3900 series wcdma nodeb v200r012c00spc300 release notes

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  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    HUAWEI 3900 Series WCDMA NodeBV200R012C00SPC300

    Release Notes

    Issue 01

    Date 2010-11-1


  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    Copyright Huawei Teh!o"ogies Co., Lt#. $%&%. A"" rights reser'e#.

    No !art o" t#is do$%&e't &a( )e re!rod%$ed or tra's&itted i' a'( "or& or )( a'( &ea's *it#o%t !rior

    *ritte' $o'se't o" H%a*ei +e$#'olo,ies Co. /td

    Tra#e(ar)s a!# *er(issio!s

    a'd ot#er H%a*ei trade&ars are t#e !ro!ert( o" H%a*ei +e$#'olo,ies Co. /td

    All ot#er trade&ars a'd trade 'a&es &e'tio'ed i' t#is do$%&e't are t#e !ro!ert( o" t#eir res!e$tie



    +#e !%r$#ased !rod%$ts. seri$es a'd "eat%res are sti!%lated )( t#e $o'tra$t &ade )et*ee' H%a*ei a'd

    t#e $%sto&er All or !art o" t#e !rod%$ts. seri$es a'd "eat%res des$ri)ed i' t#is do$%&e't &a( 'ot )e

    *it#i' t#e !%r$#ase s$o!e or t#e %sa,e s$o!e U'less ot#er*ise s!e$i"ied i' t#e $o'tra$t. all state&e'ts.

    i'"or&atio'. a'd re$o&&e'datio's i' t#is do$%&e't are !roided AS IS *it#o%t *arra'ties. ,%ara'teesor re!rese'tatio's o" a'( i'd. eit#er e!ress or i&!lied

    +#e i'"or&atio' i' t#is do$%&e't is s%)4e$t to $#a',e *it#o%t 'oti$e Eer( e""ort #as )ee' &ade i' t#e

    !re!aratio' o" t#is do$%&e't to e's%re a$$%ra$( o" t#e $o'te'ts. )%t all state&e'ts. i'"or&atio'. a'd

    re$o&&e'datio's i' t#is do$%&e't do 'ot $o'stit%te t#e *arra't( o" a'( i'd. e!ress or i&!lied

    H%a*ei +e$#'olo,ies Co. /td

    Address5 H%a*ei I'd%strial Base

    Ba'tia'. /o',,a',

    S#e'6#e' 17129

    Peo!le8s Re!%)li$ o" C#i'a

    We)site5 #tt!5***#%a*ei$o&

    E&ail5 s%!!ort:#%a*ei$o&

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

    http://www.huawei.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.huawei.com/mailto:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    HUAWEI !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes Aout *+is #o,uent

    About This Document


    Prepared by .+an/ on/in/ Date 2010-11-0!

    Reviewed by .en/ .+i+ui 3in .+i C+en 4iaoyu 4u Hui *an/"+u/uan/ an/ $ei "+i #aiui Date 2010-11-11

    Tested by C+en 4iaoyu Date 2010-11-1

    Approved by *an/ "+u/uan/ Date 2010-11-15


    Chapter Description

    1'ersion $appin/ Pro6ides t+e 6ersions of t+e produ,ts and software for t+is


    2'ersion Copatiility #es,ries t+e ,opatiility wit+ earlier produ,t 6ersions7

    'ersion C+an/es #es,ries t+e ,+an/es in features ,oands paraetersalars ,ounters and li,enses7

    8Pre,autions #es,ries t+e pre,autions for t+is release7

    5elated #o,uents #es,ries +ow to otain related do,uents7

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes Contents


    1 Version Mapping1

    171 Produ,t 'ersion777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771

    172 "oftware 'ersions777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 71

    17 elated Produ,t 'ersions777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777772

    ! Version Compatibi"ity1

    271 Copatiility wit+ Earlier Produ,t 'ersions777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771

    # Version Changes1

    71 C+an/es fro '200012C00"PC250 to '200012C00"PC0077777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777771

    7171 9eature C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77771

    7172 $$: Coand and Paraeter C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 777771

    717 Alar C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771

    7178 Perforan,e Counter C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777771

    7175 :i,ense C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7172 C+an/es fro '200012C00"PC20 to '200012C00"PC25077777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777772

    7271 9eature C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77772

    7272 $$: Coand and Paraeter C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 777772

    727 Alar C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777772

    7278 Perforan,e Counter C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777772

    7275 :i,ense C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 72

    7 C+an/es fro '200012C00"PC220 to '200012C00"PC2077777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777772

    771 9eature C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77772

    772 $$: Coand and Paraeter C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 7777777 Alar C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

    778 Perforan,e Counter C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777

    775 :i,ense C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7

    78 C+an/es fro '200012C00"PC20; to '200012C00"PC22077777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777

    7871 9eature C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 7777

    7872 $$: Coand and Paraeter C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77777

    787 Alar C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

    7878 Perforan,e Counter C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777

    7875 :i,ense C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7

    75 C+an/es fro '200012C00"PC200 to '200012C00"PC20;77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777778

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6ii

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes



    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    7571 9eature C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77778

    7572 $$: Coand and Paraeter C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 777778

    757 Alar C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777778

    7578 Perforan,e Counter C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777778

    7575 :i,ense C+an/es77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 78

    7; C+an/es fro '200012C00"PC110 to '200012C00"PC20077777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777775

    7;71 9eature C+an/es7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77775

    7;72 $$: Coand and Paraeter C+an/es777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777 77777 17

    #1# A"arm Changes


    #1$ Per(ormance Counter Changes


    #1% -icense Changes


    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    #! Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++'PC!#+ to


    #!1 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures


    Modi(ied ,eatures


    De"eted ,eatures


    #!! MM- Command and Parameter Changes


    #!# A"arm Changes


    #!$ Per(ormance Counter Changes


    #!% -icense Changes


    ## Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++'PC!!+ to


    ##1 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures


    Modi(ied ,eatures


    De"eted ,eatures


    2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    ##! MM- Command and Parameter Changes


    ### A"arm Changes%one

    ##$ Per(ormance Counter Changes


    ##% -icense Changes


    #$ Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++'PC!+. to


    #$1 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures


    Modi(ied ,eatures%one

    De"eted ,eatures


    #$! MM- Command and Parameter Changes


    #$# A"arm Changes%one

    #$$ Per(ormance Counter Changes


    #$% -icense Changes


    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    #% Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++'PC!++ to


    #%1 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures


    Modi(ied ,eatures


    De"eted ,eatures


    #%! MM- Command and Parameter Changes


    #%# A"arm Changes


    #%$ Per(ormance Counter Changes


    #%% -icense Changes


    8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    #. Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++'PC11+ to


    #.1 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures

    1 /'M and 0MT' Dynamic Power 'haring

    Description *+is feature enales power to e s+ared etween t+e @"$ *4 and t+e

    U$*" *4 to ipro6e t+e utiliation of power resour,es7

    mprovement *+is feature ipro6es t+e networ perforan,e and PA power


    As ore power resour,es ,an e used for data ser6i,es t+e a6era/e

    t+rou/+put and ed/e t+rou/+put of U$*" ,ells are in,reased7 *+esiulation test result in t+e la su//ests t+at t+e a6era/e ,ell t+rou/+put

    is in,reased y 10B7

    mp"ementation *+e a6era/e output power of a @"$ *4 is lower t+an t+e a>iu

    output power due to power ,ontrol dis,ontinuous transission (#*4)

    and /rade of ser6i,e (@o")7 &y usin/ t+e ulti-*4 te,+nolo/y and"# te,+nolo/y t+e U$*" *4 ,an s+are t+e @"$ *4 power under

    t+e sae PA7 *+is fun,tion in,reases t+e utiliation of t+e PA and t+e

    H"PA ser6i,e rate of t+e U$*" ,ell7

    In t+e ,ase of a @"$ ser6i,e urst t+e @"$ *4 power s+ared y t+eU$*" *4 ,an e re,laied in t+e s+arin/ period7




