a language-independent ontology construction method using ... · aggregation. in this phase, we...

Instructions for use Title A Language-Independent Ontology Construction Method Using Tagged Images in Folksonomy Author(s) Hamano, Shota; Ogawa, Takahiro; Haseyama, Miki Citation IEEE Access, 6, 2930-2942 https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2786218 Issue Date 2018 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/68486 Rights © 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. Type article File Information A Language-Independent Ontology Construction Method Using Tagged Images in Folksonomy.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

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Page 1: A Language-Independent Ontology Construction Method Using ... · aggregation. In this phase, we obtain language-independent textual features via canonical corre-lation analysis (CCA)

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Title A Language-Independent Ontology Construction Method Using Tagged Images in Folksonomy

Author(s) Hamano, Shota; Ogawa, Takahiro; Haseyama, Miki

Citation IEEE Access, 6, 2930-2942https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2786218

Issue Date 2018

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/68486

Rights© 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted,but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Type article

File Information A Language-Independent Ontology Construction Method Using Tagged Images in Folksonomy.pdf

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Page 2: A Language-Independent Ontology Construction Method Using ... · aggregation. In this phase, we obtain language-independent textual features via canonical corre-lation analysis (CCA)

Received November 7, 2017, accepted December 13, 2017, date of publication December 22, 2017,date of current version February 14, 2018.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2786218

A Language-Independent Ontology ConstructionMethod Using Tagged Images in FolksonomySHOTA HAMANO , (Student Member, IEEE), TAKAHIRO OGAWA, (Member, IEEE),AND MIKI HASEYAMA, (Senior Member, IEEE)Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0814, Japan

Corresponding author: Shota Hamano ([email protected])

This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP17H01744, JP17H01744.

ABSTRACT This paper presents a language-independent ontology (LION) construction method that usestagged images in an image folksonomy. Existing multilingual frameworks that construct an ontology dealwith concepts translated on the basis of parallel corpora, which are not always available; however, the pro-posed method enables LION construction without parallel corpora by using visual features extracted fromtagged images as the alternative. In the proposed method, visual similarities in tagged images are leveragedto aggregate synonymous concepts across languages. The aggregated concepts take on intrinsic semantics ofthemselves, while they also hold distinct characteristics in different languages. Then relationships betweenconcepts are extracted on the basis of visual and textual features. The proposed method constructs a LIONwhose nodes and edges correspond to the aggregated concepts and relationships between them, respectively.The LION enables successful image retrieval across languages since each of the aggregated concepts canbe referred to in different languages. Consequently, the proposed method removes the language barriers byproviding an easy way to access a broader range of tagged images for users in the folksonomy, regardless ofthe language they use.

INDEX TERMS Concept relationship, hierarchical structure, image folksonomy, image retrieval, synony-mous concept, tagged image, tag refinement.

I. INTRODUCTIONAn ontology represents concepts and the semantic relation-ships between them in an organized manner. Ontologies areconsistent with human perception and thus achieve remark-able success in various fields such as natural language pro-cessing [1], [2], object recognition [3], [4] and informationretrieval [5], [6]. The hierarchical structure of concepts pro-vides intuitive information about concepts and enables usersto obtain an overview of the concepts.

Lexical ontologies such as WordNet [7], SUMO [8] andLSCOM [9] are manually constructed by continuous andintensive efforts by experts. Although their quality is high,maintenance of these ontologies is time-consuming and labo-rious work. Thus, manually constructed ontologies oftenfail to catch up with current trends in the world, where anumber of newborn concepts are generated day after day,especially in social networking services such as Flickr1

and Twitter.2 To address this problem, various methods


for automated construction of ontologies have beenproposed [10]–[16]. Concepts are generally identified indocuments or tags assigned to images in a folksonomy.Traditionally, word co-occurrence in textual documents isused to detect hypernymous concepts [10]. Even hash tagsare collaboratively used with ontologies for trend analysis onTwitter [14]. Visual features are also utilized for detection ofsalient objects in images [11], estimation of concepts corre-sponding to given images [12] or image retrieval [15], [16].

However, these methods focus only on tags in one lan-guage, which is mostly English. This means that tags inother languages are treated as noisy tags to be removed inpreprocessing, though the number of tags in other languagesis not negligible. According to the analysis in [17], 170 non-English languages are used in the Flickr folksonomy, andthey account for 25% of the total number of tags. Previousmethods that deal with only English language are of nobenefit to non-English speaking users, who are a relativelylarge proportion of users in the Flickr folksonomy. Also,tags in these languages are discarded despite their potentialfor contribution to accurate ontology construction. Retrieval

29302169-3536 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.

Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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S. Hamano et al.: LION Construction Method Using Tagged Images in Folksonomy

results enriched with multilingual sources of tagged imagesreportedly enhance retrieval performance and users’ satisfac-tion [18], [19]. Thus, multilingual frameworks for ontologyconstruction are absolutely necessary.

Following the first reported method [20], severalmultilingual ontology construction methods have been pro-posed. In these methods, concepts in different languagesare matched manually on the basis of parallel corpora.For example, BabelNet [21] provides a multilingual ontol-ogy with concepts in various languages translated fromEnglish concepts in WordNet. The constructed multilin-gual ontologies are applied to specific domains such asmedicine [22]–[24], health [25], [26] and literature [27].Also, multilingual ontologies contribute to sentiment anal-ysis [19], [28]–[30], named entity resolution [31], [32]and information retrieval [33], [34]. These methods aimto capture cultural differences by considering concepts invarious languages. There are other methods for multilin-gual ontology construction [35]–[39] that require largeparallel corpora to match synonymous concepts acrosslanguages. Another approach to match synonymous conceptsacross languages includes multilingual concept represen-tation [40]–[42]. These methods learn a common space wheresynonymous concepts in different languages are located closeto each other. However, the learning process in these methodsstill requires large parallel corpora to obtain effective conceptrepresentation.

As stated above, existing methods that construct a multilin-gual ontology are entirely based on rich language resources.However, this is a crucial problem since such corpora arenot always available. The amount and quality of non-Englishlanguage resources are significantly limited compared toEnglish [43], [44]. Hence, multilingual ontologies should beconstructed without resort to parallel corpora to overcomevaried situations according to languages. Also, mining con-cepts universal among languages has not been addressed yet,while previous methods focus on observing cultural differ-ences. Therefore, we aimed to construct an ontology thatis universal among languages, i.e., a Language-IndependentONtology (LION) without parallel corpora.

In this paper, we propose a LION construction method thatuses tagged images in an image folksonomy as the alternativeto parallel corpora. In the proposed method, visual similari-ties in tagged images are leveraged to aggregate synonymousconcepts across languages.We use tagged images as the alter-native to parallel corpora since images with synonymous tagsare similar regardless of the languages in which tags are rep-resented [45]–[49]. The aggregated concepts take on intrinsicsemantics of themselves, while they also hold distinct charac-teristics in different languages. Then we extract relationshipsbetween concepts on the basis of visual and textual features.We finally construct a directed acyclic graph (DAG) as aLION whose nodes and edges correspond to the aggregatedconcepts and relationships between them, respectively. TheLION enables successful image retrieval across languagessince each of the aggregated concepts is referred to in any

FIGURE 1. Overview of the proposed method for LION construction.Phase 1: The proposed method first uses visual features to aggregatesynonymous concepts across languages. ‘‘(Fruit)’’ and ‘‘(apple)’’ representconcepts in English and ‘‘(Frucht)’’ and ‘‘(Apfel)’’ represent concepts inGerman. ‘‘Fruit’’ and ‘‘apple’’ represent LICs identified on the basis ofvisual similarities. These LICs are to share the characteristics of theconcepts in English and German. Phase 2: Similarities between LICs arecalculated on the basis of visual and textual modalities. Comparing EDFsof these similarities, the more effective one is selected for subsumptionscore calculation. Phase 3: Finally, a LION is constructed on the basis ofentropy, which quantifies the semantic broadness of each LIC. Since eachnode holds the characteristics of the corresponding concepts in differentlanguages, the semantic relationships between concepts in eachlanguage are also encoded in the constructed LION.

language. Consequently, the proposed method takes awaythe language barriers by providing an easy way to access abroader range of tagged images for users in the folksonomy,regardless of the language they use. The main contribution ofthis paper is derivation of a framework for LION constructionwithout parallel corpora. In this paper, we make the mostuse of the Flickr folksonomy, which hosts a huge number oftagged images in various languages.

In the preliminary work [50], we have already pro-posed a method that extracts relationships between language-independent concepts (LICs) and applied it to tag refinement.That method [50] has been improved by considering thecorrelations between textual features in different languages.Additional experiments in image retrieval were conducted tothoroughly analyze the effectiveness of the proposed method.

II. LANGUAGE-INDEPENDENT ONTOLOGYCONSTRUCTION USING TAGGED IMAGESIn this section, we explain the proposed method that con-structs a LION using tagged images in the Flickr folksonomy.As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed method consists of thefollowing three phases.

