5 what's on the menu

What's on the menu ? 1 Menu types. Oral comprehension. (  Les types de menus)  2 Language review: too/ also (Arrêt sur la langue: too/ also)  3 Che!s "rieing to his team. Oral comp rehension. (Le briefing du chef à son équipe) #he importance o $nowing well the menu. (L'importance de bien connaître le menu)  % &riting/ 'pea$ing. iving etails a"out a ish. (onner des détails sur la compoqition d'un  plat! "ebrassage) * rammar:  *.1 'imple +ast an +ast Continuous (#rétérit simple et continu$ en be%&i ng)  *.2 Lin$ wors (ots de liaison)  , -eaing comp rehension. Let!s have a nice meal. arrating a past event. (aire la narration d'un éénement passé)   Mr 0ean!s sanwich. rammar eercise. (*+ercice de grammaire) -eaing comp rehension. 4l last there is such a thing as a ree lu nch.5  6 4uto7correction

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What's on the menu ? Menu types. Oral comprehension. (Les types de menus)

Language review: too/ also (Arrt sur la langue: too/ also)

Chef's briefing to his team. Oral comprehension. (Le briefing du chef son quipe)The importance of knowing well the menu. (L'importance de bien connatre le menu)

Writing/ Speaking. Giving details about a dish. (Donner des dtails sur la compoqition d'un plat. Rebrassage)

Grammar:Simple Past and Past Continuous (Prtrit simple et continu, en be+Ving)

Link words (Mots de liaison)

Reading comprehension. Let's have a nice meal. Narrating a past event. (Faire la narration d'un vnement pass)

Mr Bean's sandwich. Grammar exercise. (Exercice de grammaire)

Reading comprehension. Al last there is such a thing as a free lunch.


1. Menu types.Oral comprehension. (Les types de menus)Restaurants and cafes often have different kinds of menus.Oral comprehension. Menu types.Situation: a London caf owner, Victor (originally from Turkey) is speaking with an interviewer who asks him about the menus in his caf. (Le propritaire d'un caf londonien, Victor, originaire de Turquie, rpond un journaliste qui lui demande quels sont les types de menus proposs dans son caf)1.1 What different types of menu are there? Listen carefully.You can read the script below at the same time: (Quels sont les diffrents types de menu ? Ecoutez attentivement. Vous pouvez lire le script en mme temps)
There are ................ types of menu: ..................., .........................., and ..................... There is also a .....................................

Script:Interviewer: So Victor, The Hamlet Caf menu?Victor:Yes.Interviewer: What type of food do you offer on the menus?Victor: There are three different types of menu the breakfast, lunch and the dinner. And you also have desserts and weve got all the continental foods.Interviewer: All the continental?Victor:Yeah. And typical English lunch and English breakfast too.Interviewer: And do you have a childrens menu?Victor:Yeah, we have a kids menu, also vegetarian dishes.Interviewer: Are there a lot of vegetarians?Victor: Yeah, there are. Yeah. Interviewer:What if you have someone who has an allergy to nuts or something?Victor: Yes, or cheese we do something without.Interviewer: OK.Victor: Mousaka is very popular here. We do fresh fish, it is very popular too, and roast dishes. Interviewer: I saw you have a specials board outside and today its fish and chips.Victor: Yeah, and weve got also a lot of home made dishes, lasagne, spaghetti, everything. And at the weekends till 12 oclock, 1 oclock it's breakfast and after 1 oclock/ 2 oclock we sell roast dishes, especially Sundays.Interviewer:Sunday roast, yeah.Victor: Yeah.Interviewer: Thats lovely.1.2 Make the list of the dishes mentioned in the conversation in the table below. (Faites la liste des plats mentions dans la conversation dans le cadre ci-dessous.)

Answer the questions using information in the script (Rpondez aux questions en utilisant des informations du script)What is the caf's name?

How many types of menus are there?

What is continental food opposed to ? (Quel est le contraire de la nourriture continentale?)

What do they do when someone is allergic to cheese?

What popular dishes do they serve?

What is today's special?

Until what time do they serve breakfasts at weekends?

What do a lot of people eat for lunch on Sundays?

