64833114 oschman trauma energetics sdarticle

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2006) 10, 2134 Bodywork and Journal of Movement Therapies HYPOTHESIS Trauma energetics James L. Oschman, Ph.D. Nature’s Own Research Association, P.O. Box 1935, Dover, NH 03821-1935, USA Received 14 September 2005; received in revised form 21 September 2005; accepted 11 October 2005 KEYWORDS Trauma; Energetics; Connective tissue matrix; Tissue memory; Trauma memory Summary This article describes a plausible and testable scientific basis for the various forms of energy psychology that is attracting the interest of therapists worldwide. Our emerging understandings of the energetics of the living matrix and acupuncture network are providing a detailed picture of a high-speed electronic communication and information processing system in the body that may underlay classical concepts of the subconscious and intuition and that can help us explore the boundary between conscious and subconscious phenomena. The hypothesis is that the connective tissue matrix and its extensions reaching into every cell and nucleus in the body is a whole-person physical system that senses and absorbs the physical and emotional impact in any traumatic experience. The matrix is also the physical material that is influenced by virtually all hands-on, energetic and movement therapies. It is suggested that the living matrix is the physical substrate where traumatic memories are stored and resolved. The practical implications of this non- neural hypothesis, in terms of treatment of the trauma patient, are discussed. & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction The resolution of trauma is one of the most pressing issues of our times. This is so at the level of individuals, ethnic groups and nations. Our very survival as a species may depend upon methods that can resolve and transcend historic animosities and belief systems and thereby wind down our long history of destructive conflict. At a personal level, the resolution of both old and recent traumatic experiences can enable many to have more rewarding and authentic experiences of life. There- fore, it is of profound significance that new energetic approaches to trauma resolution are being developed. The emerging field of energy psychology has been summarized in a number of books (e.g. Gallo, 1998, 2002; Feinstein, 2004; Najemy, 2004; Hartung and Galvin, 2003; Redpath, 1995; Levine and Frederick, 1997; Phillips, 2000; Radomski, 2000, 2002; Napar- stek, 2004; Diepold et al., 2004; Schwarz, 2002; Rothschild, 2003; Shapiro, 2001). Various ap- proaches and schools have emerged, and some of these are listed in Table 1. ARTICLE IN PRESS www.intl.elsevierhealth.com/journals/jbmt 1360-8592/$ - see front matter & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2005.10.001 Tel.: +1 603 742 3789; fax: +1 603 742 4695. E-mail address: [email protected]. URL: http://www.energyresearch.us.

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Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2006) 10, 21–34

Bodywork and

Journal of

Movement Therapies

1360-8592/$ - sdoi:10.1016/j.j

�Tel.: +1 603E-mail addrURL: http:/



Trauma energetics

James L. Oschman, Ph.D.�

Nature’s Own Research Association, P.O. Box 1935, Dover, NH 03821-1935, USA

Received 14 September 2005; received in revised form 21 September 2005; accepted 11 October 2005

KEYWORDSTrauma;Energetics;Connective tissuematrix;Tissue memory;Trauma memory

Summary This article describes a plausible and testable scientific basis for thevarious forms of energy psychology that is attracting the interest of therapistsworldwide. Our emerging understandings of the energetics of the living matrix andacupuncture network are providing a detailed picture of a high-speed electroniccommunication and information processing system in the body that may underlayclassical concepts of the subconscious and intuition and that can help us explore theboundary between conscious and subconscious phenomena. The hypothesis is that

ee front matter & 2005bmt.2005.10.001

742 3789; fax: +1 603 74ess: [email protected]/www.energyresearch.u

the connective tissue matrix and its extensions reaching into every cell and nucleusin the body is a whole-person physical system that senses and absorbs the physicaland emotional impact in any traumatic experience. The matrix is also the physicalmaterial that is influenced by virtually all hands-on, energetic and movementtherapies. It is suggested that the living matrix is the physical substrate wheretraumatic memories are stored and resolved. The practical implications of this non-neural hypothesis, in terms of treatment of the trauma patient, are discussed.& 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


The resolution of trauma is one of the most pressingissues of our times. This is so at the level ofindividuals, ethnic groups and nations. Our verysurvival as a species may depend upon methodsthat can resolve and transcend historic animositiesand belief systems and thereby wind down our longhistory of destructive conflict. At a personal level,the resolution of both old and recent traumatic

Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserv

2 4695..s.

experiences can enable many to have morerewarding and authentic experiences of life. There-fore, it is of profound significance that newenergetic approaches to trauma resolution arebeing developed.

The emerging field of energy psychology has beensummarized in a number of books (e.g. Gallo, 1998,2002; Feinstein, 2004; Najemy, 2004; Hartung andGalvin, 2003; Redpath, 1995; Levine and Frederick,1997; Phillips, 2000; Radomski, 2000, 2002; Napar-stek, 2004; Diepold et al., 2004; Schwarz, 2002;Rothschild, 2003; Shapiro, 2001). Various ap-proaches and schools have emerged, and some ofthese are listed in Table 1.


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Table 1 Some techniques used in energy psycho-logy.

