38th graduation ceremony 9thgraduation ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... ·...

38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremony

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Page 1: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremony

Page 2: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar
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Al Mawakeb Al Barsha Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud International School of Arts & ScienceAl Mawakeb Al Khawaneej

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Tonight is all about you, the class of 2018!

Your opportunity is here… Seize the day and make a difference.

Each of you has his or her own story and you are about to begin a newchapter in this book of life.

Tonight we celebrate all you have accomplished and anticipate all thatyou have yet to achieve. It has been a long journey, but you’re here now.

This year is not just any year. It is the Year of Zayed. It is not just a yearto remember the Father of the Nation, but also to uphold the virtueshe lived by and to instill them in our lives. Your years at AMSI schoolswere spent promoting and embracing wellbeing and happiness, peaceand tolerance, universal human values, environmental and globalawareness, and the pioneering spirit of charity. Those were the valueswe learned from HH Sheikh Zayed. These very values that he institut-ed make our UAE stand out as a peaceful, progressive haven that ishome for more than 200 nationalities and make AMSI a home for over20,000 students of more than 70 nationalities. Stay true to them, andmake it your calling to transfer them onto all those you meet, for youare now their guardians.

Every year in May, we celebrate you, our graduates, who embody our vision and our dream. Becauseyou enrich our lives and we see in you our aspirations unfold, we seek to continue to transform thelives of others. Thus comes the birth of a new AMSI school, Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej. With it, wepromise to stay the course and continue to drive excellence in education and bring out the best inour children. We believe that every single student has potential, and we aim to see that potentialthrough and nurture it with love, respect, and an avid commitment to our core values.

In a school environment that is so diverse, you have learned to work diligently, creatively, persist-ently, and imaginatively… You have looked for knowledge… You have changed the ways you thinkand act… You have expanded your horizons and become culturally agile… You have demonstratedhigh levels of critical thinking and understanding, developed your intellect and cultivated your per-sonalities, but most importantly, you have learned how to learn. You’ll need the knowledge andproblem solving skills to discover cures, to develop new energy technologies and to protect our envi-ronment. You’ll need the insight and critical thinking skills to fight poverty, crime and discrimina-tion and make our world safe and fair. You’ll need the creativity and ingenuity you developed in allyour classes to build new companies and boost the economy.

You are ready to deal with today’s complex world, which is characterized by uncertainty and rapidchange but also by new opportunities. In these times, we are confident that all of you have the knowl-edge, capabilities and skills needed to succeed. Embrace each opportunity, remember to listen,choose your words wisely and be grateful for what you received and will receive. Continue to be greatexamples for others and value friendship, family, and opportunity. Trust yourselves to chart yourown course and make your mark on the world.

We are proud of you, and we look forward to hearing your stories and sharing your adventures…

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Page 6: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

Order of Proceedings

Entry of the Dignitariesto the Music for the Royal Fireworks by Georg Friedrich Handel

Procession of the Class of 2018The Graduates enter to the March Triumphante from Aida

UAE National Anthem

Reading from the Holy KoranAhmad AlKooheji (Al Mawakeb - Al Barsha)

AMSI Principals’ Address

Presentation of the “AMSI Leadership Award”Introduced by Rahaf Al Ghossein (Al Mawakeb - Al Garhoud)

Graduates’ Address delivered by:In Arabic, Menna Al Kobba (The International School of Arts & Sciences)

In English, Rashid Al Marri (Al Mawakeb Al Barsha) In French, Reem Mohd (Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud)

Academia Management Solutions International - AMSI’s Address

Presentation of the Diplomas

Photographs with the Dignitaries

The Graduates exit to the Ode to Joy from Symphony Number 9

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HôfÉeè G’MàØÉ∫

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March Triumphante from Aida

Ode to Joy from Symphony Number 9

Music for the Royal Fireworks by Georg Friedrich Handel

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Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

Alanood AlKhayat 12AAlwad Alktebi 12AAlya Lootah 12AAsal Alavi 12ADaisy Sleiman 12ADiana Bushlanova 12AEmilija Dordevic 12AFarah ElSenousi 12AFatima Al Hashemi 12AFatimah Nooruldeen 12AHala Al Madi 12AHaya Dawood 12AKenzy Tantawi 12ALayan Mahmoud 12ALeena Musa 12ALeighla Beltran 12ALillian Ghousseini 12AMaria Diab 12ANour Maadad 12ANourma Elian 12ARaneem Alali 12AReem ElHelw 12AReem Moh'd 12AShaikha AlEssa 12AYomna Sayed Essa 12AZayna Khawaja 12AAbdulla Makki 12BAdnan Mammedzada 12BAhmad Abu Sbaikeh 12BAhmed AlNabhani 12BAhmed Alowghani 12BAmir Mehrchian 12BAntranik Malkonian 12B

Bilal Hamshari 12BBorna Motlagh 12BChengzheng Bao 12BDavid Karam 12BFahad Al Hammadi 12BFares Jaouani 12BIbrahim AlDhebaiei 12BKarem Almani 12BMahdi Esa Rohy 12BMahmoud Amro 12BMohammad Ghanim 12BMohammadali Kolbadi 12BRida Chikh Issa 12BSaeid Mohammadi 12BSaif Ahli 12BSyed Aarham Asim 12BTalal Ahli 12BYousef Assayed 12BYoussef Kordab 12BAlia Saqer 12CAmira Boudrai 12CAya Khadour 12CDania Dallah 12CElissar Zaher 12CHela Souissi 12CLujain Kalbouneh 12CMaha Souissi 12CMalak AlSuwi 12CMarah Bashir 12CMozeh Almuhairi 12CNour ElSonbaty 12CRahaf El Ghosin 12CRama Jouejati 12CSara Chouman 12CSarah AlUmari 12CTala Ashira 12CTala Ghebeh 12CYana Mir Yousef 12CYara Kobeissi 12CZeina Ouleiyan 12CAbdallah Hashem 12DAbdulla Al Hammadi 12DAbdulrahman Abdulkarim 12DAdnan Kawam 12DAhmed Jaffar 12DAli Al Sabbagh 12DAliReza Mir 12DBahaa Abdul K halek 12DDavid Indrawes Tadros 12DGeorgy Atie 12DHossein Moshtaghi 12DHussain Eesa Roohe 12DHussein Khlaifawi 12DJad El Rammah 12D

Joseph Shadid 12DKhalid AlSuwaidi 12DKhalid Safar 12DKianoush Mirzaei 12DMarc El Chammas 12DMohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12DMuhannad Al-Masri 12DNasan Shehada 12DOmar Bin Haidar 12DRajab Baydoun 12DSam Sobbi 12DWenxuan Sui 12DYusuf Guenena 12DZiad Abdul Aziz 12DZiad Ahmed 12DAbbas Khan 12EAdonis Abou Saad 12EAhmed Souliman 12EAlHamza Hameedaldin 12EBadreddin Saededdin 12EBahaa Eddine Mawlawi 12EFady Costandy 12EGeorge Hade 12EHicham Wehbi 12EJawad Jaber 12EKaram AlSayyed 12EKarem Bzreh 12EKinan Alayoubi 12EMohamad Hamdan 12EMohamed Alraessi 12EMohammad Al Mulla 12EMohammad BinAli 12EMohammad Nezhadian 12EMohammed AlAhmad 12EMohanad Barakat 12EMostafa Saeed 12EMoustafa Al Ghrawi 12EOmar Kahia 12ESaeed AlRaeesi 12EWael Tartraf 12EZiad El Sayed 12EAyah Abu Adas 12FAyesha Rais Ali 12FChristine Sitory 12FDania Abedal Nabi 12FDima Al Bazzaz 12FFarida Abdeltawab 12FFarida ElSonbaty 12FFatima Mohammad 12FGhayah Almarzooqi 12FHamda Ahli 12FHamsa Abou Fakher 12FHanin Sad 12FIbtesam Al-Ali 12F