1.3 Listen to the list of these words from the recording. How many syllables do the words have? Where is the main stress? Match them with the good stress. (Ecoutez ces mots de l'enregistrement. Combien de syllabes ont-ils? O est l'accent de mot?) Associez les mots avec le bon schma d'accent.exemple: dessert menu - o O O o : 2 syllables in desSERT and 2 syllables in MENu1) Oo Oo4) Oo Oo7) Oo oOo

2) O Ooo5) Oo O8) Oo O

3) ooOo O6) O o O9) OoOoo Oo

a) breakfast menub) dinner menuc) continental foodsd) vegetarian dishes.e) nuts allergyf) specials boardg) fish'n chipsh)Sunday roasti) homemade lasagne

1.4 Some words in the text are underlined. Match them with the following words in French. (Certains mots dans le script sont en gras. Associez-les avec le mots franais qui leur correspond):also

a) le tableau des plats du jour


b) dehors/ l'extrieur

a lot of

c) sans


d) tout


e) aussi


f) aussi

specials board

g) quelqu'un


h) quelque chose


i) fait-maison

home made

j) jusqu'


k) principalement


l) beaucoup de

2. Language review: Too/ also:Also is used to add extra information to a sentence. (On utilise also pour ajouter des informations dans une phrase. )I love drinking Italian wine but I also love Spanish wine.I prepared the salads and I also cut the vegetables.Also is used after the verb be and before other verbs (On le place aprs le verbe be mais avant les autres verbes)I was also born in 1994!I also live near here !I can also speak English.I should also work hard for my exam.Too is basically used in the same way as alsobut always at the end of a sentence.( too s'emploie dans les mmes cas que alsomais on le place toujours la fin d'une phrase.)

Ben can speak English and Jordi speaks English too. = Ben can speak English and Jordi also speaks English!I like eating ice-cream, I like eating cake too! = I like eating ice-cream, I also like eating cake!2.1 Rephrase the sentences using also (Reformulez les phrases en utilisant also )I am hungry too.

I am studying English too.

You must peel the carrots too.

This dish is from Thailand, this dish is from Thailand too.

I like this dish, and the customers like it too.

Too can also be used to express an excess. (Too se trouve aussi dans l'expression d'un excs.)Do you remember:I have eaten too much food! I feel ill!I am too tired to do my English homework!He is too tall to fit in the car!I am too old to run!

3. A chef's briefingOral comprehension. Situation: The head chef in charge of the kitchen of a deli bar is briefing his team. What is the purpose of a chefs briefing? ( quoi sert le briefing ?)We'll see the answer at the end of the activity (Nous verrons la rponse la fin de l'activit)

Listen to check your ideas. Script:Head chef:Today its Friday. Weve got soup, curried vegetable soup, curry spices in there, cumin, coriander, carrots, onions, potatoes and garlic the main course is battered haddock. The haddock is from the North Atlantic, OK? Em, served with chips and there will be peas and mushy peas, either or. We have tartar sauce. Tartar sauce is capers, gherkins and mayonnaise. Alright? Weve also done a grilled haddock for the ladies and those that dont want batter. Em, thats gluten free, dairy free, etcetera. Em, the vegetarian today is Mexican quesadilla. OK, its a tortilla, inside you have potato, sweetcorn and grated cheese. Weve grilled that, put it into the oven and were serving it with a tomato salsa, which has got onions OK? The only thing in that is gluten and dairy, which are the allergens. Ive forgotten turkey, mushroom and blue cheese. OK, this is made with a bchamel, so it contains gluten as well, em and milk cos its a creamy sauce. We have chicken satay. OK chicken satay contains nuts. Nuts, nuts, nuts. OK? and thats going to be served with sweet chilli sauce, which is a natural accompaniment to that. And that, my friends, is Friday. Thank you very much.

3.1. Listen again while following on the script and answer the question:Which of these dishes are on the hot deli menu today? (= Quels plats sont au menu aujourd'hui?)curried vegetable soup

vegetable curry

battered/ grilled haddock and chips

Jacket potatoe with turkey, mushroom and blue cheese

Mexican quesadilla

tomato and cheese pasta

Chicken satay

Thai fried rice

3.2. The chef says some ingredients can cause problems for people with special dietary needs, for example dishes that contain milk or nuts. (Le chef dit que certains ingrdients peuvent causer des problmes aux gens allergiques au lait ou aux noix)Find the right answers (several answers possible) (Trouvez les bonnes rponses. Plusieurs rponses possibles.)Which of todays dishes contain allergens or are not ok for vegetarians?Which dishes contain dairy? Curried vegetable soup

Battered haddock and chips

Mexican quesadilla

Jacket potatoe with turkey, mushroom and blue cheese

Chicken satay.

