a man for all wavelengths

A Man for All Wavelengths Roger Blandford and the Astronomical Community John Huchra CfA Oct 2009

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A Man for All Wavelengths. Roger Blandford and the Astronomical Community John Huchra CfA Oct 2009. Roger’s Scientific Side. 200 papers, multiple threat,  invariant even solar!. Egypt 2006. Not Roger !. Longevity & Impact!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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A Man for All Wavelengths

Roger Blandford

and the

Astronomical Community

John Huchra


Oct 2009

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Roger’s Scientific Side

200 papers, multiple threat, invariant

even solar!

Not Roger !

Egypt 2006

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Longevity & Impact!

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But breadth & wisdom can get you into serious trouble --- and has!

Major National Committees & Panels in just the last decade: AANM HEA Panel 1998-2000 AAS Council 1999-2002 CAA Co-Chair 2002-2006 Space Studies Board 2002-2006 MPS Advisory Committee 2001-2004 Quarks to the Cosmos (Physics of the Universe) 2002-4 NAS Decadal Survey Mid-Course Review NSF OIR Roadmap Committee NSF AST Senior Review (Chair) 2005-2006 and now ASTRO2010 (Chair)

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It’s a Dirty Job …

NSF Senior Review Called because resources were running out and very little progress was being made in AST on the ground-based projects recommended in AANM

Its underpinnings still hold today

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For the SR, we devised a process. Key elements included

(1) Involve people --- town halls, open meetings

(2) Stay broad --- avoid attempts to fence off programs. Consider all budgets.

(3) Maximize scientific return

After a year’s


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Principles developed for the Senior Review

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The Base Program

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Additional Findings 1. The Scientific Challenge. Proper maintenance of current facilities while simultaneouslydeveloping and beginning operations of the proposes new facilities is infeasible under anyreasonable expectations for federal budget support based on past funding levels. The cutsthat are recommended here are as deep as they can be without causing irreparable damage and will only allow s start to be made on the new initiatives. The scientific promiseof the proposed facilities is so compelling and of such broad interest and importance that there is a strong case for increasing the overall AST budget to execute as much of thescience as possible.

2. The Operations Challenge. Major astronomical observatories typically take at least adecade to plan,construct and commission. They are usually operated for several decades.The full cost of operating, maintaining, upgrading, exploiting and decommissioning them are many times the cost of construction. Realistic life cycle costing for observatories that areunder construction or consideration is an essential part of planning.

3. The Strategic Challenge. Construction on the ATST may begin as early as 2009 (so asto be operational in 2014) and there is a strong scientific case for proceeding with the GSMT the LSST and the SKA as soon as feasible thereafter. A realistic implementation plan involves other agencies and independent and international partners. Some choices need to be made soon, others can await the conclusions of the next Decadal Survey. Muchwork is needed, scientifically, technically and diplomatically, to inform this plan.

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4. Towards a Coherent National Astronomy Enterprise. In order to meet the challenge of (multi-)billion dollar, ground-based optical-infrared and radio observatories, there will have to be strong collaboration between the federal and independent components of the US astronomical enterprise and firm leadership by AST. A high level commission addressing optical and infrared facilities provides one way to start to bring together the diverse components of the national program to begin to realize the fullpotential of the US system.

5. Future Reviews. Balancing the demands of the current program against the aspirations of the future program is an ongoing obligation. The senior Review process should be implemented as a standard practice within the Division of Astronomical Sciences and should be a consideration included in the next decadal Survey.

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And now ASTRO 2010Planning for this started in 2006! Roger selected as chair in the summer of 2008 Process defined over the first few months 5 Science Panels (PSF,SSE,GAN,GCT,CFP) 4 Program Panels (OIR,RMS,EOS,PAG) 6 Infrastructure Study Groups (CDH,DEM,FFP,IPP,EPO,APP)

Town Halls, Open Meetings, White Papers, Position Papers, Project Submissions

Hundreds of people have been involved so far (P.S. I’m accepting suggestions for a good title!)

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ContextThe good, the bad & the ugly Astronomy, scientifically has been very successful in the last

decade Astronomy “draws” students & the public Opportunities in major funding lines (e.g. ATST) Now many other related “decadal” survey NASA Astrophysics flat or declining NSF burdened by operations costs, grant success at 20% DOE officially in the game A&A not currently identified with National priorities NSF currently has a significant leadership problem

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NASA SMD Budgets

But awaiting Augustine & Decadal Survey

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And how is it going?

Under Roger’s deft leadership we are on

schedule --- expect a

report release summer


The science is exciting

and compelling.

The public loves us.

and the pictures speak for themselves

Its Still a Dirty Job….

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Last Call -- A plea from me and the AAS

Astronomers and Astrophysicists need to participate in the process, starting from service on committees and panels, including editorial and refereeing work, high level advisory committees, and, perhaps most importantly, service in the agencies themselves.

Roger has stepped upto the plate--- will you!

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Thank you, Rogerfrom all the Astronomical


Happy Birthday!