4. free from sin

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  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    July 2000

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    Understanding God and the BiblePlease send m e Study Guide #10 on the dead.

    Thank you very mu ch for your program . It has given

    me m uch help in being able to und erstand God an d

    the Bible in a ver y positive way. I actu ally kn ow what

    the Scriptures mean n ow, where-

    as before I would read som e

    things and go Hmm mm What does this mean? Thank

    you again and m ost of all, I

    thank God!



    Part of the Family of GodThank you, Pastor Batchelor, for shin ing the light

    and love of God into my life. TheMillennium of

    Prophecy semin ars enlightened m y Christian walk

    with Jesus, m aking m e feel like a part of the heavenly

    family with God.LY

    Alberta, Canada

    Fascinating and IntriguingYour art icle Hath Hell No Fur y? [May 2000 issu e]

    is incredible. The m ost controversial topic in the

    Christian world is made clear in simp le and un der-

    stand able words. Ive found

    the an alysis given on the

    rich m an and Lazarus to be

    so fascinating and int rigu-

    ing. Please keep on explain-ing such sen sitive but

    important issues.



    Wonderful!Tod ay is the first tim e I have ever heard your pro-

    gram. I was driving hom e tonight and found your

    program on the radio. I listened all the way hom e

    and even when I came inside my hom e. I wrote down

    your Web add ress and have been on the Web site now

    for about two hou rs, reading and listening to every-thing.I love this program. It has answered so m any

    questions and taught m e so much. I will listen to you

    on the rad io and TV and again on the Web.


    via e-mail

    Again Active in the ChurchI was out of the fold for awhile.Your m inistry

    influenced m y life for good, and I am again active in

    the church.




    Cover photos by Baron W illiam






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    Getting Up an Hour EarlierPlease send m e your Amazing Facts In sid e R epor t

    and Study Guides #9 and #10. I found your programon TV by mistake and n ow get up an hour earlier to

    watch an d learn. Keep up th e great job.



    I Would Not Change a ThingI just got th is Am azing

    Facts magazine today, and I

    love it! Its good read ing. I

    would not change a thing,

    but m aybe you could m ake it



    Now I Must TeachThank you for allowing my wife and m e to par tici-

    pate in your Bible Corresp ond ence School. Now I

    would like to teach your course in th e church I pas-

    tor. Many chan ges mu st be implemented regarding

    the Sabbath d ay and its power. I must teach them as

    you have taught u s.



    Changed My LifeI cant express how th an kful I am for your

    Millenniu m of Prop hecy seminar. Those tapes have

    really chan ged my life! Since hear ing you teach, I

    have quit smoking, stopped using drugs, and h ave

    felt the u rge to be baptized. I also have begun to read

    the Bible m ore and m ore.Your

    lessons h ave really opened my

    eyes and h elped m e to see and

    appreciate all that the Lord h as

    done an d is continuing to dofor m e.



    One of the BestIn March we had the pr ivilege of having John

    Quade do a semin ar in Hemph ill, Texas. He is an out-

    standing young m an, and his presentation was one of

    the best we have attended. His method of presenting

    is sincere and powerful.





  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin



    DEBRA J. HICKS At one tim e I thought that losing your m ind

    was a rare cond ition triggered by someth ing

    extraordinarily dreadful, like seeing som eone

    murdered.But tod ay it n o longer appears to b e the exception

    to the ru le; in fact, its pract ically the nor m ! Im

    astound ed by the lengths to which many people will

    go in order to deliberately lose their m inds. Ask an

    alcoholic why he d rin ks, an d m ost likely hell tell you

    that its the b est way he has foun d to drown his trou-

    bles.Ask a drug user why she dishes out hund reds of

    dollars a mon th for crack cocaine, and shell adm it

    that she wants to escape som e overwhelming fear or

    pain. Ask a world champion sn owboarder why he

    risks his life and lim bs on form idable white-capped

    m ountains, and he says its because snowboardinggives him a few precious m inutes in which his m ind

    is absolutely clear of everyth ing except th e task at


    In an attemp t to escape some harsh reality, thou-

    sands are resorting to dru gs,hypnosis, or even sui-

    cide. However, even those of us who have had sense

    enough to avoid those self-destructive pitfalls are

    probably guilty of another type of ment al anarchy.

    My friend Robert calls it going u ncon scious. Its

    what happens when a p erson lets his mind wander

    wherever it pleases.

    Youve experien ced it if youve ever been on yourknees and then sud denly realized that instead of

    talking to God, you were plann ing what to do once

    you get to the office. Or if your daughter was telling

    you about her trip to th e lake and you woke up to

    the realization th at she just asked you a qu estion and

    you werent really listenin g. Or maybe, while the

    pastor was m aking an excellent point, you were busy

    trying to remem ber whether or not you let out the

    cat before leaving the hou se.

    I had never spotted the potential dan ger ofzoning

    outu ntil last sum mer, when Robert challenged a

    group of his friends to tr y mon itoring their thoughtsfor a complete day (or even a couple of hours). What

    we soon began to realize is that by giving our m inds

    free reign, we are unwittingly giving Satan an

    un guarded avenue to our souls. The Bible warns us

    about th is ever-present danger when it says, Be

    sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the d evil walks

    about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he m ay

    devour.Resist him (1 Peter 5:8-9, NKJV).

    God will rescue His erran t children ou t of the lions

    m outh; He knows all too well that were no m atch for

    Satan. But He also knows th at it is possible to ward

    the enemy off at the pass, and in this text He shares

    the secret for success. Being sober and vigilant

    m eans remain ing completely conscious in order to

    exercise the power of positive choices.Something that h as really helped m e is to make a

    conscious effort to fill my min d with good th ings

    such as of prayer, songs,Scripture, and sermon


    This sound s obvious, but youd be am azed how

    mu ch tim e you can waste on activities that keep your

    mind from tu rning toward God. For some people, the

    biggest time t rap is television or m ovies. For others,

    its reading the n ewspaper, listening to radio tu nes, or

    Losing Your Mind?

    By giving our minds free reign, we are

    unwittingly giving Satan an

    unguarded avenue to our souls.

    surfing the Internet. In m y fam ily, table gam es are

    really popular and its not unu sual for us to keep one

    or two by the table and p lay for an hour or so after

    supper. These activities arent inh erently bad, but

    they are destru ctive if we give them all of our free

    time and claim that were too b usy for God.Once you make a comm itment to focus your time

    and energy on things th at are uplifting (Colossians

    3:2), God starts to do amazing things in your life!

    Several years ago I decided t o listen to Christ ian

    mu sic every day of the week not just on Sabbaths.

    In fact, I decided to take a break from secular music

    altogether.After two or three weeks, I realized t hat

    God was br inging certain Scripture son gs to my

    m ind all throughout th e day, and especially when I

    needed it most.And my first thought in the morn ing

    after Id awaken would be a song of praise to God.

    What an exciting way to begin each day!The Bible says to Be not overcom e of evil, but

    overcom e evil with good (Romans 12:21). If we

    dont counteract ou r sinful natu res by flooding our

    senses with good things, then were mu ch m ore likely

    to b ecome Satans p rey. My favorite prescrip tion for

    holiness is foun d in Philippians 4:8: Whatsoever

    things are true, whatsoever things are honest, what-

    soever th ings are just, whatsoever thin gs are pure,

    whatso ever things are lovely, whatso ever things are

    of good report; it there be any virtue,an d if there be

    any praise, think on these things.

