a 3 hour teaching session: a study in the life of an african prophet

3 2 1 Lesson plan and theoretical justification Lesson Length: 3 hours Prepared by Richard Mafuriranwa (Unit Coordinator) Lesson Topic: Apostle Ezekiel Guti, A study in the life of an African Apostle. Unit: African Apostle (AA101) Programme: Diploma In Biblical Studies and Christian Leadership Presented to Jill Downing EAL110 Task 2 University of Tasmania, Australia

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This lesson is part of the unit African Apostle (AA101) which is a core unit in the course Diploma in Biblical Studies & Christian Leadership offered by Australia Multination For Christ College (http://www.fifmiaustralia.org/school), a College division of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) also known worldwide as Forward In Faith Ministries International (FIFMI) (http://www.fifmi.org), one of Africa’s most vital religious movements recasting the shape and character of world Christianity (Maxwell 2006) founded by Archbishop Ezekiel Guti in 1960 in Zimbabwe, Africa.


Page 1: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet



1Lesson plan and theoretical justification

Lesson Length: 3 hoursPrepared by Richard Mafuriranwa (Unit Coordinator)

Lesson Topic: Apostle Ezekiel Guti, A study in the life of an African Apostle.

Unit: African Apostle (AA101)Programme: Diploma In Biblical

Studies and Christian Leadership

Presented to Jill DowningEAL110 Task 2

University of Tasmania, Australia

Page 2: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Background and Context of Lesson

• This lesson is part of the unit African Apostle (AA101) which is a core unit in the course Diploma in Biblical Studies & Christian Leadership offered by Australia Multination For Christ College (http://www.fifmiaustralia.org/school), a College division of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) also known worldwide as Forward In Faith Ministries International (FIFMI) (http://www.fifmi.org), one of Africa’s most vital religious movements recasting the shape and character of world Christianity (Maxwell 2006) founded by Archbishop Ezekiel Guti in 1960 in Zimbabwe, Africa and now has reached over 120 nations in almost all the continents of the world inclusive of Africa, Europe, North America, South America and Asia. This unit explores the life and works of Apostle Ezekiel Guti (http://www.fifmi.org/content/archbishop-dr-eh-guti).

Page 3: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Rationale of Lesson

• Archbishop Ezekiel Guti has been described as a ‘father and pioneer of a generation of churches’ (Maxwell 2006:5) and one of the most popular religious figures in Zimbabwe if not the whole world (Musoni 2013:79). FIFMI has a number of church-related schools, a state of the art hospital with a medical and spiritual wing, orphanages, a television ministry called Ezekiel TV (http://www.ezekieltvchannel.com) and the first indigenous church related institution of higher learning called Ezekiel Guti University (Musoni (2013:75; http://www.zegu.ac.zw/).

• Guti also founded seven bible schools in Zimbabwe, Ghana, Zambia and Mozambique, and a plethora of distance and evening bible schools all over the world including Australia Multination For Christ Bible College (AMFCC), a college division of FIFMI Australia for which I am the Director. The vision of AMFCC is to “educate, equip and empower leaders for effective Christian ministry”. Lessons are delivered face to face and online including the use of interactive visual and non-textual learning approaches (DVDS, Youtube clips etc).


Page 4: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Lesson description

• This lesson is part of the unit African Apostle (AA101) which is a core unit in the course Diploma in Biblical Studies & Christian Leadership offered by Australia Multination For Christ College (http://www.fifmiaustralia.org/school) which is a College division of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) also known worldwide as Forward In Faith Ministries International (FIFMI) (http://www.fifmi.org). The unit introduces students to the birth, life, and ministry of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti, the Founder of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) also known as Forward In Faith Ministries International (FIFMI). The story of Ezekiel is a story that must not die in the bushes of Africa but must be told to the world (Erwin 1999).

• Archbishop Ezekiel Guti is the visionary of ZAOGAFIFMI described as “one of Africa’s most vital religious movements … recasting the shape and character of world Christianity” and one of Africa’s “powerful exemplar of the recent shifts and contemporary character of African, even world Christianity” (Maxwell 2006:3: Musoni 2013).