Dynamic energetic healingAttractor field techniquesTapas acupressure technique (TAT)Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing(EMDR)Conscious healing and repatterning therapy(CHART)Emotional freedom techniques (EFT)Korean hand therapyPranic healingSEEMORG matrix workWavemaker technologyQigongBodymind healing psychotherapyThought field therapy (TFT)Thought energy synchronization therapyFrequency resonance coherence (FRC)Energy touchHealing from the body level up (HBLU)Reed eye movement acupressure psychotherapy(REMAP)Guided self-healing (GSH)Pressure point technique (PPT)Space/time energy transfer techniques (SET2)Be set free fast (BSFF)Provocative energy techniques (PET)

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While not specifically identified as energy psy-chology techniques, a wide range of bodywork,energetic and movement therapies from time totime lead to the resolution of long-standingemotional and psychological distress. This happens,e.g. with Acupuncture, Structural Integration (Rolf-ing), Trager, Zero Balancing, Healing Touch, Ther-apeutic Touch, Polarity Therapy, Massage,Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Holographic Repattern-ing, Consegrity, Bio Energetic SynchronizationTechnique and so on. Emotional releases can alsofollow the application of various energy medicinedevices that introduce electric currents, light,magnetic fields, sounds or other forms of energyinto the body. Taken together, various bodywork,energetic, movement and energy psychology ap-proaches show much promise in assisting clientswho are unresponsive to other treatments byalleviating trauma, anxiety, phobias, stress, limit-ing beliefs, addictions, compulsions, allergies andpersonality disorders. From time-to-time practi-tioners and their clients are also delighted to seethe resolution of chronic diseases and disorders asan unexpected ‘‘side effect’’ accompanying theresolution of long-standing emotional turmoil. Onereason for this is that the complementary therapist

is often the last resort for the desperate patientwho has gone through every medical diagnostic testand pharmaceutical regime with no resolution totheir problem.

The number of practitioners using energy psy-chology and related methods and their therapeuticsuccesses are increasing dramatically. There is aneed for a testable hypothesis to explain how thesetechniques work.

A theoretical basis for energy psychology canlead to a better understanding of the nature of thesubconscious and intuition. This can enable us tohone our therapeutic approaches to be moreeffective and sharpen our intuitive skills in delvinginto the mysterious world of trauma. This isimportant because emotional trauma, unlike phy-sical trauma, does not leave a visible mark on thesurface of the body. Or does it? Body language andfacial expression can provide subtle clues about theemotional state and history. See, for example,Kinoetics, Signs of Conflict: Our Personal BodyLanguage (Linson, 2000), and the references citedtherein.

Defining energy psychology

A recent conference of the Association for Com-prehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP, 2005) definedenergy psychology as follows:

Energy psychology is a family of mind/bodyinterventions clinically observed to consistentlyhelp with a range of psychological concerns,through directly and methodically treating thehuman vibrational matrix. This matrix includesthe Biofield that envelopes the body, the energycenters (chakras) and the energy pathways(meridians and related acupoints).

Note that the above definition is not primarilyfocused on the widely accepted components oftraditional verbal psychotherapy such as mind andbrain. Many of the energy psychology techniquesinvolve a systematic process of tapping on acu-puncture points and thereby interacting with a‘‘vibrational matrix’’. Hence, these methods re-present a significant departure from the classicalmental/neurological concepts of trauma and clin-ical psychotherapy. The newer methods usually donot involve the so-called ‘‘talk therapy’’ thatstrives to have the patient recall and discuss anddischarge specific traumatic events in their past.Detailed recall of trauma can happen, but is not anessential part of the processes.

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In developing a theoretical model for newpsychotherapeutic methods, it is important thatwe not lose sight of the historic contributions ofFreud and his colleagues in opening up ourappreciation of the dynamics of the subconsciousmind (Freud, 1953–1974). Pressman (2004) hasemphasized the importance of Freudian psycho-analytic procedures and what they have taught usof the subtle energetics of the mind. Freudianconcepts such as the ‘‘barriers’’ between theconscious mind and the unconscious, with thebarriers being defined as ‘‘defenses’’ continue tohave value as we explore new models and methods.The topic of defenses will be discussed again laterin the paper.

Neural vs. non-neural correlates ofconsciousness (NNCC) and trauma

The theoretical basis for traditional psychotherapyrelies on interactions with the mind, which isusually conceived of as being located within thebrain. Therefore, most attempts at deriving atheoretical basis for traditional psychology andpsychotherapy are focused on the nervous system.A vast amount of research has gone into establish-ing the neural correlates of consciousness, oftenreferred to as NCC.

It has always been assumed that the traditionalpsychoanalytic process involves treating the placeswithin the nervous system where traumatic or

Figure 1 The living matrix consists of the extracellular connconnect across the cell surface to the cytoskeleton and nucl

other kinds of memories are stored. In short,mental issues and psychoanalysis are both mentalprocesses. The very term ‘‘neuropsychology’’ sug-gests that the nervous system is the place, and theonly place, to look for the underlying psychologicalphenomena.

A complementary view is emerging from moderndiscoveries in cell biology and biophysics. Previousreports have described a non-neural whole-bodycommunication system that reaches into every partof the body (Oschman, 1993, 2000, 2003). Termedthe living matrix, this system consists anatomicallyof the collagen-rich extracellular connective tis-sues (fascia, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone,etc.) as well as the cytoskeletal matrices withincells and the chromatin network within nuclei(Fig. 1). Taken together, the components of this‘‘system of systems’’ make up the bulk of thehuman body and give it form, shape and texture atall levels of scale, from microscopic to the wholeperson. Pienta and Coffey (1991) summarize evi-dence for the vibratory nature of the living matrix.

It has now been proposed that this primordial andevolutionarily ancient system is part of the physicalsubstrate of memory and of the subconscious,unconscious and intuition (Oschman, 2005). This isnot a new idea. Consider, for example, the researchof Candace Pert, summarized in her presentationentitled, Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (Pert,2004). Decades of research on neurochemistryshowed her that the molecules of emotion, andtheir receptors, can be found everywhere inthe body, on every kind of cell. The so-called

ective tissues shown at the bottom, and the fibers thatear matrix. For details, see Oschman (2000).

