a adam and the whirling wind


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Ordinarily, trees do not bend except when there is

a compelling need for it to comply with the dictate of

natural events such as fierce wind. There is always an

innate tendency for every object to remain in its crude


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form. Isaac Newton, a renowned scientist states ‘A body

will remain in its present state of rest or if it is in motion

will continue to move with a uniform speed on a

straight except if there is hindrance’ This unveils the

simple and nascent status of things in the absence of

external influence.

A simple man describes a God-made man. A man

made in a simple, easy and unsophisticated form. What

a true nature of man! A simple man was a man in his

greatest possible natural form with moral instincts.

Being an image of God, he exhibited all features of

greatness over other creatures, billion of which have

huge advantages.

A simple man was pure-hearted because he was a

replica of his maker, the holy God. His heart dispensed

blessing .Every word that came out of his mouth was

full of power and effect. Every thought formed by his 3

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heart was undoubtedly for the glory of his maker. His

nature did not allow sickness because there was

complete absence of gene that could code for it. All the

genes were naturally made to code for sound health.

Moreover, the relationship between his pure heart

and organ of sight was so strong that what the heart

saw was not misinterpreted .Even, anytime his heart

observed odd things, his heart would not translate

them to evil .All inputs into his heart were all good ,so

did the outputs from the heart.

Man enjoyed to the fullness. He was served his

requirement based on his self-specification. In fact, A

simple man needed not salivate before bolus of food

would get to his tongue. There was nothing like food

rationing as he would eat till he was filled. Stomach

filling would not cause him to vomit because there was


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a proper coordination between feeding centre of his

brain and sensation of hunger.

Furthermore, despite all these, he was not obese

because he was placed on special diet devoid of

cholesterol by the greatest of all dietician. Due to the

impossibility of food to contain cholesterol,

hypertension found it very difficult to champion simple

man. Diseases such as cancers, heart diseases, kidney

and liver dysfunction found it uneasy to thrive in the

live of a simple man. Even ,glucose –rich foods he took

only made him to be bouncy and not a sufferer of

diabetes mellitus.

Man was the greatest and most powerful biotic

component of the ecosystem that would ever be

produced .He ruled over all other important

components of his environment .He was diligent and

consistent in his bid to turn all stones. Man gave all 5

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creatures their different names, besides, he was able to

recite their names perfectly without stammering or

racking his brain. He had a unique dictatorial and

authoritative traits which made him to be feared by

other most dreaded creatures. Without refusal, he

controlled all abiotic component of the ecosystem

through this inbuilt authority.

Inside the heart of man found no trace of artifact,

implying that it was natural. The vehicle of his heart

tolerated no plague. All they did was to conduct living

blood. The blood of simple man never gave room for

malaria, HIV, hepatitis or any infection because it was

part of pure blemish-free natural heart of a God-made


God-made man was made to be a seed that would

yield fruits. The vastness of human kind on earth planet

and the diversity of human kingdoms were good 6

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examples. God never made a dead-end human species

(a sterile creature) but creatures which are

proliferative. In effect of this, God deposited in man a

woman who bore reproductive compatibility trait with


God-made man was a man of long span. The

ultimate essence of God’s creation of man is to have

man praise Him forever without any break or season

because God cherishes praise. He loves to be adorned.

He loves to be revered and eulogized most especially

by man .He loves to be dignified in view of His

surpassing greatness, insurmountable power ,

unquestionable authority and inexhaustible mercy.

A simple man was a man born anew in an

unrefined form like a newly born baby .God-made man

had no cloth to cover himself because there was no

need for it. Despite the absence of coverings, he never 7

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felt naked because he was covered by a divine cloth

and protected by supernatural roof. Neither would he

fell shy on account of his clothlessness .

