83-105 point cook road, seabrook 3028 | postal address: p ... · needs at school. extra-curricular...

Seabrook Primary School 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1143 ALTONA MEADOWS 3028 Phone: 9395 1758 | Email: [email protected] www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS NEWSLETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL Issue 1 February 7, 2018 Seabrook Primary School has a zero tolerance for any form of child abuse. continued report on the following page Educate: THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK Dear Parents and Guardians, WELCOME TO THE 2018 SCHOOL YEAR. Welcome to all our new families who have joined us this year and welcome back to our existing families. Hopefully everyone had a good break over January. We have had a wonderful start to the year and the children have settled into their new classes extremely well. The Preps have demonstrated enthusiasm and confidence and we are very proud of their efforts. As a school our vision and mission statements provide us with the keystones that unite us and I encourage all members of our community to reflect on these important statements. Here are the mission statements of the International Baccalaureate and Seabrook Primary School. IB MISSION STATMENT The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IB works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. Login with Zuno GET CONNECTED BY VISITING OUR WEBSITE, SKOOLBAG APP, AND FACEBOOK PAGE PAY WITH QKR

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Page 1: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1143 ALTONA MEADOWS 3028 Phone: 9395 1758 | Email: [email protected] www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS


Seabrook Primary School has a zero tolerance for any form of child abuse.

continued report on the following page


Dear Parents and Guardians,

WELCOME TO THE 2018 SCHOOL YEAR.Welcome to all our new families who have joined us this year and welcome back to our existing families. Hopefully everyone had a good break over January.

We have had a wonderful start to the year and the children have settled into their new classes extremely well. The Preps have demonstrated enthusiasm and confidence and we are very proud of their efforts.

As a school our vision and mission statements provide us with the keystones that unite us and I encourage all members of our community to reflect on these important statements. Here are the mission statements of the International Baccalaureate and Seabrook Primary School.

IB MISSION STATMENTThe International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the IB works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

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Page 2: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 2 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


continued report from Susan Lee

continued report on the following page

SEABROOK MISSION STATEMENTThe International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the IB works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

At Seabrook Primary School high expectations are met, valuing intrinsic rewards through actions focused upon the IB Primary Years Programme, attitudes and learner profile. These dispositions we foster in all our students and encourage in our wider community. Seabrook Primary School aims to deliver best learning and teaching practice which supports and develops learners who are knowledgeable and seek to display an international perspective. Teachers, students and the wider community assist in the development of life-long learners who contribute responsibly to the global community. Our teaching and learning mission is to provide challenging, rigorous and significant programs incorporating an international perspective.

Our community nurtures the individual talents of children so that they become critical and compassionate thinkers, and life-long learners, individuals who are open to the differences that exist in our global community.Seabrook Primary School is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making.

Seabrook PS has zero tolerance for child abuse.

Seabrook PS is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.

Every person involved in Seabrook has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.

PARTNERSHIPSAs part of our commitment to developing good partnerships between home and school we have arranged: Prep Information Night - Tuesday 6th February 6.30-7.30 pm. This meeting is to inform parents about the curriculum and routines of the prep classes. Children are not required for this meeting.Years 1-6 Meet the Teacher Night –Thursday 8th February between 3.30 – 7.30 pm. On-line bookings close at 5pm Wednesday 7th of February. This is a chance for you and your child’s teachers to meet and discuss goals for the year.

PHONE APOLOGIESWe are very sorry that some parents have been unable to contact us by phone lately. After some investigation we have discovered that the fault lies with our phone provider. We have been told the system should be working properly by the end of the week. Please use email to communicate if you experience any difficulties until they are fully restored.

Page 3: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 3


continued report from Susan Lee

SCHOOL COUNCIL NOMINATIONSIt is time to ask parents who are interested to nominate to be part of the Seabrook School Council. This involves attending a monthly meeting, for about an hour where you can contribute ideas and learn more about Seabrook Primary School. Terms of office are for two years. Individuals can self-nominate or have another nominate them for a position. Nominations will be called for on Monday 12 February with the closing date being Monday 19th February. Nominations forms will be available at the office and I urge parents to consider becoming involved in our school council or help in other ways.Calls for nominations for 2018-19 for Seabrook School Council.