Which dishes contain gluten? Curried vegetable soup

Battered haddock and chips

Mexican quesadilla

Jacket potatoe with turkey, mushroom and blue cheese

Chicken satay.

Which dishes contain nuts? Curried vegetable soup

Battered haddock and chips

Mexican quesadilla

Jacket potatoe with turkey, mushroom and blue cheese

Chicken satay.

Which dishes are NOT suitable for vegetarians?Curried vegetable soup

Battered haddock and chips

Mexican quesadilla

Jacket potatoe with turkey, mushroom and blue cheese

Chicken satay.

So the answer is it is important to know what the dishes contain because customers can be allergic to nuts, or to dairy produce (milk). (Il est important de connatre la composition des plats car des clients peuvent tre allergiques.)

4. Writing/ Speaking. Giving details about a dish. (Donner des dtails sur la compoqition d'un plat. Rebrassage) 4.1. Fill in the sentences. Compltez la struture des phrases suivantes:1) crevettes lamricaine: (crevettes, laitue, ufs durs, crme frache, ketchup, cognac)

Its a ________salad which ________ s________, l________, h_______-________ ________, fresh ________, a little ketchup and French brandy.

2) Langue de mouton: (langue de mouton, lard, carottes, oignons, vin blanc et bouquet garni, rondelles de cornichons)

It ________ of m________ t________ cooked with pork fat, c_______, o_______, white wine and a bunch of herbs. It is served with s________ gherkins.

3) Rognons de veau au porto :

It consists of calfs k_________ cooked with port.

4) Vol-au-vent: (cervelle dagneau, ris et rognons de veau, lard, quenelles de volaille)

It consists of puff pastry filled with l________ b________, ________s ____________ and k__________, p______ ______ and quenelles of p_________..

5) Pot-au-feu: (gte de buf, plat de cte de buf, jarret de veau, poule, os moelle, oignons, carottes, navets, poireaux, cleri rave, p.d.t., cornichons)

It is a kind of _______which contains beef b_________, flat of r______, k________ of v______, h______, m______________, o__________, c__________, t__________, l_______, c_________, p_________ and g__________.

6) Jambon lananas: (jambon, ananas, cerises confites)

It consists of _______ _________ cooked with p____________ and served with c_________ c____________.

7) Jarret de porc aux lentilles : (lentilles, jarret de porc, oignons, chipolatas)

This dish is based on l_________ cooked with k_________ ____ __________, __________ and o__________.

5. Simple Past and Continuous past.Reprendre pages 195 jusqu' 206 fascicule CAP Chapitre 9-AN 01-T1

6. Read the text below attentively. Use a dictionary if you don't understand some words. Don't worry, it's a very strange meal...(Lisez le texte ci-dessous. Utilisez un dictionnaire si vous ne comprenez pas tous les mots. Ne soyez pas drout, c'est un repas trange...Lets have a nice meal!

Last week I invited all my friends to have a nice meal. I put all the brushes on the table and a tea towel next to every chair. At first we had a starter. I cooked tomato soup and put it into the glasses on the table. Everybody started to eat the soup with their knives and had a nice pot of red wine with the soup. After the starter we had meat and potatoes and a salad with a purple dressing. I put the meat on the teaspoons and the potatoes in the bottles. For the salad we used my wonderful yellow cups. We cut the meat with our spoons. The meat was good green and hard.For desert we had strawberry and onion ice-cream with white beans and a vanilla sauce.Afterwards everybody drank a bottle of ouzo and a saucer of coffee with salt and pepper.It was a wonderful evening but the next morning everyone was sick. I cant understand why.

6.1. What a strange meal. Can you change some words to make it better? Pouvez-vous changer certains mots pour redonner du sens au texte? 7. Mr Bean's sandwich.7.1. Put the verbs in brackets in the past. a) Mr Bean ________________________ (be) at the park.b) Two men ________________________ (be) with him on the park bench. c) He ________________________ (take) out some bread to make a sandwich. d) He ________________________ (drink) some coffee.e) He ________________________ (get) some chicken from the inside pocket of his jacket. f) The man who ________________________ (sit) next to Mr Bean ________________________ (give) him a sandwich. g) The man ________________________ (stop) eating to help Mr Bean make his sandwich.h) Mr. Bean ________________________ (have) some fish in a jar.