A simple man was built to resist evil, architectured

to tolerate whirling winds and designed to control

emerging diversity of unforeseen circumstances. There

was on fore head of man emblem of honor and cross of

victory. This explained why he recorded prosperity in all

that he laid his hands upon. A simple man was so great

that he was a solution to life problem and a victory to


A simple man was a perfect man being a perfect

copy of Almighty God. Beyond reasonable doubt, he

was right and perfect in all that he did .Moreover; he

was like a god, put simply, a representative of God on

earth. Man was a perfect instance of equity, justice,

fairness, accountability and honesty.8

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A simple man had a great neuro-cognitive and

intelligent quotient couple with his uncountable

physical tendencies. One of such is natural ability to

relate with other creatures, ability to see and interpret

correctly without illusion and ability to interpret the

time of the day. All these were the inbuilt attributes of

Adam, the first man


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Man abode in the arms of his Maker. He derived

more than satisfaction from his creation. Out of

abundance, he lived and was never found wanting of

any material.

Just like what obtains after hitting the greatest

height, man sought something else beyond satisfaction.

The vast array of foods available in his compound did

not content him any longer. The natural propensity of

wisdom which was endowed on him was deemed

extinct and he wanted an upgraded wisdom, I wonder

which other wisdom could outsmart that from above?

May be due to the fact that the limit of earthly wisdom

was not disclosed to him, he was unable to appreciate

the most outstanding inbuilt wisdom. Man thought

earthly wisdom could go much way bettering his lot but


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he hardly recognized that the more the earthly wisdom

availed, the greater would be the prize which always

was in form of shortage, loss, death, sickness and crisis.

Man thought there could be a more supernatural

heart outside the pure heart offered by his maker. He

sought for a more extraordinary heart but ended up

finding an impotent heart; an heart that could not

discern ;an heart that harbored diseases; an heart that

was rich in genes that coded for every sort of infirmity

of this world, an heart that could not coordinate the

whole body; an heart that disagreed with sense of

vision ;an heart that encouraged prostitution; an heart

that pumped a plague-filled blood ;an heart where

there could never be peace, a faulty canal mind

Man who had been a subject of honor reduced to a

hopeless gold digger .No other story could be as

disastrously interesting as that of a king celebrated by 11

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his citizens who turned inexplicably to an abject slave.

Man who had been ruling his ecosystem had to rotate

leadership with other creatures like lion. Man that had

been respected by beasts now had to dread the beasts

he gave names. This is terrible but no thanks to

whirling wind.

When a whirling wind blows, changes begin to

happen; new things assume office and strange events

become obvious. A whirling wind is like earthquake,

tornadoes ,tsunami and hurricane which bout without

pre-sensitization. Whirling wind greatly differs in its

depiction as it refuses to share common terms with

challenges which can easily be forecast using physical


Whirling wind is a simple metaphor of devil, a

trickster who twisted man’s heart, an event that


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invoked a gap between man and God, his maker,

resulting into man’s total sanction.

God did not only make man but also provided life-

enhancing materials and fence for him. Inside Eden’s

garden, there were all sorts of food that were good for

human life except one which would not add to man’s

joy,’ the fruit of life’.

God instructed man never to consider the option

of admiring it let alone of eating this anti-man fruit.

Awhile after receiving the devil, an august visitor, Man

fell in love with august persuasion of his visitor without

observing any moment of rumination. He seemed to

have forgotten completely facts surrounding his

creation and the most important instruction of his



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Man simply betrayed God through disobedience

and disloyalty. God had expected nothing from man but

complete obedience; that was why he never hesitated

to give him nutritional prescriptions. The sense of

obedience God built in man’s heart was God’s

consolation for leaving man alone in the garden, but

instead of man to observe caution dictated by his heart,

he followed the suggestions of his visitor.

What affective tool predisposed man to fall in love

with anti-God option?

Words are powerful tools used in conversation

(exchange of views and words). They are commands

which direct, prescribe, regulate and achieve an action.

In fact, there was nothing created that escaped touch

of a word including the world yet to be unveiled.


