlir. c.iM. iim i i r s v ix v - r iio s r . :

\ 1 P S - T R 0 U B L E S


( 7 H ^ T 'S VJWERE •) TVtE ^ H O E . V ^ p i N C M E S - /

■ ' [ Th b ; : - t -'E v i P s - ; n a ) i . '/3 _ ^ v .


IFO PoiNmm%rAND WE NEV»:n RAISE OUB PRICES!" ;real08t dli2i>i)»:iiimciitA in my whole Ufe re of MOT REC^:^^^NO A CHRISTMAS MSTMAS DAV, Y M IJ got ll Uirec day* »-M NO CIIRlSTMAfJ O i r r (Tne rcaw n time wftA di:-' u> ti;p utrvilm lK rlT WAS IEFORE CHItlir.MAS troiiTcnilO and 1 ,•2000 mllej ii',i:iv. U t not m) mueh Ujc -Jl irllh It nntl uDnj the ciJt for • certain m't carry tlic >.itr,e thrill ilitii nhouW and w. There li a mi):,il to ih f. lllUe Itory: IIOPPINO ANt5 MAILINO KARLY AND kfOMENTS FOH VIJUR LOVED ONESI” r tha t NO MAIL UKLmiRIES MADE ISS SENT .Sl'f.CIAL IIANDLINO. J0C*K'» Inu h S-U N ir I'ltOGIlAM headed by theIV." Mnjriiij; N.'.nfv Cj.-j.i;). Donald Cook >d Attractlonj nre "It This l^n 't Love." a Anything For ,i riinli." a spotj-Revuc. Nc»*, Sliour i-.Ht.iv .n 1,3 .5 V uud 0 P. M; •fTIL CHm.- I.M.-V '. Nii/.Cfdl

IS I s j ' A p a r tm c f i ts , '2 8

:ror=v4l/in:bY--H^H‘n6m ;i>- A P T S T rm S l *>i ■ Jti t iiiirip inii and Oftal* Home.

.Pil-■I5« acft 5?1 ryfW »i'eJy.

_19j------- ; J o o r o s l o L R C D t ,„ 29JLED. lii ic i ; UOOM. HOARD, RATES TOft-JJ.C..;— 2rT!(rw-ltTr4fll-3rtl-Avft-R-----1—E.4AV ( — I----- -------- -



hrj;, rrii'.rollod by'Moker. 336 Snd if, Ate. .S'o.

4eu ^ irO l'.'JK K E B P iN G ROOM - $2 0 ,^ 1 Grii'.Vmnn prrferiTd. P h o n eI.S0. ¥ I MIH-J.110. * I ------------------------------------------ r r -— V t7 ? o o v ;> I 'OR— n gNT— a— u n -

. VI ftiriiL'linl r.’o ti'i-lor rent, chcnp j»l 13J0 <;li AM'. K;iat. . ' •

— r i i psi . - ^myn ’ I ho .'.•, lurtly m<j-,lcrn. Refcreiicrs.

S * j i:nO R'.li E, ;. — -------,W a n tc d to R e n t . 31

* * * WASrm TO LEASE flO, OR 10'--------i a cx „ t.i;li or crop rent, I'Mll llm

2 j 1 trartor in.ichlnery. Box 83, cnn

RUt^E ' 411, 60 Olt liO ACRF.S QOOD FARV roof, ' lar.ri. H:ne full equipment. Wrll<

- ra s h .; Bo-; carc'Ncft,i.U m i: --------------------------L— ----------------

; 1 1CKin-TO THE noX Y THF.A-ra:-------- I”;- P. J. K alb!kcjrli.'ritticliP- V.I v iln , C,ill at Ne.'k olfico.Ro.ty ' ------------------------------------------- —

:c f o r i * 1.kU;\U 0N ” .S R E .N T A I-S «___ . f>;fi.v -.vUh J.,E. »oi>cru; p li^ M

FiiriuVlirtl hou:!-. p c . 'v .- riJ tn ir"2 3 ; $3.i. I( }>'.< «.■»'! Ktwd

r<tile:.-.'Il't jo u r i>r;T''it.« v.l'.lr IE OP n f , • • aA SlO ______________________________ _

II.-W i l l ----- . ...................------------------------

T a in l l Real E s t a t e f o r S a le 3 2

i ___ • G W D FJVf; - KOO.M IfOUdK. ONPURE, .joiinh .ivi-mic ■■nM. s;;i:w. Tliw u H and a nice lioiti'' and ii i!(W:il tmy a' K Oet tlil.i IHU-', l)-'ti<-r 1".V< thi^ uji

lien-. Fivr nr;c.. wuii •Kn'nt fmir-ifHn ;o. UH .• liOtW. liliil Mniui •■)U IKillllil.TT

' S350, 4fl ;vT'-i m^ir T,Mn Fjill-'------- Hvc-.wni nifxI'Tn ho:rf. S5i:<X)2 3 -A Nittly imprmed 14 acrc.i iirai

■I'*” ' Kill'-", lo tuui" !iir foiiy tU A R --' .Scvcn-nftn tiov.-i- Ioi K nl. $'jr, uy, « IJ , Ji<'vci).rnpm )joi)'< foi [^•iit, !3n

i^” ™ , F . C . G R A V E S & S O N

25''VA.M T,D TO iU^NT-FOUR- Ofl Ilve-ioom n i o d e r n fiirnbln-<

139W hOiw. Fiiiully ol tlitco. Rellabli i = ^ - —n rtrrPhone-^SflV .----------=------E PAY -----------------------------------;-------

Ilcn ACRES OF LAND IN-.GOOD' — .* int: cntinty for :;i!r or r< nl. Infitilri r l-o u ■ at j j j simUoiK-Sa.barley.' _____________ __________________'Jl. 224'15 ACRES. CAN, BE. DIVIDED

■ lion 442, Twin Falli.

iosr.3 :|"T ilc C.ILL ro u uiist i.T.s ’inioN K J

' 'A \.\- 'T W E s a j a e A v ' ; \ YOU W A f j r T o / / J "

\ R E M E M B E f t '^ \[ ^ ANONEY ALOt-lE / . ^

I B R iN £ iS -O N i.Y Vy \ ^ v. i s e r V - ^

• / T/ I 'V

l j

t i - I S B I■ ■ l l l I t O I T ,



NAME AMONIr - — R c a |.E s t a te - /o r - S a l f i_ 3 2 j -

(Cenllnuea froia f tttr tH il ColumnJ

4‘ 4 '¥ 4 t 4 ‘ 4 '4 i4 ‘ 4 ! * 4 l< l4 l4 l 5 AS * ■ *ly j * FOR 5ALr.-40 ACRES FINE * ion * land itlilt lU-room houM. * AS ^ Ixirn. R arin. one'm ile ftom *1 I * Twin f’alls, Prlc« $150 per * J je * . acre. $1500 caah. Balance ¥ l ln »&r\4enw^ *nd ----- ' i if.17: * J / - V ¥

¥ r o u SALE—W ACRES WITH * S '” * i.tcvm I)0ii3<r, bam for 15 * DE If coav 00(1,1 chlrken hoiLV, V

* a irifiirc il, locatcd 1'-., m ile # ,* trnm llavrrnian, prlfc 13000. .¥* n m o.i.«}i. *

I t* ^•OR T I t A D E - 7-ROOM ** J10.1.-.C illld bath and 2-room * '

