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,afe:«*»* ;: *b««OK .... No*. In, IMS—Lilt of balances Handing nt lht citdit ol Depositors, which hate remameJ uv- claimed since the 1st November, 1*44: Edward Arlcher, «4 to Lansing ft Co. 4 IS J LutSer, . 4 05 U. H. Mann, 1 id Bent. Marshall, a 66 F. Meigham, I 80 I. Morrill, 1 10 Momriiss * Hon ell % 89 I 18 Molt Brothers, » «l 0 18 Ncl Icier ft Ktmsiler, 88 t 41 W. Ogerlt, . JO 00 1 ol Perkins. Hopkins * Ha* White, J oo J. H. Piokertoa, t) 68 W. P. Powers, i- R- Andertott, Stnvl Br«dhurst, Jahn Barlleti, Frauds Bogardut, Wra, Bloodgood, f. 0. P-ogardus, J, J. A. Bruce, 3 l»U) • »•, MM ,4 .,8 Jas. Preston, Maty Panel, J. Prall, John it. Marshall, Hiram Cranston lactam, Clark * Cost, A. /. Ctuter,' J. S. Chlpley, George Crogan, W U I i P I I CommoD schools, 9 si P. J. Conaot, »7» Wm. Cronwell, 8 68 T. F. Connell, 1 00 taut ft Randolph, W. I", Cnwke ft Co. a80 K, S Ktssairi, 0. C. De K»y, Tre»s. 0 84 R, T. Huddard, John Do Camp, a 06 K Harm « Co. B. A, Dlsbrow ft Co. 198 Seth Hastings, Wm. Dnmont, ~1enry Erben, tnj II. Field, . «. Fowler, B.C Grant, 0. M. Haul, J. ft C. Oascelgne, Gray, Ball * Co. David llriffltl.s, Chs Oillesple. Unban, Bally ft Dia- ler, I 13 Alexander Hanii ton, 3 80 R F. Hart, Purser, 10 oo i. M. Henriques, 1 oo Houghton ft Co. 1 98 O. II Hutching*, * 98 Huntington,Ttflasy ft 3 60 14 60 4 00 7 II 4 89 I 84 8 46 l 14 I »8 9 00 it m 81 07 4 93 Jamil H, Ray,' I 19 8 87 R. Cowley, t C* 90 00 Roulere as Co. AM 4 80 David Rogers ft Son, * 41 3 61 J. C. Halferty, I II 4 48 Win. J. Maples, 1 94 19 80 Thorpe ft Cutter, < 40 3 4> l,a .an Smith, Pres't, 1 18 I 1 M Kills, V. H. Hutlon, Samuel Jones, 5 . T. KissamftCo. . Eirigilaud ft Co. R. Koower, Wm Kimble, H. Laverly, i M I 13 900 J 60 4 (I 1 93 18 48 «3 94 Wm. F. Schmidt, lleury Stokes, Thomas Spotford, Suydaut ft Blyden- burgh, J R.Thomson, Wm. Turner, V. S. Circuit Court Clus. Van Benscbo. tea, John Warren, R. W. Walsh, K. H. Wentwortb, J Welsh, K. M. Weir, O. Weir, ft T. 0. C, 4th ward School, Joel Wolf, J 10 7 49 1 09 9 74 4 41 1 60 Ml 93 16 79 19 90 1 00 6 19 1 61 1 l> 1 >') 9 48 Lin of Dlvldendi of the Bank of the Slatt of New York, which base remained unclaimed s.nce 1st No- vember, 1848: Dividend ol May I, 1847. Amount* James Blott, 10 shs $3i 00 Mary Robertson, 10 shares, 38 00 Dividend of May 1, mm. Henry Dickinson, il shares, 78 00 Dividend of Nov. 1 1849. Cbas Dnsenbury, 10 Dlvldeud ol Nov. 1, 1846 Amount Johu Gibson,in trust, 8 shires, 94 00 Jno J. Heri!ng,6thi. 16 oo Dividend or May 1, 1846. Gibson, John, in trust, 6 sharns, 94 00 James Abea, 8 shs. 9 00 Dividend ol Nov. 1, 1846 shires, 40 00 John Gibson, la tiust 8 share*, 14 00 Pell, Jas.K. and J. Howland, Com. of Morris Pell, 6 shs. 16 00 J. ft W. Townsend, 16 shares, 46 00 Dividend of May 1,1610. Sarah P. Geddes,98 shares. 80 80 Dividend ol May 1,1848. Donald G. Mitchell, 6 shares, 18 00 J. C. Sanlbrd, 30 stl 90 00 Dividend of Nov 1,1814. S. M. Prail, 6 shs. 19 00 New York, Nov. 99,1848- R. Withers, Cubit* of the Bans of the Siale ol Now Vork, being duty twain, de- poses and says, that the foregoing statements ol un- claimed oalanefs and unclaimed dividends are correct and true to the best ol his-kuowlcdge and belief, (sun- dry small Hems of less than one dollar each having been approprtaied to pay the expenses of advertising, ftc) Signed, R. vWrHKRS, Cashier. Sworn before me, this 99th day of November, 1848. de9 6w JOISVH Staorre, Com of Dteds. T ~H^p«oplTo7lhe slate of New York, by lite trace of God tree and independent, to all persons in- terested In the estate Of Thomas Hunn, late of tin city of New York, deceased, as creditors, neit oi kin or otherwise, send/greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear beiore our surrogate ol he coumyol New-Yoik, at his office in the city of New-York, on the sixth day ol March neil, at ten o'clock la the forenoon of lhal day, then and there lo attend the liaal settlement ol ike account of proceed- Inge of Thomas Vauiierhool, as administrator of ibe goods, ehaitels and credits of said Thomas Hunn de- la testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of ortlc* ol said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Wltness.Anthonyl.. Roberison.esq., surrogate [L. 8,1 of our eaid county, at Ihe city ol New-York, the sixteenth day of November.ln the year of our l.ord one thousand eight hundred and forty ANTHONY L, - R ROBBRTSON, Surrogate. eight del im rfttiR people ol Ihe slate of New York, by the grace X of Gad Itee and independent, to Sarah Johnson, John D. Johnson and hdwin A. Johnson, severally re- siding in the city of New York, and George w. John- son, resldlug in the parish of Plaauemiue ,n the slate of Louisiana, llie widow, heirs and next of kin of Wil- liam M. Johnson deceased, send greeting: Whereai, Biadlsh Johnson, ol Iho city of New York, has lately applied lo our surrogate of the coun ty of New York, to have a cenaia instrument In wri- ting, relating lo both tealand personal estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of William M. Johnson, laie of the city of New York, deceased; therefore, you and each of you are cited to appear be- fore our said surrogate, al his office in the cily of New York.outhe Uihdayof Unitary next.at ten o'clock In the forenoon of Hut day, then aud there to attend to tha probate of the said last will and testament. In testimony whereof, the surrogate of inn said county has hereuuto affixed his seal oi office, 11 -. • I Ihe twenty-second day of November, one thou- sand eight hundred and lorty-eighi, del 6w ANTHONY L. ROBBRTSON, Surrogate. rpilK people of the stale ol New York, by the grace X of God tree and independent, to ihe creditors, le- gates!, next of kin, and all persons Interested in the estate of John Baker, late of the town of Hooslck, de- ceased : You are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate Of Our county of Rensselaer, In our surrogate's court, on the 6th day of March, 1849, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon oi that day, at the surrogate's office iu ihe elty of Troy, then and there lo attend the liual settle- ment of the aicoutiis ol William Carpenter and Wil- liam M. Paddock, executors of the last will and testa, mint of said deceased. In testimony whereof, we hive caused Ihe seal ol office of our said surrogan to be hereunto af> IL. S.J Bxed Witness, neurge T Blair, esq., surro- gate of ihr said county, at the city ol l'toy.llie 98th day of November, ims. del sm 0- •'. Hi.AIR. Surrogate. N OTICE— An application will be made to the uex: Legislature, to incorporate " The Merchants' aud Mechanic! 1 Insurance Company," lo be located in the city of Albany, wilh a capital of JJIOO.OOO, with the right to increase II to f-JOO.OX) del Cw i ••• i i n W HEREAS, Hihty B8.ll*au of tb/. city, comity stale of New York, and Phebo bis wile, by im N oriCKis heieby given, that application .wilt be made to the New York Legislature, at Its next ses- sion for an act ol Incorporation lor the Americau Ke- rnels Moral Reform and Guardian Society, nolo liw QXttlal It hereby given ntai an application will be made to the Legislature of this State, al Its next session, for an act lo incorporate the ' (lulled Slates Mutuil Assurance Company and Collective Savings Bank." Nov. Mth, 18i8. de96w M ORTGAGii SALK— Default having been made In , the paym-ot ofthe money secured by a mortgage executed by Mary Bradford, John A. Livingston and Louisa R. Livingston, his wile, of the cily of Albany, mort|4gors,to Ann Yates,of the same place,mortgagee, dtleu thefirstday of June, A D one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty nine, aud recorded In the office of the clerk of the city and county of Albany, In book No. 46 of mortgages, i>agesl68,ftc,October 6th, 1839, at half past nine o'clock A. M , and upon wulch mortgage there Is claimed to be title at the time of the Hrst publication, one thousand seven hundred dollars and eighty.two eents ; and which sain mortgage has been duly assign- ed to Christopher Y. Lansing ol thecuy of Albany,and no sail or proceedings having been instituted to recov- er the debt secured by the saiu mortgage, now, ihero- fore, notice is hereby given In pursaauce of a power of sale contained In tin said mortgage, that the said mortgaged premises will be told al public auclion al the rotunda ol Ihe Albany Merchant's (Exchange, on the Hlteenthday of February next, at twelve o T clock noon of that day. The meitgaged premises are descri- bed as follows: "Ail that certain lot, piece or parcel of ground, with the buildings and Improvements there on, situate, lying ana being In the late (dlth) now sixth ward of the city ol Albany, and bounded as fol lows, vis i on the no, th by a lot of ground belonging to - Yates, on the east by Clinton ttquare, ombe sooth by a house and lot of ground, owned ana occu- pied by Andrew B Browu, and on the west by Chapel street, being in width in front on Clinton Square.Iwen- tv-ttvs feet and eight inches, and in rear of said lot along Chapel street, twenty-lour feet eigh' inches, aud In rear ol dwelling, about twenty.live leet and eight incbes, and In depth from Clinton atiunre to Chapel slrosl about one hundred and two leet on the north line ofthe lot, Dated Nov. 30th, 1843. - J. B. Ititis-S'.IAIIK, Attorney for Assignee de9 19w of mortgage, A Ibany city. T HR people of the slate of New York, by the grace it fi HI tree and independent, to Catharine Hoyce, Barab Webb, Caroline Meeke, wife of William Meeks, i 1 acts u in i franklin, wife of George Franklin, A nto- netta Frlead.wife ol Richard Friend, Cat barine Boyce, Charles W. Farringtnn, timeline lYood, wife ..I Wi|. Ham Wood, and Johu K. Farrlngton, severally resi- ding la the city of New York, Mary Ann Mead, wife ol Joel Mead, and Samuel Beriiue, severally residing la the elty of Brooklyn, county of Kings aud stale ol New York, Nionolis R. Boyco, residing in the city of N'W Orleans in Ihe elate ot Louisiana, Sarah Way, wife of John Way, severally icsldiug at Newtown on Long Island, Hester Kertlne and Mary Ann Berime,se- verally residing at Ba»l Chester In the couuty of Wesl- clesier and slate of New York, jand to William C. Freeman ol tneeily of New York, the special guardian of William Betllne, residing in Ibe -i.y ol New York, and Peter Berime, tesiding at Kast t.hesier, aforesaid, minors, the widow, heirs and nexi of kin of John (Joyce, deceased, sand greeting : Wnsieae, John Boyce at Kast Chester, Westchester connty and state of .-Hew York, has lately applied to OuVsiuiiigata ofthe county olNew York, lo have a oeriain instrument In wilting, relating to both real aud personal estate, duly nrottt as the lent will and testament of John Boyce, late ol IU. ;<-.;, ol New York, deceased; therefore, you and each of you arc ciled tu appear before our said surrogate, at ulsoOtca In Ibe etlyol'Naw York,on the tenth day of January n-n, ,,t ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, the. and there to attend to the probate ol the said last will aud testa- ment. In testimony whe.vof, the surrogate of oar said county, has hereunto affixed his seat ol office, ft,, 8.1 the tweuty-tlrst day of Novembcr.oue thousand - eight hundred and fsrty eight. 0O30 6W ANTHONY L. RORKitTsON, Surrogate MM iuro of mortgage dated ihe nlolh day of May, '(814, In order losseure ttw payment pf iba turn of two thou- i lawful In- I Company sand dollars of principal, togsther with the lawful In terttt thereon, unto tht Firemen 1 ! Insurance Company ol the city oi Albany, did mortgage aud convey unto lb* said Firemen's Insurance Company of the city of Albany, "all those three certain brick houses and lots ol land, situate, lying and being on the west side of Dallius street, at Its Intersection wilh Bleecker street. In the third ward of Ibe city of Albany, aforesaid, and known as numbers (9) nine, (II) eleven and (13) thir- teen Dallius street, and bounded and described as fol- lows t beginning at tha southeast (well) corner of Bleecker and Dallius street and running thence south' erly along Dallius street about sixty ttve leet to the division or partition wall between the third and fourth ola cettali building 'Tift along the partition line or fence between said third and S t ol a certain row of six buildings belonging to lleiiry.Raiiiiii.nl, and running tbence wester 1 fourth buildings, about sixty five feet ten inches to the rear ofthe foresaid lot of land of ibe said Henry Barn- man, tbence northerly along the west llneoi the afore said lot of land about sixty live feet lo the south line of Bleecker street, and thence running westerly (ras terly) about sixty-five feet ten laches to the place of beginning t which said mortgage Is tecorded In .be of- fice ol tbt cleik of the city and county of Albany, in book No. 66 of mortgages, pages 67,*c , May 16,1844; and whereas default has been made In the payment of Ihe inoa'es secured to be paid in and by the said mon- tage, and there is claimed to be due on the said mart- fage at the first publication of this notice, ibe sum of wo thousand dollars ol principal, together with Ihe legal Interest thereon, from the ninth day of Novem- ber, 1847, and no proceedings at law have been Insti- tuted for Ihe recovery ol the said monies or any part thereof: now, therelore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mort- gage, and In pursuance of Ihe statute in such case made and provided, the said mongage will be foreclo- sed by a sale of the said mortgaged premises at public auction to the highest bidder at lbs rotunda ofthe Alba- ny Bxchange building la the city of Albany, on the twenty tilth day of January, 1849, at It o'clock at noon of that day. Albany, October 30, lltstt. TfIK FIRBMSN'S INSURANCE COMPANY ofthe city of Albany, mortgagees. Ptter Oaatevoort, Attorney, Albany, ocxo nw W HKHKAS, Daniel Powers, then of the cily and county of Albany and s att of New York, and Frances his wife, by Indenture of mortgage dated the first day of May, 1839, In order to secute ibe payment of the sum of two thousand dollars ol principal, to- gether with ihe lawful Interest ihereon, unto the Fire- men's Insurance Company of the city til' Albany, did mortgage and convey unto the said Firemen's Insu- ranee Company of thecity of Albany, "all that certain lot of ground, situate, lying and being in that part oi the said city of Albany, which was called the great Church Pasture, known and distinguished »•» lot num. ber seven of the subdivision of lots numbers one hun- dred and thirty.six and one hundred and thirty seen, as tht same lots are distinguished on a map of the said pasture, which said lot number seven begmsat ibe in- tersection of (late Van Drieien street, now) Green street with Wesieilo street, and running thence southerly along said (late Van Diieseu street) now Green street, twenty .seven feet, thence westerly sixty- six feet to an alley ciahl feel wide, thence northerly twenty.seven feet to westerlo street, and thence eas terly along Westerto street sixty.six feet, to the place ofbegluDing; which said mortgage is recorded in Hie office of the clerk of the uly and county ol A bany, in book No 31 ol mortgages, pages 79, ftc , May 1, l»«, aud whereas, default has beeu made It,the payment ol the monies secured, to be paid in and by the said mon- gage, and there is claimed to be due on the said mort. gage at the Inst publication ol this notice, the sum ol two thousand dollars ol principal, together with the legal Interest thereon, from ihe Brst day of May, 1848, and ao proceedings at law have been Instituted lor the recovery ofthe said monies or any part thereof: now, therefore, notice Is hereby given lhal by virtue ot the power of sale contained In said mortgage, and In pur- suauce of llie statute in such case made and piovlded, ihe said mortgage will be foreclosed hy a sale of the said mortgaged premises at public auction to the high- est bidder al the rotunda ot the Albany Kichange building In the city of Albany, on the ttrst day ol March, 1849, al 19 o'clock al uoon of that day. Alba- ny, December 41b, 1848. TUB FIRBMSN'B INSURANCK COMPANY ofthe cny of Albany, mortgagees. Peter Gansevoort, Attorney, Albany. uei I9w npHK people of the slate of New York, by the grace X of God free and Independent, to all persons Inte- rested In the estate ol George Nlpperl, late of New York cily, deceased, as creditors, nexi of kin or oth- erwise, send greeting i Yiiii|.in I each of you are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear before our surrogate ol the enmity of New Yorx, at I is office in the city ol New York, on the eighth day of May next, at ten o'clock In Ihe forenoon of lhal day,linen and there lo attend the Anal settlement of Ihe account of pro- ceedings of Jacob Nippert, as administrator of Ihe Joods, chattels aud credits of said George Nippert, eceased. In testimony wheieof, we have caused the seal ol office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Anthony L. Robertson, esq., surrogate f 11. 9.] of our said county, at the city of New York,llie thirty-first day of October, in the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorty- eight. ANTHONY L. ROBERTM>N, not 6m Surrogate. VKWlfORst" SUPREME COURT-In Equity-Bap- i.1 list Leiteli vt ThoimiH Leltcb and Ann Klixa his wife, Charles l.ekch and Catharine his wile, Ann, wife of Baptist I.ellch, Sarah Leitch, James Taylor anil Jane his wile, Isaac Leitch, Harvey Hills and Sa- rah his wife, Ludlow Leiteh. Albert Letich, George Leitch, Charles Letich, Joiin Leitclr, Kdward l.eitch, Emma Leitch and William Leitch. in partition. Slateand city and county of New York, ss: In pur snance of an order of the supreme court of the slate ol New York, made in the above entitled cause, at a special term Ibereol, in equity, held lor the state ol New York, al the cily of New Vork, bearing date llie eighteenth day of November, in the year 1818, and of the statute In such case made and provided, public nonce it hereby given to all persons having any gene- ral lien or Incumbrance by Judgment or decree or oth- erwise, on lbs individual share or Interest of any ol the parlies in this suit iu the premises hereinafter de- scribed, to produce lo me, the subscriber, the referee in laid cause namtd In said order, on or before the eighteenth cay of January, 1819, at my office, No. 76 Nassau street, in the cily ol New Yoik, proof ol their respective liens ami incumbrances, together with sal* Isfaclory evidence ol the amount due thereon and the dates thereof respectively. The said premises, in the said bill of complaint, as amended, are described and numbered or known as lolluws. to wit: All lhal certain lot of laud, with Ihe buildings and appurteuauces thereon aud thereto belonging, situate, lying aud being In Ihe fourteenth ward ot tne cily ol New York, and known as number two hundred and one (901) Heller street, and being twenty-five leet in front and rear, and one hundred leet on each side. Da- ted New York, November -wth, 1848. WM. H.EL1ING, Referee, de4 6w| _ No 76 Nassau street N OTICK—Application will be made lo uieiTcgTsia ture of this State, at Us next session, for an act to amend the cbsrter ofthe Croton insurance Cotnpa* ny ofthe city ol New York, so as to change the name, and allow said Company to have a Capitol stock ol from tMu0,0O0 to j)3co,ooo, in addition lo its chartered privileges, and for other purposes. New York, Pec. *• l84f L_ de6 6w '11HK people of the stale of New Yoik, lo Samuel, X Urllnn of the county of Erie In the state ol New York, Kllas Grlllln of the slate ol VVisooasin, James Bailey and Sarah Ann his wile, of ihe town of Mans held in the county of Cattaraugus and stale of New York, Washburn Vinton ind Phebe his wife,and Anna Griffin of ihe town of Bllicottville in the county o' Cattaraugus aforesaid, and Francis E. Ballleu, ipe clal guardian for Susanna Griffin and Lucretia Ball, minors, licit* at law and next of kin to Joseph Griffin late ol the town of Mansfield la said county of (.'ana raugus, deceased, seud greeting: Whereas, Dinah Griffin, Ihe executrix named in the last will and testament of Joseph Griffin, late of the town ol Mansfield In the county ol Cattaraugus, de- ceased, has mads application to the surrogate oi the e.unity of Cattaraugus, lo have said will, which re- lates lo real and personal estate, proved and admitted to probate) you and each ol you are therefore hereby cued lo appear before the said surrogate, at his office in the town of Bllicouville, iu said county, on the rttli day of January, A. D. 1849,at I o'clock iu the afternoon, to attend the probate of said will. In testimony whercm, we bare caused the seal oi oar said surrogate's court to be hereunto af- filed. Witness, Rensselaer Lamb, esq , coun- (f.. 8.) ty Judge, acting as suirogate.ol oursald coun- ty of Cattaraugus, at Klllcotiville, this 90lh day of November, A. D. 1848. RENSSELAER LAMB, County Judge, 4>F6w Acting as Surrogate. dtetmt •ii I.I n N OTICK TO CRKDITORB~r«Tst)alit to an order of l.ewli Benedict! Jr., surrogate of the county of Al- bany, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Levi Nicketson, latt of the town ol Cueytnans, deceased, (hat they are required to exhibit the lame, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscri- bers, the administrator and administratrix of the goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, at the office of the administrator, in Mepheosvrtle in the town of Coeymans, on or before the 1st day of March next. Dated this 94th day of August, A. D 1648. WILLIAM ft. HH1GGS, Administrator, au9»6in HANNAH KKKFKR, Admiulsliatii*. T HIS peoplt of the state of New York, by the grace of God fieetnd Independent, to all persons Inter- ested In the eitale ol lames Kuipe, late of the oily of New York, deceased, as ciedltors, next of kin, or oth- erwise, send greeting i You and each ol you are hereby cited and required, peiionally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county of New York, al his office) In the city of New Yoik, on the eighteenth day ol January next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, then and there to attend the limit settlement of the account of proceedings of Matilda Kuipe, William Kiuim and William Robertson, as administratrix and admlais- trators of the goods, chattels and credits of said James Kuipe, deceased, in testimony whereof, w» have caused the seal of office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Anthony C. Roberison.etq.jsurrogaie [fa. B.J ol our said county, at the city ol New York, the tenth day of October, in the year of our Loid one thoueaml eight hundred and forty- eight. ANTHONY L ROBBRTSON, oc.li) 3m Surrogate. T HE people of the state oi New Yoiit, by ibe grace ni God free and Independent, to all poisons inte- rested in the estate ol Tyrone Power, laie of London, Kingdom of Oreat Britain, deceasea, as creditors, next si kin. or otherwise, send greeting t You and each ol you are hereby cited and reqvired, personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county of New York, at his office, in the city ol New- York, on the twenty-second day of February next, at ten o'clock lu the forenoon of that day, than and there to attend Ibe final settlement ol the account 'niiiiistralur yrona Pow- ei. decease* In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Charles Mo Venn, esquire, surrogate [L. S.J of our said county, si the city of New York, the fifteenth day of August, In the year oi our Lord one thousand eighl hundred and for- ty-eight. CHARLES McVEAN, au!7 6m Surrogate. of proceedings of William Redmond, as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of said Ty I N pursuance of an older of the surrogate of the coun'y ol Albany, notice Is beieby given, that all persons having claims agaimt the estate of Thomas Wright, late of the elty of Albany, deceased, are re- quired lo exhibit the same with the vouchers thereol, to the undersigned, administrator ol the estate of the said deceased, at the office ot I'riiyu ft Martin, No. 63 State street in thecity of Albany, on or before the fifth day of May next. Dated Albany, Nov. 1, 1848. noilawtd SAMUBL PnllYN. Administrator. rptiK people ofthe stale of New York, to Joseph Van X i N OTICK is hereby given, that application will be •tad* to the Legislature of the state of New York, at its usxi session, by tha New York Floating Dry Dock Company, for an increase to the capital slock of lAeCompaiiyji'SJso.oiW. w Yoik, NovemberMlh. IMt. ^JJiioiw R, MOODY, Secratary. 1'HB people of the state of New Yoik by the grace ol Gon free and Independent, to all persons interest- •din the estate ol Auliew Btrvke, late of London, wreayt Britain, deceased, as creditors, next of kin, or otherwise, send greeilosj; *• Ynu ino each ol you ar* hereby cued aud required, personally to be aud appear beiore our surrogate o: tht county of New York.nt hisotjiceintbecity of New York, on the ilxteeoth day of April, next, at ten o'clock la Hit forenoon of.th.tt day, then and there to attend the liual scltteincut of the account ol pro- ceedings of Unite i-trew, as administrator ol ihe Sands, cliaiteta and credits of said Andrew Service, ettrased. in ts<aimony whereof, we have caused Hit seal ot office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness,Authony L. Robertson,esq.,surrogate [la. 0.J of our said county, at the city of New York, the h(ill day of October, in theyear of our Lord one thousand CIEIU hundred and forty. eight. ANTHONY la. ROBERTSON, 0«]| tax ' Wneifiwi* lloutenof Owersvllle mthe slate of t'emu-ylva nia, and otheis, send greeting : Whereas, Abraham A. Hush of Flatlandslntbe coun- ty ol Kings, has lately applied to our surrogate ol the county of Kings, to have a ceitaln instrument in wri- tings bearing date the > th day of December, 1844, pur* porting to dispose ol both real and persona) estate,du- ly proved as the last will and testament of Elizabeth Van Hoiiti.ii, late ut Flallands, aforesaid, deceased; wherefore, you and eaeh of sou are cited and reqit.rca personally to be and appear before our said sunt gtie. at his office in the city of Brooklyn, on tbe 19th day oi January next, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon ol thai day, then and there to attend to the probate of the said last will and testament. In witness whereof, the surrogate of our said coun- ty has hereunto affixed his seal oi office, the If.. S.J 96ib day of November, one thousand eight hull dred and forty-eight, and ol our Independence the seventy-third A. B. linuOKS, 4tTtw . Surrogate. rpiiE people of tht state of New York, by the grace X ol uodfretand Independent, to Margaret Hlxon, Edward truoa. Jonn Dixon and Klixibeih llixon,of Seneca, Ontario coutily, Matthew Dixon of Pratls- burgh, Steuben rouniy, state oi New York, George Dixon ol Winnebago, state of Illinois, and to John C. Sioley of Canandalgua, N. Y., the special guardian ol George Fish, of S-ueca, aforesaid, being the widow, heirs and next of kin ol John Dixon, late of the town of Sentcaln the county ol Ontario, deceased, send treatingr You are hereby cited to appesr before Mark H. Sib- ley, county judge of Ibe county of Ontario, perform- ing the duties ot the office ol surrogate therein, at the surrogate's office, in ihe village of Canandalgua, in said county of Ontario, on ihc-i/ih day of January ncai, al I a o'clock, M., to attend Iheproofofa certain Instrument, relating to leal and personal estate, and pur,tilling to iiuthe last wllland testament of the said deceased, in which said will, Edward Dixon aud John Dixon are named executors thereof, upou the applica- tion of the said Edward. Witness the seal or the said office and the signature of the said county Judge, at Cauandaigua, In [L, B.) said county of Ontario, this 30th day of No- vember, A. D, 1818. 