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Conversation between man and his visitor ushered

him out of the garden of peace which was designed for

him. The pure heart of man was designed to accept

instruction of Almighty God and work with it but he

disregarded the cautions of his heart; after all there

was no way a foundation with cracks and breaks could

bear the weight of a building.

There are stages devised by devil in making a

success in turning man against his creator. The first

stage is called the INITIATION stage. This stage centers

on introduction and requires initiation traits. The devil

was highly skilled and gifted with initiation traits

(characters which attract attentions and pave way for

dominance). Initiation traits slackened the thread that

tied chamber of man’s heart , offered opportunities for

prosperity of sickly genes and the beauty of his innate


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wisdom started to fade away. In every part where he

had been strong, he began to weaken.

The devil, man’s visitor who also doubled as his

hater exploited a simple opportunity to do an

irreparable initiation scourge to man through his

initiation trait. The outcome of this was that natural

wisdom which had been naturally built to resist his

visitor started to accommodate the earthly stuffs.

Moreover, man’s heart began to fatigue. The next

stage after initiation stage is a stage of Persuasion. It

involves enticement and the use of material things to

entice man. Many things including those which regards

environment were used to persuade him. Persuasion

involves poisoning of mind against a form of idea and

the use of controlling factors to cause a compromise.

Persuasion also involves design of defense mechanism

and the subsequent use of the designed scourging 16

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defense mechanism to induce another. For example,

lies told to man by his hater went another mile

instigating a sense of denial of fundamental


After man’s creation, he was endeared in a garden

more beautiful than the beautiful citadel of the world. In

fact, the size of the garden was unquantifiable and the

height was beyond human imagination. Although, the

place was called garden, however ,that never implied it

was a caged piece of land where creatures abound.

Instead, it was a garden containing palaces of God,

buildings of different architectural works. It was called

garden of peace because there was no acrimony; no

crisis, suffering, scarcity, austerity, crime and there was

a proper systems coordination. If devil had devised an

earthly citadel to deceive man, it would not have been

as beautiful as the garden. Owing to man’s 17

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disobedience to God, the sense of judgment of man

was completely inactivated and hence failed in both

tendencies to discern spirit and judge accurately.

The outcome of this was that man was further

endeared by his visitor and again, he distanced farther

from his maker. As the distance increased, his heart

suffered more destruction. Man’s hater was greatly

impressed by the ceaseless regression of his client. This

paved the way to the third stage called stage of

conviction. The third stage has within its scope

extremism. Man graduated to a fanatic of wrong idea,

impression and values.

In view of his hard-heart and stiff-neckedness, he

was in a mood to do anything demanded from him by

the devil. He was deeply stimulated by the selections of

big lies. The outcome of the third stage was that man

turned completely against his maker. Man began to 18

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turn his hater to God and his maker to enemy. Man’s

imagination changed condescendingly and was

invariably replaced by illusive passion. His heart began

to meditate on all the promises of his hater without any

actual sense of rethink.

Following third stage is a stage of acceptance, the

fourth stage .It is a stage where man formally accepted

his hater as hero. He accepted his hater’s tendency to

avail all things beyond what his maker could afford.

Man turned away from the plan of the most high and

climb a ladder of the most low. Worst of it was that man

ate the fruit of life which he was rightly warned against.

The worst of man’s deed was the hallmark of the

greatest achievement of his visitor. Had it been man

had only attempted to eat the fruit of life, perhaps, he

might have saved himself a fall and it might have been

better for him. Rather than attempting it, man tasted, 19

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ate and swallowed the forbidden fruit. Man failed to

realize it was forbidding eating a forbidden fruit. Man

defied God’s instruction perhaps to test God’s

countenance or reaction as the case may be.

The last stage, fifth stage unveiled God’s reaction.

