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The Fastest Animal By Danika

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The Fastest Animal

By Danika

Page 2: 5 S Cheetah

About the Author

My name is Danika.I likebananas, chocolate syrup,strawberries, kiwi, and awhole bunch of other fruits.My hobby is drawing flowersand naming them. I have atleast 9 of them. I am writingabout this animal because itis the only animal that Ilooked up and theinformation was good.

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Who Am I The cheetah is the fastest

animal in the world. The heightof a cheetah is 21/2-3 feet totheir shoulders. The populationtoday is about 9,000 to 12,000in the world. The life span is10-12 years in their life. Thecheetah’s black lines to theireyes to their nose is to keep thesun out of their eyes. A lot ofcheetah’s live on farmlandsbecause plains are being turnedinto grasslands. Since most ofthe plain is farmland thecheetah lives on the farm.

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The Early Years The baby stay’s in the moms

stomach for 3-4 months.When the babies are bornthey don’t look exactly tanand brown, instead they aregrayish with hair that islong and fuzzy and puffy.That is supposed to hide themin the grass. The mothermoves them very often todifferent places to hide. At 5or 6 weeks the cubs followtheir mother and eat therekill. They are about 4 cubsper litter. A baby cheetah cubcan walk when they areabout 2 or3 weeks old.

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Habitat Sweet Habitat

The cheetah lives ina grass land on aplain. They live on aplain so they canrun fast and itswhere they arefound.

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What’s on the Menu

The cheetah eats staples -gazelle, wild beastcalyces, and impales.Cheetah’s like to huntsmall hoofed animals.Cheetah’s like to hunt inthe late morning or earlyafternoon, so they canhunt animals that are outthen.

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Making Tracks

A cheetah track has3 toe pads and a bigpad at the bottom.You can find themon the savannah.There are clawmarks with everypaw print because,the cheetah can’tdraw in their claws.

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Simply Irresistible

Wow! The cheetah’stop speed is 70 mph.can you believe that?Their body isactually built forspeed with their longlegs, and body theycan run fast.

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Where in the World?

The cheetah is foundin Africa and Aisa,south Africa toIndia.

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Did You Know?

The cheetah’spopulation droppedin 1990 to today.

The biggest threatto cheetahs is habitatloss.

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Fun Fact

The cubs wooly hairis called a mantle.

Sometimes lions orhyenas eat cheetahs.

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Resource List! http://www.theanimalfiles.com/images/cheetah_4.jpg picture slide 6 http://villageofjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/cheetah-running-small.jpg http://www.naturetrek.co.uk/images/Cheetah Zoological Society London.jpg slide 3 http://www.gonomad.com/lodgings/0611/namgallery-images/cheetah-cub.jpg picture slide

4 http://www.onime.com/africa/bigcats/cheetah/cheesavannah.jpg picture slide 5 http://www.248am.com/images/pawprint.jpg picture slide 7 http://www.admin.uio.no/fa/felles/countries/africa/images/Africa Satellite

small.jpg picture slide 9 http://www.wildimages.biz/uploads/gallery/05150-07507-cheetah-group-at-

marking-tree-cs-namibia.jpg picture slide 10 http://www.ardeaprints.com/image/Cheetah-cub_647095.jpg picture slide 11 http://images.inmagine.com/img/digitalvision/dv321/dv321007.jpg picture slide