4 telltale attraction signs from a woman - signs of attraction from women that help you determine if...

Download 4 Telltale Attraction Signs From a Woman - Signs of Attraction From Women That Help You Determine if She "Likes You"

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4 Telltale Attraction Signs From a Woman

By: Frankie Cola


Signs of Attraction From Women That Help You
Determine if She Likes You

Let's face it, a woman rarely gives you obvious clues to let you know she likes you.

She won't make it easy for you.

Instead, she will only send mixed signals... leaving you scratching your head unable to tell whether she's actually being flirty, or just friendly.

What's more: Not knowing whether a girl likes you leaves you wandering into blind alleys trying to figure out if you should make a move and kiss her.

If you read her signals wrong, you risk rejection and embarrassment.

But the WORST is when you blow it with a girl who liked you and wanted you to make a move on her.

For a quick way to "test" for attraction and chemistry with a girl, click here to take the Friend Zone "Test"

Now join me as we uncover some of what are called the attraction signs that women give you.

Signs a Girl is Attracted to You

Having or not having each of the following attraction signs counts as a positive or negative point towards attraction.

The more of these signs you observe, the higher probability that a girl likes you.

1. She Almost Always Texts You Back

One of the most frustrating situations with women is when a girl doesn't text back so it's no wonder that when a girl almost always text back, it's a point towards possible attraction.

2. Her Texts Are Wordy and Contain Emotion

Boring, lame text conversations are a clear sign of attraction gone cold.

On the other hand, when you can see a noticeable effort from the girl she texts you first, initiates text conversations, and puts emotion into her texts then you have in your hands a white hot sign of attraction.

But here's a Caveat: some girls aren't used to texting too much so their text game isn't up to par. So even if she's interested in you, it might not show through text.

(Which is why you need to get her to meet you in person)

3. She Seems Shy and Nervous Around You in Person

I get a lot of guys telling me about a girl they think doesn't like them because she seems shy and never initiates a conversation.

Don't be fooled by this apparent lack of interest. Oftentimes a girl really likes you... yet she gets so nervous that she seem disinterested.

Ever had a girl look down nervously giggle nervously when you two talked or break eye contact whenever you held it?

When this happens, it's a promising sign of attraction my friend!

Unfortunately, guys often miss these body language attraction signs from women and
BLOW IT by thinking she's not interested
and not talking to the girl anymore

So here's a mantra to go by:

Always Assume Interest

4. She Laughs at Your Jokes

If a girl likes you, she will laugh at your jokes even if she doesn't think they're funny.

If the chemistry she feels with you is so overpowering, she will laugh simply because it was you who said it.


Now all of these attraction signs (and many other signs I didn't mention) have in common one underlying dynamic...

The dynamic is that they are an indicator of the COMPLIANCE a girl gives you and the degree to which you fall into a leader-follower dynamic with her

If you're wondering am I attractive to girls?
then you must know that creating the leader-follower dynamic with them is VERY powerful

You see, the more a girl likes you, the more
she is willing to give you compliance with the things you ask of her.

In other words, she will FOLLOW YOU whenever you LEAD...

Ever had a girl who always was too busy to meet up, or whenever you asked her a question always gave you a hard time?

This girl falls under the Low Compliance category.
With this girl, it's tough to get her compliance and you feel like you lack power over her.

Do you think the low compliance girl feels attraction for you?

Probably not!

...but if you find a way to increase the compliance this girls gives you then you will also increase the attraction she has for you.

Which brings us to the other side of the coin: the
High Compliance girl.

With this girl, you feel that you REALLY have power with her

Because she is high compliance... she always texts you back... follows your lead in conversation topics... likely agrees whenever you ask her to go
do something with you...

She is more likely to FOLLOW you, whenever you LEAD.

Consequently, this High Compliance girl is very likely to feel a strong attraction for you.

Remember: The more compliance a girl gives you, the more she is likely to feel attracted to you

That being said, if you can get girls to give you more compliance you will also create more attraction.

Now, here's a simple trick to test for compliance and attraction...

How to Test For Compliance and Attraction: The Friend Zone Test

Here's a simple trick you can do on a girl to test if a girl feels attraction for you, and if she's waiting for you to kiss her (Take the Friend Zone Test HERE)

This trick tests how much compliance a girl is willing to give you.

If you pass this test, then the girl feels a strong CHEMISTRY with you.

It's called the Friend Zone Test because it
helps you determine whether or not a girl likes
you, or whether she think of you as just a friend...

==> Click Here to Learn the Friend Zone Test