a market based transmission planning for hvdc grid - case … · 2015. 9. 18. · 1 a market based...

A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDC Grid - Case Study of the North Sea Journal: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Manuscript ID: TPWRS-01551-2013 Manuscript Type: Transactions Date Submitted by the Author: 04-Dec-2013 Complete List of Authors: Shariat Torbaghan, Shahab; TU Delft, Electrical Sustainable Energy Gibescu, Madeleine; Delft University of Technology, Electrical Power Systems Rawn, Barry; University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT/ELECTA) van der Meijden, Mart; Delft University of Technology, Electrical Sustainable Energy Technical Topic Area : Power system economics, Power system markets Key Words: Transmission expansion planning, HVDC transmission, Optimization, Wind energy IEEE PES Transactions on Power Systems

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Page 1: A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDC Grid - Case … · 2015. 9. 18. · 1 A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDC Grid - Case Study of the North Sea Shahab Shariat

A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDC Grid - Case Study of the North Sea

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Manuscript ID: TPWRS-01551-2013

Manuscript Type: Transactions

Date Submitted by the Author: 04-Dec-2013

Complete List of Authors: Shariat Torbaghan, Shahab; TU Delft, Electrical Sustainable Energy Gibescu, Madeleine; Delft University of Technology, Electrical Power Systems Rawn, Barry; University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT/ELECTA) van der Meijden, Mart; Delft University of Technology, Electrical Sustainable Energy

Technical Topic Area : Power system economics, Power system markets

Key Words: Transmission expansion planning, HVDC transmission, Optimization, Wind energy

IEEE PES Transactions on Power Systems

Page 2: A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDC Grid - Case … · 2015. 9. 18. · 1 A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDC Grid - Case Study of the North Sea Shahab Shariat


A Market Based Transmission Planning for HVDCGrid - Case Study of the North Sea

Shahab Shariat Torbaghan, Member, IEEE, Madeleine Gibescu, Member, IEEE, Barry G. Rawn, Member, IEEE,

Mart van der Meijden, Member, IEEE,

Abstract—There is significant interest in building HVDCtransmission to carry out transnational power exchange anddeliver cheaper electricity from renewable energy sources whichare located far from the load centers. This paper presents anapproach to solve a long-term transmission planning problemfor meshed VSC-HVDC grids that connect regional markets.This is in general a nonlinear non-convex large-scale optimizationproblem with high computational burden, partly due to themany combinations of wind and load that become possible.We developed a two-step iterative algorithm that first selectsa subset of operating hours using a clustering technique, andthen seeks to maximize the social welfare of all regions andminimize the investment capital of transmission infrastructuresubject to technical and economic constraints. The outcomeof the optimization is an optimal grid design with a topologyand transmission capacities that results in congestion revenuepaying off investment by the end the project’s economic lifetime.Approximations are made to allow an analytical solution to theproblem and demonstrate that an HVDC pricing mechanism canbe consistent with an AC counterpart existing onshore. The modelis used to investigate development of the offshore grid in theNorth Sea. Simulation results are interpreted in economic termsand show the effectiveness of our proposed two-step approach.

Index Terms—Transmission expansion planning, HVDC trans-mission, optimization, wind energy.


STUDIES of European renewable electricity developmenthave estimated required transmission capacities, in some

cases indicating a rate of construction twice the historical rate[1]. By 2050 required transnational capacities in anticipatedscenarios increase in some cases by tens of gigawatts, and bothfollow-up and regional studies [2], [3] indicate the need forreinforcements and new connections. Particular attention hasbeen directed at the North Sea, where the development of off-shore wind is already driving the construction of new connec-tions from shore to sea. Visions are developing of an offshoregrid facilitating the exploitation of the offshore wind resourceand allowing increased trade between North Sea countries[4], [5]. Significant expansion of transmission capacity inreality can encounter technical, regulatory, social, and or legalobstacles. The economic fundamentals of consumption andgeneration also constrain realistic development. Appropriatechoices regarding technology and line routing are necessary

S. Shariat Torbaghan, M. Gibescu and Mart van der Meijden are with theDepartment of Electrical Sustainable Energy, Delft University of Technology,The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected].