Merah Almannaei 12FMounira Kreidie 12FNadeen Al-Khulaifawi 12FNadeen ElKhouly 12FNatali Mohaisen 12FRakiel Bachour 12FReema Al-Musawi 12FSamira Kreidie 12FShahad Kamel 12F

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

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Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

Abeer Aljuryyed 12ABakhita Alnoobi 12ABatool Khalifat 12AChloe El Hani 12AFarida Badawy 12AGhaliya Osman 12AGhazal Saeed 12AHana Ali 12AHeba Saeed 12AHessa AlAbbas 12AJoud Darwazeh 12AJumana Dalle 12AJumana Rajab 12AKhuloud AlMaazmi 12AMahra AlSayegh 12AMaryam Al Falasi 12AMesedu Magomedova 12AMinoo Jorji 12ANisa Bashir 12ARama Al Sbeinaty 12ARima Khalaili 12ASalma Aly 12ASandra Rushdy 12ASarah Pharaon 12ASennah Hala Chawa 12AShaikha Alsalman 12ATia Ali 12AYara Massoud 12AAbdullah Hamza 12BAbdullah Nazanda 12BAbdulrahman AlAkel 12BAhmad Al Sajjan 12BAhmad Aleid 12BAhmed Shalash 12BAmr Elhefnawy 12BArman Mesrkanloo 12BFarouq Ayyad 12BGhassan Al Khabaz 12BHassan El-Ammar 12BHussain Alyousuf 12BIbrahim Galadari 12BJoud Al Hamwi 12BKareem Nuseibeh 12BMarwan Abu Tafesh 12BMohamad Jad AlKhattib 12BMohammad AbuDaif 12BMohammad Ayoub 12BMostafa Al Misky 12BMostafa Helmy 12BObada AlQasimi 12BOmar Nimer 12BSaif Ali 12BSaifeldin Hassan 12BSalah Al- Afifi 12BYoussef Lotfy 12BZiad Karroum 12BAndrea Beatrice Roldan 12CAnnMarie Abdullah 12CAya Sandouka 12CDina Hisanawi 12CFatma Al Rahma 12C

Lara Yassin 12CLatifa Al Janahi 12CLina Hisanawi 12CLubna Al Fighawi 12CMaret Iskander 12CMariam Khaireddin 12CMaribel Khouwes 12CMarwa Mahmoud 12CMaryam Al Marri 12CMaya Henedi 12CMirette Gerges 12CNahla Abouelfetouh 12CNoor Janahi 12CNoora AlAttar 12CNoora AlShaibani 12CRateel Alrammah 12CReem AlMuhairbi 12CRoukia Boucherabine 12CSara El-Tamimi 12CSara Senmar 12CShamma AlAwadhi 12CTala El Achhab 12CTouleen Wazani 12CYasmeen Al Aissa 12CZainab Mardood 12CAbdulla Al Mheiri 12DAdel Gerasimov 12DAhmad Mohamad 12DAhmed Al Kooheji 12DAli Armoush 12DAyoub Abbas 12DFrederick Abi Chahine 12DHyun Hyun 12DJad Jaber 12DLouay Ahmad 12DLuis David Urquijo 12DMagd Abdel Melek 12DMahmoud Rostamkolaei 12DMajd Shaaban 12DMana AlSuwaidi 12DMarc Eid 12DMohamed AlDhaheri 12DMohamed Mafaz 12DMohammad Karim 12DMohammad Rizwan 12DNageeb Imam 12DNaill Waleed Noubli 12DOmar Iskandarani 12DRashed AlKtebi 12DRashed AlMarri 12DSaeed AlBalooshi 12DSaoud Mahmood Alkhaja 12DSepehr Delpazir 12DSid Ali Ahmed Tchantchane 12DTalal Hunjul 12DWard Al Aissa 12DYoussef Ezzat 12DZayed AlDhaheri 12DAbdelrahman Shaalaan 12EAbdulaziz Falaknaz 12EAhmad Alkhoori 12E

Ahmad AlMuhtadi 12EAhmad Badri 12EAli Al Breiki 12EAli AlHawai 12EAli Al-Rubaye 12EAmer Barhom 12EBashar Al Qasem 12EDavid Ibrahim 12EEbrahim Alkhayyat 12EHamzah Zuhrah 12EHassan AlQamish 12EIbrahim Angir 12EKarim Al Hamwi 12EKhalid Al-Ali 12EKhalid Tahlak 12EMhmod AlKubaisi 12EMohamad Ramhamdani 12EMohamad Al Sabsabi 12EMohamed AlFahim 12EMohamed Belshalat 12EMohamed Hadi 12EMohammad AlSuwaidi 12ENaser AlZaabi 12ESaad El Attar 12ESaadEddine Abou Zahr 12ESaif AlGhamdi 12ESultan Al Nasri 12EAfra AlKetbi 12FAishah Bahrozyan 12FAsma ElHashani 12FBedoor AlRajab 12FDhabia Al Zaabi 12FFatima AlOlama 12FFatima-Zahra Rahmoune 12FFatma Al Bahrani 12FIssmat ZeinEddine 12FKhadija Ghariani 12FLayan Showlaq 12FLeen Al Moraly 12FMaram Mohamad 12FNataly Guirgues 12FNawal Amro 12FNoor AlRahma 12FRanya Galadari 12FRaya Abu AlSaoud 12FSafa Kerem 12FSalma Abdelhalim 12FShamsa Abdulrahim 12FSultanah AlWohabe 12FTala Seif 12FTema Abou Baker 12FTuleen Al Dowah Ji 12FWafaa Mashal 12FWalaa Omar 12FYasmina Itani 12FYasmine Kassab 12FZaineh AlHasan 12F

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

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Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

Grade 12A

Grade 12B

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

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Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

Grade 12C

Grade 12D

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

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We apologize if we have missed anyone.

Grade 12E

Grade 12F

Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

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Grade 12A

Grade 12B

Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

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We apologize if we have missed anyone.

Grade 12C

Grade 12D

Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

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Grade 12E

Grade 12F

Class of 2018 - Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

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Al Mawakeb School... a special home for 14 years...

Girls K-12, Al Mawakeb - Al Garhoud

Sitting front (Left to Right): Maria Diab, Leena Musa, Lillian Ghousseini.2nd row (L to R): Mounira Kreidie, Natali Mohaisen, Yara Kobeissy, Sara Chouman, Yana Mir Yousef, Ms. Nada Halabi, Hala Al Madi, Hela Souissi, Mozeh Almuhairi, Hamda Ahli, Ayesha Rais Ali, Fatima Mohammad.3rd row (L to R): Aya Khadour, Dania Dallah.4th row (L to R): Maha Souissi, Layan Mahmoud, Asal Alavi, Alwad Alktebi, Fatima Al Hashemi, Reema Mohammad,Zeina Ouleiyan, Samira Kreidie.

