4a ciuueo m/ - nys historic...

WHATEVER tTvws»ms LE**V!NCi THAT PtW-O IN A HURRY. 7 •* » r Press-Republicon MorV, fy TTF'/T- f^OOC" T / ' .. * h - ££-^': ••••- : '.&'..-;; .•#- revet ce*j W0CWM5. By FJUWCia PlAltE - Bow yoootttae your tolmte and opportunity wiU be pan. mount BOW. Astute thought be- iore «teg wtB saw time, [UVWTJ frpori.. -Gatot—iadU ctted in Kfance, technology -April Ji t* Ma; a (Taurus) What you do, you Bonnafly do weO. kartag no looae ends or unattractive f i n i s h e s . Emphaatae this trait now, but avaid strain, tatigm. May « U Joe » (Gemini) Yau may watt bs of ttess about you, bur the discreet tttiag wifl be to ptay it down, achieve without ask- ing tor plaudits. Be carefuT •bout giving confidences. ciuueo M/ i 11fas ig—I i * •» Joe a to Jatyjftjfrggr) It being uptoyou wtotber yon stadl go, how forcefully to act, etc, you wH be ex- pected- to hstve your dstta in j?nter .^K1 jarepiffSns ~cbeck« dBcuos, ooefc idvtce. ^ f~ i MOTW3I.' I'D EWTR.,000 ONARERW? OUT Alt I CAW 5 APAIROF SKATES... Al» MOUCMH T00RTW5E ASOUNTAWS OMROIKR SKATES, Jmly 1* ts Aagart » (Leo) —" A mdd day tut - ***** have no compBcatJons. A tew leftovei* tf* need doing? If ao, tend tbem promptly. You woo*t want them- atiB uodooe in the Twsy week ahead, Atgut M to S«pt*tobef 13 (Virgo) — Before getting info fret* ecthvibec or otttside in- AETHINS? YWITH tereste, finish pesky, teton* "muste" to* ttiey launt yon, cause a jam. Approach ail with calm. September 24 to October 2* (libra) — It may be that more work is expected of yon than anticipated. Don't fret Yew grit and ability to smile have licked many, a problem Ritfopportent before! Octet* 24 to Nevenbed 22 (Scorpio) — Don't waste time on non-essentials while yon netted more vital matters. Even ji fte latter are more difficult, stick to your guns — and accomplish! November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius) — Fine Jupi- ter influences., A good day for making important decisions. Also favored: financial mat- ters, legal interests, j o u r - riaS6rw««r LIKE TO ^V'^ ^>*; >***•;•• ^ v -^"c-^y **&•+ •'••>: *••: THE ?afVWffl JW4W^jwfca-.s>«» MARKET ll"fc aa m# BTTa>BEt a i l WAY FOR ALL YOUR HOME Special Noticee Restaurants MEM? WhwYoiRwi ttoW»»^ A s» |BRtl , , ~ 1 ClassHiedAd Pagwoftht - Prtss-Rapablfeai. "YoiwHIfliidt -- Saparmarkal o f - valae* avery day. These art soma of the things yoi will see advertised. AKTIQUES December 22toJtmry n - J^J»Scqrn}.^r: J?;jwn????. suggests a move or change, weigh the suggestion; it may have some merit Concentrate on ail worthwhile endeavors and you can accomplish much. January 21 to February It ^Atymriux)..—. YOU may OVfiT reach your mark now because erf over-anxiety or irriBoal- cuiatkm. Recall how you wad- ed through complex days suc- cessfully before and be guided by experience. February * to March 21 ^fpisc€^ Neptune 1 ! postern gives promise of a hearty pnrfHable day. Especially fa- pkepacy, confidential and to- Yea ban today are a highly <J etermined, progressive and energetic individual; are en- dowed with both business acu- men and creative talents; are more gifted in leaderdnp qualities than many others of your Sign and, withal, have an affable, aimoat ft** 1 '.*?; gooatty and a dehghtffcd sense of humor. When choosing a career, either literature <* the theater may appeal tojw ereatly and both are splendid outlets for your talents. But vou could also can^e «rt- jaaa&ng Mcbas in the wonos of Uw, science, education, stateBroMB h ip or engmeenng. Tnots to eurt: hyper- ea&avfr, moottoess. Birth- date of:' John J. Pf*ngj Commandty^X'hirf %orld. APPLIANCES ANIMALS BEDROOM SETS BCVkTS BOOKS CHINA BEDS FISH1NO TACkLt LUS&A6E~ZZ GEfsltRAL . FuntfoJ 0tf#ctof» tort ond Found frm CoUxrm m Rsat Estate For S«U Homm lor Sal* ,_ IT 10. Sutejrbon — U k « Property ^ . 12 PfOpnVty •** 4jOty • , nm • n ", Soot* -Onp Motion ——^IMH«M .•» 33 Sutkfing AAottrfolt , ," '3»- Conve for So4» ; , U Reot Estate For Kent Hoftini TOf *^e^n^». "fpr"a^ftf ,77' iiST mOCIlBT PtBTftsJt TOT TCf? " Troii«r Lots for R*Sf Forms Lond» for Rtr* --SusifMBSaV P f p p t l t y Suburben toko Proporty _ 21 XL Rooms wtth Soord Room* Without Soard 23 25 26 Gorooos for Root Merckandit* -HoiipoKold -CoooV—i in Snow lauipmont _ Rod«o.— TtltviMon ImtrucHof* -jr 90, LOWfl ono "vBVCsWI ~!!iZ Form ProducO .mi - Chf >5tmos Tress _ Sportino G w d i —^» SnowiiNxxios 11 mi.. 11 ••••., Worttod to Ront _ Busirwts Equipmtnt , Comptr*g Suppfios CHomkols •',,. Toys 30A .31 32 Mbchtntry Toois - Musical Instrumfnts -32K- . 33 33A . 34 34A -28 . 3* ..39 . 40 _ 4t -42 . 43 Pfts Utfostock T«od Fu«>l MbeoMorwout ~ Woonno Appooroi Wonted to nur -. Suitdifio Contracting Services Offered 45 46 47 4S 51 Plumbing Hoofing ki itsailiorwous Sorvven ooouty Sorvieos _ -J2 CLARIFIED JNFdiiMATioN Ootsrfasd Doportmont, 561-2300. Corrocttont mutt bo in our office by 2 p . m , the ftrsf day of fiubtt- cotwn. to receive odluitment: Ad f"py*tff bo ocoepted by moft, or. telephone. OCAOUNt; OeodHne for Ooes*- fled cotumn ods i» 2 pJtV, the day o-m. Soturdoy. > WNCUXAHQN^ PeAOCIKtS: . Aftot on od is oroefoo\ ft connot bo coneetlod or changed before Rt first insertton. Wont od» oppooring in the Clomoiftod tecNon. be concerted up to 2 p.m. far the next days edrtiorv CtessW fted Oooloy pds may be concerted up to 5 pjn./ 2 days proceeding publication gov > There m «JS5 cent eto*y chorge for use of o PTOM RaaubliCiin Sox. The ony OKommg copy. CLASSIFIED TIPS FOR CLASSIFIED USERS You «re about to tavetf money for on ad and we wont you to get ^esultfc Te- occompiiaK- too, it is necessary for you to Tfll ALL about the details of your offer. So sure you dont moke- any of the following errors *hat prevent re- sutt*. . 1. Pont Omit Important Words To 5ove Money Ufls POWII AUTHORITY OF • Sf»ci«1 Notkts 1 Of THI ITATI OF MiW YOtK NOTICI OF PUBLIC MCAR1NG . iMpTtCriS VWtBY GtVfN that Po#. ^ItanSarlty of the State of li<ew York et>ms • "SooferfK" oejyHaiw ^sojye^ajf.