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Photography and Digital Manipulation name 1 Photography Project

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Photography and Digital Manipulation


Photography Project

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Image Set #1 Use the below space to add a print screen of the contact sheet. Duplicate this slide if necessary

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Image Set #1 ReviewWas the shoot successful?I think the shoot we had on Wednesday was very successful. It allowed me to try out new styles which I

have learnt in previous lessons and to see what I can do with theses effects and adjustments you can make to the camera to change the outcome of the image. In the first shoot I managed to stick to my chosen style which is street photography and then went on in the second shoot to trying out some architecture.

• Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set?There are a few images in the shoot yesterday which have caught my eye. I will definitely need to go back

out, in a different area (Not York) and see what I can get on my own. I can try using more effects, for example using the wrong white balance purposefully to build effect, or even using something like ISO to make the image seem more grainy.

• What post-production could occur?It could vary from a little thing such as cropping it slightly because the image is off centre. Or even using

colour filters to counter act white balance if it’s been used by mistake . I have experimented using colour selection to build atmosphere in the images. Other things I have tried is making the colours in a reflection more vibrant to make the reflection stand out more.

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Image Set #2 Use the below space to add a print screen of the contact sheet. Duplicate this slide if necessary

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Image Set #2 ReviewWas the shoot successful? I thought this shoot was successful as well. In this I have tried to have a go at doing some Architecture

Photography. I have used things such as aperture in a few images to make the image ask more questions rather than revealing more to the audience. Not only this, but this is a good way of making the focus point more obvious in the image by leaving it in focus.

Are any of the images you produced going to be in the final set?There is one picture which has caught my eye which is of a hanging lantern in a court yard. Although I like

all these images that have been taken. I’m not sure if any are going to be in the final set due to it not been the style of photography I’m doing my project on.

What post-production could occur?I have done some editing to the picture of the minsters doors with the sculpted heads. I thought seen as

though the image already looked monochrome, I used the saturation levels to strip the image of colour and then change the levels to make the shadows show more. Resulting in the grooves in the wood been more prominent.

Another is in the 5th image my final pieces, I have tried to have a go at doing landscape photography which I then went on to do a sky replacement an leaving the reflection in the window in colour to build effect. Not only this but I then went on to de saturate the rest of the image so the line between the sky and the rest of the image isn’t noticeable to the audience

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Final Image #1You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-When this image was taken. The women's coat was a colour of red which stood out from the crowd. I made her clothing into separate layers, increased the vibrance of the colours and changed the levels to make the shadows on the coat stand out more. I did this to draw attention to the central focus point which is this women. The image started off in colour and then I de saturated the image to leave the women and the sign above her in colour.

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Final Image #2You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-When the original image was taken. It almost looked like it was monochrome already so I used the saturation and removed most of the colour from the image and then brought the grooves in the wood out more by increasing the light and the shadows in the image -I have also stuck to the rule of thirds in this image meaning there is equal information in each third of the picture

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Final Image #3You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-I have used the levels in the image to bring out the colours in the reflection more making the reflection more noticeable to the audience. -There’s a lot of geometric shapes I this image which make it look more interesting to the audience -The image didn’t originally have the green, yellow and blue in this, I adjusted the levels and increased the saturation to get this three colour effect in the reflection

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Final Image #4You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-I made all of the bottles in the image more vibrance and then used the aperture in the image to blur out the background. -I had also used gaussian blur to get rid of anything in focus I didn’t want to be. Changed the colour range so the bottles have a yellow glow to them and this brings them forward from the background.-The image is fairly framed between the edges of the shops window

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Final Image #5You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-I have framed this image using the building around me. You can see clearly that it can be sectioned into thirds which is a good technique to use when taking landscape photography. Once again the focus point lies in the centre of the image.-The original image was in colour and I de saturated it and striped it of colour and left the window on the lefts reflection in colour of the three seagulls

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Final Image #6You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-A thing which I like about this image is the fact all the signed which have purposefully been left in colour because I was trying out colour selection stand out on the background. It a very candid image using people going by their everyday lives.-I have purposefully left the top of the image left the top of the image over exposed, I did try and make it dimmer but my personal opinion is it looks better with it been like this

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Final Image #7You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

- From the angle of the camera and due to where the sun is, it has caused the lens to give off a light flare. I changed the levels in the image to make the flare more noticeable to the audience. And then reduced the brightness around the outside of the images bringing out the shadows and showing contrast between the centre of the image. I brought out the centre of the image by using the levels and bringing the light and shadows up making them more prominent in this picture

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Final Image #8You may rename the


What are your initial opinions regarding this image?

-In this image there is a good use of organic shapes, I have made the greens in the image more vibrant as well as the yellow lines on the road. This has been done to bring it out from the black and white back ground.-It’s obvious where the focus point is in this image due to the rest of the image has been striped of colour.

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Evaluation - CompositionDiscuss elements of visual language that refer to the composition and image construction:If any of my images have structural elements to them then I tend to have framed the shot on the

surrounding. I have tried many different styles such as colour selection, reflection and landscape. All of which I have tried different editing techniques to make them all seem pleasing to the eye.

You do not need to refer to all of the images, however, it would be useful to discuss your use of composition in specific images.

In my first final image I used the women with the red coat due to it been such a vibrant colour which stood out to us in the crowd. It’s a very candid image so no poses were used. I used colour selection in this image to draw attention to the focus point.