—~ V ho'j/o 0:1 renr of lm, ull nle^- ¥ ], ¥ ly fiirmjhtd. Rented now at V 12 8 * *35 IXT month. Will exchaniT ¥ ;

____ ¥ for a Rood 40 clear. ♦rrnTM»----------- — • • —omc. * ' — *1

* FOR fiALE-A BARGAIN IN ¥• •• » - a-room ing- h‘Hii» ttliJw-48-»J= . 4 ---- tiyin-.i-ii.i:lt furnliho«)’ Ji;l

r tn * er.l iiici'me $700 i>?r month, ¥ •* b:iK i m . . _ ¥ .* ' *' T O J _______ ^ ROBER'l-a - *

r n r * Phono i « Tu in FaIJs, Idaho * 'AR- J,;

EAM' ,

~ R e a l E s la te W a n te d 3 4o n e -------- --------------- —— — ---------—

WANTED-LISTINOS ON-OOOD farm land. Have buycra aUh Ciish

■“ N------ TOm j.gpno. 'j . k nuUrn.-..neallur. I’ll. 563.

TTTT W. P. ZILKEY. 044 BLUE LAKES ‘ ‘5 ^ —nird'—" Roxy theater. Call a l Nt'v.i otflcc.

r r r r CllVE US YOUR LISTINGS ON farm aiitf clly proixrrty. We h.utf 1

3 1 ___ the ij'li.r, f;. W, Parks A: Co, ____ • Phr7W. '.” 3 Shoshone s«, - _ .; 100 I — ------ . .1 line

D ogs, O th e r P e t s 3 5

ARM niRDS, niRDS. BIRD S-L A R O E iVrllc collenimi of iniort.'fllni! blnla

from t-l- MtinllrV. Mnch lo larKc 1,-iVii W fk'':' JI kJjitiiittio'ii oiniiMiIay, Ciinarlen, Finrhe,i,

Paiak(<-u, Dwai.'fasTol.iniid Rite___ birds at modr.it .price.s a l Little

S A Wot^r Ciardrm, 265 Blue f^ U s 5^3 Vo. Phone 1023,... ....Wti

F o r S a le L iveslocl< 3 6

:s EWF.-?, r IfA.^fPSf{^RR UUCK,3 2 I-' 1- J ll 'l '" ''. Ph. 27J1, Kimberly.

- — I KEUMt P lu s r o i l SALE 3 MI.■ en.1t. No. Hafwri. Ida. Loiilx ■'W “ Kennedy.ly n l ---------- ---------------------------------------

up. 30 HEAD YOUNO COWS AND■ ifHiii Jiolfof.i. Cliriorcl Ufiinvy, I 'j .MJ.rffigr-'i— k Kl Hauuii Itfldr.t__________r,ill.-. ------------------------------------------------

H o r s e s , M ’l le . s , C a t t l e

‘" 'I/'- I'\irnirrs, If you an; purllcular ’ "aild wanl i;«>d younij drall'. homvi. .U fjeijju or IH'rcJwroJiS,

buy lliein nl the Hunt fann 1 L )r< mile «est Pcivcy. Ph. Filer B5J2.'

------- REOJSTEIfED SHORT JIORN• o n bull. 2 J7S. old. Uoyd DavL-'. .Mur*

joi)". P o u l tr y a n d S u p i^ ie s 3 7K jiilre ------------ —• ------- ------ s-----------

____ CALL AT NEWS O m C B FORDF.D. your free ticket to the Roxy

tlicator. Oicar 'I'rueblood, rnnch.

I nkT; -TIIK CAI.I.^^OU ui;su'i.T*’--riio s (:jj

| :V e £ - B U T &QM'T F O R C f E T ^ ___^ IF Y O U HAV/E E N O U ^ iT I M O N E V - V OU C.AM

V o r - AAI^ERY YOU L ik e

’ C I I T H K - P O K T H O L E ..

' ■ " ( S T O P f O R I l L

^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ■■

e 6 • » o


NG IlECtASBB> tCnotinuU from r rte tf lng Colutnn)^ HARRTO’ .R O C K TOCKnUOB,f * ’ffinmpwin - P irk »Im)h. II. *P,' 4 ' Iitakr, I ’i ml< Bo. South Park.E * .Ph. O2J0-RS.e. * ___ •11 * — ----------------------------------------

;; I R e t s R a c e U c c o r d

* ' ■ - - - ------ --------

H ’T''!>* ■ . e ,V . 'i« « ' , W aM H I P l ’ <'U .v ' ' .

* -

m 41 r* V i nt ¥ I

V •*


l i iT T

'‘o * \

3 4 CAPTAIN Pr e d c !N n i.so N of s»— Vi(u; cami', in fit-'l 'umomc nln 0 0 D lnind-p;ckrtl a;iny u:i corp avia Ciish "liom lirnko lho prcvlPfll,------Cill rct:nfd,iii.ajacr /mLUig-Mltiii

■ ■ell trophy a t SrlfMdce field. M'___ Clcnirns. Mlfh, Ili'avorflROd 210.Kpq 'ntiles per lumr over thc Qo-mll

Cfiuri^.--M-) Photo.____________tf l " . -T- • T— —— — - -

G e t s l i . S, J o bh.HtfCo- '“ t:— ^ _____ ” — I

35ROEblrila IlarKC t I

UCK, i I J A e k ^berly. • j j ^ f H n |

I H n n r ^ L ‘W B t^ i lx } f l H 8 & A j g k

a n dMJ,

AS. a flr?t hlep In » p>-nrral |ir( ; t lG ri’ofViiJilJailoi. <if the )ii

I- i.Dii'.s r.ti'.iiiilioat ln^i^ecllon M liar ! \ i r , ' I’ii-;ident R onw ell namt a ll i;,i: l:iin OttHK.- Frlei' labovi-), m •roJiS, l;oio, Jl' JDsiifctoT f1 1 Nr-A Y o ; l ; P h o t o ,W2. ■ _ _ . ' ■____

o i m — --------:------------------- -------------

Daily Cross^ 3 7 1 ^___ I J rMir^°” rt Bolullbn sl 8FOn, ‘ lUglBJEaaDI

-| A T A g f i Scr iiciit D O 2 l E S

i s r j j 1-, will,.11,.,1 II.., S E 'A m ^! = IT -I'w yV ^nilV S S a ^ a ]

lu w " r ? / ,r i 'r '^ C O P S]A n J, J , ; ! ; ' . " o n i T l Y gj

•' • J : : u . . r r n . P A C E t R l- , • t,-i,u,i „ n r. ^ o R S HI

f* KTT N ^ Ai

, ' i i u , . s j T o w y s;• l f l b |g |N l } H i

f' J, '''rL ,';'""

« •• MWNto. O'.rr^ ■ I, Siamr*

1/ I? 13 j T ’"']_ , -

0. - 2 r ^ T 2 r ~ “

. _ “ 3 T “

. 4 4 " 3 T 55 7 |

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is iiE p p r^ 7 { T ins K gTO w i a m r o w a k e I""*uan) ■ It el*K foTraae-t*‘d n » ' O i ^ -------

fled p*«e tM t there u » K rt tt - , rule u k U u t i l r tn f u y ftddlttoB* n ,,u ' t] informftUon eoneemitu Id lo d

adi.“ t h « u .- Btfw rniem eou : ilpted with a bos number In care .

