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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing With A Practical 4-Week Plan To Success!

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

With A Practical 4-Week Plan To Success!

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

Table of Contents

The Limiting Medical Mindset.....................................4

What Is Nutritional Healing?.......................................8

The Nutritional Healing Formula.................................10

Three Common Mistakes............................................17

Finding A Formula That Works....................................23

Your 4-Week Plan To Healing Success.......................24

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing


➢ I'm Bonnie Hershey, and this is my family.

➢ I am the founder of Proven Nutrition For Kids.

➢ Don't let the number of pages scare you. It's filled with lots of pictures and white space for your reading ease.

➢ Have a question? Ask me on my Facebook page.

➢ Through our nutrition program, we all stay sick-free virtually 365 days each year. (Tummy bugs are non-existent in our house!) We all enjoy being medication-free and feeling great!

➢ In my “off” time, you'll often find me giving impromptu cooking/nutrition lessons to all the neighbor kids who hang out at our house.

➢ Yes, we are related to the American chocolate man (He was our great, great uncle, to be exact.) Consequently, we have an ingrained love of chocolate. :)

➢ If you like what you read here, I'd be thrilled if you share it. I just ask that you keep it intact.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

The Limiting Medical MindsetEnter this story with me:

“I am dead asleep, snuggled way down in my warm covers, when all of a sudden my dreamy peace is shattered by the ear piercing scream of our youngest – a two year old boy. He went to bed cranky just a few hours earlier. I knew he wasn't feeling right, but I thought a good night of rest might cure whatever was ailing him.

“I run to his room, hoping it was just a bad dream and not a sickness developing. (After all, my other two kids just got over their own illnesses recently.)

“I find him in tears, pulling on his ear, and clearly uncomfortable. He even feels a bit warm. I give him some Tylenol, cuddle him, and he slowly falls back asleep.

“In the morning, his fever is back, and he feels terrible. I make a quick call to the doctor and get an appointment for the afternoon.

“Turns out, he is fighting a cold and an advanced ear infection. I quickly fill the prescription so that my son can feel better soon. And thankfully he does.

“A month later, my little son's pre-existing eczema decides to flair up again. So, in desperation, I make an appointment for yet another

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

dermatologist (this will be the third doctor we've seen for this issue).

“The doctor recommends a certain type of treatment that is slightly different than the one I got before, and I eagerly comply. (I secretly hope that this time, the treatment will work better than the last one.)

“Two months later, a tummy bug is going around the school, and my older children bring it home one day. My son gets it too. I head off to the pharmacy to find out what I can give them to help them keep their food down.

“Over the next day, I get worried enough about my youngest and his low weight already, that I take him again to the doctor.”

Do you see the pattern here?

Sickness, Doctor, Medicine. Sickness, Doctor, Medicine. Each time a medical doctor is given control over her son's health.

This is not inherently a bad thing. After all, medical doctors serve an important role in any society. But this "medical mindset"--that you need medical intervention to make and keep you well--has a downside.

The downside is that all medications have undesirable unwanted side effects. Additionally, most medications are given to “manage” health issues and not with the intent or purpose to really heal them.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

The unfortunate reality is that most doctors today receive very little training in the area of nutrition. Most are not trained to see things from a nutritional or holistic perspective.

Consider these questions:

➢ When was the last time your pediatrician asked about your child's daily diet? Their sugar or dairy intake?

➢ Or tried to discover any underlying connections that might be contributing to their constant illnesses?

➢ Have you ever considered the cost of a doctor's improper diagnosis?

➢ Ever wondered why the same symptoms keep coming back?

The parent with a medical mindset will simply go find another doctor…another specialist…or even some medical information online.

How do you break this cycle?

What is needed is a new perspective, not a new doctor.

Would you like to see your kids go a whole year without seeing a doctor? What would it be like to finally get your child—and your whole family—feeling their best?Can you even imagine the financial freedom of lower medical

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bills? Less doctors visits? Less time off work?

Whew. “Back the truck up and dump it on me!”, right?

Keep reading, because I'm going to share with you how we can help you achieve the same results we're seeing with our family.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

What is Nutritional Healing?Nutritional healing is simply...

Did you know?➢ The human body is constantly repairing, detoxing, and

regenerating…already! ➢ Excellent nutrition supports the body systems and allows them to

repair and heal on their own. ➢ “You are what you eat” is a very true statement. Garbage in, garbage


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The act of providing the body all it needs nutritionally to do its job well; Using nutrition to heal.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

➢ Proper nutrition is the ideal fuel that our body needs to do its job.

➢ Nutrition—unlike medicine—comes with ZERO side effects and tons of benefits!

The truth is when we give our bodies the nutrients they need, they have amazing power to heal themselves.

More Posts on Nutritional Healing...➢ Kids With ADD: Stories Of Healing And Hope

➢ How to Promote True Healing For Kids When They Are Battling

➢ Natural Detox: Why Our Kids Need It So Badly

➢ Is The Flu Shot Really The Best Defense?