In my 2nd image which is of the minsters doors with the sculpted faces. I edited to how I think it should have looked. The original image didn’t look much different but I put the saturation down and altered the levels to bring the shadows out more mining the grooves in the wood were more prominent. It’s also very framed seen as though I have used the lines on the door as a leading line

Lastly my 5th final image, I tried out landscape photography and then used the saturation to strip the image of colour. Then I edited out the sky and replaced it with something a little more pleasing to the eye. After this I used the original image to put colour in the reflection of the window on the left hand side of the image. The leading line in this image is the bar which follows from the left corner into the centre of the screen which is where the focus point is in the image which is a bride . The image also falls quite well into the rule of thirds meaning the image can be easily separated into sections with equal information in each.

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Evaluation - AudienceDoes your project meet the identified audience in the proposal?The photography I have done throughout this project I feel has been good and very specific to the audience I was going for. Everything in the images have something which makes them stand out and make them more pleasing to the eye. The age group I was going for was between the ages of 17-24 due to them most likely having similar interests as me.What social groups and genders should view this work?I think it would be specific for anyone in the social groups of C1, B, A due to it having qualities such as the women in the red coat looking fairly upper class as well as some images are taken of building with historical meaning and great value. All these indicate to a high class audience.Does it contain political views that would appeal to an audience?One of my images is taken of a close up on the York minsters door. They have sculpted the previous arch bishops of this minster onto the door to link the present with the past but apart form this. There has been no other political photography.

Peer Review-I could be more specific in the style of photography I’m using. The variety of photos I have used are of different styles. For example: I have done some candid street photography, landscape photography and using reflection as well.-Good variety and use of editing when coming to making the final image for this piece.

Peers can use this box to comment on your work. Remember. Constructive, not destructive!

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EvaluationHave you achieved what you aimed to do with your images? If so, how? If not, why?I think that I achieved what my main aim of this project was to get some good, candid street images which link well with

the style of photography I’m doing my project on. My most preferred image is the image with the women in the red coat, this is because it has a lot of professional feature to it which would be used in such things as advertisements nowadays.

Are the images fit for purpose? Could they be entered into a competition?I think a few of them could be due to them using a lot of professional techniques in the production of these images such as the colour selection. The use of aperture to blur the background and using monochrome to build atmosphere.Have you received negative or positive feedback? Give examples and be critical regarding any further changes

that may be necessary.I have one negative piece of feedback which can be easily corrected throughout the project which is to make my work

more specific to one style of photography. In my case, I would be doing street photography.The positive feed back states that I have used a good, wide range of editing styles to make the images more pleasing to

the eye. For the negative comment. I can make this change when I go back out on a second shoot and get more street shots.

Consider the technical qualities of the images – How well has exposure, depth of field and post-production been controlled?

I have used all of these elements that have been stated here to build effect in my images. There’s one main one which use’s aperture to blur out the background to make the audience ask more questions, rather than revealing more to the audience.

Post production has been used in most of the images, one things which I really like trying is doing colour selection. The only one which has had minimal editing to it is the image of the York minsters doors which already looked monochrome before any changes were made.

Consider the visual impact of the images – How artistic? Are they black and white or colour? Justify your rationale behind your choices.

A main thing I have tried to use in my work is the effect of colour selection and what the result of doing this, does on the final image to make it more pleasing to the eye.

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Evaluation - ContextWhat previous work has influenced your project?I found out the enjoyment for using colour selection from my dads photography company. I have seen him use this style in some of his work which made me think would it be possible to get the same effect without the same equipment. My final pieces show you my attempts at trying out this style.Has it been influenced by race, religion or politics?There is no key influences in my work to do with any of these elements. The only thing that might link to religion in my images is the image of the minsters door with the sculpted heads resembling the arch bishops of this Cathedral Do the contexts identified in the proposal meet your finished project? I think that my style of photography would fall into the stock photography or advertisements due to having taken very candid image which work well with things like clothing magazines, or billboards.

Evaluation - Context

Blogs: You an use things such as blogs and forums to post your work with no additional cost and make your photos noticed by the audiences your going for. It also allows you to see what other people have done in the section of photography, giving you new ideas to try out with other locations.

Photo sharing website: Gets your work more well known and allows people to see the what elements follow through all of my work which makes your name more noticeable for curtain styles of work

Stock images: This allows other people and companies to review your stock images and purchase them at their own account meaning they can find the image they are looking for at a cheaper expense

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EvaluationWhat skills and knowledge have you gained from the project?I have gained the ability to use the setting on a camera to my advantage by using things such as aperture

to leave a background of an image blurred out to make the audience ask more questions about this image.

Another thing I have the chance to experiment with is the idea behind colour selection, leaving curtain objects in colour in a black and white image. You can also make the things in colour more vibrant for effect. This is done to draw attention to the focus point in the image.

What can you do now that you could not? Is there anything else you need to learn about?I have learnt a good set of skills that I couldn’t do before. For example when it comes to sky replacement.

The best way to get area in between trees is using the colour range tool. This is just one of many skills I have learnt throughout the project.

Do you feel that you managed your time on the project well?I think that I have been very good with time management due to having all the work that has been set for

me in on time and still had extra time to go back and re do work I think could have more potential.

And finally, self-evaluation on any other comments, notes, production logs, sketches, trial shots.

When I went out and started the first shoot I had done. I noticed that I would have preferred doing architecture photography rather than street but I also found that you’re able to do more with editing in the images. I did do some attempts on this style throughout the day to see what I could do with it. Images like this one in the corner I would try doing editing such as sky replacements to test myself.