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5 Steps To Generating Highly Targeted Instagram Leads For Your Network Marketing & Online Business Ever wanted to know how all the Top Earners in your company are making the kind of money you would like to make? Ever wondered how they build such large organizations and sell so many products? Well, it’s quite simple. They have figured out a way to generate leads, but not just any kind of leads… Highly Targeted Leads. This means that the leads they generate are specifically the kind of people who want to buy their products and join their business opportunity. They understand that talking to friends and family can only last but for so long and in most cases will not allow them to build a huge downline or help them reach their income goals. They realize that by generating highly targeted leads, they can attract right people into their business… the people that actually want what they are selling. They are able to attract people who are looking to work from home, create an income from home and buy their specific products. By you gaining access to this quick guide, you will learn how to generate your own Highly Targeted Leads on Instagram like I have down for quite some time now.

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Post on 03-Jul-2020




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5 Steps To Generating Highly Targeted Instagram Leads For Your Network

Marketing & Online Business Ever wanted to know how all the Top Earners in your company are making the kind of money you would like to make? Ever wondered how they build such large organizations and sell so many products? Well, it’s quite simple. They have figured out a way to generate leads, but not just any kind of leads… Highly Targeted Leads. This means that the leads they generate are specifically the kind of people who want to buy their products and join their business opportunity. They understand that talking to friends and family can only last but for so long and in most cases will not allow them to build a huge downline or help them reach their income goals. They realize that by generating highly targeted leads, they can attract right people into their business… the people that actually want what they are selling. They are able to attract people who are looking to work from home, create an income from home and buy their specific products. By you gaining access to this quick guide, you will learn how to generate your own Highly Targeted Leads on Instagram like I have down for quite some time now.

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When I started my business online, I didn’t have much money… although I was a NYC Special Education Teacher, I was living paycheck to paycheck and was over $30,000 in debt. I found myself wanting to walk away from my job and join a business that I could work from home. I eventually found a business that was the best fit for me. The income potential was extraordinary so I immediately joined and got to work. Being that I was broke and living paycheck to paycheck, I knew that I could not afford to

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market my business by using paid advertising. I also knew that in order to stay in business I had to advertise and market, so I tried to find a way that I could do so with limited resources so I had to find a way to generate leads quickly and in a very cost effective. I initially tried my hand at Facebook PPC marketing, but I didn’t know what I was doing and didn’t really make much headway. I actually lost a few dollars with that. Eventually I listened to a friend who told me to try Instagram. A few months earlier I had paid to take an Instagram marketing course, so I was familiar with Instagram… I just never implemented what I had learned. After speaking with this friend, I decided to dust off the notes I had written and actually out them to use. My very first day of setting things up, I generated a whopping 18! 18 leads in one day! Since that day, I have consistently generated anywhere from 5-15 Highly Targeted leads every single day and upwards to 23 leads in one day. My Instagram strategies have helped me generate thousands of leads, hit the leaderboards in my company, hit special ranks twice so far and has even allowed me to recruit 18 new people into my business in less than 30 days and 4 people in just one day... This is all due to Instagram. Instagram has been my lead generation strategy for over a year now and I continue to learn more about how to use it and how to attract more and more people to my business opportunity and my products. So if you are looking to generate leads, attract more people to your business opportunity and get more people interest on your products… This training is for you… Here we go!

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STEP #1 - Set up your profile for success make sure that you are telling your followers who you are what it is that you do and how you can help them. ◊ Who are you? ◊ What is it that you do on a daily basis? ◊ Are you a mom? A dad? A full-time entrepreneur?