46T6W i MARK H. SIBI.KV. |WOTICK--Appllcalloo will be made to Ihe neat leg- 1.1 lslatartby ''tht Atlantic Dock Company" to ex- tend the term of their charier and for other uurnoses. Dated. Mnjrewther t4ih. last Itf a" 'PHK •adtrslgued, Tiostses oi the Library establist 1 id by the will of the late John Jacob Aslor, alvt SHatteothit lUey wilt apply to the Legislature, at In next ssssi-ni, for an act •>! t-icoriioraiioii, pursuant IS UM provision* el Ihe said win. M^w York, November is, 06* WASHING ION IRilNtt, aotttw fortiiinself " nothe other Trustee* OT1CK of application lor the discharge of an ilit"T<. mm from his debts, pursuant to the provisions ol «a« third article of lliullrst title ot the filth chapter M th* MKond pJn of the lUvisc<i Statutes. HH^RirV6BWN, Jr., c-l ihe City of New York Kottte first published November e, laid, Crtdjtois to gttMtttr and show cause befoit the hen. Charles P. Da ley, one ofthe judgcsprihe court ofcommou pleas of tht City and couuty of Notr York, at his chambers it t Se *4>y kali of the city of New York, on the nineteenth 6J>f esftsWmirf 11849, at ten o'clock!» ' 1 N OTICE—Application win be made 'o me Legisia ture of the state of New York, at the next session, lor the passage •!' an act releasing and conveying to Revcrly Robinson, tbe sole surviving executor and trustee of Ihe estate of Wll lam James alt. John, de- ceased, and to his successors, in office, la fee, subject to the trusts declared In the will of said St. lohn, the right, title aod Interest which the people of the stale or New Yoik may have a, tinned by escheat, on the death of the said testator, la and to a certain tract of land situate In the town of Naples, in the county ol Ontario In said stale, comprising Ihe following lots, vlx r lot No, 19 In the llth range of lots—Nos, 19, lo, 8, 1 and 1 In the i-nh rangt of lots—Nos. 1, 9,8, 4, t 6,7, 8,10 and 19 in the llth range—Nos. 1, t, 4,6,6,7,8 !>, in, 19and it lathe 14lhrange—Nos. I. I, 4, 6,6, 7,8. -i, to, i i ami H In the 16th range; each tot containing one hundred and eight acres, amounting in Ihe whoJe to four thousand one hundred and four acres; aud au- thorising said trustee and kts successors, in office, to linen his name, as plalntilTlu certalnsuitsnow pend- ing, for the recovery of the possession of some of the .aid lots, and to prosecute the same to Judgment and execution. New York, November llih, 1848. uo'il mo BEVERLY ROBINSON, Trustee,fto. A! o I'll;!--, is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions Ll of 1st Revised Statutes, pige 166, section 3, that at the next session ol Ihe legislature of the slate of New York, to be held at the capnol In the cny of Al- bany, on the first Tuesday 61 January, IH49, an appli- cation will be made to the legislature, lor a release of the lands, situated In the lownol Mar.borough, Clster county, whereol Lewis C. Mango, an a lien, late ol said Marlborough, deceased, died seized, from tscheat to ihe state, to Margaret Anu Mango of New Yoik city, widow ol the said Lewis C. Mango. The above lauds comprise about four and a quarter acres, on the high- way that leads east from B T. Lockwood'sto Marlbo- rough, aod were conveyed to the said Lewis C. Man- So by John F. Fegarrow and wife, by dead dated lath ictober. 1889, and recorded In Ulster county clerk's office, lib. No. 89 of deeds, page 480 and 481, 93d Octo- ber, l»i9. Dated New York, November 91st, 1848. no30 6w MARGARET ANN MANGO. oCr HEME COtlRT-ln Kqulty-Francis Selgrlsl vs O Mary selsrlst, Charles Moore and Mary Moore his wife, Nicholas seigrist, Joseph; eit;i ist, John P. Pulte and Eli2abeth Pulte his wife, William-Seigrist,Charles Sslgrist and Louisa Selgilst, William Menck aiulj.lu cob Backes. In pursuance ol the statute in such case made and provided, and of an order of this court made in tiie above entitled cause, notice is hereby given to alt per- sons having any general lien or Incumbrance, by tudg mem or decree, upon any undivided share or lutereat, si any of the above named parties, or upon all Ibe shares or interest ofthe said parties, inor to the lands and premises mentioned in the. bill of complaint In this cause, and hereinafter described, (and of which parti, ilon or sale is sought by said bill,) or any pan there- of, to produce to , the subscriber, referee, at my of- fice, No. 90 Nassau sireet, in the city of New York, on or before Friday, the twelfth day of January next, be- tween the hours of nine o'clock in Ihe forenoon and Ave o'clock in the afternoon, proof of all such their respective liens and lucumbiances and of the amounts due thereon respectively, and that they specify the nature aud dales of their Incumbrances respectively, which said lands and premises are described hip he said bill as follows : All those two certain lots, pieces and parcels of Imil situate, lying antkbetng on llie southwesterly side of Foriy-Second street, between the eighth and ninth av- enues, in the I-tie ninth, now twelfth waid of thecity of New York, known and distinguished on a map on file in the office of tbe register of the city and county of New York, entitled "Map of a tract of land com- monly called the Hermitage, situate in the ninth ward of the city ol New York, showing the same as subdivi- ded I .to lots on the imerhcotiog avenues and streets, compiled limn authentic surveys, February, 18,6, by Daniel Bvven, cily surveyor," by the numbers follow- ing, to wit: number (630) six hundred and thirty, ami (631) six hundretl and thirty-one, containing, eaeli,ac> cording lo the aforesaid map, in breadth, in Iroiil and rear, twenty-lour feet eight niches, more or less, and in length on each side, one hundred leel more or less, and are together lurlher known and distinguished ou the map aforesaid, by being part ol division number (117) one hundred and seventeen, and together arc bounded as follows: uortheasterly by Forty-Second si t eet, southwesterly by a lot and premises known and distinguished ou the map aforesaid by the number (639) six hundred and thirty-two, northwesterly by lot number (699) six hnnd-etl ar,d tweniy-nine on the map aloresaiu. and southeasterly bv the eighth avenue. Also, all that certain lot or parcel of ground in the twelfth ward of the cily of New York., on ihe westerly side of the eighth avenue, between Forty-Sixth and forty Eighth streets, and known and distinguished on a map ol property belonging to Barbara Lctgeit,widow of Isaac Leggelt, late ol tne city of New York, decea- sed, as luid out and divided by R. Spencer, city sur- veyor, on the tenth day of July, in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and thiny-tour, and filed tu the of- fice of the regit icrol thecity and county of New York, as lot number (l)onevfrontlng on said eighth avenue, -,n the wester y *.d<-, between Forty-Sixth and Forty- •ev nth sireet-, with the dwelling-house elected thereon. New Y'ork, November 98,1848. no30 6w PHILO T. RUOGLES, Referee. S UPREME COURT—Oliver Steele, plaintiff against Richard P. Dunn and l.nvinin his wife, Johannah Durrle and Ralph Prall, defendants Notice in parti tlon to geneial lien auditors. It. L (nice, plaint.ff's attorney. In pursuance and by virtue of an order ofthis court, made in the above emitted cause, titled Ihe ah day ol December, I8s8, and ofthe statute iu such case made and provided, notice is heieby given to all person! having any general Hen or Incumbrance by judgment or decree or otherwise, on the undivided ahaieor inte- test of any names in this suit, in the premises herein alter described, lo produce to me the undersigned, re ieree,ouor before the 17vh day of Januaiy, 1840, al my office In the Commercial Buildings In Broadway in the city of Albany, proof ol their respective lions and Incumbrances, together with satisfactory evidence ol the amount due tbereon, and to specify the nature of such incumbrances aud the dates thereof respectively. The said premises mentioned in the hill ol complaint, aredescilbedas followsi All that certain house and lot of ground situate in the fourth ward of Ihe said cily ol Albany, and bound- u i us lollows, to wll i on Ihe east by Broadway, (laic Soui h Market street,) on I he not th hy a house and lot ol tround (now or lately) belonging to the heirs of John McHarg, deceased, on llie wen by Liberty street, and on the sourh by house and lot (now or lately) be- longing to John Humphrey, being in iront runt tear thirty reel In width, and in length one hundred audfor- ty.five feet and six inches, be the same moieorless. Dated Albany, Decembers, 1848. de8 6w JOHX NRWLAND, Referee. N OTICE is hereby given to all the creditors of JAMES II. PALMER, of Rochester, county ofMou- roe, an Insolvent debtor, lo appeal before Patrick G. Bttclian, esq.; iudge of Monroe county courts, at his office, lu said Rochester, on the nineteenth day of Feb- ruary, 1849, at ulne o'clock in the forenoon, lo show cause, il any they have, why an assignment of the said Insolvent's estate should not be made, and he be dis- t-haiged from his debts, agreeably to the staluierela* tins to voluntary assignments made pursuant to the application of an Insolvent and his creditors. Nov. 99ih,1848. J. B. ft R. L. B. CLARKE, 43ri0w Attorneys lor Insolvent. 'I'HK people of the state of New Yoik, by the grace I. of God free and Independent, to all persons Inte- rested In the estate of Samuel Rcomc, laie of the city of New York, deceased, as creditois, legatees, next of kin, or otherwise, send greetingi You and each of you are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear befris our surrogate ol the county of New York, al his office, in the cily of New York, on tbe twenty-third day of February next, a' teno'cloek in the lorenoon ul thai day ,iheiiand there lo attend thefinalsett leuu nt ol Ihe account of proceed- ings ol Sarah F. Roonic, as executrix, and Charles H. Iloome, as executor of the last will and teslamem of said Samuel Koome, deceased. In testimony whereol, we have caused the seal ol office of said surrogate to be hereuuto affixed. W ltneas,Authony L. Robertsoil.esq., surrogate (I.. S.J ol our said county, at the city of New York, Hie eichieenth day of November, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundretl and forly-elght. ANTHONY I.. ROBERTSON, _no9i 8m surrogate. 1 *HK people of the slate of New York, by the [race of Hun nee and Independent, to all persons inte- rested in the estate of Paulo Joachim Flgtieira. lata of the city ol New York, deceased, as creditors, next ol kin tar otherwise, send greeting : You and each of you are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county ol New York, at his office ut Ihe cny of New York, on ihe nineteenth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then aud there tu attend the final setttemcut ol the account Of pro- ceedings of Eleanor B Hgueira ami John A. F. Ra- chin, as admlntsliaulx and administrator of the goeds, chattels and credits of said iaulo Joachim Fi- guelra, deceased. n testimony whereof, we have caused theseal of of- fice of laid surrogate to bo hereunto affixed. Witness, Chailes McVean, esquire, surrogate [L. S.J of our sail county, at ihe city of New York, the eleventh day ol November, tu the year of onr land one thousand eight hundred and lor. tyeight, ANTHONY L ROBERTSON, nolt 3m . Surrogate- W HEREAS, John Wollensnk of the city aud conn- ty of Albany,by ludaViluro of mortgage, dated the first day of July, 1849, in Order to secure tne pay- ment ofthe sum of twelve hundred dollars ol principal, together with the lawful Interest thereon, imm Samu- el Hamilton, ofthe said cily and county, did mortgage and convey to the said Samuel Hamilton, all that cer- tain lot of ground situate on Ike west side of William sireet, (now Fulton stieet) in the oily of Albany, boun- ded as lollows, vis r on tht. aattby William street, 'now Fulton street) twenty-two leet tik inches, on tht sou th by Van Zandt street) sixty-nine feel, on the west by land belonging to Bradford K. Wood, twcniy-one feet, and on the north by land belonging tothe party of the second part, tht said Samuel Hamilton, be tht same more or less; being the same premises conveyed on the day aforesaid, to the said John Wollensnk by the said Samuel Hamilton and wile, tt secure the payment ofthe purchase money whereol the said mort- gage was given; which said mortgage Is recorded in the office ol the clerk ofthe city and county of Albany in book No. 61 ot mortgages, page 63, July !)H, 1841s aud whereas the said mortgage, and the bond accom- panying the same, weit duly aislgued to' tht subscri- bers, tha Fitimieii's Iu niiamx Company of the city of Albany, by misalignment bearing date on thtMth day of June, 1848, executed by the said Samuel Hamilton, and recorded In tht laid rlet k's office in book No. 64 of mortgages, page 110, *c.,July Ist, 1646) and whereas default b«s been made in the- payment of the monies secured to be paid in and by the said mortgage, and there is claimed to be due oo the laid mortgage at tint Arst publication ol this notice, thesutn ol twelve hun- dred dollars of principal, together with the legal iute- rest thereon, from thefirstday of July, 1847, and no proceedings at law hare been Inmin.ictl lor the reco- very of the said monies or any part thereof: now, therefore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and In pur- suance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the said mm tanned premises at public auction, to the highest bidder, at Hie rotunda of the Albany Exchange building, in ihe city ol Albany, on the eighth day of January, 1646, at 19 o'clock at noon of that day. Al- bany, October It, 1648. THE FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, of the city of Albany, Assignees. Peter Gansevoort, Att'y, Albany. ocl919w N Ol ICE—By virtue ola powe' of rale contained In certain a Holes of agreement made and entered In lo betwetu the subscriber and Aaron Flower, (wilh others,) bearing date the M day of June, 1146, and iu pursuance oi tbe terms and provisions of Ihe said ar- ticles of agreement, ihe subscriber will sell at public auction, at tht rotunda of the Exchange, in the city of Albany, on Ihe 99d day of January next, between Ihe hours of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P. M. of that day, for cash only, three shares ol the capital stock ol the Steamboat Association, known ami ills- tinguiiherl by the name and description of " The Peo- ple's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said Aaron Flower to the subsonber, and on such sale, the subscriber will assign and translei the same to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1648. dt« DANIEL DREW. N OTICE—8y ylrtut ol a power of sale contained iii certain articles of agreement made and enteied nun between the subscriber and George Monteaih, (with others,) hearing date the 9d day ol June, 1846, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of the said articles of agreement, the subicriber will sell at public auction, at the rotunda of the Exchange, In the city of Albany, on the 99d dav of January next, be- tween tbe hours of .ten o'clock A.M. and two o'clock P M of ihal day, for cash only, ten shares of the ca- pital stock of the Steamboat Associations known aid distinguished by the name and description nt "The I'eopl, 's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said George Monteath lo the subscriber, and on auch sale, the subscriber will assign and translerthe same to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1648. •leu DANIEL DREW. N OTICE—By virtue of a power of sale continued in certain articles of agreement made aod entered lino between the subscriber and John 11 Monteaih, (with others,) bearing date the vd day of June, 1846, aud iu putsuance oi the terms and provisions of the said articles of agreement, tbe subscriber will sell at public auction, al tbe rotunda ol ibe Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the >9d day of January next, be twit' n the hours of ten o'clock A. M and two o'clock P. M. ol thai day, for cash only, three shares of the capital slock of the steamboat Association, known and distinguished by the name aud description of "Tho People's line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said John H. Monteaih to the subscribar, and ou such tale, the subscriber will assign and transfer tbe ssme to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1848. de91 DANIEL DREW. JVOTICE—By virtue of a power of sale contained in I x certain articles of agreement made aud entered into between the subscriber and Peter Cagger, (with others,) bearing date the 9d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of Ihe said ar- ticles of agreement, the subscriber will sell at public auction, at the rotunda of Ihe.Bxchange, in the city of Albany, on r.ce 91d day of January next, between ihe hours of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P M. ol lhal day, lor cash only, five shares of the capital stock ol ihe Steamboat Association, kuown and dis. tinsuished by the iiaii-e ant description of "The Peo pie's Lino Association," hypothecated and pledged by the sain Ptter Cagger lo the subscriber, and on such sale, the subscriber will atslgu and transfer the same to the puichaser. Dated December 90, 1848. deal DANIEL DREW. N OTICK—By virtue of a power of certain articles of agreement n N OTICE—By virtue ol a power ol sale contained In certain articles of agreement made and enteied Into between the subscriber and Thomas L. Greene, (with others,) tearing dale the 3d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance oi ihe terms aud provisions of tbe said articles of agreement, Ihe subscriber will sell ui public auclion, at the rotunda ofthe Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the Mil day of January next, be- tween the hours of leu o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P M. of that day, for cash only, five shares or the ca p tal stock of the Steamboat association, known and distinguished by the name and description oi " The People's Line Aosocitiiioti,/' hypothecated and pledged by the said Thomas L. (Iriiene, to the subscriber, and on such sale the subscriber will assign aud transfer the same lo ihe purchaser. Dated December 90,1849. dt9l DANIEL DREW. hi contained m greeineo' made and entered iuto between the subscriber and John W. Harco.rt, (with others,) bearing dale the 9d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of the said articles ol agreement, tho subscribe! will sell at public auction, at the rotunda ofthe Exchange, lu the city of Albany, on ihe 9Jd day of January next, be- tween the hours ol ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P. H. of that day, tor cash only, two shines of the ca- pital stock oi tha Steamboat Association, known aud distinguished by the name and description of " The People's Line Association," hypothecaied and pledged by ihe said John W. Harcourt, to Ibe subscriber, and on such sale the subscriber will assign and transfer the same to the purchaser. Dated December 90, 1848 de9j DANIEL DREW. W OlTcE- By virtue oft power of sale containe~tTin certain articles of agreement made and entered into between tbe subscriber and Jeremiah Oshorn, (with others,) bearing date lie 9d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance of ihe terms and provisions of ihe said articles of agreement, the subscriber will sell al public auction, at the rotunda of the Exchange, lu the city of Albany, on the 39d day of January next, be- tween tbe hours of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P M of that da/, for cash only, five shares of the ca- pital stock ofthe Steamboat Association, known and distiii,;iiished bv the name aud dcscripilon oi "The People's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said Jeremiuh Oshorn, to the subscriber, and on such sale, the subscriber will assign and translei the same to ike purchaser. Dated December 90,18M. dell DANIEL DREW. Ptfy fW>T . WASTE. Attorney fo ^UPRBMECOURT—Moses Y. Btach plaintiff against ,1 the summit Connty Bank, Branch of tbe State Bank of Ohio, dslendant. Notice It beieby given pursuant to Ihe provisions ol the statute authorising attachments against foreign corporations, that at) aUtehtMtt hat issued by order of ihe honorable Klisha P. Hurlbut, one of Ihe Justices ol the tapfttM Court of tht ttatt of Ntw York, against he property of the Summit County Bank, branch ol the State Baak of Ohio, t foreign corjrora lion, defend- .nt In ihe above stilt, in favor of Moses Y. Heacb, jiUliuiB therein, and that Edwards Plerrepont, No. il Wall street, New York, it tht) attorney for said ptaiatltT. The said attachment Is founded on a Bank. r's Book account, aod the balance due tho platntiO imouuts to tbe aunt of two thousand nine hundred weIve dollars and scvsoiy-three cents, (8)9,919 71.) Dated New York, October Mih, 1818. EDWARDS PIKllRKPONT, Pt'fls Att'y. Mllltw , HVYtU»lrttt,NtvrYoHr, rpHK Firemen'! Insurance Company of Hie elty of Al X bany. will apply to the Legislature at Its next ses- sion, lor liberty to make up a deficiency in lis capital, to reduce the number and modify the limitation ol its directors, and to extend the power of marine insuran- ces. Albany, 96th Nov. 1848. RfC rsotjo 6w .'.ll'li VAN KRNSbBLARR, Sec'v r in JOHN McARKA V Y, defendant i~ Youare I T - --. X summoned to answer the complaint of Thomas Hlggins, plaintiff, of which a copy is heieto annexed, and to serve a copy of your answer on us.at our office, number 88 Mate street in the city of Albany) within twenty days after the service oi this.summons, exclu- sive ol tht day of service; and if said defendant fall to answer said cc in plaint, as heieby ieqllire'1, the plain- till will take Judgment against said defendant for one kundred aud seventy slxdollars audelghtyelghtcents, With interest thereon from the tenth day of December. 1849, besides costs, WHEATON ft IIADI.KY, dctodsot Plaintiff's AUorneys, OTlCK—An application will t»~made at tiieTeiT- IVOT1CE—By virtue ofa power of sale contained in l.i ceitain articles of agreement made and entered in- to between the subscriber and Jasper S. Keeler, (with others,) bearing date the 9d day of June, 1646, and in pursuance of the termi and provisions of ihe said at- Helen oi agreement, tbe subscriber will sell at publ'c auction, at the rotunda ol the Exchange, in the city oi Albany, mi the 99it day oi January next, between the hours of ten o'clock A. -M. aud two o'clock P. M. of lhal day, for cash only, ten shares of llie capital stock of the steamboat Association, known aud distinguish- ed by Hie name and description ol " Tbs People's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said Jasper S Keeler, to ihe subscribci, and on such sale, the subicriber will aislguand transfer the same to the purchaser Dated December 90,1848. degl . DANIEL DREW. N OTICE By virtue oft power of sale contained In certain articles of agreement made and enteied In- to between tbe subscriber and Thaddcus Joy, (with otheis,) bearing date the 9d day of June, 1846, aud in pursuance of the terms and provisions ol ihe said ar tides ol agreement, the subscriber will sell at public auction, at the rotunda of the Exchange, In tbe city of Albany, on the 99d day of January next, between the hours of ten o'clock A M.andlwoo'clockP. M. of that day, for cash only, six shares of Ihe capital siock of the steamboat Association, known and distinguished by the name and description of "The People's Line Association," hypothecated mid pledged by ihe said 'Ihuddeus Joy to the subscriber, and on such sale, the subscriber will assign and transfer the same to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1948. dC31 ^ DANIEL DREW. N OTICE is hereby given, that the creditors" of JO." HANNES RO.slNG or ROSING ft COMPANY,non- resilient debtors, residing at Bremen, In Germany,are required to attend a general meeting of such credit- ors, to be held at the office of Kotchnm ft Fcsieoden, No. II Wall at, in the city of New Yolk, on Saturday the twenty-fourth day of February next, (184(1,) at 19 o'clock, noon; wbeu and where all accounts and de- mands, for and against the estate of the said debtors, as lar as ihe same oan be ascsrtaincd, will be adiust- ed, and the amount of moneys in the hands ol the trustees declared. Dated December 19,1848. MOSKS COOK, WILLIAM P. WARRINEK, FRANCIS N. BANGS, dc9910w Trustees, ftc. T O Themis Hegeiiiaii m™.i Charles Storm, Jnirpis H. ud.Onj , a-VV.,hlS wifcr -.,.,-. i.„,„, ..iiioti, Frederick J. Bernard, Charles W. Thompson, Klisha Bloomer, the President, Directors and Company of the Canal Bank of Albany, and Andftw White, Receiver oi «ie.est*» and eft'etlsol said lintrkt -ILi) You and each of yon art hereby summoned to an- twer tht complaint of Thomas W. Albertsonund Rich- ard Albtrtton, executors of tht last will and testa- ment of Benjamin Alberlson, deceased, and to serve a copy of your answer on us at the city of Brooklyn, wlioln twenty days after the service of ihli.summons, exclusive of the day of teryice, or tho plaintiffs will apply to the supreme cburt at the court house in the city ol Brooklyn, at a special term thereof lo be held an tht first Tuesday of February one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, for the relief demanded In tho compute" LOTT, MURPHY & VANDKRBILT, Pl'fft Att'ys, No. 8 Front St., Brooklyn. Tht foregoing summons is published pursuant to nn order this day made by the Hon. Nathan B. Morse.one of the judges of the supreme court, for ihe purpose ol setvlce upon Thomas Hcgeman, one ofthe defendants named tlltttin. Dated Nirvernller 20,1848 LOTT, MURPHY ft VANDKKBILT, iio-jfltlsot l'liiiiiUK'K Attorneys. aWBlllllill.lril^lawtlUiliriltytat-! lVOl'iOK is hereby given, that the undersigned have l.i been duly appointed trustees of the estate of JO- HANNES ROSING or ROSING ft COMPAN", non-re- lideut deblori, residing at Bremen, in Germany, lor tiie benefit of their creditors , that all persons indebt- ed to said Johannes Rosing or Rosing ft Company, aie required to render an account to us at the office of Ketchum ft Feisenden, No. 81 Wall street. In the city of New York, on or beiore the thirty first day of Janu- ary next, (1819,) of all debts or sums of money owing "— iliem respectively, and to pay the same tout or on ui, on or before that day t that all perions bavin. by (hem respectively, and to pay the same tout or one of ui, on or before that day t that all perions having In their possession any property or cBcctt of said N OTICE, suing session of the Legislature of this State, a charter to Incornoiate a company with a capltal]lf one hundred thousand dollars, with privilege to In- crease tho sami to three hundred thousand dollars, whose principal object shall b>! lo guaranty evidences of debt; the style and title ol which company shall be tbe New York Guaranty Association. December 161b, 1646. .... ;... - v., New York, il(!t»6w /l-RKMK COURT—In Equity-Nicholas O. Kor- righl, committee, etc.