Every year, we bid farewell to a special group of students whom we callour children and who simply call Al Mawakeb their second home.Together, we forged a 14-year relationship whereby we witnessed thetransformation of sweet and innocent kindergarteners into confident ado-lescents who now stand tall, and worthy of praise. From day one, they took their first steps full of promise, and from thatday, we knew that they would shine and make us proud. You are about toembark on your journey of self-discovery. You will search for answers,and you will come upon some wonderful revelations.

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Boys K-12, Al Mawakeb - Al Garhoud

eƒGcÑ«ƒ¿ eæòo GCQH©á Yû°ôn


Sitting front (Left to Right): Karim Al Mani, Marc El Chammas, Bahaa Al Mawlawi, Hussain Rohe.2nd row (L to R): Bilal Hamshari, Jad El Rammah, Mohamad Abu Khosa, Mahdi Kamel, Abdulla Makki,Mohamad Al Raeesi, Youssef Kordab, Saeed Mohammadi.3rd row (L to R): Moustafa Al Ghrawi, Talal Ahli, Abdulrahman Abdulkarim, Omar Bin Haidar, Adnan Kawam.4th row (L to R): Ahmed Alowghani, Joseph Shedid, Rajab Baydoun, Mohamad Hamdan, Fadi Costandy, Muhanad Barakat, Ahmad Souliman, Muhannad Al Masri, David Karam, Antranik Malkonian, Mohamad Khalili Nezhedian.

GC¿r j`©`«û¢n GŸôAo ◊¶`Éäm Jn`àn~GNn`πo a`«`¡`É GCM`ÉS°`«ù¢

o Gd`Øn`ôìp hGdrë`ôbn`áp hGd`Ø`î`ÉQp, ‘ Jn`ƒ

rd`«Ønám fÉH °ám Hû°àq≈ GŸû°ÉYôp

hG’fØ©É’ä.. aà∏∂ MÉdál hL~Gf«ál Jnù°r

ànÑ~t HæÉ, hfëøo fû°¡~o ‘ PGäp d«∏ám eø cπu YÉΩ, Gf£Óbán Ko∏qám epør GCMÑqám GNàÉQhG

GŸƒGcÖ d¡º enær¡πn Y∏º, hen~nQn

ên M«ÉI.

eø bÉ∫n: cÉfƒG a≤§ ‘ GŸƒGcÖp JÓeòIk j~QS°ƒ¿?!

aμº eør eôq

Im cÉ¿ jnær≤n∏pÖo a«¡É Gd~qhQ, dæoü°rÑnín fëø enør fàn©∏qºo, hgº enør j©∏qªƒ¿! hd©πs GCHôRn eÉ J©∏qªæÉ√ eø J©∏«ª¡º:GC¿s

Gdò… jo©r£» HëoÖx

, joëÖq..hGC¿q Gdò… jμƒ¿o dôS°Édpଠhna«vÉ, joƒnaq≈ ‡ør Yn∏qªn¡oº, fiÑqák.. hYôaÉfkÉ.. hGfàªÉAr.. d≤~ cæຠGCjq¡É

G’CMÑá, W«∏án gò√ G’CYƒGΩ G’CQH©á Yû°ô, GCha«ÉAn ’Cg~Gapμº, hŸ~QS°àμº he~qQS°«μº, eo≤Ñ∏Ún Y∏≈ G◊«ÉIp HØôìm hGEjéÉH«á

hJü°ª«º; aμæຠH¡ò√ Gdü°ØÉäp Jû°rënòh¿n gpªnªnæÉ; dæ©∏qº GCcÌn.. dæã≥n HôS°ÉdàæÉ GCcãnô..cæàºr OhekÉ JoãÑàƒ¿n dæÉ, GCfqæÉ f¨ôS¢o

‘ JoôHnám U°É◊ám ’ j °«™o a«¡É L¡~o GdõqGQYÚ.

‘ cπu aü°πm eø aü°ƒ∫p GŸƒGcÖp, Y∏≈ cπu e≤©~m, ‘ cπu Qcøm... Hü°ªál eæμº hGCKô, d¡ªÉ ‘ b∏ƒÜp QaÉbpμº he©∏ª«μº,

GCd∞o T°Ñ«¬... aμƒfƒG cªÉ GCfàº.. hGf£∏≤ƒG eÑÉQcÚ.

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Al Mawakeb School... a special home for 14 years...

Sitting front (Left to Right): Mariam Khaireddin, Maribel Khouwes, Noora AlShaibani, Heba Saaeed, Minoo Jorji, Rania Galadari, Aisha AlAwadhi.2nd row (L to R): Bakhita Alnoobi, Noor Janahi, Tala Al Achhab, Tuleen Eldohaji, Reem AlMuhairibi, Zainab Mardood, Tia Ali, Shaikha Alsalman, Ghazal Saeed, Fatma Al Rahma, Khuloud AlMaazmi, Noor AlRahma, Bedoor Alrajab, Jumana Dalle.3rd row (L to R): Shamsa Ahli, Aya Sandouka, Issmat Zeineddine, Hessa AlAbbas.4th row (L to R):Yara Massoud, Nawal Amro, Zainah AlHassan, Rima khalaili, Yasmine Kassab, Yasmina Itani,Mahra AlSayegh.

To the few whom we’ve seen grow before our very eyes…Thank you forembodying our accomplishments, our rewards, and our pride! Lookingback, we remember your first day as your parents escorted you into yourKG classrooms, all teary-eyed and anxious. But within minutes, an over-whelming exhilaration took over, a feeling that the journey you wereabout to take was going to be filled with wonderful friendships, unfor-gettable memories, exciting revelations, and tremendous growth. Youare a special group. 14 years you spent with us, and we are proud to havewatched you grow. You have gone through an intense journey ofchange, self-discovery, and development. Together, we witnessed yourevolution from hesitant and dependent kindergarteners, to rebelliousand adventurous youngster, and finally to fine young men and women,each with a strong voice and presence. 14 years and the journey is stillunfolding. Our goal has always been to educate you to become

independent thinkers and lifelong learners. We provided you with a nurturing environment that fos-tered in you an attitude of strength and self-reliance. Through all of you, we have seen this dream andaspiration come to life. 14 years and so much more to look forward to for you. An inspiring journeyof learning and success lies ahead. We hope that you will travel it well, armed with integrity and pride,embracing compassion and love, and always in happiness and health. It’s a brave new world out there,and we know you will make the best out of it. 14 years we watched you, and we know you will.

Girls K-12, Al Mawakeb - Al Barsha

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Boys K-12, Al Mawakeb, Al Barsha

eƒGcÑ«ƒ¿ eæòo GCQH©á Yû°ôn


Sitting front (Left to Right): Louay Haidar Ahmad, Mohamad Yazan Al Sabsabi, Jad Jaber, Hassan Al Qamish, Talal Hunjul, Saoud Al Khajah.2nd row (L to R): Mohamad Abdelhadi, Marc Eid, Mohamad Al Swaidi, Bashar Al Qassem, Ibrahim Al Angir, Magd AbdelMalek, Ziad Karroum, Mohamad Abou Deif, Mohamad Belshalat, Ahmad Badri. 3rd row (L to R): AbdelAziz Falaknaz, Ebrahim Al Khayat, Khaled Tahlak, Ahmad Khoury, Mohamad Al Fahim,Saadeddine Abou Zahr, Ahmad Al Muhtadi, Karim Nuseibeh, Hassan Al Ammar.