7.2. Write the verbs in the past and read the sentences in the order to visualise the situation. ( Ecrivez les verbes au pass et lisez les phrases dans l'ordre indiqu gauche pout visualiser la situation)a) 4. He ___________________________ (take) out some butter.b) 2. He ___________________________ (get) some bread from inside his jacket.c) 10 He ___________________________ (make) some tea.d) 7 He___________________________ (put) the lettuce in a sock.e) 9 He ___________________________ (drink) some milk.f) 6 He ___________________________ (wash) the lettuce.g) 1 . He ___________________________ (see) the man eating a sandwich.h) 5. He ___________________________ (use) his credit card to spread the butter.I) 3. He ___________________________ (cut) two slices of bread.j) 2. He ___________________________ (eat) the sandwich.k) 11 He ___________________________ (drop) his sandwich.l) 12. He ___________________________ (hit) the fish on the bench.

7.3. Now ask the appropriate questions according to the underlined parts of the answers.

a) ___________________________________________________________________________?
No, he went to the park during the day.

b) ___________________________________________________________________________?
He had all the ingredients for his sandwich inside his jacket.

c) ___________________________________________________________________________ ?
He cut the bread using a pair of scissors.

d) ___________________________________________________________________________?
He gave him half of his sandwich because Mr Bean dropped his sandwich.

8. Reading comprehension.

At last there is such a thing as a free lunch.

At one pm on a Thursday; the Little Bay Restaurant in Farringdon, London is turning customers away. Those inside are cheerfully eating steamed mussels with shallots, parsley, white wine and cream or pressed foie gras terrine with brioche and fig compote. Lunch at the little Bay restaurant is free. You pay for your drinks but the bill when it arrives has a blank space where the food charge should be and says please write how much you'd like to pay and how much your meal is worth. hardly anyone leaves nothing the owner says, some leave 35 for three course's, I'm more that happy.His 130- seat restaurant used to serve around 1,100 guests a week, he's now doing 2,000, and sending people away.As the' recession begins, 141 restaurants went bankrupt in the last three months of last year, and the trend is likely to intensify this year. Adapted from The Guardian; 14 February 2009

8.1. Presentation of the document:The document is an extract from ....................................... It was published ...................................., .........................................It is entitled ..........................................It is about a restaurant. This restaurant is in .........................................Its name is ..............................In this restaurant, customers don't pay for the food. They pay for the drinks8.2. Right/ Wrong. Jusfity your answer with elements in the text. (Vrai/ Faux. Justifiez votre rponse en utilisant des lments du texte.)Lunch at the Little Bay Restaurant costs a fortune

It's a quick service restaurant serving fast food.

The Little Bay Restaurant can seat 2,000 customers

At the Little Bay Restaurant, lunch is free

At the Little Bay Restaurant, drinks are free

The Little Bay Restaurant is not very successful

A lot of restaurants offer special deals

It's a hard time for restaurateurs at the moment














What type of restaurant is the Little Bay Restaurant?

What sort of food does the restaurant serve?

What do you think of abandoning bills ? (abandonner les factures.)

1.1There are three types of menus: breakfast, lunch and dinner. There's also a children's menu (= a kid's menu) and dishes for vegetarians1.2.Desserts continental foods, English food, kid's menu, vegetarian dishes, Musaka, fresh fish, roast dishes, fish and chips, home-made dishes lasagne, spaghetti, breakfast, roast dishes: Sunday roast

The caf's name is The Hamlet Caf.

There are three types of menus: breakfast, lunch and dinner, and there's a kid's menu too.

Continental food is opposed to English food.

The do something without cheese.

Popular dishes are Musaka, fresh fish, and also roast dishes.

Today's special is fish'n chips

They serve breakfast till 1.00 o'clock.

They eat Sunday roast.