B. G. Rawn is with the KU Leuven Department Elektrotechniek, Kasteel-park Arenberg 10, 3001 Leuven.

for proper cost optimization in actual implementation [2],[6]. Proper accounting of physical flows using impedances,rather than transport models, are key to understanding theconnections between actual lines, their cost, and benefits todifferent regions. Inclusion of the correlation and location ofactual injections can be obtained by using several periods, oreven all hours of the year, in order to achieve a grid designthat is adequate yet not overbuilt [4].

The pace of required development brings challenges offinance; the magnitude of capital expenditures associated withanticipated grid development have been evaluated as a strainon financial viability of the usual financiers of transmissionprojects, the transmission system operators of Europe [7].Several national regulators are seeking possibilities to en-courage private investment in grid projects [8]. The issue ofinvestment is a crucial factor because that it could slow orthreaten the feasibility of transmission development, and yetit is not extensively studied. Issues of repaying investmentcosts and equitable distribution of costs and benefits have beenexamined, but only using a simple transport model to balancegenerator and investor benefits [9], or only considering a fixedgrid [10]. Acknowledging that the grid grows in stepwise in-creases can be a valuable element of realism to inform industryand transmission companies [11]. For expansion planning, aformulation where the line capacities are free to change iskey to discovering alternate possibilities that can reward bothsociety and investors.

This paper presents a transmission expansion planningframework whose formulation includes investment recoverythrough congestion revenue as an implicit strict equality con-straint, and allows the consideration of multiple time periods.The framework is intended to be driven by market historicaldata in the form of hourly regional cost curves. Automatictransformation and clustering is performed to select a subsetof hourly samples. The number of samples in the subset, aswell as their initial values, are adjusted heuristically in orderto match its flow-induced revenues to that of the full sampleset. The framework thus balances the need for reasonablecomputation times against the benefits of a model that allowsmultiple time periods, maintains an analytical structure, andrespects voltage constraints and Kirchhoff’s laws. The frame-work determines the topology, transmission capacities and thepower flow of the offshore grid and the resulting distribution ofsocial welfare (defined as benefit of consumption minus costof generation of each region). By combining both grid andinvestment recovery constraints and working from market data,

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the framework may deliver useful results that demonstrate howthe optimal grid design is not necessarily the least expensiveone. As an example, information about the North Sea isprocessed in a case study at the end of the paper.


Recent advances in HVDC converter technology and physi-cal limitations of HVAC have triggered interest among systemplanners to explore widespread application of HVDC for large-scale long distance transmission, including in offshore environ-ments. Many in-depth investigations of transmission planningfor AC networks can be found in the literature [12]–[15].However, HVDC network planning and its integration withthe HVAC counterpart requires further development. In ourprevious work we introduced a Socially Optimal Static Trans-mission Expansion Planning (STEP) framework for designinga meshed VSC-HVDC offshore grid [16]. We now present animproved weighted formulation of the framework that takesinto account the probability of occurrence of various systemstates. Since forming the optimization problem based on theactual HVDC power flow is too complex, an approximationof the branch flows is used. Finally, an iterative process tomake the optimization framework applicable to large-scale realworld problems is introduced.

A. Assumptions

In this work, electricity markets are assumed to be perfectlycompetitive. We use a zonal market model, where the aggre-gated supply and demand bidding curves of each onshore zoneare linear functions of the power generation/consumption ofthat zone. Only maximum and minimum import and exportpower constraints per zone are enforced. No inter-temporalconstraints on generation are considered. Intra-zonal transmis-sion constraints are neglected. Infrastructure costs are assumedlinearly dependent on length and rated capacity of the cables.Finally in the investment model we do not take the impact ofdiscount, inflation and variable interest rates into account.

B. Static Transmission Planning Problem (STEP)

Let us consider a power system with nb nodes. Each noderepresents a price zone with a single clearing price double-sided auction market. During its economic lifetime, the zonesinterconnected by an offshore grid will experience differentmarket conditions. Each operating state t has the nominalduration of one hour. The contribution of zone i to powerflows over all interconnectors is entirely captured via the netpower injection of that zone into the rest of the system, definedas P t

i = P tGi

− P tDi

and is positive if zone i has generationsurplus (i.e. is an exporter), and negative otherwise.