* vt, Justus I). Miller and debtors, are required lo deliver the lame to ui by the day last mentioned; and thai all the creditors of said debtors, are also required to deliver tbeli reepective accounts and demands against said debtors, to ns or one of us, on or beiore the same day. Dated Decem- ber 19, 1616. MOSES COOK, WILLIAM P. WARRINER. FRANCIS N. BANGS, Bttll tw Trustees, ftc riMHE people of the state of New York, by the grace X of God free and independent, to the heluandnext of kin of Charles H. Hairle, deceased, whose several names tnd placet of itsldenct upon diligent enquiry made, cannot be aictitatned, tend greeting: Whereas, Margaret Harris, of the city of New- York, has lately applied to our surrogate of ihe county ol New York, to have a certain lastrument in writing, relating to bath real and personal estate, du- ly proved as Ihe last will and testament of Charles H.Harris, late of the City of Now-Yoik, deceased; thereloie, you and each of you are cited to appear before our saM surrogate, at his office iu the city of New York, on the fJllh day of February next, at teno'cloek In the forenoon of that day,then and there to attend to the probate of the said last will and tes- tament. In testimony whereol, the surrogate or our said county hat hereon o a'rixed his seal of office (la. S.J tha nineteenth d»y of December, one thousand eight hundred and Ions eight. detatw ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON, Surrogate. •tirHEttKASja limited copartnership was heretofore W (iiimed for the transaction of mercantile business In the cily of New York, under the name andfirmof MARTIN ft POMItoy, In which copartnership Chai.n- coy B. Mtrtln and Henry Potnroy were the general partners, and Horace Beldcn Ihe special partner, which pKrtticisklp was, liuniilhy the certllitnte made and signed according to tbe statnte In thai case piovlded, to commence on the Hrst day of January, A. D. 1847, and was to terminate on tha first cay of January, 18(0; notice is hereby given that a dis-.olutlon of such co partnership will take place and the tame be dissolved by the acts and agreements of all the parlies thereto, on the first day of January, 1849. Dated New York, November 94, 1649. CHAIJNCEY S. MARTIN, HENRY POMROY, 0099 66/ HORACE BELDBN. I lifBUPREMB COURT-In Bqulty-Hervey Edwards, Tt.Stilly Edwtrds, Linnaus P. Noble and Harriet his wife, Jerome Edwards and Susan his wile, Harry Eaton and Emily his wife, Harvey P. Hall and Angeli- na P. hit wife, Charles Edwards, Caroline Edwards, Hiram Edwards, Henry Edwards, Emeline Edwards, Albert Edwards, Electa Edwards, llervey Williams, Luclan Williams, Cornelia Williams, Charles Wll- Hams and Heniy Williams In purtaance of an order of this court, made in the above cause, dated the 96ih day of October, A. 1). 1649, and of tbt statute in such case made aud provided,no- lice is hlreby given to all persons having any general lienor Incumbrance by judgment, decree, or other, wise, on the i ndivided share or interests ol any of ihe parties In tbe premises hereinafter referred to. to pro- duce tome the undersigned teferee. one of the solici- tors of Slid court, on or before the tvtli day of Janua- ry next, at my office lo Fayeitevllle, in tbe county of Onondaga, proof of their respective lines and Incum- brances, and ihe dates thereof respectively. The pre- mises referred to, are— The south hall of lot number one hundred and fifty- seven In tht Onondaga Reservation, in tbe (own of Onondaga, in the county of Onondaga afoieiald, ex- cepting tnd reserving therefrom, what land Walker Enapp sold and conveyed to Joel Kuapp, John Fra- shitr, Calvin P. Cole and David Lion, supposed to be about (Ive acres. Also, til thai part of said lot number one hundred and fifty-seven in said town ol Onondaga, bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning al ibe nonh- west corner of said lot number 167, thence running east on the north line of said lot, sixiy-iwo chaliisiind sixty eight links; thence south eighteen chains and seventy-live links; thence west twenty-two chains and eighty links; thence norfi seven chains and seventy inks; thence west ten chains, thence north one chain; thence north slxtyseven rlegrees thirty min- utes, watt four chains and nineteen links: thence south eighty-one degrees, west one chain and eighty- five links j thence north eighty four degrees thirty mi- nutes, west five chains twenty-nine links; thence west three cbalas and Alty links; thence south ten chains; Ibence west twelve chains and fifty links; thence north eighteen chains and seventy live links to tbe place of beginning; contaluina ninety-two acres ot land, more or less , excepting and reseivii.g there- from twenty-six seres, eleven hundredths of an acre heretofore conveyed by Walter Knapp to Eben K. Knapp, and alio six Hcres and a hall acre of lend sold by the said Samuel Edwards in his life lime, to Joseph Gltson, on the west part and west side ol the road; eaid land sold or contracted to be sold by said Samuel Edwards, by a written contract between the parties Also, that ceitain other tract or parcel of land, lying in the north-west part of the town of Sullivan, County ul Madison, State aforesaid, begiuniug at ihe north-east corner oi land now or lately owned by Aaron Edwards, at a basswood tree, cornered and marked, standing on the south bank ol the Oneida Lake, running thence south filteen degrees i-iul thirty minutes, west tleren chains and loi-iy-seven links fJJtong Ihe lands now or lately owned by Aaron Ed- wards; thence south twenty.tour degrees, west fifty- two chains twenty-five links along the east line of the land, now or lately owned by Aaron Edwards lo a stake standing al ihe south east coiner ol the land now orlateiy owned by said Edwards: thence south sixty-six degrCes, cast, seven chains thirty five links along the south line ot tot No. seventy-six; thence north tweniy-iour degrees cast slxiy chains seventy- five link! on the west Tine of land now or lately owned by Gideon Owens, to a stake ; thence north one de- gree thirty minutes east, nine chains seventy-four links along the line of Hie land now or lately owned by Gideon Owens to the aforesaid south bank of the Oneida Lake; thence westerly along llm bank of said Lake, as it winds and turns to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres of land, being ihe same land as conveyed by Martin Owen and wife, to Jerome Ed- wards by Deed, bearing date the Mb of April, 1814. Also, that certain oilier tract or parcel ol land be- ing pail of lot number 76 in said town of Maulius. County ol Onondaga aforesaid, beginning south one fourth degree east ten chains and i-ithty one links from the noith-wcsl oorncr ol said lot No 70; ibence south ont I'ouith of a degree east 86 chains thirteen links along Ihe west Hue ol said lot, to the south-west corner, litem t: south 67 degrees fifty minutes cast Ave chains and twenty-seven links; thence north one it, nub ol a degree west nine chains eighty.one links along Iht line of land lately owned by Levi Bishop; thence north 49 degrees 30 minutes east twenty-three chains and eighty links along Ihe line of land lately owned by said Bishop lo the centre of the travelled load; thence westerly along the centre ol said road to Ihe place of beginning, containing about thirty seven oaircs of land, be the same more or less, excepting thereout rain acre of land described and bounded in a Deed given by Philemon Kent and wile to Jacob Bols lev, and also between two anil three acres of land, described and conveyed by Deed given hy said Phile- mon Kent and wife to Jefferson Bishop. And also two acres Deeded by said Samuel Edwards, in his lile time to Jaoob Bolsley, on the nonh cast corner of said described premises. And also all lhal certain other piece or parcel of land being part of lot number sixty five, in the town ol Maulius aforesaid, bounded and desctibid as fol- lows i beginning in the south line of said lot at the distance of one chain and ninety links east of lands formerly told and Deeded by Henry Ward, to Thomai Stone, both deceased; theuce north five chains; ihence south eighty seven anduquarier degrees east, ous chain; tntnee south four chains and ninety-six links to the south, line of said lot; ihence west, one chain to the place of beginning, containing half an acre of land, more or less. Also, thai certain other piece or paicel of land, bounded and described as lollows: on the north by the centre ol Elm street; on the cast by the centre ot Academy street; on the south by a lot owned by J.-bn McViccar; on ibe west by a loi formerly owned and occupied by Stephen E. Hulbert, containing about true hall acre ol land, more or less; situated in Ilie village of Fayatltvllle, being part ol Lot No. six.y-hve, iu said town Of Manllus. Also, that certain other piece or parcel ol land be- ing part Oi Lot No. sixty-five in said town ot Maulius, bounded and described as follows : beginning at Ihe north-wen corner of a piece of land conveyed by Amos Story and Sally lilt wife, to Samuel Edwards by Deed, bearing date the twenty-seventh day ol August, Mil thtnet running north on the land ol Hervcy Edwards, two chains to tbe centre of the sti tet; thence eighty-seven and one-fourth degree east one chain; thence south two chains; ihence north eighty-seven and one-fourth degree west, one chain to (he plact of beginning, containing two-tenlhi of an acre of laud. Also all Unit certain other piece or parcel of land, being patt of lot number tixty live in laid town of Man- llus, bounded on the south by Elm street, on the east by hind In possession of Klixa Hoy t, and which wss de- vised to Inn by John Yelvciton, deceased. On ibe north by David Collins' land, and on the west by lands ol Henry Edwards, and land In possession of Samuel Clark, containing about three acres of land. Also, all those other pieces or parcels of land lying and be- ing In the town of Salina. in said couniy ol Ononda- ga, being the equal north half of lot number one, lu block number fourteen, In tbe village of Lodi, bound- ed on the tatt by widow Flint's land, on the south by Parker's land, on the west by the highway, aud on the nonh by the Syracuse and tJuca Railroad. Also, all that certain other piece or parcel of land ituaten ly- ing and being in Ibe town of Manllus, aforesaid ; be- ing part ol lot number seventy-fi e In said town, be- ginning at a stake in the east line of eaid loi, tblrty- tnie chains and sixty-three links Horn the south-east corner, to Ike north, running nonh twelve chains aod eighty-seven links to a stake, thence west lour chains and two links to a stake, thenco south five chains and ninety-four links to a slake; ihence west twenty-five chains and thirty links toa stake; thence south liiierin chains and ninety-three links to a stake; ihence west two chain* and fifty-six links to a stake; thence south twenty two chains tnd thirty-three links to a stake in tht south line, thence east in said «ouili lint ten chain* and twenty-five links to a stake, In the south-west corner ot the State'shundred acres; thence north iliiriy-ono chains and sixty-three links lo a stake; thence east thirty one chains and sixty-three links to the place of beginning, containing sixty-four acres of land more,or less; said last inenUoued piece or paicel ol land is bounded on the south by the State's bundled acres; on Ihe west by the laud ol John McViccar and the heirs of Ichabod floodfellow, on the uortli by the l.tndjof Jonathan D. Ladyurd and William Morgan, and on tbe east by land sold by Philemon Kent to Samuel Edwards, deceased, In his life time. Etceptlug and reserving thereout the following pieces of land, about eight and ono lorn I h acres in the north-east corner, sold to George L.Taylor. Also, about seven acres sold to Janes J. Depuy, in the souih part next to the Slate's hundred acres. Also, about four a c e s sold tt Lanson Sillwell. on the westerly part; also about five its sold to John McViccar on the west side; also A SSIGNEES 8A!.E-Hy virtue of a deed ol •ssigB- meat In trust for the benefit ol credltoi«."«"'«« by Herman 'sansevoort and wile, iNbUMRn sell at public auclion on ihe twentieth day ol Decern ber, 1848, at 19 o'clock noon, at the wtuirdt of the Al- bany Exchange brilldleg in the eityol Albany, all IM right, title, and inirrcit of the said Hor nan Ganse. voortand wlie, ot in and to all ibat .certain lot, piece « parcel of land, with .he building, erected tnetcon anu the appurtenances thertn^o ^longing, •'«•"> lying and being In ihe fluh ward of ihe cily ol Albauy, andknowbas "Stanwn Hall," bounded «>.«detcrl- bed as follows t west by Broadway, 'ormerly Norih Market street, east by Dean street, no th by Maiden Lane, and south by property now or late ol the httfs and devisees of Abraham Hun, deceased, wh oh said right, title aud Interest le the equal WwTlatd ione- hall ptrt of laid premliei, as the same was WmW the said Herman Gansevoort, in tnd by the '»" w W and toslament of Catharine Oanicvoort.deccused, the mid right, title and interest being subject to the pay- ment ofthe tuual hall oart ot rnoieiyoi certain bonde and moruaces thereon executed by the said Herman Gansevoort, and ihe other half owner of the said pre- mises, and also subject lo a certain lease or said pre- mises executed by ihe said owners thereof to Hyatt ft Wheeler, which lease will expire on the first dayol o'n'e rourth ofthe purchase money to bs paid at the sale, the balance to be secured by a bond and mort- gage on satisfactory security, payable in thiteequal animal instalments, with interest payable hall yearly. Alknny, NovemberOili, 1848. JOHN J. HILL, Assignee ftc. of HeimanGatisovoort, nov7dld No. I» Uotiw'« Hiilldlntt. A)baoy_ ft uiE peopte oi the auie oi ixo* Yois, by IM grace X of God fret and Independent, to the creditors, next oi kin, and all persons interested In the estate 01 George Brown, laie of (be townof Schoghticoke in the county of Rensselaer, deceased! You are hereby cited lo appear beforo our surrogate of our couniy of Rensselaer, it>.our surrygsie's court, on Hie 6th day of March, 1849, at 10 o'clock In tht forenoon of that day, at tho sunogaie's office In the ctty of Troy, then and theie to atlend the liual settle- ment of the accounts of Giles Slocum, one ol the ad- ministrators of the said deceased. In lestimony whereof, we have caused the seal 01 office of our said surregate lo be hereunto at- (L. S.J flexed. Witness, George T. Blair, esq . surro- gate of the said county, at the city ol Troy, the 96th day of August, Hi4'i. ut 6m O- T. BLAIR, surrogate. N OTICK Is heieby given, thtt tbe undersigned L'tye been duly appointed trustees In the matter of the attachment against the estate of HORACE GRAY and NATHANiKL FRANCIS, non-resident debtors, and lhat all perions indebted to luch debtors are required by the ninth day of December, 1848, at ihe office ul It. Doiy, jr , one ol said trustees, in Whitehall, to render an account of all debts and sums of money owing by them, respectively, to such trustees, and to pay the same. Aud also, all persons having In their posses- sion any property of such debiors, are required to de- liver Ihe same the laid trustees, by the said tduth day oi December, 1848. And also, all cicditors of such debtors are requited lo deliver Ihe'r rcspeoiive ac- counts and demands to the said trustees, or ont of thim, by the ninth day of January, 1846. R. D01G, Jr, CYRUS BOARDMAN, ALFRED A. JOHNSON, tITIawtd Trustee*. N OTICK ol application for tne discharge oi an in- solvent from his debts, pursuant to the pit- visions ot the third article oi Ihe firsllitle of the fifth chapter of the second pan of ihe Revised Statutes. hit.IAS HILL VAENBERG, ofthe city ol New Yoik, on his Individual account, as well as a member of tbe late firm ol Hill ft Winter, of'lhc r ity ol Cincinnati, in iht: stale ol Ohio, said firm having been formed by J. Winter and the said insolvent Notice first published November a-.iih, 1818 Creditors lo appear before the honorable Charles P. Daly, ono of the judges of the court of common pleas. In and for the city aod couniy of New York, al the chambers of said court, at the city ball ol the city of New York, on the eighth day ol February, one thousand eight hundred and forty .mini. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, and show cause, II any they have, why an assignment of tht es- tate ol said insolvent should not be made, and he be discharged from his debts, pursuant lo the provisions of the above statute. New Yoik, November *4th, 1848. no99 low r p o EDWARD A". NiCOLC^You are hereby sum X moned to answei the complaint of Job Mack, of which a copy Is heieto annexed) and filed iu Ihe Mad- ison county clerk's ollice, and serve a copy or your answer on me at Hamilton, Madison county, New York, within twenty days alter service of this sum- mons upon y»u, exclusive ol the day of service, or the plaintiff will apply lo the next special term ofthe su prerne court, to be held iu and lor the county of Madi- son, at the court house In the town of Eaton, on the first Monday of Fcbroary, A D. 1849, for Ihe relief de- manded In the complaint. nono riant J. P. WHITTEMORE, fl'fle Att'y. B Y order of hon Daniel P. jngrabam, ont of ihe judges ol ihe court of common pleas of the city and county of New York, notice is hereby given, pur- suant lo the provisions ol the slatute authorizing at- tachments against absconding, concealed, and non-H- indi ul debiors, that an attachment has issued against the estate ol JOHN RATE, laie a resident of tlie city oi New York, and that the same, will be sold for the payment ol his delusion less he appear and diicharge such attachment, according lo law, wllhin nine months /rum the first publication of this notice ; and that the payment ol any debts t'ue to him by residents of the state ol New York, and the delivery to bim, or for his use, of any property belonging Lo him, and the translei of any such properly by him,tire forbidden by law, and aie void. Dated the loth day of May, 1848. HENT •• •• rtlvl.l siawdm principal sum and inteiest due,:tnd In pursuance of The i»ld powtrol ttlt and ol thei.atute In such case wtdetncVprovided . that there is claimed to be due tnd unpaid on tbe tald mortgage at the time of the first publication ol this notice the who « I'''"?'}'"' sum oi •1600, and interest thcieon since the .flrit.day ofMty, 1847, and no proceedings have been had at law for the locovery olihe same or any part lueieoi The premises are described as follows! All that cer- tain lot and dwelling, situate late lo the hrst.ward, in Iheolty of Albany ani on the north side ol Hamilton street, between High ttrett and Hawk street, and be- ing tbe second lot and dwelling east Iron) Hawk street. Bounded south by Hamilton street, east by properly ol Hubbard Rolstll and Edwin Taylor, weal oy a lot anddwelllng, contracted by tht uld l/Ajnou- reux to be tonveytd to Otrrlt Hogan, the said line to run through tht centrtof tht division wall ol the said Hotsn's dwelling and being about twenty-one feel wide It front and rear, and about tixty-two leet deep Dattd Dec. Kill, 1648. JAMES L'AMOUREUX. del6!9w . . _ fvbl'ICK it hereby given ihttby virtue ol a power il ol isle contained in a mortgage beai lug dale ihe tth dayol July 1841, tiecuied by Charles D. Gould and Catharine L., his wife mortgagor!, lo James 1,'Amoureux mortgagee, and recorded in ihe office ut the cleiKol the city and county ot Albany in book No. 68 of mortgage!, page 861, ftc, August the 9ld, 1844. Tht mortgaged pieinlsci will be told at nubile anction ou the lolh day of March next, at 19 o'clock at noon ol thai day, In the rotuuda ol Ihe -Aloauy Exchange, In the elty of Albany, to the hlgheil bidder, #ir the dtfault iu the payment of the prinotpal and rnieresi due and in pursuance ol the laid power of late and ol the ttaiute In IUCII catt made tnd provided i that there Is claimed to bt dut and unpaid ou the laid inoiigago at tht time of tbe first iinblictlotftol this notice ihe whole principal sum ol fjosd antT*lnieresl ihereon since the Huh day of Md\ 1647, and no pro cccdiugs bavt been had at law lor tbe recovery ot the same ot any pari thereof. Tbe premises aie ucscilii- ed as follow! t All that certain piece or parrel of ground situate In the ninth ward In ihe city ol Albany and bounded as lollows i on the west In front by Hawk street, on the north by a line drawn parallel, or nearly so, with Hie south range of Hudion street one hundred and six feet south thereof, and on tbe south by - ' drawn parallel wilh the latt mentioned parallt and six feet south thereof, and on tbe south by a line parallel with the latt mentioned parallel line, fortv lorn feel south thereof, with the two brick dwellings Ihtreoo, being In front and rear lorty.four fe»t wide and about sixty four feet deep. Dated Dec. igtb, 1618. JAMES L'AMOUREUX. deltltw TaloTICK Is hereby given that by virtue ol a power .1.1 of sale eontaluedln a mortgage bearing date the tth day ol July, 1844, executed by Charlei n. Gould and Catharine I., hli wile, mortgagors, to James L'Amoureux, mortgagee, and reooided In Ihe office of the clerk of the cily and eouniy of Albany in book No. 66 ot mortgages, page 161,ftc, August the 9jd, 1814. The mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction on Ibe loth day ol March next, at 1J o'clock, at noon oi that day, In the roiunda of ibe Albany Ex- change in Ihe city ol Albany lo the highest bidder, lor the default lu the payment of the principal and inter- est due, and In pursuance of tbe ssld power ol sale and ol the statute in such cue made and provided j thai there is claimed lo be due and unpaid on the said mortgage at the time of the first publication of this notice the whole pilnclpal sum of tjl.-OO and Interest thereon since tht 10th day of May, 1847, and no pro- ceedings bave been had at law for ihe tecoveiy ol Ihe same or any pan tbeieof. The premises are descrbed as follows r all that certain piece or parcel ol land situate In tbe tenth ward In the city of Albany and bounded as follows i on the west In front by Hawk street, on the north by a line drawn pain I lid or nearly so with the south range ol Hudson street, sixty-two leet south thereol, aud on the south by a line diawn parallel wlihthe last mentioned parallel line lorty- lour feet south thereof, wi h the two wooden dwellings ihereon, being in from and rear fony-lour feet wide, and about etghlyeix leet deep. Iiaied Her. 19th, 1846 delt!9w JAMES L'AMOUsKUX S UPHKMN OOHttT-la Kquity-Kdward H. Jtc« end Christina Isabella, his wile, pMrlig. tt, Martha i -itn >, Mm w. a-urbes. Wilium i i ,,!,.• at-d Sells his wile, Philip J. I < i . - ,-id i ,ia iim, bit wife, Obsui ah Jackson Ind Frthuet bis wile, Catra. ilneM. Forbci, Maigaiei S Foib >, Wilium H fgld- mire and Harriet bit Wfe, Koheit c.Xki;mn,e,Buitis « Idmore and Eliza hit wile,'lie New Yoik l,n« | , . ».iranc* and Trust Company, J a n s » Poibt* and Ann Maria his wilt, and n,c unlnoivn owi.efcii.wu. fri(iranj)ol ihe undivided ibaitof June* A. Foibn ol aud ijr nn lands muate in tht. Mate ol .Mew York whereof John loibes, kisol ibe tiiy of New Vntk, died seised, ot my part Hereof, eY.atip.ewM. Henry and Mary Ann his wue, James \oumans slid ritrbt Ann his wile, John VV Towt , n d Susan C h i t tniv, and William Close and Kiiiahilh hi! wiie,d*l*ndauti. In Partition. in i ntsuarice of an oner of ihe Suireme Court, In Equity, in the ebove emitted cauie beaviug date on the 97ili day or November, n-I-I, cm of the stainte in such case made and piovlded, notice I* beieby given that all persons luviug any general lien or eniurtia braoie, by judgment or decree or otherwise, on any undivided shore or mur, si of any if ihe iirtiii la said cause, in tte lands aid piemises sought to le partitioned In ,;,,,i cause, and beieittafiei e'esi nbcd, Or any part thereoi, are rtqoiied to orouuee iu il.t un dersigntd, Ji'lm Bgeiow, rsleree appointed la said cause by tbt older above mentioned, al bis office .No. 61 (sltiy one) Wall street, in the cily of New York, on or ii--r,r(- tht twenc, lounhoay ol January nest, (1846/. prool ol all such liens and incumbrances re- spectively, together with satisaactory evidence of ibe an,nn,it dut thereon ihe lauds »ud piemises soU(bi to be partitioned in said suit aie described at lohout, thai I* lo say- Ali those three cenaia lots of (round situate in it,,- now lilteenlh (laie iigluh) waid of the u,j ol Ntw Yoik, iiiowuoii a li.ap ti.iue by httphtt Ludlam, of a part of the estate ol Anthony L Bleecker,Etaiuiie, uow deceased, a cop, oi uinch map, sigutd by J ,n.es A- Hamillou, is now ou filu in the Keginer'e office of trie cily aud couuii ol -New York, as lots numbers 916 (two bundled and fifteen), vie (two butdrtd tnd sixteen), ami 917 (two hundred and leveruceu) Thi said thice lots taseu together being boundid weilerly in limit by Sullivan siteet, on the north by the lot designated on said map as No. vin, on tbe south by the lott designated on said map as fros 911, 91s, 911, and 3i4,audon ibe essi by ibe lolsde^ignaiedon said map as Nos. 199, .Ot aud -Jul, each ot isid lota being in breadth in lioin and tear iwtmy-five feel, and la length on each sice une hundred lest; being ihe ssn.e piemises which were conveyed lo John Forces, de- ceased, hy James A. Hamilton, inastii in chancary, by i.ecu bearing uaie March 90, 1817, record d iu ihe Krg- ister's office oi ihe illy and county oi New Yorit, la liber 193 of conveyances, psye sso. And also all those two oetum lota of ground, situ- ate in the now hltceuth (laie eighth) waid tf thecity of New York known aud distinguished on a map ol (he lauds ol Samuel Joins and nil t is, at Greenwich, made try Edward Doughty, city surveyor nana No- vember 1,18i9 as lots numbers 69 (filly-nine) and CO (sixty); said ml No 69 being bounded noriheaiieny In ironi oy Mtnetta sireet, soutlitasteily bylois Not. as and 68 on said map, southwssieily in Urn real by lots Nos. 64 aud 64 en said map, and northwesterly by Ibe •aid lot No. no; containing in brvadih in Iront twenty. live feet, and lo the rear twenty nine leet three mil,,,, •ad iu length ou ihe northwester,y ice siny-ose lesi ten luehes. aud on the southeasterly side ngnty-two (eel anal the said lot No. 60 being bounded northeast erly iu front by Mlrietia stnet, southeasterly by the said lot number49 southwesterly in tht tear b» lot No. A3, and northatiierly cy lot -So. 61; containing in breadih In from twenty-five feci, and In the rear twenty nine icct three inches, and in length on tht northwesterly side loiiynme led tune inches, and ou ' side sixty-five leet ten inches j tit- he southeaster! nig tbe same premises which were conveyed to -mlm RY II. flYRNB, Attorney lor .tiachlng Creditor, lie Wall sr. 7\jOTii.E ui application for the exemption ol a debts ll or's person from imprisonment, porsnaut lo the provisions of thefiiih article of the lirsi line of the tiltli chaptei ofthe second partoi the Revised Statutes. CHARLES MAS PERSON. Notice first published November 6, 1818 Creditors lo appear beiore Inn, Michael Ulshoefler, IIIRI judge of llie coon of common picas lor the cny and county of New Yolk, at his chambers in ihe city ball in said city, on the IStb day ct January, 1619. al 10 o'clock in the foreuoou. nod low nptHE people of Hie stale of New York, by ihe graco .1 of God free nut! Independent, to ihe heirs at law, nest of kin and creditors, and to all persons interest- ed in the estate of Undeihill Dunn, late ofthe town of Mendon In the county of Monroe, deceased, greeting i You are hereby cited to appear before our suriogute of our county of Monroe, in our s.t rrogant eon it,on the twenty-second dayol January next,at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of that day, at the surrogate office in I'.ocli- ester, then and there to attend the final settlement of the accounts ol Floyd Danti, administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels and t redrtsof the said de- ceased, on his own applicati n- In tciiiinony whereof, we. have caused the sealol ttlli. c of our said surrogate, to be hereunto af- fixed. Witness, Moses sperry, esq-, surrogate j [L. S J ol the said county, nt Rochester, the 93d day of October in Ihe year ol our l.ord one thou- sand eight bun.tied and limy.eight. I 8IT8in MOSKS SI'EKRY, surrogate. K—The New Yotk and Harlem Railroad Company will apply lo the legislature at Us next session for an amendment ol their charter lo extent Ihe lime lor completing their road to Albany, and to enable them lo raise the amount necessary foi that obiect by an increase of the capital stock, or other- wise. Dated New Yoik, November 30th, lots. ROBERT SCHUYLER, President, A. Uyi.a, jr.. See.ietaiy im-,7 (iw C C PR~fM l7TfoW'i>-"Cli y and county oFSew York— O Rosanna Smith, plaintiff, against John Smith, de- fendant, summons To John Smith- Sir,—You are hereby summonsd lo answer tho complaint in this cause oi which a copy Is herewith served upon you, and serve a copy of your answer on me at No. 96 Nassau sireet, In llie cily of New York within twenty days aftvr Ihe service licit of, exclusive of Ihe day o> such service, and il yon fall (b answer the comptalntasaloresaid, Ibe plaintiff will apply to the court ai the City Hall In the city ol New York on llie sixteenth day oi January, one thou- sand eight hunured and foily-nme, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, lor the relict demanded in the complaint Dated November 9ist, 1646. JOHN H. McCANN, dcl6 30d Pill's Aii'y, 96 Nassau street. N. Y. \ioiic i.1 Com r pHE people of the State ol New Vors, by the grace 1 ul God live mid independent: To all persons In- terested In tht tttatt of Walter Maynard, laie of Pelliuire In the county of Suffolk, in the kingdom of Great Brltlan, deceased, as cieditors, uext of kin, or otherwise. Send greeting: You and each of you ure hereby cited and re- quired, personally to be and appear before our sur- rogate of the couniy of New York, at his office, In the cily of New York, on llie twentieth day ol June next, at ten o'clock In the forinoou of that day, then and there to attend Ibe final sen Icun-nt of the account ol proceedings of Koben L- Mainland, ns administrator wlih will annexed, of ihe goods, chattels and creults ol said Walter Maynard, deceased, lu testimouy whereof we hare caused tbe seal ol office of our said surrogate lo be hereunto [L, SJ affixed. Witness, Anthony L. Robertson, esq , •arrogate of our said county, at the city ot New York, the fourth day ot December, In the year ol our Lotd one thousand ctgbt bun. drtd and for lyn-igbl. del86m ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON. Surrogate T HE people of the «taie ot New York, by the grace el God free and Independent, lo all persons in lerested in the estate of Carl H. G Behreni, laie of New York city, deceased, al creditors, legatees, ncx of kin, or otherwise, send greeting : You and each of ye.it are Itcreiy cued and nquired, personally to be and appear beiore our surrogate ol Ihe county of New Yoik, at his office in lire ci y ol New York, on ihe 90th day of 'uoc mxt, alio o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, then and then to attuud the Anal selllement of llie account o/ proceedings o' Frederick A. Schumacker, as executor ul the last wl'l and testament of said Carl II. G. Behreus, de -.cased, la testimony whereof, wt have osused the seal of office of tald surrogate to be beiettnto sffiscd Witness, Anthony L. Robertson, esquire, sur- II,. •.) rogate of our said county, at the cny of New Yo,k, th* eleventh day of December, in the year of our Luidnmi thousand eight hundred dsll dm and lorty-elght, A"" NTHONV la. ROBERTSON, e III rogate N OTICE is heieby given of application lo ihe Leg- islature of the state of New York lor an act to in- crease the capital stock of the Albany Hydrant Com- pany not exceeding lluec hundred thousand dollars, and lor other purposes Albany, nee. (lib, 1848 By order of ihe Board of Trustees, del9 6w C. C. V'ASSON, Sec'y. N OTICE of application tor the dischargeollin insol- vent Irom his debts;, pursuant lo the provisions of ihe tUirii article of the first title ol the filth chapter of the second pari of the Revised Siatutes. ASAH81. BEACH of the city and county of New Yolk. Notice first published December 1411s, 1649. Creditors to appear before Hon. "• P lngrabam, one ot the judges nl i he court ol common pleas of the cily and county of New York nl t|ie Cliambeis or the judg- es ol tin) court of common pleas ft-r the said cily and county of New York at the City .Hall in the city of S UPREME COUKT-InEqulty-Tlie Ntw York Lite lusurance and Trust Company vs. Daniel Tilton and ollieis.