As a matter of fact, God who instructed man not to eat

the fruit of life knew the level of toxicity and lethal dose

of the food. God knew the food was not good for human

pure heart for which reason he barred him from taking

the fruit. Following man’s consumption of the fruit, he

experienced transformation. First, man’s heart turned

canal and hence became predisposed to wreckage.

Owing to the replacement of man’s pure heart

with a faulty canal mind, man began to understand

himself up to a point he learnt he was naked. Then he

felt ashamed and inferior. These eventually culminated

into a broad body of human problems which 20

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transcended human comprehension then and now.

Every problem of man today has a lineal link with a bolt

of mistake that was commitment some time ago by the

first man in the garden. However, problems were never

designed by God for any reason in heaven or on earth

but by man’s hater. The last stage shows how God

decreed curses on man and his produce. He was cut off

from grace, he was disengaged from pleasure and the

gate of the beautiful garden was shut against him.

Despite all these, man was not completely denied of

wisdom and natural God-made reliefs were not shut

down for reason of man’s disobedience.


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It was not a rumor that man disobeyed his creator

and subscribed to his haters, it was consequent to this

that he was fired. Normally, what he could handle easily

with success agglomerated to disgrace courtesy of his



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After man took the fruit of life, there was complete

modification of man. The modification process involved

replacement of a highly potent natural pure heart with

a weak error-loving canal mind. Human mind consisted

of imaginations, ideals and other features. Of the

output from human mind, more than three-quarters

were evil. This had to be so because human mind had

now been modified to be of earthly origin. The breath

meant to nourish and nurture it had quenched. It

became so bad for man that he lost his sense of vision.

And man never realized again where he cradled from

and what might be his end. Because man had a senile

sense of vision, no longer was he able to plan for his

future, and in view of this failure, he was unable to

feature successful in his future.

Besides, God’s ultimate goal for man was that

he’d be exceptional and to come all these to fruition, he 23

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sowed a seed of sound mind in him such that, he might

dispense a sound thought. The case turned the other

way the moment man disobeyed God. The outcome of

this was quite apparent in man deeds; Averagely in a

day, thousands of thoughts run through his mind, the

good ideas and bad ones , despite the enormity of the

good ideas that presented before man, man would

rather shun the good ideas and turn on the bad ones.

All because the mind of man was no longer sound.

The seed of progress in man transformed to seed

of regression in the face of mans blatant rebellion. Man

who had been promised immorality began to count his

days on the surface of the earth. Man who could have

been a great counter, discerner and a maker turned to

rely on earthly calendar. Man who was born to be good

interpreter of season regressed abruptly. Neither was

he able to control directly the abiotic components of his 24

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environment because the ability had regressed. Gone

were those days when man in the skin of his maker

would order the rain to form on the sky and fall. All

these had now become past achievement, and

evidence of God’s love to simple man in the genesis of

his existence.

Moreover, man could no longer stand the purity of

God in the holy garden of life and therefore had to be

excused from the world to a world described to be full

of perversions, worries, lack, cheating and starvation.

The transition of man from holy garden of life to a

crisis-filled world was the basis of the reason for man’s

struggling for life existence in the name of meeting his

insatiable demand.

Usually, man used to derive remarkably a terrific

level of satisfaction in everything he chose to do while

in the garden of life. There was a complete structural 25

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and inexplicable functional change in this sense of

contentment. It thus appeared as if nothing else on

earth could ever satisfy him. The little and transient

benefits bestowed on him by his hater could not

support man’s mind and hence it was really hard for

him achieving his desired goal .

Man’s demands on earth kept on rising despite the

difficulty in achieving even a small quantum of them.

First, man had to toil like elephant before he could

derive a bolus of food. This was the manifestation of

the punishment imposed on him sequel to his

disobedience. Man had to run from pillar to pole

searching for an item that had not lost. Worst of it in

this regard was the change in man’s personality from

man of dominion to a man of defeat. A man of authority

changed to a sissy. A man of discretion turned to a

gratuitous being. Then man in this weakness began to 26

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resolve within himself that it was normal for him to

struggle before he could achieve it. The implication of

this change in mentality had been so apparent in the

lifestyle of everybody today. Human beings just could

not do without running through posts for assets that

have already been established even when the need

refuses to arise.

