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© Copyright Kisane (Zane) Appleby, Realistically Raw You

No part of this book may be produced by any means, nor transmitted, nor translated into a machine language, without the written permission of the author.

The right of Kisane Appleby to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs & Patent Act 1988.


This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the author's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

First edition published in March 2013 for Kisane (Zane) Appleby, Realistically RAW you, in Brisbane, Australia. Second edition published in May 2013 by Kisane (Zane) Appleby for Froothie. Third Edition published in January 2016 by Kisane (Zane) Appleby for Froothie.

Photography © Stock Photos, Personal Photos, Ricky Calder & Celina Cooper

[email protected] http://www.froothieinternational.com/


The techniques and advice described in this book represent the opinions of the author, based on her experience. The author expressly disclaims any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a result of using any of the techniques, recipes or recommendations suggested herein. If in any doubt, or if requiring medical advice, please contact the appropriate health professional.

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7 Days Summary Basics Supplemental Support Raw Facts Re-hydrate & Renew Why add Lemon? Go the Green Power in Protein Eating a Rainbow Blended Benefits Alkaline Anyone? Raw Building Blocks Why Eat Raw Mains? Basic Tools High Power Toys About the Author

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7 Days Summary

Follow these simple steps for best results:

● Upon rising each day enjoy a Re-hydrate & Renew Drink. Check your Recipe Guide for options.

● Consume a MINIMUM of 2-3 litres of filtered water per day.

● Eat every three hours in the following order: ○ Power Start Smoothie, ○ AM Fuel Stop, ○ International Soup or Salad, ○ PM Fuel Stop, ○ More-ish Main.

● On two days you can choose to add a Not Quite Naughty Dessert if you desire, this is optional and it is

encouraged to save these for late in the program (days 5-7).

● For Breakfast select a delicious Power Start Green Smoothie.

● For AM Fuel Stop (morning tea) choose a Power Start Fruit Protein Smoothie.

● Choosing liquid only foods until lunch time allows the body to absorb maximum nutrients and eliminate waste more easily.

● For a regular exercise plan consume a maximum of two smoothies and one fresh juice per day. If you do

intense exercise, an extra Fruit Protein Smoothie can be added after training if required.

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● Consume a maximum three pieces of fruit total per day this may include

one banana only.

● For Lunch, select from International Soups & Salads. You can have one or the other, or look at International Combinations page in your Recipe Guide for a bit of both. (My favourite combination is Fab’s Tomato Salad & Italian Mushroom Soup).

● For PM Fuel Stop (afternoon tea) choose from the selection of Fuel Stops listed in the Recipe Guide, choosing

a vegetable based option here is best.

● For Dinner select from More-ish Mains. Recipes serve 1, 2, 4 or 6, so please check the notes and multiply or divide amounts as required to feed just yourself or the whole family!

● The lasagne and pie in the More-ish Mains section of your Recipe Guide are more advanced raw recipes and

use a food processor. They are both delicious but you can complete the program without using these recipes.

● Be aware of your consumption of avocado and nut recipes. There is no limit, this is not a weight loss program, but these foods are high in healthy fats and it is recommended that you do not over consume them.

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● No cooked foods

● No highly processed foods

● Use organic or spray free if possible

● Only use sauces as per recipes

● No Sugar

● No Alcohol

● Limit cacao to use ONLY in the optional desserts

● No coffee, soft drink, or other drinks unless listed

● Use only herbal teas, not black or green tea

● No animal products (e.g. milk, cheese, eggs, meat etc)

● If in doubt ask in the VIP Group

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Supplemental Support

● Use only natural supplements including TerraGreens, Super Greens, Chlorella, Maca, Acai, Vitamin C.

● If you are already taking supplements such as iron and B12 you may continue, but there is no need to add

other supplements.

● Days 1-3: If you experience - Headache, migraine, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, flatulence, shaking, bad breath, perspiration, body odour, food cravings, mood changes, sadness, lethargy, fatigue, depression.

○ Support with:

■ Vitamin C & BioFlavonoids (Melrose): 1 tsp/ hr to alleviate withdrawal symptoms especially

headaches! ■ Dairy Free ProBiotic (Inner Health Plus): 2 capsules per day. For digestive issues, diarrhoea,

constipation, bloating, flatulence. If necessary, take another 2 before bed to reduce symptoms of flatulence.

■ Chromium Max (Herbs of Gold): 1 capsule three times per day for sugar cravings.