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

The Nutritional Healing FormulaI speak with countless parents who have attempted all-natural approaches without seeing satisfactory results. Sadly, they end up ditching the nutritional approach altogether rather than evaluating what they could have done differently.

Sound like you?

Effective nutritional healing only happens with a strong commitment to the proper formula.

There are actually three critical components to successful nutritional healing programs. If any of these key parts are ignored, we guarantee you will not be satisfied.

Let's look at each of these “ingredients” one at a time.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

A Healthy Diet

Not everyone pictures or envisions the same thing when they hear the phrase, 'a healthy diet.' So, I find it helpful to define what we mean by 'healthy diet.'

I like this photo that came out in 2012 because it gives a visual picture of what eating healthy means. You've got half the plate filled with fresh fruits and vegetables and the other half with whole grains and lean proteins.

Now, does this picture mean that we eat exactly like this every single day

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A healthy diet means eating a properly balanced diet, according to the guidelines of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. (EatRight.org)

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

of the year?

Of course not. We all stray from this ideal many times.

However, this type of clean, balanced eating should always be what we strive for. We make necessary changes, one at a time, always getting closer and closer to the optimal diet.

Nutritionists and dieticians suggest some more specific eating guidelines implied in the graphic but not explicitly stated.

The Ultimate Healthy Diet:

➢ 6-9 servings of fruits/veggies daily

➢ Whole grain foods (25-30 g fiber/daily)

➢ Sardines/Fish (Omega-3s)

➢ Lean Protein Sources

➢ No pesticides/animal antibiotics

➢ No GMOs

➢ No Trans Fats (Hydrogenated oils/Mono-DiGlycerides)

➢ 0 sodas/candy/sweets/processed foods

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There are countless other ways to incorporate healthy eating habits into your lifestyle, but I believe the guidelines presented here give a great foundation to get started.

If you need more practical resources and ideas, you can find some listed here.

More Posts On Eating Healthy...

➢ Five Tips To Ensure Nutrition For Your Picky Eater

➢ 52 Healthy Eating Tips For Families

➢ 7 Tricks To Help Kids Eat Healthier

➢ The Key to Preparing Healthy Meals

➢ Weekly Grocery Budget and How to Shop Healthy

➢ Tips To Reversing The Sugar Addiction

➢ Tips To Get More Fiber In Your Child's Diet

➢ What Makes A Healthy Breakfast For Kids?

A healthy diet is key to promoting and maintaining good health but more nutrients are needed if you want to see your child develop into a “powerhouse” of optimal health.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

The Right Supplements In The Right Amounts

We believe that smart supplementation plays a crucial role in the nutritional healing process.

There are three main reasons that smart supplementation is necessary:

1. We suck at eating a healthy diet on a regular basis. Let's just be honest. Only about 3% of the American population eats a completely balanced diet on any given day.

2. There are too many essential nutrients that our bodies need on a regular basis that cannot be left to chance.

3. When addressing health issues through nutrition, you are simply not able to eat enough foods to get the levels of nutrients you need.

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Smart Supplementation: Using the right supplements (those that are proven to work and be bioavailable) in the right amounts (according to the needs of the user).

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The human body responds to nutrition much like an ocean liner responds to the captain at the wheel. It takes time to adjust.

Making a small turn of the rudder for a short period of time won't seem to have much of an effect. However, you hold that same course for a longer length of time and you wind up going a totally different direction.

We all know what happened in the photo below. They needed time to turn, and they didn't have it. The captain had already set their course and speed and didn't change it when he saw the warning signs.

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You may already be seeing warning signs that your child's health is not headed in the right direction.

➢ Insomnia

➢ skin irritations and rashes

➢ lethargy/lack of energy

➢ digestive problems

➢ concentration problems

➢ Larger, ongoing health issues...you name it.

These are all warning signs saying, “Now is the time to correct the direction of the ship!”

Make changes NOW while time is still on your side.

Don't wait to hit the iceberg. Or have to run to the Emergency Room. Or when major surgery becomes the only option left.

It takes time to turn the ship around. But even small changes made quickly can make a big difference in direction.

So then, if this nutritional healing formula works so well...and our bodies are designed to respond to good nutrition, why aren't more families seeing lasting changes?

It's because they don't apply the formula correctly.

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Three Common Mistakes

Common Mistake #1: The Wrong Supplements in Wrong Amounts

This is the most common mistake people make when trying a nutritional approach.

Poor supplement logic can follow several different paths.

➢ The Miracle-Product Syndrome—Believing a single product will fix everything.

There is no such thing as a “miracle” product.

The biochemistry of the human body is so complex and interconnected that it usually takes a number of things working together to heal the body.

➢ The 'Price Over Quality' Mindset—Believing that a vitamin is a vitamin, so cost is the only determining factor of which one to take.