Let your followers know a little bit more about you in your profile, because by doing so it builds a connection with the

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people who come to your profile. Most people like to know who it is behind the pictures. They want to know if they can build a connection with you and if you have anything in common with them. As you can see below, I call myself a mompreneur on a mission. I call myself that because it lets my audience know that I am a mom and an entrepreneur. I have a smiling picture of myself which suggests that I am friendly and inviting. In the description itself, I go into details that I am a mom, a wife and I work from home. I specifically state that I use a simple home business system that allows me to stay home with my children and make money at the same time. This is extremely important if you are looking to attract potential business partners. Those looking at your profile will be intrigued as to what it is that you are ding from home and will be more inclined to click the link in your profile to learn more about you and the business opportunity that is allowing you to generate an income from home. Understand… Lots of people want to make money from home. They just don’t know where to start or who to trust. That’s why having an inviting profile with information about yourself is key. Now, if you are only selling products, you will want to state what the products are doing or have done for you specifically. ex: Mom & Wife using awesome products that have helped me to lose 100lbs and get my life back… click the link below to find out more about these amazing products that can absolutely change your life. Do you see how that will make someone want to click and see what’s on the other side of that link? Ok great… now that we’ve gotten how to

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set up your profile for success, let me show you what kind of content you should be posting daily. Most people miss this critical element.

STEP #2 - Post quality content. Let’s face it… people are curious… they want to know what’s going on in other people’s lives and that’s just what you should be sharing on your Instagram profile amongst other things. ◊ One major type of post that get’s lots of attention is

Motivation and Inspiration. I post at least 1 motivational or 1 inspirational post or picture every single day. I know that my followers enjoy it and it helps to attract more people to your profile. Even though you are in business, most people do not want to see business, business, business all day long on your profile. You have to show your followers that you are a real person and that you care abut them and their day as well. So posting motivational quotes that you find on Google.com, or posting from downloadable apps such as “daily motivational quotes” will absolutely get you more attention, more likes and more shares. They may not necessarily get anyone to click he link in your bio but they will give your profile a boost, because the more likes you

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get, the easier it is for your post to be seen as it continues to roll to the top of the Instagram feed. ◊ Next, you want to post some lifestyle pictures.

As you can see down below, this is an actual Instagram, post of my daughter and I doing yoga poses because I love yoga. This particular day I decided to share my routine with my followers. They got to see that as a pastime I do yoga, I spend time with my children and I live a happy healthy lifestyle. This also attracts more people who are like you. If you are selling health product, you will want to attract people who are conscientious of good health. You will want to attract people who are striving to be as healthy as possible. These are the ones who will be a good candidate for what you are selling. It’s very hard to get an extreme couch potato to start a health regime. You wan to attract people who are already using health products, who have used health products in the past and who or are ready, willing and open-minded to adding health products to their already healthy daily regime. Does that makes sense? Ok great! Next I will talk about how often you need to be posting.

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STEP #3 - Posting consistently. Remember you want people to follow you, know you, like you and trust you. By posting consistently this helps your followers to do just that. What do I exactly mean by posting consistently? I mean posting at least once a day… up to 4 times a day is ideal. 4 times sees to be the maximum without looking like a spammy marketer. Once is ok, but if you only post once, you are missing out on peak hours that people are actually scrolling through Instagram. If you do choose to post only once a day, be sure to post at peak hours which is usually after 3pm in the afternoon and after 12pm on the weekends. However, I recommend posting at least 3 times a day. I have realized that by posting at least 3 times a day, I generate many more leads than when I only post once or twice. On days that I post less, my lead flow is significantly less. Although I have already built up a pretty big following, I can usually get away with posting only once and still generate at least 5 leads that day, but since you are just starting out, you should post at least 3-4 times a day to get that lead flow coming in steadily. STEP #4- Automating your Instagram account. As I mentioned early on in this report, I didn’t have much money for advertising, that is the reason I attached myself to Instagram. However, I have to admit that I needed a little bit of help to manage my Insatram accounts. Yes I said accounts… plural. I have more than

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one account which allows me to reach my target market much. If you are just starting out with Instagram, I would suggest you also open one additional account to cater to your target market. In my business I provide a home business opportunity to those who are looking to work from home, and I also help Network Marketers grow their businesses online by using an online marketing platform that helps them to generate leads, make sales, sponsor more reps and attract more customers. In your niche you may have products to sell only… so in that case you would only need one account, however… to speed things up if you are a Network Marketer and want to build a downline, you may want to have an Instagram account that specifically targets people who want to work from home. This is strictly up to you. This is what I did to grow my business and this is what I teach my team as well as my Network and Online Marketing clients. Because I had quite a few accounts, I had to find a way to manage each od those accounts without spending the entire day posting. So I started using a tool called Instagress. Instagress is a third party tool that allows you to ‘like’, ‘follow’ and ‘comment’ on other peoples posts automatically. This easy to set up tool costs just a few dollars a month and it really helps the marketer to be everywhere at once and assists you in serving and attracting your target audience by using the hashtag feature which I will talk more about later. If you decide to set up more than one Instagram profile, you will want to have another email address and use Instagress to help you along.