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Raw Facts

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates

Food is much more interesting than facts, so you can skip over this section and start creating delicious healthy meals from your Recipe Guide if you like, I’ve already taken into account all these details for you! But just in case you’re interested (and it really is good to know):

It is estimated that 60% of disease is caused by the SAD diet (Standard Australian Diet). If food is the culprit, I believe that food can be part of the answer. As we become mindful about what we eat, we can start to make choices that promote our health over illness. Food is consumed for nutrition but it is also consumed for pleasure. What happens if we learn how to satisfy our pleasure receptors with healthy food? Our lives improve! Exciting...

Edited excerpt from eCookBook “It’s Raw, It’s Easy, It’s Vegan” by Kisane Appleby

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Re-hydrate & Renew

Start the day with a refreshing and hydrating drink for the following benefits:

● Drinking water on an empty purifies the colon making it easier to absorb nutrients.

● Increases the production of new blood and muscle cells.

● Helps with weight loss. Drinking at 500ml of chilled water in the morning can increase metabolism by up to


● Glowing skin. Water helps to purge toxins from the blood which helps keeps your skin glowing and clear.

● Balances your lymph system. These glands help you perform your daily functions, balance your body fluids

and fight infection.

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Why add Lemon?

It is important to add the lemon options outlined in your recipe guide to alkalise and energise the body.

Look at these reasons why:

● Lemons are antiseptic.

● Lemon water has excellent digestive properties and can ease heartburn, bloating and other digestive


● Lemon water cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys.

● Lemon water (hot) provides relief from the symptoms of cold and flu while providing much needed vitamin c.

● Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium

Important Note:

● Even though Lemon is amazing for all the reasons listed above, ongoing use of fresh non-organic lemon has been known to wear down tooth enamel! You can ELIMINATE this concern by using lemon essential oil that is 100% pure, ethically and sustainably sourced from the the part of the planet where the plants naturally thrive, oil that is third party tested for potency and purity, is safe, natural, free of contaminants/synthetics/fillers and offers incredible therapeutic value.

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Go the Green Why choose green over the fruit protein smoothie options? Greens are extremely rich in chlorophyll and the molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of human blood. Studies show that when this is consumed, the production of hemoglobin in blood is increased. Higher amounts of hemoglobin in the bloodstream means more oxygen-rich blood, the first and most important element that cells need to thrive.

Therefore, greens are incredibly alkalising and will help protect your body against disease and illness. They also boast high amounts of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals, proteins, protective photo-chemicals and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues and aid your digestive system. These particular vegetables act as mini-transfusions for the blood, a health tonic for the brain and immune system and a cleanser of the kidneys.

So, you can sit down to several large bowls of spinach, kale and a variety of other green leaves OR you can enjoy a delicious drink that will power start your body in a way that is totally unique to green smoothies! Get out your blender and try having a green smoothie every morning of your 7 Days to Raw program for the ULTIMATE results.

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Power in Protein

Protein makes you feel full for longer, increases fat burning through heat production and maintains weight loss. Protein is essential to aid the body's natural cleansing systems as proteins are made up of amino acids, many of which play significant roles in assisting the body process toxins.

A person with a diet deficient in healthy protein (amino acids) will have a natural cleansing system that does not perform at its highest level because the detoxification pathways in the liver are based on a two phase system, that require amino acids to work.

Generally in the standard western diet we over consume the wrong sorts of proteins, increasing our risk of ill health and even cancer. You can read more about this is the China Study by Thomas M. Campbell. Normally, the biggest load of toxins coming into the body are from the food we eat and water that we drink. After absorption in the intestine these toxins go to the liver to be eliminated BEFORE they get to the other critical organs where they could damage the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, etc. Lowered detox function means when these toxins enter the body through the intestine, the liver may not be able to eliminate them and they will get to other tissues and cause damage. Having one green smoothie and one protein smoothie a day will give you maximum nutrition and health benefits.

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Eating a Rainbow The 7 Days to Raw program includes delicious salad recipes and brightly coloured meals. Thinking that you are eating a rainbow is a method taught to children but it is also helpful to adults.

But what does colour have to do with food anyway? One word: phytochemicals. These substances occur naturally only in plants and provide many health benefits as they work hand in hand with vitamins, minerals, and fibre, all present in fruits and vegetables, to promote good health and lower disease risk.

According to information from the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), phytochemicals act as antioxidants, protect and regenerate essential nutrients, and/or work to deactivate cancer causing substances. Basically, the more colours you add, the more nutrients, the healthier YOU!

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Blended Benefits

Blending makes it possible to extract much more nutrition from fruits and vegetables compared to chewing alone. Blended food is easier for your body to digest and helps your body absorb nutrients more efficiently.