- Foreclosure Bill, B Itobimon, |r., ol the ciiy ol New York, Plaintiff's Solicitor. Luther Tib on. a resident of the state of Massachu- setts, and Ell Garrison, a resident of the state ol Pennsylvania, Defendants, are required to enter their appearances In this cause in the office of the clerk of the county of tteubtn, and serve notice thereof on the Plaintiff s Solicitor by tbe 91st day or February, 1848, or the bill filled lutitln will be taken as confessed by them ds9tw 1 " N iht matter of the attachment against CHARLES P.GILLMER, an absconding debtor. Notice is heieby given, that ageueral meeting of the creditors ol the above named debtor, will be held at- tire office of Edwards ft Meads, Keqs , No 48 Sate street In the oily ol Albany, on llie first day of Febru- ary, 1847, at which meeting, all accnunts and demands for and against the estate ol soch debtor, will le ad- mitted, and ihe amount of monies in (he hand* ol Ihe tiusiees declaied. ISAAC EDWARDS, CHRISTOPHER C WASSON, dee gar CALVIN NOYES, Trustees. rpilE people of the Stale oi New York, by the grace X of God, free and independent: To ihe next of kin of lohn Trout latt of the city of New Yoik de- ceased, tend greeting i You and each of you are hereby cited and requited personally to bt and appear belort our surrogate ol iheconntyof New-York, at hit odict, in the city of New-York, on tbe twenty third day ol January next, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon of that day. Hit n and then to thow cauiewhy letter! ol administra- tion on ihe estate of laid John Trout deceased should not be granted to Etna Malson of Ibe City of New York, widow, tbt daughter of said deceased who has made application for tne same. In testimony whereof, we have caused Ihe seal ol office of said surrogate to he hereunto affixed. Witness,Anthony L.Robertson,esq .surrogate [L. S.J of our said county, at thecity of New-York, the fifth day of December In (he year ol oiir Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty- eight. ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON, delttw Surroiate. Forbes, deceased, by Samuel Jones and others, try deed bearing dale .vlay 1, 1890, recoided In tbt Be, I* lei's officii ol llie city and eoonty ol New York, in liber 144 of conveyances, paye 171. And alio ttlt thai eerie n puce or parcel ol land sliuaie, lying, and toing iu in* si»i«euib want ol tbt oilv ol New York, be tig i an ol a lot oi land ki.owa asnumbei 49(ior.yiivo) ou a map ol acertaln tract oftiurtytlx acres lonnerly Ulsaiiging lo tbe Mtateof Samuel Franklin, mace by William liricget, CUT surveyor, aud now on hie in llie Beglsiei's office of ihe cily ami couniy oi New York, and being bounded aod uescrlhed as follows: beginning el a I'o.ni on ihe louihcily *ide ol twenty-ntiuh *irtel, distant iwo bundled and one feei or iliereabouu westwardly Irom iho southwesterly corner of the sevenib avenue and twetityiuii,h street, al ibe westerly bouiadary line el lands now or late of C. Kelsey, ruin ing theuce *v*it> uuiy along the southerly line ol tweiily-niiilb s u m , seventy feel nine Inches or theieibouls, to iht corntr ot a strip of laud uow or late belonging lo tht estate of Charles Smyth; iiicuce southwesterly along saldatilp ol land twenty nine lector IheicaboUls in a pun.I ((is- lam about three teet southerly from tne southerly line of tweiity-nlniii meet, beiug the northeasterly corner ol lai i now or laie ol Manling and Coixsmi un tic- MIni i,11 )> along said land now or late ot Marl- ine and Corzens, and paieliel, or nearly so, to tht (iveiiili avenue, ninety live net eight inches or toeie. aboiils, toa I, or running ibrouih lite tiilie nl tbt hint I: ol groiu-d linn, b i d in l v. nl y ii, lull and iweniy-niuili streets; theme easterly a sag said t en- ue line, itiiieiy-niiic icei sis nches or lucroaoouti, to laud nutv in late of C. Raises; ami tin net- northerly along said iasi mentioned land, ninety elghr leel nine inches ot thereabouts, to a point en iho soutlatrly net of iwei.ly-iitiith si tail the plait ol i egmning. Aod also, nil that certain lot, piece, or par c-l of land, siiuate on the nonh side el Ivuniy-tlghih tvretl, in ihe sixteenth want ol the , Uv of New toik, bagtia- nnij at a point on the no,tin rly line ol ivtentyelgtnh street, dis mil about iwo liiuidred leet weeiwardly nom the wisterly llneoi the seventh avenue, where the wtsii.lv boundary line of laud u-.w or lane of nliailes Kelsxy intersects the stud nonheily Hue of i went y-eighth 11 reel ; running ihence not tbdly a ong the said westeily bouudary .luc of cnsric* Kelsey ninety-eighi leel nine Inch s; theuce westerly aud at iigln antles with eaid last trieiHiun<-d line twenty* lour leet ten and an bull inches; ihence southerly and parallel with the said last msutioned Hue ninety* eight led cif'.u inches, 10 ihe said noiilicrly line of twenty eighth siren; thence easterly aod along iweiity eighth strest to the place ol 'beginning: be the said dimensions more or less. And also, all that certain loi, piece, or paicel o-f laud, situate ou the nonh si le ol iweuiy-eiihth str.tr, in Hit sixteenth ward el ihe oiiy oi New York, i.eg|n- uliig at a point on the norihorly Une oi tweuty eighth flreei, distant about three hundred leet Horn ihe west erly line of the seventh ayeuoe. vvher* the easterly boundary line ol land now or late of Martliug ana Coxxcns meets -.lie said u r herl/ line ol tweury- elgiuii street i running tin net- w thi-rly along lite said i in i ily hi'ti dary Inn 01 Manllux aim Culler! ninety eight leei eigat inches i thtnee easterly anil si right angles lo the said lasi titeiiiioned tine twenty- lour leet leu an.! a hail incites; in-im somberly and parallel with the said 1ssi men-n ned liue ninety-eight feet e.gbt inches, lo the said northerly, line of twenty- eighth street j end thence westerly along iweniy-eiglitli street, lo ihe place ol bcginniin ; be ihe said n u i a l . dimensions and distances more i.r !a?s. And also, all Ibore iwo certain lot»,pleceior paroelt ol land situ ue, lying ni.d being iu Ihs ilsii nth waid of ihe cily ol New Yois.on the north snli ol twenty- eighth street, ant! adjoining each other, and bouiidtd itttti ilcei i id as follows. Begiiiriirg ai a point on tbt inn itiuly line ol ton my-eighth strati,whcis ihe west- erly 11,-nntini y line of a lot of Und described iu a con- veyance by Mailha Forties a- d others, to J-mtt - Youmaus. reported In the Kegistet's clti.c el the cu" and county ol New York, in Liber 439 ol conveysne *, p n e list, ftc , meets ihe *aid northerly line ol iwsn,... e gall) street, runuui* ihence norihcrl, ninety-eight feci eight nn ht: along the said westerly bauooaty line of the lot described in said couvi y,u>t es to said ' Youmnns, tin in t westerly and tit ilehi angles uiili the raid last mentioned line lorty.rilne feel nine im Ins, i hence somberly and parallel wilh said lasl ineuitoii- ed inn-.nine; y tight ftsl eight inches to the tald north* New York on the 9d da! hi ihe lorenoon. 1649. del4 low ly of Match next, at ll o'clock Dattd New York, December llth, H. H. IIARi.OCK, Aii'y for Petitioner. KClsssuniti'titi" I'tcuttii uaius ivitst Blue, also, about rive acres sold to William Morgan, being east of the road leading Irom Fayetlcvtlle to Manllu* village, and alio, excepting and reserving a piece ol about two acres, with ihe right of a road leased to Anner Hoag, Ezta Huntley and wife, Rod Peter Van Tassel and wilt to Jaoob R, Depuy and James J. Depuy, for digging plaster, at by icference to tald lease, will particularly show, excepting and reserving, however, only the right of said Dtipuya to laid land and road as by said lease mentioned. Reserving also, all the right and title I ranted by said Samuel Edwardt In his liletllme to ouathan D. Ledyard, of land for a reservoir and for a canal across said land, to take and conduct the wa- ter of the lalmeaione Creek, and all the land, right and privilege* granted by said Samuel Edwards to said Jonathan IT* latdyard hy one or more deeds, at by re- ference thsieto will more fully appear tiTgw H1CES WORliUN, Referee. Nov. 94, 1648, V T HE people of lire state of New York, by the grace ol Clod frtt and independents to Eiixnbcih wash- burn wife or Henry Washburn, Slaieon Price and Da- vid W. Price severally residing in tht olty of New York, Mary Ann Jewell Wife of Samuel Jewell, sev- erally residing in Ntw Hamburg In the connty of Daftness and state of Ntw York, and William K others. Bill lor tbe loreclosuio of Mortgage Tctmort ol tho elty ol Ntw York plaintiff's, toU«it< Ctrltton white one of tht defendants in thin cause vY.O. oi whost plact of residence It at New Haven, iiithc Stale of Connecticut, is required to nppear In thlicauieby the ninth del of, March next or tht hill filed ijiirelu will be taken as conlsssid byliiin. deTtgw ,\|OTICB-Applleatlo»willl»*siiadt lOUienekilaeg- 11 islalure ol the State Of Ntw York for the,Inuoi- -oiatlon ol a ols» or village, in Hie county of West Chtster, ou the northtajityl/ shore of ''Harlem River at Monlsanla," to be known as the Oiiyof s - alsattla. ... "'^liJnnr. ,. ^.W*«n '• ••' •'««> i - - .!« •)«.<: tig-.' «««! and nexi of kin of Simeon Price, deceased, send greeting _.»._ ' ' Wbtrea*. John svt.Tfrt>« of tht cits'of NiwYcrh hat lately applied to our inrrogatt of the county of New York, to have it certain, inrtruBiint in writing, m WKM -%**.! r i IHE people of the ttalt of New York, by the giacsTof X Cod lite and Independent, to the credirors, lega- tees, next of kin, and all other persons Interested In the estate of Levi Atwell, deceased, greeting t You are hereby cited to appear beiore our surrogate of our county of Orleans, In our suirogntu court, on the Mtb dav of Maichiiext, at 10 o'clock lo the line noon ol that day, at the surrogate office lu Albion; Ihen and tbtre to attend the final settlement of Hit ac- counts tf lot executors of the Inst wllland teitament or Ltvi Atwell, laie of Ualnes, Orleans county, dr.ccu* ted. Witness tht hand and official teal of the surrogate of the laid county, at Albion, tbe ggd day or f L. S.J November, in tht year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred mid fin tyeight. 4,T * m , H ", Bl UORT-S' Surrogate. T HE people ol the state of New York.lby iho grace of Sod frctand ind'pendent, to ell persons Interest- ed In the estate of William Crossett, late of the coun. ty of Livingston, deceased, seud greeting i You are hereby cited aud required, pertonally to ht and appear beforo our surrogate courtof the county of Livingston, at tht office of Hit county Judge of said county, in the town ol Geusteo, ou the lourietaih dtf of February next, at teno'cloek In ilia forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final sett lenient of the accounts of Calvin 11. Hiyau, surviving executor ol the last Will and lestaineiit ol said deceased In testimony whereol we hast nknrtcd the seal of said surrogate court to bs hereuuto affixed, .Wtt- [la, HI nt»ir*e«t turd, county judge of onr tald aeU»iy.flU the mwuol fltnceeoithefiuiday tf Novemftr, 1848. SCOTT LORi), u ***""" •:...,,,; -ni-ti,. foWy?**t% application for ihtTlschargeot anIn- - hit dtbM, purtuant Id the provision* iky ol Iht Irtt title «f th* Hilti chapter It*pr-tht JRevlteil Statute*, -" Milt Notice first published November ti, o appear balort th* hon, Charlt* Da-1 git of tne court ol common pleas .if N OT'ICE ol application loi llie discnaige oi ui nisol vent from his debts, pursuant lo the pi ovliinni of the third article oi the first title of the filth chapter of the second part of ihe Revised Statutes. WILLIAM I. BAREER. Notice first published December lull, 1144. Creditors to appear befoie Ii r. lngrabam, Esq., one ol tho Judges nl lire coun ofcom- mou pleas of the city and county ol New York, at tht chamber! of the said court, at the City Hall In the said city on the twenty ninth day of January, If 49, at (en o'clock In the forenoon. JOHN II HACKBTT, del4 6w AU'y tor Insolvent, 16 Wall at. N. V. N OTICE ol application for thedrseKarge oi an insol vent Irom bis debts, pursuant lo the provisions o the third article of tbe , nun first title of the in th chapter ItTitm J*.i«* a'clook lu the lor. «fm» WILLJAM (->• LEARN, AU'y lor Applicant, of ihe second part oi the Revised statute! HENRY 0 H-iSKKLL. Noilce firs', published De- cember 14, 1648. Creditor! to appear before Hon. William Pannelee, couniy Judge of Albany County, on ilic -twenty seventh day „t January, 1649, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at hit office, No 449 Broad way, ill tha elty oi Albany WM. O. WEED, dtlltw Attorney ttStatest Albany. fftHE people oi iho Slate or New York, by Ike grace 1 ol i.tid, ftee and independent: To the uext ol kin of James O Forbes Iste of New York city, deceased, send gicetingt You and each or you are hereby cited and required, personally to bt and appear before our surrogate of the County of New Yoik, HI his office In the cily of New York, on tht thirtieth day of January next, at eleven o'clock In Ihe forenoon of thtt day, then and there to show cause why letters ol administration on tbe estate of th* said lames 0, Forbes, deceased, should not be giantedto William D. Mccarty of ihe ciiy ot New York, Interested In the estate of said de- ceased, who has made application for (he same. In tosii-nonv whereol,-we hate caused the teal of office of said surrogate to be hereunto af- fixed Witness, Anthony <• Robertson, Esq., 11., ».] surrogate of our 'aid county, at ibe ciiy ot New York, the thirteenth day of December, la the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorty-elght. ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON, » de!6 6W Surrogate. S UPREME COURT-Joshua R Downer pinT^iir against the President and Managers tf the Ntw Hope Delaware Bridge Company dtftndanit Notlco ii ht reby given purtuant to tht provisions of the Slatute authorising attachment! against foitign corporation!, that an attachment bat Issued by order of (he supreme Court of the State of New York, at a term thereof, held at the City Hall in the City ol New York, on the sixth day ol December Instant, agtlnst the property of the President ami Managers oi ike New Hope Dtlawai* Brldgo Company, a lortlgn tor- eolation, defendants lu ike above suit iu lavorof Joshua K- Downer, plainiiH ihiiaiin, civltha! Edwards tieiiepoiil, No. !»y Wu!l street, >,.,» York, is the ut loiney for said t;l»iuii|f. Tht isiila attachment it founded oil Bank Bills Issued by the said corpoiallon to tbe amount Often thatitand dollars (ilo.Oo*) Dated New York, December 6th 1818. " * S TATE OF NEW YORK-Clly tnd County of New York, ss. -Notice Is hereby given that an attach mem has been issued by tbt Supreme Conn or this State lilting In tbt city or New York,against "The New Hops Dtlawate Bridge Company," a roieign corporation; that John Thompson Is ihe plaintiff In said attachment, srnd that Lucibs Robinson,oI the city of New York, Is his attorney therein; lhat the na* ture of the demaud claim ed against such foieign cor- poration lean indebtedness Itiundet! upon Hit- circu- lating uole* of ihe tald corporation made and exrcu ted by said corporation in due fotm of law; and thai tbe amount of the demand claimed against ihe said corporation il tbe sum of louiieen hundred and eighty one dolltte, wlib interest tbereon from the eighth day of November, 1648. DatedlNew Yoik, De- cember Cth, 1648. LUCIUS ROBINSON, J e t I9w Att'y fcrPl'ff. complaint or (Stephen B. ilrophy, iron (jsTtl tie city o r ^ w VrTrk!wTfJilJ twenty wklftllttftWtlftsjl thlstisiiat^., ex^iMvr ofthe day ol^sertlee.or plaintiff will take Judgment JOHN LIVINUSTON. «. 64Wall .Loot, r i a ^ f , , WJWI# V, I N SUPREME COURT—In Equity--Oerrlt O. Oliver and Magdallna his wife and others, vs. in nit Van lienburgb and Jemima his wilt sud otheis. Pursuant to a decretal .order el this court In the above aaust, bearing datt the 9td day ol September, 1848, I tbe subscriber, the Referee dnly appointed herein, tha II expose lor talent r.ubllc auction, at the Rotunda of the Albany Exchange Building in the cily of Albany, on tin: aaih day of Januaiy 19)9, a l t o'clock In the afternoon, the premises which in said decretal order are described as follows i All lhat certain laim pelce or parcel of land, situate lying and being in th • town of Now Scstltnd, foimerly in the town of belli- lehem, being the northwardly part of the farm ©cou- pled on the Tth dayol September, 1614, by Isaac Van wie and his son Wilhelmus Van Wie deceased, and bounded a* follows t Ueglnnlut at a Slake at llie nonh east corner ol said larm and northern bouudaiy ol Peter Longs farm and runs accordlug to the original lutvey uolth eighty-five degiees niidthlny-niue mln u tt wait lluee chains and seventy-si v«u link*, ihen •ontb leventy-ont degreet and tweuty-one minims west ttttn chains, then north eighty fivs degrees and thlrly-nlnt minutes west one chain, then nonh eighty- two degrees and tlilrty-iilne minutes West eight chains, then north seventy-sixdegieesandthirly nine rclnuies wtst three chains, tlitn north elgiity-thret degrees and nine minutes west sixteen chains and three links, Ihen soulh two degreei thirty minutes east loutteen chain* and fifty two links, then south nineteen degn es west eight chains and seventy link*, then south eight degreet west five chain* by land bought by Cornelius Banly Irom tht same larm by dted bearing dale ibe seventh day ol September, 1616, then by iht same south eighty-five degrees last five chains and seventy links to a stake, then hoi lb three degrees west firtr- •tvMif «»kt to * Stake, then touih eighty-two de- grees east seven chains aud Mlty links toa tttke, then north ilstysevtn dlgrees tail live chains and seventy links, then nonh twenty-seven degrees wist one chain aud eights-four links, then north sixty en. and seventeen chains to a stake at the nonh east corner ol the land bought by the said Barlly, thru north eighteen degress west four chains and ulne links to a pine tree, then nonh tony.live degrees east by original turvey fifteen chains aud eighteen links to the place of beginning, containing tevettv one acres and three quarteri and ten rods ol land subject to lis proportion ol annual rents tnd other conditions ol a certain dead or wtUten conveyance from Stephen Van "tW*. 1 ?*'}.?*- l°a. ,ta n[i •**"«' v «n VVie ol the whole lot whereof the above described premises are n part. T-ugetner with all and singular ihe htredita. mtnts«pjappurtenances thtretrnto talengffigirlu antwlgt tappertainliig. For term* and coiflltTons o life, WplraoOanisvoort ft Hill, No. »IJonw's Buil- dings. Dated Albany, December »lh, 194*. ''"'* , ...i . ... . P-WaJlOHT, Referee. iTlHE peeislt of tbt Stat* of Ntw York, by lit grate X of ftciffrte end ladtmodent. 9 r" CUrlott. L Rante and to William C. Jwtman, thtt speciti ,«„,. dim el Jamts L. Bankti Robert L Hanks anil Maria Bank*, minor*, til severally residing in the city ol New Yoyk,Bll**Blalaa,w,faor Klalland ind •iSfJ-a *• "**•-*». ratidltigltt ibe Republic ol Prance, thelluifrt, and nest of ki*-V* WIIMw Banks, drwai **.**ud greeting! ' ' vv *-' S&P+lL.'a**" 1 *., H- B,, "»' » r tb* elty of Ntw ol N*w York.lo hawtarcrnli. n.sl.i raent in wrltiil. l.?,V b -.* *?,*• ".'J.' *»4 •V**/ 1 " 1 "' WO'ltm lull! l.u allljTaVJl«^.kl^I , |g- be 'v" c '" " w """• at ais ajeaslnthseUy of Ntw York,on Ihr M,\,, l»A-*«MJe IMfroUit fi erly line oi twenty-eighth meet, ihence easterly along i neiiiy-e ghih sneit io the place of bcglnn be the laid several dimension::, and distances more ay iftf, •xs- si ad alio all those certain lots, pieces or psrceli *f ground, lituuie iu the towu oi t-enbn, In the county of Oswego, and i.-.nie ol New Vnik,(iii. |, ia Oneida county) being part of th" lands formerly belonging lo Abraham t-ranklin ind others, and di.-iu,gill.8bid on * map Uieieof ir.tide by Benjanun Wright, surveyor, * copy whereol was bed In the office ol Ihe assistant Register of the Court of Chancei v as lots u u" I ei s it (sixteen), n (seventeen) is (elglucem 10 (ninrteen), >.nd jo tin only) in lowribbip No. 16 in Scilba's palgni, containing together five bundled and uiueietu ac/cs and a hall (excepting thereout so ^uch ol loit No iT and 18 as was conveyed by the said John Parcel, de- ceated, to John I. M irgan, on or about the 94th day of July, 189i,) being the same premises which wt»t con- veyed lo said John i'oibts, by Patrick <J. Hildreth, Master in Chancery, by deed dated Aprils, M i l re- corded in Ibe ci rk's office of Oneida county, In book It of deed*, page Mf. And also, all thote certain other litis, pieces, oi parcels nl [and.slinai* in th* town nl I .inn ia una., in said c n ny nl Otwcgo, ilitlin- gutshld on the said map made by Benjamin Wright, as lots Nos it (eight,) mid 19 (twelve,) In -township No. 11, in MII a'i. i ,iti nt, containing together on* thousand and twenty seven acres sud 94-l00ibs ol an acre, Icing me premises wblrb were conveyed to said John Foibes by Patrick 0. Hildreih,fvlasier InChanery ly deed dated April 8, mil, iecordeJ in Oneldt comity clerk's ollice in book R, of Ucedt, psge 696, Aim also, all that certain toulh put oi lot number 99 (iweiity tw i) in the former town of Hannibal, now in the town ol Oswego, in the said county ol Oswego, which pail in tie subdivision or raid lot No. ti, Is distinguished as No. i (three,) which said subdivision Na. 8 begins al the somhwest corner o' sild tot No.gj, and ruus thence north along the west lint or tald lot twenty e ght chains and twent>.five links, thtnet east to (be Oswego rival, thence south along the and river to the st'iuli•»• t corner ol said lot number 96, Ihenct west along ihe touth line ol ss Id lot No. tt, to Iht place ol beginning! cintnliilng two hundred and four acres, one rood, and twenty four perchet, moit or less; being the farnr-prrniis'is which were convtird lo the saiif J tin Forbtt ly John 1. Morgan snd wile, iyii-iii i •tiiui dale July 94, la.l, recorded In to* ' lei k's office of Oswego county, In Liter C of deeds, page 9*i New York Mcembrr 4 1848. - '.. dell 6W JOHN HOELOW, Referee. vUPItVME Of ORT-rln Iqillt-ABne Taylor »fid ir' , K. E, X,' 1 '. J'.!** John^Tlmpson and Mary hli wife, BlftaT, wiuon, Isaac Hammond and Violena bis w fe, Catharine Taylor, Hobcit Thornton and Ann his wilt, and Benjamin Taylor. In partition, foslab Howe, plalaliffsattorney. Notice is hereby given puriuant loan older In tb* above cause, to all persons listing any general lien or incumbrance <ui any undivided Intenit cI sham u( tht landi berelnafitr dei.tlted by Judgment or decree. in produce before me Hie>: cteree a ppoinlcd by tald order, tt my office, No. ll Wall ttrett In tl.t city of Vew. York, *n or before ihe twenty fourth -dky of January next, proof of all such Hen* or Incumtnances, tos-eil,. er with satisfactory evidence ol ihe amount du« thtrton, or ihey will lost the benefit of said liens a," ncumbrances. The tald lands aie described as Jot- lows r All those iwo cerraln lota of ground fprmerly'h,. longing to Carllle Pollock or the ciiy of New f o k, *["!?1'Jl7' u t « u<l being in lb* first w*rd of tald city of New York, in a block or square which is bounded weilerly by Waiblngton strecl, souibeily by Ke"iJJ w . f _ .„ . , , . , , p , ,, ,, , i , • , i , i U so HI- | |ay ajw nKI 11)V street, easlerly by Ontnwlch si r et and nonh ea.ie, •»,->» unrlilt ttrtet, and being distinguished u«7tMs ?Ll"li^ Uhr K "e'crintlon ot lot. nnmtlVr. tool? teen and fifteen, the bomidaiy hue oi which raid iota commencing at tht'eorntr in lot number .jxittn ," the easterly sldt of Washington street, runs • i c e , t " adiactht-ttdenr.bat loi nlnetv-iwo i e e t " Til,"U, .| no* or formerly belonging to —, Oilb,,, *,,,,. gsjfjj and then along the said last •,,<., .i u I S *?..! rl*.' nttytwo feet, pnoreor lesi, ihe -on i- e'en **t* of onr -nai. gStwufe »-Bs m »,« tjiiyv ..i9«i,«y .ato0 AUK* ,m»tl4Qu"M .'J*** *^*»»..*> hree tlinui«Bdti*li*r», ».»»«'i for I,.,.,, -wditinatn i'rf fe 1 '"« *.».«,. which happened b In ivroperr, ' insurance Weill «n4i«ov*r*d7h7rVl? , ^?i l 5' t,, ' , ' ro f iu '- <l *-«» '.rilCii^ d..uw ^w«asra*at.,vr-&. iptned bpfiteon ih.tni L *.J M •»•""** f of tald nia , n o .* U{ iHofAtigmt,ni4e *.«M.ra^iS™« w "'. i ? wvoroftatd Kit. K a ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: 5Samuel Jones, N - Fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus... · sion for an act ol Incorporation lor the Americau Ke rnels Moral Reform and Guardian Society,


