a dictionary path 00 bran goog

A DICTIONARY OF Classic Literature Collection World Public Library.org THE PATHAN TRIBES

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. 1899.

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THIS work has been compiled with a view to . providing "an index to the numerous ramifications

of the Pathan tribes of the North-West Frontier, in such a form. that any obscure sub-division may be easily" referred to its proper tribal position : but all detailed porticula.rs of the history an~ genea.logy of the tribes, such as may be found in larger works of ~ference) have been excluded. In order also to dimiDish the bulk" of the work without greatly de­creasing its utility, certain cis-frontier Pathan tribes (incl~ing "the divisionB, etc., of the Bangash and Khattaks.) have been omitted j the Turis, however, have been included. " "

J. WOLFE MURRAY, Lietee.-Colonel,

A3IJilltarct Quarter Ma8t'!r Geucral,


l~t JUft' J8!J9.

• l"lelligence BrancR.

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P6111i:awar and Koliat borders are divided. At some' remote peried at bitter" feud' ensted bet:ween the Gar and Samil branches of the great Bangash t:ribe, and' all the neighbouring tribes appear to have joined one' faction or the other; although the origin, of the' quarrel has Oeen forgotten, the division·stilfremains.

"SUNIS'" AND" SHIAHS.I1_· The vast majority'of' the frontier tJjbellmen belong to the'former sect; ~d, tnis ma.y be- allSum~d to be tlie case wli~re ~Qt 'other-wise expressly stated. '

"HAMsAYAs.n-Vassal er- dependen~;,SE!ttlers,. amongst an. alien. tri~e.! .

" ,


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Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen: Nur

. Muhammad, Ahmad Din.

ABDUL RAHMAN KHEL (50). -A minor fraction of Abdul Rahman' Khel, Muhammad Khel, M:J.lakh, MaUizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Fazil­din, Kasim, Salam Khan, Zar Muhammad.

ABDUL RAHMAN KHEL (100). -A section ot Muha.mmad Khel, Mr..lakh, MaJli1.ad, Dawaris. Headmen; Fa1.il Din, Hakim Khan, Gul Kadam.

AUDur, WIDANAI (50).-A section of the Malik Dinai, Manazai, Ali zai , Mahsuds. Headman; 8hawagal'.

ABDUR RAHMAN KHEL (200). - A section of the .\1 usa Khel. Xa.muzai, Lashkarzai, Orakzais. Gar. '

ABRAHIM 'KHEL (560; See Mamu1.ai} . .:.....A . section of the Alikaran, Mamuzai, La,shkarzai, Orakzais. Gar.

ACHAAZ,US (13,00 ); Both. sides of the PeHhin border).­

. A large tribe, an off-shoot' ~f the Barakz.a.i I 'urania, Ill­vided into the Gujanzal and

4 .'

Badilmi clans. The lead­ing division of the former clan is the Ah~zai, said to be' distinct from the Hami<hai diviSion. Head-

, men; H aji Ghnlam Haidar Khan, Khan BaAadur, is the leading man'; otIiet's EIre Ayaz Klian, (Hamidzai), "kbar Khan (Ghaibzai),oetc. The olans, divisions, 'etc., of the Aohakzais are not sepllO rately indexed. in this Dic­tionary.

ACHAB KHEL (20).-A sec­, tion of Maryam Khel, Darka

,'Khel, Mallizacl, Dawaris; Headmen; llidar,. Yar' Muhammad. X..,

ACHAB~ or AruB8 (900-Kazha Valley, North Waz-iristan).-A colony of y \1sufzai SIIoiads, now set­tled amongst .t~· Madda Ki,el Wazirs of the Tochi. Headmen:; Q,ingai. Mh'baz. &starn J.{h1Ul, Siulim.

ADAB K:a:BL (Bmnll; Cbapri, eto., KUT&m).-A minor frac­tion of Said Khel, U m.a.rzai (600). Shin Khel. Ahma.dzai~

. J1arwesh Khel Wazirs.

AJ)ALA KOB.-A minor £rae­. tion of Behram Kor, Dildar K'hel. Mohmand Khel, Kattillo

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• 14

ALl XlIBL.-.A section of Manyar Khel(360), Ibrahim Khel. Utmanzai, Darwesh Khtll Wazirs. Headmen; Zira Khan, Mihrab Khan, Kabal,· Nawaz Khan, 'Adal Baz Muhammad, Niaz Gul.'

ALl KXBL. (Bannu·Distl'ict).~ A seot~on of Mu~ Khel, Bhin Khel (3,400), Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Waziris.

ALI KXEL (10).~A minor frao­tion of Bonii Khel, N asra Din. Kaln Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazh ...

ALI KXEL (100).-A sootion 01 Ashu Khel, Hassan Khel, Adam Khel, Afrldis.

.ALI KHEL.-A minor tractIon ot Tor Khel, Asad Kbel, Mitha Khan, Khel, Knkl Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmell; Razai and Islam-din. .

ALI KXBL (178).-'One ot the I

five sections of the Haidar Khal, Tor, Tappizad, Do." waris. Headmen; Mad Alam. Alif i:han, Abizal', Azad Khat!..

ALI KXEL.'-A seotion· o£'· Sheikhmal, Kambar Khel, :(4,500), Afl-idls. Gar. Hea.d~ men; Ahmad &hah,Hikmat, ·A.lia Khan, Mifshak, Shah· zada, Kha"irulla, M'U' HusBan Shero, NUl'ai, :Nur Ali, Shuja Gul, Munir.

ALI KWAlA KXEL.-A. sec· tion of Panj pai, N asuzai,

• niaszai, BllIlerwals • . A.LIKZAI (21; ThaI Chotiali).

-A division of Drigtai. Lunis. Headmen; Agat:, (Shikar l\hanzai~ Anmar. (Hass!ln Khallza1), A1am, (Nura Kha'/lZai), Bado, {B:l.1'anzai).

A"LI:H KXAN K!}~.-A minor fraotion of Sultan Khal.

• Hassan Khel. Pakhai (1,000), . Budai, Zakha Khel, ·A.fridis.

4LI K:a:EL.-A seotion of Samil.· Hea~men; . see Jowakai, Babakri, Sipah .SUlta.n Kh!31.· . (1,200), Afridis. SamiL, Headman; A~ Shah. . . ALI MUHAMMAD KX:lL (100).

-A minor fraction of the Nikarrab Khal, Khoidad .Khel, nidi Khel, Manaza i, Alizai. :Mahsnds. .Headman ; Surkamand;

ALI KHEL.-A 8ub-divMon of . Landi Khel, Bipah (1,200), ·Afridis. Samil.

. Headman; Ali Shah. o

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AnrB EXIL. (20; Dem Is­mait Khan, Distriot).-No­mildw, a, minor fraction of Baloeh Khel, IlOt Khal, Miau Khel,·Lohana. Pawin­dahs. lfead.man; see .ian Khe1; '.

A.T.UB KUlIL.-A. sub-division of Yar Ali Khel, ltamrai .Khe] (600). Mridia. ~mn. Headman; .ham DilL

Au» Kxill. (UO).-A"lOOtion of 'fa.ru IChel, Boba. Dana, "BattaDI1is.

AUD KDL.-A seetiOll of Sultan Khel, Sher Gulla, Alta· Khel, (1,8(0). A.fridis. Samil.

AlAD KXlIL or RlPAX ( Not tle' DatdatztG Sijal) (610).­:A. aedtion of the Alikaran,

AUR MIR KXEL.-A minor fraction of ~i1mndar Khel, ' ~baul' Khel, Bora Knel (1,006), Mobmit Khel, Utmanzai.. lJarweeh Khel Wazirs.

,AnI KXBL'(200).-A minor fraction of the Shamak Khel, . Abdul1ai, Aimal Khel, Bablolzai, Mabsuds. Head-man; Azim. .

AZI KHEL (2,lOO~A sub· division of Bar Sulizai,. Baizal, Akozai - Y WIIlOO Swatis., Non.-Above numbers include 1;200 men liTing outside SwatUimits.

, . AZI KXBL.-A. sub-division

af Ali lthel. :Bar' Banizai, Akozai-Y nsu.hai Swatis.

M a m u Z ai, Lashkal'zai, I AZUl KlUl( XOR.-A section Orakzai.. Gar. of the Umar Khan Khel,

. Alisberzai, Lashkanai, Aull KXBL (6).-A rmb-divi- Orakzais. samn.

sion of Xhadc.i, Mallizad, Dawaria. Headrean) Shah- AZII KXBIo.-A section' of taman. • Aliaber Khel, Gadaizai,

AZAR K!I:dL;-A . section of Iliaszai, Buner~a1a. Durbi Khel, Xambar. Khal, Kambar Khel, . (4,500), AfTidis. Gar. Headmen; Muhammad Sher, 'Kllwaja AJi,Yaro.Nurai.

AlIZ KHllL.-A minorfraetion of Karu Rhel, Mali (or Muli)Khel, Salarzait Ilias­zair BtUien'ala. '

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B.l1!U Kmrr..-A. mInot mo­tion of Sherp Xhel, Utm&n­Bai, Aclinzai, Khwazuai, Ake-.i-Y llsufzai 8n'"

BABULZAI (6).-A sub-division of Salemi, Rakauwal, La· Di.. Headman· ; see 8alezai.

BABUB Khel.-A aeetion of Keimal Khel, U rmuz Khel, 8ipah (1;100),. Afridls. &mil. lIeaaman; Khane­zaman.

. AUa:ai,Mabsu-ds. 'Ha.ckIaen; 'fitai; Ba1ullc1.i~

B.tcin Kl!;tr.. - A mltiOr~­tion of Zakho' Khel; JaJiak­hori. (80U). Ha~n Khel~ Adatn KhfJl, Aftidls. ' .

B.1DA..-A ~b-diVisioil of Asll, lsma.ilZai~ Utman Khela..

:&DANZ"U (SlS).-A division of .the Shaman Kbel, Mah­suds. Headman; Sayad AkbarShak. Bnl1lAI (6,000;. t.eft bank

of Swat).-A divtsionof :&i­sai, Akozai-Y'I1sufzai 8"'a- &w.R.KJlEL (60)-A minor tis. Headmen; Naeru}\ah· :fraction of the Waliaad Khan, Firoz Khan, Pasand Kl1el.1 Palli Khel, AhduUai, Khan. . Aima Khal, llahlolzai,

Mahsuda. Headmen; Bayak, B.umUI (105).-A eeetion of Musa, Bazamdilh

Narozai, Dumar, Semr, Kakars. Headman; Mnham­mad Gul of Chilez.

BABUZAI.-Another name for the Sepah division of Baezai, Mohmands. .

BACBAGAI.-A minor fraction of Tor, Jani Ehel (1,000), Wali Khel, Utman:aai, Danrash Khal Wa z i r 8. Headmen; Mirb08h, Shada­mir, Kaimal, Gulbaz.

B.lC1U. KK:lL (66).-A section ot the Pathanai, S}labi Khel,

B..vUA J{XBL (Masturariver). -:-4-lIUb-division of the lbni Khel, Muhammad K~el, Orakzais. Gar. Shiah.

. BUDA KBBL.-A minor frac­tion of Saifali, Kabul Khel (2,600). WaH Kha1. Utman­zai, Darwesh Khel W"drs. Headman ; Kotan Khan.

BADDA KlI:&r. (lO).-A section of Utman, Miram Shah, Tappizad, Dawaris. Head­man; Sarak Shah.

--NOTJC.-TbiS inoludes 700 men of this dhiaion not living in Swat liIIJitl!.

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Khan, Saiad Azam, Ghai­l'Rt, Sultan So.id,. Paind Khan, Payo. ToIB, Pirai, Amin Khan, Yad GuI.

BAGHBAN'KHEL.-A minor fraction of Sudan Khel (360), Isperka, Kruu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Jalan­dar Shah, Mani Khan.

BAGHDAD KHEL.-A section ot KeimalKhel. Unnuz Khel, Sipah (1,200), Afridis. Sami!. Headmen; Khane­zaman, La! Muhammad;

'Sher Jan.

BAGHDADZAI (West of Dern Gha.zi Kha.n District).-A l6<lt1ion of Inzai, Hasan Khel,.. Balil Khel, M usa Khels. Headman; Salavi.

BAHADtrn KHEL.-A section of Abdul Khel, U nnuz Kbel, Stpah (1,200), Afridis. Samil. Headman; Shibran.

BAHADt'R' KBEL.-A minor fraction of Khojal Khel (600 in Wana), Slladi Khel, Nasra Din, Llu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wflo~irs.

BAHLDP~ KBEL (Left bank of Mastur.rj,~er).-Asection of

the :Mir WuUi KheI,Bazot', 'Datirtd,~, Qrabais. 'Samil.

BAHADUR KHEL (70).-A sec-, tion of the Shumi Khel,

Palli Khel, Manazai, Alizai Mahsuds. ,Headman; ~wal Khan. '

~A~ADUB 'XHEL 'lDalrka., Girm, and Peshawar valley in winter, Upper Helmand

, in su,mmer).-Nomads, 8 ,Bub-div.ision of Utmanzai _ Kuchj '(Mohmand). '

BAHADUR SHAH KHEL.-The head division of Samilza.i. Tal'kanis.

BAHARZAJ (West of Dern Ghazi 'Khan District.).-A section 'of Husenzai, 'Ahmadzai, Balil Khel, Mus!!. Khels. Headman; Bahadur.

BAHLOL KHEL (15).-A minor fraction' of the Bizodai, Malikshai, Aimal Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds. Head­man ; Alimad Khan.

B~HLOLZAI (4,078).-Onl' of the three great clans of the Mahsuds.

BAHRAIl-U-KHEL (800 ; From Malakand to Swat river).-A division of Bat

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Bua KllEr..-. ~iDQl' f.rac­tiQD qf Bakal: :H;bel, Ida} Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), ShiJ;l. Kbell...4bma~i,.o~ weeh lth~l w ~~.

JlUAB JaIL ... A mi.nox n:ao­tion of Bash K he} (.1 50), Shoraki, Galai, Adam Khel, Afridi,s.

ftA,l:All KHn (Banno 'Diltriet, Shabi. Birmal and ·WaDa). A .ub-aectio~ of leW Khel, HathiKhal (2,OOO~ Shin Khet, Ahmaclzai, Uarwesh ~h~ Wl/oZirs. I.IeadmeD,; Bader nan,. Sbelkh Pir8o, I.endai, Kaeim Shah.

:&x.u KHBL (lO).-A minor .u:.o~ion of M_lUI K hltJ,. :¥'Uj lChtl, W d• 14~kb. lelal· Jizad, D"wal'is. }J;ea_n ; 8heikhbaad.

BAXHAL KHBL.-A, mhlOr fraotion of Feroz Khel. Tor Sapar (800). G~i, Ad.am Khel, Afridis.

.Ali H,.han 'K~ El~k.i Khel, lWlda l{h~l (l,OOQ). Ibra­him Khal, Utma~ Dar· wesh Khel W wS.

B,Ali:HlI;ALI R.n.-A ~ioJl of Kulla XW. Malikdin Khel. M.alikdin 1{~J., (4,000) Afridis.~mil. 1Ieadmen; Akbar. Dostai, Sher Gul, Zuif, libam .. ud,din..

B.U~H.A:t.-A. mbt.o.:r f-rl.'otion : of n,tta lthel, Abdul Khel.

Bara Khel (1,(,00). MQmnit K hel, U tmanzai, Darwesh libi!l W"zirs.

BA)[1l8Hl KBBt,-...A. section of JillUlda Khel, (1,800) Ibrahim Khel, Ut.auai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Head­lQ~; Gulli of 8-.,. a.nd AlalD. ShU.

BHHU KlI.1tL (}Jannu ~s­triet).-A minor fraction of Kban\l(w l<Wo TQ%i KhaL Musa .l\,heI. Bath,i Khel (2.OQQ~ SlUn Khel. Alun.$d­aai, ~h Khel Wams.

BUHI KHBL.-A minor frae· BAXHT.'W~ Koll,.-A. minor tion of Mi~ Ali Khel. Idia: fraction of Hyatai Kor • .Khel, J&Dl Khel (1,000), Shalww.nslU Rl)el.. No Wali Khel, lJtmanui. Dar- Khel •. TaMa.i •. l1ohmauds. wesh Khel WaziJ8. llaad· Headman; Mult3ll.. men; Almldin. :

B •• H'fU.utl.~A lli~iQll. Qf ]luUJL.-" QI~~or fr~io~ of. An~ .. Kh~Zmataie. lIeIJo(l-T~~l Kbcl, N~r :i.ltel, JQa~ ; llazhi In,au,.

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tion, of Mian Jrhel, Ja,nakhori of MlJlIIIo Khel; Km;' Suitzai BUUI KUEL.-:A mit;J.qTfrac-l BABKHAN KUEL.-A section

(~JQ), Ha8118n ~heI, Adam Baizai,' ~~()zai-Y uwai Khel, Af~idis." '.' Swat!s. .

BAR KAU:M: (78).-A section o:f BasSo. Khel; Tor, Mallizad Dawru,is. "Headmen'; Ba.4il, Dini, Painda' Khan,' Niz/Iom Gul, 'Gulsohil, 'Pir'Ahmad Shah, Baki, Badrang.

BARlrAZAI'.";"A'snb:dhiisioJi of Daulatzai; ,Ma.lizai, Buner-wals. ' :

BAR KHANI.-A mioodraotion of Hadi ,Khel;" Dardooi' Wuzi 'Khel (800) 'Mohmit

, Khel, Utmanzlloi, Darwesh Khal Wazirs. . :

BABIK '({fiBL (191),~A :4iv!-'_ simi of Amzoni Dawaris.

Hea.dmpn; JulXlllo Shllo:htMina Shah, Channi, Majih Shah, Lar, Shabba Din, Namballi Khan, patila. Khan, Bokh_ ~mi,r, Piya Khan, Gul>zir.

BABIK KHBL.-(lO). A m.inor fraction of Poi nel. Mu­haminad Khel" MalJiZad, Dawaris; Headmi.n; Kadam.

BARIW AL (lS)~-A sub-divi­, sion of 'Zerakki" Malliiad, , ,Dawads. He",dJIl~n;,Shah-

zada, Haibat ~ ~n~ , '

BAB KUAN K'01l(28'o ; Kbsnki river).-A'minor fraction of

'the 1}mar Khat! Khell Ali 'Karan, Miitnuzai, Lashkar­zai, Ol'8hais. -Gar. HeM­man; ,Am,ir Shah.

:a.B ~Hoz~.;A ,se,etion of .Khaddar ,~tJel (77Q), ,Moh­mit Khel, UtmRnzai, Dar­

. wesh Khel Wazirs/; He'ad~ . men; ,Sadirai, Huka.ih Shah,

Saidigai, Said Ali. ,-;

B,ABKI' K:S;E,L' (35j.'-;A ~Uio1" .fraction, of DlJr : ltliel, Babakki,: lfassu .J~hel, Tor, Mallizad, '"Dawaris: Head­men; BadaT, Mi~ Kazam.

. •. !

• i

BAR KILLA (30).-'A minor fraction of ,DanglU" Khel. Piran, ' , " ~Dangar , ,Khel,

, ¥uh,ainUlad Khel" Ma.l,a~h, ~ni~" Dawaris.' Head­man'; .Ba.drana, Said Akbar.

I , '

BAR )I":K~ZAI.-A '.aub-divi­,sion of Wara, Yamund, ,Ta'rkan~ .

BARlusr KHBL.-A !leCtion of tha Tari Khel, Shakhl, Wal1lo8pun, Battannis.

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fuS'1U,M:b;,-(W-eat bf D&1~' B.it9HJl1tn (S).~A i!ectt()l\·~t Gfle.zi Khan D~ct}.""A ,Zira. ~Let, Attuleni, Kalli-ft;J,"dhisidn ef NO'Aai, 'zed, Da'tfari,s. ,Headtnlm; Laharzai, Musa Khels. . KltOliai. ' Headman; Sheran.

BASlU:ll ,Klllt . ....:::&nnli Dis­trict).-:,A minor fraction of &zi K1ir'eI, Ali Khel; Mu8e. KheI, Hathi Khel (",000), Shin Khel, , Ahmllodzai, ])a.nvesb Kitel W&lUS.

BA81D KHllL.-(Mastura river to Jra:tr~.)-A $ub~\'ri~()-n ot the' ManlU~i, Mishti, ~, ~~'Ofthe'~8. S'amil. .

BASI KHBL.-(Ois.tudus, and Duma 'm.ountain).- A

" I ,.!J.~b-divisioJl of. Oltaga.rzai,. BAsil KHBL.-A s'edion of! M~il YUaafuJa. , 4n~i (l,OOO,~ 'Budai, Zakha .' . Kh~l, A,fridis. Samil._ H~d- 'BASI KxBJJ, mara vaIley).­men; PU' Gul, 'Safar, Dost, A section of ,~lDal KMJ, Hak, Khanezaman, Zeb Jan, Sahib Jan Aka Khel (1 800) Rab,inatulla, MadAki. AfridUt.. Samil. "

BASH KHEL {lto).-A. sectton :&8uolt, (Bann'll Distll'iCltJI­of Sharaki, Galai, Adam A. . minoT 'fmwtiot. of Tori KU1, :Afridis. I Khel, Muss. KheJ., Hathi Rhel

i (2,000), Shin Khel, Ahma.d-....,. K . A' ..... _' 'Mii Darw8Sl1 KhelWazirs. ,uas:R ~B",- ~mer .. £J.lW- ,

tion of Sher Khan Khel, U mar KhaR Klull, Mal~:k;diR lrhel, 4,oOO)~ An,'M8~ SaJllil. H~meil ;.,ileil Uniar l\.han :net '

:PASSI KHEL.-A, minor £rac-BASH KREL:-A sub-division· ilion 'Of "Pa.itlda Khel {OOO},

of Mat IOnm Inel, Kfl.ta~ Shadi ~l, NMra Djn, 'Ktllu ~lie'l {t',5OO}, A.mdis, Gar. Khel, Ab.~d.zai, Darwesh Headmen ~. Bhw :thon, K~el Wgini. 'Heil.dmall ; Hanii4) and Nutt.i. Sawar Khaon.

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. BA.ZAN.AI.-A - sub-division of BA.ZI KHlI:L.~A Bootion of Mekhiani, Spin, Tarin.. Khan Khel, Kuz Snlizai,

Habla!, . Akozai-Y usufzai BAZAB KHAN KHEL (Mas- ... Swatiil. .

tura).-A Bub-division of' the Utman Khel, Daulatzai, B.A.ZOTI (500; Mastura).--One Orakzais. Samil. of the four divisions of the

Daulatzai, Orakzais. Sa'tnil. BAZID KR:EL.~A section of

the Badzai, Kattagarm, Tatta, Battannis;

BAZID KHn (British terri­tory).-A sub-division of Jawaki (1,200), Adam Khel, .' Afridis. .

BERRA..M KOB.-A minOl"frac­tion of Dildar Khel, Moh­m"nd lQJ.el, K attia Khel, HasSan Khel, Mitha Khan Khat, Kuki Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar.. Headmen; Ghanni and Torbaz.

BA.II], KHB~ (450; :Mahab~). -A sub· division of Mada Khel, lsaZai, Yusufzai •. Headmen; Shahdad Khan, SarfarazKhan, SaiM Kalam, Shah Mardan, (Alrabi Khet), Muhammad Ali Khan, Baz Khan, (Tata Khet)., .

BAZID KHBi:;.-A minor frao­tionof Mian Khel, Janakhori (800), Hassan Khel, Adam Khel, Afridis.

BUID KHEL.-(Mastura, Khanki, and Miranzai valleys).-A division of the Sheikhan, "Hamsayas" of the Orakmis. Bamil.

BE1AL,(19).-A minor'fraction of Bar; Kauin, Hassu Khel, Tor, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headman; Pir Ahmad.

. Shah.

BENGALI KHE~.-A.sectio;n of Sen Khel, Abba. Khel, Tatta,

. Bat.tannis.

BEBo~. (loo.i ;ln~ek Moun­tain).:-A division of Dellhi­wal. ~ti8. Headman; Sa­dar Ali of Kabal. .

'BETANI (Mastura).~i.. section of th.e Kambar Khel. Bazoti, Daulatzai, Orakzais. Bamil.

BUAZAI· (lS) . ..-Asection of BUID KHWL.-8ee Tor (or !sa: Khel. Ahmad Khel, Oha.

Bazid) Khet Khel, Sheram..,·

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~I1,~ .. 'WI 1\Hu.-A .ii'vi.tWn BIZODAI (81).-A aeetion of . of Xhani 1OW1, ChamkalUliB. th., !blihbai, Aimal Khtl,

&blolza1. Kabsuda. BJ.B4JW (300 ; Xu Tot.i).­

One of tLa eight c_ of the Utman Khela.

. BI.D... K'lrBt..-A mmOl' motion of Warbm Khel, Alb Khel. ~ IUalzai, Baunralt. . ..

BIl( KJUU. fM.aQaban).-A. . N~n of Ha..n K)lei, ~ RlW, Wa.i~ YUfnf· D. HeWmen; Sbdad Khan, Ahwan ~n.

~W KXII, (71).-O.e c,l. the .a.l)odivi4io~ of the Gale­.hahi. ShalJ)Q nel, .lfAh­Mdu. B~ J ;Pi,. ~h.

'JJIZ.AZ.AI (We&t of the Dera Obu! K:han Diatriot.}.-A IQI,di'ririon of. Hamrazai, lWU E4el, Mua naJa. Headman; Bakar.

,BIll. KIlIf, (700; BriUsh . terrUloq and Bad&rJ)~A ~DOI baoti..,. of $badi Khel, Naara Din. Kalu

:00... (i80).-A. division of Dana, Battanna. Headmeni Dillaaa Khan (Azad Khel), N~ Kbap (Tajbi Khel), Ashl8f(DIW Inel),Chandan ,han (p,m. Kb,el), Azim .(.Ba~PJ. Toti (a.sul Khal).

BoB"! (N).-A. l18etion o£ Hakim Khel, M ubarak S.m. )laillzad, llawarlf.

. ~n; lOutn Sa~d an4 Lan.cW. .

BOBAK (650).-A diviaion of l>ua. :&t.tannil .. -Head­men; Jahari (Ali Khel). Ba· tur IShadi) Khet, GuIa Khan (Warge.re), 1l0l'f4 Kh.u (W~).

BOB .. LAI.-A minor fraction of Dre PilIari, Tori Khel (t,i70h Ibrahim Khel, Ut.­maDzai, DanftlSh Khel We-zil'B. He&dmen;:H.ian· din &han.

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BoRA KHEL (l,OOO).-A sub­division ot Mohmit :Khel, U tmanzai, " Darwelh . K hel Wazin, .. Headll'.leD; Kipat Khan is the' 'lhief.; . qtkers are Sheikh, Khoja Mir, and Pa.hlwan. . . .

BoSIKlrEL.-A minOl' frac­tion of Musakki, WU1.1 Khel, (800). lJ,ohmi1i Khal, Utman­zai, Darwesh K hel W szirs.

BO~TI KHEL (150).-A Bub­div~sion . of . G1I.lA.i; Adam KItel' A~dis.' i. " , ' . .. ,

·Bo'r:a.:' (7S}.'~A division of Tappizad, ~watis; Head­man; Gulbar' Khll.n.

BOYAKAI (12).-A section of the Tappi Khel. Badanza.i, B~man Khel, :Ma'hsuds.

BoZA KBEL (&nnn, Chapri and Gurang in Kuram).-

, A .sub-se(ltioR of TO!' Khel, Umarzai (600), Shin Khel, Ahma<\zai, , Varwesh Khel, W~; .'i .. ,,: '

BOZI KHBL.-A section of . Madda Khel, (1,600), Ibra­him KbE'l, Utmanzai, Dar~

.. we.h Khal Wazil'S. Head­men; Namwar Khan (Khoji KbeI) : of Maizar, Nazar Khan o~' Zur&m, and Rah­man Shah (laJuail Khel).

BOZI KHEL (25).-A section , ,of, Shttjawal, Mubarak

Shahi, ,Mallizad, Dawaris.

BRA;ani' K.X:eL· .(25; Dem Ismail . Khan Di.Btriot).­Nomadic. a minor fraction

. of Shadi Khel, IiJot Khel. Mian, Khel, Lohana, PawiJ1dahs. Headman; see Mian Kllel. ' .. , '

BBAHI~ZAI . (west of, Dara Gbazi Khan District).-A

,.AOOtion of Kabahai, Nokuzai, Lahar1.ai, Mu!;& )"hels. Head­

. man;. Mu,lla:Nadar.

BBAHIM:ZAI (345).-A minor . fl'ootiQn of Khanoi:a.i. Pani­

zai, Barun Kbel, Sanatia, Kakars. Headman; Didan.

BBAXIIl&AI,' (West' of Dera Ghazi Khall District).-A seetion of ' Maghduzai.

, ,: Abmadzai. Ba.1il Khal, Musa K hela. . Headman; 'Sardar Khan.

BRA:B:IIlZ.U (West of Dera. , Gha1;i. Khan District).­

A' sub-dievision of Mangizai, Laharzai, M usa . Khels. Headman; Dadu.

BRAHI¥ZAI (240).-A section '. of Sa.rangzai, Hs.r\ln Khel, , Sanatia, Kabr8. Headmen;

.:Majid (KWa3). Daoran (Spezand).

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Cl!,UU.&.w''&'L9 P,OOO).-The CIIARGIUL ,KHEL (80).-A name applied to the mixed minor fraction of Shinki Mandan clans who inhabit Khal, Babakki, Bassu Khel, the ChamIa valley, south- Tor, Mallimd, Dawaris. east of Buner. 'Headman; Karar.

ClI:"ND.l.N' , KiI~L; ..... A" 'mirlor CHAR KRn.:"':".!..'- section :'0£ fl'llootio~ ,of ¥atjan ':theI" -Alisher Khel, - GadaiZai, Utmanzai, Adinmi;'" lthwa- . lliatlZai, Bunerwals. 7./\7.ai, Akozai - Y u8ufzai Swatia: ! C:iuRKHEL ,(:MiranZai,' and

-, Mastura vaUeys).-A clivi-OHA-NDil -K:HE'L,(Bajaur.)~A sion of ,the MalIa Khel (800)

S'Ilbpdivmon of. llat -.Khel, .e Hamsaya.s" of' the 01'l,\k'-Salarzai, Tarkanis. mis. SaIIi.il.'

CB~:N~U 'E BBL.-A ; D:ililo~ fraCtion of 'Adam' 'KheI, Nazar Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, Sarki KheI, .. Madda Khel (t,~OO) .. Ib'rahi!ri f,/hel: Utman~ai, '. Darwesh-' Khel 'Wazita.,' ,

':". , .,

OHAN!fI (16).~A minQr' frao­tion of B&1' ' Kaum, ' HaRSU

Khel, Tor, MaUizad Dawaris. ; HetJ.dmen; Bed.il, Dini. , '

.:: . . .;1 " CHAPLA (,OO).-A Rub-divi-_ s~ _ ~~ .' M~~~ W 1!ora.!,\,1,l,n~ '; .B&ttan:IllB., He~dDl?n ;

CIIAn KREL.-A minor frao­, 'tion of Zakho Khel, Jaila­, khori (8!lO), ~n Khel, , , ~~m Khel, A~idiS. "J '.'

ClIARXHiL " (40).-A, minor ' f1-:8ction of Charkhil, ~a.nd. :Ma.lakh" Mallizad. Dawaris. Headmen; GuI:, Rahman, Landai, J d :Muba~mad.

CHARAHIL (85).-A seotion of. Lapd, Ma.~kP, ,Ma,llizad.

: , 'Daw"m. H~admen ; Badarii, Kakir ~hahJ ,GuI. Rahman ..

. Ah~ad. ~ha~, ,~i.r S,!l~~ , and Daulat(Mandl). Dlitan CHAWAR KHEL.-A sub-divi.

(Dari), Janei and RetuIum sion of Bazoti (900), Daulat-(Umar). ' 'za.i, Ofakza1t1, Bamil. Head-

, ". -, I - , "m~n; Ahinad Shah. CHAKDAI 1.8600, Kuram-~-'·:' :' , " \ , , , "J. •

The larger of'the tWt f clsns i CBOTIALIW AL.-'-See Dzam, of the TuriS. ' ' ':; ,,' Spin Tarin.' '

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.. DARPA Kltn. (235).-A·divi­

siotl of Ms.llizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Sb~47.ada, Gnl· mnrg,-Gulp!r, ·Najtb, Sh~ik and Mira. . .. ,. " ~

Dun KUBL(500).·~One of the f!lUI": plans of the Cham­bnnis. . The Darra., Khel and Mirza. Khel are some­timeI'! known collectivtlly ,as the Khwaja Khel.

DAllRI KUBL ·(SO).-A section of the KjIoSim l{hel,Badanzai. Shaman Kliel, Mahsud.8. Headmen I; Sliadi, Mix and WaJi Khan:

DARBI KUBL.-A minor frac­tion of Madda Khel, Miamai, Kabul Khal(2,600) Ut· manzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

D.UtBI KUBL.-A sec,tion of Madda Khel, Sher Gulla, Aka Khel, (1,800), Afridis. SamiL·; .. .


(24,560.)-The name giVb to the Utmanzai and Ah­madzai clans. ,!f Wazirs. Headmen; aee·~·. Ahtpaa.zai and U tnianzai;:.· :: ,

D .. :awBsl{ ~illi.:~A , mi~or fraction .. of )'Ihite,r ~~el, Muha.m~' Khel; Hassan

' Khel, (~). ;Mohmit KMl, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khal Wazirs. Headman; Fazal Shah. .

DABWBZ KUBL-A minor frac­tion of Babur Khel, Keimal Kh~" U rinuz Khel, Sipab

. ' (l ,2(0), Atridis. H Padman ; , KhlloDezaman.

DARWJ KuE!. (Mastura).­,One ~f th~ four divisionll of the· Miahti (:{,OOO), •• HaJIlB&­y&ll ;, o~ the Orakzais. Samil.

DARy:'.'irIt4N KUEL.-A divi· sion 'of Haji Khel, Cham-ka.nniS:· '.

DARYA KU~L '(13)~-A section of AHzat, Darpa Khel, Mal. liz ad,' , Dawarls. H cadmen ; S~er!Uo~, Gul Amm.

DA.RYA. :K.B·BL (I00).-A minor fraction: of the Kota~ Khal Abdul Khel, Langar Khel.

; Khoidad Khel, Gidi Khel, , . M~naZjl.i, . Alizai, Mahsuds •

.·Bea4men; Bola, Kissar • . Gulaim., .

DARYA. KUEL, DARWESlt KH1u:,.~A minor fraction of Hizen Khel (700), Shadi ~\hel, N aqra Din, Kalu

. Khel, 'Ab.madzai, Darw6Su Khpl W azirs. He~n i Sahib Khan.

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D.AULA'J! KlI1I~ (Bannu Dis­iiriQt).--A. JP.i~ol' fraotion of . ~ i1Uel, M ~ Khel, :Jla\hi Khel (~,ooo.1 Sb.in K\lel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wa.zi.Q,

DAULAT KHBL.-4 Be()tl~ of the Amar Khan Khel, Ali­

. 81w~a.i .(3t.lOO1· ~hlfl'l'zai, .. Orak.~. ~mlJ., 1I~;

Mirza Hassa.n.

I#~A:r KUJ!· (l10), ...... A :r:ninor ~~ ~f ~he ~mj: .Kb-el, Khoidad Khel, Gidi. Kbel, Manazat, Alizai, Mahsuds. B_zan j SWe Khan.

DAULAT KHBL.-A. lemmt.of GhaUb Khan. Khd, Malikdi~ Khel MaJ.ij[dinlKhel; (4,000),

· Afridis. Samil. HeQdmen; Alam Khan, Ohorai, Kassim, ~id, &id QIndam. JU" Ii Ak.h.undztd,a., 1tf.irQ, ilir Mix Az~ lUr S~I». AWn, l'IIl~ Ahmad, NUl' Jan~

DAULAT KHBL.-A minor · ;&Mtion.of 1Wb. Khel. AIW', · (1.000)' Bud.ai, ~a1rb Khel, Afri~. Samil .. H~en; Pir Gul, Sa4r, l»ail Hak, KPn~ .. n, ~ Jan, Rahmatulla, Madakld..