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    An Am az in g Fact :

    W hile un der the influence of a light hypnotic trance, a m an wh o subm itted to a scientific

    hypn osis experim ent wa s ordered to pick up a glass from the table. Although he wa s a strong,

    athletic type, the m an could not bud ge the glass from its position. His most strenuous exertions

    could n ot lift the glass that w as light enou gh for any child to remove.

    W hy could he not do it? Because the scientists, after placing him in the trance, had told him t hat

    it was im possible to pick up th e glass. Because his min d wa s convin ced th at it could not be done,

    his body was unable to carry out the comm and to lift it. W hat a d ram atic dem onstrationof the fact that no person can really obey comm andm ents he believes are impossible to perform!


    of the law (1 John 3:4), he had to perfect a plan to

    m ake people look lightly upon breaking the law and

    also cause it to app ear un objectionable.

    Unfortun ately, it is possible to assem ble Bible texts

    that seem to support the doctrine of spiritual imp er-

    fection. We are assured th at all have sinned (Romans

    3:23), that the carnal min d is enm ity against God

    (Roman s 8:7), and that all of our righteousnesses areas filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). But all the verses about

    failure, sin, and defeat are in reference to the unre-

    generate experience of a person. There are literally

    scores of other texts that describe an opposite expe-

    rience of total victory and sinless living. In every

    case they are referr ing to th e Spirit-filled life of a

    converted, comm itted child of God.

    This distinction m ust always be recognized in the

    reading of the Scripture. The gospel of Jesus Christ is

    the power of God unto salvation. His grace is

    stronger than all the concentrated forces of evil. Jesus

    came to save His people from their sins. In the sixth



    DDoes God Require the Impossible?It is probably safe to say that th e major ity of

    Christians today are resigned to falling short of the

    m oral law. In fact, they are quite satisfied that God

    do esnt expect them to fulfill that law completely,

    either in th e flesh or in the spirit.

    The effect of such a teaching is exactly what on e

    would expect multitudes of emotionally happy butdisobedient church m emb ers who feel that any con-

    cern about keeping the Ten Comm and m ents is nit-

    picking and legalistic.

    What a delusive strategy of Satan! As the inventor

    of the doctrine, the evil one is simply supporting his

    ancient accusation that God was asking too mu ch. He

    accused God of being unfair by requiring something

    that is im possible.

    Think about it for a m oment, and the entire

    scheme begins to m ake a lot of diabolical sense.

    Satan knows th at sin is the only thing that will keep

    anyone out of heaven. Since sin is the transgression

    Baron Williams

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    Equally imp ortant is the inspired comm ent of Paul:

    I can do all things through Christ which strength-

    eneth m e(Ph ilippians 4:13). That little expression

    all thingsis the key to victory for every one of us. It

    includes power over drugs, imm orality, appetite,

    pride, and every act of sin that would rob us of eter-

    na l life.

    All Things AvailableThe big point here is that when you get the p ower

    of Christ in your life, you have everyth ing else you

    could ever desire.He that spared n ot his own Son,

    but d elivered him up for us all, how shall he not with

    him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32).

    There is that ter m again all things. You will find it

    also in 2 Peter 1:3: According as his divine p ower

    hath given unto u s all things th at pertain unto life

    and god liness ...

    When you put t hose texts together, an incredible

    picture emerges. By claim ing the presence of Christin your life, you also receive everyth ing that Christ

    possesses.Paul described it this way: But of him are

    ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is m ade unto u s wis-

    dom, and righteousness,an d sanctification, and

    redempt ion (1 Corinthians 1:30).

    Here the all things are broken down into very

    part icular, individualized experiences, and we begin

    to see that Peter was right in stating that God h as

    given us all things that pertain to godliness.

    Every child of Adam needs two th ings desperate-

    ly forgiveness for the past, and power for the

    future. Redemption includes both of them. The ideathat this includes full deliverance from the guilt of

    sin, but on ly part ial deliverance from the p ower of

    sin, is a perversion of the gospel. Jesus did not come

    to save us from th e consequen ces of sin only, but to

    save us from t he sin itself. Salvation is not a n egative

    thing not just the absence of something.He did

    not come just to take away something (our guilt), but

    to give us someth ing (victory over sin).

    After thoughtfully reading

    the entire sixth chapter of

    Romans, if you need more

    assuran ce that victory can beyours, read th e following:

    1 Corinthians 15:57 But

    thanks be to God, which

    giveth u s the victory throu gh

    our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1 John 5:4 For whatsoev-

    er is born of God overcometh

    the world: and this is the vic-

    tory that overcometh th e

    world, even our faith.

    1 John 3:6 Whosoever

    abideth in him sinneth not:


    chapter of Romans, Paul utterly devastates the doc-

    trine th at a believer shou ld keep on falling into sin.

    It is true th at provision is m ade for cleansing in

    case sin is comm itted, but Gods perfect plan mad e it

    possib le for m an to overcom e every sin a nd to live a

    life of perfect obedience through Christ. No secret

    m eaning or hidden reservation can be foun d in the

    myriad of texts that describe the victorious experi-ence of the born-again child of God. And just

    because one m ay not have grown into th at fullness of

    faith which brings constant victory, he should n ot,

    therefore, deny the p ower of God to give such deliv-


    Total Victory PromisedThe Spirit of God seemed to ant icipate the struggle

    m any would pass throu gh in accepting the biblical

    assuran ces of total victory. Consequently the inspired

    writers were moved to u se almost fanatical language

    in describing the possibilities for overcoming sin.Instead of saying we may be saved, the Bible says we

    can be saved to the u tterm ost (Hebrews 7:25).

    Instead of saying we may conqu er,it assures that we

    can be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

    Instead of being told that we can triumph, we are

    told that we m ay always ... trium ph (2 Corinthians

    2:14). Instead of prom ising whatever we m ight ask to

    help us in ou r spiritua l battles,t he Bible says He will

    give us exceedin g abu nd antly above all that we ask

    or think (Ephesians 3:20). And the verse just pr ior

    to th at one clearly guaran tees th at we may be filled

    with all the fulness of God (verse 19).Adm ittedly, m any of these promises are too vast

    for our hum an m inds to comprehend fully, but surely

    they are intended to impress us with the m agnitude

    of Gods resources in our behalf. If the language

    soun ds exaggerated, it is only because we are too fee-

    ble in faith and too weak in th e flesh to b elieve that

    such purity and sanctification could ever be fulfilled

    in us. We tend to tru st our feelings quicker than th e

    Word of God.

    Is it impor tant to believe the p romises exactly as

    they read ? Yes, because it is only throu gh th ose

    prom ises that deliverance can be accomplished.Whereby are given unto us exceeding great an d p re-

    cious promises: that by these ye might be partakers

    of the divine n ature,having escaped the corruption

    that is in th e world th rough lust (2 Peter 1:4).