*b««OK . . . . No*. In, IMS—Lilt of balances Handing nt

lht citdit ol Depositors, which hate remameJ uv-claimed since the 1st November, 1*44: Edward Arlcher, «4 to Lansing ft Co.

4 IS J LutSer, . 4 05 U. H. Mann,

1 id Bent. Marshall, a 66 F. Meigham, I 80 I. Morrill, 1 10 Momriiss * Hon ell % 89 I 18 Molt Brothers, » «l 0 18 Ncl Icier ft Ktmsiler, 88 8» t 41 W. Ogerlt, . JO 00 1 ol Perkins. Hopkins *

H a * White, J oo J. H. Piokertoa, t) 68 W. P. Powers,

i- R- Andertott, Stnvl Br«dhurst, Jahn Barlleti, Frauds Bogardut, Wra, Bloodgood, f. 0. P-ogardus, J, J. A. Bruce,

3 3« l»U) • »•,

MM , 4 . , 8

Jas. Preston, Maty Panel, J. Prall, John it. Marshall,

Hiram Cranston l ac tam, Clark * Cost, A. / . Ctuter,' J. S. Chlpley, George Crogan, W U I i P I I CommoD

schools, 9 si P. J. Conaot, »7» Wm. Cronwell, 8 68 T. F. Connell, 1 00 taut ft Randolph, W. I", Cnwke ft Co. a80 K, S Ktssairi, 0 . C. De K»y, Tre»s. 0 84 R, T. Huddard, John Do Camp, a 06 K Harm « Co. B. A, Dlsbrow ft Co. 198 Seth Hastings, Wm. Dnmont, ~1enry Erben,

tnj II. Field, . « . Fowler,

B.C Grant, 0. M. Haul, J. ft C. Oascelgne, Gray, Ball * Co. David llriffltl.s, Chs Oillesple. Unban, Bally ft Dia­

ler, I 13 Alexander Hanii ton, 3 80 R F. Hart, Purser, 10 oo i. M. Henriques, 1 oo Houghton ft Co. 1 98 O. II Hutching*, * 98 Huntington,Ttflasy ft

3 60 14 60 4 00 7 I I 4 89 I 84 8 46 l 14 I »8 9 00

it m 81 07

4 93 Jamil H, Ray,' I 19 8 87 R. Cowley, t C*

90 00 Roulere as Co. AM 4 80 David Rogers ft Son, * 41 3 61 J. C. Halferty, I II 4 48 Win. J. Maples, 1 94

19 80 Thorpe ft Cutter, < 40 3 4> l,a .an Smith, Pres't, 1 18 I 1 M

Kills, V. H. Hutlon, Samuel Jones,

5. T. Kissam ft Co. . Eirigilaud ft Co.

R. Koower, Wm Kimble, H. Laverly,

i M I 13 9 0 0 J 60 4 ( I 1 93

18 48 «3 94

Wm. F. Schmidt, lleury Stokes, Thomas Spotford, Suydaut ft Blyden-

burgh, J R.Thomson, Wm. Turner, V. S. Circuit Court Clus. Van Benscbo.

tea, John Warren, R. W. Walsh, K. H. Wentwortb, J Welsh, K. M. Weir, O. Weir, ft T. 0. C,

4th ward School, Joel Wolf,

J 10 7 49 1 09

9 74 4 41 1 60

M l 93

16 79 19 90 1 00 6 19 1 61 1 l>

1 >') 9 48

Lin of Dlvldendi of the Bank of the Slatt of New York, which base remained unclaimed s.nce 1st No­vember, 1848: Dividend ol May I, 1847.

Amount* James Blott, 10 shs $3i 00 Mary Robertson, 10

shares, 38 00 Dividend of May 1, mm. Henry Dickinson, i l

shares, 78 00 Dividend of Nov. 1 1849. Cbas Dnsenbury, 10

Dlvldeud ol Nov. 1, 1846 Amount

Johu Gibson,in trust, 8 shires , 94 00

Jno J. Heri!ng,6thi. 16 oo Dividend or May 1, 1846. Gibson, John, in trust,

6 sharns, 94 00 James Abea, 8 shs. 9 00 Dividend ol Nov. 1, 1846

shires, 40 00 John Gibson, la tiust 8 share*, 14 00

Pell, Jas.K. and J. Howland, Com. of Morris Pell, 6 shs. 16 00

J. ft W. Townsend, 16 shares, 46 00

Dividend of May 1,1610. Sarah P. Geddes,98

shares. 80 80 Dividend ol May 1,1848. Donald G. Mitchell, 6

shares, 18 00 J. C. Sanlbrd, 30 stl 90 00 Dividend of Nov 1,1814. S. M. Prail, 6 shs. 19 00

New York, Nov. 99,1848- R. Withers, Cubit* of the Bans of the Siale ol Now Vork, being duty twain, de­poses and says, that the foregoing statements ol un­claimed oalanefs and unclaimed dividends are correct and true to the best ol his-kuowlcdge and belief, (sun­dry small Hems of less than one dollar each having been approprtaied to pay the expenses of advertising, ftc) Signed, R. vWrHKRS, Cashier.

Sworn before me, this 99th day of November, 1848. de9 6w JOISVH Staorre, Com of Dteds.

T~H^p«oplTo7lhe slate of New York, by lite trace of God tree and independent, to all persons in­

terested In the estate Of Thomas Hunn, late of tin city of New York, deceased, as creditors, neit oi kin or otherwise, send/greeting:

You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear beiore our surrogate ol he coumyol New-Yoik, at his office in the city of

New-York, on the sixth day ol March neil, at ten o'clock la the forenoon of lhal day, then and there lo attend the liaal settlement ol ike account of proceed-Inge of Thomas Vauiierhool, as administrator of ibe goods, ehaitels and credits of said Thomas Hunn de-

la testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of ortlc* ol said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Wltness.Anthonyl.. Roberison.esq., surrogate

[L. 8,1 of our eaid county, at Ihe city ol New-York, the sixteenth day of November.ln the year of our l.ord one thousand eight hundred and forty



ROBBRTSON, Surrogate.

eight del im

rfttiR people ol Ihe slate of New York, by the grace X of Gad Itee and independent, to Sarah Johnson, John D. Johnson and hdwin A. Johnson, severally re­siding in the city of New York, and George w. John-son, resldlug in the parish of Plaauemiue ,n the slate of Louisiana, llie widow, heirs and next of kin of Wil­liam M. Johnson deceased, send greeting:

Whereai, Biadlsh Johnson, ol Iho city of New York, has lately applied lo our surrogate of the coun ty of New York, to have a cenaia instrument In wri­ting, relating lo both tealand personal estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of William M. Johnson, laie of the city of New York, deceased; therefore, you and each of you are cited to appear be­fore our said surrogate, al his office in the cily of New York.outhe Uihdayof Unitary next.at ten o'clock In the forenoon of Hut day, then aud there to attend to tha probate of the said last will and testament.

In testimony whereof, the surrogate of inn said county has hereuuto affixed his seal oi office,

11 -. • I Ihe twenty-second day of November, one thou­sand eight hundred and lorty-eighi,

del 6w ANTHONY L. ROBBRTSON, Surrogate. rpilK people of the stale ol New York, by the grace X of God tree and independent, to ihe creditors, le­gates!, next of kin, and all persons Interested in the estate of John Baker, late of the town of Hooslck, de­ceased :

You are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate Of Our county of Rensselaer, In our surrogate's court, on the 6th day of March, 1849, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon oi that day, at the surrogate's office iu ihe elty of Troy, then and there lo attend the liual settle­ment of the aicoutiis ol William Carpenter and Wil­liam M. Paddock, executors of the last will and testa, mint of said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we hive caused Ihe seal ol office of our said surrogan to be hereunto af>

IL. S.J Bxed Witness, neurge T Blair, esq., surro­gate of ihr said county, at the city ol l'toy.llie 98th day of November, ims.

del sm 0- •'. Hi.AIR. Surrogate.

NOTICE— An application will be made to the uex: Legislature, to incorporate " The Merchants' aud

Mechanic!1 Insurance Company," lo be located in the city of Albany, wilh a capital of JJIOO.OOO, with the right to increase II to f-JOO.OX) del Cw

i • • • • i i n

WHEREAS, Hihty B8.ll*au of tb/. city, comity stale of New York, and Phebo bis wile, by im

NoriCKis heieby given, that application .wilt be made to the New York Legislature, at Its next ses­

sion for an act ol Incorporation lor the Americau Ke­rnels Moral Reform and Guardian Society, nolo liw

QXttlal It hereby given ntai an application will be made to the Legislature of this State, al Its next

session, for an act lo incorporate the ' (lulled Slates Mutuil Assurance Company and Collective Savings Bank." Nov. Mth, 18i8. de96w

M ORTGAGii SALK— Default having been made In , the paym-ot ofthe money secured by a mortgage

executed by Mary Bradford, John A. Livingston and Louisa R. Livingston, his wile, of the cily of Albany, mort|4gors,to Ann Yates,of the same place,mortgagee, dtleu the first day of June, A D one thousand eight hun­dred and thirty nine, aud recorded In the office of the clerk of the city and county of Albany, In book No. 46 of mortgages, i>agesl68,ftc,October 6th, 1839, at half past nine o'clock A. M , and upon wulch mortgage there Is claimed to be title at the time of the Hrst publication, one thousand seven hundred dollars and eighty.two eents ; and which sain mortgage has been duly assign­ed to Christopher Y. Lansing ol thecuy of Albany,and no sail or proceedings having been instituted to recov­er the debt secured by the saiu mortgage, now, ihero-fore, notice is hereby given In pursaauce of a power of sale contained In tin said mortgage, that the said mortgaged premises will be told al public auclion al the rotunda ol Ihe Albany Merchant's (Exchange, on the Hlteenthday of February next, at twelve oTclock noon of that day. The meitgaged premises are descri­bed as follows: "Ail that certain lot, piece or parcel of ground, with the buildings and Improvements there on, situate, lying ana being In the late (dlth) now sixth ward of the city ol Albany, and bounded as fol lows, vis i on the no, th by a lot of ground belonging

to - Yates, on the east by Clinton ttquare, ombe sooth by a house and lot of ground, owned ana occu­pied by Andrew B Browu, and on the west by Chapel street, being in width in front on Clinton Square.Iwen-tv-ttvs feet and eight inches, and in rear of said lot along Chapel street, twenty-lour feet eigh' inches, aud In rear ol dwelling, about twenty.live leet and eight incbes, and In depth from Clinton atiunre to Chapel slrosl about one hundred and two leet on the north line ofthe lot, Dated Nov. 30th, 1843.

- J. B. Ititis-S'.IAIIK, Attorney for Assignee de9 19w of mortgage, A Ibany city.

THR people of the slate of New York, by the grace • it fi HI tree and independent, to Catharine Hoyce,

Barab Webb, Caroline Meeke, wife of William Meeks, i1 acts u in i franklin, wife of George Franklin, A nto-netta Frlead.wife ol Richard Friend, Cat barine Boyce, Charles W. Farringtnn, timeline lYood, wife ..I Wi|. Ham •• Wood, and Johu K. Farrlngton, severally resi­ding la the city of New York, Mary Ann Mead, wife ol Joel Mead, and Samuel Beriiue, severally residing la the elty of Brooklyn, county of Kings aud stale ol New York, Nionolis R. Boyco, residing in the city of N'W Orleans in Ihe elate ot Louisiana, Sarah Way, wife of John Way, severally icsldiug at Newtown on Long Island, Hester Kertlne and Mary Ann Berime,se­verally residing at Ba»l Chester In the couuty of Wesl-clesier and slate of New York, jand to William C. Freeman ol tneeily of New York, the special guardian of William Betllne, residing in Ibe -i.y ol New York, and Peter Berime, tesiding at Kast t.hesier, aforesaid, minors, the widow, heirs and nexi of kin of John (Joyce, deceased, sand greeting :

Wnsieae, John Boyce at Kast Chester, Westchester connty and state of .-Hew York, has lately applied to OuVsiuiiigata ofthe county olNew York, lo have a oeriain instrument In wilting, relating to both real aud personal estate, duly nrottt as the lent will and testament of John Boyce, late ol IU. ;<-.;, ol New York, deceased; therefore, you and each of you arc ciled tu appear before our said surrogate, at ulsoOtca In Ibe etlyol'Naw York,on the tenth day of January n-n, ,,t ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, the. and there to attend to the probate ol the said last will aud testa­ment.

In testimony whe.vof, the surrogate of oar said county, has hereunto affixed his seat ol office,

ft,, 8.1 the tweuty-tlrst day of Novembcr.oue thousand - eight hundred and fsrty eight.

0O30 6W ANTHONY L. RORKitTsON, Surrogate

MM iuro of mortgage dated ihe nlolh day of May, '(814, In order losseure ttw payment pf iba turn of two thou-

i lawful In-I Company

sand dollars of principal, togsther with the lawful In terttt thereon, unto tht Firemen1! Insurance Company ol the city oi Albany, did mortgage aud convey unto lb* said Firemen's Insurance Company of the city of Albany, "all those three certain brick houses and lots ol land, situate, lying and being on the west side of Dallius street, at Its Intersection wilh Bleecker street. In the third ward of Ibe city of Albany, aforesaid, and known as numbers (9) nine, (II) eleven and (13) thir­teen Dallius street, and bounded and described as fol­lows t beginning at tha southeast (well) corner of Bleecker and Dallius street and running thence south' erly along Dallius street about sixty ttve leet to the division or partition wall between the third and fourth

ola cettali building 'Tift

along the partition line or fence between said third and

St ol a certain row of six buildings belonging to lleiiry.Raiiiiii.nl, and running tbence wester 1

fourth buildings, about sixty five feet ten inches to the rear ofthe foresaid lot of land of ibe said Henry Barn-man, tbence northerly along the west llneoi the afore said lot of land about sixty live feet lo the south line of Bleecker street, and thence running westerly (ras terly) about sixty-five feet ten laches to the place of beginning t which said mortgage Is tecorded In .be of­fice ol tbt cleik of the city and county of Albany, in book No. 66 of mortgages, pages 67,*c , May 16,1844; and whereas default has been made In the payment of Ihe inoa'es secured to be paid in and by the said mon­tage, and there is claimed to be due on the said mart-fage at the first publication of this notice, ibe sum of wo thousand dollars ol principal, together with Ihe

legal Interest thereon, from the ninth day of Novem­ber, 1847, and no proceedings at law have been Insti­tuted for Ihe recovery ol the said monies or any part thereof: now, therelore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mort­gage, and In pursuance of Ihe statute in such case made and provided, the said mongage will be foreclo­sed by a sale of the said mortgaged premises at public auction to the highest bidder at lbs rotunda ofthe Alba­ny Bxchange building la the city of Albany, on the twenty tilth day of January, 1849, at It o'clock at noon of that day. Albany, October 30, lltstt.

TfIK FIRBMSN'S INSURANCE COMPANY ofthe city of Albany, mortgagees.

Ptter Oaatevoort, Attorney, Albany, ocxo nw

WHKHKAS, Daniel Powers, then of the cily and county of Albany and s att of New York, and

Frances his wife, by Indenture of mortgage dated the first day of May, 1839, In order to secute ibe payment of the sum of two thousand dollars ol principal, to­gether with ihe lawful Interest ihereon, unto the Fire­men's Insurance Company of the city til' Albany, did mortgage and convey unto the said Firemen's Insu-ranee Company of thecity of Albany, "all that certain lot of ground, situate, lying and being in that part oi the said city of Albany, which was called the great Church Pasture, known and distinguished »•» lot num. ber seven of the subdivision of lots numbers one hun­dred and thirty.six and one hundred and thirty seen, as tht same lots are distinguished on a map of the said pasture, which said lot number seven begmsat ibe in­tersection of (late Van Drieien street, now) Green street with Wesieilo street, and running thence southerly along said (late Van Diieseu street) now Green street, twenty .seven feet, thence westerly sixty-six feet to an alley ciahl feel wide, thence northerly twenty.seven feet to westerlo street, and thence eas terly along Westerto street sixty.six feet, to the place ofbegluDing; which said mortgage is recorded in Hie office of the clerk of the uly and county ol A bany, in book No 31 ol mortgages, pages 79, ftc , May 1, l»«, aud whereas, default has beeu made It,the payment ol the monies secured, to be paid in and by the said mon­gage, and there is claimed to be due on the said mort. gage at the Inst publication ol this notice, the sum ol two thousand dollars ol principal, together with the legal Interest thereon, from ihe Brst day of May, 1848, and ao proceedings at law have been Instituted lor the recovery ofthe said monies or any part thereof: now, therefore, notice Is hereby given lhal by virtue ot the power of sale contained In said mortgage, and In pur-suauce of llie statute in such case made and piovlded, ihe said mortgage will be foreclosed hy a sale of the said mortgaged premises at public auction to the high­est bidder al the rotunda ot the Albany Kichange building In the city of Albany, on the ttrst day ol March, 1849, al 19 o'clock al uoon of that day. Alba-ny, December 41b, 1848.

TUB FIRBMSN'B INSURANCK COMPANY ofthe cny of Albany, mortgagees.

Peter Gansevoort, Attorney, Albany. uei I9w npHK people of the slate of New York, by the grace X of God free and Independent, to all persons Inte­rested In the estate ol George Nlpperl, late of New York cily, deceased, as creditors, nexi of kin or oth­erwise, send greeting i

Yiiii|.in I each of you are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear before our surrogate ol the enmity of New Yorx, at I is office in the city ol New York, on the eighth day of May next, at ten o'clock In Ihe forenoon of lhal day,linen and there lo attend the Anal settlement of Ihe account of pro­ceedings of Jacob Nippert, as administrator of Ihe Joods, chattels aud credits of said George Nippert, eceased. In testimony wheieof, we have caused the seal ol

office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Anthony L. Robertson, esq., surrogate

f 11. 9.] of our said county, at the city of New York,llie thirty-first day of October, in the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorty-eight. ANTHONY L. ROBERTM>N,

not 6m Surrogate. VKWlfORst" SUPREME COURT-In Equity-Bap-i.1 list Leiteli vt ThoimiH Leltcb and Ann Klixa his wife, Charles l.ekch and Catharine his wile, Ann, wife of Baptist I.ellch, Sarah Leitch, James Taylor anil Jane his wile, Isaac Leitch, Harvey Hills and Sa­rah his wife, Ludlow Leiteh. Albert Letich, George Leitch, Charles Letich, Joiin Leitclr, Kdward l.eitch, Emma Leitch and William Leitch. in partition.

Slateand city and county of New York, ss: In pur snance of an order of the supreme court of the slate ol New York, made in the above entitled cause, at a special term Ibereol, in equity, held lor the state ol New York, al the cily of New Vork, bearing date llie eighteenth day of November, in the year 1818, and of the statute In such case made and provided, public nonce it hereby given to all persons having any gene­ral lien or Incumbrance by Judgment or decree or oth­erwise, on lbs individual share or Interest of any ol the parlies in this suit iu the premises hereinafter de­scribed, to produce lo me, the subscriber, the referee in laid cause namtd In said order, on or before the eighteenth cay of January, 1819, at my office, No. 76 Nassau street, in the cily ol New Yoik, proof ol their respective liens ami incumbrances, together with sal* Isfaclory evidence ol the amount due thereon and the dates thereof respectively. The said premises, in the said bill of complaint, as amended, are described and numbered or known as lolluws. to wit:

All lhal certain lot of laud, with Ihe buildings and appurteuauces thereon aud thereto belonging, situate, lying aud being In Ihe fourteenth ward ot tne cily ol New York, and known as number two hundred and one (901) Heller street, and being twenty-five leet in front and rear, and one hundred leet on each side. Da-ted New York, November -wth, 1848.

WM. H.EL1ING, Referee, de4 6w| _ No 76 Nassau street

NOTICK—Application will be made lo uieiTcgTsia ture of this State, at Us next session, for an act

to amend the cbsrter ofthe Croton insurance Cotnpa* ny ofthe city ol New York, so as to change the name, and allow said Company to have a Capitol stock ol from tMu0,0O0 to j)3co,ooo, in addition lo its chartered privileges, and for other purposes. New York, Pec. *• l 8 4 f L _ de6 6w '11HK people of the stale of New Yoik, lo Samuel, X Urllnn of the county of Erie In the state ol New York, Kllas Grlllln of the slate ol VVisooasin, James Bailey and Sarah Ann his wile, of ihe town of Mans held in the county of Cattaraugus and stale of New York, Washburn Vinton ind Phebe his wife,and Anna Griffin of ihe town of Bllicottville in the county o' Cattaraugus aforesaid, and Francis E. Ballleu, ipe clal guardian for Susanna Griffin and Lucretia Ball, minors, licit* at law and next of kin to Joseph Griffin late ol the town of Mansfield la said county of (.'ana raugus, deceased, seud greeting:

Whereas, Dinah Griffin, Ihe executrix named in the last will and testament of Joseph Griffin, late of the town ol Mansfield In the county ol Cattaraugus, de­ceased, has mads application to the surrogate oi the e.unity of Cattaraugus, lo have said will, which re­lates lo real and personal estate, proved and admitted to probate) you and each ol you are therefore hereby cued lo appear before the said surrogate, at his office in the town of Bllicouville, iu said county, on the rttli day of January, A. D. 1849,at I o'clock iu the afternoon, to attend the probate of said will.

In testimony whercm, we bare caused the seal oi oar said surrogate's court to be hereunto af­filed. Witness, Rensselaer Lamb, esq , coun-

(f.. 8.) ty Judge, acting as suirogate.ol oursald coun­ty of Cattaraugus, at Klllcotiville, this 90lh day of November, A. D. 1848.

RENSSELAER LAMB, County Judge, 4>F6w Acting as Surrogate.

dtetmt •ii I . I n — NOTICK TO CRKDITORB~r«Tst)alit to an order of

l.ewli Benedict! Jr., surrogate of the county of Al­bany, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Levi Nicketson, latt of the town ol Cueytnans, deceased, (hat they are required to exhibit the lame, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscri­bers, the administrator and administratrix of the goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, at the office of the administrator, in Mepheosvrtle in the town of Coeymans, on or before the 1st day of March next. Dated this 94th day of August, A. D 1648.

WILLIAM ft. HH1GGS, Administrator, au9»6in HANNAH KKKFKR, Admiulsliatii*.

THIS peoplt of the state of New York, by the grace of God fieetnd Independent, to all persons Inter­

ested In the eitale ol lames Kuipe, late of the oily of New York, deceased, as ciedltors, next of kin, or oth­erwise, send greeting i

You and each ol you are hereby cited and required, peiionally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county of New York, al his office) In the city of New Yoik, on the eighteenth day ol January next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, then and there to attend the limit settlement of the account of proceedings of Matilda Kuipe, William Kiuim and William Robertson, as administratrix and admlais-trators of the goods, chattels and credits of said James Kuipe, deceased,

in testimony whereof, w» have caused the seal of office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Anthony C. Roberison.etq.jsurrogaie

[fa. B.J ol our said county, at the city ol New York, the tenth day of October, in the year of our Loid one thoueaml eight hundred and forty-eight. ANTHONY L ROBBRTSON,

oc.li) 3m Surrogate.

THE people of the state oi New Yoiit, by ibe grace ni God free and Independent, to all poisons inte­

rested in the estate ol Tyrone Power, laie of London, Kingdom of Oreat Britain, deceasea, as creditors, next si kin. or otherwise, send greeting t

You and each ol you are hereby cited and reqvired, personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county of New York, at his office, in the city ol New- York, on the twenty-second day of February next, at ten o'clock lu the forenoon of that day, than and there to attend Ibe final settlement ol the account

'niiiiistralur yrona Pow-

ei. decease* In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol

office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Charles Mo Venn, esquire, surrogate

[L. S.J of our said county, si the city of New York, the fifteenth day of August, In the year oi our Lord one thousand eighl hundred and for­ty-eight. CHARLES McVEAN,

au!7 6m Surrogate.

of proceedings of William Redmond, as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of said Ty

IN pursuance of an older of the surrogate of the coun'y ol Albany, notice Is beieby given, that all

persons having claims agaimt the estate of Thomas Wright, late of the elty of Albany, deceased, are re­quired lo exhibit the same with the vouchers thereol, to the undersigned, administrator ol the estate of the said deceased, at the office ot I'riiyu ft Martin, No. 63 State street in thecity of Albany, on or before the fifth day of May next. Dated Albany, Nov. 1, 1848.

noilawtd SAMUBL PnllYN. Administrator.

rptiK people ofthe stale of New York, to Joseph Van X i

NOTICK is hereby given, that application will be •tad* to the Legislature of the state of New York,

at its usxi session, by tha New York Floating Dry Dock Company, for an increase to the capital slock of lAeCompaiiyji'SJso.oiW. N«w Yoik, NovemberMlh. IMt. ^ J J i i o i w R, MOODY, Secratary.

1'HB people of the state of New Yoik by the grace ol • Gon free and Independent, to all persons interest-

•din the estate ol Auliew Btrvke, late of London, wreayt Britain, deceased, as creditors, next of kin, or otherwise, send greeilosj; *•

Ynu ino each ol you ar* hereby cued aud required, personally to be aud appear beiore our surrogate o: tht county of New York.nt hisotjiceintbecity of New York, on the ilxteeoth day of April, next, at ten o'clock la Hit forenoon of.th.tt day, then and there to attend the liual scltteincut of the account ol pro­ceedings of Unite i-trew, as administrator ol ihe Sands, cliaiteta and credits of said Andrew Service,

ettrased. in ts<aimony whereof, we have caused Hit seal ot

office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness,Authony L. Robertson,esq.,surrogate

[la. 0.J of our said county, at the city of New York, the h(ill day of October, in theyear of our Lord one thousand CIEIU hundred and forty. eight. ANTHONY la. ROBERTSON,

0 « ] | tax ' Wneifiwi*

lloutenof Owersvllle mthe slate of t'emu-ylva nia, and otheis, send greeting :

Whereas, Abraham A. Hush of Flatlandslntbe coun­ty ol Kings, has lately applied to our surrogate ol the county of Kings, to have a ceitaln instrument in wri­tings bearing date the > th day of December, 1844, pur* porting to dispose ol both real and persona) estate,du­ly proved as the last will and testament of Elizabeth Van Hoiiti.ii, late ut Flallands, aforesaid, deceased; wherefore, you and eaeh of sou are cited and reqit.rca personally to be and appear before our said sunt gtie. at his office in the city of Brooklyn, on tbe 19th day oi January next, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon ol thai day, then and there to attend to the probate of the said last will and testament.

In witness whereof, the surrogate of our said coun­ty has hereunto affixed his seal oi office, the

If.. S.J 96ib day of November, one thousand eight hull dred and forty-eight, and ol our Independence the seventy-third A. B. linuOKS,

4tTtw . • Surrogate.

rpiiE people of tht state of New York, by the grace X ol uodfretand Independent, to Margaret Hlxon, Edward truoa. Jonn Dixon and Klixibeih llixon,of Seneca, Ontario coutily, Matthew Dixon of Pratls-burgh, Steuben rouniy, state oi New York, George Dixon ol Winnebago, state of Illinois, and to John C. Sioley of Canandalgua, N. Y., the special guardian ol George Fish, of S-ueca, aforesaid, being the widow, heirs and next of kin ol John Dixon, late of the town of Sentcaln the county ol Ontario, deceased, send treatingr

You are hereby cited to appesr before Mark H. Sib­ley, county judge of Ibe county of Ontario, perform­ing the duties ot the office ol surrogate therein, at the surrogate's office, in ihe village of Canandalgua, in said county of Ontario, on ihc-i/ih day of January ncai, al I a o'clock, M., to attend Iheproofofa certain Instrument, relating to leal and personal estate, and pur,tilling to iiuthe last wllland testament of the said deceased, in which said will, Edward Dixon aud John Dixon are named executors thereof, upou the applica­tion of the said Edward.

