7 phrases that your contact centre executive should never use

7 Phrases that your Contact Centre Executive Should Never Use

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Page 1: 7 phrases that your contact centre executive should never use

7 Phrases that your Contact Centre Executive Should Never Use

Page 2: 7 phrases that your contact centre executive should never use

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Customer support agents often speak certain things and make statements, either unknowingly or out of negligence, that leave customer disgruntled. In order to build customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction, it is important to train call centre agents through effective training. Ongoing training on what to say and more interestingly what no to say, while answering a customer, call is really critical. By replacing displeasing phrases with professional words, one can improve the customer experience up to a great extent.

Page 3: 7 phrases that your contact centre executive should never use

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Here are some phrases that you should avoid when answering customer calls over the phone:

We prioritise you: It is quite difficult to prioritize each and every customer as there comes thousands of calls in a day at outsourcing call centre. Your customers are already aware with the truth that an agent is saying this just to make them feel good. So, this is recommended not to tell your customers about priorities. In spite of this, simply define a timeline in which their issues get resolved.

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Please stay on hold: No customer wants to wait on hold for a long time. It is always better to be precise and directly say “Please hold for a minute so that I can speak with my senior person or concerned person regarding your issue”. Undoubtedly, the process is surely going to be lengthy quite satisfactory for frustrated customer.

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That’s our policy: This indeed dictates that you are completely insensible to customer emotion or pain points. Well, the primary purpose of using such kind of phrase is to close the conversation. Herein, the truth is that a company’s internal policies don’t have any concern regarding customer’s expectations. Companies should learn to surpass customer need in order to build customer loyalty.

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Just visit our website: Well, it is indirectly implies that “I can’t help you”. In fact, you need to understand that the customer has gone through the website before making a call, as it is quick way to find answer to a problem. Well, you can send them the link which would land them to the right place where they get the right information.

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I don’t know: Well, this phrase does not make any sense at outsourcing call centres. This simply represent that your employees are not well-versed and educated about the products/services that they offer to customers. Train your call centre staff to handle almost every scenario or query that comes with a call.

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That’s not my department: It’s not the customer headache about whose job it is to solve the problem. They want nothing except the solution of their problems. Being not able to process customer’s request does not make you free. Let your customers know what will be exactly done to handle customer queries.

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Can you please provide your details again? : Repeating details all over and again would definitely make your customer frustrated. Always ensure that you save the information in your CRM so that you don’t need to ask the same question again and again.

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