71 - march 2016

Issue no. 71 - March 2016 Robin of Chesterfield? Did Robin Hood fight at the Battle of Chesterfield in 1265? Did he run to the forest afterwards? Possibly. We present the case. What's On? A very packed What's On scheduling activities over the coming weeks and through Easter. New Businesses Introductions to some great new independent businesses offering new products and services to the area. Competitions Win Chesterfield V Blackpool tickets and Spa days thanks to great contributions from local businesses. Devolution A high level overview of what it is, how the Local Enterprise Partnerships relate and, longer term, what it might mean for Chesterfield. Fairtrade Week Breakfast How some small changes to our shopping choices can have a positive impact on small producers across the world. Cover Image: Steve Williams of Chesterfield Photographic Society. The March Hare. The community magazine for Ashgate, Brampton, Brookside, Holymoorside, Somersall & Walton

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The latest edition of S40 Local.


I s s u e n o . 7 1 - M a r c h 2 0 1 6

Robin of Chesterfield? Did Robin Hood fight at the Battle of Chesterfield in 1265? Did he run to the forest afterwards? Possibly. We present the case.

What's On? A very packed What's On scheduling activities over the coming weeks and through Easter.

New Businesses Introductions to some great new independent businesses offering new products and services to the area.

Competitions Win Chesterfield V Blackpool tickets and Spa days thanks to great contributions from local businesses.

Devolution A high level overview of what it is, how the Local Enterprise Partnerships relate and, longer term, what it might mean for Chesterfield.

Fairtrade Week Breakfast How some small changes to our shopping choices can have a positive impact on small producers across the world.

Cover Image: Steve Williams of Chesterfield Photographic Society. The March Hare.

The community magazine for Ashgate, Brampton, Brookside, Holymoorside, Somersall & Walton

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Issue 71 March 2016Copy Deadline for the April edition is FRIDAY 11 MARCH with distribution by Sunday 3 April 2016.

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Hello and welcome to our March edition.Firstly a huge thanks to Steve Williams, group leader of Chesterfield RSPB and Vice President of Chesterfield Photographic Society, for our fantastic front cover photo of a Mountain Hare.Ok, so the shot wasn’t taken locally but it’s a great shot and it is Easter, so rather topic I thought! It was taken in the Findhorn Valley in Scotland, this fellow popped out of a burrow 30 yards in front of Steve, and sat quite happily while he took his picture. You do find these Hares in the Peak District such as on Derwent Edge. They turn white in winter and go back to their natural brown colour in the spring.We'll catch up with Steve in a future edition, who last year had two Highly Commended images in the British Wildlife awards.And so to this month’s content. We’ve got Robin Hood, possibly of Chesterfield, Trevor explains on page 4, it’s a bit more background in preparation for the 750th anniversary of the Battle of Chesterfield, being celebrated this year on Sunday 15 May. We also meet the team at Blundells that’s recently opened up on Chatsworth Road, we talk fine food at The Lilypad cafe, have two competitions, one to win Chesterfield FC tickets and the other giving away 10 Spa Days at The Manor, I try and explain what’s going on with Devolution, we introduce new business Polished, encourage you to support producers for Fair Trade Week by eating a special breakfast, highlight a campaign to save our Black and White buildings and we introduce Chesterfields Arts trail… phew!Don't forget Mother's Day on Sunday 6 March, closely followed by an early Easter... and somehow we’ve another edition to get ready for 3 April, I don't know how we do it!Enjoy.Paul. t:07764 801080 e: [email protected]



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W e all know the classic story of Robin Hood. He wore green tights, and was an expert swordsman and archer and

skilled with the quarter-staff. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and led a band of outlaws that hid in Sherwood Forest. And he was really a nobleman who had been ill-treated by bad King John and his scheming henchman, the wily Sheriff of Nottingham, while good King Richard was away on crusade. And whatever tricks the Sheriff tried, Robin and his gang always managed to outsmart him. But did you know that there are local – Derbyshire and Chesterfield – connections to this story? There are, and here's a list.The first connection is Sherwood Forest. Sherwood simply means the 'Shire Wood’. The shire the name refers to is, of course, Nottinghamshire not Derbyshire. But Sherwood Forest was huge and in medieval times went as far as the River Erewash, inside the Derbyshire border. There it joined up with the Forest of East Derbyshire, which stretched between the Erewash and the River Derwent. Together they formed an immense stretch of land under 'forest law'.

Robin of Chesterfield?Words: Trevor the Ink Image: Shutterstock

Battle of Chesterfield Celebrations: Sunday 15 May

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Basically medieval forests were hunting grounds for the nobility, land where common folk had even fewer rights and liberties than other peasants. Hunting the Lord's game could get you in real trouble, even the death penalty. People took that risk when they were hungry, but if they were found out they had little alternative but to flee and live as outlaws. Forests became notorious for being where the poor and dispossessed would hide out. You have to imagine that an outlaw gang in the great forest wouldn't care much about whether they were in the Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire part. The next local connection with Robin Hood is the Sheriff. Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire have often been twinned together - think of the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment, the famous Sherwood Foresters of the British Army. This connection goes back ages, and the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire was in medieval times the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. (The city of Nottingham didn’t have its own sheriff till the end of the middle ages.) Actually the Sheriff's full title was 'High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and the Royal Forests'. It was a job with lots of power and High Sheriffs were rich and dangerous men, with influence and possessions across both counties and beyond.

One such man was William Brewer, originally from Devon, who was High Sheriff at the end of the 1100's – the time of King Richard the Lionheart, the good king of many of the Robin Hood tales and films. William seems to have been a shrewd operator, being at various times Justiciar of England (a chief minister), and a Baron of the Exchequer. Where the money was, there was William Brewer: where the power was, there also was William Brewer. You get the idea. When King John succeeded to the throne William moved smoothly to become one of the new monarch's most trusted men and greatest servants. This is really quite impressive when you realise that John had earlier rebelled against his brother King Richard, and that Richard had given William charge of many of John's estates when the rebellion failed. There must have been some interesting conversations when William met the new King. Anyway, William gained a lot of wealth and land right across England while serving King John, and one of his new possessions was Chesterfield. This was granted to him by King John in 1204. The grant is the town's charter establishing our famous market, the annual fair, and the rights of the townsfolk. Histories of Chesterfield often start at this point, and it's interesting to think that our town's charter was due to a man who was one of one of the most competent and cunning ever to be High Sheriff.

The third connection is with no less than Robin himself. The Robin Hood tales, as known today, are a mix of several sorts of story. One theme found in many stories is Robin as the commoner who turns outlaw, but who has a heart of gold - at least where other down-trodden folk are concerned. Another theme is Robin as an aristocrat in trouble, who joins (and naturally leads) a bunch of outlaws who fight against injustice wherever they find it. Nowadays it's often thought that the aristocratic version of Robin Hood came later than Robin Hood the commoner. But ‘Robin the aristocrat’ goes back a long way too. In the 1400's a historian called Walter Bower thought that the Robin Hood and Little John stories were about a group of nobles he calls ‘the Disinherited’. These were aristocrats who were on the wrong side of the Baron’s War against King Henry III. They had their lands taken away after losing the Battle of Evesham in 1265, but some of them kept on fighting. One of the Disinherited was John d’Eyvill (what a name for a villain!). John had land in Sherwood; and he also owned land near Thirsk in Yorkshire where he had his home at a place called Hood. After the defeat at Evesham John, his brother Robert, and others of the Disinherited hid out in Sherwood Forest. They emerged in May 1266 to face a royal army: this led to the Battle of Chesterfield and defeat. After this disaster some of the disinherited went back to Sherwood where they ran wild for many years, but John himself went to the fen country near Ely. In the chaos of the times he was able to join with other like-minded men and they raided villages and towns: Norwich, Cambridge, Lincoln and even London itself. But eventually the government got the upper hand. John calmed down and was able to buy himself a pardon. He became a servant of the crown, fighting for it rather than against it. Were the disinherited nobles the original Merry Men? Was John d’Eyvill of Hood – or his brother Robert– a model for Robin Hood? Outlaws and dispossessed aristocrats, hiding in the local forests from the wrath of the King and his representative in these parts, the High Sheriff; in part brigands; in part fighters for what they saw as justice. It all kind of fits, at least with the ‘Robin the high-born ruffian’ theme that runs through many tales. There are other theories about the origin of Robin Hood – lots and lots of other theories – but it's intriguing to think the original Robin Hood and his Merry Men may have fought at Chesterfield's medieval battle seven hundred and fifty years ago.

To learn more about the Battle of Chesterfield, why not pop along to the Winding Wheel, where Peter Gray, one the community organisers of the celebration of the battle, will be giving a talk on Wed 30th March.

One such baron was John d’Eyvill... (what a name for a villain!).

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AutoworldCars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Fuel consumption figures (MPG) shown are taken from the manufacturer, they are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made. ^Finance Price only includes £355 Autoworld Deposit Support applied.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.

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Cash price £7,600^Customer Deposit £129Amount to Finance £7,47148 Monthly Payments £129.30 Final Payment £3,274.35Duration 49 Months

Total Payable £9,609.75Option to Purchase Fee £1REPRESENTATIVE APR 9.4%Interest rate (Fixed) 9.3%Miles per annum 6,000Excess mileage charge 3p






AutoworldCars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Fuel consumption figures (MPG) shown are taken from the manufacturer, they are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made. ^Finance Price only includes £355 Autoworld Deposit Support applied.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.

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Cash price £7,600^Customer Deposit £129Amount to Finance £7,47148 Monthly Payments £129.30 Final Payment £3,274.35Duration 49 Months

Total Payable £9,609.75Option to Purchase Fee £1REPRESENTATIVE APR 9.4%Interest rate (Fixed) 9.3%Miles per annum 6,000Excess mileage charge 3p






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AutoworldCars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Fuel consumption figures (MPG) shown are taken from the manufacturer, they are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made. *Price includes £1,000 from Citroen UK if you own a non Citroen part exchange or an existing Citroen Elect 3 Customer, Please ask for further details.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.

01246 383895www.autoworld.co.uk

Cash Price £13,795*Your Deposit £149.99Autoworld Deposit £2972.9147 Monthly payments £149.99Amount of credit £10,672.10Final payment £5,154

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AutoworldCars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Fuel consumption figures (MPG) shown are taken from the manufacturer, they are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made. *Price includes £1,000 from Citroen UK if you own a non Citroen part exchange or an existing Citroen Elect 3 Customer, Please ask for further details.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.

01246 383895www.autoworld.co.uk

Cash Price £13,795*Your Deposit £149.99Autoworld Deposit £2972.9147 Monthly payments £149.99Amount of credit £10,672.10Final payment £5,154

Duration 49 MonthsTotal amount payable £15,326.43Miles per annum 6,000Excess mileage charge 8.4p p/mileAnnual percentage rate 4.9%APRInterest Rate Fixed 2.04%


DS3 DStyle





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Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.

FEBRUARY 2016Thur 25: NEMPF Disc See the best in photography for the East Midlands region. Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 567138Mon 29: Mother’s Day Reminder Time to arrange a meal and flowers for Sunday.Mon 29: Brampton Living History Andy Firth ‘The History of Hulleys Buses.’ 7:30pm St Thomas’s church meeting room Chatsworth Road. £2. All welcome.

MARCH 2016Tue 1: Mellors & Kirk Valuation Day. 10am to midday at St Thomas' Centre Brampton.Wed 2: Holymoorside Horticultural Society. Robert Falconer - Derbyshire in Digital. 7:30pm. Refreshments. URC Meeting Room, Holymoorside. T: Peter Forrow (Chairman) 01246 568000 or Trevor Gee (Secretary) 01246 569059.Wed 2: Brindley Lecture 7.30pm. James Brindley by Christine Richardson and John Lower. 7.30pm at the Winding Wheel. Tickets T: 345222 or online (chesterfieldtheatres.co.uk), from the Chesterfield VIC or pay at the door.Thu 3: West Studios Drink and Draw evening with Andrea Joseph, £15. 7 to 9:15pm. Contact West Studios, Sheffield Road. T: 01246 500799.Thu 3: Chesterfield Embroiderer’s Guild: Bobby Britnell. The Saints Parish Rooms, St Mary’s Gate, Chesterfield at 7pm. For info T: 01246 275177.Thu 3: OUT & ABOUT Meet at the Library but bring your camera for a walk around Chesterfield. Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 01246 567138

Thu 3: Intergenerational Community Choir at West Studios Sheffield Road (Chesterfield College West Block), starting at 10am to 12pm all ages welcome, free of charge, hosted by Qdos Creates. Then every Thursday (Term Time).Sat 5: Storrs Road Methodist Church - Mother's Day weekend 10 to 12 noon. Come along and enjoy coffee and cakes. Also Home-made cake and preserves stall.Sat 5: Community Climate Action Network Conference on Climate Change: 10am to 4pm, Loundsley Green Community Centre, Cutholme Rd. George Marshall (Climate Outreach), Emma Bridge (Community Energy England), workshops and networking. Interested in climate change and a low carbon future? Book a FREE place: bit.ly/1nbkvJNSun 6: Mother’s Day Do you have a table booked and flowers ready?Sun 6: Mothering Sunday Family Service at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd.10.45am. Gifts for all the ladies present. Refreshments after the Service.Sun 6: St John’s Walton: Mothering Sunday. 9am - Service of Holy Communion & 10:45am - All Age Morning Worship Service.Sun 6: Mothering Sunday Worship 4 All at Storrs Road Methodist Church – café style family worship at 10:45am with the Worship Group singing before the service. Sun 6: Mother’s Day Family Service at 5 pm followed by refreshments at Christadelphian Church, 19a Sheffield Road, Chesterfield. www.chesterfieldchristadelphians.org.uk

Mon 7: Chesterfield RSPB Lecture: Falcons - Speaker, John Keeling. If you are interested in attending please visit the website www.rspb.org.uk/groups/Chesterfield.Tue 8: Chesterfield Garland Dancers: A FREE Dance Session for women of all ages. Watch a dance demo with live music & have a go! Refreshments provided. 7:30pm at the Methodist Church, Jaw Bones Hill, Chesterfield S402EN. T: 230677Tue 8: Civic Society Meeting - Talk on Chesterfield Canal by Nick Summerbell of Chesterfield Canal Trust. 7:30pm. Eyre Chapel, Newbold. Contact: 566509 (Yvonne)Wed 9: Chesterfield RSPB Walk: Whitwell Wood. If you are interested in attending please visit the website www.rspb.org.uk/groups/Chesterfield.Wed 9: Hollingwood Hub Concert Chesterfield Canal Society present the Urban Folk Quartet. 7:30pm - all tickets £9. Online (chesterfield-canal-trust.org.uk) or call 01246 477569.Thu 10: FLASH DEMONSTRATION Presented by Simon Burfoot from The Flash Centre. (Model required!) Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 01246 567138Thu 10: Harlequin Arts Studio: Bags of Buttons: 1-3pm. Use buttons to create & stitch a unique design for a calico shopping bag. £15 p/p, booking essential. Unit 2, Brampton Courtyard, 11a Old Hall Road, S40 3RG. T: 0798 003 9647.Thu 10: North East Derbyshire Field Club: Debbie Alston will be talking about Mammals of Derbyshire. St Thomas’ Centre at 7.30 pm. T: 268786.Fri 11: Chesterfield 750 Banquet. Old Hall Junior School. 207080


Brampton Food Market

Saturday 5 MarchSaturday 2 April10am to 1:30pm


First Sat of the month (excluding Jan & Aug)

St Thomas’ Centre (Behind St Thomas’ Church)

Chatsworth Road Brampton S40 3AWfacebook.com/stthomasbrampton

What’s On

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ChesterfieldTuesday 1 MarchTuesday 12 April

10am to 12noon

St Thomas’ CentreChatsworth Rd, BramptonChesterfield, S40 3AWFree Specialist auctionvaluations of antiques,collectables, jewellery& medals.