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‘‘neuropeptides’’ and their receptors were not, aspreviously thought, confined to the nervous system.Mind, as revealed by ‘‘neurochemistry’’, hadproven to be a whole-body phenomenon. Hence,Pert’s conclusion: that the body is the subconsciousmind!

Another biological rationale for the concept ofthe equivalence of mind and body derives fromstudy of the behavior of the simplest of organismssuch as bacteria and protozoa. The activities ofmicroorganisms, and their directed movements,called tropisms, all take place in the absence ofnerves and synapses. The emerging view is that theliving matrix is involved in a primordial form of‘‘consciousness’’ predating the evolutionary devel-opment of the nervous system. From the perspec-tive of neurochemistry, Pert (1999) points out thatthe simplest of organisms synthesize the sameemotion molecules as vertebrates.

We have known for a long time that single celledorganisms, entirely lacking in nerves or synapses,are demonstrably able to sense and respond totheir environments. These microorganisms there-fore meet the criteria for sentience, which isdefined as having sense perception or beingconscious. Moreover, bacteria, ‘‘headless, heart-less, brainless, with a primitive cell for an entirebody, one DNA molecule for a chromosome and alife span measured in minutes’’, are capable oflearning and remembering (Pietsch, 1983; Kosh-land, 1980). The same is true of protozoa (French,1940; Applewhite and Gardner, 1973; Fukui andAsai, 1976). For example, paramecia can learn toswim in patterns and navigate mazes, and there-fore have short-term memory (Applewhite, 1979).It is generally agreed that the protein cytoskeletonof these organisms must serve as their ‘‘nervoussystem’’ and is therefore a miniature solid-statebiocomputer.

Virchow (1858), the founder of cellular pathol-ogy, pointed out that each of the trillions of cells inthe human body is an ‘‘elementary organism’’. InThe Mammalian Cell as a Microorganism, Puck(1972) reinforces this perspective on the basis of alifetime of study of cells in culture. Since micro-organisms possess a primordial form of conscious-ness, that consciousness must be presentthroughout the human body.

Figure 2 Pischinger (1975) suggested that the funda-mental unit of life in vertebrates is actually a triad:capillary/matrix/cell. We now extend his concept of thematrix to the cell interior (cytoskeleton) and nucleus.

Extracellular communication andintelligence

A key step in the evolution of higher organisms wasthe development of the extracellular sugar polymer

coatings of the bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Likecilia and flagella, these ‘‘antennas’’ extended the‘‘reach’’ of microorganisms into their environment.In colonies of bacteria and simple colonial organ-isms, this extracellular ‘‘fuzz’’ provided mechan-ical and informational linkages that gave rise tonew possibilities and properties. As the evolution-ary process led to more and more sophisticated cellassemblies and colonial organisms, the primordialmatrix system acquired new properties. From thesystems perspective, these are called emergent orsynergistic or cooperative or collective properties.Such attributes arise when an assembly acquiresproperties that are not present in the individualcomponents. A science of these emergent proper-ties is referred to as synergetics (e.g. Haken, 1973).

In a classic treatise on Matrix and MatrixRegulation, Pischinger (1975) suggested that thefundamental unit of life in vertebrates is a triad:capillary/matrix/cell (see Fig. 2). According toPischinger, this triad has unique and revolutionarycapacities for healing as it allows for organized ornon-chaotic energy to spread suddenly throughoutthe organism to create new structures, functionsand order. This concept is important as a frequentobservation of practitioners of energy psychology,bodywork, energetic and movement therapies is asudden and beneficial ‘‘sea change’’ or ‘‘phasechange’’ spreading throughout the organism as atrauma or other disorder is resolved, and the wholebody reintegrates accordingly.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi devoted the last quarter ofhis illustrious scientific career to the study of aseparate communication system based on theenergetic properties of proteins such as collagen,the dominant component of the extracellularmatrix (Gascoyne et al., 1981). Szent-Gyorgyi wasconvinced that there are rapid and subtle aspectsof life that cannot be explained by slow moving

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chemical reactions and nerve impulses (Szent-Gyorgyi, 1978). Instead, he thought the proteinfabric of the body is a semi-conductor network.Oschman (1993) concluded that the acupuncturemeridians are the system Szent-Gyorgyi was refer-ring to. Ho and Knight (1998) reached a similarconclusion.

Recent research has shown that the acupuncturesystem is an extremely high-speed communicationnetwork, with signal velocities hundreds of timesfaster than nerve conduction (Jones, 2004).

Much of the living body is composed of highlyregular arrays of molecules that are best charac-terized as semi-conducting liquid crystals. Of thesematerials, British biophysicist Ho (1999) has stated:

Liquid crystallinity gives organisms their char-acteristic flexibility, exquisite sensitivity andresponsiveness, and optimizes the rapid noise-less intercommunication that enables the organ-ism to function as a coherent coordinated whole.

The emerging view is that the human body isessentially an assembly of some trillions of ‘‘micro-organisms’’ and that each cell, as well as the entireassembly of cells, contributes to conscious andsubconscious processes (Oschman, 2005). What werefer to as consciousness, then, is an emergentproperty of some billions of cells forming thenervous system and some trillions of cells in theprimordial living matrix. Because it is far moreancient in terms of evolutionary history, ‘‘matrixintelligence’’ may be far more sophisticated thanneuronal intelligence. Of course, it is difficult for usrelate to this concept from our experience, sinceour ordinary mode of relating to the world isthrough our neuronal consciousness. Matrix con-sciousness is fast, silent, noiseless and generallyimperceptible. We only know about this systemfrom occasional glimpses of the remarkable con-sequences of its operations.

What is being proposed here is that what werefer to as the subconscious is the sum of thesophisticated intelligence and communications ofthe vast array of cells and matrices, both neuraland non-neural, making up the body. Theseconcepts are worthy of exploration as they canhelp us understand phenomena that have beenelusive in the past, and can contribute new insightsfor virtually all branches of therapeutics.