D.u~u lfllB-L (65.; Tartan.). -A divisi~ of M.uJ.lagoris, a vassal clan of the Moh • maB~. .

DAtnlATUI (Zhob).-A miqor frsct.ion of Ibrahimzai, Shado,:ai, Ali Kha}, S",,~, ~

)#..trL6r!z,u.-A di~!!io~ of 14M~.~:u_

DAULATZAI (i,400; Mastura valley ad Land1l11!i pass).­One of the font clans of the OrakuUit. Bamil. 100 .of them. are ShiaJla.

DAULATZAI8 (5(Y.); Ghazniand Kalat-i-GlrJ.lgal).-One of the. ~awia.Qh nacling elans.

1,)All'IiAUAI t60 ; Zarghlln molJ,fttain,east of Quetta).­A di'Yision of DuUl/U', Kakars.

D ... VLU KJUN KHEL.-A liI~tiQn of 1the Ibrahim Kbel, o..iaizai, llias7Ai" Buner­wa.ls.

DAULAUN KH:u.~A. seeth)n of Hanzar Khe', (36U), Ib.him Khel, U<1lJllAn~i })jnowasa Khel W uU:s. H~IdDlaD.';' Gul M.mmad Shah.

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DAWlIZAI (l,OOO).-One of the affiliated Mohmand clans. Headmen; Ha.zur Khan, Habib Jan; see note on page 46.

DAWIZAI (Welt of Dera Ghazi Khan Distri,ct).-A sub­division of ·N omi, Lahar­zai, M usa Kliels. Headman; Shah Baz.

DBHGAN .-A minor fraction of Umar Khel, Ali Khel, Khaddar Khel (770), Moh­mit Khal, Utmanzai, Dar­WElsh Khel Wazirs.

DBHGA.lIr.-A tribe inhabiting Kunar, Laghman and Nin­gmhar. A few Dehgansare also to be found in Zurmat a.nd Bajaur. The Dehgans are said to be descendants of the Indian races origin­any inhabiting North-East­ern Afghanistan.

DnvllZl KHEL.-A minor fraction of Mohmand Khel, Xattia. Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha". Khan Khal, Kuki

. Khel (4,600), Afridis. Gar.

DBSHIW ALB (720; B I 11.'0 k. Mountain).-A tribe of S.wa~i origin.

DBWABZAI (40; Z a r g hun . mountala, east of Quetta.)­

.. A division 'of the Dumar, Kakars ..

DBANNI KHBL (40).-A minor fraction of the Shumi Khel, Palli Khel, Mana,.ai, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headmen; Bare Khan, A.hmad Khan.

DHllnn: KHEL (35}.-A minor fraction of the Gurri Khel, Doohi Khel, Palli Rhel, Manazai, Ali.z&i, "Mahsnds. Headmen; Amm, Diwar.

HUNI KHEL.-A minor frac.. tion of B ilal Khel, Keimal Kbel~ UrmuZ Khel, Sipah (1,200), . Afridis. SamiI. Headmen; Gul, Salim.

DIDAOBI.-A sub-division of Warukj), Dana, Battannis. Headman; Adam Khan.

DIGAN KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Datta Khal, Abdul Khel, Bora Khel (1,000) Mohmit Khal, Utmanzai, Darwesh KhelWazirs.

DIG,.:B KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of 'Morib Khel, Utman Khal, Takhti Khel, Bakka Khal, Wali Khel, U tmanzai, Darwesh Khel W azirs. Headman; Islam Khan.

DIHGAN (15).-A minor frac­tion of Ida! Khel, Muham­mad Khel, Malakh, Mallizad • Dawaris. Headman; Zar­badshah.

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57 DILAZAKS.-A pe(ple Scythia DINUN KREL.~A minor

origin who inhabited the fl"actioD; of Shpall'ai KheI, Peshawar valley befere the Zargun Khel (SliO), Galai, Pathan invasion. Scattered ~daln Khel, Afridis. families 'of them are· still

. to be found along the left DOD KHEL.-A minorfractlon bank of the Indus ill the ' of Mir Hasani, Macha, Mad-Hazara and Rawal Pindi da Khel (1,600), Ibrahim districts,' Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh

Khel Wazirs. DILD.R KHEL.-A minor,

fraction of Mo hms.nd Khel Kbattia Khel, Hassan Khel, :M.itha Khan Khel, Kuki : K hel (4,5(,0), Afridis. Gar, Headmen; Baghi, SlIoidal, Ghanni, Torbaz.

DIL :iI,. AXI (14,).-A minor fraction of Boya, 'l.'appi?.a.d, Dawaris. Headman; 8heikh Nabi. '.-

DINAB.-A minor fraction of Umar Khel, Ali l\hel, Khaddar Khel (770), Mob­mit Khel, Utmanzai, Dar­we,h Khel Wazirs. Head­man; Zarak.

DINAB.-A minor. fraction of Ali Khel, Shugai, Tori Khel (2,670), Ibrahim Khel, Ut· manzai, Darwesh K hel Wazirs. Headman; Gulli.

DODAZAI (West· of Del'a Ghazi Khan District).-A section of M alizai, Ahmadzai, Balil Khel, Mnsa Kbels. Headman; Lawangai.

DUPARZAI (1,600; Kuram).­A division of Chardai, Turis.

DODI KHEL.-A minor frac~ tion of Titar Khel, I{han Khel, Takhti Khel, Bakka Khel .(1,000), Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Gula­zamir.

DODI KHEL (Bannn District) -A minor frac~ion of Khandal' Khan Khel, Hathi .K hel, Hhin Khel, Ahmadzli.i, DlIol'wcsh Khel WlIozil's. Headmen; Nizam Khan.

DODI KHEL (50).-A sub-div­sion of K haddi, MaHiaud ... Dawaris. Headman; Shah­maddio

Durn (40).-A sub-division of Arghund, Mallilad, Dawal'is. DODI KHEL.-See Laghul' (or H('8.dman ; Millmai. Dodi) Khel.


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DOIlALLl.-A section of Wuzi Khel (800), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai,. Darwesh Khel W 8zirs. Headman; Niyaz Gul;

DOSALLI.-Said to be a soc­tion of Khaddar Khel ('l70). They are really, howevel', a section of Wuzi Khel, :M.ohmit Khel (see above], owning "land IJDong the Khaddar Khel.

DOTUL (1,695}.-A clan of the Allaiwala .

Du DARIZ.-A miJi'C)r fractic.n of Ali K hel, Shugai, Tori, Khel (2,6'10), Ibrahim Khel~ Utmanzai, I Darwesh Khel Wazha. Headman; . GuI Baid.

DRB KHBL.-A section of Wuzi Khel (800), Mobmit Khe), UtmaElzai, Dal'wesh Kbel Wa'l.irs.

DODAL (Nandihal'}.~A divi- DB:JU,t:A.-~ee Kattagarm. sion of the N andihari Swatis.

DODAlt: KHEL.~(Bannu Dis­b-ict). A minor fract.ion.of Ali KlIel, Muss Khcl, Hathi Khel (~,OJO), Shin K hel, Ahroadzai, Darwelh Khel Wazh's.

DODAZAI {I 50 ; West of Dera Ghazi Khan Distrlct).-A sub·division of Nokuf.ai, Lahal'zai. :MUM K hel. . Hcadmen; Panzai. Balak, Dawarzai, Bazi, Mandizais Khan Daoran.

VOST MALI KHEL.-A sec­tiOll of the Bazar Khan Khel, Utman Khel (400), Daulatzai, Orakzais. Samil.

DOTANNls.-See Dauta.nis.

DR1~ NAMI.-A minor fraetion c..f Mllsakki, Wuzi Khel (~OO), Mohmit Khel, Utman· zai. Darwesh Khel Wazin.

DBB N A MI.-A minor fraction of Balal Khel, H38an Khel (40U), Mohmit Khcl. Ut­mnnzni. Darwash Khel Wnzirs. Headmen j Malak­din Khan, Niyaz Muham­mad.

DJlEl'ILARA.-A sub·division of Shakhi, Waraspun. Battan­nis. Headmen; Husen (Ghul'buru). Ashak (Miani) •. ~aidal (Ismailak).

DRE PUURI.-A ·minor frac­tion of Asat Khel, W uzi Khel (SOO), Mohmit J\:hel, . Utmanzai, Dal'wesh Khel Wazil's.

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, 59

DBB PILLABI.-A minor frac­tion of Muhammad Khel, H a~sa.n Khel (4011 ).

Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Dal'Welih Khel Wazirs. Headman; Sippar ..

DaB PILLABI.-A pection of Tori Khel (2,670), Ibl'8.him Khe], Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel W azire. Headmen; Miandin Khan, Khari, Shahaadin, Amaldar~ Keili.

DBBPILLARI-A minor frac­tion of Sarki Khe], Mad­do. Khel (l,tiOO), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Da.rwellh Khel Wazu·s. Headmen j

Modai, Pyall, Aki Khan, U mar Khan and Biyan.

DBBPUBA (260).-A section • of Khusrogi, Nasr-uddin,

Zakha Khel A£ridis. Samil. ri t>admen j aee Mil' Kalan

Khel, Dadu Khel, and Bur­ban Khel lub-"ectiODI.

DBEPtABA.-A section of Paindai (940). Nur-ud· din,: Zakha Khel Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Chik· kun, Tamas, Anwar, Nazr Din.

DBIGZAI (374 j Thai Choti ali).-A clan of the Lunw.

DUtRA KURL (Dir).-A sec­. tion of Sultall Khel, Sesada,

Mali·tai, Y usafzais.

.Du}[.l_ (34.0; Zarghun Mountain, east of Quetta). -A liakal' elan. Headmen; Azmal, Vmar, and Kwadad (Nokarzai). Rahimdad, Lal· han,. Bahawal (B!lrzai) ; Lalbeg (Dewal'Zai). Sabur (DaulB.tzai). Husen.(Faizai).

Duxus (1,885).-A division of Sanzar, Kakal's.

DuR, see Madi Khel and Dul'.

DURAJrII -(100,000) The do· minant' race of Afghans; and tae .one to which tho pretent ruling family of Kabul belongs. The Dura­nis have two bn~nohes, the Z'irak and tbe Panjpai. ~o the fOl'tner belong t~e Popalzai, Alikozai, Barak­zai and Aebakzai, to the latter the N nrzai, Alizai, Isakzai, K hokani and Maku tribes. See also flad07.ais and Bar Duranis.

DuR..\B (300}.-A section of Khusrogi, Nasruddin f ZBkha Khel Afridis. Samil. Hcad. me~ ; Eee Bucha Khel.

. c 2

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60 , DUIlBA KHBL.-A section of

Hamza Khel, Gandab Fa­limmi, Mohmands. Head­

"Se.mU. Headmen; see Yar Muhammad Khel.

men; Rogh Muhammad, DUB KHn (105).-A minor Dauran, Samf, Sahibroz, Yar fra!!tion of Babakki, Ha.ssu Gul Akbar, Gul Ali, Izzat I Khel, Tor, Mallizad, Dawa.-Khan, A~ir Khan. I ris. Headmen; Badar, Mir

K Rzam. DiwaD80 Khan, DUBBA KHBL.-A section of II Niazgai.

Ramza l\he1, Kamali, Ra-limmi, Mohmands. Head-' DUltMA KOB (500; ".Lalpnra,. man; Jamal Khan. I" Loi Shilman).-A section

. of Shah Mansur Khel, Dadu DUBBI KHEL.-A sub-division Khel, Tarakzai, Mohmands.'

of "K!\mbar. Ksmbar Khel"! Headman; Akbar Khan, (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Head-! Khan of Lalpura. men; Muha.mmad Sher: Khwaja Ali, Yaro, Nurai II DUBMUB KHEL (C5).-A sec-.sher Khan, Hamid. tion (If Umar Khel, Nana.

" Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds. DURDAN KIIEL.-'A section of Headman; Zawakal.

}luS80' Khel, Kuz-Sulizai. Baizai, Akozai-Yusufzai DUTANIHs.-See Dantanis. Swatis.

})rBJI KHEL.-A sub-division of Karna Khel, Malikdin

'Kht'\ (4,0(,0), Afridis.

DUM or CHOTULIWAL.-(28). -A division of Spin, Tarins. Headmal!.; Shahbaz. Khan.


iMANI KHEL.-A miMI' nac-l tion of Baghdad Khel, Kei­mal l{hel, Urmuz Khel, ~}pa.h (l,20a), Afridw ..

Sami!. Headmen j Khaneza­man, Lal Muhammad, She ... Jan.

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F F&lUI (30; east of Quetta) .

. -A division of Dumar, Kakars.

F.A.IZUlLA KOB.-A minor fraction of Hanra Khel, Shati Khel, W ali B~ Kot. Gandab, Halimzal, Moh­'mands: Headman; MUllhki.

Yusu/zais and atG taxed by them.

FAURZ.U (Zhob).-A section of Mirzai, Alizai, Sanzar, Kakars.

FARIDAI (SO).'--A minor frac­tion of Khamar Khel, Gidi Khel, Manazai, Albai,

F A][IBAN.-A section of Barim Mahsud~. Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, :Dawaris. Headman; Gul' FABID KHIL (Khanki vallcy;. Khan. -A sub·division of Salla

Khel (80), Ismailzai, Orak-

FAKIBAN (12).-A minor frac­tion of Khuttay, Taib K.hel, Arnzoni, MalHzaa, rawaris. Headmen; Arsalaband, Juma .Akbar.

FAKIR KBBL.-A minor frac­tion of Ashrab Khel, Ismail Khel, Bozi Khel, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim K hel, Utmanzai, Darwesh K1iel Waziri!.

"FAUBNA1U."-A term which covers Gujllol"S, garden. ers, J»lou~bmen, tanners, moslc18ns, arJz"DII, menial aervants, carriers, pedlar!!, etc, who live amongst the

zais. Samil. .

FARID KHBL.-A minor :frac­tion of }!'eroz Khel, Mashi Khel, llannia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuji Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen.; MuUa Na­zir, Mirwal, Said GuI.

FABIGH SHAH KOB (South of Kharma.na rivel').-A sec­ti(,n of Alizo.i (50), Ma;;u-2ai, Lashkarzai, Orakzais. Bamil. Headman; NUl"


FARIGH SHAH NM ... "I (Samana, and Khanki va!­ley).-A 8ub·divbion of

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H .. bl .. Kltol (700), Ismailzai, U,,"kll"lil. l:Jamil. Ii cadmen j

'I\\hh' l!4h .. h, Kamal', Azadi, M "111\11\1\,,,11 Zaman. Mh' Ar."I, Uhulam Muhiud'din, Willi, Wuh',

rn'lIll KUAN KIIEL.-A sub­,1"""1011 of Utmllon Khel (Ml(l), nloulatzo.i, Orakzais. ~lunU, H~adruan; Khanak.

l".nu KlUX KBBL.-A minor • fn",tlon of Marui Khel, Basi 'Khul, KalUal Khel, Sahib Jan, Aka Khel, (1,800), Afl'idl". ~ami1.

1!'ATIU KBBL.-A minor frae­tinn of Sab Khel, Shekhai, Aunai (l,OCO), Budai, Zakha Khol, Afridis. Samil. 1I11admen; Khalu, AlimlloSt, 1\ hnnnra.st, Alignl.

r ATIB KBBL.-A minor frac­titlD of Sultan Khel,)!uran Khel, Babakri, Sipah ) ,200), Afridis. sawil. Headmen; Naz Karim, Iran, Gul Muhammad.

Muli) Khe], Salarzai, Ilia.s­zai, BUnerwals.

FATBHMIR KR:BL.-A minor rra.ction of Ahmadbeg {{hel, Mohib Khel. Shekhai, Annal (1,' (0), Budai, Zakha Xhel Afridi.'i. Samil. Headmen; Shahzada, Arsala., Aligu!.

F A'rIlU. KOB.-A minor frao. tion of Sharagh Khel, Kad. dam Khal, Feroz Khel, Mashi Khel, Mannia Kliel, Hassan Khel, MitM Khan Khel, Knki Khel (4,5CO), Afr:t­dis. Gar. lieadmen ;888 Fa.lid Khel Section. .

F ATOZAI. - A section of Mirzai. Alizai, Sanzar, ~ak~s. .

FATTER KRBL.-A minor frac­tion of Miri Khel, Pakhai (1,('00), Budai, Zakha.· KheJ. Au.'idis. Bamil. HMd.meb; see Shahbeg and W 80llibeg Khe!.

F ATTBR KBEL-A section of Tar! Khel,Shakhi, Waras.

• pun; Battannis.

J!'ATBK KREL.-A aub·divi- FATTER KREL.-A sub-divi· aion of Abdul Khel, Kuk.i sion of Abazai,Khwazazai. Khel (4,500), AfridiB. Gar. Akozai-Yusu:fzai, Swatis. Headmen; Mulla Anwar'

FATTER KREL.-A !lub-divi. sion of Ali Khel, Bar-Rani-

~hah, GuInnI', Sa~d Ali.

FArlK KBEL.-A minol' frac- 1..ai, Akozai-Yusufzai tiun d Hati Khel, Mali (or . Swatis •

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FnuB: KBEL (8).-A section of Barim Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head­mall; Bahawal Khan.

F.nTEB: KOR.-A minor frac­tion of Rami K hel, Kadai Kor Gandab, Ha1imzai, Mo­hmands. Headman; Sar­kai.

Pi~wA. KHBL.~A minor frac­tion of Muhammad Khel (700), Isperka. Kalu Khel, AhmadzBl, Dal'Wesh 1{ hel Waziris. Headman; Habib Gut:

FUIL KHEL.-A minor frac­tioll of Ya Khel, Babu KIleI, Adinzai, Khwazazai, Akozai - YUSuf1.a.i Swatis.

iI'.uLt KOR.-A minor fraotion of. Baalll Kort WaH Bt'g Kor Gandab, Halimzai Moh­manda. Headml'n; Babs.­dur, Zulkadar, Nazro.

FBIOI KHBL.-A section o£ Tor Sapar (350), Galai, Adam Khel, Afridis.

P'EIOZ KHBL.-A minoT frac­tion of Mashi Khel, Mannia Khel, Hassan 1\hel, Mitha. Khan Khel, K uki Khel (4,600), Afridis. Headman; lee Mashi Khel.

FlROZ KHAN KOR.-A minor fraction of Ali Khan Khel, Ali Karan. Mamuza.i (3,500), Lashkarzai, Orakzais. dead­man; Firoz Khan.

FIBOZAt (1,000. extremr north-east of Buner).-A sub·division of Chagarzai. Malizai, Buucrwals.

F 1lOZ KHEL (j(); Del'a Ismail Khan Dhtrict).-Nomadic, a minor fl'Mtion of Baloch Khel, Isot Khel, Klan Khet, Loha~. Pawindabs. Head­man; see Mian K hal.

. FIROI KHEL (SO; Dern Ismail Khan Distl'ict).-Nomadic, a minor fraction of Pasant, Isot Khel, Miau Khal, Lo' hana, Pawindahs. Headman; ace ?dian Khel. .

FIROZ KHBL.-A Bub·division of NiamlLt Khel, Tatta, Bat­tannis .. Headman; Dinak.

FIBOZ KHn (1,000 ; Maulr· ghar, and Maatura valley).­A division of the Daulat,.a.i, Orakzais. Sainil.

FUTTEH KBEL.-A minor fraction of Kattia Khel, Hassan Khl't, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khet (4,1)00). AfridiB. Gar. Headmen; Gul Ha.ssan and Asad Khan .

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(hDAI KHEL.-A seotion of Kn.mbar Khcl, Bazoti (500.). Daulatzai, Orakzais. Samil.

• <hDAIZAI (900; Southern slopes of the lIam and ])osi1'1i. mountainll).- A divi­sion of Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

<hDAZ.U (West of DrI'a G-nazi Khan DMrict).-A· section of 1nzai, Husan Khel, Balil J{hel, M usa K he1s. fI ead­man; Ali Multammad.

GADOI ABEL (50.; D(,l'a . Ismail 1\ han Disttic~ ).­

N omadk, a minor f!'action of U ml'zai, Sein Kht·l, Mian Khel, Lohana, Pawindahs. Headman; see Mian Khel.

GADU KHEL.-A seotion of Tatar Khel ()l' Akhol'wal (:-JOO), Hassan Khel, Adam Inel, Afridis ..

GADUNS (2,80.0; Mahaban). A tribe of Pathslls, some of whom also live in Bdtish territory:

GAGA.:ZA.lS (450).--A clan of the Utlhtaranas. The divi­sions, etc., of the Gagelzais are not separately indexed in this Diotional·Y.

GAJlI KHEL (30).-A ~inor fra('tion of Salimi Khel: Dachi Khel, Palli KheJ .. Mitnazai, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headman; Ayaz Shah.

GAJRAI CJ.).-A sub division of. Shamezai, Rakanwal. Lunis. . Headman; see Shamezai.

GAZER KOR.-A section of the TJmsr Khan Khel .. Alisherzai (3,O:JO) "LRtlhkar­,ai, Orakzais. Samil. Head4 lUan j AU Sheikh.

·GA.l>o.-A division of MandaI, GALH (1,4'1O).-A division of Utmall Khels. . Adam Khel, Afridis. .

GADOZAI (30).-A seotion of Land, Amand, Ahma.d Khel, Oba, I\hd, Sheran.Ui.

GALBmAHI (696).-A div-i­sion of Shaman Khel, Alizal Mahsudl! .

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GALl KBBL . ......:.A minor frac­tion of Kasim Khel (25CJ), Kimo.~ Khel, Jawaki: Adam Khel, Afridis.

G~LLA KaBL (7).-A sub­division of Boya, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headman; Shah­nawaz.

. G.1LL PAO (Da.jaur)~-A sec· tion of Kalut Khel, Nul'

. Khel, Samilzai. Tarkanis.

GAl.ZADA KBBL.-A minor fraction of Aib Kor, Shaikh Khel, Aib Khel, Sa1arzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwah.

GANDAPtf'BS (l,aOO; Dero. Ismail Khan District).-A small tribe, of Pawindah origin. Headmen.; Guldad Khan, Naurang K han. The claus, etc., of the Gandapu1 s are not separa~ely indexed in this dictionary.

GANGI KBBL (400, Wa'na; 400, Gumatti).-A minor fraction of Borni Khel, Nasradin, Llu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel, Wazir.:l.

GABA KHBL.-A. minor frac­tion of Kundai, Tor Khel, U marzai (600" Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh~ Khel, Wazirs, Headman ; Fazal.

GABIiB.U (l70).-A minor :fraotion of the Shumi Khel, Palli Khel, Manazai, Alizai . Mahsuds.

GABWIS (8,OOO).-A. b-ibe inhabiting the head of the Swat valley. They are probably allied to the Kobis­tanis .

GAt.'HAB KHBL.-A. minorfl'ac­tion of TUl'8am Khel, Nazar Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel, Madda Khel tl,600), Ibrahim Khel, Ut­manzai, Dal'wesh Khel, Wa­zirs.

GAZNI.-A section of Khaki­zai, Ashazai, lliaszai, Bune-r­wals.

GIGA KHEL (140l.-A minor fraction of Sher Khel, Haibat }{hel, Nana Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds.

GBAIBI KHEL.-A. sub·divi­sion of Babakri, Sipah (1,200), Afridis. Samil. Headman; Darya Khan.

GHAlBI KHEL.-A sub-divi­sion of Bahram·ka-Khel, Bar B ani zai, Akozai­Yusufzai Swatis.

GXAIK KOB.-A minor frac­tion of Sroh, Dusha. Khet.


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Kamali, Halimzai, Moh­mandl. Headman; Khani­zama.n.

(JSAIBU KBBI .. -A minor fraction of Dakar Khel, Idal Khcl, Hathi Khel {2,OOO) , Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Dar­welh Khel Wazh'S.

<1n!L ...... A minor fraction of K a.rim Khel, Jamal Khel, Malik Shahi (400), WaH Khal, Utmanzai, .Darwesh K hel, Wazu·s. Headman; Pirjao.

GSAUl' KHEL.-A minor frac1.ion of Dosalli, Wuzi Khel (8CO),· Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Dal'wesh Khcl Wazirs.

GSU.T KSBL (Bannu Dis­tl'ict).-A minor fraction of Kundi, Pil'ba Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), ··Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwcsh Khel Wazirs.

GSALlB . KHAN KHBL.-A sub-division of Malikdin Khel, Malikdin Khel (4,000), Afridi&.. Samil. Headmen; Bazmir, Gholai Jan ,Huzrat Gul, Kolkai, Miran Mil', Zaman, MuBa Mansur Payao, Rasul, Salim, Sardar, Akbar, Dostai, Sher Gul, Zat:if, Shamsuddin..

GHALIB KH4N KHE s!'ction of the Mil' A Khe1, Alisherzai (3 IJash.kal'Zai, Orah.ais. f Headman; Ibrahim K

GSA.LIB KS4N KOR.-A· fraction of Ali Khan Ali Karan, Mamuzai (3 LaRhkal'zai, Orakzais, Headman; Arsala.

GHA-LIB KBBL (151).-.A division of the Bad: Shaman Khel, Mahsudl

GIIALIBZAI (l3).-A sion of Drigzai, I Headmen; Khudar (~ zai), SUl'at (Shamb Ghani (Gaganzai).

GHA.NI KSEL.-A minor tion of Mil' Hasani, M Madda . Khel (1. Ibrahim Khel, Utm~ Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

GSARU KB'EL.-A minor Hon of Asbmf Khel, K Khel, Sahib Jan, Aka J

• (1,800), Afridis. Sa.m

GBAZALMAI KILLA (35; minor fl'action of D~ Khel, Ph'an Dangar : Muhammad Kh!'l, Ma Mallizad, Dawal'is. I men; Ghazo Shah, Sar

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GKAZI BIG. KOB (lO:»).-A IIt!Otion of Ibrahim Khel, Kamali, Halimzai, Moh­

. mands. Headmen'; -Abbas, Muciasir, Muh-ammad Gul, Bad~hah, Gul Said: .

GK.lZI KHAN (50; Black Mountain).-A section of Tasan Khel, Await lsazai; Yusufzais.

aKUI KHBL.-A min~r frac­tion of Baghdad Khel, Kelmal Khel, Urmuz Khel, Sipah (1,200), .II fridis.

. Samil. Headman; Abmad Shah.

GRAZI KHIL.-A Bub.division of' Dawat Khel. Khwa.ezai, :M:ohmands. Headman; Said, who is the Khan of LaJpura's .. Kazi."

GK.lZI KHEL.-A I minor frae­tion of Mannia Khel. Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel, (4,5UO), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; see Mashi Khel.

GK ... I KHEL.-A minor frac· . tion of Mamun Kor, Kandai, Iaa Khel, Pandiali, Moh· manda. Headmen; see Isa Khel.

GK.1Z1 KOB.-A minor frac· tion of Durbs. Khel, Hs.mza .

Khel, Gandab, Hali~zai, Mohmands. Headman; see Durba Khel.

GHAZI KOB.--'A minor frac­tion of Yardil Kor,Kadaikor, Gandab, Halimzai, Moh­mands. Headmen; see Yardi Kor.

GHAZIZAI (300).-A section of Mehtal'zai, Harun Khel, Sa ... natia, }(akars. Headman; Alif.

GHAZIZAI (15).-A sub·divi· sion of Shamezai, Rakanwal, Lunis. Headman; see Sha­mezai.

GHUNI KHEL.-A minor fraction of Ismail Khel, Makhozai, N asuzai, Iliaszai, Bunel'wals.

GHILZAI KOB.-A Bub·divi­sion of Masaud, Sans, a vassal clan of the Mohmanda.

GHILZAlS (25,o(J0).-A. large and widespread Afghan tribe, who extendAli from Khelat-i·Ghilzai on the south to the Kabul river on the north, and from the Gul Koh rangtl on the west to the Indian Border on the east, in many places over· flowing these boundalies. The main branches of the

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OMl7Aia al'O tho Hotaks. T\lkhl~, NaRirs, Kharotis, 1I1'~I\htl, An,lars, Tarakis and ~I\I\I\ktl. TIle. 6hilzais all I'XI\('mto the Duranis, whom thoy rtlglml as usurpers.

tlIlOT.A)1 Rnn (50).-A minor fraction of Khutta.y, '!'nib Khcl, Amzoni, Mam­r.n.d, Dill' ark H£'admen;

• Ha~.hi Khel, Mehtat· Shah.

OnouM KHEL (7).-A section of Alizai, Darpa Khel, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head­man j Sheikh Muhammad ])in.

K hel, Ambar ·Khel, Mat Khan Kh£'l, Kambar Khel I

(4,500), Afridis Gar Hea.d­men j- Sher Khan, Hamid, and Nurai ..

GHULI KHEL.-A section of Amber Khol, Mat Khan Rhel, Kamhar Kh .. l (4,500).

. Afridis.. Gar. Headmen; Sher Khan. Hamid, Nurai.

GnuLA]( KHBL.-A minor fraction of Balli Khel. Sha.di Khat, Br,m· Khel (1,000), Utmanzai. Darwcsh Khel Wazirs ..

GHULAM KHEL (OO).-A OHORANAI (lO).-A division section of Haibat Kht'l,

of Drigzai, Lunis. . J awaki, Adam Khel, A fridis.

GnORIZAI (500).-A sub-divi­sion of Alizai, Sanzar, K,,· kars.

GnOZ!li:.u (40).-A minor fraction of the Panj Pilara, Abdullai, Aimal Khel, Ba.h­lolzai, Mahsuds.


GnozI f{HEL (60).-A minor fraction of the Shah Amm Khel, K asim Khel, Chahal' Khel, Shaman Khel, Mah­suds. Hea.dmen i Nasir Khan, Amin, Shahboz.

GHULAI! KHEL (15 j Dera Ismail Khan District).­Nomadic, a minor fl-action of Saiad· Khet, Isot Rhel. Mian Khel. Lohana. Pawin­dahs. Headman j see Mian Khe!.

GnUNDA KUEL.-A minor fraction. of Rama Khel. ~hati Khel, WaH Beg Kor, Gandab, Halim7.si, Moh­mands. This fraction goes with the Buch Khet. Head­man j Hazrat Shah.

GHUUI{ ALI KnEL.-A GnuNDI (15).-A section of . minor fraction of Ghuli Barim. Khel, Amzonl.

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Mallizad, Dawans. Head­man; Jalat.

GHUBBUN.-A section of Drc­plara, Shakhi, Waraspun, Ba.t!annis.

GHUT KARRA.-A minor frac­tion of I{arra Khel, Ghaibi K hel, Babakri, Sipah (1,200), Afridis. Samil. H eadmen, S~ Korra K hel.

GHWUUZUS (110; Gomal). A clan of Kakars, living !'cpal"ately from the bulk of the tribe.

GIDr KHEL (1,077).-A sub division of the Manazai, Alizai, Mahsuds.

GIGI&NI.-A small clan at­tachrd to Ranra K hel, Shati Khel, Wali Beg Kor, Gan­dab, Halimv.ai, Mohmands. Headman; Mir Bajan. ..

GILAL (600).-A clan M Allaiwals.

GIGlANIS.-See Gugianis.

GnANI KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Muhammad Khel (700), Isperka, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

GITA KHn (75.)-A section of lIuha'Umad Khel, llalakh,

Mallizad. Dawaris. men; Muhammad Sawan, Watanai.


GOG.AI.-A minor fraction of Mandi Khel, WU7.i Khel (SOJ), lrIobmit Khel, TIt­manzai, Darwesh Khel Wo.-zirs.

GOHURA KOR.-A minor frac· tion of BehTam Kor, Dildar Khel, Mohmand Khel, Kattia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel , Kuki Kh~l (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Ghanni and Tor· bar: ..

GORAl (eOO; Scattered on con­fines of Bajaur).-One of the eight claDS of the Utman Khcls.

GORI KH'EL.-A minor fraction of Khoji Khel, Bozi Khel, Madda Khel (J ,600), Ibra­him Ii hel, Utmanzai, Dar­wesh K hel Wazirs.

GOWHAR KHEL.-A section of Durbi Khel, Kambar Kbel, Kambar Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Head­men; Muhammad Sher,

. Khwaja Ali, Yaro, NUl'ai.

GUURS.-A. stalwart :vIussnl­man pastorMI tribe of Aryan or l'artar orig.in, scattered

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. 70

in large numbers amongst tho Path an tribes, from the JUaek' Mountain to the Kunar dyer. ']'hey own separate villages in or neat the lower hills, lind in Bum­In('r migrate with their flocks to the mountains. Gujars are num('rous in llorth-western India Rnd :1{ashmir. They spenk the l~n· guage of their winter homeI', but have a few words pecu­Iili!' to themselves.

GUGIANI.-(Peshawar Dis-trict). A tribe who inhabit the Doaba 01' plain in the angle between the Kabul and S WIi t !'i vel's.

• GUI. AHMAD KOR.-A section of Khalil Inel, Kasim 1{hel, Tarakzai, Mohmallds. Headman ; SaHal.

Guu KHEL.-A minor fmo­tion of Pira Khl'l, Mh' Ha.'I8ni, :Maoha, Madda K hel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Ut­manzo.i, Darwesh 1\:hol Wa­zil's.

GCLA KHEL (.70).-A minol fraction of Walidad Khel, Ladi Khel, Abdullai, . Aimal Khe', Bahlolzai. Ma.hsuds. H (adman; Aligai.

section of Inzai. Has&n Khel, Balil Khel, Musa ,Khels. Headman; Haru.

GULA:PIB (lO).-A section of Barim Khel; Amzoni, Malli­zad. Dawaris. Headman; Gulaph" '

GULDIN KHEL.-A minorD.'ao-, tion of Dawar Khel, Ismail Khel, Bozi Rhel. MaddR Khel (1,6(,0), Ibrahim Khol, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

GULl' KREL.-A section of Adi7ai, Bobak, Dana, 'Bat­tannis.

GUL KREL.-A section of A Ii Khel, Bobak, Dana, Battan­nis.

GULLA KBEL (Wana).-A minol' fraotion of Zalli K hel (3,000), Boml Khel, Nasl'o.­di!l, Kalu Kbol, Ahmadzai, Dal'Wesh Khel Wazirs.

GULLI FREL (Bannu District). -A minor fra.ction of WaH­~i, Musa. Khe1, l1a.thi Khel (2,000), Shin l\he1, Ahmad· zai. Dal'wesh I\hel Wazirs. Headman; Adam Khan.

GttUNZAI (W('I;t of Dem. GULNA.M KHEL (15).-A minor Ohazi Khan Distriot.}.-A fraction of Pol Khel,

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71 Muhammad Rhel, Malakb, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head-man; Guln~m. .

• GVLo KHBL (Yakhdand).-A

division of Ubnanzai, MoYt­mands. Headmen; see Utmanzai.

GU1UBZAI (West of Dna Ghazi Khan District).-A section of Kabalzai Noku­zai, Laharzai, M usa Khels. Headman; KhatoL

GUNDA KHEL ·(Mahabop).­A i*'Otion of Hasanha,1. Ithe~ Mada Khel, Isazai, Yusuf­zais. Headmen'j see Hasau­baz Khel.

GUNDI KHBL (l,000; Kul'­am).-A sub-division of Landizai, Chardai, 'ruris.

GUNNA KHEL (60).-A minor fraction of t.he Shamak ({·hel Abdullai, Aimal Khel, Bahlol1.ai, lIahsuds. Head­man; Mamak.

GUR1U.Z (1,000 ; southern border of Khost).-Origi­nally a clan of Wazir origin who han since lost all con­nection with the parent tribe. A few familieit still

reside in Shawal, (Headmen; Khan Sahib and Paidil) in the ·Tochi, (Headman; Massan Shah) at Spin Nimal Khel in Mahsud country,· and at Mil'iam, in Bannul.


GuBBUZ.-A misor fraction <of Khan Khel, Takhto Khel, Balli Khel (P)(}O), WaH Khel. Utman~, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Ra,hmat Shah.