On the spiritual angle, this day, human beings are

fond of looking for God in devil’s abode. I wonder if

anything relates light with darkness. People call the

name of God in the skin of devil. Pastors exploit the

name of God the same way automated card is used in

automated machine for money withdrawal. The name

of God has been ubiquitously accessed for self

enrichment. Preaching in churches today is awkward.

Modern pastors and their soured old counterparts have

created a balance between God holiness and love of 27

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money as a way of preventing exit of people from their

church and for the purpose of self enrichment.

The evolution of man into a greedy and unstable

nature frustrated man’s purpose on earth and turned

him to a hopeless wanderer. Man did not realize his

primary assignment on land anymore. All what man

bothered himself about was how his insatiable demand

would be met through his hard work. Man hardly

understood how impossible it was for two wrongs to

make a right. Man could not be struggling amiss under

the territory of his hater and expect precious blessing

of God.

Man dragged himself into several unwholesome

acts of this recent world. In his bid to satisfy himself, he

took to thievery and other theft acts. Man stole money,

assets and life of his colleague to attain satisfaction


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which was even short-lived. All these unwholesome

deeds did nothing in alleviating man’s problem.

In the world today, there is widespread of

corruption. Man committed the most immoral act. Man

killed his client to raise money all in the name of

satisfaction. Global financial meltdown that rocked the

world today could be connected with deliberate or

careless attitude courtesy of corruption. Corruption was

the tool man devised to arrest dissatisfaction.

Corruption defined as dishonesty and unfairness is of

two types. Type 1 corruption is a white corruption. In

white corruption, there is no physical stealing, neither is

there killing nor bloodshed. It is just all about refined

corrupt practices and . Type 2 consists of killing,

stealing, instinctual greed, forgery and faking.

Forgery and faking are very important agent of

corruption in this modern people. People forge 29

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certificate, pretend to be what they are not and present

an adulterated material as if it were genuine.

Greed as an agent of corruption led human to

untimely death. Today the average lifespan of people is

less than or equal to seventy-five years and it has been

shown to be decreasing.

The aim of wind that blows around a tree could be

in two forms. First, cause a twisting movement and

then to hurt it. The primary goal of man’s haters is to

cause a tide that will provide joy for a short period of

time for men and to harvest them untimely. The

materials supplied by man’s hater to man as relief are

far from beneficial to man.

Man designed objects, assets and instruments to

ease his activities. The instruments which he designed

would knock down all of a sudden and man would die.


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Artificial reliefs given by man’s hater to man caused a

snow that thrashed man, unlike the natural atmosphere

man’s maker made for man which caused rain of relief

to fall and give rise to growth of man in the garden of


Owing to man disobedience, he was cursed with

unfruitfulness. The implication of the curse appeared

during labor. Man would have to cry, scream and

experience pain before he could produce his replica.

Man who was supposed to deliver happily now had to

undergo the reverse situation during reproduction.

Furthermore, man found being righteous really

hard to achieve and on the other hand, found evils a

die-hard. Man would rather prefer to practice wicked

acts even in church . Despite the number of churches in

the world, it was still very painful that atrocity kept on

increasing. Even the so-called developed nations are no 31

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different. Although they may be proud of modern

discipline due to their high extent of financial and

physical development, they still have strains because

they are also product of Adam, the first man.

The whirling winds that blew simple man to a man

of carnal mind occurred as a result of occlusion of the

sense of vision of man and result into his downfall. The

downfall of man was so awkward that man became an

inevitable friend of his hater and hater of his maker. As

hard it seems for a nut kept in glass bottle to be

devoured by hen, man had covenanted a strong pact

with his hater, thereby making it was so tedious for him

to ouster himself. Man’s disengagement from the snare

of destruction is a great task that requires superfluous

grace. The job would involve another change in

mentality and replacement of the impotent worldly


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heart with the initial heart, the natural heart which

disappeared the moment man disobeyed his maker.