= rr:5 of tJie N ^w .

d '— ■ B U S I N E S S

D I R E C T O R Y ,

' ^ ' ' X m S n r ’• ^ T F. 8. BEXL, LAWYER, ROOM I.

P in t Nat'l. Bank Bids.

r o tT fm u r THE BEST PLACSTl'O BUY AU,-

klndi ot alore, fumnee »nd bolltr repairs, c u tln w o t t i l kloOi, ma­chine worlt. wood he«ter», beciuw we make and lu m n t e e them »t thorl nollee. VUlt our p lw L Knapi Foundry-, M4 2nd Avt. 60.

' c iiino rR A C T O B S• :^ r - - r r i ^ .n - n _ J D im g P H - -

Office 534 35fl Ave. B u tphone 344____________

”* ^ 0* ^ '. C ^ V l^ f jM 'e t h Ave. E iii; call a t K crs clttce,__________ ^

— — nCENSED-AT-fcOOAK--------—wLOOAN, OUh. Dee. 1 (>P>~A mar- ruae Ucenae wM obtained here jt»-

■ ■ tfrllarB rT hM nir8pem »rr24.-B ur— Ify, idafio. m d H arrlelt Anderion.Zi. of ComUh, Utah.

i l lm o i'tM B vsier m onE' . BURLEY. Dec. I —T . O. Maluf ofI’’; " ' ' Tvi'ln FalU I* openlnt *tw»

AULtUi Id ifA (fn<>|rn «« ‘•The. Anne 'f -n /J l Hliep." Only popiliaT priced f ro e u -

*111 be ahown *nd MUa Jowphlne QO-mllc ,.,n be In chsrge of the ihop,— ■■- .h lch wm be located on O v tr l tn l ■ " — awnue. . .

__ Time T ables

I H onrcoN liiORT link■ B CaiiMund

L WMttonafl RK T>.in Sll iM»«----------------. j - i fl»ln J«3 lM v«-------- ------- - I JO p .m .jpS> nrRLU tlRANCII

Ii i T,»in 430 «rrHt»*-*'--!l"—— lvsw H rA c m c s ta o z s

j M -Eutboana

WHtSmSii m

U .tr . .13 »• ta-Jctont; Kendrll aad oesdlat

AtTltl*----------------------------U n m . ............ .... 7;IJp.m.l)Tlir.H .STACK LINCi . Twla r»llj-H»ll«>' .

j.tiv» ---------------- r z i o B p S

ll pro- U » m ...... --------------10J 0a.mJI” »*• ‘ ' ' " W n i m i S i . S - m o i i i ’ ? ' ' ' ' 'on Mr- ciiibouBdnamed Ar:lv««« - ........... ............— iJJttp.m .

VI-), nen ! . » » '" ---------- . - l i r - d -------fOf 3;«P. » .

ss-Word PuzzleI sr Bitupdiy'i Puul* se, T irdr

II. Rialnrdm P |0 |6 M P |A|N|A| "• "'•<'*M F M r n B E jB jo |M II. TouBf e«f

B F r l MW A M B a B i i ya I p jM g A O p f n Irallaa

Y (? AMN Y H P A «• iR f t iM 0 |0 j ^ H Uoutliirii.con*

£ H, ComponVnt ol

W s i A W t^ l£ A P

I f i k f e i i y i l | S : . . „4 I.fftlli»r »»»l- " ir irih

Uia .r» r .-^1. 8p<-al( oult. onirrr* In •. ihoii«ht*

ll-.n l',/. «tUl. |.m*tn» I. nor■I ’ 4. rirk ’<l.i’ tir»- 4t'rif*VnllrII M l/ 17 -iJlhor, 1. E.le» 41 (Irour tO|ith(r* I. LUHMI nou ICI, ArtlcU

ui iiuiio i s:. corro<na •»r*U H. Churth iltHftg

r I..Fccn( ■ IS Eieltmalloa

" ” a” ^ “ 7o~ 77~

^ 2? * jT ^ '_ . _ _

— 3 T T 7 5 f

— S f L ” ^ Z Z H - ~

^ x t S3

Z I l l l I I I '. g l * ' / ' .................... - ...........

■ K i f f i a t w r ’


T h r o n g s C o u r s e T h ro u g h E m ­

p i r e H e a d q u a r te r s on

O p c n in a D ay .

A* ipproxlm iU ly *W0 Bouth Cfn- t n i Idaho residents viewed Twin PHU Empire exposlilon dLipIi'Vs y « - U rday when th ^ city's laiMi mer. chtndlslDg prosram wm tlirottn - open lo lhe public, eommlttcecnen ' I continued work on Uie major /e« . I lures o f lhe 90-d*y affulr that nre • 1 r e t lo be rcvealtd.

AlUioU«h the opening day of fhe exposlUon wa.i iioi sli lliut mer- • i>rn ch in ta antleli«tfd due.to tli'- fnci KW th a t the old Hollister itatlon hoiur.donaled by the Union Pacific'rnll- -------

• road for remadfllnc purpoee*, lulled

M n iempire headtiuarlers were tlirown D fw o -a t-t 'o 'c to c t-t to n ja courscd -

dl.ip!i>y« prepared by locnl m er. f -Chants. . . . . .

Aueden* Start Wedneiday-------W cdnfiaiy, IVccinbei' S. TIJTC_ a t^ i f ic n l .to bc.Uie.day.o{ dtU'S fo nmg :

far as the txponim ta concernrd. I 'l ju 'On tlial day the first of n jcrlea of Mr.i,

— ^ » T n o n c y imrllmi ^nlf.i ft'lll be -R-ILJconducted nnd by tlial tlmn the re- Thetnalnder of- exhibit.^, Inclucllnit the tiinry••otidliortum’' of m lo u i and rrlic.i, ranger are »cheduledToTc'In'HHpJrSTcnr-bers of the houic commlttec nlw n f typlan to have the hou.« settled In H I

' Jta eeml-permanen^ location on Slio. UUIahone street by that t.lme.

The .opening eercmony ron^btrd , M of a dedication addrcM by II- S. I ‘ Tolflemlre, preildent of T nln fall*

—Ju n io r Chntnhfr nf fnmnirrgc. an il _ lh# playing of several numbers a l „ exposition liend t^rtem by the Rhj-thm Kins*, ^ l e doors were ^

__Uirowa-opcn_antLilie_t!!ro'’B*_«'l:. KliWkiured . jtui-rd

•'Easymoney" wa» passed out with criiij ■ vlriudlly every piirctiase yesterday nicairt In Twin Falls and ndmUlwn booti |,i- {)n

.were given out by mrrchant.s nnd at __M tw ltloaT 'M '''l‘" '» « f» J o f l li« in' Miai

the auction sales. - fo«umPlans for weekly radio liroadcastA comniu

a t which time hbtorlcnl Incidents ,concenilrtg the IV ln PalU Jinplic n ,c ex\

_gU I be related, were made ln« nlglit and John E. Hayes, pioneer of the i;„(]crii iraet. was nnmed lo (onnulate a definite set-up. ,on,

--------------------------- Four

B R €V IT I€S Sl__1 - lly of

Conelndet Vlsll—Mrs. Charles E, ’■’f™ t• JancsrcU im «dK-''lerdnylrom O lvn- ‘" ‘‘rew'

daln where she liB* been viJituiK AnTJlhC telallve*. " ‘‘■wd

, , , the theAdmitted to Ilotpllat-M rs, J .' A.