SCHOOL ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES Please note that children must not be dropped off at school prior to 8:30am. The children are expected to arrive at school between 8:30 and 8:50am. It is important that children are ready to walk into class at 8:50am and start learning. First thing each morning notices are checked, the roll is taken, reading books changed and the schedule for the day is discussed. The academic program starts at or before 9:00am. Please assist your child by getting them to school between 8:30am and 8:50am. Children must also be picked up between 3:10 and 3:30 pm as the school is not supervised after this time. Staff are planning or in meetings from this time.

ASSEMBLIESAssemblies began this week and we look forward to seeing the children share their learning. Parents are welcome to join these and the calendar on the back of the newsletter informs parents which assembly is being conducted and on which day.

SUN SMARTIt is very pleasing to see all the children wearing hats at recess and lunch. They are being very sun smart and taking responsibility for their health and wellbeing.

CHANGE OF RECESS TIMESThere have been some slight changes to recess and lunch times.Junior recess break is 10:50 - 11:10 and the lunch break is 1:10 -2:10.Senior recess break is 9:50 - 10:10 and their lunch break is 12:10 -1:10.

NEWSLETTERSOur weekly newsletters will continue to be up-loaded to the Seabrook Primary School website www.seabrook.vic.edu.au Facebook, Skoolbag app and XUNO. The Skoolbag app is available from GooglePlay or itunes store. To access the Xuno portal please type the following URL into your web browser (preferably Google Chrome) on your smart phone, computer or other device: https://seabrook-ps.xuno.com.au Notices regarding school events and other information can be retrieved from these sources.

PYPClasses have been working on their ‘Learning to Learn’ modules – setting the tone for happy, productive classrooms with high expectations and a genuine appreciation for effort and learning. We congratulate the students and teachers for the high standards and good values being demonstrated.

Children across the school in grades 1-6 have settled in nicely and are will be working on establishing their Essential Agreements developing good personal, educational and social practices. Meeting their 2018 classmates and developing new friendships and connections is a very important part of the learning at this time of year. Please encourage your child to make positive relationships with their new class mates and class teacher.

Each class will then begin their first PYP unit of inquiry and we look forward to seeing the engaging, challenging, significant and challenging work the children undertake.

continued report on the following page

Page 4: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 4 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


STAFFING 2018Last year and early this year we have said ‘good-bye’ to a number of wonderful teachers who have contributed significantly to the Seabrook school community. These members include: Kerrie O’Brien, Adleta Altun, Rebecca Moore, who are taking parental leave. Kelly Szmigielski, Meg Collyer, Simone Lazaridis, Noni McClure/Mc Connell and Simon Luthi who have taken one year’s leave. Denise Revell returned to her native Canada.Lana Gwin and Sugi Ganesan also finished with us last year but Sugi will remain in contact with Seabrook.Over the holidays we congratulate Melanie Salvado on the birth of her first son James and Kerrie O’Brien, a daughter Harriet.

I’d like to introduce and welcome to Seabrook our new staff for 2018. Ms Nay Gay Toe Aye (PNT), Ms Kiaha Fardell (1KF), Mrs Hannah Latimore (2HL) Mr David Vivoda (2DV), Ms Sanne Vermeulen (3SV), Mrs Sesilia Palu (3SS), Ms Lauren Keunen (4LK), Ms Caitlin Mauric (5CM), and Ms Shanaee Falzon (6SF). Ms Linda Marani will be joining our Lote team teaching Italian..We are pleased that Mrs Anna Hallatsch and Mrs Paula Thomson have returned to full time teaching positions this year. Please take the time to phone or meet you class teacher to help us to develop good communications between home and school.

OUR 21ST BIRTHDAYSeabrook is turning 21 years old this year and we will be focusing on preparing for this on Saturday 28th April. This means our annual PYP Community Night will not take place this year. We hope many families will join us in the preparation prior and for the celebrations on the day itself. More information will come.

BOOK PACKS AND FEESIf you haven’t collected your child’s book pack yet there are still packs available from the office. Fees can be paid during term.

MEDICAL CONCERNS Please let your teacher know if your child suffers from allergies or special medical conditions. The most up-to-date information you can supply will enable us to take the best care of your child’s needs at school.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESSinging, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through and Future Musicians Music Academy and Primary Music Institute. Chess lessons will also begin shortly.