It’s so healthy to eat blended foods. Blending raw fruits and vegetables breaks them down into particles that are easy to use and absorb by the body. This is especially important, considering the fact that many of us do not chew well enough for effective digestion.

Blending food makes eating healthy easier and quicker. Through blending, you’ll find it’s much easier to consume the right amount of fruits (3 serves) and vegetables (7 serves minimum) every day.

Planning meals and cooking food can take a lot of time. On the other hand, it takes very little time to blend raw food. You can create amazing flavour combinations, it is convenient and less time consuming to make 3 or 4 servings of soups, sauces, dips, drinks and smoothies. What a great way to spare time in your day!

You can find out more about this blender in the High Powered Toys section at the back on this workbook.

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Alkaline Anyone? Why are alkaline food so important?

“Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables… Striking the optimum 80/20 balance and regulating your body’s acid/alkaline chemistry through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength, a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing.” Robert O. Young, Pioneering scientist and author of The pH Miracle

Benefits of Alkaline

Stronger bones, stronger muscles, endocrine system enhancement are just a few of the day to day benefits of eating more alkaline. The bodies pH ideally would be at 7.36-7.45 to reap these benefits. Processed foods and drinks fall significantly lower than this on the scale. For example a cup of coffee falls at 3 and diet soda at 2.5, both upsetting your internal balance. An acidic diet is linked to increased risk of heart disease, type II diabetes and inflammation the body. Not only can these things be avoided from a more alkaline eating plan, they can also be reversed. The most exciting breakthrough is not new though - cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

7 Most Alkaline Foods

Spinach, kelp, cucumber, broccoli, avocado, celery, and capsicum are the seven most alkaline food according to Ross from Energise for Life. Your More-ish Mains include a great balance of alkaline and acid forming foods and when combined with the rest of the 7 Days to Raw program you are getting a well balanced plan.

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Raw Building Blocks What are the building blocks that our bodies need to function?

Enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, essential fats and fibre. These are all provided by our food and are involved in growth, repair and maintenance of the body. Let’s take a quick look at each of these and what they do for you.


Enzymes convert the food we eat into chemical structures that can pass through the membranes of the cells lining the digestive tract and into the bloodstream. Their job doesn’t end there. Enzymes are the living proteins that direct the life force into our biochemical and metabolic processes. They help transform and store energy, make active hormones, dissolve fibre and prevent clotting. They have anti-inflammatory effects. Enzymes help balance and restore the immune system, and heal many diseases. Enzymes even help repair our DNA and our RNA. I believe when we cook food, we destroy many of the enzymes that help us naturally digest it.


Without vitamins our cells would not function properly and thus our organs would suffer and eventually we would no longer be able to survive. Vitamins help regulate metabolism, help convert fat and carbohydrates into energy, and assist in forming bone and tissue. Guess what happens when you cook food? You got it, a large percentage of the vitamins are destroyed. Viktoras Kulvinskas in his book, “Survival into the 21st Century”, estimates that the overall nutrient destruction is as high as 80%. Tests have shown that we will lose 50% of the B vitamins while B1 and B12 can lose up to 96%. 97% of folic acid is destroyed as well as 70-80 % of vitamin C.


Seventeen of the thirty elements known to be essential to life are metals. Mineral deficiencies cause disease in humans. Minerals also have a synergistic relationship with vitamins. They help each other help us. When foods are cooked, many of the minerals are lost, rendering them useless and also unable to assist our friends the vitamins.


Phytonutrients are what give fruits and vegetables their colour. Phytos protect the body and fight disease. They also fight cancer and help your heart. Phytonutrients are at leading edge of research on nutrition. They provide medicine for cell health. And once again, Phytonutrients in freshly harvested plant foods can be destroyed or removed by cooking.

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Why Eat Raw Mains? It just starts to make sense.

If cooking destroys some of the vital and essential nutrients that we need to stay healthy, eating our food raw does the opposite. Consider it as eating live food for your live body.

It provides us with what we need for our health and well being. I know from experience that when I increase my raw fruit and vegetable intake, I have more energy, more mental focus, and all of the pesky things that can irritate on a daily basis, like acid reflux and aches & pains, dissipate. I also know that I am feeding my body what it needs to thrive, not just survive. To feel happier, healthier and more energetic!

In order for food to be considered raw it must not have been heated over 48ºC (115ºF). Some people, like Ani Phyo, choose an even lower temperature of 40ºC (105ºF) as this is when water gets painful to touch, so they believe it must be doing damage to cells and killing enzymes.