BarRcr, Tu'tn PftlK wna udmlltcd yeMvrclay to the county Kcncral Iim ,I'Unl to underRO an oi>fxallnii. wc<jm

- - --------- • liitd bVlalta IU Dan«hter-X lrs. J. B.

Otteman haa retum ed frcm Bol<e, ’ where ahe vlilted her daushter, J: Juanita, who Is 111 a t S t. Aliihonsiw hospital, ‘'•'■J"

Tool Bo* S lo len -^ llff Emerlek reported to police yesterday the ’ theft of a lool box conlalnlnK tools Irom Ilia parked cor in Twin Fnlli. business distr ic t . '^

Car Stolen - Twin P^lls police , were notified ye.itcrdny of the theft U N c I of a green 1027 model Chrj-slrr

• coupe benrlng Idnho license 7P-CJ0 ttlUU (rom Burley edriler In the day.

Oaer « r e H o ip f la l-Jo s h u a M arti, forcea

'-Los-Angelea,- waa-dlamUMd-yeator* .vMilLJn day from the counly hosiiltnl ofter day. an operation. Mrs. Olenn Moon nnd Allen dnuRhter. Twin Palls, und Mrs. nny W, Crr Rice nnd son, Hazelton, v,vrc' nLvi dlvorrii dumlssed. ' craner

I d.lUKlllC an Collide—Cars driven by Har-

ry Weal. Kimberly, nnd Mrs. Ar- CJ; thur Hubbnrd. Filer; eolllded n l thc intiTirf'ctloii of Si-coml MriTt north and Sccond avenue nortli l:ile y'<-i- tercluv iiflernwn. I’ollce teiiotl tli.it d.ifnB6c a s i sKglil. i jiiil''

Here From California — Ocnrgi- v')m" ,

Kueai of hl-1 8l-iti-r. Mts. A. It. KUl-1'V red, and brolher, IMul H. TnUor.Mr. Tuber U nssocliiicd wiili lhe California Prult und l-lavorin»: conw' ^i#]|,c' pany. with headquarters In Salt 'Lake Clly. . . . p ;„ ,

I)l«lrlct OflUer TraveLv-R. II,Tiillama, Id’iiho dUtrlct mannKi-r for the Amalsiunntcd Sui;ar compnny.

“ Ifirrw 0/ Olllrlalsj’! , ;'J'a company who I'^lt Osden ye.iter* day ler-L ns Cnirrs, N rx Moxieo. , where the comimiiy li eooixTiilIni;Wllh the nowrnmi'iil In llu- kton IIi ^'■''’>'11: Ct m u ta n t su».r bed Ked, j J ”

.Here Jor J-uneral—Relative* who [’•'Iiave a.Tlved,ln TA'In Pulls to ul- ‘'1',

• tend funeral fervtrcj Ior Mrs- A. U , , CullLion this afU'rnoon nt 2.30 ‘' ‘i,,*’’ '

- D ^ iijc sT rn iiir rn jrT .T i irT i iw tin n 'iT ^ ; '^' include Mr. . Lucy M? ,

Caldwvll, a UMer; . Jo>-. Uctiioii,' ' ' .Nampa; JtiM Cullison, iJoiv. and , ■Vem Culllson, Rup-Tl, her Joav and I M n. Vern CuIIUmi, Rii|xii,~ a . ^ H | daushtcr-JnOnw. « . —

'• Vle^n^•^ Body 1.«-4\t j - I I i.'', bjiily IOf Arnold Ebelini;. DO, floa: manii’c rr H

^fo r tl« Independent .M«'a’. eotnimiiy H i ;Ipncklnc planl. will i>e .vilt loda? H I

to shnlK>mlih, WaAliliuion, uhrrv H I . hla lailier. C. H. >a)chiut, hU w ife lHand 1*0 chlldri-n reside. The body H .

Mr. EbeJIng w u klt/ed fn a three-! ’ • .-nny Uafflo coUlilon.



' P*irrTweIvi— ------------------

r Willie Willi* I ^ -I « r a o n i T QPHMW

■ c*nll -t.w at doin' mr hrtt luii lu la r e .a Ro • firh t today, an’ llirn Ilu l Illley be r

Kid had to see me pla)ln' dolla Thos wllh Mary." - , mem

_________________ _ Cost(Dleh

‘insiEersiiofis ^■ --------------- • - A. E

Mrs- Wrrn H. Whilaker. fiK'd. 51 ,' o t ' l fU l» 6lti-. l.Tiirgiimm-n 'ir m p' !

nlng at:iQ ;lB .o'Jl'>ck.tilJti-''Tw [n: Mo'l] RiJii'foijniy'K i'Jieral hospital. . iioii,

Mr.i, WhlUkiT wns lln- wile o*

The body rrsi.i a t the WliU'* mnr- tiinry ehnpel, jn'iidlna funeral a r -1 menu raiigement.1. > _______________*'

i n i s p i s u n ? !. l i l iP lD E ^ E '


huh prnt'e frnm I,. H. Hcmli'rron, ' ninn.iirer of the Idnlm ihfater, for Ihelr elliclenl piitrollnc ot the , Klddkf.'— It'^ -a-C H i^T oy IM rjd cl^ jJ ;^ ' iwtcrdav, nml Jor their nld In ush- :rlns th r 700 ehtldri'n hito Uie ‘ theairr for a free mnllnec folloa- liiB thc imriide. ' , _ j

Genero.illy o! Twin Falls chllJrcn .pj,’ ' in.4harlnc tlu;lr toj':; Wills. Hit Je.w.. rortiinaU' younrn (wjiuJailui! oJ il;c > :omniunilyand «x)i>«Tatlon of ihc ,cy:al mrreliauu and members of :hc Elxposlilon coiiumiurr'nurd': tlil.^

.„rl. M ..r rr- .f,,!iiiiderlnkins lhal it uill bi: rrix-ated j, next J tar, nccordlnn lo Mr. llendi-r- cluirr 'on, '

Four l^rs* paper b3xc«, filled niorlii with 'toya. many of tlicm new^ a ?rent mniiy ot them hllchlly U'wl. j Itld a fow llial will inx lh - iiu-'iiu- , J lly of the clly firemen !o rvpair. . . were received liy Iho 'O i younK 'I!,,,, Iiarchffi a i ”f(cki£.-.",(o tlie mutineer umiilicr • JumdA-a-voiinjiuTiT'v.iTo i.Lwcd the parado, ucic admlt:<'d lo Ihc theater alien they 'brounlil l o p . ' which will bi: ilw rlhuiul by the Aa- , :oclaled Clmiui's ut Clirblma-i. .