GC¿r JμƒfƒG eƒGcÑ«Ú, Nn«nÉQl

GJsînòn√ GBHÉhDcº hGCeq

¡ÉJoμº MÚ

Hn~hDhG jÑëヿ dpØp∏ròGäp GCcÑÉOpgº Yø e~QS°ám jôHnƒ¿n a«¡É

hjnær¡n∏oƒ¿ epør en©«æp¡ÉKn≤Éanán Gdrë«ÉIp Y∏ªkÉ he©ôaák hS°∏ƒckÉ.


hG´m GNràÉQn

√ dnμoºr GCZ∏≈ G’CMÑÉÜp hGCMôn

U°o¡º, anépÄràoº

en©n¡º GE¤ GdrªƒGcÖp PGän jƒΩm eæòo GCQH™n Yû°rôIn S°æák Nn∏nâr,

HnôGYp`ºn Jn`îrànõpf`ƒ¿ co`πs GCndn≥p GdrƒL`ƒOp hLnª`É’äp Gdrë«ÉI,

Hn©r °oμº cÉ¿ jòQo

±o Oer

©kÉ, hHn©r °oμoº G’BNnôo

cÉ¿n jnànû°nÑsåoHƒGd~njr¬ ’ joôj~o Ynær¡oªÉ GfrØμÉckÉ, dμøs Nƒ±n G’S°à¨ôGÜp ’

jn∏rÑnåo Hn©r~n S°ƒjr©Éäm b∏«∏ám, GC¿r jnànënƒq

∫n GE¤ GWrªpÄræÉ¿ hjnàn£nƒq


e™n G’CjqÉΩ GE¤ K≤ám aÉfràªÉAm Ln©Ócº Joªr

 °ƒ¿n ‘ GdrªƒGcÖp

GCQH©nán Yû°ôn

YÉekÉ, JnØrànîpôh¿ H¡É enær¡nπn Y∏ºm, hJnØràîpôo

HpμoºrWn∏nÑnák foénÑÉAn GCha«ÉA.

e`ƒGc`Ñ`«`ƒ¿ GCfr`à`ºr.. hfp`©r`ºn G’fr`à`ª`ÉAr.. GChr

a«ÉAo GCfràoº.. hfp©rºnG’CHæÉA.. Y∏≈ e≤ÉY~p GŸƒGcpÖp T°nÑnÑràoº.. U°oØoƒao¡É cÉfâr dnμoºr

en©`ÉQpên en©r`ôa`ám hGQr

J`≤`ÉA.. e`ÓYÑo¡É HÉMÉJo¡É, MæÉjÉgÉ

L~QGfo¡É, GCT°réÉQo

gÉ... Jnërμ» dnμoº hYærμº GCLrªnπn GdrëμÉjÉ..

Hnü°nªÉJoμº Y∏≈ coπu Qcøm hRGhjám hJnμn«qá... enër؃QIl aƒ¥n

hGERGAn Hnü°nªÉäp GCLr«É∫m hGCL«É∫m eø ReÓAn hRe«Óäm OQS°ƒG

‘ Gd``Øü°`ƒ∫p Y`«`æp¡`É, hdn©p`Ñ`ƒG ‘ GŸÓYÖp hGdrÑ`ÉM`Éäp

hGdrªn~GQêp Gdà» Y∏«¡É d©Ñràoºr hOQn

Lràºr, hfn¡n∏ƒG, h’CQr


n YÉekÉ GCj °kÉ, eøn Gdrªn©Úp Gdò… eæ¬ fn¡n∏ràº.. aμÉfƒG

cªÉ GCfàºr, hU°oôr

Joºo cªÉ goºo, eƒGcÑ«» Gdrªnærû°nÉC hGdrªn~rQn

êphGŸnær¡nπp hG’fàªÉA.

Oe`ƒ´o G’S°`à`¨`ôGÜp Gd`à`» cn`Ør`μn`Øn`¡`É GBH`ÉhDhc`º hGCes


he©∏ªƒcº, Yø hnLræÉJpμº eoæròo GCQr

Hn©nán Yû°ôn

YÉekÉ.. Joû°rÑp¬oGd~qeƒ´n Gdqà» Jnànôbô¥o epør Y«ƒfpμoº Gd«ƒΩn hnGCnfràoº Jæ£∏≤ƒ¿nGdrªƒGcÖ

n GE¤ eôGMπn L~j~Im eør M«ÉJpμº.. dnμpæq¡É Oeƒ´o

GdrØôìp hGdæqéÉì hG’E‚ÉRp Gdqà» joû°ÉQpcoμoº a«¡É cπt eoëpÖ

xeør GCgrπm he©∏qªÚ hRoeÓA.

dμº hdõeÓFpμº hRe«ÓJpμº eø Gdrîôq

jéÚ hGdrîôq


e`ø GCS°`ôIp GŸƒGcÖp GEOGQIk he`©`∏`ªÚ, GCW`«Ön G’Ce`ÉÊ Hpn`~m

Jn`ær©n`ª`ƒ¿n a`«`¬ Hp≤p`£`ɱp L`¡`ƒOpc`º, hLnæ`≈ eoã`ÉH`ôJpμº

hhnaÉFpμº. fnërøo Hμº fnØrînô..

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Class of 2018 - ISAS

Grade 12A

Grade 12B

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Class of 2018 - ISAS

We apologize if we have missed anyone.

Grade 12C

Basel Al Mohtashem 12ABisher Daboul 12ADounia Benmessaoud 12AEve Tannous 12AGeorge Naddaf 12AGhanem Al Mutaiwee 12AHafiz Chawkat 12AHala Soubra 12AHamdan AlBuraimi 12AHiba Dakroub 12AJad Dardari 12ALuna Almuhanna 12AMarwan Abou Ghazeleh 12AMeneh Alla Elkoba 12AMhd Musib Al Mahayri 12AMirna Khan 12AMohammed Abu Safieh 12AMohammed AlBannai 12ANaya Chawkat 12ANour Rabih 12AOmar Al Allawi 12ARoudha Almarri 12ASadra Felo 12ASassoun Michikian 12ASuhail Julfar 12AWalid Al Awadhi 12A

Yara AlSughayer 12AAbdulaziz Al Ashram 12BAhmad Alhabbai 12BAhmad AlJawhary 12BAl Sayah Alahimer 12BAli AlRobia 12BAntony Francies 12BCamila Lencina 12BChristopher Nahed 12BFatma Alkaabi 12BFatma Alzarooni 12BGhaith Baggash 12BHamda AlBoom 12BKhalifa Alhabai 12BLamia Seridj 12BMahmood Mohammed 12BMajed Yasmina 12BMaryam AlZoubi 12BMohammad AbdelMuhdi 12BMohammad Al Marri 12BMona Yousuf 12BRaya Hassan 12BSaif Amiri 12BShams Abdulridha 12BSidra Khouli 12BSina Ihlasi 12B

Sultan Bin Habtour 12BAbdulla AlFalasi 12CAbdulla Bin Lootah 12CAdam Atallah 12CAnnabelle Ghanem 12CChris Abou Chacra 12CFaris Abdel Haq 12CHamed Al Mulla 12CKaren Taoube 12CMarvy Mahrous 12CMayed Abbas 12CMazen Alansari 12CMohamad Kishi 12CMohamed Jasim 12CMohamed Tawfeeq 12CMohammed Rashad 12CNaser Abusafieh 12COmar Taha 12CRashed AlKaitoob 12CRashed AlMazrouei 12CRawasei Shtewi 12CRoaa Alharbi 12CSaeed Alhabai 12CSaif Baroudi 12CTaha Tahan 12CYousef Ibrahim 12C

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AMSI Awards & Honors“The Difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is thatlittle EXTRA….”