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Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.

MARCH 2016 (ctd)

Fri 11: Table Tennis Tournament. Open to all abilities, 7pm at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd. £2 on the night. E: [email protected] 12: Green Teas Transition Chesterfield invite you to join us for informal afternoons once a month in The Monkey Park Café, Chester Street (S40 1DW) from 2 pm to 4 pm. www.transitionchesterfield.orgSat 12: North East Derbyshire Field Club - Walk around Linacre and Old Brampton. Meet at Pennine Way car park for a 10.30 am departure, bringing a packed lunch. T: 563773.Sun 13: Vintage and Quirky The Handmade Event: The Cavendish Hall, Edensor, Nr. Chatsworth. 10am to 5pm. Another inspiring and delightful collection of unique and original products created by handpicked designers and makers. Pop-up tearoom with delicious home baking. T: 01246 566989

Sun 13: Elder Yard Unitarian Chapel Service: Elder Way, Chesterfield, S40 1UR. 3pm on the second Sunday. For service info call David Shaw: 01433 630541 or email: [email protected] 14: Your Diabetic Foot Assessment and what it means to you. Sue Hexter and Paula Schleifer (Podiatrists). Mon 14: Chesterfield & North Derbys Diabetic Group. Meetings at the Education Centre at the rear of the Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Royal Hospital, Chesterfield Rd. Free with refreshments after. T: 01246 233539 or email: [email protected] 14: NEDIAS: “Derbyshire Oil!” by Cliff Lea. North East Derbyshire Industrial Archaeological Society - 7:30pm St Thomas’s church meeting room Chatsworth Road. £2. Tue 15: Chesterfield & District Local History Society: Mike Kelley ‘Sleeping Beauty, The Cromford Canal and its Restoration’ 7:30pm at the United Reform Church, Rose Hill. Entry at the rear of the church. £2

Thu 17: Four Prints Competition 4 x A4 prints to be assessed by members of the Society. Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 01246 567138Fri 18:Holymoorside Choral Society present their Easter Concert with guests St Mary's Primary School at 7:15pm, Holy Trinity Church, Newbold Rd. A beautiful selection of music including Karl Jenkin's Armed Man and Songs of Springtime. Tickets £8 available from Claire, T: 01246 274296Fri 18: An Easter Cantata 'The Last Week' by John W. Peterson will be performed by Staveley & District Churches United Choir at St. Mark's Church, Brampton. 7:30p.m. T: 01246 238143.Fri 18: Parkinson UK: Dr. Genever & Christine Smith, Parkinson's Nurse. 2pm at St John's Church, Walton Back Lane. S42 7LTSat 19: Chesterfield RSPB Field Trip: Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottingham Wildlife Trust nr Beeston, Notts. For Details: www.rspb.org.uk/groups/Chesterfield.

Holymoorside Village Hall, S42 7DX - For more info see: www.holymoorsidearts.co.uk or Tel. 01246 567118 / 01246 861997


Holymoorside & Walton Arts Festival Event

CHANGING ROOMSFriday 4th & Saturday 5th March, 7:30pm: Holymoorside Village Hall, S42 7DX

Tickets £7 (£2 under 16s) Tel. Ann 01246 567118 or Carole 01246 861997 www.holymoorsidearts.co.uk

A drama by local writer about a disparate group who set off for a coach holiday to the seaside - but things do not go altogether smoothly, with interesting results! Advance booking recommended.


Mother’s Day Family ServiceSunday March 6th: 5pmFollowed by refreshments.

www.chesterfieldchristadelphian.org.ukAt The Christadelphian Church,19a Sheffield Road, Chesterfield

What’s On

Page 10 www.s40local.co.uk

The Bulls Head • New Road • Holymoorside • Chesterfield S42 7EW

T: 01246 567617 The Bulls Head • FREE

The Bulls HeadH o l y m o o r s i d e • P u b & D i n i n g

New menu just launched, enjoy light bites at lunch, bar snacks all day and traditional pub fayre to A La Carte in the evening.Tuesday Night Village Pub Quiz.Dogs and walkers with muddy boots welcome. Join us for a drink by our open fires.

Mother’s DayS u n d a y 6 M a r c hBook now for a special lunch wherewe’ll make sure Mum feels very special.

Traditional village pub setting with a menuto please everyone, tables from midday onwards.

And what’s more we’ll include a free bottle of house wine when you spend over £30 on food and drink.

New menu just launched, enjoy light bites at lunch, bar snacks all day and traditional pub fayre to A La Carte in the evening.Tuesday Night Village Pub Quiz.Dogs and walkers with muddy boots welcome. Join us for a drink by our open fires.

Mother’s DayS u n d a y 6 M a r c hBook now for a special lunch wherewe’ll make sure Mum feels very special.

Traditional village pub setting with a menuto please everyone, tables from midday onwards.

And what’s more we’ll include a free bottle of house wine when you spend over £30 on food and drink.

FREE Bottle of WineValid only on Sunday 6 March 2016 • Minimum spend £30 • T’s & C’s Apply

Valid until end April 2016 • Minimum spend £20 • T’s & C’s Apply

Enjoy 15% off our food in the restaurant at any time.Cut out & bring this voucher & mention S40 Local.

15% OFF

Please mention S40 Local · Page 11

MARCH 2016 (ctd)

Sat 19: Coffee Morning: 11am-1pm to raise money for Christadelphian Samaritan Fund. We work with Save the Children and Oxfam. Christadelphian Church, 19a Sheffield Road. www.chesterfieldchristadelphian.org.ukSat 19: RNLI Coffee Morning Holymoorside Village Hall. 10am to 12 noon. Raffle, cakes, crafts etc. 50p.Sat 19: Charity Jumble Sale: 1pm at St. Thomas' Church Centre, Chatsworth Road. WANTED: clothing, bedding, curtains, bric-a-brac etc. No large or electrical goods. Bring unwanted items to St. Thomas’ Church Centre between 10am and midday on the day of the event. All proceeds to the Cavendish Cancer Care Centre. T: Ruth: 566989 or 0774 009 2244.Sat 19: Spring Fayre at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, 0ld Rd. (Nr. Serpent Motors), 2pm. Easter themed stalls, win the mega Easter Hamper, make an Easter Bonnet and the Grand Easter Parade at 3pm. Prizes for best Easter outfit. Children’s craft project. Café Fayre open all afternoon.

Sun 20: St john’s Walton: Palm Sunday. 9am - Service of Holy Communion, 10:45am - Morning Worship & 7pm – Evening Service.Sun 20: The Old Road Palm Sunday Procession from the junction of Old Rd. & Old Hall Rd. 10:45am (opp. The Britannia Inn) to The Gospel Mission, Congregational Church. Join in or come to watch. Refreshments at church.Mon 21: Brampton Living History: Kevin Topham ‘The Secret of Sherwood Forest.’ 7:30pm St Thomas’s church meeting room Chatsworth Road. £2. All welcome.Mon 21 & 28: West Studios: – Product Photography Course for Professional Practice. 6 to 9pm. £50Thu 24: “An Evening with Richard Egan” - A digital presentation by Richard Egan. Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 567138Thu 24 St John’s Walton: Maundy Thursday Service, 7pmFri 25: Good Friday Bank Holiday.Fri 25: Good Friday Evening Service. Storrs Rd Methodist Church. 7pm.

Fri 25: St John’s Walton: Good Friday. 10am - All Age Worship service & hot cross buns, 11:30am - Good Friday Walk with the Cross in the community & 2pm - An hour at the cross - a service of quiet contemplation and prayer.Fri 25: ‘The Last Week’ - a reminder of the last week of Christ’s life in words and music at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church on Old Rd. (Nr. Serpent Motors) 2.00pm.Sat 26: Easter Craft and Activity Morning in The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd. 11.00am to 12.30pm, join us for a coffee, watch the Church being decorated or lend a hand.Sun 27: St Jonn’s Walton: Easter Day. 9am - Service of Holy Communion & 10:45am - All Age Holy Communion Service.Sun 27: Easter Morning Breakfast and Holy Communion at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd. ( nr. Serpent Motors) 9:30am. Sun 27: Easter Morning Celebration at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd, 11am. Suitable for all and followed by refreshments.

Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.


Coffee MorningSaturday March 19th: 11am-1pmRaising money for Christadelphian Samaritan Fund, which helps human need & suffering caused by wars or natural disasters. We work with Save the Children & Oxfam. At The Christadelphian Church,19a Sheffield Road, Chesterfield www.chesterfieldchristadelphian.org.uk


Holymoorside Film

Holymoorside Village Hall, S42 7DX - For more info see: www.holymoorsidearts.co.uk or Tel. 01246 567118 / 01246 861997

New Memberships

Now AvailableEverest (Adventure Drama Cert 12A)Tuesday 8th March, 8pm:Dizzying cinematography accompanies the true story of 1996 expedition when climbers were challenged by some of the harshest conditions imaginable.

Members see all 13 films for £35. Guests also welcome, £5.

What’s On



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†All discounts offered are limited to labour and materials provided by Polar Windows.

S40 Local full page 192 x 132mmPlease mention S40 Local · Page 13

MARCH 2016 (ctd)

Sun 27: Easter Day Morning Worship. Storrs Rd Methodist Church. 10:45am. Sun 27: Chesterfield Methodist Circuit joint evening Worship at Loundsley Green Church, Pennine Way, 6pm.Sun 27: Easter Service starts 5 pm at the Christadelphian Church, 19a Sheffield Road, Chesterfield. www.chesterfieldchristadelphians.org.ukMon 28: Easter Monday Bank HolTue 29: West Studios: Social Media Forum, “Creating Engaging Content/Posts”, Free. 10-11:30amThu 31: Image Appreciation Service - with a theme of “Abstract” Bring along your DIGITAL abstract images to see if they work. Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 567138

APRIL 2016Sat 2: Holymoorside Horticultural Society 2016 Open Spring Show: 2.30 to 4-30pm. HMS Village Hall. Daffodils, Spring Flowers, Floral Art, Children's Classes, etc. Schedules from village shop, 568000 / 569059

Wed 6: Holymoorside Horticultural Society: Annual General Meeting. Starts 7:30pm. Refreshments. URC Meeting Room, Holymoorside. T: Peter Forrow (Chairman) 568000 or Trevor Gee (Secretary) 569059.Wed 6: CPS Presentation to Matlock Camera Club at Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 567138Thu 7: Chesterfield Embroiderer’s Guild: A coastal perspective, Alice Fox. The Saints Parish Rooms, St Mary’s Gate. 7pm. T: 275177Thu 7: Image Appreciation Service Members bring along up to 3 x RAW images - no manipulation of any kind allowed! Members judge. Chesterfield Photographic Society. T: 567138Sat 9: Repair Café Toss it away? No way! Together we can repair it. Transition Chesterfield’s Repair Cafe upstairs at Monkey Park Social Enterprise, Chester Street. 10am to 3pm. We aim to repair or help you repair a range of broken items including: furniture, clothes, toys, electricals etc. [email protected]

Sat 9: Green Teas Transition Chesterfield invite you to join us for informal afternoons once a month in The Monkey Park Café, Chester Street (S40 1DW) from 2 to 4 pm. www.transitionchesterfield.orgSat 9: Alpine Garden Society Chesterfield Show: Brookfield School 10am to 4pm. Alpine Nurseries and local groups plant sales. Refreshments available. £2.50 Info Ju Bramley T: 01246 569025.Sat 9: Holymoorside United Reformed Church invite you to join us for Pizza, Puddings and Puzzles (and chips) at 7pm. Tickets £6.50 from Barbara 01246 566109 and Jannette 01246 569183.Sun 17: Holymoorside Bowls Club Open Day: Every 3rd Sunday in Summer Season. Come and try Crown Green Bowls. Free coaching given. Equipment provided. Light refreshments. All welcome. Please wear flat soled shoes. Contact Ernie Barnes T: 01246 568324.

Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for any

errors in the listings.

Pomegranate Theatre Winding Wheel Box Office: 01246 345 222Corporation Street Holywell Street email: [email protected] S41 7TX Chesterfield S41 7SA www.chesterfieldtheatres.co.uk

Pomegranate Theatre22-Feb Jazz: Chronology28-Feb An Afternoon of Song, Dance & Brass02-Mar Fascinating Aida's Dillie Keane4-6 Mar The Gruffalo's Child7-12 Mar Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap10-Mar A Morning with William and Arthur15-16 Mar Directions Theatre Arts - Our House22-23 Mar The Addams Family: The Musical29Mar - 3Apr Lights, Camera, Action! Dance Show6-9 Apr David Copperfield Musical10-Apr The Marvellous Imaginary Menagerie13-Apr Northern Ballet Tortoise and the Hare14-Apr Debt Collectors by John Godber15-Apr Lee Nelson: Suited and Booted16-Apr Three Days & Three Minutes with LarryPomegranate Screenings23-Feb EOS: Renoir (Cert TBC)25-Feb NT Live: As You Like It (Cert TBC)26Feb-3Mar Radiator (15)26Feb-1Mar Room (15)25-27 Feb The Hateful Eight (18)28-Feb Jonas Kaufmann (An Evening with Puccini) (U)29Feb-3Mar The Revenant (15)01-Mar Sat Broadcast - In Search of Chopin (Cert TBC)03-Mar NT Live: Hangmen (15)4-6 March Spotlight (15)13-Mar Jem & The Holograms (U)13-17 Mar Grandma (15)18-20 Mar The Big Short (15)

Please check with box office for times. Located in the Visitor Information building in Rykneld Square. S40 Local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.