Synonymous Concept AggregationThe proposed method aggregates synonymous con-cepts across languages to identify LICs based onvisual features extracted from tagged images. Thisapproach is different from those in previous meth-ods in that no parallel corpora are required. Theproposed method makes the most use of the Flickrfolksonomy to enrich concept representation con-sidering distinct characteristics of concepts in dif-ferent languages. This is the main contribution ofthis paper in that we make the most use of the Flickrfolksonomy, which hosts a huge number of imageswith tags in various languages.

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Concept Relationship ExtractionThe proposed method explores relationshipsbetween LICs identified by synonymous conceptaggregation. In this phase, we obtain language-independent textual features via canonical corre-lation analysis (CCA) [51] and utilize them inaddition to visual features. The derived featuresare effective in concept relationship extractionsince these features are obtained by maximizingthe correlation between concepts in different lan-guages. The proposed method properly comparesthe modalities to select the more effective one insimilarity calculation between concepts. Conceptrelationships are extracted on the basis of the simi-larities.DAG ConstructionThe proposed method constructs a DAG as a LIONwhose nodes and edges correspond to LICs andrelationships between them, respectively. Semanticbroadness of concepts is taken into considerationin accurate ontology construction. Concepts in theconstructed ontology take on intrinsic semantics ofthemselves, while they also hold distinct character-istics in different languages. This is what makesthe ontology universal across languages, whichremoves the existing language barriers.

Following these phases, the proposed method effectivelyutilizes tagged images in the Flickr folksonomy for LIONconstruction. In this paper, we focus on exploration of rela-tionships between concepts in two languages, LANG(1) andLANG(2), and define C(1) and C(2) as the sets of concepts inLANG(1) and LANG(2), respectively.

A. SYNONYMOUS CONCEPT AGGREGATIONIn the first phase, we aggregate synonymous concepts acrosslanguages based on visual similarities in tagged images.Different from previous approaches, the proposed methodleverages visual features to match synonymous concepts indifferent languages. We use visual similarities as the alterna-tive to parallel corpora since images with synonymous tagsare considered to be represented by similar visual features.

Toward representation of concepts c(l)i (l = 1, 2;i = 1, 2, . . . , |C(l)|), we extract visual features φ(l)i,n (n =1, 2, . . . ,N (l)

i ; N (l)i being the number of images with a tag

corresponding to c(l)i ) from tagged images, where | · | denotesthe cardinality of the set. Note that l corresponds to LANG(l).In this paper, we used 4096-dimensional features extractedfrom the fc6 layer in AlexNet [52]. We then apply locality-constrained linear coding (LLC) [53] to obtain new featuresV (l)i = [v(l)i,1v

(l)i,2 · · · v


i,N (l)i

] as follows:

minV (l)

N (l)i∑



(l)i,n − Bv

(l)i,n‖ + λ‖d

(l)i,n � v(l)i,n‖

)s.t. 1>v(l)i,n = 1, ∀n, (1)

where ‖ · ‖ denotes the Euclidean norm, and� is an operatorfor the Hadamard product. The codebook B is generated byapplying k-means clustering [54] to visual features φ(l)i,n, and

d (l)i,n,k = exp


(l)i,n − bk‖


), (2)

where σ is a parameter to control the locality. Finally,we obtain representative features v(l)i for c(l)i by applyingmax-pooling to visual features v(l)i,n.

Based on these features, we calculate visual similaritiessv(c

(1)i , c

(2)j ) as follows:

sv(c(1)i , c

(2)j ) =

v(1)>i v(2)j

‖v(1)i ‖ ‖v(2)j ‖

. (3)

Note that any similarity metric can be used as an alternative toEq. (3) in the proposed framework. In this paper, we adopt thecosine metric due to its simplicity and effectiveness, which isshown later in the experiments. Finally, we match c(2)j to c(1)ithat satisfies

c(2)i = arg maxc(2)j

sv(c(1)i , c

(2)j ). (4)

The proposed method aggregates concepts c(1)i and c(2)i toidentify LICs ci, and C is defined as the set of LICs identi-fied in this phase. These LICs ci are considered to be moreuniversal than a concept in one language, while distinct char-acteristics of c(1)i and c(2)i are retained.We effectively utilize visual features in synonymous con-

cept aggregation across languages without parallel corpora.The aggregated LICs are interpreted as enriched represen-tation of distinct characteristics of concepts in differentlanguages. Consequently, this phase enables concept rela-tionship extraction across languages, as described in thefollowing subsection, which plays a crucial role in LIONconstruction. Since a number of newborn concepts beinggenerated daily, parallel corpora hardly keep upwith the trendin the folksonomy. Therefore, we focus on tagged images,with which concepts are represented. The proposed frame-work best utilizes the Flickr folksonomy, which is affluent intagged images, by leveraging them as an alternative to parallelcorpora in synonymous concept aggregation.