U'd by Uiinia,Claus iii a much- (k-coraUtl sl-lxh. th.- ivitii<l>!j.-\vh> : hnd bct-u unvii tia o r. .fruia local murchanfi m the hue of m.ircli formed, wire creeled by ! A vDuncan Mfi). Juhrf.icn. ciitel of '!i '•'> Pollen Sam Elrml aad mi'mtx-ra o! ■ ll:e imilec fo w nl the hili'fscciUia nf .V.ala nild S h o i h o i ' L - - j ” ' Claus had been bidden u r.icee.v.jiil, wa-Hja h) T»in-lMli‘i,.iiio fiiti<ir,n ' a ’,' marclied Jo-llio Idaho th .u icr fur Cl-ch: IJie mornlnx jlioA', a k. ■I'ullleiiiin-. n' hi a "public .M.Mkcr" ear, wiu ihe iiiinouacer for llx cveai. j o ih

O NE H a n g e t s d i v o r c e ,


Oae man oliiaiiinl a decree of <h-' w »i i vorcc !>iul /uw-Jifr .‘"f.irtrrf „ ,lHvicc ■' n uM ilU a .U :t.^m ct-c«u rt-hV re-t> ,-l,v !i:r j

Allenlni; dcivrtlon and erueliy n I ir W. Craner ot Iluhl, w,... jMaleli i«' ' ,;;,i , illvorre trom Mr:.. P;.im Kll/.;.b. !h : ’craner, moiluT of u lli re e .y ra r-o lil____iiUKhler who, arrordin:; to Craner'ni _ _ l>ellllnn, v m Rivra lalo ein-nay n f ; **“ " tho Chlldria's Uma-,' a t mv.s<-. fo]. t , l<>’*Jai an a.wr!.-(i e.'caiuide on th c ' part ot Iho iiioUiur. They wrre m a r- ' riril al.lioiKliiii:. July-7., i j n . | 1

Ue-Viitna daiilii;. Ifoai 'Oeoiber.' in3n, ii!l,;v,) by in'1 Mill !i>r ilunrrejroin Mr.’.. Obily-i S«aa whom h-- married m 'iv inl'.ill.s. May 'i-O.MMn. A <niir.v.Mr.i.;,t ___C T(^iIi7"<lirn;e aioiiuT's ni.siody., the.romplalr.t j.iiil,- llajlMrii and ' Raylorn are SA.in's nuotiu'VA. j

MOUSE CODE iti iv T in is : \ f■’ JNsi'jin: su '.s ttw i, WORK iS

PARIS ( rhythm and beat • 'If the .\lur^e em:i-lUi.i)iiVd a |i!am , t .'oaccrlo wliirh llir invealor'.s nrjiid- >011, itf.‘ Aiiiefietiii eoiaiKvvr. Wal-'I'T .\1(i: mv Hiiniiiiel, h .u nini->lr!,'is _

l^lIllmel dedicated hu a-ork to lii»;amniii Ririailtaihrr ^vlla^B l;iveiiilnii •eviihiUiiiu/cii .lhe irai'.smUslon o' luiliaa llVmi;!-,t, •'Whnl liaUl Cio,I .eraiuhil" »,|. lhe fii.-.t me.vace rv ti'll'iril'h.'iiiiil the coiicN-rlo »eeli.s, i> ileiijet lhe eiwh-aiakliU! ehaiui-s .'ToiiJii hy the la.Nlrunieat of Sam- ii'I F. 11. .Mor.v.

l>,irw *:iiiri,lv wllll t l f eomiKi-vr «i

|W E L C 0>I T w in F s | “ ‘“E u ip i f p - E iv j3

W. M ontooih“TWIN FALLS' B(

And When You Ne« M i l t . . . Phone

I sH B T tr l i G H W D I : ?

_____ ■ M<

R e v . G . L . C lark to D e liv e r

. M e m o ria l • ' A d d re s s j'f it

f o r D e p a r te d ; S_____ th--y

Annual services In memorlam to "nb!^nt hroiJieis'.’ of Twla Knli:. t f Elk.< lodnr. will be held lhl.i n !tri- ' V. noon nt a o'clKk In |he lcik-% M se room by otfleen bl the lodxe. Ilcvi . - U . L. CUrk. paMor of the i’re.viiy- j terlan church. KiU deliver the ainii- ^ orlnl nddre.vi. John O. RAumitven. m cxaltrd niler, will prealdc. A

RoU call i.f alivat. brolIier* will ^ be rend by II. K. Del.is, uccreiary.Those who ha\e died Unce the laM memorial -vrvicc* include Thoma.s • / Costello, Charle.-. W, Simpson, S, O. Diehl, LnuU I'licdman. Horace .M.H nrt, Uurion E. iimlth aim John i .MeDoiinel. '

Order of Serrlrea J-Tlie prw fiiii.|A f0iillhie<l-t0 In—

clu'dc;' Violiir W ''."''A ir."'Hack, A. I 'K. Francl'i, ncrompaaied by .Mn.. 1 A. E. Frnnel*; oiK-nliig ceremonle.-!.; ' officers ot Ihe lodne, John Ras-

Mntheay e.viiiire. leadlns; t n v n e i i - ' llo i irn : M rnulkC c lia iiljln ; piam) ''" '* '^ aolo, ".Sernade.' .Siiullnu, Mr.s. N el-i^"* '''’ lie O.Miom; toll call of aLs?iil I Apt broUirrs. "H. r “ Deis.v Xretciary; I " " " incmorlnl day re.'ponses, olflccis of '’O'''"'’ llic lodRe; violin Milo. Adaqio from I “ J’’ l'

K. Francla, accimipantrd byifMr::. can I Francis; nioniutial nddresa, Rcv, O. later, L, Clark: vocal ^oln, '■Crowing the lh<r s: Bnr," Buck. P.it Ualy, accotnp.inled On< by Mrs. Nrlll" O»trom; "Auld more Ijijiif ^yjir." nij:!jrjicr: clmwff cere- .'ounil mony und ben-dlctloii. chaplain. tninia _______ — ^ ~ a ctua

F lf N I j lE X T S ” l'l” "------- .• I'.opii

. OULLISOS-niiieral wrvlce.s tor aceoii Mrs.-A. LTCtinrni-Tn!i-M-nf!fl-:ni.T-mnsic nIlernoonal.2:3no’fln '.kaH heT 'v in ol Hit Kftlls-mortuary rhaii- l. Rev. Charle-s ilatx): Cole, Sevenlh I),iy Ad-,rntl'i inliil" ii tcT. In charne. l;i:. rir.a;i Villl lr: in IH' fa 'I^ ’ln Falk fea;i i- r j . . | ''ehen

MOOREHKAl) -Mineral .m-ivicc;. for Catherine; ■.uiiiai; itautfhter o f , mech; Mr. and ' .Mr:. W. W. M(iori:liead,I’-iler. 'Hll br 1101.1 lhi^ altenv>oii at

Rev. llubbnr.l of ili- Filer I iap iisi' ni;,iin. :liiireli in cliaiv". Ir.'.erment v,ill ;<!illici D« Ua:ler the dlieclliin o! ihc Drake | dolLs tnorluarj'. jinor'-

S'mWAR'f-I'Mneral- '<-rnres (or 'Jaek .Sr.'ft.irt will Ix- h.;ld a l : : m n'elock this afieiao.in al llio Kv.iir.! and JdhMon runeral luiiae. Rev. K .' ' ’ l^VV;uic.-.MeihodU-mljiUcr_wiU...‘.l'ilU IX- In eliar;;<-, f . .

