5 ways to avoid the damage of non decisions

5 Ways to Avoid the Damage of Non- Decisions

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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5 Ways to Avoid the Damage of Non-Decisions

We have all seen it in organisations, the non-decision. The decision that needs making but

it’s an uninteresting area, a tough decision that will leave some groups unhappy or a

decision with no heroes emerging at the far side and a few risks along the way.


So what happens? You get the non-decision. This can take a number of forms. See if you

spot any in your organisation, and then have a look at a few ways to change this.


The Problems

Possible Solutions




No OwnerThe decision sits between departments and no one grabs it – in actual fact no one is seen near it, and if it heads anyone’s direction they disappear slightly quicker than Antigonus exiting pursued by a bear.

DelayingThe decision is avoided by requesting further information, which is not particularly necessary but will use time. Adding a committee in can help add extra time to the delay.

DelegateThe decision gets moved to the desk of some unfortunate delegee who is not best placed to take it and does not have the authority to implement the decision, but hey it’s off your desk

Sugar-CoatingThe decision is taken but sugar coated to make it seem more palatable. This short term expedient leaves no one happy in the mid to long term and a half made decision still hanging around.

SidestepThe decision is just left unmade. The problem does not go away and keeps eating away at your organisation or its efficiency. It also eats away at the morale of staff.

The Problems

Possible Solutions




Don’t Shoot the MessengerMake sure your organisation gets out of the habit of criticising the bearer of bad news. Make it clear that where people identify problems not only will they not get criticised but they will get the recognition they deserve.

Forget the Sugar CoatingLearn to be a bit more candid and open as an organisation (that does not mean start being rude!). Once you start accepting that problems and tough decisions are a normal part of business, tackling them gets much easier.

Commit to TimeframesWhere there are tricky, unwanted or unloved issues get into the habit of setting time frames to resolve them. An issue is much more likely to be resolved in a timely manner if you have made a commitment to do that.

Encourage OwnershipA problem which was costing £50K and is solved is as valuable to your organisation as a new idea which generates £50K. Sometimes it is a lot easier to achieve. Encourage ownership of problems.

Take Collective ResponsibilityAs they say, “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Even in organisations which encourage ownership, support and help from your colleagues is great – not only when there is a shiny new idea or easy decision on the horizon.

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