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Best Practices in Database Archiving and Information Lifecycle An InformationWeek Webcast Sponsored by

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Best Practices in Database Archiving

and Information Lifecycle

An InformationWeek Webcast

Sponsored by

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Webcast Logistics

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Today’s Presenter

Carl Olofson,

Research Vice President,

Application Development and Deployment,


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Best Practices in Database Archiving and Information Lifecycle ManagementHow ILM Saves Money, Reduces Risk

Carl Olofson

Research Vice President


May 2011

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The Problem

Unchecked database growth

Hidden costs of large databases

Security and privacy in test data

Information Lifecycle Management

What is ILM?

Database archiving

– Requirements of database archiving

– Benefits of database archiving

Test data masking

– How data is masked

– Benefits of data masking

Conclusions / Recommendations


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Unchecked Database Growth

As a database grows…

It requires larger indices

It consumes more storage

It requires specialized administration to tune

It needs more processor power to execute queries and updates

The hidden costs include

More storage administration

More downtime for reorgs

Larger batch windows for backups


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Polling Question #1

How rapidly is your main production database growing?

Under 10% per year

10% per year

25% per year

Over 25% per year


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Elements of Test Data Management

Selecting the data

Must be referentially complete subset of the database

Must reflect realistic patterns of data to ensure valid testing

Protecting sensitive data

Sensitive data must be masked to prevent unauthorized viewing

Masked data needs to make sense to the test system.


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Security and Privacy in Test Data

Normal Security Is Often Suspended for Test Data

Confidential data could be compromised

Privacy requirements could be breached

Corporate policies may be violated

Contractual requirements and government regulations could lead

to legal culpability

In-House Masking Is Inadequate

Simplistic results create unrealistic test data

Code must be changed as the database changes, an

unreasonable burden on in-house IT


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Polling Question #2

In what role is the person in your organization primarily

responsible for refreshing test data?


Development Manager

Project Leader




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Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)







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The Basic Elements of ILM


Policies governing data creation, management, removal


Encryption and access control at a granular level


Blocking access to sensitive data, including test data

Data test data protection done through data masking


Removal of inactive data from the live database

Storage in a compressed, read-only datastore


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The Data Masking Challenge

Application testing requirements

Using simple XXXX or #### or “Ipsum lorem” usually not

adequate for robust application testing.

Data must be representative of actual data in value range and


Masked data must “make sense”; zip codes correlate to city and

state, for instance.

Secured information, such as personal identification, should not

be inferable from the masked data.

The fake data should be consistent.


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Archiving: Types of Data


Created in response to a stand-alone event.

Randomly retrieved without requiring context

Active until a special event

Examples: Customer, Patient, Product


Created at the start of a business process.

Retrieved in the context of a transaction

Deactivated at the end of a business process.

Examples: Sales order, treatment, shipment


Created at reception of a streamed item

Inactive immediately (cannot be updated)


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Classes of Data


Data that is still being updated.

Includes reference and transactional data.


Data no longer active, but retained for query and reporting

Includes historical and streamed data

Historical data is inactive transaction data

– Sales order completed, revenue recognized

– Inventory item sold and picked up

– Patient treatment completed, patient discharged


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Buildup of Inactive Data

Hypothetical Example

Suppose we have a sales order table

We start the year with 10,000 orders per month

Orders grow at 1% per month

Each order takes 60 days to complete (recognize revenue)

Orders in process are active data

Completed orders are inactive data


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Buildup of Inactive Transaction Data











Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



Sales Order Table



Inactive %

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Inactive Data Clogs the Database

DBMS Overhead

Big Indexes

Storage demand

Slower queries

Slower transaction processing

Operational Overhead

DBA tuning

Disruption for unload/reload and reorg

Longer backup batch windows


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Polling Question # 3

Think of transaction data that you retain. What is your required

retention period?

3-5 years

6-10 years

Over 10 years

We don’t have a retention policy


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Approaches to “Aging Out” Data


Move data to low frequency partition on 2nd or 3rd tier storage

Use local partition indexes to avoid growth of global table indexes

Perform maintenance operations by physical partition

Problem: this approach impacts the whole table, and creates a complex operational and management challenge that extends across the database


Select referentially complete subsets of inactive data

Move the inactive data to an archiving system outside the database

Ensure that the archive can support SQL and that queries can, if necessary, be executed in an integrated manner with those of the live database.


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Benefits of Archiving

Database benefits

Faster queries

Less index maintenance overhead

Smaller dataspaces and simpler schema than partitioning option

Requires less CPU; license/maintenance savings for DB and


Operational benefits

Less schema maintenance than partitioning option

Stable backup windows

Much less data reorganization21

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Application Retirement

Inactive Applications

Applications become inactive when they are no longer used, and their

functions have been migrated elsewhere.

They commonly still have data that must be retained for corporate

policy or legal reasons.

For this reason, enterprises keep them running, maintaining them, and

paying fees for them even though they are inactive.

Retiring Inactive Applications

All their data is inactive, so it may be archived altogether

The archiving system must retain the ability to report on the data.

The savings in servers, storage, software, and operations costs can be

very significant.


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Critical Requirements of Database Archiving

DBMS Support

Must support ongoing versions of major RDBMS including DB2, Informix, Oracle, Sybase ASE, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL

Must record schema and schema changes to support data retrieval even after data definitions have changed.

Must support SQL and ODBC/JDBC used by applications.