To appreciate the NNCC, it is worthwhile tosummarize previous research on the nervous systemand consciousness. The history of neuroscience isstudded with brilliant breakthroughs and insightsthat did not live up to their expectations in terms ofhelping us establish the one and only mechanism ofconsciousness. This is not to say that each of these

historical developments failed. The process is morelike putting together a puzzle, with each discoveryrepresenting one puzzle piece. When a particularpiece does not live up to initial expectations, itdoes not mean that it should be discarded.Ultimately, we may find that a more completeanswer to our question of the nature of conscious-ness arises from a synthesis of many perspectives.Consciousness probably arises from communicationand cooperation between all systems and subsys-tems in the body.

NCC: a brief historical survey

In spite of a century of neuroscience research and a‘‘decade of the brain’’ during the 1990s, we are stillunclear about the nature of physiologic conscious-ness and its relations to learning, memory, intelli-gence, the subconscious, unconscious and intuition.If there is a pattern to the search for the ‘‘seat ofconsciousness’’, it is that of an ever-wideningfocus, from a reductionistic search for individualcomponents of memory and consciousness (mole-cules, organelles, synapses, cells, specific neurons,cell assemblies or the whole brain) to broaderpictures of how the parts work together in relationto the whole organism and its environment. Herewe summarize some of the major contributions ofkey scientists involved in the history of neu-roscience. This is not an exhaustive survey of thehistory of neuroscience. Instead it is intended toshow how elusive the phenomena of memory andconsciousness have been.

Bernstein (1902, 1912) theorized the nerveresting and action potentials, leading to dramaticprogress in electrophysiology. When combined withdetailed anatomical studies of the brain andcentral nervous system by Spanish anatomistRamon y Cajal (1906) and Italian anatomist Golgi(1906), there arose the promise of an eventualsolution to the problem of what thinking andconsciousness really are.

The discovery of the electroencephalogram byBerger (1929) seemed to provide a tool that wouldquickly reveal the fundamental mechanisms of brainfunction. While electroencephalography continues tobe a useful clinical method, it never fulfilled itspromise of showing us precisely how the brain works.

The German evolutionary biologist Richard Se-mon is credited with the concept of the engram, orphysical memory trace, that must be establishedsomewhere within the brain when learning occurs(Schacter, 1982). Lashley (1950) followed up on thisconcept in his famous monograph, In Search of the

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Engram. Lashley studied learning in rats, system-atically removing different portions of the cerebralcortex to find out which areas contained thememory traces the rats needed in order to navigatea maze. In his 1950 paper, Lashley reported histheory of equipotentiality: all areas of the cortexseem equally important in learning, and no area ismore important than any other. He liked to quipthat it is not a question of where the memory traceis located, but where it is not. Lashley was neverable to demonstrate the engram, and ended upstating, ‘‘the necessary conclusion is that learningjust is not possible’’.

In The Organization of Behavior, Lashley’s stu-dent, Hebb (1949) suggested that engrams wereactually properties of cell assemblies. He employedthe ‘‘reverberatory circuit’’ concept of Lorente deNo (1938) to account for the ability of local circuitsto remain active for a period of time after astimulus. Hebb’s theory supported the view thatlearning is accomplished by the development ofinterconnections between neurons throughout wideareas of the brain.

In the 1950s, Canadian neurosurgeon Penfield(1975) discovered that electrical stimulation ofspecific points on the surfaces of the temporallobes could elicit meaningful, vivid memories. Itseemed that he had found a physical basis for theengram. Modern researchers now recognize thatthe points Penfield stimulated are involved inmemory, but are not the actual sites wherememories are recorded.

The equipotentiality theory was revived byPribram (1969). Like Penfield, Pribram was aneurosurgeon. Along with other surgeons, Pribramnoticed that individuals who have significant areasof their brains removed, to stop the spread ofdisease or to prevent seizures, usually retainedvirtually all of their long-term memory. It seemedthat there was no specific area of the brain thatwas the locus of memory.

The invention of the hologram by Gabor (1948)gave Pribram a physical basis for the concept thatmemory is a distributed rather than a localizedproperty of the brain, since any portion of ahologram retains all of the information recordedin the whole (Pribram, 1969). But the holographictheory has not been widely accepted, in partbecause a hologram requires a laser beam to recordand read it, and it has been challenging to find alaser in the brain.

Hodgkin (1963) and Huxley (1963) researched andsubstantiated the ionic basis of the resting andaction potentials described earlier by Bernstein.They received the Nobel Prize in 1963, along withSir John Carew Eccles. The Eccles model of

consciousness explained how the brain couldprocess and integrate sensory information andmemories to give rise to the conscious moment.The process was thought to involve interactionsbetween thousands of millions of nerve cells in thepyramidal cortex. Each cell has thousands ofsynapses coming from countless other cells. Signalprocessing takes place when each cell ‘‘polls’’ all ofthe incoming signals and determines which isdominant: excitation or inhibition. The result ofthis polling process is a decision as to whether theindividual neuron should fire and send a signal toother neurons, or remain dormant, until the nextpolling takes place a small fraction of a secondlater. Consciousness arises from the sum of thedecisions made in thousands of millions of suchneurons (Eccles, 1963).