QuBBUZ.- One of the four divisions of the Batis, who 8.l'8 a va."!sal clan of the 1iohmandll.

GUBBUZAI (35).-A sub·divi· sion of Darpa Khel. Malli7.ad, Dawaris. Headmen; Shah­zada, Shadi Khel, Lnzar Khel. Shahdarra.

GunI KHBL (l20).-A minor fractiQU of the Da.chi Khel, Palli Khel, :Manazai, Ali:~ai. Mahsuds.

GunI KHBL (60).-A section. of the Shamt'rai, Manazo.if

Alizai, Mahsuds. Headmen; Zale Khan, Karim Khan, Loku.


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H ABIJl.-A sub-division of Nagl'uddin (1,20() to 1,500), Zakha Khel, Afl'idis. Samil. Headmen; Chikkun, Tamas, Anwar, Nazr Din.

HABIBIAN.-A minor fraction of Dreplara, Paindai (940), N asruddin, Zakha K hel, Afridis. Samil. Headmen i see Habib.

H.lBIBZA.I (30).-A sub·divi· sion of Manuzai, Oba Khel, t;heranis.

HAl'IZ KOR.-A section of Kani Khel, Kasim Khel. Tarakv.ai, Mohmands. Head· man ; Abdullah~

HAlAT KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Musil. Khel, Makhozai N 9,suzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwau..

HAIAZI.-A division of the Mahmud Khel, Zmarais. Headman; Sardar Hakim Kllan.


BAIBA'!: KHBL (l,lOO).-A sub. division of Jawaki, Adam Khet, Afridis.

HAIEAT. KXEL (1,1l8).-The most important sub-division of the Nana Khel, B!lhlolzai, Mahsuds.

H.lIEAT KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Aka Khel, Isrnailzai, Danlatzai, Maliza.i, Buner­"als.

HAlBTANAJ.-A section of Tori Khel (2,670), Ibra­him libel, Utmanzai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Head­men i Gnlzamir Khan, Mian­dad, and Lal Khan.

HAIDAR ALl KHEL.-A section of the Fateh Khan Khel, Utman Khel (400), Daulatzai, Orakzaia. Samil.

HAIDAR KHEL (Mastura valley).-One of the foul' divisions of the Miahtis (::1,000), .. HamsaYlls " of the;

HAIBAT KHEL.-A minor fmc- \ Orakzais. Samil. Headman tion of Dardoni, Wnzi Khel, Mehrban. (810), Mohmit Khel, Ut· manzai. Darwesh Khel Wa- !LUDAR KXEL.-A section of drs. \1.a Ali Karan, Mamuzai,

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Laehkarzai, Orakzais. Gal'. Headman; Lal Khan.

HAIDAR KBEL. -A section of the Mil' Ahmad Khel, (Mil' HU88II.in Khel), Fir.~z Khel (1,000), Daulatzai, Ol·akzais.

-Samil. Headman; Bhirin.

HUDAR KBBL (f:52).-A sub­division of the Tor, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Mad Alam, Alif Khan, Gul Khan, Lal Khan, Nazar Khan.

HAIDA.R KOR.-A sub·division of Asaf Khel, Tarakzai, Mohmands. Headmen; see Asaf Khel.

B.lIDRU (123).-A sub-divi­sion of Cha.har Khel, Shaman Khel, Mahsuds.

H AJAI K oR.-A sub·division of Baba.zal Kor, Dawezai,

. Mohmands. Headmen; Ha­Bur Khan, Khalik Jan.

lJ AIDARZAI (100).-A sub­division of Ali~ai, Banzar, Kakars.

HAIDARZAI (280).-4 section of Natozai, Dumar, Sanzar, I(a.kars. Headman; Khani.

HAJI KBBL (20).-A minor fraction' of Poi Khel, Muhammad Khel, Malakh,

Malli ze.d , Dawaris. Head­man; J uma Khan.

HAJI KBEL (400).-A clan of Chamkannis.

HAJI K oR.-A division of Ut· . manzai Mohmands. Head·

. man; see Utmanzais.

HAJIZAI.-A sub-division of IJadu, Rakanwal, Lunis. Headman; see Ladu.

HAKIM KBEL.-A minor frac­tion of Machi Khel, Abdul Khel. Bara Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Utman7.a.i. Darwesh Khel Wazire.

H !KIM KBEL.-A minor frae· tion of Pha. Khel,Jamal I\hel, Malik ShaM (400), Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Dar· wfeh Khet Wazirs. Head­man; Zariban.

HAKIM KBEL.-A minor frac· tion of Bani. Khel, Zargun K hel (300),. Galai. Adam Khel, kfridis.

HAlnK KBEL.-A minor frac. tion of Sharagh Khel, Kadam Khe1, Firoz Khel, Maehi Khel, Mannia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan. Khel Kuki Khel (4,WO), An.idis: Gal'. Headmen; Abbas Hakim and Nazir. '

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Hunt: KEEL (99).-A 'sub­division of Mubarak Shahi, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head­men; Shandai, Ahmad ehah, Mil' Alam, and Sakhadin.

HAKIMZAI (SO).-A section of Sah, Yahia Kbel, Sen Khe], She~anis ..

HAUL TABAR.-A minor fraction of Sikandar Khel, Kanaai, Iso. Nhel Pandiali, Mohmands. For Headmen; see I,ll. Khel.

HALIM KOR.··· A minor fra.c­tion of Bucha Khel, Dural'. (300), Khusrogi, Naal'ud­din, Zakha Khel Afridis. Samil. Headmen; see Bu­

chilo Khe!.

HALIMZAI (130).- A section of 13:11.ai, Harun Khel, Sanatia, Kakars. Headmen; Taj Muhammad and Zargar.


HALIHZAI8 OF K UULI (800) .. - A division (according to location) of Halimzai KamaH Mohmands. For headmen; see Lakai Kor, Khwaju K uhai Kor. Ghazi Beg K 01', Nahaki or Yw;uf Kor,Hamza Khel (Kama.Ii), Ato Khel, Sroh. See note on page 46.

HALKAM'AR KOR.-A minor fraction of Basul Kot', WaH Beg Kor, Gandab, Halim­zai, Mohttlands. Headmen; Abdulla Khan, Yakub, Kokai. '

HAMSAHGAN (20).-A section of Hakim Khe], Mubal'ak Shahi, Mallimd, Dawaris. Headmen; Mil' Alam, Sakhadin, J amadar,

HAHSAYAJAN (19).-A section of Nawar Khel, M.iram Shah, Tappiza.d, DaWRris. Head­men; Mil' Hassan, Gulistan, Fir Khan.

-A sub·divisibn {acoording HA)(ZA.. KEE!. (1,OCO; Kur- ' to location) of the Halimzai am).-A division of Sar-Gandab Mohmands. F()r galli, Turis. headm('n; see Sultan Rhe], . Durba Khel Babi Khe], I HAMZA KEEL (450).- A sub-Barn Khel, Yardil Kol', division of Gandab, RaUm-Rahmatal Kor, Tatasar, zai, Mohmands. For head-Dawat KheI~ :Hami Khel, men; see Sultan Khel, Sha.ti Khel, Basul Khel. Durba Khel, Be.bi Khe], See note on page 46. BILl'll Khel.

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(150).-A 8ub·diviaion of Kamali, HalimzlLi, Moh­mandll. Headmen; Jamal ]{han (Dul'ba Khel), Jabbar, Raza 1\ han, Faiz To.lab, Ghani, Ja.mal, Muhabbat, Zal'ghun l Ghansai, Jangia, Baz Khan, ZainulJa Khan, Sarfaraz Khan, Moroha,

. Dara Shah, Ajmer.

HAliZA KHEL.-A seotion of Bal'kazai, Dauillotzai, Mali­zai, Bunerwals.

HAMZAZ.u (1,000; West of Dera Gbazi Khan District). -A division of BallI Khel, Musa Khels.

H.A:lIZAZAI8 (2,000; Mekhtar). A division of Sanzar, Kak8.1·s. Headmen ; Gano (pakehZaij' Anwar Khan (Barozai, Wazir Khan (Mahozai , Shams Khan (Mandozai), Yasin (S:lfal·zai).

HARI' KOR (Part in Moh­mand, part in British terri­tOl'y).-Aseotion of Kani Khel, Kasim Khel,. Tarak­zai, Mohmands. Headmen; Khad Gu! ,Khadi Gul, Jallal, Zehr Gul.

HARIPAL (800).-A elan of Shel·anis. Headman; Mulla Abdul Hak.

HARUN KHEL (6,108).-.e of the two divisiom of saM.-

. tia, Kakars. Headmen; Guldad (Shamozai). Sirdar Habo Khan (:Mehtarzai), Sirda.r Bai Khan (Sarang­zai), BI~idula (Bazai), Sirdar Ibrahim Khan (Panizai).

HARuN' KREL (100; Dera Ismail Khan District).­Nomadic, 1\ minor fraction of &.looh Khel, Isot Khel, Mian Khel, Lohana, Pawin­dahs. Headman; see MilLu Khcl.

HASAN BEG KHEL.-A. minor fraction of Kandao' Khel (4f!0), Ashu Khel, Hassan Khel, Adam Khel, Afl'idis. ~

H ANGU KHBL(Bannu District). -A minor fraction of Dodi Khel, Kbandar Khan Khal, Hathi Khel, Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel W'azirs. HASAN KHBL (4.50; Maha­

ban). A sub-division of HAN I.-A sub·division ofl Mada Khel, lsazai, Yusuf-

Panezun, Sanzar, Kakars. Zo.i8. .

HARAMZAI (60).-A dMsion HASAN KHEL.-A minor frae-of Mathel, Sheranis. Hon of Jalal Khel, Mali (01'

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:M uli) Khel, Sal8.rzai, Ilia.szai, Bunerwals.

HASAN KHEL. -A snb·divisicn of Gadaizai, Iliaszai, Buner· wals.

H AqAN KHEL.-A sub·division of Sham ezu,i , Khwazazai, Akozai-Y llsu£zai Swa'.is.

HA.'l.A.N KHHL (29ii).-A divi· sio,9 of Khoidad· Khel, Z.ukhts.

HASAN KH'EL.-A minor frac· tion of Mawsl Khel (760), Haibat Khpl. Jawaki, Adam Khel, Afriditl.

Khan (Kotwal), . Sherdad (Mir Ahmad Khel), Najim Khan, (Zakal'ia Khel). Tora Khan. (Lughman Klrel), Aladad (Kaka Knel). Saiad Azim Shah.

HA~HA.M KOR (Utmanzai); (Yakhdand).-A division of Utmanzsi, one of the affiliat· ed Mohmand clans. Head. men ; see U tmanzai.

HASHAM KOR (Khwaezai).-A sub·division of Kbadi Khel, Khwaezai, Mobmands.

HASHMI KHBL.-A section of of the Bazar Khan Kh~l,

HASAN KHEL (1,liOO; West U~man Kh~l (~O~, Daulat· of Del'a Ghazi Khan . Dis· I zaI, OrakzalS. Sam I!. trict).-A division of Baolil Khel, Musa Khels. I HA'lN.-A sub·divi!lion of

Panezun, Sanzar, Kakars. HASANBAZ KHEL (450; Maha· . . •

ban).-A sub· division of I HA.~SA.NI KOR.-A sub·dIVI· Mada Kh'.ll, lsaza.i, Yusuf. R10n of Muhammad Khan zais Kor, Burhan Khel, Moh-

. manda. Headmen; Said ASA.N z.u (50).-A section of Gul, Shahlai; Badshah,

Barakzai, Taragbal'i, Sanzar, Narai, Malik. l,{akars. Headman; Guli.

HASANZAIS (2,300; 'Black Mountain and both sides of Indus). A division of lsazai, Yusufzaiq. IT ead· men; 11 Rahim Ali Khan, (Khan KheI, and Khan of the . Hasanzais), B amid

HASSAN KHANZAI (2).-A sub· division of Balezsi, Rakan· wal, Lunis. Headman; see Salezai.

BAssiN KUEL.-A sub·divi· sion of Abba Khel, Tatta, . Battannis.

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77 HA.SUN KEEL (Ningrahar and

Upper Helmand).-Noma­die, A sub·division of DR.-we' mi, Kuchis. Headmen; Haji Islam, Abdul Karim, Abdul Wahab, Ghulam, Lalagai.

HASSAN KHEL.-A sub·divi· sion of Alishel'zai (3,OUO), Lashkal'zai, Orakzais. Samil. Headman; Shalabaz.

HA.SSAN KHEL (SO).-A section of Shamerai, Manazai, Alizai,

. Mah~uds. Headmen; Khd· ari, Zal'dast.

HA.RSAN KliEL (40).-A minor fraction of the Kharmach Khel, Naza.r Khel. Aima1 Kht'l, Bahlolzai, Malllmds. Headmen; Aitwal', Ashik, Shawar Din.

HA.SSAN KllEL.-:-A division of Dawezai, Mohmands. Headman; Habib Jan.

HASSAN KEEL (400; Kaitu and Laram).-A sub-division of Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel W azirs. H cadmen; see Muhammad Khel and Baln.1 Khel.

HASI!AN KHEL.-A sub·divi· sion of Khabi Khel, Malik· din Khel (4,000), Afridis. Sami!. Ht'admen; Dal'ya Khan, Dauran, Yar Khan.

HASSAN KHEL.-Asection of Pukkai (1,01.0), Budai, Z:lokba Khel, Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Zann, Sharabat, Saidai, Mil'din, Madrai, Nadir, Golab Shah.

HASSAN KHEL. (1,900; Kohat pass).-A division of Adam Khel, AMdis.

HA.SSAN KHEL.-A sub·divi­slon of Mit}lI\ Khan Khel, Kuki Khe} (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Hendmt'n; Zaman Khan is the chief; see also Makki Khel, Futteh Khel and Mohmr.nd Khel.

HASSAN KHEL.-A sub·divi­sion of Shrkh Ali Khel, • Kamrai Khal (600), Afl'idis. Samil. Ht'a.dmen; Mulla Amii' Shah, MuUa Akhund­zada., and Shel' W aUi.

HA.8SU KHEL (70).-A see­tion of Urmuz, Tor, Malli­zad, Dawaris. Headmen; N ezam Dm, Sheikhdan.

HABI!.A.N KOB. (Loi Shilman). -A section of Shah Man­sur Rhel, Dadu Khel, Tarak­mi, Mohmands. Headmen; I{haista Khan, Gulistan.

HA.SBANZ.A.I (Mastura valley). -One of the foul' divisions of the Mishtis (S,OOO),"Ham-

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sayas" of the Orakzais. Bamil.

HUSBN KHBL (340). - A Rub­division of lIada Khe], 1M­zai, YUBUfzais.

H .. usu KHEL (808).-A sub· division of Tor, Mallimd, Dawaris. Headmen; Bedil, Dini, Painda Khan, Madda K hcl, . Gul Hassan, Mil' Kazam, Faujdar, Mad Afml, Badal', Mil' Ka.zam.

Hu,u KOB.-A sub-division of Muhammad· Khan Kor, Burhan Khel, Mohmands. Headmen; Mahar Khan, Azam, Razo, Saiddal, Mu­hammad Shere.

HATHI KHEL (2,000; Bannu District, ThaI, Shakai, Birmal and Wana). A sub-division of Shin or Sani Khcl, Ahmad­zai, Dal'Wcsh Khel Wazil's. Headmen j sec Khandar Khan Nhcl, ldal Khel, ·Pirba Khel and MUM Khel.

HA.TI KHEL.-A seetio~ of Mali (or Muli) Khel, Salar­zai, Iliuzai, Bunerwals.

H;&.TtT KHEL (5 j Dera Ismail Khan Djs~rict).-Nomadie, a minor fraction of Shadi Khcl, 180t Khol, Mian Khol, Lohana, Pawindahs. Hcad­man j see Kian Khe!.

H.U:AR Buz.-Nomadie, a sub­division of Dawezai, Kuchi, Mohmands. Headmen; Sher Muhammad, FazI, Fazli Ahmad.

fuZAI (W cst of the Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A sub-division of Hnmz8zai, BaHl KheI; MUM Khels. Headman; Saidal.

HBZAI (115).-See Yahia Ah­mad Khel, Oba Khel, Sheranis.

HIDA.RZA.~ (lOO).-A section of Barakzai, Yahia Khel, Sen Khel, Sheranis.

HIDER KHEL (97).-A divi­sion of Chuar Khel, Shfranis.

HILAL KHEL.-A section of Keimal Khel, Urmnz I\hcl, Sipah (1,200), Afridis. Sa· mil. Headman; Gul Salim.

HIliliAT KOR.-A minor frac­tion . of Ghazi Khel, llannia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khal (4,~00), Afridis. Hfadmen; see Mashi Khel.

HINDI KHEL.-A minor frac­tion • of Tor, .Tani Khel (1,0:)0), WaH Khfl, Utman­zai, Darwcsh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Malkun, Pir Makhm!'.d.

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'7~ "

HU'DKI.-The name given'to the Hindus who inhabit Af­ghanistan. 'fhey are of the Khatri class, and are found all over the oonntry, even among the wildest tribes. Bellew estimates their num­ber at about300,O~O souls. The name H indki is also loosely used on the IT pper Indus, in Dir, Bajaur &C. to denote thl' speake18 of Pun­jabi or any of its dialects; and it is further somelimt>S applied, in a hi~tol'ieal sense, to the Buddhist inhabitants oi the Peshawar valley north of the Kabul river, who were oriven thence about the 5th or 6th century, and settled in the neighbourhood of Kandahar.

HINDaI KOB.-A minol' frac­tion of Rasul Kor, WaH l:\eg Kor, Gandah, Halimzai, Mohmands. Headmen; Malikdad, Hussain, Gulab Khan.

HINDUSTANI F ANATICS.-A band of fanat illS recruited from Hindustan, who have inhabitrd val'ioull pOliions of the Chagbarzai, Amazai, Cham la, and Buner hills. They are now said to be re­siding in Chaghal'zai terri­tory, and to number some gOO men under their aged leader,

Maulvi Saiad Abdulla.. Latest infol'mation pointa to their desire to return to Amazai limits.

HOSBNZAI (260).-A IQinor fraction of Barakzai, Tal'­ghari, Sanzar, Kakal'S.

l-IOTIZAI (8).-A sub-division of Malezai, Rakanwal, Lunis.

HOZI J{HEL" (23).-A se<)tion of Gurbuzai, D~rpa Kh"el. Mallizad, Dawaris. Head­men; t'amai, Zerakki, Madi Shah, Zanpil' Shah.

HURAMZAI (~OO; Zhob).-A division of (Northern) San­zar, Kakarl!.

HURU¥ SHAUl "(150).-A minor lraction of Mnlazai. Panizai, Harun Khel, Sana­tia, Kakars. Headm.a.n ; Mulla Nur Muhammad.

HUSAIN KHBL (Sen Khel).­A sub-division of Utmanzai, Bar Ranizai. Akozai­;Y usnfzai Swatis.

H usRNZAI (West of Dera Ghazi Khan DiBtric\).-A lIub-division of Ahmadzai, Balil Khel, Mum Kbels.

HUSRNZAI. -A divi,ion of Mabmud Khel, Zmf,raia.

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Headmen; Kaki Khan Lan- tTussEIN KHEL.-A division dai. of Salarzai, Tarkanis.

HUSSAIN KHEL.-A sub-divi­sion of Khabi Khel, Malik­din Khel (4,000), Afridk Samil. Headmen; Darya Khan, DaUl'an, Yar Khan.

HUss.AlN KHEL.-A division of Haji Khel, Chamkannis.

HUSSAIN KHEL (lO).-A sul)e divisi&n of Khaddi, MaIlizad, Dawaris. Headmen; J anlLi, Sheikh Majid.

Iu KHEL (12).-A section, of Tarota, Ida", Tappizad, Dawaris. Headman; Faqir.

IBRAHIM: KHEL. - A minOl' fraction of Kasim Khel (250), Timal KhE'I, Jawak:, Adam Khll, Afridis.

IBRAHIM: KHEL.-A minor fmcHon of Daulat Khel, Ghalib Khan Khel, Malikdin Khel, M alikdin Khel (4,000), Afridis. Samil. Headmen; see Danl at Khel.

IBRAHIM: KHBL.-A snb-divi­sion of Landi K hel, Sipah (1,200), Afridis. Sam il. Haedmen ; Amir, W alli.

HnTAI KOR (400).-A sec. tion of Shah Mansur Khel, Dadu Khel, Tarakzai, Moh­mands. Headmen; Abdul­lah, Babujan, Sayad Rami, Dawezai, Sofi, Mnltan.

HYDER KHEL.--A minor frac­tion of Khizar Khel, Mintar Khal, Muhammad Khel. Has­san Khel (400),Mohmit'Khel, Utma.nzlloi. Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman ; Misrai.

lERA.HIM: KHEL.-A mmor fra :tion of Tarkial Khel, Mnghal Khel, Barmi Khel, J\amrai Khel (6;)0), Afridis. SlImil. Headmen; Amar, Ba"tadUi' Shah, Sifat Shah, Sheradin, Zal'dad Mil' Ali.

IBRA.HIM: KHEL (4,630).-One of the three great divisions of the Utmanzai branch of the Darwcsh Khel Wazirs, viz., Mohmit Khel, Wali Khel) and' Ibrahim Khel, The Ibrahim Khel inoludes the Manzar, Madda and Tori Kbels. H cadman; see the above sub-divisions.

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IBRAHIM KHEL.-':'A sub-divi­sion of Utmanzai, Bar Raniza.i,· Akozai-Yusuflai Swatis. Headmen; Alam Khan, Asla.m Khan.

IBRAHIM KHEL.-·A minor fraction of Muss K}lel, Makozai, Nasuzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

IBRAHIM ·KHEL.-A sub:divi­sion of Gadaizai, Iliaszd, Bunel·wals.

bRAHIM KHEL (Bajaur).-A division of Salarzai, Tarlianis. This is the " Khan" Khel of the elan.

IBRAHIM: KOR.-A minor frac­tion of Dildal' Khel, Moh­mand Khel, Kathia Khel, Hasan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (4,500). Afridis. Gar, Headmen; Baghi, Saidal.

bRAHIX KOB. (Loi Shn­man),-.! minor fra(lt.ion of Durma Kor, Shah Mansur Khel, Dadu Khel, Tarakzai Mohmands.

bRAHUI TABAB,-A minor fl'8ctionof Rajai KheJ,YUill'lf K hel, Iso. Khel, Pandiali, Mohmands. Headmen; life Isa Khel.

IBRAHIM KHEL (Kharmana IBRAHIM Z.u (40).-A divisiun rivel'}.-A minor £I'action of I of Marhel, Shel'anis. the Abdul Mirzi (410), Landaizai, Masllzai, Lash- I IB~AHIMZAIB (Zh?b) -A sec--kal'zai, Ol'akzais. Ga\". tion of Shadoza1, Ah ~hel, Headmen; Aighar, Hazrat Sanzar, Kakars. Nul', Huss:l.in.

IBRAHIM KHEL (40I).-A sub·division of Kamali, Ha­limmi. Moh mands. Head-

. men; Antar, Arsalla. Khan, Redai, NUl'ai, Umar Din, DaUl'an Shah. (Lakai Koo' and Kh"azu Kuhai Kot.)­Abbas, Mudassir, Muham mad Gul Badshah. G~ Said. (Ghazi Beg Kor)-saimall Oul Shah, Zai Khan, Post Khan, Gul. Hamesh, (Naha· ki or Yusaf Kor).

IDn (615).-A division of the Tappizad, Dawaris. Some authorities however, f!lI.y they are a separate clan belong­ing neither to Ta.ppizad, nor Mallizad, Headmen; MA­zaiband, Daisab, QI

IDAL KHEL (Bannu, Shakai' Birmal and Wana).-A sec­tion of Hathi "nhel (2,000), Shin Khel, Ahmadzai. Dar­w~h Khel Wazirs. Head­men ; Bandar Khan, Sheikh l'iyao, Landai, Rasim .~liah.

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b,.l. KBIL.- A sub-division of Ali Khl'l, Bar Ranizai, AkI>r.ai-lusafzai Swatis.

hAL KIIIL (72).-A section of }luharomad Khel, Ma­lakh. Mallizad Dawaris. Ht'8dmcn ; Nazi, Shabid Khan.

In.- KXEL.-Aminor fraction of A'ti Kht'l, Kbaddar 1\.hel (770), Mohmit Kbel, Utmanzai, Darw('sh Khel Wa1.irs. Headmen; N ur Muhammad, Ahmad. Din, lIakach, Ziarai, Sakhe Man, Akbmad, Nambuti.

1Du. KHEL.-A section of Jani Khel (1,000), Wali Khel, Utmanzai.. Dar­wceh Khel Wazirs. Head­men; N a7.am Khan, M ir Birjan, Zarghun Shah, Gul Ghafar, AkaldiJl, Zargai, Sheikh Majid.

IDu KXBL.-A seotion of Ali Kbel, Boba.k, Dana, Hattan­nis. . .

kX'UYAB KXEL.-A mmor fi'&Ction of Badi Kbel, Dal'doni, Wv.zi Khel (800), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Dal'wesb Khel Wazirs.

JKB!IYA.ll KXEL.-A minor ffa~tion of ltohib Khe1, She--

kllai, Annai (1.000), Zakha Kbel, Afl'idis. Headmen; Mir Kadir.

Budat, Samil. Khan,

hHTlYAB KBEL.-Asub·divi­Ilion of Yal' Ali K hel, Kam· rai Kbcl (600), Afridis. Samil.

IKHTlYAR KOB (Kharmana river).-A minor fraction of Ash Khel (580), Khwaja. K hel, Masnzai, tashkarzai, Orakzais. Samil. Headman; Said Ali.

IKH'flTAR ROB (IJoi Shi!­man).-A. minor fraction of Durroa Kor, Shah Mansur Kbel,Dadu Khel, Tan.kzai, Mohmands.

hA.L KBBL.-:A division of Salarzai, Tarkanis.

ILIASZA.I (6,000; Buner \'al­ley. Slopes of Dosirri range); One of the two clans of Bunerwals. Head man; Hast&m Khan of Bampo­.klm, (Salarzai).

hUB' KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of 'l'orsam Khel, Nazar Khcl, Star Ali Khan Kbel, Sarki Khel, .M adda Khel (l,60\), Ibrahim Khel, lTtmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wn.Zil'S.

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lNAll KnoR.-A sub· division 'bABUI.-A seetion of Ah-of Wam, Mamund, Tarkanis. mad Khel, Targhari, San­

INDAS KnBL-A minor frac­tionof Bizen Khel (JOO), Sbadi Khel, N~ra Din, Kalu Khel, Ahroadzru, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Head­man; Nazir Khan.

INDUS KnBL.-A minor frac­tion of Indus Khel, Drepil­lari, Sarki Khel, Madda Khel 0,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khal Wazirs.

zar, Kahrs (Hamsayas).

IUB KHEL (40).-A section of Ta ppi Khel, Bado.n zai, Sha­man Khel, Mahst1ds. Head­man ; Adil Din.

IUB KnBL.-A minor fraction of Shadi Khel, Bam Khel (1000), Mohmit Khel, Ut manzai, Darwesh Khel Wa zirs.

IsA» KnRL (20).-A minor fraction of Nasr KheI,

INDUS KnEL.-A minor frac~ Baidar Khel. Tor, Tapl!i-' tion of Drepillari, Sarki . zad, Dawaris. Headmen; Khal, Madda Khel (1,600), Shnjo, Ghazo. Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, • " Darwesh Khel Wazirs., Iu. ~~BL (Jarobl).-A sub-• I dIVISIon of U sman Khel,

bus KnEL.-A minor "frtc-: Baezai, Mohmands. Head­tion of Pain!la Khel, Manak I men; Pli.yo, ~ola, Gul Khel, I'akhshi Khel, Madda ' Muhammad, MUld. Khel (1,6~0), Ibrahim Khel, 'Iu KnBL (21).-A section of Utm~nzal, Darwcah Khet the BhTi Khel, Galeshahi, WaZIl'$. Shaman Rhel, .Mahsuds.

b ZAl {West of Dera Ghazi Khan lJistrict).-A Bub­division of Hasan Khel, Balil Khel, Musa KhE'ls.

bI (186). -A section of Haidar Khel, Tor, 'l'appizad Dawaris. Headmen; An­daram "han, }'atteh Kl:an,. Kashmir, Ibrahim GuI.

Headmen; Piyao Shah and Kasab.

18' KnEL.-A section of the . Umar Khan Khel Alisher­

zai (3,000). JAshkarzai, Orakzais. Samil. H.ead­man; Ahmad.

Iu. Kn:n (250 ; Samana with Miahtis and .Ali Khels) A

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divisions of the. Ismailzai, 1 manz"li, Dal'wcsh Khol, Orakz:\is. A religious sect. Wazirs. S~il. I

hAZA.I (West of Dera Ghazi Iu. KBBL.-A minor fraction I Khan District).-Asub·divi­

of Bakar Khel, Idal Khel, sian of Hozai, L~hal'za.i, Hathi Khel, Shin Khel, Ah' l Mu;;a KheIs. Headman; medzai, Darwesh Khel Wa· Gulsher. zirs. Headman ; Sheikh Piyao. Iu.zH (.l4.).-A division 01

lSA. KHBL.-A minor fraction of Dosalli, W ud Khel (800), Mohmit Khel, Utman. ZIli, Da.l'w('dh Khel Wazirs.

Iu. KBBL.-A minor fraction of Saifali, Kabul Khel (4,6,)(), Wali Khel, Utman-1.8i, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

Drigzai, Lunis.

Iu.zA.Is (Baja.uJ·).-One of the four clans of 'I'arkanii' oceupying the.T an dol valley. Headman; Saiad Ahmad Khan.

Iu.zlls. *-(On the Indus be­tween the Black Mountain and Mahaban). A clan of

I K (3 8) A b d' . Y u8ufz:lis. SA. BBL 9 .- su· lVl Ml~Al sion of the Ahmad Khel, ....... -A divi':lion of Alizai, Oba Khel, Sberanis. Utman Khels.

IRA KHRL (1.265).-One of ISHAlL.-A section of Khadin the two divisions of Sanatia, Khel. Ashazai. Iliasz:l.i, Kakars. Bunerwals.

ISA. KB;RL .(500).-A division of Pandiali. Mohmandtl. Headmen; Ghubm Khan Pai·ud·din, Hakim, Shah Dad. Guldos~, Rahmgul­Kachkol, Chat, Said Khan, Soh bat, Za.idulbh.-See note on page 46.

IsA. KBEL.-A minor fraction of Mandi Khel, Wuzi Khel (800), Mohmit Khel, Ut-

InU.IL KHRL. (3,000 j Shamil valley, Khost).-A olan of KhOlttwala.

IS~A.IL KBEL.-A section of Makhoz:l.i, Nasuzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

IslllA.IL KHEL.-A sub·divi­sian of Sultan·ka·khel, Bar Ranizai, Akozai-Yustt4'zai Swatis.

• Thl. ter.ul not '1I1&ub used.

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InUIL KHBL.-A suo.divi· sion of the Khoja Hawas Khel, Ali Khel (3,OCO), " Ham!lsyas "of the Orak· mis. Gar. i Shiah.

Is MAIL KBBL.-A section of the Sturi Khel (400), Alizai (Sturi Khel),. Daulatzai, ' Orak mis. S~unil. Headman; Madak.

ISlU.IL KHBL.- A minor frac­tion of Bozi Khel, Madda

. Khan Kar, or 'Bar' Burhan Khal. P andiali, Mohmand~. Hea.dman ; Muhammad Shere.

IU.lLA.X.- A section of Drepml'a, Sakhi. Waraspun, Battannis.

!silU.JLAU,GB (36J).:-'A divi· sion of Spin, 'I'arins. Head. men i Sher Khan, Panid .!\b.n.n, Mobin and.others.

'Khel (l.€Oo), Ibrahim Khel, I ' .. Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Is~AJLZAl .(G?mal).-~ dm· Wazirs. Headmen; Bah. ilIon of }flaUl, SheranlS. man Shah, Nazar Khan.

ISJUIL KHJlL (l50).-A sec· tion of Kimat Khel, Jawa· ki, Adam Khe I, Afl'idis.

h3UILZ,U . -A sub· division of D!I.ldn.tzai, Malizai. Buner· wars.

I K BL A • f' 1 M.a.ILZAI (8,lOO).-The most S){AIL B .- minor rac' f 1 f h • h 1 t . f Wk' I-U": ., - power u 0 t e el~ t cans Ion 0 arl'll aI, una f tb U I' h

Khel, Jani Khel (1,000), 0 9 tman \ e . WaH Khel, Uimanzai, Dar· . r • weah Khel Wazirs. Head. ]J;6~.uLZAI (10).~A sub-dlVl' man ;' Zal'gai. , lOU of .Manuzal, Aba Khel,

IsJUlL KBEL.-A minor frae· tion of Dildar Khel. Moh­mand Khel, KattiA Kh('l, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel· (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen ; Kamlal', Boner, Kaddam Khan.

IPllAIL KOR.-A lIedion of Hatai . Ker, ·Muhammad I

She'l'l1m .. ~.

Is ATLZ 1 (Zhob).-A sub· di\'ision of the AIimi,. San· zar, If akars.

I n'llAlLZ 1 (2,030; Samana and the Kha.nki valley)..­On of the four clans of tbe Oril.kzai.s; 600 Gar, reo mp.indel· Samil. Headman ; Ramz.,\D.

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bMAI1..Al (7).-A aedion of llA"'," Kh~.l. Amzoni, Malli· '"II. l~w"'·u., Headman; U"jl Muhp,mmad.

hilT AUIIL (600; Dera Ismail Kilim I >1l1triot>.-Nomadio, " IIllh'lltV\lIion of lUan Khel, 141111,,1,", l'nwindn.hs. H ead­Ilum I A~irn Khan, (Mian K 111·1), ' '

hUTlI (11' SOTS (480).-A 1I1Il1\1l t l'illo of nomads, who IIvlI In tho caves of hills Wt,.t of tho Dera It;mail Khun fl·ontier. Headman; llhagu Khan, N ohmi.

hl'lBU (1,360; Bannu Dis-

trict, Shakai and Birmal). -A sub·division of Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Da.n'csh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Mani Khan is the leading ma.n ; for others,. see' Muhammad Khel, Sudan Khel, Sadda Khe}.

IsPIN KHBL (S).-A section of Shujawal, Mubarak Shahi, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head. lOOn; ldak, Mir Kamm.

IssuEI (135).-A sub·division of Tor, Tappizad, Dawan.<:. H l'8.dmen; Samand Khan, Muni Shah, Khwaja Muhammad. Khan,

JoADA.LZ.u {lOO).-A rection of JABI KXRL.{Bajaul'}.-A divi-Bra.llimzai, Ya.hia Khel, Sen sion of Samilzai, Tarkanis. Khal, Sheranis.

JoADAB KUBL.-A minor frac· tlon of Manak Khol, Bakhshi Khel, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

J.ABU KB:BL.-A sectlon of Musa. Khel, Sepah, Baemi,' Mohmands. Headmen; Gbairat, Ahmad Nur, Mahmat, Sarfaraz.

JUI KOR.-A minor fraction , of BaRgar Khel, Yusuf Khel, I

Isa Khel, Pandiali, Moh­mands. Headmen; see Yusuf Khel.

JADOR (180; Black Mountain). -A diruion 'of Deshiwal. Swatis. Headmen; Ambul Shahi, Izzatullah.

JADBANfl ; see ZADRAlT8.

.1 J .1

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J~DBUfS.-A emall tribe. I J.u.AI. KBlfL -A sub·division occupying the east slopes of of Sarsa, Tatta, Battannil!l. the Suliman range, east of Headman; Sher Khan. Zurmat. '

J~DUN8.; see GADtT1I8.

J AFAR KlIJIl..-A'minor bae· tion of Daulat Khel, Ghalib Kh&n Khel, Malikdin Khel, Malikdin 'Khel (4,000), Arndis. Samil. Headmen; see Daulat Khel. "

JUARS (630).-A small tribe living on the spurs of the 'Buliman range. Headman; Kalu Khan. .

