7 th grade world geography review next the purpose of this review is to help prepare you for star...

7 th Grade World Geography Review NEXT

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Slide 2 7 th Grade World Geography Review NEXT Slide 3 The purpose of this review is to help prepare you for STAR testing. Since you may not have thought much about this information since 7 th grade these questions may help jog your memory and help you remember some of the details you have forgotten. The questions are set up as multiple choice questions. If you get the wrong answer, you will get a hint. Once you have gotten the correct question, click the box to go on to the next question. Good luck and enjoy! Click here to begin the review.here Slide 4 On your mark Get set GO.! NEXT Slide 5 The origins of checks and balances in the U.S. political system can be traced to the______________________. A.French monarchyFrench B. Roman RepublicRoman C. Greek aristocracyGreek D. Aztec EmpireAztec Question 1 Slide 6 Hint: The origins of check and balances in the U.S. political system can traced to the dudes who wore togas (they copied the Greeks) Slide 7 You are correct! The Roman Republic is responsible for the origins of check and balances we now use today. Go on to next question Slide 8 A. North Africa B. Asia Minor C. Northern Europe D. the Middle East The wars with Carthage (264-146 B.C.) gave the Roman Empire control of Question 2 Slide 9 Which rock did you climb out from? You Are Wrong! HINT Go back to question Slide 10 You are correct! North Africa Go on to next question Slide 11 A. Christianity B. Judaism C. Islam D. Hinduism The map above represents the military conquests of what major world religion? Question 3 Slide 12 Wrong Answer! Hint: Associate the labeled country with its national religion Go back to question Slide 13 You are incredibly brilliant! Islam spread throughout Northern Africa, into Spain, NE of Arabia including India during the years 632 A.D. to 733 A.D. Go on to next question Slide 14 A. Spreading new technology among Asia, Africa, and Europe B. Converting large numbers of Western Europeans to Islam. C. Uniting most of Asia and Europe under a single religion D. Stopping the invasions of nomadic people from Central Asia In the 700s A.D., Arabian merchants played an important role in Question 4 Slide 15 Watch Out! Camels spit on students with the Wrong Answers Slide 16 Congratulations! You may rest at the oasis before continuing your journey of excellence. Go on to next question Slide 17 A. the conquest of Constantinople B. the establishment of caravan routes C. the construction of large merchant fleets D. the creation of a national currency Which shows the importance the Mongols placed on improving trade contacts with other civilizations? Question 5 Slide 18 May your Yak-milk turn sour Wrong, try again Go back to question Slide 19 You are correct! The most famous Mongol trade route was The Silk Road Go on to next question Slide 20 A. Chinese introduced it to Arabs, who passed it to Egyptians B. Swedes bought it from Russians, who learned about it from Indians C. Turks learned to make it and sold the process toEuropeans D. The Arabs learned about paper making from the Japanese and taught Europeans. Which of these describes how paper was introduced into medieval Europe? Question 6 Slide 21 Wrong Again Serf! Hint: Think of the early trading routes Where did that come from? Slide 22 You are correct! Chinese introduced paper to Arabs, who then introduced it into Medieval Europe. Go on to next question Slide 23 A. soldier. B. priest. C. silk merchant. D. government official. Beginning with childhood, all of mans study is centered on one aim alone: to emerge successfully from the three days examinations, and all he has in mind is what success can bring to him in terms of power, influence, and prestige. ---Ye Shih, Chinese scholar The examinations described in the quotation above were necessary for the position as a Chinese Question 7 Slide 24 = WRONG! Try again, young Grasshopper Slide 25 You are correct! A government official is the answer! Go on to next question Slide 26 A. Their location in river valleys allowed for extensive farming. B. Their coastal location made the cities major ports for maritime trade. C. Their location on major trade routes allowed them to prosper economically. D. Their mountainous location made the cities easily defensible. How did the location of cities in the West African empires of Ghana and Mali influence their growth? Question 8 Slide 27 Try Again HINT: Think cause and effect Slide 28 Correct! Their location on major trade routes allowed them to prosper economically. Go on to next question Slide 29 A. Explorers who were mapping Central Africa. B. Traders who crossed the Sahara desert into West Africa. C. Christian missionaries from the Middle East D. Barbarians migrating from North Africa The contacts between civilizations shown in the map were Primarily made by: Question 9 Slide 30 The Sands of Time say NO! Slide 31 You are correct! Traders who crossed the Sahara desert into West Africa made contact between civilizations. Go on to next question Slide 32 A. a writing system B. the samurai tradition C. haiku poetry D. a civil service exam Chinas influence on Medieval Japan is illustrated by Japans development of Question 10 Slide 33 Fortune Cookie says You Are Wrong! Try again Hint: Think language Slide 34 You are correct! Chinas influence on Medieval Japan is illustrated by Japans development of a writing system. Go on to next question Slide 35 A. Confucian officials B. Buddhist priests. C. Japanese samurai. D. Hindu governors. Endurance, cunning, physical strength, and courage were the ideal characteristics of Question 11 Slide 36 You Are Wrong and have dishonored yourself! Try again young warrior. Hint: Think about who would need the traits of strength and courage. Slide 37 You are correct! Your honor has been reinstated. Endurance, cunning and physical strengths were characteristics of Japanese Samurai warriors! Go on to next question Slide 38 A. legions. B. merchants. C. nobility. D. serfs