18-20 Mar Joy (12A)19-Mar The Car Man (12A)24-Mar Youth (15)25-27 Mar Trumbo (15)26-27 Mar Alvin & The Chipmunks (U)26-27 Mar A Bigger Splash (Cert TBC)12 Ap ROH - Giselle (Cert TBC)

Winding Wheel24-Feb Talk: Sheffield in Tudor & Stuart Times25-Feb Spotlight Comedy Club26-Feb Chicago Blues Brothers27-Feb The Legends of American Country02-Mar Talk: James Brindley03-Mar Joe Longthorne - New Date04-Mar Rat Pack05-Mar The Fureys11-Mar Paul Carrack16-Mar Black & White Buildings of Chesterfield19-Mar Tell Me on a Sunday20-Mar An English Spring24-Mar Spotlight Comedy Club TV Special26-Mar The Johnny Cash Roadshow30-Mar Talk: Battle of Chesterfield31-Mar Roy Orbison & Friends07-Apr The Dire Straits Experience09-Apr ShowaddyWaddy15-Apr Beyond the Barricade16-Apr Back to Bacharach

Tuesday Night Ballroom Dancing Every Tuesday - The Winding Wheel -Tickets £5.35

Please check with box office for times. Located in the Visitor Information Centre in Rykneld Square. S40 Local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.

What’s On

Page 14 www.s40local.co.uk

Saturday 19th March St John's ChurchWalton 7.30pm

Tickets £7.50Chesterfield Tourist Office 01246 Society Members 01246 418887


Chesterfield Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Chesterfield Tourist Information OfficeJulia Tew Tel: 01246 418887

or on the door


Dream, Fantasy & Legend

Spring Concert2016

Tickets £7.50

Please mention S40 Local · Page 15


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Weddings and Wedding Ceremonies, Engagements, Christenings, Anniversaries, Birthdays

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Our team will be on hand to discuss everything Maison.

Sunday 20th March 11am - 4pmWeddings & Celebrations Fair

012 SSide Feb16_Layout 1 21/01/2016 10:34 Page 1

Please mention S40 Local · Page 17

Blundells set to Sparkle!417 Chatsworth Road

Words: Paul Chapman

It’s hard not to spot the new Blundells sales and letting branch on Chatsworth Road which opened in January. The building (previously Nonsolovino) has been completely

refurbished, the new bright and airy office being an ideal space in which to showcase their properties for sale and rental.I caught up with the team at the new premises to see how things were going.Jane Riley, branch manager and experienced local property professional, has joined Blundells to manage the new office in addition to the long established office on Glumangate in the town centre.Jane said “The branch, which is perfectly positioned on Chatsworth Road, will provide local residents with sales and lettings expertise, as well as financial services including mortgage advice and property management for landlords.“After a couple of busy months of preparation, we’re delighted to have opened the doors in January and the hard work is now paying off”“The branch looks absolutely fantastic and we’ve already started welcoming lots of local residents in.”

Kelly Williams, lettings manager, added, “If you’re looking to move home, or want some advice on letting your property out, drop in for a cup of tea and a chat – Blundells is a company founded on good old fashioned values but with a very modern approach, so we’re always willing to help as much as possible.”Ian Appleyard, director of Blundells, said: “We’ve been in the Town for over 25 years so we’re delighted to have made a move into this part of the town. It’s an exciting time for Blundells and by opening this latest branch here we are reaffirming our place as the region’s leading estate agent, having two offices in the town will offer our customers so much more coverage.“The Chesterfield market so far this year has started extremely positively, whereby we have listed more than double the amount of properties than the same period last year. This is a combination of an uplift in the market and of course the shiny new office.“Jane, Kelly and their teams have lots of experience under their belt and are really looking forward to working with homemovers across the West of Chesterfield. The branch is opposite Morrisons on Chatsworth Road, which is such a

Business Intro

fantastic and interesting road, please feel free to drop in for a chat and a refreshment, we even have free car parking to the rear!”Saturday 6 February saw the official opening of the branch with the ribbon cutting ceremony and accompanied by staff from Ashgate Hospice. “We’re delighted and proud to announce a new partnership this year with Ashgate Hospicecare Charity” explains Ian. “They officially opened the branch and at the same time we announced some exciting news that we are their official main sponsor of their biggest event of the year, the newly named ‘Blundells Sparkle Night Walk’ Blundells founded in 1977 and has steadily expanded its network of branches over the last three years. The Chatsworth Road office takes the number of Blundells branches in the South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire region to 15. The property market locally seems buoyant; properties don’t seem to be on the market long before selling. I asked Ian about the strength of the market locally?“We've always seen a huge demand for stock in the West of Chesterfield, this was one of the reasons for opening our new office on Chatsworth Road. The new office specifically caters for the west side of town therefore enabling us to provide our vendors with a more refined service and introduce buyers whom have registered interest in these select areas. Properties in the local area are selling at a fantastic speed - on average it only takes us several days to secure a sale and in most cases we are achieving at least the asking price and in some cases more which outlines the demand in this part of town”.I also asked Ian if rental is a growth sector and does he think the changes to tax benefits enjoyed by landlords will release properties for purchase over the coming years? “Rental properties are still as popular as ever and we’ve definitely seen an increase in local landlords making last minute purchases before the new stamp duty tax laws come into force in April of this year. We’ve not seen an influx of properties come back the other way with the changes to tax benefits for landlords but that is some time away with it being gradually introduced from April 2017 so we may see more of an impact over the next few years”.If you are in the market for buying or selling property, renting including landlords services or mortgage advice call in and see the team where I’m sure a warm welcome awaits.For more information about Blundells, visit www.blundells.co.uk

Please mention S40 Local · Page 19

*Sales & Lettings offer for properties in Walton, Brookside, Brampton, Old Brampton, Somersall, Holymoorside, Ashover, Wingerworth,

Ashgate, Newbold, Upper Newbold, Stonegravels & Cutthorpe only.

Sales Offer: For our first 40 instructions you decide what level of sales commission you pay us between £0 and 1.5%+vat. Upfront Marketing fee of £299+vat applies on

all instructions

Lettings Offer: For our first 40 Managed or Rent collection instructions, you decide what upfront letting fee you pay us between £0 and £450+vat (Service includes all marketing, accompanied viewings, tenancy administration and detailed inventory).

Agreed fee will be deducted from 2nd months rent.If you have instructed another agent on a sole and/or sole selling rights basis, the term of that instruction must be considered in order to avoid the possibility of paying two commissions.

PLEASE CALL US ON 01246 544440



WE value your property. YOU value our service.

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PLEASE CALL US ON 01246 544440

Experience. Knowledge. Service.


Experience. Knowledge. Service.

Established 1977

Sales & Lettings 01246 544440 • 417 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield S40 3AD

A big “thank you” to all who joined us to help celebrate our ‘Grand Opening’ The New Chatsworth Road Branch was officially opened by Ashgate Hospicecare.

Please join us to support the Ashgate Hospice Blundells Sparkle Night Walk on Saturday 2nd July!

J3940_S40 DPS advert_MAR_AW.indd 2 10/02/2016 09:36

PLEASE CALL US ON 01246 544440

Experience. Knowledge. Service.


Experience. Knowledge. Service.

Established 1977

Sales & Lettings 01246 544440 • 417 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield S40 3AD

A big “thank you” to all who joined us to help celebrate our ‘Grand Opening’ The New Chatsworth Road Branch was officially opened by Ashgate Hospicecare.

Please join us to support the Ashgate Hospice Blundells Sparkle Night Walk on Saturday 2nd July!

J3940_S40 DPS advert_MAR_AW.indd 2 10/02/2016 09:36

Fresh, healthy, wholesome, vibrant, nutritional and delightfully presented are the words that I’m sure will spring to mind when you see the dishes produced at The Lilypad café and restaurant. Not perhaps what you would expect from Australian influenced cuisine?

Emi and Iain are the people behind The Lilypad, which opened in November last year, and they’re quickly building their reputation as one of Chesterfield’s alternative food venues.Emily Chapman and Iain Woodhead are both Chesterfield born and bred but have travelled widely and most recently spent a year working in Australia.“Our time in Australia taught us that the UK café culture has a long way to go. The chef’s lifestyle there is totally different to that experienced in the UK. Hours are a lot more friendly, they take care of you and the work/life balance is better.” says Iain, “In Australia we experienced contemporary spaces where the emphasis is on great food, which we hope to have created here.”On my visit to Soresby Street I was shown around the kitchen and was impressed by how well organised it was, a coal fired oven taking pride of place, Iain’s side kick Ryan Purrington preparing food for the breakfast diners waiting. Supervisor Thea Megra Cox, running backwards and forwards with orders, both have been part of the team at Lilypad since day one.So, the food! There’s definitely no deep fat fryer at The Lilypad, everything is freshly prepared in house, the cakes, puddings, sauces, purees, jams and pickles which are, where possible, made using local ingredients.The menu includes Sough dough Toasts, Eggs anyway you like, Omelette with Baby Figs, Brie, Rocket & Parma Ham, a One Pan Breakfast, Smashed Avocado, House Cured Salmon, Duck Vietnamese Salad, The Reuben; a toasted sandwich with slow cooked salt brisket, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut & mustard mayo, plus fresh Tuna, Steak and Kids Breakfast choices. And on that point there is plenty of space for prams, in fact they had to rush out and buy more highchairs as they’ve been so popular with Mums in the mornings!It’s clear Iain is passionate about his food, just listening to the way he describes what he does makes me feel hungry! And the small details are really important to him, for instance, tea brewed carefully to the correct time and the bags removed so the second cup isn’t stewed and beautiful coffee art.

Iain has worked in top flight eateries for the last ten years, including Rowleys at Baslow, The Red Lion at Stonedge and he started out at Lambarellis on Chatsworth Road. For both Emi and Iain, the time in Australia has been the most influential “I worked in The Kettle Black in Melbourne. From opening in July 2014 The Kettle Black has been a popular destination for Melbourne’s discerning residents looking for great, relaxing, café food. “Whilst there, we were doing 700 covers a day, there was no booking and people regularly queued for tables. I started there one week after I arrived and finished two days before I travelled back to the UK” explained Iain.Emi travelled with him, she’s spent eight years in hospitality working front of house and spent her time in Australia at Two Birds One Stone, another busy café offering breakfast and lunch.So what made you return to Chesterfield? “We were offered a sponsorship to stay” explained Emi, “but we only went to sample the lifestyle, we always planned to come back.“My parents came out to visit and loved the places we worked; the atmosphere, the food and what we did. They googled properties in Chesterfield and the café on Soresby Street came up.“Shortly after, we travelled back home for Dad’s birthday, landed, came straight to view the property and decided to give it a go.”“It’s been a bit crazy since we opened up in November.” says Iain “We did 100 covers for breakfast in the first weekend and we’ve recently started opening Saturday evenings, serving an A la Carte menu, together with some carefully selected wines and bottled beers. Feedback has been great (60 five star reviews on facebook), and people are coming back, the Smashed Avocado is really popular, we’re using 150 avocados a week. The local business support is great too, the local solicitors and estate agents are popping in regularly for breakfast and lunch.”If you fancy dropping in to give them a try, The Lilypad can be found at 21 Soresby Street and is open 7 days for breakfast and lunch, 8:30am to 4pm Mon to Fri, Sat 9 am to 4pm as well as Saturday night, 6pm to midnight and Sunday 9am to 3:30pm.Tell them S40 Local sent you!

The LilypadIt's all about the food.

Words: Paul Chapman Pictures: The Lilypad

Business Intro

Page 22 www.s40local.co.uk

“The one important thing at The Lily Pad is the food, inspired by Australia, no one is doing what we're doing.” Iain Woodhead, The Lily Pad.

Please mention S40 Local · Page 23

k i t c h e n s

b e d r o o m ss t u d i e s

0 7 9 6 6 4 2 6 4 6 6c h e s t e r f i e l d

w w w . d a v i d p y a t t . c o . u k

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FREEDISHWASHERWith all Fitted Kitchens*

FREEDISHWASHERWith all Fitted Kitchens*

*Ts & Cs Apply

Page 24 www.s40local.co.uk

LADIES BOUTIQUE131 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield S40 2APwww.blancouture.co.uk • tel: 01246 767454

Beaut i fu l Clothing For Every OccasionSize 8 to 30



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Bespoke Wedding VideosMaking the most of your memories

Please mention S40 Local · Page 25

Chesterfield v Blackpool HOME Game Kick Off 19:45

T's & C's apply. Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The team at NAPIT, the organisation who set standards for electrical industry testing and also happen to be Chesterfield FC’s shirt sponsor have kindly provided S40 Local with two tickets for the game on Tuesday 01 March 2016.All you need to do is email [email protected] with your name and contact details by close of play Sunday 28 February to be in with a chance. Entries also by post by Friday 26 Feb to S40 Local, Chesterfield FC Giveaway, West Studios, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield S41 7LL. First out of the hat wins.

CLOSING DATE: Sunday 28 February 2016

Ticket Giveaway


Page 26 www.s40local.co.uk

The Manor at Brampton are giving away 10 Mother and Daughter Spa Days. The fantastic prize includes:

• A day being pampered at The Manor• Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage• Dermologica Facial• Full use of all of our Spa Facilities

To enter please email [email protected] Quoting S40-M&D16 and tell us why your mother or daughter deserves a treat!Entries also by post, by 31 March 2016 to:Spa Competition The Manor, Old Road, Chesterfield S40 3QT. All entries must reach the team at The Manor by 31 March 2016.Good luck!