• ZAOGAFIFMI is a ministry which was once was ignored by Africa’s historians, it’s a revival which had humble beginnings under a gum tree, in Zimbabwe and has become a center of sociological imagination and academic investigation (Maxwell 2006)

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Aims of the lesson

• The aim of this lesson is to inform students about the life, times and milestones in the life of Archbishop Ezekiel H.Guti.

• The lesson aims to explore the influence of Ezekiel Guti’s Pentecostal theology on ZAOGAFIFMI and world Christianity.

• Teaching the background and history of the founder of any church makes its followers to grow stronger and to firmly ground its members in the faith and traditions of the church. We cannot separate the history of any church from its founder. Being a Methodist is talking of the life, teachings and traditions of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church. Calvinism implies the Christian teachings of John Calvin. Being a Lutheran is being in agreement with the teachings of Martin Luther. You cannot understand Methodism, Calvinism or being a Lutheran without understanding the background of the men behind those movements. Likewise you cannot understand ZAOGAF.I.F. without knowing the life and teachings of Ezekiel Guti. It is therefore the aim of this lesson to acquaint the student with the life of Archbishop Ezekiel H.Guti.

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Learning outcomes of lesson

By the end of this lesson:

i.Students should be able to appreciate the life, works and ministry of Archbishop Professor Ezekiel Guti.

ii.Leaners should be able to outline the major events and milestones in the life of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti.

iii.Students should be able to give a comprehensive report on the book African Apostle written by Gale Erwin (1999).

iv.Students should be able to explain how Ezekiel’s ministry has contributed greatly to the reconstruction and recasting of African and world Christianity.

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Description of Lesson PlanDescription of activities and strategies:

See lesson plan below

Time Description of Activity Theoretical Justification of activity(including scholarly references)

15 mins-Students scan and read Musoni (2013)’s article,

African Pentecostalism and Sustainable

Development: A Study On The Zimbabwe

Assemblies Of God Africa, Forward In Faith Church

and Maxwell (2006)

Task 2

Task Description

Drawing from Musoni (2013), Maxwell (2006) and

the writings of Forward In Faith Church, write an

investigative essay exploring the contributions of

Archbishop Ezekiel Guti to ZAOGA Forward in

Faith Church and world Christianity.

Assessments should be constructively aligned

with the learning outcomes (Biggs 1999).

Page 8: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Description of Lesson PlanDescription of activities and strategies:

See lesson plan below

Time Description of Activity Theoretical Justification of activity(including scholarly references)

10 mins(i). Introduction and housekeeping

(ii). Lesson overview

(iii). Background and lesson rationale

Lesson is presented over an overhead projector

30 mins

(i). Watching video clip Forward in Faith Back in

time from Youtube;



– Students discuss in pairs their reflections and

impressions of the video and what they already know

about Archbishop Ezekiel Guti.

Learning happens in social interactions from a social

constructivist approach (Curzon & Tummons 2013).

The zone of proximal development is appreciated as students

learn and share their reflections in pairs and onto the within

the amfcc-australia.collaborizeclassroom.com(Vygosky


20 mins BREAKStudents’ basic needs for food and relaxation of the mind is

thus taken care of for proper learning to take place

(Oxford & Shearin 1994).  

Page 9: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Description of Lesson PlanTime Activity Theoretical justification

30 mins Lecture: How to write a book review?

-Students read the book African Apostle (Erwin 1999) and discuss

in pairs how they would write a critical book review about it.

Using their creativity and cognitive processes, students create a web based application in creating a book review of the book African Apostle (Bell 2010)

30 mins Task 1

Task Description

Create a web based presentation of a book review on

African Apostle (Erwin 1999) using a MyBrainshark


Guided activity:

Students open a mybrainshark account with teacher

guidance and demostration

Using their creativity and cognitive

processes, students create a web based

application in creating a book review of the

book African Apostle (Bell 2010)

Page 10: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Description of Lesson PlanTime Activity Theoretical justification

30 minsLecture: How to write a book review?

-Students read the book African Apostle (Erwin 1999) and discuss

in pairs how they would write a critical book review about it.