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STEP #5- Using pictures that pop! Your pictures should speak volumes about who you are and your values. Not just posting before-and-after pictures. You need to be posting things such as motivation and inspiration like I spoke about before. Putting quotes on top of your own pictures and sharing results will help your followers know exactly who you are. Remember this… people join people. This is what I usually do… I have to admit that I am more of a computer person than a phone person. So I will take a photo of myself, go to Canva.com and add an overlay on top. I will then go over to Hootsuite.com and add that picture there and have it sent to my phone. This is a really simple process but you have to make sure that you also have Hootsuite set up on your phone. Now if you are not into doing all the fancy computer stuff, then there is a cool phone app called Studio. Studio will allow you to design

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any picture you’d like. You can copy a quote from Google.com or from the motivational app that I mentioned in step #2, upload a picture and add the quote overlay to it. Down below you will see a few pictures that I have posted using Canva.com as well as Studio. I hear picmonkey is good as well, I have never used them so I can’t really speak on that… test it out yourself and see which one you are most comfortable using… edit your pictures and make them absolutely POP!

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#6 - Using hashtags in your post. #’s are the way for others to find you as well as for you to find others. Knowing which hashtags to use and when to use them is key for your business. Yu can find popular hashtags in a variety of ways. ◊ If you use Instagress there is a hashtag section. So if

you are a Beachbody coach, you will type in Beachbody and all the hashtags relating to Beachbody will pop up, you will then add those hashtags to your Instagress and they will start following, liking and commenting on all the hashtags you added there. Now of course if you are a Beachbody coach or an ItWorks Distributor or a TLC rep, you will not want to find the SAME person in your company, you want to go outside of your company and find people who actually WANT what you have… other ItWorks distributors are not going to want your wraps, but moms who want to lose weight will. So, in the case of finding the right people… which we call your target market, you will find hashtags relating to health, weight loss, fitness, diet, etc…

◊ You can also find Hashtags by going to Iconsquare.com. There you will see a search box. This is where I usually go to find my targeted Hashtags.

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Below is a list I generated from Iconoquare, I was specifically looking for those who are interested in online marketing. You will do the same thing for whatever niche you are looking for.

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#7 – Providing a call to action. Many people are not using call to actions in their posts. A call to action simply tells someone what to do next, and as you post consistently you want your audience to take action. This may be something as simple as clicking the link in your bio, which takes them to a capture page, or meeting you on Facebook, or reading your latest blog post. Always, Always, Always provide a call to action. Most sales are not made and most leads are not generated because there is no call to action. Remember, people are not mind readers, if you have a special giveaway on FB, you need to tell them to connect with you on FB. If you have a business opportunity link in your bio that you want them to take a look at, then you need to tell them to click the link in your bio. This one simple step can be the difference between you generating 15 leads and no leads. Most people who do not generate leads usually are not providing a call to action in their posts. When you do, you will notice that poeple will do exactly what you tell them to do.

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So there you have it the 5 ways to generate highly targeted Instagram leads for your Network Marketing

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& Online Marketing business. Plus 2 major Bonus Steps

In my video course, I lay out all of the details of how to implement the things that I mentioned here. This course will show you how to leverage Instagram to save yourself time and money in your business and how to gain those targeted leads even while you sleep. What I teach in the video course is proven to work! There are over 30 million monthly users on Instagram and if you want to be in front of them then you need to know how to position your Instagram profile as a means to helping as many people as possible. My business skyrocketed when I started using Instagram and yours will too when you implement the things you’ve learned in this report and get my $7 video course . I’ll talk to you soon Danielle K Howell Mompreneur On A Mission Visit My Website Here: www.youronlinesuccesscoach.com Get Access to my Full Video Instagram Training Here for only $7

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