It was faith in this model that enabled Crick andKoch (1998) to legitimize and open up the field ofconsciousness studies as a respectable area forscientific exploration. Crick expressed the viewthat, ‘‘subjective experience arises from cerebralprocesses’’ that can be elucidated. Thus began themodern search for the neuronal correlates ofconsciousness, or NCC. Stated differently, the brainis a soft computer. When we determine what all ofthe circuits are doing, we will understand con-sciousness. Several generations of neuroscientistsfounded their careers and reputations on researchon the concepts summarized above, which came tobe known as the neuron doctrine: the brain’sneurons and synapses are components of a compu-ter-like switching circuit:

brain ¼ mind ¼ computer:

Few neuroscientists are aware of the breakthroughresearch of neurologist Brown (1991, 2002), whodeveloped a process model of consciousness calledmicrogenesis. From the study of aphasias, ordisorders of neural processing, Brown was able topiece together a whole-brain concept of how theconscious moment unfolds on the basis of brainstructure, sensory inputs, motor activity andpersonality structure. Consciousness is describedas a bottom-up unfoldment of the consciouspresent that is envisioned to progress through thevarious structures within the brain, from thebrainstem to the neocortex. Microgenesis is de-scribed as the ‘‘rapidly flickering recapitulation ofan individual’s entire past as the content in whicheach moment of the now is experienced’’ (Juhan,2002). In this model, the emotional meanings ofimages falling on the retina are extracted beforethe images are perceived in the visual cortex.Hence, traumatic memories and other aspects ofpersonality structure continuously select or sculpt

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our perceptions of the world, on a moment-by-moment basis, before we become conscious of ‘‘theworld out there’’.

Brown’s model, microgenesis, can help us under-stand how the new methods of energy psychologycan resolve post-traumatic stress without thelengthy efforts of trying to recall and recapitulatethe moment of trauma, as has been done intraditional psychotherapeutic approaches. Brown’smodel is a significant break from other efforts thataim to pinpoint the locations of specific memorytraces in the brain. Instead, microgenesis is aprocess that unfolds in a bottom-up manner,involving virtually all parts of the nervous system.The concepts presented in this paper are intendedto extend Brown’s model to the entire body, andexplain how and where traumatic memories arerecorded.

Non-neural correlates of consciousness

Before the modern surge of research into con-sciousness, Sir John Eccles changed his mind aboutthe whole endeavor. In 1993, Eccles concluded thatthe model for which he had received the NobelPrize was inadequate to account for non-physicaland transcendent properties of mind: feelings,thoughts, memories, intentions and emotions (Ec-cles, 1993). This was not welcome news to many inthe neuroscience community. Eccles suggested thatit might be necessary to move to a smaller level ofscale, to quantum mechanical properties, to locatethe ultimate connection between mind and brain.Other researchers therefore began to examineconsciousness from the perspective of the quantumwave properties of matter (e.g. Yasue et al., 1991;Goldberg, 2005).

While keeping the quantum perspective in focus,Hameroff and others began to explore cellular andsubcellular aspects memory. A major focus was themicrotubule, which was considered a promisingstructure for storing memories. Neurons and manyother cells throughout the body are packed withmicrotubules, which are polymers of the protein,tubulin and microtubule associated proteins (Ha-meroff, 1988). Perhaps microtubule informationstorage and processing gives rise to cellularmemory throughout the body.

Other researchers explored atomic memory(Brewer and Hahn, 1984) and still others suggestedthat we cannot really understand atoms until weunderstand the cosmos, and vice versa (Kolb et al.,1986). Perhaps memory is everywhere! This con-cept is encompassed by a cosmic holographic

paradigm articulated by various authors (e.g.Wilber, 1982; Talbot, 1991).

In a little known essay published in 1961, thedistinguished molecular biologist and neuroscien-tist, Frances O. Schmitt, suggested that the popularand highly successful electrophysiological techni-ques would never resolve the questions of memoryand consciousness. Instead, he pointed out theenormous memory storage capacity of the variousbiopolymers within and around cells. A polymersuch as RNA, composed of 1000 monomers, withfour different kinds of monomers, could have 41000

variants. A polymer such as a protein, with 20monomer species (the 20 amino acids found innature) could have 201000 different variants!(Schmitt, 1961). Of course the large protein,collagen, is the major protein of the extracellularmatrix or connective tissue. Schmitt’s ideas openup the possibility that collagen, the most abundantprotein in the animal kingdom, can store vastamounts of information.

Since collagen is a dominant component of thebody’s movement apparatus—the musculoskeletaland myofascial systems—vast amounts of informa-tion related to movement may be polymerized intothe physical structure of the connective tissue.Movement therapists can readily relate to thishypothesis. Moreover, most of the collagen in thebody is packed together in a virtually crystallinearrangement. Collagen and other arrays of semi-conducting molecules can, in principle, provide forsophisticated storage and processing of informa-tion.

Hence, we may conclude that the mechanisms ofconsciousness and its relations to learning, memoryand intelligence are unresolved at the presenttime, in spite of considerable research. The work ofthe authors mentioned in this section certainlyleads us to expand our searches beyond the brainand nervous system. Since consciousness is soelusive, the phenomena we refer to as thesubconscious may be even more obscure. Thereis, however, a substantial basis for NNCC assuggested by Goldberg (2005).

Matrix consciousness in action

A number of phenomena demonstrate the respon-siveness and noiseless intercommunication referredto by Mae-Wan Ho. The martial arts providespectacular examples, in which the practicedmaster demonstrates an ability to sense andrespond to his or her environment with extraordin-ary speed and precision that clearly transcends

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neuronal capabilities. Athletes and other perfor-mers also routinely make judgments and sophisti-cated movements that are ahead of neurologicaltime and that are inexplicable in terms ofestablished neuromuscular control systems.

