5 ways to generate leads with video

Five Ways to Generate Leads with Video

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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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Five Ways to Generate Leads with Video

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Page 3: 5 Ways to Generate Leads with Video

Want that lower CPL? Yeah you do.

Start using these 5 ways to generate leads with video today!

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This is an excerpt from The Comprehensive Guide to Using Video for Lead Generation, Scoring, and Nurturing.

Page 5: 5 Ways to Generate Leads with Video

Pre-RollA pre-roll lead capture involves a full form or email gate immediately after the viewer clicks play.

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Use a Pre-Roll Lead Capture……when the value is very clear to the viewer before watching any of the content.

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TeaserA teaser lead capture is when you show a clip of the content and then offer an in-video email gate or full form.

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Use a Teaser Lead Capture……when a video’s value is more easily explained by seeing a brief portion of the content first. For example: a webinar after the speaker introduces the topic and agenda.

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Post-RollThis is a full form or CTA button after the video finishes playing.

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Use a Post-Roll Lead Capture……to encourage the viewer to take further action with-out leaving the video player. For example: signing up for a demo or registering for an event.

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ParallelA parallel lead capture is when a form is shown beside the video as the video continues to roll.

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Use Parallel Lead Capture……when your offer relates to your video content but the form fill isn’t imperative for the video to continue playing. For example: when you mention a guide or demo part way through a video and want to have a way for people to access it.

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Re-Direct A redirect involves simply redirecting the viewer to another area of a landing page—or entirely different page—to complete the next action.

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Use Re-Direct Lead Capture……to automatically send viewers to another piece of content or next stage of their journey to minimize drop-off rates. For example: redirecting a campaign promo video.

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Want more on generating leads with video? Or best practices on scoring and nurturing based on video consumption?Get the Comprehensive Guide to Using Video for Lead Generation, Scoring, and Nurturing!