Transformation of man led man into disgrace and

horrors. Just as flies rally around the comb of honey,

disgrace follows man everywhere he goes. Moreover,

transformation of man gave man’s hater a strong

assurance that man’s end will be his in hell at last.

Then in the end, at last both of them would perish in

the unquenchable fire-the heavily hell.


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The remuneration following hard work beautifies

human activities. if the return for land has not been

rent, what else would appreciate its productivity? The

ultimate beauty of man had one time been to have

immortal dominion in his places. Afterwards, he

jeopardized this opportunity and had to exhibit a kind

of life that had an end, a restriction and a limit.

The limit of man’s existence extends from

inception to an age when his fragile systems could no

longer sustain him . From human inception, man has to

undergo hell, likewise his demise is nothing but under

the content of hell. Hell describes condition of great or

suffering or misery. Condition of great suffering or

misery occurs in heaven and on earth. Home of

suffering in heaven is called heavenly hell while the

sufferings that certain people can’t do without tasting

every second here on earth is earthly hell.34

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The idea of man ending in both hells was the

manifestation of the plans of man’s hater. On a light

mood, no killer will ever plan to spare but to wreck. The

seed sowed in man by his hater is that he would end up

in both hells. While on earth he would beg for bread,

and there in heaven, he would gnash his teeth in oven.

Man’s maker built man for earth and the earth for man.

But man’s disobedience turned the whole earth against

him resulting into earth becoming a hell. It was only

heavenly hell God made for man’s hater who was proud

to God in the first place.

The nature of heavenly hell cannot be illustrated

with any earthly condition implying that in terms of

intensity of agony, this type of hell was meant for

destruction. There is no room for restitution in this hell.

Earthly hell on the contrary permits restitution. The

experiences created by the two types of hell are quite 35

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bad because both are characterized by regret, agony,

suffering and other bad conditions.

Earthly hell refers to hell on earth. This was

targeted at elongating the span of man’s difficulty for a

longer while. Man’s hater turned rain to snow, sun to

fire and wind to hurricane.

Furthermore, man’s hater designed artificial

factors which were strange to man, all built up earthly

hell. Artificial intelligence is very common these days

which uses power of man’s hater to perform magic.

With this intelligence, man designed materials and

objects which claim man’s life untimely. These

materials in the skin of comfort cause a lot of sorrow to

man both expressively and insidiously. With artificial

intelligence, man constructs an ecosystem and

destroys the ecosystem. The man made by man’s

maker was built to produce his replica: A man of good 36

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thoughts so should it be. Due to man’s disobedience, all

these could not repeat in man’s anymore simply

because man exchanged his good thought immediately

he accepted to follow his enemy. In view of this, man

had no natural intelligence again. The artificial

intelligence in man caused him to produce worst of

himself, a generation of Jezebel and a descendant of

killers who kills, erode, destroys and decimates the

whole environment.

However, earthly hell features absence of peace

of mind. Man’s hater is a convicted assassin who has no

peace of mind and because man has fellowed with his

greatest adversary who disguised in the skin of sheep,

he has to take stake in world’s burden. May be this is

why it is hard observing man in his composed form; it is

either he looks for something or something looks for


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him. There is hardly a balance between what he

demands and the measure of supply that greets him.

Consequent to scarcity of peace, the clapper of

man’s confidence draws weary. He lacks confidence on

how to secede the repeatability of mistake of his

antiquity. The failure of which claims responsibility for

his present travails and storming quakes in times not

yet revealed. Turbulence or what is another word for

draw down? means inability of certain expectation to be

met at certain time. Example is man’s quest for future

success which is most often than not barred by

unforeseen events.