    PR &umber -$$-$D*-17080;

    ,eature D $9#-211

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    ! ,au"t management enhancement2a"arm (i"ter a""owed

    Description *+is feature en+an,es t+e fault ana/eent fun,tion7 An alar is

    reported only on,e durin/ a period of tie instead of reportedrepeatedly7 In t+is way t+e nuer of reported alars is redu,ed7

    mprovement *+is feature si/nifi,antly redu,es t+e nuer of redundant alars and

    t+erefore pre6ents t+e unne,essary wor on su,+ alars y aintenan,e

    personnel7 In a word t+e PE4 is redu,ed7

    mp"ementation An alar is reported w+en t+e a,,uulated alar persisten,e duration

    in t+e RT3paraeter (Alar aise *ie Window) rea,+es t+e 6alueof t+e RT4 paraeter (Alar aise *ie *+res+old) an alar is

    ,leared w+en t+e a,,uulated alar persisten,e duration in t+e CT3paraeter (Alar Cease *ie Window) is saller t+an t+e 6alue of t+e

    CT4paraeter (Alar Cease *ie *+res+old)7



    un t+e '*T A-M,-T*R ,oand to set t+e alar filter paraeter7

    PR &umber C$$F "E#;

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    Modi(ied ,eatures

    # !5! MMO

    Description +#e !ri&ar( a'd se$o'dar( !ilot 'et*ori', &odes o" t#e

    MIM; $ell are s%!!orted si'$e t#is ersio'

    mp"ementation I' t#e !ri&ar( a'd se$o'dar( !ilot 'et*or. t#e se$o'dar( !ilot

    d('a&i$ s*it$# is i&!le&e'ted to red%$e t#e i'ter"ere'$e o" t#e

    se$o'dar( !ilot o' t#e R99 a'd HSDPA seri$es I' t#is *a(. t#e +?o" t#e se$o'dar( !ilot is a%to&ati$all( disa)led *#e' t#ere are 'o

    MIM; %sers i' t#e $ell a'd a%to&ati$all( e'a)led *#e' t#ere are

    MIM; %sers i' t#e $ell

    +#e &ai' a'd diersit( si,'als o%t!%t )( t#e )ase)a'd are &a!!ed

    to t#e t*o PAs res!e$tiel( )( %si', t#e irt%al ort#o,o'al &atri

    s*it$# &ode I' t#is *a(. ea$# PA #as t#e &ai' a'd diersit(

    si,'als. t#%s a$#iei', )ala'$e i' o%t!%t !o*er o" t#e t*o PAs I'

    additio'. a' al!#a &%lti!l(i', "a$tor is i'trod%$ed to t#e )ase)a'd

    diersit( o%t!%t +#e al!#a "a$tor $a' )e ti&el( ad4%sted a$$ordi', to

    t#e lie-'et*or %ser distri)%tio' +#ere"ore. t#e i'ter"ere'$e o"

    MIM; %sers o' HSDPA %sers $a' )e red%$ed




    PR &umber -%&-$D*-01710 17

    #.# A"arm Changes

    9or details on alar ,+an/es see Appendi> 27

    #.$ Per(ormance Counter Changes

    9or details on perforan,e ,ounter ,+an/es see Appendi> 7

    #.% -icense Changes%one

    < Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    #7 Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++'PC1++ to


    #71 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures

    1 &ew baseband board 366Pd#

    Description A new aseand oard W&&Pd is introdu,ed7 *+e W&&Pd supports

    t+e sae features as t+e W&&Pd2 ut +as a different ,apa,ity

    spe,ifi,ation fro t+e W&&Pd27 ne W&&Pd supports 25; CEs in t+euplin 25; CEs in t+e downlin and si> ,ells7

    mprovement *+e ,apa,ity ,onfi/uration of t+e %ode& e,oes ore fle>ile7

    mp"ementation A new +ardware type of aseand oard is added7



    All +ardware installation and $ operations related to t+e W&&Pd are

    appli,ale to t+e W&&Pd7

    PR &umber C$$F "E#;

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    #8 Changes (rom V!++R+1!C++ to V!++R+1!C++'PC1++

    #81 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures


    De"eted ,eatures


    #8! MM- Command and Parameter Changes

    9or details on $$: ,oand and paraeter ,+an/es see Appendi> 17

    #8# A"arm Changes

    9or details on alar ,+an/es see Appendi> 27

    #8$ Per(ormance Counter Changes

    9or details on perforan,e ,ounter ,+an/es see Appendi> 7

    #8% -icense Changes

    9or details on li,ense ,+an/es see Appendi> 87

    10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    #9 Changes (rom V!++R+11C++'PC11+ to V!++R+1!C++

    #91 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures

    1 'ing"e P address (or the &ode6

    Description *+e IP addresses of t+e %ode& ,onsist of t+e ,ontrol plane IP address

    user plane IP address and %ode& $ IP address7 Currently typi,al

    appli,ation is t+at t+e ,ontrol plane IP address and user plane IP addressare ,onfi/ured to use t+e sae port IP address7 *+e $ IP address and

    user plane IP address s+ould e assi/ned wit+ two different IP addresses

    elon/in/ to different IP sunets7 *+erefore operators need to plan two

    sets of IP addresses and routin/ rules durin/ networ deployent7 Wit+t+e introdu,tion of sin/le IP address for t+e %ode& t+e traffi, ,+annel

    and $ ,+annel are enaled to s+are one IP address7

    mprovement Wit+ t+e introdu,tion of sin/le IP address for t+e %ode& t+e traffi,

    ,+annel and $ ,+annel are enaled to s+are one IP address7 In t+is

    way ore IP address resour,es are sa6ed and IP route ,onfi/uration issiplified w+en IP transport is adopted7

    mp"ementation W+en a &*"!00G&*"!00AG#&"!00 is ,onfi/ured wit+ one W$P*

    and t+e W$P* pro6ides one or ore IP ports t+e $ IP address ,an

    e t+e sae as one of t+e port IP addresses7 W+en usin/ redundan,y

    ,onfi/uration for $ ,+annels t+e two $ IP addresses ,an e t+esae as t+ose of t+e two ports pro6ided y t+e W$P*7

    W+en a &*"!00G&*"!00AG#&"!00 is ,onfi/ured wit+ one W$P*and ultiple U*Ps and t+e W$P* or U*P pro6ides one or ore IP

    ports t+e $ IP address of t+e %ode& ,an e t+e sae as one of t+e

    port IP addresses7 W+en usin/ redundan,y ,onfi/uration for $,+annels t+e two $ IP addresses ,an e t+e sae as t+ose of t+e two