ROM.\S K.MPIIU; (ilUNAUY ;<‘ V',rf Tl) vu ;i,ll WllE.\T Afi.MS

IlKIP.U'r. f!\:ia 111 ... (;o!(!eiv! - r m •*he.<l 'Mil ; ua .I'M^n c iw r ll;-.-'

j f O mA vast plan in utlll,*e a a r-r iviserj

i“ H ™ r Ofif.v l(t<- fr.-nrfi ItJcJi e.«irtt:!.'.-:«;;^r-!r>!nle de -MarlcT.--------------------------

A ,'l ie 'h a s bren e h w n a: Tell* Iday J Cl-ehab «here ii .'-lies of Miir-r.'alli' i-uinei c r- available. fl:e ro .l will br .lnoMmat.-ly tTMOW. . , [lulln:;

Olher trrl-.;r,llon ptojerts a!-o nr.'j roriiin iintler eo:!su(erailna 1": the r .;lnns,anee i-enr Homs and Ihimn Ihrau'^li whleli' .Mr,', the Ofonti":. n( blb:;ral fame, fliw;., | Tnai aiul Ihe K.Mlilane dl^lrlrl Uu jmliee .■\!*Aotiai;e ri\er. ................... . jrrt wli

WAJ.KS NAMKH r.llAM) :>l,\STK!: KDINDUllCrll 1,1-—The I'rftice of - - —

\Va!r.r~initiatetl-a.T-n-frertT'nren-ln-^^ i i — is:0. has iM-ea ehe-'-en to-br crnail nia.'ler ot H r Otaml lodi;e of n.-nl- :,.iid J'tarlliis; In Novemt)--T, 19JQ. ;

........- i 1

B E F O R E .1-.J: M’IS' I KVA 1

n n s i-DST . . . . I

V.'ur l.n p 'ir I.ea.i mav i I;.- fr. M f ,■< ;tr (I0ii-..;:cni Why ('.run vna -

DROP IN ...nf:l let’in e\iilaii; a i|i'.';>- Iiu>lee;;c.;i itir ^n•|, | ^

— — '.ir hitlin: inmllr l.;.ih;iity ! —ni;d I’roivrly l>air,ai:e’ i

.1. M WIIITK________itKAi. rvrA Ti:_______ J ___.

-i:i^ i'iiA M i: • )

ME..., I -F a l l s ,

ih & SonsBOOSTERS”

N e e d a P l a n i n g

> n e 378-W


T oys O f 1934 SI S w an k y W ith BModern n. in iry tn r 'a motor ears, iiTrIiV

r.treamllned complete * im pneu-]llKht. inaile tirrs, brliiht headllshla ar.d ,:* pui illl .'(.ria ot pidsels are the vehicles 'en.sco t:t ir?l. .1.' (d-.plaj'ed In Uie vnrlou.s frcmt •i;nUaiHls of T-,'.’in PnlU builne.-^:a bla {•i.wirl:i ..t'.abllshme«i.s. Whether cmila they 1*-, h;t)clc-i, Irlcj'clei, kiddle H'.': Ji

j ,, enr.*. -•k 'oterj. roadfler.-*. ro ll'r ';io!ie110.L'ia.' or waeon.', they h.ivc the Idaho i;irraailliu '.l ejteci, nnd the same*.!.-iv-ii.< .ire earned nut in Hie mlnia- . A’y.

"i-ire'eai-. lhe Unioil i’aellic rtreum- :;i:i;ei )in»-rt-iTtiiiir. firr-ensmea nnd whnl--mnri;: J:ai.'-;o(«.

Apiiiiidp 0/ Ihe child In regnid .-nr-n;rnt.T -nr-C T ifm j2onro-6o ~ tn - ;ro.irai;e<i wlih ediicailotlal loys. wx-: f n i . ar.- lold. Encoura^m cnt ot hobbles; V

can lead to reni accomplUhmcni.s, -V ^ later, educators who speclallw hi ] \ « ih<r sludy of play. i»m i out. ! \

One of the most Intrntulng of the ' more "laloiit producniK" toys to lie found to loral MojM uns ytaf, l \ n - ininlatiiie louin. oa whJch eiia 50 actually be wovea doll hammock--..Timi niK.. iiTiTv.r7 fr-M“ M K-le<l"bj'"U:;^111.' y.miis nii'.'P.> iheni-vlve^ when .-I.opiilnx. and even larse enouKh tn accoinaiodate n K arf. There aremnsic «-ls-fortfte-wt)uld*bc-Houomi • ------0.1 the family; nnd lh!.s yearilatxirale nv-lal mold-V't llllh whleh n;- n. ;o n make.? hi-, own toy srlillers nml 'Ills eavalrjnti-n. and imuiU ilu-m m. ■' i •■vhen Ihcy ui'e Millieunlly .'oM »” 'i Juinethini; n. x - lu j i .u n i ; foimcl III ,<n itri J .w 'm ih a meehaniMn by which ihc ehlld cah l'”''''- .-nlunce uny drawinv. • i m i.

Dulls lialnrp ."I il;-

tlillicult to Imd anylhlng biidt)lLs and bay and Rlrl dolls aomor.- llinn it loot or tu h le cn »;ci»-.ilm:li. Hut Ihe lifi-.--la.- do"bark thW yrar . . . (trrs',;fr mnn " '" i’ ■H .T in i» 'it cruandi? jio'.ww aiul i" 'r> .boiiiHi:., And tias >var'» irunlVuu !.:io;il(ln't ml:-5 Hiv- pink iiuiixtha'. (loAn to forui » pie.'uiiaialTiK u' baby iic rriii pink nud :i;•,vh;i.-. i.-.sihiK on a i.iiU; jull.. ( V'.Tfd wllh pink ;h ’ e i\ niui man- -‘> - ket. .Tla- tx'd U caiioiiU'd. nnd a b.‘d , i ' ' o ■;


In lhe dlsitlct enurt heredav Judk-.’ W- A. Babcock hea; ii ar- ...........i;uineiit.s on a;i;.'.'al:. by twoIrom .'lalr hidii-jlrlal ai-c.deii; hiMfd . /.lullne.s d-i;vln-; 'tlu-ir el.u:roriiiH-ii.‘atinn from lhe .Maleance fund. .

,\lr,'., ,Itv,'i-!ihi:;e Ru'.<.e11. ui Tnm Ru;--.''1I. Twin Palls m.' l>nliee n!!!;-': -.vhnivas .-lio: at rrt ivhtle a iteinplin- iri arn-;’. n ^-r• olnv-r vice Mailon bantlll heie la.M »priiif,'and tl:


The Happy

. 4 1 Jtv f ° m

^ ' y ,ur,,rtre;ii,','

. . . . ITS i:.\SV . , . ,V[’''i|fo?i"aml Jt:S T ’ I.i:T THK • .•■ii.-t’ ii.'eoi-.'

l,ArNI)H,V DO v:eM.< '.Mill I

S ll,ive iPUlKl !•-------------- i n t :t -I'i :,n .'I

PY iio .\u :



S tre a m lin e d , j]|( B a llo o n T ire s ' p

I'lRliVt^ns on and olf, like a flash- Uiihl, when Ihc tiny w'ocden button :» pulled. Bo-peep and her rhejp are Qnlv en-sconwd In anolh-r trunk. The frciiil of tlio trunii Ur.ii).s fu uiaiie . J a bla:kboar»l, nr,cl a .-1111111 drawir cmilains erayon^ and dolk-ni for il-.c jcr.iiitf writer, 01 ll;-- baby dolLi. (lethiiia 111*; mo.'.t r<an.''.ic nre thc |ic:>llii,ely unlireakab:.- rubber one-s.[hat ar<- uhJi .setubb.ible. I’,'"''* ,