    The sequence of victory is plainly marked out in

    this fantastic text. By faith in the p romise, we become

    a partaker of the divine nature, and through the

    power of that new natu re in us we are able to escape

    the corruption of sin. In other words, everything

    depends on the surrender and comm itment of ones

    self to the in dwelling Spirit of Christ. Without me,

    Jesus said,ye can d o noth ing (John 15:5).

    4 Steps to


    1. Have faith in the power God haspromised (1 Corinthians 15:57).

    2. Ask Him for victory over any specificsin (Matthew 7:11).

    3. Act with assurance that you havebeen given victory (Romans 6:11).

    4. Make no provision to sin again(Romans 13:14).


  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    whosoever sinneth hath n ot seen him, neither known


    Let us return for a mom ent to the analogy of the

    hypnotized m an. He could not physically lift a small

    glass from the table because his m ind was so fully

    convinced th at it couldnt be d one. Has Satan been

    able to imm obilize the church throu gh the p ower of

    his hypnotic, lying assertion th at obedience is

    imp ossible? It certa inly seems so.

    The OvercomersTo deny the p ossibility of total victory over sin is to

    rob Jesus of the glory of His mission. He came, the

    Bible says, to destroy the works of the devil.Those

    works are the works of sin. If no one claimed His

    power to overcom e sin com pletely, the d evils accusa-

    tion would b e confirmed. The requirements of God

    would b e exposed as to o difficult to ob ey.

    The book of Revelation identifies the crowning

    characteristic of the redeemed as ob edience.Here is

    the patience of the saints: here are they that keep thecomm andm ents of God, and the faith of Jesus

    (Revelation 14:12).And the dragon was wroth with

    the woman , and went to make war with the remnant

    of her seed, which keep the comm andm ents of God,

    and have the testimony of Jesus Christ( Revelation

    12:17).Blessed are they that do h is comm and m ents,

    that they may have right to the tree of life, and m ay

    enter in th rough th e gates into th e city(Revelation


    How significant it is th at m ans cond ition for

    remainin g in Eden is also the condition for being

    restored to Eden. Anyone wh o b elieves obed ience isunimp ortant should read again the dram atic story of

    Adam and Eve. A tiny, physical act of sin led to all the

    stark tragedy of the past 6,000 years. Those who are

    restored to that lost parad ise will have dem onstrated

    that they can be tru sted with eternal life. Through

    faithful obedience in the face of death, they will have

    proven Satans charges to b e utter ly false. Their

    steadfast loyalty will be an eternal guarantee of the

    security of Gods restored d omin ion.

    Right here we need to p ause and consider an

    objection that is always brought against those who

    believe in tota l victory.It goes something like this: If you believe it is pos-

    sible to live without sin ning, are you able to say that

    your own life is free from sin?

    Although t he question deserves an answer, it

    should b e pointed out th at the objection is not rele-

    vant to the issue. If the Bible establishes a truth, it

    should be received on the groun ds of its inspired

    authority and n ot on the basis of the m essengers

    experience. If victory over all sin is p ossible through

    Christ, it is tru e whether the preacher has claimed it

    or not claimed it.Furtherm ore, the work of sanctifi-

    cation is a progressive, lifelong experience and can


    never be considered as finished in any given p oint oftime. Even if one could be unconscious of any known

    sin, he could never boast of being sinless.

    The claim m ight also be m ade that the do ctrine of

    victory over sin is highly idealistic and too theologi-

    cally comp licated to be pr actical. But noth ing could

    be further from the truth. Even a child can und er-

    stand the simp le faith-tran saction of appropriating

    the prom ises of the Bible. There is not a habit or sin

    known to m an that cannot be conquered through


    In th e next few m inutes you will be able to appreci-

    ate the beauty of this divine victory plan. You willlearn how to stop sm oking,cursing, overeating, gos-

    siping, or comm itting any other sin. Let nothing dis-

    tract you as you proceed to the next few paragraphs.

    It could be the turn ing point of your life and m ean

    more than all the m oney in the world.

    The Secret of VictoryAt the very heart of victory are four sim ple scrip-

    tural steps th at any believer may take in claiming

    Gods power.Apply the formu la to your own p rob-

    lem , and then take the four steps to glorious victory.

    First: But than ks be to God, which giveth us thevictory throu gh our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinth-

    ians 15:57). Allow your m ind to savor the fantastic

    m essage of these words. Victory is a gift! We do not

    earn it by our efforts or d eserve it because of any

    supposed goodness. The victory will be given to u s

    freely by Chr ist. He is the only one who h as ever

    gained the victory over Satan, and if we ever possess

    the victory, it must come as a gift from Him .

    Mighty power is stored within the p romise to be

    fulfilled for all who claim it in faith. So few are will-

    ing to believe that the prom ised blessing becomes

    theirs the very m oment they believe it!

    Baron William s

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    God is waiting to hon or your faith and to supply

    all your need according to h is riches in glory by

    Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). These assurances are

    so open-ended and un limited that our minds are

    staggered by them . Why have we been so reluctant to

    apply for th e provisions of grace? Why is it so h ard to

    believe that God m eans exactly what He says? He will

    keep every prom ise.

    Our second text says,If ye then, being evil,kn owhow to give good gifts unto your children, how mu ch

    m ore shall your Fath er which is in h eaven give good

    things to them t hat ask him? (Matthew 7:11).

    Is it a good th ing to ask for victory over tobacco, or

    any oth er fleshly or m oral evil? Of course it is! So you

    dont even have to ask if it is Gods will! He has

    already told us in th e Bible that it is His will to

    destroy the works of sin and t he devil.

    Here is the n ext question. How do we know we

    have the victor y after we ask Him? Simp ly because

    He said we would h ave it. We know God d oes n ot lie.

    We can b elieve His prom ises.

    Faith Makes It SoThis brings us to the thirdtext, found in Roman s

    6:11:Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead

    indeed un to sin, but alive unto God through Jesus

    Christ our Lord. The word reckonm eans to b elieve

    or to consider it done. The very mom ent we ask, we

    should accept the fact of fulfillment, than k Him for

    the gift, and act with assuran ce that it has been done.

    No kind of proof feeling or sign shou ld be

    dem and ed or expected. The self-fulfilling p ower in

    the prom ise is released in response to faith alone.Do you remem ber h ow Peter walked on the water?

    He asked Jesus if he could step out of the boat onto

    the raging sea, and Jesus told Peter to come. But how

    long did Peter do th e impossible by walking on the

    water? The Bible says,When he saw the win d b ois-

    terous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he

    cried, saying, Lord, save m e(Matthew 14:30).

    In spite of Christs assur an ce that he could safely

    walk on the water, Peter began to d oubt th e word of

    the Master. That is when he began to sink. As long as

    he believed the promise of Jesus and acted in faith,

    he was safe.When h e doubted, he sank.Like Peter, our faith could weaken. We m ight need

    to be reminded of our total dependence upon His

    strength, but this does not diminish the beautiful

    plan of God to impar t power and victory through

    exceeding great an d precious p romises of the Bible.

    Without faith b y the receiver, not even Gods prom is-

    es can b e appropriated. The limits are clearly defined

    in the words of Jesus, According to your faith be it

    unto you (Matthew 9:29).

    Now, what is the im possible thing as far as you are

    concerned? Whatever it is, Christ says,Come to m e. I

    will give you the victory. As long as you b elieve that

    you have been delivered, you will have the victory. It

    is as simple as that.