Witness the seal or the said office and the signature of the said county Judge, at Cauandaigua, In

[L, B.) said county of Ontario, this 30th day of No­vember, A. D, 1818.


|WOTICK--Appllcalloo will be made to Ihe neat leg-1.1 lslatartby ''tht Atlantic Dock Company" to ex­tend the term of their charier and for other uurnoses. Dated. Mnjrewther t4ih. last I t f a "

'PHK •adtrslgued, Tiostses oi the Library establist 1 id by the will of the late John Jacob Aslor, alvt

SHatteothit lUey wilt apply to the Legislature, at In next ssssi-ni, for an act •>! t-icoriioraiioii, pursuant IS UM provision* el Ihe said win. M^w York, November is , 06* WASHING ION IRilNtt,

aotttw fortiiinself " nothe other Trustee*

OT1CK of application lor the discharge of an ilit"T<. mm from his debts, pursuant to the provisions ol

«a« third article of lliullrst title ot the filth chapter M th* MKond pJn of the lUvisc<i Statutes. H H ^ R i r V 6 B W N , Jr., c-l ihe City of New York Kottte first published November e, laid, Crtdjtois to gttMtttr and show cause befoit the hen. Charles P. Da ley, one ofthe judgcsprihe court ofcommou pleas of tht City and couuty of Notr York, at his chambers it

t Se *4>y kali of the city of New York, on the nineteenth • 6J>f esftsWmirf 11849, at ten o'clock!» '


NOTICE—Application win be made 'o me Legisia ture of the state of New York, at the next session,

lor the passage •!' an act releasing and conveying to Revcrly Robinson, tbe sole surviving executor and trustee of Ihe estate of Wll lam James alt. John, de­ceased, and to his successors, in office, la fee, subject to the trusts declared In the will of said St. lohn, the right, title aod Interest which the people of the stale or New Yoik may have a, tinned by escheat, on the death of the said testator, la and to a certain tract of land situate In the town of Naples, in the county ol Ontario In said stale, comprising Ihe following lots, vlx r lot No, 19 In the llth range of lots—Nos, 19, lo, 8, 1 and 1 In the i-nh rangt of lots—Nos. 1, 9,8, 4, t 6,7, 8,10 and 19 in the llth range—Nos. 1, t, 4,6,6,7,8 !>, in, 19and it lathe 14lhrange—Nos. I. I, 4, 6,6, 7,8. -i, to, i i ami H In the 16th range; each tot containing one hundred and eight acres, amounting in Ihe whoJe to four thousand one hundred and four acres; aud au­thorising said trustee and kts successors, in office, to linen his name, as plalntilTlu certalnsuitsnow pend­ing, for the recovery of the possession of some of the .aid lots, and to prosecute the same to Judgment and execution. New York, November llih, 1848.

uo'il mo BEVERLY ROBINSON, Trustee,fto.

A! o I'll;!--, is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions Ll of 1st Revised Statutes, pige 166, section 3, that at the next session ol Ihe legislature of the slate of New York, to be held at the capnol In the cny of Al­bany, on the first Tuesday 61 January, IH49, an appli­cation will be made to the legislature, lor a release of the lands, situated In the lownol Mar.borough, Clster county, whereol Lewis C. Mango, an a lien, late ol said Marlborough, deceased, died seized, from tscheat to ihe state, to Margaret Anu Mango of New Yoik city, widow ol the said Lewis C. Mango. The above lauds comprise about four and a quarter acres, on the high­way that leads east from B T. Lockwood'sto Marlbo­rough, aod were conveyed to the said Lewis C. Man-So by John F. Fegarrow and wife, by dead dated lath ictober. 1889, and recorded In Ulster county clerk's

office, lib. No. 89 of deeds, page 480 and 481, 93d Octo­ber, l»i9. Dated New York, November 91st, 1848.


oCr HEME COtlRT-ln Kqulty-Francis Selgrlsl vs O Mary selsrlst, Charles Moore and Mary Moore his wife, Nicholas seigrist, Joseph; eit;i ist, John P. Pulte and Eli2abeth Pulte his wife, William-Seigrist,Charles Sslgrist and Louisa Selgilst, William Menck aiulj.lu cob Backes.

In pursuance ol the statute in such case made and provided, and of an order of this court made in tiie above entitled cause, notice is hereby given to alt per-sons having any general lien or Incumbrance, by tudg mem or decree, upon any undivided share or lutereat, si any of the above named parties, or upon all Ibe shares or interest ofthe said parties, inor to the lands and premises mentioned in the. bill of complaint In this cause, and hereinafter described, (and of which parti, ilon or sale is sought by said bill,) or any pan there­of, to produce to , the subscriber, referee, at my of­fice, No. 90 Nassau sireet, in the city of New York, on or before Friday, the twelfth day of January next, be­tween the hours of nine o'clock in Ihe forenoon and Ave o'clock in the afternoon, proof of all such their respective liens and lucumbiances and of the amounts due thereon respectively, and that they specify the nature aud dales of their Incumbrances respectively, which said lands and premises are described hip he said bill as follows :

All those two certain lots, pieces and parcels of Imil situate, lying antkbetng on llie southwesterly side of Foriy-Second street, between the eighth and ninth av­enues, in the I-tie ninth, now twelfth waid of thecity of New York, known and distinguished on a map on file in the office of tbe register of the city and county of New York, entitled "Map of a tract of land com­monly called the Hermitage, situate in the ninth ward of the city ol New York, showing the same as subdivi­ded I .to lots on the imerhcotiog avenues and streets, compiled limn authentic surveys, February, 18,6, by Daniel Bvven, cily surveyor," by the numbers follow­ing, to wit: number (630) six hundred and thirty, ami (631) six hundretl and thirty-one, containing, eaeli,ac> cording lo the aforesaid map, in breadth, in Iroiil and rear, twenty-lour feet eight niches, more or less, and in length on each side, one hundred leel more or less, and are together lurlher known and distinguished ou the map aforesaid, by being part ol division number (117) one hundred and seventeen, and together arc bounded as follows: uortheasterly by Forty-Second si t eet, southwesterly by a lot and premises known and distinguished ou the map aforesaid by the number (639) six hundred and thirty-two, northwesterly by lot number (699) six hnnd-etl ar,d tweniy-nine on the map aloresaiu. and southeasterly bv the eighth avenue.

Also, all that certain lot or parcel of ground in the twelfth ward of the cily of New York., on ihe westerly side of the eighth avenue, between Forty-Sixth and forty Eighth streets, and known and distinguished on a map ol property belonging to Barbara Lctgeit,widow of Isaac Leggelt, late ol tne city of New York, decea­sed, as luid out and divided by R. Spencer, city sur­veyor, on the tenth day of July, in the year one thou­sand eight hundred and thiny-tour, and filed tu the of­fice of the regit icrol thecity and county of New York, as lot number (l)onevfrontlng on said eighth avenue, -,n the wester y *.d<-, between Forty-Sixth and Forty-•ev nth sireet-, with the dwelling-house elected thereon. New Y'ork, November 98,1848.

no30 6w PHILO T. RUOGLES, Referee.

SUPREME COURT—Oliver Steele, plaintiff against Richard P. Dunn and l.nvinin his wife, Johannah

Durrle and Ralph Prall, defendants Notice in parti tlon to geneial lien auditors. It. L (nice, plaint.ff's attorney.

In pursuance and by virtue of an order ofthis court, made in the above emitted cause, titled Ihe ah day ol December, I8s8, and ofthe statute iu such case made and provided, notice is heieby given to all person! having any general Hen or Incumbrance by judgment or decree or otherwise, on the undivided ahaieor inte-test of any names in this suit, in the premises herein alter described, lo produce to me the undersigned, re ieree,ouor before the 17vh day of Januaiy, 1840, al my office In the Commercial Buildings In Broadway in the city of Albany, proof ol their respective lions and Incumbrances, together with satisfactory evidence ol the amount due tbereon, and to specify the nature of such incumbrances aud the dates thereof respectively. The said premises mentioned in the hill ol complaint, aredescilbedas followsi

All that certain house and lot of ground situate in the fourth ward of Ihe said cily ol Albany, and bound-u i us lollows, to wll i on Ihe east by Broadway, (laic Soui h Market street,) on I he not th hy a house and lot ol tround (now or lately) belonging to the heirs of John McHarg, deceased, on llie wen by Liberty street, and on the sourh by house and lot (now or lately) be­longing to John Humphrey, being in iront runt tear thirty reel In width, and in length one hundred audfor-ty.five feet and six inches, be the same moieorless. Dated Albany, Decembers, 1848.

de8 6w JOHX NRWLAND, Referee.

NOTICE is hereby given to all the creditors of JAMES II. PALMER, of Rochester, county ofMou-

roe, an Insolvent debtor, lo appeal before Patrick G. Bttclian, esq.; iudge of Monroe county courts, at his office, lu said Rochester, on the nineteenth day of Feb­ruary, 1849, at ulne o'clock in the forenoon, lo show cause, il any they have, why an assignment of the said Insolvent's estate should not be made, and he be dis-t-haiged from his debts, agreeably to the staluierela* tins to voluntary assignments made pursuant to the application of an Insolvent and his creditors. Nov. 99ih,1848. J. B. ft R. L. B. CLARKE,

43ri0w Attorneys lor Insolvent.

'I'HK people of the state of New Yoik, by the grace I. of God free and Independent, to all persons Inte­

rested In the estate of Samuel Rcomc, laie of the city of New York, deceased, as creditois, legatees, next of kin, or otherwise, send greetingi

You and each of you are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear befris our surrogate ol the county of New York, al his office, in the cily of New York, on tbe twenty-third day of February next, a' teno'cloek in the lorenoon ul thai day ,iheiiand there lo attend the final sett leuu nt ol Ihe account of proceed­ings ol Sarah F. Roonic, as executrix, and Charles H. Iloome, as executor of the last will and teslamem of said Samuel Koome, deceased.

In testimony whereol, we have caused the seal ol office of said surrogate to be hereuuto affixed. W ltneas,Authony L. Robertsoil.esq., surrogate

(I.. S.J ol our said county, at the city of New York, Hie eichieenth day of November, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundretl and forly-elght. ANTHONY I.. ROBERTSON,

_no9i 8m surrogate.

1*HK people of the slate of New York, by the [race of Hun nee and Independent, to all persons inte­

rested in the estate of Paulo Joachim Flgtieira. lata of the city ol New York, deceased, as creditors, next ol kin tar otherwise, send greeting :

You and each of you are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county ol New York, at his office ut Ihe cny of New York, on ihe nineteenth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then aud there tu attend the final setttemcut ol the account Of pro­ceedings of Eleanor B Hgueira ami John A. F. Ra-chin, as admlntsliaulx and administrator of the goeds, chattels and credits of said iaulo Joachim Fi-guelra, deceased.

n testimony whereof, we have caused theseal of of­fice of laid surrogate to bo hereunto affixed. Witness, Chailes McVean, esquire, surrogate

[L. S.J of our sail county, at ihe city of New York, the eleventh day ol November, tu the year of onr land one thousand eight hundred and lor. tyeight, ANTHONY L ROBERTSON,

nolt 3m . Surrogate-

WHEREAS, John Wollensnk of the city aud conn-ty of Albany,by ludaViluro of mortgage, dated

the first day of July, 1849, in Order to secure tne pay­ment ofthe sum of twelve hundred dollars ol principal, together with the lawful Interest thereon, imm Samu­el Hamilton, ofthe said cily and county, did mortgage and convey to the said Samuel Hamilton, all that cer­tain lot of ground situate on Ike west side of William sireet, (now Fulton stieet) in the oily of Albany, boun­ded as lollows, vis r on tht. aattby William street, 'now Fulton street) twenty-two leet tik inches, on tht sou th by Van Zandt street) sixty-nine feel, on the west by land belonging to Bradford K. Wood, twcniy-one feet, and on the north by land belonging tothe party of the second part, tht said Samuel Hamilton, be tht same more or less; being the same premises conveyed on the day aforesaid, to the said John Wollensnk by the said Samuel Hamilton and wile, tt secure the payment ofthe purchase money whereol the said mort­gage was given; which said mortgage Is recorded in the office ol the clerk ofthe city and county of Albany in book No. 61 ot mortgages, page 63, July !)H, 1841s aud whereas the said mortgage, and the bond accom­panying the same, weit duly aislgued to' tht subscri­bers, tha Fitimieii's Iu niiamx Company of the city of Albany, by misalignment bearing date on thtMth day of June, 1848, executed by the said Samuel Hamilton, and recorded In tht laid rlet k's office in book No. 64 of mortgages, page 110, *c.,July Ist, 1646) and whereas default b«s been made in the- payment of the monies secured to be paid in and by the said mortgage, and there is claimed to be due oo the laid mortgage at tint Arst publication ol this notice, thesutn ol twelve hun­dred dollars of principal, together with the legal iute-rest thereon, from the first day of July, 1847, and no proceedings at law hare been Inmin.ictl lor the reco­very of the said monies or any part thereof: now, therefore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and In pur­suance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the said mm tanned premises at public auction, to the highest bidder, at Hie rotunda of the Albany Exchange building, in ihe city ol Albany, on the eighth day of January, 1646, at 19 o'clock at noon of that day. Al­bany, October It, 1648.

THE FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, of the city of Albany, Assignees.

Peter Gansevoort, Att'y, Albany. ocl919w

NOl ICE—By virtue ola powe' of rale contained In certain a Holes of agreement made and entered In

lo betwetu the subscriber and Aaron Flower, (wilh others,) bearing date the M day of June, 1146, and iu pursuance oi tbe terms and provisions of Ihe said ar­ticles of agreement, ihe subscriber will sell at public auction, at tht rotunda of the Exchange, in the city of Albany, on Ihe 99d day of January next, between Ihe hours of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P. M. of that day, for cash only, three shares ol the capital stock ol the Steamboat Association, known ami ills-tinguiiherl by the name and description of " The Peo­ple's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said Aaron Flower to the subsonber, and on such sale, the subscriber will assign and translei the same to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1648.


NOTICE—8y ylrtut ol a power of sale contained iii certain articles of agreement made and enteied

nun between the subscriber and George Monteaih, (with others,) hearing date the 9d day ol June, 1846, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of the said articles of agreement, the subicriber will sell at public auction, at the rotunda of the Exchange, In the city of Albany, on the 99d dav of January next, be­tween tbe hours of .ten o'clock A.M. and two o'clock P M of ihal day, for cash only, ten shares of the ca­pital stock of the Steamboat Associations known aid distinguished by the name and description nt "The I'eopl, 's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said George Monteath lo the subscriber, and on auch sale, the subscriber will assign and translerthe same to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1648.


NOTICE—By virtue of a power of sale continued in certain articles of agreement made aod entered

lino between the subscriber and John 11 Monteaih, (with others,) bearing date the vd day of June, 1846, aud iu putsuance oi the terms and provisions of the said articles of agreement, tbe subscriber will sell at public auction, al tbe rotunda ol ibe Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the >9d day of January next, be twit' n the hours of ten o'clock A. M and two o'clock P. M. ol thai day, for cash only, three shares of the capital slock of the steamboat Association, known and distinguished by the name aud description of "Tho People's line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said John H. Monteaih to the subscribar, and ou such tale, the subscriber will assign and transfer tbe ssme to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1848.

de91 DANIEL DREW. JVOTICE—By virtue of a power of sale contained in I x certain articles of agreement made aud entered into between the subscriber and Peter Cagger, (with others,) bearing date the 9d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of Ihe said ar­ticles of agreement, the subscriber will sell at public auction, at the rotunda of Ihe.Bxchange, in the city of Albany, on r.ce 91d day of January next, between ihe hours of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P M. ol lhal day, lor cash only, five shares of the capital stock ol ihe Steamboat Association, kuown and dis. tinsuished by the iiaii-e ant description of "The Peo pie's Lino Association," hypothecated and pledged by the sain Ptter Cagger lo the subscriber, and on such sale, the subscriber will atslgu and transfer the same to the puichaser. Dated December 90, 1848.


N OTICK—By virtue of a power of certain articles of agreement n

NOTICE—By virtue ol a power ol sale contained In certain articles of agreement made and enteied

Into between the subscriber and Thomas L. Greene, (with others,) tearing dale the 3d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance oi ihe terms aud provisions of tbe said articles of agreement, Ihe subscriber will sell ui public auclion, at the rotunda ofthe Exchange, in the city of Albany, on the Mil day of January next, be­tween the hours of leu o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P M. of that day, for cash only, five shares or the ca p tal stock of the Steamboat association, known and distinguished by the name and description oi " The People's Line Aosocitiiioti,/' hypothecated and pledged by the said Thomas L. (Iriiene, to the subscriber, and on such sale the subscriber will assign aud transfer the same lo ihe purchaser. Dated December 90,1849.


hi contained m greeineo' made and entered

iuto between the subscriber and John W. Harco.rt, (with others,) bearing dale the 9d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance of the terms and provisions of the said articles ol agreement, tho subscribe! will sell at public auction, at the rotunda ofthe Exchange, lu the city of Albany, on ihe 9Jd day of January next, be­tween the hours ol ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P. H. of that day, tor cash only, two shines of the ca­pital stock oi tha Steamboat Association, known aud distinguished by the name and description of " The People's Line Association," hypothecaied and pledged by ihe said John W. Harcourt, to Ibe subscriber, and on such sale the subscriber will assign and transfer the same to the purchaser. Dated December 90, 1848


W OlTcE- By virtue oft power of sale containe~tTin certain articles of agreement made and entered

into between tbe subscriber and Jeremiah Oshorn, (with others,) bearing date lie 9d day of June, 1846, and in pursuance of ihe terms and provisions of ihe said articles of agreement, the subscriber will sell al public auction, at the rotunda of the Exchange, lu the city of Albany, on the 39d day of January next, be­tween tbe hours of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P M of that da/, for cash only, five shares of the ca­pital stock ofthe Steamboat Association, known and distiii,;iiished bv the name aud dcscripilon oi "The People's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said Jeremiuh Oshorn, to the subscriber, and on such sale, the subscriber will assign and translei the same to ike purchaser. Dated December 90,18M.


Ptfy fW>T . WASTE. Attorney fo

^UPRBMECOURT—Moses Y. Btach plaintiff against ,1 the summit Connty Bank, Branch of tbe State Bank of Ohio, dslendant. ™

Notice It beieby given pursuant to Ihe provisions ol the statute authorising attachments against foreign corporations, that at) aUtehtMtt hat issued by order of ihe honorable Klisha P. Hurlbut, one of Ihe Justices ol the tapfttM Court of tht ttatt of Ntw York, against he property of the Summit County Bank, branch ol

the State Baak of Ohio, t foreign corjrora lion, defend-.nt In ihe above stilt, in favor of Moses Y. Heacb, jiUliuiB therein, and that Edwards Plerrepont, No. il Wall street, New York, it tht) attorney for said ptaiatltT. The said attachment Is founded on a Bank. r's Book account, aod the balance due tho platntiO

imouuts to tbe aunt of two thousand nine hundred weIve dollars and scvsoiy-three cents, (8)9,919 71.)

Dated New York, October Mih, 1818. EDWARDS PIKllRKPONT, Pt'fls Att'y.

Ml l l tw , HVYtU»lrttt,NtvrYoHr,

rpHK Firemen'! Insurance Company of Hie elty of Al X bany. will apply to the Legislature at Its next ses­

sion, lor liberty to make up a deficiency in lis capital, to reduce the number and modify the limitation ol its directors, and to extend the power of marine insuran­ces. Albany, 96th Nov. 1848.

RfC rsotjo 6w .'.ll'li VAN KRNSbBLARR, Sec'v

r • in JOHN McARKA V Y, defendant i~ Youare I T - --. X summoned to answer the complaint of Thomas Hlggins, plaintiff, of which a copy is heieto annexed, and to serve a copy of your answer on us.at our office, number 88 Mate street in the city of Albany) within twenty days after the service oi this.summons, exclu­sive ol tht day of service; and if said defendant fall to answer said cc in plaint, a s heieby ieqllire'1, the plain-till will take Judgment against said defendant for one kundred aud seventy slxdollars audelghtyelghtcents, With interest thereon from the tenth day of December. 1849, besides costs, WHEATON ft IIADI.KY,

dctodsot Plaintiff's AUorneys, OTlCK—An application will t»~made at tiieTeiT-

IVOT1CE—By virtue ofa power of sale contained in l.i ceitain articles of agreement made and entered in­to between the subscriber and Jasper S. Keeler, (with others,) bearing date the 9d day of June, 1646, and in pursuance of the termi and provisions of ihe said at-Helen oi agreement, tbe subscriber will sell at publ'c auction, at the rotunda ol the Exchange, in the city oi Albany, mi the 99it day oi January next, between the hours of ten o'clock A. -M. aud two o'clock P. M. of lhal day, for cash only, ten shares of llie capital stock of the steamboat Association, known aud distinguish­ed by Hie name and description ol " Tbs People's Line Association," hypothecated and pledged by the said Jasper S Keeler, to ihe subscribci, and on such sale, the subicriber will aislguand transfer the same to the purchaser Dated December 90,1848.


N OTICE By virtue of t power of sale contained In certain articles of agreement made and enteied In­

to between tbe subscriber and Thaddcus Joy, (with otheis,) bearing date the 9d day of June, 1846, aud in pursuance of the terms and provisions ol ihe said ar tides ol agreement, the subscriber will sell at public auction, at the rotunda of the Exchange, In tbe city of Albany, on the 99d day of January next, between the hours of ten o'clock A M.andlwoo'clockP. M. of that day, for cash only, six shares of Ihe capital siock of the steamboat Association, known and distinguished by the name and description of "The People's Line Association," hypothecated mid pledged by ihe said 'Ihuddeus Joy to the subscriber, and on such sale, the subscriber will assign and transfer the same to the purchaser. Dated December 90,1948.


NOTICE is hereby given, that the creditors" of JO." HANNES RO.slNG or ROSING ft COMPANY,non-

resilient debtors, residing at Bremen, In Germany,are required to attend a general meeting of such credit­ors, to be held at the office of Kotchnm ft Fcsieoden, No. II Wall at, in the city of New Yolk, on Saturday the twenty-fourth day of February next, (184(1,) at 19 o'clock, noon; wbeu and where all accounts and de­mands, for and against the estate of the said debtors, as lar as ihe same oan be ascsrtaincd, will be adiust-ed, and the amount of moneys in the hands ol the trustees declared. Dated December 19,1848.


dc9910w Trustees, ftc.

TO Themis Hegeiiiaii m™.i Charles Storm, Jnirpis H.

ud.Onj , a-VV.,hlS wifcr -. , . ,- . i.„,„, ..iiioti, Frederick J.

Bernard, Charles W. Thompson, Klisha Bloomer, the President, Directors and Company of the Canal Bank of Albany, and Andftw White, Receiver oi «ie.est*» and eft'etlsol said lintrkt -ILi)

You and each of yon art hereby summoned to an-twer tht complaint of Thomas W. Albertsonund Rich­ard Albtrtton, executors of tht last will and testa­ment of Benjamin Alberlson, deceased, and to serve a copy of your answer on us at the city of Brooklyn, wlioln twenty days after the service of ihli.summons, exclusive of the day of teryice, or tho plaintiffs will apply to the supreme cburt at the court house in the city ol Brooklyn, at a special term thereof lo be held an tht first Tuesday of February one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, for the relief demanded In tho compute" LOTT, MURPHY & VANDKRBILT,

Pl'fft Att'ys, No. 8 Front St., Brooklyn. Tht foregoing summons is published pursuant to nn

order this day made by the Hon. Nathan B. Morse.one of the judges of the supreme court, for ihe purpose ol setvlce upon Thomas Hcgeman, one ofthe defendants named tlltttin. Dated Nirvernller 20,1848

LOTT, MURPHY ft VANDKKBILT, iio-jfltlsot l'liiiiiUK'K Attorneys.


lVOl'iOK is hereby given, that the undersigned have l.i been duly appointed trustees of the estate of JO­HANNES ROSING or ROSING ft COMPAN", non-re-lideut deblori, residing at Bremen, in Germany, lor tiie benefit of their creditors , that all persons indebt­ed to said Johannes Rosing or Rosing ft Company, aie required to render an account to us at the office of Ketchum ft Feisenden, No. 81 Wall street. In the city of New York, on or beiore the thirty first day of Janu­ary next, (1819,) of all debts or sums of money owing "— iliem respectively, and to pay the same tout or on

ui, on or before that day t that all perions bavin. by (hem respectively, and to pay the same tout or one of ui, on or before that day t that all perions having In their possession any property or cBcctt of said

N OTICE, suing session of the Legislature of this State,

a charter to Incornoiate a company with a capltal]lf one hundred thousand dollars, with privilege to In­crease tho sami to three hundred thousand dollars, whose principal object shall b>! lo guaranty evidences of debt; the style and title ol which company shall be tbe New York Guaranty Association. December 161b, 1646. . . . . ;... - v.,

New York, il(!t»6w

/l-RKMK COURT—In Equity-Nicholas O. Kor-righl, committee, etc.* vt, Justus I). Miller and

debtors, are required lo deliver the lame to ui by the day last mentioned; and thai all the creditors of said debtors, are also required to deliver tbeli reepective accounts and demands against said debtors, to ns or one of us, on or beiore the same day. Dated Decem­ber 19, 1616. MOSES COOK,


Bttll tw Trustees, ftc riMHE people of the state of New York, by the grace X of God free and independent, to the heluandnext of kin of Charles H. Hairle, deceased, whose several names tnd placet of itsldenct upon diligent enquiry made, cannot be aictitatned, tend greeting:

Whereas, Margaret Harris, of the city of New-York, has lately applied to our surrogate of ihe county ol New York, to have a certain lastrument in writing, relating to bath real and personal estate, du­ly proved as Ihe last will and testament of Charles H.Harris, late of the City of Now-Yoik, deceased; thereloie, you and each of you are cited to appear before our saM surrogate, at his office iu the city of New York, on the fJllh day of February next, at teno'cloek In the forenoon of that day,then and there to attend to the probate of the said last will and tes­tament.

In testimony whereol, the surrogate or our said county hat hereon o a'rixed his seal of office

(la. S.J tha nineteenth d»y of December, one thousand eight hundred and Ions eight.

detatw ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON, Surrogate.

•tirHEttKASja limited copartnership was heretofore W (iiimed for the transaction of mercantile business

In the cily of New York, under the name and firm of MARTIN ft POMItoy, In which copartnership Chai.n-coy B. Mtrtln and Henry Potnroy were the general partners, and Horace Beldcn Ihe special partner, which pKrtticisklp was, liuniilhy the certllitnte made and signed according to tbe statnte In thai case piovlded, to commence on the Hrst day of January, A. D. 1847, and was to terminate on tha first cay of January, 18(0; notice is hereby given that a dis-.olutlon of such co partnership will take place and the tame be dissolved by the acts and agreements of all the parlies thereto, on the first day of January, 1849. Dated New York, November 94, 1649. CHAIJNCEY S. MARTIN,


IlifBUPREMB COURT-In Bqulty-Hervey Edwards, Tt.Stilly Edwtrds, Linnaus P. Noble and Harriet

his wife, Jerome Edwards and Susan his wile, Harry Eaton and Emily his wife, Harvey P. Hall and Angeli­na P. hit wife, Charles Edwards, Caroline Edwards, Hiram Edwards, Henry Edwards, Emeline Edwards, Albert Edwards, Electa Edwards, llervey Williams, Luclan Williams, Cornelia Williams, Charles Wll-Hams and Heniy Williams

In purtaance of an order of this court, made in the above cause, dated the 96ih day of October, A. 1). 1649, and of tbt statute in such case made aud provided,no-lice is hlreby given to all persons having any general lienor Incumbrance by judgment, decree, or other, wise, on the i ndivided share or interests ol any of ihe parties In tbe premises hereinafter referred to. to pro­duce tome the undersigned teferee. one of the solici­tors of Slid court, on or before the tvtli day of Janua­ry next, at my office lo Fayeitevllle, in tbe county of Onondaga, proof of their respective lines and Incum­brances, and ihe dates thereof respectively. The pre­mises referred to, are—

The south hall of lot number one hundred and fifty-seven In tht Onondaga Reservation, in tbe (own of Onondaga, in the county of Onondaga afoieiald, ex­cepting tnd reserving therefrom, what land Walker Enapp sold and conveyed to Joel Kuapp, John Fra-shitr, Calvin P. Cole and David Lion, supposed to be about (Ive acres.