Fire ttntines wfth rrm nable lad? ;J‘ '' tier.', a eireus wnt.ui with all tla -l'^ 'i" ' animals in Hie r.oo, a Buck RO)jvr:i lielinrt. needed oa irijv. [0 Mur.', a ” :owl)oy M-t coniplele with leutli.T Ami liol.Mer nnd pUiol, belt, snun tl.u H'‘‘ 1’ lad n la-s'o roj*. wllh dire.-llons fer nanipulntiiu: 11, liaublc-barrolUd ,h„uuns, mul niaehin.r nuns Ihai .|,it Jhnt fire. K '.m to I,- som-.- of :h... m...M a llrac ilie . toys 10 the ”[ I!; ioun< b'jy* who v;-,ii-:d Toylaild “ (t-.i-iday. ’

Amon;; the nnhual kinidDni on ;i..rade Hit rc Is noihiau mon- aSor-i.’il.' lhan a ler.-i.: V shi.in.d ot ‘ ''' «o-*!ir -lfnin>-i>rti. •Wi.uiT^uU... a T ta r ■honey" of n ik i f-)r any true Idahoan leokiiu li,: a niar-eol. *.

This Vear'» (ia in r. RalA!y>ui the nll-i'-.- Ill till-, vear'i Van

a : e t h U 10 i r i-la.t.d' wilh I■■'luril nnri;:e \ .*imilar-.o-i:;e jam? ljoard% •

!;.,t l;.ive*ni;.-,u-[i [l r.irklc.S o! | n-u.'';'i I-.'- ndall [H'i>ulauon !'ir thc p it: ,c,l.Mle • ..'Ml ni.uuin. » :i;n ’i-.-l'.- Durall^•^ \

‘*'^5 A--II-'.';,,,.' ‘‘ 'V. C.

lU'l’ ai;il liiir.- |:ni,|, AUird

h s For’ ! l'l.' l.-t . :.ii';in;t-': ‘


— ----------------------------------- = [ ■ ; £ „

uur. ;i-,';-MU'.d i': l-.e-;-;:iii. Re. ; l>'' l-Miir; t . ai;-;iha;i Atidiv.

>'eeiai). !- :u ;i: :> r 'i- ;:r : .'.in.rk am 1'

nd tl:;.- .'.lali; la-.uiaiici; -luni:. ' •■Tr.

: o m e 1 n t o ! ( r

C* I ' iI ' F C l e : f

j !

nil i;-.e*:e [ '.-..•..;-,e, . J ' j!|{'at 'he Tr.-:'i| I- i.,.v,i;<| | 'lij,;,lrv. UVTAl'Si -ivv I IIIii.i I- '.'iii.Ar'M - A-;:-) ' ' , 1;

I,-! o-.e o', oir <lr|vff.v Irll ynu 1|]

N D RY ' 6i ■ ii " : i E A N E R S ;j |, :


C M IE B IS IS ” J M M S E S b

____‘ I Wrdne

DnIy O n e .o f l O ' t e n a n t s for|S '^niJi|

’ N c x f ‘ S e a s o n to P a y •• r«curi

C a sh R e n ta l <ibinci■cienlnii

-------- ■ Di'pal l ie ernp.,\harlni! b.a.slA preriomln-jauend

tes hi Ta in Falls enunly tnrm'h-.i.^.'-! i-liide r r the enmlas sea.\on. .iceorilini; 1.' tleiurli r-an- ni:r.eiarni.s already plnred fn noli, I rrord in T ’u i; Falls counly reconl-; tional , r'.s olflce- I A ba.Amna:: ;-i; f.ivm le.iies r.-corfled, Auxilia

he past dav .i:'iw o, m ly one p:o-[lioiel 1 Ides (or a rental. Umler lerms|sep;iral f Jhli Kurrnnr-.a fjnneLi Karn* ;w.' Jwo 0/1 :.ved a l7-.i. ;e tract ndJoinlnK Twm ’nil on Hie 10 Alonro Wllhs n f n i f ^r tir ' \ . i r biymnine December I HjlM I

.SU nf l!;e I,-a Ie;i-ses nre for Twin ,■alls tfi'iii'.v [arni-s'owned bv the 'In'.rhllr a:;:! Sl:i!ford company. The) I / t inlltms: I

hitler. I.'u ,1 lluee-miles ra.''.‘ , .„ „ - ntl Ine m; - ,t ■ uth ot '^v la Fall^ , Ratrl:!.'- ,11; 1 .•i;:i:t'>rcl if> IVfys^ openln;

'an Z:!:ii'- Ki .1 lotir mile.\ east' ri.iiic-ir .r ih i ' : ‘ l l ' , - i tn -n rs tis t:--------Ralt;;.!.; an.; -iila.'fjld .lu.Cl'.ailt.; ..ci-iibtrI. lirn-.e .i,-;,',...iiii:i'lv COarie.'. luo liuil.linII.I oiie.ii,i:; a-.ii'.-. .'ouih of Han- re in -h:a----------------------------------------------- 'lu- milna-.;;i;;e .1;, ! . c - ; - d t.i .m , o . '

ntl-r;,';! I'-'i .rrr.s lwo milr.v e :^ t ' ^o-.ile. nd'four m ;as:n ;;-h o! Tain F . i l ^ . i l * '■liiiieiiiii'- .i',u:'.'5!aTrriVirtcTT:ni!nTrf-'^"'']"<• lebeUc-.-, I:(I thiee mile^ ea.M'nd ihi. e nn;- ,. .'.-nith ot Ituhl. Ralehll.- and ;;;alto;.l Io Ruv " , .- i^ '

oiuv. •»' a r t.. :;;re.; mtl".' no:;h .d f,]'( 'win F.ilLv • i , ,,..yG .n . N-. :.'-, Peii'!e;;n;,. K-nulrl.v. ti-ual r

1 lloin-r Hi.-l"'.';in, ;ipinnMnialel'' ri‘:v,irii

'■alls.' ■ ' ■ ■ h-.re MO.-cUP iital t..;e |i;.Mr..nrr eo;ii-;

nuv 0; l.-'N A- .-'/.s I.' Einil P;i\- '" ■' •JkT-rn*:,rr-— rr. -

I .I.ilin'

1::.-. 1.1 I ■ mil.'.' B

1 Q L IN > ~ U E IL .£ a E E £A B __________ ^


. nnd I'e .>!(I .'bv

; , 'S : I

Kill-I- Urer-.. ..rieirh.. F.:l- -•liri's haile.'.

— -il;i!;r;rr!i,-ff , I .i.'rn ifir ___ _

lto- . T,.tair.ea „ (ir.iy-!5.-ani, , ,iv|.