Indeed it is…

Every year, we honor a select group of students who have gone

that extra mile to be extraordinary.

There are two faces to this process, academic and non­academic.

Valedictorian: the student who achieves Highest Distinction

and the highest grade point average among the seniors.

Salutatorian: the student who achieves Highest Distinction and

the second highest grade point average among the seniors.

Awards & Honors - Al MawakebThe Green Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with Highest Distinction.

The Yellow Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with Distinction.

The Grey Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with High Achievement.

The Golden Rope: worn by seniors who graduate with Achievement.

The Silver Rope: worn by seniors who graduate with Merit.

In addition to the aforementioned academic honors, Al Mawakeb prides itself on having with-in its student body a large contingency of students who distinguish themselves in nonacade-mic fields. We honor them tonight with three awards.Recognition Award: presented to students for altruistic contribution to the school and itscommunity through leadership and participation.Outstanding Athlete Award: presented to students in recognition of outstanding athleticachievement.Award for Excellence in Fine Arts: presented to students in recognition of outstandingpotential in the field of Fine Arts.

Outstanding Graduate: This honor is bestowed upon a senior who distinguished him/her-self through academic excellence and outstanding service.He/she demonstrated a positive presence on campus, an outgoing personality and a commit-ment to his/her school and fellow students.This senior exhibited the highest standards in character, selflessness and drive to succeed.She/he is an Outstanding Graduate of Al Mawakeb.

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AMSI Awards & Honors

Congratulations Class of 2018 and awards recipients for all your accomplishments and achieve-ments. This is but the beginning of a long journey... and as a new class of AMSI SchoolsAlumni, you travel carrying us with you as we hold you close in our memories.

We Salute You…

Awards & Honors - The International School of Arts & SciencesThe Golden Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with Academic Excellence and

Highest Distinction.The Grey Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with Highest Distinction and Distinction.

The Blue Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with Highest Achievement and

Outstanding Achievement.The White Stole: worn by seniors who graduate with High Achievement and Achievement.

The Yellow Rope: worn by seniors who graduate with Merit.

Within the ISAS Class of 2017, a number of students are worth a special mention. Theycomprise an outstanding group of students who have excelled in various non-academic areas.We honor them tonight with 4 awards.Recognition Award: presented to students who contributed to the school community anddemonstrated outstanding leadership qualities.Outstanding Athlete Award: presented to students for outstanding athletic motivation,performance and sportsmanship. Excellence in Fine Arts: presented to students for outstanding achievement in fine arts. Aspiring Musician Award: presented to students for excellence in music and promise offuture artistic development.

Outstanding Graduate: This honor is bestowed upon a senior who distinguished him/her-self through academic excellence and outstanding service.He/she demonstrated a positive presence on campus, an outgoing personality and a com-mitment to his/her school and fellow students.This senior exhibited the highest standards in character, selflessness and drive to succeed.She/he is an Outstanding Graduate of the International School of Arts & Sciences.

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AMSI Leadership Award

The AMSI Leadership Award is presented to a senior who:1. Exhibits outstanding potential as a young leader2. Is a significant contributing force in the life of his/herschool3. Exemplifies the qualities of character and leadership4. Shows exceptional initiative and dedication to his/herschool community5. Is valued and respected by those with whom he/sheworks6. Gives considerably of his/her time, skills and talent tohis/her school 7. Demonstrates commitment, responsibility and enthusiasmin his/her involvement

This senior embodies the essence and spirit of his/her school’smission and fulfills the AMSI expectation in a potential futureleader.

This honor is bestowed upon seniors in AMSI schools. Thisaward celebrates our students’ strife for excellence, their dedica-tion to their school, their drive for accomplishment, their com-mitment to the community, and their distinguished sense ofleadership. They have positively impacted our school and soonthey will do the same in our world.

We stand proud knowing they left a significant mark on all thosewho knew them so that others may follow in their path. We lookforward to watching them become outstanding forces of changein our future.

We wish them all the best…

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LÉFõIISMAd∏£ÓÜ Gd≤ÉOIgòG GdàμôËo joªæío ‘ e~GQS¢p ISMAJ≤~jô

kG d∏£∏Ñáp Gÿô

qjémÚdü°ôGY¡ºeø GCLπp Gdફqõ,

dàØÉf«¡º ‘ e~GQS°¡º, hS°©«¡º Gd~hDhÜ eø GCLπ –≤«≥ G’E‚ÉRGä GŸàª«qõI, dànªnàt©p¡º Hëù¢u

Gd≤«ÉOI, d∏àÉCKÒp G’EjéÉH» Gdò… GCM~Kƒ√ ‘ e~GQS¢ISMA, hGdò… S°ƒ±n jë~Kƒf¬ Z~kG ‘


’ jù°™o GdƒGM~n eæqÉ GE’ GC¿r jæàû°» aîôk

G H¡ƒD’A Gd£∏Ñá, heÉ Jôcƒ√ eø GCKôm gÉΩm ‘ fØù¢p cπu enørYôaƒ√.. GCKôm jû°μsπ b~hIk d£ÓÜm GBNôjø S°

n«nànÉCnKnqôhfn¡º hjù°∏μƒ¿ OQHn¡º.

GEfqæÉ fôi ‘ gƒD’A Gd£∏Ñá, bƒi J¨«Òm U°ÉY~Ik JôS°ºo eù°à≤Ñ∏æÉ.

fàªæq≈ d¡º OGFªkÉ, G’Ca °πn hG’Ccªπ...

Joªæío LÉFõI ISMAd∏£ÓÜ Gd≤ÉOI, dμπu Nôqjè:1- jÈRo cÉEeμÉf«ám b«ÉOjám T°ÉHqá.

2- jù°¡ºo H~hQm bƒ…x h a©qÉ∫m ‘ G◊«ÉIp GŸ~QS°«á.

3- jànªàs™ Hû°îü°«ám fƒY«á h b«ÉOjá.

4- j≤ƒΩ ÃÑÉOQGä GS°àãæÉF«á eμôq

S°á Û઩¬ GŸ~QS°»q.

5- jàªàq™o Hà≤~jô hGMÎGΩp cπu eø j©ªπo e©¡º.

6- j≤~qΩ Ÿ~QS°à¬ GdμãÒn eø e¡ÉQGJ¬ heƒGgѬ.

7- j¶¡ôo

GdàõGekÉ heù°ƒDhd«ák hMªÉS°k

É ‘ YÓbàp¬ Ãë«£¬.