Another way earthly hell expresses itself is

through man’s inability to avert environmental

disasters even when he has a realistic foretell about

their occurrence. Meteorologists often give warning

reports on future environmental threats but they are no 38

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wise to predict a possible means of stopping it from

happening. Tsunamis, hurricanes and other whirling

winds are only foretold, no curative measures have

been pre-planned and fordone to cause total aversion.

Earth quakes have claimed lives of many people with

no stereotype over the years with nothing done to

design a means of killing the violent earth movement

the way antibiotics was given a torturous touch by the

discovery of antibiotics.

What about overt hell which makes its bout on

human mind; Psychological upset such as anger,

disagreement, feud and war which constitute a whole

parliament of hell of the mind. The purpose of man’s

enemy is to utilize the hell of mind to scatter man and

make him far away from peace. No wonder why little

misunderstanding over trivial issues accounts for most

cases of divorce in this new age. It is simply a 39

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penetration of earthly hell into the life of man. God

made his man a complete personality and compliments

devoid of acrimony and not the one that will marry to

divorce . However, man transformed himself to another

creature different from in situ.

Consequently, throughout the world, quite a

number of children are from broken homes .They are

product of earthly hell and complication of strained

marriages. These children have really evoked a mind of

strong concern from all who cares as regards whether

to class them among the vulnerable ( a long list which

includes the physically handicapped) or not because of

their weakened mind and attenuated initiatives. They

are part of the society where they only struggle

endlessly without hope of prosperity. The reason why it

is hard for them to climb is partly due to their

weakened mind and attenuated initiative; They are 40

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unable to express psychological wellness and physical

fitness which are two important keys to success.


In a world of darkness; a world where dawn does

not pair with twilight, and a world where night does not

pair with day, inhabitants tend to live in darkness,

believe in darkness and act in darkness, unless they

dart a place of light, they might never believe there is

light, agree world of light is real and light as solution.

To every question, there should be a befitting

answer somewhere. It is true man turned his pure heart

to impotent canal mind which open a wide door to his

down fall, he lost his peace, his hope was defeated and

with his eyes, he witnessed his dreams capped and


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washed down the drain. He became a small ant

dazzling within the armpit of spider web. He shouted for

help in a prison of destruction.

Despite all these, there appeared to be a hope, a

solution and a headway real enough to be believed and

strong enough to lead man out of destruction. It is no

other than man’s return to his maker. This is the only

remedy to his perils. Just like the case of people who

have been thriving in a world characterized by chronic

power outage, the moment they received electricity

light, everything including their orientation begins to

change in response to the change.

Man’s return to his maker is a restitution that is

required for the restoration of lost pact with God. It

involves renouncing the devil, his greatest adversary

who haphazardly blindfolded the mind of his target.

Although it is an imminent step, it does seem as easy 42

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as thought. It therefore calls for adequate

understanding of some basic motivating realities which

will gear the heart to taking the step

First, God is a Lord of love. He showers his agape

love on all as sundry the way rain drips. For instance,

He demonstrated he loves man by creating him from a

miry clay and in His image, so that man may have the

same structural likeness like Him, He breathed a breath

of life to man so that man may have life just as He

Himself has life. He arranged different organs in man to

execute different but integrative work.

He not only made man from miry clay, he also set

his feet upon the rock as a domineering creature.

Domineering and authoritative to the fullest, making

names for other creatures and having the auction to

sanction any one courtesy of any possible means. Yet

man was never made to work either by tilling the 43

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ground or watching the sky before obtaining food.