We define incremental social cost (SCti ) of each zone i

during hour t as cost of generation C(P tGi

) minus benefit ofconsumption B(P t

Di) [17], [18]. The contribution of each zone

in the total social welfare is the opposite of the social cost(SW t

i = −SCti ) and is a function of the power injection of

that node:

SCti = at

i · P t2

i + bti · P t

i + cti (1)

Fig. 1. An incremental typical social cost curve. P mini and P max

i presentminimum and maximum power that region i can inject during operating hourt

where ati, bt

i and cti are the cost curve coefficients and

determined from integrating the area beneath the linearlyapproximated supply and demand curves for each operatingstate t. For our research, we are interested in variations ofsocial welfare. As the solution of optimal power flow doesnot depend on fixed social cost we exclude ct

i from cost curveformulation. Hence we define the incremental social welfareof zone i at hour t as Ct

i = ati ·P t2

i +bti ·P t

i presented in Fig. 1.The aggregated incremental social welfare of all regions readsas:

Φ = −∑




Cti · ωt · n(O) (2)

where nb is the number of price zones in the power system.O is the set of operating states analyzed. n(O) is the numberof members of O. A vector ωt indicates the influence of theeach operating state in O, with ωt ∈ (0, 1]. The vector ωt

is a normalized weighting factor :∑

t∈Oωt = 1, and allows

the option of using a set of representative states as will bedemonstrated in Section II-D. If all hours in the economiclifetime were considered, every value of ωt would equal 1

n(O) .

For zone i = 1, 2, ..., nb, if F tij denotes the power flow through

one monopole of the interconnector i− j at time t leaving thesending end, the net power injection of zone i into the systemequals:

P ti =



F tij = P t

Gi− P t

Di. (3)

We assume that the interconnector between node i and j iscomposed of a number Nij of identical parallel cables, eachwith conductance gij . Hence the power flow over one pole ofthe interconnector i − j during operating hour t reads as:

F tij = Nij · gij · [(vt

i)2 − vt

i · vtj ] (4)

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where vti and vt

j are per pole line-to-ground voltage of dcconverters at each end of the bipolar interconnector. Due tooperating limits, the dc voltage of the converters is boundbetween 0.9 and 1.1 p.u. As power flow of each dc line isprecisely controlled through voltage control of the converters,nodal voltages are considered independent decision variables.In order to include the impact of capacity rating on cableconductance and so on the grid design, the number of parallellines the interconnector i−j is made of Nij is introduced as thesecond class of decision variable. Next, Lij represents lengthof the interconnector (in km ) and kinv,ij denotes the unitcost ( in Euro/MW ·km ) of transmission for interconnectioni − j where i, j = 1, ..., nb. Capacity of each interconnector isNij ·Kbase where Kbase (MW ) is the monopole rated capacityfor each of the parallel cables. The total investment cost ofbuilding the offshore grid reads as:

Ψ =nb




kinv,ij · Lij · Nij · 2 · Kbase

2. (5)

The optimization problem is to choose the network topology(Nij) and voltages (vt

i ) such that the resulting zonal injectionsP t

i will ensure the electricity supply and demand balance forall zones while minimizing social cost (2) and investments(5) subject to physical and technical constraints (6)-(12) oftransmission and generation. It takes on the form:


i ,Nij)Ω = Φ − Ψ (6)

subject to

vmini ≤ vt

i ≤ vmaxi , ∀i, t ∈ O (7)

P mini ≤ P t

i ≤ P maxi , ∀i, t ∈ O (8)

F tij = gij · [(vt

i)2 − vt

i · vtj ] ≤ Kbase, ∀i, j, t ∈ O (9)

Nij ≥ 0, ∀i, j (10)nb


P ti − P t

L = 0, t ∈ O (11)

P ti =



F tij = P t

Gi− P t

Di, ∀i, t ∈ O (12)

where (7) and (8) are nodal voltage and power injectionconstraints, respectively and P min

i ≤ 0 ≤ P maxi . Equation (9)

limits the power flow of each interconnector to its maximumcapacity. Equation (10) enforces the number of lines to be apositive real number. P t

L represents total transmission powerlosses and (11) enforces the real power balance. This is a non-linear non-convex optimization problem. The Lagrangian (L)correspondingly reads as:

L(vti , Nij) = Ω(vt

i , Nij)







µtij · (Kbase − gij · [(vt

i)2 − vt

i · vtj)] · ωt · n(O)





αti · (P max

i − P ti ) · ωt · n(O)