- Ttmev Seatembar 17, !«71 r la the Awthontn offices, Su#e 1R00, CoUseum Office Balding, lQ Cokimbut Ofcle, Vvifc, Wow y m k \tm lafifOi of a proposed eawrraet^i^m-^tha O t y a t New York, foe the* »ow. Uorwmosion and b^strtbution of power eenoroted at the Authority's Nfeara Power t Proiect. The proposed contract If avottobJe for Inspection at the offkee of the Authority at Suite 1*00, Coliseum Of- fice BuHdiflO. 10 Columbus Circle* New 10019; 5777 i*wV ton Moses James •L-NO* Road* r-Pawar A, FitxPotrick Nuclear. -Power Plant Field Office. Nine Mile Pot**< Town of Scribo. New York: Bfenheiov F>eid Office, Volenti Rood, Town of Giboo Pumped Storage Power Project Gtfboo, New York; 00^ at the office of the County Clerk of Niagra County, Tho Court House, Loekport, New York, «r)4 at the office of the County Clerk of St. Lawrence County, The Court* house..Conton, New York. Copies may be obtained in the office of the Author- ity 9* Suite liOO. 10 Cetumbus drew, New York, New York lOOtt ^ I To iiKU|s...ajBL^afl>ipy, afWt JU&KBSJJDUSL tHNwntig any person who* wishes to moke a statement -ot the hearing with re- gard to the contract Is reojuested to moke known to the Authority in o&> vonce of the hearing, hit nam; the name of the organisotton or group which he represents oM the estimated length of his statements. Long stote^ menti must be summaruted v^o brought within reasonable conspoM for oral p>e- sentotion . ot the hearing, - - Wt ft ten el at enejnis- -or - mewtcirajtia should. If possible, be filed in the office of the Authority at the CoKerum Office Building, 10 Co*umbu» Orel*, New York, New York 10019. prior to It H reojuested that tix be 'submitted •Jume* A. FiizPuliltk NOTICI . To oil enrolled Republicans m Town of Schuyl»r FetU. Th<s -ls~*» form you tlmi ttexe w*H be OJI trnul'i* ciol Primory In the Town of Schuyler Fotti on September Uth, 1971, to fill the nominotrtas-of -supervisor. Clerk, superintendent of* highway* , 2 councilment tox collector, assessor ^(4 years), ossessor (2 won) 2. Don't Omit THe "Address 3. Don't Conceal The Price Desired Don't Leave Home On The Days You Advertise given that o R»>. publican~Xaucus " W be held Thonr day. September 16. ot 8 P M . in the -? •-•t J TawB Motl at TMretwrtor the pUrpoot of nominating co/tc&dotes for the fol- lowing offices: Supervisor, town clerk, highway superintendent, justice of the peooe. councilman, tox collector, os- sessor for 4 years, assessor for 2 years, ond fo transact ony business t h a t moy properiy come before this caucus. Town of AWoho Republican Committee . ~Gtonn Rpwe, Chairman Don'f Omit The Phone Number Don't Overlook Our 6-Time PlaySofe Plan 86 Employment 1—5<tuuisjm Wunied —* Femule > 65 GARDEN TOOLS -©OLF CLUBS IRONER5 BICYCLES FURNITURE BABY BU6GIES 8ABY CRIBS Help Wonted ^-Male J ; S7 Help Wanted Femo*e ^. 5B Help Wanted—Mole, Female — 59 Summer Jobs..— ,• ,',. v 59A Soles Help Male ^ 60 Soles Help Female •••, , 61 Situotions Wonted Mole 62 Financial Business Opportunities Bonking Services ~~_. j Tax Returns . •,,,,, CAMERAS cows ••..-- CHAIRS COFFEE TABLES CLOTHING DESKS __ELECIRlCMOtORS LAWN MOWERS DINING SETS ACUUM CLEANERS _ -GUNS WASHING MACHINES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MOVIE EOUIPMENT OUTBOARD MOTORS PETS PIANOS RADIOS RUGS REFRIGERATORS STOVES TABLES TELEVISION SETS TIRES TOYS TOOLS Services Wonted . 66 . 6S 6*A 69 Automotive Auto Accessories Autemobiles for SoBI Campers Trucks tor Sale Goroges, Repairing . Automotive Services Mobile Homes • , .••.. Cars, Trucks for Hire Auctions —., ' 71 72A -r 7a _ 74 - 75 _ 76 77 - 00 The polting piocee w»Jl be open from 2r00 P M . to B:00 PAA. at the Mor- risonviWe fkm Stotion ond Youth Cerv ter in Schuyler Fails, Town Goroae. - ^ Jefferson- -PuVifU; "SOcrftdiy^ - • • Republican Town Committee Town of Schuyler Fata, BIRTHRtGHT ALTtRNATlVfS TO ABORTION 57B Oak St * 24 Hours 563-4300 HOT MEATBALL SANDWICH WtTM ?9tAT| r ». S^ESIAW ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS » * w * r ^ NHO Bookkeeping Assistance? Ce« 561-7070 OCORf^l'S TAXI StRVrCI . 5 to Midnight 2 Way Radro 56N3Q44 COURNEENY'S ~ dectrtcgl Service Spectalunng In MXWSAk J*$A? 4 >j!0»^i,,WlRlNO Also Home Rewi/mo 563*4415 # Lot «nd Fowu4 4 UNJTEO RfNT^AU. TOW BARS. TRAII- . er hitches, jock hammers, air com- pressors, rock dnlls, sand blasters, floor sonders* chain saws, mud pumps, electric welders, gas weid- ~" ers, traitofs* trucks. North Ree«> . man Street. 561-4440. Memoriolf MONOMfNTSv MARRtRS. CBMCTfRY letfenng "-4 e^racMp"tiow before the need o/aes, Don Shea, 40 M^mson, 565-3592 Hamas fat Sale HOMES ARE OURBUSfNESS WfST PITTSBURGH Here's on excellent home on e large 120 * 175 lot. full base- ment, hot water heat, 2-cor go- roae. This home has a U 1/jTx It 1/2 living room, 12 t / 2 x 14 dinmg room off Irving room, 11 x 19 kitchen with. lots.of cabinets, 12 x 23 famih> room with t>e- ptass »M—ktt6h»«. 3 bedrooassy- LOST kN VrCINtTY OF PCRU—OOLOfN Retriever, answers la Jake, not liconsa rTOar-B on him. .If found READ THE NEW FREE COLUMN <fcASSIF1CAT10N 4A - - O Fr*t Column 4A TO SIVt AWAY: BLACK. H> Rugor $trt«t. nofnv, AISO rrtcne* a Loves chitdren, 563*0562. Coll 56 m. &m ^ KITTINS Tfr 5 good homes CoR 236-7730, instruction Notice «s hereby NOTICI TO TWf ENROLLED DCMOCRAT VOTB« OF THC TOWN OF SARANAC The Oemoerotic Coucus of the Towo of Saranpc, New York w>ll be held ot the Firehouse in Soranac. New Yo*k on Monday, Sept. 20 > 1971 ef 7:30 P.M^ for: the purposes ot narmnotiens -for the following town offices: Super. visor, Town Clerk, Superimendent of highways, Justice of the Peace (1-4 year leim), Councik'non and asssssem. Any- RfDCMPTION OF CITY TAXIS CITY OF PLATTSBURGH TAX SALE OF 1969 , Pursuant to Sections 163. and 164 of; Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1902, os omended*. notice is heteby gtven to the owners and all parties inter- ested m the parcel