In medieval Europe, law and order were maintained by the Question 12 Slide 39 What time zone are you from? You Are Wrong! Slide 40 You are correct! The nobility maintained law and order. Go on to next question Slide 41 A. serfs B. knights C. parish priests D. minor nobility During medieval times, which of these groups was legally tied to the land? Question 13 Slide 42 WRONG Slide 43 You are correct! Serfs King Nobility Knights Merchants Serfs were legally tied to the land. Go on to next question Slide 44 A. elected parliaments B. high church officials C. the growing middle class D. Organized groups of serfs During the medieval period in Europe, the political power of the kings and great nobles was often constrained by the actions of.. Question 14 Slide 45 You Are Wrong! Slide 46 You are correct! Church officials often constrained the political power of the kings and nobles. Go on to next question Slide 47 A. conflict between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. B. Catholic Churchs expansion of influence in government. C. evolution towards constitutional government in England. D. Establishment of an absolute monarchy in France. Use the timeline to complete the following statement The timeline shows events related to the Question 15 Slide 48 I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are WRONG! Slide 49 You are correct! This time period represents the evolution towards Englands constitutional government. Go on to next question Slide 50 A. Gold and silver brought back by crusaders caused monetary inflation. B. The Crusades led to a decline in the production of crafts and food crops C. Cloth and spices brought back by crusaders led to greater interest in trade. D. The Crusades limited access to luxury good from China and India. How did the Crusades affect the economies of Central and Western Europe? Question 16 Slide 51 No, no, no, and no Slide 52 You are correct! Youre on a roll now.keep going! Go on to next question Slide 53 Use the quotation to complete the following statement A. help in fighting Martin Luther and the Protestants. C. the Emperor to restore the glory of the Frankish Empire B. Crusaders to regain the Holy Land from Muslims The Pope is issuing a call for. D. armies to fight against the Mongol invaders Question 17 Slide 54 Try Again Slide 55 Yes! Jerusalem, have no fear Im here to save you from the Muslims Go on to next question Slide 56 The map illustrates the spread of what disease? A. yellow fever B. cholera C. bubonic plague D. malaria Question 18 Slide 57 Very wrong! Hint host/rat and vector/flea................ Slide 58 Youre absolutely right! The Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death Go on to next question Slide 59 Question 19 Use the map to answer the following question. Which of the areas on the map was the center of Inca civilization? a. J c. L d. M b. K Slide 60 Is that your final answer? HINT: The Inca lived in what are now the countries of Peru and Chile. Go back to question Slide 61 Just because you got one right dont go thinking youre all that and a bag of chips! Go on to next question You are correct!!!! Slide 62 Question 20 Which characteristic did Aztec and Incan societies share? b. Families dominated by women. c. Government by direct democracy. d. Complex religious ceremonies. a. Laws that made slavery illegal. Slide 63 That is absolutely positively not correct! HINT: Rituals and worship played an important role in the lives of both cultures. Go back to question, Slide 64 Fantabulous! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 65 Prepared calendar that regulated agricultural activities Gathered folk tales and recorded historical events Served as members of the ruling class a. merchants b. soldiers c. farmers d. priests Question 21 Which members of Aztec society were responsible for the tasks outlined above? Slide 66 Are you sure you didnt hit the wrong key? HINT: Many aspects of Aztec life revolved around religion. Go back to question Slide 67 Awesome! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 68 What was the main cause of the population change show on the chart below? a. The migration of several culture groups to North America b. Losses due to Spanish military actions against native peoples c. Starvation resulting from declining agricultural production d. The introduction of disease by contact with Europeans Question 22 Slide 69 Huh? HINT: Because there had been almost no contact with outside cultures, the people of the Americas had little immunity to the bacteria and infections that outsiders brought in. Go back to question Slide 70 You have mad history skills! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 71 The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations each developed. a. Powerful seafaring traditions b. Monotheistic religious systems d. Democratic governments Question 23 c. Complex architectural structures Slide 72 Wha?! HINT: Each of these societies was based on egalitarian principles and believed the citizens should participate in the government. Go back to question Slide 73 Kudos my friend! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 74 The stories from Marco Polos travels encouraged Europeans to: a. Journey to Asia in search of wealth. b. Abandon the feudal land system. c. Launch the Crusades to regain the Holy Lands. d. Create paintings showing depth and perspective. Question 24 Slide 75 Were you sleeping in classagain? HINT: When Marco Polo returned to Europe, he brought back trade items and ideas. His book detailed the many things he had seen. Go back to question Slide 76 I can see you have your thinking cap on! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 77 Which of these is not characteristic of Renaissance painting? a. Subject matter limited to Christian themes b. Realistic portrait painting c. Settings reflecting the world of the artists d. Paintings showing depth and perspective Question 25 Slide 78 Oh my! Youre mistaken. HINT: Renaissance painting was influenced by the ideals of humanism, which focused on beauty, realism, and humanity. Go back to question Slide 79 Well...wellwell. You mustve been the teachers pet! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 80 The information in the chart below best describes which of these individuals of the Renaissance? a. Raphael c. da Vinci b. Michelangelo d. Botticelli Question 26 Slide 81 Im sorry but youll have to try again. HINT: Renaissance painting was influenced by the ideals of humanism, which focused on beauty, realism, and humanity. Go back to question Slide 82 Outstanding mate! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 83 The poems and plays of which person are representative of the English Renaissance? a. Johann Gutenberg c. Dante Alighieri b. William Shakespeare d. Miguel de Cervantes Question 27 Slide 84 Try again! HINT: This author wrote such famous works as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and MacBeth. Go back to question Slide 85 Im so proud I could just weep! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 86 England became a Protestant country during the Reformation when a. its king declared himself head of the Church of England. c. priests opposed reforms implemented by the Pope. b. its people demanded the adoption of Lutheran beliefs. d. armies were exposed to Calvinist beliefs while in France. Question 28 Slide 87 I regret to inform you that you have made the wrong choice. HINT: Under the Catholic Church, divorce was not allowed, but a new church would allow divorce. Go back to question Slide 88 Are you looking at the book? You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 89 What was the Spanish Inquisition (1478- 1834)? a. a system designed to establish new colonies in the Americas c. the religious court established to find and punish heretics b. the exchange of goods between Spain and Central and South America d. a military campaign to drive the Muslim armies out of Spain Question 29 Slide 90 Nopey nope nope nope. HINT: After the Reconquista many Spanish officials were determined to make Spain a completely Catholic country. Go back to question,,, Slide 91 Well la-te-dayou little smarty pants! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 92 What was the cause for the movement of the Jewish population shown below? The invasion of Europe and Africa by the Moors The establishment of new colonies by the Jews to the west The spread of the Black Death through Europe The forced removal of the Jews by church and government authorities Question 30 a. b. c. d. Slide 93 Wrong-o Mate! HINT: After the Reconquista many Spanish officials were determined to make Spain a completely Catholic country and were intolerant of any other faith. Go back to question Slide 94 Congradiddly-ations! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 95 The findings of Galileo and Newton were significant because, from their time on, scientific thought was based upon a. traditional ways of thinking. c. the authority of the Church. b. the ideas of the classic philosophers. d. observation and experimentation. Question 31 Slide 96 Tsk tsk tsk. HINT: At this point in time people were beginning to use reason and logic as the basis for scientific discovery. Go back to question Slide 97 Supremely excellent! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 98 The systematic collection and articulation of natural laws, such as gravity and motion, was done by a. Galileo. c. Kepler. b. Isaac Newton. d. Van Leeuwenhoek. Question 32 Slide 99 Oh my! I see we have some work to do! HINT: This scientist developed calculus, the theory of gravity, and discovered that white light is made up of all colors of light. Go back to question Slide 100 Yep! You got it! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 101 Which Scientific Revolution-era invention led to an increased understanding of diseases? a. the telescope c. the barometer b. the thermometer d. the microscope Question 33 Slide 102 Really? Are you sure? HINT: Scientists needed to understand things like cellular biology and bacteria to better understand disease. Go back to question Slide 103 Yeehaw! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 104 What was one effect of Copernicus theory of a sun-centered solar system? a. It required a revision of the Christian calendar. c. It allowed sailors to predict tides more accurately. b. It disputed Church teachings regarding the universe. d. It resulted in a decline of the pagan religions. Question 34 Slide 105 Close but no cigar. (Those are bad for you anywaywhat were you thinking!) HINT: Christians had long believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Go back to question Slide 106 Hats off to you! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 107 The Triangle Trade and Columbian Exchange are terms used to describe the movement of goods between Western Europe, West Africa, and a. Central Asia c. Australia b. the Americas d. the Middle East Question 35 Slide 108 Im sorry but you are mistaken. HINT: The Triangle Trade involved sugar, molasses, rum, and slaves. Go back to question Slide 109 Youre on a roll! You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 110 The Scientific Revolution contributed to Enlightenment though by influencing people to a. believe in the power of human reason. c. study the ideas of past civilizations. b. reject belief in the organized church. d. oppose individuality in favor of social order. Question 36 Slide 111 Sadly that is not correct. HINT: Enlightenment thought led to a greater faith in the power of the human mind. Go back to question Slide 112 Wellwell..well! Look who paid attention. You are correct!!!! Go on to next question Slide 113 Based on the quotation below, which form of government would John Locke most oppose? a. republic c. representative democracy b. dictatorship d. constitutional monarchy Question 36 Slide 114 Nice trybut not correct. HINT: John Locke believed leaders had a social contract with the people to protect their lives, property and liberty. Go back to question Slide 115 Congratulations! You are correct and you are finished!!!! 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