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Sacred Heart Parish


Page Two October 25, 2020

Renew My Church: A Call to Humility, Trust, Hope and Charity

As our Grouping Team continues the strenuous task of prayerfully discerning and thoughtfully

discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the various scenarios presented a few

weeks ago, we would do well to keep a few scriptural passages in mind:

“Then an argument broke out among them about which of them

should be regarded as the greatest. He said to them, “The kings of the

Gentiles lord it over them and those in authority over them are addressed as

‘Benefactors’; but among you it shall not be so. Rather, let the greatest

among you be as the youngest, and the leader as the servant. For who is

greater: the one seated at table or the one who serves? Is it not the one seated

at table? I am among you as the one who serves. (Luke 22: 23-27)

I encourage all of us to meditate on this passage and its impact for our

own lives and, in a special way, our thoughts as to what might be best for the

future of our parish and our place in the renewal of the Church for the entire

Chicagoland area. We are called to serve one another.

The Renew My Church prayer that we shared at the beginning of this process and that is prayed by our

Grouping Team at every meeting offers these intentions:

Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us,

and so enable us

to hear you clearly

to listen to each other attentively

to imagine our future boldly

to discern your direction wisely

to persevere in your holy will courageously

to stay together in charity

to surrender our own plans readily

to embrace the greater good

to hand on your gifts to future generations.

Let us continue to make these intentions our own as a daily expression of our love for and hope in

Jesus Christ, His Church and our entire Archdiocesan faith community.

As always, for more information, visit RenewMyChurch.org.

Sacred Heart Parish Grouping Feedback & Discernment Team (GFDT) members:

Fr. Jacek Wrona Mark Hammerstein

Fr. Dave Straub Kamila Makswiej

Deacon Tom Rzendzian Bernadette Kittlaus

Elizabeth Mikula


Page Three

Inicjatywa Odnów mój

Kościół: Wezwanie do pokory, zaufania, nadziei i miłości

Ponieważ zespół naszej grupy parafii kontynuuje wytężone zadanie

modlitewnego rozeznawania i rozważnego omawiania mocnych i słabych stron różnych scenariuszy przedstawionych kilka tygodni temu, dobrze by było, gdybyśmy mieli na uwadze kilka fragmentów z Pisma Świętego:

„Powstał również spór między nimi o to, który z nich zdaje się być największy. Lecz On rzekł do nich: «Królowie narodów panują nad nimi, a ich władcy przyjmują nazwę dobroczyńców. Wy zaś nie tak macie postępować. Lecz największy między wami niech będzie jak najmłodszy, a przełożony jak sługa! Któż bowiem jest większy? Czy ten, kto siedzi za stołem, czy ten, kto służy? Czyż nie ten, kto siedzi za stołem? Otóż Ja jestem pośród was jak ten, kto służy”. Łk 22, 23-27

Zachęcam wszystkich, abyśmy zastanowili się nad tym fragmentem i jego

wpływem na nasze życie oraz – w szczególny sposób – na nasze myśli, co może być najlepsze dla przyszłości naszej parafii i naszego miejsca w odnowie Kościoła dla całego obszaru metropolii chicagowskiej. Jesteśmy powołani, aby służyć sobie nawzajem.

Modlitwa Odnów mój Kościół, z której skorzystaliśmy na początku tego procesu i którą

przywołujemy w modlitwie na każdym spotkaniu, oferuje następujące intencje:

Wylej na nas dar Twojego Ducha Świętego, abyśmy potrafili:

wyraźnie Cię usłyszeć, z uwagą słuchać jedni drugich, śmiało marzyć o przyszłości,

mądrze rozeznawać Twoje wskazania, odważnie trwać w pełnieniu Twojej świętej woli,

łączyć się w dobroczynności, bez wahania rezygnować ze swoich planów,

aby przyjmować większe dobro i przekazywać Twoje dary przyszłym pokoleniom.

Postępujmy tak, aby uczynić te intencje naszym codziennym wyrazem miłości i nadziei w Jezusa

Chrystusa, Jego Kościół i naszą wspólnotę wiary w całej Archidiecezji.