or lots sold ot the lax Sole of December 15-31, 1969, | thot the last day for * exemption from such sole will be December 15-31, .IhevL other business of officio I nature moy also be presented at this meeting. By order of trw Town of Saranoc, Democratic Committee* E.C. Devon .Choirmbn V971, g^cordinq \Q thi^dBtf of Certificote otSole; and after thot dote. pipeanjiw 'OP m uitLJUjuiw-t mi»i tlsa me obove-mentwoed sections, deeds of the .parcel or lots, not alreooV re- 'dfeTWidnjy' the ownors. wjtf 1» execut- ed ond delivered by the Chembcrloin fo the hoiders of the Certi/»cates of Sole of the year 1969. Doted: Sept. 10, 1971 /s/ John C. CoJvet . C*ty Chdmberloin Nottxe a hereby given thot: •* The co-partnership heretofore existing WANTED Antique toys (no doUs), 1850-1959 between Poul Rutherford McCadom | in good to* excellent eond'tjon te erotSco^X^Jjadflia uhaBr^ibe--iac-4--Jaoj-tpr e^hihitinn m^nrfffts? frtious* name and style of **Ou-Ur- DuaVV at North Country Shopping Center. Plottsburgh, New York, is now dissolved by mutual consent as of the 4th day of September, 1971. Terreoce E. Longte Pout Rutherford McCadom Special Notices DRIVfcv TRACTOR TRAILER TRAIN LOCALLY Now approved for VA training, Tre*n f«H or part-time. * Trae* on oil types of eautpment. Piocement assisstanee.- -Chauffeur -^Ftaming- School, _ CALL NOW 563-0800 7A R,W. WALKER Funeral Home, Inc. •Complete Funeral Services"' Remodeled & Air Conditioned Parlors 69 Court St - 563*1760 Hornet for Solo> WORRYING CAN MAKE YOU tRRtT- abte ond up-tight. Give all your .Insurance problems to Al Moiulo Ageocy^od.cooLjU—, ----- THESE ARE "TOP"BUYS SO. CATHERINE ST. — Good brick two-family, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms ond both each,, tteor oil hot water heat. Prtced for QUICK. SALE. PORT KENT With teased sand beoch, B rooms, 5 bedrooms, firepioot, lore* lokeside porch, 2 double baths with connecting both. -*8W»—Singles, Oil *uri*.ai*—« l>l boseboord hot woter heat. A GOOD GOING BUSINESS* SARANAC -^ RIPPItT oood lorae 5 bedroom !• both home .with too acres voriabte sond. Will convdor terms. POINT AU ROCHE Large 4 or 5 bedroom cottog* with lorgs 2- cor geroge on lokethore and portly turmstwd. SEE THIS NOW. ceramic'"^bth, screened porch* biocktop drive. Asking $24,900. KEESEVILLE A r#ol rnco 13 year old ronch home on o 1/2 ocre lot. There is o living room, kitchen and dming room. 3 bedrooms, both, bosement. Home completely corpeted ond competety furnished. I ear garage. Hot woter heot. Locoted on Rt. 9 N. A reoi mce home. Priced re- duced. 120.000. N. ONLY $22,000. JSHSfVIL ^fansr. 100 « •3«'lof'"an""ttill. l $t. TVs roneher has Irving room, d*ntng room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms ond bath. Sun porch, garage, hot woter heat. Asking $17700. 60 CUMBERLAND -^--CITY In the city, on t*w Lake — U 6 feet of Lake shore, 500 feet deep. Th*% e*ecut>v« horn* bos o lull basemont, 15 * 34 Bving room, with: large firepiacsC TO VT*~d>h-~ ing room, 14 x 14 k.*chen, 11 x 14 den, bath. 12 x t foyer, 12 * 14 porch. Upstairs ther# 0 re 2 boths. 3 bedrooms. 22 x U . 11 x IU I t x 11, room Htwy^hm bed- room, 2 car garage* ~~ni>« sHORTPtRir * Th»s 150 x 265 foot lot overlooks Loke Champloin and the Xkm^* is only 3 years old ond hos a 13 x 26 family room. .14 x 26 Irving room with jhrepl6ce. Horjdo, door__ potirF. "T4 x {4 krtchon, 4 bed- rooms: 13 x 15, 13 x I I , 13 x 1$, 14 » 1$, both; 14 x 2« ooroge, carpetmg ond dishwasher. C0 »| fa. appoitment, RT 22. BEEKMANTOvVN 22 \ 250 foot lot, 1963 10 x 50 Mobile Home oh permonent tourw ' dot 1 on, 2 bedrooms, 10 x 14 ode*- . *tion, 2 cor aaroge, excellent water. Asking $10,500. J\ 7 CALL ~'••~~~~ : N. Foote, rWottdr ' 563-73B0 F. Culley, ReoHor 563-2360 - or G. BomeH. SoVsmon 5614X)» W Layman, Salesmen 5tfi-o«*4 P. Mills, Salesman 561-4591 J. Lonelev, Salesmen 563^994 R. McCormick, Salesman 634-7477 Norm Foote, Inc. Hornet W Sale S H a L HOUSE OH CONCORD AVENUE. -. Good »ocatiort,-workrng d>stonce to schools, college and hospfto!. Coll Gregory Supply Co., 561-2691. . AU SABLE FORKS, J|RS|Y SttTION 6 room, 3 beaVaom, house o^d garoge; oil hot' oir #u>noce, on- closed porch, full ha*eme«t, cor- ner lot. good condition. 647-8454. IN DRTvi,' CUMBER AUV iND MEAD -—Bungalow bu'.tt for two. 2 bedroom beauty, com- pletely corpeted, rjew, n»cf, r«ot with otl electric heat. Asking $32,* 000, PfRU Nelson Rood. Reduced for oju»ck so*e. 3 Jj*&oofrs\i mod- ern Witcrwn, dm»ng room, ? cs r garoge. on lovely 4-ocre lot. AH this for $14,900. ROUTE 3 — 4 beoVoomi, J fuH .baths, finished ce'lor. hot wo»er heot, detached tforoge. $21.900. SOUTH PERU ST. — t hemes on one targe lot. Yours to live in hot recently been remodeled ond ho* o 22' x 14* family- room, d«n»r%g room, living room, 3 bedrooms, ho* water heat, detoched aaroge ond shop. The second home on me property provides o regular rental income to cut your Uvmg costs. It ott hojppofw ot THE AGENCY Insurance ond Reel Estate Comejxj ond *A\\\*t Street Plottsburgh JWJ-'JOO Evenings, 363-5423_ ON <5RACE AVENUt •romeo'~!f story colnmol 1 fomfh> dwelling, ond tromed 2 cor garage. Full bosement, 3 bedrooms, CM I f*red hot woter heat, 1 1/2 boths. Immediote occupancy, $24,000. THOMAS R. QU1NN * tA L ^*IL»5 B0K -- -1-BROOKFIEL& JMHOR Jteoltors 563-2360 ThtoV'nQ of building? We ore now •okmg ordeal tor new homos in lovetv IrookfieW Mor>or off North Prospect Ave. Model home open by oppointment. Bring us your ideas, we con •ncorporote them io- to your nev^ home. Homos: built by order only. Luxury living in o OjuOU ity home at o reosonabie price. SEE OR CALL N. Foote, Reo'ter 5©3-$3*0 F, pulley, Repttar 563-2380 G. Bamett, Salesman 561-0030 W: Lovmon. Solesman 561-0B*4 P. Mills, Satesmon 561-4SS1 ). Lanaley. Sotesmon 5636994 R. McCormick. Salesmen 834-7477 Norm Foote, Inc. •• .'• Realtors" .';.."