MEET THE TEACHERMeet the Teacher sessions are being held for parents of students in years 1-6 this Thursday 8th February. Parents and carers are invited to book in a 10-minute timeslot using our on-line booking service. Please go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow the simple instructions using code wntp7. Online bookings close on Wednesday 7th of February at 5pm.The purpose of these meetings is to enable you to meet your child’s teacher and inform them about your child’s needs and your hopes for their year at school. When using the on-booking system, you will receive a receipt and confirmation of the time. Please let the school know if you are unable to make your appointment time.Prep staff held a curriculum and information evening for parents on Tuesday 6th February.

continued report on the following page

continued report from Susan Lee

Page 5: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 5


ALLERGIESOver the past few years there have been an increasing number of children who have been diagnosed as having severe allergic reactions to certain foods and insect stings. In our school there are students who have been medically diagnosed as having anaphylaxis which can be severe, rapidly progressive allergic reactions that can be life threatening. We want to provide a safe and supportive environment in which all students at risk can participate in all aspects of schooling. We also want to reduce the anxieties for these students and their families by educating our community about the dangers certain food products brought to school pose.Foods to be aware of include peanuts, tree nuts (hazelnuts, cashews and almonds) eggs, cow’s milk, wheat and soy. Other common allergens are insect stings, latex, medications and anesthesia. In a school setting cross contamination from one child to another during eating time is of concern. This contamination could be the result of food wrappings, crumbs, and spills, be airborne or through children sharing equipment within the classroom or outside environment.We appreciate your understanding and hope you will support the children who are affected by this condition. The children dealing with these allergies will feel supported knowing that other children are not bringing in particular, peanut and other nut based spreads and products to school.Should you require further information regarding allergies please refer to the following websites:www.allergy.org.auwww.education.vic.gov.au/healthwellbeing/health/anaphylaxis.htm

SEABROOK’S VISITOR CAR PARKSeabrook has a visitor’s carpark (off Point Cook Road) with limited car parking places and a two-minute drop off zone along Mintaro Way. Entry to this visitor’s car park is at the owners risk. The school does not hold insurance for accidents to personal property. Please use this space safely and courtesy.

UNIFORMThe Uniform Committee would like to remind parents that we follow our Seabrook School Uniform Policy. Please refer to the Parent Handbook on our website. We would like to remind parents that white polo shirts are not school uniform and that black shoes or runners are preferred. Our second hand uniform shop operates each Monday morning (8:45 – 9:30am) to accept school uniform items for sale only and then on Thursday afternoons (2:30-3.30pm) for the purchasing of uniform items. It is run by parent volunteers. and parents can sell uniform items in good order and buy second hand items.


FEBRUARYThursday 8th – meet the teacher years 1 - 6. Online bookings to be made before 5pm today.

MARCHTuesday 6th – District swimming sportsMonday 12th - Labour Day public holidayFriday 23rd – Whole school photo day

Best wishes to everyone for a healthy and productive 2018 and we look forward to working with you and your children this year.

Sue and Staff

continued report from Susan Lee

Page 6: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 6 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


Welcome to Middle SchoolWelcome to Middle School 2018

Anna Hallatsch Sharon Peterson Sanne Vermeulen Keiko Martin Sesilia Palu Kevin Wood

Michael Bell Jessica Van Spall Emma Calleja Lauren Keunen Renee Easson Michelle Bolitho

Ann O’Connor Erin Cuthbertson Karen Cook Harmeet Malhotra Helen Harris Ben Stone

Welcome back. Our classes have settled in very well.

Important dates:

Getting to Know Your child: Feb 8

School Photos: March 23

21st birthday Gala: April 28

Naplan Y.3, 5: May 15, 16, 17

Conferences: June 28

Y.4 Camp: Sept 5, 6, 7

Y.3 Camp: Nov 7, 8, 9.

Page 7: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 7



Grade 5Ht have been diving into their mind mapping

Sarah One thing I enjoyed while doing this

activity is that I got to be creative and learn how to flow my ideas.

Zac I enjoyed mind mapping and drawing

my friend, Joel

Rinad What I enjoy doing on my mind map

was the colours that I put to make the mind map POP so everyone can see!

Joel One thing I love about mind maps is that you can put anything you want with as much colour as you want.

Ricky One thing I enjoyed was when you get one idea, there’s always another one right after. Then another one and so

on. You never get bored.

Page 8: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 8 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


Well done to the 27 students who came along to our Squad Swimming Training on Monday at Laverton Pool. That was one of our best first days ever.Also well done to all the parents or family members who got the children too and from the pool. Thank you also to the mums who helped with the breakfast back at the gym.

Our next training session is tomorrow (Thursday 8th) at Laverton 7-8am. Then we are back there on Monday (12th) and Thursday (15th).