Jak zawsze po więcej informacji prosimy odwiedźcie stronę: RenewMyChurch.org

Parafialny Zespół ds. Przekazywania Informacji Zwrotnych i Rozeznawania –

(Sacred Heart Parish Grouping Feedback & Discernment Team (GFDT):

Fr. Jacek Wrona Fr. Dave Straub Deacon Tom Rzendzian

Elizabeth Mikula Mark Hammerstein Kamila Makswiej Bernadette Kittlaus


Page Four Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION There is a show on public television in which people search their attics for heirlooms, dust them off, and trek them downtown for ruthless evaluation by teams of antique experts. Occasionally the owners are surprised to learn they have been harboring priceless artifacts: a Tiffany bowl used to catch the car keys, a Van Gogh in the downstairs bathroom. What they lugged downtown in a paper bag, they carry home in bubble wrap and receiving blankets. It’s the same way with treasures in Church life. Lots of things were lugged up into the attic years ago, and it was inevitable that some treasures ended up in the trash. Many Catholics tucked the sacrament of penance away in a dusty corner. We know it’s there if we need it, but it is not the weekly routine it once was, like the Saturday bath “whether I need it or not.” Today, especially in Lent and Advent or as part of personal preparation for marriage, ordination, or other life transitions, the sacrament of penance is a treasure of the Christian life waiting to be discovered. What’s in your attic? —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17

Tuesday: Eph 5:21-33; Ps 128:1-5; Lk 13:18-21

Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16

Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35


First Reading — You shall not oppress an alien, for you yourselves were once aliens in Egypt (Exodus 22:20-26). Psalm — I love you, Lord, my strength (Psalm 18).

Second Reading — You became imitators of the Lord, so that you became a model for all believers (1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10).

Gospel — You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR NEXT WEEKEND! On Sunday, November 1, 2020, Daylight saving time ends at 2:00:00 am,

clocks are turned backward 1 hour to 1:00am local standard time.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 2020: Mass times will be according to the time change.

Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6

Saturday: Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11

Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3;Mt 5:1-12a


Page Five


Page Six

We celebrated our council’s first anniversary right as the governor issued his Shelter in Place order. At that time, we intended to provide you with a recap of activities from our inaugural year. Unfortunately, that fell by the wayside...as did everything else. But, with restrictions easing and operations coming back on-line, we figured it’s better late than never! Below is a recap of the tremendous things we’ve accomplished for the community we serve. You’ve undoubtedly seen our “Purple Shirts” around! • March 2019 - Council# 17253 is chartered. 30 men join. • Sept. 2019 - Tootsie Roll Drive • Nov. 2019 - Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest (religious ed) • March 2020 - Inaugural Pancake Breakfast (315 guests served) • March 2020 - He is Risen car magnet campaign (Easter) • May-June 2020 - Car parade traffic control • Sept. 2020 - Tootsie Roll Drive • Sept. 2020 - Joint golf outing with Council# 16369 (St. Francis of Assisi - Orland Park) • Oct. 2020 - Respect Life display on church grounds • Oct. 2020 - Communion & Confirmation Color Guard In addition to these group efforts, individual Knights are serving our community by volunteering as lay ministers, helping at nursing homes, running food drives, supporting our schools, and donating blood to name just a few. Now, if you’re performing similar volunteer activities, we invite you to join our team. Just leave a message with the parish office and a Knight will follow up. (Requirement: Male, 18+ years of age).

"Long, long ago, in a Galaxy far, far away...." Or it only seems that way. Back in mid-March when masks, social distancing and isolation were first imposed on us, I, as probably you, anticipated a possible return to "normalcy" by September or October. Silly us. Because of health precautions for a group our size, the Board and I decided it would be in all our best interests if we did not meet for the rest of the year.

For those of you who bought tickets for the Hot Box Lunch (April 1st), hang onto them. We WILL be having that Hot Box Lunch within a month of our return. If you can't find your ticket, we still have the list of those who paid. And we still will sell tickets the week we are able to meet again, serving the Hot Box Lunch within a week or two after that.