• W.A, ROBInfSON Real ffstate Appraisori and Soles **1 Court Street Dial 561-3540 DIRECT SALES We need, *t once, tiro «a>0roep for dintoo %nd OountieB. Must be married, of good character, ^rltai 4some sales backBTound. Thli poaition oftara the right man man? company benefita. including profit abjuring, pension plan BJW exoeucnT icTOB5«mem iHiUHUuilliBt. gJiuBi ieuue Ui uui field it not neceaaary, ma you will receive complete training with P«y. Our pereaent aalta force la earning above average income. If you wiah to join a dynamic, young, growing company, call collect l-WB-663-4871 for personal intarview. ROBlisiSON - REALTOR 61 Cqurt 51. —'" 561-"30»0" NATIONAL HKAftlNO AIO eiNTIRI.INC READY MIX CONCRETE Torrington Construction Company ICEESEVILLE, NEW YORK T971. Caft or wrirf fe'T,€-.-+tatJawd.--" Director of Exhfeitions, .Stote Uni- verstty College, Pittsburgh, 564^ 22tS. A post cord descrying the item would be preferable. Many thanks* always geed^mnting in the ^LASSffrO WANT-ADS! YMH tt sWigfcttd with list fttt ICttOI t Press-Bepeblir a n Waai-Aibriar*! Call 661-2300 or ita fait Batty HaH-e-araBi! TRAIL£RS TYPEWRfTERS War I: Tteodwe Rooswe* u pU^-wngbt PSUC official to give lecture PLATTSBUEGH - PUtl* b«i* State UB^-CTBty Col>g« Doctor of Adrmssions Frtak- liB F. Cotnrcrse w-Ji addr«B tijp pufciic fr» ' Optr^RZ the Door to 03er«" T^s . S^L 14i ^r^r. T 3fl arfol • » P-»- •-, K-Ym » of tijp coTnrre'f KITE Ha^- , TV s^c>%r. w:- b* oe«irr)ec -jrr*r: «iri.sFor s u r . ^ « ir?a «rr--.^r.> copses t^l A c-jaatiftr, aid izz**; ?* -^ '»-- 'y-T* C£-r.«4M Of tsfrtt la—t yenoloictriMi MUttetiwftb low cott PrtsS'nipiblicfti Fast AeKaa Wait Ad. Dial Direct 561-2300 Today. Tht Marktr Ploct) for Exparf Sorvkti To Homa Butinott ond tncluttiy Aatplionct Rtpotr •CrrCHEN AND LAUNDRY SERVICE ALSO. S*£ED QUEEN SALES CALL 363^224 AUSABLE VALLEY AUCTION SERVICE RAUL CALKINS Owner ond Auctioneer Rem, New York 643-2354 DROWN-S AUCTION-SERVICE. SL. Drown II. Auctioneer. EUenburg Depot. Dq»l 594-3811. SARANAC VALLEY AUCTION SERVICE REDfORO, NY. CALL 293-B357 FRED LAMORA, AUCTIONEER LASHWAY'S AUCTION SERVICE Morsnatl W. Loshwoy. Auctioneer Reru. N«w York Dipt 643-OQ25 BORDEAU'S AUCTION HOUSE AUCTIONS EVERY FRIDAY 6:30 SCHUYLER FALLS ROAD 563-4005 — RrCSBCE- AUCTION- SERVICE AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE West Choxy, NY, Deri 495-1711 DICK COOK D10I 497-4951 Tai Pat, Airtomornra KepoinvPafrt COMPLETE COLLISrO^^WORJC Tibmr^tom -mpar-s — ^-ee ertrr»o*es MO^^ELEP^S BODY SHOO . Mn-;ipwv.iie Rfl. 54^22^0 Chotfi SOWB HOMaiTE AND STIHL CHAIN SAW So^es ond Service. North End Repair Shop. 35 Bovhtoh Avenue. HOMELITE CHAIN SAW5. fACTORY aer AAorroofwritle Oo» 563-55tt .fS-I^Kotosrwpriy PIONEER CHAIN SAWS. FROM THE Nobbiest to the production work- ers. SajuerePs. Lawn ond Careen. Coll 643-2307. scrnc TANXS AND CESSPOOLS CLEANED AND STEAMED CARLBOUYEA . MORRtSONVILLE 561-5504 SEPTIC TANKS "aTi^2ROOL$ CLEANED. 24-HOUR SERVICE Clconad MORRtSONVILLE SEWACt SERVICE. DIAL 563-1616 Dry ClMfiiftf QUALITY Evtra-Care Cleanings ONE HOUR DRY CLEANTNG 41 Wehvorth Street 561*1351 Elactricol Stippliat tUCmiLAL SURRLIES 1 LIGWTINO tor res*dent«i mdust<»o4 sne. Riattstourgh Electric SUPPV Inc. 327 Comet* 561-0550. LockamM BOUYEA ENTERPRISE. AMATEUR AND Pstssr^sSIONAL Photoe/ophic 4 Darkroom RAY SUPPLY ING, 13 SaWr Ave. 561-3t70 Rapairt WE SHARPEN ALL TYPES Of SCISSORS Pinking shears our speoorry. PA* VONE^ SHOE NOSPfTAL. ^1 Rug tt Furnttura CI—wintj WE CLEAN WALL TO WALL CAR> petesg ond furnrture. Shall ©a Service. 561-5200. Lokeehore R4 • » • 11 1 • •! 1 —1 •••• in. 1 11 •• 1 1 I I I Trtnrti Trocar Rapoir COMPLETE TRAV4JL TRAIL» REPAIR SERVICE Call Today ROWEBROS. fLLgNBURC PCPOT PtAL 594^91 a> Trcnral Trailer Rantola EfMjina Tima Upt EXPERT BOOf ¥»TORK r^ECfDtS IDEAL \ ponfing eonclitians «* Oi* "NEW j SEALK) SP41AY BOOTH- 565- 1 2000 CnampicTi vo*«ev Mo»arv SAVE MONEY WITH A TONED UP engrne. McGee's Texaco. Route 3 ei »m Kuiihpjiy. OvM 56>17l?. RENT CAMPERS OR TRAVB. TRA1LEAS BY T H I DAY, W S K OR MONTH HUTCH'S RENTALS V^J n«w i Exe*y«tmj JA»VI«> AUTO PARTS Scnuv*r tons 643-92 1 atort pen/ oaf am aseifl niai IT faw 1 TSasstZLPTES Si.77 far t dmj+ 1 tt-tl far 5 a*rr* 1 SI H far 1 amy FOCst LDTES Bt.lt far t sUrt* tt-TT far 3 aa\Tr» j SLU 9m 1 6ft? • ! rmLOTi rn tar t *r+ MM far S sta?** ta_Sl par 1 aery nzLDcn 1 Bt.7t tar 1 assyr* tt.64 far I assyr* j BSUst far X asy • j CASH OdOSSOQ] D BurUart Havs» You* Mow* Bwtf By BRUCE CUSTOM HOMES 565-7751 BULLDOZB4G AND EARTH MOVTN6- Mewio 4>—»fc»noj, Wenoe. N,¥, Rouses P o * * . N Y . — D-oi 297v5ilf Trot * Srvmp Raftssyral fsmsl »3B10i Firm EytiaguittiBrB FIR£ EXTINGUISHERS NEw/TON WELD^^4w SUPPLY INC W»»t Piettsbvgh Rood. 563-1240 IflU HJVRX S1UMP REMOVAL AND XaX MrCoeev, Pie^stvgK New Ytrki 56^5003 or 56T.364I. ssUfilditeaj M o t a r i a l t Fur SfortJfa GROSSMA'J iwisft» DrSTRiBU- TSON ONTER. CORNELtA STREET. aOVTl Z *LATTS»V»iK MEW YOOC 563-60SQ. Bonded Rr*"ge-s*gd Fur Sterago Sno*^- Se^<*. »^c Le*e She** t^od 5*--3200 T V Sotet oiNi Sanrict HAr*S RADOAK^^TV^StRVlCE. St Lctov»* # t S^'ee* Ropc«*s fnada hv soec^i^s. D«f 54.-3560 or 56I-6'5V Horta s^vt^matrr // F-*s^¥ao^b5s«e>rC S3 Oi-^b^ 9 HJ»esMUM A D 3 U N B Cj<ry^ 50c sv-n^r^ oao^na, kMcsvoa your, H or SEE" WOOD'S FQ> CARSrr ^ 5» -tpQ CAA^ETNft DiRECT M'Li PR CK Se** JO *o 25 ^r om w«or% s *»^- yc.p-KAX TAX* x # strrs, MAR- -•*• ico* Trrr\, •edd>«s Aseney *-*c± vr** I t~4*3-<2*6 ***** Yorif Jcvtlry Repair* PAYSON'S EX^EHT RE^AR SERVICE RADIO - TV R«oe' Sa->rs5» SVATT^aVB^I ARMATUM "Sarvess the Nor? l^ice T93^- 73 Or*** y-+** - D^g: 5e «*960 WaHpapar 24 Hour W * rt >- A *A©/ >dsvs >*« >»¥ ^***# ~T<iOQm BREWSTER'S 9 Scx-th P»crr - Srreat D:' 56*-*'4^ WE'Rr EXPERTS AT w^t*^ c+x* one »*"»ye-rwr JE**v£*-ER5 WaA P rift tni — • ~wTvv Zi DR:LL YOU A WELL ANY DAY Or THE YE>R —« rwr* «af p^svt^ er -^ ee- :-- _ -*^ s-s#rs* o: Cw-C'-S-- rww 62MC mo4*n a# -t^ 4 Esaas C c n CKa^fi Sarw-i OKVSSY Vv£U.DR.w .S3 CO. ^-C^^OC- "^~V 4 ;£I.CE »»* . t * 93 SeV^^-erue i