B. CONCEPT RELATIONSHIP EXTRACTIONWe extract textual features τ (1)i and τ (2)i for concepts corre-sponding to concepts c(1)i and c(2)i , respectively. In this paper,we adopt the GloVe model [55] trained using monolingualcorpora for textual feature calculation. Textual features forsynonymous concepts are not necessarily similar since theconcept representations are learned via different corpora.In the proposed method, we consider correlations betweenlanguages by applying CCA to the textual features. CCA is atechnique that explores correlations between two sets of fea-tures, and it has been reported to be effective for multilingual

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concept representation [42]. We obtain projection matricesU (1) andU (2) by solving the following optimization problem:

maxU (1),U (2)

U (1)>T (1)T (2)>U (2)

s.t. U (1)>T (1)T (1)>U (1)= I,

U (2)>T (2)T (2)>U (2)= I, (5)

where T (l)= [τ (l)1 τ

(l)2 . . . τ

(l)|C|], and I is the identity matrix.

Using the above matrices, we project textual features into thespace where the correlations between languages are maxi-mized to obtain canonical textual features as follows:

t(1)i = U (1)>τ(1)i , t(2)j = U (2)>τ

(2)j . (6)

In the obtained space, not only semantically similar con-cepts but also synonymous concepts across languages arelocated close to one another. Therefore, the proposed methodaccurately extracts relationships between LICs by utilizingcanonical textual features.

Now, we represent LICs ci by vi = [v(1)>i v(2)>i ]> andt i = [t(1)>i t(2)>i ]>, where t(2)i is textual features for c(2)i . Byconcatenating features corresponding to c(1)i and c(2)i , we caneffectively represent LICs since they not only capture theuniversal semantics across languages but also reflect differentaspects of the concepts in the two languages.

We then calculate similarities between concepts ci and cjbased on each modality m ∈ {v, t}. In this paper, textualsimilarities st (ci, cj) are defined in the same manner as visualsimilarities:

st (ci, cj) =t>i t j‖t i‖ ‖t j‖

. (7)

We leverage themore effectivemodality to determine the sim-ilarity between concepts ci and cj. Here, we sort sm(ci, cj) inascending order and denote them as sm[h] (h = 1, 2, . . . ,H ).H is equal to |C|2. Next, we build an empirical distributionfunction (EDF) [56] Fm(x) defined as

Fm(x) =1H


I[sm(h) ≤ x], (8)

where I[·] is the indicator function, which returns 1 if thecondition is satisfied, and 0 otherwise. As shown in Fig. 2,the derived EDF captures the statistical distribution of simi-larities [57]. The proposed method enables proper compar-ison of modalities by equalizing occurrence probability ofsimilarities in a constant interval of the longitudinal axis.Based on the EDFs, we can select the modality that is themore effective of the two. The proposed method adaptivelycalculates similarities between concepts on the basis of theselected modality as follows:

s(ci, cj) = maxm∈{v,t}

Fm(sm(ci, cj)

). (9)

In this way, we can select an optimal modality for conceptrelationship extraction since EDFs enable comparison of theeffectiveness of the modalities by considering the statistical

FIGURE 2. Example of similarity calculation between concepts based onEDFs. In this example, visual features are selected for similaritycalculation.

distribution of similarities [57]. This calculation scheme isreasonable since the modality in which concepts are moresimilar depends on tagged images. For example, conceptswith broad semantics such as ‘‘animal’’ exhibit higher sim-ilarity from the viewpoint of textual features since visualfeatures significantly differ according to what kind of animalsare in the images.

Then we extract relationships between LICs based on themodality selected above. s(ci, cj) is interpreted as a score rep-resenting co-occurrent relationships between ci and cj [16].The proposed method extracts concept co-occurrent relation-ships based on scores in Eq. (9).We also define a subsumptionscore p(ci|cj) to quantify the extent that ci subsumes cj usingco-occurrent scores as follows:

p(ci|cj) =s(ci, cj)∑c∈C s(ci, c)

. (10)

When p(ci|cj) is greater than p(cj|ci), we regard cj as an LICsubsumed by ci. This definition is based on the assumptionthat ci can be used wherever cj is used if ci subsumes cj, butnot vice versa [10], [16].

In this phase, we adaptively select the more effectivemodality in similarity calculation to realize collaborative useofmultimodal features to extract concept relationships. Accu-rate extraction of concept relationships contributes to perfor-mance improvement in the subsequent ontology construction.