Sadly, we have lost nine members during our break. Individual Masses have been arranged for the following:

Leonard Jeziorny Laverne Fitch Louis Cordig Lillian Wrobel Marty Gavac

George Popelka Bonny Marchio Leonard Banasiak Marie Mason



Page Seven

There is a promise of marriage between:


Laura Barajas, Joe Potocki, Larry Herm, Jr., Franciszak Kojs, Kathy & Ed Brzezinski, William Budig, Sandy Garbauski, Kateri Garbauski, Robbie Lasica, Connie Jasik, Clifton Young, Eugene & Martha Marcin, Barbara Gannon, Nina Olsen, Loretta Lia, John Keane, Harold Miller, Marlene Thometz, Don C. White, Carol Ann Olsen Christine Connelly, Valeria Pawlowski, James Finnigan, Elizabeth Piwowar, Evelyn Foran, Joseph Grollo, Heidi Meekma, Leticia Ulanski, Thomas & Patricia Filipiak, Ronalie Murawski, Frank Souza, Eddy Mckendrick, Verna Cavato, Christine Frey, William Bulman, Paul Sarna, Phil Piekarz, Sharon Arnett, Doris Konieczka, Elizabeth Mitchell Jessica Contreras, Leo Gannon, Laura Martello, Paul Sarna, Maria Libront, Maria Libront, and Nick Kiepura.

Your prayers are requested for the following:



Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed.


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 ~ 7:00 P.M.

All parents having a child in the near future are asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the baptismal preparation class before making arrangements for the Baptism. The Class is held in the Ministry Center building (Formation Room).

Please call the Ministry Center office to make arrangements for the Baptism 708.974.3336, press 0.

Katecheza przed Chrztem Świętym 27, PAZDZIERNIK, WTOREK ~ 7:00PM

Jeżeli w najbliższym czasie planujecie chrzest swojego dziecka to prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem parafialnym 708-974-3336, wew. 0.

Ponadto zapraszamy rodziców oraz chrzestnych na katechezę przygotowującą do tego ważnego wydarzenia. Katecheza jest prowadzone w języku



Page Eight

Saturday, October 24 7:30 AM – Sacred Heart Parishioners 4:30 PM – Kevin Rafferty, Andrew Szeszol, Special Intention for Susan Donofrio (Birthday) Sunday, October 25 8:00 AM – George M. Mampreian, Józef Bukowski, Marianna Bukowska

Anna & Władysław Las, Maria & Jozef Brenkus, Healing Intention for Anna Las Living and Deceased Members of the Troy, Bolbat, and Spalla Famillies Special Intention for Susan Donofrio (Birthday)

10:00 AM – Bronislawa Mrowca, Dominik Zajaczkowski, Dominik Hornik Katarzyna & Stanisław Gacek, Anna & Wladysław Gacek The Bakshis Family, Romona Presz (12th Anniv.) Healing Intention for William Budig, Special Intention for Susan Donofrio (Birthday)

12:00 PM – Marianna Macura, Blanche Heaney, Pawel Gąsienica-Szymków Józef & Olga Tomaszkowicz, Stefan Kaleta (11th Anniversary) Special Intention for Maria & Grzegorz Gliwa Celebrating their 17th Wedding Anniversary Special Intention for Janina & Wladysław Biernat Celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Monday, October 26 – Poor Souls in Purgatory

Tuesday, October 27 – George Barnum, Sr., Nancy Mackowski Wednesday, October 28 – Martin Horvath

Thursday, October 29 – Constantine Rzendzian, Judy Francis, Angela Kamper Friday, October 30 – Poor Souls in Purgatory

Saturday, October 31 7:30 AM – For Our Sacred Heart Benefactors 4:30 PM – Karen Egan (3rd Anniversary)

Special Intention for the Knights of Columbus and the Beatification of their founder Fr. McGivney