Must be redeemed on Monday to Thursday. T's & C's apply. Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

CLOSING DATE: Thursday 31 March 2016



Please mention S40 Local · Page 27

Sunday 6th March Booking essentialFood served 12-6pm

For more information Call 01246 237555www.themanoratbrampton.comThe Manor, Old Road, Brampton, Chesterfield S40 3QR

For more information Call 01246 566335www.thefoxandgooseinn.comThe Fox & Goose, Pudding Pie Hill, Wigley, Chesterfield S42 7JJ

TheManorEst. 1599


Fox & GooseInn & Function Suite

Pudding Pie Hill

Just for Mum

Visit our fa


page for details

on all of our



Fox & GooseInn & Function Suite

Pudding Pie Hill

TheManorEst. 1599

Salon & Spa

TheManor• Coffee House • Pub & Dining •

• Functions & Weddings •

Est. 1599


Fox & GooseInn & Function Suite

Pudding Pie Hill

3 Course Traditional British

Sunday Lunch

Gift vouchers available

Treat Mum this Mother’s Day


Gift vouchers available

TraditionalSunday Carvery

at The Manor

Gift vouchers available

TheManor• Coffee House • Pub & Dining •

• Functions & Weddings •

Est. 1599

TheManorEst. 1599

Salon & Spa

Easter Bank Holiday at Fizz Friends Friday With live musicSaturday Sharers Food served all daySunday from 11am Easter Egg Hunt with Brampton the Bear Brunch 9 - 11.30amCarvery served 12 - 6pmBank Holiday Monday Food served 9 - 6pm

The ManorComing soon...

S40 DPS 030216.indd 1 05/02/2016 13:45

For more information Call 01246 208816www.themanoratbramptonspa.comThe Manor, Old Road, Brampton, Chesterfield S40 3QR

Mother’s DayThe perfect

Treat M

um to a Spa

Day, Lunch


Lazy Brunch

or all 3


TheManorEst. 1599

Salon & Spa

TheManorEst. 1599

Salon & Spa

Choose any 2 Luxury Treatments• Luxury Full Body Massage• Luxury Dermalogica Facial• Luxury Gel Manicure• Luxury Jessica Manicure• Luxury Jessica Pedicure• Luxury Detoxifying Back Treatment

Show Mum you care this Mother’s Day at The Manor Salon & Spa

Offer 1 Just for Mum £40Include lunch and Prosecco


• Includes a Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage• Dermalogica Facial

Offer 2 Mother & Daughter DayIncludes lunch and Prosecco



Gift Vouchers available to purchase Online and in The Salon




31st March


S40 DPS 030216.indd 2 08/02/2016 16:51

sheffieldcityregion.org.uk www.d2n2lep.org

Wikipedia: Devolution is the statutory granting of powers from the central government of a sovereign state to govern at a

subnational level, such as a regional, local, or state level. This was the focus of a recent Destination Chesterfield presentation. In a nutshell it’s about moving budgetary control from Whitehall to local councils and giving local councils more power to control the way economic development funds are spent and on what!For Chesterfield it’s complicated as we are currently a member of two areas that are going to have devolved powers. We therefore have a choice, we can go with Sheffield City Region, which is made up of nine local councils, or we can go with Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, now known as the North Midlands, which is made up of 19 councils.Chesterfield has to assess which of these gives us the best long term economic deal.Each area is supported by a Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). There are 39 LEPs in England, and their role is to decide local economic priorities, bid for funds, undertake activities to drive economic growth, provide skills training and create local jobs.Sheffield City Region’s LEP secured a £320M Growth Deal and in January 2015 a further £30M for Growth Deal 2 (ref: sheffieldcityregion.org.uk). In addition they have secured a deal of £900M for the next 30 years which is tabled and under consideration. If Chesterfield opted to be part of the Sheffield City Region, they would in turn bid for a share of these funds to support local developments.The Sheffield City Region is made up of nine councils; four are fully constituted members, which means they will have an elected mayor with power to control spend in their area, and five will be none constituent members, Chesterfield would be a none constituent member, without a an elected mayor, but will be able to apply for constituent status.

The North Midlands regional bid covers Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (previously D2N2) and is made up of 19 local councils, hoping to create a single combined authority. Supporting the North Midlands is one of the country’s largest LEPs, who were allocated a £192M pot (ref: d2n2lep.org) in January 2015 and are now bidding for £900M for the next thirty years.So What Are The Timescales?John Burrows, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council with portfolio responsibility for Regeneration and previous Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented "on March 3 this year a full public council meeting will debate and decide our status in both LEP areas, on the basis of the best economic deal for Chesterfield." Any changes and devolved powers would not come into play until 2017 at the earliest.Many people won’t be aware of the change, and the importance of bringing control of our future closer to hand, many might not care but it will effect the way in which our area's economy is developed.I hope moving forward it will be to our benefit and next month we will endeavour to update you with further details on the decision and what it will mean for our economy.Find out more at the sites below.


Devolution Coming to a council near you.

Words: Paul Chapman


Page 30 www.s40local.co.uk

Pub closed Mondays except Bank HolsTue to Thu 12pm to 2.30pm and 5 to 9pmFri 12 to 2.30pm and 5 to 9.30pmSat 12 to 2.30pm and 5 to 9.30pmSun 12 to 3pmO



Tickled Trout | 33 Valley Road | Barlow | Chesterfield S18 7SLt: 0114 289 1111e: [email protected]


Thursday Date NightWe are all so busy these days that we barely get chance to see one another.So when it finally does come round to 'Date night' why not spoil your other half with a trip out to the Trout on Thursdays.

Friday Fizz NightFriday night is fizz night!Join us at the Tickled Trout between 6pm and 9pm to get a bottle of Marco’s Giavi Prima Volta Fizz at just £15 a bottle.

Mother’s DaySunday 6 March is the time to treat Mum to a rest from the oven and dishes for a day.Let her select from our fabulous menu and enjoy a lunch with us at the Trout.

Join usfor Lunch

T u e t o S a t

1 2 t o 2 . 3 0 p m

S u n

1 2 t o 3 p m

for Lunchfor LunchT u e t o S a t

1 2 t o 2 . 3 0 p m

1 2 t o 3 p m

T u e t o S a t

1 2 t o 2 . 3 0 p m

Please mention S40 Local · Page 31

HAIR & BEAUTY01246 203 590

25% off* with Louise - Just bring this ad.1a St Margaret’s Drive, Saltergate


*T’s & C’s Apply.Valid until 31/03/2016.

Not be be used in conjunction with any other offer.

October 2015 saw the opening of Charlotte Kay's own Salon, Polished Hair & Beauty. Previously of Brampton & Hasland Salons,

Charlotte specialises in Bio Sculpture Gel. Charlotte was joined by her Auntie, Donna Kay as Hairstylist, formerly of Town Centre salons; wedding hair, prom and updos are particular favourites of hers. Later, in January 2016, Polished were joined by Charlotte's friend and former work colleague, Louise Mellor, again previously of Brampton & Town Centre Salons. Louise specialises in CACI ULTRA, a non-surgical face lift. The team at Polished have over 20 years experience between them, the salon space is beautifully designed with a pretty, shabby chic feel, making the Salon a must visit for all discerning clients. With parking on site (and on street if required) and located just a short walk

from the Town Centre; whether you're a first time visitor, or a seasonal friend, this beautiful family and friend run Salon is the ideal place to relax, recharge and unwind.Polished offer a whole range of Hair, Skin, Nail and Body treatments, adapted to suit your individual needs from such renowned product houses as: Hibrow, Monu, Sienna X, Bio Sculpture Gel, CACI ULTRA and Shellac.Their maintenance treatments include waxing, tinting, lashes, manicures, pedicures and lash lifts and new treatments, products and offers will be launching in the spring. Keep up to date at Polished via their Facebook page where you can also book appointments.Find them on Facebook @ Polished Hair & Beauty and at 1a St Margarets Drive, Saltergate and what's more book between now and the end of March 2016 to receive 25% off* with Louise.

Polished Hair & BeautyWords: Paul Chapman

Business Intro

Page 32 www.s40local.co.uk

01246 229999479 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield S40 3AD


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INTEL Quad CORE8 GB RAM, 1TB HD, WIFI, Card Reader, USB3 DVDRW, Windows 10

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March 2016 price Guide - All prices include VAT E&O.E prices may change without notice .


Please mention S40 Local · Page 35

Does choosing fair trade still feature in your shopping decision making process? For me, it’s something I consciously considered when

shopping 15 to 20 years ago, but as the media moved onto 5 a day, eating organic and now eat well for less, I’m quite surprised and a little annoyed at how my choices have so clearly followed suit.With Fairtrade Fortnight starting on 29 February, we caught up with local voluntary Traidcraft representatives, Alison and Graham Wells to understand why it’s important, how they are involved and how the food choices we make have an impact that’s far wider reaching than we often think. For people who are struggling to make ends meet, making food choices might be a luxury, but for people who are not in that position perhaps it’s time to consider making a few small changes to the way we shop and swapping one or more of our usual choices for a fairly traded product.Graham explained “Alison has always been passionate about poverty and injustice in the world and first got involved with Traidcraft during its infancy. I became involved through Alison.

“Unfair trade causes many people around the world to be poor and hungry. It affects a significant proportion of farmers and their workers, particularly in developing countries. Despite working hard and producing quality food or other products, many of which are luxury goods, for the developing world, they don’t get paid fairly for their products.“Traidcraft was the first major fair trade organisation set up in the UK, to fight poverty through trade, working worldwide with local small producers, to produce good quality products that they market and sell through a network of fair traders, individuals who sell these on locally, and to some retailers.”Alison and Graham are our local Traidcraft volunteers and provide a sales network. They have a regular stall at St Thomas’ Food Market – advertised in our What’s On section and have a stall at the Sunday services at St Thomas’ the day after the Food Market. They also place weekly bulk orders for the stall and for people who order products from the Traidcraft catalogues (you can pick catalogues up from the food fair, St Thomas café or contact Graham and Alison –

“Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on

more than half the world”Martin Luther King Jnr.

Continued overleaf


Fairtrade Fortnight BreakfastChoosing to fight poverty

Words: Nicola Chapman

Page 36 www.s40local.co.uk

Award Winning AlesVisit the brewery shop to see our

full range of bottled beers plus wines, whiskies, world beers and merchandise.

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[email protected] 4 & 5, Chatsworth Business Park,

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Please mention S40 Local · Page 37

[email protected] for one). They also ‘lend’ their stall to other churches in the area, St John’s at Walton, Central Methodist Church and Hasland Methodist Church, plus some one-off requests.Through Alison and Graham you can buy a range of foods, including; coffee, tea, chocolate, cereals, dried fruit, nuts, olive oil, they also sell a selection of greetings cards, children’s toys, crafts and, a favourite, bamboo socks – much softer than they sound! Easter Eggs are now available through Traidcraft – one is the Divine Chocolate Fairtrade egg and the other is the REAL Easter Egg, an Easter egg that also contains the story of Easter. Alison and Graham are taking orders now!Traidcraft is just one of many organisations working towards fair trade, defined as upholding the principles of:

• fair prices• safe working practices• environmentally sustainable

All fairtrade products display the Fairtrade mark, making it easy for you to recognise that you’re choosing a product produced ethically. This mark has been developed and is overseen by The Fairtrade Foundation, in the UK, one of a number of worldwide organisations who take responsibility for development of Fair trade around the world.To support the suppliers there needs to be sufficient demand, there are people working with producers to make sure they produce high quality products, efficiently, and at the other end they are promoting the products and encouraging more and more people to make ethical shopping choices.Fairtrade Fortnight aims to do just that – running from 29 Feb to 13 March, the campaign this year encourages you to enjoy and share a Fairtrade Breakfast! Buying and trying fairly traded tea, coffee, jam, fresh juice, honey, cereals etc. to think about fair trade and hopefully to change some of your regular shopping choices.

During Fairtrade fortnight you can buy your fairtrade breakfast products from the Fairtrade stall set up in St Thomas’ on Friday 4 March and the following day at their regular stall at the Brampton Food Market, also at St Thomas’.The Fairtrade foundation work with the other organisations, including Traidcraft, Oxfam, and Christian Aid, all working hard to improve the situation for those less fortunate than ourselves… simply purchasing a few Fairtrade products helps support this vital work around the world.


Page 38 www.s40local.co.uk

We will not be beaten on priceKARNDEAN CENTRE NOW OPEN

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Book your free consultation01246 550521

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One of the big attractions of Chesterfield town centre, for me, along with the Spire and the market, is the extensive range of black and white buildings. Whilst

they are not Tudor, which they’re sometimes mistaken for, they nevertheless still have a very interesting history and help make Chesterfield the place it is.Excluding the medieval timber framed buildings in the town centre (such as the Peacock café and the Royal Oak pub) the buildings date back to the 1910s when a comprehensive programme of street improvements to address issues caused by the old medieval street pattern were first put in place. Most of the black and white buildings date to the 1920s

and 1930s when a large amount of rebuilding was needed as old buildings were demolished to widen streets. The town of Chester is believed to have provided the inspiration for the colonnades along Knifesmithgate and possibly the black and white design as well.There are now about 45 black and white buildings in the town centre, with the most obvious ones being the old Co-op building frontage and the Victoria Centre on Knifesmithgate and the Winding Wheel on Holywell Street.However, some of the buildings are now in a very poor state, most obviously the Victoria Centre itself. Above the ground floor veranda, large spaces have appeared where plaster has fallen off and there are badly rotting window


Tudor ChesterfieldThe campaign to save our B&W buildings

Words & Pictures: Andrew Hollyer

Page 42 www.s40local.co.uk

frames and broken glass. Less immediately visible is the internal damage, where water has seeped in and rusted the metal work, which causes it to expand and crack some of the stone pillars. The building has attracted vandalism, graffiti and other anti-social behaviour too.The town cannot let this happen to these special buildings - but often the owners live far away and don't want to spend money. So what can be done?Just before Christmas 2015 I started a campaign to raise awareness and show support for action, thinking that it would make a good 2016 New Year’s Resolution for the town – to find a way of securing the long term future for these buildings.I started a Facebook page (Save Chesterfield's Black and White Buildings), which now has over 750 likes and began a petition (please sign at www.cfield.lib.dm/bkwh), which once it reaches 1,000, will trigger a Council debate. This would be a great opportunity to have some of the broader issues discussed and demonstrate to the owners of the buildings how important they are locally.Although Chesterfield Council doesn't own the neglected buildings, and has limited powers, it does, I think, have a role to play in co-ordinating action to make sure the necessary steps are taken to ensure the buildings are maintained. The main power they have is to be able to bring different interests together - businesses, the public sector and individual members of the public – and get them to talk in order to find ways to progress.If, ultimately, the owners don't meet their responsibility to look after these buildings then the Council should be making every effort to try and make sure they do. As a last resort, the Council can also, when it believes that the state of a property is having a seriously

negative impact on the amenity of the area, request the property owners take remedial action.There are good examples locally where Council action and responsible ownership have really improved things. A few years ago, for example, the Council was able to win Heritage Lottery funding then offer it to owners who were willing to put their own funding in to improve their heritage buildings. The Ashoka Restaurant on Holywell Street is a good example of this. And coming up soon the Co-op building is set to be redeveloped, keeping many of the key features - another good illustration of what can be done.So it is possible, but there needs a coordinated, holistic approach, which only the Council can provide.More information on the black and white buildings can be found at the Chesterfield Museum exhibition which runs until March 12th and there will be a talk given on the buildings by local historian Janet Murphy on the 16th March, at the Winding Wheel.