GE¿q gƒD’A Gÿôq

jéÚ jéù°u

~h¿ Qhìn hLƒgôn

QS°Édáp e~QS°àp¡º, hjë≤q≤ƒ¿ Jƒbq©Éäp ‘

cƒf¡º GEeμÉf«Éäm b«ÉOják hGY~I.AMSI

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so many skilled orators...So many skilled orators gathered to gain the opportunity to speakon behalf of their classmates. This was their chance to express theirfeelings, happiness, gratitude and anxiety about leaving this familiarhome to seek new accomplishments. As usual, the judges had thechallenging task of choosing the best, and the best were many, forall of them spoke words from the heart. So many impressed anddazzled with their sincerity, confidence, and maturity. The scoreswere close, but finalists were finally selected.

Again, more rigorous auditions, finally, our anxious finalists rushedto hear the results… sounds of murmurs, beating hearts and sighsfilled the room, but only to be later replaced by triumphant andwonderful cries expressing how honoured and fulfilled they felt athaving been chosen.

We are very proud of our finalists, and we hope that their voices willecho in the future and provide inspiration for aspiring AMSI orators.

menahG ellebannAibooN lA atihkaBimihsaH lA amitaF

deeaS lazahGdeeaS abiH

isiabuK lA duomhaMrihsaB haraM

sammahC craMdiE craM

baiD airaMabboK lE hanneM

minahG dammahoMnazaY demmahoM

yksiM lA afatsoMhibaR ruoN

nisohG lA fahaRruohcaB leikaR

irraM lA dehsaRdammahoM meeR

arihsA alaTilA aiT

bnÑrπn GC¿ fØÎ¥ hfàƒGO´... ’ Ho~nq eø hbØám bü°ÒIm, h’ Ho~nq eø c∏ªám hL«õIm. gπ S°ÉCbƒ∫o hOGYkÉ e~QS°à»Gdà» GCfÉQä dæÉ Gd£ôj≥?... gπ S°ÉCbƒ∫o hOGYkÉ ’CS°ÉJòJæÉ Gdòjø S°©ƒG LÉg~jø dμ» fæÉ∫ T°ô±n Gdà؃¥p?

gπ S°ÉCbƒ∫o hOGYÉk dü°~j≤ÉJ» GdÓJ» hbØø GE¤ LÉfÑ» eæò H~Gjáp G◊μÉjá... b∏Ñ» ’ jü°~¥o HÉCfæÉ S°ƒ±nfØànôp¥o jÉ e~QS°à» Gd¨Éd«á, d~…nq T°©ƒQ

l eà~aq≥l... haôMál ZÉeôIl... h Hù°ªál eôS°ƒeál Y∏≈ T°ØÉg»...

HÉCfæ» M≤≤qâo eÉ Mn∏ªâo H¬, ◊¶án ONƒ‹ e~QS°á GŸƒGcÖ Gd©¶«ªá. Yæ~eÉ b«π ‹ HÉCfæ» Gfà≤∏âod∏ªôM∏áp GdãÉf«á, cÉOä Gd~eƒ´o J桪pô

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Page 27: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

so many skilled orators...

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, I was chosen as one of the candidates to representthe wonderful school that I have been in my entire life. The honor and happinessthis opportunity brings to my heart is almost unimaginable. At first, I couldn’tbelieve it; I really couldn’t! It then hit me that hard work does pay off. My confi-dence sky-rocketed and my morale was boosted like never before. I felt like I couldconquer the entire world with my bare hands. A surge of adrenaline rushed throughme as people assured me that I had successfully made it into the second tryouts. Ifelt my eyes swelling up as I looked at the paper. Hundreds of thoughts ran throughmy mind. I might actually be the one who will give a beautiful speech on one ofthe most important nights any student will ever experience… a night where you are

handed your diploma and officially become a responsible adult of the community that you will soon join andimmerse in. Speaking at such an important event will not just be memorable but will be a great privilege as well.During that night, I will be honored to represent my second home and the students who will be graduating. I willhold my head high and lead the class of 2018 as we take our first steps into the mysterious future.

Fatma Al Hashimi - Gr.12A, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

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fiª~ jõ¿ Gdù°Ñù°Ñ», B21- GŸƒGcÖ GdÈT°ÉA

Page 28: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

so many skilled orators...

Je suis très honorée et émue de s’adresser à vous au deuxième tour. Je voudraisparler au nom de la classe deux mille dix-huit le jour de la remise des diplômesparce que j’espère être une bonne déléguée qui résume le trajet des diplômésd’AMSI. Il y a une vérité incontournable à laquelle nous devons tous faire face,une réalité qui confirme que finalement, tout va évoluer, tout va finir. Un senti-ment de nostalgie m’a envahi en réalisant que, non pas seulement cette année,mais un long chemin est sur le point d’écrire sa fin. Je suis tellement triste parceque je vais dire au revoir à tous mes copines et copains qui m’ont accompagnée lelong de ce chemin. Mais je suis aussi heureuse de commencer une nouvelle his-toire. Je voulais autant faire ce discours, et je suis consciente que peut être ceseront mes derniers mots. Pour cela, je veux rendre ce discours mémorable à

l’honneur de mes camarades, mes enseignants, mes administrateurs et mes parents. Je voudrais les remercier pourtous leurs efforts qu’ils ont faits pour me soutenir et me rendre meilleure. Cette occasion est une opportunité àrefléter mon évolution dans cette école et ma gratitude envers les personnes qui m'ont aidée. J'ai des mémoiresdans chaque coin de cette école et je veux les transmettre aux autres générations qui vont passer par cet édifice. Cene sera pas un adieu, ce sera un rendez-vous plus tard.

Tia Ali - Gr.12A, Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

Mesdames et Messieurs,Cette cérémonie est un événement singulier, pour moi. Je suis non seulement unlauréat mais aussi un véritable ambassadeur de l’école, un représentant de ce queje considère comme le foyer qui m’a formé. Je le dis très simplement que toutau long de ma carrière professionnelle future, l’institution où j’ai fait mes classesdemeurera une référence d’où je puiserai souvent mes ressources. Ces ressourcesje les puiserai dans le souvenir de tous ceux qui ont accompagné ma réussite : leséquipes enseignantes et administratives, mais aussi mes camarades, ceux quim’entourent aujourd’hui. Cette cérémonie conclut brillamment un chapitre dema vie, et m’ouvre grand les portes de l’avenir. C’est pour moi le début d’unenouvelle vie. Vous voyez ces petites étoiles qui brillent dans mes yeux? Ces

étoiles portent plusieurs noms: succès, réussite, reconnaissance du travail accompli, confiance en soi et en l’avenir,amitié, solidarité entre camarades. Ces étoiles, c’est mon trésor le plus précieux.