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Page 1: 4A ciuueo M/ - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074101/1971-09-13/ed-1/seq-17.pdfwoo*t want them- atiB uodooe in the Twsy week ahead, Atgut M to S«pt*tobef 13



7 •* » r

Press-Republicon • MorV, fy T T F ' / T - f^OOC" T / '

.. * h - £ £ - ^ ' : ••••-:'.&'..-;; .•#-

revet ce*j W0CWM5.

By FJUWCia PlAltE •

- Bow yoootttae your tolmte and opportunity wiU be pan. mount BOW. Astute thought be-iore « t e g wtB saw time, [UVWTJ frpori.. -Gatot—iadU ctted in Kfance, technology -April Ji t* Ma; a (Taurus)

— What you do, you Bonnafly do weO. kartag no looae ends or unattractive f i n i s h e s . Emphaatae this trait now, but avaid strain, tatigm.

May « U J o e » (Gemini) Yau may watt bs

of ttess about you, bur the discreet tttiag wifl be to ptay it down, achieve without ask­ing tor plaudits. Be carefuT •bout giving confidences.

ciuueo M/ i 11fas ig—I i * •»

Joe a to Jatyjftjfrggr) — It being up to you wtotber yon stadl go, how forcefully to act, etc, you wH be ex­pected- to hstve your dstta in

j?nter . K1 j» jarepiffSns ~cbeck« dBcuos, ooefc idvtce. ^ f~





Jmly 1* ts Aagart » (Leo) —" A mdd day tut - ***** have no compBcatJons. A tew leftovei* tf* need doing? If ao, tend tbem promptly. You woo*t want them- atiB uodooe in the Twsy week ahead,

Atgut M to S«pt*tobef 13 (Virgo) — Before getting info fret* ecthvibec or otttside in-


tereste, finish pesky, teton* "muste" to* ttiey launt yon, cause a jam. Approach ail with calm.

September 24 to October 2* (libra) — It may be that more work is expected of yon than anticipated. Don't fret Yew grit and ability to smile have licked many, a problem Ritfopportent before!

Octet* 24 to Nevenbed 22 (Scorpio) — Don't waste time on non-essentials while yon netted more vital matters. Even ji fte latter are more difficult, stick to your guns — and accomplish!

November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius) — Fine Jupi­ter influences., A good day for making important decisions. Also favored: financial mat­ters, legal interests, j our -riaS6rw««r

LIKE TO ^ V ' ^

^ > * ; >***•;•• ^ v - ^ " c - ^ y **&•+ •'••>: *••:

THE ?afVWff l JW4W^ jwfca-.s>«»

MARKET ll"fc aa m# BTTa>BEt a i l



Special Noticee Restaurants

MEM? WhwYoiRwi

t t o W » » ^ A s » | B R t l , , ~

1 ClassHiedAd

Pagwoftht -Prtss-Rapablfeai.


Saparmarkal o f -valae* avery day. These art soma of the things yoi will see advertised.


December 22 to J t m r y n - J^J»Scqrn}.^r: J?;jwn????.

suggests a move or change, weigh the suggestion; it may have some merit Concentrate on ail worthwhile endeavors and you can accomplish much.

January 21 to February It ^ A t y m r i u x ) . . — . YOU m a y OVfiT

reach your mark now because erf over-anxiety or irriBoal-cuiatkm. Recall how you wad­ed through complex days suc­cessfully before and be guided by experience.

February * to March 21 ^fpisc€^ Neptune1! postern

gives promise of a hearty pnrfHable day. Especially fa-

pkepacy, confidential and to-

Yea ban today are a highly <Jetermined, progressive and energetic individual; are en­dowed with both business acu­men and creative talents; are more gifted in leaderdnp qualities than many others of your Sign and, withal, have an affable, aimoat ft**1'.*?; gooatty and a dehghtffcd sense of humor. When choosing a career, either literature <* the theater may appeal tojw ereatly and both are splendid outlets for your talents. But vou could also can^e «rt-jaaa&ng Mcbas in the wonos of Uw, science, education, s t a t e B r o M B h i p or engmeenng. Tnots to eurt: h y p e r -ea&avfr, moottoess. Birth-date of:' John J. P f * n g j Commandty^X'hirf % o r l d .


GEfsltRAL .

FuntfoJ 0tf#ctof» tort ond Found frm CoUxrm m

Rsat Estate For S«U

Homm lor Sal* , _

IT 10.

Sutejrbon — U k « Property ^ . 12 PfOpnVty •** 4jOty • , nm • n " , Soot* -Onp Motion ——^IMH«M .•» 33 Sutkfing AAottrfolt , ," '3»-

Conve for So4» ; , U

Reot Estate For Kent

Hoftini TOf *^e^n^». "fpr"a^ftf ,77' iiST mOCIlBT PtBTftsJt TOT TCf?

" Troii«r Lots for R*Sf Forms — Lond» for R t r *

--SusifMBSaV Pfpptlty Suburben — toko Proporty —

_ 21 XL

Rooms wtth Soord Room* Without Soard

23 25 26

Gorooos for Root


-HoiipoKold -CoooV— i in Snow lauipmont _ Rod«o.— TtltviMon ImtrucHof*

- j r


LOWfl ono "vBVCsWI ~!!iZ Form ProducO — • .mi - • Chf >5tmos Tress _ Sportino G w d i — ^ » SnowiiNxxios 11 • mi.. 11 ••••., Worttod to Ront _ Busirwts Equipmtnt , Comptr*g Suppfios — CHomkols • ' , , . Toys

30A . 3 1


Mbchtntry — Toois -Musical Instrumfnts

-32K-. 33 33A

. 34 34A

- 2 8 . 3 * . . 3 9 . 40 _ 4 t - 4 2 . 4 3

Pf ts — Utfostock T«od — Fu«>l MbeoMorwout ~ Woonno Appooroi Wonted to nur -. Suitdifio — Contracting

Services Offered

45 46 47 4S 51

Plumbing — Hoofing

ki itsailiorwous Sorvven ooouty Sorvieos — _

- J 2



Ootsrfasd Doportmont, 561-2300. Corrocttont mutt bo in our office by 2 p . m , the ftrsf day of fiubtt-cotwn. to receive odluitment: A d f " p y * t f f bo ocoepted by moft, or. telephone.