Petition www.cfield.lib.dm/bkwh Save-Chesterfields-Black-White-Buildings

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Autoworld Cars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.



Cash Price £10,890Your Deposit £NILAutoworld Deposit £500Total Deposit £500Amount to Finance £10,390Duration 48 MonthsOptional Final Payment £4,019

Total Amount Payable £11,52247 Monthly Payments £149Annual percentage rate 2.2%APRInterest Rate fixed 2.17%Miles per annum 5,000Excess mileage charge 6p per mile


01246 383895



Autoworld Cars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.



Cash Price £10,890Your Deposit £NILAutoworld Deposit £500Total Deposit £500Amount to Finance £10,390Duration 48 MonthsOptional Final Payment £4,019

Total Amount Payable £11,52247 Monthly Payments £149Annual percentage rate 2.2%APRInterest Rate fixed 2.17%Miles per annum 5,000Excess mileage charge 6p per mile


01246 383895



Page 44 www.s40local.co.uk

AutoworldCars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Fuel consumption figures (MPG) shown are taken from the manufacturer, they are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.

01246 383895www.autoworld.co.uk

Cash Price £6,499Your Deposit £112Amount of Finance £6,387Initial payment £112.2841 payments £112.28Final payment £2,609

Total Payable £7,436.76Duration 43 MonthsAnnual mileage 6,000Excess mileage charge 6p per mileRepresentative APR 5.9% APRRate of Interest 5.69% Fixed


Celerio SZ2




AutoworldCars shown for illustration purposes only. finance subject to status, Applicants must be 18 or over. guarantees/indemnities may be required. Autoworld act as a non-independent credit intermediary. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your car. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. A list of providers is available on request. Any lender or broker or intermediary we work with may pay us for introducing you to them. This figure is available on request. Fuel consumption figures (MPG) shown are taken from the manufacturer, they are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. Finance based on Personal Contract Purchase between 5000 & 6000 miles per annum, Excess mileage charges apply, available over 24, 36, 42 and 48 months. You will not own this vehicle until all payments are made.

Brimington Road North, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, North Derbyshire S41 9AJ.

01246 383895www.autoworld.co.uk

Cash Price £6,499Your Deposit £112Amount of Finance £6,387Initial payment £112.2841 payments £112.28Final payment £2,609

Total Payable £7,436.76Duration 43 MonthsAnnual mileage 6,000Excess mileage charge 6p per mileRepresentative APR 5.9% APRRate of Interest 5.69% Fixed


Celerio SZ2




Please mention S40 Local · Page 45

Maison Mes Amis Un cadre élégant (A stylish venue)With its contemporary chic style and warm and relaxing ambience, Maison has become a fashionable venue to hold your special celebration. It also has a beautiful secluded courtyard and terrace making it that little bit special.It’s the perfect place for the smaller intimate wedding ceremony or wedding breakfast, birthday, anniversary, christening or anything in between.Marcella and her team are happy to discuss your requirements trying their best to make it personal not packaged.They will be holding a Weddings & Celebrations Fair on Sunday 20th March 11am to 4pm where you will be able to come along and meet the best local suppliers who will be showcasing everything to make your day special.19 Old Road, Chesterfield S40 2RE Tel 01246 768789 E: [email protected]

1st Class Kitchens New Bespoke Burbidge RangeNew in at 1st Class Kitchens is a range of bespoke kitchen units from Burbidge. The top of the range Langton is on display in the Walton showroom. The Langton is real wood and can be supplied hand painted to any of 25 shades plus if there isn't one for you the units can be hand finished to any colour. This will increase the lead time but you do receive a sample hand sprayed (not machined) as required and once approved your units are painted ready for installation.

The classic design uses an 'in frame system' where the carcass is installed and then front frames fitted to each unit replacing pelmets but resulting in a traditional finish that wouldn't look out of place in any country house kitchen or modern contemporary open plan living space.The paint is guaranteed tough and hard wearing with a lacquer applied to the whole finished product so it stands up to the daily wear and tear a kitchen gets.In addition the 1st Class Kitchen web site has been updated recently to include links to the Colourmyway kitchen configurator. This allows you to pick stock kitchen designs and tailor the colour scheme to your preferred choices so you can see what your designs will look like prior to visiting the showroom and walking through your ideal solution.Call in and see Lucy or Helen when you need help with your new kitchen.

ArticleBusiness News

Page 46 www.s40local.co.uk

S ignatu r e Nails & Beauty

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Please mention S40 Local · Page 47

Monkey Park Regular Events

Monkey Park is establishing itself as the community place to be in Brampton and as such a number of local groups have established their base at the Chester Street premises. If you want to go along just turn up or pop in for more info. Crochet Club 2 to 4pm Every ThursdayBook Club 1 to 3pm 1st WednesdaySpire Digital meet up 7 to 9pm 2nd TuesdayPhotography Workshop 9.30 to 11.30am 2nd WednesdayCarers Community Group 2 to 4pm 2nd WednesdayTransition Chesterfield meeting 7 to 9pm 2nd ThursdayGreen Teas (Transition Chesterfield) 2 to 4pm 2nd SaturdayRepair Cafe (Transition Chesterfield) Starts February 10 am to 3pm Every other month 2nd Saturday Walking for Health group 1.30 to 2.30pm 4th Wednesday but occasionally 5th Wed, please check Monkey Park website.‘Breeze’ ladies cycle ride Departing from Monkey Park at 10am for a 3 mile gentle ride - 12th March and 7th May.

Crown Decorating Centre (CDC) Decorate An Egg CompetitionCall into the CDC and pick up details for their latest competition. The Easter competition requires you to decorate an egg, either real, one you've made or a drawing/painting of an egg. Open to kids of all ages with a crafty side, but primarily those under 16!Entry forms will be available from 22 February, entries ready for 19 March and the winner announced on 24 March. Call into Crown at 362 Chatsworth Road for more info.

Westfield Infant School End of an eraPaula Kingdon has been head teacher at Westfield Infants School since September 1996.She started in September 1976 and during that time has been has been responsible for the early education of generations of local children. She will be taking her retirement at the end of the school year and S40 Local will be having a chat with her before then. We know plenty of local mothers and fathers were taught by her or attended Westfield whilst Paula was headteacher.We'd love to hear from you with your memories of the school and Paula.Just drop us an email or write (yes we don't mind letters to S40 Local, West Studios, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield S41 7LL) and we hope to be able to include some of your memories in our article.

Broader band anyone? Unleash the green boxes.Does anyone know anything about Broadband? I've been asked by a resident about the green boxes and why some in the area can get fibre broadband and some cant. Apparently the green cabinet outside the phone exchange on the corner of Westbrook Drive is wired up for fibre but at the moment no one gets it! With download speeds of 70-80mbs and upload speeds of 12-16mbs (still some way off the 1Gb enjoyed by parts of Asia... why is that I wonder?) it should allow the kids to play games with their mates, Mum to listen to spotify and Dad to stream the iPlayer all with decent response. More importantly it might just enable one or two local small businesses to do what we do, faster and more efficiently. So come on, what needs to be done to open up these services to those that want them? Anyone know? Drop us an email.

Brampton Bicycle Club Retstarts In SpringIt's been a while now since the club stopped meeting but due to fading light and no real indoor option unfortunately we had no choice.Well get you chain oiled and tyres pumped up as the club will be back again after Easter. Exact dates will follow in next months edition but if you want any info please get in [email protected]


Page 48 www.s40local.co.uk

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Help your child go far with Kip McGrath

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Our quali�ed teachers create individual tutoring programmes for your child, using proven Kip McGrath methods.

Call today for a FREE

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Often students get overwhelmed with information, don’t understand some of the words and misread the questions when faced with a reading comprehension exercise. Using our tips you can tutor your own child to:

1. Read the title and take a minute to imagine what the text is going to be about. This is like priming a pump and allows the brain to think about the type of words it is going to see. The process is known as ‘activating schemata’ and uses our knowledge of the world around us to understand the text. So a title such as ‘Dear Diary’ will have us expecting to see something about someone’s daily activities.

2. Highlight and read the first sentence of each paragraph. This gives the main theme of each paragraph and allows us to see the overall thread of the text.

3. Look at the first question and highlight the key words; they are the question word itself (who, when, where, why etc.), the verb and nouns. This makes it easier for students to understand the meaning of the question and helps to prevent them answering a question that’s not really there!

4. Using the highlighted sentences, students can look back at the text and find the paragraph that is likely to contain the answer they’re looking for.

5. By reading the text paragraph by paragraph they give their brains time to process the meaning of the text in manageable chunks.

6. Once the answer has been found, students can underline it or highlight in a different colour. Should they need to look back at it again, for a spelling for example, they will be able to see it quickly and won’t have to go through the whole thing again.

7. As they come across words they don’t understand, we encourage them to guess the meaning from the context or logic of the situation. So if the man feels ‘disburbulated’ because his car has been stolen, the children can guess that he’s feeling angry or upset. I love making up words for them to practise on!

8. Often learners struggle to put their answers into sentences. We help them to get started by looking back at the question and using this as the basis for their answer. For example: Q When did Jim start to cook his dinner? A Jim started to cook his dinner at…

9. All these steps have the aim of allowing the children to feel in control and give them the confidence to have a go.

10. As they continue to work through the text, the details begin to become clearer and the pieces of the jigsaw fall into place.

So off you go to buy some multi coloured highlighter pens and get your child started on the road to an ‘A’ in reading comprehension!

To find out where they score in English and Maths call Jo on 01246 220224 For a FREE assessment!

Kip McGrath tip No.3.

Improving your Child's Reading ComprehensionJo Linthwaite (Kip McGrath)

Page 52 www.s40local.co.uk

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Please mention S40 Local · Page 53

Over recent years new significant developments within our town have been required to offer community support in the form of a public art installation.

The Growth, Melanie Jackson's work on Hornsbridge Roundabout, and the Spirit of Saltergate project commemorating the old Chesterfield FC ground are examples we've previously covered in S40 Local.

But these are not the only public art projects in and around town, Chesterfield has over 60 works of art that have sprung up all round the Borough in the past few years. From Walton to Whittington, from Staveley to Spital over three dozen artists have used their vision to enhance the environment.

Over the next few years there will be more to come, with another dozen schemes planned.

Within our immediate area there are six pieces on display, you may walk past them everyday and perhaps not realised why they are there or where they came from.

1 Runaway Foxbrook Drive on Walton Artist: Graham Ibbeson Date Built: 1998

2 The Orienteer Bradbury Place Artist: Stuart Marsh Date Built: 2007

3 Clock Wheatbridge Retail Park Artist: Davidson and Richardson Date Built: 1996

4 Flyer Foxbrook Court, Walton Artist: Graham Ibbeson Date Built: 2000

5 No Man Is An Island Walton: Whitecotes Park Artist: Rod Powell Date Built: 1997

Reflection of the Sky Wheatbridge Surgery Artist: Ashley Thompson Date Built: 2008

If you look on the website at www.chesterfieldarttrail.co.uk,there's a detailed map showing the location of the artworks, including the location of some of the planned future schemes.

Dr Robert Burstow, an art historian based at the University of Derby, has provided detailed descriptions of all the artworks on the Art Trail. He is currently leading a research project on the public sculpture of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, for the Public Monuments and Sculpture Association’s National Recording Project.

Why not make it your mission do discover some of the 60 pieces of art over the coming year?

Artwork details and location can be found at: www.chesterfieldarttrail.co.uk

"schemes costing over £1m to include a work of art to the value of 1% of the total cost of the project."Percent for Art

Chesterfield Art Trail Art In The OpenWords: Paul Chapman Photos: Courtesy of Mike Taylor


Page 54 www.s40local.co.uk

Percent for ArtThe scheme called Percent for Art demonstrates the Borough Council's commitment and support for public art. This planning practice brings cultural, environmental and economic benefits to new developments and to the local community.For planning schemes over £1 million, the Chesterfield Borough Local Plan invites developers to include works of art to the value of 1% of the total cost of the project.The artist is chosen by the developer and the Council. A small group of Council members has been the driving force behind the Percent for Art policy. The success of the scheme is due to their enthusiasm for, and close personal involvement with, the policy.

Developer's ViewJohn Coleman, Development Manager for William Davis Ltd the developer of two major residential sites, said "the Percent for Art scheme continues to be an excellent experience for me and provides our new housing site with unique features admired by staff and residents alike."

Artist's ViewRichard Swain, artist for the Redevelopment of the former Scarsdale hospital site, said "I am very pleased with the way my vision for the artwork has been supported by the housing developer giving it pride of place at the main entrance."

Councillor Terry Gilby's View"I am really pleased this scheme has enabled developers and artists to work so well together to create artworks that are truly unique. I believe they will enrich the character of Chesterfield and help attract more visitors to the town."