    For some p eople the deliverance is so d ram atic

    that th ey lose even t he app etite for th e sin. Tobacco

    addicts have sometim es been delivered from the

    craving,but this is not the usual way God does it.

    Usually the desire remains, but in the m omen t of

    temptation, the power to walk past the temptation

    springs forth from within. Faith accepts the fact ofdeliverance an d constantly claims the victory,wh ich

    is in the secure possession of the believer.

    The final step to victory is described in our fou rth

    text, Romans 13:14.But p ut ye on th e Lord Jesus

    Christ, and m ake not provision for the flesh, to fulfil

    the lusts th ereof. So strong is the confidence in the

    appropriated power of God that no consideration is

    given to falling un der the power of that sin again.

    Under the old trying plan, provision was mad e to

    fail in m ost cases. Cigarettes were placed on a shelf,

    and the sm oker said to him self,Im going to tr y

    never to sm oke again, but if I dont m ake it, I knowwhere they are. However, un der the trusting plan,

    we have no reason to fear failure on the grou nd s of

    hum an weakness.Victory does not depend on our

    strength, but on Gods power. We might fail, but He

    cann ot fail. Cigarettes are thrown away. All plans th at

    m ight involve any degree of comprom ise are aban-


    There it is, friend , in all of its simplicity. It works! If

    you are willing to b e delivered, it works. Nothing will

    help the one who is n ot willing to give up th e sin. But

    if you want it, it is there.Victory,p ower, deliver-

    ance just reach out in faith an d it is yours. Believeit and claim it this very mom ent. God wants you to

    be free.

    EDITORS NOTE: This article has been cond ensed

    from th e book Is It Possible to Live Without Sinn ing?

    written by Am azin g Facts foun der Joe Crews.

    Amazing Facts Sells

    Books and Tapes on This Subject

    The Surrender of SelfBook by Joe Crews. 75 cents each

    Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?Book by Joe Crews. 75 cents each

    Conquering Inner SpaceThe Last FrontierOn video or audio t ape by Doug Batchelor.

    $3.00 each audio;$14.95 each video

    The OvercomersOn video or audio t ape by Doug Batchelor.

    $3.00 each audio;$14.95 each video

    Ad d $3 .00 per ord er for sh ipp in g an d ha n dli ng.

    California residents m ust ad d 7.25 p ercent sales tax.

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    From the InsideFrom the InsideFrom the InsideFrom the InsideAnnie Kjaer Is Assistant Director for

    Amazing Facts College of Evangelism

    Annie Kjaer begins h er new p osition as assistant

    director of the Amazing Facts College of Evangelismon July 1.Already she has been

    working closely with Gar y

    Gibbs, the director of the col-

    lege, to schedule teachers and to

    develop the curr iculum .

    Once the College of

    Evangelism b egins its first ses-

    sion on August 6, Annie will

    teach a vast array of courses, work closely with stu-

    dents, and coordinate the evangelism classes and

    outreach ministries.

    For the past 10 m onths, she has b een in New YorkCity to nurtu re newly baptized m emb ers and to

    coordinate the follow-up programs for NET New

    York 99. In Man hatt an sh e organized two follow-up

    evangelistic semin ars, coordinated the work of four

    Bible workers,an d h elped p lant a new congregation.

    A Bible worker for six years, Annie h as ener gized

    25 churches with her enth usiasm for soul-winning.

    She worked extensively in South Dakota, Illinois,

    California, Kansas, and New York an d helped on

    short-term projects in about 10 other states. For

    three years she assisted with 20 evangelistic meet-

    ings while traveling with her parents, Kim and JudyKjaer,wh o have been par t of the Am azing Facts

    evangelistic team sin ce 1993.

    Rob Long to Coordinate Outreach

    for the College of EvangelismRob Long is joining Amazing Facts on July 16 as

    outreach coordinator for the College of Evangelism.

    He will teach s everal courses

    and plans to b e involved in all

    phases of the studentslearning

    experience.Rob has a wealth of experi-

    ence in evangelism. He has been

    a literature evangelist, pastor,

    and conference evangelist. Most

    recently he pastored a two-church d istrict in south -

    eastern Pennsylvania and led a team that started a

    new church group in Doylestown in th e spring of

    1999. Nearly a decade ago he assisted Gary Gibbs,

    who is n ow the m inistrys assistant director, with a

    special project in Montgom ery, Ala., and he also

    worked with form er Amazing Facts Evangelist Robert


    Robs wife, Christine, is a full-time h omem aker and

    m om to th eir two daughters, 2-year-old Abby and

    1-year-old Sara. She also enjoys giving cooking an d

    nutrition seminars.

    Amazing Facts College of Evangelism

    Recruits Jason Morgan as InstructorAs an instr uctor and outreach assistant for the new

    Amazing Facts College of Evangelism , Jason Morgan

    will teach several courses an d will work p erson ally

    with students as they put the

    soul-winning pr inciples learn ed

    in class into pr actice in real-

    world evangelism.

    Since completing his t raining,

    Jason has traveled to Texas,California, New York, and

    Virginia, helping Amazing Facts

    evangelists dur ing their crusad es.

    While doing Bible work in Sacramento last spring,

    he met Misty Parks, who was attend ing the Amazing

    Facts Field School of Evangelism. They were marr ied

    in August of 1999 and are expecting their first child.

    Although he was raised in the church, Jason says

    he was not converted u ntil three years ago. He had

    tried to fill the void in his life with achievem ents in

    the Texas State Bodybuilding Cham pionships, but

    noth ing clicked unt il he saw videotapes of a crusadeconducted by Joe Crews,t he foun der of Amazing

    Facts. Soon afterward he foun d his passion and tru e

    calling in public evangelism.

    This Fall Doug Batchelor Will Hold

    First Sacramento Seminar in Six Years

    On October 6, Pastor Doug Batchelor will launch an

    area-wide evangelistic sem inar his first live series

    in six years for the Sacramento area. The m eetings

    are being sponsored by the Sacramento Central

    Church, where he is senior pastor.Students attending the Amazing Facts College of

    Evangelism, a four-m onth program that begins in

    August, will be involved in the series from b eginning

    to end. The meetings will give them a un ique oppor-

    tun ity to see how advertising and m edia program -

    ming can work hand-in-hand to promote a series.

    Churches in cities where Amazing Facts television

    and /or radio program s are broadcast often report

    that a nu mb er of their guests during an evangelistic

    series responded favorably to advertising because

    they were already fam iliar with the Amazing Facts



  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    servant-leaders, not dictators or despots. ConsiderMosesfam ily. Amram and Jochebed had three chil-

    dren: Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. All three were

    prophets. Their sons both served as priests,but

    Miriam d id not. She was a prophetess, but not a

    priest. She led the wom en in prophetic songs and in


    You read about Anna in th e

    temple (Luke 2:36-37) and

    Deborah as a prophetess and a

    judge in Isr ae l ( Judges 4:4), bu t

    you never read of women offer-

    ing a sacrifice. In the Bible, apr iest is a male role because it

    symb olizes Jesus, our High

    Priest.A similar distinction was

    m ade for the Passover sacrifice.