Marc Chammas - Gr.12D, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

I would like to start off by expressing my gratitude for allowing me to proceed intothe second tryouts, bringing me a step closer to attaining one of the greatest honorsan AMSI student may be given. Not only does this opportunity enable me to speakon one of our most life changing days, but most importantly, it allows me to voiceout the long journey that we have been on, to our loved ones, on behalf of my beau-tiful family. Most educators at ISAS already have a painted image of me engraved intheir heads; a young seventh grade student named Annabelle Ghanem prancingthroughout the halls saying; “I’m going to deliver the speech on graduation day!”Since then, my educators and classmates have done nothing but support me on thismission, which fueled the drive that got me to be standing in front of all of you today.There’s no greater love and devotion present in anyone’s heart than the one I havefor my school. I’ve watched people join and leave; I’ve watched fights breakout and beam; I’ve heard laughter eruptand have seen smiles float on faces. I’ve seen troublemakers turned leaders and children turned innovators. I’ve dis-covered so much of myself: my capabilities, my passions, and my perseverance. The perseverance to follow andattain the goals that I have set to myself. Gratefulness is an understatement towards the time and effort which myISAS family, teachers and administrators, put into transforming us into the makers of change that we are today.Without an administration with such core values and classmates with such big hearts, I would not be the person Iam today, and for that I am truly thankful. No matter where we end up, no matter how far we go, we will always beone great big family, grown on the sands of our glorious UAE, nourished and flourished in our lovely AMSI.

Annabelle Ghanem - Gr.12C, International School of Arts & Sciences

Page 29: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

so many skilled orators...Today marks a very special day for all of us. To audition for this speech is somethingexhilarating. One only needs to step outside to sense the animation echoing throughthe buildings’ hallways. When I was selected to participate in the second tryouts, I feltthe adrenaline pumping. It wasn’t your average, everyday mediocre feeling. It wassomething far beyond… far more thrilling. The sudden rush of confidence surgingthrough every vein in my body was indescribable. As I attempted to write the speech,words effortlessly flowed onto my draft, for they were “words of heart”…words thatspoke of friendships forged, experiences gained, and lessons learned. I understandthat there are many challenges to come; however, I am a man who has faced formi-dable feats, and the rush of surmounting these difficulties is the euphoria I live for.No matter how tough things get, the urge to test myself far beyond my capabilities, to strive and to seek, and toovercome all obstacles are what keep me going and stop me from yielding. I believe that being able to deliver aspeech on graduation day and being able to extend my gratitude to a school that has contributed to my successand shaped me into the man I am today is the greatest honor. I hope that I will be able to give back to my schooland contribute to the prosperity of Al Mawakeb, making its name echo among generations for years to come.

Mostafa El Miski - Gr.12B, Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

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fƒQI Gd©£ÉQ, A21- GŸƒGcÖ GdÈT°ÉA

Page 30: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

so many skilled orators...

a∏≤~ cæâo GCfà¶ôo

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eæá GdμƒHá,A21 -GŸ~QS°á Gd~hd«á d∏Ø惿 hGd©∏ƒΩ

Mesdames et Messieurs, Ma sélection pour cette deuxième audition est une merveilleuse opportunité et unimmense bonheur pour moi. Maintenant que cette nouvelle chance est entre mesmains, j’ai enfin la possibilité de faire un discours qui exprime mes émotions et mespensées. D’autre part, je pourrai aiguiser mes compétences afin de viser toujours plushaut. Sortir de ma zone de confort, est un de mes objectifs et on m’a offert des portesouvertes a travers cette promotion. Ce moment restera dans mes pensées pour tou-jours, comme une chance pour surmonter mes peurs, nourrir ma motivation et m’en-courager à travailler plus afin d'atteindre mes objectifs. Après 14 ans d’études, d’ap-prentissage et d’expériences de toutes sortes, j'aimerais laisser une trace de mon passagedans notre chère école. Cette école qui m'a tant donne. Je voudrais repartir, avec mescamarades et mes professeurs, la ou tout a commencé. Étape par étape, je voudrais plonger dans mes souvenirs et merappeler tout ce qui m'a été offert. Commémorer ces moments, serait le moins que je puisse faire pour exprimer magratitude a mon école qui m'a portée dans ses entrailles comme une seconde maman. Elle m'a appris l'amour, le respect,l'amitié, la responsabilité, et le sens de la famille. Il est important pour moi, que ce discours puisse inciter mes cama-rades et mes amis a revivre leurs meilleurs souvenirs et leurs plus belles expériences avec nostalgie, certes, mais sansl'aide d'un album photos ou de vidéos. Juste avec des mots qui portent une infinité de significations et d'histoires.

Maria Diab - Gr.12A, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself anydirection you choose.” Who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss? And what a great way to simply saythat you really are the one who controls the path you choose. As soon as I was chosento audition for the 2nd tryouts and was able to thank the school that has provided mewith so much, I knew I was on the right path. It did, however, feel bitter sweet. Sweet,for I would finally be able to thank my fellow graduates, teachers, heads of sections, prin-cipal, and Al Mawakeb for shaping my path to success… I’m proud and honored to callAl Mawakeb my second home. Family… not only is it one of the school’s core values,but it’s rooted in everything that we do here. I have to admit, this is my third year, but Ihave never felt more at home or more part of a loving and caring family. The bitternesscomes from the realization that I will be graduating and leaving school. Caps, gowns, and

awards mean nothing to me at this point. What really matters is time - the time I spent at Al Mawakeb and the time Ihave left with my second family. It is time to say goodbye. I may be leaving, but a part of me will always exist in thosehalls. Our paths may diverge, but the memories made will be the ones that I will carry with me for the rest of time.

Rashed AlMarri - Gr.12B, Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

Page 31: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

We are graduating!It is a great privilege for me to be standing here in front of you on behalf of myclassmates to express the happiness and delight that we feel in our hearts today. Canyou believe it? 14 years ago, we walked into the classroom, nervous, uncertain, andfrightened at the thought of the new chapter we were about to start and the unfa-miliar faces that stared back at us. Now, at the end of this particular story, we areembarking on a new chapter, containing undiscovered friends and unforeseenadventures. As Charles Dickens once said, “It was the best of times. It was the worstof times.” High school is not always easy, but it’s the people you surround yourselfwith that make it special. What I realized when writing this is that it is not the build-ing that is important but the people that make it feel like home. I will always remem-

ber Al Mawakeb School, not as a physical school building, but as a community that has taught me to aim high andstrive for greatness. Now that we have passed the challenges of high school, it is time to move on to a bigger feat:University! The lessons we have learned in class will help us get through the next stage, but we also need toremember that school is a microcosm for life. It teaches us that hard work pays off, that there is more to learn-ing than memorizing equations, that what we do outside the classroom is just as important as what we do inside,and that the friends we make are the glue that keeps us together. High school has taught us that the grades weearn aren’t as important as the education we receive. We earn a grade for taking a math test. We get an educationwhen we understand the mathematical models that help us fly. We earn a grade for writing an English essay. Weget an education when we understand that words are poems, and language is music. William Shakespeare oncesaid, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” The educationwe have received at Al Mawakeb ensures that all of us will achieve greatness. I urge you all to dream and to dare.As we walk off into the wider world today, let us not forget the responsibility that we carry both as ambassadorsof AMSI, members of this community, and citizens of the world. We are all about to write a new chapter in eachof our books. Shall we turn the page together?

Hiba Saeed - Gr.12A, Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

so many skilled orators...