    IP ports pro6ided y t+e W$P*7 *+e two $ IP addresses are not

    allowed to e t+e sae as t+ose of two IP ports pro6ided y t+e U*P7

    A &*"!00G&*"!00AG#&"!00 is ,onfi/ured wit+ ultiple ports(E1G*1GEt+ernet) and t+e ports ,an e ,oined as one IP interfa,e

    t+rou/+ Et+ernet *run and $:PPP7 If t+e IP port is lo,ated on t+e

    W$P* t+e $ IP address ,an e t+e sae as t+at of t+e ,oined IP




    *+e ADD D*VP ,oand is used to ,onfi/ure t+e sae IP addressfor t+e ser6i,e ,+annel and $ ,+annel7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170221

    ,unction D W9#-021808

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    ! Management and monitoring o( the so"ar e:uipment

    Description *+e solar power syste supplies t+e power produ,ed y solar array to

    t+e load7 *+e surplus power is stored in t+e atteries7 *+e solar powersyste runs under t+e ,ontrol of t+e solar ,ontroller7

    mprovement *+is feature ipro6es t+e operaility and aintainaility of t+e %ode&

    and solar euipent w+i,+ enales a u,+ /reener %ode&7

    mp"ementation *+e solar ,ontroller lie t+e traditional power onitorin/ de6i,e is

    ana/ed as t+e P$U7 *+e ,onfi/uration aintenan,e and status

    onitorin/ of t+e solar ,ontroller are perfored t+rou/+ t+e 8

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    # 4'0PA 0p"in) nter(erence Cance""ation

    Description H"UPA U: Interferen,e Can,ellation (IC) is perfored to ,an,el t+e

    interferen,e ,aused y t+e U: +i/+ rate E#P#CH data to ipro6e t+edeodulation si/nal-to-noise ratio ("%) and t+us to in,rease t+e U:

    syste ,apa,ity of t+e networ7

    mprovement *+e introdu,tion of t+e IC te,+nolo/y si/nifi,antly ipro6es t+e U:

    ,apa,ity of t+e U$*"7 In ,ertain s,enarios t+e /ain of t+e IC

    te,+nolo/y is si/nifi,ant7 9or e>aple if t+e syste needs to support asall nuer of H"UPA users wit+ +i/+ t+rou/+put and a lar/e nuer

    of H"UPA users wit+ low t+rou/+put t+e IC is reuired to ,an,el t+e

    uplin interferen,e rou/+t y H"UPA users wit+ +i/+ t+rou/+put7Wit+out t+e IC te,+nolo/y t+e +i/+ U: interferen,e ay e /enerated

    fro t+e +i/+ speed H"UPA users7 In su,+ a ,ase if t+e rate of t+e

    ori/inal +i/+ rate H"UPA users ust e /uaranteed t+e nuer of low

    speed users for e>aple 'oIP users ust e liited7 t+erwise t+e

    ori/inal +i/+ speed H"UPA users ay e affe,ted t+e speed of ser6i,esay de,rease to t+e iniu7

    mp"ementation *+e IC te,+nolo/y supports different ,ate/ories of H"UPA users

    in,ludin/ UEs of ,ate/ories 1 to =7 *+e prin,iple of t+e IC te,+nolo/y is

    t+at t+e re,ei6er of t+e %ode& deodulates t+e H"UPA data on t+e U:E#P#CH and re,onstru,ts t+e aseand data ased on t+e deodulated

    data and re,ei6ed aseand data7 *+e %ode& t+en deodulates t+e

    re,onstru,ted aseand data7 9or t+e re,onstru,ted aseand data t+einterferen,e fro t+e re,onstru,ted E#P#CH data is eliinated and t+e

    ,olored noise in t+e ,ell ,aused y t+e self-interferen,e feature of t+e

    U$*" is redu,ed7 *+erefore t+e "% of t+e re,onstru,ted data is




    Use t+e MOD -OC*-- ,oand to set a lo,al ,ell to support t+e ICfun,tion7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170205

    ,unction D W9#-010;!1

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    $ 4'0PA 0p"in) ,re:uency Domain 6a"ancing

    Description Wit+ t+e H"UPA uplin freuen,y doain alan,in/ feature t+e

    %ode& uplin re,ei6er alan,es t+e spe,tru in t+e freuen,y doainof t+e H"UPA E-#P#CH and redu,es t+e inter-pat+ interferen,e of t+e

    E-#P#CH7 In t+is way t+e

    mprovement *+e uplin inter-pat+ interferen,e of H"UPA users is redu,ed t+us

    +elpin/ to en+an,e a +i/+er pea data rate for H"UPA users7

    mp"ementation *+e %ode& uplin re,ei6er alan,es t+e spe,tru in t+e freuen,y

    doain of t+e H"UPA E-#P#CH and redu,es t+e inter-pat+interferen,e of t+e E-#P#CH7



    Use t+e MOD -OC*-- ,oand to set a lo,al ,ell to support t+e

    freuen,y doain alan,in/ fun,tion7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017020;

    ,unction D W9#-010;!2

    1 Down"in) .$;AM and MMO

    Description *+e $I$ and ;8A$ are introdu,ed in @PP =7 *+ese two features,an e used separately7 A sin/le user +owe6er is not allowed to use

    t+ese two features at t+e sae tie7 In @PP

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    ! 0p"in) 1.;AM

    Description *+e UE ,ate/ory = is introdu,ed in @PP =7 *+e UE of t+is ,ate/ory

    supports 1;A$ and rea,+es 1175 $itGs in t+e uplin7

    mprovement *+e uplin syste ,apa,ity of t+e H"UPA networ is ipro6ed andH"UPA users (UE ,ate/ory =) rea,+ +i/+er pea data rate7

    mp"ementation *+e pro,essin/ of t+e E-#CH usin/ 1;A$ at t+e p+ysi,al layer issupported and s,+edulin/ of UE ,ate/ory = is supported7

    There is no termina" (or commercia" use at present The OT and

    other re"ated tests are not conducted This (eature is optimized in

    "ater versions



    Use t+e MOD -OC*-- ,oand to set a lo,al ,ell to support t+e

    uplin 1;A$ fun,tion7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017020perien,e7

    A,,ordin/ to siulation results sin/le user t+rou/+put +as eens+ow to in,rease y 15B-;0B7

    In a s,enario w+ere t+e ,ell uplin power load is liited in,reasin/

    t+e retransission nuer ,an ipro6e ,ell t+rou/+put and ,ell

    uplin ,apa,ity7 "iulation results +a6e s+own an in,rease of 5Bin ,ell t+rou/+put under ulti-user s,enarios7

    mp"ementation *+is feature is only effe,ti6e in &E traffi,7 If a user only +as &E

    traffi, (wit+ t+e e>,eption of "&) on E-#CH t+en dynai,adJustent of t+e tar/et retransission nuer is allowed7 AdJustin/

    t+e users tar/et retransission nuer to a relati6ely saller 6alue is

    peritted w+en t+e uplin power of all t+e ,ells elon/in/ to t+eser6in/ :" is saller t+an a ,ertain t+res+old and t+e UE uplin

    power is not liited andGor uplin CEs are liited7 W+en t+e uplin

    power of any ,ell elon/in/ to t+e ser6in/ :" e>perien,es,on/estion or UEKs uplin power is liited t+en settin/ t+e users

    tar/et retransission nuer to a relati6ely +i/+er 6alue is peritted

    as lon/ as t+e uplin CE resour,es are suffi,ient7



    *+is fun,tion ,an e enaled or disaled y '*T

    ADPR*TRA&''3TC4 and uery t+e swit,+ status y -'T


    PR &umber C-P#-15;