Using their creativity and cognitive processes, students create a web based application in creating a book review of the book African Apostle (Bell 2010)

30 mins

Task 1

Task Description:

Create a web based presentation of a book review on

African Apostle (Erwin 1999) using a MyBrainshark


Guided activity:

-Students open a mybrainshark account with teacher

guidance and demostration.

-Assessments should be constructively aligned with the

learning outcomes (Biggs 1999).

Using their creativity and cognitive

processes, students create a web based

application in creating a book review of the

book African Apostle (Bell 2010)

Page 11: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Description of Lesson PlanTime Activity Theoretical justification

- In pairs, students assist each other under teachers’ guidance

how to upload and create a presentation using the

MyBrainshark application.


 Lecturer demonstrates and shows learners how

to create a MyBrainshark account as a guide on

the side rather than a sage on the stage (King

1993). The More Knowledgeable Other students

help others (Mcleod 2007)

15 mins Activity:

Students scan and read Musoni (2013)’s article, African

Pentecostalism and Sustainable Development: A Study On The

Zimbabwe Assemblies Of God Africa, Forward In Faith Church

and Maxwell (2006)

Task 2

-Drawing from Musoni (2013), Maxwell (2006) and the writings of

Forward In Faith Church, write an investigative essay exploring the

contributions of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti to ZAOGA Forward in

Faith Church and world Christianity.

Assessments should be constructively

aligned with the learning outcomes (Biggs


Page 12: A 3 hour teaching session: A study in the life of an African Prophet

Learning Resources & Reading List

• Archbishop Dr. EH Gutihttp://www.fifmi.org/content/archbishop-dr-eh-guti(31 October 2014).

• Erwin, G (1999). African Apostle, Christ for All Nations, Dallas, Texas.

• Guti, EH (2000). New African Apostle with The History of the Church. EGEA Publications, Harare, Zimbawe.

• Forward in Faith Back in time<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKa0n5fLH1g>(31 October 2014)

• Musoni, P. (2013). African Pentecostalism and Sustainable Development: A Study On The Zimbabwe Assemblies Of God Africa, Forward In Faith Church. International journal ofHumanities and social science invention, 2(10), 75-82.

• Samasuwo, M (2011). Lessons from the Life and Ministry of Apostle Ezekiel H.Guti, EGEA Publicattions, Harare, Zimbabwe.

• Recollections of a man of a God, DVD. Produced by FIFMI Brisbane Media Team (2011). Brisbane, Media Team, Brisbane, QLD.

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• Archbishop Dr. EH Gutihttp://www.fifmi.org/content/archbishop-dr-eh-guti(31 October 2014).

• Bell, F. (2010). Connectivism: Its place in theory-informed research and innovation in technology- enabled learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3), 98-118.

• Biggs, J. (1999). What the student does: teaching for enhanced learning. Higher Education Research & Development, 18(1), 57-75.

• Erwin, G (1999). African Apostle, Christ for All Nations, Dallas, Texas.

• Forward in Faith Back in time<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKa0n5fLH1g>(31 October 2014)

• Guti, EH (2000). New African Apostle with The History of the Church. EGEA Publications, Harare, Zimbawe.

• King, A., (1993). From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side. College Teaching, Vol. 41, pp30-35

• Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge university press.

• McLeod, S. A. (2011). Bandura - Social Learning Theory<http://www.simplypsychology.org/bandura.html<(2 September 2014)

• Musoni, P. (2013). African Pentecostalism and Sustainable Development: A Study On The Zimbabwe Assemblies Of God Africa, Forward In Faith Church. International journal ofHumanities and social science invention, 2(10), 75-82.

• Oxford, R., & Shearin, J. (1994). Language learning motivation: Expanding the theoretical framework. The modern language journal, 78(1), 12-28.

• Recollections of a man of a God, DVD. Produced by FIFMI Brisbane Media Team (2011). Brisbane, Media Team, Brisbane, QLD.

• Samasuwo, M (2011). Lessons from the Life and Ministry of Apostle Ezekiel H.Guti, EGEA Publicattions, Harare, Zimbabwe.

• Vygotskii, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher mental processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press