    The Israelites were instructed

    to take a m ale lamb because it

    was a sym bol for Christ.

    God has distinctions in the

    family an d in roles within the

    family. I dont thin k these sexu-

    al identities evaporate when

    people walk through th e doors of the church. It is anextension of the individual fam ily unit.

    Theres a lot of Scripture to sup port t his: Ephesians

    5:23-25; 1 Timothy 2:12; Titus 1:6; and 1 Corinthians

    11:3-16, for exam ple. I could ind iscriminately give

    you piles of Scripture on this, but instead I encourage

    you to sen d for m y art icle Unisex in Jesus, in wh ich

    Ive given a longer, more thorough explanation.

    Who was Melchizedek?

    Melchizedek is a king/ pr iest who app ears br iefly in

    Genesis 14:18-20.Abraham was on his way backfrom a war with the kings of the north when he

    stopped to give tithe to the king of Salem. Although

    the Bible doesnt tell us m uch abou t him , we know

    that Melchizedek was a servant of the true God. The

    city of Salem later was known as Jerusalem.

    In th e New Testament, Paul tells us that

    Melchizedek is a sym bol for Christ, because he sud -

    denly appears on the scene and then h e disappears.

    Theres no lineage to tell us where he cam e from ; this

    is like Christ, who is without beginnin g or end and

    who is our High Priest and King of the New


    Is there anything wrong with jumpingand clapping in church?

    The Bible tells us that all things should be d one

    decently an d in ord er (1 Corinthians 14:40).You

    have to ask yourself,Wh at would Jesus do ? What

    would the angels d o? If you cant p icture Jesus

    jum ping u p an d down in chu rch , th en I would qu es-

    tion wheth er it was Gods Spirit prom pting som eone

    to do it.

    I can p icture Christians rejoicing. I think the Jews

    rejoiced as Jesus rode down the hill on the donkey,

    and they shouted hosan na. There is a time an dplace for rejoicing and clapping, but I dont th ink it is

    in the sanctuary during formal worship.If the music

    is taking control of us, then it may not be the appro-

    priate mu sic.

    There is sometimes a very thin line between the

    music of rejoicing and the m usic of the world. We

    have to be very careful. Ive seen a lot of churches in

    which that line is crossed, in m y opinion. If youd like

    more information on this topic, I would recomm end

    reading the book Notes on Mu sic by Louis Torres,

    which is sold by Am azing Facts.

    When in doubt, do the safe thing. If youre ques-tioning whether or n ot a certain activity is appropri-

    ate for glorifying God, then dont d o it.

    What does the Bible say about women

    as elders or preachers?

    God m ade men and women as equal creatures.I do

    not b elieve there is any distinction between men and

    women in their value to God an d th eir accessibility

    to salvation. Theyre both p erfectly equal.

    Furthermore,God m inisters through both men

    and women. You read in th e Bible both abou t m enand women teaching and preaching, in the capacity

    of prophets and evangelists, or giving Bible studies

    as did Priscilla with h er husb and , Aquila (Acts


    However,t here is no exam ple in the Bible of a

    woman serving in the capacity of priest, pastor, or


    When Jesus chose the twelve apostles, I do n ot

    believe He was accomm odating the trad itions of the

    day when He selected on ly m en. Several offices have

    a un iquely male symbolism. For example, the m en

    were to be the priests of their fam ilies. That means

    Tun e in toPasto r Batch elors live

    nationwide call-in

    radio program,Bib le

    An swers Liv e, on

    Sun day evenings.

    Send for a free

    program guide or visit

    the Amazing Facts

    Web site to get deta iled

    information about the

    station(s) n earest you.

    Amazing Facts Sells

    a Book on This Subject

    Prove All Things:

    A Response to Women in Ministry

    Mercedes H. Dyer, PhD. $14.95 eachAn in-depth look at the debate over

    womens ordin ation as currently

    being studied in t he Seventh-d ay

    Adventist Church. Research an d

    testimon ies from 15 different authors provide

    answers to questions posed by advocates of the

    ordination of women as pastors and elders.

    Ad d $3 .00 per order for sh ipp in g an d ha n dli ng.

    California residents m ust ad d 7.25 p ercent sales tax.

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    the Navajo Ind ians and hom e to a large popu lation of

    Apache,Zuni, and Hopi Indians.Since several of the church m emb ers live up to 60

    m iles away, only a limited nu mb er were able to help

    out nightly in the crusad e. One memb er,broth er Ben

    Saiz, brought his RV and camped at the church on

    the nights of the crusade so that he could help out.

    He was a valuable team m emb er in m any ways. He

    and Sam Hubb ard constructed the bap tisty as direct-

    ed by Pastor Sim m ons. A special than ks goes to them

    and to each mem ber of the Gallup All Nations

    Church whose comm itment an d dedication helped to

    m ake the crusade a su ccess!

    On October 24, 1999, the Amazing Facts ProphecySem inar began at the Best Western Inn and Suites in

    West Gallup with a little more th an 200 visitors. The

    m ajority of those in attend ance were Native

    Americans. They cam e night after night with a thirst

    for Bible truth .

    Evangelist Steve DeLong emp hasized t he Bible and

    the Bible only as our aut hority, and the people

    responded to th e clear and dynam ic preaching of

    Gods Word. Steves wife, Sue, han dled t he registra -

    tion and n early everyth ing behind the scenes. Their

    son, Trent, gave a beautiful concert on the second

    night of the m eetings that was greatly appreciatedand helped to sign ificantly swell the crowd.


    Aseries of Amazing Facts evangelistic meetings

    had been scheduled for the fall of 1999 inGallup, N.M. However, no pastor was available

    to help the church prepare for th is major event.

    So in Janu ar y 1999, the Texico Conference asked

    Gladstone Simm ons and his wife, Hondina, to take

    on part -time pastoral dut ies at the Gallup All Nations

    Church. For Pastor Simm ons, this would be in addi-

    tion to his regular dut ies as the conference education

    superintend ent. Believe it or not, he was willing!

    Several things n eeded to be d one in prepar ation for

    the crusade.First, the church n eeded to m ake

    arran gements for a meeting hall, since a meeting

    that begins in a n eutral hall rather th an in a churchtypically attracts three to four t imes as m any visi-

    tors. Next, m emb ers needed to sell the old church

    propert y, install a parking lot on the n ew property,

    and constr uct a temporar y baptistry in Hogan

    Center (th e building where they m eet for church).

    Last but not least, they had to carry out their part of

    the preparation work, organize for the actual cru-

    sade, and p repare mentally for the fact that the

    church would never be the sam e again!

    During the two to th ree years prior to the cru sade,

    this con gregations average Sabb ath at tend ance was

    10-25 individuals, includin g about six NativeAmericans. Gallup is the national headquarters for

    BY SUE


    Never the Same Again!Native Americans in New Mexico Embrace the Gospel

    Photos courtesy of

    Pastor Gladstone Simmons

    So many people were baptized during the Amazing Facts Prophecy Seminar in Gallup, N.M., that it was impossible to fit them all into

    a single photograph! By the end of Evangelist Steve DeLongs seminar, 77 individuals had been baptized into the family of God. Five

    others were baptized this year, and several people are currently taking Bible studies.