    ,unction D W9#-010;81

    8 &ew baseband card 366Pd is supported

    Description *+e new aseand ,ard W&&Pd is supported7

    mprovement *+is new ,ard ,an support A%12 new featuresF Uplin 1;A$

    interferen,e ,an,ellation (IC) and freuen,y doain euiliriu(9#E)7

    mp"ementation *+ere are two types W&&Pd W&&Pd1 wit+ 1!2 CE and W&&Pd2wit+

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    Modi(ied ,eatures

    1 Comp"iance with the #/PP R8 protoco"

    Description *+e @PP proto,ol is up/raded to t+e < proto,ol released in $ar,+


    mprovement %one

    mp"ementation *+e @PP < proto,ol released in $ar,+ 200! is supported7




    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017001

    ,unction D W9#-010101

    9 &ode6 so(tware management

    Description *+e $ ,+annel ,arries +i/+-priority ser6i,es su,+ as $$: ,oandoperations and transission of ,lo, syn,+roniation essa/es as well

    as low-priority ser6i,es su,+ as file uploadin/ and downloadin/ of

    a,/round ser6i,es7 *+e $ essa/es of different priorities identify

    different #"CP 6alues and ':A% C" priorities7 *+is a6oids low-priority ser6i,es o,,upyin/ lar/e ser6i,e andwidt+ and ipa,t on t+e

    +i/+-priority $ essa/es and ser6i,es and ensures priority /uarantee

    in end-to-end transission7

    mprovement *+e $ essa/es are differentiated y priorities7 *+at is essa/es ofdifferent priorities identify different #"CP 6alues and ':A% C"priorities7 *+is ensures priority /uarantee in end-to-end transission in

    :2 Et+ernet or : IP route networin/7

    mp"ementation *+e $ essa/es of different priorities are ,onfi/ured wit+ t+e

    ,orrespondin/ #"CP and ':A% C" fields7 *+is ensures t+at $

    essa/es of +i/+ priority tae t+e pre,eden,e in transission7 Inaddition in t+e ,ase of liited andwidt+ $ essa/es of low priority

    do not affe,t t+e pro6ision of essa/es and ser6i,es of +i/+ priority7



    *+e '*T D,PR,oand is used to set t+e ,orrespondin/ #"CP

    6alues for t+e $ essa/es of different priorities7

    *+e '*T V-A&C-A'' ,oand is used to set t+e ,orrespondin/

    ':A% C" 6alues for t+e $ essa/es of different priorities7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170220

    ,unction D W9#-00=02

    20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    1+ nte""igent shutdown

    Description If t+e ains for t+e %ode& wit+ t+e power a,up syste fails

    intelli/ent s+utdown of t+e ,ell 9 odule and %ode& ,an e enaled7*+e intelli/ent s+utdown is ipleented t+rou/+ powerin/ off t+e ,ell

    9 odule and t+e entire %ode& le6el y le6el7 Users ,an set different

    #C 6olta/e t+res+olds and %ode& and ,ell s+utdown priorities7 *+eintelli/ent s+utdown of t+e %ode& and 9 odule is supported fro

    A%5707 *+e intelli/ent s+utdown of ,ells is a6ailale fro t+is


    mprovement *+e intelli/ent s+utdown fun,tion sa6es t+e in6estent for attery

    a,up syste and eets ,ustoersK reuireents for ener/y sa6in/and power ,onsuption7 *+e fun,tion is parti,ularly enefi,ial to t+e

    %ode& w+i,+ is a transission ,enter node7 In t+is ,ase separate power

    a,up systes for t+e %ode& and transission euipent are not

    reuired7 :on/er duration of power supply is ipleented t+rou/+

    settin/ different s+utdown t+res+olds7

    mp"ementation *+e %ode& supports settin/ priorities for s+uttin/ down ,ells7 *+e ,ells

    are s+ut down in turn a,,ordin/ to t+eir priorities t+us e>tendin/ power

    supply duration7 After t+e ains power of t+e %ode& is s+ut down

    atteries start supplyin/ power7 W+en t+e attery 6olta/e de,reases to a,ertain t+res+old t+e %ode& enales t+e intelli/ent s+utdown of ,ells to

    s+ut down t+e *4 of non-reser6ed ,ells7 If t+e attery 6olta/e eeps

    de,reasin/ to anot+er t+res+old t+e %ode& s+uts down t+e *4 of allt+e ,ells7 If t+e attery 6olta/e resues to a ,ertain t+res+old t+e

    %ode& autoati,ally open up all t+e ,ells w+ose *4 was s+ut down7



    *+e '*T T*-'40TDO3& ,oand is used to enale or disale t+e

    intelli/ent s+utdown fun,tion7

    *+e ADD -OC*-- ,oand is used to ,onfi/ure lo,al ,ells as

    reser6ed ,ells7

    PR &umber -$$-$D*-0170288

    ,unction D W9#-01800

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    11 &ode6 se"(2discovery

    Description In IP ode Huawei %ode&s +a6e two types of autoati, address

    identifi,ationF #HCP and #HCPAACP7 In pra,ti,al usa/e t+e A%syste enales different autoati, address identifi,ation types for

    different s,enarios7

    *+e #HCPAACP type is t+e en+an,eent of t+e %ode& autoati,

    address identifi,ation feature7

    *+e differen,e etween #HCP and #HCPAACP is t+atF In

    #HCPAACP ode one %ode& pro6ides #HCP relay fun,tions forot+er %ode&s in #HCP ode t+e transission de6i,e in t+e A% is

    reuired to pro6ide #HCP relay fun,tions for t+e %ode&7

    9or t+e IP A% not all t+e networs ,an pro6ide t+e networ de6i,es

    wit+ t+e relay fun,tions7 *+erefore t+e Huawei A% syste introdu,es#HCPAACP for su,+ networs7

    #HCPAACP is appli,ale to only t+e Et+ernet transission7

    mprovement *+e autoati, address identifi,ation of t+e %ode& is ipleented w+ent+e networ de6i,es do not support t+e #HCP relay fun,tions7

    mp"ementation W+en t+e networ de6i,es do not support t+e #HCP relay fun,tion

    Huawei A% syste reotely assi/ns a teporary IP address to a

    %ode& in t+e networ t+rou/+ t+e AACP ser6er and sends t+e AACP

    dete,tion pa,et to t+e sunet of t+e %ode&7 *+en one of t+e %ode&sotains t+e AACP dete,tion pa,et t+rou/+ t+e AP e,+anis7 *+e

    teporary IP address is used to ,ouni,ate wit+ t+e #HCP ser6er to

    otain a foral IP address for t+e %ode&7 W+en t+e foral IP address isset t+e %ode& ,an e ,onfi/ured as t+e #HCP relay of t+is su-

    networ t+us +elpin/ ot+er %ode&s in t+e su-networ to perforautoati, identifi,ation t+rou/+ t+e #HCP e,+anis7