OCAOUNt ; OeodHne for Ooes*-f led cotumn ods i» 2 pJtV, the day

o-m. Soturdoy. >

WNCUXAHQN^ PeAOCIKtS: . Aftot on od is oroefoo\ ft connot

bo coneetlod or changed before Rt first insertton. Wont od» oppooring in t h e Clomoiftod tecNon.

be concerted up t o 2 p.m. far the next days edrtiorv CtessW fted Oooloy pds may be concerted up to 5 p j n . / 2 days proceeding publication gov >

There m «JS5 cent eto*y chorge for use o f o P T O M RaaubliCiin Sox.


ony OKommg copy.




USERS You «re about to tavetf money

for on ad and we wont you to get ^esultfc Te- occompiiaK- too , i t is necessary for you to T f l l ALL about the details of your offer. So sure you d o n t moke- any of the following errors * h a t prevent re-sutt*. .

1. P o n t Omit Important Words To 5ove Money


• Sf»ci«1 Notkts 1


i M p T t C r i S V W t B Y G t V f N that Po#. ^ I t a n S a r l t y o f the State of li<ew York

et>ms • "SooferfK" oejyHaiw ^sojye^ajf.- Ttmev Seatembar 17, ! « 7 1 r la the A w t h o n t n offices, Su#e 1R00, CoUseum Office Balding, lQ Cokimbut Ofcle, Vvifc, Wow y m k \tm lafifOi of a proposed eawrraet^i^m-^tha O t y a t

New York, foe the* »ow. Uorwmosion and b^strtbution of power eenoroted a t the Authority's Nfeara Power t Proiect.

The proposed contract If avottobJe for Inspection at the of fkee of the Authority at Suite 1*00, Coliseum Of­fice BuHdiflO. 10 Columbus Circle* New

10019; 5777 i * w V ton Moses James

•L-NO* Road*

r-Pawar A, FitxPotrick Nuclear. -Power

Plant Field Office. Nine Mile Pot**< Town of Scribo. New York: Bfenheiov F>eid Off ice, Volenti Rood, Town of Giboo Pumped Storage Power Project Gtfboo, New York; 00^ a t the office of the County Clerk of Niagra County, Tho Court House, Loekport, New York, «r)4 a t the office of the County Clerk of St. Lawrence County, The Court* house..Conton, New York. Copies may be obtained in the office of the Author­ity 9* Suite l iOO. 10 Cetumbus d r e w , New York, New York l O O t t ^ I To iiKU|s...ajBL^afl>ipy, afWt JU&KBSJJDUSL tHNwntig any person who* wishes to moke a statement -ot the hearing with re­gard to the contract Is reojuested to moke known to the Authority in o&> vonce of the hearing, hit nam; the name o f t h e organisotton or group which he represents oM the estimated length of his statements. Long stote^ menti must be summaruted v^o brought within reasonable conspoM for oral p>e-sentotion . o t the hearing, - - Wt ft ten el at enejnis- -or - mewtcirajtia should. I f possible, be filed in the office of the Authority a t the CoKerum Office Building, 10 Co*umbu» Orel* , New York, New York 10019. prior to

It H reojuested that tix be 'submitted

•Jume* A. Fi izPuli l tk

N O T I C I . To oil enrolled Republicans m Town of Schuyl»r FetU. Th<s -ls~*» form you tlmi ttexe w*H be OJI trnul'i* ciol Primory In the Town of Schuyler Fotti on September U t h , 1971, to f i l l t he nominotrtas-of -supervisor. Clerk, superintendent of* highway* , 2 councilment tox collector, assessor (4 years), ossessor (2 won)

2. Don't Omit THe "Address

3. Don't Conceal The Price Desired

Don't Leave Home On The Days You Advertise

given that o R»>. publican~Xaucus " W be held T h o n r day. September 16. ot 8 P M . in the

-? •-•tJTawB Motl a t TMretwr tor the pUrpoot of nominating co/tc&dotes for the fol­lowing offices: Supervisor, town clerk, highway superintendent, justice of the peooe. councilman, tox collector, os­sessor for 4 years, assessor for 2 years, ond f o transact ony business t h a t moy properiy come before this caucus.

Town of AWoho Republican Committee .

~Gtonn Rpwe, Chairman

Don'f Omit The Phone Number

Don't Overlook Our 6-Time PlaySofe Plan



1—5<tuuisjm Wunied —* Femule > 65


Help Wonted ^ - M a l e J ; S7 Help Wanted — Femo*e ^ . 5B Help Wanted—Mole, Female — 59 Summer Jobs..— ,• ,',. v 59A Soles Help — Male — ^ 60 Soles Help — Female •••, , 61 Situotions Wonted — Mole 62


Business Opportunities Bonking Services ~~_ .

j Tax Returns . •,,,,,






Services Wonted

. 66

. 6S 6 * A

• 69

Automotive Auto Accessories Autemobiles for SoBI Campers — Trucks tor Sale Goroges, Repairing . Automotive Services Mobile Homes • • , .••.. Cars, Trucks for Hire Auctions —., '

— 71

72A - r 7 a _ 74 - 75 _ 76 — 7 7 - 0 0

The polting piocee w»Jl be open from 2r00 P M . to B:00 PAA. a t the Mor-risonviWe fkm Stotion ond Youth Cerv ter in Schuyler Fails, Town Goroae. - ^ — Jefferson- - P u V i f U ; "SOcrftdiy^

- • • Republican Town Committee Town of Schuyler Fata,


57B Oak S t * 24 Hours • 563-4300 HOT MEATBALL SANDWICH WtTM ?9tAT|r». S^ESIAW


» * w * r ^ —

NHO Bookkeeping Assistance?

Ce« 561-7070

OCORf^l'S T A X I StRVrCI . 5 to Midnight

2 W a y Radro 56N3Q44

COURNEENY'S ~ dectrtcgl Service Spectalunng In

MXWSAk J*$A? 4 >j!0»^i,,WlRlNO Also Home Rewi/mo


# Lot «nd Fowu4 4 UNJTEO R f N T ^ A U . TOW BARS. T R A I I -

. er hitches, jock hammers, air com­pressors, rock dnlls, sand blasters, floor sonders* chain saws, mud pumps, electric welders, gas weid-

~" ers, traitofs* trucks. North Ree«> . man Street. 561-4440.


letfenng "-4 e^racMp"tiow before the need o/aes, Don Shea, 4 0 M^mson, 565-3592

• Hamas fat Sale


W f S T P I T T S B U R G H Here's on excellent home on e large 120 * 175 lot. full base­ment, hot water heat, 2-cor go-roae. This home has a U 1 / j T x I t 1/2 living room, 12 t / 2 x 14 dinmg room off Irving room, 11 x 19 kitchen with. lots.of cabinets, 12 x 23 famih> room with t > e -ptass »M—ktt6h»«. 3 bedrooassy-

LOST kN VrCINtTY OF PCRU—OOLOfN Retriever, answers l a Jake, not liconsa

rTOar-B on him. . If found


FREE COLUMN <fcASSIF1CAT10N 4A - -O Fr*t Column 4A T O S I V t A W A Y : BLACK.

H> Rugor $tr t«t .

nofnv, A ISO rrtcne* a Loves chitdren, 563*0562.

Coll 56 m. &m ^

KITTINS Tfr 5 good homes CoR 236-7730,


Notice «s hereby



The Oemoerotic Coucus of the Towo of Saranpc, New York w>ll be held ot the Firehouse in Soranac. New Yo*k on Monday, Sept. 20> 1971 ef 7:30 P.M^ for: the purposes o t narmnotiens -for the following town offices: Super. visor, Town Clerk, Superimendent of highways, Justice of the Peace (1-4 year le im) , Councik'non and asssssem. Any-


T A X SALE OF 1969 , Pursuant to Sections 163. and 164 of; Chapter 269 of t h e Laws of 1902, os omended*. notice is heteby gtven to the owners and al l parties inter­ested m the parcel or lots sold ot the lax Sole o f December 15 -31 , 1969, | thot the last day for * exemption from such sole will be December 15 -31 ,


other business of officio I nature moy also be presented a t this meeting.