If you haven’t been and require more information about the training, please see Mrs. Joyce at the office or Mr. Ganley and Mr. Trott at the Gym.

Sports News


To start off the year In Physical Education, we have been working on some teamwork games as students get to know their new classmates and work on cooperation, trust, supporting each other, being responsible and working on achieving more by working as a group rather than individually.


Page 9: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 9


Coles Sports for Schools

The Coles Sports for Schools Program is due to commencing Wednesday 7th February (Today) in all Coles stores. So keep a lookout at your local Coles and once it starts, start collecting your vouchers and bring them in to school. We will provide more information as we learn more about it. There may be school bins at Coles, where you can place your vouchers in at the store. We will let you know if this is the case this year and which store/s you may be able to do this at.

This was a very successful program for our school when it ran for a couple of years ago. We were able to purchase a lot of new sports equipment for the school, including updating more expensive pieces like Gymnastics equipment etc..

There are a couple of bins to place vouchers in up in the office area or you can hand vouchers in to your classroom teachers.

Page 10: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 10 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


Our school


Temaki (Handroll) Sushi will be available from the Seabrook Canteen.

Available from Wednesday 14th February

This will be presented as a double pack

for $5.40 each pack.

Examples of Sushi flavours areTeriyaki Chicken

Californian Salmon Prawn Tuna



We are seeking small shallow bowls/tubs suitable for water catchment in our new habitat.

Please let us know if you can assist.

Thank you


Welcome to Seabrook P.S

“Benvenuti a Seabrook P.S”

Page 11: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 11


I am wearing the correct uniform






SleeveShirt√ Skort√






Seabrook Primary School has a zero tolerance for any form of child abuse.

Page 12: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 12 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®



The CSEF is an annual payment to the school to be used towards camps, sports and/or excursion expenses for the benefit of the eligible student.EligibilityOn the first day of term one (29 January 2018) or the first day of term two (18 April 2018), a parent or legal guardian of a student must:• be an eligible beneficiary of one of these cards:Veterans Affairs Gold CardCentrelink Health Care CardPensioner Concession CardOR they must be a temporary foster parent• OR the student is 16 years or older and holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card) • AND the parent or legal guardian must submit an application by the due date. Parents who receive a carer allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income tested by Centrelink, are not eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with the above.Eligibility will be determined when the parent’s concession card successfully validates with Centrelink on either the first day of term one or term two.If the eligible card is in the name of the student, the fund is only granted to that student, not their siblings.

Payment amountsPayments are:• $125 per year for eligible primary school studentsPayments are made directly to the school and are tied to the student. Most payments start from March onwards.Applications can be received over term one and two. Payments are for the application year and cannot be claimed for previous years.

Forms are available from the front office. Please submit your application by 29th of June.

Page 13: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 13


Guitar, singing and keyboard


Manager – Nicholas Young

Phone Number – 0467 150 000

Email – [email protected]

A.B.N. 5071 282 1018

2018 Term 1 Grades 1 – 6

Guitar and Singing Tuition Small Group Or Private Tuition.

There are many great reasons for your child to learn a musical instrument from gaining a skill that helps instil confidence and self-esteem to building the foundations of discipline and healthy expression, not to mention its fun!

If you would like to enrol your child in guitar lessons or singing group please fill in the form below and either return it to the school office or email/SMS a photo of the form to the number or email above.

Childs Name: Parent/Guardian’s name:

Age: Classroom/Grade:

Contact Phone Number: Email:

Postal Address:

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:

Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions that the music teacher should be aware of? If so please specify:

What would you like to enrol your child in?

Singing (Small group): Guitar (Small Group):

$15 per half hour lessons in a small group of up to 5 students. 8 lessons $120

BSB : 01 3736 ACC# : 3061 32399 ACC Name : Future Musicians Music Academy

Terms and Conditions

-­‐ For new enrolments, payment must be made in full before your child can commence lessons -­‐ For re-enrolling students, payment must be made in full before the end of the third week of term for your child to

continue lessons. -­‐ Upon receiving payment from first time enrolments we will send to you by mail the Guitar Practice Journal that we

recommend your child bring to every lesson. -­‐ If your child is unable to attend a lesson for any reason, we are more than happy to refund the missed lesson as

long as we are notified before the lesson commences -­‐ Any lessons missed due to other school planned activities or other unforeseen events e.g. fire drill. We will be

more than happy to refund the lesson missed. -­‐ Yes, we do accept mid term enrolments.

Keyboard Lessons !On School Campus at Seabrook PS!