1 2




Please mention S40 Local · Page 55

Garden Tips

Words: Transition Chesterfield Pictures: Robert Nixon Betts

10Garden Things for March

1. Mid-March onwards is the time to plant out potatoes; assuming that the weather is not too cold. If frost is forecast, simply delay the planting until it is over. Once the foliage starts to show, be prepared to cover it if a frost is forecast; most varieties will recover from a light frost but may be weakened, which could affect the yield. The cover can be as simple as a sheet of newspaper – anything as long as the foliage isn’t directly exposed to the freezing air will usually be fine at this time of year.

2. Plant onion sets and shallots. Birds sometimes think the tips are worms and pull them up; just push them back if this happens. To discourage the birds, run a few lines of black thread tightly over the bed.

3. Give perennial herbs a good tidy up, rosemary and sage can often do with a trim now and you can divide and replant clumps of chives and mint, too. It is the time to buy and plant out young plants of thyme, sage and rosemary too.

4. If the weather is warm the lawn will start to grow, so if there’s a dry day give it a cut with the blades set fairly high. Petrol mowers can usually cope with longer, wetter grass but electrics may struggle, so try not to ever let it get too long.

5. Seeds to sow indoors in March include tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, broccoli, calabrese, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, summer cabbage and try growing beetroot in clusters in modules. Weeds will start into growth, so try to prevent them getting a hold by regular weeding. At the same time you can prepare beds by lightly digging them over, incorporating any compost you have.

6. Dead head daffodils, letting the foliage die down naturally, then removing it when it starts to turn yellow. This is when the bulbs reserves of energy are restored, and it prepares for next year - tying it up prevents this happening efficiently, and doesn’t look nice.

7. There will be a lot more heat in the sun, so open greenhouse and conservatory doors if you have seedlings in them, so they don’t overheat. But clear sunny days often mean clear, chilly nights, so remember to close them again.

8. The winter, so far, has been kind to slugs and snails, so expect there to be lots this year. As it gets milder they will start to appear in the garden, so be prepared to combat them – there are lots of possible solutions (pellets, beer traps, copper bands) but, whatever you do, you’ll never entirely be rid of them, so concentrate your efforts on precious plants and small areas.

9. Plants in containers will appreciate a top dressing. Carefully remove an inch or so of soil and replace it with a new one suitable for containers; it might seem unnecessary to use different sorts of composts for different places but, especially with pots, the right sort makes a big difference.

10. We’ve now reached the time when the gardening year traditionally starts to get going, so there’s lots to do; keeping on top of it all is the key to success. However, it can be weather dependent - never worry if you can’t do something at the exact time. Columns like this say you should; relaxing and enjoying it is far more important; get round to things when you can. If you’re trying to get your children interested in gardening then all your good work could be undone by dragging them out into the cold and wet for several hours to do something that could well wait for a week or two.

10 Garden Things

Page 56 www.s40local.co.uk

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Please mention S40 Local · Page 59

MondayChesterfield Market: Call Chesterfield Visitor Info. Centre on 01246 345777/8 or www.visitchesterfield.info Tots Café at St Thomas' Centre 9:45 to 11:30am (term time). An informal get together for parents/carers. 01246 279916.Young at Heart (social afternoon) - all welcome. 1:30 to 3:30pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267.1st Brampton Moor Brownies: Meet at Storrs Road Centre, starting 6pm (Term time). T: Brownie guider on 01246 272678.Maison Mes Amis: Book Club. The first Monday at Maison Mes Amis for their book club. Review the title of the month and then discuss in a comfortable atmosphere with like minded people. 7pm onwards. Call 01246 768789 for details and titles.Joan's Line Dancing: Beginners class at Chester Street Club, Phoenix Suite, Chesterfield. 7 to 8:30pm. Admission £3. Just come along or call 0750 669 5208.Aurora Ladies' Choir: 7:15 to 9:45pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.RSPB Chesterfield Local Group: 3rd Mon 7:15 to 9:15pm at Eastwood Hall, Rose Hill. Illustrated talks, refreshments, bird food sales. All welcome. (Not August) Contact: Steve Williams 07971 000331 or visit www.rspb.org.uk/groups/chesterfieldLah di Dah – Ladies vocal harmony group meet every Monday (except Bank Holidays) 7.30 to 9.30 pm Walton Village Hall. Contact Lesley 01246 260903.Guide Dogs Chesterfield: 3rd Mon 7:30pm at The Rose and Crown, 104 Old Road. We welcome new volunteers. T: Gabbie Pattison on 07525 248740 (email: [email protected] or via Facebook - Guide Dogs Chesterfield).Holymoorside Band Rehearsals: non-contesting band - plays a variety of concerts. All abilities. Mon & Fri 7:45 to 9:45pm - United Reform Church, Holymoorside. Instruments available. [email protected] or 01246 566691/568745.

TuesdayVillage Hall Pilates 9:15 to 10:15am. St Marks, Brampton. 0777 351 6334 / [email protected]/www.villagehallpilates.co.ukChesterfield Spire Cycling Club day rides: Tue & Thu meet 9.25am Queen's Park Sports Centre, Boythorpe Rd. 30 - 60 miles. New riders always welcome. For details call Steve 07734 506492. www.chesterfieldspirecyclingclub.co.uk Zumba Gold - Fitness For 50+ Tues & Thurs at 10am & 11am. Chester St Club. Easy, fun, friendly classes only £3.50 TONING after the 11am Thurs class: Zumba with weights for just 50p extra. Call Jen on 07757 726239Chatters Coffee Shop at Walton Evangelical Church, Moorland View Road. 2nd & 4th Tue. 10am to midday. All welcome - toys available. No charge, a small donation appreciated - remainder to charity. T: 01246 231002 or email [email protected]

North East Derbyshire Downs Syndrome Group: 4th Tue. Arkwright Children's Centre, School Lane, Arkwright. 10am to noon. Not August. Families, carers & children meet together for activities, and outings/trips. Rosie T: 07500 814361 or 01629 537692.Badminton at Loundsley Green 1:30 to 3pm. For enquiries, contact Mrs Westwood on 01246 236831.Knit and Natter: 10am to 12:30pm at St Thomas' Centre. An informal gathering for people who enjoy doing craft together. All ages, all abilities. T: 1246 279916 for info.Thom's Blokes: 3rd Tue. 10am to noon. A meeting for men which includes talks, activities and regular outings to places of interest. All men welcome. St Thomas’ Church Centre. For info call David on 01246 231115 or 01246 853741.Tuesday Worship: St John's Church, Walton Back Lane. Please join us for Tuesday Worship from 11:30am to 12:15pm, followed by lunch in the Church Centre (£3.00 per person). Email: [email protected] Tiger Tots: A stay and play baby/toddler group. 1:30 to 3pm (term time) Holymoorside Village Hall. Anyone welcome, £2 per family, call in and ask for Becky or call 07701 066801. (Term time only).Chesterfield Railway Modellers: Tues afternoon 2pm (and Thu evening 6pm) at The Clocktower Offices (the old Staveley Works Head Office). Contact Darrell Clark for details on 01246 234788.Spire Laughter Club: Above Dent's Chemists at the Nenna Kind Cancer Drop In Centre at 2pm. Yoga therapy with laughter - come and laugh with us whilst improving your health and happiness. Call Karen on 01246 862790. Holymoorside Women's Institute: 2nd Tue - 2 to 4pm at the United Reformed Church Schoolroom, Cottonmill Hill, Holymoorside. New Members warmly received. T: Margaret Copley on 01246 568360.TimeOut a friendly community group meets 2 to 4pm at Storrs Road Methodist Church. Come along for a chat, cuppa, games, bring a craft, help complete a jigsaw, surf the internet etc. T: 01246 274021. Old Brampton and District WI: 2 to 4pm at Loundsley Green Church, Pennine Way S40 3NF. New members and visitors warmly welcomed. For more info ring Pat on 01246 239431 or Jenny on 01246 557024.HNChelp, cancer support group. 2nd Tue. Meet at the Olde House, Loundsley Green Rd (excl August) from 2 to 4pm. We welcome any patient, carer or any one affected by head and neck cancer. www.hnchelp.org.uk or call or text 07950 599869.Danceworks dance studio for 4-15 year olds at Loundsley Green Community Centre. Ages 3-5yrs at 4-5pm, and 6+ at 5-6pm. T: Elly on 07581 140822 or [email protected] or on Facebook at Danceworks Loundsley Green.Brownies: 6 to 7:15pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.Village Hall Pilates: 6 to 7pm, 7:10 pm to 8:10pm and 8:20 to 9:20 pm all at St Johns Church, Walton.

Yoga All Abilities Friends Meeting House Chesterfield 7pm- 8:30pm For further details please contact Pauline Nunn on 0779 115 7672 or email: [email protected] Town WI: 1st Tue - 7pm in Chesterfield Studios, Rose Hill, S40 1LW. Fancy a giggle? Why not come and join us? New members welcome. For more info www.chesterfieldtownwi.co.uk or [email protected] obedience training: 7:15 to 8:45pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.Derbyshire Wildlife Trust: 2nd Tue 7.30pm Annunciation Church Parish Centre, off Queen St, Chesterfield, S40 4SF. Talks monthly Sept to April. Access from Queen St. £2.50 incl. refreshments; Under 16s free. All welcome. T: Angie on 01246 236930 Chesterfield & District Vegetable and Fruit Growers: 3rd Tue 7:30pm at the Committee Room, Holymoorside Village Hall. Come and share your gardening experiences, beginners welcome. John: 01246 569515, Malcolm: 01246 569948 (Not Aug).TAI CHI: Authentic Wu Style Tai Chi from Shanghai, taught by an authorised instructor. 7:30pm - 8:30pm Parish Centre, Stonegravels. Contact: [email protected] Tel:273795Chesterfield Garland/Clog Dancers: 7:30 to 9:30pm at Methodist Church Hall, Jaw Bones Hill. New female dancers and wo/men musicians welcome. T: Barbara Wilson on 01246 207800 for further details or visit www.chesterfieldgarland.org.ukChesterfield Cycle Campaign: Meetings 2nd Tue 7:30pm Market Hall, Meeting Room 1. Contact Alastair on 01246 520820.Chesterfield Film Makers: If you’re interested in making videos. Walton Village Centre, 7:30 for 7:45 pm. For more details phone 01246 277349 or visit www.chesterfieldfilmmakers.weebly.comChesterfield Symphony Orchestra 7:30-9:30pm. Players of orchestral instruments invited. Vacancies for brass, percussion & strings. Ashgate Croft School (term time). T: Dave on 07985 603423/E:[email protected])Chesterfield Theatres: Tuesday Night Dances. At the Winding Wheel. 7:30pm-10.30pm. £4.85.General Knowledge Quiz. Rose & Crown, Old Road: Tuesday night - gallon of ale for the winner. Music quiz - last Sunday of each month, gallon of ale for the winner & rolling cash prize for 100% score.Tuesday Quiz Night at The Manor from 8:30pm. General knowledge with cash prizes to be won plus Play Your Cards Right. Call: 01246 277760. www.brampton-manor.com

WednesdayKnit & Natter: 2 to 4pm at Costa coffee opposite Wilkos and Tuesday 2 to 4pm Wetherspoons Bolsover, Pillar of Rock. No charge. All ages, all abilities, knitting and crochet, unfinished projects.

ArticleRegular Events

Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.

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Please mention S40 Local · Page 61

Wednesday cont.Village Hall Pilates: 9:15 to 10.15am, 7:15 to 8:15pm. New class “Stretch and Core for Men” 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm all at St Johns Church, Walton. See Tuesday listing for contact details.Terminus Bowling Club, Chatsworth Road. Open every Wednesday between 10am and 11am. Come and try your skills at crown green bowling. Informal coaching - equipment provided - free - all welcome. T: Andy Hoe: 07968 161 275Qi Gong: 10 to 11:15am. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267.Woolly Wednesdays: 10am to 12:30pm & 6:30 to 9pm - regular social crafting. For crafts that aren't messy or noisy - that gets in the way of talking & eating cakes. Contact [email protected] or 01246 807575. 104 Saltergate, S40 1NE.Nightingale Probus: 1st Wed 10am to 12 Noon at The Olde House, Loundsley Green Road, Newbold. Activities include theatre trips, outings, lunches, walking & scrabble groups & more! For info T: Debbie 01246 767298 or Marilyn 01246 222446. British History Class: 10:30am at Chesterfield Library. Contact Margaret Bargh for details on 01246 276800.Bereavement Support Group Drop-in Coffee Morning. 2nd Wednesday. 10:30 to 11:30am at Annunciation Church Parish Centre. Access through the car park entrance in Queen St.Chameleon UFO: (Unfinished objects) group.1pm to 4pm, £3 per session, bring your knitting, stitching, crochet or any unfinished projects. Chameleon, 420 Chatsworth Road. T: 07526 455410.Holymoorside Craft Group: 2 to 4pm in the Committee Room, Holymoorside Village Hall. Informal, welcoming group. Any crafting such as papercraft, embroidery, knitting, sewing, drawing etc. Call: Cynthia 01246 569103. No meet Jul or Aug.Walton Women's Institute: 4th Wed 2 to 4pm at St. John's Church Centre, Walton Back Lane. Book Group, Flower Arranging, Choir and much more! New members and visitors welcome. Contact Lynn: 01246 209472 / Rosemary: 01246 201931.Seated Exercise Class: Wish you were steadier on your feet or could walk a bit further? Improve your strength, balance and co-ordination with this NHS approved Otago class. 2.30pm Holymoorside Village Hall. £3.30 T: Jen 07757 726239.Tramway Tavern Classic Album Night. We play NME's top 100 albums of all time, all night long. There is also a mini music picture quiz, highest score wins 2 pints. Every Wednesday from 4pm.Beaver Scouts: 4:15 to 6pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.Holymoorside Tennis Club New members Welcome. Club Night 6pm and Social Tennis Sun/Tues 10am. T: 01246 566718.Cub Scouts: 6 to 7:30pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.