By order of trw Town of Saranoc, Democratic Committee*

E.C. Devon .Choirmbn

V971, g^cordinq \Q t h i ^ d B t f of Certificote o tSo le ; and after thot dote.

pipeanjiw ' O P m uitLJUjuiw-t mi»i tlsa me obove-mentwoed sections, deeds of the .parcel or lots, not alreooV re-

'dfeTWidnjy' the ownors. wjtf 1 » execut­ed ond delivered by the Chembcrloin fo the hoiders of the Certi/»cates of Sole of the year 1 9 6 9 .

Doted: Sept. 10, 1971 / s / John C. CoJvet

. C*ty Chdmberloin

Nottxe a hereby given thot: •* The co-partnership heretofore existing

WANTED Antique toys (no doUs), 1850-1959

between Poul Rutherford McCadom | in good to* excellent eond'tjon te erotSco^X^Jjadflia uhaBr^ ibe- - iac -4 - -Jaoj - tpr e^hihitinn m^nr f f f ts?

frtious* name and style of **Ou-Ur-DuaVV a t North Country Shopping Center. Plottsburgh, New York, is now dissolved by mutual consent as of the 4th day of September, 1971.

Terreoce E. Longte Pout Rutherford McCadom

• Special Notices


Now approved for V A training, Tre*n f«H or part-t ime. * Trae* on oil types of eautpment. Piocement assisstanee.- -Chauffeur -^Ftaming-School, „ _

CALL NOW — 563-0800 7A

R,W. WALKER Funeral Home, Inc.

•Complete Funeral Services"' Remodeled & Air Conditioned Parlors

69 Court St - 563*1760

• Hornet for Solo>

WORRYING C A N MAKE YOU tRRtT-abte ond up-tight. Give all your .Insurance problems to Al Moiulo A g e o c y ^ o d . c o o L j U — , • -----


SO. CATHERINE ST. — Good brick two-family, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms ond both each,, tteor oil hot water heat. Prtced for QUICK. SALE.

PORT KENT — Wi th teased sand beoch, B rooms, 5 bedrooms, firepioot, lore* lokeside porch, 2 double baths with connecting both.

- * 8 W » — S i n g l e s , Oil *uri*.ai*—« l > l boseboord hot woter heat. A GOOD GOING BUSINESS*

SARANAC - ^ R IPPI tT oood lorae 5 bedroom !• both home .with too acres voriabte sond. Wil l convdor terms. POINT A U ROCHE — Large 4 or

5 bedroom cottog* with lorgs 2 -cor geroge on lokethore and portly turmstwd. SEE THIS N O W .

ceramic '"^bth, screened porch* biocktop drive. Asking $24,900.

KEESEVILLE A r#ol rnco 13 year old ronch home on o 1/2 ocre lot. There is o living room, kitchen and dming room. 3 bedrooms, both, bosement. Home • completely corpeted ond competety furnished. I ear garage. Hot woter heot. Locoted on Rt. 9 N. A reoi mce home. Priced re­duced. 120.000. N. ONLY $22,000.

JSHSfVIL ^fansr. 100 « •3« ' lo f ' "an""t t i l l . l $t . TVs roneher has Irving room, d*ntng room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms ond bath. Sun porch, garage, hot woter heat. Asking $ 1 7 7 0 0 .

60 CUMBERLAND -^--CITY In the city, on t*w Lake — U 6 feet of Lake shore, 500 feet deep. Th*% e*ecut>v« horn* bos o lull basemont, 15 * 34 Bving room, with: large firepiacsC TO VT*~d>h-~ ing room, 14 x 14 k.*chen, 11 x 14 den, bath. 12 x t foyer, 12 * 14 porch. Upstairs ther# 0 re 2 boths. 3 bedrooms. 22 x U . 11 x I U I t x 1 1 , room Htwy^hm bed­room, 2 car garage*

~ ~ n i > « sHORTPtRir * Th»s 150 x 265 foot lot overlooks Loke Champloin and the Xkm^*

is only 3 years old ond hos a 13 x 26 family room. .14 x 26 Irving room with jhrepl6ce. Horjdo, door__ potirF. "T4 x {4 krtchon, 4 bed­rooms: 13 x 15, 13 x I I , 13 x 1$, 14 » 1$, both; 14 x 2« ooroge, carpetmg ond dishwasher. C0»| fa. a p p o i t m e n t ,

RT 22. BEEKMANTOvVN 22 \ 250 foot lot, 1963 10 x 50 Mobile Home oh permonent tourw

' dot 1 on, 2 bedrooms, 10 x 14 ode*- . *tion, 2 cor aaroge, excellent water. Asking $10,500. J \

7 CALL ~'••~~~~:

N. Foote, rWottdr ' 563-73B0 F. Culley, ReoHor 563-2360

• - or G. BomeH. SoVsmon 5614X)» W Layman, Salesmen 5tfi-o«*4 P. Mills, Salesman 561-4591 J. Lonelev, Salesmen 563^994 R. McCormick, Salesman 634-7477

Norm Foote, Inc.

• Hornet W Sale S H a L HOUSE O H CONCORD AVENUE. - . Good »ocatiort,-workrng d>stonce to

schools, college and hospfto!. Coll Gregory Supply Co., 561 -2691 . .

AU SABLE FORKS, J |RS|Y S t t T I O N 6 room, 3 beaVaom, house o^d garoge; oil hot' oir #u>noce, on-closed porch, full ha*eme«t, cor­ner lot. good condition. 647-8454.

IN DRTvi, ' CUMBER AUV iND MEAD -—Bunga low bu'.tt

for two. 2 bedroom beauty, com­pletely corpeted, rjew, n»cf, r«ot with otl electric heat. Asking $32,* 000,

PfRU — Nelson Rood. Reduced for oju»ck so*e. 3 Jj*&oofrs\i mod­ern Witcrwn, dm»ng room, ? cs r

garoge. on lovely 4-ocre lot. AH this for $14,900.

ROUTE 3 — 4 beoVoomi, J fuH .baths, finished ce'lor. hot wo»er heot, detached tforoge. $21.900.

SOUTH PERU ST. — t hemes on one targe lot. Yours to live in hot recently been remodeled ond ho* o 2 2 ' x 14* family- room, d«n»r%g room, living room, 3 bedrooms, ho* water heat, detoched aaroge ond shop. The second home on me property provides o regular rental income to cut your Uvmg costs.

It ott hojppofw ot

THE AGENCY Insurance ond Reel Estate Comejxj ond *A\\\*t Street

Plottsburgh JWJ-'JOO Evenings, 363-5423_

ON <5RACE AVENUt •romeo'~!f story colnmol 1 fomfh> dwelling, ond tromed 2 cor garage. Full bosement, 3 bedrooms, CM I f*red hot woter heat, 1 1/2 boths. Immediote occupancy, $24,000.

THOMAS R. QU1NN *tAL ^ * I L » 5 B 0 K - -


Jteoltors 563-2360

ThtoV'nQ of building? We ore now •okmg ordeal tor new homos in lovetv IrookfieW Mor>or off North Prospect Ave. Model home open by oppointment. Bring us your ideas, we con •ncorporote them io-to your nev^ home. Homos: built by order only. Luxury living in o OjuOU ity home at o reosonabie price.