βti · (P t

i − P mini ) · ωt · n(O)





γti · (vmax

i − vti) · ωt · n(O)





ϵti · (vt

i − vmini ) · ωt · n(O)





ξij · Nij



λt ·




P ti − P t



· ωt · n(O) (13)

The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (K.K.T.) optimality conditions statethat any set of vt

i , Nij that satisfies the constraints (7) - (12) isa local solution to the problem (6) if and only if there exists aset of non-negative Lagrangian multipliers µt

ij , αti, βt

i , γti , ϵt

i,λt, ξij such that multipliers associated with inactive constraintsare zero and also derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect tothe two decision variables are zero, i.e., ∂L


= 0 and ∂L∂Nij

= 0∀i, j, t.

C. Analytical solution

1) Full HVDC power flow: The analytical solution to theoptimization problem gives the pricing mechanism. This isa relation between hourly zonal prices, power flows of allinterconnectors and associated congestion revenues. An idealpricing mechanism is one in which the power injections P t


are only a function of nodal price difference. Solving theoptimization problem using actual HVDC power flows asin (9) and limiting the analysis to the case where voltageconstraints are not binding gives the pricing mechanism asfollows:



gij · Nij ·[

vtj · (ρt

j + αtj − βt

j) − (2 · vti − vt

j) · (ρti + αt

i − βti )




gij ·[

µtij · (2 · vt

i − vtj) − µt

ji · vtj)



where µtij and µt

ji are Lagrangian multipliers associated withinterconnector i − j and are strictly positive at line capacity.αt

i and βti are Lagrangian multipliers associated with maxi-

mum/minimum power injections of each node. Schweppe etal. [19], defined short term marginal cost of power injection of

node i at hour t: ρti = ∂(Ct

i (P ti ))

∂(P ti ) as the nodal price. Equation

(14) expresses the amount of power to be exchanged between

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zones as a function of both price and voltage magnitudes.This is not economically desired or interpretable and is notconsistent with the existing pricing mechanisms [17]. In thefollowing subsection we address this issue by approximatingthe HVDC power flow.

2) Linearly approximated power flow: The power flow overan HVDC line at either end can be rewritten as follows:

F tij = Nij · gij ·



2 − vti · vt




Nij · gij





2 − (vtj)2




Nij · gij




vti − vt




The first term on the right side of the equation expressesthe power flow at the midpoint of the interconnector and thesecond term represents half the line losses. Losses typicallyamount to less than 5% of total power flows of a HVDC cable.Therefore neglecting the second term of (15) introduces nosignificant error to the power flow calculation and yields theHVDC power flow as:

F tij ≈


Nij · gij




wti − wt




where wti = (vt

i)2. Transmission losses are dependent on

voltage magnitude and length of the cable: losses increase aslength of the cable increases or operating voltage decreases.Highest transmission losses (and so approximation errors) areexpected at the receiving end of the cable, when the systemis operated at lowest operating voltage allowed (i.e., 0.9p.u.at receiving end). For a 2000MW 500kV bipolar conven-tional HVDC link with copper conductor of cross sectionof 1800mm2 and length of 1000km (the longest connectiondistance expected across the North Sea), approximation errorat the receiving end amounts to no more than about to 2.25%of the rated power. Considering 1.1% losses for each of the twoVSC converters, total approximation error amounts to less than3.4% at each end. Note that all financial calculations carriedout hereafter are based on approximated power flow (16).

3) Pricing mechanism for approximated power flow: Weshould eliminate equation (11) from the problem formulationas transmission losses are neglected from (16). Using theapproximated power flow, one obtains the pricing mechanismfor a meshed HVDC grid from the optimality criteria asfollows:



= 0 =⇒nb





µtij − µt



· Kbase · ωt · n(O) =





F tij


ρtj − ρt




αtj − αt




βtj − βt



· ωt · n(O)


The pricing mechanism inferred expresses the relation betweenamount of power to be exchanged, electricity prices in different

zones and congestion revenues. By expanding (∂(L(wt

i ,Nij)∂(Nij) =

0), multiplying both sides by Nij , then taking the sum overall nodes at all times, one encounters the condition that at theoptimal grid design,


Rtnp,i =


Rtµ =


Rtρ = Ψ (18)

where Ψ is the total investment cost (5), and the other termscomprise total nodal payment Rt

np,i at time t:

Rtnp,i =



P ti · (ρt

i + αti − βt

i ) · ωt · n(O) (19)

total congestion revenue Rtµ at time t

Rtµ =





(µtij − µt

ji) · Kbase · ωt · n(O) (20)

and total transmission revenue tρ at that time

Rtρ =





F tij


ρtj − ρt




αtj − αt




βtj − βt



· ωt · n(O)


The associated grid design and operation pattern comprisedby the solution wt

i and Nij is one that establishes a balancesuch that the total transmission revenue generated from nodalprice differences is precisely the amount paid by transmissioncostumers at all nodes, and also equals congestion revenues.Therefore, the grid design Nij pays off its initial investmentcapital Ψ through the operation given by wt

i .

D. Clustering

At least a year of market behavior (i.e., T = 8760) is requiredto exhibit relevant operating states. The dimensionality of thesearch space and the computational intensity of the optimiza-tion algorithm make the problem intractable. It is desirableto identify and work with only a subset from the total set ofoperating states, i.e.,

A = ∀t ∈ [1, T ] = K ∩ KC

where K is a set of operating states whose number of membersn(K) is much smaller than the total n(A). Clustering proce-dures aim to select the least number of representative samplesthat maintain the majority of information in the original dataset intact.

In general, before clustering is carried out one has todetermine if the data has any clustering tendency. For highdimension data sets (e.g., 10 features and above) it is ex-tremely difficult to identify patterns of clusters due to curse ofdimensionality. One solution to this problem is to apply a goodfeature transformation technique. Feature transformations aretechniques that projects a feature (attribute) vector to a lowerdimension space. Principal component analysis (PCA) is apopular statistical technique for unsupervised feature transfor-mation and dimension reduction.

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1) Principal Component Analysis(PCA): Consider a dataset arranged in a matrix of size n × p where n is the numberof observations and p is the number of relevant features. PCAtransforms the original input set into another set of the samesize with linearly independent variables called principal com-ponents. This conversion is carried out in such way that eachsuccessive component carries less information compared to thepreceding ones. Thus the first component (column of the PCAmatrix) contains the largest amount of information from theoriginal data. One can easily calculate the information shareof each component. By selecting the first few components(depending on the application), one accomplishes to reduce thedimension of the data set and make clusters more distinctive.In [20] the connection between K-means clustering and PCAis explored. It is proven that the PCA dimension reductionautomatically finds the most discriminative clustered subspace.

The full set A contains 12 cost curve coefficients of the 6onshore price zones and wind speed data of the 7 offshorezones. The PCA analysis shows that, out of 19 featuresrelated to the different zones, the first two components in thetransformed basis contains 79% of the information in the dataset.

2) K-medoids Clustering: K-means is a widely used clus-tering technique in various applications [21]. What makesK-means convenient for power system applications is easyimplementation on large-scale data set, and high efficiencyas it works directly with the data. A comprehensive review ofK-means and other clustering techniques is provided in [22].For the sake of more transparent results, this work employsK-medoids instead of K-means. In K-medoids clusters arerepresented by the actual median present in the data set insteadof the mean value. Therefore it is more suitable for ourapplication, as it does not produce new samples in the reducedsubspace. It is more commonly used when dealing with datasets with outliers [23]. Results of K-medoids clustering dependon the chosen number of clusters and proceeds from an initialselection of a subset K∗ of size n(K∗).

E. Optimal Power Flow to Validate Clustering

The purpose of this work is to devise a method that finds anoptimal design for a HVDC-based meshed grid. In a market-driven transmission expansion approach, price differences re-sulting in congestion revenues between every two zones area good indicator of the ability of the clustering method tocapture the diversity in the original data set. We propose aniterative verification procedure that validates the results of theclustering and optimization techniques as shown in Fig. 2.