C. DAG CONSTRUCTIONFinally, we construct a DAG as an ontology. A DAG isa directed graph with no cycles whose nodes are allowedto have multiple parents. DAGs are suitable for ontologiessince they represent the hierarchical structure of concepts atarbitrary levels of semantic broadness [16], [58]. Therefore,we adopt a DAG for the structure representing an ontology.The DAG G = (V, E) is constructed based on Algorithm 1.V and E are the sets of concept nodes and directed edges,respectively. An edge eci,cj from ci to cj indicates a subsump-tion relationship ci → cj. The weight of each edge wci→cjis defined as the subsumption score p(ci|cj). To consider thesemantic broadness of each concept, we construct the DAGG based on the entropy defined as follows:

H (ci) = −|C|∑j=1

p(ci|cj) log(p(ci|cj)). (11)

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Algorithm 1 DAG construction algorithm G = (V, E)Input: Concepts ci with their entropy H (ci) and weighted

relationships wci→cjOutput: A DAG of concepts G = (V, E)1: for ci ∈ C in descending order of entropy do2: V ⇐ ci3: for cj ∈ C in descending order of p(ci|cj) do4: if H (ci) ≥ H (cj) then5: E ⇐ eci,cj , V ⇐ cj6: end if7: end for8: end for9: output G

The premise here is that a concept with high entropy isexpected to have broad semantics, while a concept with lowentropy is likely to have specific semantics.

The proposed method realizes LION construction usingmultilingual sources of tagged images and the hierarchicalstructure of concepts. Consequently, the derived ontologyremoves the language barriers to help users obtain desiredimages across languages.

D. LIMITATION OF THE PROPOSED METHODSince the proposed method uses visual features extractedfrom tagged images to aggregate synonymous conceptsacross languages, the performance depends on them. Withinaccurate aggregation of concepts across languages, theidentified LICs affect the subsequent phases for relationshipextraction and DAG construction. In fact, there are two caseswhere it is difficult to apply the proposed method. First,concepts with multiple semantics are not effectively cap-tured. Since we describe each concept by one feature vector,polysemic concepts are not appropriately represented in theconstructed LION. Second, images containing many objectsaffect the quality of semantic representation of concepts. Forexample, if an image containing ‘‘mountain’’, ‘‘sky’’ and‘‘cloud’’ with a tag ‘‘mountain’’, visual features extractedfrom this image may not be appropriate in semantic represen-tation of ‘‘mountain’’. The issue of how to capture multiplesemantic of concepts and multiple objects in images will beaddressed in our future work.

III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSIn this section, we evaluate the quality of the constructedLION to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.In this experiment, we used Flickr images for the dataset.We collected images by Flickr API3 in such a way thateach image has tags in at least one of English (EN), Ger-man (DE), French (FR), Russian (RU), Japanese (JA) andChinese (ZH), and Korean (KO) languages. We extracted4096-dimensional features [59] from the fc6 layer in AlexNetfor visual features by the deep learning framework Caffe [60].


TABLE 1. Number of images collected from Flickr and training corpora forGloVe.

TABLE 2. Statistics of the constructed ontologies. Concepts andsubsumption relationships correspond to nodes and edges in DAGs,respectively. Ontologies derived from two languages by the proposedmethod have the same number of nodes and edges as the language thathas the less concepts.

Note that the proposed method needs no training processsince an off-the-shelf deep model pretrained with a largeimage dataset is utilized. The number of codes for LLCwas set to 1000. For textual features, we independentlytrained GloVe for each language using monolingual corporaprovided by Polyglot project4 to extract 200-dimensionalfeatures. The details of the dataset are shown in Table 1.We constructed LIONs using concepts in two languages(LANG(1),LANG(2)) ∈ {EN,DE,FR,RU, JA,ZH,KO} ×({EN,DE,FR,RU, JA,ZH,KO} \ LANG(1)), where ×denotes the Cartesian product. Statistics of the derived ontolo-gies are shown in Table 2. A part of LION for EN andJA is shown in Fig. 3. Two subgraphs on ‘‘animal’’ and‘‘plant’’ with their subsuming concepts are illustrated withthe corresponding images. It can be seen that the constructedLION is consistent with human perception. We separatelyevaluated the quality of synonymous concept aggregationand concept relationship extraction as shown in the followingsubsections to properly assess the effectiveness of each proce-dure in the proposed method. In this experiment, we selected150 non-abstract concepts such as ‘‘airplane’’, ‘‘fish’’ and‘‘road’’ from C(1) for a concept set C(1)test in the followingevaluations.

A. SYNONYMOUS CONCEPT AGGREGATIONWe first evaluated the performance of the proposed method(Ours) in synonymous concept aggregation across languages.For comparative methods, we adopted the following similar-ity measures.


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FIGURE 3. Part of the constructed LION for EN and JA. Subgraphs on ‘‘animal’’ and ‘‘plant’’ areillustrated. In this figure, Japanese concepts next to English ones are correctly detected synonymousconcepts.