Technical requirements

Random data retrieval

Compressed, optimized based on read-only access

Reasonable performance on 2nd and 3rd tier storage


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Data Governance

Purpose is to ensure that data is trustworthy

Data is well defined, and maintenance is rational

Original source is known

Sequence and agents of update are known (provenance)

Data is valid and consistent

No unauthorized access has happened

No sensitive data is visible to unauthorized personnel

Data is retained as required without compromising performance

Business Benefits

Database development and management addresses known business needs

Trade secrets are not exposed and confidences are not compromised

Ensures contractual and legal requirements compliance

Reduces risk of actual or opportunity cost due to data-driven application error


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ILM and Data Governance

Data GovernanceUniform Data Definition & Policy Management

Information Lifecycle Management

Managed Data Selection & Retention

Database Subsetting

Database Archiving

Data Protection

Test Data Masking

Trust Management

Validity and Consistency Assurance

Data Quality and


Data Cleansing

Security & Monitoring

Access Control and Encryption

Provenance Tracking

Access Log Analysis


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ILM and Database Development and Management Tools

Database Development and Management Tools (DDMT)

Software used by DBAs and data managers to manage the size,

performance, and reliability/recoverability of databases

Includes DBA tools, database replication software, development

and optimization software, and database archiving / ILM.

The ILM Segment of the DDMT Market

Just 4.6% in 2009, but the fastest growing segment; the only

segment to show positive growth in that tough economic year.

Projected to show the greatest growth of all DDMT segments to

2014, with a forecast CAGR of 9.9% from $90 m to $188 m.


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What’s IBM’s Share in the ILM Market Segment






Solix4% Other


Revenue ($M)

Total = $89.9 MillionSource: IDC, 2010

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Conclusions and Recommendations


Data governance is critical because the utility and trustworthiness of enterprise data cannot be left to chance.

ILM addresses the key dimension of data size management in relation to data retention, and test data management.

These functions cannot be developed and maintained in-house.


Users should carefully review their data access and retention policies and ensure that those policies are carried out.

In most cases, the best approach to ensuring data retention without bloating the databases is to employ database archiving.

Test data management is not trivial; find professionally developed data masking and subsetting tools.

IBM’s InfoSphere Optim leads the market in addressing these key ILM requirements.


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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Information Management

Easily refresh & maintain right sized non-production environments, while reducing storage costs

Improve application quality and deploy new functionality more quickly

Speed understanding and project time through

relationship discovery within and across data sources

Understand sensitive data to protect and secure it

IBM InfoSphere Optim solutionsManaging data throughout its lifecycle in heterogeneous environments








Reduce hardware, storage & maintenance costs

Streamline application upgrades and improve

application performance

Data Growth Management

Test Data Management

Data Masking

Protect sensitive information from misuse & fraud

Prevent data breaches and associated fines






Safely retire legacy & redundant applications while

retaining the data

Ensure application-independent access to archive


Application Retirement

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Information Management

Managing Data Across its Lifecycle

Information GovernanceQuality Management – Lifecycle – Security & Privacy

Develop &Test

Discover &Define

Optimize, Archive & Access

Consolidate &Retire

Enable compliance with retention & e-


Rationalize application portfolio

Validate test resultsDefine policiesReport & retrieve

archived data

Create & refresh test data

Manage data growthClassify & define data

and relationships

Develop database structures & code

Enhance performanceDiscover where data resides

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Information Management

You can’t govern what you don’t understand

Define business objects for archival and

test data applications

– Automation of manual activities

accelerates time to value

Discover data transformation rules and

heterogeneous relationships

– Business insight into data

relationships reduces project risk

Identify hidden sensitive data for privacy

– Provides consistency across

information agenda projects























Distributed Data Landscape

Discover &Define

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Information Management

100 GB

25 GB

50 GB

• Create targeted, right-sized test environments

• Substitute sensitive data with fictionalized yet contextually accurate data

• Easily refresh, reset and maintain test environments

• Compare data to pinpoint and resolve application defects faster

• Accelerate release schedules

Employ effective test data management practices

Production or Production Clone

25 GB



Unit Test



Subset & Mask

Develop &Test

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Information Management

Archive historical data for data growth management





RetrieveRestored Data

Universal Access to Application Data



Historical Data

Reference Data

Data Archiving is an intelligent process for moving inactive or infrequently

accessed data that still has value, while providing the ability to search and

retrieve the data

Can selectively restore archived data records

ODBC / JDBC XML Report WriterApplicationMashup Center Data Find

Optimize, Archive & Access

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Information Management

Retire redundant and legacy applications

Preserve application data in its business context

– Capture all related data, including transaction details, reference data & associated


– Capture any related reference data may reside in other application databases

Retire out-of-date packaged applications as well as legacy custom applications

– Leverage out-of-box support of packaged applications to quickly identify & extract the

complete business object

Shut down legacy system without a replacement

– Provide fast and easy retrieval of data for research and reporting, as well as audits

and e-discovery requests

Consolidate &Retire

Infrastructure before Retirement Archived Data after Consolidation


User Archive DataArchive Engine






User DatabaseApplication Data


User DatabaseApplication Data


User DatabaseApplication Data

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Information Management

Resources to Learn More!

InfoSphere Optim Solutions page:http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/optim/

–IDC Worldwide Database Development and

Management Tools 2009 Vendor and Segment Analysis


–Whitepaper: Control Application Data Growth Before It

Controls Your Business

–Whitepaper: Enterprise Strategies to Improve

Application Testing

–InfoSphere Optim Solutions for Custom and Packaged

Applications Solution Brief

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