Do you follow that same logic when you buy a car? Or new running shoes? My guess is, probably not. You want more than a good bargain. You need them to do their job well.

The truth is that NOT all vitamins are created equal. If you want to

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see lasting health results, then quality matters a great deal.

➢ The Misinformed Mentality—Believing that certain nutrients do certain things in the body, when they really don't.

The internet today has become the Wild West of information. Anyone and everyone can post their opinion on things or what they believe to be true. There's no sherriff setting a standard, and it can be downright confusing.

When it comes to using supplements to target certain health issues, it's very important to have the facts from a credible source...not just someone's opinion.

➢ The Minimalist Mentality—Believing that taking the smallest amount of supplements possible will be enough to see big results.

Unfortunately, “very little effort” NEVER equals “very big results.”

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We do a ton of research each month for families just like yours, helping them to determine the proper nutrients and the proper amounts for their children.

But occasionally families will not follow our guidance. They may choose instead to lower the suggested amounts so they can "stretch" their vitamin supply and still expect to see the same results.

The result? Failure.

They think by doing this that they are giving the nutritional approach a "trial run". "I'll see if we notice a difference with just two of these instead of the recommended ten."

And of course, they don't.

Choosing the right supplements in the right amounts is absolutely crucial to getting results.

More Posts On Smart Supplementation...➢ Do I Need Vitamins? Does My Child Need Vitamins?

➢ Natural Vitamins, Synthetic, and Those In-Between

➢ Kids' Multivitamin Comparison

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Common Mistake #2: Not Giving Enough Time

How many times have you looked for something that would be a "quick fix" to your child's problem? Who wouldn't want to solve an issue quickly if they could?

We all would love that.

Our culture feeds this expectation of getting results quickly, but the reality is that our bodies take time to heal.

Fortunately, children's bodies can heal more rapidly than adults. But there is still a time factor.

There are also various timeframes for different health issues. For example, a common cold that begins to be addressed the same day it hits, could easily be gone in another 24 hours.

However, if there is a health issue that has been allowed to develop for many months or years, this may take longer to turn around. (Remember the ocean liner?)

We can help insure that you start with the right type of supplements, but it may take some trial-and-error time finding the right amounts.

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Did you know?The human body needs 120 days to produce a new set of red blood cells.

Talk about time!

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Consistency and perseverance are key when using the nutritional healing approach. You must be committed to the process.

Common Mistake #3: Not Enough Diet Changes

Usually when a parent is looking for a natural nutritional approach to address an aspect of their child's health, they are already mindful of what their child is eating.

However, depending on the health issue, this often needs to be tweaked.

There are definitely food choices that can either encourage or negate your efforts to promote healing in the body.

An overall healthy diet is a great goal to strive for regardless of the health issue, but some health issues dictate even further diet changes.

For example, say you are wanting to address issues with ADHD naturally. You add some great necessary supplements to your child's diet and even cut back on some sugars. However, you still provide some fast food meals (loaded with preservatives, added sugars, etc) each week.

Such nutrient-deficient food choices do not promote the healing process, and can cause results to come much slower.

Tips To Remember When Making Diet Changes: ➢ Try to be as consistent as possible with your child's healthy diet.

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➢ Help your child understand why it's so important that they cooperate with these changes.

➢ Help them see the connection between what they eat and how they feel.

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Finding A Formula That Works

There are two ways to find the right nutritional formula.

➢ Do your own research and go it alone.

➢ Find someone who can help you do it.

As you can see, there is a lot of room for error when trying to find the proper amounts of diet changes, supplemental nutrients, and time.

It would be easily overwhelming to try to do your own research on all these things (not to mention, take up a ton of your time).

In fact, doing your own research might be how you found us in the first place!

If you are like most parents, you want to see changes "yesterday."

And really the only way to close the gap on finding an effective combination is through personal coaching and accountability.

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Did you know?Only 5% of vitamin supplement users

get any kind of guidance on how to use them properly and effectively.

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A Mom's Guide To Nutritional Healing

Your 4-Week Plan To Healing SuccessSo what action steps can you take this month to start seeing changes for your child?

✔ Week 1. Discover your child’s specific nutrient needs with our Kids Symptom Assessment. Address immediate nutrient needs and/or detox needs.

✔ Week 2. Address the liquid calories. Limit your child to 1 cup low-fat milk/day and 1 cup fruit juice/day. Serve water every other time. That’s it.

✔ Week 3. Find and eliminate all artificial ingredients, colors, preservatives.

✔ Week 4. Increase the veggies/fruits. (replace processed, pre-packaged snacks with veggies/fruits) Did I mention veggies?

Remember, we can help you walk through ALL these changes...one at a time. You don't have to go this alone or be left wondering if you're boat is going in the right direction.

If you'd like to use us as your resource and coach, it all starts here:Kids Symptom Assessment

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