Comparative method 1 (BOF):This is a method that aggregates synonymous con-cepts across languages based on similarities definedas follows:

sv(c(1)i , c

(2)j ) =

v(1)>i v(2)j

‖v(1)i ‖ ‖v(2)j ‖

, (12)

where v(1)i and v(2)j are respectively bag-of-

features (BOF) [61] representation of c(1)i and c(2)jbased on the AlexNet fc6 features obtained by thek-means clustering technique [54]. The codebookfor vector quantization was generated using all ofthe images in the dataset, and the number of codesin the codebook was set to 1000.Comparative method 2 (Mean):This is a method that aggregates synonymous con-cepts across languages based on similarities definedas follows:

sv(c(1)i , c

(2)j ) =

v(1)>i v(2)j

‖v(1)i ‖ ‖v(2)j ‖

, (13)

where v(l)i is

v(l)i =1

N (l)i

N (l)i∑


φ(l)i,n. (14)

For a criterion to evaluate the quality of synonymous conceptaggregation, we adopted accuracy defined as

Accuracy =1



I[c(1)test,i = c(2)GT,i], (15)

TABLE 3. Accuracy of synonymous concept aggregation across languages.Average values over languages are presented.

where c(2)GT,i ∈ C(2) is the ground truth concept for

c(1)test,i ∈ C(1)test. The ground truth for synonymous conceptaggregation was obtained by Google Translate.5

Aggregation results are shown in Table 3. For all of the lan-guages, the proposed method achieved higher accuracy thanthe comparative methods. This demonstrates that the pro-posed method is not only the simplest but also the most effec-tive of all of the synonymous concept aggregation methods.

B. CONCEPT RELATIONSHIP EXTRACTIONWe evaluated the quality of concept relationship extrac-tion. For comparison, we adopted the state-of-the-art method(FBVO) proposed in [16]. FBVO is a method that extractsconcept relationships based on collaborative use of visualand textual features by linear combination of similarities. Inthis method, concept subsumption relationships are extractedusing similarities defined as follows:

s(ci, cj) = λsv(ci, cj)+ (1− λ)st (ci, cj), (16)


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where λ ∈ [0, 1] is a weighting parameter to control theinfluence of each modality. We adopted the optimal λ thatachieved the highest performance. FBVO is different fromOurs in that the weight for each modality is common amongall concepts. We also adopted a supervised learning-basedmethod (JOCL) proposed in [13], which takes an approachdifferent from ours. JOCL uses the confidence scores of eachconcept obtained when support vector machines (SVMs) [62]classify images corresponding each concept as features forconcept relationship extraction. We evaluated these methodsby precision (P) and recall (R) defined as follows:

P@K =1|Ctest|


|UK (c) ∩ UGT(c)|K

, (17)

R@K =1|Ctest|


|UK (c) ∩ UGT(c)||UGT(c)|

, (18)

where UK (c) and UGT(c) denote the set of top K extractedsubsumption relationships of concept c obtained by theconstructed ontology and the ground truth relationshipsgenerated by WordNet, respectively. In this experiment,we regarded synsets in WordNet as LICs, not mere Englishwords.

The results are shown in Table 4. As shown in thistable, Ours and FBVO outperformed JOCL. Images infolksonomies, in general, are assigned irrelevant tags or miss-ing relevant tags. From the view of JOCL, SVMs are trainedwith ‘‘mislabeled’’ samples, which degrade classificationperformance. Accordingly, it is considered that JOCL suf-fers from its unsatisfactory performance when applied toan image folksonomy with noisy tags. Besides, this tableshows that similarity calculation based on EDFs, adopted inOurs, is more effective than that based on linear combinationin FBVO. We further confirmed that synonymous conceptaggregation prior to concept relationship extraction leads toan improvement in performance by leveraging multilingualsources of annotated images.

IV. APPLICATIONSIn this section, we verify the applicability of the LION to tagrefinement and tag-based image retrieval.

A. TAG REFINEMENTAn image folksonomy such as Flickr is a frameworkwhere users can freely assign tags to their uploadedimages [63], [64]. Due to its very nature, the folksonomysuffers from noisy and incomplete tags [65]. This situationarises because users tend to assign tags to images basedon their knowledge and experience, which often fall shortof high consistency to describe the semantic contents ofthe images. These tags degrade tag-based retrieval perfor-mance; noisy tags lower precision, and incomplete tags lowerrecall. Solutions to this problem include tag refinement tech-niques [66]–[78]. Tag refinement methods remove noisy tagsfrom images and complement images with missing rele-vant tags to improve performance in tag-based applications