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin

    11/1611JULY 2000 THEINSI DER EPORT

    Pastor Gladstone Simmons rejoices with new member Clinton Begay just after

    his baptism. The joy of seeing so many people accept Gods glorious gift of

    salvation is what prompted Pastor Simmons to accept part-time pastoral duties

    at the Gallup All Nations Church in addition to his regular duties as the Texico

    Conference education superintendent.

    When the m eetings moved from th e Best Western

    to Hogan Center, chairs were set up in every available

    space. More than 100 people crowded into an area

    designed for 70 at best (if you squ eezed them in

    tight)! The Lord blessed, and people kept comin g.

    On Novemb er 20, the first eight persons were bap-

    tized. By Novemb er 27, there had been 72 precious

    souls baptized, with one rebaptism an d one profes-

    sion of faith. Included in that num ber were medicalprofessionals, un iversity professors, college teachers,

    construction workers, bankers, housewives, un iversi-

    ty and college students, a Pentecostal minister, a

    retired p olice officer, a social worker, an d th e wife of

    the Navajo Ind ian chief. Praise the Lord for what He

    has done in the comm unity of Gallup and the sur-

    rounding area!

    People drove to the m eetings from up to 100 m iles

    away. Literature was in high dem and , and t he church

    had to place additional orders because the supp lies

    that were on hand ran out. On December 4, Pastor

    Simm ons began a follow-up sem inar to help groundthe new mem bers and to bring in others.

    At a special meeting on Wednesd ay, Novemb er 24,

    it was thrilling to hear the n ewly baptized m emb ers

    (there are 83 to date with m any more to follow) tell

    how the Lord had b rought joy and peace to their

    hearts for th e first time in their lives.

    Jewelry is very dear to m ost Native Americans, as

    many of them m ake a living by making and selling

    it. Yet when they heard an d saw what t he Bible said,

    the jewelry totally disappeared.

    Jesus changed m any lives du ring this sem inar.

    Several couples, after learnin g from t he Bible thatjust living together is not accepta ble to God , now

    plan to marry and then be baptized.

    One of the new members and h is wife, Donald and

    Gloria Ray, work for a p ropane comp any and have

    already begun to help the church get the best dis-

    counts possible on propan e gas. Several have made

    special comm itments regarding Sabbath, and the

    Lord h onored t heir faith. Although willing to pu t

    their jobs on the line, they did not lose their jobs.

    Praise the Lord!

    The congregations plan s for the futu re include

    puttin g up a new building that will accom mo dateSabbath-mor ning attendance, which mu ltiplied six

    times in just five weeks. The church will also contin-

    ue providing the nu m erous Bible studies that h ave

    been requested an d bap tize those who are still

    preparing for that importan t step in their lives, as

    soon as they are ready.

    Since no p astor was foun d to ta ke over for Pastor

    Simm ons as the crusade was comin g to a close, he

    and his wife were asked to consider staying on as the

    pastoral team of the Gallup d istrict. It was a struggle,

    but they decided to stay.

    Special thanks goes to the General Conference and

    the North American Division for allocating a port ion

    of the m ission offering to benefit the North

    Amer ican Division d irectly for Native Amer ican

    work. The cost of the evangelistic m eetings was cov-

    ered by those special appropriated fun ds. Gratitude

    also goes to Jim Stevens, president of the Texico

    Conference, for his vision of what God would do in

    Gallup if His people would do their part an d get


    Last but n ot least, says Pastor Simm ons, a specialthan ks goes to Amazing Facts for providing our

    world church with su ch qu ality evangelism.

    Dedicated church members gave Hogan Center a facelift before the meetings

    began by installing a new parking lot, landscaping the property, and making a

    myriad of improvements. Now Pastor Simmons says the building is too small to

    comfortably hold everyone who comes to worship there on Sabbath mornings.

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin

    12/1612THEINSI DER EPORT JULY 2000

    Some time later, a young man walked into his

    basem ent room, dropping his backpack on the floor

    and sh aking snow from h is long hair.Not in the

    m ood to stu dy, he got up and walked over to his CD

    collection. He fingered th rough CDs of the Rolling

    Stones, AC/DC, Van Halen, and others. But instead ofgrabbing some mu sic, he picked up a videotape

    called A New Re velat ion .

    Its be en aw hile, bu t I guess Ill watch Dads tap e,

    Michael said aloud. He listened as Dou g Batchelor

    talked about Jesus from th e book of Revelation.

    When the tape ended, the young man got down on

    his knees, and for the first time, Michael cried as he


    Later that evening, he heard people start to arrive

    upstairs. Amid the laughter and shouts he heard

    som eone yell down stairs, Hey Michael! Were star tin

    to par ty.Ya read y?

    Michaels shoes cr un ched in t he sn ow as he walked

    closer to t he Sabbathkeeping church in Fort Dodge.

    He entered the front door and took off his sun-

    glasses. Sitting alone in a pew near the back of the

    church, he pulled off his leather coat and listened

    intently to the serm on.

    Smiles, handshakes,an d questions welcomed him

    after the service. He explained to th e church mem -

    bers that for a couple of years he had b een watching

    some videos on Revelation by a guy nam ed Doug


    young man took off his slacks and pulled on

    his swimm ing trunks. For a moment he

    paused, then a crooked smile flashed acrosshis face as he glanced aroun d at his surrou nd ings.

    Pictures of Jesus hu ng on the walls.Voices were

    singing while the organ p layed in t he next room .

    Shaking his head slightly in disbelief,h e slipped the

    long blue robe over his head.

    A young pastor nam ed Jean Ross, who had b een

    hum ming along with the m usic, helped the young

    m an u p th e steps. A broad sm ile appeared on Jeans

    lips and was reflected in h is eyes.

    Well, Michael, are you ready? asked th e p astor.

    Michael lifted h is head an d looked at Jean. He

    return ed t he sm ile an d said,Yeah, Im ready. Thenboth m en stepped down into the warm water of the

    baptismal tank.

    Michaels father, Lowell Halfhill, worked a s a

    banker an d insuran ce agent in the sm all town of

    Mingo, Iowa. Years earlier h e had purchased a satel-

    lite dish for his family. One afterno on Lowell eased

    back into his favorite chair an d flipped through hun -

    dreds of TV channels.

    He had b een act ively

    involved in t he MingoMethodist church for m any

    years, so when he came

    across a channel with a

    preacher giving a sermon ,

    he stopped to listen. This

    preacher, whose name is

    Doug Batchelor, was

    conducting a series called

    A New Revelation . Lowell

    listened as Pastor Doug

    talked about th e visions of

    Revelation.After watchin g a few

    more programs in the

    series, Lowell showed them

    to his son, Michael.

    Skept ically, Michael

    watched a few of the shows.

    He was amazed. Never

    before had h e heard these

    teachings. For the first time

    in h is life, Michael began to

    have an interest in stu dying

    the Bible.



    Man in the MirrorA Young Deejay Is Transformed After Watching Videos

    When Michaels father, Lowell Halfhill, showed

    him Doug Batchelors programs, he responded

    first with skepticism, then with amazement. For

    the first time in his life, the young man became

    interested in reading the Bible for himself.