SEE OR CALL N. Foote, Reo'ter 5©3-$3*0 F, pulley, Repttar 563-2380

G. Bamett, Salesman 561-0030 W: Lovmon. Solesman 561-0B*4 P. Mills, Satesmon 561-4SS1 ) . Lanaley. Sotesmon 5 6 3 6 9 9 4 R. McCormick. Salesmen 834-7477

Norm Foote, Inc. •• .'• Realtors" . ' ; . . " •

W.A, ROBInfSON Real ffstate Appraisori and Soles

* * 1 Court Street Dial 561-3540

DIRECT SALES We need, *t once, tiro «a>0roep for dintoo %nd OountieB. Must be married, of good character, rltai 4some sales backBTound. Thli poaition oftara the right man man? company benefita. including profit abjuring, pension plan BJW exoeucnT icTOB5«mem iHiUHUuilliBt. gJiuBi ieuue Ui uui field it not neceaaary, ma you will receive complete training with P«y. Our pereaent aalta force la earning above average income. If you wiah to join a dynamic, young, growing company, call collect l-WB-663-4871 for personal intarview.

ROBlisiSON - REALTOR 61 Cqurt 51. —'" 561-"30»0"

N A T I O N A L H K A f t l N O A I O e i N T I R I . I N C


Torrington Construction Company


T 9 7 1 . Caft or wrirf fe'T,€-.-+tatJawd.--" Director of Exhfeitions, .Stote Uni-verstty College, P i t tsburgh , 564^ 22tS . A post cord descrying the item would be preferable. Many thanks*

always geed^mnting in the ^LASSffrO WANT-ADS!

Y M H tt sWigfcttd with list fttt ICttOI t

P r e s s - B e p e b l i r a n

Waai-Aibriar*! Call 661-2300 or ita fait Batty HaH-e-araBi!


War I: Tteodwe Rooswe* u pU -wngbt

PSUC official to give lecture

PLATTSBUEGH - PUtl* b« i* State UB -CTBty Col>g« Doctor of Adrmssions Frtak-liB F. Cotnrcrse w-Ji addr«B tijp pufciic fr» ' Optr^RZ the Door to 03er«" T^s . S^L 14i r r. T 3fl arfol • » P-»-•-, K-Ym » of tijp coTnrre'f

KITE Ha - , TV s c>%r. w:- b* oe«irr)ec

-jrr*r: «iri.sFor sur .^«

ir?a «rr--.^r.> copses t^l

A c-jaatiftr, a id izz**; ?* - ^ ' » - - 'y-T* C £ - r . « 4 M

Of tsfrtt la—t

yenoloictriMi MUttetiwftb • low cott PrtsS'nipiblicfti Fast AeKaa Wait Ad.

Dial Direct 561-2300 Today.

Tht Marktr Ploct) for Exparf Sorvkti

To Homa Butinott ond tncluttiy

Aatplionct Rtpotr •CrrCHEN A N D LAUNDRY SERVICE

ALSO. S*£ED QUEEN SALES CALL 3 6 3 ^ 2 2 4


RAUL CALKINS Owner ond Auctioneer

Rem, New York — 643-2354

DROWN-S A U C T I O N - S E R V I C E . SL. Drown I I . Auctioneer. EUenburg Depot. Dq»l 5 9 4 - 3 8 1 1 .



LASHWAY'S AUCTION SERVICE Morsnatl W. Loshwoy. Auctioneer



West Choxy, N Y , Deri 495-1711

DICK COOK D10I 497-4951

Tai Pat,

Airtomornra KepoinvPafrt COMPLETE COLLISrO^^WORJC

Tibmr^tom -mpar-s — ^-ee ertrr»o*es M O ^ ^ E L E P ^ S BODY SHOO .

Mn-;ipwv.iie Rfl. 5 4 ^ 2 2 ^ 0

Chotfi SOWB

H O M a i T E A N D STIHL C H A I N SAW So^es ond Service. North End Repair Shop. 35 Bovhtoh Avenue.


aer AAorroofwritle Oo» 5 6 3 - 5 5 t t .fS-I^Kotosrwpriy PIONEER C H A I N SAWS. FROM THE

Nobbiest to the production work­ers. SajuerePs. Lawn ond Careen. Coll 643-2307 .





D r y C l M f i i f t f

QUALITY Evtra-Care Cleanings

ONE HOUR DRY CLEANTNG 41 Wehvorth Street — 561*1351

Elactricol Stippliat t U C m i L A L SURRLIES 1 LIGWTINO

tor res*dent«i — mdust<»o4 sne. Riattstourgh Electric S U P P V Inc. 327 C o m e t * 561-0550.


AMATEUR A N D Pstssr^sSIONAL Photoe/ophic 4 Darkroom

RAY SUPPLY ING, 13 SaWr Ave. 5 6 1 - 3 t 7 0


Pinking shears our speoorry. PA* V O N E ^ SHOE NOSPfTAL. ^ 1

Rug tt Furnttura CI—wintj WE CLEAN WALL TO WALL CAR>

petesg ond furnrture. Shall ©a Service. 561-5200. Lokeehore R 4

• » • 11 1 • • ! 1 — 1 • • • • • i n . 1 11 • • 1 1 I I I — —

Trtnrti Trocar Rapoir COMPLETE TRAV4JL TRAIL»



Trcnral Trailer Rantola

EfMjina T ima Upt

EXPERT BOOf ¥»TORK r^ECfDtS IDEAL \ ponfing eonclitians «* Oi* "NEW j SEALK) SP41AY BOOTH- 565- 1 2 0 0 0 CnampicTi vo*«ev Mo»arv

SAVE MONEY W I T H A TONED UP engrne. McGee's Texaco. Route 3 ei »m Kuiihpjiy. OvM 5 6 > 1 7 l ? .



V ^ J n«w i Exe*y«tmj

JA»VI«> A U T O PARTS Scnuv*r tons 643-92 1

atort pen/ oaf am aseifl niai IT faw


Si.77 far t dmj+ 1 tt-tl far 5 a*rr* 1 SI H far 1 amy •


Bt.lt far t sUrt* tt-TT far 3 aa\Tr» j SLU 9m 1 6ft? • !

r m L O T i

rn tar t *r+ MM far S sta?** ta_Sl par 1 aery •

nzLDcn 1 Bt.7t tar 1 assyr* tt.64 far I assyr* j BSUst far X asy • j


BurUart Havs» You* M o w * Bwtf By


BULLDOZB4G A N D EARTH MOVTN6-Mewio 4>—»fc»noj, W e n o e . N,¥,

Rouses P o * * . N Y . — D-oi 2 9 7 v 5 i l f

Trot * Srvmp Raftssyral

fsmsl » 3 B 1 0 i


NEw/TON WELD^^4w SUPPLY I N C W»»t Piet tsbvgh Rood. > » 563-1240


MrCoeev, P i e ^ s t v g K New Yt rk i 5 6 ^ 5 0 0 3 or 5 6 T . 3 6 4 I .

ssUfilditeaj Motar ia l t Fur SfortJfa

GROSSMA'J i w i s f t » DrSTRiBU-TSON O N T E R . CORNELtA STREET. a O V T l Z * L A T T S » V » i K MEW Y O O C 563-60SQ.

Bonded Rr*"ge-s*gd Fur Sterago Sno*^- S e ^ < * . »^c

Le*e She** t ^ o d 5 * - - 3200

T V Sotet oiNi Sanrict HAr*S R A D O A K ^ ^ T V ^ S t R V l C E . S t

Lctov»*#t S^'ee* Ropc«*s fnada hv soec^ i^s . D« f 5 4 . - 3 5 6 0 or 5 6 I - 6 ' 5 V

Horta s^vt^matrr

/ /

F-*s^¥ao^b5s«e>rC S3 O i - ^ b ^ 9



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oao^na, kMcsvoa your,

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CAA^ETNf t DiRECT M ' L i PR C K Se** JO *o 25 ^r om w«or% s*»^-

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Jcvtlry Repair*


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> * « > » ¥ ^***# ~T<iOQm

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AT w^t*^ c+x* one



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