Small Group & Private Lessons!•  Please ENROL TODAY – via PMI’s website OR enrolment forms available at your school front office!•  Lessons are held once per week on school campus – typically during the school day !•  Only $15.95 per child per small group lesson (2-5 students for 30 minutes)!•  Our small group lessons provide a fun and affordable opportunity to learn instrumental music!•  Private lessons also available ($32.95 per child for 30 minutes)!•  Learning plan for all students via “PMI Stars” program – structured objectives with progress visibility!•  PMI teachers supply keyboards and textbooks for keyboard lessons!•  Ten minutes per day of practice at home is all that is required to see improvement!!•  Instrumental music can improve your child’s school results – including for reading, maths, coordination!•  Limited spaces available – so please enrol ASAP (note: program is available for grade 1+ students)!

 ! !

P: 1300 362 824 E: [email protected] www.primarymusicinstitute.com.au

Page 14: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 14 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


For your information

Weekly public speaking & drama program for children aged 6 - 15

As featured:

Award Winner

Confidence CreativityCommunication Skills

✓ Leading curriculum✓ Small class sizes✓ Great teachers✓ Loads of fun!


vocal varietydiction






quick thinking

teamworkENROL NOW

Glen Iris, Chadstone, Ivanhoe, Thornbury,

Essendon, Doncaster, Canterbury, Rowville,Burwood, Hampton,

Altona Meadows, & Glen Waverley

[email protected] 5249

Point Cook

French Club! Mondays 4.00pm-5.30pm Jamieson Way Community Centre 59 Jamieson Way, Pt Cook

✓ Junior and Senior classes ✓ French for kids through games, song, story, role-play ✓ Experienced, native-speaking local teacher ✓ Fun and engaging langauge learning

Jim: 0432 719 034/[email protected]

KT Remedial ClinicSeabrook

Remedial MassageDeep tissue Sports MassageStretching Trigger Point TherapyRelaxation Pregnancy Massage

Gift voucher Health fund rebates available

Kumi 0409 199 [email protected]

Page 15: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

www.seabrook.vic.edu.au | www.facebook.com/SeabrookPS 15


For your information

Preps will bank on Tuesday until they start full time

OSHC Program Phone: 0411 302 879Coordinators: Katie and Amanda

OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000

Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au where all

bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account!

How to join our school banking program for 2018If your child already has a Dollarmite/Youthsaver Account with the Commonwealth Bank all you need to do is start sending their Yellow Deposit book to school every Wednesday (Tuesday until they start school full time.)

Students can join the School Banking Program, there are two simple ways for their parents to open one: Online – Visit commbank.com.au/schoolbanking and click on the link to open the Youthsaver account or In Branch – visit any Commonwealth Bank Branch and take along identification for themselves and their child, like their Drivers Licence, their child’s birth certificate and medicare card.

Do you have a school banking question or query?Please email: [email protected]

Seabrook School Banking Volunteers

Our school banking program is a fun way for your child to develop the knowledge and confidence to handle their money, combining a savings Rewards Program with great activities throughout the year.

Saving regularly is an important habit to get into, whether you are saving a little or a lot. Keep up the great work and remember to bring your deposit book each Wednesday. Thank you for supporting the School Banking Program.

In 2018 the school banking volunteers will be available to explain how the school banking program works to any new families to the school, and help with any enquiries regarding school banking, on Thursday mornings from 9am to 10am in the school meeting room next to the library.

Page 16: 83-105 Point Cook Road, SEABROOK 3028 | POSTAL ADDRESS: P ... · needs at school. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Singing, guitar and keyboard lessons will be offered shortly through

Seabrook Primary School 16 International Baccalaureate | Primary Years Program ®


FEBRUARY 2018 SEABROOK TIME LINEMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Grade 5 - 6 Assembly

9am - 9:30am


Prep Information Night

6:30-7:30pm in the Prep


7 8

Squad Swimming7am - 8am

Laverton Pool

Get to know you meeting

3:30pm - 7:30pm



Grade 3 - 4 Assembly

9am - 9:30am

13 14 15

Squad Swimming7am - 8am

Laverton Pool


Grade 1 - 2 Assembly



Grade 5 - 6 Assembly

9am - 9:30am


Grade 5 Incursion

‘ToonSchool’ with Jeff Taylor

21 22 23

Place your online orders by Wednesday 14th of February.

No late orders can be accepted

There has been a change of date for the school photos.

The date is now Friday 23rd of March.