For example, measurements of reaction timeshow that it should not be possible to hit a baseball.There is just not enough time between the instantthe pitcher releases the ball and the moment itcrosses the plate for a hitter to see it, determine itstrajectory, and swing the bat to hit it (Slater-Hammel and Stumpner, 1950). To explain suchphenomena, psychologists distinguish between‘‘proceduralized knowledge’’ leading to responsestaking place when the body knows how to dosomething, and ‘‘declarative knowledge’’ leadingto responses taking place when the conscious mindknows how to do something (Allard and Starkes,1991; Starkes and Allard, 1991). It has beensuggested that proceduralized knowledge is aproperty of the living matrix, whereas declarativeknowledge arises from conscious neural control(Oschman, 2003).

All of us have occasional glimpses of rapid andsubtle phenomena taking place at the periphery ofour consciousness. The reason it is difficult to cometo grips with these phenomena on a regular basis isthat our neurological consciousness is limited by thevelocity of nerve conduction. In essence, the proper-ties of the nervous system create a temporal ‘‘filter’’that eliminates from our perception those events andprocesses taking place faster than the ‘‘rhythms ofvision’’ that are built into our perceptual processing.For example, it takes nearly half a second for animage falling on the retina to create a perceptibleimage in the visual cortex, although we are generallyunaware of this delay. Outside of our normalneurological awareness, a sophisticated illusion isrearranging events in time to provide us with aconsistent concept of ‘‘now’’ (Nørretranders, 1999).

The thesis of this paper is that the new energypsychology techniques are effective because of thesubtle ways they address consciousness residingwithin the living matrix. The intention is not todownplay the role of the nervous system andtraditional psychoanalysis, but, instead, to de-scribe and begin to explore this second system thathas important roles in the development of theconscious present. The new techniques of energypsychology are providing additional evidence of theproperties of this system.

To summarize, there is a substantial theoreticaland experimental basis for the storage and move-ment and processing of information and energywithin the microscopic internal skeletons of cells ofsupposedly simple organisms as well as all of the

cells in the human body. And these propertiesextend beyond the cell, to the extracellular matrix.

Matrix/neurology relationship in trauma

Now we recall the question from the Introduction:where and when do the neurological and matrixconsciousness interact with each other? In thecontext of psychology and psychotherapy, thisquestion becomes one of the locations of the‘‘defenses’’ or ‘‘barriers’’ that prevent the sub-conscious mind from expressing itself. The ideathat this is a barrier is a definite mind-set in termsof exploring the interface. The ‘‘defenses’’ couldalso be more optimistically referred to concep-tually as interfaces between our two ‘‘minds’’ thatcan be porous rather than impenetrable. If this isthe case, it will have implications both for ourunderstanding of where traumatic memories residewithin the organism and for the application of ourinsights and intuitions in the therapeutic process.

One can look for the anatomical places where thetwo systems, the two ‘‘minds’’, the nervous systemand the living matrix, interface with each other.The situation has some analogies with the searchfor the engram, which turned out to be every-where. The living matrix system makes up thenervous system as well as the perineural connectivetissue surrounding every neuron. The matrix istherefore everywhere physically and functionallycontinuous with neurons and all of their parts. Itshould therefore not be difficult for the nervoussystem to ‘‘listen’’ to the living matrix, and viceversa, for the matrix to ‘‘listen’’ to neuronalprocesses. This ‘‘listening’’ can involve the matrixkeeping tabs on the larger scale phenomena such asthe conduction of action potentials and synaptictransmission, as well as the more subtle processes,including those taking place in the cytoskeleton,nucleus and at the quantum level.

Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and HumanPerformance (Oschman, 2003) summarizes evi-dence that the living matrix system has thecapability of sensing and responding with appro-priate movements in situations where very fastreactions are required. This happens in athleticevents and other performances when complexdecisions must be made extremely rapidly, orwhere the functions of various systems in the bodymust be perfectly coordinated. The matrix, it hasbeen proposed, is also the ‘‘first responder’’ whenthe organism is faced with a life-or-death situationor a trauma such as physical or emotional abuse.Following this logic, it can be suggested that

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emotional trauma is first registered by the matrixrather than by the nervous system. This can expandthe focus of trauma therapy from the nervoussystem to the entire body. It is possible that thetedious nature of traditional psychotherapy, incontrast to energy psychology, may be due to thefact that psychotherapy indirectly addresses the

Figure 3 A conceptual scheme of the temporal interactionsleft, and the nervous system, on the right. It is proposed thatthe two pathways shown at the top of the diagram. The matrixan early warning system, capable of sensing impendingawareness. This is the system that stores physical and emotiodetails, see the text.

places where traumatic memories reside. Thetraumatic lesion or emotional memory may not, infact, reside in the nervous system, but in the livingmatrix.

Figure 3 provides a conceptual scheme of thetemporal interactions between the matrix, shownon the left, and the nervous system, on the right.

between events taking place in the matrix, shown on theall sensory information detected by receptors splits intois faster than the nervous system and therefore serves as

events before sensory signals have reached consciousnal trauma and is the place to focus trauma therapy. For

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The diagram at the top shows how informationdetected by a sensory receptor activates twopathways. The pathway to the right is the well-known neurological circuit that can send a messageto the brain or to other parts of the nervous system.The pathway to the left takes the same signal intothe connective tissue/living matrix system. This isreferred to as ‘‘the continuum pathway’’ because itcan be propagated throughout the body (Oschman,2003).

It is proposed that the matrix is the ‘‘earlywarning system’’, capable of sensing impendingevents before sensory signals have reached con-scious awareness. It is further suggested that thematrix can initiate appropriate movements viadirect energetic pathways to the muscles.