    Additional ,onfi/uration of t+e %ode& is not reuired for t+is feature7

    PR &umber -%&-#E'-;070122

    ,unction D W9#-01101

    22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    1! Diagnose board

    Description Wit+ t+is feature users ,an deterine w+et+er t+e oard is faulty in

    ters of +ardware durin/ troules+ootin/7

    mprovement *+is feature +elps to a6oid in,orre,t repla,eent of oards7

    mp"ementation W+en t+e syste re,ei6es t+e ,oand to start +ardware tests a

    ,opre+ensi6e +ardware test is perfored on t+e spe,ified oard7 Aftert+e test is ,oplete t+e syste sa6es t+e test results and indi,ates t+e

    test status t+rou/+ n Testite7 *+en t+e user ,an uery t+e test result

    t+rou/+ $$: ,oands7



    Use t+e 'TR 43T'T ,oand to start a +ardware test on t+e oard

    wit+ potential faults7

    Use t+e D'P 43T'TR*'0-T,oand to uery t+e +ardware testresults after t+e test is ,oplete7

    PR &umber -%&-#E'-;070122

    ,unction D W9#-0110

    De"eted ,eatures


    #9! MM- Command and Parameter Changes

    9or details on $$: ,oand and paraeter ,+an/es see Appendi> 17

    #9# A"arm Changes

    9or details on alar ,+an/es see Appendi> 27

    #9$ Per(ormance Counter Changes

    9or details on perforan,e ,ounter ,+an/es see Appendi> 7

    #9% -icense Changes

    9or details on li,ense ,+an/es see Appendi> 87

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    #1+ Changes (rom V!++R+1+C+1'PC#++ to V!++R+1!C++

    #1+1 ,eature Changes

    &ew ,eatures

    1 'ing"e P address (or the &ode6

    Description *+e IP addresses of t+e %ode& ,onsist of t+e ,ontrol plane IP address

    user plane IP address and %ode& $ IP address7 Currently typi,al

    appli,ation is t+at t+e ,ontrol plane IP address and user plane IP addressare ,onfi/ured to use t+e sae port IP address7 *+e $ IP address and

    user plane IP address s+ould e assi/ned wit+ two different IP addresses

    elon/in/ to different IP sunets7 *+erefore operators need to plan two

    sets of IP addresses and routin/ rules durin/ networ deployent7 Wit+t+e introdu,tion of sin/le IP address for t+e %ode& t+e traffi, ,+annel

    and $ ,+annel are enaled to s+are one IP address7

    mprovement Wit+ t+e introdu,tion of sin/le IP address for t+e %ode& t+e traffi,

    ,+annel and $ ,+annel are enaled to s+are one IP address7 In t+is

    way ore IP address resour,es are sa6ed and IP route ,onfi/uration issiplified w+en IP transport is adopted7

    mp"ementation W+en a &*"!00G&*"!00AG#&"!00 is ,onfi/ured wit+ one W$P*

    and t+e W$P* pro6ides one or ore IP ports t+e $ IP address ,an

    e t+e sae as one of t+e port IP addresses7 W+en usin/ redundan,y

    ,onfi/uration for $ ,+annels t+e two $ IP addresses ,an e t+esae as t+ose of t+e two ports pro6ided y t+e W$P*7

    W+en a &*"!00G&*"!00AG#&"!00 is ,onfi/ured wit+ one W$P*and ultiple U*Ps and t+e W$P* or U*P pro6ides one or ore IP

    ports t+e $ IP address of t+e %ode& ,an e t+e sae as one of t+e

    port IP addresses7 W+en usin/ redundan,y ,onfi/uration for $,+annels t+e two $ IP addresses ,an e t+e sae as t+ose of t+e two

    IP ports pro6ided y t+e W$P*7 *+e two $ IP addresses are not

    allowed to e t+e sae as t+ose of two IP ports pro6ided y t+e U*P7

    A &*"!00G&*"!00AG#&"!00 is ,onfi/ured wit+ ultiple ports(E1G*1GEt+ernet) and t+e ports ,an e ,oined as one IP interfa,e

    t+rou/+ Et+ernet *run and $:PPP7 If t+e IP port is lo,ated on t+e

    W$P* t+e $ IP address ,an e t+e sae as t+at of t+e ,oined IP




    *+e ADD D*VP ,oand is used to ,onfi/ure t+e sae IP addressfor t+e ser6i,e ,+annel and $ ,+annel7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170221

    ,unction D W9#-021808

    28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    ! Management and monitoring o( the so"ar e:uipment

    Description *+e solar power syste supplies t+e power produ,ed y solar array to

    t+e load7 *+e surplus power is stored in t+e atteries7 *+e solar powersyste runs under t+e ,ontrol of t+e solar ,ontroller7

    mprovement *+is feature ipro6es t+e operaility and aintainaility of t+e %ode&

    and solar euipent w+i,+ enales a u,+ /reener %ode&7

    mp"ementation *+e solar ,ontroller lie t+e traditional power onitorin/ de6i,e is

    ana/ed as t+e P$U7 *+e ,onfi/uration aintenan,e and status

    onitorin/ of t+e solar ,ontroller are perfored t+rou/+ t+e 8

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    # 4'0PA 0p"in) nter(erence Cance""ation

    Description H"UPA U: Interferen,e Can,ellation (IC) is perfored to ,an,el t+e

    interferen,e ,aused y t+e U: +i/+ rate E#P#CH data to ipro6e t+edeodulation si/nal-to-noise ratio ("%) and t+us to in,rease t+e U:

    syste ,apa,ity of t+e networ7

    mprovement *+e introdu,tion of t+e IC te,+nolo/y si/nifi,antly ipro6es t+e U:

    ,apa,ity of t+e U$*"7 In ,ertain s,enarios t+e /ain of t+e IC

    te,+nolo/y is si/nifi,ant7 9or e>aple if t+e syste needs to support asall nuer of H"UPA users wit+ +i/+ t+rou/+put and a lar/e nuer

    of H"UPA users wit+ low t+rou/+put t+e IC is reuired to ,an,el t+e

    uplin interferen,e rou/+t y H"UPA users wit+ +i/+ t+rou/+put7Wit+out t+e IC te,+nolo/y t+e +i/+ U: interferen,e ay e /enerated

    fro t+e +i/+ speed H"UPA users7 In su,+ a ,ase if t+e rate of t+e

    ori/inal +i/+ rate H"UPA users ust e /uaranteed t+e nuer of low

    speed users for e>aple 'oIP users ust e liited7 t+erwise t+e

    ori/inal +i/+ speed H"UPA users ay e affe,ted t+e speed of ser6i,esay de,rease to t+e iniu

    mp"ementation *+e IC te,+nolo/y supports different ,ate/ories of H"UPA users

    in,ludin/ UEs of ,ate/ories 1 to =7 *+e prin,iple of t+e IC te,+nolo/y is

    t+at t+e re,ei6er of t+e %ode& deodulates t+e H"UPA data on t+e U:E#P#CH and re,onstru,ts t+e aseand data ased on t+e deodulated

    data and re,ei6ed aseand data7 *+e %ode& t+en deodulates t+e

    re,onstru,ted aseand data7 9or t+e re,onstru,ted aseand data t+einterferen,e fro t+e re,onstru,ted E#P#CH data is eliinated and t+e

    ,olored noise in t+e ,ell ,aused y t+e self-interferen,e feature of t+e

    U$*" is redu,ed7 *+erefore t+e "% of t+e re,onstru,ted data is




    Use t+e MOD -OC*-- ,oand to set a lo,al ,ell to support t+e ICfun,tion7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170205

    ,unction D W9#-010;!1

    2; Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    $ 4'0PA 0p"in) ,re:uency Domain 6a"ancing