Sunday, November 1

8:00 AM – Kathleen Finnegan, Sister Juanita Regine Ujcik, O.S.F., George M. Popelka, Sr., Mary Ann Popelka Living and Deceased Members of the Troy, Bolbat, and Spalla Famillies Special Intention for the Knights of Columbus and the Beatification of their founder Fr. McGivney 10:00 AM – George Popelka, Marianne Dietz Elena & Tomas Edmundas Healing Intention for William Budig Special Intention for the Knights of Columbus and the Beatification of their founder Fr. McGivney 12:00 PM – Marianna Macura, Ewa Porada Ignacy Fitak (4th Anniversary) The Antol, Walkosz, Kujawa, and Lesniak Families, Special Intention for Elena, Special Intention for Maria Walkosz Celebrating her 87th Birthday Special Intention for Anna & Arthur Malek Celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary Special Intention for Teresa & Grzegorz Handzel Celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary Special Intention for Helen & Marian Antol Celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary Special Intention for the Knights of Columbus and the Beatification of their founder Fr. McGivney


Anyone wishing to attend a Mass for Saturday or Sunday, please visit our parish website at: www.sacredheartpalos.org You are asked to reserve the day, time, and indicate how many are attending. Also, if you have an email address please share it with us so that we may confirm your reservation.

VERY IMPORTANT When making reservations by telephone, PLEASE CALL Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, between the hours of 10am until 5pm. Office is closed on the weekend.


Page Nine

Dear Parishioners, Thank you for your generous support for our Split the Pot fundraising efforts. We are seeing more support of this effort as the weeks roll on. However, it is becoming more difficult every week to keep track of donations. Many of you are sending one check in and asking us to spread the Split the Pot donations over several future weeks’ drawings. Other times the instructions are not specific enough and we have to track down your intentions. Since the winner must give to Split the Pot and make a regular donation to qualify to win, it is imperative that we are able to determine this at the time of the drawing. We are also receiving entries through the post office, sometimes these are late entries that do not qualify because we have drawn the number before receiving the envelopes. . We are doing our best and are committed to being transparent. These exceptions are causing problems, so, if at all possible please send in one envelope and one check (cash) specifically for Split the Pot in the week it is drawn. Thank you for your continued generosity and understanding.

Emmett Williamson, Business Manager

Dear Parishioners,

Our Split the Pot drawing has resumed. Here is a refresher on the rules.

1. Only registered parishioners are eligible to win this weekly drawing. If you are not registered with our parish, please come to our administrative office and we will be happy to register you into Sacred Heart Parish. 2. You must play to win. In addition to your regular weekly offering of at least five dollars, the cost of a split the pot entry for any given week’s drawing is also five dollars. (There are separate envelopes for split the pot). All monies for split the pot will be set aside until there is a winner. 3. There may not be a winner every week. Each week, a name is drawn from our entire, (whether they participate in the split the pot or not) parishioner file. If the name drawn participated in that week’s split the pot drawing, they will win the split the pot prize. 4. If the name drawn from our entire parishioner file did not participate in split the pot that week, the money will be rolled over to increase the next week’s jackpot.

Thank you for your continued generosity! Emmett Williamson, Business Manager

Split The Pot Drawing for the Weekend of OCTOBER 18, 2020

The pulled card was I.D. #1253 This person was not eligible to win.


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Page Ten


OCTOBER 17 & 18, 2020

Sunday Budgeted Collection $15,250.00 Sunday & Holy Day $7,196.00 YTD weekly budget deficit $-76,525.00

God Bless You and Thank You! Beth Mikula and Emmett Williamson Business Office

We realize that we face significant challenges ahead. We have taken several steps to decrease our expenses moving forward.

We appreciate all of our parishioners who have continued to support us throughout this pandemic and we are committed to taking steps that will make our Parish financially strong.

We are reworking our budget and once approved, we will be updating our numbers.

Emmett Williamson Business Manager

Sacred Heart Parish provides a safe and easy way to donate automatically to our parish. It is called E-Giving, also referred to as electronic giving. It is easy to sign up and provides our parish with a steady stream of income, even if you are unable to attend mass because of vacation or other obligations. You have the option to give weekly, biweekly, monthly, or even make a one-time donation.