The conduction velocity and the fast ‘‘clock’’ orpacemaker for the matrix enables it to detectevents in the environment far faster than thenervous system. In times of danger, extremetrauma, emergency or in a crucial moment in anyperformance, the ‘‘awareness’’ of the situation andbody reactions arise first in the matrix. After afinite delay, the nervous system is activated. Intimes of crisis, the neurological clock speeds up,increasing the number of conscious frames persecond. Because more frames are occurring persecond, the experience is of ‘‘time slowing down’’.It takes a fraction of a second for the visual systemto form an image of the impending danger and a bitlonger for the seriousness of the situation to reachconscious awareness, shown in Fig. 3 as ‘‘Oh,dear!’’ There is a further delay before the onsetof neuromuscular reactions to the situation. Theliving matrix, then, provides a ‘‘safety zone’’ thatenables the body to begin responding to animpending crisis before the nervous system isengaged.

In his book, Trauma Energetics: A Study of Held-Energy Systems, Redpath (1995) noted that thetrauma of an event is set in place in the fraction ofa second before we are consciously aware of it.Years later, this energetic ‘‘signature’’ of the eventcontinues to be referenced in the formation ofevery conscious moment, as described in Brown’sMicrogenesis theory. Oschman (2003) suggestedthat the energetic ‘‘signature’’ of a trauma isrecorded prior to conscious awareness of the event,in the living matrix, outside of the thought andspeech centers of the brain. Successful traumaresolution then depends less on recalling andverbalizing the neurological ‘‘records’’ of the eventthan it does on finding the record laid down inthe connective tissue and cells of the livingmatrix the instant before the event was consciouslyexperienced. The success of hands-on methods

in resolving emotional trauma then arises frommeaningful interactions with the tissues wherethe traumatic structural patterns and cellularmemories reside. Details of this concept areprovided elsewhere (Oschman and Oschman,1994a, b; Oschman, 2003).

Practical implications

The problem facing the therapist specializing inemotional trauma is that the location of traumaticmemories is not as immediately apparent as is aphysical injury. Any wound to the flesh will have ahidden emotional component that persists longafter the physical injury has been repaired.Psychotherapy and energy psychology are methodsthat aim to resolve issues that may be intricate andsubmerged.

Many therapists are highly intuitive and knowexactly how to approach even the most severelytraumatized patient, although it is often difficultfor them to explain how they accomplish this.Explaining something that is natural and simple canoften be challenging. Other therapists do not trusttheir intuitions and must therefore rely on athoughtful analysis of their patient, or on asystematic diagnostic/therapeutic protocol. Forboth kinds of therapist, the message of this paperis simply that there exists a detailed theory of howintuition operates to process vast amounts ofsubliminal information to arrive at a ‘‘guess’’ thatis, more often than not, quite reliable. In Power vs.Force: the Hidden Determinants of Human Beha-vior, Hawkins (1995) describes this as an innersubrational wisdom that enables us to know farmore than we think we know; to recognize hiddenpatterns. Another message from Hawkins is that oursubconscious decisions guide our lives far more thanwe realize.

Hence, it is possible that all of us actually‘‘know’’ much more about the patient in front ofus than we realize. Blink: the Power of Thinkingwithout Thinking is the title of a valuable study ofintuition (Gladwell, 2005). The book is a compen-dium of instructive examples of people makingbrilliant choices in an instant. Often these choicesinvolve extremely complex situations in which it isvirtually impossible to solve a problem by means oflogical deliberate thought. Great decision makersin all areas are people who are able to transcendvast amounts of information or data relating to adecision and reach a conclusion that leaves every-one around them wondering, ‘‘How did you dothat?’’ Those who are adept in making such

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decisions are usually unable to explain how they doit. In these situations, neural processing and logicalthought, with all their sophistication, simply do notwork. A far more sophisticated and subtle proces-sing system must exist, and this article suggestswhere this system is located.

Gladwell introduces the art of ‘‘thin slicing’’—-

filtering the very few factors that matter from anoverwhelming number of variables. Blink (Glad-well, 2005) and The User Illusion (Nørretranders,1999) are invaluable resources for those who do nottrust their hunches and intuitions. Not only arethere good reasons that we all possess a verysophisticated system for collecting, storing andprocessing a vast array of subtle and subliminalinformation, but there are countless examples fromreal life in which this mode of decision making isobviously at work.

The living matrix is a pervasive system, consistingof both the nerves and the connective tissues andcytoskeletons of every neural and non-neural cell inthe body. On the basis of the known biophysicalproperties of this system, we can visualize this as ahigh-speed solid-state information processor withcapabilities that far exceed the brightest minds andfastest computers. Intuition can therefore bedescribed as an emergent property of a verysophisticated semi-conducting liquid crystallinemolecular matrix that is capable of storing,processing and communicating a vast amount ofsubliminal information that never reaches thenervous system and consciousness directly. Acomputer, with its software programs and memoryand information storage capacities pales to insig-nificance in comparison with the evolutionarilyancient solid-state system that is expressed withinevery cell and sinew of the body.

Since the primary channels of this informa-tional system are the acupuncture meridians, itis not surprising that there are energy psy-chology methods that involve tapping on keypoints on the meridian system. Such tappingwill introduce electrical fields into the meridiansystem because of the piezoelectric or pressure-electricity effect (e.g. Lapinski, 1977; MacGinitie,1995). Such currents, then, will be transduced intosignals that will be propagated through themeridian/living matrix system for a certain dis-tance, since the meridians are low resistancepathways to the flow of electricity (e.g. Reichmaniset al., 1975). The success of energy psychologyapproaches shows us that creating such effectscan alter consciousness by erasing traumaticmemories, which can be accessed electroni-cally via the acupuncture meridian/living matrixpathways.