    Description Wit+ t+e H"UPA uplin freuen,y doain alan,in/ feature t+e

    %ode& uplin re,ei6er alan,es t+e spe,tru in t+e freuen,y doainof t+e H"UPA E-#P#CH and redu,es t+e inter-pat+ interferen,e of t+e

    E-#P#CH7 In t+is way t+e "i/nal %oise atio ("G%) of t+e E-#P#CH

    in,reases t+e uplin syste ,apa,ity of t+e H"UPA networ isipro6ed and t+e user rate on ulti-pat+ s,enario in,reases7

    mprovement *+e uplin inter-pat+ interferen,e of H"UPA users is redu,ed t+us+elpin/ to en+an,e a +i/+er pea data rate for H"UPA users7

    mp"ementation *+e %ode& uplin re,ei6er alan,es t+e spe,tru in t+e freuen,y

    doain of t+e H"UPA E-#P#CH and redu,es t+e inter-pat+

    interferen,e of t+e E-#P#CH7



    Use t+e MOD -OC*-- ,oand to set a lo,al ,ell to support t+e

    freuen,y doain alan,in/ fun,tion7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017020;

    ,unction D W9#-010;!2

    1 Down"in) .$;AM and MMO

    Description *+e $I$ and ;8A$ are introdu,ed in @PP =7 *+ese two features

    ,an e used separately7 A sin/le user +owe6er is not allowed to use

    t+ese two features at t+e sae tie7 In @PP

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    ! 0p"in) 1.;AM

    Description *+e UE ,ate/ory = is introdu,ed in @PP =7 *+e UE of t+is ,ate/ory

    supports 1;A$ and rea,+es 1175 $itGs in t+e uplin7

    mprovement *+e uplin syste ,apa,ity of t+e H"UPA networ is ipro6ed andH"UPA users (UE ,ate/ory =) rea,+ +i/+er pea data rate7

    mp"ementation *+e pro,essin/ of t+e E-#CH usin/ 1;A$ at t+e p+ysi,al layer issupported and s,+edulin/ of UE ,ate/ory = is supported7

    There is no termina" (or commercia" use at present The OT and

    other re"ated tests are not conducted This (eature is optimized in

    "ater versions



    Use t+e MOD -OC*-- ,oand to set a lo,al ,ell to support t+e

    uplin 1;A$ fun,tion7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017020perien,es,on/estion or UEKs uplin power is liited t+en settin/ t+e users

    tar/et retransission nuer to a relati6ely +i/+er 6alue is peritted

    as lon/ as t+e uplin CE resour,es are suffi,ient7



    *+is fun,tion ,an e enaled or disaled y '*T


    PR &umber C-P#-15;

    ,unction D W9#-010;81

    Modi(ied ,eatures

    8 Comp"iance with the #/PP R8 protoco"

    Description *+e @PP proto,ol is up/raded to t+e < proto,ol released in $ar,+


    mprovement %one

    mp"ementation *+e @PP < proto,ol released in $ar,+ 200! is supported7

    Re"ated Operation %one

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017001

    ,unction D W9#-010101

    2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    9 &ode6 so(tware management

    Description *+e $ ,+annel ,arries +i/+-priority ser6i,es su,+ as $$: ,oand

    operations and transission of ,lo, syn,+roniation essa/es as wellas low-priority ser6i,es su,+ as file uploadin/ and downloadin/ of

    a,/round ser6i,es7 *+e $ essa/es of different priorities identify

    different #"CP 6alues and ':A% C" priorities7 *+is a6oids low-priority ser6i,es o,,upyin/ lar/e ser6i,e andwidt+ and ipa,t on t+e

    +i/+-priority $ essa/es and ser6i,es and ensures priority /uarantee

    in end-to-end transission7

    mprovement *+e $ essa/es are differentiated y priorities7 *+at is essa/es of

    different priorities identify different #"CP 6alues and ':A% C"priorities7 *+is ensures priority /uarantee in end-to-end transission in

    :2 Et+ernet or : IP route networin/7

    mp"ementation *+e $ essa/es of different priorities are ,onfi/ured wit+ t+e

    ,orrespondin/ #"CP and ':A% C" fields7 *+is ensures t+at $essa/es of +i/+ priority tae t+e pre,eden,e in transission7 Inaddition in t+e ,ase of liited andwidt+ $ essa/es of low priority

    do not affe,t t+e pro6ision of essa/es and ser6i,es of +i/+ priority7



    *+e '*T D,PR,oand is used to set t+e ,orrespondin/ #"CP

    6alues for t+e $ essa/es of different priorities7

    *+e '*T V-A&C-A'' ,oand is used to set t+e ,orrespondin/

    ':A% C" 6alues for t+e $ essa/es of different priorities7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170220

    ,unction D W9#-00=02

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    1+ nte""igent shutdown

    Description If t+e ains for t+e %ode& wit+ t+e power a,up syste fails

    intelli/ent s+utdown of t+e ,ell 9 odule and %ode& ,an e enaled7*+e intelli/ent s+utdown is ipleented t+rou/+ powerin/ off t+e ,ell

    9 odule and t+e entire %ode& le6el y le6el7 Users ,an set different

    #C 6olta/e t+res+olds and %ode& and ,ell s+utdown priorities7 *+eintelli/ent s+utdown of t+e %ode& and 9 odule is supported fro

    A%5707 *+e intelli/ent s+utdown of ,ells is a6ailale fro t+is


    mprovement *+e intelli/ent s+utdown fun,tion sa6es t+e in6estent for attery

    a,up syste and eets ,ustoersK reuireents for ener/y sa6in/and power ,onsuption7 *+e fun,tion is parti,ularly enefi,ial to t+e

    %ode& w+i,+ is a transission ,enter node7 In t+is ,ase separate power

    a,up systes for t+e %ode& and transission euipent are not

    reuired7 :on/er duration of power supply is ipleented t+rou/+

    settin/ different s+utdown t+res+olds7

    mp"ementation *+e %ode& supports settin/ priorities for s+uttin/ down ,ells7 *+e ,ells

    are s+ut down in turn a,,ordin/ to t+eir priorities t+us e>tendin/ power

    supply duration7 After t+e ains power of t+e %ode& is s+ut down

    atteries start supplyin/ power7 W+en t+e attery 6olta/e de,reases to a,ertain t+res+old t+e %ode& enales t+e intelli/ent s+utdown of ,ells to

    s+ut down t+e *4 of non-reser6ed ,ells7 If t+e attery 6olta/e eeps

    de,reasin/ to anot+er t+res+old t+e %ode& s+uts down t+e *4 of allt+e ,ells7 If t+e attery 6olta/e resues to a ,ertain t+res+old t+e

    %ode& autoati,ally open up all t+e ,ells w+ose *4 was s+ut down7



    *+e '*T T*-'40TDO3& ,oand is used to enale or disale t+e

    intelli/ent s+utdown fun,tion7

    *+e ADD -OC*-- ,oand is used to ,onfi/ure lo,al ,ells as

    reser6ed ,ells7

    PR &umber -$$-$D*-0170288

    ,unction D W9#-01800

    8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    11 &ode6 se"(2discovery