TABLE 4. Precision and recall on concept relationship extraction atdifferent position K ∈ {10,20}. The postfix ‘‘Multi’’ indicates that conceptrelationships were extracted after synonymous concept aggregation.Average values over languages are presented for LANG(1)-Multi.(a) Precision. (b) Recall.

such as image retrieval. Previous tag refinement methodsuse visual features and textual features to consider the rela-tionships between tags [66], [67] or between images [68],[69]. Other methods [70]–[78] also take into considerationthe relationships between tags and images simultaneously.These methods formulate tag refinement as problems ofmatrix completion [70]–[73], matrix factorization [74]–[76]and graph analysis [77], [78]. Based on these mathemat-ical techniques, the reliability of each tag is evaluated toremove rare or irrelevant tags and complement missing rel-evant tags. However, these methods focus only on tags inone language, which is mostly English. This means that tagsin other languages are treated as noisy tags to be removed,though the number of tags in non-English languages is notnegligible [17]. Tags in these languages are discarded despitetheir potential for contribution to improvement of tag-basedapplications [18], [19]. Also, non-English speaking users,accounting for a relatively large proportion of users in Flickrfolksonomy, cannot benefit from the previous tag refinementmethods. Thus, multilingual frameworks for tag refinementare absolutely necessary.

We applied LION to tag refinement. The hierarchiesrevealed by LION provide hypernymous and hyponymous

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FIGURE 4. NDCG at different position D from 1 to 10. (a) Participant 1. (b) Participant 2. (c) Participant 3. (d) Participant 4.(e) Participant 5. (f) Participant 6. (g) Participant 7. (h) Participant 8. (i) Participant 9. (j) Participant 10. (k) Participant 11. (l) Participant12. (m) Participant 13. (n) Participant 14. (o) Participant 15. (p) Participant 16. (q) Participant 17. (r) Participant 18. (s) Participant 19.(t) Participant 20. (u) Average over participants.

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FIGURE 5. Image retrieval results by the proposed method when each keyword was input. Images highlighted with red frames are those with tags inlanguages different from LANG(1), which were not to be retrieved by the comparative methods that deal with keywords in only one language. (a) ‘‘animal’’.(b) ‘‘architecture’’. (c) ‘‘beach’’. (d) ‘‘food’’. (e) ‘‘mountain’’. (f) ‘‘people’’. (g) ‘‘plant’’. (h) ‘‘river’’. (i) ‘‘street’’. (j) ‘‘vehicle’’.

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TABLE 5. Number of test images for each language pair.

tags of each tag. Thus, we consult the extracted tag hierarchiesto remove irrelevant tags and complement hypernymous tagsof the tags already assigned to the images. Given a taggedimage, we calculate a confidence score of each tag defined asfollows:

p(vi,n|c′i) =1Ni


gγ(vi,n, vi,ν

), (19)

where gγ (·, ·) is defined as

gγ (vi,n, vj,ν) = exp

(−‖v(1)i,n − v



2γ 2

), (20)

and γ is the median of ‖v(1)i,n − v(2)j,ν‖. To best leverage thehierarchical structure of the LION, we redefine c′i by expand-ing each LIC ci with visual features of images that representthe child node LICs of ci. We removed already assignedtags with lower confidence scores than the average. Also,we complemented hypernymous tags of the already assignedtags by consulting the derived hierarchies revealed by LION.

To perform tag refinement, we randomly removed 40% ofthe assigned tags from all images in the dataset in such a waythat each image has at least one tag removed and keeps atleast one tag after tag removal. We split the dataset into atraining set and a test set. As shown in Table 5, the numberof test images is different according to the language pair. Thetest sets are relatively small compared to the total number ofimages since we selected the images with tags in multiple lan-guages for proper evaluation. In this experiment, we took theoriginally assigned tags for the ground truth due to the highcost of manual judgments for tag refinement. We evaluatedtag refinement accuracy in terms of Average Precision (AP),Average Recall (AR) and coverage (C) defined as follows:

AP@K =1



R(n)K, (21)

AR@K =1




, (22)

C@K =1



I[R(n) > 0], (23)

where Ntest is the number of test images, and RGT(n) and R(n)are the number of ground truth tags for the nth image and thenumber of correctly recovered tags for the nth image, respec-tively. We compared the proposed method and our previousmethod [50] (Prev.) in terms of tag refinement accuracy.

The tag refinement performance of each method is shownin Table 6. From the results, we can confirm that the proposedmethod outperforms the previous method. The differencebetweenOurs and Prev. is whether CCA is applied to textualfeatures or not. Therefore, the improvement is attributed tothe canonical textual features, which consider correlationsbetween textual features in different languages.