Biological coherence and holographicprocessing

Biological coherence is a phenomenon that can helpus understand trauma and the subconscious on thebasis of the holographic paradigm applied to thehuman organism as a whole. It was the goal of arecent book (Oschman, 2003) to elucidate therelationship between quantum coherence and con-scious experience, as described in an importantarticle of that title written by the British biophy-sicist Ho (1997). Briefly, the theory is that thecoherent ‘‘laser beam’’ of holographic conscious-ness arises within the highly ordered semi-conduct-ing liquid crystals of the living matrix. Theseinternal coherent oscillations (Frohlich, 1988)reverberate within the organism, repeatedly refer-encing the status of the body and its environment.Each holographic laser signal ‘‘sweeps’’ through thewhole body, referencing:

the inner boundary of the body, � the tensions and positions of all body parts, � all sensations, both liminal and subliminal, � the entire traumatic history, � the personality structure, � all cellular memories, � all connective tissue memories.

And each ‘‘sweep’’ of the body has the possibilityof erasing the traumatic history. Finally, each‘‘sweep’’ reaches into every part, including intoeach part of the nervous system. Conceptually, thisexpands Brown’s microgenesis theory to the entirebody. To the extent that the nervous system is anintegral part of the matrix, and vice versa, there isno need to search for a specific point of connectionbetween them.

It is the operation of this sophisticated high-speed system that enables the elite athlete orother performer or therapist to reach new levels ofachievement. This can happen when the organismis in a state called systemic cooperation: allcommunication and energetic pathways are openand communicating so that every part knows whatevery other part is doing; every atom, molecule,cell and tissue is able to participate in an intendedaction (Oschman, 2003).

While trusting intuition is invaluable, it is equallyimportant to learn about situations in which thequick intuitive flash is completely and even tragicallywrong. Again, Blink (Gladwell, 2005) providesexamples and insights into these situations. Ofparticular importance are the snap ‘‘judgments’’we make based on various biases we have built up

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over the years. These quick responses to a person ora situation can cloud or short-circuit the intuitiveprocess and lead to completely erroneous conclu-sions. Successful intuitives, then, will know when toput the brakes on their snap judgments, or carefullyedit their insights. All of these processes areenhanced by various mindfulness practices such asmeditation. Kinesiological testing can also assist inthe process (Diamond, 1979). Finally, intention isrecognized by many schools as playing a large role inthe successful therapeutic practice. One can addaccurate insight and intuition to one’s intentions foranything they are trying to achieve.


At a recent conference on energy psychology (ACEP,2005), a leading practitioner, Belleruth Naparstek,concluded: Post-traumatic stress is not mental, it isbiophysical. Post-traumatic stress is not a mentalhealth problem. They (the patients) may lookmentally ill, but they are not. We have spent yearslooking at this incorrectly.

The inaccurate perception Naparstek is referringto stems from a misunderstanding of the reality ofthe body vs. the nervous system, and the peren-nially unsuccessful search for a location for mindwithin the brain. We have searched the brain andnervous system because we know how to studytheir large-scale electrical properties. We can nowexplore the rest of the mind by developing ways ofconnecting our instruments with the living matrix.This will enable us to confirm or refute thehypothesis developed here, that the subconsciousand intuition arise from a discrete and anatomicallydescribable whole-body semi-conducting energeticsystem. Regardless of how this hypothesis emergesfrom such biophysical testing, we will certainlylearn a great deal about the subtleties of subliminalsensation and information processing.

It will be useful to summarize the hypotheticalperspective being developed in this report inrelation to the work of others:

The ‘‘lesion’’ created by an impending trauma is setin place in the living matrix an instant before webecome consciously aware that something is going tohappen (Redpath). It is the living matrix, and not thenervous system, that encapsulates the traumaticmemory in an effort to limit the damage of over-stimulation and challenge. Each moment of conscious-ness references our traumatic history and personalitystructure, so that we interpret the meaning of theworld in front of us before we are consciously awareof that world (Brown). This microgenetic processrepeats some 10 times per second.

Interpretations based on past traumatic events inour lives prevent us from experiencing what Red-path calls serious or authentic action. Seriousaction is defined as movement that is not refer-enced to, or motivated by, traumatic patterns,either within ourselves or in the culture around us.Since these traumatic signatures reside outside ofthe thought and speech centers of the brain, it iseasier to unravel them if we do not enter into theirnarrative representations. Traditional therapyseeks the memories, ideas, sensations, feelingsand thoughts as primary, whereas Redpath identi-fied something prior and preverbal that can bereached directly.

Redpath’s extensive experience with psychoana-lysis was that no matter how well patients recalledcritical memories, the patterns of their livescontinued to be tormented and disrupted. Themost difficult issues, he found, must be resolved bythe organism itself, in the company of someoneelse, but without ‘‘help’’. The process can befacilitated if we can intuitively probe the subcon-scious of the patient and find the keys to dissolvingdisruptive aspects of the traumatic history andpersonality structure. The problem can be intri-cate, as parents can pass on to their children theirown lineage of trauma in a process that is invisibleand choiceless, beyond language and symbol (Red-path). Successful trauma therapy involves acces-sing subliminal signals from the patient.

Remarkably, stored trauma can be resolved asquickly as it was set in place. The body iscontinuously poised to resolve these afflictionsand all of the physiological and emotional imbal-ances they create. This process goes to the deepenergetic level that organizes or incarnates orunderlies conscious experience itself. When thishappens, the patient may suddenly know that theissue or discomfort will not bother them again.Energy psychology techniques introduce electricalactivity into the acupuncture meridians, which areprimary pathways used to scan the traumatichistory during every moment of consciousness.These electrical signals can travel along themeridians and access and influence the placeswhere traumatic memories are stored.

Redpath raises the vital question of whether it isthese stored traumatic memories that are the realsource of all of the world’s horrors, both individualand collective. He


I thank Deane Juhan for introducing me to theremarkable and invaluable work of Jason Brown.

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