a cellular neural network modeling the behavior of reconfigurable cellular automata

A cellular neural network modeling the behavior of recon®gurable cellular automata Panagiotis G. Tzionas * Department of Automation, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 14561, Thessaloniki 54101, Greece Received 29 April 2001; accepted 31 August 2001 Abstract The design and implementation of a cellular neural network CNN) architecture capable of modeling the behavior of recon®gurable cellular automata CA) is presented in this paper. Despite the simplicity of their structure CA are capable of exhibiting extremely complex behaviors. This motivates the development of a recon®gurable CA architecture, capable of exhibiting all types of complex behaviors found in the different CA classes. However, the hardware complexity for developing such an architecture is very high and comes in direct contrast with the inherent modularity, regularity, locality and homogeneity properties of CA architectures. The CNN architecture presented in this paper is capable of learning all the qualitative different CA behaviors, and it matches all the inherent advantages of CA architectures. Additionally, any hardware recon®guration costs are totally avoided. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cellular automata; Cellular neural networks 1. Introduction to cellular automata Cellular automata CA) are mathematical idealizations of physical systems in which space and time are discrete. A CA consists of a n-dimensional uniform lattice of sites cells) which may be in®nite in extent. At each site of the lattice a physical quantity takes on values that are elements of a ®nite commutative ring R k with k elements. The value of this quantity at each cell is called the local state of that cell whereas; the n-dimensional vector of the values of all the cells is called the global state of the CA. A CA evolves in discrete time steps, with the value of the variable at one site being affected by the values of variables at sites that lie within its `neighbourhood' on the previous time step. The variables at each site are updated simultaneously `synchro- nously') according to a de®nite set of `local rules' [17]. Thus, a CA is characterized by the following properties a) The number of spatial dimensions of the CA lattice n). b) The length of the lattice across each dimension N N j is the length across the jth dimension). c) The number k of the elements of the commutative ring R k : d) The effective neighborhood span r which de®nes the sites that participate on CA evolution at each time step r j is the neighborhood span across the jth dimension). e) The CA rule which is an arbitrary function f over R k : The state of a cell at time step t 1 1) is computed accord- ing to f and with respect to the local states of the cells that lie in its neighborhood, as de®ned in d), at time step t). One-dimensional CA with r 3 and R k Z 2 are called elementary CA. The values of the sites of an elementary CA neighborhood of span r can be arranged in 2 r different con®gurations. The application of rule f can produce, inde- pendently, one of two possible outcomes for each of these con®gurations. Thus, there exist 2 2 r 256 possible rules for elementary CA evolution. These rules have been coded in 8 digit binary number format and in the equivalent decimal format) in Ref. [17], and some characteristic examples are shown in Table 1. The local rules for an elementary CA can be considered as a Boolean function of the sites within the neighborhood. Let a n m be the value of site m at time step n, and consider, for example, rule 90. According to this rule the value of a particular site is simply the sum modulo two) of the values of its two neighboring sites on the previous time step. The Boolean equivalent of this rule is given as: a n11 m a n m21 % a n m11 1 Microprocessors and Microsystems 25 2001) 379±387 0141-9331/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0141-933101)00134-X www.elsevier.com/locate/micpro * Tel.: 130-31-791288; fax: 130-31-791291. E-mail address: [email protected] P.G. Tzionas).

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Page 1: A cellular neural network modeling the behavior of reconfigurable cellular automata

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Page 3: A cellular neural network modeling the behavior of reconfigurable cellular automata

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Page 8: A cellular neural network modeling the behavior of reconfigurable cellular automata

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Page 9: A cellular neural network modeling the behavior of reconfigurable cellular automata

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