The optimization result of the STEP module (i.e., grid topol-ogy and capacities) is not expected to be severely differentfrom the case where the original data set would be used asinput, provided that the reduced-clustered data set is a goodrepresentative of the original data. To investigate the similarity,we solve the problem of round-the-year OPF for a fixed griddetermined from the STEP optimization module. Here trans-mission topology and capacities are fixed; the OPF problemis solved by controlling the squared reference voltage value ofdc converters (wt

i). The analytical solution to the full problem

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of proposed data driven market based transmissionplanning framework which shows the coordination of an iterative optimizationframework and a clustering technique based on congestion revenues Rt


necessitates the equality of nodal payments (19), transmissionrevenues (21) and congestion revenue (20). However, since theOPF is solved for a fixed grid design (number of parallel linesNij is pre-determined by the STEP block), the investmentcosts will not essentially equal transmission revenues. Theequality of investment cost with transmission revenue holdstrue only if data clustering has been conducted appropriately.Only in that case, the stochastic characteristics of the operatingstates given to the STEP module would be similar to thosegiven to the OPF module and so congestion revenue calculatedby STEP (Rt

µ, t ∈ K which equals investment cost of buildingthe grid Ψ) would resemble the congestion revenue calculatedby OPF (Rt

µ, t ∈ A). Although OPF is a non-convex problem,it is considerably easier than STEP to solve. The reason isthe OPF is solved for each operating state independently,unlike the STEP where the problem is solved for all operatingstates in one go. Hence the size of the problem (number ofindependent variables to find) is significantly smaller than forSTEP problem: nb versus nb · n(O) + nb · nb−1

2 .

When the congestion revenue from the OPF is not suffi-ciently close to the total investment Ψ, it becomes necessaryto exchange or add one or more operating states from thediscarded set KC, likely resulting in a set K∗ whose sizen(K∗) is larger than n(K), that of the original set. This newselection K∗ is provided to the PCA/Clustering algorithm.

For the purpose of this study, the probability density func-tion of the congestion revenues is selected as the most relevantcharacteristic of the system. The distribution of congestionrevenues for the full set A of operating hours or observationsmay be compared against the distribution for the reduced setK . There are several statistical divergence measures whichestablish a distance of one probability distribution to the other[24]. From distances used in the Jeffrey’s divergence, wedefine the distance between the two PDFs for every congestion

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value m as:

d(P (m)||Q(m)) = ln(P (m)

Q(m)) · (P (m) − Q(m)) ∀m (22)

where P(m) and Q(m) would here be the probability distri-butions of congestion revenues Rt

µ over the sets A and K∗,respectively and the distributions are defined over a discrete setof m congestion values. The empirical distributions are firstfitted using a kernel density estimator. Low probability valuescause problem at comparison if they are not excluded by athreshold. Thus, the distance measured between congestionrevenue probability for an index m is set to zero, if the Rt


distribution for K∗ is smaller than the lowest value of the Rtµ

distribution for A .The distance function (23) provides a metric to measure

goodness-of-fit of the two empirical probability distributionfunctions (ePDF) associated with congestion revenues deter-mined from STEP and OPF. Operating states with larger differ-ence are the missing operating states and need to be added tothe input set of the STEP module (the feedback loop in Fig. 2).The iterative procedure continues until


µ ≈ Ψ.


A. Input Data

In this study, six North Sea coastal states are consideredincluding UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlandsand Belgium. Except UK, each state is modeled with oneonshore and one offshore price zone. UK is broken in twoonshore and two offshore price zones for two reasons. Thestrong West-East wind pattern exists in the North Sea [5]and large offshore wind capacities UK is planning to installin the next coming years and the huge impact it will haveon the rest of the system. Information about all existing andplanned wind farms were gathered from an online databaseprovided by the marine consultancy firm 4COffshore [25]. For2025 this includes a total installed capacity of about 47.8 GWdistinguished as 7 offshore zones in Fig. 3. The equivalentmulti-turbine power curve of each offshore park is determinedas in [26] taking into account the statistical properties of thegiven offshore location. A generic wind turbine is consideredfor all offshore locations with cut-in and cut out speeds of3 m/s and 25 m/s, respectively. All simulations are carriedout hourly, based on wind speed data from the year 1994,simulated at 120 m above sea level with spatial resolution of9 km × 9 km (Sander + Partner, Switzerland). Cost curvecoefficients are determined hourly from empirical aggregatedsupply/demand curves of onshore electricity markets (i.e.,APX-NL, APX-UK [27], NordPoolSpot [28], EPEXSpot [29]and Belpex [30]) from April 1, 2011 to March 30, 2012 (8760data points) as outlined under II-B. Note social cost curve ofoffshore wind farms are determined from short term marginalcost of power generation and so it is zero.