Chesterfield Fairtrade Group: 3rd Wed 6.30pm in Chesterfield Town Hall. New members always welcome to help with events or attend meetings connected to promoting Fairtrade. Contact Jenie Lismore on 01246 455178.Green Drinks: 1st Wed. An opportunity for like-minded people to get together for a fun, relaxed, interesting evening once a month. Starts at 7pm location varies so please check www.greendrinks.org/Derbyshire/Chesterfield.Joan's Line Dancing: Beginners class at Hasland WM Club, Hampton Street, Chesterfield. 7:30 to 8:30pm. Admission £3. Just come along or call 0750 669 5208.Cotton Mill Club: Activity club for young adults with learning difficulties. 7 to 9pm on the last Wednesday of each month at Holymoorside United Reform Church School Room. Call: B Turner on 01246 566109.Jesterfield Juggling Club: 7 to 9pm at Walton Village Centre. All abilities - learn and share skills in all types of circus skills. £2/week adults & £1/under 16s - welcome if accompanied by an adult. Call 07766 468 499/ E: [email protected] Ladies Club: 7:15pm for 7:45pm start at Storrs Road Methodist Church. Meetings held every Wednesday during school term time with a speaker or social activity. Details 01246 272333.Free Voices Community Choir: The Friends Meeting House, Brockwell Lane - 7:15 to 9pm. We are a non-performing choir who sing for enjoyment. No need to be able to read music. Call Helen on 01246 237937 or [email protected] Cycles Winter Indoor Cycle Spinning 7:30pm at Queens Park Leisure Centre. Booking essential - Please contact [email protected] or 01246767078Brampton Best Knitters: Come and meet for knitting, crochet, other handicrafts, combined with a warm welcome and good company. £1 subs (optional). 7.30pm, Rose and Crown, 104 Old Road, Brampton. Call Suzanne on 07900 814715 for info.Bible Class: 7:30 to 8:30pm at Christadelphian Church 19a Sheffield Road, Chesterfield. Topics presented for study and discussion. Visit our web site www.chesterfieldchristadelphians.org.ukScouts: 7:30 to 9:15pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for detailsHoneyBelles Ladies Choir. Rehearse at 7.45pm at Holymoorside Village Hall. New members always welcome, no auditions. We sing because we enjoy it. Info [email protected]; FB thehoneybelles.wix.com/honeybelleschoirManor Band Mania @The Manor: Last Wed. Call The Manor on 01246 277760 or visit www.brampton-manor.com

ThursdayChesterfield Flea Market: Call Chesterfield Visitor Info Centre on 01246 345777/8 or www.visitchesterfield.info

Chesterfield Farmer's Market: Every second Thursday. For information please call Chesterfield Visitor Information Centre on 01246 345774 or visit www.visitchesterfield.infoVillage Hall Pilates: 9.15 am to 10.15 am (Term time) at Holmebrook Valley Family Centre, Holmehall. See Tuesday listing.Fit and Fab Keep Fit Class Holymoorside: A gentle exercise class to music. 9:30am to 10:30am in United Reform Church Holymoorside. All welcome. Contact Tessa on 0786 658 5575.Yoga. Mixed ability classes. Morning session 9:30-11am - £6. Evening session 7:30-9pm £33 for 6 week block. Loundsley Green Community Centre. Call Rachel Armstrong on 07792 978880 for details or [email protected] CHI & Qigong: Gentle exercise for health and relaxation. 10am at Wingerworth Church Centre, Long Edge Lane. Contact: [email protected] T: 01246 273795 Central Methodist Toddler Group: Saltergate. 10 to 11:30am (term time). In the town centre this group is ideal for a break from shopping for you & your baby/toddler. £1.50 for adult & child; 50p per extra child. Drinks & biscuits.Chameleon Social Crochet: 10 to 1pm, £3 per session. Chameleon, 420 Chatsworth Road. T: 07526 455410.Walking Back To Healthiness: Walking group meets at 10:30am at Holmebrook Valley Park, starting points may vary. To book call Tina Hensey: 01246 345669.Rendezvous Group: 1st Thu. St Thomas' Centre, Chatsworth Road. All seniors invited for activities followed by a light lunch. 10:30am to 1:30pm. £3.50 to cover costs. Details phone 01246 272333.Alzheimers Society: 2nd Thu. Singing for the Brain. 2-4pm at St John's Church, Walton, Chesterfield. T: 01246 223366.Friendship Group at St John's Church, Walton Back Lane. 2 to 4pm. Come along and meet new friends over tea and home made cake. All are welcome. Contact Hazel on 01246 236042 for more information.Muy Thai: Martial arts training. 6 to 7:15pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre. For info 07910 858267.Village Hall Pilates: 6 to 7 pm (Term time) at The School Room, Old Brampton. See Tuesday listing for contact details.Ichthus Canoe Club Chesterfield: (ICCC) meet 6pm (Outdoor Spring, Summer & early Autumn) or 8pm (pool sessions late Autumn & Winter). For info email [email protected], www.ichthuscanoeclub.co.uk or call 01246 274021.St John's Ambulance Chesterfield Quad Division: Meet at Storrs Road Methodist Church during term time. Badgers and Cadets (5 to 18 year olds) from 6pm. Adults 18+ at 7:30pm. T: 01246 279132 or email [email protected] Evening Townswomen’s Guild: 2nd Thu. Excl August - 7pm at the Friends’ Meeting House, 27 Ashgate Road, Chesterfield. For further info contact the Secretary on 01246 455110.

Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.

ArticleRegular Events

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Please mention S40 Local · Page 63

The Rose Choir. Rehearsals 7 : 30 to 9 : 30pm. No auditions. Just turn up. Chesterfield Studios, Rose Hill (Term time only). Embroiderers' Guild Chesterfield Branch: 1st Thu. 7-9pm at The Saints Parish Centre, St. Mary's Gate, Chesterfield, S41 7TJ. Visitors welcome, for details call 01246 275177.Chesterfield Caledonian Badminton Club: at St Andrews United Reformed Church Hall, Newbold Road. 7 to 9pm. New adult members welcome, male and female. Contact Tony Gandy on 01246 569225.Brampton Community Band: Musicians welcome - join and play folk dance music. 7.15 to 9.15 pm at Old Hall Junior School, Old Rd. For more details, visit bramptoncommunityband.org.uk, email: [email protected] or T: 01246 236805.Chesterfield Photographic Society: Contact the Club Secretary Brian Davis 01246 275433.Chesterfield Recorded Music Society: Parish Centre, Sheffield Road. 7:15pm. We listen to and discuss mainly classical music, occasionally jazz and music from shows. Meet Sept to June. Info from Brian Dick on 01246 205720.Chesterfield Philharmonic Choir: Practise at Ashgate Croft School, Ashgate Road from 7:15 to 9:30pm. We put on four concerts & a choral day each year. Come & join us. Call Lynda at 01246 202694.Jam Session: Do you play an instrument? Come and play jazz with the Chesterfield Jazz Club house band? Club Chesterfield, Chester St.£4 on the door.1st Thu. 7:30pm. www.chesterfieldjazz.com. T: Wendy on 07764 587258.Walton Art Group: Term Time. 7.30 to 9.30 pm, meet at Walton Village Hall, Walton Back Lane. New members welcome. Phone Brenda on 01246 237481 or Rosie on 01246 568321.Holymoorside Choral Society: practise in Holymoorside from 7:30 to 9:30pm. We sing a variety of music - new members always welcome. T: Nerys Mansell on 01246 569693 for info.The North East Derbyshire Field Club: 2nd Thursday. Winter meetings – St Thomas’ Centre, Brampton at 7.30pm. Summer meetings – outings and walks. For details contact 01246 237622.Holymoorside Ladies Club: 7:45pm in Holy-moorside Village Hall. Variety of speakers and activities. All welcome. Membership not necessary, just £2.50. Term time only. Call Anne 01246 566789.Village Hall Pilates: 7:45 to 8:45pm (Term time) at St Johns Church, Walton. See Tuesday listing for contact details.Chesterfield Jazz Club: Regular Jazz Night, Chesterfield Jazz Club, Chester Street, S40 1DL. For details and tickets for gigs call 07764 587 258 / 07980 491 048 or online at www.chesterfieldjazz.com.Tramway Tavern - Beer Of Frankenstein. We take a perfectly good beer and make it awesome. We blend, dry hop, grogg and spice, just because we can. Then it's down to a vote, is it "alive" or an "abomination!" Last Thu from 6pm!

FridayChesterfield Market: Call Chesterfield Visitor Info Centre on 01246 345777/8 or www.visitchesterfield.info Parent & Toddler: All welcome! 9 to 11am. Loundsley Green Community Centre. For details 07910 858267.TAI CHI & Qigong: Gentle exercise for health & relaxation 10am Wingerworth Church [email protected] 01246 273795Alzheimer’s Society: Carers Support Group. 2nd Fri. 10am to midday. The Pavillion, Queen’s Park. T: 01246 223366.Alzheimer’s Society: Memory Café. 4th Fri. 10am to midday. The Saints Parish Centre, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield S41 7TJ. No December Café. For info call 01246 223366.Yoga for People Living with Cancer: Friends Meeting House Chesterfield 11:00am to 12:30pm. For further details please contact Pauline Nunn on 0779 115 7672 or email: [email protected] Off Friday: A social crafting event for people to drop-in and craft to their heart’s content 12pm-3pm every Friday - £1 per hour inc. refreshments. Contact [email protected] or 01246 807575. 104 Saltergate, S40 1NE.Découpage: 1 to 3pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.Knitting Group: Meetings in Cutthorpe Village Hall between 1 and 3pm. £1 per session, knitting, crochet, cross-stitch etc, come and have a cup of tea and a natter! Call Barbara Stringer on 01246 620314 or 07980 510591.3rd Brampton (St Thomas’) Scout Group: Join the adventure for 6 to 14 year olds in the Beaver, Cub or Scout Sections. Meet Friday evenings during term time. Contact Ben Widdowson 01246 567409.Youth Club: 6 to 8pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre 07910 858267 for details.Chameleon Shady Ladies Knit and N atter: 6pm 'till close, £4 per session. Chameleon, 420 Chatsworth Road. T: 07526 455410Table Tennis Club - The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Road, Brampton 7.30 to 9pm . £1 incl refreshment.The Chesterfield Art Club: 2nd & 4th Fri. Whitecotes School from 7:30 to 9:30pm. Worknights, Demonstration & Critiques. Visitors welcome at £3/session. For info T: Terry 01246 416565. (Not Aug or Dec). Holymoorside Band Rehearsals: Non-contesting band. All abilities - rehearsals Mon & Fri 7:45 to 9:45pm - United Reform Church, Holymoorside. Instruments available. [email protected] or 01246 566691/568745Badminton: 8:15 to 9:45pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre call 07910 858267 for details.The Manor: Friday Live Music from 9pm see website for detail. Call: 01246 277760. brampton-manor.com

SaturdayChesterfield Market: Call Chesterfield Visitor Info. Centre on 01246 345777/8 or ww.visitchesterfield.infoNewbold Community Football Training: Highfield Park, Newbold. 9:30/11:30am. For boys & girls of all abilities. 5 to 15 yrs. FA qualified coaches, 1st aiders, drinks/snacks. £2 T: Tim on 01246 277325 or [email protected] Thai. Martial Arts training for adults 10 to 11am followed by kids 11am to midday. Bolsover T: 07910 858267.Back to Netball: Have fun and get fit with over 14s. 10 to 11am at Loundsley Green Community Centre. All ages can play if supervised. Only £2.50 per session with the first one free. Call Teresa on 0785 422 4932 for more info.Transition Chesterfield Repair Cafe. Upstairs at Monkey Park Social Enterprise, Chester Street, S40 1DN. 2nd Saturday monthly of 2nd Month (Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct/Dec) - 10am to 3pm. We will do our best to repair and fix any item. And it's all free!

SundayBritish Cycling Breeze Rides For women only. 3rd Sunday. Sign on at www.goskyride.com/Breeze/Index. T: 0772 588 5151. Church Services: 9am Holy Communion & 10:45am for All Ages. Refreshments after both. St John's, Walton Back Lane. Sunday School: 9:30 to 10:30am at Christadelphian Church 19a Sheffield Road Chesterfield. Children aged 5 years and up. Bible stories, crafts, music. Visit our web site www.chesterfieldchristadelphians.org.ukThe Manor: Sunday Carvery 12-6pm & Live Music from 5pm. Call: 01246 277760.Sunday Lunch Club Midday to 3pm. Loundsley Green Community Centre, Cuttholme Road. Enjoy lunch with pudding and tea/coffee. A community project - nominal charge. Check for dates - booking essential.. T: Barbara May 01246 563126.The Way at Walton Evangelical Church: 1st Sun. 3 to 4:30pm. A group for adults with learning disabilities. Join us for tea & biscuits followed by a talk & activities such as craft, drama and singing. Carers welcome. Call: 01246 231002.Southside Jazz Band: 1st Sun. The Rose & Crown between 4pm and 6pm. Gospel Hour: 6pm Christadelphian Church, Sheffield Road. Refreshments after.www.chesterfieldchristadelphians.org.ukRainbow Whist: Holymoorside Community Centre. From 7 to 9pm every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month. Anyone with the ability to play whist is welcome. For details contact Don on 01246 568204.

Please check before attending any event as S40 local cannot be held responsible for

any errors in the listings.