J.ulB.-(1,590;. KhoRt, in the valley of the Hal'iab, an affiu8J}t. of the Kuram river beyond the British border). -A tribe of KhOllt.

JALU KlI:n.-A minor frac· tion of Khoji Khel, Bozi, Khel, lIadda Khel (1,600) Ibrabim Khel, Utman· zai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

J AUL KlIBL.-A aeetion of Mali (or Muli) Khel, Salar· zai, Ilia.'lzai, ljunerwals.

JALAL KlI:&L (250).-A section of the 8her Khel, Haibat Khel. N ana Khal, Bahlo1.zai, Kabsud •.

JALA.L KUlIL(J)il').-A section of Pa.inda Khel, Sesacia, Maliza.i, Y usufza.is.

JALA:LZA.I (West of Dera Gbazi Khan DiBtrict).-A sub·division of N ozai, Lahar· zai, Musa Khels. Headman; Mcndak.

J.A:LALZAI (4.0).-A seetion of Mehtarzai, Harnn Khel, So.natia, Kakars., Headman; Saudagar.

JALuz.u (Zhob).-A Beetion of Sbadozai, Ali Khel,

. Samar, Kakllil's;

JALA.LZAI (Weat of the Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A sub-division of Hasan Khel, Balil 'Khal, Musa Khela, H cadmen; K hoi dad, (Salem Khanzai,) Millon (Sadozai), Lawang. (Mir-. dadzai.)

J.&LALZU (S,800).-A sub­division of Alizai. Sanzar, Kakars. Headmen; Sirdar Shah Jehan, Dost Muham­mad, and Sa.ifula.

JALANDARUI (57) ..... A sootion of Be.za,iJ; Hann l{he!,.

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Sanatia, Kahrs. Headman; 1 J .. U{A,L KHEL (27).~A miner . llir Afzal. 'fraction of AU Khel, Barim

Khel, Amwni, Mallimd, J HANOlAL KAMOI BADESHI Dawaris. Headmen; Shab-

(400).-A clan of Allaiwals. badin, ~amballi Khan, Patila Khan.

J ALANZAI (4f1).-A .. Ham-88ya", section of :t\ a' ozai, Dumar, Sanzar, Kakars Headman; Haidar.

.JnEZA! (IO).-A sub·division of Ladu, Hakallwal, LUllis. .lJeadman; see Ladu.

·JALIL KHEL.-A sec~ion of Durbi l{hel, Kambsl' Khel. l(ambar Khel (4.5 JU). Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Muhammad She1', Khwaja Ali, Yuno, N ura.i.

JALLH KBEL.-A miner fraction of Shadi Khel. Bora i Khel (1,000). Mohm'it Khel, Utmanzai, Dal'wesh- Khel Wazirs.

JALLH KHEL.-A mlnorfrac· t ion of:K han K hel, 'l'akht Khel, Bakka Khel, Wali Khel, . Utmanzai, Dal'wesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; llirza.t

JALLAL KOB (Kung).-A sub· division of Maimana KIwI, I Khwaezai, Mohma1.ds. Headmen; Khalil, '1'0.'.'111'.

JAM .... L KH:IIL.-A minor frac­tion of Kaddam Khel, P eroz Khel, Mashi Khel, )Iannia Kbel, Hassan K hel, Mitha Khan Khel, K uki Khel (J,M..'O), Af1'idis. . Gar. Headmen; Amir' Sher, Zaman.

JUUL KH:BL.-A minor frac­tion of }lir Hu'ani) Macha, Madda Khe! (1,600), Ibra­him Khe). Utmanzai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazi1's.

JAMAL KHBL.-A minor frac. tion of Dul'!I.1' (300), Khus­rogi, Nasruddin, Zakhn. Khel, Afridis." Samil. Head­man; see Bucha Khe!.

.J lMAL KHBL (Bannu Djs­trict).-A minor fraction of Ali Khel, MUM Khel, Hathi Khel (2,01)0), Shin Khel, Ahmadmi, Darwesh Khel Wazirll.

fA1UL KmlT..-A minor frac­tion of Badi Khcl, Dardoni.

'Wuzi Nhcl (80 i), Mohmit ~ Khd. Utmau ai, Darwesh. K 11el W IL/.h·s.

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..lAlLAL KIIJ.L (Dir).-A seo' tion of .Painda Khel, Sesada, :r4a.lizai, Y usufmis.

J .nUL KHEL.- A section of Malik Shahi (400), WaH Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. . Headmen; J umamn Khan, Muham· mad, Pirj 800, Barjamal, Taghar, Urmurj HUS880ini, Zariband, . Gulla . Khan, J?irzai, Sulemaui. I

JAJUL KHBL (SO).-A sec· tion . of the GhaUb Khel, Badanzai, Shaman Khel, Mallsnds. Headman; Fat­tab aoz.

. J AlIlAL KRBL.- A section of the lIaidrai, Chahar Khel, Shaman Khel, Mahsuds.

. J dU . KHBL (20).-A minor fraction of Shadi Khel, Lar LMai, Land, Malakh, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head­men; Nazar Din, Gul Azam.

JA)lALDIN KHBL.-A minor fraction of Wadin Khel, Khazzar Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, &rki Khel, Madda Khel (1,6oo), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazin •.

JA)lALI KHEL (Right bank of Mastnra river}.-A sub·divi· sion of' the Mani Khel (I,OOO), Muhammad Khel, Orakzais. Gar. Shiah.

J UU.LZAI (West of Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A division of U mrzai, Musa Khels. Headman; Sa.dak.

JA)lALZAI (200).-A section of Arozai, Ahmad Khel, Sen Khel, Shel'\Wis.

J .llllUZ.t.I (12).-A sub-divi­sion of Ladu, Rakanwal, Lunis, Headman j see Ladu.

JAlIlALZ.ll' (8).-A sub·division of Shamezai, . Rakanwal, Lunis. Headman,; see Shamezai. .

J..llllALIAI (100).-A section of Sarangzai, Haron Khel, Sanatia, Kakars. Head· man; Galun.

JAJULZAI (60).-A section of Barangzai, Kebzai, Sanzar, Kakars. Headman; GuI· zar.

JAJlBAI KHBL.-A minor frac· tion of Warm Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmansai, Darweah Khel Wazira.


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.1 • '1\','\1 4 t.-A mInor fraction "r 1'1~ll\tt" K 1ll'l,Manak Khel, ',"I.hllht 1\ 111'1, Madda Khel, (\.tl\ltl), lllluhlm Khel Ut­",,,,,,,,,l, l>arwcsh Khel W~_ll'II.

J."I Kcut.-A minor fraction Ilr H\lltnn Khel, Hamm Khel, U"mlnb, HaUmzal, Moh­\111,,"1". Hnadman; Ghulam llllrlWl.

Jur Snu KOB.-A minor fl'l\(\t.ion of Abdur' Rahman Khal (200), Muss. Khel, Ma­JIUlzai; IJ3shkarzai, Orabais. Oar. Headman; Kammir.

JAN4I KHBL.-A' minor frac· tion of Usman Khel, Takhti j\hel; Balli Khcl (1,000), Wali Khel, Utmanmi, Darwesh Khel Wazira. Headman; ,Akmad Din. '

JANAKHOBI (800).-A sub­division of Hassan 'Khel, Adam Khel, Afridia.

'JJliAL KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Feroz Khe I, Tor Sapar (350), Galai, Adam Khel, Afridis.

JANBEG KUBL.-A 811b-divi. sion of Pabbi Khel,' Kambar Khel (4,5(,0), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Muhammad Sher, Khwaja Ali, Yaro, Nurai.

JAN BEG KOB.-A minor fra.e. tion of . Segar Khel, Yusuf, Khet, lsa Khel, Pandiali, Mohmands. Headmen; see lsa Khel.

JAN BEG KOB (Part in Mohmand, part in British territory).-A section of Lni K hel, 1(asim Khel, Tarakzai, Mohmands. Head. man ; Sheraz.

JANGAR KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Said K hel, U marzai (600), Shin Khel, Ahmadllai,

'Darwesh Khel Wa!irs.

JANGI KUBL.-A minor frac­tion of Machi Khel, Abdul Nhe], Bora Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Utmaru.ai,

, Darwesh Khel, WasirB.

JA.NGI TA.BA.R.-A minor frac­tion of Maroun Kor, Kandai. !sa Khel. P&ndiali, . Moh­mande. Headmen; see 111& KheI.

JAl'I KHBL.-A minor frac. tion of K hadi Khet, Mannia Khe!, Hassan Khel, M itha Khan Khel, Knki Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Head­men; Kashmir, Abdulla. Khan, Ba.zai.

JANI KUEL (Kharmana river). -A minor uaction of the

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Abdul Mini ('10), Landai­zai, Masuzai, Lashkarzai. Orakzais. Gar. Headman; Hussain.

JANI KX:BL (1,000; Khasora and Wana).-A Bub·division of WaH Khel. Utmanzai, D&rwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; see Idia Khel, Tor, and Malik Shahi.

JUI .KH:BL (7).-A minor fraction of AU Khel, Barim Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, Dawaria. Headman; Gub. r.ir.

JA.N KlUN KHBL (3a).-A minor fraction of Sogi Khel. Muhammad Khel. Malakh. Mallizad, Dawaris. Head~ man ;·Ghonsamir.

JAN KHAN KH:BL (6).-A sub­division of Boya. Tappizad. Dawaris.

JAN MUHAlllUD KOB (Khar­mana river).-A section of the Alizai (50). Masuzai. Lashkarzai, Orakzais. Samil. Headman; Muhammad Gul.

JURA'!! KH:BL.-A sub-divielon of the Khoja BaW'88 Khel, Ali Khel (3,OOO). "Ham­sayas" of the Orakzais. Gar. i Shiah. Headman; Yam.

JA.W.lXAI.-A sub-division of Bahakri, Sipah (1.200). Afridis. SamB. Headman; Ahmad.


JAWAUIS (1.200}.-A divi· sion of Adam Khel, Afridis.

JA.WAL KH:BL.-A sub·divi­sion of Abba Khel. Tat., Battannis. Headman; Mehr­ban.

J:BWAN KOB.-A sub-division of Dawat or Dauts Khel, Khawaezai, Mohmanda; Headman;. Bars Khan.

JHANDA. KHBL.-A section of Ghalib Khan Khel.< Malik~ din Khel, Malikdin Khel (4,()()(I). . < Afridis. . SaInil. Headmen; see Natbu Khel.

JILUZ,U (SOl.-A section of Shabazai, Dumar. Sanzar. Kakan. Headman; Mulla Hasan.

JILAN KHBL.-A minor frae­tion of Kambir (or Kambo) Kbel, Aib Kbel, Balarzai. Iliaszai, BUD~rwals. .

JINIZ.AI (West of Dera Ghui Khan Distriot).~~ section of Mnghduzai, AhD;ladani. :&IiI Kh,J. MUIia KheLl. Hradman; Lat.


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JIn:r KHEL. (~,2GO.).-.\ lIub·division of Bar tiuiizai, Baizai, Akozai - Yusuflai Bwatis.

JIB .. UU (Bannu Dis1:rict).-A minor fraction of Pirha Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), /:ihiD Khel, Ahmadzai, Darweah Khal Wazirs. Headmen; Mu.harrab Khan, Gulbagh.

JOGA..-A section of Khakizai, Alhazai, lliaszai, Bunerwals.

JOGIZAI (2,OOO).-A section of Jalalzai, Alizai, Sanzar, Kakars. Headman; Sirdar Mhah Jehan.

J UJI KHEL (40 ; Black Moun­tain).-A lection of Painda Khol, Akazai, lsazai, YUlufzail.

• JUGGI KHEL.-A section of

Kemal Khel, Abazai, Kbwa­zazai, Akozai-YusuIzai Swatis.

JULA. KHEL.-A section of Aka Maruf, Babuzai, Bai­zai, Akozai-Y1lS11fzai Swatis.

JUXALAI.-A minor fraction of Datta Khel, Abdul Khel, Bara Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, U tmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

JUXA. KHBL {45 ; Dera Ismail Khan District.}.-Nomadic, a sub·sectioD of Warl!ki, Sein Khel, Mian Khel, Lohana. Pawindahs. Head· men; see Mian Khel.

JUliA. KHEL.-A section of Firozai, Chagarzai, Malizai, Bunerwals .


KABu.z.AI (300 ; West of Dcra Ohazi Khan District). -A sub·dividon of N okuzai, Laharzai, . Musa Khels. Hl'admen ; Kha.tol (Gumar­ai), Momin (Barakzai), Mula Nadar (Brahimzai), Hasan (BUalzai), Momin ( Bandurzal).

K.A.BALZAI (Bori. Zhob).-A sub· division of Kibzai. :Saran, Kakars.

LBIL KHEL (7, ').-A section of the Teri (or Tori) Khel, Tapiai. Tappizad, Dawal'is. Headmen; :Said Shah. Zakor Shah, Salik Din, Awarzai, Shaikhtan •

• These numbers jncludu 3.000 men living beyond Swati limitse

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KAJft'R KHEL (Khanki val\l'Y). -A sub· division of the Bacia Khel (80), Ismailzai,· Orakzais. damil. Headman; Fakir.

KABUL KHBL (2,600; Kur­am, Bhawal, and Birmal).­A sub.divisionofWali Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel, W azirs. H eadml'n ; see Saifali, Paipali, and Miamai. Mezhaik and Gulba Khan, of the Miamai section, are the chief men.

]CAcliu KHEL.-A section of Azi Khel, Ali Khel, Bar Ranizai, Akozai-Yusufzai Swans. ...

XAD.,u KOR (400).-A sub· . division of Gandab, Halim·

zai, .Mohmands. Headmen; see Yardil Kor. Rahmatal Kor, Katasar, Daud Khel, Rami Khal.

KADAK KHEL (.Mastura river). ":""A . sub-division of Abdul. Aziz Khet (SO), Muhammad Khol; Orakza.is. Gar. Shiah.

KADAK KHEL (60).-A minor fraction 'of the Ali Khd, Haidar Khel. Tor, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headmt'n; Mad Alam, Sai1.a1 Salandar.

Khel, Amzoni. Mallizad, Dawaris. Headman; Piyavi.

KADDU,{ KHEL.-A minor fraction • of Feroz Khel, Mashi Khel, Mannia Khel, Hassan Khl.'l, Mitha Khan Khel. Ruki Khel (4.,50n), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Abbas) Hakim, Nazir, Mulla Wali, Khaza Khan, Amir Sher, Zaman.

KADBAI KHEL:-A miner fraction of Khairak Khel, Wadin Khel, Khazzar Khel. Star Ali Khan Khel, Barki Khel, Madda Kh!'l (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs .

KADUZU (600).-A section of Bazai, Hamn Khel, Sanatia, Kakars. Headmen; Mulla :&idula, and Mulla Majib.

KusHI KH'EL (l2).-A minor fraction of the Nasi Khel, Haidar Khel, Tor, Til. ppizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Mir Lazam, Mir Ali.

KARl KRBL (120).-A minor fraction of the Khoidad Khel, Gidi Khel, Manazll.i, Alizai, llahsuds. Head­man; At Muhammad.

KADAB KHRL (5).-A minor KAHHAN KOB.- A division of fram.ioD of Alii Khel, Barim Gorai, .Utman Khels .

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1\ A I M K JIlu .. -A section of Mllrlm Khel, Ba.bakri, Sipah ( l,~()()), Afridit, Samil. 111·"llmen; Niaz Karim. IrILn, Oul Muhammad.

J(' AUf KHBL.-A section of Hllilikhmal. Kambar Khel, J(l\mbur Khel (4,500~. At­rilii", Oar. Headman; Zaman.

I\AI14 KnIL.-A minor frac­tion of Ismall Khel, Ba.zi Khel. Madda Khel (1,600). Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai. lJarwesh Khel Wazirs.

Kult KEIL (6).-A minor fraction of Alli Khel, Ba.rim Khel. Amzoni, Mallizad. Dawaris. Headman; Chor­gand.

KAINZU (5).-A sub-division of ~hamezai, Hakllnwal, fJunia.

KUJI Kmllr .. -A minor frac­tion of Palpali. Kabul Khel, (2.0(J0), Wali Khel. Ut­:r..aD't'~I, Durwesh Khel, W ,,;,j ... ~.

KUAI KOB.-A section of Ziaudci.i'l (21.10), rludai, ZBkha Khcl, AfridiH. ~~."Y)j1. Head· men; flcol:.lul'at Kor.

KUA KBEL.-A minor frac­tion of Idar Khcl, Ali Khcl,

Khaddar Khel. (70). Moh­mit Khel. Utmanzai, Dar· w~h Khel Wazirs. Head­man; Akhmad.

KA.lLA KnEL.-A section of Tari Khel. Shakhi. Wam­Spun, Battannis.

KAlLA KnlL (300; Black Mountain).-A sub-division of Hasanzai,IAazai. Ywmf­zais. Headman; AIadad.

KAlLA KnIL.-A sub-division of Niamat Khel. Tatta, Bat­tannis. Headman; Khushal Khan.

KA.lLA KnlL (llO).-A sec­tion of the Datti Khel, Galeshahi, Shaman Khel, Mahsuds. H e a d men; Khwaja M uhammad,Karim, Muhammad Yar.

KAlLA. KnllL (lO).-A minor fraction of Khare, Taib Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad. Dawaris. Headmen; lHna Khan, Ghulam Rasul.

Ku... KHllL.-A clan of the KhaUaks. descended. from 8hckh Rahim h.?!.r ; they are considered Miall8, and, are much venerated by other Pathans. They reside near Nowsher&. and are great trans·frontier traders. Head· man; Hahim Shah.

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KA.Kil8 (40,432; Qlletta to the Gomal Pass).-A large tribe of :pathans. .

KAEABZU (3,000 ; BajaUT).­A division of Mamund, Tarkanis.

KA.LA. KaRL (50; Black Mountain).-A section of Azb Khel, Akazai, Isazai, Yusuizaia.

KALAL KOB-A minol' fraction of Shroh, Bussa. Khel, Kamali, Halimzai, Moh· mands. Headman ; ~raza Gul.

KALAL KOR.-A minor fra(ltion of Ranra Khel, Shati Khel, WaH Beg Kor, Gandab, DaHmzai, Mohmands. Head· man ; Jamdar.

K4LANDAB KRBL.-A minor fraction of Ali Knel, MaDrAr Khel (360), Ibrahim Khel, UtmaDzai, Darwl'8h Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Mihrab Khan, Kabal, Nawaz Khan.

X4L.lNDAR KHEL· (&nnu Diatrict).-A minor fraction of Taos Khel, Pirba Khel, Hathi Khel (2,002), Shin Khcl, Ahmadzai, Darwellh Khel W azin.

X.lLAND4R KREL.--A lIl'ctioD of Badin, &1 Khel, Salarzai, Tarkanis.

KAJ.AT KREL.-A minor frac­tion of Muhammad Khel (700), Isperka, Kalu Khel. Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Mu­

hammad Jan.

KALI KREL.-A minor frac· tion of MOl'ib KheI, U sman Khel, Takhti, Khel, Balla Khel (1,000), WaH Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Khoja­mil'.

lULl . KaRL (300; Tran·· frontier).-A divi8ion of Ali

, Sher Khel, Shinwal'is.

KALLA KRRL (700); A ~ non of ABhu Khel, H88I!8n Khel, Adam Khel, Afridis.

KALLANDAR KRBL.-A sec· tion of the Badzai, Ltia­gam, Tatta, Battannis. Hea~n ; Nawaz.

KALLI KR'EL.-A minor Irae­non of Bachagai, Tor, Jani Khel (1,000), Wali Khel. Utmn.nzai, Darwesh Khcl Wazirs. Deadman; X;:aimal.,

KALU KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Sikandar Khel. Abdul Khel, Bora Khel (1,(,00). Mohmit KIII'I. U'manzai, DarNcsh Khal Wazin.

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KALU KREL( 8,500).-A divi­sion of Ahmadzai, Dar­wesh Khal Wazirs .. Mani Khan, Isperka, is the leading man; for other Headmen; see !sperka and N asradin.

KALU KXEL.-A· minor frac­tion of M Usa KheI, M akho­mi, Nasuzai, Iliaszai. Buner­wals.

AALUT KREL (Bajaur).-A division of Samilzai, Tar­kanis.

KALUZA! (60).-A section of Barakzai, Yahia Khel, Sen Khel, Sheranis.

KAKAL KREL.-A sub-divi­sion of Sahib Jan, Aka. Khel (1,800), Afridis. Samil.

E nu.L K REL.-A minor frac­tion of Malldu Khel, Aesad Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Muhammad Amin, Gul Jan, Bndai, Lan gar.

KAMAL KREL.-A minor frac­tion of Bakar Khel, IdaI Khel, Bathi Khel (2,000), Shin Kltel, Ahmadzai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Head­man; Landai.

KAMAL KREL.-A snb-dtiv­Ilion of the K andahari &fis,

who are a vassal clan of the Mohmands.

KAMAL KRlI:L (8).-A seotiDn of Ozbakai, Shingi., BahIol-7.ai, Mahsuds. Headman j Nizam.

KUULZU (9).-A sub-divi. sion of Shamezai, Rakanwal, Lunis. Headman; see Sha­mezai.

KAMALUI (West of the D~ra Ghazi Khan District).-A sub· division of Hamzazai, Balil Khel, Musa Khel .. Headman; Hasan.

KAllALZAI (West of the Dem Ghazi Khan District). A, section of Husenzai, Ahmad­za~, Balil Khel, Musa Khea. Headman j. Gulan.

KAHALZAI (25).-A division of Marhel, Sheranis.

KAMALZAI (l00).-A section of Shabozai, DUDlll.r, Sanzar, Kakars. Headman; :Mazdai'.


KAMAR KREL (35).-A minor fraction of the Karmach Khel, Malai, Shingi, BahIol'­zai, Mahsuds. Headmen; Kajir Khan, Bakhtamir.

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,aUKAZAl (l50).-A sub-divi­sion of 0' tmanzai, Mandan, Yusnfzais.

KmAR KilEL (4,500 ; Shllo­bar, Ba.zarvalley, and'Kaju­rai).~One of the six Khyber AfriJi clans. Gar. HAadmen, Muhammad Amir, Saleh Muhammad, Jan Muha.m­.mad, Mehrban, Kha.ir Mu­hammad.

KAKBAR KUEL.--':'A division of the Kambar Khel clan, (4,500) of Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Jan MuhalJlIllad, MubSmmad Amir.

Xa. •• AR KUBL.-One of the two sections of the U marzai Sheikhan (3,000), "Ham­sayas If of the Ol'akzais. Samil. Headman; Misridad:

lUKBAR KUEL.-A sub-divi­I sion of the Bazoti (500). . Daulatzai, Orakzais. Samil.

Headman; Amir Shah.

K.&KBAR KUEL.-A minor fraction of Warkam Khel;' Aib Khel, Salarzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

K.&KBAR KOR.-A minor frac­tion of Sultan K hel, Hamza Khel, Gandab, Ba.limzai. Mohmands. Headman;' Mir Aghajan.

KA.llBA.J!. KOB.-A minor frac­tion of Asaf Khel. Dalkha Kor, Dadu Khel, Tara.kzai, Mohmands.

KAHBIB (or KUlBO) KUEL.­A section of Aib Khel, Salar- . zai, lliaszai, BUDEirwals.

KA.!lR KUEL.-A minor frac· tion of Gadia Khel, Tatar Khel or Akhorwal (000), Hassall Khel, Adam Khel, Afridis.

KAHBAI or KAHAB KUEL.­(600; Extreme west of Bam valley, next the Sipah and ZakhRo Khels).-One of the six Khyber-Afridi clans. SRomil. Headmen; Hafiz Samandar and Azam Khan.

KANDABUI8.-A division of the SRoHs, who are a va.ssa1. clan of the Mohmands.

K,NDAI.-A sub-division of !sa Khel, Pandiali, Moh­manda. Headmen; Ghulam Khan, Paiuddin.

KUDAO KUBL (4000).-A SIlO­

tion of Ashu Khel, H8888n Khel, A:dam Khel, Afridis.

KANBZ&I.-A sub-division of KRottagarm, Tatta, Bat­tannis. Headmen; Miani (Alam), Khojak and Haan

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9S (Benzai), Tor Khan (Fha), Daotan Khan (Tar).

KUI KHBL (600; Part in Mohmand, part in British territory).-A sub-division of KBSim Khet, Tarakzai, Mohmands. .

KANJRAI (40).-A minor frac­tion of the Dachi Khel, PaUi Khel, :Ma.nazai, Alizai, Mah· IJIlds. Headman; Khan, Mirzai.

K.lNOZAI (400).-A " Ham­saya" section of Natozai, Dtimar, Sanzar, Kakars Headman; Shq, Muham­mad.

Xuu KHBL (37).-A sub­division of Ahmed KhoJ, Oba Khel, She",nis.

K'NUZAI (West of Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A seotion of M.alizai, Ahmadzai, Balil Khel, Mu. Khels. Head­man; Jala..

KANZAL KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Alisher Khol, Musa Khel, N urizai, MaJizai, Bunerwals.

KAPIP (lCO).-A clan of Sheranis.

Ku KHBL (lR).- A minor fraction of Ahmad Khel, Zira

Khel, Amzoni, Mallizaa, Dawaris. Headman; Channi.

KARAM KOR.-A sootion of Hassan! Kor, Muhammad Khan K or, or 'Bar' Burhan Rhel, Pandiali, Mohmands. Headmen; Bad8hah, Baz, Malik.

KARB KHBL.-A section of Shadi Khe), Bobak, Dana, Battannis.

KARl KHBL.-A sub-division of Sultan-ka-Khel,Bar Ranizai, Akozai - Yusufzai Swatis.

KARIXDAD KHIL (~).-A minor fraction of Abdul Rahman Khel, Sher Khe], Haibat Khel, Nana Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds.

KARIXDAD KHBL.-A minOf fraction of Must Ali, ShaikH

. Khel, Aib Khel, Salarzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

KARI1l KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Karim Khel, Jamal Khel, Malik Shahi (400). Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Head­man; Khan Muhammad.

KnIll KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Jamal Khel, Malik Shahi (400), Wall Khel,

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U tmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Juma­zan, Khan Muhammad Pirjaa, SarjamaJ, ~raghar, Ul'mur.

KABul KHBL.-A section of Fatteh Khel, Abazai, Khwa­Eazai, Akozai-YU8uuai Swati8.

ICARIJl KOB.-A mi:norfraction ofthe U mar Khan Khel, Ali Karan,Mamuzai, Lashkarzai, Orakzais. Gar.

KnntzAI (60).-A section of Mehtarzai, Harun Khel, Sanatia, Kakars. Headman ; Paio.

I ..... KHBL (50; Dera Ismail Khan DiBtrict).-Nomadic' .. minor fraction of Zakori' Sein Khel, Mian Khel, Lo­hana, Pawin-dahs. Head­man; see Mian Khet.

KABIUNDI KHAN.-A minor fraction of MOOda Khel, Miamai, Kabul Khel (2,600), Utmanzai, Darwesh IChel Wazirs. Headman; Mebr Alt.

K"BJlUl'Z KHEL.-A minor fraction of Marchi Khel, Abdul Khel, Bara Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Ut· IIlttuzai, Darwesh Khel Wa-ms. -

KABln KHEL (50).-A minor fraction of the Garri Khel, Dachi Khel, Sani Khel, Manazai, Altzai, Mahsnds. Headmen; Tal' Khan, Li­wand, Handar Shah.

KABltO KHEL (Dir territory). -A section of Painda Khel, Sesada, Malizai, Yusufzais.

LBMOZAI (250).-A sub­division of Ahmad Khel, Sen Khel, Sheranis.

KABltUZAI '(60).-A section of Mehtarzai, Harun Khel.

. Sa.natia, KakaN. Headman; Kulla. Kamal Ali.

KABIU KHBL.-A division of Malikdin Khel (4.000). Au-idil- _ Samil. H ~admen ; Azim Di.n. Samand, Sharif Din;

KABB~ KHBL (UO)!-A sectIon of tbe Mamdai. Shingi, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds. Headmen; Kandhar, Bagb­dad, M irza-

KARB!. KHEL.-A section of Ghaibi Khel. Babakri, Sipo.b (1,200), Afridis. Samil. l1ea.dmt'n; Gul Mast, Jan GuI, Shah Murad. Malik Sher Muhammad.

lUUUI KHEL.-A minor fraction of Bar Kholbai,

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Khaddar Khel (770), 110h­mit Khel, U tmamai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Hea.d­man ; Sadil'ai.

NARKI KRlIL (l80).-A sec­tion of the Manden, ldak, Tappizad, Dawaris. Head­men; Nazaiband, Aaim Shah, Khwaja Muhammad, Badda Khan, Mirab Khan.

KAHB! KR1lL (40).-A seotion of Mullagan, Tor, Mallizad Dawaris. Headman; Faz-ali. .

KARKI KRBL (60).-A aection of Urmuz, Tor, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; lKalim Khidder Khan, Suhb&t, Muhammad Amin, Gul ~man. •

• KABU KREL.-A section of I

Mali (or Muli) KheI, Salu­mi, 11iaszai, BunerwaIs.

K.uul!f KUL.-A section of Asad Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (40,5ilO), A fridis. Gar. H~en ; see Shekhan and lliBhak Khel

K.Ul[.-A Retion of Khaki­zai, Ashazai, Iliaszai, Buner­wals.

KAllAl[ KBlIL (1O).-A minor fraction of the Ali Khel,

Haida!: Khe1, Tor. Tappizad, Dawane. Headman; Sudar.

KA8Ul KR:n (70).-A minor fraction of Our Khel, &­bakki, Hassu Khel, Tor, Mallizad, Dawari.'1. Head­men; Diwaua KMn, Ni-azgai.

KASIM KBlIL (250).-A see­tion of Kimat Khel, Jawaki, Adam Khel. Afridis.

KAsU( KR1lL. - A minor £rae. tion of Aib Kor, Shaikh Khel, Aib KheI. Saluzai, Ili.a~, Bunerwals.

K.l8Il[ KRllL.-A section of Buran Kltel.; Baham, SipaJl (1,200), A£ridis. SamiI. HeadmEn; Ghafar, Hassan, Shekh. Khan Muhammad, Muhammad Asgar, Nawu, Niaz lIuhammad, Shekh Nur Alam, Syad Alam, Shekh Gul. .

KAIIIX KUL (80).-A sub-division of Badanaai. Shaman KheI, Mahsuds.

KAm( KRlIL (60).-A section of Umar Khel, Nana KheI. BahlolJ:ai, Mahsuds.

KASIK KHBL (800; hilla north of .~1ichni, put in British territory).-A clivi.

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sion of Tarakzai, Mohmands. Headmen; see Kaui Khel and Khalil Khel.

KABUl KXEL (YakhdaDd).­A division of U tmanzai, Mohmands. Headmen; see Utmanzais.


zai, Akoz~i-YUS1I.fzai Swa. tis.

KAT! KXRL (60).-A section of Manderi, Idak, Tap, pizad, Dawaris. Headmen; 8ahib Khan, Zama Khan, Mughal Shah, Nizam Shah.

KASIK ·KXEL (22S).-A snb- I\ATA KXRL (77 ).-A divi-division of Chahar Khel, sion of Drigzai, Lunis. Shaman Khel, Mahsuds.

KASIK KOB.-A minor fmc­tion of Rahmatal Kor, Ka­dai Kor, Gandab, H ali mZai, Mohmands. Headmen; see Rahmatal Kor.

K.uu KXBL.-A minor frac· tion of Pridai (150), Ashu Khal, Hassan Khel, Adam Khel, Afridis.

KA'UGABUI (18).-A minor fraction of U marzai, Zira Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Juma­zan, Khanbadshah.

KATA GBAN.-A minor frac­tion of Shugai, Tori Khel (2,670), Ibrahim Khal, Ut­manzai, Darwesh "Khel W 110-zha .. Headmen.; Khonamir, Pirai, . Dalai, Makam, Mu­hammad Gul.

KA'U ·KBBL.-A aeotion of .. Aka Maruf, &buzai, Bai-

KAfAL Kx:n (50).-A minor fraction of Walidad Khal, Lodi Khel, Abdullai, Aimal Khel, Bahlolzai, Mllobsuds. Headtllan; Khoidad. .

KA'UUB.-A section of Kadal .. Kor,Gandab, Halmzai, Moh­

manda. Headmen; J amdad Abdul Wahid, Jamal, Shamo­zai, Hanjak, Charogai, Shah Ml1nir, Bahadur, Samodin; Makaiz. Jallal, Khan Mu-' hammad. Faizullah Raahat· ulli.h, Ghatol, Fir Muham­mad, Wahab.

KaTI KXRL (15 ; Dem Ismail Khan District).-Nomadic, a minor fraction of Umrzai, Sein Khel,' Mian Khel, Ll)hana, Pawindahs. Bead­man; see M ian Khat.

KATXAI KXEL.-A division of Salarzai, Tarkanis. .

KAfoBlAI (Bajaur) . A din­~on of Samllzai, '&lonis.

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KBI.DIZU (200 ; Khanki river).- A division of Ismailzal, Orakzais. S~mjl.

KBADU KBBL (520). -A divi­Ilion of Khoidad Khel, Zai­mukhts.

KBA\U KBBL (35; Dera Jsma.il Khan District).­

Khel, W~li Beg Kar Gan­dab, Halimzai, 1tlohma"nds. Headman; Shere Mubam­mad.

KJUl8U KOB (Yakhdand).­A dirision of U tmanzai, Mohmands. Headmen; I!OO


NomadiCi a minor fraction KHAKlZAI.-A sub-diviswn of of· Saiad Khel, I80t Khal, ABhazai, lliaszai, Bunerwals. Mian Khal, Lobana, Pawin- I

dahs. Headman; see Mian , KHALAN KHBL (310).-A Khel.. f minor :fraction of Sipah

KlUI.-A minor :fraction 0 (Azad Khel), Ali Karan, Kui Khel, T~r Sa.par (350)' Mamuzai, 8,500 Lashkarzair Galai, Adam Ip.el Afridis., Orakzais. Gar. Headman;

Walidad. KHAIRAX: KHBL.-A minor

fraction of Wadin Khel KHALIDAD KOB.-A minot Khazza.r Khel, Sta.r Ali Kha~ I :fra.cti~n of. the Saiad Kha1! Khel, Sarki Khel, Madda ~ masl, All Karan, .Mamuzal Khel (1,600), Ibrahim'Khel, . (~,601.1), Lashkarzal, Orakz-Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel, al8. Gar. Headman; Saran-Wazirs. daz.

KHAIBAT KHBr .. -A minor fraction of Pira Khel, Mir Hasani, Macha, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel, Wazirs. .

KHAIBGAN (6).-A section of Nana Khel, Tapiai, Tappizad Dawaris. Head~; Gul-shahdad. ,

KHAIBULLA. KOB.-A minor fraction of Ranra Khel, Shati

KHALI!' :KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Usman Khel, Takhti Khel, . Bakka Khel (1,000), WaH Khel, Utman­zai, Oarwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman ; Sll.kam.

KHUIL KHEto (200 ; Hills . north of M iahni, part in

British territory).-A sub­division of Kasim Khel Tarakzai, M ohmands. Head~ men; Janai, Saifal. Shah­zada. Gulfaraz.

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Khel Wazirs. Headmen ; Nizam Khan, Landai, Shah Tamoz.

KHANDolR KHE1.-A minor fraction of Pail'ali, Kabul Khel (2,600), Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh K hel Wazirs.

KHANI KHEI! (600).-One of the four clans of Cham· kannis.

KHAN KHEL (70 ; Black Mountain).-A section of Barat K hel, Akazai, Isazai, Yusufzais. .

KHAN KHEL (3,OOO).-A minor fraction of Kuz Sulizai, Baizai, Akoza.i­Yusufzai Swatis.

KHAN KH]IoL(180; Daggar).· -The family of the Khans of Daggar, distinct and very influential in Buner, and not belonging to any clan. lleadman; Hukmat Khan of Daggar.

KHAN KHIL (120; Black Mountain).-A division of Deshiwal, Swatis. Headmen; Azad Khan, Kamal.