    Six years ago, Michael Halfhill was a rock n roll

    deejay who thought the best way to have a good

    time was by drinking and partying with his friends.Then one day, after watching an Amazing Facts

    videotape, he knelt in this basement apartment and

    poured out his heart to Jesus.

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin

    13/1613JULY 2000 THEINSI DER EPORT

    Batchelor.They sm iled knowingly. He said h e had

    just loo ked up th e addres s o f th e ch urch an d wan ted

    to check it out.

    An energetic lady asked for his n am e again.I work

    at the radio station h ere in town, he told her,and

    there my n am e is Michael Young. But m y real name

    is Mich ael Halfh ill.

    She said,Well, our pastor isnt here th is week, but

    youll have to come b ack and hear him . His nam e isJean Ross, and hes a gr eat sp eaker.

    Okay. Youll be seeing m ore of m e, he prom ised.

    A young couple sat close together on a couch. They

    stared out the window at the lush green grass. Clouds

    drifted by in th e blue sky. Long mom ents passed

    without either expressing a word.

    Finally, the youn g girl spoke. I just d ont kn ow

    about this, she told her fianc.

    I dont kn ow either, Michael answered.

    Everyth ings upside- down . I dont know how longIll have this job or even if I want to keep being a

    deejay. Going back to college seem s crazy, an d I never

    thought Id want to do this. I just feel that we should

    look into it. And m aybe, if were meant to, then Hell

    help us do it. Im n ot afraid of trying. Will you come

    with m e to Lincoln, so we can take a look at Union


    Jeanette looked at Michael. She rememb ered his

    recent proposal at the beach and his baptism just

    two months earlier.She remem bered how proud she

    had been of him an d thought about all the changes

    shed witnessed in him and in h erself.Again her eyesm et his, an d she n od ded ever so slightly.Okay. Lets

    go to Lincoln and see what happens.

    Michael stood looking at his reflection in a mirror.

    Today he was to p reach h is first serm on. He stared at

    the short hair, glasses, clean-shaven face, and dar k

    blue suit. He actually lookedlike a pastor.

    The image in his mind faded and was replaced by a

    different, yet familiar picture. It was the figure of a

    young man wearing rose-tinted sunglasses, torn blue

    jean sh or ts , an d a fa ded bla ck ro ck nr oll T-shir t.Long hair fell down past his shoulders. The pride in

    the eyes, the cynical smile, and t he ambitious face

    looked all-too-familiar.

    Again the image in the m irror changed and was

    replaced with anoth er scene. It was a hou se filled

    with college students. The stud ents were laughing

    and dan cing. Some sm oked m arijuana and m ost

    drank. Then he saw the longhaired m an with tears

    streaking down his cheeks in a downstairs room. The

    man in the m irror held on to some pipes hanging

    from the ceiling in the room to keep from falling. He

    was too drunk and stoned to stand. Friends of the

    man in the mirror asked what was wrong, but he just

    shook his head, un able to explain.

    The vision in the mirror end ed in a flash. Once

    again Michael saw the reflection of a young m an in a

    suit. A youn g woman walked into the room , straight-

    ening her skirt. She smiled at her husban d and said,

    Well, Michael, are you ready to give your serm on?

    He remem bered all he had b een through. He

    thought ab out the years he spent on this long andhard road : the par ties of college, the life as a rock n

    roll deejay, an d falling in love. He realized th at

    through it all, Jesus loved him and had always been

    there to help him. Looking up at Jeanette, his

    crooked sm ile instantly appeared.

    Yeah , Im ready.


    Tod ay Michael Halfhill is studyin g theology atUnion College so he can be a Sabbat hkeepin g pastor.

    I am n ot telling this story to glorify any of the

    things I h ave done in the past, he says.Rather, I tell

    it in hopes th at others will learn from what I did an d

    see how Jesus worked in m y life. God can speak to us

    in m any ways. He reached m e through a videotape, a

    caring pastor, and m any other people. Had my dad

    not ord ered those videotapes by Doug Batchelor, I do

    not kn ow where I would be today. If God can do all

    this for someone like m e, then He can save anyone

    who asks Him . All you have to say is,Yeah, Im


    A young nurse named Jeanette watched with amazement as dramatic changes

    took place in her fianc. Just weeks after his baptism, Michael asked her to be

    his wife and to accompany him to Nebraska so he could go back to school and

    become a pastor. They were married in October of 1999, and two months later

    Jeanette responded to the Lords hand in her own life by getting baptized.

    Photos courtesy of Michael Halfhill

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


    John Bradshaw

    July 2 2 - Aug us t 6Scranton Church

    1407 Wyomin g Avenue

    Scranton , Pennsylvania

    Jaime JorgeJuly 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sky Do m e

    General Conference Session

    1 Blue Jays W.Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    You are invited to m eet the mem bers of our Am azing Facts team at any on e of the following locations.T his schedule is

    subject to change without n otice, so please call Am azin g Facts to confirm appointm ents or get m ore inform ation.


    Dennis PriebeJuly 7-8

    Bristol Church

    571 Highway 26

    Bristol, Tenn essee

    July 15-29

    South Brooklyn Church

    1313-17 Bedford Avenue

    Brook lyn, New York

    July 29Linthicum Heights & Brooklyn Churches

    901 Andover Road

    Baltimore, Maryland

    Doug BatchelorJun e 2 5 - July 8

    General Conference Session

    Amazing Facts booth #513, level 800

    Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building

    255 Front Street W.

    Toronto, Ontario, Canad a

    Lowell Hargreaves

    July 12-16Cowboy Camp Meeting

    Rocky Mountain Conference

    in Uncom pah gre Forest below Silver Jack Reservoir

    Cimar ron, Colorado

    July 2 9 - Augus t 27

    Clarksville Church

    782 N. 2nd Street

    Clarksville, Tenn essee

    Ray HouseJuly 2 2 - Augus t 26

    Hilo Church

    162 Kapiolani Street

    Big Island, Hawaii

    Meet Amazing FactsMeet Amazing Facts

















    Rich CavanessJuly 2 8 - Augus t 26

    Couderspor t Church

    1004 S. Main Street

    Couderspor t, Penn sylvania

    Steve DeLongJuly 29-August 28

    Hereford Church

    711 W. Park Avenue

    Hereford, Texas

    Paul Saint-VillersJuly 3 at 12:35 p.m. in Joh n Bas sette The atre

    July 8 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sky Do m e

    General Conference Session

    1 Blue Jays W.

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Jack PefleyJuly 2 8 - Augus t 25

    Cedar City Church

    1840 W. Hardin g Avenue

    Cedar City, Utah

  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


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    In Loving Memory

    Arlene Andersen by Harriet R.Bos

    Mary Aylsworth by M. Juel Holland

    Daren Booth by Richard Booth, his brother

    Roy Bowes by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    Bet ty A.Casey by William Opincar

    Derwood Chappel l by Jean Chapp ell,h is wifeJohn Christ ian by Patricia Reynolds

    Toni Roach Cole by Don & Cuppy Callaghan an d fam ily; by Dave &

    Jerilyn Henry; by Carol J. Reynolds

    Joe Crews by Gwendolyn M. Knight

    Mr.& Mrs.Cring by Harold & Barbara Ihrig

    Ida May Davis by Hugh & Margaret Campbell

    Richard Burton Davis by Reba Hargrove

    Marjorie E.Dickinson by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    C.O.Dockery by Mildred Docker y, his wife