ArticleRegular Events

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M.J. RedfordYour Local Family BusinessExtensions & AlterationsRoofing Building MaintenanceNo Job Too SmallQuality WorkmanshipReliable & TrustworthyFree QuotationsOver 30 Years Experience

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T: 01246 568700M: 07774 150 177

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Over 30 Years Experience

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T: 01246 568700M: 07774 150 177



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Chatsworth Road Medical Centre Chesterfield Royal Hospital Holme Hall Medical Centre NHS Direct The Surgery @ Wheatbridge Call 111 – when it is less urgent than 999BT Fault Line Electricity Power Loss Gas Emergency Water – Severn TrentTrain Times / Enquiries Traveline (Public Transport) Noble 7 ‘til 7 Emergency Car RecoveryChesterfield Police Non Emergency Citizens Advice Bureau Relate NSPCC ChildlineChesterfield Borough Council Chesterfield Central Library Chesterfield Tourist Information Crimestoppers Divisional Community Police Contact Derbyshire County Council S40 Local

01246 568 065 01246 277 271 01246 211 435 08 45 46 47 01246 277 287 1110800 800 151 0800 6783 105 0800 111 999 0800 783 44440845 748 4950 0871 200 2233 01246 272 749101 01246 209 164 01246 231 010 0800 111101246 345 345 01629 533 400 01246 345 777 0800 555 111 0345 123 33 33 01629 533190 01246 568 519


Utility Services




Please mention S40 Local · Page 65


01246 203748 / 07757 737 283


High quality, reliable and e�cient servicesBoiler Installations(Monthly payment scheme available)

Complete BathroomsBoiler & Gas Fire ServicingFloor & Wall TilingLandlord Gas Safe Certi�cates

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DrivewaysTree FellingBlock PavingHedgesPonds & PatiosDry Stone WallingBuilding WorkAny Gardening Work Undertaken • No Job Too Small

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Mob: 07960 088 606Tel: 01246 454 612

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A&H Paving LtdBlock Paving


Drop KerbsPatios

TarmacDCC RegisteredAll construction

Vernon Road • Brampton • Chesterfield S40 1EL

Call Tony on:t: 01246 207 046m: 07890 657903

Please mention S40 Local · Page 67


• Free Deodorising • No Silly Gimmicks • OAP Discounts • Furniture Removed & Replaced • Family Business - Est 1992

Customer Satisfaction GuaranteedWe ONLY use Top Brand Cleaning Products

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Your Local Carpet & Upholstery CleanerFor Free Advice, Call Michael Cox

01246 211 112 or 07754 603 460

Various: ABS Exersise Machine £40; Electric Lightweight Clothes Drier £15; Calor Gas Heater Inc. Gas Bottle £45; New Trolley Gas BBQ £30; Larder Fridge £15; New Telescopic Loppers £10; New Electric Table Top Foodwarmer; £10; New Snowpusher on Wheels £15; New Combi Steam Cleaning Kit £20; Karcher Pressure Washer £50; Wallhanging Post Box £8; Petrol Hedge Cutter £35; Electric Chain Saw £10; Electric Trouser Press: £7. T: 01246 277 612

Massage Couch: £60 Quantis Professional Portable Massage Couch. With face hole. VGC. T: 01246 568850 (Storrs Road)

Gent’s bike: £50 Only used a few times. Please email for photo [email protected] or phone. T: 01246 274021

Trampoline: £50 8 foot diameter trampoline with enclosure, extra ladder, floor fixing kit and winter base cover new still in box. All VGC. New £150 from ToysRUs. T: 01246 568965 (Brampton)

Mechanical Fruit Juicer: £10 T: 01246 568965 (Brampton)

Modern Fire Companion Set: £40 Suitable for log burner or open fire. New £100. Unused, birdcage spiral design. 92cm tall. T: 01246 206858

Wrought Iron Fire Guard: £40 H 56cm Trifold opens to 82cm. little use. T: 01246 206858

Guinea Pig Cage: £20 Complete with hide hay feeder large quantity of bedding and hay, easy clean plastic base. T: 01246 273462 (Walton)

Juwel Rio 125 Aquarium: £75 ono 81cm long, 36cm wide, 50cm high. Complete with black matching base cabinet. VGC. Retails today at £299. T: 01246 224292 (Walton)

90cm wide Cooker Hood: £75 Stainless Steel and Glass. Unused and still in the original box. T: 0772 083 9410 (Walton)

Various Baby Items: Mothercare Cotbed £50; Travel Cot £20; Mothercare Wooden Stair Gate £10; Detachable Baby Carrier £10; Mothercare Door Bouncer £5 T: 0772 083 9410 (Walton)

M&P's Baby Bath £10; M&P's PlayMat with Toy Arch £10 and various other items and clothes/footwear for sale. T: 0772 083 9410 (Walton)

White uPVC Window: £25 Frame with Double Glazed Panels (W1190, H1010) Twin locking windows. T: 0772 083 9410 (Walton)

Iron Driveway Gates: £25 Each Gate width approx. 118cm (with hinges 122cm) Height 118cm. T: 0772 083 9410 (Walton)

Various Pair of locking roof bars with end stops £25; Front waterproof seat covers and full boot liner for Land Rover TD5 Discovery £30; Two 2 man tents used once only £20 each or £30 for both; Set of golf clubs + bag + trolley + size 10 shoe's £25; 52 bottle wine rack £25. T: 07835 191727

Various 50 Tennis Balls (used, top quality for dogs) £12; Garden netting very fine mesh used on allotments 50m x 2m: £30 & 20m x 2m £12; Shade Sail Net for UV protection still boxed 10ft triangular £17 & 10ft Quadrilateral £25. T: 01246 568280.

Aynsley Wild Tudor Bone China: £200 Full dinner and tea services. 46 pieces all together. T: 01246 235784 (Brimington)

Computer Accessories: Tenda WiFi USB Adaptor £5; Dynamode USB Sound Adaptor£5; standard QWERTY keyboard with PS2 connector £5. T: 01246 272993(Walton)

Kids Mongoose Pit Crew BMX: £65 Orange. Almost as new. Stunt pegs, gyro brake, 16" wheels - suit age 5 to 7 years. Great starter bike. T: 01246 568519

Most classifieds are Adverts for stuff under £200 are free, any item or ‘collection of items’ £200+ are £5, and larger adverts with a picture are price on application.

email: [email protected] or call 07764 801080ADVERTS


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Local Locksmith & Security Services

Lock-outs, Lost Keys, Broken Locks

Emergency lock & door opening

uPVC specialist

Key Cutting on site

British Standard insurance approved

locks used - BS3621



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New home? I can replace your frontand back doorlocks from as little as£99+vat!

DBS checked


NOTE: This section only provides the highlights. Contact the business for full details. Where offers have terms and conditions these will be stated in the businesses’ adverts or can be discussed directly with the business making the offer. S40 Local accept no responsibility for any errors in the listings.

Blueflame Free boiler service when taking out an annual service plan with their advert.Blundells 'Pay us what you think we're worth!' See advert. Brampton Therapy £5 Off your first treatment. Car Air Con Air-con service/regas just £40. Call Steve on 07810 332272. Discover Bathrooms Extra discounts for NHS and Emergency Services Staff.Dharma Wellbeing March 2016 Offer: "Spring Renewal" nourish skin and wellbeing with heated paraffin wax treatment to feet, bespoke aromatherapy facial + hand masque and massage, only £35. T: 07749232375. www.dharma-wellbeingtherapies.co.ukiDeal Carpets Free underlay, gripper, door bar and delivery.KH Hair £60 Mothers Day Gift Offer. Ovenfresh Your first oven clean from £35.Polar Windows 20% off energy efficient windows.The Bulls Head Free Bottle of wine on Mothers day when spending over £30 and 15% off food when presenting the voucher on p11.The Lily Pad Free Glass of Prosecco for Mum on Mothers Day / Free glass of house wine/bottle of beer when booked for a Saturday Night.The Manor Spa Mother & Daughter Days from £40.Signature Nail & Beauty Mothers Day Offer: Only £46.

Business Cards


Page 70 www.s40local.co.uk


Chimney Sweeping ServicesZak MorganA clean and professional service

Many insurance companies wil l now only insure if chimneys are cleaned annually and issued with an

insurance certif icate.

Clean Chimneys Do Not Catch Fire!

07581 806 407199 Somersa l l Lane, Chester f ie ld,S40 3NA. FULLY INSURED AND QUALIFIED

G H Painting & Decorating10yrs experience Internal/external

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Contact Gary:01246 827179 / 07400 [email protected]

Tel. 01246 566186Mobile. 0797 480 1604

Holymoorside Milkman

Locally produced milk, eggs, cream & yogurt.

Mike Wildgoose

Now delivering to Ashgate & Upper Brampton

House Proud Cleaning Services

Sarah: 07872 383309Julie: 07813 791012

Email: [email protected]

Architectutal plans prepared Extensions & New Builds

Barn Conversions & AlterationsPlanning & building regulations

Walton [email protected]

Call Alan on: 01246 274008 or 07759 588578

Alan Hill

Design Services(Chesterfield)

3 Breckland Road (Walton Shops) • Chesterfield S40 3LJ

Greetings Cards • StationeryATM for most major banks

Postal Services • Financial ServicesMoneyGram Agent

Photocopying & Fax ServiceForeign Currency & Travel Insurance

01246 207 612


Darlene Elliott Organic Beauty & Holistic Treatments

Pamper Sessions

07749 232375

Based at: Ruffles Hair Salon71 Newbold Road • Chesterfield S41 7PY


Darlene Elliott Organic Beauty & Holistic Treatments

Pamper Sessions

07749 232375

Based at: Ruffles Hair Salon71 Newbold Road • Chesterfield S41 7PY


Your local Sign & Graphics service with over 20 yearsin the business.Vehicle Graphics & LetteringShop Signage / A boards / BannersGraphic Design ServiceLogo CreationCaricatures / Cartoons & MuralsTeam Clothing and much more...

T: 07967 890 463For more details call James or Email:[email protected]

Business Cards Business Cards

Please mention S40 Local · Page 71


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round

Complete maintenance of private & commercial estates Winter maintenance • Grass & hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups • Turfing, seeding & plantingWeed control & trees cut • Drives & patios cleaned

Garden design & new build specialists Artifical grass specialists • Soft and hard landscapers

Decking, fencing & block paving


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round

Tel: 01246 701 452Mobile: 07545 622 349www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk


• Established over 32 years.• Professional building service from design to completion.• All types of building work carried out.• Member of the Gold Card Scheme.

Contact Stewart GouldCall 01246 567 168Mob 07831 321 393eMail [email protected] www.ericsonbuilders.co.uk


Paul Redfern Painting & Decorating

Domestic and CommercialInsurance Work Undertaken

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Based in Holymoorsideemail: [email protected] 279642 or 0773 436 2551


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round

MASON ROOFING• Slate Tiling• Guttering/Fascias• Chimney Stack/Pointing• Leadwork

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Tel: 01246 411 567Mob: 07798 933 011

Damp or condensation problems?...call • Damp coursing

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www.drypro-damproofing.co.ukEmail: [email protected]


01246 768894www.derbyshiretowbars.com

Call us for a Fast Free QuoteTrailer and Towbar Specialists since 1997. Local High Quality Service.Find us at: Unit 60, M1 Commerce ParkMarkham Lane, Chester�eld S44 5HSAccessories Shop · Now doing number plates.



HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Neat Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty


HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Neat Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty


HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Neat Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty


HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Neat Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty


HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Neat Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty


HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Neat Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty


HELLO BLINDS Rollers, Wooden and Metal Venetian, Bead Fit, Roman, Pleated From the affordable essential to the very best money can buy

www.helloblinds.co.uk     01246 558314/07593 160838 

3 VERTICAL BLINDS for only £99 inc fitting

HOUSE DEAL: UP TO 8 VERTICAL BLINDS inc 1 Patio Door FROM ONLY £300 inc fitting *Size Restrictions Apply; visit the Website for full details

All Blinds have a massive 5 year fitting warranty

& Curtains


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round

Supply & �tRemoval of wasteTimber & concrete posts


TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round

• For all your fencing needs• Timber• Concrete Plynth & Posts• Supply and Fit• Old fencing removedTel: 01246 701 452Mobile: 07545 622 349AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN CARE

TEL 01246 203 385 MOBILE 07545 622 349WEB www.greenlawngardenservices.co.uk

Complete maintenance ofprivate and commercial estates

Winter Maintenance

Grass and hedge cutting

Garden tidy ups

Turfing, seeding and planting

Weed control and trees cut

Rockeries and low maintenancegravel gardens

Weekly / fortnightly contracts

OAP discounts - CRB checked

Drives and patios cleaned

A Derbyshire Trusted Trader

GreenlawnGarden and Landscape Services

7 Days A Week Service All Year Round

Fencing Services


Business Cards

Page 72 www.s40local.co.uk

JC Property ServicesChallenger Property Co. Ltd

• Kitchen / Bathrooms • Electrical Work • Plumbing• Property Repairs• Landscaping / Fencing

Jamie: 07940 533844 Pj: 07766 [email protected] Based in Chesterfield


Father & daughter family-run business24 hour service with Private Chapel of Rest

Pre-Paid Golden Charter Funeral Plans AvailableTel: 01246 566592 Mob: 07831 851 63944 Loads Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield S41 7EU



Father & daughter family-run business24 hour service with Private Chapel of Rest

Pre-Paid Golden Charter Funeral Plans AvailableTel: 01246 566592 Mob: 07831 851 63944 Loads Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield S41 7EU

www.birdsfuneralservices.co.uk 529388

Your Local Plumbing & Drainage ExpertNo Call Out Fee 24/7 All Work GuaranteedFormally the Drain Doctor

0773 8633446Chesterfield

• 20 years experience• Fully insured• All work British Standards 3998• All type of hedging & tree work• Wood chips for play areas & garden mulch• Renewable energy logs at 15% moisture

Philip Heath NCH Arb

01246 568333 | 07800 803131Email: [email protected]


IT ALL STACKS UP � 20 years experience � Fully insured � All work British Standards 3998 � Responsible wood re-cycling � Log furniture � Renewable energy logs at

15% moisture

HEATHSCAPES ARBORISTS High-level professionals

Philip Heath NCH Arb.01246 568333 | 07800 803131 Email: [email protected] www.heathscapes.co.uk



Our Values – Our customers, Their Trees, The environment, Safety, Positive outcomes

It all stacks up••

It all stacks up

IT ALL STACKS UP � 20 years experience � Fully insured � All work British Standards 3998 � Responsible wood re-cycling � Log furniture � Renewable energy logs at

15% moisture

HEATHSCAPES ARBORISTS High-level professionals

Philip Heath NCH Arb.01246 568333 | 07800 803131 Email: [email protected] www.heathscapes.co.uk



Our Values – Our customers, Their Trees, The environment, Safety, Positive outcomes

IT ALL STACKS UP � 20 years experience � Fully insured � All work British Standards 3998 � Responsible wood re-cycling � Log furniture � Renewable energy logs at

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HEATHSCAPES ARBORISTS High-level professionals

Philip Heath NCH Arb.01246 568333 | 07800 803131 Email: [email protected] www.heathscapes.co.uk



Our Values – Our customers, Their Trees, The environment, Safety, Positive outcomes

Wood chips for play areas & garden mulch


IT ALL STACKS UP � 20 years experience � Fully insured � All work British Standards 3998 � Responsible wood re-cycling � Log furniture � Renewable energy logs at

15% moisture

HEATHSCAPES ARBORISTS High-level professionals

Philip Heath NCH Arb.01246 568333 | 07800 803131 Email: [email protected] www.heathscapes.co.uk



Our Values – Our customers, Their Trees, The environment, Safety, Positive outcomes


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3 8 9 2 5 4 1 7 6

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