KHAN KHIL (SOO; The Black Mountain).-A sub·division of Hasanzai, Isami, Yusuf· zais.· Headman ; H6!lhim Ali Khan (Khan of the Hasan· zais).

KHAN KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Matkai, Malik Shahi (400), Wali Khel, Utmanzai. Darwesh Khal Wazirs. Head­man; Torabaz.

KHAN KHEL (25).-A seotion of Khan Khe!,. Shabi Khel, Alizai, Mahsuds, Headman ; Khar.

KHAN KHBL (75).-A sub­division of Shabi Khel, Alizai, Mahsuds.

KHAN KHBL:-A minor frac­tion of Takhti Khel, Bakka Khel (1,000), Wali Khel, Utmanza.i, Darwesh Khtil Wazirs. Headmen; Kha.n Badshah, Khazan KHan, Miyan Khel, Gulazamir. Zamma Mir, Mirza, Gul Khatni,. Rahmat Shah.

KHAN MAl TABAR.-A minor fraction of the Maroun Kor, Kandai, Isa Khel, Pandiali, Mohmands. Headman; Pai· uddin.

KHAN KHBL (Nandihar).- KHAN MUH,UI1IADZ.A.I (West A division of Nandihari of Dera Ghazi Khan Dis-Swatis. . trict).-A seotion of Mull-

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KKA'ULZAI (West of Dera I Nana Khel, Bahlolzai, Mah· Ghazi Khan District).-A suds. IIOOtion of Inzar, Hasan Khel, I Bam Khel Mll8a Khels. I KHAWAS KHEL.-A minor Headman' Kalandar. fraction of Ismail Khel (150),

, Kimat Khel, Jawaki, Adam Khel, Afridis.

KJUTUJU (24,000 ; South· eastern portion of the Pesh· KX&YAST.\ KOR.-A minor awar district, and thp south· fraction of Abdur Rahman em and eastern portions of Khel (200), Musa Khel, the Kohat district).-A J Mamuzai, Lashkarzai, Orak­great tribe of Pathns, I zais. Gar. Headman; whoee' main genealogical Musaki. divisions are as follows, viz., . Tari, Taraki and Bolak. KHAzz;lR KH:BL.-A. minor Irrespective of the above, :fractIOn of. Star Ali Khan however the tribe has a Khl'l, Sarkl Khel, Madda local division into two main Khel (l,6~0), Ibrahim Khel, branches, viz., Akoraoreast. Utm!l'nzaJ, Darwesh Khel ern Khatt&ks, and Teri or Wazl1's. Headmen; Sadda western Khattaks. There is Khan, A1a.mbe Khan, Sha-a third inter-triba.l division dam Khan (Ger Madda which separates the three Xhels,) Sabir (Inz~ Kach), clasaet below mentioned N ur' Shah (Sanzalal), U mar from the general body of, Khan.(Inzar Kach). the Khattak~ vi~., the KHECKE.-A sub-division of Khan Khe!, whIch lncludes Shan Khel Tatta Battannis. the relatIves of all the . , , chiefs; the Fakir Khel, who have .. ~t reputation for .... nctit1. and the Kaka Khel. The dIvisions, etc., of the Khattaks, with the excep­tion. of the Kua Khel, are not indexed in this Diction· ary.

KXEl'ZAI (9).-A sub-division of Salemi, Rakanwal, Lunis . Headman; see Salezai.

KHESR KHEL.-A section of the Yarkuki Khel, Bazoti, (500) Daulatzai, Orakzais. Samil.

KHAWAII KKBL (lS).-A sec· lCHIDDAR KXBL (llO).-A sec-tion of the Haibat \Khel, tion of Astanai, Shabi Khel,

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Alizai. Mahsuds. Headman; KHIZA.R KHEL.-A minor Mawa!. fraction of Mintar Khel,

KnIDDI KnEL (25). -A sec­tion of Baromai, Shabi Khel, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headman; Muhammad Ayaz:

KHIDBANI (350).-A clan of the Jafar tribe. .

KnIDJUNI.-A sub·division of Mekhiani, '~pin, Tarins. Headman; Mauladad.

KHIDB KllEL.-A seption of Sen Khel. Gadaizai, ,I1iaszai, Bunerwals. .

KHID:B. KHBL-(40).-A Ham sayas section of' Bhabozai, Dumar, Sanzar, Kahrs. Headman; Botan.

KB'IDBI (IOO).-A section of Manderi, Idak, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Alif Khan, Kaim Shah, Mir Abbas, Wali Hassan, Saleh Khan.

KHIDBIZAI.-A sub.division of Arbu Khel, Sanzar, Kahrs.

KB'IDBZAI (4.15).-A sub· division of Ahmad Khel, Oba Khel, Sheranis.

KB'IBZAI (200).-A sootion of Natozai, Dumar, Sanzar, Kakara. Headman; Karm Khan.

Muhammad Khel, Hassan Khel (400), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Dal'wesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Misrai, Kabul, Khugalgai, Saadat Beg.

KHOA KHEL.-A minor frao-tion of Ali Khel, Ma:nzllol' Khel (S60), Ibrahim Khel, Utman~ai-. Darwesh Khel Wazini:

KHODADAD KB'BL.-A minor fr8(,-tion of Ismail. Khadin Khel Ashazai, Iliaszai. Bu­nerwals.

KnOIDADAI (74).-A section of Malikshai, Aimsl Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds.

KnolDAD KnllL (777).-A section of the Gidi Khel, Manazai, Alizai, Mahsuds.

KHOIDAD KHEL ; see Bayuks. KnOIDAD KnBL.~A Rub·divi·

sion of the Mamuzai, Mishtia (8,000), "'HamsaYIAiI " of the Orakzais. Samil. Headman; Sultan.

KB'OID!.D KOR or KHUDADAD KOB.-A sub-division of Babazai Kor, Dawezai, Moh­manda. Headman ; Jafar.

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KUOIDAD KOB.-A minor fraction of Sultan Khel, Hamza, Khel, Gandab, Halimzai,Mohmands. Head­man; Muhammad Akram.

KXOIDADZA.I (2,OOO).-A lIec­tion of Shadozai, Alizai, Banzar, Kakars.

Kxoa KHEL (30).-A minor fraction of the Kaimdr.d Khel, Abdul Rahman Khel. Sher Khel, Haibat Khel, Nana Khel, Bahlolz:d Mahsnds. Headmen; Jangin, Maizar.

KUOJA.KZA.I (40).-A (Ham­saya8) section of Umrzai, Dumar, Sanzar, Kaws. KnOIDADZAl(Zhob).-A minor

fraction of Ibrahimzai, Sha­dozai, Ali Khel, Sanzar, Kakars. . KHOaKZA.I (50).-A section

. of Yahia., Ahmad Khel, Oba

KUOIA KAwAI! KH:BL (Upper . Mastura river).-A division

of the Ali Khele (3,000), " Hamsayas" of the Orak­zais. Gar. i Shiah. Head­man; Hawas Khan.

KHoaK (SOO).-A small tribe, an off"8hoot of the KBkars. Headman; Lashkar Khan.

KHoa KHn (Gumatti and Wana).-A minor fraction of Ali Khel (10), Bomi Khel (5,4.10), Nasra Din, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh K'hel W &zirs.

KHoa KHBL.-A minor fmc­tion of Marchi Khel, Abdul Khel, Bora Khel (I,OLO), Mohmit Khel. U tmanzai, Danresh Khal Wa~"8.

Khel, S~el'8oni8.

KHOJA.L KHEL.-A sub-divi­sion of Mat Khan Khel, Khambar Khel (4,500), A fridis. Gar. Headmen .; Mem'din, Gattai, Ma.tta, Mirshak, Shalibaz, Jumma, Rahmat, Mira.

KUOJALKHlIL (600; Wanll.) • ..:... A minor fraction of Shadi Khel, NaSl'3 Din, KaIu Khel, Ahmedzai, DarweHh Khal Wad1'8. Headmen; Sarwar Khan, Amir Khan.

KHOIAWA.Il KOll, or KHWAJA­WAS KOR.- A minor £1'&1'­tiort of hasul Kor, W "li Be~ Kor, Gandab, Halimzal, Mohmands. Headmen. Abdul Amir, Ghafar.

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KHOll KII'IL.-A minor frac­tion of Bozi Khel, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman j Nam­war Khan.

KHon KHBL (Ba.nnu Dis­trict).-A minor fra,otion of Daulat Khel, Ali Khel, Musa Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), Shin Khel, Ahma.d­zai, DalWesh Khel Wazirs.

KlIOlK.U ·(50).-A seotion of Khan Khel, Shabi Khel, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headmen; Pir, Watna, Wa.ryam.

KlIOJB.U (20).-A section of Shamerai, Manazai, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headman; Akbar Shah.

KH01BAI (60).-A sub-divi­sion of Darpa Khel, Malli­zarl , Dawaris. Headmen; Shah Hossein, Muhammad Yar, Mianwar and Makhma.d.

KHONI KaEL. A minor frac­tion of Dad Khel, Mil' Hasani, Macha, Madda Khel (1,60u), Ibmhim . Khel, Ut­manzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

KHosTI SBUlIS (904).-. " Ha.msayas .. of the (west­

em) Sanzar, Kakara.

KBOSTW'U (5).-Amlnodl'ac­tion of Ali Khel, Barim Khel, Amzoni, MaJliza.d~ Dawaris. Headman; Lar.

KlIOS'l!WAL8 (12,500).-An Afghan tribe descended partly from the Khugianis, partly from the Ghilza~ inhabiting the Shamil vaney in Khost, north of the Tochi border. .

KHUDADAD KlIBL.-A minor fraction of Talagh Khel, Kaddam Khel, Feroz Khel, Mashi Khel. Mannia Kbel, Hassan Khel, Mitha.. Kltan Khel, Kuki Khel (4poo), Afridis. Gar. Headman ; soo Talagh Khel.

KHUDU KHBL (1,800 j south of Buner}.-A section of Sadozai, Utmanzai, Man­dan, Y usufzais.

KHUGA KHRL. A aub-divi­sion of U sman Khel,Ba.ezai Mohmands. Headmen; Pi­rai, Shahnam, Izzat, Allah­dad, Hadi Gul.

1f1lUlAL KlIRL.-A section of Mugbul Khel, Barmi Khel, Kamrai Khel (600), Afridis. Bamil. Headmen; Hafiz Samundar, and Feroz Khan.

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KB171BAM KHBL .t:J3).-A mi­nor fraction of Shinki Khel, Babaki, Hassu Khel, Tor, Mallizad, Dawaris. Head­men; Faujdar, Mad Afzal.

KH171URI.-A minor fraction of. Kanzal Khel, Alisher Khel, Musa Khel, Nurizai, MaUzai. Bunerwals.

KH17M.lBI KHBL.-A section of Jawakai. Babakri. Sipah (1,200), Afridis, Samil. Headman; Ahmad.

KHUNDA. K.·HBL.-A minor fraction -0£ W arrukai, rdia Khel, Janj Khel {l,OOO),Wali . Khel, Utmanzal, Darwesh Khel Wazi1'8. Headman; Sheikh Majid.

KHUNI KHEL (20).-A minor fraction of the Khannach

. Xhel, Nazar Khel, Aimal Khel, Bahlolzai, Mabsuds.

KHUNIYA. KHBL (200 ; Gumatti, temporarily ).-A minor mction of. Shadi Khel, Nd.sra Din, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

KHUN KHBL (20).-A minor fraction of the Shumi Khel, Palli Khel, Manazai, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headman; Lale.

KHUBAMZAI (180).-A section of Baranzai, Kebzai, Sanzar, Kahrs. Headman; Madai.

KHURRI KHBL (8).-A minor fraction of Kill Xhel, Muhammad Khel, Malakh, Mallizad, Da'Taris. Head­man; Miyan Khel.

KHUSHALAI.-A section of Tod Khel (2,670), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel W azirs. He~men ; Fatteh Mir and Sbahmak.

KHUSHA.L KOB.-A division of Gora.i, U tman Khel.

XHUSROGI (560).-A sub·divi­sion of N asruddin, Zakha Khel Afridis. Samil. Head­men; Madraza, Mangar Shah, Nul' Dost, Mir Khan, . J amrez, Shah Mard, Gulrez, Mil' HaSsan, AmiI' Shab, Haji Lawar Khan, Tor, Sul­tan Muhammad, Sheno, Bazak.

KHUTTAY (87).-A section of Taib Khel, Amzoni, Malli­md, Dawaris. Headmen; Hathi Khel, Gul Habib, Ar­IIIIoIaband. .

KHWAD KHBL.-A seotion of Tara Khel, Muia, Waraspun, Bat~nnis.

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KHW AEZAI '(2,500 ; Bohai Dag, G08hta,Kabul River) -One of the Mohmand clans. FbI' Headmen; sooW>awat Khel, Maimana Khel, Khadi Khel.

KHWAIDAD KHBL.-A sec· tion of the Chawar Khel, Bazoti (5(0)' Danlatzai, Orak· zais. Samil.

KHW AIDAD KHBL (Between Khanki and Mastura val· l"ys).-A sub· division of the Bar Muhammad . Khel (1,000), Muhammad Khel. Orakzais. Gar. Shiah.

KHW UDAD KHBL.-A Bub·di. vision of Barmi Khel. Kam· rai Khel (600). Afridis. Sa· mil. Headmen; Azam Khan,

• Ali Jan, Azad Khan, Fateh Mir. GuIzar, Jumma. Mira­bat, Mir Zaman, Mir Pashak, Temu, Hamid, Rahmat Khan, Mir, Zardad, Mohabat.

KHWATDAD KHBL.-A minor fraction of Zamia Khel, Masti Khel, Kambar Khel. Kambar Khel (4.600), Afri·

• dis. Gar. Headman; Mu· hammad Yar.

KHWA1A AHKAD KH'BL.-A minor fraction of W &ruka Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel. Madia Khel (1,600), Ibra-

him Khel, Utmanzai; Dar. wesh Khel Wazim.

KHWAJA'ALI KHBL.-Aminor fraction of Daulat Khel, Ghalib Khan Khel, Malik· din Khel, Malikdin Khel (400:1), Afridis. Samil. HeadmeIi. ; see Daulat Khel.

KHWAH DBBB KHAN.-A minor fraotion of Idia Khel, Jani Khel (1,000), Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Mil', Bir Birjan.

KxwA1A HAwAs KXBL.-A sub·division of the Zanka Khel, Ali Khela (3,000), .. Hamsayas" of the Orak. zais. Gar. i Shiah.

KHW AU. KHBL (1,500 ; Khar­mana river).-A sub-divi. sion of Masuzai~ Lashlmrzai, Orakzais. I Gar, t Samil. Headman; Husain Shah.

KXWAJ.l KXBL (800; Loar­gai).-A division of Alieher Khel, ShinwarlS. Headmen; Kamran, Saiad Ghulam, Nadir Kban.

KXWA1A KHBL.-A section or }'atteh Khel, Abazai, Kh".­z~zai, Akozai-Y usufzai Swatis.

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KBiWAJA. KBEL.-A name 'sOmetimes given oolle/.ltively to the Darre Khel and Mirza Khel, olans of the ChamkanniR.

XS'WAJA.' KBEL.-An un­important division of Bar­Ranizai, Akozsi,-Y usufmi Swatis.

KBWA.lA. KBEL.--A minor fraction of Ismail Khel (150). Kimat Khel, Jawaki, Adam Khel, Afridis.

·KBWA.JA. KBEL.-A minor fraotion of Miamai, Kabul Khel (2,600). Wali Khel, TIt­JIl&Ilzsi, Datwesh Khel Wa­zirs. Headmen; Surkam, Gulbat· KhaD, Mehr Ali ..

KswA.JA. KXIDR KSEL.­A.. section of Mir Kudi

. Khel, Bazoti (500), Daulat· zai., Oraku. Samil.

Lakkai Ker); Antar, ,Ar. salla Khan, .Said Fakir Bedai, Nurai. Haidar Khan: Uzw Din, Dauran Shah, Ghlfam Jan.

Kaw A.S KXRL (150).- A.. sec­tion of A..I~ Karan, Ma,tlzai, L~hkaJ'zal, Orakzais. Gar. Headman; Ibrahim. .

KawA.8 KXEL.-A minor frao­tion of Madda Khel Miamai, Kabul Khe! (2,600)' Utmanzai, Darwesh Khei Wazirs.

Kxw AZAZ.U (IS,Oro; right bank of the Swat river from KoMstan to the Panj! kora liver).-One of the three clans of Akozai-Yu­Ruizai, Swatis.

Kaw AZOZA.I (Bajaur).-.A divi­sion of Isami. Tal·kania.

KSW.llI KXBL (50; Dera Is-' mall Khan District}.-No- ·KIBZAI, KBBZ.U, or KBWA.-madie, a minor fraction of ZAI 11,180 ; Zhob).-A divi-Baloch Khel, Isot Khel, Mian sian of Sanzar, Kakars .

. Rhe), ·Loltana, Pawindahs. Headmen; Bangar Zakaria-Headman; see Mian Khel. zai, (Mareghutzai); :Mian

Khan (Bal'anzai).

KBWA..JOKUHA.I KOR.-A sec' tion of Ibrahim Khe1, Ka­mali, HaUmzai, Mohmands. , Headmen (with those of

KIUBA.I (117).· A sub-divi­sion of Nana Khel. Bahlolzai, Mallsuds.

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KIKHAI (105). A section of Dodi Khel, Galellhahi, Shaman KheI, Mahsuds. Headmen; Id Akbar, Sawan, Amzun. Saifal.

KIn KHEL (7S).-A section of Muhammad Khel, Malakh, Malli.md, Dawari8. Head­mt'n ; Niazmand, Tirob, Mian Khel.

KIZ KILLA (35}.-A minor fraction of Dangar KheI, Piran Dangar KheI, Muham­mad Khel, Malakh, Mallizad Dawaris. Headmen; Sahib­gai, Gulli, Pir Badshah.

KIZ PARRZ KHBL (12).-A section of Tapiai, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Fatteh Khan, Ka~im Khan.

KUUT KHBL (S30).-A sub· KOB KHEL.-AsectlonofSuI-divisipn of J awaki, Adam . tan KheI, Sher Gulla, Aka. Khel, Afridis. Khel (1,800). Afridis. Samil.

KUUT KHBL (14iD}.-A 8('C­tion of Haidar Khel, Tor, Tappizad, Dawaris. HIl6Ii­men; N &8&r Khan, Gul Badin, 14&11 Akb~t:.

Kiln KHRL (12}.--A sub· division of Khaddi, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Gul Rashid, and Khoja A~am.

KIRCH KHBL (9).-A section of Hakim Khel, Mubarak Shahi. Mallizad. Dawaris. Headmen; Ain .Shah and Jafar.

KISBADUr KlIBL (40).-A . minor fraction of Salimi

Khel, Dachi Khel, Pam Khel, Manazai, AUl.ai, Mah'luJs. Headman; Ajab­nir.

KODA Kun.-A minor frac­tion of Muhammad Khel (700), Isperka, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khet W~z.irs. He~an; Wasila Khel.

KODA KHBL (Bohai D1.g).­A sub-division of Usman Khel, Baezai Mohmands. Headmen; Yad Gul, Ghafar,

, Shad Nam, Gulistan, Almaa.

KOI KaRL (15).-A seotion . of Malta Khel. Chahar

Khel, Shaman Khel, lfah· suds. Headman; Momindar, Mirdad.

.KOLI KHEL Dakka, Girdi, Pt'Sbu.'.Vnl', nnd Upper Hel­mand),-(Nomruiic, a. sub­division of Kuchi. UtmanzrJ, Mohmandll,

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KO'1'll KXEL (160).-A n..inor fraction of the Abdul Khel, Langar Khel, Khoidad Khel, Gidi Khel, Manazai, ,Alizai, Mahsuds.

KO'l'WAL (440; Black Moun­tain).-A sub-division of Hasan7.ai, Isam i, Y usufzais Headmen; Hamid Khan, Bostan, Dawa Khan.

KOTWAL KHEL.-A sfction of Aya Khel, Ashazai, lliaszai, Bunerwals.

KUCHELAI (90 ; Blark Moun­t&in).-A division of Deshi­wal, Swatis. Headmen; Ahmad, Mir H usein.

KUCHI. (Utmanzai; Upper Helmand and Ningrahar).­Nomadic, as distinguished from the Udrcdunkai, are a division of UtllUl.nmi, Moh­mands. Headmen; Asim, Abdullah, Nur, Khaudad, M usahibdin.

KuclIis (Dawezai, Upper Belmand and Ningrahar).­Nomadic, as distinguished from the Udrc,dunkai, are a division of Dawezai, Moh­mands. ~n winter they leave their families in Ningrahar, and carry merchandize Detween Kabul and Pesha­war. They are sub-divided

into AaRsan Khel, Mandozai, Hazarbuz, with an associated clan called Za Khel.

KUDA KlIEL.-A sub.division of the U marzai, Sheikhans (3,0011), "Hamsayas" of th; Orakzais. Samil. H~man' Nurulla. '

KUDEZAI (80).-A section of Baranzai. Kebzai, Sanzar, Kakars. Headmen; Mir Shah, Walidad.

KUDIZAI (West of Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A sub­division of Ahmadzai, Balil Khel, Muss Khels. Head­men; Lal Khan (Shamizai). Dost Muhammad (Ali Khan­mi).

KUlIADAB KlIBL.-A minor fraction of Misri Khel, Bosti ,Khel (150), Galai, Adam Khel, Afridis.

Km KlIBL.-A section of Tor, Sapar (350). Galai. Adam Khel, Afridis.

Km KHEL.-A minor fractiou of DUTflr (300), Khul!l"ogi. N asruddin, Zakha Rhel, Afridis. SalDi!. Headmen; see Bucha Khel.

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KUKI KHEL (4.500 ; Bara M.aidan, Rajgal, the Gudar and Lashora valleys).-One of the six Khyber Afridi clans· Gar. Headmen; Zaman Khan, Kambar Khan and Khaista Khan.

KUKI KHBL.-A minor frac· tion of Manak Khel, Dakhshi Khel, Madda Khl'l (1,600), lbrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel W azirs.

KUKKOZAI (Right bank of Kabul river).-One of the affiliated Mohmand clans.

KULLA KHEL.-A sub-division of Malikdin Khel, Malikdin Khel (4,000), Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Akbar, Dostai, Sher Gul, Zarlf, Shamsud· din.

KULLI KHEL.-A minor fmc· ·tion of Dildar Khel, Moh· mand Kh('l, Kattia Khel. lIa-san Khl'l, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel, Afri<llil. Gar. Headman; Mirwal.

KULLl KHEL.-A sub·divi­sion of Shekh Ali Khel, Kam-

• rai Khel (600), Afridis. Baroil. H('admen; Mulla Amir Shah, Mulla Akhund· za.da and Shl'r Walli.

KUNAI.-A minor fraCtion of Sudan Khel (S50), Isperka, Llu Kh('l, Ahmadzai, Dar· wesh Khel Wazirs.

KUNDAI.-A minor fraction of Jambai Khel, Waruka Ali Khan K hel, Sarki Khel, Madda Khel (1.600), Ibra­him Khel, Utmanzai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs.

KUNDAI.-A minor fraction of Tor Khel, Umarzai (600), Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Dar· wesh Khel W azirs. Head­men; Niazzi, Fazal, Zaid Gul, Ghallai.

K UNDAI.-A minor fraction of Bizen Khel (700), Shadi Khel. NasraDin, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai. Darwesh' Khel Wazirs. Headinan; Jalal Khan. .

KUNDI (Dannu District).-A minor fraction of Pirba Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Shakhai Khel, Wani Khel, Ghalat Khel, Mian Gul Khel.

KtrNDIS (200 i North·west of Dl'ra Ismail Khan District). - One of the le'llleT Pawlr.­dah trading tn'belil.

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KU.I KEn (60; Kharmana riverl.-·A minor fraction of the Abdul Mirzi. Landaizai, MaIIIl1Ai, Lashkar1.ai. Orak­zaill. Gar. Headman; ilian Khan.

KUBfO KHBL.-A minorfrae­tion of Kui Khel, Tor. Sapar (350). Galai, Adam Khel, Afridill.

KUBUlZAI (West of the Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A lIub-division of Hamzazai, .DaHl Khel, M usa Khels. Headman; G,1lan.

KUBw,n (l40).-A section of Taib Khel, Amzoni, :Mal­lizaci. Dawan,. Headman; Khalat Shah.

KU8KA KHBL.-A sub-division of the Zakka Khel, Ali Khels (3,000), "Hamsayll8 " of the Orakzaill. i Shiah. Gar. Headman; Khan Muham­mad.

KVIIHU.-A minorfraotion ()f Kanzal Khel. Alillher Khel. MUBa Khel, Nurizai, Mali­zai. Bnnerwals.

KV8HI KOB (Kabul River, west of Kiehni, and part in British territory).-A minor fraction of Asaf Khel,

Dalkha Kor, Dadu Khel, Tarak:zai. Mohmands. For Headmen; see Asaf Khel

Kuru KHBL.-A section of the Badzai, Kattagarm. Tatta, Battannis.

KnAB KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Balli Khel ShOOi

. Khel, Bara Khal (1,(}()0). Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

Kuu KHBL.-A division of Sanizai. Cis· Swat Utman Khels. Headmen; Saiad Shah, Mir Alam.

KUTAB KHEL (Miranzai and Mastura valleys).-A divi­sion of Mada Khels (800), "Hamsayas" of the Orakzais. Samil.

KUTAB KnL.-A minor frac­tion of Hindi Khel, Tor, Jani Khel (1,000), Wah Khel. Utmanzai, Darwesh . H;hel Wazi1'8. Headman j

Pir Makhmad.

Kuru KHEL.-A minor frac. tion of M.ir Ali Khel, Idia. Kbel, Jani Khe! (1,000), Wali l{hel, Utmanzai, Dar­wcsh Khel Wazirs. Head· JIll.\n; Gul Gh.afa.r.

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KUf'l1 AlIBL.-A. section of U mar Khan Khal, Malik­din Khel, Malikdin Khel (4,000), Mridis. -Sami!. Headmen; , :Bacamir, Gholai Jan, Ha.zrat Gul,Kolki, Miran, Mir Zaman, MuUa Mansur, Payao, Rasul, talim, ,Sardar, Akbar, Dos­tai,. Sher, Gul, Zarif, Shams­ud-din. '

Kunl.KIIEL (40).-.1 section of Nawar l{hel, Mtran Shah, Tappizad, Dawaris. Ii eadmen ; _Din Muhammad, Sluiikha Din, Sharob.

Kuz (or KHRAPPAw..u) Bun. BAN KHBL.-A sub-division of Burban Khel, Pandiali, MohmandS. Headmen.

LADDA,! (30).-A sootion of Tarota, Idak, Tc'ppizad, n~~ria. Headmen i ldar, Na~.

LA 1)DI KHBL (SO).-A minor fraction of the Nekzan Khel, Sher Khel, H aibat Khel, Nana Khet, Ba.hlolzai, Mabauds. Headmen j D~raz, AIDan Shah. '

Kuz KXBL.-A minor fraotioJl of Bolaki Khel, Tatar Khel 01' Akborwal (300), BaBIaD Khel, Adam Khel, Afridis.

Xuz SULlZA.I (6,500; left bank of Swat river. from Thana to Maniar).-:-A divi­sion' of Baizai, Akozai­Yusuf"ai Swatia.

KUZI KHEL. -A sub-division of Shekh Ali Khel, Kamrai Khtil-(600), Ah·idis. Samil. Headmen,; 'Mulla Amir Shah, Mulla Akhundzada, ~d Sher WaUi.

K W AI A.-A section of Khadin Khel, Ashazai, Diasza.i, ~unerwals.


liADIKHBL (70);-A aeetion of Musakki, Tor, Mallizad. Dawaris. Headmen; 00-band, Pasta Khan, M uham­mad, Zamir, Mihrjan.

LADI KXBL.-A minor frac· tion of Khan Khel, Takht i Khel, Bakka Khal (1,000), Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Dar· wesh Khel Wazil'8. Head· men i Zamma, Mir.

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.' ;



LADI ItHBL.-A minodraction 'of Tasbi Khel. Shs.raki (2. ,0), Galai, ·AdamlKhel Afridis.

LADU (60).-A division of Rakanwal. Lunis. Head­men; Rahmdil, Malikzai, Galdad, H-ajizai, La! Khan, damalEai, Khandai, J alezai, Lal Gul, Malwanzai, Dasmal Boiazai, Fatehan, Sidzai.

LA.G KHli1L.-A minor fraction of Mira. Khel, Mad Khozhai, Khaddar Khel (770), Moh­mit Khel, Utinanzai, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Bead­man; Sanobar.

LAGHAR (S).-A liIua-divisioD of Shamezai, Rakanwal. Luna.

LAGHAR KHBL (or'DoDI).­A minor fraction of Khazzar Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel, Madda Khel, (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darweah Khel Wazirs:

(or Muli) Khel, Salarzai, Iliaszai, Bunerw&ls.

LAHARZAI (1,060).-A divi. sian of Musa Khels. Head­men; see Nozai, Nokuzai. Land Palai, Mangizai.

LAILI.-Aooording to to tradi­tion, a tribe of Wazi1'8 residing on the north-west­ern slopes of the Safed Koh ; but they have never been Mentified. .

LAKAI KOB.-A. section of Ibrahim Khel, Kamali, Bali· mzai, Mohmands.

LAXHABI KHEL (Close to UbJ.8n Pass).-A sub·divi· sion of Sipah (400), Muham· mad Khel,. Orakzais. Gar. Shish.

LAKHI KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Pridai (150), ABbu Khel, Hassan Khel, Adam Khel Afridis.

LAKKAN (1,000 ; Kaitu valley, 'LAGHAR KHBL.-A minor Khost}.-A clan of the

fraction of Ashrab Khel, Khostwals. Ismail Khel, Bozi Khel. M adda Rh,l (1,600), Ibm- . LALA.KZAI (87).-A section of him Kbel, Utmanzai, Dar- . Shamozai, Balun Khel. wesh Kbel Wazirs. Sanatia. Kakars. Headmen;

hat Kach, Guldad (Head­man of the Shamozai), Ghafur, Mian Khan.

LAGHIUN KH'EL.-A minor fraction of Karu Khel, Malia


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lfamuzai (3,500), Laahk8l"1lai, Orakzais. Gar. Headman j

"Feroz Khan.

SAB Kll:SL.~A minor fraction of Shekhai, Annai (1.,000), Budai, Zakha Khal, Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Kattia Mir Khel, Fateh Khel, .Sahib Khel.

SABITZAI (lOO).-A seCtion of Shadzai, Alizai, Sanzar, Ka­ka1'8. Headman ; Bagai.

SABI!ZAI.-A minor (Ha~· d8.Y~) fraction of Saiadzai, Barab.a.i, Targhari. Sanzar, Kakars.

Jan, Aka Khel, (1,800), .A£ridis. Samil.

SA.DAXUI (West of Deta Ghazi Khan Distriot}'.-A sub­division of Hamzazai, Balil Khel, MUla Khels. Head .. man ; ·Macha.

SAI>AZAI (10).-A sub-divisifD of Malezai, Rakanwal,.LuDlS.

. Headman; see Malezai.

SADDA KHEJ. (RQ).-A minct' . fraption of Mirdad Khel, Abdul· Rahman Khat. Sher Kh!)l, Haibat Khel, Nana Khel, Ba.hlolzai, Mahsuds. Headman; Dakkas.

SABOGAt.-A. minorfraetion of SAI>D. KHBJ;, (300 ~ Bann~ Sadda Khel (300), Isperka,' and Shakai).-A seotion of Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai. Isperka, Kalil Khel, Ahmad-Darwesh Kh&l Wazirs, :elli,- Da,rwesh, Khel Wazirs. ' Headman; Ahmad GuI. Headmen; Zalim Khan,

Ahmad GuI. SA.BtrRAI' KHEL" .(Mastura

river).-A Bub·division lof the Mani Khel· (1,000), Muhammad Khel, Orakzais. Gar. Shiah.

SADA. KJIEL (80 5 Khanki . valley). A IjUb-divisiol\ of Babia Khel (700), llilXl8itzai. OraJ:zais. Samil. Heaq­man; Nakshband.

S~I>A.K KHBL.-Aminor frac­

$A.DOO KJlEL.-A section of Fakha\ (1,000), Budai. Zaliha Khel, Afridis. Samil.

, Headman; Zarin, Shal'abat, Saidai, Mirdin, Madrai, Naq.ir.; Gulab Shah.

SADDU K;HBL.-A lIub·divWion of Mampzai, Miahiis (3,OOO). ~. HaJD.BaYas" ()f the Qrak­zais.' lSamil. Headman' fakir. •

tion of Maruf Khel. Basi ijADUNUI' (52) . ..-A division KheI, J{~mal Khel, Sahib of Palao, J4uniB: . . ,

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Kakan. Headman; Kalalldar of Takhor, and Rahmatulla of )1.gh.

',. I

SAIP'ALI KB.1IL. (Ban1l1l Dis-'

SAIADUt" (200).-A section of ' , ',Sarangzai, Harun Khel, 'I' Sanatia. Kakars. Headman ;

. .trict).-A o;tinor fraetioo of Dodi Khel, Khandat: K.han Khel; , Hathi Knel, Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, DarWesh K~el Wazirs. '

Sirdar 'Bai, chief of all the Sarangzais. .

SAIADZAI (200).-A section of Mehtarzai; Harun Khel, Sanatia, Kakars. Head· man; Aziz.,

SAIDAN DANGAR KgBL (40).­A section of Shlljawal. Mu· barsk ShaM, Mallizad, Da­waris. Ha"dman; Hussain Shah, Shaikh Kabir, Sheikh Sadi.

,SUDGAI.-A minor'fraotion of Khan Khel, Takhti Khel, Bakka Khel (1000\ Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel ,W aM. Headman j

Gul Khatnio ' '

SAID KBBL (Bannu, Kuram). -A seetian of Umarzai (600), Shin Khel, Ahmad· zai, Darwesh Khal Wazirs. Headman; Pirmal Khan ..

SAIFALI.-A section of Kabul Khel (2,600), Wali Khel, Utmanzai,Darwesh Khel Wazirs," H~dman; Kotan Khan.

SAINI KBBL.-Aminor fmc-. tion of Narmi Khal, Bakka Khal (1,000), Wali Kbel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khal Wazirs.' Headmen; Shah • NlL'Waz~ ,

SAINI KBBL.-A minor frac­tion of Titar Khal, Khan Khel, Takhti Khal, Billa Khel (1,000), Wali KheI, U tmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Khan Badshah, Khazan Khan.

SAIN KBBL (70 ; 'Black Moun .. tain).-A sectionaf Aziz Khal, Akazai, lsazai, Y u8uf-z~ .

SAINZAI (GOmal).;-A divi· sion of Miani, ~haranis.

SAXA KHBL (SOl.-A section of Salimkai, Khadi Khal, , Shaman Khal. :M:.hsuds.

. 'Headme~;' HaJi . :Muham­mad, H~l.

'SAXXI 'KlIBL.-A sub-divi­sion of Mamozai, 'Mishtis (3,000)" "HalllSlloY.aa" d th~ Ora.kz~is. Samil. Head· man; Shahzu.

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SALIM. KHAN KOB.--=A. sub· division of . fI Kuz .. 'or "Khrap~wal" Burhan Khel. Pandiu.h, Mohmands. Head· man ; Gu~ar Shah.

S:ALlMONAI (35).-.1 minor fraction of the Abdul Khel. Langat Khel, Khoidad !Chel, Gidi Khel; Manazai, Alizai, Mahsuds. Headman; Nirla Khiln.

SALO KOB.~.1 minor .fraction of . Sroh,' BUsh~ Khel, Kamali, Halimzai, Moh­mands. Headman; K~an­izaman.

SUlfA KHBL (40).-A8ectfon of' M u11agBn. Tor, MaUizad, Dawaris. Head.ma.n; Mu­bammad Amin.··

SAMADINZAI (456).-A sub· division of lsa Khel,. Sana­tia, Kakars. Headman; Malikdad Muhammad.

SAMAND (59).-.1 division of Drigzai, Lunis.