Mesdames et messieurs, Pour commencer, j’aimerais vous dire combien il est important pour moi d’êtredans cette deuxième audition. Je dois vous avouer que je suis la première à être sur-prise par ma performance. Mais d’autre part, je ressens une grande gratitude carnotre école nous a toujours habitués à aller chercher au fond de nous-mêmes, ce quenous sommes réellement. Al Mawakeb nous a encouragés à relever le défi, à trou-ver le courage et la force d’affronter toutes les situations et, d’en sortir grands etforts. Pour moi, Al Mawakeb n’est pas seulement mon école, cette école où j’aipassé les plus belles années de ma vie, c’est aussi ma famille, ma maison. C’est unefamille où tout le monde trouve sa place. Quand je suis arrivée, il y a huit ans, j’avaispeur et mes appréhensions étaient nombreuses. Mais aujourd’hui, je suis une per-sonne heureuse et sereine car Al Mawakeb m’a aidée à développer ma confiance en moi! Pour toutes ces raisons,je voudrais représenter cette belle communauté et je souhaite vivement être choisie pour parler au nom de mescamarades et amis de la promotion deux mille dix-huit, le jour de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes.

Rahaf Al Ghosin - Gr.12C, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

J~¥ S°ÉYá GdƒOG´, hGd≤∏Ö ‘ MÒI HÚ Mõ¿ hT°ƒ¥ hMæÚ, MæÚ dù°æƒGä hGCjÉΩ b °«æÉ a«¡É GCLªπGChbÉäp M«ÉJæÉ Y∏≈ e≤ÉY~ hWÉh’ä eø Nû°Ö M~j~.Mõ¿l Y∏≈ aôG¥ GCMÑqá. hT°ƒ¥ Ÿù°à≤Ñπ hGY~

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kG, aÑØ °π L¡ƒOcº hfü°ëμº hOYªμº

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fiª~ ZÉÂ, B21- GŸƒGcÖ Gd≤ôgƒO

Page 32: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

so many skilled orators...

Mesdames et Messieurs, Je suis très ému et honoré d’être devant vous pourune deuxième fois. Quand j’ai su que j’ai le privilèged’être devant vous pour ce deuxième tour, un senti-ment de fierté m’a envahi. La fierté d’avoir la chancede parler de ma chère école au nom de tous mescamarades. Cette école qui nous a pris par la maindepuis la maternelle jusqu’à ce jour! De la timidité à laconfiance! Du doute à la certitude! Là où la joie et laréussite sont les dominantes, là où la peur et l’incerti-tude n’ont aucune place. Et tout cela c’est grâce à nos

professeurs et nos administrateurs, leur support, leur tendresse, leur enthousi-asme et leur créativité. Ils nous ont transmis le savoir et les connaissances duranttoutes ces années d’études et de travail laborieux, en nous invitant à embarqueravec force vers un nouveau monde. Un monde couronné de succès, d’évolutionet d’innovation… Nous aimerions bien exprimer nos profondes gratitudes à tousceux qui nous ont accompagnés durant tout ce parcours pour devenir les jeunesd’aujourd’hui. Ces jeunes prêts pour une nouvelle vie, nouvelles responsabilitéset un futur passionnant. Nous quittons notre deuxième famille, c’est un départinévitable!

Marc Eid - Gr.12D, Al Mawakeb Al Barsha

Ever since I realized that gratitude needs to be expressed with all fears cast aside andvulnerability held with pride, it has been my dream to be able to speak on behalf ofmy graduating class to express just how thankful I am for all the years that havepassed. When I first came to Al Mawakeb, I was a foreigner who didn’t speak any ofthe three basic languages; this left me feeling scared and left out, yet I was still wel-comed with open arms and warm smiles, and over the years I have been able to suc-ceed and find a place to belong to on account of every person that’s ever entered mylife, those whom I’ve grown apart from and those whom I’ve grown closer to.Today, we take another step towards a new future with curious spirits and hopefuldreams. To our teachers, we say thank you for the lessons you’ve taught, the experi-ences we’ve shared and the eternal bond you’ve forged with us, and I hope we made

you proud and that the trouble we caused was all worthwhile. Growing up is never easy, but, in a world of infinitepossibilities, we have had the chance to experience a truly memorable chapter in our lives. Al Mawakeb has been achallenge and a blessing in countless ways, and we couldn’t be more grateful for having spent years of our lives herewhere friendship and togetherness guide us every step of the way, where truths lay hidden waiting to be found, andwhere the unique familial bonds are formed. As we look forward, we must never forget our past, for it is our ori-gin. The good and the bad all merged into the beautiful being that is all of us.

Reem Mohammad - Gr.12A, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

d≤~ cÉfâ ◊¶á ‡«õI hY¶«ªá, J∏∂ Gdà» ” GNà«ÉQ… a«¡É ’Ed≤ÉA gò√ Gdμ∏ªá, a≤~ ZªôJæ» Gdù°©ÉOI,

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Q. HÉdàÉCc«~ gƒ GEMù°ÉS¢l NÉU¢ Yû°à¬ hGCfÉ GCJ∏≤≈ gòG GdãæÉA...

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Gdàƒa«≥ hGdફõ d∏骫™.

JÉ’ Yû°«ôI, C21- GŸƒGcÖ Gd≤ôgƒO

Page 33: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

so many skilled orators...

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Gd©£ÉA h GC¿ fμƒ¿ ‘ Mù°ø Xø G÷ª«™.Yæ~eÉ S°ª©â GCfæ» JÉCg∏â GE¤ GŸôM∏áp GdãÉf«á, bÑ∏â GC¿ GC–~i fØù°» d∏ƒU°ƒ∫ GE¤ G◊∏º Gdò…WÉŸÉ M∏ªâ Hàë≤«≤¬.

Hî«àÉ GdæƒH», A21- GŸƒGcÖ GdÈT°ÉA

When I first received the news, an overwhelming feeling of joy and gratitude over-came me. I’m not ashamed to say that the emotion of shock rushed through my bodyas well. I’m not necessarily insecure, but I think it’s safe to say that I wasn’t expect-ing to get chosen even though I very well deserve it. I was very indecisive and unsurewhether or not I should tell my parents or surprise them. I settled with the decisionto inform them, and I sure am glad I did because the glow in their eyes was genuine-ly a priceless image I’ll never forget; it eliminated any doubt or fear I had. I want tospeak at the graduation ceremony because I want to stand out among my fellow grad-uates. This opportunity has allowed me to discover a lot about myself and what I’mcapable of doing. After years of late nights and dry eyes, this experience is somewhatof a reward for me. I feel like this is a night I’ve worked hard for my entire life, and

a night where I get to celebrate my efforts. Most importantly, I wish to speak at the graduation because I think it’sfair to say that I’ll be speaking on behalf of everyone sharing this memorable and course-changing evening withme. This speech is the beginning of many more to come, and even if I don’t get the chance to do this, I know it’llbe because others have worked just as hard to get to where I am now. I feel honored, and whatever happens nextwill in no way deter me from chasing after my best self.

Rakiel Bachour - Gr.12F, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud

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Page 34: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej

Page 35: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej

Page 36: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej

Page 37: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar

Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej

Page 38: 38th Graduation Ceremony 9thGraduation Ceremonymedia.amsi.ae/documents/amsi/graduation/2018/... · Mohannad Abu Sbaikeh 12D Muhannad Al-Masri 12D Nasan Shehada 12D Omar Bin Haidar


Class of 2018

We Salute You!