You can have the donation withdrawn directly from a checking or savings account or by credit card. You have the option of donating to Sundays, Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, second collections and even special campaigns like our 150th Anniversary Celebration.

Just follow the prompts on our website under donations. Website address:

www.sacredheartpalos.org Again, thank you for your continued generous support of our Parish and all it’s organizations.

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic or in learning more

about Christianity?

•Maybe you are not Catholic, but you are married or engaged to someone who is Catholic.

•Maybe you were asked to be a godparent for a Baptism or a sponsor for a quincea era.

•Maybe you were baptized at an early age, but have not yet received the Sacraments of

First Communion and or Confirmation. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the process by which adults and

mature young adults join the Catholic Church. You do not need to live in Palos Hills to participate. For further information contact Elizabeth at (708) 974 3336 ext. 250 or at

droel sacredheartpalos.org .

PLEASE NOTE: COVID-19 precautions and accommodations will be made for individuals preparing to re ceive Baptism, First Communion and or Confirmation.

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Page Eleven

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our brick installation for spring had

to be put on hold. The next installation is scheduled for late

October 2020.


Much has happened in these last several months with so many limitations,

especially the stay at home order and you may not have been able to attend such

momentous occasions as a special birthday, baptism, graduation, wedding or the

funeral of a loved one. A great way to memorialize these special people or events

could be to create a brick of remembrance.

Completed forms with payments can be can be mailed to the parish office,

dropped off or placed in the drop box (located in the wall outside of the parish


Completed forms without payment can be sent to pitguy8245 gmail.com or MemorialBricks sacredheartpalos.org but will not be fully processed without payment. Verification of design will be sent via email address.

Thanks - Paul Mikula

Why not make a lasting memory for those who have made

a special impact in your life or for those that are never

forgotten. Perhaps a brick in our memorial gardens will let

them know just how much they mean to you.

Forms are no longer available at church due to CDC regulations. Brochures

containing all the information you need to order a memory brick are available at

the Parish Office or on the website page: https://sacredheartpalos.org/


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Page Twelve


Rev. Jacek Wrona, Pastor Rev. David Straub, Associate Pastor

Deacons: Dominic Andriacchi and Thomas Rzendzian

Religious Education: Elizabeth Mikula, Michael Lundberg

Pastoral Associate, Elizabeth Droel Youth Minister, Michael Lundberg

Directors of Music: John and Sue O’Keefe

Business Manager, Emmett Williamson Business Staff, Beth Mikula


Weekend Ministry: Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M.

Pastores Emeriti: Rev. Robert F. McGinnity, Rev. Patrick M. Tucker

Parish Secretary Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz Receptionist: Steve Schanz

R.E. Office In Moscow Center 708 974-3900, Ex 229 ~ FAX: 708 974-3922.

Anointing of the Sick: Every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass or by specific arrangement of priest.

Baptism (in Polish) First and third Sunday of each month at 12 Noon Mass (Maximum four allowed), and 1:30pm. (Maximum six allowed). Baptism (in English) 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm (Maximum of six). Baptismal Preparation Class is monthly. Baptism is set-up following completion of the class. Call 708.974.3336 Press 0, to make arrangements for Baptismal.

Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:15 -4:00 PM or appointment. Instruction In Catholic Faith call Ministry Office.

Marriages: Friday 4:00PM, Saturday 12:30PM and 2:30 PM. Pre-Marriage instructions required. Arrange ments should be made, according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. Dates and times are not set at initial phone call, but must be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon.

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic or in learning more about Christianity?

•Maybe you are not Catholic, but you are married or engaged to someone who is Catholic.

•Maybe you were asked to be a godparent for a Baptism or a sponsor for a quincea era.

•Maybe you were baptized at an early age, but have not yet received the Sacraments of First Communion and or Confirmation. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the process by which adults and mature young adults join the Catholic Church. You do not need to live in Palos Hills to participate. For further information contact Elizabeth at (708) 974 3336 ext. 250 or at

droel sacredheartpalos.org .

PLEASE NOTE: COVID-19 precautions and accommodations will be made for individuals preparing to re ceive Baptism, First Communion and or Confirmation.