B. Assumptions and justifications

Currently trades via power exchanges constitute a small por-tion of the total power transactions of the onshore zones. The



Country DE NL NO DK BE UKN UKSBefore 0.0022 0.0071 0.0020 0.0020 0.0425 0.0066 0.0066New 0.0015 0.0014 0.0013 0.0013 0.0077 0.0005 0.0005

Fig. 3. Modified optimal grid design. Numbers in MW present capacity ofinterconnectors and offshore wind farms. Numbered arrows show frequencyof power flows over each line in the dominant direction

cost curve coefficients derived from today’s market data, donot account for all capacity onshore regions have for offshorewind feed-in. Thus determining the optimal grid design usingtoday’s data results in under investment. In addition, the shortterm marginal price of every onshore region becomes negative

at P mini = −bt



(in Fig. 1) and causes social welfare loss.

To avoid these negative impacts, the ati cost curve coefficient

of every onshore zones is adjusted in such a way that P mini

always remains larger than or equal to the available offshorewind capacity of that zone for all the hours. The adjustment iscarried out based on two aspects: the share from total powertrades that are settled through the power exchange and thecapability for wind feed-in of the onshore zone in relationto the installed capacity of its respective offshore wind farm.The a coefficient is depreciated more for small markets (e.g,Belgium) or markets with a small share of power exchange intotal power trades (e.g, UK). Table I presents the annualizedaverage a coefficient for every onshore zone before and afteradjustment. One may note that a is a measure of market pricestability for every zone (refer to (1)). Hence by justifyinga coefficient as outlined above, we implicitly assume thatonshore markets will be highly liquid with stable prices whichis less sensitivity to power trades at the time of operationof the offshore grid. As outlined earlier, the PCA analysisillustrates that the first two components of the reduced spacecontain 79% of information in the input set. Therefore it issufficient to cluster the reduced space data set using the firsttwo components of the PCA basis. Solving the OPF for 8760hours is time consuming process. We reduce the size of the

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initial data set by separating it into 876 clusters. The clusteringis carried out in such a way that impact of every operating hourof the initial data set (with 8760 hours) is preserved. From nowon we refer to the 876 subspace as the “original subspace”.

C. Grid Design

Table II presents the results of running the OPF for variousgrid designs determined by STEP for different number of clus-ters. The optimal design is expected to ensure investment re-covery of all interconnectors. Therefore, the ratio of congestionrevenue to investment cost of building the grid is consideredas a measure of performance that would ideally equal one. Itis obvious that investment recovery is outstandingly improvedfrom 5.26 to 0.98 with increase in the number of clusters goingthrough columns in Table II. Another measure of interest isthe ability of the reduced set K to capture the full range of thecongestion revenues occurring in the fall set of the operationstates A. The full set can be viewed as being split in two:A = B ∩ BC, where

B = t ∈ A : Rtµ < max


µ (23)

is the subset of operating states whose congestion revenuefalls in the range of that from the reduced set. It can beseen that the iterate procedure of Fig 2 has driven the sizen(B) down to n(A). In practice, it is not plausible to buildinterconnectors with small capacity. In this formulation Ni,j isa continuous. To make the results more realistic, insignificantinterconnectors with capacity less than 1 MW are eliminatedfrom the grid. Discarding insignificant capacities may increasethe deviation further from the mathematically ideal optimaldesign. To investigate the impact of above mentioned gridmodifications on remuneration of interconnectors, the resultsof solving the problem of OPF for the modified optimal griddesign is compared with the original result in Table III. Itcan be seen the money flow of the modified grid is slightlydifferent from the original design. Fig. 3 shows the grid designobtained for K = 16 where congestion revenues represents98% of the investment cost thus a reasonable approximationof a local optimum.