    Description In IP ode Huawei %ode&s +a6e two types of autoati, address

    identifi,ationF #HCP and #HCPAACP7 In pra,ti,al usa/e t+e A%syste enales different autoati, address identifi,ation types for

    different s,enarios7

    *+e #HCPAACP type is t+e en+an,eent of t+e %ode& autoati,

    address identifi,ation feature7

    *+e differen,e etween #HCP and #HCPAACP is t+atF In

    #HCPAACP ode one %ode& pro6ides #HCP relay fun,tions forot+er %ode&s in #HCP ode t+e transission de6i,e in t+e A% is

    reuired to pro6ide #HCP relay fun,tions for t+e %ode&7

    9or t+e IP A% not all t+e networs ,an pro6ide t+e networ de6i,es

    wit+ t+e relay fun,tions7 *+erefore t+e Huawei A% syste introdu,es#HCPAACP for su,+ networs7

    #HCPAACP is appli,ale to only t+e Et+ernet transission7

    mprovement *+e autoati, address identifi,ation of t+e %ode& is ipleented w+ent+e networ de6i,es do not support t+e #HCP relay fun,tions7

    mp"ementation W+en t+e networ de6i,es do not support t+e #HCP relay fun,tion

    Huawei A% syste reotely assi/ns a teporary IP address to a

    %ode& in t+e networ t+rou/+ t+e AACP ser6er and sends t+e AACP

    dete,tion pa,et to t+e sunet of t+e %ode&7 *+en one of t+e %ode&sotains t+e AACP dete,tion pa,et t+rou/+ t+e AP e,+anis7 *+e

    teporary IP address is used to ,ouni,ate wit+ t+e #HCP ser6er to

    otain a foral IP address for t+e %ode&7 W+en t+e foral IP address isset t+e %ode& ,an e ,onfi/ured as t+e #HCP relay of t+is su-

    networ t+us +elpin/ ot+er %ode&s in t+e su-networ to perforautoati, identifi,ation t+rou/+ t+e #HCP e,+anis7



    Additional ,onfi/uration of t+e %ode& is not reuired for t+is feature7

    PR &umber -%&-#E'-;070122

    ,unction D W9#-01101

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    1! Diagnose board

    Description Wit+ t+is feature users ,an deterine w+et+er t+e oard is faulty in

    ters of +ardware durin/ troules+ootin/7

    mprovement *+is feature +elps to a6oid in,orre,t repla,eent of oards7

    mp"ementation W+en t+e syste re,ei6es t+e ,oand to start +ardware tests a

    ,opre+ensi6e +ardware test is perfored on t+e spe,ified oard7 Aftert+e test is ,oplete t+e syste sa6es t+e test results and indi,ates t+e

    test status t+rou/+ n Testite7 *+en t+e user ,an uery t+e test result

    t+rou/+ $$: ,oands7



    Use t+e 'TR 43T'T ,oand to start a +ardware test on t+e oard

    wit+ potential faults7

    Use t+e D'P 43T'TR*'0-T,oand to uery t+e +ardware testresults after t+e test is ,oplete7

    PR &umber -%&-#E'-;070122

    ,unction D W9#-0110

    1# -in) Aggregation

    Description *+e 9EG@E interfa,e oard (U*P2 U*P!) is added fro t+is issue7

    *+e :in a//re/ation enales teain/ of two 9EG@E ports w+i,+ are

    on t+e sae oard7 In t+is way t+e two teaed 9EG@E ports arere/arded as one port in transittin/ and re,ei6in/ data7

    mprovement *+e teain/ of two 9EG@E ports ,an ipro6e t+e reliailityF *+e trun

    /roup w+i,+ +as all its lins teaed ,an eep worin/ properly in t+e,ase of a faulty 9EG@E port7 $oreo6er t+e andwidt+ ,an in,reaseF

    *+e andwidt+ of t+e trun /roup w+i,+ +as all its lins teaed is two

    ties t+e andwidt+ of t+e ori/inal 9EG@E ports7

    mp"ementation *o allow teain/ of two 9EG@E ports on t+e sae oard ensure t+at

    t+e two 9EG@E ports are ,onsistent in andwidt+ as well as in ode

    (teain/ of one 9EG@E opti,al port and one 9EG@E ele,tri,al port not

    allowed)7 *+e load s+arin/ aon/ lins durin/ data transission areipleented ased on t+e uaternion7



    Use ADD *T4TR=,oand to add 9EG@E port into a trun /roup7

    PR &umber -*-*P-50700

    ,unction D W9#-0500;

    ; Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    1$ *thernet OAM

    Description In ,oplian,e wit+ t+e

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    1. 0p"in) Macro Diversity nte""igent Receiving

    Description *+e a,ro di6ersity +as a sall /ain for t+e +i/+ speed non-real-tie

    ser6i,es and o,,upies u,+ transission andwidt+ on t+e Iuinterfa,e7 *+erefore t+e Uplin $a,ro #i6ersity Intelli/ent e,ei6in/

    is introdu,ed in = proto,ol7 9or t+e non-ser6i,e lins t+e $AC-d

    flow of t+e ser6i,e ,an e pro6ided wit+ an option of not estalis+in/t+e transission earin/7

    mprovement *+e transission andwidt+ resour,es on t+e Iu interfa,e are sa6ed7

    *+e resour,e usa/e is ipro6ed7

    *+e perforan,e of t+e networ is optiied7

    mp"ementation If t+e Transport Bearer Not Requested IndicatorIE is not in,luded

    for a ,ertain $AC-d flow t+e %ode& perfors t+e radio lin setuppro,edure in a usual way7

    If t+e Transport Bearer Not Requested IndicatorIE is in,luded for a,ertain $AC-d flow and t+e 6alue of t+e IE is set to Transport

    6earer sha"" not be *stab"ished t+e %ode& does not allo,ate t+etransission resour,es for t+e $AC-d flow7

    If t+e Transport Bearer Not Requested IndicatorIE is in,luded for a

    ,ertain $AC-d flow and t+e 6alue of t+e ,ell is set to Transport6earer may not be *stab"ished t+e %ode& de,ides w+et+er to

    allo,ate t+e transission resour,es for t+e $AC-d ased on t+esuffi,ien,y of t+e ,urrent andwidt+ resour,es7




    PR &umber -%&-$D*-017082

    ,unction D W9#-010;!

    17 *nergy *((iciency mproved

    Description *+e %ode& supports Ener/y Effi,ien,y Ipro6ed w+i,+ enalesdynai, adJustent of t+e PA paraeters ased on t+e a,tual load of

    t+e ,urrent PA7 *+is pre6ents t+e PA fro worin/ at a le6el wit+ t+e

    a>iu load and sa6es t+e ener/y ,onsuption of t+e euipent7

    mprovement *+e ener/y usa/e is ipro6ed7 *+e pollution to t+e en6ironent is redu,ed7

    mp"ementation *+e PA dete,ts t+e ,urrent output power in real tie and pro6ides a set

    of suitale paraeters to iniie t+e ener/y ,onsuption7



    *+is fun,tion is ,ontrolled t+rou/+ a li,ense7 *+e fun,tion is a6ailale

    only w+en t+e operator pur,+ases t+e li,ense fro Huawei7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170825