Your 7 Days to Raw program guides you into eating raw with delicious meals and menus for you to enjoy. I encourage you to continue on your raw journey from here with the “It’s Raw, It’s Easy, It’s Vegan” and (your BONUS) “Amazing Alkaline Foods” eBooks. Eat more raw - be your best YOU!

Edited excerpt from eCookBook “It’s Raw, It’s Easy, It’s Vegan” by Kisane Appleby

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Basic Tools

7 Days to Raw has been designed so that you can create the recipes using your Optimum Blender and a basic food processor. Other useful tools include a water filter, juicer and a vegetable spiraliser.

A commonly asked question in raw food is: What’s the difference between a blender and food processor, are they the same type of appliance? Can you use a blender the same as you would use a food processor?

While they do have some similarities and there are combination blender/processor units on the market, a blender and food processor are two distinct counter appliances.

A blender’s main function is to blend or mix soft foods and liquids, while a food processor’s is to chop, shred, grate, slice or mix either soft or hard foods.

The narrow shape of the blender and the design of the blade make it more suitable for blending soft foods and liquids. But, depending on the blade and power, there are some blenders that can crush or shave ice to blend it into frozen drinks and chop dry foods (like the Optimum Blender on the next page).

A food processor has a wider work bowl and very sharp blade designed more for chopping foods, and can usually perform various other processing tasks depending on the types of accessories (slicing/ shredding disks) that are included with the unit.

There are immersion-type stick blenders that have convenient chopper attachments, can be used like a food processor and are a cheaper alternative. The great thing about the Optimum blender is that it’s design allows it to do many food processor tasks.

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High Power Toys

What’s the point of a high speed blender (Optimum)? High speed blenders like the Optimum are able to perform certain tasks that “regular” blenders are not able to do, e.g. make nut butters, grind coffee beans, and create “really” smooth drinks.

For individuals who wish to consume more raw the Optimum Blender is an essential UNcooking appliance.

Optimum Blenders are the best blenders when it comes to making green smoothies. No more “sip and chew” or any fibre strings between your teeth. Optimum Blenders make the richest and creamiest smoothies.

Many nutrition specialists say that because the high speed blenders break down the food into tiny pieces they can be much more easily absorbed by our bodies, giving us the most food value per unit of food. High speed blenders blend so thoroughly that they break down cell walls, unlocking the maximum amount of nutrients, antioxidants and phytonutrients that chewing alone can’t do.

There is less waste with the Optimum Blender entire vegetables and fruits can be utilized, such as apples and pear seeds, pineapple cores, leafy green stems, or the greens on top of a strawberry. Everything is pulverized and pureed into a rich and creamy smoothie, with no chunks or bits to chew.

With an Optimum Blender there is no limit to what kind of smoothies or other creations you can make. For example, you can make a hot soup in less than 3 minutes, simply put your desired vegetables in the blender and add hot water, press blend and in no time you will be pouring yourself steaming vegetable soup. The speed of the blender’s blades not only completely chop up the vegetables, but also create heat through friction. On the other hand if you add frozen ingredients the speed of the blade can even create smooth ice creams and sorbets!

You will be expanding your food options, enjoying every new creation and extra flexibility with a Optimum Blender. Email or click the link below for more information.

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About the Author At 16, Kisane (Zane to most) was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, prescribed a plethora of medication and placed on a disability pension. She accepted this diagnosis of her life for almost 10 years feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. Finally, after learning about cognitive therapy, clean eating and daily physical activity as a means to both mental and physical health, she realised there was another way. Zane stopped taking the medication and made it her goal to turn things around. From fat, frustrated and flabby, to fit, flexible and fun, the last 13 years has taken Kisane on a journey of education, weight-loss, fitness, self-discovery, personal development, and travel. To date, Zane has studied nutrition, taught cooking classes throughout the world, become a personal trainer and taught yoga, Pilates, spin, stretch, tai chi, aqua aerobics, meditation and boot camp internationally. In addition she has studied and facilitated lectures, seminars and workshops on these subjects as well as raw food, essential oils, detoxification, holistic wellness, personal development, goal setting, vision boards, creativity and even chocolate! A true education junkie that loves to share what she has learnt in an inspiring and motivating way that is simple to understand and embrace. It is Zane's mission and life passion to educate and empower women and men worldwide to have a happier, healthier and more energetic life through a holistic health lifestyle. She does this through her business Realistically RAW you. You will see her glow when she shares with you the simple steps to go from where you are to where you want to be! It is without a shadow of a doubt that she knows from experience it is always possible to reach your dreams. A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step. ~ Lao Tzu

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