4q09 analyst meeting

1 2009年 第四季財報 法人說明會 2009 4Q Result Analyst Meeting 11 Mar 2010

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  • 1. 1 2009 2009 4Q Result Analyst Meeting 11 Mar 2010

2. 2 Consolidated financials are based on Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 7 Consolidated numbers are audited by CPA 3. 3 2009 2009 Fourth Quarter Results 4. 4 Revenues RevenuesRevenues Unit: NT$ billion QoQ +6% YoY 14% 31.9 25.6 29.3 34.3 36.4 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 5. 5 3Q09 4Q09 (1) Revenues by Product (1) (1)(1) Revenues by Product (1)Revenues by Product (1) (PS) 56% (IA) 6% (Others) 14% (DS) 7% (CP) 17% (PS) 59% (IA) 6% (Others) 13% (DS) 5% (CP) 17% 6. 6 (1) Revenues by Product (1) (1)(1) Revenues by Product (1)Revenues by Product (1) 3Q09 4Q09 Change PS 20,248 20,353 1% CP 5,743 6,207 8% DS 1,784 2,366 33% IA 1,967 2,277 16% Others 4,554 5,174 14% Total 34,296 36,376 6% Unit: NT$ million 7. 7 (2) Revenues by Product (2) (2)(2) Revenues by Product (2)Revenues by Product (2) 4Q08 4Q09 (PS) 56% (IA) 6% (Others) 14% (DS) 7% (CP) 17% (PS) 59% (IA) 4% (Others) 15% (DS) 4% (CP) 18% 8. 8 (2) Revenues by Product (2) (2)(2) Revenues by Product (2)Revenues by Product (2) Unit: NT$ million 4Q08 4Q09 Change PS 18,859 20,353 8% CP 5,580 6,207 11% DS 1,317 2,366 80% IA 1,388 2,277 64% Others 4,775 5,174 8% Total 31,919 36,376 14% 9. 9 Gross Profit Gross ProfitGross Profit Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 5.59 4.72 6.20 7.73 7.71 21.2% 22.5% 21.2% 18.5% 17.5% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 10. 10 R&D Expense R&D ExpenseR&D Expense Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 1.58 1.50 1.59 1.68 1.98 5.0% 5.9% 5.4% 4.9% 5.4% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 11. 11 SG&A Expense SG&A ExpenseSG&A Expense 1.92 1.55 2.00 2.06 2.25 6.0% 6.1% 6.8% 6.0% 6.2% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 12. 12 Operating Expense Operating ExpenseOperating Expense 3.51 3.05 3.59 3.74 4.22 11.0% 11.9% 12.3% 10.9% 11.6% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 13. 13 Operating Profit Operating ProfitOperating Profit 2.08 1.67 2.61 3.99 3.48 6.5% 6.5% 8.9% 11.6% 9.6% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 14. 14 Non-Operating Profit NonNon--Operating ProfitOperating Profit 0.87 (0.52) 0.79 0.64 0.40 1.9% 3.4% 1.3% 2.7% -1.4% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 15. 15 Non-Operating Income Breakdown NonNon--Operating Income BreakdownOperating Income Breakdown 3Q09 4Q09 (Investment disposal) 30 (2) (Investment income) 250 187 (Interest income) 118 99 (Cash Dividend) 16 5 (F/X) * 117 212 (Others) 106 (1,021) (Total) 638 (520) Unit: NT$ million * * Including FX-related derivatives fair value change 16. 16 Net Income Before Tax Net Income Before TaxNet Income Before Tax 2.48 2.54 3.40 4.63 2.93 7.8% 9.9% 11.6% 13.5% 8.1% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 17. 17 3Q09 4Q09 (Net income before tax) 4,631 2,963 (Tax) (546) (31) (Minority interest) (501) (41) (Net income after tax) 3,583 2,891 Tax & Minority Interest Tax & Minority InterestTax & Minority Interest Unit: NT$ million 18. 18 Net Income After Tax Net Income After TaxNet Income After Tax 1.75 1.71 3.48 3.58 2.89 5.5% 6.7% 11.9% 7.9% 10.4% 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 19. 19 0.78 0.76 1.55 1.60 1.29 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 () EPS (unit: NT$) (()) EPS (unit: NT$)EPS (unit: NT$) *22.43 *EPS based on weighted average shares outstanding of 2,243 million shares. 20. 20 2009 2009 Full Year Results 21. 21 142.6 125.5 2008 2009 Revenues RevenuesRevenues Unit: NT$ billion -12% 22. 22 2009 Revenues by Product Revenues by ProductRevenues by Product 2008 (PS) 59% (IA) 6% (Others) 13% (DS) 5% (CP) 17% (PS) 60% (IA) 4% (Others) 14% (DS) 4% (CP) 18% 23. 23 Revenues by Product Revenues by ProductRevenues by Product 2008 2009 Change PS 85,096 74,121 -13% CP 25,568 21,412 -16% VD 5,303 6,114 15% IA 6,424 7,138 11% Others 20,254 16,726 -17% Total 142,645 125,511 -12% 24. 24 25.5 26.4 21.0% 17.9% 2008 2009 Gross Profit Gross ProfitGross Profit Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales +4% 25. 25 R&D Expense R&D ExpenseR&D Expense Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 6.746.45 4.5% 5.4% 2008 2009 26. 26 SG&A Expense SG&A ExpenseSG&A Expense Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 8.14 7.86 6.3% 5.7% 2008 2009 27. 27 Operating Expense Operating ExpenseOperating Expense Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 14.6 14.6 11.6% 10.2% 2008 2009 28. 28 10.9 11.8 9.4%7.6% 2008 2009 Operating Profit Operating ProfitOperating Profit Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales +8% 29. 29 Non-Operating Profit NonNon--Operating ProfitOperating Profit Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales 3.88 1.78 1.4% 2.7% 2008 2009 30. 30 Non-Operating Income Breakdown NonNon--Operating Income BreakdownOperating Income Breakdown Unit: NT$ million 2008 2009 (Investment disposal) (50) 24 (Investment income) 695 728 (Interest income) 926 411 (Cash Dividend) 111 38 (F/X) * 1,047 776 (Others) 1,148 (202) (Total) 3,877 1,776 * * Including FX-related derivatives fair value change 31. 31 14.8 13.5 10.8%10.4% 2008 2009 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales Net Income Before Tax Net Income Before TaxNet Income Before Tax -8% 32. 32 Tax & Minority Interest Tax & Minority InterestTax & Minority Interest Unit: NT$ million 2008 2009 (Net income before tax) 14,787 13,538 (Tax) (2,524) (470) (Minority interest) (2,012) (1,411) (Net income after tax) 10,251 11,657 33. 33 10.25 11.66 9.3% 7.2% 2008 2009 Unit: NT$ billion & % of sales Net Income After Tax Net Income After TaxNet Income After Tax +14% 34. 34 () EPS (unit: NT$) (()) EPS (unit: NT$)EPS (unit: NT$) 4.60 5.20 2008 2009 *22.43 *EPS based on weighted average shares outstanding of 2,243 million shares. 35. 35 THANK YOU ! THANK YOU !