SAlIEL (or Ismail) KHEL.-A Bub-division of Sbamozai, Khwazazai, Akozai-Yusuf­sai Swatia.

S.UrUtOBI (2'0).-.1 clan cd Allai~.. .

Suuu KRBL.-.1 minor &ac­tion of Ghnli Khel, A.mbar Khel, Mat Khan Khel. Kam­bar Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headman.; see Khd,jal Khel. . ...

SA)[OZAI.-(Maatura. KhanJd and Miranzai 'V&ll~).­One· of the three diviaio1l8 of the Sheikhans.~"'·Hamaayas" of the Orakzais. 8amil. Headman; Shambo

S.UUTIAB (7.S13; Kalat. . Peshin, and Upper Zhob ).­

A .clp.n of Kaka1',8. Head­men; Guldad. (Sbam.o?jai), 8irdar Habo Khan (Hehtar­zai), Sirdar Bai IOlan (Sar .. anzai), Baidula. (SaranJrzai), Bil·dar Ibrahfttl Khan (Pani. zai), Malikdad Mnhmmad lSamadinzai).

SUDUZAI (West of the Delli. Ghazi Khan District).-A section of Kabalzai Nom­mi, Laharzai, M 1l88o Khela. Headman ; Momin.

8.UULZAlB (Bajaut}.-one of 8ANGAllAl (25).-.1 aeetion of the four· cIaDl of the ~arka· Bazid Khel, JaWakJ, Adam JUs. Khel, Afridia.

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SUDnI Knn (40).-.A minor fraotion of Pirdad KheI, Abdul Rahman Khel, Sher Khel, Haibat Khel, Nana Khal, Bahlolzai, Mahsuds. Headmen; Allahdad, Shahzal.

SUD! KXEL (Bannu and Shawal).-·A section . of Bakka KhaI (1,000), WaH Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wam. Headmen; Ashraf 'Khan, Khaki Shah, Gulak Khan, Rasn.l Shah, Landak, Mauladad Khan, Banai.

SUGAN KOB.-A minor frac­tion of Ismail, Khadin Khel, Ashazai, lliuzai, Buner­wall.

SUGA.',l KOll (Bohai Dag). -A sub-division of Khadi Khal, Khwaezai, Mohmands. Headmen; Akram, Aziz Khan. .

SABGVL KXEL.-A minor frac­tion of 'Pirwal Khal, Tatar Khel, or Akhorwal, H~n "Khel, Adam Khel, Afl'idis.

SAu.un KXBL.-A sub-divi­sion of Shamozai, lsmailzai, Utman Khels. Headmen; D08t Muhammad, Mohr­'an, Muhammad .Akram.

S.l.BKAIU Kxlt. (~) .•. sub-division of Shaino2 Ismailzai, Utman Khela.

SABKXI KXBL.-A minor fr tion of Mira Khel, :M Khozhai, Khaddar K (770), Mohmit Khel, 1 manzai, Darwesh Khel 'VI zirs. Headman; Bakl Shah.

SABKI KXBL.-A section Madda Khel (1,600), Ib him Khal, Utmanv.ai, D wash Khel W we. Hal men; Sadda Khan, Alam and Shadam Khan are , leading men; See also MaC: Khal, Ali Khan Khel, a Drepillari.

SAIXI KHBx. -A sub-divi8' of Akhel (600), Ismaih Orakzais. Gar. Readme

. Malik Maddu, lIir Kh Said Gul, ·N ur Ayaz, S Shah, Sher·Ali. .

SU1U81UI (50).-A lIectioI Salimkai, Khaki Khal, S: man Khel, Mahsuds. He men; Namar, Pasti, Gha

BABJU.S'! KHBL.-A Inf: £notion of Machi Khal, J

dul. Khel, Bora Xl (1,000), Mohmit Khel, 1 manf,ai, Darweah K Wazu-s.

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SBH.&RI (G4).-A rnb-divisioD SBBGU' KBn (or SiYU).-A of Ismailalagh, Spin, Tarins. section of Panjpa;i, N'lB1lZai,. Headman ; !sa Khan. lliaszai, Bunerw.a1a ..

SEN.-A section of Khakizai, Ashazai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

SEN Khel (1,640).-4 clan of Sheranis.

SBN KHBL.-A sub-division of Abba. KheI, Tatta .. Battan· nis.

SBlVAN.llKOB (B9haiDagl.­A. sub-division of Khadi Khel, Khwaezai, Mohmands. Headm~n; Painda Kha~.

SHAllADIlJ KHBL (20 ).-A section' of PalaU, Tapiai. Tappizad,· Dawaris. Head­men; Mlr Alam 01' Mil' Alani, GumbaL

SEN KHBL.-A IR1b.odivliriOD of Gatiaizai, lliaszai, Buner-wals. SlUU KHBL.-A. anb·iivision

:of Ali Khel, Bar Ranizai .. Ako:l:ai - Y usufzai Swatis. SENZAI.-.! section of Kan~zai,

Kattagarm, Tatta, Battannis. Headmen; Khajak,.Haan.

SBNZAl.-A section of Kean, W oruke .. Dana, Battannis.

SENZ.AI (Bajaur ).-One . of the diviBioIl& of lsazai, Tarkanis.

SENU! (Bajaur) .. -A small aboriginal tribe. living at Benza.i, two miles north of Mundah, in Jandol.

SEP AH.-A .snb-divisioD·· of Kandahari Salis.. who are a vassal clan of the Mohmands

SEPAH.-A division of Bae:l:ai, Mohma.nds.

8HABAX KHBL (lO).-A. minor fraction of Kharmach Khel, Malai, Shingi, BahIol­zai, 'Mahands. Headman ;. Fatteh Khan.

SHABAB KBBL.-A minor frac­tion of Sarmast Khal, Badi Khel, Dardoni, W ui Khal (800), Mohmit Khel,Utinan. zai, DarwtlSh Khal W azirs~ Headman; Nakir Khan.

SHABBAR KHBL.-A minor­fraction of Kharmanj Khel,. Khwaja. Khel, Miamai, Kabul Khel (2,600), Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Darweeh Khel Wazir.. Headmaa; G1&lbat Khan.

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SUBAS KRBL (l5).-"A minor fraction of Idal Khel, Muham· mad Khal. Jdalakh, MalHrad, Dawaria. Headman; Kui.

SBABBZAI (SO).-A seotion of Iaa Khel, Ahmad Khel. Oha Khel, Sheranis.

SUBI KUBL (l,270).~A division of the Alizai, Kahsuds.

SJlABILKBBL.-A minor frac­tion of Umar Khal, .A.nnai (1,000), Budai, Zakha Khel, Afridis. Headmen j Shahaba Din, Bolak, Arab.

SBABOZU.- A sub-dtTision' of Arbu Khel, Sarizar, Kakars.

SB&U,U (Zhob).-A.aection of Ibrahimzai, Shadozai, Ali Khel, Sanzar, Kakare.

SB.lDU KJlBL (6).-Aaection of ' Boya, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headman ; Tor. '

SSADAlt KOB.-A minor frao. tion of. Hyatai Kor, Shah lIauaur Khal, Dadu Khel, Tarabai. Mohmanda. Head· man; Son.

SB'ADAlts.-A miaor fraotion of Muhammad Khel (700). Japerb, Kalu Khel, Ahtnad­AI, Danresh Khel Wazin. H.c1m eu i Katamir.

SBADA! KOB.-A. Bub-division of Maimana Khel, Khwaezai, Molunands. Headman; MIra Jan. .

SHADI KBBL (200).-A sub­division ot Bobak, Dana, Battannis. Headtnan; Batur of Bagh.

SlJADI KBRt (75; Dera Ismail Khan Diatriot).-Nomadio, a section of Isot Khl'l, Mian Khel, Lohana, Pa.win­dabs. Headman; see Mian Khel.

SUADI XJlBL (1,800; British territory, Wana and tlumatti. 'Some fractions mib'l'llte to Baddar).-A aection of Naara. Din, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darw08h Khol, Wazirs. Headmen; Sarwar Khan. Amin Khan, JaW Khan, 'l'imar Khan. N 8zir Khan. Gul Adam, Sr&hib Khan, Gulbaz, Sawar Khan. Mir Alam, Bhittani Khan, Mihrwah, Lalo Khan.

SB .... DI XHBL. -A m Inol' frac­tion of Silm-nller Khc), Man­zar Khel (360), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, I:arwcllh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Kaddi Khan.

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SHADI KHBL.-A section of Bora Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman ; Kippat Khan.

SHADI KHBL.-A minor frac· tion of Bozo. Khel. Tor Khel, Umarzai (600). Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wa~irs.

SHADI KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Balal Khel, Hassan Khel (400), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Piyao Khan, Badde Fakir, Khan Ghazat.

SHADI KHBL (25).--A pb· division of Banda. Tappizad Dawaris. Headmen ; Shabol. Nazr Muhammad.

SHAD! KHEL (9}.-A minor fraction of Ipi, Haida1'- Khel, Tor, Ta.ppiz&d, Dawaris. Headmen; G",ldad, Salim.

SHADl K1fRL (4.1) .-A minor fraction of Lar Lorai, Land. Malakh, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen ; Bazar Din, K'unat Khan. Fakir Muhanunad..

SHADOZAI.-A minor (E sa18) fraction of Hasanzai. Barakzai, gharl, Sanzo.r, Kakars.

SHADO!.!I (275).-A 1I fraction of Bulozai, Po.: Harnn Khel, Sanatia,Ka Headmen ; Ali Muham: Ramzan, Faiz Muhamm

SHADZAI (3,900).-A sub­sion of Ali7Jll.i, Sanzar, Ka Headmen; Ali (Aktal Saiad Rahmat (Ali K Hamzai (Daolatza.i). I (Sebitzai).

SB'AGU KOB.-A minor fra< of Ambora. Khel, & Khel, Kamal Khet. E JaB, Aka. Khel (1,1 Afridis. Samil.

SHAHAn DIN KHEL (6C A section of Mllsakki. MaUizad. Dawaris. E men; Ha"88u,' Sawan, Raihan, Mlhr Gul.

SHAIU.B KHl!:L.-A. n fraction of Manzar· Khel Khel, UlD1lrzai (600). KheI, Ahmadzai, Dar

. Khel Wazirs. Hea<h Jamal Din.

SllADUJ.u.-A section ofAlunad SH.tHABUDDIK KHBL (91 KheT, Targhari, SaDZaJ', A minor fraction Ka.kars... Garerai, Shumi Khel,.:

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Khel, Mauzai, Alizai, ){absuds. Headmen; Zafar, Lab, KabllI, Zarmast.

SIIAB AUK Kill' (128).-A eectiOll of the Kasim Khel, Cbahar Khel, Shaman Khel, llahsuda.

SIIABBAlU KOB.-A minor fn.ction of Sultan Khel,

. Hamza Khel, Gandab, Hallinzai, Mohmands. Head­man; Nurai.

SlIAIIBAB KBBL.-A minor fraction of Mir Said Khel, Sanzal Khel, Kamal Khel, Sahib Ja~ Aka Khel (1,800), Afrldis: &mil.

BUBBAZ KRBL (400).-A minor· fraction of Bizodai, lIalikahai, Aimal Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsuda. Head· men; Zobar, Aaal Khan, Akbar'Kban.

SKAUBAZ KOB. (Danish KoI).-A minor fraction of Bajai Khel, Y usaf Khel, _ Khel, Pandiali, Moh-manda.

5J1ADBG KUBL.-A minor fraction of Tor Khel, Asad 1thel, Mi1lha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (4.,600), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Bazai and laJamdin.

SlIA'RBllG XUJIL.-A minot fraction of Fatteh Khel, Mir Khel, Pakhai (1,000), Budai, Zakha Khel, Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Muham· mad Nur, Muhammad Shah, and Kamr Din.

SBAIIBtrDINZAI (West or !>era Ghazi Khan Dis­triot).-A sub· division of Hamzazai, BaUl Khel, Muaa Khels. Headman; KaIandar.

SHADAD KHBL.-A section of the Kambar Khel, Bazoti (5eo), Danlatzai. Orakzais. Samll.

SHAIIDAD KRBL.-A divisiop of Mutakai, UtmaD Khels.

SHAUDOUIB (200).-A small Pathan tribe, said to be an o:ffshoot of the Kama. Headman; Jehangir.

BIIAIIGtrL XlIBL.-A division of Niamat Tatta, Battanni •. man ; Mir Azar.

sub· Khel, Head·

SIIAIIGtrL KOB.-A mInor fraction Qf Runi Kor, WaH Beg Kor, Gandab, Halimzai, Mohmand .. Headmen; Kha­Hd, Ghulam Din, Kalandar.

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SH .. UII KH BL (15 ; Dera IsmaU Khan District ).-N omadic, a minor fraction of Saiad Khel, Isot Khel, Mian Khel, Lohana, Pawindahs. Head­men; see Mian Khel.

SHAHI KHEL (80; Black Mountain). -A aection of Barat Khel, Akazai, lsazai, Yusufzais.

SHAHI KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of GhulaD;l. Khel (300), Haibat Khel. Jawaki, Adam Khel, Afridis. .

SHAHI KHEL (40).-A section of Musak.ki, Tor, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Nia-

• midsr, Azmat, Gul Sahib, Kippat.

SHAHI KHIL (8).-A minor fraction of Padmi, Taib Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, Dawads. Headman; Faizullah.

SHAH I KOB.-A minor fraction d Muradi Khel, Dalkha Kor, Dadu Khel, Tank­zai, Mohmands. Headman; Muhammad HaRn.

SHAHI KOB (Kharmana river). -A minor fraction of the Ash Khel (580), Khwaja Khel, Masuzai, Lashkarzai, Orakzais. Samil. Headman ; Sahzulla.

SHAH J AllAN KJIlIL.-A minor fraction of Jambai Khel, Waruka, :&.li Khan Khel, Sarki Khet, Madda KheL (1,600), Ibrahim. KheJ, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

SHAll KHBL.-A section of Ibrahim Khel, Gadaizai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

SHAll MANSUR KHBL (1,300). -A section of Dadn Khet. Tarakzai, Mohmands.

SHAH MIBI.-A.mlnorfraction of Dre Pillari, Tori Khel (2,670), Ibrahim. Khel, Utmanzai, Dsrwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman j Khari •

SHAH MUHunUD 'K.HBL.-A minor fraction of Pira Inel, Jamal Khel, Malik Shahi (400), WaH .Khe!, Utman­mi, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

. Headman; Pirgai.

SHAHXAL 1rBBL.~A minor :fraction of Firo,; KheI, Tor Sa.par (350), Galai, Adam Khel, Afridis. . -

8HAHNUR Ko:a.-A mmor frac­tion of Zaman :JI:h81, Yakki Khel, Kattia kheI,' Basam Khet, Mitba Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (6.500), Amelia. Gar.

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SRaOZAI {West of Dera Din, Kaln Khel. Ahmadzai, Ghazi Khan Distriot).-A :parweah Khel Wuirs. division of Umarzai, Musa. Khels. Headman ;. Shahosai. SJUtJrH Ka:Bt' . ....;..A _ion' of

SaAllozAl (100).-A sub-divi· adou of Yahia, Sen Khel, S~nis.

SRmm. KUBL (4lI).-A sub· division of Ismail Khel, Jhnap,i, Sheranis.

SHAHW ALI KH:BL.-A minor fraction. of Sikandar Khel, Abdul Khel, Bora. Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Uta manzai, Darwesh Khel Wa· zin·

SJU1[WAZ KHBL.-A sub-dtvi· sion of the Khwaja Hawas ~ 'Ali Khel (8,000), .. HaQuiaY." of the OraJaais. Gar •. t- Shiah.

Aib' Khel, SAlarzai; Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

SHAIKH KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Kambir (or Kambo) Khel,Aib KheI, Salarzai, Iliaszai, Bunerwala.

SRAUH KaBL~ (Talash valley, . and Dush Khel, in Dir).­

A division of Ausa Khel (Malizai) Yusafzais. In oombination with the Nurak Khels they can muster lOme 1,500 fighting·men.

,BaHAL K;a:BL (l00).-A sec­tion of Haibat KbeJ;Jawald, Adam Khel, Afridis.

SJUIB KHZL.-A IIOOtion of the Mir Ahmad Khel, BBHliAR KaKL.-A minor Aliaherzai (8000) Lash.' fraotion of :MWBkld, Wuzi karzai,Orakzai.. Sauul. Khel (8<!0). Mohmit .Khel,

. Ut.manaal, Danreah Khel Wazira. Headman ; Kalonl. SJUm KBIL.~A ~inor fra.o·

_n of Dani Khet, Matkai, JIalikl!hahi (400),Wali XheI, Utman~ Darwesh .neI, .W.m.. Headman; Marota.

8BAXilE BAIID (Wana).-A miDor fraction of Zalli Khel (J,OOO), Bom.i KheI, Nura

SH.UJUB KHU (Bannn Dis· t*t).-A minor fractlou of Xnndi, Pirba Xhel, IIathi Khel (2,000), Shin or tlani Khel, AhmadfAi, Darwelh nel Wazln. Headman i DaDJir Khan. .

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SHUHI (230).-A division of Waraspun, Battannis. Head­men; Said.a.l (Ismailak); Jandar (Chalak Khel), Ah· mad Khan (1i'ateh Khel).

.SHAXHIBYA KHBL.-A minor fraction of Khojal Khel (600), Shadi Khel, Nasra Din, Kalu Khal, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

BHAXHUL KHBL.-A minor fraction of Mir Hu sani ,

. Macha, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel W'azirs.

SHUXI KHBL (60).-A sub­divisioJl. of the Band Khel, BahloI1.a.i, Mahsuds. Head­man ; Rahimdad.

SHHRZAI (400).-A section of Land Amand, Ahmad Khel, Oba Khel, Sheranis.

.sHUMAI KOB.-A minor frac­tion of Rami Khel, . Kadai Kor. Gandab, Halimzai, Moh­mands. Headmen; Khan

. Shere, Zainullah.

.SBAlIAX KHBL (420).-A section of the A bdullai, Aimal Khel, Bahlolzai, Mahsu:ds.

,SHAJ,UL KHBL.-A minor frae­. tion of Pirwal Khel, Tatar

Khel or Akhorwal, Haaaan Khel, Adam Khel, Afridis.

BHAlI:ALI KH:BL.-A 81lb-divi­sion of the Akhel (600), Ismailzai, Orakze.is. Gar. Headman ; Makhodi.

SHAlIAlIZAI (300).- A 1JeO­tion of the ~nzai, Keb­zai, Banzal', Kakars. Head.

. men; Jamal, Behai, Paio.

SHAlIAN KKBL (l,928).-A clan of Mahsuds.

SHA.MBRAI (l40)'-A sub-divi­sion of the Manuai, Alisai, Mahsuds.

SHAMBZAI (34).-A division of RakAnwal, Lunis.

SHA.BZAI (4,000; Hat'hawai stream to Kohfstan).-A division of - Ki:tw&zazai, Akozai - Yusufzai Swatis. Headman; Husain Khan of . Asharai.

SHAMI KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of Shugai, Tori Khel, (2,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darweeh Khal W 8zirS. Headmen; Haldm, Musa, Hashim Khan.

BH.um. (1,000 ; 8hami1 valle!, Khost).-A, clau of the KbostwtJa..

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SKU[SO Kolt.-1. snb·divi· sion of Masand Sa1is who

-_ are a Vl¥lSaI clan of the Mohmands.

Saul' KURL (BO).-A divi· Ilion of· Tatta, Battannis. Headman; Mir Azim (Bilal).

SKANA!' or SlLUf K:a:EL (-700); -A· division of'Zakha Khel Afridie.. 'Samil. Headmen; Said Khan, Mihr Din, Bawar,Sultan Mir, Gul Shah, Khanzad, Langllr, Khandin, Said Khan.

SRARAGII KIIEL.-1. minor fraction of Kaddam Khel, Feroz Khel, 'Mashi Khel, Mannia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitba Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (4t600), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Abbas; Hakim; Nazir. .

SIURAX K1IllL.-A _ miilor fraction of Sadda Khel (800), Ieperkat Llu Khel, Ahmadzai. DarwEllh. Khel W.azirs. Headman; Zalim Khan .... '.. -

. -

SIIUAXI (200).-1. sub·divi· sion of GaIai, Adam Khel, Afridis.

SRUB.l'l! KRlIL.-A. . minor fraction of Paipali, Kabul

Khel (9,600), Wall Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh, Khel Wazirs.

SIIA.ltIF KIIBL;-A minor frao­tion of Kata Gran, Shugai, Tori Khel (2;670), Ibrahim Khel, U tmanzai, Darweah. Khel Wazira.· Headman; Muhamma~lGul. .

SIIARIF KilEL .. ~A ~ion of -the CbaWIlo1' .Khel" ,~zoti (600), Dauiatzai, Oiakzais. Samil.

SlInn' KII~r. (lO).--.-A sec­tion . of Hakim Khel, Mn­barak Shahi, . :Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Ah· ~D1i.r, Badidar.

SRARKI KIIB:L l6!S)'.-A: Roo" tion of LBim Khel, Chahar Khel, ~l:\3man Khel, Mahsuds; ; "

SIIA!I KD;JL.-A .section of Wali Beg Kor. Gtndab, Halimzai, Mo'hma.iJ,cJs.·

SRUKAI (60).-A:8ecti0li of · Malik. Dinai, Manazai, · Alirai, Mahsua..··UaMman ;

Bozak.. .

SliA'lo KIIBL (Pipal).-A Rb· · division Of BaoiLkai Kor,

Da"ZlIoi, MllhmaDc1I. Head· man j Mohmandai.

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SlUWA.!. KlIBL;-A., ~or : fraction of Shadi KhI1I, Balal

Khel, Ha.,.nKhel {4OU). Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, DarWesh Kh~l ·'Wazire. Headman ; ~yao Khan .. "

IiJHRUB: AFZAL '(Wana)~~A minor fractiaB of Gangl Khel (800-400 in Wana), Bomi

, Khel, Nasm Din· Khe~ Kaln . . Khel,Ahm.ad.Zai, Darwesh . Khel WuirS. .

SHBIKH ALI.-A· minor frac· tion of Narmi Khel. Bakka Khel (1,000), Wali Khel, UtInanzai. Darwesh Khel, Wazu.. Headman;' Ghlli· Jladi~.

, ,

SHEIIHAlII', (3,000'; MastUra, Kha.D.ki, and 14lraD~ai :val. ·lep,).-A'" Ilall?-!V~;" :clan of the Orakzais. s~l.'.

'r Utmanzai, :n.l'Wesh Xhel , Wazirs. Headmen; Ashraf . ,Kh8.H>- Kliaki Shah, ,Gulak

l,quril. . SHBIXHBUDil!f . ':KHlIL.-A

minor fraction of W &din - Khel, KhaZzar TKhel, " 'Star'

Ali Khan KheI;' Barki }{heI, MaddiJ. Khel (l,toO). Ibrahim Khel. Utmal.Bzai, DaiwIiJh Khel Wazim .

SHEIKH' KHEL . (Bajaur).­A . division . of ,the ~,

" Tarkanis.

SHBIKHXAL KHBL • .:.....A· sub· division of Karobat Khel, Kambar Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Jan Muhammad, 'l'duhaJ:llJllad Amir. •

SHBKX'ALKB:BL (600; Lo .. argai).-A division <!f Ali

. .s.hff· Kpel, ShinWiU'is. . . '.' ." '

SBBIJ:IUlALl KnBL (200).­A mil).or fl'aCtion of, Abra· him Khel, Ali Karan. Mamuzai, laabkarzai. Orak·

SmlIJr:H' ALI,"':':"A minor fmc. Dis.' Gar. Headman; Said • '- _ .. ~ I Ahmad.

'1iton of MU8naitki~ lfa.eba, . . Madda Khel (l,600),Tbrahim ,8inuJl:HNUB KHEL.-A minor Khel., Utman~, nar~esh, , . fraction . 'of J~mba:i Khel,

. ~l Wu4'~< '. :,' Wa~ Ali Khan Khel, , .. . . . Sarkl Khel. M~da ]{hel

SJllIyXH,. ,Btnmr.~A , m!nor (1,600),-' Ibrahim Khel, ·fraetion of Baidi Khel,Bakka Utmanrai,Darweah Khel

Khel (1;000),' Wall Khel, Waiirs. '

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;SB:BIXlI UMlU.I~.,...A mmor fraction of Pira Khel, Jamal Khel,Malik Shahi (lJ.OO1 Wall }{hel, UtInanza'i, Dar­wesh Khel Wazirs. Head­maD. ; SulemaJli.

SHBIKHWoADI.-A minor frac­tion of .shadi Khel, Bora Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazira.

SHBKH.-An Arabic word meaningelaer or ohief. It is a title properly coonood to tribes ()f Arab descent, but is very commonly used to denote a cO'll/vert to 18-lGm.

SRUHA! {lOO -; Trans fron­tier).-A division of the Ali Sher Khel, Shinwaris.

SEBI[H,U.-A section ()f Annai (1,000), Budai, Zakha Khel, Afridis. Samil Head· tnan; Khwss Khan.

SAHBKJ[ KHBL.-A minor fraction of Khusalai, Tori Khel (2,670), Ibrahim Khel, U tm an zai ; Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Shah· malt.

SHUu" ALI KHBL.-A divi· , lion of Kamrai or Kamar

Khel (600). 'Airidis. ~

Headmen; Mulla Amit Shah, Mulla Akhtmdzada, Sher Wali.

SilEX" •• -A minor fraction of Kasim. Khet, Suran Khel Babakri, Sipah (1,200), .Afridis. Samil. Headmen; see Kasim Khet.

SHBEH BARID KHEL(ro). -A minor froonon of the Nikar­rab Khel, Khoidad Khel, Gidl Khel, Manazai, Alimi, Mahsuds. Headman; Bab Khan, PiyaO.

SHEKHAN.-A minor fraction of Karnn Khel, Asad Khel, Mitha Khan KheI, Kuki Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Guh!.b, Alam Sher, Sherai, Ghulam Ali, 'Kh$i~,' , A,lladad Fakir, Abbas.'

SBBXHU 'KBEL, (20; Dera Ismail Khan District)­N omadio, a ininor fraction of Balooh Khel, I80t Khel, Mian Khell Lohana, Pawin­dabs. Heac1men;' see Mian Khel. ' .

SEu:WAL.-A section. of Pakhai (1,000), Budai, Zo.kha 'Khel, AfridJs. SamiL Headmen; Sher Ali. Mirza, Sam~Pa; , ~,

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SlID KHAN KHBL.-A minor fraction of 'Cmar KhanKhel, Malikdin Kbel, Mali kdin KheI (4,500), Afridig. Samil. Headmen; aee Kutti Khel.

8llEa KHAN KHBL.-A mioor fraction of Kasim Khel (250), Kimat Khel, JawaJd, Adam Khel, Afridis.

8HBB KlI.Uf KSBL.-A miDor frac.t1.on of Mohmand Khel, X attia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Kambar, Boner an~ Kaddam Khan.

SHBa KHAN KHEL.-A minor fraction of Musa, Khel, Makhozai, Nasuza.i, lliaszai, Bunerwals.

SHBR KHAN KHEL (16) . ....:...One of the two sections of the Malla Khel, Chahar Khel, Shaman Khal," "Mahsuda. Headmen; 8hahid Khan,

, ' Zarpiyao.

SB:I,B KHIL.-A, minor frac­tion of Kambir (or Kambo)

• Khal, Aib Khal, Balarzai, , ni.zat, Dunei-wali. ,'I II'! . "

San KlUx. (1l)20).-A seo­tlon of tho Halbat Khel, Nana Khol, Eahlblzai, MahaudI: '

SOR KBJlL.-A minor frac.­tion of, Tugali, Muhammad Khel, Hassan Khel, (no). Mohmit Khel, UtIll&DZ&i. Danresh Khel'Wazirs.

SSER KlIBL.-A minor frac­tion of Dre Nami,Be1aJ. Khal, lIaBaan Khal (400), Mohmit Kbel; Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Niyaz Muhammad.

Ssn KSBL.-A minor frac­tion of Bub Khel, Maddu Khel, Asad ,Khel, Mitha

. ~han i ,Khel, Kuki Khel (4,500), Afrielia., Gar. Head· men; Mulla Nuir. Mir­,wal, Said Gli1.

SaBB KHEL.-A minor frac­tion of Gharn Khel, Ashraf

'K4el, Kamal Khal, Sahib Jan, Aka Khel (1,800). ,Afridis. Samil.

SHU KHEL."":'"'A 81lb-division . of Mat Khan Khel, Kainbar Khel (4,500), Mridia. Gar: lUaclmen; Shar Khan, Hamid, and N urai. '

SHBB KSBL.-A ,mioor £rae... ilion of Ahmad' Beg Khel. Mohib Khel,' Shekhai, Annai (l,OOO). :Budai. Zakha Khel, Ahidis.,Sa.mil. Head-

. men '; , Bhahzada, AtsaiJa, AliguL ,,, ,

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SSIK lUIn (18).-A Btlb­division of ZerakJd, Malli­zad, Da.waris. Headmen; Gu.pir, Kbangnl.

SHIRl Ksu or ALIZ.U (500 ; Maatnra river).-A din_ of the Daulatzai, Orakzais. Bamil. ~ Sbiah.

SHIU KH]u' (60);-A section of lMurl, Tor, Tappizad, Da.Wa.ri8. Headmen; BaD1a.nd Khan, Dinai. Nada.m, Minai;

SHXtJNDI KHBL (25; Mastura. . riVe1:);-~. 8tili-division of

the Alizai (or Stun· Khel), Da.lltatza.i. Orakzais. Samil. Shiah. Headman; Dalil Khan. . ,. ;.

Sso MtT~U.){JUD· KiHBL' (16). -A minor f,action of the . Ba.rumi Khel, .. ~hoidad Khel, Gidi Khel; :MaDami. Alizai, 1rIahauda. ,.Headman; Ali uL .. g ...

8BOBJ.B: K.allL (OO).--A minor . fraction of the Bahimdad

Khel. Abdul. Bahman Khel, Sher Khel,. lWbat l{hel. Nana Khel. Bahlolzai. Mah· aucla. . Headmen ; Shale, ihazal. .

.t '. SJlODl. :XBBL.· (16) ..... One of

tho five 88Otio.: o~ the

Ghah'b Khel, Bulanai, Shaman Khel. Mabsocls. Headman; Akbar Khan.

SHOGI KHBL.-A minor frac­tion of U mar Khel, Ali Khel, Khaddar Khel (71(1). Mohmit Khel.· Utmanzai, I Ia.rwesh Khel Wazin. Headman; Nazarka.

.8HOlUK KHBL (4).-A minor £raotion of the Rahimdad Khe1, Abdul Rahman Khel, Sher Khel,' Haibat Khel,

.. Nana Khel, Bahlolzai, :Mah· 8uds. Headmen;. Ganilapur. Panai.

SHOHA.I (25).-A minor frac· tion of.the Gam Khel.l3aran Khel, Chahar Khel, Shaman KJiel. Mahsuds .. ~en ; Lal Gul.Mauladad.

. . SHPALXA.I KHBL.- A section

of Zargun Jebel (800). Galai, Adam Khe1, .MridiB. ..

SHtTDAXA.&. (50J.- . A minor . fraction of Glta. Khel,' Mu-. '. hAIDmad Khe4' 'Malakb,

Mallizad:, . DaWarls. . Head· mea J Sawan, Ahmad Din.

SUVGAI.-A section 6f Tori Khel (2,670), Ibrahim· Khel. U tmanzai, Darweeh Kh~l Wazira. Headme1i; Iliaa and ~add (~hainJI\adl Ak~,

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.. 206

SrEUDAB KDL.-A minor fraction of 8ikandar KheI, Manzar Khel (360), Ibra­him Khal Utmanzai, Dar­wesh Khat, Wazirs. Head­man: '; Ayaz'IDian. '

SIEAliD.&.lt KHEL.-A seo­tioll of Abdul Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, DaTwesh Khel, Wazirs.

SiitAHDA.Jl KOB.-A minor fraction of Kamal Khel, Maddu: Khel, Asad Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kuki Khel (4,500), Afridis. Gar. Headmen; Muhammad AmiD, Qul Jan, Budai, Langar.

SIllAN (20).-A section of Mlilli KheI, Idak,' Tappizad. 'Dams. Headmen; Bald Shab,o Aziirl..Khan, Jama.l Din.' "':'.

SUlAN KHEL (6).-A section of Palali, Ta.piai, ' Tappizad,

! Dawaris. Headman; Fatteh . Mir.

SIN, SUIN or 8ruN (1,000).­A clan of the Kakars. "


81.1 Kor..-A minor fraction cd KhiwXhel, Mintar KhaI, Muhammad. . KheI, Hassan Xbel . (400), Mohmit Khe!,

Utmauzai, Darweah Khel Wazil'8o Headman; K-hu­galgal.

Bnn' KR:BL.-A section of Khuniya Kbel (200), Bbadi KbpI, . Nasra Din, KaIu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khal Wazirs.

Bun KHBL (8).-A ntiIior hac .. tion of Khuttay, Taib Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headman; Nazar Khan.

BINI KRn (25).-A minor fraction of La:r Lorai, Land, Malakh, MaIIiZad; Dawa.ris. Headmen; Akub, Balyam, Said Muhammad. '

SIl" KRUR.-A mirlor fraotion of the KhoidadzM, Shadzai,

, AlizeJ, ~nzar, Kakars.

SINK! KHBL.-:-A, :minorfrac­tion of Shadi KheI, Balal Khel, Hassan :KheI(400), Mo~mit.· Kh€!l, Utmanzai, Darwesh nel Wazirs • Headman; Badde Fakir.

SlUR (1,200 ; .Bara valley aud Kajllrai).-One of the six Khyber Afridi clans. Samil. Headmen; Shar Muhammad, Shah . Murad, BUlim&n. Shah.

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SlUR (4.00; MaStura valley, SXRALI K1I'BL.-A minor hie­and Landuki paas.)-A tion of Bai 1O.el, Firozai, division of the Mnham-. Cbagarzai, Malizai, Buner-mad Khel, Ora.kzais. G.ar. wals.

" .Swah.

SIPAR, (610).-A section of the Ali Karan, Mamnzai, Lashkarzai, Orakzaia. Gar. Bee Amd Khel.

SIEGIEI or SABG1IABI (200; Peehin).-A. small Ka~ar clan. Headman; Sultan Muhammad.

SIUI K:ilBL (800 [400 in, Wana], &nnn, Wana and Birmal).-A. sub·division of Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Dar­wash Khel Wazire. Hl.'ad­men; Lajmir Khan. Band Khan, Madazan, . Zargar Khan. These Malike are res­ponsible for the Gomal.

SIBILI K1IIL (15).-A minor fraCtion of Gtta Khel, Mu­hammad Khel. Malakh, Mal­Ihl&d. Dawaris. Headman ; Watr.na.i.

SUKI K1IBL (20),-A minor fraotion of Taos 'Khel, Bogi Khel, Muhammad Khal, Malakh, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; l'irat Shah, Zurnl.

BH:EL KHBL.-A mbior' b­. tion of Bai Kbel, Firozai,

Cbagarzai, Malizai, Buner. wals.

BOB KHBL.-A minor fraction of Jambai Khel, Warnka Ali Khan Khal, Barki Xhel, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibra­him Khe1, Utmanzai, Dar­wash Khel Wazire.

BOGI KHIL (lcl.O).-A. section of Muhammad Khel, Ma!akh,. Mallizad. Dawaris. Hl.'adn1l'u; Khan Muham­mad Khau. Makh.

BOBA KHBL (71J).-A minor fraction of the Gaga Khel. Sher . Khal, Haibat Khel. Nana Khel. Bahlolz&i, lIah­and,. Headman ; Shabid Khan. .

SPAIGI (SO).-A min()r·frac. tion of Abdul Rahman Khel, Muhammad 1'hel,' .,.~; Mallizad, Daw&ria. ~'Head­men; Hakim KhaIi, Wazir Amm. .

SplUrIa; see 8UIGI, for which . it is another name. .

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'81'1. KlIu(15).-A section of ~hao Kha1, Tapiai, Tappizad, Dawaris. .Headman; Zari­band.