Also, til thai part of said lot number one hundred and fifty-seven in said town ol Onondaga, bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning al ibe nonh-west corner of said lot number 167, thence running east on the north line of said lot, sixiy-iwo chaliisiind sixty eight links; thence south eighteen chains and seventy-live links; thence west twenty-two chains and eighty links; thence norfi seven chains and seventy inks; thence west ten chains, thence north one

chain; thence north slxtyseven rlegrees thirty min­utes, watt four chains and nineteen links: thence south eighty-one degrees, west one chain and eighty-five links j thence north eighty four degrees thirty mi­nutes, west five chains twenty-nine links; thence west three cbalas and Alty links; thence south ten chains; Ibence west twelve chains and fifty links; thence north eighteen chains and seventy live links to tbe place of beginning; contaluina ninety-two acres ot land, more or less , excepting and reseivii.g there­from twenty-six seres, eleven hundredths of an acre heretofore conveyed by Walter Knapp to Eben K. Knapp, and alio six Hcres and a hall acre of lend sold by the said Samuel Edwards in his life lime, to Joseph Gltson, on the west part and west side ol the road; eaid land sold or contracted to be sold by said Samuel Edwards, by a written contract between the parties

Also, that ceitain other tract or parcel of land, lying in the north-west part of the town of Sullivan, County ul Madison, State aforesaid, begiuniug at ihe north-east corner oi land now or lately owned by Aaron Edwards, at a basswood tree, cornered and marked, standing on the south bank ol the Oneida Lake, running thence south filteen degrees i-iul thirty minutes, west tleren chains and loi-iy-seven links fJJtong Ihe lands now or lately owned by Aaron Ed­wards; thence south twenty.tour degrees, west fifty-two chains twenty-five links along the east line of the land, now or lately owned by Aaron Edwards lo a stake standing al ihe south east coiner ol the land now orlateiy owned by said Edwards: thence south sixty-six degrCes, cast, seven chains thirty five links along the south line ot tot No. seventy-six; thence north tweniy-iour degrees cast slxiy chains seventy-five link! on the west Tine of land now or lately owned by Gideon Owens, to a stake ; thence north one de­gree thirty minutes east, nine chains seventy-four links along the line of Hie land now or lately owned by Gideon Owens to the aforesaid south bank of the Oneida Lake; thence westerly along llm bank of said Lake, as it winds and turns to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres of land, being ihe same land as conveyed by Martin Owen and wife, to Jerome Ed­wards by Deed, bearing date the Mb of April, 1814.

Also, that certain oilier tract or parcel ol land be­ing pail of lot number 76 in said town of Maulius. County ol Onondaga aforesaid, beginning south one fourth degree east ten chains and i-ithty one links from the noith-wcsl oorncr ol said lot No 70; ibence south ont I'ouith of a degree east 86 chains thirteen links along Ihe west Hue ol said lot, to the south-west corner, litem t: south 67 degrees fifty minutes cast Ave chains and twenty-seven links; thence north one it, nub ol a degree west nine chains eighty.one links along Iht line of land lately owned by Levi Bishop; thence north 49 degrees 30 minutes east twenty-three chains and eighty links along Ihe line of land lately owned by said Bishop lo the centre of the travelled load; thence westerly along the centre ol said road to Ihe place of beginning, containing about thirty seven oaircs of land, be the same more or less, excepting thereout rain acre of land described and bounded in a Deed given by Philemon Kent and wile to Jacob Bols lev, and also between two anil three acres of land, described and conveyed by Deed given hy said Phile­mon Kent and wife to Jefferson Bishop. And also two acres Deeded by said Samuel Edwards, in his lile time to Jaoob Bolsley, on the nonh cast corner of said described premises.

And also all lhal certain other piece or parcel of land being part of lot number sixty five, in the town ol Maulius aforesaid, bounded and desctibid as fol­lows i beginning in the south line of said lot at the distance of one chain and ninety links east of lands formerly told and Deeded by Henry Ward, to Thomai Stone, both deceased; theuce north five chains; ihence south eighty seven anduquarier degrees east, ous chain; tntnee south four chains and ninety-six links to the south, line of said lot; ihence west, one chain to the place of beginning, containing half an acre of land, more or less.

Also, thai certain other piece or paicel of land, bounded and described as lollows: on the north by the centre ol Elm street; on the cast by the centre ot Academy street; on the south by a lot owned by J.-bn McViccar; on ibe west by a loi formerly owned and occupied by Stephen E. Hulbert, containing about true hall acre ol land, more or less; situated in Ilie village of Fayatltvllle, being part ol Lot No. six.y-hve, iu said town Of Manllus.

Also, that certain other piece or parcel ol land be­ing part Oi Lot No. sixty-five in said town ot Maulius, bounded and described as follows : beginning at Ihe north-wen corner of a piece of land conveyed by Amos Story and Sally lilt wife, to Samuel Edwards by Deed, bearing date the twenty-seventh day ol August, M i l thtnet running north on the land ol Hervcy Edwards, two chains to tbe centre of the sti tet; thence eighty-seven and one-fourth degree east one chain; thence south two chains; ihence north eighty-seven and one-fourth degree west, one chain to (he plact of beginning, containing two-tenlhi of an acre of laud.

Also all Unit certain other piece or parcel of land, being patt of lot number tixty live in laid town of Man-llus, bounded on the south by Elm street, on the east by hind In possession of Klixa Hoy t, and which wss de­vised to Inn by John Yelvciton, deceased. On ibe north by David Collins' land, and on the west by lands ol Henry Edwards, and land In possession of Samuel Clark, containing about three acres of land. Also, all those other pieces or parcels of land lying and be­ing In the town of Salina. in said couniy ol Ononda­ga, being the equal north half of lot number one, lu block number fourteen, In tbe village of Lodi, bound­ed on the tatt by widow Flint's land, on the south by Parker's land, on the west by the highway, aud on the nonh by the Syracuse and tJuca Railroad. Also, all that certain other piece or parcel of land ituaten ly­ing and being in Ibe town of Manllus, aforesaid ; be­ing part ol lot number seventy-fi e In said town, be­ginning at a stake in the east line of eaid loi, tblrty-tnie chains and sixty-three links Horn the south-east corner, to Ike north, running nonh twelve chains aod eighty-seven links to a stake, thence west lour chains and two links to a stake, thenco south five chains and ninety-four links to a slake; ihence west twenty-five chains and thirty links toa stake; thence south liiierin chains and ninety-three links to a stake; ihence west two chain* and fifty-six links to a stake; thence south twenty two chains tnd thirty-three links to a stake in tht south line, thence east in said «ouili lint ten chain* and twenty-five links to a stake, In the south-west corner ot the State'shundred acres; thence north iliiriy-ono chains and sixty-three links lo a stake; thence east thirty one chains and sixty-three links to the place of beginning, containing sixty-four acres of land more,or less; said last inenUoued piece or paicel ol land is bounded on the south by the State's bundled acres; on Ihe west by the laud ol John McViccar and the heirs of Ichabod floodfellow, on the uortli by the l.tndjof Jonathan D. Ladyurd and William Morgan, and on tbe east by land sold by Philemon Kent to Samuel Edwards, deceased, In his life time. Etceptlug and reserving thereout the following pieces of land, about eight and ono lorn I h acres in the north-east corner, sold to George L.Taylor. Also, about seven acres sold to Janes J. Depuy, in the souih part next to the Slate's hundred acres. Also, about four aces sold tt Lanson Sillwell. on the westerly part; also about five

i t s sold to John McViccar on the west side; also

ASSIGNEES 8A!.E-Hy virtue of a deed ol •ssigB-meat In trust for the benefit ol credltoi«."«"'««

by Herman 'sansevoort and wile, i N b U M R n sell at public auclion on ihe twentieth day ol Decern ber, 1848, at 19 o'clock noon, at the wtuirdt of the Al­bany Exchange brilldleg in the eityol Albany, all IM right, title, and inirrcit of the said Hor nan Ganse. voortand wlie, ot in and to all ibat .certain lot, piece « parcel of land, with .he building, erected tnetcon anu the appurtenances thertn^o ^longing, • '«•"> lying and being In ihe fluh ward of ihe cily ol Albauy, andknowbas "Stanwn Hall," bounded «>.«detcrl-bed as follows t west by Broadway, 'ormerly Norih Market street, east by Dean street, no th by Maiden Lane, and south by property now or late ol the httfs and devisees of Abraham Hun, deceased, wh oh said right, title aud Interest le the equal WwTlatd ione-hall ptrt of laid premliei, as the same was W m W the said Herman Gansevoort, in tnd by the ' » " wW and toslament of Catharine Oanicvoort.deccused, the mid right, title and interest being subject to the pay­ment ofthe tuual hall oart ot rnoieiyoi certain bonde and moruaces thereon executed by the said Herman Gansevoort, and ihe other half owner of the said pre­mises, and also subject lo a certain lease or said pre­mises executed by ihe said owners thereof to Hyatt ft Wheeler, which lease will expire on the first dayol

o'n'e rourth ofthe purchase money to bs paid at the sale, the balance to be secured by a bond and mort­gage on satisfactory security, payable in thiteequal animal instalments, with interest payable hall yearly. Alknny, NovemberOili, 1848. JOHN J. HILL,

Assignee ftc. of HeimanGatisovoort, nov7dld No. I» Uotiw'« Hiilldlntt. A)baoy_

ft uiE peopte oi the auie oi ixo* Yois, by IM grace X of God fret and Independent, to the creditors, next oi kin, and all persons interested In the estate 01 George Brown, laie of (be townof Schoghticoke in the county of Rensselaer, deceased!

You are hereby cited lo appear beforo our surrogate of our couniy of Rensselaer, it>.our surrygsie's court, on Hie 6th day of March, 1849, at 10 o'clock In tht forenoon of that day, at tho sunogaie's office In the ctty of Troy, then and theie to atlend the liual settle­ment of the accounts of Giles Slocum, one ol the ad­ministrators of the said deceased.

In lestimony whereof, we have caused the seal 01 office of our said surregate lo be hereunto at-

(L. S.J flexed. Witness, George T. Blair, esq . surro­gate of the said county, at the city ol Troy, the 96th day of August, Hi4'i.

ut 6m O- T. BLAIR, surrogate.

NOTICK Is heieby given, thtt tbe undersigned L'tye been duly appointed trustees In the matter of the

attachment against the estate of HORACE GRAY and NATHANiKL FRANCIS, non-resident debtors, and lhat all perions indebted to luch debtors are required by the ninth day of December, 1848, at ihe office ul It. Doiy, jr , one ol said trustees, in Whitehall, to render an account of all debts and sums of money owing by them, respectively, to such trustees, and to pay the same. Aud also, all persons having In their posses­sion any property of such debiors, are required to de­liver Ihe same t» the laid trustees, by the said tduth day oi December, 1848. And also, all cicditors of such debtors are requited lo deliver Ihe'r rcspeoiive ac­counts and demands to the said trustees, or ont of thim, by the ninth day of January, 1846.


tITIawtd Trustee*.

NOTICK ol application for tne discharge oi an in­solvent from his debts, pursuant to the pit-

visions ot the third article oi Ihe firsllitle of the fifth chapter of the second pan of ihe Revised Statutes.

hit.IAS HILL VAENBERG, ofthe city ol New Yoik, on his Individual account, as well as a member of tbe late firm ol Hill ft Winter, of'lhc r ity ol Cincinnati, in iht: stale ol Ohio, said firm having been formed by J. Winter and the said insolvent Notice first published November a-.iih, 1818 Creditors lo appear before the honorable Charles P. Daly, ono of the judges of the court of common pleas. In and for the city aod couniy of New York, al the chambers of said court, at the city ball ol the city of New York, on the eighth day ol February, one thousand eight hundred and forty .mini. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, and show cause, II any they have, why an assignment of tht es­tate ol said insolvent should not be made, and he be discharged from his debts, pursuant lo the provisions of the above statute. New Yoik, November *4th, 1848.

no99 low r p o EDWARD A". NiCOLC^You are hereby sum X moned to answei the complaint of Job Mack, of which a copy Is heieto annexed) and filed iu Ihe Mad­ison county clerk's ollice, and serve a copy or your answer on me at Hamilton, Madison county, New York, within twenty days alter service of this sum­mons upon y»u, exclusive ol the day of service, or the plaintiff will apply lo the next special term ofthe su prerne court, to be held iu and lor the county of Madi­son, at the court house In the town of Eaton, on the first Monday of Fcbroary, A D. 1849, for Ihe relief de­manded In the complaint.

nono riant J. P. WHITTEMORE, fl'fle Att'y.

BY order of hon Daniel P. jngrabam, ont of ihe judges ol ihe court of common pleas of the city

and county of New York, notice is hereby given, pur­suant lo the provisions ol the slatute authorizing at­tachments against absconding, concealed, and non-H­indi ul debiors, that an attachment has issued against the estate ol JOHN RATE, laie a resident of tlie city oi New York, and that the same, will be sold for the payment ol his delusion less he appear and diicharge such attachment, according lo law, wllhin nine months /rum the first publication of this notice ; and that the payment ol any debts t'ue to him by residents of the state ol New York, and the delivery to bim, or for his use, of any property belonging Lo him, and the translei of any such properly by him,tire forbidden by law, and aie void. Dated the loth day of May, 1848.

H E N T •• •• rtlvl.l siawdm

principal sum and inteiest due,:tnd In pursuance of The i»ld powtrol t t l t and ol thei.atute In such case wtdetncVprovided . that there is claimed to be due tnd unpaid on tbe tald mortgage at the time of the first publication ol this notice the who « I'''"?'}'"' sum oi •1600, and interest thcieon since the .flrit.day ofMty, 1847, and no proceedings have been had at law for the locovery olihe same or any part lueieoi The premises are described as follows! All that cer­tain lot and dwelling, situate late lo the hrst.ward, in Iheolty of Albany ani on the north side ol Hamilton street, between High ttrett and Hawk street, and be­ing tbe second lot and dwelling east Iron) Hawk street. Bounded south by Hamilton street, east by properly ol Hubbard Rolstll and Edwin Taylor, weal oy a lot anddwelllng, contracted by tht uld l/Ajnou-reux to be tonveytd to Otrrlt Hogan, the said line to run through tht centrtof tht division wall ol the said Hotsn's dwelling and being about twenty-one feel wide It front and rear, and about tixty-two leet deep Dattd Dec. Kill, 1648. JAMES L'AMOUREUX.

de l6 !9w • . . _ fvbl'ICK it hereby given ihttby virtue ol a power i l ol isle contained in a mortgage beai lug dale ihe tth dayol July 1841, tiecuied by Charles D. Gould and Catharine L., his wife mortgagor!, lo James 1,'Amoureux mortgagee, and recorded in ihe office ut the cleiKol the city and county ot Albany in book No. 68 of mortgage!, page 861, ftc, August the 9ld, 1844. Tht mortgaged pieinlsci will be told at nubile anction ou the lolh day of March next, at 19 o'clock at noon ol thai day, In the rotuuda ol Ihe -Aloauy Exchange, In the elty of Albany, to the hlgheil bidder, #ir the dtfault iu the payment of the prinotpal and rnieresi due and in pursuance ol the laid power of late and ol the ttaiute In IUCII catt made tnd provided i that there Is claimed to bt dut and unpaid ou the laid inoiigago at tht time of tbe first iinblictlotftol this notice ihe whole principal sum ol fjosd antT*lnieresl ihereon since the Huh day of Md\ 1647, and no pro cccdiugs bavt been had at law lor tbe recovery ot the same ot any pari thereof. Tbe premises aie ucscilii-ed as follow! t All that certain piece or parrel of ground situate In the ninth ward In ihe city ol Albany and bounded as lollows i on the west In front by Hawk street, on the north by a line drawn parallel, or nearly so, with Hie south range of Hudion street one hundred and six feet south thereof, and on tbe south by - ' drawn parallel wilh the latt mentioned parallt and six feet south thereof, and on tbe south by a line

parallel with the latt mentioned parallel line, fortv lorn feel south thereof, with the two brick dwellings Ihtreoo, being In front and rear lorty.four fe»t wide and about sixty four feet deep. Dated Dec. igtb, 1618. JAMES L'AMOUREUX.

deltltw TaloTICK Is hereby given that by virtue ol a power .1.1 of sale eontaluedln a mortgage bearing date the tth day ol July, 1844, executed by Charlei n. Gould and Catharine I., hli wile, mortgagors, to James L'Amoureux, mortgagee, and reooided In Ihe office of the clerk of the cily and eouniy of Albany in book No. 66 ot mortgages, page 161, ftc , August the 9jd, 1814. The mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction on Ibe loth day ol March next, at 1J o'clock, at noon oi that day, In the roiunda of ibe Albany Ex­change in Ihe city ol Albany lo the highest bidder, lor the default lu the payment of the principal and inter­est due, and In pursuance of tbe ssld power ol sale and ol the statute in such cue made and provided j thai there is claimed lo be due and unpaid on the said mortgage at the time of the first publication of this notice the whole pilnclpal sum of tjl.-OO and Interest thereon since tht 10th day of May, 1847, and no pro­ceedings bave been had at law for ihe tecoveiy ol Ihe same or any pan tbeieof. The premises are descrbed as follows r all that certain piece or parcel ol land situate In tbe tenth ward In the city of Albany and bounded as follows i on the west In front by Hawk street, on the north by a line drawn pain I lid or nearly so with the south range ol Hudson street, sixty-two leet south thereol, aud on the south by a line diawn parallel wlihthe last mentioned parallel line lorty-lour feet south thereof, wi h the two wooden dwellings ihereon, being in from and rear fony-lour feet wide, and about etghlyeix leet deep. Iiaied Her. 19th, 1846


SUPHKMN OOHttT-la Kquity-Kdward H. Jtc« end Christina Isabella, his wile, pMrlig. t t ,

Martha i -itn >, Mm w. a-urbes. Wilium i i ,,!,.• at-d Sells his wile, Philip J. I < i . - ,-id i ,ia iim, bit wife, Obsui ah Jackson Ind Frthuet bis wile, Catra. ilneM. Forbci, Maigaiei S Foib >, Wilium H fgld-mire and Harriet bit Wfe, Koheit c.Xki;mn,e,Buitis « Idmore and Eliza hit wile,'lie New Yoik l,n« | , . ».iranc* and Trust Company, Jans » Poibt* and Ann Maria his wilt, and n,c unlnoivn owi.efcii.wu. fri( iranj)ol ihe undivided ibaitof June* A. Foibn ol aud ijr nn lands muate in tht. Mate ol .Mew York whereof John loibes, kisol ibe tiiy of New Vntk, died seised, ot my part Hereof, eY.atip.ewM. Henry and Mary Ann his wue, James \oumans slid ritrbt Ann his wile, John VV Towt ,nd Susan C h i t tniv, and William Close and Kiiiahilh hi! wiie,d*l*ndauti. In Partition.

in i ntsuarice of an oner of ihe Suireme Court, In Equity, in the ebove emitted cauie beaviug date on the 97ili day or November, n-I-I, cm of the stainte in such case made and piovlded, notice I* beieby given that all persons luviug any general lien or eniurtia braoie, by judgment or decree or otherwise, on any undivided shore or mur, si of any if ihe i irt i i i la said cause, in tte lands aid piemises sought to le partitioned In ,;,,,i cause, and beieittafiei e'esi nbcd, Or any part thereoi, are rtqoiied to orouuee iu il.t un dersigntd, Ji'lm Bgeiow, rsleree appointed la said cause by tbt older above mentioned, al bis office .No. 61 (sltiy one) Wall street, in the cily of New York, on or ii--r,r(- tht twenc, lounhoay ol January nest, (1846/. prool ol all such liens and incumbrances re­spectively, together with satisaactory evidence of ibe an,nn,it dut thereon ihe lauds »ud piemises soU(bi to be partitioned in said suit aie described at lohout, thai I* lo s a y -

Ali those three cenaia lots of (round situate in it,,-now lilteenlh (laie iigluh) waid of the u , j ol Ntw Yoik, iiiowuoii a li.ap ti.iue by httphtt Ludlam, of a part of the estate ol Anthony L Bleecker,Etaiuiie, uow deceased, a cop, oi uinch map, sigutd by J ,n.es A- Hamillou, is now ou filu in the Keginer'e office of trie cily aud couuii ol -New York, as lots numbers 916 (two bundled and fifteen), vie (two butdrtd tnd sixteen), ami 917 (two hundred and leveruceu) Thi said thice lots taseu together being boundid weilerly in limit by Sullivan siteet, on the north by the lot designated on said map as No. vin, on tbe south by the lott designated on said map as fros 911, 91s, 911, and 3i4,audon ibe essi by ibe lolsde^ignaiedon said map as Nos. 199, .Ot aud -Jul, each ot isid lota being in breadth in lioin and tear iwtmy-five feel, and la length on each sice une hundred lest; being ihe ssn.e piemises which were conveyed lo John Forces, de­ceased, hy James A. Hamilton, inastii in chancary, by i.ecu bearing uaie March 90, 1817, record d iu ihe Krg-ister's office oi ihe illy and county oi New Yorit, la liber 193 of conveyances, psye sso.

And also all those two oetum lota of ground, situ­ate in the now hltceuth (laie eighth) waid tf thecity of New York known aud distinguished on a map ol (he lauds ol Samuel Joins and nil t is, at Greenwich, made try Edward Doughty, city surveyor nana No­vember 1,18i9 as lots numbers 69 (filly-nine) and CO (sixty); said ml No 69 being bounded noriheaiieny In ironi oy Mtnetta sireet, soutlitasteily bylois Not. as and 68 on said map, southwssieily in Urn real by lots Nos. 64 aud 64 en said map, and northwesterly by Ibe •aid lot No. no; containing in brvadih in Iront twenty. live feet, and lo the rear twenty nine leet three mil,,,, •ad iu length ou ihe northwester,y ice siny-ose lesi ten luehes. aud on the southeasterly side ngnty-two (eel • anal the said lot No. 60 being bounded northeast erly iu front by Mlrietia stnet, southeasterly by the said lot number49 southwesterly in tht tear b» lot No. A3, and northatiierly cy lot -So. 61; containing in breadih In from twenty-five feci, and In the rear twenty nine icct three inches, and in length on tht northwesterly side loiiynme led tune inches, and ou

' side sixty-five leet ten inches j tit­he southeaster! nig tbe same premises which were conveyed to -mlm

RY II. flYRNB, Attorney lor .tiachlng Creditor, lie Wall sr.

7\jOTii.E ui application for the exemption ol a debts l l or's person from imprisonment, porsnaut lo the provisions of thefiiih article of the lirsi line of the tiltli chaptei ofthe second partoi the Revised Statutes.

CHARLES MAS PERSON. Notice first published November 6, 1818 Creditors lo appear beiore Inn, Michael Ulshoefler, IIIRI judge of llie coon of common picas lor the cny and county of New Yolk, at his chambers in ihe city ball in said city, on the IStb day ct January, 1619. al 10 o'clock in the foreuoou.

nod low nptHE people of Hie stale of New York, by ihe graco .1 of God free nut! Independent, to ihe heirs at law, nest of kin and creditors, and to all persons interest­ed in the estate of Undeihill Dunn, late ofthe town of Mendon In the county of Monroe, deceased, greeting i

You are hereby cited to appear before our suriogute of our county of Monroe, in our s.t rrogant eon it,on the twenty-second dayol January next,at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of that day, at the surrogate office in I'.ocli-ester, then and there to attend the final settlement of the accounts ol Floyd Danti, administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels and t redrtsof the said de­ceased, on his own applicati n-

In tciiiinony whereof, we. have caused the sealol ttlli. c of our said surrogate, to be hereunto af­fixed. Witness, Moses sperry, esq-, surrogate

j [L. S J ol the said county, nt Rochester, the 93d day of October in Ihe year ol our l.ord one thou-s a n d e i g h t b u n . t i e d a n d l i m y . e i g h t .

I 8IT8in MOSKS SI'EKRY, surrogate. K—The New Yotk and Harlem Railroad

Company will apply lo the legislature at Us next session for an amendment ol their charter lo extent Ihe lime lor completing their road to Albany, and to enable them lo raise the amount necessary foi that obiect by an increase of the capital stock, or other­wise. Dated New Yoik, November 30th, lots.

ROBERT SCHUYLER, President, A. Uyi.a, jr.. See.ietaiy im-,7 (iw

C C PR~fM l7TfoW'i>-"Cli y and county oFSew York— O Rosanna Smith, plaintiff, against John Smith, de­fendant, summons

To John Smith- Sir,—You are hereby summonsd lo answer tho complaint in this cause oi which a copy Is herewith served upon you, and serve a copy of your answer on me at No. 96 Nassau sireet, In llie cily of New York within twenty days aftvr Ihe service licit • of, exclusive of Ihe day o> such service, and il yon fall (b answer the comptalntasaloresaid, Ibe plaintiff will apply to the court ai the City Hall In the city ol New York on llie sixteenth day oi January, one thou­sand eight hunured and foily-nme, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, lor the relict demanded in the complaint Dated November 9ist, 1646. JOHN H. McCANN,

dcl6 30d Pill's Aii'y, 96 Nassau street. N. Y.

\ i o i i c i.1 Com

rpHE people of the State ol New Vors, by the grace 1 ul God live mid independent: To all persons In­terested In tht tttatt of Walter Maynard, laie of Pelliuire In the county of Suffolk, in the kingdom of Great Brltlan, deceased, as cieditors, uext of kin, or otherwise. Send greeting:

You and each of you ure hereby cited and re­quired, personally to be and appear before our sur­rogate of the couniy of New York, at his office, In the cily of New York, on llie twentieth day ol June next, at ten o'clock In the forinoou of that day, then and there to attend Ibe final sen Icun-nt of the account ol proceedings of Koben L- Mainland, ns administrator wlih will annexed, of ihe goods, chattels and creults ol said Walter Maynard, deceased,

lu testimouy whereof we hare caused tbe seal ol office of our said surrogate lo be hereunto

[L, SJ affixed. Witness, Anthony L. Robertson, esq , •arrogate of our said county, at the city ot New York, the fourth day ot December, In the year ol our Lotd one thousand ctgbt bun. drtd and for lyn-igbl.

del86m ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON. Surrogate

THE people of the «taie ot New York, by the grace el God free and Independent, lo all persons in

lerested in the estate of Carl H. G Behreni, laie of New York city, deceased, al creditors, legatees, ncx of kin, or otherwise, send greeting :

You and each of ye.it are Itcreiy cued and nquired, personally to be and appear beiore our surrogate ol Ihe county of New Yoik, at his office in lire ci y ol New York, on ihe 90th day of 'uoc mxt, al io o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, then and then to attuud the Anal selllement of llie account o/ proceedings o' Frederick A. Schumacker, as executor ul the last wl'l and testament of said Carl II. G. Behreus, de -.cased,

la testimony whereof, wt have osused the seal of office of tald surrogate to be beiettnto sffiscd Witness, Anthony L. Robertson, esquire, sur-

II,. •.) rogate of our said county, at the cny of New Yo,k, th* eleventh day of December, in the year of our Luidnmi thousand eight hundred

dsll dm

and lorty-elght, A"" NTHONV la. ROBERTSON,

e III rogate

NOTICE is heieby given of application lo ihe Leg­islature of the state of New York lor an act to in­

crease the capital stock of the Albany Hydrant Com­pany not exceeding lluec hundred thousand dollars, and lor other purposes Albany, nee. (lib, 1848

By order of ihe Board of Trustees, del9 6w C. C. V'ASSON, Sec'y.