D. Discussion

The North Sea states do not benefit equally from theproposed grid. Table IV presents the benefit of each region asannualized Social Welfare (SW) increase in each state. It be-comes clear that SW significantly increases in all regions (UKin particular) except for Norway where SW is negative. Theloss of benefit takes place as Norway acts as a net electricityexporter. The grid design is observed to be sensitive to today’smarket prices of onshore zones, which are influenced by thetrades over the existing interconnection capacities as expressedby the b coefficient. The last two rows of Table IV presentthe average market price (MCP) of onshore regions beforeand after constructing the offshore grid. Note that building thegrid induces market price decrease in the net importers andthe opposite in net exporters (i.e., Norway). These results are




Number of Clusters 8 11 13 15 16

Social welfare Φ(BAC) 7.86 8.35 8.18 8.45 8.42

Congestion revenues∑


µ (BAC) 2.64 0.72 0.92 0.51 0.59

Transmission revenues∑


ρ(BAC) 2.64 0.72 0.92 0.51 0.59

Transmission investment Ψ(BAC) 0.50 0.60 0.51 0.64 0.61∑


µ/Ψ 5.26 1.20 1.81 0.81 0.98

n(B)/n(A) 0.71 0.87 0.89 0.99 0.99





Design Social WelfareΦ(BAC)

Congestion Revenue∑


µ (BAC)

InvestmentCost Ψ (BAC)

Original 8.42 0.59 0.61Modified 8.42 0.60 0.61




Country DE NL NO DK BE UKN UKSSocial WelfareΦ(BAC)

61.5 49.1 -31.3 13.7 8 389 353


before 49.4 51.1 39.0 46 48.5 56.4 56.4after 46.4 48.2 41.5 45.6 47.3 47.1 48.2

consistent with amendments made to cost curve coefficientsa (representing price stability). This amendment implicitlyreinforces the impact of stand-alone market price (i.e., the bcoefficient) on the grid design.

For each interconnector, there is an arrow indicating thedominant direction of power flow in Fig. 3. It can be seenthat power flows mainly from offshore zones to onshore ones.Norway has the lowest marginal cost of generation beforeand after the grid is built due to large hydro reservoirs.Therefore for this country power mainly flows from shore tooffshore farm P1 to P7 to UK-N. UK-N has the second highestaverage market price after UK-S. The high market price ofthe two UK zones makes them net importers of electricalenergy (almost 90% of the time power flows from the restof the system into the UK onshore zones). This phenomenonis happening due to rather stable market price behavior (smalla coefficient) assigned to UK onshore zones. Hence regardlessof amount of power input, market prices in both UK onshorezones remain rather high. This encourages construction ofinterconnectors with large capacity. Large a and b of Germanyaffect the country in two ways. First, it results in constructionof interconnector to its own offshore zone with transmissioncapacity almost half of their installed offshore wind, rest beingexported to the two UK zones. Second, it makes their socialwelfare increase an order of magnitude less than of the twoUK zones.

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This paper proposed a multiple time period static transmis-sion planning framework applicable to HVDC meshed grids.The analytical solution to the problem gives the pricing mech-anism which expresses the relationship between the electricityprice of different zones and the congestion charges associatedwith the interconnectors between them. It is shown, withno significant loss of accuracy, that linearly approximatingthe HVDC power flow simplifies the mechanism and makesit consistent with its existing AC onshore grid counterpart.The proposed approach computes the expansion plan underwhich the investment capital will be fully payed off throughcongestion revenues by the end of the chosen lifetime of theinfrastructure. The salient feature of our approach is the use ofan iterative algorithm that combines an unsupervised clusteringtechnique with an optimization tool to cope with the largecomputational burden of this large-scale problem.

Various economic indicators are used to appraise the qualityof the transmission expansion plan computed by the algorithm.The output of the model is observed to be highly sensitive tothe quadratic and linear coefficients of the social cost curvesrepresenting respectively price stability and stand-alone zonalprice. Based on the current assumptions and methodology,it can be observed that countries benefit unequally from theoffshore grid. Being a winner or a loser depends on variouseconomic, technical and geographical characteristics of theregion such as market liquidity, conventional generation fleetprofile and wind availability. Norway is a net exporter andthe only region who loses benefit. UK benefits the most fromthe offshore grid, followed by Germany and the Netherlands.The offshore zone of Germany will have the largest numberof interconnections and may become a major offshore energyhub in the North Sea grid.

The results of this work can support transmission systemplanners and private investors as they determine the mosteconomically efficient design they should invest in. The pro-posed market mechanism provides an economic insight overthe operation of a multi-terminal HVDC offshore grid. Thefuture offshore grid will consist of AC and point-to-pointDC connections in addition to the multi-terminal HVDC gridconsidered here. As future work, it is essential to enable themodel to choose the capacity of these alternatives. In addition,the impact of intermediate construction delays on developmentof the grid and money flows ought to be investigated.


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