8aOll (120).-A section of Busha Khel, Kamali, Hatim­mi, Mohmands.

STAB ALI KHAN K HEL.­A name sometimes applied to the Khazzar Khel and Nazar Khel. minor fractions of the Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel, Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Sadda. Khan, Alambe and Shadam Khan.

8\'UJlJ KlIIIL' (400, Mutnra river).-A sub-division of Alizai, or Sturi Khel, Da.ulatzai, Orakzais. Samil.

SUDAN KlIBL (S50; Bannu to Sbakai,. and Birmal)­A iklction of Isperka. Kalu,

. Xhel; Ahmadzai, . Darweah KheJ Wazirs. Headmen; Jalandar Shah and Mani Khan.

Sl1U1UN ·KlIBL (Khanki .' val1ey).~A sub-division of

the Sada Khel (80), Ismail­mi, Orakzais. Samil.

Kambar Khel (4,5(0), Mri~ dis. Gar. Headmen; Mulla W alIi, Azi~u1la.

St1LlnulfI.-Sometimes said to be a section of Khaddar Khet (770), bnt in reality a section of Wnzi Khel, Moh~ mit Khel, having land among the Khaddar Khels. Head­men; Sahib Din and Gul Sahib.

SULEHANI.-A section of Wuzi Khel (8M), Mohmit Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

SULUlANI KHEL.-A minor fraction of Ismail Khel. Bod Khal, Madda Khel (1600), Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

SULIMAN KlIBL.-A sub-divi­sion of· Bahram·ka-Khel. Bar Ranizai, Akozai-Yu­sufzai Swatis.

BULlMAN KlIEL (S~O).-A Section of Targhari, Sanzar, Kakars.

BULlMAN KHlILII (9,220 ; betwoon Ka.lat-i·Ghllzai and Jalalabad).-The most nu­merous and powerful of the Pawindah trading tribes.

SULIMAN MAHAHADZU (300). &7LBIMAN KlI:KL.-A section -A section of Arozai,A.hmad

of SheikhlIlal. Kambar Khel. Khel. Sen Khel, Sheranis.

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SULI)[ANZAl.-A division of Salar, Gaduns.

SULTAN-1LA-KHEL (700; east and BOuth of the Bwat-Panj­kora junetion}.-A division

. of Bar Ranizai. Akozai­. Yusafzai Sntis.

SULTAN KHBL.-A minor fraetion of· K'harmaBj Khel, Khwaja Khel, Miamai, Ka­bul Khel (a,600). Wali Khel,

. Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs. Headman; Surkam.

SULTAN KlIEL.-A seetion of Abdul Khel, Urmuz Khel, Sipah (1,200). Afridis. Sa­JDl'l Headman ~ Sher Jan.

SnUB KHJ:L.-A section of Suran Khel, Baoakri, Bipah (1,200), Afridis. . saIDil. Headmen; Nia. Karim, Iran, GuI Muhammacl-.

SULTAN KHBl..-A minor frat· tion llf Hassan Khel, Pakhai (1,000), Budai, Zakba Khal .. A fridill. Samil. Headm~ .. Mehrban, Mad Afzal, Moh­abbat Sardar, Nurai ..

BUUN KHEL (Near UbJan . paas).-A Beotion of the

Sipah (4U0), MubMDmad Khel, Ot-akzais. Gar. Shiah.

SuL'l'AN RHlIL (Mahaban).­A section of Hassan Khel .. Mada KheI, IB8zai,· Yusnf­Mis. Headman i Tom Khan .. Hamza Khan.

SUL'UN KHlIL.-A seonon of Hamza KhaT, Gandab,Ha­limzai, Mohmand8.

SULUN KHBL.-A sE'Ction of Hamza KheI.Kamali, HaIim· zai, Mohmapds. HeadDUpl; Ajmir Khau. .

SULTAN KHElo.-A lIub-divi- . . skin of ~~ Gulla, Aka SULTAN KHEL.- A minor frat· Khel (I,SOO), Afridis. Sa-. tion of Aka Khel, Ismailzai, mil. Daulatzai, Malizai, Buner-

SULUN KHM..-A section of Annai (1,ooo}, Budai, Zakha Khal Afridis. Samil. Bead­man; Ballgai.

SUL'fAN KHBL.-A minor-fmc. • tion of Ghulam Khel (800),

Haibat KheI, Jawaki, Adam XheI, A:frid1a.


SuLUB KHBL (2,400; Panj· kora, Dir).-A sub-division of Sesada .. Malisai, YlUIuf .. -SULTAN MuxunUD.-A 100-tion of M1lSa1'a Khel. Aaha.­mi, IliaMai, Bunenrala ..

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SULUIUl (240).-A sub-divi­sion of Shabi Khel, Alizai, Mahsuds.

SULTANZAI (l40).-A sub­division of Yakubzai, Manu­mi, Sherams •..

SUL'l'ANZA.I (90).-A section of Natozai, Dwnar, Sauzar, Kakars.

SUMLA KEEL (120; Black Mount&in).-A clivisiou of Deshiwal, Swatis. Head­men ; Idhar Ali, Samano

Suiu.B KOB . ....:..A minor frac­tion of Fatima Kor, Sharagh Khel, Kaddam Khel. Feroz Khel, Mashi Khel, Mannia

"Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha. Khan Khel, Knki Ine] (4.500), Afridis. Gar.

SUBAN KEBL.-A sub-division .pf Babakri, Sipah ( 1,200), Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Niaz, Karim, Irall, Gul Mu· hammad.

·SUBA.'f KOB.-A seotion of Ziauddin (200), Budai, Zakha Khel, Afridis. Sami!. Headmen; Mir U.eman, Nurzai, Gulistan, Pahl­wan, Yar Shah, "Dauran, Sandau.

dis. Samil. Headmen; see Bakhmali K4eI.

SUB DODI KEEL (Bannn Dis­riet).-A minor fra.ction of Dodi Khel, Khandar Khan Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), Shin Khel, Abmadzai, I,)ar­weah Khel Wazirs.

SURl (80).-A section "of Sa­rangzai, Harun Khel, Sanatia, Kakars. Headmen; Saleh MUhammad, An~ar.

SURI PAo.-A suo-division of Kalnt Khel, Samilzai, Tar­kanis.

SUBK"1U KHBL.-A section of Ghaibi Khel. Babam, Sipah (1,200), Afridis., SamiJ. Headxnen; Akbar. ManIa­dad,""

SURKHA KOB.-A sub-dlviaion of ' Kuz •. or 'Khra.ppawal,' Burhan Khel, Pmdiali, Mob­mands. Headmen; Salo, Nasim Gul,:Baz Mir, :r...rJan.

SURXH KHBL (15;" Dera Is­maiJ Khan District).-Nom­&die, 6 minor fraction of Sha.di Khel. Iaot Khel, Mian Khe1, Lobana, Pawindahs.

SWABAI.-A division of Man. dai, Utman Khels;

SUBBA'f KHEL.-A section of Kulla Khel. Malikdin Khel, Sw ATI8.-The original inbabit· • Malikdin Khel (4000), Afri-. ants of Swat, sometime.

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. ·oalled Dehgans, and accord· ing to some authorities, of Indian origin. . Driven out ot'Swat and !luner by the Akozai·-YU8ufzais in tiit1 end Qf the fifteenth century, they etOigrated eastwards. 1UI.Mr the leaderShip of Baiad. J:~lal llaba •. a BOn of ~e famous :P"u Baba of J3UQer. CrosaJng ~e Indus.. they Battled in

Tikri. Allai, Deehi, N andibar • ~.Konsh. Bogarmang! Agror, Balakot, and 'Garbi Habibulla. north' of Hazara, alld their desoendants are

. there to this !lay. 4.0.-400 ,

SWl'fIS. (~. S~.t valley from ;PanjkOra: junction to

'. Kohistan)~-A ·term.J~ly applied to the AkoZlU~ Yu· sufzai tribe.' .

• : I

l • ' •• ·T I •

TJ.BBI KBBJ..:.....A minoi"frac. tion of HincU Khel. Tor. oTani Khel (1,000). WaIi Khel, Utmanzai. :panresh lthel Wazirs. Headman; lIalltun.

TJ.GlIAL KlIBL (20).-A minor fraction of the Bahimt1&d Khel, Abdul Rahman Khel. Sher Khel, Haibat' Khel. NIna Khel, :Bahlolzai, Mah· ends. lIeadmen; Janbil, Band.

TJ.GlII KAl (50).-A section of :Malik Dinai, Maoazai, Alizai, Mabsuds. Headman; Sahib­guI. .

TJ.BIB SRAR (6) . ....;.A seCtion of Barim Khel. Arozoni, Mallizad. Dawaris. Head· man; Tahir Shah.

TAIB KlI:KL (SOO).-A lub· division of Amzoni, Malli· md. Dawaris. Headmen ; .Wazirgai, Bathi Khel. Wa­Dak, Said Akbar. MokJulem.

TAl¥ KRBL.-A section of Bazid Khel, Jawald (1.200), Adam Khel, Afridis. .

TAIKUll KlI:u..-A minor frac· tion of Gadia Khel. Tatar or Akhorwal (300), Hassan KheI, Adam Khal. Afridia.

TAlAL KlIlIL (llO},-A leO·

tion of .A.sta.nai, ShaM Khel. Alizai, Mabsuds. He&dmeD; Shahzar. and Shahnir .

TA.1BI KHBL (150).-A seo­tion of the Tarn Khel, Boba, Dana, Be.ttannia.

-These numbers do not include Gujars, Kiana, and other F0.5ir~

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TAUJts.--The name 1I8ed throughout Afghanistan to denote any Pen ian speaking people who are neither 8aiads, Afghans nor Bazaras.

TAlu KHBL (50; Dem Ismail Khan Djstt:i~).::-Nomadic. a minor fraction or the Musa­zai, Sein Khel, Miau Khel, Lohana, Pawindahs. Head­man; see Mian Khel.

T,u:H . .u KOB.-A minor frac· tion of Muradi Khel, Dalkha Kor, Dadu Khel Tarakzai, Mohmands. Headman; Achak.

TAKHIIAL KHBIo.-A minor fraction of Nazar Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel, Ldda Khel (1,600), Ibra­him Khel, Utmanlai, .Dar· weeh Khel Wazirs.

TAJi:H'f1 KHBL (Bannu and Shawal).-A section of Bak­Ita Khel (1,000), WaH Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh' Khel Wazirs. Headmen; see Us­man Khel and Khan Khel.

T.uH!I KHBL (British terri­tory).-A minor fraction of Budin Khel (10(,), Shadi Khel, Nasra Din, Kalu Khel, Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

TUH'lI KHB:L.-A sub"llivi-

lion of U mar Khal, Tatta Battannis.

TUOB (Laman}.-A division of Ismailzai, tJtman Khels.

TALlGR KHBL.-A minorfrac. tion of Kaddam Khel, Feroz KheI, Maahi K:.el, Mannia KheI, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan KheI, Kuki nel (40,500), Afridis. Gat. Head- . men j Mulla Wali, Khaza Khan.

TALIIi KHBL.-A section of Zargun Khel (800), Galai, Adam Khel, Ahidia. .

TAL KHAliZ.&.I (60).-A (Ham­saya) section of Shabozai, Dumar, Sanzaf,' Kakam. Headman; Salim.

·T.&lllU (Herat).-A division of Sanzar, Kakars.

TAliI KHlIL.-A minor frac­tion of Ghani K4el, Mir Ra­sani, Macha, Madda Khel, (1,600). Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

TANIS (8,000; Southern bor­der of Khost).-A tribe liv­ing between the Zadrans on the west, and the Gurbaz on east. Headmen; Khan Bad­shah. Chief village Dragi. About 100 families (Head­man j Kaim) are settled

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TAKGJ.Id.-A minor fraction. T4B.U (30).-.1 II8CtioD of of }{uhammadKhe~ Husan Shamerai. Manvai, AHtai, ]{bel (4t)J). Mohmit Khe~ ~ds. Headman.; Pim Utmauai, Datwesh Khel Khel. Wazira. Headmen; Gulbat Shah. -

. I T.&.aG ... K.BJlL.-~ minor hac-, tion of To~ Khel, Nazar

Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, Sarki Khel, Madda. Khel (1,6001. ' Ibrahim Khel. ,U~ DrJWeah'" Khel


TABQJUBI (S,210}.-A' Ham­'8oya division of tae Sanzar, Kaw. • .

TUltI K"lIBJ. (SO).-.1 section of Matti Khel, I Galeshahi, Shaman Khel, Mahsuds. ,Headmen; Parang,' Kh'ana, Nimm Din. " " "

Tolin KEBL.-A sub-division of Shakhi Khel, Waraspun. Battannis. Headmen; Jan­dar (Chalak), Ahmad Khan (Fatteh Khan).

T .. 1U KRBL.-A minor fraction of Tol Khel, Abdul Khel, Bora Khel (1,000). Utman· rai, Darwesh Khel. W azirs.

TABINS.-A tribe inhabiting Peshin and Thal Chotiali. ~'hey pre divided into Spin and T1)r. The latter clan Dearl,. all balon" to Pcshin.

Tuu KDL (SO).-A minor fraction of Charkhil, Land. Malakh, ~d, DawarD. Headman; Badani, Sultan~ MirK"azam.

TABUNI '(or TABULA.NI).­The name of the tribe in­habiting the 'whole of Ba.jaur. Headmen; ,Khans of

,Nawagai, "Jhar, Khar. Pashat, Barwa. ,

T.u 'KXBL (Tartam).-A. ,division of Mullagorls,

a ~ clan of the Hoh­manda.

TAB KRBL.""""-A section of Kanizai. Kattagarm. Tatta, Battannia.

T.ABXUL KRBL.-A eection of Mughul Khel, Banni Khel, Kamrai Khel (600). Afridis. Samil. Headmen; Anar, :&badur Shah, Sifat Shah, Sheradin, Zardad, Mir Ali.

TARXI KlIEL (20) . .-...1 section , of Bibizai, Shati Khel. Ali­

zai, Mahsuds. Headman ; Mustafa.

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TAUS KHllL' (85 ; Dera Ismail Khan District).-Nomaaic, a minor fra.etion of W1U'Uki, Sein Khel, Millon Khel, Loh&na, Pawi.dah~ Head­man j see Mian Khel.

TAUZ KHBL.-A minor frac· tion of Be.khshi Khel, Madda Khel (l,600)., Ibra· him Kh.el, Utm.anzai, Dar· wesh Khel Wazjrs. Head-

Tuurrw,Us (400; Tikri val­I-ey, BOrth of' Agror).-)[aI­kals and Ashton are the­principal sections in this.. Talley, which also. oontains. Swatis, Saiads, and .Gujare.

Tn..&. KHBI.- A minor fraction of ,. ir Hasani,. Macha,. Madda Khel (1,600), Ibrahim Khel" 'Utmall~ DaJWeah Khel Wazirs.

men ;. Gulli of Stai:a. &lld TalAR KHU (Si}.;....A seetio&~ Alam Shah. I of Gurov.:aai, Darpa Khel,

I Mallizad, Dawaris. Head-T.A.Wll KH:n {Bannu,. Wana men; Kamrai, Khan. Pir,

and Birmal).-A section of Palali, Gul Nam. 8.irld Khel (800. f 400 in Wana]I, Shin Khel~ Ahmad­za.i, parwesh Khel Wazirs. Headmen. see SiTki RIlel.

TAZI KHEL (25; Mastnra . river).-A sub. diVision of 4lizai (or Sturi Khel), Dan­latzai,Orakzais. Se.mil. Shiah. Heaamen; Ghulam Muham· mad. Muhammad Khan.

TBMURZAI (200).-A section of Sarau.gzai. Hartm· Khel,

. Sanatia, Kahrs. Headmen;

. Daoran and l1ulla Arif~

.TlIRI KHU (140).-A suh· division of Tapiai, Tappizad, Dawaria. Headmen; J umaz· ... Said Shah.

TIU KHBL.-A minor fmction of Mushakki, Macha,. Madda. Khel (I,BOO}, Ibnhim !{hel, U tmanzai, Darweah Khel. Wazirs.

TIBA KHEL.-A section of'th& Ali Khel~ Bobak, Dana,. Battannis.

TiB KHE'L(60).-A minor frac· tion of the Ali Khel, Haidar Khel, Tor; Tapl'izad, Dawans. Headmen; Alif Khan. Amal Khan, Abu Samand, Mubati_

TXTAR KlIEL.-A minor &~ tion of Khan KheI, Tuha KheI, BaJtka Khel (1,000). Wa1i Khel. Utmanzai, Dar­wes.b. Kllel Wazira. Head •

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. Kban BooshRh, KhS.. Khan, Mian' Khel, ,mrr.

KHBL (30)'.-A section l'an Khel, Chlihar Khel, lID Khel" Mahsuds .. nan; Hila Wazir.

{HEL (60).-A sub­)n of Band Khel, lzai, Mabsuds. Head-Sadda Dih; Rahman.

[HEL (30)'.-A minor )n of . Kiki' Khel, mmad Khel, ~illSkh, :ad. Dawar1B.· Head-

Nill.zamand, . Aniid, Faiz, GuHa'Khim.- '

KHEL:-A: mihorfrae­f Dani KhaT, Matkai" 8hahi (.J.OOX~ Wali Khel, nzai, Darwesh . Khel ~. Heaa'man; Umar'

[BL.-A minor fraction :hagai, Tor, Jani:'Khe] '), Wali Khel, Utman­.arwesh Khel Wazirs. nan; Mirboshs '

UEL (55).-A minor m of the Sher Khel, t Khel, N ana Khel, lzai, Mahsuds. Head-

Mir Aj;l.b. Bare Malang Khan.

Ton Ka:xIi.-a minodractiou: of Pira,J(hel,. Jamal Khel,.

'Malik ShaM (400), WaIf Khel,. UtmaDzai,. Darwesh, Khel Wazirs. H-ea.dman ;: Gulla Khan.

TOJJYA KHBL. (1,600,-of' whom. l,ooo.a.re.inW ana).-A. minodra.ction of Bom i Khel, , N 808m Din, Kalu Knel; Ah. madzair . Darwesh. Khel W'azirs.

TOKHIS (1,500; Ghazni' and . Kalat-i-Ghilzai).-One of

the Pawind8.h trading tribes.

TOLAB KH:n (30). -A minor' fraction of . the Kotar Khel" Abdul Khel, Langar Khel", Khoidad.. Khel, Gidi KhcI-,. M.an~i,; Aliai. i Mahsuds ..

. Headman ~ Sad,amir •.

TOLA. KREL.-A mmOl: frae-· tion' of Mir Khan Khel Asat Khel, W uzi Khel (800) .. Mohmit Khal, Utmanzai, Darwesh Khel W &Zits.

T'OLAZAI (W cst of Dera Ghazi Khan District).-A sub­division of Maghduzai. AhmaJzai, Ba.lil Khel, Musa. Khols. Headman; Jamal

TOLl KHBL.-A minodraction of Musakki, Wuzi Khel (800), Mohmit Kbel, UtlIl&lr zai. Darwt'sh Khal W azirs~


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(fOL KnBL.-A minor ~~iQn , of Abdul Khel; Bora Khel

(1,000), Mohmit Khel, Ut· manzlli, Darwesh ,K h e 1 W~a~

:TOR (1,328).-A division of , Mallizad, DaWMia. Head·

men; see Ha.ssu Kht>I,'Mnl­lagan, Urmu,z, 'and ~~i.

['OR (987).-A divisiott ,of the · Tappi~ad! Dawaria.

TqRA:~iG KnEL (~O).-A minor , 'fraction of the Lalli Khel,

AbdulIai, Aimal Khel, B.h • lolzai, Mahsnda.

['OR.um KnBJ. (80)~-A minor · fractjo~ of ·the Torang Khel,

Ladi Khel, Abd nUai. Aimal Khel, ,Bab,lolzai, Mahsu~. Head'man j , Kha~aja Mil' hammad .. l' ,I

TORDAIiI (18).-A sub·divi­, sion of 'Khaddi, Mallizad,

Dawaris.HeadllUlD; PiJa,. :war Khan, Aghar. '

l'OR DODI KHIL (BaUDU Dis· · trict).-A minor fraction of

Dodi Khcl, Khandar Khan ~el, Hathi Khel (2,000), S1m Khel, Ahmadzai, Dar· ~esh Khal Wazirs. Heim· P,lAD ; N emm Khan.

~OBI ,KB: BL (~670;.A. conti. nnous belt of oountry outside; but parallel to onr frontier from the Shaktu to the lr nr. ram dV9T ,:4nd t.he Kaitu stream).-A sub~division of I\>rahim. Khel, ,Utmanzai, Darwesh Khe} W.azirB. Head· men; Ilias and Madel

, . (Muhammad) Akbar are t\Ie leadiu~ men; for' others see Shuga!, 'In,usbalal. HaibtAJIai : and Dre Pillari. '. ' r:-;-

'. ,

TORI KnBL ,(68).~A minor , ~action of the' Sbiili .A1&in

Khel, ~8f!~ ,Khel". Chahar KheI, Shalnati ~l, Mah. suds. 'H~l\dmeJl.; Shahzad, ~iangnl, ~it.

T!lKI KHIL C\2).-:-A. miJaor fraction o!' Ida! ''JChel, M llhamXD~ ',::JP;iel, ,1d'I'lakh. Malli~,. Dawads..·' ll~~

. ~~p.; N~ l;t:uh8.~.

TORI KnEL (Bannn District~ -A. minor ~ra,cti9n of ;&I­Khel, ,Hathl Khel. (2,OQo), Shln~m, Ahm~,~ ~esh J(hel Wa;irs. Ii. man,.Shah Tamo~. "

,TORI KHJlL (70).-A eeotip~ul , Teri or' TOl'i Khel, Tap .. Tappi~, Da~aria. JI __ men ; J Um&2:lUl, .Ha.rIat Shah, Magh.r ,RaID Sheikh Pir, Mult.n. ' . \. .. :.

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~o~n K:a;EL.-Ano~her ,n~me -!CQB (or BAlID) . KHBL.-A , for Teri .Khe~,'J)l.piai, Tappi- mill-or fraotion, of ,Khazzar za~'.l?~~is. ,Khel,iStar· ,Ali Khan 'Khel,

,Sllrki Khel. Madda Khel ; (l,f}OO), 'lbrah~in Khel, U t· manzai, Darwcish Khel Wa­zirs.


:TORI ~BEL ,{l5):-~ JDinor. . fractIon of, dh~rkhll, lAnd,

;Malakh, MalHzad, ,p~~~ris. Headmen; Kabir" S h a. h, Umar, ;Nizt\m Khan.

TOB KHBL.-A ~ction of the I

Mh' KulH ,Khel.J~~oti ,(SQP), :Dau~~l. O~~~lS. ~~m~l.

TOB' KH'8J..-A section of .. A\~nlKhel~' U~uz;IPtel,

Sipah (1',200), Afrii!is. &mil. . H~~a~; paud. "

TOB KHBL.-A section of . J\aad . Khel, Mitha Khan Dill, . Kllki Khal (4,600), Afridis. Gar. Headmen ; ~j, Islam Din. .

TOll KHBL.-A minor fraction of Aziz Khel, Shad! Khel, Bora ,Khel (1000), ,Mohmit lOlel, Utmanzai, Darwesh Kbel Wazi1'8.

~OJl KHBL.-A spotien of oTani Khel (1,000), Wali K1ae1, Utmaniai, Darwesh ][hel Wazirs. Headmen; llalknn, Pir Makhm.i.d, Amaldad, Mirb08h, .Shada· BUr, Kaimal and'unlbaz.

TOB K,H'RL.~A minor fraction of Musakki,' 'Wnzi .Khel (800), Mohmit KheV Ute ma,nz!,i, :parwe,h Khel "W~ir)3.

TOB KUL.-A minor fraction of Said Khel~ U marzai (600), Shiri KhN.. Ahmadzai, Darwesh KhelWazirs. .

TOB KHBL.-A. Bub·division of Sheikh Ali Khel, K a m r a i Khel (600), AfridiB. Samil. Headmen; ltlulla Amlr Shah, MulIa' Akhunzada, Sher Wali.

TQB KREL (Bannn and Knr­ram).-A sE'f'tion of lJlIlarzai (flOO) , Shin Khel. Ahmadzlli, Darwesh Khel Wazll'!;, HE'admen; Jamal Din, J\dal Khan, Alam Khan, Seman, Niazi. Fazal, Zaid Gul, Ghallai.

TOR KREL (9).-A srction of Alizai, Darpa Khel, Malli-7,ad, DaWal fl. H£'adman i Niazpare.

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TORUli[ KREL.-A minor frac­tion of Naiar Khel, Star Ali Khan Khel, SII.l,ki Khel, Madda Khcl (1,600), Ibra-· him Khel, Utmanzai,. Dar­wr.sh Khel W szirs.

rai, Za5at 1Ch~ Ahmad,. Dawezai. .


Tau KEBAI.-A sub·djvision of the Khoja- Hawas· Khel Ali Khol (3,000)," Ham: sayas" of the Orakza.is. Garv 1 Shisn. TOR SAPPAB (350; 8 valley run­

ning from the Kohat road). -A sub-division of Galai TUGHAL KHBL.-A diviSion. Adam Khel, Afridis. ' of Cis-Swat, Sanrzai, U1;~

\.. man Khels.

TOB Tnn8 (2,f100~ Peshin:t). -A clan of Tarins,· di,ided TUUB KHBL. (90).~A sec­into Harun Khels and. Ali . tion of Musakki, Tor, Malli-Khl'ls. The divisions, eto.,. za.d, Dawaris. Headmen'· of the Tor Tarins are not S~mand· Knan. Hi'Dat Khan: separately indexed ill this Wali Khan, and. TawaMri.. Dictiollal·Y·

II In addition lOme families of the Tol" Tarins live with the Spin Tarinll of Tbal·Chotiali.

TOTA KHEL (Mahaban).-A section of Bazid Khel, Madan. Khel, lsazai, Yusaf­zflis. Headmen; see Bazid Khal find Madda Khel.

To ... KHEL (l6t').-A section of Ha.idar Khel. Tor, Tap· pizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Gul Khan, Halim Khan, Asad Khan.

TUBA KHRJi,.-.! ~tion' of Sadin, llal Khel, Salarzair

Tarkanis. .

TUBANGI (l4').-A section of Alizai, Darpa· Khel, M&lJ.i. zad·, Dawaris. Headmen ;: Ghazal,GulAzam, Pir Azam.

TURANO! KHEL.-A minol' fl!8ction of Pai'nda. Khel, ManJlok Khel. Bakhshi KheI, Madaa Khel (1,600). Ibn·. hiro Khel, Utmanzai,. Dar. wesh Khef Wazirs.

TRANOANl.-A sub·division TURJ KHBb.-A-minor.fractiOD. of the l[ekhiani, Spin, of Dod Khel, M ir- Hasani, Tarins. Macha, Madda Kh(>l (l,6 '0).

T~ALOU Pr,ARJ..-A minor Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai. JI Darwesli Khel Wazirs. fT:l('!ion of Shati Khel. Wah

Bl'g Kot, Gundab. Halimzai, . Tt:RI KHEL.-A division of .Mohm:llId~. H('admcn She· I Mutakai, Utman Khel¥.

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(R,lOO; Kllrram).-A: I TUBJLI KHBIJ.-A minor har--.of S~lahs. divided into tion ;-()f. Ghuli Khel, Ambar TactlOns, called rrspec- Khel,.Mat Khoo!Khel. Kam-, Ting Ghundi, and' Sust 1w- Khlll (4.500), A fridi!!. Idi. Gar. ~man.; Jamaldin.

r (500; Shamn valley, t).-A clan of Khost· also known as TarWizai.

u KHF.L.-A suo-division K uz" 01' Khrappawal, ,an Khel. Pand':ali, nands. Headmen; Khan

Muhammad Umar, :&1' Shah.

't;~KA 1 (Pipal).-This I IS applIrd to "thOS;e )DR of the Dawezai and an7.ai Mohmands, who, mtradistinction to tlte ni~, or nomad tribrs, fixrd habitations in the

mand country.

KOR.-A sub-division K uz or Khrappawal, Ian Khel,Pandiali, Moh­:ls. Hradman; Lal.

KnEL.-A minor £rAC'

of 111 ir Hllsani, M'&Cha, cla Khcl (1,600), lbra-KiwI, Utmanzai, Dar­Khel WazirB.

-A 8&'tion of Musara

·Tu~ A.A.I KHEJ...-A minor frac· tlon of Mian Khel, Jann­khori (1300), Ha8B8n Khel, !-clam Khe1, ~fridis.

Khel. Ashazai) lliaszni, BunerwaIB.

UllIn BEG KnEL.-A sub­division of Shanai (750), Zakha Khel, Afridis. SamB. H-eadmen; Khan7.sd, Lan-

I gur, Khandin, Said Khan. UMAR KHAN.-A section of

Ml1sara Khel, Asha1.ai. lliaszai, Bunrrwals.

UMAR KHAN KnEL.-A 8('r" tioD of AH Karan, Mamnzai (3,500), J"llKhkarmi, Orak· zais. Gar. HI'ooman; Anala Khan.

UMAB KHAN KHEL.-A Bub· division of Aliliherzai(3,OOo). Laahkarzai. OrakzaiB. Samil. Headmas; Abbas Khan.

UMAB KHAN KHRL.-A sub­di~Bion of Malikdill Kht'l, Malikdin JP.lel (4,OOO). Afridis. Samll. ,Headm~; Darya Khan, Dauran •. Yar Khan.

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UMAR KHAN'KRBt . ....:.A minot fraction of Balli Khel, Shadi Khel~ BOra. Khel (1,000), Mohmit Khel, Utmauzai, Darwesh Khel Wazirs.

UM,uiK~AN KHEL.-A rp.inor fraction of Malik Shalli, Jani Khel (I,OGO),. Wali Khel, Utmanzai, Datwesh Khcl Wazirs.

UllU' KHAN KHEL (30»-A minor fraction of liiri Khel, Land, . MaJakh, . Mallizad, Dawaris: Headm,en; Khojai, Idali, Khoja Akbar, ~ek Pirjad, Zarband, Fakir Shah'.

UMA:B KHAN KOR'.,-A section of Baruzai, Danlatzai, Malizai', BunerWals.

UMAR KHEL'.-A sub-division of Itakazai, Mamund, Tatkanis. .

UMAR KHEL, -A minor'frac­tion of the Marja~ Khel, Ut­uiahzlI.i, Adinzai, Kbwazlizai, A:liozai - Yusufzai Swatis.

UMAR XnEL (10d}.~A <u'vi­sian of T!lita, ~Jit~anriis. Headmeh; Bangi fMamIi Khel) Sher Muha~mad (Salemi Khel).

UM'AR KHEL.-A section of Taru Khel; MUm, Wal'as­pun, Battannis.

UMU KHEL (Kharmana river).-A section of the .!.lizai .. MU/ll!<zai, Lashkarzai, Orakzais: Saroil'. Headm€m; Said Ali.

UMAR KHEL.-A sub-division of Abdul Khel, Kuki Khel (4,500). Af~idis. ~~r. Head­man; 'Mullli Lajba1'.

U:M,4B' KH~L.-A I i!OOtion of Masti KIM, Kambal' Khel (4;500),' Afridis. Gar. Head­man; Muhammad Y'ar.

UMAR KlIEL.-,.' section .of 'A:rinai '4: (l,ooo),. Eqaai, Zakha KJiel, Afrld~. Saniil. Hpadmexi ; Shahaba Din, I

Bolak, Arab, &.ngaio

. UM:AR KHEL'.~A :plhior' frac­tion of Thitt1a.t Kh'e~, Gha.ib KhaJl, Kh;el. lblikdin Khel, Malikdin Khel (4.000). Afridis. SaJDil. He8dmen; see Dalilat Khal. ,


I U MAR ~HBJ..-,-A .8t'Ution of . Sharaki (2nO), Galai, AdAm

Khel, Afridis.

UMAR KHltL.-A minor fmc­tion of Saada' Khel (S00) Isperka, Khalu Khel,Ahmad,­ZaI, Darwesh Khel'Waztra~

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tfiil!t.Kli:Et • ..=j;· ri1Wtor fM 'UlU.lJlZ'At . nKui;titai nattki $ri'of Khbtn:"KHe},.M!i~ ani Mirimmi, valleys).-R '~I!l; Mlf'liamm.a.d . 'R;heI, division of tbe. SheikhGns Hassan Khel·(400),.· Mo6hinit "Hamsaias" of tbeOl'skzais. Khel. U ~maniai, . ' P&rwesh SaintI. Herul~ ; N artl:llA~

. lU,'e{· W~h'8;Hemman; . \ I(&hlI1.· , .,' U lrA~U' (600; Ba.nu~ and .

. " . . R&ima.k)J~A Snb~divi81on of tt1t~ IhtWtI ........ :.(1niM'fI frac. Shin: Khel. Ahmadmi, Dar·'

tiori. of AILmliefr Kliad4ar· weith Khel Wazirs. Headmen; Khel (770), l\lohmit Khel, ., Fi:toin&I Khan, JaIIiWl·, Din~

'Utfuaniai, .' 'LllitW'esh KHeI "lam Kh~, Seni&n,' Niazi, W IIrzirs. .. HeaciJnetl f Balih F&ial,· Zs.id GuI, Ghallai. Din, Nazarka, Za'rak. . ' .

.;.. '..' ., •. '. j 'UkiRiA! (5&)i",-A, .seetion of U Ira It KHlI t: .. (J$~J.:-:'.4 . sec~' - Zira· Khel, ..(mz(}ni; MalIimd;

tion of· :As~;·.S~a'bi Khel;, Panrie. Headmen; Amir, Al~z8.i, MaJisliJl~~ Jleadmen; _ i{~lak. Khan, Jumazan, AlIf Shah, lttiuIT1. GuIapir.

Ui(.uc K:H:itt'(lMJ~~A' "1' 'ndt · tradtton' of-. NjIWrab '. eI,

nOidad. ~Hel~': Oiiff.K e1, M"W1a~i;· ':A'ltt.aii 'Ma.bs'ttds. Headmen; :Badar Din; . :M:u· hammad AfroI, Salehin, Sari BUld. .'.'

UXB..flf (taman.):--k Bfj(lt.ioti of :&10, AsH. ISl'iIAilzai, Utman Khels.

UHBARA' KUB:f..o-.;..& .S'Ub-mvi·' Ilion. of: Sn.1tan·lm·Khel, Bar Rani2jaf. Akozai-Yusnfzai Swatis.

11 .. '£ .iBEI. .:(OOG): ..... ..t enb· dlvi.ion. of" NMlaI 'Xhel,. lb:I:A KO'R;·--.A:seetiori ~o£'. th~: &bloizai, MaiJaull.... . . .. MIr Ahnrad Khelt .. Ah8~1

'. (~.cOO);.Le.shk~ Orakzt.IS.·

UJtA..1l KOB.-i l1l~.fi:Wion : &mi}.· . ~. of S~oh. ~ush8. Khel. Kamali,. 'liMBANI (120".~.A: olaa.' of ila~ZlU, ~~:~- the Jafar tribe. r'

· man ,Bula~cr, . '.. : ..... . . · : _ ' I.: , ..... UK. KHBL (Agi'&,·. C~Jl,ai tr"'Kz'&I·71.,l,r.~\lb.ai~8io1( of Shagai, eto.).-. .&mt::C;tlI

"bamo7.al, .l\.b,,~zazai, kko- of Shamozai,: . if tai-Ynsufzai Swatis. Utman KheI8~'

Page 231: A Dictionary Path 00 Bran Goog

~)[BZ.A:I (60).-A section of .8ah, Yama Khel, Sen Khel, Bheranis.

'ID'HBZAI ,(213'; Pawindah8 ; Dera Isma.il Khan District). Nomadic, a 'section of 8ein Khel, 1dian Khel, ,Lohana, Pawindahs.