-----------------------''• 'I

J S - -. |O a M a

F o l l o w i n ! D i r e c t i c | - G a s t o r O i l

B e d € a


!i; ■ ■■ ■■|il I ' u t y iiM c a n f

I u s n ’ a k c y o u r e

I v ; ---------------- w e l t e r ( I r i v i n s -

A ndSat l i o l! to - ') D 'K I l’-C:

I a n d .■ sh o u ld b o h i

i r c l a p t e ^ n t s i

b b i i V t l i c m a i ' k p


EMtfER 2. WSi

l e g i o n A ND A U XILIA RY n iC

A S S E M B L E A T BU R L E Y “ l 'l

American Legion and Aiulllnri npuit)et.t-li>^im >dimc»-a iH i-n im . —~

,Vcdnesday evening will receive re- jjij Hjris from the Miami nalionnl con- ^ny 1 cniKin nnd also from the recent meat iireilnij of the Uglotrs nntional crmb \ccu!lve c<ifnml(lr» Vn In<llaji«pO' wJieri i.<. J. L. H'-dtin ot Twin Fnlls,. b irici cummaiider. w ld here lnsl.|on11a lenlng, ' • I attle,Ui'pariment oiflctrs expected lo | Mond

liend the nurley eonienllon in -ljutiR t llllle I.e.ster I'. Albert ot. Hol.’.e. j p.,p eiurliuent iidjuiant, nnd llnrry B e-. ot a oil, Idaho American Legion ua- |/.[.|o loiial commltteemnn. !thp uA baiifjiict se.'i.iion tor Leclon and ] venili

,iixillary niPuiber.-. nt the NutlnanI iv mj oiel IU 7:30 o'clock^ will precede wh>n i-paralc buslm-.ss sessions of Hu- hik w ao o/i-anUatlons. , - rr.nj

i M D i r t r o p E iy i i im ^ " ^

___ -f lUV:;]?7.iuii-.T7n‘)uffrrr.Tninnie-Tiierior Hieai'’ '>1 ilyeurailtm. '*dll L. .roh.-!b1v be romi'lele.l lor ofllclal: prnim: in im .e Inr Hi.- Old Timer-' l anc- Fridav. Dneuilvr nnd n l" ''*^, T?n;::r ivi.f a.ir rf .• .i'.iirii:i;,' , 'n :' - f LJibcr.B_,in, Uii_KTFi_Rad;o:ar,<l.^:,"',',

''n -liiaen r-! ' '.uV'ta- nvall.i'ble in ' ' ’' ; '

i l i n 'S - f i ' ‘\ n o : t u ' ' r i » ‘ ^oale. to Ojietl UUS lU'iel btifjel Io ./ :afllo!ai;(t tl.i;'.f;rk' lulrnii.-. oulyl .iiin«-tli(v-b'.;;i.-«u'v.oe..n-.iacn-and_(;i,r.) lhe Reneral jaibiie allerward, I Wrap One ot Hi.' nu>-'. •.’riklns feaHire.-i.

( Ihe b.iltcl will lie thi- l.air iil-i :‘niievatiir,n llKhila'; ll-iiur.-;; coai-10 etl of Hire.- lool dian;i-ter eirekM; i:-.))i jt;ound 1 h;u;e kIoU. U ii-’^ ^ •;ial niotlernisitc enhii,: and wall! Cit -- *••.re rMvlnr touiilam nre de-*Krieil. ,1 ■•Worlri'i Fair" mom. The biiflet; ,, ;!l he nvaitah!.' In: pailie'. ol prl-

arc m uaniii:ion:.-a;;d-fcij:ic;naon; i',i n:'.(l.brld.:e p^it;-.,

Io::ie; .-rio .r, .omi'l;ea'.;ons

Dou'; I.il.i- Ihl. C.-iai.re. S!a-t l.'.kla^ _Viiu 11;:,J obiain re;-e .h f.oia >'u:r <1:

Copa GreesNK.M TO t h i : 01

Pmlleniial Liie MON


T t n<‘iM ymi in .'iiiii.K s hr.au- To bJ'.ld a lieme.no .vn-i: We ra;; iiu.lce |i;uu. (l;le iloll'

e.-..];r h.Mrie' o,- li;.l-.:;.ii' IrriK.iihMi dl; live Th,-. i. :.a t;-'ilMi;il n;i,u.rii 1

lesiiii'M*.. Cor:';:''j"dtT:ev .‘nlUMed.

’ S W l i M S N V H S T iV

n g T h e D i i o n s i n T a l >il a n d S t a j h n ' t Be D


in f(.l]<r.v our (llrocliDns in .ir cMT .safc and annfurl; u ? — _____ ---------------------- :---------------

kiy Folks..,wero ,ihi|)|ifd hi- t '

ic hercnc'xl Tuc.<il;iy, Com it suvnri.'C and if you aro I'ket "ot your order ii\.


DISTIIICTCllllilTl! ^ ■ yilCllTi [XTtlillEDDlsStcl courl Jurors were jester-

dny granted nn entenslon ot, Utelr rneatloa to next Wednesday. De- cember i : . ni which thne the ew>e» wtierefri J. IV. Porter nml Ouy C. Headrlck-pn .■'iH damnjes from the Onllaaher Finnnce company .of Se- attle, oriKlnally w t for trial next Monday, are lo bc tnken up. District Judge W. A. Rabeoek nnnounced.

P.irler nad Ilenilrlek^on. membera of a pnrly of Twin Falls American l/-clon i«»t nifmber.' on a trip In the interrsti of the 1033 stnte eon- venilnn in Twin Fulls, were severe­ly lajnred in an auimoblle accident wlv>n Hie car In whleli tl;ey were rld- hiK was w-vrledly iw hcd off Ih- rr.i(j ijr.ir Mouniain Homi by a Irani lit u-J-d ear.s owned by the • C);illai:her comjiany. .

S U I T ' IN V O L V E S LA ND •

luvolvim: a disputed claim to real .pij[irrtv, A-*iut-'iliereln P. J . Xliln-!... cle „r TAln Tai:'. seek.s 10 eblsili i)-..-<-;.vioii ot resKS.-n-e pr<>i-.erty a t Fil'r from .lohn C. Dal-a. ha.s bee;i iraii'terred from Hie prt^'jale lo lh"

.•r. hVp .i: the iirorK-rlv, Viiiijeet "to a I”m i:l;:a :e irld-hs- Prnisle. Dai“ - r - '. R ^e^r^ an acrermeiit Jil.! .S 'pr'iiib'.- j uiuler «hl-;i h" «a>, l o .Mtrr.'iulrr lhe

—<;|,rMina«-Car di. T acv-SealsjuU -----------Wrappings a t the C'los Rook Store.-,\d v .

(ItA IT M A rnitM TV HOME:25 Ilhie l.nkes Rlul, North

----------- ‘iV iirP aiis.-idsho------------------- ----CouiDlelB .e.prvice l*5'1.W)>

iirs - '^ n .i. A CRAFT. M. n.Thoae 231 '

•.kla^ Percalx Todav-n:r iI:ii; kIs-. ur irom y.;ur d^trirt

eeuhowi: ORPHI.IM

iie Ins. Co. I . M EY IFlRST.M ORTr.AGt LOANS H


e ilellve:vo: Aa'.e:le,in r.il's Rrs- t«i (h^ul.•t no-ids ;ii \.-;v ;i'.i;rac- ,u.ri. nuv fo; local I'lie.Uns. Vuu :,M';u;;il laii', r.^arc'.ii^ tlu"« m-


D o c t o r ’^ I a k i n g | i y - i - n g 4 n - LDone 1|M

^.............. ..... I

s i l l I c l i . i i i . ^ ■ !

u r ta b le I'or

' i ' u e s r l a y ' |j

' o i i i o i n : u ) i l ' I .

U 'o s u i n g to

bile Co. II DEALERS ^