    Barbara Ann Drury by June Schmidt, her mother ; by Gail,her sister;

    by Michael Schmidt, her brother

    Harvey Eifert by Dorothy Robinson, his sister; by Charlene Rogers,

    his n iece

    Edward H.Flower by M. Florence Flower, his wife

    Pastor Sylvester Francisco by Margie Fran cisco, his wifeLecil Fullbright by Maryetta J. Fullbright, his sister-in-law

    McVernon Fullbright by Maryetta J.Fullbright,his wife

    Catherine Gab by Esther R. Henderson, her sister

    Kristie Gettys by Ruby Darn ell; by Norwood & Leda Smith

    Virginia Gerne by Justin e M. Slack

    Marjorie C.Gilbert by Virginia Gladden

    John N. Grosbol l by Ann M. Borris, his sister

    David E.Haines by Ollie Haines, his wife

    Pastor Alex R. Hal l by Alyce Hall,h is wife

    Warren Halversen by Evelyn S. Halversen, his wife

    Lisa Lung u Heldenbrand by Mr. & Mrs.John Lungu, her parents

    Josep h Herzberg by Mrs.Thelma Herzberg, his wife; by Mr. & Mrs.

    Michael Fechik,h is children; by Kathy J. Woodhall, his daughter

    Judith L. Prelog Herzel by Ann Simpson Kerr

    Julius Hiles by Jewel Cook, his sisterMr.& Mrs.Ted Hoffma n by Mr.& Mrs. Steve Dickie

    Verna John son by Francis Johnson, her husband

    Benton Johnson by Mr.& Mrs. Steve Dickie

    Vryl Hayford by Patricia L. Jones

    Adolf Kiehlbauch by Clara R. Kiehlbauch

    Glenn E.Kingery by Nellie Kingery; by Cynthia Kinger y & Sandy

    Fulton, his daughters

    Pastor Heinz Kowash by Corinne King

    Robert Laue by Frances Brashears

    Lowell Linten by Lola Genton

    Elsa Lonergan by Ann Simpson Kerr

    Alan Dean Long by Pauline B. Long,his m other

    Hazel Long by Pat & Darr yl Bivens, her n iece and nephew

    Pastor J. Murray Long by Pauline B. Long,h is wife

    Edwin B.Low by Vyvyan M. Low, his wifeMedford Lynd by Mr.& Mrs. Homer R. Lynd

    Ida Belle Malone by Reba Hargrove,her granddaughter

    Fredericka Maples by J.Wayne Maples

    Hugh A. Marlin by Helen Marlin, his wife; by Ronald & Vergie

    Marlin, his son & daughter-in-law

    Priscilla Maurice by Aurile Maurice,her husband

    William R. May by Kent & Dee Dickinson; by Alma May, his m other

    Mr.& Mrs.Jacob Meyer by Paul Krall

    Mary Ethel Meyer by Paul Krall

    John G.McConnell by Mr.& Mrs. Charles McConnell

    Dr.Anetta Truman McGuffin by Violet Brayshaw, her s ister

    Verda McLai n by Edna Drur y, her cousin

    Fred McReyno lds by Esther Lorenz

    A.J.Minor by Margaret E. Minor,h is wife

    Esther & Clarence Mo ore by Stanley H. Reesman


    Jay Mo rteson by Ruth Morteson, his wife

    Gus & Julia Nich ols by the Baxley SDA Church; by G.L. & Mary

    Goodwin; by Joe & Carol McKenn ey; by Mac & Lillian McKinney; by

    Marge Merchant; by Tom & Helen Nichols; by H.L.& Mildred Tucker

    Pastor Earnest Oliver by Dorothy J.Oliver, his wife

    Carolyn Palmer by Ann Simpson Kerr

    Leonard Palmer by Z. Evalena PembertonVictor Penne r by Shirley Cavin Johnson

    Ralph M. Pitcher by Mary Pitcher,h is wife

    Frank R.Pollack by Mary T.Pollack, his sister

    Paul ine H. Pol lack by Mary T.Pollack, her sister

    Ruth Portney by Mr.& Mrs. Steve Dickie

    Woodrow Portney by Mr.& Mrs. Steve Dickie

    Zora Belle Prelog by Ann Simpson Kerr

    Dennis L.Ras by Mr. & Mrs. George Ras,his parents

    Sam Renk by Helen Renk, his wife;by his children

    Grace Reus s by Barbara Qualley, her d aughter

    H.M.S.Richards,Sr. by Ann Simpson Kerr

    H.M.S.Richards,Jr. by Ann Simpson Kerr

    Todd Rimer by Fred & Joyce Rimer, his paren ts

    Emil Roesler by Esther Henderson, his sister

    Lurene Rope r by Winnell Hoatson, her sisterDale Sanjenko by Alyce Hall, his aun t

    Wilma Schaeffer by Russell Schaeffer,her husband

    Claude Burton Shook by Reba Hargrove

    Sam & Leah Smick by Barbara Stewart, their daughter

    Stan, Clifford & Duan e Smick by Barbara Stewart, their sister

    Dr. & Mrs.Ronald Spaulding by Paul & Pearl Genstler

    Leslie W. Steinbarger by Eva Steinba rger, his wife

    Bob Stewart by Barbara Stewart, his wife

    Dr. Frederic Strahle by Dr. & Mrs.John Strahle,h is son & daughter-


    Allan Stuart by Amy Stuart, his wife

    M.E.Betty Swartz by Ann Simpson Kerr

    Jeff Tachenko by Matt & Olga Tachenko

    Joe Tache nko by Matt & Olga Tachenko

    Paul Tachenko by Matt & Olga Tachenko, his paren tsRoy Tattrie by Jenn ie Tattr ie, his wife

    Samuel Thornton,Jr. by Samuel & Donna Thornton , his parents

    Erma Todd by Virginia S.Sevey

    Alta Troutma n by Pastor Francis Ruddle

    E.E.Virgin by Miriam B.Virgin,h is wife

    Harley Vixie by Barb ara Vories; by Patricia Reynolds

    Eldon L.Vories by Barbara Vories, his wife

    A.E.Wells by Edith Wells, his wife

    Berna J.Wh ite by Mrs. Melvin Judkins

    Pastor Tom Willey by Mar y Willey, his wife

    John Wood hall by Kathy J.Woodhall, his wife

    Jesse Woo ten by the Wooten Family

    Redith Wright by Mr.& Mrs.Arthu r L.Chaput

    Ha ppy BirthdayCharles & Marissa McConn ell

    Esther R.Inm an (99 th )

    Ruth Keller (85 th ) by Dorraine Scherm erhorn, her sister

    For Engagement

    Byron Corbett to Constance Strahle by Dr.& Mrs. John Strahle, her


    For a Speedy Recovery

    Evelyn Ingrah am by Cindy & Ken Lawson; by Betty & Ray Crawford

    Lynd a Pendleton by Cindy & Ken Lawson; by Betty & Ray Crawford

    Debbie Pipkin by Cindy & Ken Lawson; by Betty & Ray Crawford


    Jody Stim pel by Virginia S.Sevey


  • 7/31/2019 4. Free From Sin


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