NOTICE of application tor the dischargeollin insol­vent Irom his debts;, pursuant lo the provisions

of ihe tUirii article of the first title ol the filth chapter of the second pari of the Revised Siatutes.

ASAH81. BEACH of the city and county of New Yolk. Notice first published December 1411s, 1649. Creditors to appear before Hon. "• P lngrabam, one ot the judges nl i he court ol common pleas of the cily and county of New York nl t|ie Cliambeis or the judg­es ol tin) court of common pleas ft-r the said cily and county of New York at the City .Hall in the city of

SUPREME COUKT-InEqulty-Tlie Ntw York Lite lusurance and Trust Company vs. Daniel Tilton

and ollieis.- Foreclosure Bill, B Itobimon, |r., ol the ciiy ol New York, Plaintiff's Solicitor.

Luther Tib on. a resident of the state of Massachu­setts, and Ell Garrison, a resident of the state ol Pennsylvania, Defendants, are required to enter their appearances In this cause in the office of the clerk of the county of tteubtn, and serve notice thereof on the Plaintiff s Solicitor by tbe 91st day or February, 1848, or the bill filled lutitln will be taken as confessed by them ds9tw

1" N iht matter of the attachment against CHARLES P.GILLMER, an absconding debtor.

Notice is heieby given, that ageueral meeting of the creditors ol the above named debtor, will be held at­tire office of Edwards ft Meads, Keqs , No 48 Sate street In the oily ol Albany, on llie first day of Febru­ary, 1847, at which meeting, all accnunts and demands for and against the estate ol soch debtor, will le ad­mitted, and ihe amount of monies in (he hand* ol Ihe tiusiees declaied. ISAAC EDWARDS,


rpilE people of the Stale oi New York, by the grace X of God, free and independent: To ihe next of kin of lohn Trout latt of the city of New Yoik de-ceased, tend greeting i

You and each of you are hereby cited and requited personally to bt and appear belort our surrogate ol iheconntyof New-York, at hit odict, in the city of New-York, on tbe twenty third day ol January next, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon of that day. Hit n and then to thow cauiewhy letter! ol administra­tion on ihe estate of laid John Trout deceased should not be granted to Etna Malson of Ibe City of New York, widow, tbt daughter of said deceased who has made application for tne same.

In testimony whereof, we have caused Ihe seal ol office of said surrogate to he hereunto affixed. Witness,Anthony L.Robertson,esq .surrogate

[L. S.J of our said county, at thecity of New-York, the fifth day of December In (he year ol oiir Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON,

delttw Surroiate.

Forbes, deceased, by Samuel Jones and others, try deed bearing dale .vlay 1, 1890, recoided In tbt Be, I* lei's officii ol llie city and eoonty ol New York, in liber 144 of conveyances, paye 171.

And alio ttlt thai eerie n puce or parcel ol land sliuaie, lying, and toing iu in* si»i«euib want ol tbt oilv ol New York, be tig i an ol a lot oi land ki.owa asnumbei 49(ior.yiivo) ou a map ol acertaln tract oftiurtytlx acres lonnerly Ulsaiiging lo tbe Mtateof Samuel Franklin, mace by William liricget, CUT surveyor, aud now on hie in llie Beglsiei's office of ihe cily ami couniy oi New York, and being bounded aod uescrlhed as follows: beginning el a I'o.ni on ihe louihcily *ide ol twenty-ntiuh *irtel, distant iwo bundled and one feei or iliereabouu westwardly Irom iho southwesterly corner of the sevenib avenue and twetityiuii,h street, al ibe westerly bouiadary line e l lands now or late of C. Kelsey, ruin ing theuce *v*it> uuiy along the southerly line ol tweiily-niiilb s u m , seventy feel nine Inches or theieibouls, to iht corntr ot a strip of laud uow or late belonging lo tht estate of Charles Smyth; iiicuce southwesterly along saldatilp ol land twenty nine lector IheicaboUls in a pun.I ((is­lam about three teet southerly from tne southerly line of tweiity-nlniii meet, beiug the northeasterly corner ol lai i now or laie ol Manling and Coixsmi un tic- MIni i,11 )> along said land now or late ot Marl­ine and Corzens, and paieliel, or nearly so, to tht (iveiiili avenue, ninety live net eight inches or toeie. aboiils, t oa I, or running ibrouih lite t i i l i e nl tbt hint I: ol groiu-d l inn, b i d in l v. • nl y i i , lull and iweniy-niuili streets; theme easterly a sag said t en-ue line, itiiieiy-niiic icei sis nches or lucroaoouti, to laud nutv in late of C. Raises; ami tin net- northerly along said iasi mentioned land, ninety elghr leel nine inches ot thereabouts, to a point en iho soutlatrly n e t of iwei.ly-iitiith si tail the plait ol i egmning.

Aod also, nil that certain lot, piece, or par c-l of land, siiuate on the nonh side el Ivuniy-tlghih tvretl, in ihe sixteenth want ol the , Uv of New toik, bagtia-nnij at a point on the no,tin rly line ol ivtentyelgtnh street, dis mil about iwo liiuidred leet weeiwardly nom the wisterly llneoi the seventh avenue, where the wtsii.lv boundary line of laud u-.w or lane of nliailes Kelsxy intersects the stud nonheily Hue of i went y-eighth 11 reel ; running ihence not tbdly a ong the said westeily bouudary .luc of cnsric* Kelsey ninety-eighi leel nine Inch s; theuce westerly aud at iigln antles with eaid last trieiHiun<-d line twenty* lour leet ten and an bull inches; ihence southerly and parallel with the said last msutioned Hue ninety* eight led cif'.u inches, 10 ihe said noiilicrly line of twenty eighth siren; thence easterly aod along iweiity eighth strest to the place ol 'beginning: be the said dimensions more or less.

And also, all that certain loi, piece, or paicel o-f laud, situate ou the nonh si le ol iweuiy-eiihth str.tr, in Hit sixteenth ward el ihe oiiy oi New York, i.eg|n-uliig at a point on the norihorly Une oi tweuty eighth flreei, distant about three hundred leet Horn ihe west erly line of the seventh ayeuoe. vvher* the easterly boundary line ol land now or late of Martliug ana Coxxcns meets -.lie said u r herl/ line ol tweury-elgiuii street i running tin net- w thi-rly along lite said i in i ily hi'ti dary Inn 01 Manllux aim Culler! ninety eight leei eigat inches i thtnee easterly anil si right angles lo the said lasi titeiiiioned tine twenty-lour leet leu an.! a hail incites; in-im somberly and parallel with the said 1ssi men-n ned liue ninety-eight feet e.gbt inches, lo the said northerly, line of twenty-eighth street j end thence westerly along iweniy-eiglitli street, lo ihe place ol bcginniin ; be ihe said n u i a l . dimensions and distances more i.r !a?s.

And also, all Ibore iwo certain lot»,pleceior paroelt ol land situ ue, lying ni.d being iu Ihs ilsii • nth waid of ihe cily ol New Yois.on the north snli ol twenty-eighth street, ant! adjoining each other, and bouiidtd itttti ilcei i id as follows. Begiiiriirg ai a point on tbt • inn itiuly line ol ton my-eighth strati,whcis ihe west­erly 11,-nntini y line of a lot of Und described iu a con­veyance by Mailha Forties a- d others, to J-mtt -Youmaus. reported In the Kegistet's clti.c el the cu" and county ol New York, in Liber 439 ol conveysne *, pne list, ftc , meets ihe *aid northerly line ol iwsn,... e gall) street, runuui* ihence norihcrl, ninety-eight feci eight nn ht: along the said westerly bauooaty line of the lot described in said couvi y,u>t es to said ' Youmnns, tin in t westerly and tit ilehi angles uiili the raid last mentioned line lorty.rilne feel nine im Ins, i hence somberly and parallel wilh said lasl ineuitoii-ed inn-.nine; y tight ftsl eight inches to the tald north*

New York on the 9d da! hi ihe lorenoon. 1649.

del4 low

ly of Match next, at ll o'clock Dattd New York, December llth,

H. H. IIARi.OCK, Aii'y for Petitioner.

KClsssuni t i ' t i t i" I ' t c u t t i i u a i u s ivitst Blue, a lso , about rive acres sold to William Morgan, being east of the road leading Irom Fayetlcvtlle to Manllu* village, and alio, excepting and reserving a piece ol about two acres, with ihe right of a road leased to Anner Hoag, Ezta Huntley and wife, Rod Peter Van Tassel and wilt to Jaoob R, Depuy and James J. Depuy, for digging plaster, at by icference to tald lease, will particularly show, excepting and reserving, however, only the right of said Dtipuya to laid land and road as by said lease mentioned. Reserving also, all the right and title

Iranted by said Samuel Edwardt In his liletllme to ouathan D. Ledyard, of land for a reservoir and for

a canal across said land, to take and conduct the wa­ter of the lalmeaione Creek, and all the land, right and privilege* granted by said Samuel Edwards to said Jonathan IT* latdyard hy one or more deeds, at by re­ference thsieto will more fully appear

tiTgw H1CES WORliUN, Referee. Nov. 94, 1648,


THE people of lire state of New York, by the grace ol Clod frtt and independents to Eiixnbcih wash-

burn wife or Henry Washburn, Slaieon Price and Da­vid W. Price severally residing in tht olty of New York, Mary Ann Jewell Wife of Samuel Jewell, sev­erally residing in Ntw Hamburg In the connty of Daftness and state of Ntw York, and William K

others. Bill lor tbe loreclosuio of Mortgage Tctmort ol tho elty ol Ntw York plaintiff's, toU«it<

Ctrltton white one of tht defendants in thin cause

vY.O. oi

whost plact of residence It at New Haven, iiithc Stale of Connecticut, is required to nppear In thlicauieby the ninth del of, March next or tht hill filed ijiirelu will be taken as conlsssid byliiin. deTtgw ,\|OTICB-Applleatlo»willl»*siiadt lOUienekilaeg-11 islalure ol the State Of Ntw York for the,Inuoi--oiatlon ol a ols» or village, in Hie county of West

Chtster, ou the northtajityl/ shore of ''Harlem River at Monlsanla," to be known as the Oiiyof •s- alsattla. ... " ' ^ l i J n n r . ,. ^ . W * « n

'• ••' •'««> i - - . !« • )« .<: t i g - . ' «««!

and nexi of kin of Simeon Price, deceased, send greeting _ . » . _ ' '

Wbtrea*. John svt.Tfrt>« of tht cits'of NiwYcrh hat lately applied to our inrrogatt of the county of New York, to have it certain, inrtruBiint in writing,

m WKM - % * * . !

r i IHE people of the ttalt of New York, by the giacsTof X Cod lite and Independent, to the credirors, lega­

tees, next of kin, and all other persons Interested In the estate of Levi Atwell, deceased, greeting t

You are hereby cited to appear beiore our surrogate of our county of Orleans, In our suirogntu court, on the Mtb dav of Maichiiext, at 10 o'clock lo the line noon ol that day, at the surrogate office lu Albion; Ihen and tbtre to attend the final settlement of Hit ac­counts tf lot executors of the Inst wllland teitament or Ltvi Atwell, laie of Ualnes, Orleans county, dr.ccu* ted.

Witness tht hand and official teal of the surrogate of the laid county, at Albion, tbe ggd day or

f L. S.J November, in tht year of our Lord one thou­sand eight hundred mid fin tyeight.

4 , T * m , H",Bl UORT-S' Surrogate.

THE people ol the state of New York.lby iho grace of Sod frctand ind'pendent, to ell persons Interest­

ed In the estate of William Crossett, late of the coun. ty of Livingston, deceased, seud greeting i

You are hereby cited aud required, pertonally to ht and appear beforo our surrogate courtof the county of Livingston, at tht office of Hit county Judge of said county, in the town ol Geusteo, ou the lourietaih dtf of February next, at teno'cloek In ilia forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final sett lenient of the accounts of Calvin 11. Hiyau, surviving executor ol the last Will and lestaineiit ol said deceased

In testimony whereol we hast nknrtcd the seal of said surrogate court to bs hereuuto affixed, .Wtt-

[la, HI nt»ir*e«t turd, county judge of onr tald • aeU»iy.flU the mwuol fltnceeoithefiuiday tf

Novemftr, 1848. SCOTT LORi), u ***""" • : . . . , , , ; • -ni-ti,. foWy?**t%

application for ihtTlschargeot anIn-- hit dtbM, purtuant Id the provision*

iky ol Iht Irtt title «f th* Hilti chapter It*pr-tht JRevlteil Statute*, -" Milt

Notice first published November t i , o appear balort th* hon, Charlt* Da-1 git of tne court ol common pleas .if

NOT'ICE ol application loi llie discnaige oi ui nisol vent from his debts, pursuant lo the pi ovliinni of

the third article oi the first title of the filth chapter of the second part of ihe Revised Statutes.

WILLIAM I. BAREER. Notice first published December lull, 1144. Creditors to appear befoie Ii r. lngrabam, Esq., one ol tho Judges nl lire coun ofcom­mou pleas of the city and county ol New York, at tht chamber! of the said court, at the City Hall In the said city on the twenty ninth day of January, If 49, at (en o'clock In the forenoon. JOHN II HACKBTT,

del4 6w AU'y tor Insolvent, 16 Wall at. N. V.

NOTICE ol application for thedrseKarge oi an insol vent Irom bis debts, pursuant lo the provisions o

the third article of tbe , nun first title of the in th chapter


J*.i«* a'clook lu the lor.


WILLJAM (->• LEARN, AU'y lor Applicant,

of ihe second part oi the Revised statute! HENRY 0 H-iSKKLL. Noilce firs', published De­

cember 14, 1648. Creditor! to appear before Hon. William Pannelee, couniy Judge of Albany County, on ilic -twenty seventh day „t January, 1649, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at hit office, No 449 Broad way, ill tha elty oi Albany WM. O. WEED,

dt l l tw Attorney ttStatest Albany. fftHE people oi iho Slate or New York, by Ike grace 1 ol i.tid, ftee and independent: To the uext ol kin

of James O Forbes Iste of New York city, deceased, send gicetingt

You and each or you are hereby cited and required, personally to bt and appear before our surrogate of the County of New Yoik, HI his office In the cily of New York, on tht thirtieth day of January next, at eleven o'clock In Ihe forenoon of thtt day, then and there to show cause why letters ol administration on tbe estate of th* said lames 0 , Forbes, deceased, should not be giantedto William D. Mccarty of ihe ciiy ot New York, Interested In the estate of said de­ceased, who has made application for (he same.

In tosii-nonv whereol,-we hate caused the teal of office of said surrogate to be hereunto af­fixed Witness, Anthony <• Robertson, Esq.,

11., ».] surrogate of our 'aid county, at ibe ciiy ot New York, the thirteenth day of December, la the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorty-elght.

ANTHONY L. ROBERTSON, » de!6 6W Surrogate.

SUPREME COURT-Joshua R Downer pinT^iir against the President and Managers tf the Ntw

Hope Delaware Bridge Company dtftndanit Notlco ii ht reby given purtuant to tht provisions of

the Slatute authorising attachment! against foitign corporation!, that an attachment bat Issued by order of (he supreme Court of the State of New York, at a term thereof, held at the City Hall in the City ol New York, on the sixth day ol December Instant, agtlnst the property of the President ami Managers oi ike New Hope Dtlawai* Brldgo Company, a lortlgn tor-eolation, defendants lu ike above suit iu lavorof Joshua K- Downer, plainiiH ihiiaiin, civltha! Edwards tieiiepoiil, No. !»y Wu!l street, >,.,» York, is the ut loiney for said t;l»iuii|f. Tht isiila attachment it founded oil Bank Bills Issued by the said corpoiallon to tbe amount Often thatitand dollars (ilo.Oo*) Dated New York, December 6th 1818. " *

STATE OF NEW YORK-Clly tnd County of New York, ss. -Notice Is hereby given that an attach

mem has been issued by tbt Supreme Conn or this State lilting In tbt city or New York,against "The New Hops Dtlawate Bridge Company," a roieign corporation; that John Thompson Is ihe plaintiff In said attachment, srnd that Lucibs Robinson,oI the city of New York, Is his attorney therein; lhat the na* ture of the demaud claim ed against such foieign cor­poration lean indebtedness Itiundet! upon Hit- circu­lating uole* of ihe tald corporation made and exrcu ted by said corporation in due fotm of law; and thai tbe amount of the demand claimed against ihe said corporation il tbe sum of louiieen hundred and eighty one dolltte, wlib interest tbereon from the eighth day of November, 1648. DatedlNew Yoik, De­cember Cth, 1648.

LUCIUS ROBINSON, J e t I9w Att'y fcrPl'ff.

complaint or (Stephen B. ilrophy,

iron (jsTtl tie city o r ^ w VrTrk!wTfJilJ twenty wklftllttftWtlftsjl thlstisiiat^., ex^iMvr ofthe day ol^sertlee.or plaintiff will take Judgment


«. 64Wall .Loot, r ia^f , , W J W I # V,

IN SUPREME COURT—In Equity--Oerrlt O. Oliver and Magdallna his wife and others, vs. in n i t Van

lienburgb and Jemima his wilt sud otheis. Pursuant to a decretal .order el this court In the

above aaust, bearing datt the 9td day ol September, 1848, I tbe subscriber, the Referee dnly appointed herein, tha II expose lor talent r.ubllc auction, at the Rotunda of the Albany Exchange Building in the cily of Albany, on tin: aaih day of Januaiy 19)9, a l t o'clock In the afternoon, the premises which in said decretal order are described as follows i All lhat certain laim pelce or parcel of land, situate lying and being in th • town of Now Scstltnd, foimerly in the town of belli-lehem, being the northwardly part of the farm ©cou­pled on the Tth dayol September, 1614, by Isaac Van wie and his son Wilhelmus Van Wie deceased, and bounded a* follows t Ueglnnlut at a Slake at llie nonh east corner ol said larm and northern bouudaiy ol Peter Longs farm and runs accordlug to the original lutvey uolth eighty-five degiees niidthlny-niue mln u t t wait lluee chains and seventy-si v«u link*, ihen •ontb leventy-ont degreet and tweuty-one minims west ttttn chains, then north eighty fivs degrees and thlrly-nlnt minutes west one chain, then nonh eighty-two degrees and tlilrty-iilne minutes West eight chains, then north seventy-sixdegieesandthirly nine rclnuies wtst three chains, tlitn north elgiity-thret degrees and nine minutes west sixteen chains and three links, Ihen soulh two degreei thirty minutes east loutteen chain* and fifty two links, then south nineteen degn es west eight chains and seventy link*, then south eight degreet west five chain* by land bought by Cornelius Banly Irom tht same larm by dted bearing dale ibe seventh day ol September, 1616, then by iht same south eighty-five degrees last five chains and seventy links to a stake, then hoi lb three degrees west firtr-•tvMif «»kt to * Stake, then touih eighty-two de­grees east seven chains aud Mlty links toa tttke, then north ilstysevtn dlgrees tail live chains and seventy links, then nonh twenty-seven degrees wist one chain aud eights-four links, then north sixty en. and seventeen chains to a stake at the nonh east corner ol the land bought by the said Barlly, thru north eighteen degress west four chains and ulne links to a pine tree, then nonh tony.live degrees east by original turvey fifteen chains aud eighteen links to the place of beginning, containing tevettv one acres and three quarteri and ten rods ol land subject to lis proportion ol annual rents tnd other conditions ol a certain dead or wtUten conveyance from Stephen Van

"tW*.1?*'}.?*- l°a. , t a n [ i •**"«' v«n VVie ol the whole lot whereof the above described premises are n part. T-ugetner with all and singular ihe htredita. mtnts«pjappurtenances thtretrnto talengffigirlu antwlgt tappertainliig. For term* and coiflltTons o life, WplraoOanisvoort ft Hill, No. »IJonw's Buil­dings. Dated Albany, December »lh, 194*.

' ' " ' * , ...i. ... . P-WaJlOHT, Referee. iTlHE peeislt of tbt Stat* of Ntw York, by l i t grate X of ftciffrte end ladtmodent. 9r" CUrlott. L Rante and to William C. Jwtman, thtt speciti , «„ , . dim el Jamts L. Bankti Robert L Hanks anil Maria Bank*, minor*, til severally residing in the city ol New Yoyk,Bll**Blalaa,w,faor Klalland ind •iSfJ-a *• "**•-*». ratidltigltt ibe Republic ol Prance, thelluifrt, and nest of ki*-V* WIIMw Banks, drwai **.**ud greeting! ' 'vv*-' „S&P+lL.'a**"1*., H- B , , " » ' »r tb* elty of Ntw ol N*w York.lo hawtarcrnli. n.sl.i raent in wrltiil.

l.?,Vb-.* *?,*• ".'J.' *»4 •V**/1"1 "' WO'ltm lull! l . u

a l l l jTaVJl«^ .k l^I , | g - b e ' v" c ' " " w """• at ais ajeaslnthseUy of Ntw York,on Ihr M,\,,

l»A-*«MJe IMfroUit fi

erly line oi twenty-eighth meet, ihence easterly along i neiiiy-e ghih sneit io the place of bcglnn be the laid several dimension::, and distances more ay

iftf, •xs-

si ad alio all those certain lots, pieces or psrceli *f ground, lituuie iu the towu oi t-enbn, In the county of Oswego, and i.-.nie ol New Vnik,(iii. | , ia Oneida county) being part of th" lands formerly belonging lo Abraham t-ranklin ind others, and di.-iu,gill.8bid on * map Uieieof ir.tide by Benjanun Wright, surveyor, * copy whereol was bed In the office ol Ihe assistant Register of the Court of Chancei v as lots u u" I ei s it (sixteen), n (seventeen) is (elglucem 10 (ninrteen), >.nd jo tin only) in lowribbip No. 16 in Scilba's palgni, containing together five bundled and uiueietu ac/cs and a hall (excepting thereout so ̂ uch ol loit No iT and 18 as was conveyed by the said John Parcel, de-ceated, to John I. M irgan, on or about the 94th day of July, 189i,) being the same premises which wt»t con­veyed lo said John i'oibts, by Patrick <J. Hildreth, Master in Chancery, by deed dated Aprils, Mi l re­corded in Ibe c i rk's office of Oneida county, In book It of deed*, page Mf. And also, all thote certain other litis, pieces, oi parcels nl [and.slinai* in th* town nl I .inn ia una., in said c n ny nl Otwcgo, ilitlin-gutshld on the said map made by Benjamin Wright, as lots Nos it (eight,) mid 19 (twelve,) In -township No. 11, in MII a'i. i ,iti nt, containing together on* thousand and twenty seven acres sud 94-l00ibs ol an acre, Icing me premises wblrb were conveyed to said John Foibes by Patrick 0. Hildreih,fvlasier InChane• • ry ly deed dated April 8, mil, iecordeJ in Oneldt comity clerk's ollice in book R, of Ucedt, psge 696,

Aim also, all that certain toulh put oi lot number 99 (iweiity tw i) in the former town of Hannibal, now in the town ol Oswego, in the said county ol Oswego, which pail in tie subdivision or raid lot No. t i , Is distinguished as No. i (three,) which said subdivision Na. 8 begins al the somhwest corner o' sild tot No.gj, and ruus thence north along the west lint or tald lot twenty e ght chains and twent>.five links, thtnet east to (be Oswego rival, thence south along the and river to the st'iuli•»• t corner ol said lot number 96, Ihenct west along ihe touth line ol ss Id lot No. tt, to Iht place ol beginning! cintnliilng two hundred and four acres, one rood, and twenty four perchet, moit or less; being the farnr-prrniis'is which were convtird lo the saiif J tin Forbtt ly John 1. Morgan snd wile, iyii-iii i •tiiui dale July 94, la.l, recorded In to* ' lei k's office of Oswego county, In Liter C of deeds, page 9*i New York Mcembrr 4 1848. - '..

dell 6W JOHN HOELOW, Referee.

vUPItVME Of ORT-rln Iqil l t-ABne Taylor »fid ir' ,K.E,X,'1'. J'.!** John^Tlmpson and Mary hli

wife, BlftaT, wiuon, Isaac Hammond and Violena bis w fe, Catharine Taylor, Hobcit Thornton and Ann his wilt, and Benjamin Taylor. In partition, foslab Howe, plalaliffsattorney.

Notice is hereby given puriuant loan older In tb* above cause, to all persons listing any general lien or incumbrance <ui any undivided Intenit cI sham u( tht landi berelnafitr dei.tlted by Judgment or decree. in produce before me Hie>: cteree a ppoinlcd by tald order, tt my office, No. ll Wall ttrett In tl.t city of Vew. York, *n or before ihe twenty fourth -dky of January next, proof of all such Hen* or Incumtnances, tos-eil,. er with satisfactory evidence ol ihe amount du« thtrton, or ihey will lost the benefit of said liens a," ncumbrances. The tald lands aie described as Jot-

lows r All those iwo cerraln lota of ground fprmerly'h,.

longing to Carllle Pollock or the ciiy of New f o k, *["!?1'Jl7'ut «u<l being in lb* first w*rd of tald city of New York, in a block or square which is bounded weilerly by Waiblngton strecl, souibeily by Ke"iJJ

w .

f _ . „ . , , . , , p , , , , , , i , • , i , i U so HI- | |ay ajw n K I 11)V

street, easlerly by Ontnwlch s i r e t and nonh ea.ie, •»,->» unrlilt ttrtet, and being distinguished u«7tMs ?Ll"li^Uhr K "e'crintlon ot lot. nnmtlVr. tool? teen and fifteen, the bomidaiy hue oi which raid iota commencing at tht'eorntr in lot number .jxittn , " the easterly sldt of Washington street, runs • i c e , t " adiactht-ttdenr.bat loi nlnetv-iwo i e e t " Til,"U, .| no* or formerly belonging to — , Oilb,,, *,,,,. gs j f j j and then along the said last •,,<., .i uIS *?..! rl*.'

nttytwo feet, pnoreor lesi, ihe -on i-


**t* of onr -nai.

gStwufe »-Bs m »,« tjiiyv

..i9«i,«y .ato0 AUK* ,m»tl4Qu"M .'J***


hree tlinui«Bdti*li*r», ».»»«'i for I,.,.,, -wditinatn i'rf fe1'"« *.».«,.

which happened b In ivroperr, ' insurance Weill «n4i«ov*r*d7h7rVl? ,^?i l5' t , ,' ,'rof iu'-<l *-«»

' . r i l C i i ^ d..uw • ^w«asra*at.,vr-&.

iptned bpfiteon i h . t n i L * . J M •»•""** f of tald nia , n o .*U { iHofAtigmt,ni4e

* . « M . r a ^ i S ™ « w " ' . i ? wvoroftatd Kit.

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