B. TAG-BASED IMAGE RETRIEVALWith expansion of image folksonomies, the number of imageson the Web has been dramatically increasing [79]. Imageretrieval techniques play a key role in efficiently obtain-ing desired images. Typical retrieval systems return lists ofimages relevant to input queries. However, it is difficult forusers to identify their desired images if they cannot inputproper queries [80]. Thus, image retrieval on the Web hasrecently shifted from the conventional query-response sys-tems to exploratory ones [81]. A typical exploratory retrievalstarts when a user has interest in finding information on atopic with vague or broad queries [82].

We evaluated the LION from the viewpoint of appli-cability. We applied the constructed LION to a tag-basedimage retrieval system. Following the previous subsection,we expand each concept c with visual features of images thatrepresent the child node LICs of c. Then we calculate theconfidence score of c in the same manner as Eq. (19). Givena keyword, the system returns the top ten relevant images indescending order of confidence scores. In this experiment, werandomly selected two languages, LANG(1) and LANG(2), andused ten concepts corresponding to the keywords ‘‘animal’’,‘‘architecture’’, ‘‘beach’’, ‘‘food’’, ‘‘mountain’’, ‘‘people’’,‘‘plant’’, ‘‘river’’, ‘‘street’’ and ‘‘vehicle’’. We had 20 partic-ipants judge the relevance of each image on three scales: ‘‘0:Irrelevant’’, ‘‘1: Relevant’’ and ‘‘2: Very Relevant.’’ Based onthese values, we evaluated the applicability of the methods toimage retrieval using the normalized discounted cumulativegain (NDCG) [83] defined as follows:



2rd − 1log2(d + 1)

, (24)

where ZD is a normalization constant so that NDCG@D ∈[0, 1] and rd is the relevance score at rank d . For calcu-lation of ZD, the ground truth of rd was obtained throughmajority voting of the participants’ labeling. We adoptedthe method [16] (FBVO) and random retrieval (Rand.) forcomparative methods. Figure 4 shows NDCG@D for eachparticipant and the average obtained by the proposed methodand the comparative methods. This figure verifies that theproposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art FBVO forall participants. Retrieval results by the proposed method areshown in Fig. 5. Images highlighted with red frames are thosewith tags in languages different from LANG(1). The proposedmethod successfully provided these images by aggregatingsynonymous concepts across languages on the basis of visualfeatures. These figures indicate that synonymous concept

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TABLE 6. Average values of AP@2, AR@2 and C@2 over languages for tag refinement. (a) AP@2. (b) AR@2. (c) C@2.

aggregation plays a crucial role in improving the imageretrieval accuracy.

V. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we have proposed a LION construction methodusing tagged images in the Flickr folksonomy. The proposedmethod identifies LICs based on visual similarities betweenconcepts. In this way, the proposedmethod enables extractionof relationships between LICs in LION construction. Theconstructed LION provides an easy way to access concepts inany language. Experimental results verified that the proposedmethod achieves high quality of the LION, and LION is in itselement when applied to tag refinement and tag-based imageretrieval.

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SHOTA HAMANO (S’16) received theB.S. degree in electronics and information engi-neering fromHokkaido University, Japan, in 2016,where he is currently pursuing the M.S. degreewith the Graduate School of Information Scienceand Technology. His research interests includemultimedia analysis and natural language process-ing. He is a Student Member of the IEICE.

TAKAHIRO OGAWA (S’03–M’08) received theB.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from HokkaidoUniversity, Japan in 2003, 2005, and 2007, respec-tively, all in electronics and information engineer-ing. He is currently an Associate Professor withthe Graduate School of Information Science andTechnology, Hokkaido University. His researchinterests are multimedia signal processing and itsapplications. He has been an Associate Editor ofthe ITE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDIA TECHNOLOGY AND

APPLICATIONS. He is a member of the EURASIP, IEICE, and Institute of ImageInformation and Television Engineers.

MIKI HASEYAMA (S’88–M’91–SM’06) receivedthe B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from HokkaidoUniversity, Japan, in 1986, 1988, and 1993, respec-tively, all in electronics. She joined the GraduateSchool of Information Science and Technology,Hokkaido University, as an Associate Professorin 1994. She was a Visiting Associate Professorwith Washington University, USA, from 1995 to1996. She is currently a Professor with the Grad-uate School of Information Science and Technol-

ogy, Hokkaido University. Her research interests include image and videoprocessing and its development into semantic analysis. She is a memberof the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers(IEICE), the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE),Japan, and the Information Processing Society of Japan. She has been aVice-President of ITE, the Editor-in-Chief of the ITE TRANSACTIONSONMEDIA

TECHNOLOGYANDAPPLICATIONS, the Director of the International Coordinationand Publicity of IEICE.

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