'lrXRZAI (4,5).-A. divi8ion -of Drigzai, Lunis. Headmen; Gulan, (Hamalzal), Thibai (Amranzai) , Laban (Dungar­zai), Kahn ·(Isafzai), Miht&r (Watarzai), ,Mohabat ,(Go­ramzai.).

lJllRZ,!I,(969).-A minorfrnc­tion of Bulo'Zai, Panizai, 'HafUn' Khel, ,Sanatia, Kilo­kav8.

"UMBZAI MUSA KRilL (120; West()f Dera'Ghl1zi Khan). -A clan of Musa Khels. 'Headmen '; see Shahol'.ai, Pashczai. Jamalzai.

iUHRK'RRL (785; Khl1rmana 'rivell).-A minor fraction of ,the Mastu Khel. Khwaja' Khel, Masuzai, LMbkarzai, Orak1.n.is. Gar. Headman; Yus11£ (P).

'Ihu KHEL.-A minor fraction -df Mir A8I\n Kbd, Babn Khel. Adinzni, Khwazazai, Akozai ,-T usufzai Swatis.

ITx. X~-A 'secmOll d 'Ibrahim Khel, U1.man7.ai. .Bar Ranizai, Akozai­Y uaufz&i. Swatia.

"U..:HB KeB.- A minor fraetioll. 'of the lIyatai Kor, Shah ''Mansur Khel, Dadu Khe1. '~araUai, Mohmands. Head­man; u..wezai.

UR:&ZAI.-A diviaion of Ali. zai, Utman nels.

URlIAR KRRL (4l».-A !lee. tion of Malaj~ Shin~i. Bah­lolzai, MahlUik. Headman; :Mian Ha_n. '

UR:IUR KRn (405).- A sub­,division of Nana Khel, Bah­lolzai. Mahsuds. Headmen; ,Jakhar ;' Khwajabaz. Shah· zada.

URMARS (900).-A tribe of Saiads living among tbe Mahsuds. 'They have a lan~ gllage an4 customs of their own, and are probably des­cendants of the original in. 'bt.bitaate of theeonntry_

URM'UR.-A minor fraotion of Balli Khel, Sbadi Khel, Bora. Khel (1,000), MobmU Khel, Utmanzai" Dar,veah Khel Wazir,.' ,

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Page 233: A Dictionary Path 00 Bran Goog

t!8X'..flI'Koi~..;.;.& minof. £rac~ tidn· of, Kirwajs; l{hadin' Khel, Asha$i', Iliaszai; Bunerwalif. '

tr~'l':t· KHEL.-A' 1iiin6f 'fi-ac;.. mort of, Khwajaf' ihadin KHat; Ashaiai, Iliaszai, Bunerwals.

tr'l'~ KflBi;,..i.:A aectloli" of SUltan ~ h'el, Sher Gulla; Aka' :Jrhel· (1,800). Afriliis'. Sanif1.

U~:A'lJ!:u;.:...A'divisimC6t Sala.i-i Gadnbs-:

;l~iiction of tlt& Swat' and Panjkbra riven.

UfJ(AN KHBJ. (2,oOJ; U'pper' Zhob and BOn Va.lleYJ.~A division-' of (Son.them) san-2tar. Ifab1'8~, , , '

UTM::A.K' Kultt: (~)' 1;0 '600 ; MaBfulra riv~l' a.W ' Ub1tt.ti piIsS)~-~ divi_i® o~- Dau­

, latzai, Ora.kiais. Sanill.

UbUN :KnElt (10).-~ ,minot' o fra.9~i.on, of , C~rkhil, ChIn-

o 14til, :Labd, Ma.1a~1t, Mal­litad, Da:waris. Head.man ~ Landa.i;

Page 234: A Dictionary Path 00 Bran Goog

UTMAlfZAI.-A sub-dM.sion of Adinzai, I(h wa Z a z ai, Akozai-Yusafzai Sw'atis.

U'Ji:&l~iI1'ZAI (800; kft ~a~ of SWat tiv(\r).-A di~iol1

, of" B&r-Ranizai; Altomi­, Yusufzai Swatis.

U ttrlanzli.i, Dal"1rif8hKliel Wa~irs. Headtniltl; Rain! Shah.

• ,.1

W A raiL· KUBL;"':-'A ·miMY'friIo· WADIN KREL.-A m'nor~' , ;:t;ion«,>f DoPill~i, W1i.zi Kbel

tion of.K;ha~zar Khel; Star :.: (800);: .Mo~mit Kh~ Ut­Ali Khan Khel Sarki Kh'el !. 1IIIIoftZ&1. Da.i-wesh Khel W\r.-

WAD1!:R (KunsT river.)~A division of th, Salis. who are a vassal clan of the Moh­mands.

• 'I' Madda Khel . (1,60(1). lbra- I ZlrB. .

him Khel, Ut~anzai, })gr- ,W'AL'( ,B.IiG· ROll' (8to);~A" wesh Khel Wazlrs. i . sDb,ilivision of Gaud"b,

W A.RAB KOB.-A small,broken 8ub-division of Ga,ndab, ·Ha­limzai, Mohmands, who are clcsely allied to tne Rasul Kor.

W ALAI KOB.-A minor £rae. don of ABaf Khei; Dalkh~ Kor, Dadu Khel. TarakZa.i. Mohtnands.

W A.L.4llHl (~S; Thal.~·Jllotja1i). -A division of Rakanwal, Lunis. ~padmen; Ali Umr· zai. Mir Khan.

W ALA KRBL.-A·minor frac· tion of Sardi Khel, :aakka Khc1 (i.OOO)., waH Khel,

, .' Ha.limzai; MohmanWi. . '. . .

iW.L~D~D.: KB.~~. -:-~. i·nor. fraCb9n .. of Hll&1: . el,

; . X~~l':ff:hel,. U~~z. . ~I, I Sir,ab {1,2(0), Att~8O,; !*L­. mIl. Headmen; Gut Salim. ! 'l·oI

IW ALtIUD' . KHEL (i48} . ...-JA

\. ,mhtoi Mction of tlie Li.'di : Khel:; Albd'ulla.i, Aimal Khel,

: 'Bahlolmi, Mabauds. : .•.• .'

W ALIDAD KREL.-A diViSion pf Mutakai, Utman Khels •

• ('. . . t· '..

WA.:LTD .. ur:. KHn.-A: '':·~mbr • :fr1aclion of Z'akha KNill. Ji.fia. "kl1ori:r(~OO). HaSsan 01. Aaaam'Xliillj Afridia. '

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WUIDAD KOL-A mmodr8e­tion M lhmun Kor, Kandai, I. KheI, Pandiali. :Mob· nmaa..

W ALIG.U (Bannu Di8triC't}.-A rmnC1l' fI'aclion of )JUlIa Khel, Hathi Khel (2,000), Shin Khel, Ahmadzai, Danresh Khel Wazirs. Headmu. ; Adam Khan.

WALl KBEL (60; Khannana I'iver}.-A minlJl' fraction of the A"h Khel, Khwaja Khel, Masuzai, Luhbrzai. Orakzau.. Samil. Htadmn; Nijah.

W.lLI MUBAluUD K~B (BOO I l"oeShilmaa with Wazir Kor

WALLI D.lD ASEL.-A section of Kulla Khel, lIalikdin Khel, If alikdin Khe: (-,,oro), Mridis. SamiL Headman; 8fe Bakhmali KheL

WALLI KBEL.-A minor fmc· titn c,f Ali Khel, Sheikh mal Khel, KamilaI' Khel. Kam· bar Kbel (~5(IO), Afridi!' . . GR. Headmen; )[iro, Ali Khan, Gauhar, Feroz.

WALLI KBBL.-A seclion of .Asad Khel, Mitba Khan Khel, Kuki KlKoI (4,5O(J) Afridi.. Gar. Headman; Wadan.

and lIaMan Kor}.-A sec· W ALLI BEG KBEL.-A minor tion of Shah M anROI' Khel. I • fraction of Fatteh Khel, Dadu"Khel, Tarakzai, Moh· Miri Khel, Pakhai (1,;'00), Manda. Headmen; Ghulam I Budai, Zakha Khel, AIridis. Kadlr, Adam, Nasro, Narai, Samil. Headmen; Akbar Faz! Din. Din, Aliakai, Mohiuddin.

WALLI BEG KBEL.-A minor fraction of Ahmad Beg Khel, Mohib Khcl, Shekh~i, Annai (l,OOO), Budai, Zakha Kbel, Afridia. Bamil. Headmen; Akbar Din, Aliakai, Mohi· uddin.

W4LLIBBG KHEL.-A lub· di-vieioa of Mat Khan Khel, ' Kambar Khel (4,500), Afr;. diL Oar. UI'adml'n; Sher Khan, Hamid, and N uai.

WALLI KBEL (35).-A minor fraction of Mirdad Khel, Abdul Rahman Khel, Sher Khel, HaibatKhel, Nans, Khel, Bahlob;ai, Mah8Uds.

. Headman j Mianji.

W ALLI KHEL.- A minor £rae. tion of Mirghat Khel, Basi KheI, Kamal Khel. Sahib J a~ Aka Khel (1,600), Afridis. Samil. C

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W ALLI Koxr. {6,{JOO}.- One ,)f t.h" a gr"at divillioM (Villi., M"hmit KI1I,), llJrahirn KIwI, BlId Wu11l Kh"l) of the r tmIUl7,l'\ ollm f/f Ow nar­wt·"h K 111,1 W B",i I'll. JI,'Q,ll· rrH'IJ i I"!! K "h1l1 Kh,'I, )fll.likllhllhl, U"kka. Klwi.llt! ,I Bill KIwI

WAr"" KIII,,,-A III!lliifll1 of I'ak 1",1 ( I,O(IO) HuillL1, Zuklill Khl'), MridiH. ijllmil. 1l1'IWUll'll i KutnrlUl, Rudin.

W A 1911 On4lAt.-A lIu},.dlvi· lion flf J~,Ul(lI KIwI, St I'ah (J ,~OO), Afrilll", Hamil. HI'Rdmfm i Hhl!r Muhammad Khl.J1, (jul Hu.lim.

WANr KUIL (DBnnll m,Mlct.). - A rni lIor £l'actiuJI of K unlH, Pirbn Kh,'J, lI.thi KiwI (2,CO I), Shin Kh,·I, Ahmadzai, Varwclh nel Wazlrl.

W,UfUOHI (307).-A WViRioD of Spin, Tn.rina. 1I1'adman; lamail.

W A ItA ~ (or Wua) (8,000 j

WI~ttl'JBi va'lt\y). -A !llvi­"i4m of th~ MamuDd, Tar­l"'ni~.

W .HUIl I'UN (l,ng I) -A clan I/f tlll' IlI\t.Lftllllil!. II"admen i l:iaidal Ahm,ul Hhah.

W.4ll D&JlBl KHBL.-A fINY tiou of I>Urbi Khel, Kambar Khd, Kambar Khel (4.,600). Afridi". Gar. Headmen; Muhammad Sher,. Khwa.ja Ali, Yaro, Nurai.

W UGNKB (lOO).-A divisioD (If t.he Dana" Battannis. lll·~lma.n; Uula Khan (Ma­ruf Khel).

W.AK GUABKA.- A miDor frar­tion of Karra Khel,. Ghaibi Khd. Babakri .. I:Hpah (1,200), Afl'idiM. Samil. Headmen; Lalgul, Purdil, Shah Kalim.

WARJA KHEL (SS)".-A snb· division of Ahmad Khel, Oba Khel, Sherani •.

WA.RBU KUBL.-A. sectioD of Ali K.hcl, Bobak,. Dana, Bat-taDnis. . ii

WUIU (12).-A minorfl'ac­tion of Ahmad Khl"l, Zira KhelrAmzoni~ Mallizad, Va­walis. Headman i Shandai.

WAR:S:.Ll1 KHEL.-A section of Aib Khel. Salarzai, Ilias­zai, Buncrwa18.

WAR KHEL.-A minor fraction of 1>rl·plavll, Paindai, (1J4,u)., NOMruddin, Zakba Khl"l, Afridis. ~amil. Headmen; ChikknD. ~TamM, Anwar, Nazr Din.

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'" AROlAl (11P; Black Moun­tainl.-A division f D­s\Ii:wa1, ,Swatis. He~.JI¥LD ;

"Hazni.t Shah. . . I

WHO USM,\N ,KHBL.-A Bub· , division ' of U sman Khel,

.~ RlYl~i, Ako~i­)'nauizai ,Sw.atis. . . ,

W ABOOKAI.-A minorfl'Blotion

W ATA.;B (26).-A minor frae· . tioJl of Bar ' Kaum, Hassu , Khel; . TQl. ,Malli'zad, Da­'waris. 'lleadmeii; Bald,

,J;ladrang .. ,. , . .

W AT! KliEL (60).-A minor :frAction of MiriKhel, Land, Malakh, Malliiad.Dawaris. Headmen; 'Mrihammad Akb/.U', KaimKhan, Alam -Shah, ~awabir Shah.' of Jdia Khel, Jani Khcl

' ;(l~()QO);Wali 'Khel, Utm~n. WATIBAI (~5).-A Jllinor hac-z&), r>arwesh ,KheJ W,azu's, 't' ... . fA 'h . Z" Kh 1 Head Z · • d b ikh Ion 0 g zan, Ira. e ,

. . .. IIlJln; . ar~ an .6 Ar:o.zppi, Mttl,l~, D~w&ris .

.1da]lQ. . .,Headmen; ,$,ha,p " .lIur,ad, Aziz'lrhan. . ..

W..,aUKA. Ai-I KlI;4;NKllEL:- . , , .A. 'name. sometlI~~ apph~ I WATIZAI .(51~).--:,Aai~sioll .to the NIaJ;Xlat 'Khe1? K ,liwI.LJIIo of MamU'zaI or Munam-Ahmad Khel a~d .Janibal IJ;1adzai, Zaimukhts. Khel mino.r ~ra.ctlOl}-1I of ,the , .. ' " ' .Mian Ali !PIan . . Kb.el W AZAB KREL . ....,.A minor frae-fraction . of ' Sarki lqt 1, tiOn of Mir Khan,Khel, Asa.t ~adda Khel (1,600),. lorn· Idel, Wnzi 'lrhel (800), hIm Khel, Utm':U17,o,l,_ Da.r- 'Mohmit Khel,Utm~~i. wt'sh Khet WaZlrB. Head- Darwesh Khel Waziris. men; Maddi and Sh~ikhnur.

W Allll'i:I · (125; Dera Ismn.il Khan District.)-Nom.adic. a section of .Shin Khel. M;ia.n Khel, Loh8.na, · Pawinaa'hs.

W.lSUL KHEL.-A Rection of PaincW (940), Nasrnddin. Zakha Khel, Afridis. SamiL JIeadman; see P~indai.

W AZA.B KHEL (95). -A minor fraction of Klki Khel, Mnh­ammad Khel, Malakh, ·Mal. li~ad, !},It~a.~is. . ~eadmen; Tu'Ob, _Kuttl K~8n. .

W AZI KHEL (90).-A minor fraction of Shammal, Ha.asu }{heI, Tor, Mallizad"l)awaria. :Headmen;' Madd,,' Khel, anI :al!oS88on, Mir Kawn,

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• 'f{ AZIR KHEL (9).-A minor

fraction of Ali Khl'l, Barim Khel, Amzoni, MaJ1izad, Dawaris. Hl'admen; Balh·

" tamir, l'iya Khan.

:w A~IB.G.i (160),~.A ,minor fi'action 9f J{hfDlar Kli,el,

'Gi~iKh~I, Ma_.;! 1; i, I Mahsuds. , ' : ~

WAZJRS (~),530).-,A l.¥s,e tribeof'Plltbans, wlio,inhablt the hm country to th west of the Trans-Ihdus Ft'ontier from the Kurram riveT nell!' '1hall, :to the· ?~oin&1 pasS. They are divided into' 5

-JDain . branehes-'The . bar-:wi!sb KIlel; -"i •. , ,Utmllrlzai 12,600 and AhmadzM ll,9BOi the Mahsuds lO.O(8'; the' !Gnrbaz; the :Laili; Headmen; see the .a.bove olau.s. . . , '

.' WAZIR KOB (300).-A .aeW.oD

of Shah Mansur Khel, Dndu , -Khel; .TaJ'~,' ~oq p • . ,~en; :{{.~ Hajj, SQ!1b­

.baz".AAlin,~hah, . &iad: u­p&~m~ pa:r/lo~/14za J,rh tth ,

WILAYAf koR,T~. mi.~ol' _ ao-tion of Sangar Khel, Y usaf

Khel, Jsa Khel , Pandiall, Mohmands.

WOCHAK KHE~ (40).-A minor fraction of Mitha Khel, Badiwai,.Kliadi KheI, .Shamlln . Khel. ·MahaUds. BeadIPen; Jamal,.ih&bDfr. . .. . ... .,... ..

)V QRUJE (350).-,..A div;i.si.on of ,the -Dana ·· :Battannis. Hea~men ; M~ Khan

, ~t"q) ; ¥enr': ' an 'lSfn-~); Adll S _ and Ali Oul (¥aissizai.), .

WU~JI ~~:ZL (40) ... -;-:-A ~iio~ of tl"e ;M~i, ':Sb~l. ;:ftP,h­loIzai, Mahsuds: n~~; Mtlhamad Ashraf, . Khan

,P.p.r. WUJJI KHE;L (ijl)) •. -:-:-A ,JIIlC­

tion of the Haidrai, 'Chahar ·~t~' .s~n -.K.h~l, Mah~ ,~... '

Wuzi KHEL (800; Khai80ra !¥f.1 ,~aJtp) \o;-A .. tub-diviaion

.,qI . .M:@mit Khel, Utmauai, D~w~ ..Khel Wams.

. ne"~fI1 ; Bozi, Wazir Jr~an..:, N~~ir ' .Khan, .. Niya~ GuI, Aalonl"Jama :GuL

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.( ",I

I I ",

U' . , , 'II.

TAGHf Kol . ...;..kmfuo.r . frac­tion of Sl'Oh, BUBha Khel, KamaU.: Halimt&ai,,' Lh­mandB. Headman; Bu~nd.

YA<11 KlIEL i ilee TOB'SAPPAB. ,

YABIA KURL. or Hgz..u, (115).-ABub-d'ivisi~A.: of Ahmad Khel.. Oba K;~el, SheraniB.

YAB:U KUIL (167).-A dh.r­sion '. ~~' the ChuaI'. ~hel, 'Shel'lmi~. .' '

YAUIA KURt, or lIB:Ilu (690).-A division of Se,u Khel, SheraniS:·. " .

Y A· KBBL.-A a~cMon of B8.bu Khel, Adinzai, Khwazazai, Akozai-YU8ufzai SW30tiB.

Y.&KUBI KXEL ~Gbsbta)-.­An offshoot of the Sargarrai Kor, Khadi Khel, Khwaezai, Mobmands. Headmen; Jamal, Nadir Shah, Mian Jumma Khan.

YAKUB KUBL.-A section of Ghaibi Khcl, Bahra.m-b­Khel, Rv Ranizai, Akozai- , Y usuuai Swatis. J

'¥A){UB KOB.-A. minor frao..­r'- tion of~' Khel, Shati' , Khel" Wsifibeg Kor,. Gandab,

Halinizai, Mobmanas. Head-man; Ahmad. ;.

YAKUBZ.H' (256).-A. sub­division of Manazai, Oba .1{hel, Sheran~ . ,

, ., YA.;B ALI KHBL.-A. diviSion. , of Katn.rJM or Kama.r Khel. . (600), Afllldi8. Sarnil.Head-· man j Azam Din. ::.: !':'"

' .. YABAN KU:8L.-A· sooticn of

Sheikhmal, KamDar Khel,. Kambar K.hel (4,500~, Afri­dis. Gar. Headmen j lIullMn-· mad, Sher, Khwaja Ali, Yaro" Nurai.

Y.A:RDili KOB.-A. section of Ka.dai Kor; Ga.nem-b. Hallm·· mi, Mohmands. HE!a<fmen~. Shah Jehan, ·Nawab. Mnsa Kha.n, Gnlai. Yad Muham,. mad, Niamat-.

Y,ARGUL KUEL.-A section of Pabbi Khol, Kambar Khel,. Kambar Khcl ( ... ,600), Afri-· dis. Gar. Headmen; Sherai. She~.

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Page 241: A Dictionary Path 00 Bran Goog

Ytrl.u KlIKJ; (Dir).-A sec­tion of Painda Khel. Sesada, Malizai; Y1l81lfzais.

YtrltrPUL(7SJ)OO4J).--A, great group of Pathan tribes

. which includes thOlJ8 of' the Black Mountain. the Buner­wals, the Swatis, the people of Dir and the Panjkora valley. and the inhabitants of tbe Y ll8l1fzai plain in

Britiah territory. They all claim :deseent nom one Mandai, his son Y usaf, and grandson Mandan. From Y usaf's four SODS, Isa, M usa, Mali and .Ako are dellC6nded, respectively, the Isazais, Iliaszais, MaIizais and Ako­:mis: Ako was also the pro­genitor of the Ranizais. The Utmanzais are dtlllOllnded froOm Man~n.

z Z,uuB KxllL (North-east of

::au.ner).~A minor fraction of MJU!& ,Khel, Makhozai, N aaozai, Ilia8zai, Yusufzais.

ZADci.~A minor fraction of M~, BacIa, Asil, lsm&il-zai, Utman Khelil. '

ZADBAD or JADlUN! (9,OO(),; Spalgun valley. Xhoet).­A tribe of lOtost, bord8ri.ng

"the Kazha l\!adda Khels of the Toold." They He be­tween the Ghilzais on the' west and the 'ranis ou the eufi. H~ I Babrak.

ZA.Jr:rAB KllBL ~36~.-A '100-tion of Nana KheI, Tapiai, Tappizad. DlIowaris. Head-

lllen ; Khamid, I>awogar. Fir, Mir Alani Khan. :

ZA.:rIUN KOB.-A 'Pinor MctiQn of: Hyatai~"lKor, Shah MIlo'Jl8Uio Khel, l)adu Khel, Tarakzai, Moh'lhaida. Headman; Abdullah.

'LID lrlll'lL (6).-.A. ,!!U~.aM.. , sion , of Khaddi, ~ad,

. ,Daw$rls. ' H~·;,~lam.

"ZA.IMU:&:R'fII • or' ZAIJI1J.nl (3,500 ;. oomitry ,betWeMt.·the Zawaghar range, Kurram river, and lfira.nzai).-A tribe of, ' Pathana, . diYidell

.<into· IOtoic1ad;. XIiIeI; or Eastern Zaimukhfiilt,. and Mamozai, or Weatem Zai­mukhts. s.u.n.., .'

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Z,ULUJ KHBL.-A minor fmc­~iED: of ~akki ,D8I. ,K.attia KJreI. HflIBIIl K'.b.d.. Dha Xball itherl., Knki Khel (','500), Afridis. Gar.

.ljIeadmen ; see llakki.Khel.

Z~:~ ltHBL.":"'"A section of ~.,.. ·lthel.,' Ku Sulimi, 'l:Bali~i.,' Al:o~ Yusufzai t:lwa'tiS. ' ' .

iiXlk Khll (l>ahlsh trcil).­A ~lnar mctwti of "Rajai

~o~~l~ Khel,

LilJa 'KRto:..-A aetiion Of M&st.i:Khel, KaIBIE Khel, ,iKt.mbai" J{(1Ml (,,500). Miri­.dM~ Gar. HelimeD.'; Fakir, Gulistan, Gul iJmh. Bahmat.

ZUUHU KBBJ.-.(.sO).-A minot' 'f~n, of Wazjrga\r~:. :JUl' :Khe1. Gidi Khel, -.rAi. 'AUzai. Lhsuds. Head­n:iejf"Gu~J GIuWiat

ZAIU KHBL.-A section of 11I~~1t (6l' ~uhl KlteI, '8alar­'tIM,lliasrai.1Juae!'Wlils. ,

Z.ANGI KHEL.-A eecti()n of Ghaibi Khel, Babakrl. Sipah "( l,2OOh Ahldis. &.mll. Hur.dman ; Du:ya Khan.

ZANlU. KH-kL ·(Mastura river, at itssonrce).-A division of the Ali Khels (3,000), ., Hatlll8J1l8" d the tG_­!Pis, 'G1n-. ,t Bbiah. Heada:an ;

, nalid Kium.

iAti'iKmllo '(14):-A section . of Boya, ''l'appizad, Dawari .. lIeadmn ~ GaI&~.

ZA.BGAa (6).:-A !Bllb .. di -mion of Khaddi, ,liallizad. Dawarit. Headmen; Khoja, Muham­.mad Ithan.

Z,UUlr.\,B KH'IL (l5)_A milaClt baetion of KWma.c)a iK .. eJ. N uar Kbel, ~ fKihel, Bahlolmi, Ma'ban.da. llMCl· man; Malo. , '

Z~RGAB )rIEL (16).-A:mi_ iractioll of the lTikarnb l\:h~ ~hOida.d. ~J, Gidi Klael, llanaQi, AliMi. Mak· Buds. l'Ieadman i UtlDlL

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ZlrRan Kn:!JJ4.-Aanlnor&at\- .kr&i ;1lf..u.-A' ~ ~iOD , llon of Sarmast Khel,' &di' f(jf HaiMaon,alJ Ted Khel

Khel, Dardoni, W uzi Khel (t;67Q), l~ JrOOI, (800). Mohmit Khel, Utmam· . UtmaMM, 'Darweth nel

, 'rai, Dannlsh'· IKhet W'80th'B.: Wazirs. HeadmSn:r' La! ~;WaruX_n. Khan.

Zi:BJ&1'R KRE'L.-A minor frt!,c­, ,.mon afUmar Khet. Ali :nel, , K1md.dar Khe1 ('1'70), ,&h­

'Olrt Khet, 'Utlnanzai" Dar­, ,'W'e8h Khel Wa~irs. ,

ZABGAR KHlIL (18).-A Bub:­, ~~ of ,Boya, 'TSfpi.d, " Dawaris. He&diun'i' '<ffllbat

:K:ha.n. '

ZABGAR K:a'EL (~.~:A"sMtion of Malli Khel. ldak, Tappi­zad, Dawaria. JIeadman;

, Walli Hassan.

ZABGUN KHlIL (3QO}...-,!;gtb­divisiou of Galai, Adam Khel, Afridis.

LaD' KlfIL.-A m'inor frae­tiOD.'af Thtrar ('l:lOO)~ Khus­-rogi, Nasrndciin, 'Za.kha Khel Afrldis. ·Sarnil. Head.­man ; see Bucha Khe!.

k&IY KoB.-.A. fMiionlOf::Kani Khel, K8IIim. Khel, , 'JIal'llkilai, llobmaudL Heaimsn ; .8hamshere, A:dal.' DadIlIbh, Ajun. .

Zum KnL.'-A minor frae­tioll of :K.lli K1H~.Man:ftia. Khel, Ha.ssa.n Khe!, M itha Kha.n 'KM;K'llki K.'hel

. (4,&oIl), Aftlidis.Fleaimen'; Kolak, Sherai, KhSirUlla, Zarin.

ZJl!RIN ,Kn:BL.-A mmor ~c­tiOll of, :M,i&l'l, Khe!, Jana Khori (800), HlLIISaft Khel, Adam Khel, Mt;dis.

ZA!RlIAB'KlIBL (lS).-A minor fraetionof I 'K~f1a.d Khel, Abdul R"hm:an K.Jhel. Shcr Khel, Haibat 101~~: Nana Khel. Bahlolzai, M &hsuda. IlNdmen 0; Sbhwardin~ 1111.'

'mindar. ' ,

Z;i:ItO KHlIL.-A~io1t of 'the Aimsl Khan Khel, Zanka Khel, Ali Khels (3,000), "lkmeay&s" ef the OI:akzais. &T. i stU&b. Headwan;. ;Jladar.

ZA.RlU.X KHlIL (8).-A minor bacAion' 1)£ W.Udad !Chel.

, ,Liadf n~ .A.'hdnllai. Aimal Khel,B..a1o!~. Ia'banda. HtadlDlRi; ~ 'DiD.

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Z.Ullm~ KlIJ1.,(160).-:A.. minor ~ . .lil!1ad Bh&b., Sheikh' AixdIl, . fraotip,n Qf the Shamak . Zariband. .. .. ... Khel, AbduJ.la.i, AimaLK.heI, '.

, llahlolQ.i" .Mahsude. Head· I - • •

, . man.;. Tarkai. . ~I:lUDJ)I. ·(200).-A ·BIlb. .. , division of . Budai, Zakha

ZARRI KUBL (1l5).-A sub· Khel, Afridis. SamiL Head· diviaion of Ohahar Khel, men; Mir U ~n, N uza.i, S~ Khel, Jrb.hsnds. . - Gulistan, Pahlwan, Mir

Azam. Mabrez, Amir Shah, ZB.U (20)' .. .:....A !I8Otion ~f the .' Sa.h, ta.hia. Khel, Sen Khel, . Sheranis.

· l'ar . Sher, Sberdan, Dauran, . Yar Baz, Said Khan, Yar, Ghulam~

ZEBAinn (203).-A division • of Mallizad. ~waris. Head-: Zx:nu K~~~ (Mastura nver); men' Sha.hzada Haibad. . A sub-divlSlOn of ·the Mam Kha~ Gulapir Ahmad Khel (1,000). Muhannnad Khon:..r, Roza.m Shah, Ghain I Khel, Ora.kzai~. Gar. Shiah. Shab, Pir Muhammad, H~man; Ali Jan. Ma.s$l. DoQi. &tidi,. Said Akbar, S.lamai, N abait Shah, Khataki, Saidulla. Jan,

. Badrallg.

Z.~:BD~T K~U:L.-A' minor fraotion of Sherga '. Khel, Utmanzai, Adinzai, Khwaza

'. ' ZIloi, Akozai-:,-Y uaufmi 8wllo.'1' , t~.

;qKlIEL.~A ~~,.t~n : Q~ Kam~ir (9r Kam1?o) Khel,

AiD Khel. Sa.1arzai"'.DiMiai,. Bunerwals.

ZHAO kUBi "(88)'''7A~b: <Uvisio? of. T,.piai,. Tap~izad . I>awans. .HeadIQen; leab

. Khan, At~, Gulab Din,

Zn[1ru.-A minor fr~ction of Aib Kor, Shaikh .I(het, Aib Khel, Salarzai, lliaszai,

, ~BunerW'61s.

ZIRAI (10).~A minor fraction of Shadi Ellel, Lar· Jt~

· Land. Malakh.~. M .. · Dawarls.· Headman; . ·FalW­. :Mnhauim~. ' : ... , . ,

: ":

ZIRA KHEL.-A minor frae-,·tiOn of Mad Khozhlli,.Khad­-dar .Khal (1'10), Mohmit . KheI. U tmanzlU., 'Darwt!8h Khel Wazin. Headman; Pir Muhammad.

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IRA KJlBL (24.7).-A sub· division of Amzoni, Mallizad, Dawaris. Headmen; Malik Kha.~ Muhammad Alam,

~ Garwal Khan, Ghulam.

':ZIRA KBEL (15).-A sub· division of Banda, Tappizad, Dawaris. Headman; Ayaz Khan •.

IIBKlZA.I (West of Dera Ghazi Khan DiBtrict).-A

, sub-division of the Hamza­zai, BalU Khel, Musa Khels. Headman; Lashkar.

, . ( .~.

ZIUBAJI, MIBZIS, or MIZBI8 (130; Dem Ismail Khan frontier).-A small tribe claiming descent from the ancestor of their neighbours the Musa Khels, with whom they are very friendly.

Headman; Sardar Hakim Khan.

ZOBBA KOB.-A minor fraction of Zaman Khel, Makki Khel, Kattia Khel, Hassan Khel, Mitha Khan Khel, Kukl Khel (4,500). Afridis.

ZOLI KHBL (14).-A section of Atman, Miram. Shah, Tappizad. Dawaris. Head· man ; Shabah.

ZOLIZA. KHBL.-A minor frac· tion of Muhammad Khel (700) Isperka, Kalu Khel. Ahmadzai, Darwesh Khel W:az,i,m., Headmen; Jan Nur . Muhammad. Shah Kammn.

ZU:B.A.IB KHBL.-A minor frac· tion of Musa Khel. Makho· zai, Nasuzai, Iliaszai, Buner. wals.

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: TAefoliOflJing note 7J!} Captain.A.. H. McMaAon, O.S.1., C.lJ! •• Political Agent, Vi'l'. Swat and Okit'l'al, explain, tM 'Va'l'io'U8 spiritual titlea and denomination, in ulle among PafAans .

.. The denominationR under which the desoondants of all Muhammadan spiritua.l leaden come (according to Pathan, and T might say Indian, usage), are, in order of spiritual rank, as -fol­lows :-

1. Saiads.-This is the term given to descendants of the Prophet. Owing to their large number a.nd varying circumstanoes, it does not follow that a Baiad. as such, is given precedence over other spiritual denomina­tions, but a Saiad who comes into prominence as a re­ligious man takes preced6nce of all other. religious denominations.

2. Mians.-These are the desoondants of saints and spiri. tual leadel'lf who have acquired IL wide reputation among many tribes •. and not a merely local reputation. All Mians are, or are supposed to be. descendants or saints of ROme past century. The term is not r·ven.to deacendant& of modern uints, but some 0 theae may in course of time bt'come Miana. The remark. made regarding Baiads apply to Miana also. The prinoipal saints of this clasa on the northern frontier are nnked as follows:-

(1) Pir Babs. of lIai, Buner (as a Saiad, he ranks first).

(~) Kaka Sahib of Nowshera.

(3) Haznt Ji, near Attock.

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~LU ;S;lllilo .(60~-Ai.millor fraction of Aghzan.: ·Zira Khel, Amzoni, Mallizad, D.waris.· 1 .' H_c1metl ;' Xnru.mmad Alalllt Fir GholA~,·"

B~ *10110 (l6).-A'. mitior fraction of Poi :((hel. Muham­mad Khel, Malakh, Mallizad, DaW6Jis. Headman l . Su1e-. . man .... :.

B~~~i Kii:EL "3,000;. West .. of JJera Ghazi J<han).-A clan

,of the 'Masa . Khe18. Head­. ·men;.'se6 ·Ahmsdzai. Ham­

zazai,. 'IoDd: Hasan Khel. .

BALIL KHEL (lS}.-A millor fraction of Chuttan, Zira KheI, Amloai, Mallizad, DaWllo1'is. Headman; GholamKha •.. ,

BALI KHBL.~A aectioll" of ' Ibrahim Khel, Utmanzai, Bar> Hanizar, Akozai.~ y nsufzai ~watis.

Hathi IDel, (2,000), S bin .:. Khell' AhmadZai, Darwesh

XhelI· WaZirlJ. . ". ;: j

BALLi" lrB~I.~ "i A. minor frac-' tion 'of !o.ha'di" Khel, Bam Khal (1,OOU). MohIQit Xhel~ Utinanw... Darwesh Khel

. ·W~~irs. nea'dmaa; Xipat ;§:lJan. ..' . .

BALO (Lnmun).-A sub-divi­~on of AsH, Ismailzai •

. . iU ~maii: Kb~.ls. ... 1

BAiOcH ;'JtHEL (215,.· DerlS Ismail Khan District).­N o~dio, . a sub-division of of the IlIQt :Khel, llian :Inel. Pa.wiQ,dahs.

BALO! KII'BJ.. (20}.-A. minor fraction of the I pi, HaiEiar "h~l, Tor, Tappizad, Dawa:' ria': ~ Headmen; Andaram Kban,Mihl-din Khan, Mil­Esz Khan, Gulghad'In.

BAL KHEL.-A miDOl' fraction . &LOI.Z.AI (60). -A divieicB of of Kharmanj Khel, Khwaja . Kapip; Sheranil. Khel, Miamai, Kabul Khel (1,600), Wali Khel, U tmanzai, Darwesh- Khel Wazirs. ..

B.nn ·KXEL (ROO}.~A. sub. division of Bablltai, Baizai. Akozai-Yusuftai Swatia.

BALLA KHl!:L (Bannu Dis-. trlct}.-A. minor fraction of BUI: AXEL (7BO).-A. clan of

TaOit Khel, Pirba Khet, Khudu Khe1s.

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The End.

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