    ,unction D W9#-02011,essi6e power for s+arin/ to t+e H"#PA ,arrier a,,ordin/

    to t+e UE ,onfi/uration and load of t+e ,urrent ser6i,es7 In t+is ,ase

    t+e H"#PA ,arrier uses t+e e>,essi6e power s+ared y t+e !! ,arrier

    ased on t+e ori/inal power allo,ation w+en perforin/ t+e H"#PA

    ser6i,e s,+edulin/7



    *+is fun,tion is ,ontrolled t+rou/+ a li,ense7 *+e fun,tion is a6ailaleonly w+en t+e operator pur,+ases t+e li,ense fro Huawei7

    &efore usin/ t+e power s+arin/ t+e operator ust run t+e ADDPA/RP,oand to add t+e power s+arin/ /roup7

    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170825

    ,unction D W9#-02011;

    19 'ynchronous *thernet

    Description *+e syn,+ronous Et+ernet te,+nolo/y t+at adopts Et+ernet lin ,ode

    flows to re,o6er ,lo,s is t+e p+ysi,al layer-ased ,lo,


    mprovement *+e syn,+ronous Et+ernet te,+nolo/y is one of t+e ey features in t+e

    solution for networ o6er all IP solution7 It is an e,onoi,al,on6enient solution7

    mp"ementation A +i/+ly pre,ise ,lo, is used y t+e Et+ernet p+ysi,al layer (PH) fordata transission7 *+e re,ei6in/ end e>tra,ts and re,o6ers t+e ,lo,

    fro data strea and t+e +i/+ pre,ision ,an e aintained7



    Use '*T *T4PORT ,oand to set t+e 9E port w+et+er e used y

    t+e "yn,+ronous Et+ernet for ,lo, transission or re,eipt7

    Use '*T C-=MOD* ,oand to set t+e "yn,+ronous Et+ernet to e

    t+e referen,e ,lo, sour,e for %ode&7

    PR &umber -*-*H-!!70082

    ,unction D W9#-050502

    Issue 01 (2010-11-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential !

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    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes

    !+ Down"in) .$;AM

    Description @PP 5 introdu,es 1;A$ to in,rease t+e pea rate per user and

    e>pands t+e syste ,apa,ity w+ereas ;8A$ introdu,ed in @PP= proto,ols is a furt+er en+an,eent of 1;A$7

    mprovement #ownlin ;8A$ in,reases t+e pea rate per user and ipro6es

    t+e lo,al ,ell ,apaility7

    If t+e andwidt+ reains un,+an/ed ;8A$ will in,rease t+e

    a6era/e t+rou/+put of t+e syste y =B to 1;B and furt+er

    ipro6es t+e spe,tral effi,ien,y of t+e syste7 In t+is way t+esyste pro6ides users wit+ +i/+er t+rou/+put and ultiately

    in,reases operatorsL profits on t+e per andwidt+ asis7

    n t+e ot+er +and ;8A$ also raises t+e pea rate per user and

    pro6ides a +i/+er download data rate for users7 *+is not only

    ipro6es user e>perien,e ut also en+an,es operatorsL

    ,opetiti6eness7mp"ementation *+e @PP = proto,ols define t+e ,ate/ories of t+e UEs t+at support

    ;8A$ and add t+e inforation eleents (IEs) t+at support

    ;8A$ in t+e reportin/ of lo,al ,ell ,apaility7 *+e %C deterines

    w+et+er t+e : etween t+e %ode& and t+e UE supports ;8A$a,,ordin/ to t+e lo,al ,ell ,apaility reported y t+e %ode& and t+e

    UE ,apaility7 If t+e : supports ;8A$ t+e $AC-+s s,+eduler of

    t+e %ode& deterines e6ery 2 s w+et+er to use ;8A$ a,,ordin/to t+e followin/ aspe,tsF

    C+annel uality Indi,ator (CI) reported y t+e UE

    H"-P#"CH ,ode resour,es and power resour,es of t+e %ode&




    PR &umber -%&-$D*-01710 (or P Transmission

    Description *+e 9P $U4 is t+e te,+nolo/y of t+e 9P ultiple>in/7 It ,olle,tsultiple 9P pa,ets into a U#P pa,et for transission7

    mprovement If t+e 9P pa,et is s+ort ultiple 9P pa,ets ,an e ,olle,ted into aU#P pa,et for transission7 *+is redu,es t+e o6er+ead of U#P

    +eaders ipro6es t+e transission andwidt+ usa/e and reuires

    less andwidt+7

    mp"ementation *+e sender ,olle,ts ultiple 9P pa,ets on a spe,ified U#P port for

    transission and t+e re,ei6er resol6es t+e 9P pa,ets fro t+eultiple>ed pa,et7




    PR &umber -*-*P-5070015

    ,unction D W9#-050820

    88 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    !8 Dynamic C* Resource Management

    Description *+e dynai, CE resour,e ana/eent al/orit+ is optiied

    s+ortenin/ t+e adJustent period7

    mprovement *+e period of t+e allo,ation and ,olle,tion of t+e CE resour,es iss+ortened and t+e CE resour,e effi,ien,y is ipro6ed7

    mp"ementation *+e dynai, CE resour,e ana/eent al/orit+ on t+e W&&Poard is ipro6ed7 Ea,+ **I perfors allo,ation and ,olle,tion of

    t+e CE resour,es of t+e UE7




    PR &umber -%&-$D*-0170828

    ,unction D W9#-010;,+an/er are deleted e,ause t+e &*"!00A ,ainet stru,ture is


    De"ivery Method *+e added do,uents are deli6ered wit+ t+e produ,t do,uentation7

    8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 01 (2010-11-15)

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    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

    '200012C00"PC00 elease %otes 'ersion C+an/es

    # The 6T'#9++- 3CDMA product documents are added

    Added or De"eted


    *+e followin/ do,uents are addedF

    BT"3900/ #$D% Hardware Description

    BT"3900/ #$D% Installation GuideBT"3900/ #$D% &uic' Installation Guide

    BT"3900/ #$D% "ite aintenance Guide

    6ene(it o( the


    *+e do,uents related to t+e &*"!00: are added su,+ as +ardware

    des,ription installation /uide ui, installation /uide and siteaintenan,e /uide7 *+ese do,uents pro6ide t+e +ardware inforation

    +ardware installation and aintenan,e /uide of t+e &*"!00: for


    De"ivery Method *+e added do,uents are deli6ered wit+ t+e produ,t do,uentation7

    $ The (o""owing documents are de"eted (rom and added to the D6'#9++ 3CDMAproduct documentation

    Added or De"eted


    *+e followin/ do,uent is addedF

    RRU3808 Hardware Description

    RRU3801RRU380!* Hardware Description

    RRU3801RRU380!* -%$. Hardware Description

    RRU3808 Installation Guide

    RRU3801RRU380!* Installation Guide

    RRU3801RRU380!* -%$. Installation Guide

    RRU3808 Hardware aintenance Guide

    RRU3801RRU380!* Hardware aintenance Guide

    RRU3801RRU380!* -%$. Hardware aintenance Guide

    *+e followin/ do,uents are deletedF

    RRU380 Hardware Description

    RRU380 Installation Guide

    RRU380 Hardware aintenance Guide

    6ene(it o( the


    *+e do,uents related to t+e U

  • 8/13/2019 3900 Series WCDMA NodeB V200R012C00SPC300 Release Notes


    'ersion C+an/es

    !00 "eries WC#$A %ode&

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    % TheNodeB Technical Descriptionis added to iD6'#9++ 3CDMA productdocumentation

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    *+eNodeB Tec(nical Description is added wit+ t+e des,ription of t+e

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