1.3a)1- b)4- c)3- d)9-e)2 f)5- g)6- h)8- i)71.41 d)- 2 e)- 3 l)- 4g)- 5h)- 6c)- 7 a)- 8 b) 9k) 10 i)- 11d)- 12j)2.1.I am also hungry

I am also studying English

You must also peel the carrots

This dish is from Thailand and this dish is also from Thailand

I like this dish and the customers also like it

3.1a) c) d) e) g)3.2.1. b)c)d) 2.b)c)d) 3.e e) b)d)e)

4.11) crevettes lamricaine:Its a mixed salad which contains shrimps, lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, fresh cream, a little ketchup and French brandy.2 )Langue de mouton :It consists of mutton tongue cooked with pork fat, carrots, onions, white wine and a bunch of herbs. It is served with sliced gherkins.3) Rognons de veau au porto :It consists of calfs kidneys cooked with port.4) Vol-au-vent :It consists of puff pastry filled with lamb brain, calfs sweetbreads and kidneys, pork fat and quenelles of poultry.5) Pot-au-feu :It is a kind of stew which contains beef buttock, flat of ribs, knuckles of veal, hen, marrowbone, onions, carrots, turnips, leeks, celeriac, potatoes and gherkins.6) Jambon lananas :It consists of pork leg cooked with pineapples and served with candied cherries.7)Jarret de porc aux lentilles :This dish contains knuckle of pork, sausages, onions and lentils.

Its just a proposal. You may have found other words to insert. (Il est possible que vous ayez trouv d'autres mots insrer)

Lets have a nice meal!

Last week I invited all my friends to have a nice meal. I put all the brushes plates on the table and a tea towel napkin next to every chair plate. At first we had a starter. I cooked tomato soup and put it into the glasses soup bowls on the table. Everybody started to eat the soup with their knives spoons and had a nice pot glass of red wine with the soup. After the starter we had meat and potatoes and a salad with a purple French dressing. I put the meat on the teaspoons a serving plate and the potatoes in the bottles a bowl. For the salad we used my wonderful yellow cups salad plates. We cut the meat with our spoons knives. The meat was good green tender and hard well-done.For desert we had strawberry and onion chocolate ice-cream with white beans biscuits and a vanilla sauce.Afterwards everybody drank a bottle glass of ouzo and a saucer cup of coffee with salt milk and pepper sugar.It was a wonderful evening but the next morning everyone was sick. I cant understand why.

7.1i) Mr Bean was (be) at the park.j) Two men were (be) with him on the park bench.k) He took (take) out some bread to make a sandwich. l) He drank (drink) some coffee. m) He got (get) some chicken from the inside pocket of his jacket.n) The man who sat (sit) next to Mr Bean gave (give) him a sandwich.o) The man stopped (stop) eating to help Mr Bean make his sandwich. p) Mr. Bean had (have) some fish in a jar.

7.2He took (take) out some butter.He got (get) some bread from inside his jacket.He made (make) some tea.He put (put) the lettuce in a sock.He drank (drink) some milk.He washed (wash) the lettuce.He saw (see) the man eating a sandwich.He used (use) his credit card to spread the butter.He cut (cut) two slices of bread.He ate (eat) the sandwich.He dropped (drop) his sandwich.He hit (hit) the fish on the bench.

7.3e) Did Mr Bean go to the park at night?
f) Where did he have all the ingredients for his sanwich?
g) How did he cut the brea / What did he use to cut the bread?
h) Why did the man give Mr. Bean half of his sandwich?

8.1.The document is an extract from a newspaper, The Guardian. It's a British newspaper.It was published on the fourteenth of February two thousand and nine.It is entitled At last there is such a thing as a free lunch.It is about a restaurant. This restaurant is in London. Its name is the Little Bay Restaurant In this restaurant, customers don't pay for the food. They pay for the drinks

8.2.Lunch at the Little Bay Restaurant costs a fortune
lunch is free/ the bill has a blank space

It's a quick service restaurant serving fast food.
It serves steamed mussels with shallots, parsley, white wine and cream or pressed foie gras terrine with brioche and fig compote

The Little Bay Restaurant can seat 2,000 customers
It can seat 130 customers

At the Little Bay Restaurant, lunch is free
At the Little Bay Restaurant, drinks are free
You have to pay for your drinks

The Little Bay Restaurant is not very successful
Before, they served around 1,100 guests a week, and no they are doing 2,000, and sending people away

It's a hard time for restaurateurs at the momentYes, because of the recession, 141 restaurants went bankrupt in the last three months






1) It's serves good food. It's like a brasserie.2) steamed mussels with shallots, parsley, white wine and cream or pressed foie gras terrine with brioche and fig compote.3) I think it is risky. With the recession, a lot of restaurant close. So (=donc) it can be dangerous if the restaurant loses money.But, it can attract a lot of customers and it's not polite to leave (=quitter, partir) a restaurant without (=sans) paying.