Besides, God deposited a gene of proliferation in man

making it possible to fill and occupy the whole earth. All

these for man

. Second, Devil hates man and can never be a soft

or perfect replacement or complement for the love of

God. In fact, he is responsible for human atrocity. He

was the one that turned the whole earth to hell for man

just because he, a failed minister of God destined for

destruction, wants to make as much accomplice as

possible to the pit of hell. He approached man in skin of

sheep to lure man with his deceitful and short-lived

infrastructures. It is evident this is the same reason why

he misled man such that man ate the abominable fruit

and earned the wrath of his creator. Sufferings of

diverse form being experienced by man was actually

orchestrated by devil to cause irreparable havoc.44

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Devil is a spoiler that was sent out of heaven

because of his insubordination to the earth where he

pretended to have a good concept to human problems.

He was filled with tricks and transient reliefs. He is the

greatest confusionist of the world, deceives people with

the word of God .He initiates infirmity and calamity to

exterminate the lives of his subjects. All to usher man

to everlasting destruction.

Third, by simply turning off the instruction of God ,

Father Adam sinned. He corrupted his pure heart. He

denied himself son ship, exchanged a precious gift of

life for a bolus of food and by being a human being,

man inherited a nature characterized by sinful

tendencies from the first man.



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Ever since man worked out on God, He has been

looking forward to having him back in His mansion. This

implies that if man returns to his initial drawing board,

he will receive warm welcome, he will not be scolded.

He will not be destroyed but the spirit of rebellion that

devil deposited in his heart will be sent out. He will

expel infirmities out of his heart

God will accept man again in as much as man will

accept the means He used as a yard stick for

reconciliation. This means also act as ransom which

was paid for human disobedience. It is this means that

was used to bridge the wide lacuna between God and

man. The means also brought a lasting end to whirling

winds which blew man away from the place of his

destiny. The means is Jesus Christ, the blood of the



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Jesus Christ is the son of God and man’s savior

who surrendered himself so cheaply so that salvation

could be free for all. He was persecuted, bruised and

struck down by men because of men and so that his

blood can atone for the wages of sins of man. All these

he did so that man may live forever again.

Besides his sacrifice for man, Jesus Christ has the

power to calm the whirling wind that scourged man. He

can still the wind that disturbs the thread that guards

the heart of man, just as he did when a strong wind

which almost capsize his boat arose; He never

struggled with the wind before it became still but only

ordered it to calm, then there was peace pronto

Whatsoever difficulty you are passing through

today, it is a result of inherited gene of fault from first

man via the whirling wind which blew him away from

his centered path, with a resultant penalty. The whirling 47

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wind is devil and the only treatment is Jesus. A certain

man named Jairus was bedeviled with death of his

daughter. Jairus was thrown to confusion by this untold

wind, but he overcame it the moment he called upon

Jesus, the solution who issued a decree of termination

to the wind.

He could do much more exceedingly and

abundantly in the life of men who accept and believe in

him. Any time light shines in the world of darkness,

there is always a change. Jesus is the change, He is the

light. He dearly wants you to accept Him because he

wants you to accept light, a solution to the ugly trend in

your life

He wants you to accept light into your world of

failure because the pass code to success is with him.

He has the wisdom that opens the gate of your success.

He gives all these to you if and only if you can open the 48

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door of your heart and allow him in. Behold, He stands

by the gate of your heart and knocks, only if you could

open the gate for Him, he would enter and calm your

whirling wind.


God is the creator of man.

Devil, the whirling wind is a trickster, a failed

servant of God and an unrepentant intruder.

Adam committed a sin of disobedience and

incurred the wrath of God.

Adam was cursed.

As human beings, all are descendants of Adam.


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As descendants of Adam. all inherited tendency to

sin and genes that express manifestation of curses

placed on Adam.

The wages of sin is death and eternal destruction

(in hell)

God is an ever loving God, who demonstrated His

love by giving His only begotten son, Jesus so that

man may live eternally.

Until man genuinely accepts Christ into his life, he

is under the confinement of sin, curse and death

without hope of living again.

Those who accept Christ into their life will be


Those who receive Christ, believe and remain

consistent will enter the kingdom of God (eternal



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No other option, not even in future, Jesus is the

last hope of salvation and an endless remedy for

spiritual mortality.